Re: [osg-users] stats

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi J-S,

On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 Competing standards are a bad thing as it breaks interoperability and
 divides the market place into targeting one or other, or both

 I understand your points, but I don't see how that's different from any
 market... I could give lots of examples of similar competition: Mac vs
 Windows vs Linux,

No, you just don't get it.  There isn't free market competition
between OpenGL and Direct3D.  Microsoft is a MONOPOLY, it's been found
guilty of abusing it's monopoly position in several markets segments
across several continents.  Because of Microsoft's monopoly position
and complete control of the Windows platforms it uses it's leverage to
control those who develop the competiting technology - all the
hardware vendors that contribute to OpenGL also have to jump to
Microsoft's demands, they run a tightrope between not pissing off
Microsoft and loosing software vendors that use OpenGL.

Even you're suggestion of a free market competation between Windows vs
Linux vs OSX is well off make. Microsoft has hardware vendors uses
it's monopoly position vigorously here as well, only completely non
Windows manufacture can safely promote a non Windows operating system,
this meens OSX and the small vendors like Jeremey's company that
builds Linux boxes.

 I don't see how we can do anything to change that, we just have to accept it
 and try to drive OpenGL to take DirectX's market share (which is what we're
 trying to do, of course).

Putting blinkers on when it comes to see the dynamics is not helpful,
to know how best to be effective you have to understand what is really
going on.  There is not free market comptetion when it comes to
Direct3D vs OpenGL.  The hardware vendors are stuck with a very rich
and powerful monopoly on one hand pushing Direct3D very hard and
trying to crush OpenGL, and and a set of software vendors and on the
other hand sticking to OpenGL.   The only hardware vendors that might
be a position to really push OpenGL is Apple doesn't, instead just
behaves like a consumer of OpenGL more than a driver, perhaps because
it just reuses graphics hardware components, rather than being an
actual manufacturer.  Perhaps if Apple was bothered about gaming it
might be different, rather than multi-media - you'll notice that they
did come up with and has pushed OpenCL which really is great for
multi-media processing.

So, first up know the underlying dyamics of the market.  We have to
work doubly hard to overcome the hold that Microsoft has over the
hardware vendors.  We have to make it more painful not to properly
support OpenGL than the pressure that Microsoft can exert, and we have
to make it more rewarding to properly support OpenGL than the rewards
that Microsoft can provide.  We can't provide direct money incentives,
but we can offer killer apps that require OpenGL, and we can offer
positive marketing opportunities for those that support our apps well,
and we can provide negative marketing for those that don't.

Given the killer app for graphics on the PC right now is firmly games,
which MS has captured very well, we have to come up with either new
great games that are OpenGL only or a new breed of killer graphics
app.  This is a challenge to come up with.

Until we have a killer or set of killer apps we have to work with
calling attention to our apps that are very important to smaller
market segments.  It's a less compelling angle, but it's what we have
to work with.  Our own community is pretty big, so we might be able to
illustrate that OpenGL is really useful to a wide range of smaller
market segments, and while each one is a minow compared to gaming,
overall there are very compelling.


 I can also think of many reasons why competition is good, one of which is
 faster rate of innovation.

 I think if it weren't Direct3D, if some other standard were competing with
 OpenGL, we'd be having this same discussion. Even if that other standard was
 also an open standard (which could happen because of the nature of open
 standards). So I don't really see the point in discussing it, we can only
 accept it and try to make the best of it.

 Jean-Sebastien Guay
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] New ffmpeg plugin checked into svn/trunk

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sukender,

On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Sukender wrote:
 I understand. And what about using code from osgAL for your needs?

In what form?  I've only briefly looked at osgAL a couple of time so
don't know that code base well yet.  Are you thinking of some specific

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Lightning problem with camera point of view

2009-03-02 Thread Jonatan

thanks for the help, but it still is not solved. i now generate the plane using 
some for loops that create triangle strips, but the result is the same (even if 
I set the distance between vertices to 1, which creates a ground plane of 2M 

any other ideas?

Read this topic online here:

attachment: renderingquestion2.jpg___
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problem compiling latest trunk, ffmpeg problem

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi A.,

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 3:14 AM, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra wrote:
 I updated ffmpeg a month and a half ago in order to be able to encode
 videos to h264, so I need that version, I can't downgrade it. It is

 I agree on not using deprecated functions.

I'll have a bash at integrating J.P's suggested changes to the use the
new scale functions, if that works with last stable svn version of
ffmpeg (the one that Tanguy's based his work on) then I'll move on to
trying the latest svn version of ffmpeg to double check that it works.
  I should get a fix checked into today.

You're welcome to beat me to it :-)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] IVE plugin crashes when saving textured geometry

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Bjarn,

I haven't heard of the ive plugin crashing when writing out textured
data before - almost everytime the .ive plugin writes out a model it
will be with a texture assigned to it so it's a very comonly used code
path, so it's a bit surprising to here of problem after so many active
years of service.  Clearly there must be something different about how
you are setting things up, so you'll need to do some more digging at
your end.

At your end run the OSG in the debugger and then do the write out,
capture the stack trace and send this in.  This might give us clues.
It would also be very useful if your could provide an .osg + image
file that reproduces the problem so that others can test against it.


On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Björn Giesler wrote:

 I'm using OSG for a computer vision application which produces a textured 
 triangle mesh. The texture is set directly (osg::Image from data pointer, not 
 from a file), and the image data is owned by OSG (USE_NEW_DELETE). The app 
 runs robustly, deleting and re-adding the geometry several times is no 
 problem and doesn't produce any memory leaks, so I'm quite sure that memory 
 management works OK. The texture is 24-bit RGB, displayed as GL_BGR_EXT.

 However, when I try to save the geometry as an .ive file, my program crashes. 
 Saving without the texture works great, but as soon as I have the texture in 
 the scene graph, it crashes.

 Is this a known problem? Can anyone give me advice on where to look?

 Thanks a lot in advance!

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Re: [osg-users] PNG not displaying correctly..

2009-03-02 Thread
Hi Paul,

That worked fine. 

I shall investigate further.

Thanks for the help


 Paul Martz wrote: 
 Try osgviewer --image filename and see if you get different results.
 Paul Martz
 Skew Matrix Software LLC
 +1 303 859 9466
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenGL and OSG advocacy

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Sukender wrote:
 Hi all,

 Anyone heard about SPECgpc? If not:
 Could it be something to dive into for benchmarks using OpenGL/OSG?

The SPEC benchmarks for OpenGL have been around for a very long time.
As far as I know they capture the OpenGL calls for certain types of
apps then replay this stream of calls+data at OpenGL to provide a pure
benchmark un-encombard by CPU overhead.  To include the OSG in the mix
would break this convention, but perhaps they might be open to this.

I think we need to come up with our own set of benchmarks, we might be
able to make them compatible with the way that the SPEC ones are done,
or perhaps similar to the way that other benchmarking tools generate
output.  We'd want to make it easy to pull down and install the tests,
easy to run them, then easy to get and present the results.

I haven't ever dived into package performance tests like this before,
so am open to suggestions.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] PNG not displaying correctly..

2009-03-02 Thread
Hi Stephan,

I'm not sure. I shall investigate further.

Paul's suggestion has demonstrated that the osgviewer displays the png 
correctly, so I guess that, coupled with you suggestion, gives me a good 
starting point for  investigating what's wrong at my end.

Many thanks.


 Stephan Maximilian Huber wrote: schrieb:
  Hi All,
  Please find attached a png file that has a purple circle, black boarder, 
  and an alpha channel. I'm using OSG1.2, and trying to read it in via the 
  png pluggin, and apply it to an object. The PNG loads, but the alpha 
  channel is being ignored, and I get solid white instead of the underlying 
  object color/texture. 
  Please could someone tell me is there something wrong with the png file, 
  the reader, or am I doing something that's not possible.
  Many thanks for any help.
 there was no attachment.
 Have you enabled GL_BLEND for your geometry?
 node-getOrCreateStateSet()-setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Why is my texture flipped when written to .osg file?

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Bjarn,

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Björn Giesler wrote:
 I'm writing a textured model to a .osg file, referencing a jpg file as the 
 texture. In my program, this renders perfectly, but when I open the resulting 
 file with osgviewer, the texture is upside-down. I've tried experimenting 
 with osg::Image::setOrigin(), but that doesn't change anything.

 Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Which way up the image will be when textured onto a geometry is down
to the texture coordinates on the geometry.  The OSG's itself stikes
to OpenGL conventions which has the origin at the lower left by
default, while most image formats include jpeg have an origin at the
top left, because of this difference the OSG image plugins typically
do a flip to make sure the image data is the same way round to the

For moving data on typically doesn't want to do this flip as it's
expensive to do for every new movie frame, so instead we use the
Image::set/getOrigin() to help tell the app which way up the image is
and to adjust the tex coords to handle this.

In your case I can't really say what exactly is happening - I don't
know how you've loaded the jpg file, I don't know how you've set up
your scene graph...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] New plugin tutorial: Loading from a virtual file system

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Boto,

Many thanks for posting this useful tutorial, for those too lazy to go
search for the page it's at:


On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Botorabi wrote:

 i have posted a new tutorial to wiki's documentation/tutorial section. it 
 describes a mechanism for ..., well as this post title says loading your osg 
 resources from a virtual file system.

 it would be useful to hear if something is missing or misleading in the 


 Read this topic online here:

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to learn about...

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Jason,

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Jason Rupert wrote:
 Which OpenSceneGraph document(s) should I reference in order to learn about
 the terrain formats that can be imported and also the creation of terrains
 that can be imported into OpenSceneGraph.

I'm not quite sure by what you mean by terrain formats, do you mean
DEM's?  If so then the OSG's and VirtualPlanetBuilder use GDAL to load
DEM's, so have a look at GDAL for list of the DEM formats supported.

If not DEM's then I'm not sure what you can mean.  The OSG supports
it's own binary and ascii formats that can be used for terrain.  It
also loads OpenFlight that is often used for terrain databases, and it
also loads TerrPage paged databases.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Regarding Camera Position

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Sunitha,

I'm afraid I couldn't understand your email clearly enough to give you
an answer.  Could yo please have another bash at explaining what you
are trying to do, and include details such as a what q0, q1, q2 are


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 6:34 AM, sunitha sunagad wrote:
 Hi All,

     I need to know the xyz and the q0,q1,q2 from the osgviewer
 how can i get the x y and z position and the orientation of the
 camera as i am collectin it and later i need it to play...
  as we use the saved_animation.path
     where the saved_animation.path gets the data similarly i need to
 collect the deatils and store it and later use it to play I need to do dis
 with out the recording facility which is present in OSG
 can any one tell me how do i get these details manually and use it


  Defeat the defeat before defeat defeats you 

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] A GUIEventAdapter::MOVE event every frame

2009-03-02 Thread Iván
Thak you Roland,
I'll apply it immediately ;)


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] A GUIEventAdapter::MOVE event every frame

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Ivan,

Roland's fix is checked into svn/trunk and the OSG-2.8 branch.


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Iván wrote:
 Thak you Roland,
 I'll apply it immediately ;)


 Read this topic online here:

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Regarding Camera

2009-03-02 Thread sunitha sunagad
-- Hi
how do i get the camera position and the quaternion...
the data that is getting recorded in saved_anaimation.path with out using
the record option of OSG
i mean i need
t,x,y,z,q0,q1,q2,q3 this values which get stored in saved_animation.path
file i nead it externally not using the record option of OSG
I hope u understood

 Defeat the defeat before defeat defeats you 

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Model get twisted in osgviewer

2009-03-02 Thread legeochen
Hi All
I came into such a problem. When I view a tunnel model in the format of
shapefile with osgviewer, I found it get twisted. And when I turn it around,
the distortion also changes. Since the value of vertices in my model are a
little big, like (34462366.949, 2667053.504, 756.321), and generated by
translating, rotating with Matrixd.  So, I'm wondering the problem is that
osgviewer uses Matrixf? And, What should I do?  Thanks!!
attachment: tunnel.JPGattachment: twistedsection.JPG

Description: Binary data
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] GraphicsWindowCocoa : Cocoa backend for osgViewer

2009-03-02 Thread Stephan Maximilian Huber
Hi Sylvain,
Sylvain MARIE schrieb:
 OK I'm back to my lectures, hoping to be able to attack/enhance the
 osgViewer/Cocoa backend ASAP

If you want to try the new cocoa-backend you can use the following branch at

I committed my development and added CMake support for imageio and
cocoa-backend (set OSG_WINDOWING_SYSTEM to Cocoa in CMake)

As noted on Friday, there are a lot of loose ends, and not everything
works as expected.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OpenFlight-Plugin - Subfaces could not be read by OpenFlight-API

2009-03-02 Thread Katharina Plugge
Hello again,

i'm still having this problem with Subfaces and the OpenFlightPlugin. Has 
nobody any idea?

@Paul Martz: I do not know, if you got my answer, because I only posted in the 
osg forum. I do not see your E-Mail adress here. If you can give it to me, i 
can send the example file again.



Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgAnimation and 3ds max exporter

2009-03-02 Thread Botorabi
hello Roland, Cedric, Farshid,

i am happy to see the osgAnimation growing in features. i would like to replace 
osgCal3d with osgAnimation in our project.

as far i could read there is already a blender exporter. are there any plans to 
include bone animation export also to 3ds max? if not, i would do the work and 
extend the OSGExp exporter.


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problem compiling latest trunk, ffmpeg problem

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi J.P,

I'm currently looking at introducing using of sws_scale, but don't
find these methods in the ffmpeg I built.  Looking at the links to the
mailing list thread you provided I could quite work out whether these
methods require the sws library to be built, or whether there would be
sws_ functions in other ffmpeg libs, and if so then would have to
guess that they are only in an svn rev later/earlier than the one I

Could you provide any more clarity on which rev of ffmpeg I'd need +
and what build options.  My aim is to be able to use off the self
versions of ffmpeg from linux repositories as well svn versions of


On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 10:38 AM, J.P. Delport wrote:

 I'll send some references and code later.

 See e.g. here:

 img_convert vs swscale

 #if defined IPF_USE_SWSCALE
 int err = sws_scale(ConvertToSaveCtx_,
        InputFrame_-data, InputFrame_-linesize, 0, cc-height,
        SaveFrame_-data, SaveFrame_-linesize);
    img_convert((AVPicture *)SaveFrame_, cc-pix_fmt,
                (AVPicture *)InputFrame_, InputFrameFormat_,
                cc-width, cc-height);

 You have to create the swscale context earlier, e.g.

    ConvertToSaveCtx_ = sws_getContext(ImageFormat_.getWidth(),
 ImageFormat_.getHeight(), InputFrameFormat_,
 ImageFormat_.getHeight(), SaveFrameFormat_,

                                       SWS_BILINEAR, NULL, NULL, NULL);


 One other thing that changed at some stage was this. The version might have
 to be tuned:

 #if LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_INT  ((5216) + (18) + 0)



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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problem compiling latest trunk, ffmpeg problem

2009-03-02 Thread J.P. Delport


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi J.P,

I'm currently looking at introducing using of sws_scale, but don't
find these methods in the ffmpeg I built.  Looking at the links to the
mailing list thread you provided I could quite work out whether these
methods require the sws library to be built, or whether there would be
sws_ functions in other ffmpeg libs, and if so then would have to
guess that they are only in an svn rev later/earlier than the one I

Could you provide any more clarity on which rev of ffmpeg I'd need +
and what build options.  

The one I compiled with LGPL only, has the sws functions in

nm ./libavcodec/ | grep sws
0008c1b0 T sws_freeContext
0008d1f0 T sws_getCachedContext
0008d0f0 T sws_getContext
0008caf0 T sws_scale

I compiled it using the debian source from:

So I recompiled the debian package (not straight from svn). The source 
package was called ffmpegcvs-20090128. I don't think it differs too much 
from the svn repo.

I disabled the following in the debian rules file:
swscaler, gpl, postproc, x264, faad

I also paste my instructions I saved for myself at the bottom.

My aim is to be able to use off the self
versions of ffmpeg from linux repositories as well svn versions of

This is going to depend a lot on what the repositories compile by 
default. I know the debian ones from 
has swscaler compiled in by default. So has the ubuntu packages if I 
remember correctly. A guy here that uses gentoo does not have swscale, 
but has the lgpl version.

To cover everything we would need to check:
if (img_resample available) {
use it (Tanguys code)
do not link to swscale
} else {
use swscale
if (swscale in libavcodec) {
do not link to swscale
} else {
link to swscale

The img_resample check can prob be made by using ffmpeg version info 
from the headers.

I'm not certain how to check for where swscale lives.


compile lgpl only version

set sources:
deb-src sid main

mkdir ffmpeg-lgpl
cd ffmpeg-lgpl
sudo apt-get source ffmpeg

cd ffmpegcvs-20090128/debian

edit 'rules' and remove --enable-swscaler and --enable-gpl and 
--enable-postproc and x264 and faad

edit 'control' and remove libswscale packages

$ cd ..

get build deps
$ sudo apt-get build-dep ffmpeg

$ sudo dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b

One gotcha, we need the swscale header to be installed even in 
libswscale is not installed. The header is LGPL tho.



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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to learn about...

2009-03-02 Thread Jason Rupert

I guess I mean terrain databases, e.g. OpenFlight, Terrapage, etc.    Will have 
a building with some terrain in the OpenFlight format and want to load it in 
and fly around the terrain using the OpenSceneGraph.  

What is the best documentation and references for learning how to import your 
own OpenFlight model, etc.?   And then fly around and set view points?  

Thanks again.  

--- On Mon, 3/2/09, Robert Osfield wrote:
From: Robert Osfield
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to learn 
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Date: Monday, March 2, 2009, 3:45 AM

HI Jason,

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Jason Rupert
 Which OpenSceneGraph document(s) should I reference in order to learn
 the terrain formats that can be imported and also the creation of terrains
 that can be imported into OpenSceneGraph.

I'm not quite sure by what you mean by terrain formats, do you
DEM's?  If so then the OSG's and VirtualPlanetBuilder use GDAL to load
DEM's, so have a look at GDAL for list of the DEM formats supported.

If not DEM's then I'm not sure what you can mean.  The OSG supports
it's own binary and ascii formats that can be used for terrain.  It
also loads OpenFlight that is often used for terrain databases, and it
also loads TerrPage paged databases.

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to learn about...

2009-03-02 Thread Gordon Tomlinson
The code, the examples in the example directory and the list of tutorials
and books listed on the OSG web site has everything you need





Gordon Tomlinson



[] On Behalf Of Jason
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 7:40 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to
learn about...



I guess I mean terrain databases, e.g. OpenFlight, Terrapage, etc.Will
have a building with some terrain in the OpenFlight format and want to load
it in and fly around the terrain using the OpenSceneGraph.  

What is the best documentation and references for learning how to import
your own OpenFlight model, etc.?   And then fly around and set view points?

Thanks again.  

--- On Mon, 3/2/09, Robert Osfield wrote:

From: Robert Osfield
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to
learn about...
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Date: Monday, March 2, 2009, 3:45 AM

HI Jason,


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Jason Rupert


 Which OpenSceneGraph document(s) should I reference in order to learn


 the terrain formats that can be imported and also the creation of terrains

 that can be imported into OpenSceneGraph.


I'm not quite sure by what you mean by terrain formats, do you


DEM's?  If so then the OSG's and VirtualPlanetBuilder use GDAL to load

DEM's, so have a look at GDAL for list of the DEM formats supported.


If not DEM's then I'm not sure what you can mean.  The OSG supports

it's own binary and ascii formats that can be used for terrain.  It

also loads OpenFlight that is often used for terrain databases, and it

also loads TerrPage paged




osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Regarding Camera

2009-03-02 Thread Gordon Tomlinson
Have you looked at the code and headers of the camera or that use by osg
when saving a path?


Have you looked at the examples in OSG ?


Have you looked at the tutorials listed on the web site ?


Have you searched the mail/forum archives


These will all help you solve your problem



Gordon Tomlinson



[] On Behalf Of sunitha
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 6:24 AM
Subject: [osg-users] Regarding Camera


-- Hi 
how do i get the camera position and the quaternion...

the data that is getting recorded in saved_anaimation.path with out using
the record option of OSG
i mean i need 

t,x,y,z,q0,q1,q2,q3 this values which get stored in saved_animation.path
file i nead it externally not using the record option of OSG

I hope u understood 

 Defeat the defeat before defeat defeats you 


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problem compiling latest trunk, ffmpeg problem

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi J.P,

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:34 PM, J.P. Delport wrote:
 The one I compiled with LGPL only, has the sws functions in

 nm ./libavcodec/ | grep sws
 0008c1b0 T sws_freeContext
 0008d1f0 T sws_getCachedContext
 0008d0f0 T sws_getContext
 0008caf0 T sws_scale

I just updated my ffmpeg to latest in svn and it defines the above
methods, but doesn't declare them in the headers.

 This is going to depend a lot on what the repositories compile by default. I
 know the debian ones from has swscaler
 compiled in by default. So has the ubuntu packages if I remember correctly.
 A guy here that uses gentoo does not have swscale, but has the lgpl version.

 To cover everything we would need to check:
 if (img_resample available) {
        use it (Tanguys code)
        do not link to swscale
 } else {
        use swscale
        if (swscale in libavcodec) {
                do not link to swscale
        } else {
                link to swscale

Ack... a pretty horrible matrix to test/build against.

 One gotcha, we need the swscale header to be installed even in libswscale is
 not installed. The header is LGPL tho.

I tried to compile ffmpeg with libswscale but it wouldn't build it
without it --enable-gpl, and without this when I do an install the
libswscale headers are not installed.  I could copy the header across
by hand but this really isn't a viable solution for end users of the

I guess we could declare the missing functions on the OSG side - if
the ffmpeg has these functions built into it, this is rather asking
for a build break though.

I'm tempted to just go implement the conversion colour conversion
ourselves, and provide a simple CPU based conversion that is
relatively inefficient but at least works on all ffmpeg versions

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problem compiling latest trunk, ffmpeg problem

2009-03-02 Thread J.P. Delport


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi J.P,

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:34 PM, J.P. Delport wrote:

The one I compiled with LGPL only, has the sws functions in

nm ./libavcodec/ | grep sws
0008c1b0 T sws_freeContext
0008d1f0 T sws_getCachedContext
0008d0f0 T sws_getContext
0008caf0 T sws_scale

I just updated my ffmpeg to latest in svn and it defines the above
methods, but doesn't declare them in the headers.

Yes, it seems they still want you to use swscale.h (which is LGPL), but 
it seems it is not installed by the build process.

This is going to depend a lot on what the repositories compile by default. I
know the debian ones from has swscaler
compiled in by default. So has the ubuntu packages if I remember correctly.
A guy here that uses gentoo does not have swscale, but has the lgpl version.

To cover everything we would need to check:
if (img_resample available) {
   use it (Tanguys code)
   do not link to swscale
} else {
   use swscale
   if (swscale in libavcodec) {
   do not link to swscale
   } else {
   link to swscale

Ack... a pretty horrible matrix to test/build against.

Welcome to the wonderful world of ffmpeg :)

After working with it for a while, I do understand the suggestion made 
at one point to just include a copy of their code in one's own repository.

One gotcha, we need the swscale header to be installed even in libswscale is
not installed. The header is LGPL tho.

I tried to compile ffmpeg with libswscale but it wouldn't build it
without it --enable-gpl, and without this when I do an install the
libswscale headers are not installed.  I could copy the header across
by hand but this really isn't a viable solution for end users of the

Yes, I'm not sure how to work around this. It seems to be a problem with 
their build system. I'm not sure how the distros that distrib the lgpl 
versions cope with this. Maybe they add the file manually?

I guess we could declare the missing functions on the OSG side - if
the ffmpeg has these functions built into it, this is rather asking
for a build break though.

Yes, I don't think this would be a good option.

I'm tempted to just go implement the conversion colour conversion

The colour conversion just cries for a shader yes :), but beware that 
even though there are a few normal cases e.g. yuv420 - rgb, there are a 
myriad of other less used cases.

 and provide a simple CPU based conversion that is
 relatively inefficient but at least works on all ffmpeg versions

Would you restrict all versions to all distributed (packaged by 
distro) versions?

I'm not sure how many people would compile ffmpeg themselves?


osg-users mailing list

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The full disclaimer details can be found at

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is believed to be clean.  MailScanner thanks Transtec Computers for their support.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to learn about...

2009-03-02 Thread Jason Rupert
Many thanks. 
Was hoping there was a specific one, but will investigate all.  
Already downloaded all the examples and have them working.  I also downloaded 
all the tutorial stuff, and flipped through about half.  
Did not see any thing in the tutorial that addresses OpenFlight type stuff 
specifically, but maybe I'm not there yet in the documentation.  
Thanks again.

--- On Mon, 3/2/09, Gordon Tomlinson wrote:

From: Gordon Tomlinson
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to learn 
To: 'OpenSceneGraph Users'
Date: Monday, March 2, 2009, 7:03 AM

The code, the examples in the example directory and the list of tutorials and 
books listed on the OSG web site has everything you need
Gordon Tomlinson

[] On Behalf Of Jason Rupert
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 7:40 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to learn 


I guess I mean terrain databases, e.g. OpenFlight, Terrapage, etc.    Will have 
a building with some terrain in the OpenFlight format and want to load it in 
and fly around the terrain using the OpenSceneGraph.  

What is the best documentation and references for learning how to import your 
own OpenFlight model, etc.?   And then fly around and set view points?  

Thanks again.  

--- On Mon, 3/2/09, Robert Osfield wrote:
From: Robert Osfield
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to learn 
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Date: Monday, March 2, 2009, 3:45 AMHI Jason,


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Jason Rupert


 Which OpenSceneGraph document(s) should I reference in order to learn


 the terrain formats that can be imported and also the creation of terrains

 that can be imported into OpenSceneGraph.


I'm not quite sure by what you mean by terrain formats, do you


DEM's?  If so then the OSG's and VirtualPlanetBuilder use GDAL to load

DEM's, so have a look at GDAL for list of the DEM formats supported.


If not DEM's then I'm not sure what you can mean.  The OSG supports

it's own binary and ascii formats that can be used for terrain.  It

also loads OpenFlight that is often used for terrain databases, and it

also loads TerrPage paged databases.




osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problem compiling latest trunk, ffmpeg problem

2009-03-02 Thread J.P. Delport


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi J.P,

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:34 PM, J.P. Delport wrote:

The one I compiled with LGPL only, has the sws functions in

nm ./libavcodec/ | grep sws
0008c1b0 T sws_freeContext
0008d1f0 T sws_getCachedContext
0008d0f0 T sws_getContext
0008caf0 T sws_scale

I just updated my ffmpeg to latest in svn and it defines the above
methods, but doesn't declare them in the headers.

I have just checked my lgpl libs and it does contain img_resample. Maybe 
we can use that? Just double check your latest libs.

The matrix would then become:
if (img_resample available) {
use it (Tanguys code)
do not link to swscale
} else {
use swscale
link to swscale


This message is subject to the CSIR's copyright terms and conditions, e-mail legal notice, and implemented Open Document Format (ODF) standard. 
The full disclaimer details can be found at

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is believed to be clean.  MailScanner thanks Transtec Computers for their support.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Mirrored camera

2009-03-02 Thread Mathias Fröhlich

On Monday 02 March 2009 14:42, Joakim Simonsson wrote:
 I have created a slave camera. It should represent a rear mirror on a

See osg::FrontFace and the the man page of glFrontFace.


Dr. Mathias Fröhlich, science + computing ag, Software Solutions
Hagellocher Weg 71-75, D-72070 Tuebingen, Germany
Phone: +49 7071 9457-268, Fax: +49 7071 9457-511
Vorstand/Board of Management:
Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Dr. Roland Niemeier, 
Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Michel Lepert
Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problem compiling latest trunk, ffmpeg problem

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi J.P,

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 1:43 PM, J.P. Delport wrote:
 I have just checked my lgpl libs and it does contain img_resample. Maybe we
 can use that? Just double check your latest libs.

The present ffmpeg plugin using the deprecated img_convert method, and
this is in the libavcodec.sp of svn version of ffmpeg, as are the
sws_scale and associated methods:

nm ./libavcodec/ | grep img_convert
0008bd00 T img_convert

rob...@harris:~/3rdParty/ffmpeg$ nm ./libavcodec/ | grep sws
0009ae20 T sws_freeContext
0009bed0 T sws_getCachedContext
0009bdb0 T sws_getContext
0009b8a0 T sws_scale

But... the installed headers don't included any of them.  So it looks
like if your app is compiled against these methods say from an older
rev of ffmpeg it will work when linking against a new rev.  But... you
can't compile against these functions without adding the headers in
some way.

 The matrix would then become:
 if (img_resample available) {
        use it (Tanguys code)
        do not link to swscale
 } else {
        use swscale
        link to swscale

Perhaps another way would be to move the implementation of img_convert
directly into our plugin.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Converting large obj file with osgconv

2009-03-02 Thread Pierre Bourdin (gmail)

thanks for your help we've done the conversion with one file (not the
biggest), but now when I try loading the data in IVE it makes a
segfault ?!

I've also successfully converted the IVE to osg, but it make the same

I'm using OpenSceneGraph Library 2.6.1 with openthreads-version-number

Below is the log in the console setting OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG.

Maybe blocking the optimisations as suggested by Marcin Prus could
help ?

If you have any idea, for the conversion or for viewing the object ?

We just would like to view the full object in a low resolution, and
zoom to some part of the object in full resolution...
It seems to me that building an LOD hierarchy, would be best way to do
it... But is it the best in our case (we have a single big cylindrical
object) to use simple LOD or do we need to build a pagedLOD or
something different ?

Any advice is welcome, Pierre.

/mnt/s2/2$ export OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG
osgviewer /mnt/s2/2/Data/IMERIR/ExtractedSurface.obj.ive
GraphicsContext::setWindowingSystemInterface() 0x96a1530
DriveManipulator::_height set to ==1.5
FindFileInPath() :
trying /mnt/s2/2/ext/lib/osgPlugins-2.6.1/ ...
FindFileInPath() : USING /mnt/s2/2/ext/lib/osgPlugins-2.6.1/
Opened DynamicLibrary osgPlugins-2.6.1/
returning /mnt/s2/2/Data/IMERIR/ExtractedSurface.obj.ive

Stats before:
Object Type #Unique #Instanced
StateSet0   0
Group   1   1
Transform   0   0
LOD 0   0
Switch  0   0
Geode   1   1
Drawable1   1
Geometry1   1
Vertices5376293 5376293
Primitives  1076368510763685
Optimizer::optimize() doing REMOVE_LOADED_PROXY_NODES
Optimizer::optimize() doing COMBINE_ADJACENT_LODS
Optimizer::optimize() doing OPTIMIZE_TEXTURE_SETTINGS
Optimizer::optimize() doing SHARE_DUPLICATE_STATE
Num of StateSet=0
Optimizer::optimize() doing FLATTEN_STATIC_TRANSFORMS
** RemoveStaticTransformsVisitor *** Pass 0
Optimizer::optimize() doing CHECK_GEOMETRY
Optimizer::optimize() doing MERGE_GEOMETRY
MERGE_GEOMETRY took 1.40896
Optimizer::optimize() doing REMOVE_REDUNDANT_NODES

Stats after:
Object Type #Unique #Instanced
StateSet0   0
Group   1   1
Transform   0   0
LOD 0   0
Switch  0   0
Geode   1   1
Drawable1   1
Geometry1   1
Vertices5376293 5376293
Primitives  1076368510763685
View::setSceneData() Reusing exisitng scene0x96a23c0
Erreur de segmentation

Le vendredi 27 février 2009 à 11:04 +, Robert Osfield a écrit :

 Hi Cramp,
 It could be that the tri stripper is bluking at such a large dataset.
 Try disable the tri stripping via:
 osgconv myfile.obj myfile.osg -O noTriStripPolygons
 You can query the options via:
 osgconv --format obj
 Plugin osgPlugins-2.9.0/
 ReaderWriter : Wavefront OBJ Reader
 extensions : .objAlias Wavefront OBJ format
 options: AMBIENT=unit  Set texture unit for
 ambient texture
 options: BUMP=unit Set texture unit for
 bumpmap texture
 options: DIFFUSE=unit  Set texture unit for
 diffuse texture
 options: DISPLACEMENT=unit Set texture unit for
 displacement texture
 options: OPACITY=unit  Set texture unit for
 opacity/dissolve texture
 options: REFLECTION=unit   Set texture unit for
 reflection texture
 options: SPECULAR=unit Set texture unit for
 specular texture
 options: SPECULAR_EXPONENT=unitSet texture unit for
 specular exponent texture
 options: noRotation  Do not do the default
 rotate about X axis
 options: noTesselateLargePolygonsDo not do the default
 tesselation of large polygons
 options: noTriStripPolygons  Do not do the default
 tri stripping of polygons

Re: [osg-users] Which document(s) should I reference in order to learn about...

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Jason Rupert wrote:
 Was hoping there was a specific one, but will investigate all.

The OSG has many dozen image and 3d formats that it supports, one
doesn't need a tutorial to teach one how to loaded each one when they
are all read exactly the same way.  Most of the examples illustrate
how load and rendering models.  It seems like you are expecting it to
be much more difficult that it really is.

 Already downloaded all the examples and have them working.  I also
 downloaded all the tutorial stuff, and flipped through about half.

 Did not see any thing in the tutorial that addresses OpenFlight type stuff
 specifically, but maybe I'm not there yet in the documentation.

There is wiki page on options that the OpenFlight plugin supports.
Just do a each on the wiki for OpenFlight.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Mirrored camera

2009-03-02 Thread Joakim Simonsson

I have created a slave camera. It should represent a rear mirror on a

See osg::FrontFace and the the man page of glFrontFace.

Thank you for your tip, its much better to use that StateAttribute.


I am not able to apply it just for one slave camera.

As I wrote in my previous mail, I use two cameras that share the same  
scene (where one camera is mirrored)

So, my question still is:

Is it possible to use two cameras, where one is mirrored, that share the  
same scene?

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Curious osgText crash

2009-03-02 Thread Kim C Bale
Hi all,


I'm getting some odd errors in conjunction with osgText.


I'm loading two font files and assigning them to various osgText
drawables, which are in turn added to a series geodes. 

Each geode is then rendered to texture using individual pre render FBO


When I set the application to single threaded all is well, however when
I set it to AutomaticSelection


It prints the error:


before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation

before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error '


Before crashing with an access violation. Last four entries on the call
stack are at the base of the post.


I'm not changing the text at any point after I've done the initial set
up and I've tried setting the data variance on the osgText drawables to
DYNAMIC. But it doesn't seem to help.


Anybody have any ideas what's gone wrong here? Hopefully I've given
enough information.








msvcr80d.dll!strlen(unsigned char * buf=0x0549ef78)  Line 81  Asm


msvcp80d.dll!std::char_traitschar::length(const char *
_First=0x)  Line 559 + 0x9 bytes  C++


(std::basic_ostreamchar,std::char_traitschar   _Ostr={...}, const
char * _Val=0x)  Line 748 + 0xc bytes C++


(std::basic_ostreamchar,std::char_traitschar   _Ostr={...}, const
unsigned char * _Val=0x)  Line 929 + 0xd bytes C++



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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Lightning problem with camera point of view

2009-03-02 Thread Vincent Bourdier
Using 3ds max,
applying modifier Edit Normal - Unify, I do not have my old lighting problem.
(exported as .osg file with osgExp from 3ds max 9)

Don't know why this is necessary ... because normals still exist
before I decided to Unify them...


2009/3/2 Jonatan
 There must be a solution to it. If I load a wavefront file of a plane (4 
 vertices), the lighting works as it should. For now I will use that approach, 
 but still I am wondering what is missing in my plane generation code.

 Read this topic online here:

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Curious osgText crash

2009-03-02 Thread Vincent Bourdier
Hi Kim,

I had a problem like this in the past, I solved it using a draw
callback to update the texts.

you can read this problem here :

Hopping this can help you.


2009/3/2 Kim C Bale
 Hi all,

 I’m getting some odd errors in conjunction with osgText.

 I’m loading two font files and assigning them to various osgText drawables,
 which are in turn added to a series geodes.

 Each geode is then rendered to texture using individual pre render FBO

 When I set the application to single threaded all is well, however when I
 set it to AutomaticSelection

 It prints the error:

 before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation

 before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error '

 Before crashing with an access violation. Last four entries on the call
 stack are at the base of the post.

 I’m not changing the text at any point after I’ve done the initial set up
 and I’ve tried setting the data variance on the osgText drawables to
 DYNAMIC. But it doesn’t seem to help.

 Anybody have any ideas what’s gone wrong here? Hopefully I’ve given enough



 msvcr80d.dll!strlen(unsigned char * buf=0x0549ef78)  Line 81  Asm

 msvcp80d.dll!std::char_traitschar::length(const char * _First=0x)
 Line 559 + 0x9 bytes  C++

(std::basic_ostreamchar,std::char_traitschar   _Ostr={...}, const char
 * _Val=0x)  Line 748 + 0xc bytes C++

(std::basic_ostreamchar,std::char_traitschar   _Ostr={...}, const
 unsigned char * _Val=0x)  Line 929 + 0xd bytes C++

 To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Mirrored camera

2009-03-02 Thread Mathias Fröhlich


On Monday 02 March 2009 15:24, Joakim Simonsson wrote:
 Is it possible to use two cameras, where one is mirrored, that share the
 same scene?
You should be able to have that attached either to the camera itself, the 
mirrored one (is this true, or are the StateSets at the camera something 
special - I dont remember by heart?). Or attach a group to the camera that is 
not shared , apply that state at this group and attach the shared graph to 
those two groups.

This only works if there is either
- no such state in the scenegraph below or 
- if you set that StateSttribute to StateAttribute::OVERRIDE.



Dr. Mathias Fröhlich, science + computing ag, Software Solutions
Hagellocher Weg 71-75, D-72070 Tuebingen, Germany
Phone: +49 7071 9457-268, Fax: +49 7071 9457-511
Vorstand/Board of Management:
Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Dr. Roland Niemeier, 
Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Michel Lepert
Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Curious osgText crash

2009-03-02 Thread Tomlinson, Gordon
Hi Kim

Not much help:

I have seen the same message occasionally when updating text ( not had crashes)
But have no been able to track down issue that may causing subload message yet

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Vincent 
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 9:37 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Curious osgText crash

Hi Kim,

I had a problem like this in the past, I solved it using a draw callback to 
update the texts.

you can read this problem here :

Hopping this can help you.


2009/3/2 Kim C Bale
 Hi all,

 I'm getting some odd errors in conjunction with osgText.

 I'm loading two font files and assigning them to various osgText 
 drawables, which are in turn added to a series geodes.

 Each geode is then rendered to texture using individual pre render FBO 

 When I set the application to single threaded all is well, however 
 when I set it to AutomaticSelection

 It prints the error:

 before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error 'invalid 

 before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error '

 Before crashing with an access violation. Last four entries on the 
 call stack are at the base of the post.

 I'm not changing the text at any point after I've done the initial set 
 up and I've tried setting the data variance on the osgText drawables 
 to DYNAMIC. But it doesn't seem to help.

 Anybody have any ideas what's gone wrong here? Hopefully I've given 
 enough information.



 msvcr80d.dll!strlen(unsigned char * buf=0x0549ef78)  Line 81  Asm

 msvcp80d.dll!std::char_traitschar::length(const char * 
 _First=0x) Line 559 + 0x9 bytes  C++

(std::basic_ostreamchar,std::char_traitschar   _Ostr={...}, const 
 * _Val=0x)  Line 748 + 0xc bytes C++

(std::basic_ostreamchar,std::char_traitschar   _Ostr={...}, const
 unsigned char * _Val=0x)  Line 929 + 0xd bytes C++

 *** To view the terms under which this email is 
 distributed, please go to
 *** ___
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Mirrored camera

2009-03-02 Thread Joakim Simonsson
On Mon, 02 Mar 2009 15:37:07 +0100, Mathias Fröhlich wrote:


On Monday 02 March 2009 15:24, Joakim Simonsson wrote:

Is it possible to use two cameras, where one is mirrored, that share the
same scene?

You should be able to have that attached either to the camera itself, the
mirrored one (is this true, or are the StateSets at the camera something
special - I dont remember by heart?).

I tried to attach that stateattribute to the mirrored camera only. But it  
does not seem to work.

Or attach a group to the camera that is
not shared , apply that state at this group and attach the shared graph  
to those two groups.

I'll go for the group approach.

Thanks for your help.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Mirrored camera

2009-03-02 Thread Ufuk
Hi Joakim,

in examples osgcamera, in function:
void multipleWindowMultipleCameras(osgViewer::Viewer viewer, bool

i tried this code sample:

if (i != 2)
osg::Matrix::scale(aspectRatioScale, 1.0,
1.0)*osg::Matrix::translate(translate_x, 0.0, 0.0), osg::Matrix() );
viewer.addSlave(camera.get(), osg::Matrix::scale(-1.0 *
aspectRatioScale, 1.0, 1.0)*osg::Matrix::translate(translate_x, 0.0, 0.0),
osg::Matrix() );

camera which has id 2 become mirrored.

is it something that you want?

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 4:46 PM, Joakim Simonsson wrote:

 On Mon, 02 Mar 2009 15:37:07 +0100, Mathias Fröhlich wrote:


 On Monday 02 March 2009 15:24, Joakim Simonsson wrote:

 Is it possible to use two cameras, where one is mirrored, that share the
 same scene?

 You should be able to have that attached either to the camera itself, the
 mirrored one (is this true, or are the StateSets at the camera something
 special - I dont remember by heart?).

 I tried to attach that stateattribute to the mirrored camera only. But it
 does not seem to work.

  Or attach a group to the camera that is
 not shared , apply that state at this group and attach the shared graph to
 those two groups.

 I'll go for the group approach.

 Thanks for your help.


 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Curious osgText crash

2009-03-02 Thread Kim C Bale
Hi Vincent/Gordon,

Thanks for your quick replies.

I've had a read of the thread, but I'm not actually updating the text once it's 
added as a drawable so, if I understand correctly, I shouldn't need to worry 
about thread safety. 

But to be on the safe side, I've also set the text data variance to DYNAMIC, 
which worked for me in the past when I had similar issues but only when 
updating text objects.

What is odd though is that the crash only happens when I use two fonts. 

If I use just one I get the:

before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation'

error, but continues on, if I use two fonts it bombs.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tomlinson, 
Sent: 02 March 2009 14:40
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Curious osgText crash

Hi Kim

Not much help:

I have seen the same message occasionally when updating text ( not had crashes)
But have no been able to track down issue that may causing subload message yet

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Vincent 
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 9:37 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Curious osgText crash

Hi Kim,

I had a problem like this in the past, I solved it using a draw callback to 
update the texts.

you can read this problem here :

Hopping this can help you.


2009/3/2 Kim C Bale
 Hi all,

 I'm getting some odd errors in conjunction with osgText.

 I'm loading two font files and assigning them to various osgText 
 drawables, which are in turn added to a series geodes.

 Each geode is then rendered to texture using individual pre render FBO 

 When I set the application to single threaded all is well, however 
 when I set it to AutomaticSelection

 It prints the error:

 before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error 'invalid 

 before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error '

 Before crashing with an access violation. Last four entries on the 
 call stack are at the base of the post.

 I'm not changing the text at any point after I've done the initial set 
 up and I've tried setting the data variance on the osgText drawables 
 to DYNAMIC. But it doesn't seem to help.

 Anybody have any ideas what's gone wrong here? Hopefully I've given 
 enough information.



 msvcr80d.dll!strlen(unsigned char * buf=0x0549ef78)  Line 81  Asm

 msvcp80d.dll!std::char_traitschar::length(const char * 
 _First=0x) Line 559 + 0x9 bytes  C++

(std::basic_ostreamchar,std::char_traitschar   _Ostr={...}, const 
 * _Val=0x)  Line 748 + 0xc bytes C++

(std::basic_ostreamchar,std::char_traitschar   _Ostr={...}, const
 unsigned char * _Val=0x)  Line 929 + 0xd bytes C++

 *** To view the terms under which this email is 
 distributed, please go to
 *** ___
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] New ffmpeg plugin checked into svn/trunk

2009-03-02 Thread Sukender
Well, I don't know your needs! :D Do you need OpenAL++ things like:
- A class for converting audio? (AudioConvert)
- Support for streaming? (FileStream)
- Support for ogg-Vorbis streaming?
- Various classes around OpenAL (Listener, PositionedObject, Source, Sample...)?

Do you need to put a node in your scene graph? (osgAL::*)

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Mon, 02 Mar 2009 10:13:00 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 Hi Sukender,

 On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Sukender wrote:
 I understand. And what about using code from osgAL for your needs?

 In what form?  I've only briefly looked at osgAL a couple of time so
 don't know that code base well yet.  Are you thinking of some specific

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenGL and OSG advocacy

2009-03-02 Thread Sukender
Well, I'm sorry, I don't have any suggestion... I was just googling around. ;) 
Maybe yes, SPEC could be used as a benchmark (among others).
Anyone else having a suggestion?

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Mon, 02 Mar 2009 10:29:36 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Sukender wrote:
 Hi all,

 Anyone heard about SPECgpc? If not:
 Could it be something to dive into for benchmarks using OpenGL/OSG?

 The SPEC benchmarks for OpenGL have been around for a very long time.
 As far as I know they capture the OpenGL calls for certain types of
 apps then replay this stream of calls+data at OpenGL to provide a pure
 benchmark un-encombard by CPU overhead.  To include the OSG in the mix
 would break this convention, but perhaps they might be open to this.

 I think we need to come up with our own set of benchmarks, we might be
 able to make them compatible with the way that the SPEC ones are done,
 or perhaps similar to the way that other benchmarking tools generate
 output.  We'd want to make it easy to pull down and install the tests,
 easy to run them, then easy to get and present the results.

 I haven't ever dived into package performance tests like this before,
 so am open to suggestions.

 osg-users mailing list

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Re: [osg-users] Problem compiling latest trunk, ffmpeg problem

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi J.P and A.

As a crude hack to get me svn/trunk version of ffmpeg compiling
against our ffmpeg plugin I've added to FFmpegDecorderVideo.cpp the
extern definition of the img_convert.

extern C
int img_convert(AVPicture *dst, int dst_pix_fmt, const AVPicture *src,
int src_pix_fmt, int src_width, int src_height);


This allows the plugin to compile and link properly, it's certainly
not an ideal solution, but might give us a bit more breathing space
till we work out a final solution.  I've tried this with ffmpeg
svn/trunk and r15261 the last stable svn tag, so I've gone ahead an
check it into OSG svn/tunk.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] New ffmpeg plugin checked into svn/trunk

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sukender,

The needs for the providing audio for movies read by the ffmpeg is
that we have a AudioSink implementation that can pull the data from
osg::AudioStream and play it.  We don't need a scene graph node, or
reading support for the ffmpeg plugin as it stands.  I'm basically
working to get the present plugin up to feature competitive for first
the xine-lib plugin and later hopefully the quicktime plugin.

FYI, the ffmpeg has ogg support available - in fact I'm just download
a .ogg movie for testing.  I would be not be surprised if we could get
it handle the audio reading as well.


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Sukender wrote:
 Well, I don't know your needs! :D Do you need OpenAL++ things like:
 - A class for converting audio? (AudioConvert)
 - Support for streaming? (FileStream)
 - Support for ogg-Vorbis streaming?
 - Various classes around OpenAL (Listener, PositionedObject, Source, 

 Do you need to put a node in your scene graph? (osgAL::*)

 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

 Le Mon, 02 Mar 2009 10:13:00 +0100, Robert Osfield 
 a écrit:

 Hi Sukender,

 On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Sukender wrote:
 I understand. And what about using code from osgAL for your needs?

 In what form?  I've only briefly looked at osgAL a couple of time so
 don't know that code base well yet.  Are you thinking of some specific

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OpenFlight-Plugin - Subfaces could not be read by OpenFlight-API

2009-03-02 Thread Katharina Plugge
Sorry for triple posting, but i have some new findings:

Correctly reading in Subfaces with the OpenFlight API is dependent on the node 

- child1 = Subface Node
- child2 = Other Geometry

does not produce a subface in the API. Where as

- child1 = Other Geometry
- child2 = Subface Node

leads to the desired result. 

Do I have to garantee in osg, that the order of the nodes is correct before 
exporting to flt, or could the plugin be adjusted to put subface childs last? 
The latter would help to avoid invalid results in future for people who are not 
aware of the problem. 



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[osg-users] ImageStream and texture updates synch

2009-03-02 Thread Tanguy Fautre


From what I understand, an ImageStream indicates that the image as been
changed by calling the dirty() method. From there, a texture will update
its content with the new image when the scenegraph is traversed.


The problem is that I've not found any way to synchronize the point
where the ImageStream updates its current image and where a texture
update its content with the current image, which leads to visual tearing
(very similar to vsync off) if the ImageStream and the texture update
their content at the same time.


This is quite visible on some videos when using the FFmpeg plugin.


Any ideas?






osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Troubles building osg_Freetype plugin

2009-03-02 Thread Ernesto

I give up for the moment of building OSG with MinGW32 and decided to use 
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (I'm using a low resources of hardware but 
OSG goes OK). I have compiled OSG but some plugins didn't compile for example 
the freetype plugin don't get linked because MSVS linker raises me the 
 Building Custom Rule 
 CMake does not need to re-run because CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
 Generating Code...
 FreeTypeFont3D.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
 _FT_Outline_Get_BBox referenced in function protected: void __thiscall 
 FreeTypeFont3D::init(void) (?i...@freetypefont3d@@IAEXXZ)
  : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
 Build log was saved at 
 Plugins freetype - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
 -- Done --
 Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped

I have downloaded the 3rdParty dependencies form here 

If somebody knows how to solve this problem i'll be very grateful



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Re: [osg-users] stats

2009-03-02 Thread Jason Daly

Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Hi Jason,


Ever try DosBox  ( ) ?

Yes, of course, but running it on the real hardware is its own reward. 

Of course, like I said, it depends on *why* you keep them  around.  Mind 
you, I haven't thrown my hardware away, either  :-)

 Plus, I hate how nothing in DosBox really runs that well (even 
something that ran well on a 486DX/33 has trouble in DosBox, and I have 
to spend about 5 minutes each time finding the right settings...).

So I prefer keeping the machines around, getting them out every year or 
so when I feel like it and having things run exactly like they used to.

In my case I had better luck with DosBox than with the old hardware.  It 
even runs Wing Commander III pretty well on my PC.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ImageStream and texture updates synch

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Tanguy,

You don't want a synchronization point in the image stream as it'd
cause the rendering thread to stall waiting for the movie reading
thread.  Rather than add such a sync operation, it's best to double
buffer the image data and then just do a pointer swap on the image to
tell it which buffer is current, this is what I implemented in the
xine-lib plugin.

Something else I have been wondering about is the possibility of
having two ImageStream that are managed so that they are one frame
apart, then in the graphics thread you'd have a geometry with two
textures applied, and a mixing of the two textures based on the time
for the rendering frame vs the time of each of the texture.  This way
one might be able to provide a smoother video experience.   I must
admit, I don't know how effective this would be on movies, but it
might be an interesting thing to try out further down the line.


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Tanguy Fautre wrote:

 From what I understand, an ImageStream indicates that the image as been
 changed by calling the dirty() method. From there, a texture will update its
 content with the new image when the scenegraph is traversed.

 The problem is that I’ve not found any way to synchronize the point where
 the ImageStream updates its current image and where a texture update its
 content with the current image, which leads to visual tearing (very similar
 to vsync off) if the ImageStream and the texture update their content at the
 same time.

 This is quite visible on some videos when using the FFmpeg plugin.

 Any ideas?



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Re: [osg-users] Troubles building osg_Freetype plugin

2009-03-02 Thread Gordon Tomlinson
Did you build the actual FreeType library ? 

this is a 3rd party lib you have to build etc..

There are several 3rd Party libs that you either have to build or find a
prebuilt package for your OS/build Env

See the OSG web site and dependency lists for what you need etc

Gordon Tomlinson


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ernesto
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 12:02 PM
Subject: [osg-users] Troubles building osg_Freetype plugin


I give up for the moment of building OSG with MinGW32 and decided to use
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (I'm using a low resources of hardware but
OSG goes OK). I have compiled OSG but some plugins didn't compile for
example the freetype plugin don't get linked because MSVS linker raises me
the following 
 Building Custom Rule
 CMake does not need to re-run because CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is
 Generating Code...
 FreeTypeFont3D.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_FT_Outline_Get_BBox referenced in function protected: void __thiscall
FreeTypeFont3D::init(void) (?i...@freetypefont3d@@IAEXXZ)

raph\build\bin\Debug\..\osgPlugins-2.8.0\osgdb_freetyped.dll : fatal error
LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
 Build log was saved at
 Plugins freetype - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
 -- Done --
 Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped

I have downloaded the 3rdParty dependencies form here

If somebody knows how to solve this problem i'll be very grateful



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Re: [osg-users] Troubles building osg_Freetype plugin

2009-03-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Ernesto,

I have downloaded the 3rdParty dependencies form here 

That's the old 3rdparty package, which is not useful anymore because we 
need a newer version of the Freetype lib in particular, which is why 
you're getting that error.

The Dependencies page clearly states where to get the dependencies for 
VS7.1 (2003):

VisualStudio 7.1 -;

(Note that I removed the Visual Studio 7 item in the list, it was 
misleading since VS7 is not really supported and it linked to the old 
dependencies zip from 2005 which will not work as you discovered. The 
page should now be more accurate.)

Hope this helps,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] New ffmpeg plugin checked into svn/trunk

2009-03-02 Thread Jason Daly

Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Sukender,

The needs for the providing audio for movies read by the ffmpeg is
that we have a AudioSink implementation that can pull the data from
osg::AudioStream and play it.  We don't need a scene graph node, or
reading support for the ffmpeg plugin as it stands.  I'm basically
working to get the present plugin up to feature competitive for first
the xine-lib plugin and later hopefully the quicktime plugin.

FYI, the ffmpeg has ogg support available - in fact I'm just download
a .ogg movie for testing.  I would be not be surprised if we could get
it handle the audio reading as well.

In my experience, ffmpeg will decode just about anything you throw at 
it.  It shouldn't even break a sweat on a Vorbis stream.

I think most of osgAL would be superfluous here.  We don't need 
spatialization or decoding.  The only thing we'd use is the interface to 
the audio hardware.  I guess the question becomes whether it is worth it 
to use osgAL (which uses OpenAL++, which in turn uses OpenAL), or 
whether it would be better to just write an OpenAL implementation for 
AudioSink and make it a plugin (much like the freetype plugin is a 
concrete implementation of osgText::Font::FontImplementation).


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] New ffmpeg plugin checked into svn/trunk

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Jason,

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Jason Daly wrote:
 I think most of osgAL would be superfluous here.  We don't need
 spatialization or decoding.  The only thing we'd use is the interface to the
 audio hardware.  I guess the question becomes whether it is worth it to use
 osgAL (which uses OpenAL++, which in turn uses OpenAL), or whether it would
 be better to just write an OpenAL implementation for AudioSink and make it a
 plugin (much like the freetype plugin is a concrete implementation of

I was thinking that an OpenAL plugin would be doable, and could either
return an audio sink or an AudioStream.

Going the OpenAL route would also pave the way for an osgAudio
library, as the OpenAL dependency wouldn't change as one migrated
osgAudio into the core.  Go for another audio solution and one would
have a more complicated evolution of external dependencies.

I'm going to experiment with OpenAL at this end how things go.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ImageStream and texture updates synch

2009-03-02 Thread Tanguy Fautre
Hi Robert,

It's then probably a good idea to update the ffmpeg plugin to also use a 
pointer swap.

The current implementation of the ffmpeg plugin is not optimal. Internally 
there are already two buffers (a private and a public one), because of the 
colour conversion routines, synch issues, and also because of the vertical 
orientation (see void FFmpegDecoderVideo::swapBuffers()).

FFmpegDecoderVideo::publishFrame() and FFmpegDecoderVideo::swapBuffers() could 
be improved to feature a real double buffering (and remove the then-useless 
copy) so that FFmpegImageStream could implement a pointer swap.

I think I could tackle this and submit the modifications during this week.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert Osfield
Sent: Monday 02 March 2009 17:07
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Spam: Re: [osg-users] ImageStream and texture updates synch

HI Tanguy,

You don't want a synchronization point in the image stream as it'd
cause the rendering thread to stall waiting for the movie reading
thread.  Rather than add such a sync operation, it's best to double
buffer the image data and then just do a pointer swap on the image to
tell it which buffer is current, this is what I implemented in the
xine-lib plugin.

Something else I have been wondering about is the possibility of
having two ImageStream that are managed so that they are one frame
apart, then in the graphics thread you'd have a geometry with two
textures applied, and a mixing of the two textures based on the time
for the rendering frame vs the time of each of the texture.  This way
one might be able to provide a smoother video experience.   I must
admit, I don't know how effective this would be on movies, but it
might be an interesting thing to try out further down the line.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Curious osgText crash

2009-03-02 Thread Kim C Bale

I've recreated the problem I've been having in the attached CPP file. 

It's a very simple example, so I don't think I've overlooked anything. 

Occasionally this will run, but the majority of the time it bombs.

If one of you kind ladies or gentlemen could run it and tell me if you get the 
same error/crash I would most grateful. I'm afraid I don't have access to a 
different machine to test it on at the moment. 

I compiled it with osg2.8



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kim C Bale
Sent: 02 March 2009 15:47
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Curious osgText crash

Hi Vincent/Gordon,

Thanks for your quick replies.

I've had a read of the thread, but I'm not actually updating the text once it's 
added as a drawable so, if I understand correctly, I shouldn't need to worry 
about thread safety. 

But to be on the safe side, I've also set the text data variance to DYNAMIC, 
which worked for me in the past when I had similar issues but only when 
updating text objects.

What is odd though is that the crash only happens when I use two fonts. 

If I use just one I get the:

before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation'

error, but continues on, if I use two fonts it bombs.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tomlinson, 
Sent: 02 March 2009 14:40
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Curious osgText crash

Hi Kim

Not much help:

I have seen the same message occasionally when updating text ( not had crashes) 
But have no been able to track down issue that may causing subload message yet

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Vincent 
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 9:37 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Curious osgText crash

Hi Kim,

I had a problem like this in the past, I solved it using a draw callback to 
update the texts.

you can read this problem here :

Hopping this can help you.


2009/3/2 Kim C Bale
 Hi all,

 I'm getting some odd errors in conjunction with osgText.

 I'm loading two font files and assigning them to various osgText 
 drawables, which are in turn added to a series geodes.

 Each geode is then rendered to texture using individual pre render FBO 

 When I set the application to single threaded all is well, however 
 when I set it to AutomaticSelection

 It prints the error:

 before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error 'invalid 

 before Font::Glyph::subload(): detected OpenGL error '

 Before crashing with an access violation. Last four entries on the 
 call stack are at the base of the post.

 I'm not changing the text at any point after I've done the initial set 
 up and I've tried setting the data variance on the osgText drawables 
 to DYNAMIC. But it doesn't seem to help.

 Anybody have any ideas what's gone wrong here? Hopefully I've given 
 enough information.



 msvcr80d.dll!strlen(unsigned char * buf=0x0549ef78)  Line 81  Asm

 msvcp80d.dll!std::char_traitschar::length(const char *
 _First=0x) Line 559 + 0x9 bytes  C++

(std::basic_ostreamchar,std::char_traitschar   _Ostr={...}, const 
 * _Val=0x)  Line 748 + 0xc bytes C++

(std::basic_ostreamchar,std::char_traitschar   _Ostr={...}, const
 unsigned char * _Val=0x)  Line 929 + 0xd bytes C++

 *** To view the terms under which this email is 
 distributed, please go to
 *** ___
 osg-users mailing list

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Description: osgTextIssue.cpp
To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to 

[osg-users] Regarding Camera Position

2009-03-02 Thread sunitha sunagad
I just need to know how will i get the camera position and the quaternion i
need it to be recorded it
with out the help of using the record option of the OSG feature that holds
time x,y,z and quaternion
So let me know if some one know how to get the Camera Position ans

 Defeat the defeat before defeat defeats you 

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgtessellate example question

2009-03-02 Thread Christian Sam

i have a question concerning the osgtessellate example. why vanishes the 
TRIANGLE_STRIP primitives constructed in the function makePolsTwo() after 

as far as i understand, a similiar primitive, constructed in makePols() is 
created with same settings, like the one in makePolsTwo(), and it also 
(temporaly) disapperars while TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO. but when the 
tessellation cycle starts again, the one from makePols() is there again, the 
other one from makePolsTwo() isn't.

thanks in advance,

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[osg-users] osg debugging question

2009-03-02 Thread Christian Sam

i wanted to debug an osg example (osgtessellate) to see how the number of 
primitives changes inside a Geode instance while tessellation is done. first 
of all, let me tell you that i'm not only new to osg, but also to debugging c++ 
applications, so if something seems strange the way i have done please let me 

first, i changed the scope of the object i was interessed in to global scope:

osg::Group *makeTessellateExample (void) {
osg::Group *grp=new osg::Group;
osg::Geode gd=new osg::Geode;

extern osg::Geode *gd=0;
osg::Group *makeTessellateExample (void) {
osg::Group *grp=new osg::Group;
gd=new osg::Geode;

then i set a breakpoint inside a function of the applicationcode, which is also 
called once initalization is done.

bool KeyboardEventHandle::handle(...
if (_scene  ea.getKey()=='n')   BREAKPOINT 

finally when i pressed 'n' during runtime i could inspect the Geode instance in 


my questions are:

* at first i had some problems to find a suited place for the breakpoint, to 
pause the debugger so i can inspect my object. if there wouldn't be the 
keyboard-event-handler function inside the osgtessellation example, nothing 
inside the applicationcode would be re-called once initialization is done. so 
whats the preferred place for a breakpoint if is used?

* if i don't set a breakpoint, than it seems there is another possibility to 
pause the debugger of my IDE (vs 8.0). it's called BREAK ALL and program flow 
is paused inside of an arbitrary OSG function (xutility, vector, etc.). but 
from there i dont' have access to my Geode instane (because it's out of 
scope?). so whats the best way to debug an osg application?

thanks in advance,

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[osg-users] [osgPPU] Retrieving an Image from osgPPU

2009-03-02 Thread Stephan Posch
Maybe I'm overlooking something simple, but I just don't seem to see it right 
off hand.  I'm using osgPPU to do multiple passes on a scene and I have the 
case where I need the result in two ways (I need both simultaneously):

1)  To the screen (done with UnitOut)
2)  To an osg::Image

Case #1 is obviously simple, but I'm having trouble with case #2.  I've tried 
writing a custom unit similar to that of UnitOutCapture without the save to 
disk, but the call to readImageFromCurrentTexture is extremely slow.  Is there 
a better way to do this?



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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Retrieving an Image from osgPPU

2009-03-02 Thread Art Tevs
Hi Stephan,

there currently no unit exists, which copies the content of the texture into an 
image in a faster way. However looking on the example of UnitOutCapture is the 
way to go, as you did.

Currently the implementation of UnitOutCapture does use the simple 
readImageFromCurrentTexture method as you pointed out. The problem with that 
method is that it does not run asynchronously and hence stall the CPU. I am not 
sure, but it also could be that the whenever the data is copied from the GPU 
memory into the CPU memory it has to get through the CPU which again slow downs 
the transfer.

What you need is to take a look into PixelBufferObjects 
( These can be used to accelerate 
transfer of the data from video memory to the system memory by using DMA and 
asynchronous transfer. In current Unit.cpp (v0.4) from line 580 you can find 
more how I have used PBOs.
You could even use these PBOs (as used in CUDA example) to read your data into 
system memory (image). I think this would be the fastest method.
I would be also like to improve the perforamance of UnitOutCapture with this 
methods as well, however currently I have no time for this.

If you implement this functionality in a new Unit (e.g. UnitOutImage), then I 
would be happy to include it into the svn trunk. 


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Re: [osg-users] Regarding Camera Position

2009-03-02 Thread Gordon Tomlinson
Here the reply I gave you when you asked this question a couple of hours ago
also a suggestion you read this link




From my previous reply :


Have you looked at the code and headers of the camera or that use by osg
when saving a path?


Have you looked at the examples in OSG ?


Have you looked at the tutorials listed on the web site ?


Have you searched the mail/forum archives ( clue: this has been answered
many many many time before)


These will all help you solve your problem




Gordon Tomlinson



[] On Behalf Of sunitha
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 12:53 PM
Subject: [osg-users] Regarding Camera Position


I just need to know how will i get the camera position and the quaternion i
need it to be recorded it
with out the help of using the record option of the OSG feature that holds
time x,y,z and quaternion
So let me know if some one know how to get the Camera Position ans

 Defeat the defeat before defeat defeats you 


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Retrieving an Image from osgPPU

2009-03-02 Thread Stephan Posch
Thanks Art,

I'll take a look as time allows and see what I can do.


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[osg-users] modify children in node callback?

2009-03-02 Thread Cory Riddell
In general, is it ok to modify child nodes in a node callback method?
That is, children of the node for which the callback was called?

I assume it must be. If not, how do you add or remove nodes of a scene
graph while running?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Disabling small feature culling for a subgraph

2009-03-02 Thread Per Fahlberg

Hi Robert,

Ok, so if I change the mask of the current CullingSet in a cull 
callback, should it only affect the culling of the node that the 
callback is attached to and not the nodes below in the scenegraph?

If I change the culling mode of the cull visitor in a cull callback, 
should it affect all nodes traversed after the node with the callback? 
This was what I thought, but it didn't work for disabling or enabling 
small feature culling at least. From my debugging it seams like changing 
the culling mode of the cullvisitor during traversal doesn't have any 
affect on culling, i.e. it doesn't change the mask of any culling sets 
used after the culling mode is changed. I tried to fix this with the 
patch earlier that you rejected.

Is there any other way to change the culling mode from a cull callback 
so that it affects the culling of nodes below the node with the cull 


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Per,

I'm a bit rusty on this topic, too many topics coming flying by each
day that niche stuff drops out of focus quite quickly...

Something I can answer right away is to to explain the relationship
between the CullingSet CullingMode and CullingMask.  The Mode is the
base mode that specifies what the overall mode should be, while the
CullingMask is the current active subset of this mode, that handles
the fact that different faces of the view frustum get disabled when
subgraphs are completely inside the faces of the view frustum.   At
least that what I can recall/work out from a brief look through the


On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Per Fahlberg wrote:

A correction, my earlier proposed fix also solves this problem if the cull
callback is changed to also modify the culling mode of the cull visitor, so
that the callback reads something like this:
osg::CullSettings::CullingMode cullVisitorCullingMode =
osg::CullingSet cs = cv-getCurrentCullingSet();
osg::CullingSet::Mask cullingSetMask = cs.getCullingMask();

cv-setCullingMode(cullVisitorCullingMode |
cs.setCullingMask(cullingSetMask |



I'm a bit confused about all the culling masks/modes and which ones to
modify and how they are propagated when the cull visitor traverses the


Per Fahlberg wrote:

Hi Robert,

I've been busy with other work and only now been able to try your proposed
change and found that it doesn't quite work as expected. When I run the
attached modified osgscribe example with the attached box-sphere.osg model
the small feature culling only culls the entire model, i.e. both the box and
the sphere together not separately as I was expecting. If small feature
culling is turned on on the camera the box and sphere is culled by the small
feature culling individually. I would like to enable small feature culling
on quite large subgraphs and it seams that it only turns on small feature
culling on the node with the callback not on the nodes bellow it. This feels
very similar to the problem I was originally trying to solve, where the
disabling of small feature culling wasn't propagated downwards but the fix I
submitted then didn't fix this problem. Do I need to add the callback to all
nodes that I wish to be culled by small feature culling or is this a problem
in osg?


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Per,

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Per Fahlberg

I don't really understand how this is not a bug since it is possible to
switch small feature culling on for a subgraph but not switch it off?


The scene graph itself doesn't support switching off small feature
culling in a subgraph. The way you tried to add this back in was
inappropriate, so didn't work.

My proposed change to just enable small feature culling for subgraphs
that needn't it didn't require disabling culling for subgraphs so
would be more efficient as culling would never be complete disabled.
Disabling culling for a deeply embedded subgraph causes all the
parents culling to be disabled as well, which prevents early
termination of traversal that would otherwise be done so I wouldn't
recommend it.

I will however scratch my head and try to figure out if I can somehow
invert the enabling and disabling of small feature culling in my


You could just use LOD's, this is effectively all that small feature
culling simulates.

Alternatively you could just set the bounding box of the drawables of
interest to an artificially large size to prevent the small feature
culling from effecting them.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

2009-03-02 Thread Brian R Hill

You can't modify the hierarchy during an active traversal - this will mess
up the traversal. You need to cache your updates and perform them between


This is a PRIVATE message. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete without copying and kindly advise us by e-mail of the mistake in
NOTE: Regardless of content, this e-mail shall not operate to bind CSC to
any order or other contract unless pursuant to explicit written agreement
or government initiative expressly permitting the use of e-mail for such
purpose. • wrote: -

To: OpenSceneGraph Users
From: Cory Riddell
Sent by:
Date: 03/02/2009 02:45PM
Subject: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

In general, is it ok to modify child nodes in a node callback method?
That is, children of the node for which the callback was called?

I assume it must be. If not, how do you add or remove nodes of a scene
graph while running?

osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

2009-03-02 Thread Cory Riddell
Thanks Brian, that makes sense.

Is there a pre (or post) traversal callback that I can hook to make the
changes, or must I manually mange the  frame loop to make the changes?


Brian R Hill wrote:

 You can't modify the hierarchy during an active traversal - this will mess
 up the traversal. You need to cache your updates and perform them between


 This is a PRIVATE message. If you are not the intended recipient, please
 delete without copying and kindly advise us by e-mail of the mistake in
 NOTE: Regardless of content, this e-mail shall not operate to bind CSC to
 any order or other contract unless pursuant to explicit written agreement
 or government initiative expressly permitting the use of e-mail for such
 purpose. • wrote: -

 To: OpenSceneGraph Users
 From: Cory Riddell
 Sent by:
 Date: 03/02/2009 02:45PM
 Subject: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

 In general, is it ok to modify child nodes in a node callback method?
 That is, children of the node for which the callback was called?

 I assume it must be. If not, how do you add or remove nodes of a scene
 graph while running?

 osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osg::Camera setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum() not working as expected

2009-03-02 Thread Bill Sause

I am trying to create a mirror view of a scene and my first instinct was to 
just negate the left and right parameters of the osg::Camera 
setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum() call; however, this is causing all of the models 
to appear inverted instead of mirrored. When I mirror the scene horizontally to 
create an upside-down view (by negating both the left and right, and top and 
bottom parameters), everything looks fine. Is there something I'm missing?



Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

2009-03-02 Thread Brian R Hill
I usually do it in the main loop, something like:

 // do updates here


This is a PRIVATE message. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete without copying and kindly advise us by e-mail of the mistake in
NOTE: Regardless of content, this e-mail shall not operate to bind CSC to
any order or other contract unless pursuant to explicit written agreement
or government initiative expressly permitting the use of e-mail for such
purpose. • wrote: -

To: OpenSceneGraph Users
From: Cory Riddell
Sent by:
Date: 03/02/2009 03:41PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

Thanks Brian, that makes sense.

Is there a pre (or post) traversal callback that I can hook to make the
changes, or must I manually mange the  frame loop to make the changes?


Brian R Hill wrote:

 You can't modify the hierarchy during an active traversal - this will
 up the traversal. You need to cache your updates and perform them between


 This is a PRIVATE message. If you are not the intended recipient, please
 delete without copying and kindly advise us by e-mail of the mistake in
 NOTE: Regardless of content, this e-mail shall not operate to bind CSC to
 any order or other contract unless pursuant to explicit written agreement
 or government initiative expressly permitting the use of e-mail for such
 purpose. • wrote: -

 To: OpenSceneGraph Users
 From: Cory Riddell
 Sent by:
 Date: 03/02/2009 02:45PM
 Subject: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

 In general, is it ok to modify child nodes in a node callback method?
 That is, children of the node for which the callback was called?

 I assume it must be. If not, how do you add or remove nodes of a scene
 graph while running?

 osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Disabling small feature culling for a subgraph

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Per,

Unfortunately this is too a niche a part of the OSG to provide an
answer off the top of my head.


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Per Fahlberg wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 Ok, so if I change the mask of the current CullingSet in a cull callback,
 should it only affect the culling of the node that the callback is attached
 to and not the nodes below in the scenegraph?

 If I change the culling mode of the cull visitor in a cull callback, should
 it affect all nodes traversed after the node with the callback? This was
 what I thought, but it didn't work for disabling or enabling small feature
 culling at least. From my debugging it seams like changing the culling mode
 of the cullvisitor during traversal doesn't have any affect on culling, i.e.
 it doesn't change the mask of any culling sets used after the culling mode
 is changed. I tried to fix this with the patch earlier that you rejected.

 Is there any other way to change the culling mode from a cull callback so
 that it affects the culling of nodes below the node with the cull callback?


 Robert Osfield wrote:

 Hi Per,

 I'm a bit rusty on this topic, too many topics coming flying by each
 day that niche stuff drops out of focus quite quickly...

 Something I can answer right away is to to explain the relationship
 between the CullingSet CullingMode and CullingMask.  The Mode is the
 base mode that specifies what the overall mode should be, while the
 CullingMask is the current active subset of this mode, that handles
 the fact that different faces of the view frustum get disabled when
 subgraphs are completely inside the faces of the view frustum.   At
 least that what I can recall/work out from a brief look through the


 On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Per Fahlberg wrote:

 A correction, my earlier proposed fix also solves this problem if the
 callback is changed to also modify the culling mode of the cull visitor,
 that the callback reads something like this:
 osg::CullSettings::CullingMode cullVisitorCullingMode =
 osg::CullingSet cs = cv-getCurrentCullingSet();
 osg::CullingSet::Mask cullingSetMask = cs.getCullingMask();

 cv-setCullingMode(cullVisitorCullingMode |
 cs.setCullingMask(cullingSetMask |



 I'm a bit confused about all the culling masks/modes and which ones to
 modify and how they are propagated when the cull visitor traverses the


 Per Fahlberg wrote:

 Hi Robert,

 I've been busy with other work and only now been able to try your
 change and found that it doesn't quite work as expected. When I run the
 attached modified osgscribe example with the attached box-sphere.osg
 the small feature culling only culls the entire model, i.e. both the box
 the sphere together not separately as I was expecting. If small feature
 culling is turned on on the camera the box and sphere is culled by the
 feature culling individually. I would like to enable small feature
 on quite large subgraphs and it seams that it only turns on small
 culling on the node with the callback not on the nodes bellow it. This
 very similar to the problem I was originally trying to solve, where the
 disabling of small feature culling wasn't propagated downwards but the
 fix I
 submitted then didn't fix this problem. Do I need to add the callback to
 nodes that I wish to be culled by small feature culling or is this a
 in osg?


 Robert Osfield wrote:

 Hi Per,

 On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Per Fahlberg

 I don't really understand how this is not a bug since it is possible
 switch small feature culling on for a subgraph but not switch it off?

 The scene graph itself doesn't support switching off small feature
 culling in a subgraph. The way you tried to add this back in was
 inappropriate, so didn't work.

 My proposed change to just enable small feature culling for subgraphs
 that needn't it didn't require disabling culling for subgraphs so
 would be more efficient as culling would never be complete disabled.
 Disabling culling for a deeply embedded subgraph causes all the
 parents culling to be disabled as well, which prevents early
 termination of traversal that would otherwise be done so I wouldn't
 recommend it.

 I will however scratch my head and try to figure out if I can somehow
 invert the enabling and disabling of small feature culling in my

 You could just use LOD's, this is effectively all that small feature
 culling simulates.

 Alternatively you could just set the bounding box of the drawables of
 interest to an artificially large size to prevent the small feature

Re: [osg-users] osg::Camera setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum() not working as expected

2009-03-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Bill,

You most likely a hitting up againt backface culling culling the wrong
faces because you've inverted the windings by swapping the coords.
You'll either need to disable back face culling or swap the face that
is used for back face culling.  This topic has already been discussed
today so please search the archives.


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 8:42 PM, Bill Sause wrote:

 I am trying to create a mirror view of a scene and my first instinct was to 
 just negate the left and right parameters of the osg::Camera 
 setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum() call; however, this is causing all of the 
 models to appear inverted instead of mirrored. When I mirror the scene 
 horizontally to create an upside-down view (by negating both the left and 
 right, and top and bottom parameters), everything looks fine. Is there 
 something I'm missing?



 Read this topic online here:

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

2009-03-02 Thread Thrall, Bryan
Brian R Hill wrote on Monday, March 02, 2009 2:29 PM:
 You can't modify the hierarchy during an active traversal - this will
 up the traversal. You need to cache your updates and perform them

Changes to the scenegraph should be made during the update traversal
(so, inside an UpdateCallback), which is single-threaded so it is safe.
The easiest way to prevent certain nodes from being traversed is to
modify their node mask (the Camera also needs its traversal mask set so
it will ignore these nodes).

The main problem with removing/adding nodes is invalidating iterators,
so I think it should be safe to add or remove children of the node
currently being visited in the update pass; at the point of the
UpdateCallback, I wouldn't expect any iterators to be iterating over
that node's child list. wrote: -
 To: OpenSceneGraph Users
 From: Cory Riddell
 Sent by:
 Date: 03/02/2009 02:45PM
 Subject: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?
 In general, is it ok to modify child nodes in a node callback method?
 That is, children of the node for which the callback was called?
 I assume it must be. If not, how do you add or remove nodes of a scene
 graph while running?
 osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] New ffmpeg plugin checked into svn/trunk

2009-03-02 Thread Sukender
Hi Jason and Robert,

Okay, I didn't know what you were expecting. So now I'm aware of it!
I'm just a bit embarassed by the fact your work *may* be a duplicate (well, 
kind of) of what's inside osgAL. Anyway, I guess osgAudio would integrate both 
your work and osgAL.
Good luck in making your plugin work!

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Mon, 02 Mar 2009 18:29:55 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 Hi Jason,

 On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Jason Daly wrote:
 I think most of osgAL would be superfluous here.  We don't need
 spatialization or decoding.  The only thing we'd use is the interface to the
 audio hardware.  I guess the question becomes whether it is worth it to use
 osgAL (which uses OpenAL++, which in turn uses OpenAL), or whether it would
 be better to just write an OpenAL implementation for AudioSink and make it a
 plugin (much like the freetype plugin is a concrete implementation of

 I was thinking that an OpenAL plugin would be doable, and could either
 return an audio sink or an AudioStream.

 Going the OpenAL route would also pave the way for an osgAudio
 library, as the OpenAL dependency wouldn't change as one migrated
 osgAudio into the core.  Go for another audio solution and one would
 have a more complicated evolution of external dependencies.

 I'm going to experiment with OpenAL at this end how things go.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Set resize NPOT hint -- add to osgUtil Optimizer?

2009-03-02 Thread Paul Martz
Hi Robert -- I've got a client with some models that use NPOT textures. Just
loading the models and rendering them causes OSG to resize the textures to
powers of 2, even though NPOT is supported on their hardware. We need a
visitor that will walk the scene graph and call
setResizeNonPowerOfTwoHint(false) on each texture. I was wondering if there
was a larger need for such functionality? And if so, would this fit in the
Optimizer as part of the OPTIMIZE_TEXTURE_SETTINGS flag?
Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC 
+1 303 859 9466
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Regarding Camera Position

2009-03-02 Thread yann le paih
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Gordon Tomlinson wrote:

  Here the reply I gave you when you asked this question a couple of hours
 ago also a suggestion you read this link

 From my previous reply :

 Have you looked at the code and headers of the camera or that use by osg
 when saving a path?

 Have you looked at the examples in OSG ?

 Have you looked at the tutorials listed on the web site ?

 Have you searched the mail/forum archives ( clue: this has been answered
 many many many time before)

 These will all help you solve your problem


 *Gordon Tomlinson *

 IM: **


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *sunitha sunagad
 *Sent:* Monday, March 02, 2009 12:53 PM
 *Subject:* [osg-users] Regarding Camera Position

 I just need to know how will i get the camera position and the quaternion i
 need it to be recorded it
 with out the help of using the record option of the OSG feature that holds
 time x,y,z and quaternion
 So let me know if some one know how to get the Camera Position ans

  Defeat the defeat before defeat defeats you 


 osg-users mailing list

Yann Le Paih
56150 BAUD
Portable: +33(0)610524356
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

2009-03-02 Thread Brian R Hill

Thanks for pointing that out. I've always just done it outside of all the
traversals and never looked for other ways - probably has something to do
with the old dog, no new tricks thing :)

Brian wrote: -

To: OpenSceneGraph Users
From: Thrall, Bryan
Sent by:
Date: 03/02/2009 04:00PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

Brian R Hill wrote on Monday, March 02, 2009 2:29 PM:
 You can't modify the hierarchy during an active traversal - this will
 up the traversal. You need to cache your updates and perform them

Changes to the scenegraph should be made during the update traversal
(so, inside an UpdateCallback), which is single-threaded so it is safe.
The easiest way to prevent certain nodes from being traversed is to
modify their node mask (the Camera also needs its traversal mask set so
it will ignore these nodes).

The main problem with removing/adding nodes is invalidating iterators,
so I think it should be safe to add or remove children of the node
currently being visited in the update pass; at the point of the
UpdateCallback, I wouldn't expect any iterators to be iterating over
that node's child list. wrote: -

 To: OpenSceneGraph Users
 From: Cory Riddell
 Sent by:
 Date: 03/02/2009 02:45PM
 Subject: [osg-users] modify children in node callback?

 In general, is it ok to modify child nodes in a node callback method?
 That is, children of the node for which the callback was called?

 I assume it must be. If not, how do you add or remove nodes of a scene
 graph while running?

 osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International
osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Set resize NPOT hint -- add to osgUtil Optimizer?

2009-03-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Paul,

Hi Robert -- I've got a client with some models that use NPOT textures. 
Just loading the models and rendering them causes OSG to resize the 
textures to powers of 2, even though NPOT is supported on their 
hardware. We need a visitor that will walk the scene graph and call 
setResizeNonPowerOfTwoHint(false) on each texture. I was wondering if 
there was a larger need for such functionality? And if so, would this 
fit in the Optimizer as part of the OPTIMIZE_TEXTURE_SETTINGS flag?

This precise functionality was on my todo list of items to do when I 
have a bit of free time. If you get to it first (or if you can get 
funding for it) be my guest, but otherwise I think I would have gotten 
to it in the next 2 months or so.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OpenFlight-Plugin - Subfaces could notbe read by OpenFlight-API

2009-03-02 Thread Paul Martz
Sorry I have not gotten to this yet, but I have been busy with paying work.
Your models are still in my inbox. Not sure when I'll have enough down time
to get to this.

(However, I'll add that OSG is a community effort, so you are more than
welcome to debug the issue and post a fix to osg-submissions.)

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
+1 303 859 9466

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Katharina
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 4:54 AM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OpenFlight-Plugin - Subfaces could
notbe read by OpenFlight-API

Hello again,

i'm still having this problem with Subfaces and the OpenFlightPlugin. Has
nobody any idea?

@Paul Martz: I do not know, if you got my answer, because I only posted in
the osg forum. I do not see your E-Mail adress here. If you can give it to
me, i can send the example file again.



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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] multiple views on separate Qt widgets

2009-03-02 Thread Richard Baron Penman

the 2.6 screenshot shows the expected functionality (the right panel is a
top down view).
The problem is in 2.8 my composite views are rendered on the desktop instead
of within the window. Can you think of a reason for this?
I suspected the problem is how I create the view in the SceneOSG::addView()


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 HI Richard,

 The right window looks odd, is this correct?  Is this way one should
 expect if everything is working or is this an example of the problem?


 On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Richard Baron Penman
  Sure, here is a screenshot with 2.6 where the composite views are
 contained within the window.
  Read this topic online here:
  osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] New ffmpeg plugin checked into svn/trunk

2009-03-02 Thread Sukender
Aye-aye, sir! ;)

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Tue, 03 Mar 2009 00:50:43 +0100, Jason Daly a écrit:

 Sukender wrote:
 Hi Jason and Robert,

 Okay, I didn't know what you were expecting. So now I'm aware of it!
 I'm just a bit embarassed by the fact your work *may* be a duplicate (well, 
 kind of) of what's inside osgAL. Anyway, I guess osgAudio would integrate 
 both your work and osgAL.
 Good luck in making your plugin work!

 I wouldn't be embarassed.  I think the issue is just that using osgAL
 for the ffmpeg plugin would be like attacking a flea with a sledge
 hammer (overkill  :-) ).

 When osgAudio (or whatever osgAL eventually becomes) is done and part of
 the core, I imagine this little plugin will no longer be necessary.


 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenGL and OSG advocacy

2009-03-02 Thread Sukender
Hi Robert, hi all,

I don't know if ideas (slogans) I got before going to sleep are to be good 
ones, but here we go! :)

For OpenGL, regarding to portability:
- Having only one client is risky for your company. Supporting only one 
platform is also risky. Use cross-platform open APIs based on OpenGL. Note to 
JS: I didn't say standard :) But if it sounds a better slogan, just say Use 
OpenGL, *the* corss-platform open standard.
- Open your market to new customers. Build your apps with OpenGL.
- Don't put all your eggs in one basket! Be cross-platform, be open, use 
- Tired to be tied to Windows? Switch to OpenGL.
- OpenGL: Same performances, same features, but portable across platforms.

Please note that these could also work for OSG...

And for OSG:
- Open Scene Graph: A high abstraction level, performance gains using 
optimizers and culling, ease of use, cool features, open source... What are you 
waiting for?
- Dramatically cut your development costs by building your 3D app on a 
powerful open source and cross-platform toolkit. Open Scene Graph.
- Why trying to build a powerful cross-platform 3D toolkit upon OpenGL when an 
open source and rock solid one exists?
- Don't even try to be as good as a 375k lines toolkit, with 350 authors and 
2000 registered users. Just use Open Scene Graph, it's free.
- Don't even try to create your 3D app directly from a 3D API; it will cost 
years until you reach the Open Scene Graph features.
- Open Scene Graph is simply what you need to avoid re-inventing the wheel.
- No need for proprietary solutions that just can't be adapted to your 
needs... simply switch to Open Scene Graph.
- For vis-sim, high performance apps, games, scientific visualization and 
modelling: Open Scene Graph. Certainly one of the best scene graph ever.
- Don't want to meddle too low in OpenGL but want to keep manoeuvrability and 
scalability? Open Scene Graph is *your* solution. (Thanks kuba for his(her?) 
post on!)

I guess some could be split/merged/rearanged.

Thoughts? Things to change (Sorry, that's not easy to find good ads when not in 
your mothertongue language!)? Ideas?
...Anyone mastering a vector graphics editor to make cool ads? :)

Sukender, going to bed
PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Fri, 27 Feb 2009 09:51:56 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 Hi Sukender,

 On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Sukender wrote:
 I created Community/Advocacy (Robert: since it's about OpenGL *AND* OSG, I 
 did not put OpenGL in the page name).
 See , and 
 start discussing!

 Also feel free to complete 2 other pages (and feel free to add links to some 
 articles if revelant):
 Please note these are only placeholders for now... :)

 Thanks for putting up the pages, it looks like a good start of the process.

 I begin, by giving some more ideas:
 - May we try to find short sentences that sounds like advertising (about 
 OpenGL or OSG) we could put as banners or logos on our websites/blogs? Any 

 Too early in the morning for me to be creative I'm afraid.  I guess we
 could add short phases to our email signatures, as well as to blogs.
 The OSG website doesn't yet sport OpenGL logos we we really should get
 on with as a starter.  Perhaps OpenGL ES and OpenGL CL, Collada be
 worth talking about in the mix and include logos would also be worth

 - May we insist on the fact that OpenGL is used on consoles (except Xbox)?

 Existing consoles are already set in stone, the next gen ones might
 still be open to influence, none of which actually use a standard
 version of OpenGL or OpenGL ES.

 One can be sure that MS's next console will be Direct3D and not
 contain OpenGL, but I guess it wouldn't do any harm to lobby for it,
 even if you knew it was not going to be successful, as it points to
 the need for a single graphics API to be present across all consoles.
 Costs and time to market in recession are more critical than ever,
 being able to write software once and recompile everywhere is one of
 the most compelling aspect to standards like OpenGL.

 Thougts? Ideas?

 We build a magic wand capable of ushering peace to all that inhabit
 the earth and ensuring that open standards become the foundation of
 all computing ;-)

 Trawling the web/community for good examples of advocacy might be a
 place to start for getting inspiration.  The OpenGL website might also
 be place to look for articles/quotes.

 Distilling what value OpenGL and separately OSG/OpenGL provides to the
 graphics market to a couple of key phrases might be useful.

 osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenGL and OSG advocacy

2009-03-02 Thread Sukender
Hi Robert,

I noticed you didn't put the OpenGL logos on the site. So I'm ringing you :) 
(Sorry if you *did* see the mail).

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Fri, 27 Feb 2009 20:24:16 +0100, Sukender a écrit:

 Hi Robert, hi all,

 I downloaded the officials OpenGL logos and registered (as requested on the 
 site) using the email address I use for posting here, indicating it was for I uploaded the standard logo+small version on the FTP. 
 Robert, could you add the big one on the front page (and/or anywhere 
 suitable)? Thanks.

 I don't have much ideas at the moment too... I'll post again later about 
 short/key phrases and the investigation of the OpenGL site.

 About consoles, should we try to periodically contact manufacturers? Should 
 we do it publicly (= I mean with a copy of the letters on the wiki or blog)?

 To all: Come on! Throw your ideas in this thread!

 PS: I like the idea of the magic wand! :)

 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

 Le Fri, 27 Feb 2009 09:51:56 +0100, Robert Osfield 
 a écrit:

 Hi Sukender,

 On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Sukender wrote:
 I created Community/Advocacy (Robert: since it's about OpenGL *AND* OSG, 
 I did not put OpenGL in the page name).
 See , 
 and start discussing!

 Also feel free to complete 2 other pages (and feel free to add links to 
 some articles if revelant):
 Please note these are only placeholders for now... :)

 Thanks for putting up the pages, it looks like a good start of the process.

 I begin, by giving some more ideas:
 - May we try to find short sentences that sounds like advertising (about 
 OpenGL or OSG) we could put as banners or logos on our websites/blogs? Any 

 Too early in the morning for me to be creative I'm afraid.  I guess we
 could add short phases to our email signatures, as well as to blogs.
 The OSG website doesn't yet sport OpenGL logos we we really should get
 on with as a starter.  Perhaps OpenGL ES and OpenGL CL, Collada be
 worth talking about in the mix and include logos would also be worth

 - May we insist on the fact that OpenGL is used on consoles (except Xbox)?

 Existing consoles are already set in stone, the next gen ones might
 still be open to influence, none of which actually use a standard
 version of OpenGL or OpenGL ES.

 One can be sure that MS's next console will be Direct3D and not
 contain OpenGL, but I guess it wouldn't do any harm to lobby for it,
 even if you knew it was not going to be successful, as it points to
 the need for a single graphics API to be present across all consoles.
 Costs and time to market in recession are more critical than ever,
 being able to write software once and recompile everywhere is one of
 the most compelling aspect to standards like OpenGL.

 Thougts? Ideas?

 We build a magic wand capable of ushering peace to all that inhabit
 the earth and ensuring that open standards become the foundation of
 all computing ;-)

 Trawling the web/community for good examples of advocacy might be a
 place to start for getting inspiration.  The OpenGL website might also
 be place to look for articles/quotes.

 Distilling what value OpenGL and separately OSG/OpenGL provides to the
 graphics market to a couple of key phrases might be useful.

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Re: [osg-users] Set resize NPOT hint -- add to osgUtil Optimizer?

2009-03-02 Thread Paul Martz
Hi J-S -- I'm having some second thoughts on this.

If I understand correctly (I've heard this, but I haven't confirmed it in
the OpenGL spec), using NPOT textures turns off hardware mipmapping; mipmaps
must be created on the host, or not used at all. Is that correct?

If so, I'll likely suggest an alternative to my client, which would be a
NodeVisitor that resizes any NPOT textures to a power of 2. Maybe this is
another candidate for being added to the Optimizer?

Let me know what you think.

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
+1 303 859 9466

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Jean-Sébastien Guay
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 3:18 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Set resize NPOT hint -- add to osgUtil Optimizer?

Hi Paul,

 Hi Robert -- I've got a client with some models that use NPOT textures. 
 Just loading the models and rendering them causes OSG to resize the 
 textures to powers of 2, even though NPOT is supported on their 
 hardware. We need a visitor that will walk the scene graph and call
 setResizeNonPowerOfTwoHint(false) on each texture. I was wondering if 
 there was a larger need for such functionality? And if so, would this 
 fit in the Optimizer as part of the OPTIMIZE_TEXTURE_SETTINGS flag?

This precise functionality was on my todo list of items to do when I have a
bit of free time. If you get to it first (or if you can get funding for it)
be my guest, but otherwise I think I would have gotten to it in the next 2
months or so.

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Set resize NPOT hint -- add to osgUtil Optimizer?

2009-03-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Paul,

If I understand correctly (I've heard this, but I haven't confirmed it in
the OpenGL spec), using NPOT textures turns off hardware mipmapping; mipmaps
must be created on the host, or not used at all. Is that correct?

By 'created on the host', you mean embedded in the texture files (.dds 
format generally) instead of generated on the fly by OpenGL, is that right?

Not sure, but it would be somewhat logical. Mipmaps are most efficient 
when powers of two are used, and it might be that the hardware doesn't 
want to make assumptions as to how you want to scale if non-standard 
conditions are present...

If so, I'll likely suggest an alternative to my client, which would be a
NodeVisitor that resizes any NPOT textures to a power of 2. Maybe this is
another candidate for being added to the Optimizer?

You mean resizes the textures and then re-saves the model? (otherwise it 
already exists :-) )

Yes, that's also a good idea, though each would have its potential uses. 
But if NPOT textures really turn off hardware mipmapping then the resize 
and re-save would be more useful in general, I agree.

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