SV: user manager, principals shutdown

2002-01-10 Thread Magnus Rydin

Did you remove the permission for rmi:login?
By default this goes something like:

group name=users
permission name=rmi:login /

(the default administrator is also part of users)
or did you remove the permission for administrator to administrate?
By defaut this goes something like:

group name=administrators
permission name=administration /

or you delete your settings for namespace access in your
It goes something like:

namespace-resource root=
security-role-mapping name=lt;jndi-user-rolegt;
group name=administrators /
namespace-resource root=
security-role-mapping name=lt;jndi-user-rolegt;
group name=administrators /

Hope this helps,

Magnus Rydin
IronFlare AB

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]For Tim Courtney
 Skickat: den 9 januari 2002 04:09
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Amne: user manager, principals  shutdown

 I need some help fixing something I broke.

 I stepped through the user manager tutorial on orionsupport ( ) and managed to
 put BASIC authentication on a certain directory on my site.

 But since then, it seems I deleted the information that allows the
 shutdown command
  java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin x -shutdown

 this command looks up the username/password in the custom UserManager
 and always returns
  Security error: Invalid username/password for default (admin)

 I would prefer that the server admin  the users in the custom
 UserManager be kept separate.

 is my principals.xml meant to have two different groups?

 can the server admin user remain in the xml config as it is when first
 running orion?
 user username=admin password=x deactivated=false

 my application.xml:
 user-manager /

 should there be two different entries here??? one for the BASIC authen,
 and one for server admin ?

 my web.xml:

realm-nameadmin tool/realm-name

 my principals.xml: (however the user is just ignored, and the
 MyUserManager is always used to validate both users)
group name=administrators
descriptionadmin tool users/description
permission name=administration /
 name=com.evermind.server.AdministrationPermission /
user username=admin password=admin deactivated=false
descriptionThe default administrator/description
group-membership group=administrators /

 I hope all that made sense


RE: does orionsupport startup and shut down classes

2002-01-10 Thread The elephantwalker

answer at



  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of meera 
  krishnaraja bhatSent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 5:03 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: does orionsupport startup 
  and shut down classes
  Does ORION support startup and shutdown classes? Here is the scenario, in 
  order to have access to the system resources (file system, legacy 
  applications) from an EJB, it is the violation of EJB spec. However, one 
  can write a java class that accesses system resources and deployed this 
  class in the EJB Server. thanks
  MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Click 

Re: string mappings

2002-01-10 Thread Peter Beck

Just create or alter the database table by hand.
You can then assign whatever length to you varchar fields.

We have disabled the autocreate-tables option in orion-application.xml 
and create all our tables by hand.

hope that helps,

Morten Wilken wrote:

hi all,
i have a situation where i need to make an entitybean with a subject line
and a body text
in the class both these are implemented as Strings, but i need to map the
subject to a short varchar (ie 50 chars) and the body text to a larger one
(but not so large that i need to map it to a blob).. how do i differentiate
between the 2 in the db schema?

Morten Wilken

Peter Beck, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsges.m.b.H.

RE: Distributing EJBs

2002-01-10 Thread Carroll, Jim

I should have mentioned that I tried this; it doesn't help.

Further investigation reveals that Orion seems to save the Context that
is first created in a Map using the application name as a key. Closing
the context after use doesn't seem to remove it from this map. If you
create a new InitialContext, the RMIInitialContextFactory will look up
the implementation of an RMIContext in this (hypothetical) Map using the
application name. If you specify an application name in the URL and you
are within an Orion container (i.e. web OR EJB) that URL must have an
application name that the container recognizes; that is, it must be the
same application that the container is in, or a parent. Otherwise you
get a NullPointerException in the RMIInitialContextFactory.

I'm not sure what the purpose of this functionality is; it doesn't
really help by preventing mistakes.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

-Original Message-
From: The elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 7:43 PM
To: Orion-Interest; Carroll, Jim
Subject: RE: Distributing EJBs

you may need to close the rmi connection before opening up another one.

Do this with the context.close() method.


the elephantwalker

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carroll, Jim
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 11:01 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Distributing EJBs

I should make it clear in what follows that I am trying to load balance
the EJBs in an application, not the web side. I know how to set up
clustering. What I can't get to work is distribution of a set of EJBs
across several servers like the following:

   -- server1 / EJBs
  server0 -   |
  JSP/Servlet Based __|
 EJB Client   |
   -- server2 / EJBs

-Original Message-
From: Carroll, Jim 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 1:42 PM
To: 'Orion-Interest'
Subject: Distributing EJBs

I have been trying to distribute the same application across several
servers for the purposes of load balancing. The team at Orion seems to
have purposely made this impossible. I am using the
RMIInitialContextFactory from the web container (from a JSP page) in
order to round robbin between two servers. The code is rather simple:

  Properties prop = new Properties;

   ... fill in security credentials ...

  InitialContext ic = new IntialContext(prop);
  BeanHome bh = ic.lookup(EJBName);
  BeanRemote br = bh.create();
  br.invokeMethod(); // this executes on server1

  // Now try to execute it on server2


  InitialContext ic2 = new InitialContext(prop);
  BeanHome bh2 = ic2.lookup(EJBName);
  BeanRemote br2 = bh2.create();
  br2.invokeMethod(); // this ALSO executes on server1

The initial url of the RMIInitialContextFactory is used UNTIL server1
fails. Then server2 will start working (again, for every call).

That someone would always want the same server simply because: 1) they
are withing a (web) container (I'm not sure if this works from a stand
alone client or not either), and 2) the application is the same seems an
absurd assumption on the part of the Orion developers. Is there a way
around this?


RE: App server debugging -- HELP

2002-01-10 Thread Carroll, Jim

I'm starting to use 'kill -3' but that again only shows the
parent thread.  

kill -3 should dump a stack trace of all of the threads.

Re: jdbc problems

2002-01-10 Thread Erwin Alberto

You closed the Statement object before you closed the
ResultSet object.  Check your code and make sure that
you closed the ResultSet object first before closing
the Statement.  This is usually found in the finally
clause of your JDBC code.

--- JoseMa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've a Orion server with Oracle datasources
 configured I've put the jdbc debug and in error file
 I look the next message :
 AT: ***
 at com.evermind._bt.close(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._wq.close(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._bt.close(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._wq.close(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._bt.close(Unknown Source)
 In server-out I look the next message:
 new DebugConnection(1)
 Created new physical connection: XA XA Orion Pooled
 new DebugConnection(2)
 new DebugConnection(3)
 Created new physical connection: Pooled [Connection
 3: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@id]
 new DebugConnection(4)
 new DebugPreparedStatement(1)
 new DebugPreparedStatement(2)
 new DebugPreparedStatement(3)
 new DebugPreparedStatement(4)
 new DebugResultSet()
 new DebugResultSet()
 new DebugResultSet()
 new DebugResultSet()
 closing DebugPreparedStatement(1)
 closing DebugPreparedStatement(2)
 closing DebugPreparedStatement(3)
 closing DebugPreparedStatement(4)
 Pooled jdbc:oracle:thin:@machine:port Releasing
 connection Pooled [Connection 3:
 oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@id to pool
 (Pool size: 1)
 closing DebugConnection(4)
 null: Releasing connection XA XA Orion Pooled
 jdbc:oracle:thin:machine:port: to pool (Pool
 size: 1)
 closing DebugConnection(2)
 closing DebugConnection(1)
 closing DebugConnection(3)
 What does it mean? Could you help me? 

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Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

ORMI-HTTP Tunneling through firewall with proxy server

2002-01-10 Thread Frederick,Frank

Has anyone had any luck accessing EJBs using ORMI-HTTP tunneling when a
firewall and a proxy server are being used?  I've tried setting the system
properties for proxySet, proxyHost, and proxyPort with no luck.  After a
long period of time, the client application exits with the following

javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Did not
receive valid HTTP headers; nested exception is: Did not receive valid HTTP headers
at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at com.platts.dmz.DMZTestingClient.testDataTransfer(DMZTestiEnding
at com.platts.dmz.DMZTestingClient.main(

We are using Orion version 1.4.5.  Any ideas/suggestions?



Frank Frederick
Software Engineer/Architect
Platts - A Division of McGraw-Hill

Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans

2002-01-10 Thread Curt Smith

My opinion would add;  

if not pooled OR not exclusive owner of data then ejbLoad

exclusive owner is an orion-ejb-jar.xml propert.  The default is,
exclusively owns the data.


Sergey G. Aslanov wrote:

Hi Geoff

Loading of beans have these stages:
1. calling ejbFindBy... to get the primKeys of the entities;
2. checking if entities with such keys are already pooled;
3. for every key checking: if not pooled - call ejbLoad, else - get instance
from pool;

As you see, ejbFindBy... are called always independently of entity
is pooled or not.

Thursday, January 10, 2002, 2:01:37 AM, you wrote:

GS Hi there,

GS I'm teaching myself how to use Orion and I've got a simple question
GS about caching/pooling of BMP Entity Bean instances.

GS I've created a simple app which lets me read a BMP Entity Bean through a
GS Session Bean. I would expect that when I call findByPrimaryKey on my
GS Entity Bean's home interface, Orion caches the instance it creates so
GS that next time I call findByPrimaryKey for the same key, it just returns
GS the instance it already has rather than creating a new one. However, it
GS appears that it goes to the database (i.e. calls ejbFindByPrimaryKey in
GS the Entity Bean's implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey,
GS regardless of whether it has previously read the instance with the
GS specified key before.

GS I checked the list archive and it appears that someone has reported a
GS similar problem a while back but there were no replies
GS (
GS l).

GS I also checked the documentation and for orion-ejb-jar.xml it states
GS that exclusive-write-access is true by default, and since I am not
GS setting it I presume it's defaulting to true which should allow Orion to
GS cache the entity beans.

GS So, can anyone shed any light on how whether/how I can get Orion to
GS cache BMP entity beans?

GS Cheers

GS Geoff

Sergey G. Aslanov,
CBOSS Group,
Web-technologies department
tel: +7 095 7555655


Curt Smith
(w) 404-463-0973
(h) 404-294-6686

Re: question about ip allocation

2002-01-10 Thread Dmitriy Serebryakov

It seems to me what IIS have some bug or intend to work wrongly with Java.
If www service of IIS shutted down there are no problem to have working third party 
web servers (two instances of orion server) on same port but different IP addresses on 
same Ethernet interface.

Consider you options:
-use third perty webserver
-use different port and map port 80 on your firewall to web server's listening port on 
your computer.

Hope it will help.

- Original Message - 
From: Morten Raahede Knudsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 4:51 AM
Subject: Re: question about ip allocation

 Hi all
 Thanks for all your informative responses!
 Sorry but that is just not true.  You can have two processes each with
 own address listening on the same port.  In fact you can have a process per
 address since the unique combination must be address and port, the kernel
 sorts all the rest out.  If you have netcat installed on your linux machine
 try the following nc -s ip1 -l -p 2000 in another terminal run nc -s
 ip2 -l -p 2000.  Both processes will be bound to port 2000 and you can
 connect to each as you would expect.
 The original poster's problem is likely that he does not have IIS properly
 configured to listen on only one address.
 This is very interesting I've downloaded netcat for Windows 2000. I can't
 execute those two commands you've suggested.
 On the second command it says:
 Can't grab with bind
 Either the two versions of netcat differ or maybe it doesn't work on
 Thanks in advance,
 Morten Raahede Knudsen
  Morten Raahede Knudsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tolderlundsvej 16
  DK-5000 Odense C
  Telefon +45 6314 6065
  Telefax +45 6619 2164
  Ved du hvad din bil er værd? Besøg

RE: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans

2002-01-10 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi Sergey,

Thanks for the reply. I didn't explain it very clearly did I? What I
meant was:

However, it appears that it goes to the database (i.e. calls _ejbLoad_
in the Entity Bean's implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey,
regardless of whether it has previously read the instance with the
specified key before.

Have you been able to get pooling of BMP entity beans working?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
 Sergey G. Aslanov
 Sent: Thursday, 10 January, 2002 6:29 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans
 Hi Geoff
 Loading of beans have these stages:
 1. calling ejbFindBy... to get the primKeys of the entities;
 2. checking if entities with such keys are already pooled;
 3. for every key checking: if not pooled - call ejbLoad, else 
 - get instance from pool;
 As you see, ejbFindBy... are called always independently of 
 entity is pooled or not.
 Thursday, January 10, 2002, 2:01:37 AM, you wrote:
 GS Hi there,
 GS I'm teaching myself how to use Orion and I've got a 
 simple question 
 GS about caching/pooling of BMP Entity Bean instances.
 GS I've created a simple app which lets me read a BMP Entity Bean 
 GS through a Session Bean. I would expect that when I call 
 GS findByPrimaryKey on my Entity Bean's home interface, Orion caches 
 GS the instance it creates so that next time I call findByPrimaryKey 
 GS for the same key, it just returns the instance it already 
 has rather 
 GS than creating a new one. However, it appears that it goes to the 
 GS database (i.e. calls ejbFindByPrimaryKey in the Entity Bean's 
 GS implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey, regardless of 
 GS whether it has previously read the instance with the 
 specified key 
 GS before.
 GS I checked the list archive and it appears that someone 
 has reported 
 GS a similar problem a while back but there were no replies 
GS .htm
GS l).

GS I also checked the documentation and for orion-ejb-jar.xml it states

GS that exclusive-write-access is true by default, and since I am not 
GS setting it I presume it's defaulting to true which should allow 
GS Orion to cache the entity beans.

GS So, can anyone shed any light on how whether/how I can get Orion to 
GS cache BMP entity beans?

GS Cheers

GS Geoff

Sergey G. Aslanov,
CBOSS Group,
Web-technologies department
tel: +7 095 7555655

Name-based Virtual Hosts

2002-01-10 Thread Mark A. Richman

How can I configure name-based virtual hosts (vhosts) in
Orion? I have one IP address that I need to host multiple domains on.


Mark A. Richman

Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans

2002-01-10 Thread Greg Matthews

pooling definitely does work for BMP.

couple of things i found that you might want to check off.

1. implement an isModified method

public boolean isModified() {
  return false;

which orion will check to determine if ejbLoad needs to be called. we're
using the value object pattern to the above works for us. you may want to
make it more complicated depending on your requirements.

2.. return a Collection from your finder methods. returning an Enumeration
seems to cause orion to not pool.

3. if you have defined your own primary key instead of using, say, Integer,
it seems you need to implement equals() and hashCode().

if you can't get it working maybe post the code from one of your bean

good luck,

- Original Message -
From: Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 8:08 AM
Subject: RE: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans

 Hi Sergey,

 Thanks for the reply. I didn't explain it very clearly did I? What I
 meant was:

 However, it appears that it goes to the database (i.e. calls _ejbLoad_
 in the Entity Bean's implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey,
 regardless of whether it has previously read the instance with the
 specified key before.

 Have you been able to get pooling of BMP entity beans working?


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
  Sergey G. Aslanov
  Sent: Thursday, 10 January, 2002 6:29 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans
  Hi Geoff
  Loading of beans have these stages:
  1. calling ejbFindBy... to get the primKeys of the entities;
  2. checking if entities with such keys are already pooled;
  3. for every key checking: if not pooled - call ejbLoad, else
  - get instance from pool;
  As you see, ejbFindBy... are called always independently of
  entity is pooled or not.
  Thursday, January 10, 2002, 2:01:37 AM, you wrote:
  GS Hi there,
  GS I'm teaching myself how to use Orion and I've got a
  simple question
  GS about caching/pooling of BMP Entity Bean instances.
  GS I've created a simple app which lets me read a BMP Entity Bean
  GS through a Session Bean. I would expect that when I call
  GS findByPrimaryKey on my Entity Bean's home interface, Orion caches
  GS the instance it creates so that next time I call findByPrimaryKey
  GS for the same key, it just returns the instance it already
  has rather
  GS than creating a new one. However, it appears that it goes to the
  GS database (i.e. calls ejbFindByPrimaryKey in the Entity Bean's
  GS implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey, regardless of
  GS whether it has previously read the instance with the
  specified key
  GS before.
  GS I checked the list archive and it appears that someone
  has reported
  GS a similar problem a while back but there were no replies
 GS .htm
 GS l).

 GS I also checked the documentation and for orion-ejb-jar.xml it states

 GS that exclusive-write-access is true by default, and since I am not
 GS setting it I presume it's defaulting to true which should allow
 GS Orion to cache the entity beans.

 GS So, can anyone shed any light on how whether/how I can get Orion to
 GS cache BMP entity beans?

 GS Cheers

 GS Geoff

 Sergey G. Aslanov,
 CBOSS Group,
 Web-technologies department
 tel: +7 095 7555655

Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans

2002-01-10 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Guys.

Having just finished solving some headaches on this topic, my comment is, what are you 
guys doing differently from me?

One of our ex-guys was nice enough to write a mess of code to update data that an 
entity EJB used/stored, but rather than updating the EJB, the database was 
updated directly.  Since the EJB (BMP) was being cached, not loaded, and had a verrry 
long time out (intentional), this was producing some really nasty bugs. 
To get the data to load, we had to stop and restart the server.  And I can very that 
findByPrimaryKey was most definately getting called.

One thing I did notice, from very early in the project.  Left to its defaults, the 
timeout on an Entity EJB in Orion is very short.  It may be unloaded between 
consecutive calls.  For example, the following block of code did result in three calls 
of ejbLoad on the entity EJB until we reset the time-out.

UserHome userHome = getUserHome(); //Returns home interface to UserEntityEJB
User user = userHome.findByPrimayKey(username); //Returns Remote Interface to Entity 
UserData data = user.getData();

I forget where off hand to set the EJB Time-out, but I think it was either the 
ejb-jar.xml, or the orion-ejb-jar.xml file.  If you need, I can look it up and 
let you know.


Geoff Soutter wrote:

 Hi Sergey,
 Thanks for the reply. I didn't explain it very clearly did I? What I
 meant was:
 However, it appears that it goes to the database (i.e. calls _ejbLoad_
 in the Entity Bean's implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey,
 regardless of whether it has previously read the instance with the
 specified key before.
 Have you been able to get pooling of BMP entity beans working?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
 Sergey G. Aslanov
 Sent: Thursday, 10 January, 2002 6:29 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans
 Hi Geoff
 Loading of beans have these stages:
 1. calling ejbFindBy... to get the primKeys of the entities;
 2. checking if entities with such keys are already pooled;
 3. for every key checking: if not pooled - call ejbLoad, else 
 - get instance from pool;
 As you see, ejbFindBy... are called always independently of 
 entity is pooled or not.
 Thursday, January 10, 2002, 2:01:37 AM, you wrote:
 GS Hi there,
 GS I'm teaching myself how to use Orion and I've got a 
 simple question 
 GS about caching/pooling of BMP Entity Bean instances.
 GS I've created a simple app which lets me read a BMP Entity Bean 
 GS through a Session Bean. I would expect that when I call 
 GS findByPrimaryKey on my Entity Bean's home interface, Orion caches 
 GS the instance it creates so that next time I call findByPrimaryKey 
 GS for the same key, it just returns the instance it already 
 has rather 
 GS than creating a new one. However, it appears that it goes to the 
 GS database (i.e. calls ejbFindByPrimaryKey in the Entity Bean's 
 GS implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey, regardless of 
 GS whether it has previously read the instance with the 
 specified key 
 GS before.
 GS I checked the list archive and it appears that someone 
 has reported 
 GS a similar problem a while back but there were no replies 
 GS .htm
 GS l).
 GS I also checked the documentation and for orion-ejb-jar.xml it states
 GS that exclusive-write-access is true by default, and since I am not 
 GS setting it I presume it's defaulting to true which should allow 
 GS Orion to cache the entity beans.
 GS So, can anyone shed any light on how whether/how I can get Orion to 
 GS cache BMP entity beans?
 GS Cheers
 GS Geoff
 Sergey G. Aslanov,
 CBOSS Group,
 Web-technologies department
 tel: +7 095 7555655

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

ORMI-HTTP Tunneling through firewall with proxy server

2002-01-10 Thread Harini P

I have a similar problem but with a simple applet
connecting to the JMS Server using ORMI-HTTP tunneling
when a firewall and a proxyserver are used the client
application times out when it calls start on
topicConnection. Any ideas why is this happening?

--- Frederick,Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Has anyone had any luck accessing EJBs using
 ORMI-HTTP tunneling when a
 firewall and a proxy server are being used?  I've
 tried setting the system
 properties for proxySet, proxyHost, and proxyPort
 with no luck.  After a
 long period of time, the client application exits
 with the following
 javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Did not
 receive valid HTTP headers; nested exception is: Did not receive valid
 HTTP headers



 We are using Orion version 1.4.5.  Any
 Frank Frederick
 Software Engineer/Architect
 Platts - A Division of McGraw-Hill

Do You Yahoo!?
Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

RE: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans

2002-01-10 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hmm. Seems I am really getting myself confused. :-). I think I've got it
now... I'm mistaking the db call in ejbFindByPrimaryKey with the db call
in ejbLoad. Doh.

So, the first time I call findByPrimaryKey, Orion calls
ejbFindByPrimaryKey which goes to the database basically only to confirm
the row hasn't been deleted. Then Orion calls ejbLoad which goes the the
database again to load in the actual contents of the row. So, the row in
question is accessed twice. 

Then, the second time, Orion still calls findByPrimaryKey, but avoids
the ejbLoad. 

The thing is here, exclusive-write-access is set to true (by default),
so why is Orion bothering to call findByPrimaryKey? Can't it just keep
an internal primary key - ejb map and return the ejb instance directly?
After all, if exclusive-write-access is on, the row can only be deleted
by Orion itself...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
 Geoff Soutter
 Sent: Friday, 11 January, 2002 9:09 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans
 Hi Sergey,
 Thanks for the reply. I didn't explain it very clearly did I? 
 What I meant was:
 However, it appears that it goes to the database (i.e. calls 
 _ejbLoad_ in the Entity Bean's implementation) for every call 
 to findByPrimaryKey, regardless of whether it has previously 
 read the instance with the specified key before.
 Have you been able to get pooling of BMP entity beans working?
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
  Sergey G. Aslanov
  Sent: Thursday, 10 January, 2002 6:29 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans
  Hi Geoff
  Loading of beans have these stages:
  1. calling ejbFindBy... to get the primKeys of the entities; 2. 
  checking if entities with such keys are already pooled; 3. 
 for every 
  key checking: if not pooled - call ejbLoad, else
  - get instance from pool;
  As you see, ejbFindBy... are called always independently of
  entity is pooled or not.
  Thursday, January 10, 2002, 2:01:37 AM, you wrote:
  GS Hi there,
  GS I'm teaching myself how to use Orion and I've got a
  simple question
  GS about caching/pooling of BMP Entity Bean instances.
  GS I've created a simple app which lets me read a BMP Entity Bean
  GS through a Session Bean. I would expect that when I call 
  GS findByPrimaryKey on my Entity Bean's home interface, 
 Orion caches 
  GS the instance it creates so that next time I call 
  GS for the same key, it just returns the instance it already 
  has rather
  GS than creating a new one. However, it appears that it goes to the
  GS database (i.e. calls ejbFindByPrimaryKey in the Entity Bean's 
  GS implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey, 
 regardless of 
  GS whether it has previously read the instance with the 
  specified key
  GS before.
  GS I checked the list archive and it appears that someone
  has reported
  GS a similar problem a while back but there were no replies
 GS .htm
 GS l).
 GS I also checked the documentation and for 
 orion-ejb-jar.xml it states
 GS that exclusive-write-access is true by default, and since I am not
 GS setting it I presume it's defaulting to true which should allow 
 GS Orion to cache the entity beans.
 GS So, can anyone shed any light on how whether/how I can 
 get Orion to
 GS cache BMP entity beans?
 GS Cheers
 GS Geoff
 Sergey G. Aslanov,
 CBOSS Group,
 Web-technologies department
 tel: +7 095 7555655

Anyone got old orionsupport sample application client / scheduler?

2002-01-10 Thread Geoff Soutter

You can see it described in googles cache

If anyone has the source jar file, I'd really appreciate a copy!

