Re: [osg-users] Different textures on each face of a geometry?

2010-08-02 Thread Ku Krapox
Hi Nick,

If you mean using osg::Geometry::setTexCoordArray, that's what I was doing 
until now, but I can't anymore since I want to put 2 textures on a single 
Geometry AND show different parts of them...

But if this is not possible without modifying the geometry, I could get by with 
a simple method to put half of an image into a texture, which I'd display 
completely. This seemed easier to me, but I don't know if it is doable and how 
to do it?

Thanks for any advice!


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Re: [osg-users] Different textures on each face of a geometry?

2010-07-30 Thread Ku Krapox
Hi Robert,

Thanks for your reply. :) 
Your solution looks great, I think it'll do the trick!

I have another question : Is there a way to create an osg::Texture2D containing 
only one part of an image, instead of loading the whole image? Typically I want 
to create textures with only one half of an image.

Is this doable? Or is there an easier way to display only one half of an image 
on my geometry, by configuring the StateSet maybe?...



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[osg-users] Different textures on each face of a geometry?

2010-07-30 Thread Ku Krapox
Hi all,

I'm trying to create a simple, planar figure, covered by two rectangular 
textures, one on each face.
For now I couldn't find a better way than creating two geometries very close to 
each other and fill each one with a different texture.

It looks fine while the geometry doesn't change too much, but if I displace the 
vertices the two geometries start to overlap which result in an ugly mix of the 
two textures. And I can't do anything about it because of the complex 
deformation of my object...

So I had this idea : is there a way to display different textures on each side 
of a single geometry? With osg::Geometry::setTexCoordArray maybe??
If not, I could get by with the normals of my geometries... Is there a way to 
get the normals of a vertex array, as vectors?

An if not, how to achieve this simple effect, of a two-sided geometry with 
different images on each side?... :? 

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] osgGA::GUIEventHandler problem

2010-06-24 Thread Ku Krapox
Thanks for the reply!

I actually managed to solve the problem, although I'm not sure of what caused 
it! :) 

Here's the code for my handler, may it help someone in the same case :

bool CRightPanelEventHandler::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, 
osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa, osg::Object* object, osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
   if (nv->getFrameStamp() != NULL && nv->getFrameStamp()->getFrameNumber() != 
  _lastFrame = nv->getFrameStamp()->getFrameNumber();

  if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH)
 // Stuff

Checking and recording the framestamp at each loop avoids processing a same 
frame two times. But I have no idea why my handler processed each frame two 


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[osg-users] osgGA::GUIEventHandler problem

2010-06-23 Thread Ku Krapox

I keep having this strange behavior with my custom osgGA::GUIEventHandler class 
: the handle() method is executed twice each time I click on the handled 
object... I'm catching PUSH events only, and every single click on my object 
results in two runs in the corresponding block of the handle() method.

The first idea would be that my EventHandler is added twice on my object but it 
is NOT the case. I'm setting it inside the constructor of another object, which 
is instanciated only once in the whole app.

My handled object is inside an osg::Camera, could it be because of this? 
Picking objects inside a camera is tricky, but I managed to do it. The only 
problem is that they are picked twice... does a camera generate two PUSH events 
when clicked?

So here I am...  Does anyone have a clue on what's wrong with my handler? Or 
how I could debug it?

Thanks! :) 


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Re: [osg-users] How to delete osg graphs properly?

2010-05-18 Thread Ku Krapox

dglenn wrote:
> Memory handling has always been my worse subject in CS!

Not my best one either...  :( 

@ Paul : I've read your QSG, and found lots of useful information, thanks 
again! In particular I've learnt by heart the part on memory management. :P
But the problem is, I'm doing everything right... All my objects are now in 
ref_ptr and I still have memory leaks.

I had an idea : might inheritance interfere with the osg::Referenced system? I 
mean, if I create my own class derived from PAT, then put it in a ref_ptr, will 
it be handled correctly?
'cause I've found out the following behaviour :

class CustomPAT : public osg::PositionAttitudeTransform {...}

int main()
PositionAttitudeTransform* myPAT1 = new PositionAttitudeTransform();
delete myPAT1; // Compilation error -> normal

CustomPAT* myPAT2 = new CustomPAT();
delete myPAT2; // Compilation OK !!! -> shouldn't be

I don't know what to think about it... Could it cause a custom class not to be 
handled as it should be?...

And another point : what if an update callback is still running when the object 
is dereferenced? Will it be dereferenced too?...

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Re: [osg-users] How to delete osg graphs properly?

2010-05-17 Thread Ku Krapox
Hi again, thanks for your responses!

@ Paul : A good piece of advice for sure... I didn't even know there was a 
quick start guide :-* Thank you.

@ Skylark : Wow thanks a lot for this very clear explanation!! It seems I was 
doing exactly the wrong thing... plus, I had simple pointers everywhere.
So I fixed this, all of my osg objects are now in osg::ref_ptr, and I've 
removed every useless operation on my pointers, no release, no delete, just 
calling "new" when needed.
But I still have the memory leak! (which is proven to be caused by my object)
Any idea?...

I have a subsidiary question : let be a node defined dynamically, existing only 
as a child of a group. Does the removeChild method delete this node? 'cause I'm 
doing this everywhere...


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[osg-users] How to delete osg graphs properly?

2010-05-17 Thread Ku Krapox
Hi all,

It's me again, with another practical problem : how to delete properly my osg 
objects when they contain lots of stuff?
Basically I have a PAT with lots of groups and nodes inside it. At some point I 
need to delete it, then reinstanciate it right away. But I found out that doing 
this produces one big memory leak...

My object is in an osg::ref_ptr, so I tried to .release() it first, it didn't 
quite change anything... I also tried to mess with the destructor, deleting 
manually some of the groups and nodes, with no more success...
I have to mention that I use several NodeCallbacks inside my PAT, which may be 
active when I delete it. I don't know how to deal with them, or if I have to...

So my question is : what is the proper method to delete an osg scene or part of 
scene (in order to avoid memory leaks)? Do I have to access and delete every 
leaf of my graph?

Thanks for any advice! :) 


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Re: [osg-users] Shrink/Enlarge whole osg::Groups ?

2010-05-14 Thread Ku Krapox
That does the trick, thanks a lot!

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Re: [osg-users] Shrink/Enlarge whole osg::Groups ?

2010-05-12 Thread Ku Krapox

Thanks for your response, and you're right, I'm not as clear as I thought...

Let me explain what I want : I have a scene with an osg::Cylinder that 
represents a tray, and complex objects placed upon it (typically some Groups 
containing Text, Geometry and Shapes...).
Everything is in a PAT and I just want it to be displayed bigger or smaller, 
with the same proportions, without changing its content and with the rest of 
the scene keeping a fixed size.

So from what you say, I understand I should use the setScale method?
If so, how do I set the Vec3d parameter?

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Shrink/Enlarge whole osg::Groups ?

2010-05-11 Thread Ku Krapox
Hi all,

Everything is in the title : how would you change the size of the whole content 
of an osg::Group (or a PAT) as if it was a single object? Is this possible?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Newbie questions...

2010-04-07 Thread Ku Krapox
(the link of the tutorial)

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Re: [osg-users] Newbie questions...

2010-04-07 Thread Ku Krapox
Hi Ulrich ,

Thanks for your reply!

My problems with callbacks are solved.

As for the keyboard handling, well, I think you're right, the addFunction 
method doesn't seem to belong to any osg class... but it's not part of my 
framework either!
Actually I just followed the "official" Keyboard Handler tutorial...
(Talking about this, I don't know if it's me but I find these tutorials quite 
poor and confusing... :?)

Anyway, if you have any idea... :) 


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[osg-users] Newbie questions...

2010-04-01 Thread Ku Krapox
Hi everyone,

As I'm new to OSG and the community i'm not sure if this is an appropriate 
place for a newbie's questions, but i'm having much difficulty to learn some 
specifics... :-* 
In particular, I'm stucked with callback functions and keyboard handling.

My problem is : I can get back the nodes of a geode if it's a loaded model 
(like the tank), but I can't do the same for my own objects, such as simple 
osg::Sphere loaded in an osg::Geode. What I do is I set the Geode's name to 
"earth" and I call :

_earthNode = dynamic_cast \< osgSim::DOFTransform* \> (findEarth.getFirst());

... which results in a NULL value in _earthNode. I've found out that the 
dynamic_cast fails when the returned named object is a geode, but I don't know 
what object should be named in my hierarchy to be handled sucessfully by a 
DOFTransform? Or should I use something else than a DOFTransform??

Keyboard Events Handling
Here's the kind of code I'm writing :

_KEH->addFunction(' ', buildGraph);

buildGraph() beeing declared in the .h and beeing defined just below in the .cpp

void buildGraph();

 Im doing exactly what is in the tutorial, except that everything is in a 
class, but it fails to build with the following error :

> 1>.\CGraph.cpp(49) : error C3867: 'graphs::CGraph::buildGraph': function call 
> missing argument list; use '&graphs::CGraph::buildGraph' to create a pointer 
> to member

Is anyone familiar with this compilation error?... I don't see what "argument 
list" is missing, since my function doesn't take any...

Any help on any of these topics would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!  :) 


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