SV: Error deserializing session

2001-04-09 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: Error deserializing session

Sounds like you have stuff in your session that can't be serialized. 
Was it during restart or session timeout?

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Fran: Sergei Batiuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 8 april 2001 05:26
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Amne: Error deserializing session
 Hello all,
 What does the following error mean? It looks more like a 
 warning, since I
 did not encounter any abnormal behavior with orion. Is it 
 serious? What
 might have caused it?
 Error deserializing session: 
 Writing aborted
 by e
 xception; com.evermind.sql.ak

RE: During development, how to allow only a couple of ips, including my local system, to view the site?

2001-04-09 Thread Meo Van Le

I think you can use Servlet Filter in this situation. Please refer to
Clickstream Analyser application as a guideline ( ).

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Duffey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 11:32 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: During development, how to allow only a couple of ips,
including my local system, to view the site?

Hi all,

I would like to block out ALL ips from viewing my site (using my static ip)
except for a few ips, which are from co-workers over the internet. Is this
possible? If so, how? I read in the orion-web.xml.html file about ip-access
tag, and when I tried it, it did block off all ips. But when I added when to
allow it, such as "localhost" or my direct IP, sometimes it wouldn't allow
it, and other times the browser sat and spun for about 5 minutes, then
reported a time out.


No Subject

2001-04-09 Thread Denis Kranjcec


I'm want to use Resin as servlet/jsp container and Orion as ejb container.

I followed simple instructions on resin web site on how to connect servlet
to ejb but I get ClassCastException.
Orion returns __Proxy0 class instead hello.ejb.HelloHome
Exception :

500 Servlet Exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to get home interface:
java.lang.ClassCastException: __Proxy0 was not an instance of interface
hello.ejb.HelloHome, the interfaces it implements is
at hello.web.HelloServlet.init(
at com.caucho.server.http.Application.createServlet(
at com.caucho.server.http.Application.loadServlet(
at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(, Compiled
at com.caucho.server.http.CacheInvocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleConnection(,
Compiled Code)
at, Compiled Code)

I have copied hello-planet.war to resin.

There is answer in resin documentation that I should clear the CLASSPATH
environment before starting resin. I have done that but I still get
ClassCastException. (I don't understand why should that help but I have
tried that)

Do you know how to solve that problem?

Thanks in advance

Denis Kranjcec

Orion Resin problem

2001-04-09 Thread Denis Kranjcec


I'm want to use Resin as servlet/jsp container and Orion as ejb container.

I followed simple instructions on resin web site on how to connect servlet
to ejb but I get ClassCastException.
Orion returns __Proxy0 class instead hello.ejb.HelloHome
Exception :

500 Servlet Exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to get home interface:
java.lang.ClassCastException: __Proxy0 was not an instance of interface
hello.ejb.HelloHome, the interfaces it implements is
at hello.web.HelloServlet.init(
at com.caucho.server.http.Application.createServlet(
at com.caucho.server.http.Application.loadServlet(
at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(, Compiled
at com.caucho.server.http.CacheInvocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleConnection(,
Compiled Code)
at, Compiled Code)

I have copied hello-planet.war to resin.

There is answer in resin documentation that I should clear the CLASSPATH
environment before starting resin. I have done that but I still get
ClassCastException. (I don't understand why should that help but I have
tried that)

Do you know how to solve that problem?

Thanks in advance

Denis Kranjcec

RE: Error : Interbase schema and deployment

2001-04-09 Thread Randahl Fink Isaksen

If it 
is of any help toyou, I can inform you that I used Borland/Interbase 
instead of Firebird/Interbase, and that works fine with Interclient. So if you 
do not find a solution you might try Borland/Interbase instead - you will 
probably not be able to note the difference anyway, since it is so close to 
being the same product.



-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter 
NordlundSent: 7. april 2001 18:55To: 
Orion-InterestSubject: Error : Interbase schema and 

  I am trying to change the database from hsql to 
  Interbase (well, actually firebird 0.94...)
  in the CMP primer example for orion.
  My setup of Interbase followed the "Falk 
  Langhammers database schema for Interbase " input to the 
  It was easy, and I appreciate it.
  But it doesnt work for me.
  I get this error when starting the Orion server 
  C:\orionjava -Djsp.reuse.tags=false -jar 
  orion.jar  Auto-unpacking 
  C:\code\addressbook\build\addressbook.ear... done. 
  done.  Auto-deploying addressbook (New 
  server version detected)...  
  Auto-deploying addressbook-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)... SQL 

   [interclient] Installed versions of InterClient and 
  InterServer use in  compatible 
  client/server protocol versions.  See 
  API reference for exception 
   Warning: Error creating table: 

   [interclient] Installed versions of InterClient and 
  InterServer use incompatible client/server protocol 
  versions.  See API reference 
  for exception 
   DataSourceConnection was not closed! 
  I did look at the API, and this is mentioned. But 
  I cant seem to solve the problem...
  What has happened, and how can i fix it 
  This is my data-sources.xml :
  inactivity-timeout="30" /
  / Peter Nordlund
   "The mouse has moved - Windows needs to be restarted for the changes to take 

Re: During development, how to allow only a couple of ips,including mylocal system, to view the site?

2001-04-09 Thread Daniel Lopez

Hi Kev,

I had a similar problem but for my production applications. I wanted my
solution to be flexible and server independent so what I did was create
a servlet filter, as someone else has already suggested. I've had it for
production for almost a month and so far so good.
I have to admit that I went a little further down the road and I allowed
to specify the IP/hostnames to be allowed denied through an xml file
that can be read from a file, a URL or a database. That way I got
maximum flexibility.
These are the links that I used to create my filter:\

I hope this helps,

Kevin Duffey wrote:
 Hi all,
 I would like to block out ALL ips from viewing my site (using my static ip)
 except for a few ips, which are from co-workers over the internet. Is this
 possible? If so, how? I read in the orion-web.xml.html file about ip-access
 tag, and when I tried it, it did block off all ips. But when I added when to
 allow it, such as "localhost" or my direct IP, sometimes it wouldn't allow
 it, and other times the browser sat and spun for about 5 minutes, then
 reported a time out.

Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Web Services
Computer Center
Balearic Islands University

Building an application

2001-04-09 Thread olivier
Title: SV: Error deserializing session


I am 
new to Orion, and I have recently been trying to build an application (ear) with 
not much success. Basically, Orion seems to deploys all the components, but I 
can't get the first page to open on the browser.
I am 
using struts as a framework, with the fix I have seen on this site (remove the 
dtd from the jar and put them under classes), and struts does not seem to be the 
problem now (especially since my first page is an 

earis in orion\applications


of application.xml for the ear
descriptionApplication description/description 
/web /module 

I put 
this in default-web-site
web-app application="taskforce" 
name="taskforceWebApp" root="/taskforce"/
in server.xml
application name="taskforce" 
path="../applications/taskforce.ear" / 

I have 
tried with the news.ear coming with orion, but same problem.

Any clue?



RE: parsePostData

2001-04-09 Thread Ernie Phelps


Is one of the form fields an input type="file"? If not, why not just use
request.getParameter("parameterName")? Could you give a little more info
about what you are trying to do?

- Ernie

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Frank LaRosa
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 12:51 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: parsePostData

I'm having some trouble parsing form data in a JSP page.

I'm using this code:

Hashtable ht = HttpUtils.parsePostData( request.getContentLength(),
request.getInputStream() );

The result is always a Hashtable with a size of zero, even though there
should be data in the form.

I posted the form with form method="POST" action="myPage.jsp". Can anyone
spot what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.

Re: SV: Error deserializing session

2001-04-09 Thread Dan North

For a stateful session bean, you need to ensure that anything to be
serialized is Serializable (ie. implements, or is a
primitive type. If there is stuff you don't want/need to be
serialized you should explicitly declare it transient, and 
set the appropriate values in a method called:

public void setSessionContext( javax.ejb.SessionContext ) throws

which is called when the session bean is reactivated.


At 08:19 09/04/2001 +0200, you wrote:

Sounds like you have
stuff in your session that can't be serialized. 
Was it during restart or session timeout? 

 -Ursprungligt meddelande- 
 Fran: Sergei Batiuk

 Skickat: den 8 april 2001 05:26 
 Till: Orion-Interest 
 Amne: Error deserializing session 
 Hello all, 
 What does the following error mean? It looks more like
 warning, since I 
 did not encounter any abnormal behavior with orion. Is
 serious? What 
 might have caused it? 
 Error deserializing session: 
 Writing aborted 
 by e 

Dan North
VP Development - Cadrion Software Ltd - +44 (0)20
7440 9550

This e-mail and any attachments are confidential 
and may also be privileged. If you are not the named recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the 
contents to another person, use it for any purpose, or store 
or copy the information in any medium

RE: How to start EJB development using Orion?

2001-04-09 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

In addition, check the tutorial out at

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 12:44 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: How to start EJB development using Orion?

references that might be a help include:

Sun's j2ee specification
Servlet 2.2 spec
JSP 1.1 spec

I find that tutorials at 
are excellent.

AFAIK all you need to do to inform orion of the existance of those files is
to edit server.xml, to point to your root dir.

 application name="taglib-test" path="..\applications\taglib-test"

You need application.xml in meta-inf.  This is what you must inform orion
of  Application.xml contains references to your modules.

 display-nameTag Tutorial/display-name

And the directory structure


This is a quick overview (and may contain errors and omissions)  Try the
tutorials on orionsupport and jollem.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/09/01 12:50pm 
Hi all --

   I'm new to EJB development, and am trying to start with Orion Server, but
I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to even begin.  I've written a
bean and all the interfaces, which are all sitting in class files in the
c:\java directory.  I created a META-INF directory off of that, and created
an ejb-jar.xml file in there.
   However, I can find *no* information about how to inform Orion about the
existence of these files.  I was trying to follow, but it references a
config/ejb.xml file which simply doesn't exist.  I'm guessing it's old.
   Is there a simple step-by-step explanation of which files need to be
modified, in what order, and what else I need to do to start doing
development work?  Am I better off just using a better (i.e. better
supported and more completely documented) appserver?

-- Chris

wrong servlet executed bug in 1.4.7

2001-04-09 Thread Russ White

logged bug #394

the following occurs only under 1.4.7

I created two simple servlets.

Servlet1  Servlet2

One simply creates a link to the other one.

When I run the first servlet like so
http://host/servlet/com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet1 and click on the link
to the second servlet Orion simply runs the first servlet again.

code follows

Servlet #1

package com.sequenet.test.servlet;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

 * Title:Main Project
 * Description:  This is my main project.
 * Copyright:Copyright (c) 2001
 * Company:  Sara Lee
 * @author Russ White
 * @version 1.0

public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet {
  public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {

  public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
  throws IOException, ServletException {
"Servlet1bra href=\"com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet2\""+
"link to Servlet2/a"+

Servlet #2

package com.sequenet.test.servlet;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

 * Title:Main Project
 * Description:  This is my main project.
 * Copyright:Copyright (c) 2001
 * Company:  Sara Lee
 * @author Russ White
 * @version 1.0

public class Servlet2 extends HttpServlet {
  public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {

  public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
  throws IOException, ServletException {
"Servlet2bra href=\"com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet1\""+
"link to Servlet1/a"+

SV: wrong servlet executed bug in 1.4.7

2001-04-09 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: wrong servlet executed bug in 1.4.7

Is the bug that you dont get an 404 when following the link?
Or is /servlet/ missing from your post here (Servlet source)?

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Russ White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 9 april 2001 06:20
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: wrong servlet executed bug in 1.4.7
 logged bug #394
 the following occurs only under 1.4.7
 I created two simple servlets.
 Servlet1  Servlet2
 One simply creates a link to the other one.
 When I run the first servlet like so
 http://host/servlet/com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet1 and 
 click on the link
 to the second servlet Orion simply runs the first servlet again.
 code follows
 Servlet #1
 package com.sequenet.test.servlet;
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 * Title: Main Project
 * Description: This is my main project.
 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
 * Company: Sara Lee
 * @author Russ White
 * @version 1.0
 public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet {
 public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
 public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
 throws IOException, ServletException {
 Servlet1bra href=\com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet2\+
 link to Servlet2/a+
 Servlet #2
 package com.sequenet.test.servlet;
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 * Title: Main Project
 * Description: This is my main project.
 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
 * Company: Sara Lee
 * @author Russ White
 * @version 1.0
 public class Servlet2 extends HttpServlet {
 public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
 public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
 throws IOException, ServletException {
 Servlet2bra href=\com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet1\+
 link to Servlet1/a+

Re: How to start EJB development using Orion?

2001-04-09 Thread Jeff Hubbach

Have you put all your ejb classes, along with the META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file
into a jar yet? After you do that, you have to add an ejb-module.. line to
your application.xml in the config directory. Look at the documentation on
application.xml to find out what parameters you must specify. The best thing to
do in my mind would be to get a good EJB book and walk through some of the
examples. Oreilly's Enterprise JavaBeans 2nd edition is great.


Chris Bergstresser wrote:

 Hi all --

I'm new to EJB development, and am trying to start with Orion Server, but
 I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to even begin.  I've written a
 bean and all the interfaces, which are all sitting in class files in the
 c:\java directory.  I created a META-INF directory off of that, and created
 an ejb-jar.xml file in there.
However, I can find *no* information about how to inform Orion about the
 existence of these files.  I was trying to follow, but it references a
 config/ejb.xml file which simply doesn't exist.  I'm guessing it's old.
Is there a simple step-by-step explanation of which files need to be
 modified, in what order, and what else I need to do to start doing
 development work?  Am I better off just using a better (i.e. better
 supported and more completely documented) appserver?

 -- Chris

Jeff Hubbach
Internet Developer
New Media Designs, Inc.

Re: Syslog

2001-04-09 Thread Eric Anderson

I've used Syslog in several projects now, and it's worked fine.  Are you calling its 
initialization methods to set the logging level?


On Mon, 9 Apr 2001 14:55:50   
 Diego Amicabile wrote:
Hi people,

has anybody tried to use the Syslog from protomatter
inside of Orion (

I have tried and I was not successful. I let a
servlet, which is loaded on startup, load a
configuration file, I used the -Xnoclassgc option, but
even after the Syslog is initialzed nothing is ever
written into the log files. 
What should be done? Any idea?


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RE: wrong servlet executed bug in 1.4.7

2001-04-09 Thread Russ White
Title: SV: wrong servlet executed bug in 1.4.7

link is relative. So as long as I call the first servlet like this: http://host/servlet/com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet1theanchor 
hrefneed not include /servlet/ though for the sake of argument the results 
are the same even if you include /servlet/ in the anchor tag. Actually, even if 
I make the url absolute the results are the same.


-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus 
RydinSent: Monday, April 09, 2001 10:05 AMTo: 
Orion-InterestSubject: SV: wrong servlet executed bug in 

  Is the bug that you dont get an 404 when following the 
  link? Or is "/servlet/" missing from your post here 
  (Servlet source)? WR 
   -Ursprungligt meddelande-  Från: Russ White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Skickat: den 9 april 2001 06:20  Till: Orion-Interest  Ämne: wrong 
  servlet executed bug in 1.4.7logged bug #394   the following occurs only under 
  1.4.7   I created two 
  simple servlets.   
  Servlet1  Servlet2   One simply creates a link to the other one.   When I run the first servlet like 
  so  http://host/servlet/com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet1 
  and  click on the link  to the second servlet Orion simply runs the first servlet 
  again.   code 
  follows   Servlet 
  #1   package 
  com.sequenet.test.servlet;  import 
  javax.servlet.*;  import 
  javax.servlet.http.*;  import*; 
/**  * Title: Main 
  Project  * Description: This is my 
  main project.  * 
  Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001  * Company: Sara Lee 
   * @author Russ White  * @version 1.0  */ 
public class Servlet1 
  extends HttpServlet {  public void 
  init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {  super.init(config);  }   public void service(HttpServletRequest request, 
  HttpServletResponse  response)  throws IOException, 
  ServletException {  
  href=\"com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet2\""+  "link to 
  }  }   Servlet #2   package com.sequenet.test.servlet;  
  import javax.servlet.*;  import 
  javax.servlet.http.*;  import*; 
/**  * Title: Main 
  Project  * Description: This is my 
  main project.  * 
  Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001  * Company: Sara Lee 
   * @author Russ White  * @version 1.0  */ 
public class Servlet2 
  extends HttpServlet {  public void 
  init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {  super.init(config);  }   public void service(HttpServletRequest request, 
  HttpServletResponse  response)  throws IOException, 
  ServletException {  
  href=\"com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet1\""+  "link to 
  }  }   

Alternative Deployment

2001-04-09 Thread calvin matthews


I have been monitoring the orion news group for some 5 months now and I have
never seen the contributers so dejected and negative about its creators as
they have of late. Don't get me wrong, I think that Orion is a fantastic
application server, but the creators have  seemingly fallen of the planet,
the 'new' company has never appeared and confidence in their ability to
support the product seems to be at an all time low.

As a developer I am inclined to stick with orion for development because
it's quick and easy to use. But for deployment our site needs to be up 24x7
and orion with its many support issues is starting to look like a huge risk.

My questions are:
a] What are people using for deployment on high profile sites (as an
alternative to orion - if at all)?
b] What do people consider to be the best alternative/backup application
server to orion (Considering we need J2EE compliance (jsp and ejb), we have
a tight budget and support is essential)?

Currently our live site is operating on a more expensive application server,
but Ideally we would like to move away to something as good as and as good
value as Orion.

Thanks in advance,


When trying to parse jsp inside a servlet - 404

2001-04-09 Thread Eduard Witteveen


I have the following method in a class derived from HttpServlet:

public synchronized void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) 
throws ServletException,IOException {
RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getNamedDispatcher("jsp");
disp.forward(req, res);

and i keep getting a 404(file not found), but i have associated the file with a 
url-pattern, which differs from /*.jsp, so the file is there.
How do i involk the com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet, to parse this given request.

p.s. im actually trying to use jsp as a preprocessor for generation of scripts which 
will then be converted to a binairy reponse. I hope im correct when i use the 
RequestDispatcher.include() with a ServletResponse(implementation), which i will 
convert to a String. 

Eduard WitteveenSysteemontwikkelaar NOS Internet
Mediacentrum Kamer 203, tel. +31(0)35 6773059

Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? : The sixth Satire from Juvenal

RE: WE NEED NEWS! We need to know Orion is alive well!

2001-04-09 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

Thanks for the wonderful update, and for three fellows from Sweden, they are
doing a great job of building a low-cost, application server.  I do hope
they can build some great partnerships with other companies to provide
support contracts, and maybe a technical writer to enhance the
documentation. Personally, I like to see this technology as accessible to as
many people as possible.  Great low cost initiatives like Orion, or open
source efforts, like Jboss, make that possible, and give some good
alternatives to the high priced server initiatives. 

-Original Message-
From: Johan Fredriksson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 10:19 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: WE NEED NEWS! We need to know Orion is alive  well!

I met Karl Avedal yesterday at a Java forum in Stockholm. They're 3
employees as of today, and probably two more joining up shortly. He spoke of
an organic expansion of Ironflare AB.

The main effort is to build partner ships with other companies regarding
support of the product, and to start selling support packs. The license fee
for Orion will remain the same. The support pack is of course another issue.
The reason for partners is that the employees of Ironflare today are
technicians and like to keep doing what they do - programming on the server.

Keeping the license fee low will enable developers to bundle the AS, keeping
the costs low.


- Original Message -
From: "Dan North" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: WE NEED NEWS! We need to know Orion is alive  well!

 Nice analogy :o)

 And one day I'll be able to say that I had all their early albums before
 they became famous...


 At 13:02 05/04/2001 -0500, you wrote:
 How many people are actually working on Orion, and what is their
 forte?  Most likely, it is probably developed and maintain by a small
 number (maybe under six).  Sure, they are successful, and sell, but they
 could sell more.  Think up them as an up and coming rock group.  Add a
 good manager (CEO with a good business plan) and a promoter (a great
 technical writer working the documentation), and suddenly you have U2.
 -Original Message-
 From: Matthew E. Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 11:57 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: WE NEED NEWS! We need to know Orion is alive  well!
 I also would like to here from someone at Ironflare/Orion concerning the
 status of the company.  My company is currently planning to build our
 internal infrastructure on the Orion server.
 -matthew porter
 elephantwalker wrote:
   I have tried to schedule phone calls with Orion by sending emails and
   to ironflare, nothing seems to work. We are going to deploy soon, but
if I
   can't talk to these guys at least once, there's no way we are forking
   any money. We need that "nice fuzzy feeling" that you get by talking
to a
   warm body.
   Are there any paying customers on the news service that are getting
   and reliable service for Orion, either by email or phone?
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Neville
   Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 7:27 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: WE NEED NEWS! We need to know Orion is alive  well!
   Its been around 4 months since Orion went on "life-support" - ie
   - the website went on hold ...
   - Karl  Magnus went silent on company futures except for rare emails
   promising news soon
   - the software development slowed to a crawl [by comparison to last
   year's "rush"]
   - bug fixes slowed to a crawl
   - my email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] went unanswered
   Please Karl, Magnus, give us some news, even if its only to understand
   whats happened in the last 4 months
   -Original Message-
   From: Aaron Tavistock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Thursday, 5 April 2001 11:48 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??
   Wasn't this from *WAY* back in January...
   I know that Orion 1.4.5 was released around January 22nd, there has
   updates to 1.4.7, *AND* there were rumors about 1.4.8.   But, there
   hasn't been any news about the goings on of Evermind/IronFlare.  How
   guys doing?  Whats the state of IronFlare?  It would be nice to hear
   going on...

 Dan North
 VP Development  -  Cadrion Software Ltd  -  +44 (0)20 7440 9550

 This e-mail and any attachments are confidential
 and may also be privileged. If you are not the named recipient,
 please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the
 contents to another person, use it for any purpose, or store
 or copy the information in any medium

RE: Alternative Deployment

2001-04-09 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

  There are approximately 35 servers, according to the flash matrix
comparison.  You should not give up on Orion, but a backup plan is good.
Unfortunately, there is nothing really good in the Orion price range, and if
you can afford it, Web logic is probably the way to go (given they have a
great market share, support, EBB 2.0 compliance, etc.).  If you look at the
open source initiatives, you're best to run with jboss/jetty or
jboss/tomcat.  According to their web site testimonials, some are running in
production now.  If you don't mind paying around five thousand, then Jrun is
fairly good, and I haven't heard much bad press about it.  Personally, I run
Oracle 8I, and if you are running Oracle, the EJB technology is thrown is as
a gift. 

-Original Message-
From: calvin matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 11:24 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Alternative Deployment


I have been monitoring the orion news group for some 5 months now and I have
never seen the contributers so dejected and negative about its creators as
they have of late. Don't get me wrong, I think that Orion is a fantastic
application server, but the creators have  seemingly fallen of the planet,
the 'new' company has never appeared and confidence in their ability to
support the product seems to be at an all time low.

As a developer I am inclined to stick with orion for development because
it's quick and easy to use. But for deployment our site needs to be up 24x7
and orion with its many support issues is starting to look like a huge risk.

My questions are:
a] What are people using for deployment on high profile sites (as an
alternative to orion - if at all)?
b] What do people consider to be the best alternative/backup application
server to orion (Considering we need J2EE compliance (jsp and ejb), we have
a tight budget and support is essential)?

Currently our live site is operating on a more expensive application server,
but Ideally we would like to move away to something as good as and as good
value as Orion.

Thanks in advance,


transaction within a message bean

2001-04-09 Thread Nenad Momcilovic

Hello !

Does anybody know how to set up transaction with in a message driven

I have tried to use transactions in my Message Driven Bean inside Orion.
Once the code I hits the line getUserTransaction()
I got the following exception with the stack trace:

MessageBean: Exception thrown:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only
beans with user-managed transactions can invoke
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only beans with user-managed
transactions can invoke getUserTransaction()

It looks like that the way that I am using transactions within a Message
Driven Bean is illegal.



2001-04-09 Thread Tomas Anderson

The easiest way is to use OpenSSL ( to
create your own root CA and sign a certificate request
made by keytool and you can also use openssl to create
your own client certificates to use for
client-authentication during developement.

Good luck.

--- "Mark A. Richman" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can I create a test SSL certificate?
 Mark A. Richman
 Empire Software, Inc.
 Expert Software Development  Consulting
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 + ...and MUCH more!
 Tel: 954-234-9049
 FN:Mark A. Richman
 ORG:Empire Software, Inc.
 Inc.=0D=0AExpert Software Development 
 =0D=0A+ Internet/Intranet/Extranet=0D=0A+ E-Commerce
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 +, Visual Basic=0D=0A+ XML, SOAP, and Web
 Services=0D=0A+ Linux  Open-Sourc=
 e Solutions=0D=0A+ Database Applications=0D=0A+
 ...and MUCH more!=0D=0A
 ADR;WORK:;954-234-9049;9932 NW 57 Manor;Coral

 NW 57 Manor=0D=0ACoral Springs, FL 33076=0D=0AUSA

Do You Yahoo!?
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Creating new CMP records

2001-04-09 Thread Eduardo Estefano

I have a CMP EJB that has a foreign key field in it (DepartmentID). This
field can be null (removed other fields for simplicity):


The ActivityID and DepartmentID are class variables of the EJB.

I'm trying to create a record with no DepartmentID. But the value of the
DepartmentID is always 0 (zero) because ints default to 0. The end result is
a constraint error because there is no department with ID=0.

My question: How can I tell orion to create the new record with a null value
for DepartmentID instead of 0.

Eduardo Estefano
Integrated Information Systems

RE: Alternative Deployment

2001-04-09 Thread Larry Velez
Title: RE: Alternative Deployment

You could also approach this problem by building the entire environment so that you can tolerate failure of the application server and can replace it partially or entirely with another product. Hardware or Software load balancing solutions and a redundant modular design go a long way in keeping you from being married to a particular product or solution.


-Original Message-
From: calvin matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 12:24 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Alternative Deployment


I have been monitoring the orion news group for some 5 months now and I have
never seen the contributers so dejected and negative about its creators as
they have of late. Don't get me wrong, I think that Orion is a fantastic
application server, but the creators have seemingly fallen of the planet,
the 'new' company has never appeared and confidence in their ability to
support the product seems to be at an all time low.

As a developer I am inclined to stick with orion for development because
it's quick and easy to use. But for deployment our site needs to be up 24x7
and orion with its many support issues is starting to look like a huge risk.

My questions are:
a] What are people using for deployment on high profile sites (as an
alternative to orion - if at all)?
b] What do people consider to be the best alternative/backup application
server to orion (Considering we need J2EE compliance (jsp and ejb), we have
a tight budget and support is essential)?

Currently our live site is operating on a more expensive application server,
but Ideally we would like to move away to something as good as and as good
value as Orion.

Thanks in advance,


Flashline server comparison

2001-04-09 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

For comparison purposes, the flash line matrix can be found at  I may have counted wrong. 

RE: EntityBean Events inside tx.

2001-04-09 Thread ramiro

Firstly, I wanted to thank the list for all the responses I had.
But, the problem is that the suggested solutions involve using
'Transacted JMS' services.   I have not been able to make
JMS aware of the transacions it is running on.  Messages
always get sent, inspite of eventual rollbacks.
I only wanted to know if anyone got this working under Orion 1.4.7
Thanks in advance

Ramiro Diaz Trepat

"Day, Jem BGI WAC" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Orion-Interest 
Sent by:  Subject: RE: EntityBean 
Events inside tx.  
03/04/2001 02:21 p.m.  
Please respond to  

Here's a description of an implementation of the Observer pattern
for EJB.

An alternative is to implement your 'Change Events' as JMS messages, if
you are using 'Transacted JMS' messages are only 'published' when the
encompassing Tx is committed.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 8:25 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: EntityBean Events inside tx.

 We would like our entity beans to propagate events in the same
 fashion than regular java beans.
 Therefore we must, for example, send events notifying of property
 changes inside the bean.  The problem with this is that we don't know
 if this method was called inside a transaction that might be
 rolled back later on, and hence the property change event
 should not have been sent at all.
 Clearly, we want to propagate the events only when the transactions
 are commited.
 Is there a standard "pattern" to manage this sort of thing ?

 Ramiro Diaz Trepat

RE: Creating new CMP records

2001-04-09 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

If you want a CMP field that can be null, use java.lang.Integer instead
of int.


-Original Message-
From:   Eduardo Estefano
Sent:   Mon 4/9/2001 12:10 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject:Creating new CMP records

I have a CMP EJB that has a foreign key field in it (DepartmentID). This
field can be null (removed other fields for simplicity):


The ActivityID and DepartmentID are class variables of the EJB.

I'm trying to create a record with no DepartmentID. But the value of the
DepartmentID is always 0 (zero) because ints default to 0. The end
result is
a constraint error because there is no department with ID=0.

My question: How can I tell orion to create the new record with a null
for DepartmentID instead of 0.

Eduardo Estefano
Integrated Information Systems


Callbacks on session beans... are they legal?

2001-04-09 Thread Alex Paransky

Is it legal for session bean A to create session bean B, and pass it to
session bean C so that C can call on B?

For example, if A is acting as a controller, B is acting as a factory, and C
is acting as an algorithm.  So a controller needs to execute an algorithm
which requires a factory as one of it's parameters.  As the algorithm runs,
it calls on the factory to create the resources it needs.


RE: How to start EJB development using Orion?

2001-04-09 Thread Chris Bergstresser

   I tried.  It's been unreachable for me for the past couple days.  I was
hoping it'd come back up with the start of the work week, but no luck.

-- Chris

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike

 See for two very useful primers for you.

Home methods...

2001-04-09 Thread Alex Paransky

Does Orion support user home methods?  I am trying to create a method in my
session bean, but I get the following exception from orion:

Error compiling
server/service/: Invalid session-EJBHome interface method defined in
com.indnet.symbiosis.service.usermanagement.UserManagementServiceHome: test


Re: How to start EJB development using Orion?

2001-04-09 Thread Stan Ng

bummer... seems like has recently changed their website... i've
been meaning to mirror the primers too... things just got too busy...
there's a (rather dated) copy available at and google has cached versions
of it available.  if anyone can point me to the most recent versions, i'll
make a copy of them.

- Original Message -
From: "Chris Bergstresser" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 5:03 PM
Subject: RE: How to start EJB development using Orion?

I tried.  It's been unreachable for me for the past couple days.  I was
 hoping it'd come back up with the start of the work week, but no luck.

 -- Chris

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike
  See for two very useful primers for you.

RE: Home methods...

2001-04-09 Thread Alex Paransky

Sorry, my bad.  No home methods for sessions.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alex Paransky
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 5:13 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Home methods...

Does Orion support user home methods?  I am trying to create a method in my
session bean, but I get the following exception from orion:

Error compiling
server/service/: Invalid session-EJBHome interface method defined in
com.indnet.symbiosis.service.usermanagement.UserManagementServiceHome: test


RE: How to start EJB development using Orion?

2001-04-09 Thread SCOTT FARQUHAR

Try google cache.

Apart from the downloaded bits - it should all be there.

(I don't have internet access or I'd post the link)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/10/01 10:03am 
   I tried.  It's been unreachable for me for the past couple days.  I was
hoping it'd come back up with the start of the work week, but no luck.

-- Chris

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike

 See for two very useful primers for you.

Re: Building an application

2001-04-09 Thread Daniel Lopez

Hi Oliver, 
Last week I was plating with the same thing and I was successful with
pretty much the same configuration that you have, except that in
application.xml I set the context root to /
(context-root//context-root). Which error are you getting ? 404? Can
you see your .ear file unpackaged?

 olivier wrote:
 I am new to Orion, and I have recently been trying to build an
 application (ear) with not much success. Basically, Orion seems to
 deploys all the components, but I can't get the first page to open on
 the browser.
 I am using struts as a framework, with the fix I have seen on this
 site (remove the dtd from the jar and put them under classes), and
 struts does not seem to be the problem now (especially since my first
 page is an index.html)
 The ear is in orion\applications
 source of application.xml for the ear
   descriptionApplication description/description
 I put this in default-web-site
  web-app application="taskforce" name="taskforceWebApp"
 this in server.xml
  application name="taskforce" path="../applications/taskforce.ear" /
 I have tried with the news.ear coming with orion, but same problem.
 Any clue?

RE: How to start EJB development using Orion?

2001-04-09 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

Another excellent general tutorial set is found at

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 12:44 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: How to start EJB development using Orion?

references that might be a help include:

Sun's j2ee specification
Servlet 2.2 spec
JSP 1.1 spec

I find that tutorials at 
are excellent.

AFAIK all you need to do to inform orion of the existance of those files is to edit 
server.xml, to point to your root dir.

 application name=taglib-test path=..\applications\taglib-test /

You need application.xml in meta-inf.  This is what you must inform orion of  
Application.xml contains references to your modules.

 display-nameTag Tutorial/display-name

And the directory structure


This is a quick overview (and may contain errors and omissions)  Try the tutorials on 
orionsupport and jollem.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/09/01 12:50pm 
Hi all --

   I'm new to EJB development, and am trying to start with Orion Server, but
I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to even begin.  I've written a
bean and all the interfaces, which are all sitting in class files in the
c:\java directory.  I created a META-INF directory off of that, and created
an ejb-jar.xml file in there.
   However, I can find *no* information about how to inform Orion about the
existence of these files.  I was trying to follow, but it references a
config/ejb.xml file which simply doesn't exist.  I'm guessing it's old.
   Is there a simple step-by-step explanation of which files need to be
modified, in what order, and what else I need to do to start doing
development work?  Am I better off just using a better (i.e. better
supported and more completely documented) appserver?

-- Chris


2001-04-09 Thread Diego Amicabile

Hi people,

has anybody tried to use the Syslog from protomatter
inside of Orion (

I have tried and I was not successful. I let a
servlet, which is loaded on startup, load a
configuration file, I used the -Xnoclassgc option, but
even after the Syslog is initialzed nothing is ever
written into the log files. 
What should be done? Any idea?


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Re: WE NEED NEWS! We need to know Orion is alive well!

2001-04-09 Thread Johan Fredriksson

I met Karl Avedal yesterday at a Java forum in Stockholm. They're 3
employees as of today, and probably two more joining up shortly. He spoke of
an organic expansion of Ironflare AB.

The main effort is to build partner ships with other companies regarding
support of the product, and to start selling support packs. The license fee
for Orion will remain the same. The support pack is of course another issue.
The reason for partners is that the employees of Ironflare today are
technicians and like to keep doing what they do - programming on the server.

Keeping the license fee low will enable developers to bundle the AS, keeping
the costs low.


- Original Message -
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: WE NEED NEWS! We need to know Orion is alive  well!

 Nice analogy :o)

 And one day I'll be able to say that I had all their early albums before
 they became famous...


 At 13:02 05/04/2001 -0500, you wrote:
 How many people are actually working on Orion, and what is their
 forte?  Most likely, it is probably developed and maintain by a small
 number (maybe under six).  Sure, they are successful, and sell, but they
 could sell more.  Think up them as an up and coming rock group.  Add a
 good manager (CEO with a good business plan) and a promoter (a great
 technical writer working the documentation), and suddenly you have U2.
 -Original Message-
 From: Matthew E. Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 11:57 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: WE NEED NEWS! We need to know Orion is alive  well!
 I also would like to here from someone at Ironflare/Orion concerning the
 status of the company.  My company is currently planning to build our
 internal infrastructure on the Orion server.
 -matthew porter
 elephantwalker wrote:
   I have tried to schedule phone calls with Orion by sending emails and
   to ironflare, nothing seems to work. We are going to deploy soon, but
if I
   can't talk to these guys at least once, there's no way we are forking
   any money. We need that nice fuzzy feeling that you get by talking
to a
   warm body.
   Are there any paying customers on the news service that are getting
   and reliable service for Orion, either by email or phone?
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Neville
   Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 7:27 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: WE NEED NEWS! We need to know Orion is alive  well!
   Its been around 4 months since Orion went on life-support - ie
   - the website went on hold ...
   - Karl  Magnus went silent on company futures except for rare emails
   promising news soon
   - the software development slowed to a crawl [by comparison to last
   year's rush]
   - bug fixes slowed to a crawl
   - my email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] went unanswered
   Please Karl, Magnus, give us some news, even if its only to understand
   whats happened in the last 4 months
   -Original Message-
   From: Aaron Tavistock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Thursday, 5 April 2001 11:48 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??
   Wasn't this from *WAY* back in January...
   I know that Orion 1.4.5 was released around January 22nd, there has
   updates to 1.4.7, *AND* there were rumors about 1.4.8.   But, there
   hasn't been any news about the goings on of Evermind/IronFlare.  How
   guys doing?  Whats the state of IronFlare?  It would be nice to hear
   going on...

 Dan North
 VP Development  -  Cadrion Software Ltd  -  +44 (0)20 7440 9550

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sharing EJB services ??

2001-04-09 Thread Eddie

Helllu there,

I am sharing EJB services with the property parent in the server.xml file
where I define my j2ee application. However I am only allowed to call mthods
of one other j2ee, by setting the parent property to the other j2ee

However, I  want to call methods of more than one, other j2ee application.
How can I do that ??
