RE: JSP can't use local classes - What am I overlooking?

2001-05-24 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

I believe that you should have your package (jar) in the orion/lib
from your message it seems that you have it in WEB-INF/classes. That
directory is usually for servlets.

Just to point out that per Official Sun Servlets 2.2 / Jsp 1.1 
Specifications, all jsp and servlets inside a context wiull use the 
WEB-INF/classes directory and all the jar (not zip) files inside the 
WEB-INF/lib directory in their classpath.

 Best Regards,

I'd rather listen to Newton than to Mundie [Microsoft Senior VP]. He may 
have been dead for almost three hundred years, but despite that he stinks 
up the room less. (Linus Torwald)

Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati,

Re: Orion - Postgresql

2001-05-18 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

I've searched for it, but I cannot find one.
How do I filled in the data-source.xml to connect to postgresql? fyi, I 
use postgresql7.0-1.2.jar.

This is the one I'm using, even if I'm not crasy and I don't allow orion to 
create the table for me...

database-scheme name=PostGreSQL
 not-null=not null
 primary-key=primary key
 type-mapping type=java.lang.String name=varchar(255) /
 type-mapping type=java.lang.Integer name=int8 /
 type-mapping type=int name=int4 /
 type-mapping type=long name=int8 /
 type-mapping type=float name=float4 /
 type-mapping type=double name=float8 /
 type-mapping type=byte name=int2 /
 type-mapping type=char name=char /
 type-mapping type=short name=int2 /
 type-mapping type=boolean name=bool /
 type-mapping type=java.util.Date name=timestamp /
 type-mapping name=oid /
 type-mapping type=java.math.BigDecimal name=decimal /

 disallowed-field name=parent /
 disallowed-field name=password /
 disallowed-field name=username /
 disallowed-field name=date /
 disallowed-field name=order /
 disallowed-field name=old /
 disallowed-field name=user /

 best regards,

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
(Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

RE: Interests sake

2001-05-03 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

For production, Win2K/Orion 1.4.7/PostgreSQL.  For development,
Win2K/Orion 1.4.8/hsql.  I'll probably move the production box to 1.4.8
soon since it seems to work well enough with my code.  I have test
systems running Linux/PostgreSQL too.

Production: Linux - Apache - Resin - Orion 1.4.5 - PostgreSQL
Development:Win2K - Tomcat - Orion 1.4.5 - PostgreSQL

With Linux it's much easier to configure Java apps as daemons, but I
can't render my dynamic images with any reasonable quality - XWindows
renders fonts like a three-year-old with a half-eaten crayon :-)

You should try pja. It does not require any XWindow server running and I 
use the same fonts available on win...

 Best regards,

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

Alex Garbagnati, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Interests sake

2001-05-03 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

I totally agree on your last statement about the need of having some 
XWindows  more windows like, but I do not agree on the problem with pja. 
Maybe I was using simple semi-artistic fonts, bur the result was at the 
same level that the same application run on windows.

Anyway, it's just a matter of opinion and I do not think this is the right 
place. I'm sorry for the OT.

 Best regards,

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
(Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

Re: Calling my EJB from tomcat webserver

2001-05-02 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

Context iContext = new InitialContext(env);
file://ObjectObject object = iContext.lookup( 
java:comp/env/whip/ejb/find/memberfinder );

I'm using Tomcat for development and Resin on the deployment platform and I 
do not have any problem.
The code is the same and in both cases I'm using something like

Context ic = getInitialContext();
Object o = ic.lookup(Displayer);

where Displayer is the name of my bean.

It works great and Resin it's a faster servlet container than Orion.

 Best regards,

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

Alex Garbagnati, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mountain View, CA

Re: IIS, Orion, virtual host

2001-04-28 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

Or virtual interfaces running on the same real ether card.

That it's what I was saying.


Those who don't understand unix are condemned to reinvent it. Poorly. 

Alessandro A. Garbagnati

Re: usebean tag

2001-03-30 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

This is the code:

jsp:useBean id="dipartimentoQuery" 
class="" /
jsp:setProperty name="dipartimentoQuery" property="*" /

In my jsp page this code would take the values from a previous form and 
take them in my bean, but I lost the Integer value idUniversita (it was in 
a select tag). So I had to take it by a 
request.getParameer("idUniversita")... Is this an Orion bug, is this a 
Nicola's bug? Too strange!
Thanks in advance...

When you use the jsp:useBean tag with that syntax, you are inserting that 
bean in the page scope. Once the page is completed, that scope will be 
cleaned up and your bean will be lost, so, if in a previous page you have 
set the idUniversita member, it will be lost. Try inserting that bean in 
the session scope, for example, so it will be accessible to the next page 
and you will not use that value.

 Best Regards,

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
(Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

Re: Orion/Linux, kill -9, and dead server

2001-03-09 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

Is this a known issue? I've heard that Orion is "unstable" on Linux, but 
nothing like this.

I'd appreciate any comments anyone has about this.

That's strange. I have 2 applications running on the same machine, with 
apache and 1 instance of tomcat and one of resin... and I don't have this 
type of issue. I'm using 1.4.5, and my kernel is 2.2.16... Everything is 
working just fine... really.

 Best Regards,

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
d'esecuzione. (Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

RE: Capturing the output of a JSP page as HTML

2001-03-01 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

Can anyone tell me if this is possible.  I have a JSP page that contains
information about an order that was just entered (Essentially a
confirmation page).  What I want to do is somehow intercept the output
stream inside the JSP page and write it to a file, as plain html, which I
will later attach to an email and send to someone.

There area couple of solutions...
The best one is using (if you can) Filtering of servlet 2.3

If this is not possible (you cannot use servlet 2.3 but only 2.2) the best 
way is building a simple JSP Tag that will include your page. The tag will 
do whatever you need before sending out the bodyContent.

I've done this for an environment where installing 2.3 was out of the 
question and it works fine.
If you need the code, email me directly.

 Best Regards,

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
d'esecuzione. (Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

Re: Orion with tomcat!!!

2001-02-28 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

I know it has been mentioned in serveral times.
However, I could not make Orion as EJB server work with Apache  Tomcat.
A servlet is placed to access ejb at tomcat's WEB-INF/classes directory,
along with application-client.xml under META-INF directory.

That's strange. I've built two different applications, both using Orion as 
an app server and Tomcat and Resin as servlet containers, both with Apache 
as a web server.
In both application i had no ejb references in the web.xml and i have 
absolutely no application-client.xml.

I've just built war files with the required lib, classes, jsps and 
servlets... few parameters into the web.xml and that's it.

It looks from your stack trace that the problem is that the application 
cannot connect to the application server at all...
I'm afraid that you're using the wrong port this unless you have 
changed the port number in the rmi.xml file from the default (23791) to the 
one you've set in the environment for the intial context (800).

 Best Regards,

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
d'esecuzione. (Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

Re: Oracle Sequences and CMP

2001-02-18 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

I'm trying to use CMP for beans that map to tables in which the primary key
is an integer that comes from an Oracle SEQUENCE.

How do I get the container to get the next number from the appropriate
SEQUENCE on a create?

You could build a Session Bean that will take care of connecting directly 
to the database and get the "next number" from the given sequence.

If you want, I'll suggest you to take a look to a very interesting thread 
present on, regarding a session bean generating 
unique values for PrimaryKeys. It's worth a read.

 Hope this helps...
 Best regards,

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
d'esecuzione. (Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

Re: VARCHAR values are always the length of the field

2001-02-14 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

But, how can I configure some Strings to VARCHAR(25) and others to
VARCHAR(100) in the ejb-jar.xml???
I have found no response to this question...

I'm afraid you can't.
But, I think, that the best way, anyhow, is to build the table before... so 
you can design your table as "perfect" as you like...

 Best Regards,

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
d'esecuzione. (Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

Problem on PortableRemoteObject

2001-01-30 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

I hope that someone on here can give me some hints to fix a strange problem 
I'm having.

I'm developing a small application and trying, obviously, to reuse as much 
code as I can. Most of the code is used by both a StandAlone application 
(executed from the console vith just java) and some jsp pages with tag 

When I execute the application, I don't have any problem in the creation of 
the Session bean... I can use, update my entity beans and I can see the 
changes in the database (Postgres). The same code, unfortunately, fails in 
the PortableRemoteObject when it is used from a jsp page through my tag 
libraries... I cannot even get to the "home.create()".

What it is strange is that I've recently developed a prototype using Orion 
1.3.8, that was very rudimental, but I haven't had a problem like this one. 
In this case I'm using 1.4.5., now...

Can anyone help me or giving me some hints ?

 Thank you very much

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
d'esecuzione. (Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA