prob with taglibs

2000-12-04 Thread umesh sonavane

I am trying to run pet store in orion 

i start the orion server with the instruction given 
in the estore-install.txt

for eg

java -Djsp.reuse.tags=false -jar 

but its seems that it doesnot works 

Is there any more setting in orion that i have to 
give to make templating working of java pet store 

Could anybody tell me whats the problem and how to 
solve the problem Is the problem in the code of JPS

Umesh Sonavane

Re: OR mapping with Oracle

2000-12-04 Thread wim veninga

You can use complex OR mapping with orion, for instance if you have an
compound PK object you can
map all its fields to different columns in the database table

See orionsupport - complex or mapping

- Original Message -
From: "Hegyi Tibor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 7:46 AM
Subject: RE: OR mapping with Oracle

 Thanks for your reply.

 My PK class implements the Serializable interface (see code snippet in my
 first mail) but this does not help since Orion maps Serializable objects
 blob datatypes in relation with Oracle data source and blobs cannot be

 Integer object works fine but how can I implement compound primary keys


 -Original Message-
 From: J Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 9:38 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: OR mapping with Oracle

 I beleive primary keys must be Serializalble.  Try using an Integer object



FW: Problem with synchronized method

2000-12-04 Thread Michael Piwonka

Can anyone help with the following?  I originally sent this to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] but haven't gotten a response yet...
Michael Piwonka

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Piwonka 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 10:12 AM
 Cc:   Douglas Burns
 Subject:  Problem with synchronized method
 We are using Orion 1.4.0 with Sun VM on Windows 2000.  We use JBuilder 4.0
 I've put together a simple test for using custom JSP tags to perform
 language translation.  We are using a hashtable to hold the translations
 that the tag handler class will look up.  That hashtable is stored in an
 application variable.  However, the hashtable is not created until the
 first time a JSP page calls the tag handler, at which time a call is made
 to a synchronized static method to load the hashtable (from EJBs), and
 store it in the application variable.
 I'm using a testing tool to hit the page with multiple simultaneous
 threads, and the program works perfectly upon initial start-up of Orion:
 the first thread to hit the page goes into the synchronized method to
 create the hashtable, and all subsequent threads wait until the first
 thread is finished.  Upon entering the method, there is another check to
 see if the hashtable has been created so subsequent threads won't
 re-create it.
 However, the JSP page I'm hitting is cached in a sub-directory within the
 orion root directory.  If I shut down Orion, then re-start it (thus
 clearing out the application variable), the synchronized method is no
 longer "obeyed" if that cache is present -- all threads immediately enter
 the method and begin building the hashtable.
 If I delete the cache file (it follows a *.jsp.jspCache naming
 convention), and then restart Orion, the synchronized method works
 correctly again.
 What am I doing wrong?  What does the cached jsp page have to do with my
 static synchronized method working correctly?
 Attached is the java class LTTagHandler.  It contains the following
 private static synchronized void createDictionary(PageContext pc){...}
 which calls another class to buld the hashtable (I assume the other class
 is irrelevant in this situation).  I hope it helps... 
 If anything here is unclear, please e-mail me.  We would like to find a
 solution to this problem as well as figure out how orion is handling these
 requests to the tag library.
 Michael Piwonka
 Altra Energy Technologies, Inc.

FORM login with FRAMES

2000-12-04 Thread theo van niekerk

Hi there

We would like to use FORM login/authentication with our web app that uses
FRAMES and JavaScript extensively - example one frame will call a
dynamically generated FRAMESET that loads different documents depending on
the situation, while Onload events reloads contents of other frames.

Out problem is when the session expires or for some other reason the webapp
wants to re-authenticate the browsing user. So what happens.. a login page
gets loaded into each and every frame window.

We've tried redirects, forwards and some javascript. But it seems like orion
likes to keep everything to only one frameless page.

What can we do?

Kind regards

Theo van Niekerk

RE: OR mapping with Oracle

2000-12-04 Thread Hegyi Tibor

Hi Wim, 

In my code snippet I have shown the mapping in orion-ejb-jar.xml, that is as

cmp-field-mapping name="key"
cmp-field-mapping name="key" persistence-name="key" /

This "compound" PK class has one field for sake of simplicity. I tried to
follow the instructions of the article you have also mentioned but still got
that ugly error.

Auto-deploying beantest-ejb.jar (orion-ejb-jar.xml had been updated since
the previous deployment)...
Incompatible type for method. Can't convert beantest.ejb.ProductPK to int.
statement.setInt(4, object.key);
  ^ Incompatible type for method. Can't
convert beantest.ejb.ProductPK to int.
statement.setInt(4, response.object.key);
2 errors
Error compiling file:/E:/Java/BeanTest/build/beantest/beantest-ejb.jar:
Syntax error in source

So am still lost with this issue.


-Original Message-
From: wim veninga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 1:01 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: OR mapping with Oracle

You can use complex OR mapping with orion, for instance if you have an
compound PK object you can
map all its fields to different columns in the database table

See orionsupport - complex or mapping

- Original Message -
From: "Hegyi Tibor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 7:46 AM
Subject: RE: OR mapping with Oracle

 Thanks for your reply.

 My PK class implements the Serializable interface (see code snippet in my
 first mail) but this does not help since Orion maps Serializable objects
 blob datatypes in relation with Oracle data source and blobs cannot be

 Integer object works fine but how can I implement compound primary keys


 -Original Message-
 From: J Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 9:38 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: OR mapping with Oracle

 I beleive primary keys must be Serializalble.  Try using an Integer object



ORMI: changing username, password Client Context properties

2000-12-04 Thread theo van niekerk

Hi there

It seems like once a client app has established a jndi-connection with the
ejb-container through ormi that it can't change the user,password properties
for the lifetime of the VM. I've tried resetting properties,
closing/unbinding connections and creating new intances of InitialContext.

The requirement was for a daemon to pop XML documents as email, parse it and
use the auithentication info in it to connect and do transactions. I've
solved it by using the os (Debian) daemon processes - so I can start a new
VM instance for every email. But that's not very optimal.

I appreciate any help

Kind regards


Orion UserManager and ejbPostCreate

2000-12-04 Thread theo van niekerk

Hi there

We're getting a deadlock during the creation of a UserBean. We're using the
Orion UserManager. In the ejbPostCreate Method of the UserBean we do a..

User caller =

..that causes the freeze.

The reason for the post create is that we're doing a..

User new_user = (User) context.getEJBObject();

..a few lines down and this info should (only) be accessible once the bean
has bean created if we understand the Spec. correctly.

Now for some reason if we put this lines of code in a private method and
call this private method from within the ejbCreate method it works.

Kind regards

Theo van Niekerk

Class-Cast-Exception Error

2000-12-04 Thread Paul Kofon


I have a Web application with forms. A servlet updates a database on behalf 
of a JSP. It worked okay until today when some one in my company tried to 
fill and submit one of the forms. He got a class-cast Exception. I was 
amazed because that had never happened. I tried it myself and got the same 
error. I was certain that my application was okay since it had run a couple 
of other times without errors. I stopped Orion and restarted it and the 
error disappeared! Strange I must say.
Is this a known problem with Orion?


Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

integrating orion-ejb-jar.xml into application

2000-12-04 Thread Marcus Lankenau


I understand the possibilities of the orion-ejb-jar.xml file (specifying 
finder-sqls and rel-mapping), but I wan't to intigrate this into our 
application appname.ear or the tree beneath orion/applications. Are there any 
possibilities to integrate these information into the ejb-jar.xml or to place 
the orion-ejb-jar.xml somewhere in the application? I think these information 
at least finder-statements are somehow part of the application

thanks in advance
Marcus Lankenau

org:wwl vision2market;Interactive
adr:;;goebelstr. 46;Lilienthal;D;28865;
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Developer
fn:Marcus Lankenau

R: How to use EJBUserManager?

2000-12-04 Thread DeVincentiis Giustino

Hello Alexander, 
if you want to use an EJB named Account you should have the following

- AccountBean (extending EJBUserBean),
- Account (extending EJBUser),
- AccountHome (extending EJBHome, you have to copy all the definitions from
EJBUserHome modifying the return type, and optionally can add other

This should work with EJBUserManager.
Good luck!

Giustino De Vincentiis

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Alexander Sparkowsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: lunedì 4 dicembre 2000 18.16
A: Orion-Interest
Oggetto: How to use EJBUserManager?


I want to use the EJBUserManager to lookup the accounts and created an
extended version of the EJBUser because I need more infos for the account to
hold. I created Account which extends the EJBUser and an AccountHome which
extends EJBUserHome so I'm not able to overwrite the findByPrimaryKey Method
to return Account insteat of EJBUserHome. When starting the orion it gives
me an error that findByPrimaryKey() should return Account insteat of

Can anybody help?

Alexander Sparkowsky
LambdaLogic Informationssysteme GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49-30-2936385-0, Fax: +49-30-2936385-0

application client and EJB: TX was null

2000-12-04 Thread Dario Dorigo


I'm testing Orion 1.3.8 with another EJB based application 
developed with weblogic.

After a bit of pain I was able to connect to the ejb and to call the
ejbs. But when I try to get the data from the ejb 

(the method signature is:   public String [] getListOfModules(); )

I got this error:

java.lang.InternalError: TX was null
at com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBObject.endTransaction(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransaction.aob(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransaction.commit(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransaction.end(JAX)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at connection to pii/
at com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException.h2(JAX)

On the server side the ejb is a session bean that get (succesfully) the
data from another entity bean. (I printed out the array just before the 

Has anybody an idea of what is happening?

Thanks a lot


Dario Dorigo
Software Developer

Itrade AG
Net Market Systems
Nymphenburger Str. 86
D - 80636 Muenchen
Tel: +49/(0)89/18951-0, Fax: -199

Entity Bean to XML

2000-12-04 Thread Fink, Paul

How can I marshal an entity bean into XML.
I'm trying to use Castor and I can get it to work if I
marshal a dependent object but how can I marshal
the whole entity bean?

RE: integrating orion-ejb-jar.xml into application

2000-12-04 Thread Scott Farquhar

This has been answered before - check the archive at

Here is the original email:
You can include a sample orion-ejb-jar.xml file in your project by including
it in a directory called orion:


Include the orion-ejb.jar in the orion directory, and orion will deploy it.
However, orion does not timestamp the deployed file, so every time you
change the file, you will need to remove the file from

Has the timestamping bug been submitted to bugzilla?


Sent:  Tuesday, 5 December 2000 2:02
To:  Orion-Interest
Subject:  integrating orion-ejb-jar.xml into application


I understand the possibilities of the orion-ejb-jar.xml file
finder-sqls and rel-mapping), but I wan't to intigrate this into our

application appname.ear or the tree beneath orion/applications. Are
there any 
possibilities to integrate these information into the ejb-jar.xml or
to place 
the orion-ejb-jar.xml somewhere in the application? I think these
at least finder-statements are somehow part of the application

thanks in advance
Marcus Lankenau

org:wwl vision2market;Interactive
adr:;;goebelstr. 46;Lilienthal;D;28865;
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Developer
fn:Marcus Lankenau

Traversing JNDI namespace

2000-12-04 Thread Nick Newman


How can I find what's in an entity bean's java:comp/env namespace?

If I ask the InitialContext for a list of what is in it (using 
initialcontext.list("") ) I get a list of things (mainly home interfaces) 
plus entries for "java:comp" and "ejb" which are both Contexts.

If I ask for what's in "java:comp" I get a few strange entries, but NOT one 
for "env", which is the one I would have expected.

If I ask for what's in "java:comp/env" I get nothing back (empty context).

However, lookups for entries named java:comp/env/foo succeed where they should.

Any ideas?


Re: Where is Orion's copy of ejb-jar dtd?

2000-12-04 Thread Yves Bossel

I got it work :)

The short hint: check that every method you invoke exists and your JSP

The long story

1. I started using Orion and built an application that simply sniffes the
user name and roles using an EJB named SecuritySniffer.

2. On deployment, I got an error similar to that one:

Error loading package at
file:/C:/@web/ClassNotes/EjbJmsJndi/@StudentEjbApp/, Error parsing META-INF
/ejb-jar.xml in C:\@web\ClassNotes\EjbJmsJndi\@StudentEjbApp: Fatal error
line 377: Character conversion error: "Unconvertible UTF-8 character
beginning with 0x91" (line number may be too low).

3. After surfing a lot the mails about that same error,
4. I left Orion sleep for one week,
5. also renamed its directory
6. Today I tested my application again and finally got the correct error
   ...about the invocation - from a JSP - of an EJB method that did not
7. After correcting the method invocation, everything went fine.

It seems that Orion is very sensible to little errors,
and it does not inform - or erroneously informs - about errors.

Each time I have had a strange error ("...but everything should work ?!"),
such as "The page cannot be displayed" or the one above,
the real error was of syntactical nature, and in general in my JSP;
ranging from malformed JSP, or bad imports, or non existing methods, etc.

As a rule of thumb:
If everything should work correctly and is correctly configured and it does
have a look at your code, you probably made a too evident error (names
confusion, tags not closed, etc.)


Re: Traversing JNDI namespace

2000-12-04 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Nick Newman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 How can I find what's in an entity bean's java:comp/env namespace?
 If I ask the InitialContext for a list of what is in it (using 
 initialcontext.list("") ) I get a list of things (mainly home interfaces) 
 plus entries for "java:comp" and "ejb" which are both Contexts.
 If I ask for what's in "java:comp" I get a few strange entries, but NOT one 
 for "env", which is the one I would have expected.
 If I ask for what's in "java:comp/env" I get nothing back (empty context).

Just wanted to report that I've had exactly the same experience,
assumed I must be doing something wrong given my slight experience
with JNDI.

I sure hope someone knows the answer!


 However, lookups for entries named java:comp/env/foo succeed where they should.
 Any ideas?


2000-12-04 Thread TH Lim


I'm testing Orion 1.4  JMS coffeemaker demo. The demo runs fine. I
modified it to use onMessage() instead of pooling using
QueueReceiver.receive() method. This however, renders this demo useless.
onMessage() is not triggered. It is my logic fault or Orion doesn't
support onMessage() trigger? Please refer to file provided.

thank you.


Re: Traversing JNDI namespace

2000-12-04 Thread Reid Hartenbower

(And I preface this with 'as I understand it')

First, it's the app server's context, not the bean's.  What parts of it you
get to see are determined by the principal/credential pair (and the roles
they connect you to, as defined on the app server) that you pass to the
context factory when you ask for the initial context.

Why you don't see what you expect in the context is another matter.  May I
recommend an open-source tool I wrote
(   It will allow you to browse
your app server's context tree.

What I suspect is happening is that you are calling Context.lookup() or
.listBindings() with bad path values.  Try passing both absolute and
relative JNDI paths and see what happens.  Correlate this with the
.isRelative() values for the bindings you examine.

 - Original Message -
From: "Nick Newman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 2:55 PM
Subject: Traversing JNDI namespace


 How can I find what's in an entity bean's java:comp/env namespace?

 If I ask the InitialContext for a list of what is in it (using
 initialcontext.list("") ) I get a list of things (mainly home interfaces)
 plus entries for "java:comp" and "ejb" which are both Contexts.

 If I ask for what's in "java:comp" I get a few strange entries, but NOT
 for "env", which is the one I would have expected.

 If I ask for what's in "java:comp/env" I get nothing back (empty context).

 However, lookups for entries named java:comp/env/foo succeed where they

 Any ideas?


How to set Session-Time out

2000-12-04 Thread Santosh Kumar

globally for orion and not just for individual web components? 


Re: Class-Cast-Exception Error

2000-12-04 Thread Marcus Lankenau

Hi Paul!

Same probleme here.We get this errer when a ejb is recompiled and redeployed. The
disappeares on server restart.

Paul Kofon wrote:


 I have a Web application with forms. A servlet updates a database on behalf
 of a JSP. It worked okay until today when some one in my company tried to
 fill and submit one of the forms. He got a class-cast Exception. I was
 amazed because that had never happened. I tried it myself and got the same
 error. I was certain that my application was okay since it had run a couple
 of other times without errors. I stopped Orion and restarted it and the
 error disappeared! Strange I must say.
 Is this a known problem with Orion?


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org:wwl vision2market;Interactive
adr:;;goebelstr. 46;Lilienthal;D;28865;
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Developer
fn:Marcus Lankenau