Re: latest production version?

2001-03-12 Thread James Manning

[D. Akers]
Could someone please tell me which version of orion is the current
reccommended version for implementation?  We have been using 1.4.5 for
development but need to do an implementation for a client.  Which
version is best (ie most stable, tested, "official" release, etc) for
full-scale deployment situations?

Since says "Stable version: 1.4.5", I'd go with that.
After all, if 1.4.7 (or whatever it's at now) were deemed stable enough,
the web site would (or at least, should) reflect it as the new Stable.

GPG Key fingerprint = B913 2FBD 14A9 CE18 B2B7  9C8E A0BF B026 EEBB F6E4

Re: Error unpacking: IO Error: error in opening

2001-03-09 Thread James Manning

[Randahl Fink Isaksen]
 I am wondering if I am the the only one getting an error when deploying a
 new .ear (this happens often but not always):
 Auto-unpacking C:\(...)\project.ear... Error unpacking: IO Error: error in
 zip file
 Does anybody know why this happens, and is there a work-around apart from
 restarting Orion?

I've seen this mainly when Orion doesn't wait long enough and tries
to open an .ear file before it's fully copied-over from another
location.  The quick fix is to re-try the transfer.  It's not an
"easy" problem per-se, but polling on file size when the time/date stamp
changes and extracing when the filesize is the same (and is non-zero)
for 2 consecutive checks is a method I used to use that worked well.

Yes, it's a heuristic.

But, yes, it's better than what's there now :)

For "most" people, the transfer is fast enough once you're overwriting
the .ear to where it's not a big deal.  You can workaround by transferring
into a tmp file and doing a rename (or 2 renames, at most)

How to treat this can lead to a religious war, which is why I've kept
from bringing it up in the past.

GPG Key fingerprint = B913 2FBD 14A9 CE18 B2B7  9C8E A0BF B026 EEBB F6E4

auto-deploying without editing config/*.xml

2001-02-03 Thread James Manning

I asked this once before as part of another thread and didn't get
an answer, so I'll try in a new thread :)

The feature I like about jBoss the most is the auto-deploy directory
where i can just drop in a .war/.ear/.jar and it gets deployed
as per the xml files already in the file.  From what I've seen,
if you're using Orion you're forced to edit config/server.xml and
config/default-web-site.xml for the application, and then the
webapp inside it, to be deployed.

Is this correct?  If not (I hope :), how can I setup such a dir?
(or at least not have to edit config/default-web-site.xml on each
new webapp).

FWIW, this is mainly for a mass-migration of webapps off of tomcat :)

GPG Key fingerprint = B913 2FBD 14A9 CE18 B2B7  9C8E A0BF B026 EEBB F6E4

Re: embedded servlet tag

2001-02-03 Thread James Manning

[Gerald Gutierrez]
 What would this do?
 There is the include tag that lets you include the output of a servlet in 
 jsp:include page="..."/

this is a run-time include

 and an include directive for "verbatim" include of another JSP page:
 %@ include file="..."%

this is a compile-time include

This may, in fact, be the same thing you were saying... just wanted
to clarify :)
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Re: novice question

2001-01-27 Thread James Manning

[Kevin Duffey]
 in server.xml, point the application to the .war file directly.

when I did that, it still looked for the META-INF/application.xml
of an .ear file, instead of just using the WEB-INF/web.xml of
a web app.

Error instantiating application at file:/home/jmm/reporting-new.war: Unable to 
find/read assembly info for /home/jmm/reporting-new (META-INF/application.xml)
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Forte support for EJB programming?

2001-01-15 Thread James Manning

 We use FORTE for programming, J2EERI for create the .EAR of the application
 and the "clients" file. Those 2 archives just need to be copied in 2 folder
 for Orion (3 secondes...) and are fully deployed by the autodetect feature.

I haven't found any capability in Forte for doing EJB skeletons, similar
to EJBMaker of Orion... does such a capability exist?  I know this is
a little off-topic for this list, but people using Forte and Orion would
seem to be best for answering this question :)
GPG Key fingerprint = B913 2FBD 14A9 CE18 B2B7  9C8E A0BF B026 EEBB F6E4

stored procedures and entity beans

2001-01-07 Thread James Manning

I'm in the position of trying to migrate towards a j2ee/ejb architecture
from one where most of the access logic (and to an extent, business
methods) were in stored PL/SQL procedures in an Oracle 8i database.

To keep from having to "reinvent the wheel"s of the stored procedures
(and making the transition easier), are there any existing patterns
or methods for utilizing stored procedures but still using EJB's?

Is the answer simply "use BMP, put the stored procedures in load/store"?
is there any orion-specific trick of defining a _query but using a
stored procedure instead (can orion fetch from out variables instead
of resultset?


GPG Key fingerprint = B913 2FBD 14A9 CE18 B2B7  9C8E A0BF B026 EEBB F6E4

Re: Offtopic:Ant Build scripts

2000-12-28 Thread James Manning

[Aniket V U]
 can somebody please send me a sample ANT build file for making ears for orion.

The EJB 2.0 example on orionsupport includes some
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Re: ejbLoad : Error retrieving a picture from DB

2000-12-28 Thread James Manning

[Elhadi barkat]
 int imgSize = (int)blobObj.length();
   // Create byte[] data array to store picture data temporarily
   // before writing it to a file
   image = new byte[imgSize];
   // Retrieve the picture as a binary stream from the Blob object
   InputStream is = blobObj.getBinaryStream();
   // Store the binary stream from above into image byte[] array;

not related, but in the interest of smaller/better code :)

byte[] image = blobObj.getBytes(1,blobObj.length());

I hate 1-based positioning, although I guess I can tolerate it here
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Re: Distributed Transaction without EJB.

2000-12-21 Thread James Manning

[Scott Stirling]
 JTS is not officially part of J2EE, so I haven't had to deal with
 it personally.

This page seems to imply JTS and JTA are both included, esp.  since they
specifically say that they're RI includes a transaction manager that
supports both JTS and JTA... am I missing something?
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Re: Faster encryption

2000-12-11 Thread James Manning

[David Ekholm]
 Is there a faster implementation of SSL for Java/Orion out there, maybe a
 native code solution? Or is the standard encryption package already using
 native code for the most critical sections? I guess not, as I have used C++
 packages for encryption previously and not noticed such CPU eating

I've heard of ppl using openssl-based native code solutions, but SSLava
with hooks into native calls to dedicated encryption cards/devices is
going to make more sense for bigger sites (like Intel :)
GPG Key fingerprint = B913 2FBD 14A9 CE18 B2B7  9C8E A0BF B026 EEBB F6E4

Re: Changing Orion Generated SQL

2000-12-08 Thread James Manning

[Jeff Schnitzer]
 Take a look at the documentation for orion-ejb-jar.xml.  It's a lot
 easier if you have a few samples to look at alongside.
 What changes you have in mind?

For more performance-intensive entity beans attached to larger tables,
it could be nice to be able add in the "hints" recognized by your
particular DB (like specifying degree of parallelism in the use of
oracle's parallel query in an ejb finder)

This make sense?  Seems doable?
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Re: Changing Orion Generated SQL

2000-12-08 Thread James Manning

[Boris Gertsberg]
 You can't. ejbStore runs a trivial update statement. If you need to do
 something special you have to use bean managed persistence.

My understanding was that with EJB 2.0, we write the abstract class
with no properties (just getters/setters), Orion makes a concrete java
source file, filling in necessary logic, then a final compilation phase to
produce a first, initial, working class file.  That would seem to provide
an opportunity for modifying the source and recompiling to provide tweaks.

What about this is wrong?
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Re: Content-Length errors thrown when attempting to forward to a page

2000-12-06 Thread James Manning

[Mike Atkin]
  Our development team has been occasionally seeing the following error
  (listed below) thrown from Orion. This happens when our application
 I had a similar problem when using response.sendRedirect().  I don't know
 whether the same applies to you, but in our our code we had a section like:
 % if( some_condition )
 html stuff

oh good point... Now I've been *told* (and no, haven't looked it
up in jsp 1.1 spec like I should :) that once the jsp:forward is called,
no further processing of the current page is allowed to occur, the
forwarded page has to start processing.

Of course, my reference to Location: 302 in my last message obviously was
confused since that's a browser-level redirection (response.sendRedirect,
as you've shown).

This makes more sense (in the buffer-overflow situation), since
the forwarding itself has nothing to do with the headers (since it's
server-side forwarding, not client-side), and hence the content-length
commit is very likely to have happened.

If this turns out to be the problem, it'll be interesting to note that
Tomcat catches the problem and returns "Response already committed"
(although that was still something I had to look up in its faq-o-matic
to figure out what was really going on), where Orion's a little (but not
much) less graceful.

 If the above example is changed to
 % if( some_condition )
 html stuff

I even do the "return;" after jsp:forward's, even though I have a sneaking
suspicion that it's redundant and that I could dig and find the part of
the spec that guaranteed no further processing of the forward-source page.

Thanks, Mike!

GPG Key fingerprint = B913 2FBD 14A9 CE18 B2B7  9C8E A0BF B026 EEBB F6E4

Re: Entity bean reference mapping

2000-12-06 Thread James Manning

[Juan Gargiulo]
   entity-ref home="ejb/memberInfo"

sorry if I'm confused, but doesn't the home= attribute have to point
to the Home object for the EJB, and not the EJB itself?
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Re: Entity bean reference mapping

2000-12-06 Thread James Manning

[Juan Gargiulo]
   entity-ref home="ejb/memberInfo"

also, i think the home= attribute has to be a jndi location.  Can
the above qualify?  Is it relative?
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Re: Content-Length errors thrown when attempting to forward to a page

2000-12-05 Thread James Manning

[Roy, Jaideep]
 Our development team has been occasionally seeing the following error
 (listed below) thrown from Orion. This happens when our application running
 under Orion throws an error and attempts to forward to our custom error JSP
 The error happens sporadically and cannot be recreated consistently, but
 tends to bring the server down (i.e. accepts no more connections/requests).
 Also, the browser never gets a response back from the server. This has also
 been reported by some other users in the orion-interest archives.

warning: most likely irrelevant.

My experience with tomcat has shown a similar situation with forwarding
whenever the attempted forward occurs (in runtime) after the point
where the jsp engine has hit the buffer size and had to flush out the
http headers and the first buffer of content.  Solutions were to do
forwarding logic earlier (before most of the html), or make the buffer
size bigger (%@ page buffer=64KB % or something similar)

 Any ideas as to what could cause this problem?
 Root cause is; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attempted to write longer
 than Content-Length (5316 + 3607 / 5316) 

The issue is that once you hit the buffer, the headers have to get
committed, and you can't do a Location: 302 (or whatever it is) for
the redirection.  What's more interesting is that it looks like the
forward may have completed here (in some sense) but the content-length
header had already been committed, and when you resulting page is longer,
an exception is thrown.

Wish I could be of more help... I'd love to hear what the answer is :)

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