RE: system management with orion

2001-03-23 Thread Frank Eggink


Here are my 2cts.

You have two routes: keep all in one directory-tree / partition (easy to backup an 
restore) or spread
it out the UNIX way. I would go for the latter one.

The original setup for the filestructure in the UNIX world was based, amongst others, 
on where the
files where used for, how often they changed and how much they might grow (and what 
happens when
that partition was full, hey Eddie!). Agreed this was all in the days you had hard 
disks of sizes less then
100Mb, but some of it still makes sense.

Relative static data I would store on one partition, which doesn't need to be stored 
off-line that often.
All orion files are candidate to that, except of course the config files and the 
deployment directory.
I assume that you use in deployment and other database then hsql. If you use hsql to 
some extend
you'll have to move the hsql files as well.

For the static stuff you could consider a directory /usr/public/orion and export that 
one for NFS usage
by other platforms. For a production system you can consider a read-only mount. Some 
people will call
you paranoid though, but it is no effort at all.

All config files can be moved to /etc/ which is sort of there natural place on UNIX. 
These are the files -you-
write. So orion can read them, but certainly can not write them. These files can be 
monitored using Tripwire
or whatever.

The deployment directory and the hsql database files (if necessary) can go to /usr/, 
/home/ or even /var/.
These are the files the systems writes. Would someone gain access under the orion 
account, these files
are wide open.

The directory with the applications (the ear-files) could be part of the deployment 
directory structure. These
file could/should have different permissions to let the application assembler drop a 
new version for production.

The fine tuning depends a bit on the division of tasks within your organisation.

The database is a separate subject.

On ports: I guess it is relative straigth forward:
- 80 for HTTP
- 413 for HTTPS
- 9217 for jms (and clustering).
- 23791for ORMI which is an implementation of RMI.
- Something for your database ... (only accessible within your DMZ).

These are defaults and I would change them and check for port scanning in your DMZ. 
Port scanning in your
DMZ zone means high security allert!!! 

Check the docs about rmi.xml / jms.xml / default-website.xml for the port settings and 
setup a firewall that forwards
all the above default ports to the port you defined using masquerade.

You can always get in, but he doesn't know how!


[You can always get in, but -he- doesn't know how!]

On Friday, March 23, 2001 6:02 AM, elephantwalker [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 Dear group,
 The site has an good reference for using orion on a
 linux or unix machine. However, one important part of system management is
 where to locate the orion files and the application/website files, and this
 is missing. By choosing the location of these files, we can effectively
 integrate common backup strategies and other important system management
 Programs and even Apache are usually stored somewhere in the /usr directory.
 However, I feel that this is the wrong place for Orion, since there are a
 significant number of configuration files for the Orion server which do not
 make sense in the /usr directory. Other appservers and even database servers
 use thier own slice and dice file structure: Weblogic has its own directory
 off of root, Oracle has four or more different directories one each for the
 program, database, data and transaction logging.
 If we are to make an application safe from careless or malicious corruption,
 we need to make some use of user ownership and access control on the Orion
 file structure. I have found the ownership and permission instructions here to be very effective
 at preventing un-authorized tampering with the application server. On linux,
 the ipchains directives effectively solve the port 80 problem.
 For where to locate the directory, I use a strategy that is based upon a
 separate directory for the application server (much like Weblogic or
 Oracle), but the actual data for the web site or application being in the
 "volatile" directories, or directories which change a lot. In addition, the
 Orion application should be in its on "partition" so that any massacre of
 Orion through an un-known assualt (hackers are smart people too), or simple
 mistake by the orionuser could be  effectively walled off from the rest of
 the system, including all of our datafiles. By simply wiping the partition
 (easy enough without harming the rest of the file system) and reinstalling
 after corruption. In this scenario, all we would have to do is keep a safe
 copy of the configuration files and log files, and even they can be located
 in volatile directories.
 My web applications, default applications, and all web 

Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5

2001-03-23 Thread Anders Janmyr


I am trying to use filters for authenticating users. My filter uses
RequestDispatcher.forward to show a login page when the user needs to
authenticate himself.

This results in the filter beeing invoked again. It seems that the
RequestDispatcher in orion (both forward and include) invokes the filter
again. Tomcat does not do this. What is the correct behavior? The spec does
not say how it should be working.

Any help would be appreciated.


RE: ASP config + clustering

2001-03-23 Thread Frank Eggink


Maybe I do not understand fully what you want to do.

When you store all application specific stuff and that file service dies
your systems dies. Would that be a problem for you?

Anyway if you store all settings in one place you can make those files
available in many places by using NFS or SMB. A sort of

The advantage of using as an entry is that the user
specifies where he wants to go.


On Thursday, March 22, 2001 11:54 PM, Greg Matthews [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 that's fine except if you need to run 2 or more boxes to
 handle the load.
 i want a single copy of the application specific config files
 shared by each clustered orion box.
 i also want to be able to programmatically determine where
 the config files are.
 if each orion box in the cluster knows that the root config
 directory is \\configmachine\configs\ then i can append
 say, the application name, to this to get a config directory.
 e.g.  \\configmachine\configs\client1\config.xml for client 1
\\configmachine\configs\client2\config.xml for client 2
 i can then change the application specific config details in a
 single place for client 1, and all of client 1's clustered application
 copies running across various boxes get the new information.
 the question is, where do i get "client1" or "client2" when building
 the path?
 the best i've been able to do is follow a previous post and get
 the application.xml defined display-name value, which doesn't
 really solve the problem because that's included in the .ear file.
 i was hoping to be able to programmatically determine the
 server.xml defined application name and use that to build
 the path.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Frank Eggink" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 7:03 PM
 Subject: RE: ASP config + clustering
  Why run an instance of orion per client you are serving? I'm looking to
  host an applications for a number of clients too, but I'm looking into
  another route.
  We plan to 'copy' the applications and run them from one server-instance.
  Guess for resource usage we are better off, just copying the applications
  and have your clients served by one orion instance. Clients would connect
  like // or something like that.
  Additionally you can (on UNIX/LINUX) soft-link the original
  instead of copying it.
  As long as you write the apps for the server, things should be secure in
  this setup.
  On Thursday, March 22, 2001 1:45 AM, Greg Matthews
   dear all,
   is there a way to get the server.xml defined application "name"
   after following a previous post, i can get the application.xml
   value but this is not quite what i need.
   the plan is to be able to deploy multiple copies of the same application
   for different clients, and have an initServlet read in the application
   to determine where the config files live.
   e.g. client1 = read in \\someMachine\config\client1\config.xml
  client2 = read in \\someMachine\config\client2\config.xml
   this way, if i have to cluster client1, then there's only ever a single
   copy of their config information on the network and i don't have to
   duplicate it per orion installation.
   i'm also thinking of putting the web-site.xml files for each client
   in their own config directory to further reduce duplication of
   config details that would appear if you do clustering.
   i'd also like to avoid having to alter servlet initialisation parameters
   or anything in application.xml when deploying the app for a new
   client, but would consider these as a last resort.
 File: ATT5.html 

Re: Simultaneous Username/Password Detection

2001-03-23 Thread Daniel Lopez


Regarding security, the JSDK spec is IMHO too simple and that has forced
many people to reinvent the wheel again and again, or get into
proprietary solutions. We chose to go our own way to be fully portable
and we end up with such a system:
.- As we already have implemented a Model 2 architecture with a servlet
controller, it was quite easy to decide where the security checks would
be performed, that is, the controller servlet.
.- To have an architecture that was also portable between applications
and avoid copy/paste, we developed our security mechanisms(SM) using
basically abstract classes and interfaces. This allows us to secure an
application just by implementing the appropriate classes, which can be
done apart of the business logic.
.- We distinguish two parts: Defining the security environment of the
application(users, roles...) and defining the security requirements of
the applications operations(which roles are required for each request).
.- For the first problem we provide a set of interfaces to define the
users and roles at initialization time, to be stored in a cache (we also
already provide an XML-based implementation that can be used for simple
applications out-of-the-box and works from a file, URL or a database).
.- For the second we wanted the ability to set the security constraints
in runtime. So we implemented the SM so they ask for each request,
through the interfaces, which is the requiered permission to perform
such a request. As the application implementation is passed the request
and the context, it can decide the required permissions depending on the
parameters, the URL, some values stored in the servlet context...
.- We also provide a "dynamic" setting in which we just pass the
username/password and request to the application implementation and it
has to answer back if the request is allowed or not. This feature is
useful when you have too many users and they won't fit in the cache, or
they change very often.

The trickiest part to implement was the cache of sessions as we wanted
to allow basic and form authentication and be able to log out, detect
simultaneous sessions... Handling all that with the various browsers
behaviours was not a simple task, but once done...

But the key point is that it is a proprietary mechanism that we have to
mantain and update, and I don't think we should do it. If the standard
was complete enough, something like that would be specified in a
portable way and every container vendor would provide such a service,
thus making applications really portable. The proof to see that the
standard is not complete is that evey container vendor has its own
implementation. To be truly portable, you have to roll your own, but I
wish I hadn't to.

Just my 2ec,
PD: BTW, we are not a porn site either ;), just tired of copy/pasting
the same security routines over and over and...
Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Web Services
Computer Center
Balearic Islands University

David Morton wrote:
 I am building a system that protects content by username and password.  No
 problem there.  The more complicated part of the system prevents two people
 using the same username and password at the same time on our web site.  I
 have a plan to do this, but I haven't seen if there are any common
 methods/techniques/strategies/design patterns to do this in a jsp
 environment.  Nor do any of our developers have any experience in doing this.
 Currently, I am just going to store server generated sessionId's and
 userId's with other necessary data/time checks..of course the user must
 be able to take over use of that username and password because the browser
 may crash...or they forget to hit logoutand also I must flag when this
 happens too many times in a period of time as a red flagobviously with
 an html web site, there is no 100% accurate way to only have one user using
 the site at once, however, I can build it well enough that 95% of the users
 that are giving out their passwords won't because it is annoying to keep
 re-logging in and being locked out for an hour if you trip one of our red
 flags.thoughts?  experiences?
 This is not for a porn site, however, I bet that porn people have
 something like this.

SV: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5

2001-03-23 Thread Anders Janmyr
Title: SV: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5

filter and it's mapping is shown below. Tomcat does not invoke the filter when 
the RequestDispatcher is used.
the RequestDispatcher is internal it would seem that it should not invoke the 
filters. This is however not specified in the Servlet2.3 

As you 
can see in this configuration the LoginPage is in the protected directory. If I 
move it out everything works properly unless I try to include a file from the 
protected directory. Then the filter is invoked again.
don't think this is the way it should work.


/init-param /filter

  -Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]För Magnus 
  RydinSkickat: den 23 mars 2001 09:46Till: 
  Orion-InterestÄmne: SV: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher 
  in Orion 1.4.5
  How does your filter mapping look? Does Tomcat ivoke filters on forward/include? WR 
   -Ursprungligt meddelande-  Från: Anders Janmyr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Skickat: den 23 mars 2001 00:25  Till: Orion-Interest  Ämne: Problem 
  with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5  
I am trying to use filters 
  for authenticating users. My filter uses  
  RequestDispatcher.forward to show a login page when the user needs to 
   authenticate himself.  
   This results in the filter beeing invoked again. 
  It seems that the  RequestDispatcher in orion 
  (both forward and include) invokes  the 
  filter  again. Tomcat does not do this. What is 
  the correct behavior?  The spec does 
   not say how it should be working.   Any help would be appreciated. 

Problems deploying

2001-03-23 Thread Örjan Classon
Title: SV: Problem run demo servlets


have developed an application for Weblogic that I'm trying to deploy on 
problem is that I get NoClassDefFound on certain classes when I try to 

class that are missing is a class that I've developed my self to isolate all 
dependencies for database and application 
All my 
EJB's extends this class.

putall classes needed in CLASSPATH environment variable but that doesen't 

there something I'm missing here?

help a newbee.


Re: bad timestamp confusion

2001-03-23 Thread Felix Schmid

Go to and read about "using postgresql" (the link
is somewhere in the EJB section I guess). use the database schema given
there instead the one that comes with orion. That solved the problem on
my machine.


Eddie wrote:
 Just like other people in the newsgroup, I am receiving a bad timestamp
 error once in a while with Postgres 7.0.
 I looked in the newsgroup and saw some possible solutions, but I am a bit
 How can I solve this problem for ever in case of a DateTime field ???
 Someone talked about using java.sql.Date instead of java.util.Date, the
 other about getting the last postgres jdbc driver
 I got the last postgres driver from the postgres site, so what should I do
 I was thinking about just using Strings to store Date format info. What
 about this ?
 And what should I do when I get such an error. Filling the database all over
 again helps. But what, when I have everyting ready online ??

Felix SchmidTech@Spree Software Technology GmbH
tel.: ++49/30/235 520-38Blowstr. 66
fax.: ++49/30/236 318-7910783 Berlin (Aufgang D, 4.Etage)

Re: Orion on RedHat

2001-03-23 Thread Felix Schmid

Forget about MySQL. It doesn'T work properly (I tried it on Redhat 7.0
and SuSE 6.4). Try postgres instead. It works fine on my machine.


John Miller wrote:
 You could use mySQL. Its free and easy to install on Linux.
   -Original Message-
  From: Jarek Skreta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 22 March 2001 15:10
  To:   Orion-Interest
  Subject:  RE: Orion on RedHat
  Thanks for the news. I was hoping that this set up would work as it is
  easy to get relatively cheap hosting based on RaQ and Linux.
  One more question, if that's OK: at the moment we are doing without a
  database (information is stored in XML files). However, we may need to get
  one at some point. Which database system (low cost) would work OK in this
  Many thanks again.
-Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   22 March 2001 14:10
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject:RE: Orion on RedHat
   This actually sounds like a good setup for what you want to do.
   I have setup many site for non-profits with a setup similar to
   what you are doing.
   Using Linux in such an environment is a great idea because you
   can set it up like a hands off appliance, and it is very cost effective.
   you could actually get by with less then a gig of HD space but
   the more the better.
   as far as RAM 64-128 meg has work fine for me even on busy sites.
   256 meg to 1+ gig is great but not generally necessary for small sites.
   Get the new sun JDK and not IBM's as IBM's is prone to crash.
   Use the newest version of Orion if you are going to be doing any
   EJB 2.0 experimenting.
   Have fun!!!
-Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Thursday, March 22, 2001 7:06 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject:Orion on RedHat
   Dear All,
   We are planning for a budget (read 'cheap') deployment of a
   website running on Orion for a charity. We're thinking about
   RedHat Linux 6 on a Cobalt RaQ3 server. Does anybody has any
   experience of running Orion on such kit? What resources (RAM,
   etc.) should a single server have in order to run it comfortably
   (it is just an informational web site with limited traffic)?
   Many thanks for your
   Nesscomp Limited
   This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
   solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
   Nesscomp Ltd do not accept legal responsibility for the contents of
   this message. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the
   author and do not necessarily represent those of Nesscomp Ltd.
   This message can not be classed as SPAM, the recipient has not
   been added to any mailing lists.

Felix SchmidTech@Spree Software Technology GmbH
tel.: ++49/30/235 520-38Blowstr. 66
fax.: ++49/30/236 318-7910783 Berlin (Aufgang D, 4.Etage)

Re: AW: java:comp/Administrator

2001-03-23 Thread Hani Suleiman

Sure, and then when it breaks since it's an unofficial internal class not
exposed (I would imagine deliberately so), make sure you don't complain to
the list!

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Haeussler, Heinz wrote:

 Hello Greg,
 try the dissambler:
 D:\orion%java_home%\bin\javap -classpath orion.jar
 -Ursprngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Greg Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet am: Freitag, 23. Mrz 2001 05:15
 An: Orion-Interest
 Betreff: java:comp/Administrator
 Dear all,
 By following some code in a previous post i can get a reference to an
 Administrator object
 which lets me do things like get the application.xml display-name.
 ApplicationAdministrator admin =
 System.out.println( admin.getDisplayName());
 Does anyone know what other Orion objects are available to bind to?
 As an aside, if i try to iterate through the object under java:comp with a
 NamingIterator i 
 only get the following, which is strange because i was expecting to see
 Administrator there (?)
 UserTransaction: com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransactionManager
 Logger: com.evermind.util.CollectionLogger
 UserManager: com.evermind.server.XMLUserManager
 env: com.evermind.naming.j_
 ThreadPool: com.evermind.server.he

RE: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5

2001-03-23 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes
Title: SV: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5

invokes filters on _every request_. That's internal and external. This is IMHO 
the way it should be done. (Some filters require this to work!) Tomcat only 
invokes it on _external requests_. AFAIK there is some debate about this at the 
moment in the 2.3 spec team but I hope it is resolved on the Orion side 

standardise the behaviour, just put a request attribute ("__myfilter_applied" or 
whatever) in the request when your filter is first invoked. Every time it is 
invoked, check for this, and if present it means the current request is an 
include and you can ignore it.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anders 
  JanmyrSent: Friday, March 23, 2001 11:02 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: SV: Problem with Filters and 
  RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5
  filter and it's mapping is shown below. Tomcat does not invoke the filter when 
  the RequestDispatcher is used.
  Since the RequestDispatcher is internal it would seem 
  that it should not invoke the filters. This is however not specified in the 
  Servlet2.3 spec.
  you can see in this configuration the LoginPage is in the protected directory. 
  If I move it out everything works properly unless I try to include a file from 
  the protected directory. Then the filter is invoked again.
  don't think this is the way it should work.
  /init-param /filter
-Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]För Magnus 
RydinSkickat: den 23 mars 2001 09:46Till: 
Orion-InterestÄmne: SV: Problem with Filters and 
RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5
How does your filter mapping look? Does Tomcat ivoke filters on forward/include? WR 
 -Ursprungligt meddelande-  Från: Anders Janmyr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Skickat: den 23 mars 2001 00:25  Till: Orion-Interest  Ämne: Problem 
with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5
Hello,   I am trying 
to use filters for authenticating users. My filter uses  RequestDispatcher.forward to show a login page when the user 
needs to  authenticate himself.   This results in the filter beeing 
invoked again. It seems that the  
RequestDispatcher in orion (both forward and include) invokes 
 the filter  again. 
Tomcat does not do this. What is the correct behavior?  The spec does  not say how it should 
be working.   Any 
help would be appreciated.   Anders   

RE: Orion on RedHat

2001-03-23 Thread Ray Harrison

I always have to throw in SAP DB as well ( I have been very happy with 
database. I haven't used it on linux, but I understand that it performs nicely on that 
--- Kemp Randy-W18971 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hypersonic sql has temporary become hsql, as it tries to find a home with a new 
 team.  There are other options also, mentioned in this list before, like mysql 
 postgresql (, and instantdb (
   -Original Message-
  From:   Russ White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent:   Thursday, March 22, 2001 11:01 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject:RE: Orion on RedHat
  Actually the Hypersonic DB that comes with Orion is quite suitable for small 
sites, and it is
 fast, and works well with Orion because it already has the configuration for the db 
in the
  I would stick Hypersonic unless you really need something else.
   -Original Message-
  Sent:   Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:10 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject:RE: Orion on RedHat
  Thanks for the news. I was hoping that this set up would work as it is easy to 
get relatively
 cheap hosting based on RaQ and Linux.
  One more question, if that's OK: at the moment we are doing without a database 
 is stored in XML files). However, we may need to get one at some point. Which 
database system
 (low cost) would work OK in this configuration?
  Many thanks again.
-Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Sent: 22 March 2001 14:10
   To:   Orion-Interest
   Subject:  RE: Orion on RedHat
   This actually sounds like a good setup for what you want to do.
   I have setup many site for non-profits with a setup similar to 
   what you are doing.
   Using Linux in such an environment is a great idea because you 
   can set it up like a hands off appliance, and it is very cost effective.
   you could actually get by with less then a gig of HD space but 
   the more the better.
   as far as RAM 64-128 meg has work fine for me even on busy sites. 
   256 meg to 1+ gig is great but not generally necessary for small sites.
   Get the new sun JDK and not IBM's as IBM's is prone to crash.
   Use the newest version of Orion if you are going to be doing any 
   EJB 2.0 experimenting.
   Have fun!!!
-Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 7:06 AM
   To:   Orion-Interest
   Subject:  Orion on RedHat
   Dear All,
   We are planning for a budget (read 'cheap') deployment of a 
   website running on Orion for a charity. We're thinking about 
   RedHat Linux 6 on a Cobalt RaQ3 server. Does anybody has any 
   experience of running Orion on such kit? What resources (RAM, 
   etc.) should a single server have in order to run it comfortably 
   (it is just an informational web site with limited traffic)?
   Many thanks for your
   Nesscomp Limited
   This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
   solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are 
   Nesscomp Ltd do not accept legal responsibility for the contents of
   this message. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the
   author and do not necessarily represent those of Nesscomp Ltd.
   This message can not be classed as SPAM, the recipient has not
   been added to any mailing lists.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: Problems deploying

2001-03-23 Thread Russ White
Title: SV: Problem run demo servlets

is a classloader issue that arises because of the way that orion.jar is 

are a couple of work arounds.

the classes you need by usinga library tag.

Or, start Orion by calling the 
com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerclass directly instead of java -jar 

There are lots of other solutions, but this should get 
you going.


-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Örjan 
ClassonSent: Friday, March 23, 2001 7:22 AMTo: 
Orion-InterestSubject: Problems deploying

  have developed an application for Weblogic that I'm trying to deploy on 
  problem is that I get NoClassDefFound on certain classes when I try to 
  class that are missing is a class that I've developed my self to isolate all 
  dependencies for database and application 
  my EJB's extends this class.
  putall classes needed in CLASSPATH environment variable but that 
  doesen't seem
  there something I'm missing here?
  Please help a newbee.

SV: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5

2001-03-23 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5

invokes Fitlers on any request, which is the way it should work 
yes, you need to move your loginPage and failedLoginPage out of the /html/* in 
order for the filter not to be invoked when opening those 
is the way it should work (IMHO) per the current spec.

  -Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: Anders Janmyr 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Skickat: den 23 mars 2001 
  04:02Till: Orion-InterestÄmne: SV: Problem with Filters 
  and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5
  filter and it's mapping is shown below. Tomcat does not invoke the filter when 
  the RequestDispatcher is used.
  Since the RequestDispatcher is internal it would seem 
  that it should not invoke the filters. This is however not specified in the 
  Servlet2.3 spec.
  you can see in this configuration the LoginPage is in the protected directory. 
  If I move it out everything works properly unless I try to include a file from 
  the protected directory. Then the filter is invoked again.
  don't think this is the way it should work.
  /init-param /filter
-Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]För Magnus 
RydinSkickat: den 23 mars 2001 09:46Till: 
Orion-InterestÄmne: SV: Problem with Filters and 
RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5
How does your filter mapping look? Does Tomcat ivoke filters on forward/include? WR 
 -Ursprungligt meddelande-  Från: Anders Janmyr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Skickat: den 23 mars 2001 00:25  Till: Orion-Interest  Ämne: Problem 
with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5
Hello,   I am trying 
to use filters for authenticating users. My filter uses  RequestDispatcher.forward to show a login page when the user 
needs to  authenticate himself.   This results in the filter beeing 
invoked again. It seems that the  
RequestDispatcher in orion (both forward and include) invokes 
 the filter  again. 
Tomcat does not do this. What is the correct behavior?  The spec does  not say how it should 
be working.   Any 
help would be appreciated.   Anders   

Re: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5

2001-03-23 Thread Marcel Schutte

Just out of curiosity, but why don't you use the standard servlet provisions
for authentication? Are there things you can do more easily using filters?
I'm just starting to look at what filters can do, so any comments are


- Original Message -
From: "Anders Janmyr" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: SV: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5

 SV: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5My filter and
 it's mapping is shown below. Tomcat does not invoke the filter when the
 RequestDispatcher is used.
 Since the RequestDispatcher is internal it would seem that it should not
 invoke the filters. This is however not specified in the Servlet2.3 spec.

 As you can see in this configuration the LoginPage is in the protected
 directory. If I move it out everything works properly unless I try to
 include a file from the protected directory. Then the filter is invoked
 I don't think this is the way it should work.




   -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Fr Magnus Rydin
   Skickat: den 23 mars 2001 09:46
   Till: Orion-Interest
   mne: SV: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5

   How does your filter mapping look?
   Does Tomcat ivoke filters on forward/include?

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Frn: Anders Janmyr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat: den 23 mars 2001 00:25
Till: Orion-Interest
mne: Problem with Filters and RequestDispatcher in Orion 1.4.5
I am trying to use filters for authenticating users. My filter uses
RequestDispatcher.forward to show a login page when the user needs to
authenticate himself.
This results in the filter beeing invoked again. It seems that the
RequestDispatcher in orion (both forward and include) invokes
the filter
again. Tomcat does not do this. What is the correct behavior?
The spec does
not say how it should be working.
Any help would be appreciated.

RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team. Are they still around?

2001-03-23 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

You may be right.  Anyone from either the Orion staff, or someone on this
list outside the Orion staff, have any additional information to share?

-Original Message-
From: Fink, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 5:29 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
team. Are they still around?

That line worked for a few months.
Now, it getting to be clear that there is no new company.

 -Original Message-
 From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 1:19 PM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
 team. Are they still around?
 Orion had admitted having problems providing a support level needed by
 companies, and that is one of the reasons for the new company, but the
 process is taking longer then anticipated.  Hopefully, down the road,
 will get back to normal, along with enhanced accounting, marketing,
 documentation, etc. 

RE: Weblogic and Orion 6.

2001-03-23 Thread Justen Stepka

What about the remote stubs that Weblogic 6 generates? Do I need to
somehow put these files into my class path?

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Allen Fogleson wrote:

 basically you are going to have to instantiate your properties (or
 hashtable) with the values specific to wl.

 If I recall you need the providerURL to be t3://hostname
 (might be forced to use rmi there )

 and then the context factory is WLInitialContextFactory (if I remember
 right) and then you have security principle stuff if needed.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Justen Stepka
 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:28 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Weblogic and Orion 6.

 My company has decided to use Weblogic 6 for the backend J2EE server, but
 I managed to convince the project managers to use Orion for the war.

 For the last day I've been playing with getting Orion to communicate with
 Weblogic 6 but I just can't get an initialcontext with any value from
 Weblogic to use with the servlets running on Orion.

 Has anyone done this before? What do I need to do so that I can get a
 remote interface to Orion?

 Justen Stepka

RE: Servlet Parameters

2001-03-23 Thread Chuck Butkus

I just wanted to post that I found the problem.  I was using a servlet
mapping with a url pattern of "/".  For some reason the servlet parameters
don't come through with this servlet mapping.

When I changed the servlet mapping from "/" to "/servlet", everything
worked fine.

This would seem to me to be a bug in Orion.  I haven't checked Bugzilla
yet, but I will when a get a chance.

-Original Message-
From: Chuck Butkus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 3:59 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Servlet Parameters

I am having a problem with servlet parameters.  My servlets
gets parameters when I put Orion in debug mode and put it
directly under the "/orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/classes/"
directory,  but the parameters don't come through when I put it in a 
web application.

Has anyone else seen this problem?  Is there anything special that needs
to go into the "web.xml" file so a servlet can accept parameters. I would
greatly appreciate any help.

Chuck Butkus

RE: Weblogic and Orion 6.

2001-03-23 Thread Justen Stepka

Right, I got this part working, but I'm getting a
java.lang.ClassCastException error when I try to narrow the object. Any

Justen Stepka

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Allen Fogleson wrote:

 basically you are going to have to instantiate your properties (or
 hashtable) with the values specific to wl.

 If I recall you need the providerURL to be t3://hostname
 (might be forced to use rmi there )

 and then the context factory is WLInitialContextFactory (if I remember
 right) and then you have security principle stuff if needed.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Justen Stepka
 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:28 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Weblogic and Orion 6.

 My company has decided to use Weblogic 6 for the backend J2EE server, but
 I managed to convince the project managers to use Orion for the war.

 For the last day I've been playing with getting Orion to communicate with
 Weblogic 6 but I just can't get an initialcontext with any value from
 Weblogic to use with the servlets running on Orion.

 Has anyone done this before? What do I need to do so that I can get a
 remote interface to Orion?

 Justen Stepka

RE: Servlet Parameters

2001-03-23 Thread Hani Suleiman

No i isn't a bug, the servlet spec explicitly disallows servlets from
being mapped to /

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Chuck Butkus wrote:

 I just wanted to post that I found the problem.  I was using a servlet
 mapping with a url pattern of "/".  For some reason the servlet parameters
 don't come through with this servlet mapping.
 When I changed the servlet mapping from "/" to "/servlet", everything
 worked fine.
 This would seem to me to be a bug in Orion.  I haven't checked Bugzilla
 yet, but I will when a get a chance.
 -Original Message-
 From: Chuck Butkus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 3:59 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Servlet Parameters
 I am having a problem with servlet parameters.  My servlets
 gets parameters when I put Orion in debug mode and put it
 directly under the "/orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/classes/"
 directory,  but the parameters don't come through when I put it in a 
 web application.
 Has anyone else seen this problem?  Is there anything special that needs
 to go into the "web.xml" file so a servlet can accept parameters. I would
 greatly appreciate any help.
 Chuck Butkus

com.evermind...HttpIOException and Xerces blocking JDBC Connection

2001-03-23 Thread Michael N. Christoff

I wrote a servlet that parses the input stream of a request in the doPost()
method using xerces.  If I parse the input stream and then try to use jdbc,
the following line stalls:

Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection();

After about 5 seconds of waiting for that line to execute, I get the
following exception:

Read timed out
com.evermind.server.http.HttpIOException: Read timed out
at Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser.parse(
at com.crysalis.messaging.mxml.MxmlParser.parse(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)

If I remove the code that parses the input stream, everything works
correctly.  Here is a sample of my current code:

 BufferedInputStream bis = new
 MxmlParser parser = new MxmlParser();
 inMsg = parser.parse(bis);// this method uses xerces SAX parser
// line below never finishes executing
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL);

I must point out that it is not the length of time it takes to parse the xml
that is causing the timeout.  In the code, the xml is fully parsed before
the jdbc call is made, and the jdbc call alone takes stalls for over 5
seconds before the exception is thrown!  When I remove the code that parses
the xml, the jdbc call is completed in less than 0.5 seconds.

Anyone know whats going on?  Anyone seen anything like this before?

Mike Christoff

RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team. Are they still around?

2001-03-23 Thread Thomas Pridham

I know that I got my invoice faxed to me just hours after posting my
complaints on this list.  I am glad that they responded, however, I cannot
continue to do business in this manner.  I build J2EE solutions for multiple
clients and recommend the app server that should be purchased.  I greatly
enjoy developing / deploying apps using Orion, but I cannot continue
purchasing Orion licenses with the "we will give customer support when they
scream" type of customer support mentality.

Hey Orion employees - If you are overwhelmed and overworked and are having
trouble keeping up, why not just tell us?  I would like to continue
purchasing Orion licenses, but how about some honesty?

Thanks for reading,
Tom Pridham
Software Engineer
Computer Management Consultants

-Original Message-
From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 8:44 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
team. Are they still around?

You may be right.  Anyone from either the Orion staff, or someone on this
list outside the Orion staff, have any additional information to share?

-Original Message-
From: Fink, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 5:29 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
team. Are they still around?

That line worked for a few months.
Now, it getting to be clear that there is no new company.

 -Original Message-
 From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 1:19 PM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
 team. Are they still around?
 Orion had admitted having problems providing a support level needed by
 companies, and that is one of the reasons for the new company, but the
 process is taking longer then anticipated.  Hopefully, down the road,
 will get back to normal, along with enhanced accounting, marketing,
 documentation, etc. 

Removing Dependent Objects

2001-03-23 Thread Nick Newman


I have an application in which an entity bean has a collection of dependent 
objects.  When I ask for one of these dependent objects to be removed, 
Orion generates a SQL command with a WHERE clause which specifies all of 
the columns of the DO.  If some of these columns are null, Orion generates 
WHERE ... COL = NULL ..., which is not valid SQL (should be COL IS 
NULL).  With some databases this causes the remove to fail.

Has anyone else had this problem and found a way to work around it?


RE: Removing SBs when expiring HttpSessions ... the challenge continues.

2001-03-23 Thread Gerald Gutierrez

As with anything, the devil is in the details.

SBs expire in one of a number of ways. The two main ways are: you call
remove() or they time out. This is well known. So if you have your SB bound
to an HttpSession, everything works and you get get your SB from the session
at any time.

The REAL ISSUE is, however, the security issues with how you clean up that
SB when the HttpSession expires. This is something it seems no one really
understands, and it seems to me to be a fairly critical to the proper
working of J2EE.

The servlet spec does not say anything about WHO calls
HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound() when an HttpSession expires.
Assume (arbitrarly) that it is an "unauthenticated user" (Orion calls this a
"guest"), then if you call ejb.remove() within valueUnbound(), the EJB will
be called with the guest user. Well, what if the remove() method is
protected by security constraints and guest is not allowed? What if you had
to call other methods to clean up that session?

Well, someone said "log in with a special user before calling remove()". It
doesn't work because one tries to JNDI-lookup a RoleManager to log in, Orion
throws an exception saying "javax.naming.NamingException: Not in an
application scope". Okay, so just call remove() and do the login in there.
That DID work, but WHY? I have my remove() method secured so only
authenticated users can hit it. And what if you had to call OTHER methods in
addition to remove()?

From the responses, it seems either that no one has previously recognized
this as a problem, or that they're ignoring it, or I'm just all wrong.

So please, am I wrong, or is there an issue here?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Petr Podsednik
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 12:37 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Removing SBs when expiring HttpSessions ... the challenge

If It is possible I have a question regarding this problem.
Until now I was thinking there is no problem regarding HttpSession expiring
because of garbage collector which knows what remote references became
invalid. Please tell me, if I am wrong and why. If it is must be handled in
code what about for example Swing clients machine's crashing?

 When an HttpSession expires, it calls valueUnbound() on all session-bound
 variables that implement the HttpSessionBindingListener interface. So this
 provides a way for expiring HTTP sessions to remove session beans that
 otherwise stay active and eventually consume all resources and cause the
 server to crash.

RE: Removing SBs when expiring HttpSessions ... the challenge continues.

2001-03-23 Thread Tim Endres

We do not have the problem that you describe.

Why? Because we do not let the container perform the authentication.
We handle authentication *entirely* in our own code, and completely
ignore the J2EE/container authentication. Thus, our servlets always
access the EJB SB's using a single user/password that is assigned to
the servlet. The user/password are not known outside of the company.

As I indicated in my previous posting, we handle everything in the
SB's with our own UserSession entity bean. When a user logs in, they
get a UserSession EB that determines their priveleges. The privelege
is handled entirely within our code. We do not use container privelege
at all except to secure the handful of methods involved in establishing
the UserSession.

This design has eliminated almost every complaint that people have posted
regarding container authentication, priveleges, and sessions. Further, it
allows us to implement "higher level" permission management that can not
be managed by the container (such as, can this user modify a record based
on their relationship to the owner of the record).


 As with anything, the devil is in the details.
 SBs expire in one of a number of ways. The two main ways are: you call
 remove() or they time out. This is well known. So if you have your SB bound
 to an HttpSession, everything works and you get get your SB from the session
 at any time.
 The REAL ISSUE is, however, the security issues with how you clean up that
 SB when the HttpSession expires. This is something it seems no one really
 understands, and it seems to me to be a fairly critical to the proper
 working of J2EE.
 The servlet spec does not say anything about WHO calls
 HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound() when an HttpSession expires.
 Assume (arbitrarly) that it is an "unauthenticated user" (Orion calls this a
 "guest"), then if you call ejb.remove() within valueUnbound(), the EJB will
 be called with the guest user. Well, what if the remove() method is
 protected by security constraints and guest is not allowed? What if you had
 to call other methods to clean up that session?
 Well, someone said "log in with a special user before calling remove()". It
 doesn't work because one tries to JNDI-lookup a RoleManager to log in, Orion
 throws an exception saying "javax.naming.NamingException: Not in an
 application scope". Okay, so just call remove() and do the login in there.
 That DID work, but WHY? I have my remove() method secured so only
 authenticated users can hit it. And what if you had to call OTHER methods in
 addition to remove()?
 From the responses, it seems either that no one has previously recognized
 this as a problem, or that they're ignoring it, or I'm just all wrong.
 So please, am I wrong, or is there an issue here?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Petr Podsednik
 Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 12:37 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Removing SBs when expiring HttpSessions ... the challenge
 If It is possible I have a question regarding this problem.
 Until now I was thinking there is no problem regarding HttpSession expiring
 because of garbage collector which knows what remote references became
 invalid. Please tell me, if I am wrong and why. If it is must be handled in
 code what about for example Swing clients machine's crashing?
  When an HttpSession expires, it calls valueUnbound() on all session-bound
  variables that implement the HttpSessionBindingListener interface. So this
  provides a way for expiring HTTP sessions to remove session beans that
  otherwise stay active and eventually consume all resources and cause the
  server to crash.

RE: Weblogic and Orion 6.

2001-03-23 Thread Justen Stepka


I have the class cast exception removed, but it's a really strange fix.

I've zipped up the class files com/blah/something/hi into a zip and placed
the zip file into the orion/lib dir. The class files from the
web-inf/classes directory match the class files in the .zip but when the
zip is added to the lib folder everything runs fine.

Is this normal?

Justen Stepka

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Justen Stepka wrote:

 Right, I got this part working, but I'm getting a
 java.lang.ClassCastException error when I try to narrow the object. Any

 Justen Stepka

 On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Allen Fogleson wrote:

  basically you are going to have to instantiate your properties (or
  hashtable) with the values specific to wl.
  If I recall you need the providerURL to be t3://hostname
  (might be forced to use rmi there )
  and then the context factory is WLInitialContextFactory (if I remember
  right) and then you have security principle stuff if needed.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Justen Stepka
  Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:28 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Weblogic and Orion 6.
  My company has decided to use Weblogic 6 for the backend J2EE server, but
  I managed to convince the project managers to use Orion for the war.
  For the last day I've been playing with getting Orion to communicate with
  Weblogic 6 but I just can't get an initialcontext with any value from
  Weblogic to use with the servlets running on Orion.
  Has anyone done this before? What do I need to do so that I can get a
  remote interface to Orion?
  Justen Stepka

JMS queue not found

2001-03-23 Thread Christian Billen

I'm trying to connect to a JMS queue from a stateless session bean.

I got the feeling I am missing something, I get a
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jms/SyncQueue not found

Here is what I have,

my jms.xml has an entry like this:

jms-server port="9127"
!--I tried with or without this queue-connection-factory, same
queue-connection-factory location="jms/QueueConnectionFactory" /
queue name="syncqueue" location="jms/SyncQueue"
descriptionSome queue for testing/description

my ejb-jar.xml session bean has the following:


And the code in my session bean is as follow:

context = new InitialContext();
QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory =


  /* The line below throws the javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:
jms/SyncQueue not found */

Queue syncQueue = (Queue)

I must be blind to something, what am I doing wrong ?


RE: can you have multiple load balancers

2001-03-23 Thread Larry Velez
Title: RE: can you have multiple load balancers

If you setup multiple hardware load balancers for failover then this should be transparent to Orion. The load balancers will act as one and take over one another in the event of a failover. Orion should not even notice the change. (neither should your site visitors.


-Original Message-
From: calvin matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 12:32 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: can you have multiple load balancers


Our site must be able to cope a large number of concurrent users. I have
been able to setup the loadbalancer and clustering on Orion, but have a few

a) Can you replace the loadbalancer application transparently with a
hardware load balancer such as cisco local director?

b) Does Orion support the use of multiple load balancers to avoid single
point of failure?

c) Can you SSL HTTPS load balance?

Thanks in advance,


RE: Servlet Parameters

2001-03-23 Thread Chuck Butkus

Then the orion primer ought to be updated since "" 
has a web.xml file that uses a servlet mapping of "/"

-Original Message-
From: Hani Suleiman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 10:16 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Servlet Parameters

No i isn't a bug, the servlet spec explicitly disallows servlets from
being mapped to /

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Chuck Butkus wrote:

 I just wanted to post that I found the problem.  I was using a servlet
 mapping with a url pattern of "/".  For some reason the servlet parameters
 don't come through with this servlet mapping.
 When I changed the servlet mapping from "/" to "/servlet", everything
 worked fine.
 This would seem to me to be a bug in Orion.  I haven't checked Bugzilla
 yet, but I will when a get a chance.
 -Original Message-
 From: Chuck Butkus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 3:59 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Servlet Parameters
 I am having a problem with servlet parameters.  My servlets
 gets parameters when I put Orion in debug mode and put it
 directly under the "/orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/classes/"
 directory,  but the parameters don't come through when I put it in a 
 web application.
 Has anyone else seen this problem?  Is there anything special that needs
 to go into the "web.xml" file so a servlet can accept parameters. I would
 greatly appreciate any help.
 Chuck Butkus

Specification for java.naming.provider.url...

2001-03-23 Thread Alex Paransky

Orion's documentation talks about specifying the java.naming.provider.url in
the following format:

java.naming.provider.url=ormi://localhost/domain (application)

At a different time, I was having a problem trying to connect one Orion
Server (JSP) to another Orion Server using
ClientApplicationInitialContextFactory, but was getting a
NullPointerException with the message of "domain was null".  Is this the
domain it's refering to?  If so, what should be the domain? Where is it
configured? Is domain (application) a missprint, should it just be



2001-03-23 Thread elton


problem running oracle with orion: 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found!

2001-03-23 Thread Roland Dong

I tried to run oracl with orion. When I started orion I got the following
error message:

Error initializing server: DriverManagerDataSource driver
'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found.   Where is driver supposed to
be located?  I have set the environment so that the is included
in the classpath.

Should class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource" include

this is my data-source.xml:

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion data-sources"

An example/default DataSource that uses an ordinary
JDBC-driver (in this case hsql) to create the connections.
This tag creates all the needed kinds
of data-sources, transactional, pooled and EJB-aware sources.
The source generally used in application code is the "EJB"
one - it provides transactional safety and connection pooling.



Please help!


RE: problem running oracle with orion: 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found!

2001-03-23 Thread elephantwalker

I believe that its the class path stuff, doesn't work with a jar. You need
to drop the (weird, I am using in the lib

Your data-sources is fine.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roland Dong
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 10:10 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: problem running oracle with orion:
'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found!

I tried to run oracl with orion. When I started orion I got the following
error message:

Error initializing server: DriverManagerDataSource driver
'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found.   Where is driver supposed to
be located?  I have set the environment so that the is included
in the classpath.

Should class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource" include

this is my data-source.xml:

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion data-sources"

An example/default DataSource that uses an ordinary
JDBC-driver (in this case hsql) to create the connections.
This tag creates all the needed kinds
of data-sources, transactional, pooled and EJB-aware sources.
The source generally used in application code is the "EJB"
one - it provides transactional safety and connection pooling.



Please help!


RE: Tag libraries

2001-03-23 Thread Thanh, Dao Chung Thanh

.tld file is located in the .jar file.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Burr 
  SutterSent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:56 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Re: Tag libraries
  Normally taglib-location (in web.xml) points to a 
  .tld file, tag library descriptor also in web-inf.
  I've not seen this point to a jar in web-inf/lib 
  before. Perhaps that works but I've not seen it.
- Original Message - 
Thanh, Dao Chung Thanh 

To: Orion-Interest 
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 3:50 
Subject: Tag libraries


I have Orion 
1.4.7/JDK1.3/Windows 2000 and I have a problem when I try 
to useseveral tag libraries in one JSP page.
Here are my 

in the JSP 

 %@ taglib uri="vsece-taglib" 
prefix="vsece" % %@ taglib uri="vsdev-taglib" 
prefix="vsdev" %



and the .jar 
files are in WEB-INF/lib directory.

But Orion seams 
that it doesn't realize my second tag library. Would you tell me where I 
have failed?

Thanks in 

RE: problem running oracle with orion: 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found!

2001-03-23 Thread Wagner, SnowWolf CAR

the file is and should be in the orion/lib


-Original Message-
From: Roland Dong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 1:10 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: problem running oracle with orion:
'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found!

I tried to run oracl with orion. When I started orion I got the following
error message:

Error initializing server: DriverManagerDataSource driver
'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found.   Where is driver supposed to
be located?  I have set the environment so that the is included
in the classpath.

Should class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource" include

this is my data-source.xml:

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion data-sources"

An example/default DataSource that uses an ordinary
JDBC-driver (in this case hsql) to create the connections.
This tag creates all the needed kinds
of data-sources, transactional, pooled and EJB-aware
The source generally used in application code is the "EJB"
one - it provides transactional safety and connection



Please help!
