Re: Stored procedures and J2EE

2001-09-06 Thread Rian Schmidt

I'm interested as to how you cansay this... 
we just did a series of tests here to see what the effect of pulling out some 
fairly complex stored procedures into CMP beans, and the performance impact was 
enormous. We've actually gone the other way, that is, developing stored 
procedures for each anticipated database. The fallback is that the logic 
is done in the beans, but that is a worst-case scenario. Now, I realize 
that this would be considered such bad form in a Sun-controlled world of pure 
J2EE that I hesitate to even mention it... but in the real world, any 
significant hit on performance is enough to convince us to denormalize a bit, so 
to speak.

I don't think that you can say "there's absolutely 
no hit on performance" not to use stored procedures, particularly if that 
procedure requires repeated queries of the data in a pseudo-recursive way. 
Do you really think that any performance hit that we've seen is a result of poor 
design? I'm really interested in your reasoning.


  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 2:23 
  Subject: RE: Stored procedures and 
  for distributing your business logic between the datastore and middle 
  tier...aren't you making your life more complex than it needs to be? There is 
  absolutely no hit on performance if you pull out all of your business logic 
  into a slsb or cmp...there's just no need to use store procedures any 

Re: How to run Jetspeed (Open Source Enterprise Portal) on Orion

2001-08-13 Thread Rian Schmidt

Hi Steve,

I hate this kind of I had that too follow-up, but in this case, it's
probably relevant... I had that too.  I got *exactly* the results that you
did, and then we gave up since we were actually trying to get a project
done.  Please do keep us up-to-date if you learn anything.


- Original Message -
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 6:59 AM
Subject: How to run Jetspeed (Open Source Enterprise Portal) on Orion


 I've already posted this, but I've had no response so I'm giving it
 another go.  I'd really appreciate it if some of the Orion experts here
 could give this a try.  It only takes 10-15 minutes to duplicate the
 problem and the solution is probably obvious to everyone but me.

 I took the following steps in order to run Jetspeed within Orion.  The
 installation was easy, but I am receiving an error when trying to
 access the portal that doesn't happen under other servlet containers.

 Jetspeed is an Enterprise Information Portal and is freely available.
 It is available from the Jakarta project as open source.  It is
 distributed as a WAR file archive here:

 it is also distributed in source form here:

 installed the WAR file into the Orion default web application as a
 quick way to deploy it to see how well it runs under Orion.

 First, I shut down Orion.  Being a development machine, I can avoid
 needing to hot-deploy.

 I then followed Joseph Ottinger's instructions for adding a web
 application to the default web site:

 Specifically, I added the following line to

 web-module id=jetspeed
 path=/home/smeacham/Jetspeed-1.3a1/jetspeed.war /

 I also added the following line to $ORION/config/default-web-site.xml:

 web-app application=default name=jetspeed root=/jetspeed/ /

 I then started Orion again and the application auto-unpacked just fine.
  I then tried to access Jetspeed with a browser:


 Orion gives a 403 forbidden error, saying that directory browsing is
 not allowed.  I suppose that Orion doesn't use the index.jsp by default.

 I then tried to access index.jsp directly:


 Orion then returned a 500 Internal Server Error.  By looking at the
 logs, I noticed an exception being thrown about a properties the
 Turbine Resource File not being found.  Since the path to the file
 looked wrong (the jetpeed/WEB-INF path didn't have the slash), I added
 one by editing jetspeed/WEB-INF/web.xml by adding a leading forward
 slash to the appropriate line (line 19 of 47).

 Then I tried this address again:


 Everything got much farther along and the log file has a huge amount of
 logging informaiton from Jetspeed.  The end result, however, is another
 500 Internal Server Error:

 Here is the beginning of the exception:

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: OutputStream already retrieved at
 com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build
 Source) at
 org.apache.turbine.util.RunData.getOut( at at
 plates/jsp/layouts/html/ (JSP page line 19) at
 com.orionserver[Orion/1.5.2 (build
 10460)].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(Unknown Source)

 I understand what the error seems to be saying.  You shouldn't obtain
 the outputstream from within a JSP.  I've spend several hours trying to
 see what Jetspeed is doing to annoy Orion, but I haven't found it.

 Could somebody please help out?  I'm a veteran developer and have quite
 a bit of web-based experience as well over the last two years, but I
 believe that I may have reached the limits of my JSP understanding and
 experience at this point.

 I believe that I got very close to getting Jetstream to deploy on
 Orion.  Tis would be a big benefit to the Orion community, having an
 inexpensive (free) EIP that can be easily downloaded and deployed on
 our favorite platform.


Re: Container Managed Bean Persistence

2001-07-24 Thread Rian Schmidt

Look in the docs for orion-ejb-jar.xml.  It's in there.

Rian Schmidt
Fine Brand Media, Inc.
Internet Professional Services
- Original Message - 
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 12:04 PM
Subject: Container Managed Bean Persistence

 Hi all
 Can someone please tell me how Orion knows what datasource to associate
 with a container managed entity bean.  I follow how to setup container
 managed fields but I don't understand how to relate it to one of several
 datasource entries that I have setup.

Disappearing env-entry-mapping from orion-ejb-jar.xml

2001-07-20 Thread Rian Schmidt


Does anyone have any idea why we would be seeing an env-entry-mapping
disappear from orion-ejb-jar.xml upon deployment?  There is a stateless
session bean that reads a value
env-entry-mapping name=databaseTypeMSSQL/env-entry-mapping
from a stateless session beans entry in orion-ejb-jar.xml.
And upon deployment the first time, it spits out the right value over and
over (we're forcing it to read the value each time another bean uses the
stateless session bean to read it).  But when we restart the server, the
bean reports the default value instead of the mapped one.  What's more, the
entry is completely gone from the orion-ejb-jar.xml file.

I can provide more information, but I thought I'd check first if this smacks
of anything obvious.


Re: JSP page in another window

2001-06-30 Thread Rian Schmidt

I do believe you can use the:
approach to do such a thing, but I also recall that it's non-standard, and
so you should check it to make sure it works with your target browser.


- Original Message -
From: Kemp Randy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 7:14 AM
Subject: JSP page in another window

 If I have JSP page A and I want to open up JSP page B
 in a seperate and smaller window, while keeping JSP
 page A, is there a way to do this?  I know it can be
 done with JavaScript.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

findBy referencing another entity reference

2001-04-16 Thread Rian Schmidt

Hi all,

How about this scenario:
There are three entities: manufacturer, model, car (as an example)
model knows directly which manufacturer it is, car knows which model it is,
but car has to do a model.getManufacturer to find out its manufacturer...

OK, so what I wanna know is can I write a findByManufacturer for car?  I'd
like to be able to do something like this:
query="$model.manufacturer = $1"

Now, I know that I could specify a sub-query with the actual persistence
name of the other entity's thang, something like:
query="$model in (select $model from model where manufacturer_id = $1)"
but it strikes me that Orion won't know what I'm going on about, and best
case, will have to talk to the database each time.  Either way, I had to put
the persistence name into the orion-ejb-jar.xml file, which is not goodness.

Is it possible maybe to say something like:
query="model in ($1)"
where $1 is a Collection of models taken from ModelHome.findByManufacturer?

Any thoughts on the best way to approach this?

Rian Schmidt

Re: findBy referencing another entity reference

2001-04-16 Thread Rian Schmidt

Oh boy... OK, maybe that was a bad example.  "Read more about entity beans"
is not very useful advice in any case.  I just didn't want to explain our
business model to ask the question.

Try the situation where the top level is Vehicle - Manufacturer - Model or
something many-to-many on each layer.  My point is that I want to be able to
"skip a layer" in the finder.  Is that possible?  If you don't know, or the
answer is no, please just say that or ignore my question and move on.  If
you have an actual answer or alternative approach that might work, I'd be
very appreciative to hear it.

For what it's worth, I want to do it this way, as opposed to using some kind
of bean-based (logical model) test or pseudo-BMP thing because, due to the
volume of "3rd level (in my example)" entities running a findAll on them is
performance-limiting and I'd rather not stick SQL directly in my beans.

Rian Schmidt

- Original Message -
From: "elephantwalker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 2:54 PM
Subject: RE: findBy referencing another entity reference


 This is much too sql centric. You should resolve your entity beans around
 business methods. So I would start off by reading more about entity beans., for example has a download on an excellent book for
 entity beans. As for the sql, you are talking a one to one relationship
 the car/model and a one to many relationship for the manufacturer/model.
 There should be some examples of this on the sun's j2ee site. I know that
 they specifically discuss this issue.


 the elephantwalker

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rian Schmidt
 Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 2:23 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: findBy referencing another entity reference

 Hi all,

 How about this scenario:
 There are three entities: manufacturer, model, car (as an example)
 model knows directly which manufacturer it is, car knows which model it
 but car has to do a model.getManufacturer to find out its manufacturer...

 OK, so what I wanna know is can I  a findByManufacturer for car?  I'd
 like to be able to do something like this:
 query="$model.manufacturer = $1"

 Now, I know that I could specify a sub-query with the actual persistence
 name of the other entity's thang, something like:
 query="$model in (select $model from model where manufacturer_id = $1)"
 but it strikes me that Orion won't know what I'm going on about, and best
 case, will have to talk to the database each time.  Either way, I had to
 the persistence name into the orion-ejb-jar.xml file, which is not

 Is it possible maybe to say something like:
 query="model in ($1)"
 where $1 is a Collection of models taken from

 Any thoughts on the best way to approach this?

 Rian Schmidt

Re: Migratingfrom GSP

2001-04-16 Thread Rian Schmidt

What the heck, as long as I'm here already...

I'd say that you want to look at setting up filters to handle the
pre-request action.  You can basically catch every request for your site in
a filter, make sure that it is appropriate, that sessions and application
are set-up right, and even do funky model 2 (request.setAttribute) stuff in
there before the actual JSP gets it.

Look at:
servlet-mapping and filter-mapping in web.xml

That should cover both pre-JSP action and catchall servlet mapping.

The load balancing business is usually pretty implementation specific, so I
don't have much to offer there.


Rian Schmidt

- Original Message -
From: "Topher LaFata" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 3:12 PM
Subject: Migratingfrom GSP

 Hi all.
 I am new to the orion/JSP/EJB sort of paradigm.
 Anyways, I am attempting to migrate a substantially
 sized GSP(Gnu Server Pages)/JServ application to the Orion platform for
 evaluation. I have a lot of functionality in place which relies on
 hooks present in GSP which do not seem to be obviously present in
 JSP/Orion. Namely when using the JSP facilites of Orion I need hooks
 into the following:

 *when the servlet is loaded
-it seems that I have to overide the init method of
 the Orion JSPServlet. HOwever, how do i indicate that
 my application should use this new subclassed servlet
 to handle JSP requests?

 *when the session is created per user
-in GSP there is a sessionStart() hook.

 *when the request is recieved before it is handed
   to the JSP for further processing.
 -in GSP there is a requestStart() hook

 I also have a fair amount of custom code doing session
 persistence among multiple servers. Is there a particular
 interface thgat I could wrap my code with so Orion would
 use this stuff to do its session handling.

 These are probably stupid questions but I just started looking at
 a couple of days ago and I am finding the amount of configuration a bit
 daunting. Thanks. toph


2001-04-12 Thread Rian Schmidt

Boy, do I ever second those sentiments.  So far, we've had *great* luck with
Orion, including CMP EJBs/JSP/taglibs/filters...

I've worked with the commercial servers, Enhydra, and jBoss as well, and I
really hope that Orion is released into the open-source community if they're
going to tank as a business.  My impression is that this is a well-written
product, particularly in terms of speed.  It would be shame to see it

By the way, if some help is needed to host (or provide an alternative to)
orionsupport, please let me know.  I know the boss here; I'm sure we could
work something out.


Rian Schmidt

- Original Message -
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 11:34 AM

 I've been watching Orion for awhile using/testing.  It so close to being
ideal for me and my clients and we are ready to buy.  But development seems
to have stopped lately.  Updates to the web site are virtually non-existant
(ie ORION 1.2 released on main site)...meanwhile we are up to 1.4.5 since
Jan 22.  I am happy with its current state.  I just sucessfully tested SSL
with it.  I haven't done much in terms of EJB yet, but my experiences with
orion still have been great.

 SO ORION - Please get your act together.  Or if you must go out of
businessdo it soonso I can look at enhydra/weblogic/websphere
again...I haven't looked at them in awhile because I have been happy with

 It's for your own good.  You obviously have some great programmers who
developed this product.  They should either keep working on it, or find
another product to work on.

 Best of luck

forward with a null request...

2001-04-10 Thread Rian Schmidt


Just out of curiosity, can anyone explain why it is that I have to set the
request to null to prevent our login page from being displayed twice?

Here's the setup:
Client makes a request for a page in the /client directory, a filter is
invoked on the request looking for a 'userSession' session attribute, if
it's not there, the requestURI is stashed in a session attribute and control
is forwarded to the /login/index.jsp page.  As an aside, I put a line in to
output to the console when the forward happens, and it's only printed out
once per request in either of the following cases.

If I forward like this:
I get the login page displayed twice in the browser (which strikes me as
weird... two complete copies in one browser).

Whereas if I do this:
it works like you'd expect.

As I said, we've got it working, but I'm curious what this is about.  Thanks
for any insight.

Rian Schmidt

Re: A modification to ejbtags.jar

2001-04-07 Thread Rian Schmidt

Consider this a friendly pat on the back...

I had this on my list of things to get done for a big, nasty internal
project, and this fits the bill perfectly.  Maybe I'll send you a
netcentive, or possibly a been, or even a flooz... unit?  Uh... nah...


- Original Message -
From: Michael A Third [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 3:14 PM
Subject: RE: A modification to ejbtags.jar

 Since I had already modified the Iterate tag to support sliding windows, I
 went ahead and incorporated Rafael's sorting tag and enhanced it to
 descending order.  I've only attached the and a sample tld
 if anyone would like to use it.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rafael Alvarez
 Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 9:42 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: A modification to ejbtags.jar

 Ok. that resolve it :)
 I made two mistakes:
 1) This mail was intended for Karl, but I misclicked in my email
 2) The version I sent is not a working one. I just realized that I
 lost the last version in the last crash of our CVS... Mea culpa not
 having a backup.

 Anyway, here is the working version.

 I'm interested in performance metrics, since it uses reflection...

 Best regards,
  Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: orion with mysql?

2001-04-05 Thread Rian Schmidt

Sounds like you need to turn off exclusive-write-access in orion-ejb-jar.xml
while you're putzing with the database outside of the application.  We're
running with SQL Server 7 (*gasp*) and Orion will try to "fix" any manual
changes we make to the database through the admin console.  Otherwise, we
have to shutdown Orion, make the changes, and restart.

The performance hit is huge, so you wouldn't want to leave it turned off,
but Orion will basically go talk to the database at every accessor to make
sure that it's got the latest data and not assume that Orion knows best.


- Original Message -
From: Armin Michel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: orion with mysql?

  [...] We also tried Hypersonic,
  but it seems that when both Orion and JBuilder communicate with the db
  db gets confused. At least the changes we make in JBuilder don't get

 That's propably because Orion caches data of the DB. If you stop Orion,
 update the DB and then restart Orion, you shouldn't perceive any update



Re: Hot deployment not so hot

2001-03-30 Thread Rian Schmidt

I'd suggest something a little less radical 
first... go into the orion-ejb-jar.xml file in your deployment directory and 
make sure that your updates were reflected there. In particular, make sure 
that Orion not only added what you did, but that it removed what you did. 
Orion seems to, thankfully, be pretty conservative about changing the deployed 
descriptors. If you don't have anything in there that you care about 
(custom mappings, finders, whatever...), then you could just nuke that file, 
touch the orion-application.xml to redeploy, and you should be 


  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 6:46 
  Subject: Re: Hot deployment not so 
  When we had similar problems 
  we would remove the application from the application directory, the ear and 
  the files from the applications-deployment directory. Make sure you stop 
  the server before doing this. Jonathan BrickerLilly Research LabsJava ATG 


03/30/2001 06:13 AM Please respond to Orion-Interest 

 Subject:Hot deployment not so 
  all.I've been having a number of problems with hot deployment ever 
  since I started using orion, and I wondered if anyone could shed any 
  light?Typically it happens when I change an interface rather than just 
  internal bean logic or code: orion says it is redeploying 
  whatever-xyz.jar, but will complain that:- A cmp-field is missing 
  (that I have removed from both the bean and the ejb-jar.xml)- A method 
  doesn't exist (that I have just added to both the bean and the remote 
  i/f)- etc.All the messages I get seem to come down to a conflict 
  between some cached version of the bean and the new version. If I 
  shut down and restart orion, all the problems go away and it deploys the 
  new version fine.This hasn't been a problem during development, but 
  I'm concerned that I might be doing something wrong, and obviously once 
  the system goes live I can't just stop and restart the server when I 
  deploy changes, so what's the Right Way to redeploy a session or entity 
  bean into a running server and tell orion to forget everything it knew 
  about the previous version?(I'm running 1.4.7 on Sun's jdk1.3 on 
  Windows 2000 if it makes any 
  difference.)Thanks,Dan/tastapod--Dan NorthVP 
  Development - Cadrion Software Ltd - +44 (0)20 7440 
  9550CONFIDENTIALITYThis e-mail and any attachments are 
  confidentialand may also be privileged. If you are not the named 
  recipient,please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose 
  thecontents to another person, use it for any purpose, or storeor copy 
  the information in any 

Re: findByXXX() with an ORDER BY parameter for Container-managed bean?

2001-03-30 Thread Rian Schmidt

I'd guess, though I haven't tried it, that you could declare a finder with
two arguments- your object and a String.  Something like:
findByGroupNameSorted(GroupName gn, String dir)
where dir would be asc or desc (either constants or a special
Then, in your orion-ejb-jar.xml, do this:
finder-method query=$1=$groupName ORDER BY $groupName $2


- Original Message -
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Magnus Rydin (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 6:35 AM
Subject: findByXXX() with an ORDER BY parameter for Container-managed bean?

 Dear all,
 Could you tell me how to pass an ORDER BY parameter ( ASC or DESC )
 for a finder-method of Container-Managed bean?

 For example:
 I have an Entity Bean was deployed as a Container-Managed
 bean. The following lines were extracted from my orion-ejb-jar.xml:

 entity-deployment name=psv.rws.ejbs.RwsGroup
 table=Rws_Group data-source=jdbc/RWS_EJB_DS
 cmp-field-mapping name=groupId
 persistence-name=rws_group_id /
 cmp-field-mapping name=groupName
 persistence-name=rws_group_name /

 finder-method query=$1=$groupName ORDER BY
 $groupName ASC



 finder-method query=$1=$groupName ORDER BY
 $groupName DESC




 I have to write 2 finder methods for an normal finder method with
 ascending order and descending order: findByGroupNameAsc and

 Are there any way to combine them become a finder method?

 Thanks in advance!
 * Le Van Meo
 * Senior Developer
 * Tel: 8 251 250
 * Mobil: 091 64 26 36

Re: redhat 7

2001-03-22 Thread Rian Schmidt


We're doing a variety of benchmarks for a redesign of our site maintenance
work request system (currently running a ColdFusion front-end over Java
objects for the back-end) against, among other things, a fully Orion-based
(JSP/taglib/EJB) system, and we're seeing performance improvements of 20X
very consistently.

Both environments are running on the same RedHat 7 system.


Rian Schmidt
Fine Brand Media, Inc.
Internet Professional Services

- Original Message -
From: "David Morton" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: redhat 7

  I am having great success with Redhat 7.0 jdk
 1.3/MySQL/ connection broker (autoreconnect=true) and the
 mm.mysql driver JDBC driver.


 At 01:37 PM 3/22/01 -0800, you wrote:
 Any experience with the latest redhat distro and orion? Has anybody seen

Looking up an EJB in a different application...

2001-03-20 Thread Rian Schmidt


Can anyone give me a pointer on how I might successfully lookup an EJB from
within another EJB in a different application (both in Orion)?

Here's the scenario:
Application 'two'- EJB TwoBean looks up - Application 'one'- EJB OneBean

Make sense?

Now, java:comp/env/One and java:comp/env/Two both work from external
clients.  But TwoBean cannot see OneBean.  I've tried using hard-coded, a file, and 1500 (or so)variations on the
names of the beans.

I've got an ejb-ref entry in my ejb-jar.xml for application 'two,' but the
kicker seems to be that no matter what I do to the properties, the result of
printing the list from TwoBean shows:
--java:comp: javax.naming.Context
--Two: TwoHome

I'm setting the to look for ormi:localhost/one... but that's
not happening.  So, the short version is:
How can I look up a bean in one application's EJB under Orion from another
application's EJB?  Is there any way to "step outside" an application's JNDI
naming context?


Re: Looking up an EJB in a different application...

2001-03-20 Thread Rian Schmidt

Follow up for posterity...

Turns out that there's an, apparently, Orion-specific thing... the
"parent=..." tag in the server.xml file in /config (specifically the
application tag therein.)  The closest I could get without that was to be
able to lookup the home just like an external client... but even then, no
dice on narrow... ClassCastException.

Now, it strikes me that this seems to imply that you can basically match up
two and only two apps?  I mean, sounds like the ultimate enterprise class
problem of sharing lots of beans between lots of applications won't work.
And while odd, doesn't prevent us from getting at least from point A to
point 2.

Happy coding.


 Can anyone give me a pointer on how I might successfully lookup an EJB
 within another EJB in a different application (both in Orion)?

 Here's the scenario:
 Application 'two'- EJB TwoBean looks up - Application 'one'- EJB

 Make sense?

 Now, java:comp/env/One and java:comp/env/Two both work from external
 clients.  But TwoBean cannot see OneBean.  I've tried using hard-coded, a file, and 1500 (or so)variations on the
 names of the beans.

 I've got an ejb-ref entry in my ejb-jar.xml for application 'two,' but
 kicker seems to be that no matter what I do to the properties, the result
 printing the list from TwoBean shows:
 --java:comp: javax.naming.Context
 --Two: TwoHome

 I'm setting the to look for ormi:localhost/one... but
 not happening.  So, the short version is:
 How can I look up a bean in one application's EJB under Orion from another
 application's EJB?  Is there any way to "step outside" an application's
 naming context?
