[osdcmy-public] Re: Cadangan untuk berkorban sempena Eid-ul Adha.

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Mohd Rizal Haji Atan
saya pun sama seperti en hanif sukerelawan Melalui Muslimaid boleh bantu
dari segi edaran daging korban untuk mereka yang layak di sekitar selangor.

2009/10/29 ha...@um.edu.my


 saya sedia membantu, kebetulan saya ade join group sukarelawan muslim aid..

 tapi saya maybe just boleh bantu untuk hantarkan bekalan daging je la..
 part2 lain tu tak pasti le pulak..

 so muslim aid cadangkan agar bantuan dihantar ke rumah anak yatim pelarian
 rohingya di selayang nu.. dan kalau nak bagi tempat lain jugak, boleh bagi
 dekat asdaf ( asrama anak yatim darul falah ) dekat bangsar tu..

 ape2hal saya bagitau..



 Quoting Mohd Hidzuan hidz...@gmail.com on Thu, 29 Oct 2009 10:11:46

  Salam Sejahtera
  Kehadapan rakan-rakan seperjuangan,
  Kami ingin mempelawa kepada rakan untuk menguruskan seekor lembu yang
  sedia ada. Lembu ini telah disediakan dan bahagian nya sudah dipenuhi,
  itu kami meminta rakan yang mempunyai idea atau cadangan utuk
  dimana dan serta menguruskannya.
  Diharap dengan pengorbanan ini dapat menambah rahmat dan barakah kepada
  usaha kita selama ini. Oleh itu sebarang cadangan untuk tempat untuk
  disedekahkan, kumpulan kerja yang terlibat, amat2 dialu-alukan.
  Lembu yang disedekahkan oleh kami adalah dari Selangor, maka sebarang
  seperti rumah anak yatim, rumah orang tua, masjid mestilah dari Selangor
  Sekian, Wsalam.
  To follow the path, look to the master,
  follow the master, walk with the master,
  see through the master, become the master.
  Selasih Net Enterprise
  we never sleep, we just park our head

 UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA  -   The Leader in Research  Innovation 


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Marcus


red1 wrote:
 Baru tadi saya selesai menghadiri forum anjuran MDec bersama FOSSmy 
 dimana beberapa tokoh dunia seperti Brian Aker dan David Axmark (rakan 
 pereka MySQL). Setelah mendedahkan soal budaya yang sama dirasai oleh 
 mereka walaupun di Eropah, dimana mereka sendiri tidak ada sokongan 
 melainkan PC sendiri dan hari kelapangan hujung minggu. David mengambil 
 masa 5 tahun lamanya sebelum negaranya sendiri iaitu Sweden menyiarkan 
 tentang MySQL. Itupun setelah ia jadi masyur di Amerika Syarikat.

 David mengesahkan bahawa pernah beberapa kali mereka menolak soal 
 perniagaan kerana ingin fokus pada MySQL. Pakar perniagaan sering 
 menganggu mereka dengan tawaran yang mereka tidak mempersetujui. Orang 
 bisnes juga turut tidak memahami mengapa pereka ini tidak mahu berniaga 
 lebih komersil. Lihatlah semangat mereka yang tidak putus asa dengan 
 sumber terbuka. Itulah rahsia kejayaan mereka.

 Dalam forum tadi, beberapa pegawai MDec mengenali saya dan bersetuju 
 ingin menyokong apa jua permohonan saya untuk mendapat dana dari sana. 
 Saya dengan rendah diri menolak pelawaan tersebut. Saya meminta mereka 
 supaya fikirkanlah rakan-rakan dan adik-adik lain di sini. Saya sudah 
 tidak perlu pertolongan mereka kerana ingin membuktikan keihklasan 
 permintaan mudah ini. Saya hanya mahu perjuangkan mereka ini yang belum 

 Hukum-hakam dan perundangan dalam borang meminta dana hendaklah dikaji 
 semula dan diperbaiki. Justru itu soal mengaitkan sesuatu usaha innovasi 
 dengan berkesanan projek dan keuntungan komersil hendaklah dipisahkan. 
 Innovasi adalah innovasi. Tidak ada kait mengait dengan soal komersil. 
 Sekurang-kurangnya belum lagi.

 Lihatlah Harvard dan sejarahnya selama 300 tahun yang bermula dengan 11 
 pelajar dan seorang pensyarah. Mereka mencari ilmu dan mencipta ilmu 
 baru, bukan produk dan soal keuntungan. Lihatlah Universiti Princeton 
 yang menjemput Albert Einstein untuk datang dan duduk sahaja tanpa 
 mengajar. Mengapa?

 Kita di sini tidak akan mencapai tahap kejayaan mereka. Bukan kita tidak 
 ada cerdik pandai malah cukup banyak saya jumpa. Tetapi mereka 
 ditakut2kan dengan istilah bombastik yang tidak perlu. Mereka dizalimi 
 sebenarnya. Siapa yang rugi? Kita adalah  rakyat yang berhak untuk 
 mengajukan pandangan yang bernas demi negara tersayang kita.

 Saya juga meminta pegawai MDec untuk menjemput pihak OSDC.my supaya 
 berdialog secara terus-terang tanpa pra-sangka. Kosongkanlah minda 
 bahawa OSDC.my yang perlu wang seolah pengemis di negara sendiri. Kita 
 bukan pengemis. Kita adalah modal insan dan pembawa generasi masa depan 

 Sekian dengan ikhlas dari saya,



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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Hasanuddin Abu Bakar

Saya baru mendapatkan khidmat nasihat mengenai hasrat saya untuk
membangunkan Malaysian Common Desktop dengan wakil MDec di Kelantan.
Nampaknya beliau sangat berminat dengan idea tersebut, namun dengan
satu pertanyaan, Bagaimana anda mendapatkan keuntungan dari produk

Saya tidak berhasrat untuk membelakangi Ubuntu, malah Ubuntu akan
menjadi mentor untuk produk ini. Produk ini akan menjadi A Better
Ubuntu for Malaysian.

Saya memerlukan dana kerana saya belum berjumpa dengan pengaturcara
yang sedia bekerja secara percuma (bukan freedom tapi free) kerana
proses ini memerlukan masa yang panjang. Masa lebih bernilai daripada
emas. Saya tak mahu dana untuk naik ke angkasa lepas, cukup untuk
membayar elaun, peralatan atau membiayai program yang akan dianjurkan.

Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

PGP Public Key 

2009/10/29 Marcus mar...@python.my:


 red1 wrote:
 Baru tadi saya selesai menghadiri forum anjuran MDec bersama FOSSmy
 dimana beberapa tokoh dunia seperti Brian Aker dan David Axmark (rakan
 pereka MySQL). Setelah mendedahkan soal budaya yang sama dirasai oleh
 mereka walaupun di Eropah, dimana mereka sendiri tidak ada sokongan
 melainkan PC sendiri dan hari kelapangan hujung minggu. David mengambil
 masa 5 tahun lamanya sebelum negaranya sendiri iaitu Sweden menyiarkan
 tentang MySQL. Itupun setelah ia jadi masyur di Amerika Syarikat.

 David mengesahkan bahawa pernah beberapa kali mereka menolak soal
 perniagaan kerana ingin fokus pada MySQL. Pakar perniagaan sering
 menganggu mereka dengan tawaran yang mereka tidak mempersetujui. Orang
 bisnes juga turut tidak memahami mengapa pereka ini tidak mahu berniaga
 lebih komersil. Lihatlah semangat mereka yang tidak putus asa dengan
 sumber terbuka. Itulah rahsia kejayaan mereka.

 Dalam forum tadi, beberapa pegawai MDec mengenali saya dan bersetuju
 ingin menyokong apa jua permohonan saya untuk mendapat dana dari sana.
 Saya dengan rendah diri menolak pelawaan tersebut. Saya meminta mereka
 supaya fikirkanlah rakan-rakan dan adik-adik lain di sini. Saya sudah
 tidak perlu pertolongan mereka kerana ingin membuktikan keihklasan
 permintaan mudah ini. Saya hanya mahu perjuangkan mereka ini yang belum

 Hukum-hakam dan perundangan dalam borang meminta dana hendaklah dikaji
 semula dan diperbaiki. Justru itu soal mengaitkan sesuatu usaha innovasi
 dengan berkesanan projek dan keuntungan komersil hendaklah dipisahkan.
 Innovasi adalah innovasi. Tidak ada kait mengait dengan soal komersil.
 Sekurang-kurangnya belum lagi.

 Lihatlah Harvard dan sejarahnya selama 300 tahun yang bermula dengan 11
 pelajar dan seorang pensyarah. Mereka mencari ilmu dan mencipta ilmu
 baru, bukan produk dan soal keuntungan. Lihatlah Universiti Princeton
 yang menjemput Albert Einstein untuk datang dan duduk sahaja tanpa
 mengajar. Mengapa?

 Kita di sini tidak akan mencapai tahap kejayaan mereka. Bukan kita tidak
 ada cerdik pandai malah cukup banyak saya jumpa. Tetapi mereka
 ditakut2kan dengan istilah bombastik yang tidak perlu. Mereka dizalimi
 sebenarnya. Siapa yang rugi? Kita adalah  rakyat yang berhak untuk
 mengajukan pandangan yang bernas demi negara tersayang kita.

 Saya juga meminta pegawai MDec untuk menjemput pihak OSDC.my supaya
 berdialog secara terus-terang tanpa pra-sangka. Kosongkanlah minda
 bahawa OSDC.my yang perlu wang seolah pengemis di negara sendiri. Kita
 bukan pengemis. Kita adalah modal insan dan pembawa generasi masa depan

 Sekian dengan ikhlas dari saya,



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[osdcmy-public] Re: Cadangan Varsity Hackerm Tour

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik se7en

2009/10/29 red1 r...@red1.org

 Baru tadi saya berbincang dengan Azrul untuk mengemukakan satu rancangan
 yang boleh menarik peminat khusus iaitu satu program (yg boleh tumpang
 atas Linux Varsiti) tetapi khusus dan panjang sikit:

 1. Satu minggu di setiap varsiti secara khusus selepas pameran dan
 persembahan LinuxVarsiti

 2. Varsiti Hacker Tour bergerak dalam bilik makmal dengan tayangan ke
 layar besar untuk ditontoni penuntut perisian sumber terbuka

 3. Azrul dan saya akan melakukan pair programming secara sistematik

 4. JipangSyazwan akan merakamkan secara live/tube/reality.

 5. Setiap varsiti bukan ulangan program tetapi bersambung iaitu
 sekiranya kita bermula di universiti A tentang setup kod baru,
 universiti B akan bersambung kod berikut tanpa mengulangi.  Dengan itu
 projek itu siap pada akhir tour tersebut.

 6. Dana untuk promosi di media massa perlu supaya warga varsiti semua
 akan mengikutinya secara atas talian, dan apabila tiba di varsiti secara
 fizikal pasti sambutan lebih intim.

 7. Blog/streaming realiti berterusan mengekori pasukan akan menjadi
 tumpuan. Ramai sukarelawan atau anggota projek boleh mengambil bahagian
 dan menyumbangkan kod masing2.

 8. Produk outcome pada akhir tour selama 6 bulan nanti Azrul dan saya
 akan menghasilkan:

 a. integrasi GUI baru atas ADempiere
 b. integrasi WF Joget ERP
 c. integrasi BI tools
 d. hasil kerja sukarelawan varsiti seluruh malaysia
 e. dokumentasi perjalanan dan komuniti khusus untuk Java enterprise

 WDYT? -- apa pendapat anda semua?



Never Underestimated People Stupidity

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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Marcus

In some ways that is very true. One day someone might invent
that star-trek device that can create food, gold or anything by just
adding electrons to atoms. Then everyone can
work for free and the betterment of human race. 

Until then... funds are required to get things working. The guy on
mysql wouldn't even be able to survice if he didn't have
an ongoing paid job, someone , somewhere is always paying , one way or
the other. If i live in some European countries,
i might get away by coding all the way and giving the gov a "i cant
work, nobody hire me" and live on the meager Gov funds for jobless
until my project kicks off. 

Over here, realistically, it would be good news enuf for many if funds
are used for the right work and results.


Hasanuddin Abu Bakar wrote:

  Saya baru mendapatkan khidmat nasihat mengenai hasrat saya untuk
membangunkan Malaysian Common Desktop dengan wakil MDec di Kelantan.
Nampaknya beliau sangat berminat dengan idea tersebut, namun dengan
satu pertanyaan, "Bagaimana anda mendapatkan keuntungan dari produk

Saya tidak berhasrat untuk membelakangi Ubuntu, malah Ubuntu akan
menjadi mentor untuk produk ini. Produk ini akan menjadi "A Better
Ubuntu for Malaysian".

Saya memerlukan dana kerana saya belum berjumpa dengan pengaturcara
yang sedia bekerja secara percuma (bukan "freedom" tapi "free") kerana
proses ini memerlukan masa yang panjang. Masa lebih bernilai daripada
emas. Saya tak mahu dana untuk naik ke angkasa lepas, cukup untuk
membayar elaun, peralatan atau membiayai program yang akan dianjurkan.

Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

PGP Public Key http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=getsearch=0xC5A1B11965D43C5C

2009/10/29 Marcus mar...@python.my:

red1 wrote:

  Baru tadi saya selesai menghadiri forum anjuran MDec bersama FOSSmy
dimana beberapa tokoh dunia seperti Brian Aker dan David Axmark (rakan
pereka MySQL). Setelah mendedahkan soal budaya yang sama dirasai oleh
mereka walaupun di Eropah, dimana mereka sendiri tidak ada sokongan
melainkan PC sendiri dan hari kelapangan hujung minggu. David mengambil
masa 5 tahun lamanya sebelum negaranya sendiri iaitu Sweden menyiarkan
tentang MySQL. Itupun setelah ia jadi masyur di Amerika Syarikat.

David mengesahkan bahawa pernah beberapa kali mereka menolak soal
perniagaan kerana ingin fokus pada MySQL. Pakar perniagaan sering
menganggu mereka dengan tawaran yang mereka tidak mempersetujui. Orang
bisnes juga turut tidak memahami mengapa pereka ini tidak mahu berniaga
lebih komersil. Lihatlah semangat mereka yang tidak putus asa dengan
sumber terbuka. Itulah rahsia kejayaan mereka.

Dalam forum tadi, beberapa pegawai MDec mengenali saya dan bersetuju
ingin menyokong apa jua permohonan saya untuk mendapat dana dari sana.
Saya dengan rendah diri menolak pelawaan tersebut. Saya meminta mereka
supaya fikirkanlah rakan-rakan dan adik-adik lain di sini. Saya sudah
tidak perlu pertolongan mereka kerana ingin membuktikan keihklasan
permintaan mudah ini. Saya hanya mahu perjuangkan mereka ini yang belum

Hukum-hakam dan perundangan dalam borang meminta dana hendaklah dikaji
semula dan diperbaiki. Justru itu soal mengaitkan sesuatu usaha innovasi
dengan berkesanan projek dan keuntungan komersil hendaklah dipisahkan.
Innovasi adalah innovasi. Tidak ada kait mengait dengan soal komersil.
Sekurang-kurangnya belum lagi.

Lihatlah Harvard dan sejarahnya selama 300 tahun yang bermula dengan 11
pelajar dan seorang pensyarah. Mereka mencari ilmu dan mencipta ilmu
baru, bukan produk dan soal keuntungan. Lihatlah Universiti Princeton
yang menjemput Albert Einstein untuk datang dan duduk sahaja tanpa
mengajar. Mengapa?

Kita di sini tidak akan mencapai tahap kejayaan mereka. Bukan kita tidak
ada cerdik pandai malah cukup banyak saya jumpa. Tetapi mereka
ditakut2kan dengan istilah bombastik yang tidak perlu. Mereka dizalimi
sebenarnya. Siapa yang rugi? Kita adalah rakyat yang berhak untuk
mengajukan pandangan yang bernas demi negara tersayang kita.

Saya juga meminta pegawai MDec untuk menjemput pihak OSDC.my supaya
berdialog secara terus-terang tanpa pra-sangka. Kosongkanlah minda
bahawa OSDC.my yang perlu wang seolah pengemis di negara sendiri. Kita
bukan pengemis. Kita adalah modal insan dan pembawa generasi masa depan

Sekian dengan ikhlas dari saya,




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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Ditesh Kumar

2009/10/29 Marcus mar...@python.my:
 Until then... funds are required to get things working. The guy on mysql
 wouldn't even be able to survice if he didn't  have

I don't think this is an accurate representation of MySQL's history.
You should have attended David Axmark's talk on Sunday morning where
one can be humbled at how MySQL was basically built from ground up (ie
from nothing) and without understanding or asking for funding etc.

Getting paid at the start of the project is always good but it is not
a necessary condition to run a project or build great software.

If you can, go forth and get funding; but if you don't get funding,
don't let that stop you from achieving your goals :)


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik BRIAN RITCHIE

  Any chance his presentation will be uploaded/circulated ? I was one of the
few guilty ones that missed due to an overshot alarm clock. :-(

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Ditesh Kumar ditesh.ku...@gmail.comwrote:

 2009/10/29 Marcus mar...@python.my:
  Until then... funds are required to get things working. The guy on mysql
  wouldn't even be able to survice if he didn't  have

 I don't think this is an accurate representation of MySQL's history.
 You should have attended David Axmark's talk on Sunday morning where
 one can be humbled at how MySQL was basically built from ground up (ie
 from nothing) and without understanding or asking for funding etc.

 Getting paid at the start of the project is always good but it is not
 a necessary condition to run a project or build great software.

 If you can, go forth and get funding; but if you don't get funding,
 don't let that stop you from achieving your goals :)



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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Ditesh Kumar

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 6:45 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE
esqbrianritc...@gmail.com wrote:

   Any chance his presentation will be uploaded/circulated ? I was one of the
 few guilty ones that missed due to an overshot alarm clock. :-(

We're chasing up for the video! But here are a couple screencaps:


Btw, David is investing in FOSS based startups (yes, David's a Free
Software + Open Source chap), especially those community related:


Oh, and software patents suck:



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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik BRIAN RITCHIE
I know. Its no excuse and I openly admit it. Late night unfortunately though
I agree, missing his talk was inexcusable.

Ditesh, thanks a mill dude. Greatly appreciated


On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 6:56 PM, red1 r...@red1.org wrote:

 Shame on you! Overshot alarm clock? :)
 Well, even though its uploaded to youtube later, nothing beats been
 there in person. You could see his body language and glimmer in his eyes
 when he said what he said,

 We do have a business plan. It is only a single paper with a single
 line, 'We think it can work.' I noticed from his eyes, how he hated to
 be insulted by those men in black suits and neckties. :)


Any chance his presentation will be uploaded/circulated ? I was one
  of the few guilty ones that missed due to an overshot alarm clock. :-(


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Cadangan Varsity Hackerm Tour

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Boh Yap

hi red1  all,

now you are talking

with due respect, the current LinuxU program, as I see it, is good;
but its only spreading the love, NOT the skills!

With a programming workshop as you are suggesting, that is spreading
the skills, and I'm more motivated to participate.

But this a more involved program, it involves actual training, not
only in programming skills, BUT in modern SW Development practices...
What I mean by that is not just teaching them a language (Java,
Python, Ruby, PHP, etc..) but also skills  familiarity with Agile
development methodology - pair programming, unit-tests, iteration
cycles... not to mention code versioning. I'm am surprised by why this
is not even taught in Uni's, or they may taught but never use!

Another important thing is to expose students to what is out there,
see end of this message... then equip them with the basic skills and
let them choose (if they are able rto...)

(I guess end of the day, there will be different types of programmers
- as per my earlier mail, and we will need 'Drone Programmers', but
teaching these are knda dull don't you think? ;-)

And then after that you are talking of getting them onto areas of
specialization... and or using various libraries or frameworks. For
example in Web-development, its a whole big world out there... just
for web frameworks.. PHP - Drupal, Joomla, Xoops, and Java and Python
has a whole bunch! And we are not even talking of 'cloud' applications
like GAE!

Other areas of specialization could be: graphics  animation, game
development, mobile, systems/network  security (real hacking;-) and
of course biz apps like ERP ;-)

So what I'm trying to say is that once we get into it, its almost like
developing a whole syllabus for SW Engineering, -  and we might as
well work with University to develop the syllabus, and probably help
teach it!

I dont know about yr experiences, but from my general knowledge and
having recently taught a Python Intro course to 3,4 yr Uni students,
what I can say is the general level of programming skills are VERY
low. Not only that, their conceptual knowledge is also low.

Also, I'll like to emphasize, when teaching programming, one must not
just focus on teaching a language, but rather on concepts (ie:
algoritms and data-structures). I feel sometimes we get too 'attached'
to a language and think thats its greatest thing on earth. Then we
fall into the trap of

..if all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail!

Certain languages have strengths in certain things, and some concepts
may be better expressed in some languages. And a good programmer would
have several tools in their toolbox and choose a particular language
for different types of projects.

And 'new' languages and concepts are always being invented or recycled
everyday, and if anything we should make students aware of this. e.g.
some time back Azrul mentioned Scala, a language designed for highly
distributed and concurrent use, based on continuations. But the
concept of continuations came about with functional languages that
traces its root back to Lisp, which predates C! And Erlang is another
such highly concurrent langauge, invented by Ericsson and OSS, at
about the same time as Java.

Another recycled concept is the new bunch of schemaless DBs, among
them Googles BigTable, CouchDB, etc.. meant to sit on the cloud. This
first came about with the MUMPS programming language, which again
predates C. And MUMPs itself has several OSS versiona and there are 2
commercial MUMPS DB, by GTM and Intersystems Cache, which run very
large healthcare and financial applications.

either of these would make very powerful and useful tools in
programmers hands,...

Yes, its a whole big world out there, and just talking about Jave (or
Python) is a tiny drop... and not enough. ;-)

Sure, I'll like to contribute to your program, let's spread the skills
not just the love...

2009/10/29 red1 r...@red1.org:

 Baru tadi saya berbincang dengan Azrul untuk mengemukakan satu rancangan
 yang boleh menarik peminat khusus iaitu satu program (yg boleh tumpang
 atas Linux Varsiti) tetapi khusus dan panjang sikit:

 1. Satu minggu di setiap varsiti secara khusus selepas pameran dan
 persembahan LinuxVarsiti

 2. Varsiti Hacker Tour bergerak dalam bilik makmal dengan tayangan ke
 layar besar untuk ditontoni penuntut perisian sumber terbuka

 3. Azrul dan saya akan melakukan pair programming secara sistematik

 4. JipangSyazwan akan merakamkan secara live/tube/reality.

 5. Setiap varsiti bukan ulangan program tetapi bersambung iaitu
 sekiranya kita bermula di universiti A tentang setup kod baru,
 universiti B akan bersambung kod berikut tanpa mengulangi.  Dengan itu
 projek itu siap pada akhir tour tersebut.

 6. Dana untuk promosi di media massa perlu supaya warga varsiti semua
 akan mengikutinya secara atas talian, dan apabila tiba di varsiti secara
 fizikal pasti sambutan lebih intim.

 7. Blog/streaming realiti berterusan mengekori pasukan akan menjadi

[osdcmy-public] Re: Cadangan Varsity Hackerm Tour

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini

if you ever received thread about LinuxVarsiti in Python.my mlist..
that's why I'm want your community join us..

too bad there's no one from language community ever appear at last event..

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Boh Yap bhy...@gmail.com wrote:

 hi red1  all,

 now you are talking

 with due respect, the current LinuxU program, as I see it, is good;
 but its only spreading the love, NOT the skills!

 With a programming workshop as you are suggesting, that is spreading
 the skills, and I'm more motivated to participate.

 But this a more involved program, it involves actual training, not
 only in programming skills, BUT in modern SW Development practices...
 What I mean by that is not just teaching them a language (Java,
 Python, Ruby, PHP, etc..) but also skills  familiarity with Agile
 development methodology - pair programming, unit-tests, iteration
 cycles... not to mention code versioning. I'm am surprised by why this
 is not even taught in Uni's, or they may taught but never use!

 Another important thing is to expose students to what is out there,
 see end of this message... then equip them with the basic skills and
 let them choose (if they are able rto...)

 (I guess end of the day, there will be different types of programmers
 - as per my earlier mail, and we will need 'Drone Programmers', but
 teaching these are knda dull don't you think? ;-)

 And then after that you are talking of getting them onto areas of
 specialization... and or using various libraries or frameworks. For
 example in Web-development, its a whole big world out there... just
 for web frameworks.. PHP - Drupal, Joomla, Xoops, and Java and Python
 has a whole bunch! And we are not even talking of 'cloud' applications
 like GAE!

 Other areas of specialization could be: graphics  animation, game
 development, mobile, systems/network  security (real hacking;-) and
 of course biz apps like ERP ;-)

 So what I'm trying to say is that once we get into it, its almost like
 developing a whole syllabus for SW Engineering, -  and we might as
 well work with University to develop the syllabus, and probably help
 teach it!

 I dont know about yr experiences, but from my general knowledge and
 having recently taught a Python Intro course to 3,4 yr Uni students,
 what I can say is the general level of programming skills are VERY
 low. Not only that, their conceptual knowledge is also low.

 Also, I'll like to emphasize, when teaching programming, one must not
 just focus on teaching a language, but rather on concepts (ie:
 algoritms and data-structures). I feel sometimes we get too 'attached'
 to a language and think thats its greatest thing on earth. Then we
 fall into the trap of

 ..if all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail!

 Certain languages have strengths in certain things, and some concepts
 may be better expressed in some languages. And a good programmer would
 have several tools in their toolbox and choose a particular language
 for different types of projects.

 And 'new' languages and concepts are always being invented or recycled
 everyday, and if anything we should make students aware of this. e.g.
 some time back Azrul mentioned Scala, a language designed for highly
 distributed and concurrent use, based on continuations. But the
 concept of continuations came about with functional languages that
 traces its root back to Lisp, which predates C! And Erlang is another
 such highly concurrent langauge, invented by Ericsson and OSS, at
 about the same time as Java.

 Another recycled concept is the new bunch of schemaless DBs, among
 them Googles BigTable, CouchDB, etc.. meant to sit on the cloud. This
 first came about with the MUMPS programming language, which again
 predates C. And MUMPs itself has several OSS versiona and there are 2
 commercial MUMPS DB, by GTM and Intersystems Cache, which run very
 large healthcare and financial applications.

 either of these would make very powerful and useful tools in
 programmers hands,...

 Yes, its a whole big world out there, and just talking about Jave (or
 Python) is a tiny drop... and not enough. ;-)

 Sure, I'll like to contribute to your program, let's spread the skills
 not just the love...

 2009/10/29 red1 r...@red1.org:
  Baru tadi saya berbincang dengan Azrul untuk mengemukakan satu rancangan
  yang boleh menarik peminat khusus iaitu satu program (yg boleh tumpang
  atas Linux Varsiti) tetapi khusus dan panjang sikit:
  1. Satu minggu di setiap varsiti secara khusus selepas pameran dan
  persembahan LinuxVarsiti
  2. Varsiti Hacker Tour bergerak dalam bilik makmal dengan tayangan ke
  layar besar untuk ditontoni penuntut perisian sumber terbuka
  3. Azrul dan saya akan melakukan pair programming secara sistematik
  4. JipangSyazwan akan merakamkan secara live/tube/reality.
  5. Setiap varsiti bukan ulangan program tetapi bersambung iaitu
  sekiranya kita bermula di universiti A tentang setup kod baru,
  universiti B akan 

[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Marcus

He was jobless when he did that? I didn't assume he asked for funding, i 
just assumed he had spare time and an existing paid job. At least that
is how the traditional school was to me...fund your own ideas with your 
own money.

When i first co-started a company in 1999, i swiped my credit card RM 5k 
for a dell 486 machine, worked in a rented apartment, survived on saved 
salaries, lots of mineral water and Mat Wan Burger stall.
I did wished i got some fundings and never got any back then, neither 
did i know how to. What i do know is : 1. funding is taking people's 
money, you better do good with it  2. Its business as usual.

- cheers


Ditesh Kumar wrote:
 2009/10/29 Marcus mar...@python.my:
 Until then... funds are required to get things working. The guy on mysql
 wouldn't even be able to survice if he didn't  have

 I don't think this is an accurate representation of MySQL's history.
 You should have attended David Axmark's talk on Sunday morning where
 one can be humbled at how MySQL was basically built from ground up (ie
 from nothing) and without understanding or asking for funding etc.

 Getting paid at the start of the project is always good but it is not
 a necessary condition to run a project or build great software.

 If you can, go forth and get funding; but if you don't get funding,
 don't let that stop you from achieving your goals :)




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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Ditesh Kumar

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:22 PM, Marcus mar...@python.my wrote:
 He was jobless when he did that? I didn't assume he asked for funding, i

And in fact, they also rejected funding early on coming from prominent sources.

As David says, Know what you need, not what you want :)


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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Hasanuddin Abu Bakar

I am agree with Boh, this is a sosio-economic problem. I am working
with an IT firm and our business model doesn't reach Google's or
Ubuntu's business model yet, we like to adopt it, but we CAN'T. It may
takes 5-10 years to see it happens here. How do you sell FOSS when
it's available for free?... Most people still don't understand how to
generate money from FOSS.

Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

PGP Public Key 

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Boh Yap bhy...@gmail.com wrote:

 hi all,

 A few post earlier, the question of

  How do I eat, while I work on free SW?

 is a very valid question, especially more so in our so called
 'developing world'.

 Someone has to pay... or rather the developer has some form of income.

 I think the issue is also socio-economic related.

 In developed countries, there is a social safety net of a welfare
 system, where altho meagre, someone can still live on, while they work
 on their free pet projects.

 But I think the more important socio-economic issue is in Europe, US 
 Developed countries, they ALL STARTED YOUNGER! Take Google, Yahoo,
 Linus, they started while tey will still in college or just after.
 This shows a few things:

 1. the skill levels of the overseas CompSc students are way higher!
 Most guys who opt for CompSc ALREADY KNOW programming before Uni.
 Here, they entr Uni to learn to program! And we have lecturers that
 barely know how to program...
 Then, we don't gain enough skills and knowledge until we are in late
 20's then you get hit with the next problem..

 2. starting younger means you have less 'other' commitments - ie: no
 spouse, no mortgages and no kids. When you have these, its next to
 impossible to consider working on free SW, if you are not already
 paid, or have some other sort of income. Even with social welfare,
 once you have these commitments, its hard, economically to work on
 free SW.

 3. If you work for a local company, no way they will open source their
 stuff! The culture hav'nt reached that far yet. And its only in a
 handful of multi-national companies that actively support FOSS, that
 you will get to work on a FOSS project - ie: Sun, IBM, etc...

 4. Skill levels again... the technical demands of a FOSS project is
 pretty high, and there is a very steep learning curve. So if you wanna
 join a FOSS project you gotta be a reasonably good coder or
 If you are starting one, you better be a good PM and/or Architect.

 So I guess, the gleam in the eye, the the gung-ho enthusiasm will only
 carry you that far. It would probably work when I was in my 20's but
 now?? I doubt it.

 Still I do not diss the enthusiasm and ideals, but after 20 yrs
 pushing them, (uphill), I have become more jaded. I still uphold those
 ideals, otherwise I wouldnt be on this forum, and I will like to see
 progress... my POV is that we shld focus on skills development,
 really, really work on developing programming skills - and with modern
 languages its much more easier and fun. Think of the collective
 potential of the country if 5% of school leavers (I mean STPM not Uni)
 can build a website using the usual framework (Joomla, Rails,
 Django,...) there'll be 10,000's  of developers who can later
 work/invent on other stuff..

 So I rather see OSDC have a few programs:

 a. work with or consult with Higher Education to develop curriculum and 
    perhaps also have work experiance interchange, ie: those working in FOSS to
    lecture in Uni.

 b. MDEC, MOSTI whatever to provide a 'safety net' for programmers.
 Someone brought up an idea of a 50k/3mth grant that doesnt need a ton
 of paperwork to approve. ie: give 50k to a project and in 3 mths they
 better show results, else its axed. This I think would be a better
 program to promote technopreneurs. And OSDC can help do the evaluation
 and due deligence.

 c. OSDC itself kick-off a few FOSS projects, especially those that
 have scio-economic /cultural/nation-building benfits. I can rattle off
 a few at the top of my head:

  1.  A System for managing non-profit organizatiions (FreeNPO?) - ie:
 for thinks like the AIDS foundation, Orphanages, Charity org.

  2.  Various database projects, ie: like a Biodiversty Database, to
 capture the fast disapearing species of flora  fuan in our forest...
 I'm sure FRIM (Forest Researh Inst.) and UPM would love this

  3. Healthcare (my favourite), there is much to do here, because Med
 SW tends to be very expensive, and I strongly fell tht money spent on
 licences could be better spent on medicines and real things that save
 lives!)... from Systems to manage small rural hospitals, systems to
 report on medical statistics (like cases of Malaria, HINI, no.
 births/deaths, diabetes.. that cover in ALL hospitals even in 

[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Ahmad Amran Kapi

Saya suka foldees.com hasil dari pre-seed juga. Ada projek yang bagus,
ada projek kadang-kadang kita tak tau apa yang akan naik e.g search
engine - google ? (sedangkan ada banyak search engine sebelum dia),
webmail - gmail (yahoo ,hotmail dah ada, kenapa nak ada satu lagi
webmail ?

Ahmad Amran Kapi
Art In Software Sdn Bhd
Suite 2.5 Inkubator K-Ekonomi
75450 Ayer Keroh
06-2322464 / 013-6102545

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
bizkut...@gmail.com wrote:

 This project called Coconect http://www.coconect.com

 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

 Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

 PGP Public Key 

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:17 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 bizkut...@gmail.com wrote:
 That's the spirit! I like to see ALL people who able to work without
 fund from government, such as this
 http://madeonmac.com/2009/09/my-interview-on-msc-grant/ guys just won
 RM150K pre-seed fund for developing a website serving e-cards!

 Come on guys, wtf was that? our government spent almost RM14 millions
 for things like that? sendiri mau pikir la

 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

 Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

 PGP Public Key 

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel
 linuxmalay...@gmail.com wrote:

 Up until now most OSDC.my activities fund by volunteers own pocket
 money and most of them are freelance contribute their time to promote



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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Hasanuddin Abu Bakar

Betul tu encik Amran. Diorang dapat pre-seed sebab diorang dapat jawab
soalan How do you get income from this project?...untuk jangka masa
pendek, maksud saya pendapatan di depan mata hasil penjualan e-card,
berapa ringgit sekeping, kalau seringgit sekeping 1juta dapat RM1juta.

Bila cakap pasal fokus jangka masa panjang, tak ada orang yang yakin.
seperti yang saya dah cakap, trend ni kena tunggu 5-10 tahun akan
datang baru nampak kat Malaysia.

Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

PGP Public Key 

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Ahmad Amran Kapi r0k...@gmail.com wrote:

 Saya suka foldees.com hasil dari pre-seed juga. Ada projek yang bagus,
 ada projek kadang-kadang kita tak tau apa yang akan naik e.g search
 engine - google ? (sedangkan ada banyak search engine sebelum dia),
 webmail - gmail (yahoo ,hotmail dah ada, kenapa nak ada satu lagi
 webmail ?

 Ahmad Amran Kapi
 Art In Software Sdn Bhd
 Suite 2.5 Inkubator K-Ekonomi
 75450 Ayer Keroh
 06-2322464 / 013-6102545

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 bizkut...@gmail.com wrote:

 This project called Coconect http://www.coconect.com

 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

 Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

 PGP Public Key 

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:17 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 bizkut...@gmail.com wrote:
 That's the spirit! I like to see ALL people who able to work without
 fund from government, such as this
 http://madeonmac.com/2009/09/my-interview-on-msc-grant/ guys just won
 RM150K pre-seed fund for developing a website serving e-cards!

 Come on guys, wtf was that? our government spent almost RM14 millions
 for things like that? sendiri mau pikir la

 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

 Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

 PGP Public Key 

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel
 linuxmalay...@gmail.com wrote:

 Up until now most OSDC.my activities fund by volunteers own pocket
 money and most of them are freelance contribute their time to promote




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[osdcmy-public] Re: Mendapat Sokongan Dana dari MDec

2009-10-29 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah
boh, from your writing, the first thing that came to my mind is that we need
people who are willing to solve real problems. genuinely helping other
people to solve a problem. not about making a fast buck.

ditesh and marcus, that is so true...

hasan and amran, maybe we should propose to mdec to sponsor rm10k for any
malaysian student / organisation whose proposed google summer of code
project is accepted ? this could be a good start for getting a pool of
developers that hopefully a few will rise to be world class ? this should
keep a developer with family of 3 kids above the rm3k poverty line (urban
kl) for 3 months. can we start with an initial allocation of rm500k for next
year ?

apparently in 2008, 2 malaysian students made it which makes our ranking
lower than sri lanka. sri lanka is in top 10 countries in terms of number of
accepted students.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:34 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar

 Betul tu encik Amran. Diorang dapat pre-seed sebab diorang dapat jawab
 soalan How do you get income from this project?...untuk jangka masa
 pendek, maksud saya pendapatan di depan mata hasil penjualan e-card,
 berapa ringgit sekeping, kalau seringgit sekeping 1juta dapat RM1juta.

 Bila cakap pasal fokus jangka masa panjang, tak ada orang yang yakin.
 seperti yang saya dah cakap, trend ni kena tunggu 5-10 tahun akan
 datang baru nampak kat Malaysia.

 Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
 Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

 Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

 PGP Public Key

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Ahmad Amran Kapi r0k...@gmail.com
  Saya suka foldees.com hasil dari pre-seed juga. Ada projek yang bagus,
  ada projek kadang-kadang kita tak tau apa yang akan naik e.g search
  engine - google ? (sedangkan ada banyak search engine sebelum dia),
  webmail - gmail (yahoo ,hotmail dah ada, kenapa nak ada satu lagi
  webmail ?
  Ahmad Amran Kapi
  Art In Software Sdn Bhd
  Suite 2.5 Inkubator K-Ekonomi
  75450 Ayer Keroh
  06-2322464 / 013-6102545
  On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
  bizkut...@gmail.com wrote:
  This project called Coconect http://www.coconect.com
  Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
  Ubuntu embedded developer/tester
  Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org
  PGP Public Key
  On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:17 PM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
  bizkut...@gmail.com wrote:
  That's the spirit! I like to see ALL people who able to work without
  fund from government, such as this
  http://madeonmac.com/2009/09/my-interview-on-msc-grant/ guys just won
  RM150K pre-seed fund for developing a website serving e-cards!
  Come on guys, wtf was that? our government spent almost RM14 millions
  for things like that? sendiri mau pikir la
  Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
  Ubuntu embedded developer/tester
  Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org
  PGP Public Key
  On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel
  linuxmalay...@gmail.com wrote:
  Up until now most OSDC.my activities fund by volunteers own pocket
  money and most of them are freelance contribute their time to promote


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