[osg-users] [osgPlugins] Implementing ReaderWriter in a class within application binary

2010-09-18 Thread Thomas Dickerson
Hey everyone,
Is it possible for osgDB to load classes implementing ReaderWriter 
functionality out of my application binary, or must they be stored in a 
separate .so in the plugin directory? If so, are there any special directions I 
need to follow to get this working?

Secondly, what is "proper" behavior for a plugin implementing only readNode 
functionality? Do I leave writeNode unimplemented? Or should I implement 
writeNode, but only return a WriteResult with a particular error status?

Many thanks,

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Implementing ReaderWriter in a class within application binary

2010-09-19 Thread Thomas Dickerson
Hi Robert,

Thank you for the time you take to make your response, and the level of 
information you included in it. Unfortunately I think you may have 
misunderstood my original question. I was not inquiring about the possibility 
of serializing my own classes into the native binary format, but rather I was 
wishing to know whether a class that implements the ReaderWriter functionality 
(i.e. the readNode and writeNode methods present in all osgDB plugins) for a 
new format must be compiled into an external plugin (.so), or whether it can be 
incorporated directly into my application code, and compiled as part of my 
application binary. The instructions I was able to find on the wiki regarding 
plugin implementation is a bit sketchy, and only covered the possibility of 
helping the osgDB locate ReaderWriter plugins that are actually stored as 
external plugins and not compiled into my application.

Additionally I was wondering what "proper plugin etiquette" is for plugins that 
read a format, but do not also write to it. I noticed some plugins 
conditionally return a 

My question on this second issue is whether it is "better manners" for my 
ReaderWriter class to implement a writeNode function that ALWAYS returns 
FILE_NOT_HANDLED, or whether it is best to just leave the function 


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Implementing ReaderWriter in a class within application binary

2010-09-20 Thread Thomas Dickerson

Tim Moore wrote:
> You don't need to do anything special for a ReaderWriter that you wish to 
> link into your application. You write the class in exactly the same way, 
> including the REGISTER_OSGPLUGIN macro. Your plugin will be registered early 
> and OSG will use your code to load that file extension without searching for 
> an external plugin.
> Depending on your platform, you might need to perform some additional magic 
> to ensure that your code is actually linked into the application. On Unix, 
> for example, if your plugin code is in a statically-linked library, the .o 
> file containing the REGISTER_OSGPLUGIN "call" won't be linked in unless you 
> create some external reference to code in that file.
> ...
> Not FILE_NOT_HANDLED, but NOT_IMPLEMENTED. Since the default virtual methods 
> return NOT_IMPLEMENTED, it's cleaner not to implement them yourself; you 
> might get the return result wrong :)
> Tim

Ah, that is just exactly what I wanted to know. Many thanks. Are either of 
these clearly documented on the wiki somewhere that I should know about? Or 
would it perhaps be worth starting an entry on developing a new plugin?

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Implementing ReaderWriter in a class within application binary

2010-09-20 Thread Thomas Dickerson
That's good to know, I've registered for a wiki account and will do my best to 
post useful tips that I figure out. Most of the information I've seen on there 
up to this point seems to be related to developing around OSG rather than 
developing to extend it, which seems a little silly given how extensible and 
modular it has been designed to be.

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[osg-users] pushing bytes back to ifstream?

2010-10-02 Thread Thomas Dickerson
I'm sorry if this is something that I should know, but osg::ifstream doesn't 
seem to have any way of peeking at the next byte or reading/pushing back a 
byte. I am attempting to implement a platform agnostic readLine() method that 
can handle \r\n, \r, or \n. Is there a wrapper class I should be using here 
with the ifstream, or is there another strategy I should use?

Also, I should note that this is a binary stream, since the file type has a mix 
of binary and textual data. 


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Re: [osg-users] pushing bytes back to ifstream?

2010-10-04 Thread Thomas Dickerson

Alberto Luaces wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> since osgDB::ifstream inherits from std, you can try putback(char c)
> http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/istream/putback/

That sounds great, thanks. I was simply unsure if this was allowed, as the 
documentation makes no mention of inheritance.

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[osg-users] [osgPlugins] bus error when reading PNG data from stream for new plugin

2010-10-10 Thread Thomas Dickerson
I'm working on extending the bsp plugin to support the .dif (Dynamix Interior 
Format) used by Torque Game Engine and its successors. I am attempting to read 
the png lightmaps from the file stream, using the following code:

osg::ref_ptr reader = 
osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult rr;
mapFile->read((S8*)&j, sizeof(U32));

std::cout << "reading " << j << " lightmaps and lightDirMaps and 
lightmapkeeps" << std::endl;
for(i = 0; i < curLevel.lightmaps.capacity(); i++){

rr = reader->readImage(*mapFile);
std::cout << "read lm " << i << std::endl;
std::cout << "took lm " << i << std::endl;
} else{
std::cout << "\t- Sorry, we screwed this one up" << std::endl;
return false;

if(curLevel.iFV == 1 || curLevel.iFV >= 12){
rr = reader->readImage(*mapFile);
std::cout << "read lmd " << i << std::endl;
osg::ref_ptr tmp = rr.takeImage(); // Should be 
autocleaned up by ref_ptr
std::cout << "took lmd " << i << std::endl;
curLevel.lightDirMaps.push_back(NULL); // Keep our place in the 
stream, but don't save the result of this
std::cout << "pushed back empty" << std::endl;
} else{
std::cout << "\t- Sorry, we screwed this one up" << std::endl;
return false;

std::cout << "took flag " << i << " : " << U32(flag) << std::endl;

Immediately after seeing "reading 20 lightmaps and lightDirmaps and 
lightmapkeeps" in the console, the plugin throws a bus error. I know the the 
png data in the stream is good, since the reference implementation from TGE 
manages to read it fine, and my debugging has shown that up until this point my 
plugin modifications have read the exact same information that that the 
reference implementation has. By process of elimination the hiccup is happening 
during the reading of the png itself, but since the reference implementation 
(whose readPNG method makes use of libpng) does okay, there must be some 
difference in the way the two are reading it. Am I doing something obviously 
wrong here? Are there subtleties in the behavior of the png reader/writers when 
reading from stream that I should be aware of? Any other comments?

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] bus error when reading PNG data from stream for new plugin

2010-10-11 Thread Thomas Dickerson
I'm recompiling a debug build now and setting XCode up to debug a shared 
library, but I'm not sure what information would be helpful to you? Debugging 
is usually an interactive process, so without more specificity than "use a 
debugger" I can't do much more than take a screenshot, or upload a zip with my 
plugin source and the test file I'm using for input for someone to run the 
debugger themselves.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] bus error when reading PNG data from stream for new plugin

2010-10-11 Thread Thomas Dickerson
Stepping through the code in XCode, I am crashing somewhere inside of 
ReaderWriterQT (specifically at GetGraphicsImporterForDataRef(dataRef, 'ptr ', 
&gicomp); inside of QuicktimeImportExport::doImport), which would seem to 
confirm what you are saying. Is it possible that the QT code isn't getting 
along with the overhauled Quicktime in Snow Leopard?

Your suggestion of using the ReaderWriterPNG (based on libpng) seems like it 
would ensure the most consistent behavior across multiple platforms. How would 
I go about adding it to my XCode project and forcing the Registry to load that 
plugin in favor of imageio or Quicktime?

As an interesting side-note, when running the code in the debugger, it actually 
seems to read the first image successfully, and crashes on the second, whereas 
when run in the Terminal without a debugging environment, it seems to crash 
when reading the first.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] bus error when reading PNG data from stream for new plugin

2010-10-11 Thread Thomas Dickerson
Sorry for the double post, but since I'm not sure how Mail2Forum handles edits 
to posts on the forum, I figured it would be better to avoid any confusion 
between the two communication channels.

I've gotten osgdb_png.so to compile, how might I go about forcing its use (in 
place of osgdb_qt.so) for PNG files specifically?

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] bus error when reading PNG data from stream for new plugin

2010-10-11 Thread Thomas Dickerson

Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
> A stack trace is usually helpful, as it would tell you where (in what 
> function) the crash
> occurred.  To that effect, it does not need to be interactive.
> As Stephan already said, any additional information is helpful (your original 
> mail didn't
> have a lot of that).

This is good to know for the next time I run into a problem, thanks.

> Maybe the QT reader is buggy in the stream-reading path.

This seems to have been the case. I set up the ReaderWriterPNG class to 
directly include libpng and libz in its own source (not a clean solution, but 
for relatively small libraries like that it seemed easier than mucking about 
with include/link directory settings in 3 different IDEs), and added support 
for the "istreampng" file extension, so that I had an easy way to make sure it 
superceded any of the default plugins that (claim to) support reading a png 
from stream. It seems to be working at the moment, but if anyone has 
suggestions for a less hacky solution, that would be appreciated.

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] bus error when reading PNG data from stream for new plugin

2010-10-11 Thread Thomas Dickerson

sth wrote:
> The quicktime plugin can handle input from streams but needs some
> assistance, as it can read a LOT of image-formats. It needs a mime-type
> / file-extension and a size of bytes to read from the stream.

This makes sense, but is also semi-problematic, since I don't know how big the 
png in the stream is going to bedoes the quicktime plugin have a way of 
calculating this on it's own if knows what kind of file it should be reading?

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] bus error when reading PNG data from stream for new plugin

2010-10-12 Thread Thomas Dickerson

Skylark wrote:
> Hi Stephan, Thomas,
> > To preload the png-plugin:
> > 
> > osgDB::Registry::instance()->loadLibrary("png"); // or "osgdb_png", not
> > sure right now.
> > 
> Or I find it easier to do:
> osgDB::Registry::instance()->loadPluginForExtension("png");
> J-S

Unfortunately as far as I can tell, this seems to load the first png-capable 
library it runs across, rather than the specific one I'm looking for.

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] bus error when reading PNG data from stream for new plugin

2010-10-13 Thread Thomas Dickerson

Skylark wrote:
> Ah yes, I should have thought before replying - on MacOS the Quicktime 
> or ImageIO plugins will be preferred... Then Stephan's way should work 
> for you.
> Sorry for wasting your time.

Not at all, it's always pleasant when someone takes the time to respond, even 
if the response isn't immediately helpful.

I seem to have things working okay at the moment, so I'm grateful for that.

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[osg-users] Translucent primitives grouped by Drawable or by Geode?

2010-10-26 Thread Thomas Dickerson

When rendering translucent objects in OpenSceneGraph, do I need a Drawable per 
set of translucent primitives, or a Geode per set? I'm asking because some of 
my models have a mixture of translucent and opaque materials, in terms of graph 
structure it seems like per-Geode would make more sense. I just want to be on 
the safe side.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] [osgPlugins] upgrades to osgdb_bsp

2010-10-26 Thread Thomas Dickerson
Hey everyone,

Over the last few weeks I've been working on upgrades to the ReaderWriterBSP 
class to allow it to load drawable geometry from files in the Dynamix Interior 
Format, a bsp format used by the Torque Game Engine, and it's derivatives. I 
have a few more bugs to track down with some missing polygons, and distortion 
of certain textures, but I think it is approaching readiness. Is this something 
that people feel would make a worthwhile addition to the default set of 
plugins? If so, how would I go about submitting it?


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] upgrades to osgdb_bsp

2010-10-27 Thread Thomas Dickerson

robertosfield wrote:
> If there are lots of changes then consider placing the changes into a 
> separate plugin, but this does also assume that their is a different
> file extension for this file format, I don't know anything about the
> "Dynamix Interior Format" so can't comment on this.  Whether you do go
> for separate plugin or not just package up all the required
> files/modified files in full and post them to osg-submissions mailing
> list and I can pick them up from there.

The Dynamix Interior Format (DIF) is a binary-space partition format used by 
the Torque Game Engine, and derivative products (from GarageGames, founded by 
former members of Dynamix). It does use its own extension (.dif); however I 
felt that it made sense to work on it as an extension to the existing bsp 
plugin since it could then easily be extended at some point in the future into 
a nodekit providing BSP collision information to programs which (for example) 
make use of osgBullet or have similar physics needs. It is particularly likely 
that I will make these improvements myself at some point in the future, so 
having the plugin structured in that manner made sense as far as long-term 
planning is concerned. If you still want a separate plugin, I'm happy to 
separate it out, but the changes I made to the organizational structure and 
inheritance-tree of the classes in the osg_bsp plugin may still be desirable.

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Re: [osg-users] Translucent primitives grouped by Drawable or by Geode?

2010-10-27 Thread Thomas Dickerson
That is the response I was anticipating, but it's good to have my suspicions 

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[osg-users] Several questions regarding Terrain

2010-12-20 Thread Thomas Dickerson

I would like to be able to load the terrain format used by the Torque Game 
Engine. A couple questions about how to use the Terrain mechanisms built in to 

If I have a heightfield which tiles cleanly, is there a mechanism to 
make a terrain repeat indefinitely?

Is there any sort of mechanism to draw a hole in a patch of terrain? If 
not, how would such a thing be implemented?

 Can you have multiple layers of texture over the same heightfield? 
(i.e. a background texture and another "detail" texture painted over it?

In the documentation I see names like "TerrainTechnique" "Layer" 
"Terrain" and "TerrainTile" being thrown around without much description of the 
roll of any individual class. Is this documented in any reasonable form 
somewhere, or would someone care to explain them? 

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] upgrades to osgdb_bsp

2010-12-22 Thread Thomas Dickerson
I was sidetracked for a while with exams and such, but I got back to work and I 
think I have all but one (or two) of the bugs worked out.

Looking at the image below (and ignoring the wooden gates), the bottom half 
represents what the top half should look like, minus the lighting. The faces 
that are strangely darker in the top half would lead me to believe that perhaps 
I have some faces which are flipped and showing their back face. But as far as 
the distortion of the stone texture on the ramp is concerned I'm stumped. The 
texturing is applied based on two "texgen equations" which are applied 
statically (not with a TexGen node) to generate a UV coordinate as follows: 
Given a point pt, and an "x" and "y" plane defining the texgen equation, 
u = pt.x*xP.x + pt.y*xP.y + pt.z*xP.z + xP.w;
v = pt.x*yP.x + pt.y*yP.y + pt.z*yP.z+yP.w;

[Image: http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/9619/funkytex.jpg ]

gDEBugger shows that the relevant textures in both osgViewer and the reference 
program are loaded and undistorted in memory. If anyone here has a hunch as to 
the cause, or has seen similar problems before, I'd love to hear about it.

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Re: [osg-users] Several questions regarding Terrain

2010-12-22 Thread Thomas Dickerson

I have loaded a 256x256 HeightField, created a HeightFieldLayer, and added it 
as the ElevationLayer to a TerrainTile. Now, if I would like to go about 
texturing patches of terrain, do I essentially need a separate TerrainTile for 
each individual area to be textured? And if this is the case, can multiple 
TerrainTiles use the same ImageLayer for their own ColorLayers? And I still 
have not decoded the use of the Terrain class itself, which doesn't seem to be 
used in the osgterrain_example demo application!

Any help or tips that can be provided would be delightful.

Thank you!


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