RE: EJB Help..

2000-10-21 Thread Cory Adams


How could a CMP managed entity bean handle a create for say an Oracle
database table that used db specific sql for describing the key using a

Where the sql itself might look like

insert into customer (id, name, address) values(cust_sequence.NEXTVAL,
"Jim" "12 Willow Street");

Maybe this is trivial.  

Better yet could I ask you to provide some of the sources of information
that you use to help all of us better understand how to do CMP with perhaps
complex RDBMS entity relationships?



At 09:07 PM 10/20/00 -0400, Jim Archer wrote:
What types of relationships do you feel EJB 2.0 can't adequately support? I 
have been studying 2.0 CMP carefully, and it seems to be quite powerfull. 
There may be holes in it, but it can handle the majority of real works 


--On Friday, October 20, 2000 12:28 PM -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you don't use an object-relational mapping tool you're still in for a
 lot of hurt with EJB if you have a complex data model. I don't think CMP
 really addresses the kind of data models large systems have. Nor does the
 relationship support in EJB 2.0 either. I think you'll end up doing JDBC
 BMP with your Session and Entity beans. Performance is only an issue when
 you make everything a stateful session bean or an entity bean. There are
 rules for when it's appropriate to make things entity beans. There still
 isn't a whole lot of useful information around on design EJBs yet though
 with most of it only explaining the basics including the ORA book.

 On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Duffey, Kevin wrote:


 I only meant to use the /classes folder because my ejb code is in the
 same project as the rest of my code (Servlets, javabeans, action
 classes, etc). Since it all compiles to the same one folder, I assume I
 will have to "move" the ejb compiled classes every time I compile them.
 What I was hoping for was a way to not have to do this..instead, just
 let the whole project compile to the WEB-INF/classes folder (all my
 code), and then have Orion pick up on the ejb changes from that point.
 It appears to me from what everyone is saying I will have to use some
 sort of script every time I make a change to an ejb, which my first
 thoughts is a pain in the ass. Its very easy to develop servlets, action
 classes, javabeans, core classes, but ejb not only requires 3 classes
 per component, but lots of "special" work just to get the thing
 deployed. Then, every time you make a change, it requires the same
 process. I would think turn-around time for ejb development is on the
 order of a couple of minutes for every change you make. That results in
 a lot slower development cycle than I am currently using.

 Worse, I have started hearing alot of people turn away from ejb and going
 back to servlets because of development time, and performance. Supposedly
 the ejb stuff isn't living up to all the hype. However, I look at what
 the ejb container does for you (connection pooling, transactions,
 security, instance pooling, etc) and it seems there is alot of stuff I
 wont have to do on the side of persistence, transactions and maybe the extra time is worth it? ;)

 Anyways..I did as one person suggested in this list, I set up in my
 application.xml like so:


 and Orion seems to be finding the classes (the ejb). However, I keep
 seeing an error appear. It says something like:

 Error compiling class c:/path/www/WEB-INF/classes/  can't find method create()in

 Its a very strange message to me. If I change the module path, it
 tells me it can't find the classes. If I delete the classes, it also
 tells me it can't find them. So I assume the path is set correctly in
 the module ejb it is finding the classes. I am just not sure
 why the heck its giving me some compiler error..or why its even trying
 to compile them..they are already compiled.

 Anyways..I'll keep plugging away.

  -Original Message-
  From: Stanislav Maximov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 6:34 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: EJB Help..
  look inside the news-application example bundled with Orion,
  lots of things
  will become clear for you after that.
  www-dir/WEB-INF/classes directory is for servlet classes,
  not for EJBs.
  You'll see how to deploy EJBs in that example and in
  documentation as well.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Duffey, Kevin
   Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 3:45 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: EJB Help..
   Thanks for the note. One thing..since I compile all of my
  classes into the
   www/WEB-INF/classes dir, should I put a META-INF in the
  /classes dir, and
   just point the module to the WEB-INF/classes folder? Would
  that work?
   Not that I want you to tell me 

RE: RE: JSP char code

2000-10-21 Thread houyunf

I found it myself. Just add
to the orion-web.xml file.

Hou Yunfeng


Re: Orion in production - Let's sell support!

2000-10-21 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jim,

Couldn't agree more on the business plans. We are looking for partners to do
support for money, if you're interested and your company has Orion knowledge,
we'd be very happy to help you "officially" to get customers.

However, you say that you have not bought a license yet and that means you have
not yet bought any support from us. If you are serious in choosing Orion I
think it can actually save you money to get a license when developing (even if
you can get free developer licenses), since it will mean you get better support
from us. However, the support you get for $1500 is, needless to say, limited.
We can't put 100 hours into giving you support at that price and still have
money left to develop the product. So we are going to provide more generous
support at a higher price, both ourselves and through partners.

We are speaking with multiple possible partners about outsourcing support and
selling support packages and if you are interested or know someone who is
interested in selling support and make decent money from it, feel free to
contact us.

Karl Avedal

Jim Archer wrote:

 Hello all...

 --On Friday, October 20, 2000 5:35 PM -0300 "Juan Lorandi (Chile)"

  And also, lack of support  documentation is becoming now, as most
  developers are finishing
  their work and reach deployment time(from what I pick up of many mails in
  this list), a critical point about orion.
  Many of us are reaching the point where we have to prove no only that
  orion's the best, but that it also is a good business
  choice. This is unfairly hard due to little colaboration from Evermind's
  team regarding, as said, support  documentation,
  tough it clearly seems to be changing.

 This is a key issue. There is an old saying that time is money. Not true in
 software. Time is far more valuable than money. Money can be raised but
 time can not. Orion is reasonably priced for the product itself. However,
 if using Orion means a lot of trial and error development and no official
 support from the vendor, the costs in extra consumption of developers time
 and oppertunity loss from delayed market entry could easily exceed the
 price tag of Weblogic.

 Don't get me wrong, I like Orion. I like it alot. Currently, our intention
 is to complete development on it and then license it and deploy with it and
 hopefully sell it with our product. This goal would be one heck of a lot
 easier to obtain if we had official support from the vendor. Right now,
 there are people here banging their heads on the wall just trying to guess
 at what works and what dossen't, whats implemented and whats not. It's

 Anybody want to help me start a business selling Orion support on a 900
 number? Just charge several dollars a minute, on an incident by incident
 basis. If the support is competant, it would sell big. Heck, we could make
 more money then Evermind! Big Grin OK, just kidding, but this is a
 serious issue.


RE: Orion in production

2000-10-21 Thread Joseph B. Ottinger

Biggest problems with Orion, as I see them: lack of US support base and
representation (many companies don't like to write foreign purchase
orders, and local training is an issue even though Orion supports
standards better than its competitors), and documentation, with
documentation being a MUCH smaller issue than communication with local

On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Juan Lorandi (Chile) wrote:

 I completly agree with your posts, but I beg I'm allowed to differ in one
 Big Companies don't make enterprises like Evermind or BEA Systems rich...
 But these BIG names make for BIG hype... as you're well aware of;
 That's why your boss thinks Weblogic is the way to go...
 That's why I have requested data to make the OPS list...
 And also, lack of support  documentation is becoming now, as most
 developers are finishing
 their work and reach deployment time(from what I pick up of many mails in
 this list), a critical point about orion. 
 Many of us are reaching the point where we have to prove no only that
 orion's the best, but that it also is a good business 
 choice. This is unfairly hard due to little colaboration from Evermind's
 team regarding, as said, support  documentation,
 tough it clearly seems to be changing.
 Perhaps its time for a change(and I hope it's a change that will keep my
 sorry a~s working with Orion ;-)
 -Original Message-
 From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 20 de Octubre de 2000 16:27
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion in production
 Importance: High
 I would like to ammend my previous post. I don't actually know if Orion has
 marketing/publicity, and I am not in a position to say they are just
 starting out. I apologize if I spoke with my head up my rear..I believe my
 intention was to hype up Orion for all the hard work the team has done to
 give us a great product, not to make it sound like they are a small company.
 My point being, I had a very difficult time getting my boss to go with Orion
 over WebLogic, and even so he still wants to use WebLogic, we just don't
 want to spend the money right now. Alot of companies for some reason feel
 the name is bigger than the actual work behind it. It sucks..but that
 appears to be the way alot of business run. When you have a VC give you $72
 million as we have received in the past year, its hard to use a product
 nobody is familiar with, over one that is touted the best, even if the price
 costs 10 to 20 times more. I of all people have had a hard time trying to
 understand why our company would want to waste so much money on a proudct
 that isn't even on par with the standards (as they claim to be) as Orion is.
 Anyways..Just wanted to clear that up incase I got some people thinking
 Orion is small. In actuality, they are big, and they will get bigger!
  -Original Message-
  From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 12:05 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Orion in production
  I would say..Orion has almost no publicity other than word of 
  mouth right
  now. Orion is just starting out compared to WebLogic, IIS, 
  and what not.
  Give them some time..people are reluctant to turn to a small 
  company with
  such a cheap price. I hate to say it, and I hope they don't 
  change their
  price, but believe it or not, if Orion raised its license price to say
  $10,000 per server (hopefully not cpu), they might actually get more
  interest. I think there is still a lot of testing and what 
  not to do before
  they should do that, if they even want to. Quite frankly, I 
  like what they
  are doing. They offer a kick-ass server for a affordable 
  price..very good
  for small to medium sized companies to use. There are a LOT 
  more small to
  medium sized companies than big companies, so even if they 
  are 1/10th the
  price (or 1/40th if you compare 4 cpu servers), I would be 
  that the Orion
  team will see a lot of sales in the small/medium market, which could
  actually give them alot more money in the bank. On top of 
  that, I don't know
  how many people Orion employs, but I know WebLogic is over 
  1500 people,
  large facility, etc. WebLogic spends a hell of a lot more on salaries,
  travel expenses, marketing, etc. In my opinion..maybe its 
  just me, but I
  trust Orion or Apache over the big names. I said, I 
  can't start up
  my own company using WebLogic. I can with Orion. Better yet, 
  Orion has thus
  far beat the hell out of every major (and as far as I can 
  tell..every small)
  vendor of app servers (J2EE supporters I should say) as far 
  as staying ahead
  of the ballgame, offering great performance, the best J2EE 
  support, and the
  easiest to set up. I played around with WebLogic for two 
  weeks (on and off)
  and still couldn't get my simple JSP page to show up. WebSphere was a
  nightmare, and while Resin was easy to work with, its not a 
  full J2EE app

RE: Orion in production

2000-10-21 Thread Robert Krueger

At 07:46 21.10.00 , you wrote:
I think that Orion far outshines products like EA Server, Web Sphere, etc 
of the functionality available - and you are right - the docs are just a 
little more pretty
and their tech support is absurdly costly and much less informative than 
what is found on
this list.


ok, sorry to somehow take the part of mr. bad guy here but I get the 
feeling someone following this discussion IMHO doesn't really get the right 
impression. it's a little bit too black and white. first of all, let me say 
that after about a year of intensively using orion in development and half 
a year in production, I'm a generally very satisfied customer and I do 
appreciate the completeness, standards conformance, speed, great logical 
concept of orion. however, I think it's oversimplifying things to say it's 
just marketing that makes the big names so expensive (it's a significant 
factor, though) and it's not a very good assessment to say that orion beat 
all competitors' asses if it weren't for the lack of good documentation. 
there are some significant things that are a lot of work and therefore very 
expensive like QA and rigid testing with many, many hardware, software, db, 
vm combinations that a company the size of evermind simply cannot deliver 
(have you looked at the number of platforms you can get websphere for?). 
anyone who says that write once run anywhere really works 100% probably 
hasn't been involved in too many real-world projects where certain 
combinations of VMs and software just crash under certain load conditions. 
that's why e.g. weblogic is tested and certified for a particular platform. 
of course, part of this certification stuff is to keep the typical IT 
manager happy but to say it's all bullshit is off-target and not very 
professional IMO. when orion became officially stable (1.0) it still 
contained many very serious bugs and I presume it wouldn't have been 1.0 
time if it hadn't been for J1. the flexibility and development speed of the 
orion team takes it's toll in the number of fundamental bugs in those very 
features. with a few exceptions I doubt many of those would slip through 
bea or ibm QA. I sometimes think it feels like an open source project but 
without the source. a very loyal user community and very short release 
cycles but still lots of rough edges.

don't get me wrong. I'm a great fan of orion and I think for many projects 
it's an unbeatable tool with no serious competitors especially considering 
the price and I think magnus and karl are extremely good software 
architects and true J2EE wizards but I think there are some more things one 
has to consider before making the kind of statements that have been made in 
this thread. at my company we share the experiences with a very efficent 
development environment using orion together with jikes and ant but we also 
had our share of spending considerable amounts of time working around 
serious bugs or waiting for fixes for showstoppers.

to sum things up, IMO orion is a great deal and it completely meets (and 
exceeds) the requirements many people have for an appserver but it does 
have its rough edges (and that's not primarily the documentation IMO). I'm 
quite sure that those will fade away eventually but evermind still has some 
work to do in the areas QA, support and documentation.

let's just hope they don't get bought out and manage to grow quickly yet in 
a controlled manner so they can continue developing a kick-ass server.

just my 2c


(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: Orion in production

2000-10-21 Thread Al Fogleson

I have to agree with Robert. (with the same caveat, I think Orion is a great
product We even recommended it to some clients who wanted a J2EE
solution without the cost of BEA or Netscape)

There are some things that right now I don't feel comfortable with in it

Clustering... Clustering is just downright a pain in Orion :) I would love
to see something like IPlanet 6's control panel to control clustering and

Deployment... Deployment is not terribly difficult if you know what you are
doing, but my last project had us using IPlanet 6 and I had developers who
had never deployed J2EE apps able to deploy them easily using their
deployment tool. It took minimal training for the front end guys to get them
trained to use it, and deploy the application without having to come to me
for help. That would be nice and is a step closer with the console now in

Pricing is very nice, but believe it or not we have had clients bow out of
Orion based on it being too inexpensive. I know that is terrible, but for
some reason some clients seem to equate big bucks with maturity and
reliability. You wont find me complaining though, heck where else is there a
free for development commercial server?


- Original Message -
From: "Robert Krueger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 3:19 PM
Subject: RE: Orion in production

At 07:46 21.10.00 , you wrote:
I think that Orion far outshines products like EA Server, Web Sphere, etc
of the functionality available - and you are right - the docs are just a
little more pretty
and their tech support is absurdly costly and much less informative than
what is found on
this list.


ok, sorry to somehow take the part of mr. bad guy here but I get the
feeling someone following this discussion IMHO doesn't really get the right
impression. it's a little bit too black and white. first of all, let me say
that after about a year of intensively using orion in development and half
a year in production, I'm a generally very satisfied customer and I do
appreciate the completeness, standards conformance, speed, great logical
concept of orion. however, I think it's oversimplifying things to say it's
just marketing that makes the big names so expensive (it's a significant
factor, though) and it's not a very good assessment to say that orion beat
all competitors' asses if it weren't for the lack of good documentation.
there are some significant things that are a lot of work and therefore very
expensive like QA and rigid testing with many, many hardware, software, db,
vm combinations that a company the size of evermind simply cannot deliver
(have you looked at the number of platforms you can get websphere for?).
anyone who says that write once run anywhere really works 100% probably
hasn't been involved in too many real-world projects where certain
combinations of VMs and software just crash under certain load conditions.
that's why e.g. weblogic is tested and certified for a particular platform.
of course, part of this certification stuff is to keep the typical IT
manager happy but to say it's all bullshit is off-target and not very
professional IMO. when orion became officially stable (1.0) it still
contained many very serious bugs and I presume it wouldn't have been 1.0
time if it hadn't been for J1. the flexibility and development speed of the
orion team takes it's toll in the number of fundamental bugs in those very
features. with a few exceptions I doubt many of those would slip through
bea or ibm QA. I sometimes think it feels like an open source project but
without the source. a very loyal user community and very short release
cycles but still lots of rough edges.

don't get me wrong. I'm a great fan of orion and I think for many projects
it's an unbeatable tool with no serious competitors especially considering
the price and I think magnus and karl are extremely good software
architects and true J2EE wizards but I think there are some more things one
has to consider before making the kind of statements that have been made in
this thread. at my company we share the experiences with a very efficent
development environment using orion together with jikes and ant but we also
had our share of spending considerable amounts of time working around
serious bugs or waiting for fixes for showstoppers.

to sum things up, IMO orion is a great deal and it completely meets (and
exceeds) the requirements many people have for an appserver but it does
have its rough edges (and that's not primarily the documentation IMO). I'm
quite sure that those will fade away eventually but evermind still has some
work to do in the areas QA, support and documentation.

let's just hope they don't get bought out and manage to grow quickly yet in
a controlled manner so they can continue developing a kick-ass server.

just my 2c


(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH

RE: ANSWER: How to use pooled connections in Orion?

2000-10-21 Thread Mark

Deepak et al:

I'm confused about how Orion populates the JNDI server with the
DataSource object.  Obviously for the code fragment you posted to work,
an object "jdbc/SQLServerDS" has to exist in your directory server.  How
does it get there?

I would have guessed that admin.jar -installDataSource was the answer,
but I find no switch there which would tell Orion how to find the
directory server.

Many thanks for your posts, they're very helpful!



The way you access the datasource is dependent on where will you access
datasource from. I'm currently accessing the datasource from a servlet
is pretty straightforward:

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/SQLServerDS");

The above method might not be portable but it works for me so I mention
Note that you don't need any special Orion datasource name. DataSource
defined in javax.sql.*

The portable way which require more work is to add the following to your

web.xml if you access the datasource from servlets and/or JSP:

descriptionA data source/description

Now, you can access the datasource by:

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/myDS");


-Original Message-
From: Luis M Bernardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 7:39 AM
To: Goel, Deepak
Subject: Re: ANSWER: How to use pooled connections in Orion?

hi. thanks for posting this message, but could you show me how you make
the connection (a code snippet)? Looking at old postings I see some
using a DataSource and some others a ConnectionPoolDataSource. Also, you

use a DriverManagerDataSource, some other people use a


On Sat, 7 Oct 2000, Goel, Deepak wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I've seen that many people are confused over how to setup pooled
 in Orion (even I was initially). Now since I figured out through
 documentation and through some hit and try, I would like to share
 instructions. Keep in mind that this is only one way of setting it up
 there are other ways to setup depending on capabilities of the driver.

 1. Basically, the first step is to create a non-pooled version of your

 source. This can be done by adding something like this to your


 The above example is for a SQL Server data source using i-net driver.
 Remeber to change the connection-driver, username, password and url.

 2. Now, the following step will add the pooled version. Add the
 lines to data-sources.xml.


 Note that the source-location should correspond to location in the 1st

 "max-connections" can be changed to suit your requirements. I'm not
 whether url and connection-driver are required here.

 The above steps should work for any JDBC drivers. If your driver
 supplies a data source, step 1 will be little bit different. Also,
some of
 the driver vendors directly provide pooled data source implementation
 which case 2 steps are not needed. I could successfully use i-net OPTA

 PooledDataSource with Orion.


RE: Orion in production

2000-10-21 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes


I agree with some of your points, and I have a 'semi' solution that I've
told Magnus about before.

The autoupdate tool is brilliant, but too addictive. Sometimes I've updated
to get fixes for bugs, only to get another version with a different annoying

If it had the option to autoupdate to the latest 'stable' version, or the
latest 'rough edged' version, it would be perfect.

eg java -jar autoupdate.jar -version=stable / development

Oh, and to Al who says he can't see Orion because it's too inexpensive? Just
tell the client it's $10k, bill 'em $10k and they'll love you for it - oh,
and either pocket the $8.5k or donate it to the Orion guys, I'm sure they
wouldn't knock you back ;)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert Krueger
 Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 5:19 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion in production

 At 07:46 21.10.00 , you wrote:
 I think that Orion far outshines products like EA Server, Web
 Sphere, etc
 of the functionality available - and you are right - the docs are just a
 little more pretty
 and their tech support is absurdly costly and much less informative than
 what is found on
 this list.


 ok, sorry to somehow take the part of mr. bad guy here but I get the
 feeling someone following this discussion IMHO doesn't really get
 the right
 impression. it's a little bit too black and white. first of all,
 let me say
 that after about a year of intensively using orion in development
 and half
 a year in production, I'm a generally very satisfied customer and I do
 appreciate the completeness, standards conformance, speed, great logical
 concept of orion. however, I think it's oversimplifying things to
 say it's
 just marketing that makes the big names so expensive (it's a significant
 factor, though) and it's not a very good assessment to say that
 orion beat
 all competitors' asses if it weren't for the lack of good documentation.
 there are some significant things that are a lot of work and
 therefore very
 expensive like QA and rigid testing with many, many hardware,
 software, db,
 vm combinations that a company the size of evermind simply cannot deliver
 (have you looked at the number of platforms you can get websphere for?).
 anyone who says that write once run anywhere really works 100% probably
 hasn't been involved in too many real-world projects where certain
 combinations of VMs and software just crash under certain load
 that's why e.g. weblogic is tested and certified for a particular
 of course, part of this certification stuff is to keep the typical IT
 manager happy but to say it's all bullshit is off-target and not very
 professional IMO. when orion became officially stable (1.0) it still
 contained many very serious bugs and I presume it wouldn't have been 1.0
 time if it hadn't been for J1. the flexibility and development
 speed of the
 orion team takes it's toll in the number of fundamental bugs in
 those very
 features. with a few exceptions I doubt many of those would slip through
 bea or ibm QA. I sometimes think it feels like an open source project but
 without the source. a very loyal user community and very short release
 cycles but still lots of rough edges.

 don't get me wrong. I'm a great fan of orion and I think for many
 it's an unbeatable tool with no serious competitors especially
 the price and I think magnus and karl are extremely good software
 architects and true J2EE wizards but I think there are some more
 things one
 has to consider before making the kind of statements that have
 been made in
 this thread. at my company we share the experiences with a very efficent
 development environment using orion together with jikes and ant
 but we also
 had our share of spending considerable amounts of time working around
 serious bugs or waiting for fixes for showstoppers.

 to sum things up, IMO orion is a great deal and it completely meets (and
 exceeds) the requirements many people have for an appserver but it does
 have its rough edges (and that's not primarily the documentation
 IMO). I'm
 quite sure that those will fade away eventually but evermind
 still has some
 work to do in the areas QA, support and documentation.

 let's just hope they don't get bought out and manage to grow
 quickly yet in
 a controlled manner so they can continue developing a kick-ass server.

 just my 2c


 (-) Robert Krüger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: Orion in production

2000-10-21 Thread Al Fogleson

lol. What a concept. But we would have to charge 20 or 30 K... of course

Hey *I* see it, our clients seem to equate inexpensive with "not ready for
prime time"


- Original Message -
From: "Mike Cannon-Brookes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 10:09 PM
Subject: RE: Orion in production


I agree with some of your points, and I have a 'semi' solution that I've
told Magnus about before.

The autoupdate tool is brilliant, but too addictive. Sometimes I've updated
to get fixes for bugs, only to get another version with a different annoying

If it had the option to autoupdate to the latest 'stable' version, or the
latest 'rough edged' version, it would be perfect.

eg java -jar autoupdate.jar -version=stable / development

Oh, and to Al who says he can't see Orion because it's too inexpensive? Just
tell the client it's $10k, bill 'em $10k and they'll love you for it - oh,
and either pocket the $8.5k or donate it to the Orion guys, I'm sure they
wouldn't knock you back ;)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert Krueger
 Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 5:19 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion in production

 At 07:46 21.10.00 , you wrote:
 I think that Orion far outshines products like EA Server, Web
 Sphere, etc
 of the functionality available - and you are right - the docs are just a
 little more pretty
 and their tech support is absurdly costly and much less informative than
 what is found on
 this list.


 ok, sorry to somehow take the part of mr. bad guy here but I get the
 feeling someone following this discussion IMHO doesn't really get
 the right
 impression. it's a little bit too black and white. first of all,
 let me say
 that after about a year of intensively using orion in development
 and half
 a year in production, I'm a generally very satisfied customer and I do
 appreciate the completeness, standards conformance, speed, great logical
 concept of orion. however, I think it's oversimplifying things to
 say it's
 just marketing that makes the big names so expensive (it's a significant
 factor, though) and it's not a very good assessment to say that
 orion beat
 all competitors' asses if it weren't for the lack of good documentation.
 there are some significant things that are a lot of work and
 therefore very
 expensive like QA and rigid testing with many, many hardware,
 software, db,
 vm combinations that a company the size of evermind simply cannot deliver
 (have you looked at the number of platforms you can get websphere for?).
 anyone who says that write once run anywhere really works 100% probably
 hasn't been involved in too many real-world projects where certain
 combinations of VMs and software just crash under certain load
 that's why e.g. weblogic is tested and certified for a particular
 of course, part of this certification stuff is to keep the typical IT
 manager happy but to say it's all bullshit is off-target and not very
 professional IMO. when orion became officially stable (1.0) it still
 contained many very serious bugs and I presume it wouldn't have been 1.0
 time if it hadn't been for J1. the flexibility and development
 speed of the
 orion team takes it's toll in the number of fundamental bugs in
 those very
 features. with a few exceptions I doubt many of those would slip through
 bea or ibm QA. I sometimes think it feels like an open source project but
 without the source. a very loyal user community and very short release
 cycles but still lots of rough edges.

 don't get me wrong. I'm a great fan of orion and I think for many
 it's an unbeatable tool with no serious competitors especially
 the price and I think magnus and karl are extremely good software
 architects and true J2EE wizards but I think there are some more
 things one
 has to consider before making the kind of statements that have
 been made in
 this thread. at my company we share the experiences with a very efficent
 development environment using orion together with jikes and ant
 but we also
 had our share of spending considerable amounts of time working around
 serious bugs or waiting for fixes for showstoppers.

 to sum things up, IMO orion is a great deal and it completely meets (and
 exceeds) the requirements many people have for an appserver but it does
 have its rough edges (and that's not primarily the documentation
 IMO). I'm
 quite sure that those will fade away eventually but evermind
 still has some
 work to do in the areas QA, support and documentation.

 let's just hope they don't get bought out and manage to grow
 quickly yet in
 a controlled manner so they can continue developing a kick-ass server.

 just my 2c


 (-) Robert Krüger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 

Re: ANSWER: How to use pooled connections in Orion?

2000-10-21 Thread Al Fogleson

Orion will bind the Datasource to the JNDI environment for you, you set this
up in the data-sources.xml file. for instance for my Oracle instance the
file is ... defined in data-sources.xml like so

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion data-sources"

  An example/default DataSource that uses an ordinary
  JDBC-driver (in this case hsql) to create the connections.
  This tag creates all the needed kinds
  of data-sources, transactional, pooled and EJB-aware sources.
  The source generally used in application code is the "EJB"
  one - it provides transactional safety and connection pooling.

this will bind my DataSource to "java:comp/env/jdbc/RedbookDS"


- Original Message -
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 8:01 PM
Subject: RE: ANSWER: How to use pooled connections in Orion?

 Deepak et al:

 I'm confused about how Orion populates the JNDI server with the
 DataSource object.  Obviously for the code fragment you posted to work,
 an object "jdbc/SQLServerDS" has to exist in your directory server.  How
 does it get there?

 I would have guessed that admin.jar -installDataSource was the answer,
 but I find no switch there which would tell Orion how to find the
 directory server.


 Many thanks for your posts, they're very helpful!



 The way you access the datasource is dependent on where will you access
 datasource from. I'm currently accessing the datasource from a servlet
 is pretty straightforward:

 InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
 DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/SQLServerDS");

 The above method might not be portable but it works for me so I mention
 Note that you don't need any special Orion datasource name. DataSource
 defined in javax.sql.*

 The portable way which require more work is to add the following to your

 web.xml if you access the datasource from servlets and/or JSP:

 descriptionA data source/description

 Now, you can access the datasource by:

 InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
 DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/myDS");


 -Original Message-
 From: Luis M Bernardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 7:39 AM
 To: Goel, Deepak
 Subject: Re: ANSWER: How to use pooled connections in Orion?

 hi. thanks for posting this message, but could you show me how you make
 the connection (a code snippet)? Looking at old postings I see some
 using a DataSource and some others a ConnectionPoolDataSource. Also, you

 use a DriverManagerDataSource, some other people use a


 On Sat, 7 Oct 2000, Goel, Deepak wrote:

  Hello everyone,
  I've seen that many people are confused over how to setup pooled
  in Orion (even I was initially). Now since I figured out through
  documentation and through some hit and try, I would like to share
  instructions. Keep in mind that this is only one way of setting it up
  there are other ways to setup depending on capabilities of the driver.

  1. Basically, the first step is to create a non-pooled version of your

  source. This can be done by adding something like this to your
  The above example is for a SQL Server data source using i-net driver.
  Remeber to change the connection-driver, username, password and url.
  2. Now, the following step will add the pooled version. Add the
  lines to data-sources.xml.

RE: Orion in production - autoupdate tool

2000-10-21 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

This sounds fascinating - I'd love to know more about *ix permissions,
securing Orion properly etc.

You sound like you've got it all down pat, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to
learn more about your setup - as I'm sure other Orion users would. How about
writing a quick how to doc about securing Orion on *ix?

The OrionSupport team will love you for it ;)


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 1:18 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Mike Cannon-Brookes
 Subject: RE: Orion in production - autoupdate tool

 Actually, I'm not sure the auto-update tool is very usefull at all in
 production. For security reasons, we don't allow Orion write access to

 If we configure our operating system to allow Orion to over write its own
 code files, we create a serious security hole. A hacker may discover an
 exploit in Orion that gets it to change its files and open a
 security hole.
 If Orion can't write to itself, this can't happen. Configuring an
 app like
 a web server to not have write access to itself is security
 measure number


 --On Sunday, October 22, 2000 12:09 PM +1000 Mike Cannon-Brookes

  I agree with some of your points, and I have a 'semi' solution that I've
  told Magnus about before.
  The autoupdate tool is brilliant, but too addictive. Sometimes I've
  updated to get fixes for bugs, only to get another version with a
  different annoying bug.
  If it had the option to autoupdate to the latest 'stable'
 version, or the
  latest 'rough edged' version, it would be perfect.
  eg java -jar autoupdate.jar -version=stable / development
  Oh, and to Al who says he can't see Orion because it's too inexpensive?
  Just tell the client it's $10k, bill 'em $10k and they'll love
 you for it
  - oh, and either pocket the $8.5k or donate it to the Orion guys, I'm
  sure they wouldn't knock you back ;)
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Robert Krueger
  Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 5:19 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Orion in production
  At 07:46 21.10.00 , you wrote:
   I think that Orion far outshines products like EA Server, Web
  Sphere, etc
   of the functionality available - and you are right - the
 docs are just
   a little more pretty
   and their tech support is absurdly costly and much less informative
   than what is found on
   this list.
  ok, sorry to somehow take the part of mr. bad guy here but I get the
  feeling someone following this discussion IMHO doesn't really get
  the right
  impression. it's a little bit too black and white. first of all,
  let me say
  that after about a year of intensively using orion in development
  and half
  a year in production, I'm a generally very satisfied customer and I do
  appreciate the completeness, standards conformance, speed,
 great logical
  concept of orion. however, I think it's oversimplifying things to
  say it's
  just marketing that makes the big names so expensive (it's a
  factor, though) and it's not a very good assessment to say that
  orion beat
  all competitors' asses if it weren't for the lack of good
  there are some significant things that are a lot of work and
  therefore very
  expensive like QA and rigid testing with many, many hardware,
  software, db,
  vm combinations that a company the size of evermind simply
 cannot deliver
  (have you looked at the number of platforms you can get
 websphere for?).
  anyone who says that write once run anywhere really works 100% probably
  hasn't been involved in too many real-world projects where certain
  combinations of VMs and software just crash under certain load
  that's why e.g. weblogic is tested and certified for a particular
  of course, part of this certification stuff is to keep the typical IT
  manager happy but to say it's all bullshit is off-target and not very
  professional IMO. when orion became officially stable (1.0) it still
  contained many very serious bugs and I presume it wouldn't
 have been 1.0
  time if it hadn't been for J1. the flexibility and development
  speed of the
  orion team takes it's toll in the number of fundamental bugs in
  those very
  features. with a few exceptions I doubt many of those would
 slip through
  bea or ibm QA. I sometimes think it feels like an open source
 project but
  without the source. a very loyal user community and very short release
  cycles but still lots of rough edges.
  don't get me wrong. I'm a great fan of orion and I think for many
  it's an unbeatable tool with no serious competitors especially
  the price and I think magnus and karl are extremely good software
  architects and true J2EE wizards but I think there are some more
  things one
  has to consider before making the kind of statements that have

EJB 2.0 Dependent Object problem - NPE on deploy

2000-10-21 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

After being told that Orion supports the PD1 spec for EJB 2.0 dependent 
objects I went through the PD1 spec carefully and compared it to the PD2 
spec and changed my code accordingly. In fact, I have created a very 
stripped down example that fails. I also have looked carefully at the 
LogEntry class in the ATM example and its associated deployment descriptors 
and AccountEJB class. The best I can get Orion to do is throw a null 
pointer exception (pasted below) at deployment time. I have been trying a 
variety of things for many hours so far Friday and this weekend and still 
just the same, cryptic null pointer error.

I have posted the code and deployment descriptors below. I realize the 
error is mine, since I can successfully deploy the ATM example.

If someone could take a look and let me know what I screwed up, I would be 
greatly appreciative. This whole mess is pretty straightforward. In the 
PersonEJB class you'll see I used AddrDo for the varible name as in 
getAddrDo(), but I also tried to use a different name than the type, sich 
as getAddress(). If I remove the dependent object portions of this code and 
descriptor it works fine, except of course without the dependent.

Also, there is a servlet and web descriptors and application descriptors I 
didn't post to save bandwidth. If thats needed I'll gladly post it.

Thanks to everyone in advance. I'm sorry I'm asking so much, but the side 
of my head is bashed in from the brick wall.


C:\orionjava -jar orion.jar
C:\Orion-test-apps\Test20CmpDo\rel\Sample20EbDo-ver001a.ear... do
bDo-ver001a-web.war... done.
Auto-deploying Sample20EbDo (Assembly had been updated)...
Auto-deploying Sample20EbDo-ver001a-ejb.jar (ejb-jar.xml had been touched 
the previous deployment)... java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.HashMap.put(Unknown Source)
at java.util.HashSet.add(Unknown Source)
at java.util.AbstractCollection.addAll(Unknown Source)
at java.util.HashSet.init(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind.server.ejb.deployment.Dependent.zk(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.f4.init(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.rn(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.apr(JAX)
at Source)

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise 
JavaBeans 2.0//EN" ""
descriptionTest Sample EJB 2.0 EB/description
descriptionPerson has an address DO/description

!-- Same failure with  without the next line --






RE: Orion in production - autoupdate tool

2000-10-21 Thread Jim Archer

I would love to take credit, but one of the guys I work with is an expert 
in this field and he has been working on securing Orion on a Debian Linux 
server. I'll see if I can get him to write up a little doc on this, but 
unfortunatly we have not got it working properly yet.

When we remove Orion's permission to write to itself, we find thst it is no 
longer able to make the JSP cache files when a JSP is run for the first 
time. This is odd, since we moved them and granted Orion permission to 
write to them, so this should not fail.

We sent some questions off to Orion, but have not heard back yet. So for 
now, we are running it unsecure in test mode. We really can't deploy like 
that, so it is being worked on.

When we figure out what the heck is going on, we'll do as you request, 
gladly. We have received a lot of help from this list and so we'll be happy 
to give back. However, I doid post a long note from my friend describing 
the some problems and solutions, except for that last one. I'll see if I 
can hunt it down and forward it to you.



--On Sunday, October 22, 2000 2:28 PM +1000 Mike Cannon-Brookes 

 This sounds fascinating - I'd love to know more about *ix permissions,
 securing Orion properly etc.

 You sound like you've got it all down pat, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love
 to learn more about your setup - as I'm sure other Orion users would. How
 about writing a quick how to doc about securing Orion on *ix?

 The OrionSupport team will love you for it ;)


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 1:18 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Mike Cannon-Brookes
 Subject: RE: Orion in production - autoupdate tool

 Actually, I'm not sure the auto-update tool is very usefull at all in
 production. For security reasons, we don't allow Orion write access to

 If we configure our operating system to allow Orion to over write its own
 code files, we create a serious security hole. A hacker may discover an
 exploit in Orion that gets it to change its files and open a
 security hole.
 If Orion can't write to itself, this can't happen. Configuring an
 app like
 a web server to not have write access to itself is security
 measure number


 --On Sunday, October 22, 2000 12:09 PM +1000 Mike Cannon-Brookes

  I agree with some of your points, and I have a 'semi' solution that
  I've told Magnus about before.
  The autoupdate tool is brilliant, but too addictive. Sometimes I've
  updated to get fixes for bugs, only to get another version with a
  different annoying bug.
  If it had the option to autoupdate to the latest 'stable'
 version, or the
  latest 'rough edged' version, it would be perfect.
  eg java -jar autoupdate.jar -version=stable / development
  Oh, and to Al who says he can't see Orion because it's too inexpensive?
  Just tell the client it's $10k, bill 'em $10k and they'll love
 you for it
  - oh, and either pocket the $8.5k or donate it to the Orion guys, I'm
  sure they wouldn't knock you back ;)
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Robert Krueger
  Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 5:19 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Orion in production
  At 07:46 21.10.00 , you wrote:
   I think that Orion far outshines products like EA Server, Web
  Sphere, etc
   of the functionality available - and you are right - the
 docs are just
   a little more pretty
   and their tech support is absurdly costly and much less informative
   than what is found on
   this list.
  ok, sorry to somehow take the part of mr. bad guy here but I get the
  feeling someone following this discussion IMHO doesn't really get
  the right
  impression. it's a little bit too black and white. first of all,
  let me say
  that after about a year of intensively using orion in development
  and half
  a year in production, I'm a generally very satisfied customer and I do
  appreciate the completeness, standards conformance, speed,
 great logical
  concept of orion. however, I think it's oversimplifying things to
  say it's
  just marketing that makes the big names so expensive (it's a
  factor, though) and it's not a very good assessment to say that
  orion beat
  all competitors' asses if it weren't for the lack of good
  there are some significant things that are a lot of work and
  therefore very
  expensive like QA and rigid testing with many, many hardware,
  software, db,
  vm combinations that a company the size of evermind simply
 cannot deliver
  (have you looked at the number of platforms you can get
 websphere for?).
  anyone who says that write once run anywhere really works 100%
  probably hasn't been involved in too many real-world projects where
  certain combinations of VMs and software just crash under certain load

RE: EJB Help..

2000-10-21 Thread Cory Adams


Thanks for the reply.  I have not looked over the 2.0 spec. in detail yet
but I will.

Are you mapping cmp entity beans to an existing db structure most of the time?


At 07:28 PM 10/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
Hi Cory...

I doubt we'll see anything thats database engine specific supported in CMP. 
I agree that sequences are extremely usefull and wish that there was a 
standard way on implementing them on database engines so that JDBC (and 
therefore J2EE) could take full advantage. PostgreSQL has a sequence and MS 
SQL Server has an identity field and so on. Unfortunatly, database vendors 
have no standard for implementing them.

You can write code to generate a unique value for a primary key. You could 
code up a session bean that uses JDBC to create a new record in a table 
with no fields but the identity field. Of course, this bean would be 
database specific and it would be used by the non-database specific CMP 
entity beans.

Orion makes a key generator available called counter.jar, which you can 
read about in the Orion FAQ (although I don't know what its licensing terms 
are - check this before you rely on it in your app).

Setting aside the question of sequence types and primary key generation, I 
have not yet run into a RDBMS data structure I don't think I could 
replicate using EJB 2.0 CMP. Even if I did, I could isolate part with BMP 
or session beans and use CMP for the rest. I expect if I found something so 
strange 2.0 CMP could not handle it that I would try to redesign it so that 
it could be handled. I would probably end up with a better and simpler 

With EJB 2.0 CMP, I have a very good chance of getting my J2EE app to run 
on whatever database on whatever compliant server on whatever operating 
system. And, all the work it does for me is nice as well. Also, with EJB 
2.0, its entirely possible to create a tool that would let you draw a UML 
diagram and generate almost the entire back end of an app - deployment 
descripters, code, maybe everything but the QL- automatically and then make 
changes a snap. There is no such tool now, but give some time.

The best source of how to do CMP, unfortunatly, is still the spec.

Anyhow, I thought EJB 1.1 was of limited utility. I think 2.0 is much, much 
better and can probably handle most systems. Just my opinion.


--On Saturday, October 21, 2000 3:11 AM -0400 Cory Adams 


 How could a CMP managed entity bean handle a create for say an Oracle
 database table that used db specific sql for describing the key using a

 Where the sql itself might look like

 insert into customer (id, name, address) values(cust_sequence.NEXTVAL,
 "Jim" "12 Willow Street");

 Maybe this is trivial.

 Better yet could I ask you to provide some of the sources of information
 that you use to help all of us better understand how to do CMP with
 perhaps complex RDBMS entity relationships?



 At 09:07 PM 10/20/00 -0400, Jim Archer wrote:
 What types of relationships do you feel EJB 2.0 can't adequately
 support? I  have been studying 2.0 CMP carefully, and it seems to be
 quite powerfull.  There may be holes in it, but it can handle the
 majority of real works  cases.


 --On Friday, October 20, 2000 12:28 PM -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you don't use an object-relational mapping tool you're still in for a
 lot of hurt with EJB if you have a complex data model. I don't think CMP
 really addresses the kind of data models large systems have. Nor does
 the relationship support in EJB 2.0 either. I think you'll end up doing
 JDBC BMP with your Session and Entity beans. Performance is only an
 issue when you make everything a stateful session bean or an entity
 bean. There are rules for when it's appropriate to make things entity
 beans. There still isn't a whole lot of useful information around on
 design EJBs yet though with most of it only explaining the basics
 including the ORA book.

 On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Duffey, Kevin wrote:


 I only meant to use the /classes folder because my ejb code is in the
 same project as the rest of my code (Servlets, javabeans, action
 classes, etc). Since it all compiles to the same one folder, I assume I
 will have to "move" the ejb compiled classes every time I compile them.
 What I was hoping for was a way to not have to do this..instead, just
 let the whole project compile to the WEB-INF/classes folder (all my
 code), and then have Orion pick up on the ejb changes from that point.
 It appears to me from what everyone is saying I will have to use some
 sort of script every time I make a change to an ejb, which my first
 thoughts is a pain in the ass. Its very easy to develop servlets,
 action classes, javabeans, core classes, but ejb not only requires 3
 classes per component, but lots of "special" work just to get the thing
 deployed. Then, every time you make a change, it requires the same
 process. I would think turn-around time for 

RE: EJB 2.0 Dependent Object problem - NPE on deploy

2000-10-21 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

I noticed that you're missing the abstract-schema-name element in the
entity block.  That might not be your problem, though; when I comment
mine out I can still successfully deploy my solution.  If adding
abstract-schema-name does nothing, I'll look again.

I haven't been using dependent objects because I couldn't figure out
from the spec how to use a compound primary key defined by two CMR
fields.  The spec (in italics at the bottom of pg 121 of pd2) says this
is possible, but I can't quite seem to figure out how it should work.
Has anyone done this?  

Section (at the end of pg 118) is confusing.  It says that the
primary key must be set by the end of ejbCreate(), but that CMR fields
must not be modified until ejbPostCreate().  If a CMR field is the
primary key, we seem to have a catch-22 problem...

Jeff Schnitzer

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 9:14 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: EJB 2.0 Dependent Object problem - NPE on deploy
 Hi All...
 After being told that Orion supports the PD1 spec for EJB 2.0 
 objects I went through the PD1 spec carefully and compared it 
 to the PD2 
 spec and changed my code accordingly. In fact, I have created a very 
 stripped down example that fails. I also have looked carefully at the 
 LogEntry class in the ATM example and its associated 
 deployment descriptors 
 and AccountEJB class. The best I can get Orion to do is throw a null 
 pointer exception (pasted below) at deployment time. I have 
 been trying a 
 variety of things for many hours so far Friday and this 
 weekend and still 
 just the same, cryptic null pointer error.
 I have posted the code and deployment descriptors below. I 
 realize the 
 error is mine, since I can successfully deploy the ATM example.
 If someone could take a look and let me know what I screwed 
 up, I would be 
 greatly appreciative. This whole mess is pretty 
 straightforward. In the 
 PersonEJB class you'll see I used AddrDo for the varible name as in 
 getAddrDo(), but I also tried to use a different name than 
 the type, sich 
 as getAddress(). If I remove the dependent object portions of 
 this code and 
 descriptor it works fine, except of course without the dependent.
 Also, there is a servlet and web descriptors and application 
 descriptors I 
 didn't post to save bandwidth. If thats needed I'll gladly post it.
 Thanks to everyone in advance. I'm sorry I'm asking so much, 
 but the side 
 of my head is bashed in from the brick wall.
 C:\orionjava -jar orion.jar
 C:\Orion-test-apps\Test20CmpDo\rel\Sample20EbDo-ver001a.ear... do
 bDo-ver001a-web.war... done.
 Auto-deploying Sample20EbDo (Assembly had been updated)...
 Auto-deploying Sample20EbDo-ver001a-ejb.jar (ejb-jar.xml had 
 been touched 
 the previous deployment)... java.lang.NullPointerException
 at java.util.HashMap.put(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.HashSet.add(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.AbstractCollection.addAll(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.HashSet.init(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.deployment.Dependent.zk(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.f4.init(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.rn(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.apr(JAX)
 at Source)
 ?xml version="1.0"?
 !DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise 
 JavaBeans 2.0//EN" ""
   descriptionTest Sample EJB 2.0 EB/description
   descriptionPerson has an address 
   !-- Same failure with  without the 
 next line --