[osint] India vows to battle terrorism

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


India vows to battle terrorism 
PRIME SUSPECTS: Militant Muslims thought to have set bombs that kill 190 on

Anna Badkhen, Chronicle Staff   Writer

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Militant Islamic groups with ties to Pakistan may be behind the bombings
that rocked India on Tuesday, and experts warn that if the reports are true,
the fragile peace on the subcontinent could be seriously jeopardized. 

At stake, they say, are the peace talks between India and Pakistan, which up
to now have made steady progress over the status of Kashmir and other issues
that have separated the two nuclear-armed powers. 

"This dialogue process ... has been incredibly successful," said Dana
Dillon, an India expert at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. But if
India were to accuse Pakistan of sponsoring the terrorist group that
masterminded the attacks, "or somehow trace this terrorist group back to
Pakistan, it would probably knock the whole chessboard of negotiations
over," he said. 

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf was quick to condemn the bombings, and
no one has yet taken responsibility for the attacks, in which eight separate
blasts killed at least 190 people in Bombay and injured hundreds more. 

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called the attacks "shocking and
cowardly attempts to spread a feeling of fear and terror among our
citizens." He pledged to tackle terrorism with all possible measures. 

The Times of India, citing Indian intelligence sources, said two radical
Muslim groups were behind the attacks -- one of them based in Pakistan,
which has fought two wars with India over Kashmir. 

That group, the newspaper reported, is the Pakistan-based militant group
Lashkar-e-Toiba, or Army of the Pure, which the U.S. government lists as a
terrorist organization linked to al Qaeda and is thought to include members
of the Taliban, according to GlobalSecurity.org, a Washington military think
tank. India blames the group for the bombings in October in crowded New
Delhi markets in which 63 people were killed and more than 200 wounded. 

The other group, according to the Times of India, is the Students Islamic
Movement of India, which has been in a loose alliance with Lashkar-e-Toiba.
The newspaper said the attack was supposed to "trigger communal
conflagration in Bombay, the country's financial capital," which is home to
16 million people. 

In Washington, a U.S. official who spoke to the Associated Press on
condition of anonymity pointed at another group, Jaish-e-Mohammad, or Army
of Mohammad, which is also affiliated with al Qaeda, according to the Bush
administration. Targeting trains at rush hour is a tactic Jaish-e-Mohammad
favors, the official said. 

The U.S. government has designated Jaish-e-Mohammad a terrorist
organization. One of its members, Sheikh Omar Sayed, has been sentenced to
death for the murder of U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002. 

"If it is proven, obviously Pakistan has an issue," said Sanjay Puri,
chairman of the US-India Political Action Committee, a U.S.-based group that
promotes cooperation between New Delhi and Washington. "India will have to
continue (exerting) pressure on Pakistan to track down these groups." 

The Indian government has not commented yet on who it thinks are the
perpetrators or what actions New Delhi may be contemplating. 

In 2002, India's accusations that Pakistan was behind the Dec. 13, 2001,
attack on India's parliament, which killed more than a dozen people, put the
two nations on the brink of a nuclear war. 

Since that standoff, the two nations have embarked on a peace process,
drawing down the numbers of troops each has along the border and putting a
moratorium on nuclear testing. But India continues to accuse Pakistan of
harboring Kashmiri militants, charges that Islamabad denies. 

On Tuesday, Musharraf offered condolences to India, saying: "Terrorism is a
bane of our times, and it must be condemned, rejected and countered
effectively and comprehensively." 

Seven carefully coordinated blasts ripped almost simultaneously through
packed, rush-hour suburban trains and an eighth detonated at a Bombay train
station in the period of just one minute. 

The seven train bombs detonated in first-class cars carrying commuters from
downtown Bombay to the suburbs between 6 and 6:30 p.m., according to
Vilasrao Deshmukh, the top elected official of Maharashtra state, where
Bombay is located. During rush hour, each train car can carry 400 to 600

It was not known whether suicide bombers carried out any of the attacks, but
Bombay police Inspector Ramesh Sawant said most of the victims suffered head
and chest injuries, leading authorities to believe the bombs were placed in
overhead luggage racks. 

Indian cities went on high alert, quickly setting up checkpoints at train
and bus stations, airports and seaports, movie theaters and busy mar

[osint] Series of grenade attacks hits Indian Kashmir's main city; at least 8 killed

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

Series of grenade attacks hits Indian Kashmir's main city; at least 8 killed
By MUJTABA ALI AHMAD Associated Press Writer
A series of grenade attacks killed eight people in the main city of Indian
Kashmir Tuesday as militants pressed their fight against New Delhi's rule
over the divided Himalayan region, police said.

Later the same day, eight bombs exploded in first-class compartments of
packed Bombay commuter trains, killing 147 people and wounding hundreds in a
well-coordinated terror attack. Suspicion quickly fell on Kashmiri militants
who have repeatedly carried out nearly simultaneous explosions in attacks on
Indian cities, including bombings last year at three markets in New Delhi.

Two of the five grenade attacks in Srinigar Tuesday targeted the region's
vital tourism industry and killed at least seven visitors from other parts
of India.

More than two dozen people were wounded.

Violence has been surging in Kashmir despite peace efforts between India and
Pakistan, which both claim all of the predominantly Muslim region divided
between them.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the latest attacks.

The deadliest single incident Tuesday was around noon when suspected Islamic
militants tossed a grenade into a minibus carrying Indian tourists through
Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian Kashmir, said police officer Farooq

Five tourists, including four women, were killed and two later died of their
wounds, he said. Twelve people were wounded.

Blood stained the streets at the scene of the attack. Shards of glass and
the debris of small, colorful souvenirs shattered by the explosion were
scattered throughout the area.

About an hour later, three more grenade attacks hit the city in quick
succession. One hit a four-wheel drive taxi, killing one passenger and
wounding six people, including bystanders.

Another targeted police patrolling a crowded shopping area, wounding four
passengers in a car nearby, Farooq said.

Another blast in a small residential neighborhood injured five people,
including two Americans of Kashmiri descent who were visiting family in
Srinagar, said police officer Javed Koul. The mother and daughter, both from
the San Francisco area, were not seriously injured, he said.

Later, an assailant threw a grenade at a pavilion where tourists find taxies
and book hotel rooms, injuring six people, he said. Security forces
apprehended the alleged assailant, Farooq said.

More than a dozen rebel groups have been fighting since 1989 to wrest
Kashmir from India, a largely Hindu country. The conflict has killed more
than 67,000 people.

Kashmir was divided between India and Pakistan in war after they gained
independence from Britain in 1947, and they fought another full-scale
conflict over the region in 1965. 
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[osint] Bombay PIIs: India: Attacks Averted -- at Least Temporarily

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


India: Attacks Averted -- at Least Temporarily
May 10, 2006 19 58  GMT



In the latest of a series of raids against the militant Islamist group
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Indian security forces detained another three LeT
affiliates in Mumbai on May 9. Indian security forces disrupted another LeT
cell May 8, killing Abu Hamza, the leader of an LeT breakaway group. India
has taken advantage of the militant group's poor operational security to
avert several potentially major jihadist strikes in large Indian cities --
but New Delhi is not out of the danger zone yet.


Acting on a tip, New Delhi police arrested two jihadists linked to
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in New Delhi on May 8, uncovering plans to bomb
several major sites throughout India. These arrests led to a shoot-out with,
and further arrests of, other LeT elements. 

Though these raids mark a major victory for India in its battle with
Islamist militants, more attacks are likely in store. 

LeT's bomb plot began to unravel May 8, when New Delhi police arrested two
men on a tip, Feroze Abdul Latif Ghaswala and Mohammed Ali Chippa, both
Indians who had received jihadist training in Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
The men were captured with nine pounds of the explosive RDX and $1,000 in
cash on them as they arrived in New Delhi at the Nizamuddin train station.
They revealed that they were to meet an accomplice, Pakistani national
Mohammed Iqbal, aka Abu Hamza (not to be confused with the jailed founder of
the London-based militant Islamist group Ansar al-Shariah, Abu Hamza
al-Masri.) The makeup of this cell fits the typical pattern of Islamist
militants in India, where most cells are composed of Pakistani and
Bangladeshi handlers, financiers, trainers and bomb-makers who recruit from
disgruntled local youths and enjoy the support of a local network.

Two hours after capturing the two men, New Delhi police found Hamza and
engaged in a shoot-out with him outside of the city's Jawaharlal Nehru
Stadium, killing him. After going through his Hyundai, police discovered the
addresses of safe-houses and of another LeT cell south of Mumbai. This led
to a raid in Mumbai on May 9, which resulted in three more arrests of LeT

The plot was potentially quite lethal. The second cell possessed 10 computer
server cabinets, each containing an AK-47, ammunition, and seven pounds of
RDX. These kits were likely meant to be shipped to jihadists throughout the
country. The New Delhi cell was also well-armed: Its safe-house near the
border between the Union Territory of Delhi and the state of Haryana
contained two AK-56 rifles, ammunition, 10 hand grenades, 11 pounds of the
explosive PETN and other bomb-making materials. The explosives could have
been divided into smaller units for use in suicide vests or combined for a
larger punch. 
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[osint] US scientists crack secret codes for EU satellite system

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


US scientists crack secret codes for EU satellite system
By David Rennie in Brussels,  The Daily Telegraph,  11 July 2006

Secret codes used by the forthcoming European satellite navigation system,
Galileo, have been cracked by American scientists, casting doubt on European
Union promises that the £2.3 billion project will pay for itself through
commercial fees.

Prof Mark Psiaki of Cornell University said that by using a dish on a
laboratory roof his team  had worked out how to crack codes  on data being
beamed down by a prototype satellite orbiting Earth.

This has potentially devastating consequences  for the European Union which
wants to charge high-tech firms "licence fees" to access that same data,
before they can make and sell compatible navigation devices to the public.

Cornell's success in deducing the codes just by watching the skies means
that future users of Galileo will not have to ask the EU for the codes and
may be able to refuse to pay the EU for them, Prof Psiaki said.

Galileo was set up as a European rival to America's military-controlled GPS
system, whose signals are free for use worldwide.

Galileo's founders boasted that it would be more accurate than GPS and so
people would want to pay to use it.

Galileo is intended to pay for itself by offering several services, from a
basic signal for use by the public to highly encrypted signals for
governments and armed forces. The EU plans to charge fees to companies
making Galileo-compatible navigation devices and commercial users wanting
more accurate data, such as shipping lines or road charging schemes.

The European Commission said last night that Cornell's success in cracking
codes for the prototype was irrelevant, as final codes for the Galileo
system would not only be different, but would be made available by the EU.

But Prof Psiaki said:

"Any manufacturer can now figure out the open source access codes for

Galileo, due to be operational by 2010, is a joint venture between the
European Commission, the European Space Agency and private investors
including, controversially, an arm of the Chinese state.

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[osint] Shamil Basayev: How Jihadists Are Made

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


Shamil Basayev: How Jihadists Are Made

By Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

One interesting and overlooked angle in the coverage of Shamil Basayev's
death is his transformation from a Chechen separatist rebel to a brutal
jihadist warlord aligned with al-Qaeda. Back in 2004, shortly after the
 Beslan school massacre, C.J. Chivers wrote an excellent article for the
New York Times, "The Chechen's Story: From Unrivaled Guerilla Leader to the
Terror of Russia," that explores this transformation in detail.

Basayev first burst onto the scene in 1991 when he and other hijackers took
171 airplane passengers hostage, forcing the jet to Turkey and eventually to
the Chechen capital of Grozny. He let all the hostages go unscathed; his
purpose in this hijacking was to make a point about Chechen sovereignty.
''We wanted to show that we would resort to anything to uphold our
sovereignty,'' Basayev said on Moscow television.

There have been two distinct Chechen wars since 1990. The first war, running
from 1994 to 1996, was a war for independence from Russia. The second war,
which began in 1999, was precipitated by Chechen mujahideen invading
Dagestan with the intention of establishing an Islamic state there (ruled by
the most brutal form of sharia law, akin to that of the Taliban in
Afghanistan). This second war was no war of liberation, but instead was
headed up by jihadists, many of whom were foreign fighters. During the first
Chechen war, Chivers notes that Basayev gained notoriety for his battlefield
prowess and for his "sarcastic charm":

During his long run as Russia's most wanted man, Mr. Basayev briefly shed
the image of a terrorist in the mid-1990's to become a storied guerrilla
commander, exuding tactical dexterity and sarcastic charm as he led fighters
who chased the Russian Army from Chechen soil. Back then he rarely displayed
the ascetic habits of the Islamic extremists he later embraced; in a break
during a battle in 1995 he pointed to looted vodka and offered a journalist
from The New York Times a drink. . . . 

Unlike Osama bin Laden, with whom he is sometimes compared, Mr. Basayev
lacked a list of global grievances and the blank messianic stare. He focused
his rage against Russia, and, even after the deaths of his family members,
often wisecracked. 

In 1996 he warned a British reporter that if war resumed, ''Moscow will be
destroyed-- not one person will be left,'' but he then leavened the threat
with a punch line, ''I'm just warning you so if you have any flats there
you'd better sell up.''

But Basayev was eventually transformed into a brutal, humorless warlord who
appeared to have less interest in Chechen independence than in furthering
the international jihad. In his Times article, Chivers, explores how this
transformation may have occurred:

In May 1995, the Russians destroyed his family's homes. The attacks
reportedly killed 11 of his relatives, including his wife, two daughters and
a brother. ''That could have propelled him, because he was not a born
terrorist,'' Dr. [Dmitri] Trenin [the deputy director of the Carnegie Moscow
Center] said. ''The annihilation of his clan may have pushed him in this

Whatever drove Mr. Basayev, Chechnya could no longer contain him. In June
1995 he hid fighters in trucks that ostensibly carried the bodies of slain
Russian soldiers and, with a fake police escort, drove to the adjacent
republic of Dagestan and seized a hospital and as many as 1,500 hostages.
Russia conducted two failed assaults against him; more than 100 hostages
died. . . .

After Chechnya won its de facto independence from Russia in 1996, Basayev
lost his bid for the Chechen presidency but was appointed prime minister.
Little more than a military commander, Basayev was unsuited for this job and
became politically marginalized. It is then that Basayev aligned himself
with the jihadists, something that many analysts regard as "a marriage of
convenience." For example, Chivers quotes Sebastian Smith of the Institute
of War and Peace Reporting as saying, ''My distinct feeling is that this was
not a religious conversion. This was a means to an end, but a means that led
him down this horrible path.'' (Incidentally, I am skeptical of this
"marriage of convenience" view. While I won't say that Basayev's conversion
was genuine, my experience is that most Western analysts understand neither
theology nor religious conversion, and thus tend to downplay them as salient

The rest of the story is well known. As my colleague Bill Roggio

notes, Basayev's terrorist exploits while in league with the jihadists
included the Beslan school massacre and the 2002 Dubrovka theater attack in

There are many lessons to be gleaned from Basayev's life and the Chechen war
as a whole. One lesson is how wars that are brutally executed can play int

[osint] Suicide Bombs Kill Iraqi Civilians; Iraqi Army Captures Six Terrorists

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


Suicide Bombs Kill Iraqi Civilians; Iraqi Army Captures Six Terrorists

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 11, 2006 - Three bombs detonated just north of Baghdad's
international zone today, killing a reported 15 Iraqi civilians and an Iraqi
policeman, U.S. military officials said. 

Reports indicate two terrorists wearing suicide vests blew themselves up,
and a makeshift bomb was detonated. Four local nationals also were wounded.
Iraqi soldiers from 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division and coalition
forces responded to the scene. 

In other news from Iraq, soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 2nd Iraqi
Army Division, captured an entire terrorist bomb-making cell during a series
of raids in Mosul yesterday. 

Working on a tip from local civilians, Iraqi troops raided multiple houses
and detained four suspects, who were then questioned about their involvement
in insurgent activities. 

A second raid based on information obtained from the four individuals led
the soldiers to another house, where they detained two more terrorists. One
of those detained was identified by several different sources as a terrorist
cell leader, officials said. 

Coalition forces from the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team provided "area
security and an outer security cordon while the Iraqi soldiers completed the
mission. No injuries to soldiers or civilians were reported. 

The continued reporting of terrorist activity by Iraqi civilians
demonstrates the population's confidence in the Iraqi security forces and a
lack of tolerance for anyone who commits acts of violence in Iraq, U.S.
military officials said. 

(Compiled from Multinational Corps Iraq news releases.) 

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[osint] Pope Benedict XVI: The First Year

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

Benedict's attitude toward Islam has, regrettably, been more reserved. In
meetings he has pressed Muslim leaders to fight against terrorism and to
support 'reciprocity,' meaning that Muslim countries should grant the same
religious freedom to Christians which traditionally Christian countries
grant to Muslims. The Pope stunned those familiar with Catholic-Muslim
relations when he removed the highly respected Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald
from his post as president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious
Dialogue. Analysts suggest that the Pope saw Fitzgerald as 'too soft' on
Islam, failing to press Muslim countries on respect for religious freedom. 

In early March 2006,   Pope
Benedict XVI puzzled the world by quietly dropping one of his nine titles,
"Patriarch of the West," held by popes since 642. Dropping the
patriarch-title, traditionally reserved for Eastern Christian leaders, was
meant to "be helpful for ecumenical dialogue," explained the Pope, whose
"primary commitment" is unity with all Christian churches. But the gesture
is more ambiguous than that. It also reasserts the Pope's claim to authority
over the entire church, East and West. The true test for Benedict's openness
to genuine ecumenical dialogue depends on whether he is willing to put the
most valuable of his eight remaining titles on the table: Supreme Pontiff of
the Universal Church-something he is least likely to do.

Benedict XVI's first year record is mixed. Although unity, peace, and love
have been key words of his papacy, his actions or inactions are at times at
odds with such rhetoric. While his fashionable wardrobe has received much
attention-flashy redshoes by Prada, hip sunglasses by Gucci, elaborately
imperial gowns by Gamarelli, and, most recently, a stylish white 2GB iPod
Nano-the jury is still out on how open-minded the former top guardian of the
Church's tradition really is. The central question for assessing Benedict's
first year may well be whether his obvious changes in style from rigid moral
watchdog to diplomatic, meeting-happy uberfather are more than merely a
Pope's new clothes. 

Has Benedict XVI truly had a change of heart? Or do these superficial
changes in style conceal the same absolutistic claims to truth and power
which guided him throughout his tenure as the Church's top watchdog? To
explore that question, let us look at four areas that the Pope himself has
highlighted: issues of peace and justice; inter-religious dialogue; moral
values and the fight for Europe; and carrot-and-stick power struggles within
the Church.

On peace and justice issues, Benedict XVI has, for the most part, continued
his predecessor's stance. He frequently speaks out against violence,
terrorism, poverty, consumerism, and economic injustice. Yet his lack of
direct criticism of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq stands in stark contrast
to John Paul II's unequivocal opposition to the war. As World War II taught
us, a Pope's calls for peace and justice are of little or, worse, negative
consequence, unless they call particular countries or leaders to responsible

In the area of inter-religious dialogue, Benedict XVI has focused
particularly on relations with Jewish and Muslim leaders. Countering initial
fears that a German Pope who once served in the Hitler Youth might harbor
subtle anti-Semitic views, Benedict XVI recently paid a historical visit to
Auschwitz. Visits to synagogues in Cologne and Rome and several meetings
with Jewish leaders helped repair initial tensions with Israel after the
Pope deliberately omitted from a July 2005 statement against terrorism any
mention of a suicide attack inside Israel while, however, referring to
attacks in Britain, Iraq, Egypt, and Turkey. A visit to Israel might come as
early as 2007. 

Benedict's attitude toward Islam has, regrettably, been more reserved. In
meetings he has pressed Muslim leaders to fight against terrorism and to
support 'reciprocity,' meaning that Muslim countries should grant the same
religious freedom to Christians which traditionally Christian countries
grant to Muslims. The Pope stunned those familiar with Catholic-Muslim
relations when he removed the highly respected Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald
from his post as president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious
Dialogue. Analysts suggest that the Pope saw Fitzgerald as 'too soft' on
Islam, failing to press Muslim countries on respect for religious freedom. 

Indicative of tensions between Benedict XVI and the Muslim world was the
unusual delay by one year of a papal visit to Turkey. It had originally been
planned for the fall of 2005 in response to an invitation by Patriarch
Bartholomew I, head of the world's 200 million Orthodox Christians. The
Turkish government refused to open its doors so soon to the new Pope, who,
as Cardinal Ratzinger, had angered Turkey in 2004 by remarking in the French

[osint] The China-North Korea Relationship

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

The China-North Korea Relationship


China and North Korea have been allies for more than half a century. Beijing
is a key provider of food and fuel to Kim Jung-Il's regime, and it is
heavily invested in preventing a destabilizing regime collapse that would
send North Korean refugees flooding across its northeastern border. But as
Kim tests ballistic missiles and develops his nation's nuclear weapons
capacity, China may be rethinking its support. 

How strong is the current relationship between North Korea and China?

China has supported North Korea since Chinese fighters flooded onto the
Korean peninsula to fight for the Communist Democratic People's Republic of
Korea (DPRK) in 1950. Since the Korean War divided the peninsula between the
North and South, China has given both political and economic backing to
North Korea's leaders: Kim Il Sung, and his son and successor, Kim Jung-Il.
In recent years, China has been seen as one of the authoritarian regime's
few allies. 

On July 4, North Korea test-fired
 a series of ballistic missiles despite explicit warnings from
Beijing, Tokyo, and Washington. This led to an unusually public rebuke from
Chinese officials, a sign of strain in the relationship. Despite their long
alliance, experts say Beijing cannot control Pyongyang. "In general,
Americans tend to overestimate the influence China has over North Korea,"
says Daniel Pinkston  , a Korea
specialist and director of the East Asia nonproliferation program at the
Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, California. At the same
time, China has too much invested in North Korea to halt or withdraw its
support entirely. "The idea that the Chinese would turn their backs on the
North Koreans is clearly wrong," says Adam
 Segal, the Maurice R. Greenberg
senior fellow for China studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. 

How does North Korea benefit from the relationship?

Pyongyang is economically dependent on China, which provides most of its
food and energy supplies. North Korea gets about 70 percent of its food and
70 to 80 percent of its fuel from China. Beijing is Pyongyang's largest
trading partner, and an estimated 300,000 North Koreans live in China, many
of them migrant workers who send much-needed remittances back home. 

China is also a strong political ally. "As an authoritarian regime that
reformed, they understand what Kim Jung-Il is most concerned with-survival,"
Segal says. China has repeatedly blocked UN Security Council resolutions
against North Korea, including some threatening sanctions. China has also
hosted the Six-Party Talks, a series of meetings in which North Korea, South
Korea, Japan, China, Russia, and the United States have tried to resolve the
security concerns associated with North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
There and in other international forums, China is seen as a buffer between
North Korea and the United States and Japan, which favor punitive sanctions
and other measures to prevent Pyongyang from gaining nuclear weapons. 

How does China benefit?

China's support for Pyongyang ensures a stable nation on its northeastern
border, as well as providing a buffer zone between China and democratic
South Korea. North Korea's allegiance is also important for China as a
bulwark against U.S. military dominance of the region and the rise of
Japan's military. And China gains economically from its association with
North Korea; growing numbers of Chinese firms are investing in North Korea
and gaining concessions like preferable trading terms and port operations.
Chinese trade and investment in North Korea now totals $2 billion per year.
"They're becoming a stakeholder in the North Korean economy," Pinkston says.

What are the drawbacks to the relationship? 

Pyongyang is not an ally Beijing can count on. Kim Jung-Il's foreign policy
is, like its leader, highly unpredictable. "North Korea is extremely
difficult to deal with, even as an ally," says Daniel Sneider
 , the associate director
for research at Stanford's Asia-Pacific Research Center and a former
longtime foreign correspondent specializing in Asia. "This is not a warm and
fuzzy relationship," he says. "North Korean officials look for reasons to
defy Beijing." Some experts say the missile tests were just one example of
North Korea pushing back against China's influence. ""It was certainly a
sign of independence [and] a willingness to send a message to China as well
as everyone else," Segal says. The Chinese, who favor "quiet diplomacy" with
North Korea instead of public statements, took the unusual step of making
public the fact that Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, warned North Korea not
to launch their missiles. The fact that Pyongyang did any


2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

North Korea says it will go to war if provoked
July 11, 2006, 19:00

North Korea has warned it will increase its military capabilities for self
defence if the US and Japan continue with their joint military exercises
within the Korean Peninsula.

Visiting Kim Hyong Jun, the North Korean vice minister for foreign affairs,
said they will not become another Iraq. Hyong Jun met with Aziz Pahad, the
foreign affairs minister, in Tshwane today. Pyongyang has already taken
steps to build a strong deterrence force to counter any possible action to
destabilise the country.

It's a case of David taking on Goliath. North Korea remains defiant, it'll
not be dictated to by superpowers like the US - and that's what the North
Koreans told the South Africans today. Kim Hyong Jun, said: "The US has
announced that it will embark on a month long military exercise in the
Korean peninsula from the 25th of this month to the end of July. This is a
serious threat to the sovereignty of a country."

Jun said Japan backed by the US has suggested possible pre-emptive strikes.
North Korea says it has to defend itself - the missile tests were the
answer. Last week, the seven missiles fired, crashed into the sea of Japan
off the coasts of Russia and North Korea. A long range missile which could
reach Alaska and Hawaii failed 42 seconds after launch.

Lift sanction before talks can proceed - Korea
North Korea argues that once the US lifts financial sanctions it will
continue with the six party talks in an effort to achieve stability in that
region. South Africa holds the view that sanctions should be the last resort
and there should be more dialogue. Aziz Pahad, SA's foreign affairs
minister, says: "We as South Africa can find a way to make the six party
talks conducive - diplomatic efforts need to be exhausted." South Africa
believes, the six party talks, involving Japan, Russia, China, North and
South Korea and the US is the only way for peace. 

But these are the same countries who are split at the UN over enforcing
international sanctions against North Korea. The UN security council held an
urgent session, but the vote has now been delayed. China backed by Russia
believes sanctions are an overreaction and it'll further escalate the
problem causing instability in the region and the world. Japan, the US,
Britain and other European nations have proposed a UN resolution which
includes sanctions. But Pyongyang says if its faced with international
punishment it'll use force if necessary.

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[osint] Bush allows terror detainees some rights under Geneva Convention

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


Bush allows terror detainees some rights under Geneva Convention

By Carol Rosenberg and Margaret Talev

McClatchy Newspapers


WASHINGTON - In a major reversal of a keystone policy in its war on
terrorism, the Bush administration announced Tuesday that all detainees in
U.S. military custody, including those at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are entitled
to Geneva Convention protections that prohibit humiliating treatment and

The change reflects the Pentagon's response to the Supreme Court's 5-3
decision last month that struck down the administration's makeshift formula
for military tribunals at Guantanamo, declaring their procedures
unconstitutional and a violation of Geneva Convention obligations.

The two-page Pentagon memo repudiates a core element of the legal foundation
of President Bush's approach to dealing with terrorism. Bush and his legal
advisers initially had said the Geneva Conventions didn't apply to the war
on terrorism because it was a new type of conflict that demanded more
aggressive action.

In a 2002 memo, then-White House counsel Alberto Gonzales told Bush that
this nontraditional war "renders obsolete Geneva's strict limitations on
questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some of its provisions."

Vice President Dick Cheney and White House spokesmen made clear in many
public statements since 2002 that they didn't think that terrorism suspects
deserved the rights that the Geneva Conventions granted to enemy soldiers.
At the same time, Bush has said repeatedly that his administration is
committed to complying with the Geneva Conventions, but he's also reserved
the right to waive them if he sees fit as commander in chief.

The new Pentagon memo doesn't change captives' status as enemy combatants -
not prisoners of war - nor does it suggest that practices will change at
Guantanamo, the remote interrogation and detention outpost at a U.S. naval
base in southeast Cuba where commanders defend the treatment of its 450
captives as humane.

In addition, the memo doesn't bind the CIA in its treatment of detainees,
because the CIA isn't part of the Defense Department. The CIA reportedly
operates a network of secret prisons around the world for terrorism
suspects, and has handed over others to countries that are accused of using

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., was one who suggested that the
Pentagon policy didn't cover CIA activities, but said "that will have to be
dealt with at a different time."

The new memo, signed by Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, declared
that Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions "applies as a matter of law to the
conflict with al Qaeda." His memo doesn't, however, embrace all the terms of
the Geneva Conventions.

Article 3 of the international standards prohibits "outrages upon personal
dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment."

The administration's policy shift repudiates a six-week burst of early
Guantanamo practices, which FBI agents described in internal e-mails as
involving chaining captives for so long that they urinated and defecated on
themselves. Military guards or interrogators also allegedly tethered
captives to dog leashes, wrapped them in Israeli flags and exposed them to
extremes of hot, cold and blasting music to break their resistance and spill

The Pentagon estimated Tuesday that it had about 14,000 captives in U.S.
military custody: 13,000 in Iraq, 550 in Afghanistan and 450 at Guantanamo.

Critics hailed the developments as a clear-cut commitment to international
treaty obligations.

"After more than four years of lawlessness, the Defense Department took a
big first step toward complying with federal law," a statement from the
American Civil Liberties Union said.

The Pentagon announced the policy change Tuesday as Senate Judiciary
Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., convened the first of three
congressional hearings this week on how to try war-on-terrorism captives as
alleged war criminals without relying on hearsay evidence and possible
secret, coercive interrogations.

Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, the senior Democrat on the committee, accused
the White House of adopting policies that "violated fundamental American
values, damaged our international reputation and delayed and weakened
prosecution of the war on terror."

"I find it hard to fathom that this administration is so incompetent that it
needs kangaroo court procedures to convince a tribunal of United States
military officers that the `worst of the worst' imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay
should be held accountable," Leahy said.

In its 5-3 decision last month in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the Supreme Court
invited Congress to write a law governing military trials of detainees in
the war on terrorism. At issue is how to shape a court that protects
classified information, allows t

[osint] AUSTRALIA: Two Islamic 'terror' books banned

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


Two Islamic 'terror' books banned

By Paul Osborne

July 11, 2006

TWO Islamic books have been banned after the Classification Review Board
found they incited terrorism.

The books, Defence of the Muslim Lands, and Join the Caravan, have been
refused classification and can no longer be sold within Australia or
imported into the country. 

Last year, an Islamic book store at Lakemba, in Sydney's west, was accused
of selling the now-banned books.

Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock sought the review last month after
the classification board found the books and a film did not breach
Australian law, and federal police could find no grounds to prosecute the

Six other Islamic books and a film were reviewed and cleared for sale.

The review board said in a statement that Defence of the Muslim Lands
"promotes and incites in matters of crime, specifically terrorism acts,
including the plan, action and execution of martyrdom operations".

"The book is specific and explicit in its support for and encouragement of
suicide bombing, including details for undertaking such crimes," the board

The second book, Join the Caravan, also "has the objective purpose of
promoting and inciting acts of terrorism against disbelievers and is a real
and genuine call to specific action by Muslims to fight for Allah and engage
in acts of violence".

Board convenor Maureen Shelley said the board had sought advice from the
Mufti of Australia, Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, and the NSW Council for Civil
Liberties in making its decision.

It also considered how current anti-terrorism laws applied.

Mr Ruddock said it was now up to state governments to follow through on the

"I would urge state and territory attorneys-general and police to ensure
that they enforce the laws available to them and keep offensive material of
this nature off streets," Mr Ruddock said.

He is also seeking the support of state attorneys-general at a meeting later
this month on whether changes to censorship laws are needed.

Islamic Council of Victoria spokesman Waleed Ali said the ban was not

"We understand that the literature is demonstrably unsavoury but that's
different from saying that it necessarily causes a threat," he said on ABC

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[osint] Rethinking Embattled Tactics in Terror War

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

Rethinking Embattled Tactics in Terror War

Courts, Hill and Allies Press Administration

By Dana  
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 11, 2006; Page A01 

Five years after the attacks on the United States, the Bush administration
faces the prospect of reworking key elements of its anti-terrorism effort in
light of challenges from the courts, Congress and European allies crucial to
counterterrorism operations.

The Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee and other
members of Congress have complained about not being briefed on classified
surveillance programs and huge unprecedented databases used to monitor
domestic and international phone calls, faxes, e-mails and bank transfers.

European governments and three international bodies are investigating secret
prisons run by the CIA, and some countries have pledged not to allow the
transport of terrorism suspects through their airports.

Six European allies have demanded that President Bush shut down the prison
for terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, citing violations of
international law and mistreatment of detainees.

And the Supreme Court recently issued a rebuke of the military commissions
created by the administration to try detainees, declaring that they violated
the Geneva Conventions and were never properly authorized by Congress.

Accustomed to having its way on matters related to the nation's security,
the administration is being forced to respond to criticism that it once
brushed aside. The high court ruling rejected the White House's assertion
that the president has nearly unlimited executive powers during a time of
war, and now executive branch lawyers are reviewing whether other rules
adopted after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon will have to be revised, especially those concerning the Geneva

"Part of the consideration internally is how to move forward and if the
[court] decision does apply more broadly," said White House spokeswoman Dana
Perino. "We're weighing all the issues and taking a very careful look."

She disputed reports of a tug of war within the administration over changing
the rules, characterizing the atmosphere instead as an "all hands on deck"
debate in an effort "to find a path forward."

Congress, meanwhile, has signaled that it intends to play a major role in
shaping the government's response to the court ruling. Today, the Senate
Judiciary Committee will begin debating new legislation for trying detainees
at Guantanamo Bay. Tomorrow and Thursday, the House and Senate Armed
Services committees will begin considering their own proposals. Those two
committees pushed through legislation late last year to bring prisoner
interrogation rules in compliance with U.S. military and international law.

Also today, a subcommittee of the House Government Reform Committee will
conduct a hearing to raise questions about the administration's strategy in
Iraq, which Bush has described as an essential front in the terrorism fight.

"The Bush doctrine of 'trust us' is being questioned by the courts, Congress
and the country, which is insisting on changing and strengthening their
involvement," said former congressman Timothy J. Roemer (D-Ind.), a member
of the independent commission that studied the Sept. 11 attacks.

"We are not a parliament, and when we function like a parliament we're
unfaithful to the process and our system of government," said Rep.
Christopher Shays

(R-Conn.), who will preside over the Iraq hearing. "We hurt our country and
both branches of government. If we had been more forceful . . . Abu Ghraib
would have never happened."

In the international arena, the administration and the CIA are reexamining
procedures for capturing, transporting and detaining terrorism suspects.

Pierre-Richard Prosper, formerly the State Department official charged with
negotiating the return of Guantanamo Bay prisoners to their country of
origin, said most countries agree with the goals of counterterrorism.

"But once you started actual implementation, you see the fractures taking
place," he said. "I think what has to happen is the world will really need
to take a look at these issues. This is a new game; what are the new rules
going to be?"

Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.), chairman of the House intelligence committee,
confirmed on Sunday that he had criticized Bush in a May 18 letter for not
briefing Congress on what he called a significant intelligence program, and
said the failure to do so was a violation of law and an affront to him.

"I wanted to reinforce to the president and to the executive branch and the
intelligence community how important . . . that they keep

[osint] Enemies of terrorism oppose expansion of ties between Iran, Syria, Iraq

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

Enemies of Islam oppose expansion of ties between Iran, Syria, Iraq:

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the enemies of Islam do not want to
witness the expansion of brotherly relations between Iran, Syria and Iraq. 

According to the report of Presidential Office Media Department, President
Ahmadinejad on the sidelines of the 9th meeting of foreign ministers of
Iraqi neighboring states here on Saturday received Syrian Foreign Minister
Walid Muallem. 

In the meeting, Ahmadinejad by referring to deep and sustainable relations
between Iran and Syria emphasized the necessity of both countries' support
of Iraqi popular government to create security, stability and prosperity for
Iraqi nation. 

Expressing pleasure with expanding ties between the two countries, President
Ahmadinejad said, "We will always stay with Syria and defend its
independence, progress and authority." 
Referring to the recent crimes of the Zionist regime, Ahmadinejad said the
nature and essence of this fake regime is upon invasion, threat and
conspiracy adding, "Fortunately by awakening of Muslims all around the world
this regime will be weaker day by day and those who created it in the region
as a constant threat against the Muslim countries must remove this threat
from the region." 
Syrian foreign minister, for his part, expressed his appreciation for
'courageous speech' of Iranian president in inauguration ceremony and added
the address will strengthen the Muslims' morale. 

Criticizing international organizations and countries which claim support
for human rights, Walid Muallem said all these countries have kept silent
before the Zionist crimes in occupied territory and are imposing pressure
against popular government of Hamas there. 

The Syrian foreign minister also expressed his country's readiness for
security cooperation with Iraqi government to provide security and stability
for Iraqi nation. 

The Syrian official is here to attend the 9th meeting of foreign ministers
of Iraqi neighboring states plus Egypt and Bahrain. 

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2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


Saturday, July 08, 2006 

Naively, I always thought The American Conservative (TAC) Magazine’s
energetic efforts to delegitimize Israel were the result of minds ravaged by
the rot of Lawrenthian romanticism. The great classical liberal Ludwig von
Mises did, after all, warn that "Romanticism is man's revolt against

I was wrong. That something far more sinister is afoot is evident from a
recent account the magazine’s editor and publisher provided of a magical
mystical tour he undertook to the Middle East.

Under the guise of bearing Christian witness, his sanctimonious little
church group visited “Syria, Israel and Palestine,” but forgot to include
Israelis (other than the radical left) in the “dialogue.” 

Following a Panglossian portrayal of Syria, we are told that, “Half a
million Palestinians dwell in slum-like refugee camps around Damascus, and
they are a political wild card, a potentially volatile element in Syria’s

We aren’t informed that the U.N. High Commission for Refugees does not
consider descendants of refugees to be displaced too. But the U.N. Relief
and Works Agency, a shake-down subsidiary designed for Palestinians only,
has conferred on all self-styled Palestinian refugees eternal and heritable
dispossessed status.

Also missing from the pilgrim’s account is an elucidation to the effect that
although Palestinians have been a “political wild card” and a destabilizing
influence in the region, they enjoy far more freedoms in Israel proper than
in the surrounding Arab countries and in their own “democracy.” In
mitigation it must be said, however, that these omissions are standard in
the press’s coverage of Israel. 

Easily the more scandalous—yet cleverly concealed—development is that as the
savage society adjacent to the civilized one implodes, Israel’s enemies
(they include Jews of the left first and foremost) have begun floating
solutions more final, so to speak.

In this, TAC’s publisher is especially clever. Since he continually
reiterates an ostensible support for the two-state solution, one is led to
believe he is deeply committed to the idea of adjacent Jewish and
Palestinian countries.

The perceptive reader soon realizes someone is striking a disingenuous
epistolary pose. TAC’s position is imminently revealed—but through
surrogates. We hear that Assad has posited that the fractious Palestinian
“refugees” in Syria “could return to a Palestinian state on the West Bank.”

TAC appears to think this is inadequate, and that Assad ought to have said
something entirely different. So the author surreptitiously introduces the
position he deems correct by framing it as something Assad did not say:
Assad “postures not at all about their possible return to ancestral homes in

The writer is editorializing, of course. The quandary remains this: Why does
TAC’s publisher pucker up in prayer at the thought of millions of
self-styled Arab refugees swamping Israel proper?

Well, the Palestinian “right of return” and the “one-state solution” are
very plainly (and quite objectively) euphemisms for the destruction of the
Jewish state as we know it. By the writer’s own admission, “Palestinians
could begin to agitate for voting rights in the country that governs them.”
That would be “a way of abruptly reversing the tempo of a losing game,” he

Evidently TAC, which everywhere else defends the rights of nations to
determine their national character and the type of people admitted to the
polity, wants to see Israel immolated by Palestinian immigration.

The prospect of other western nations dissolving because they’ve adopted
immigration policies—a global "right of return," if you will—that are
leading to their cultural destruction drives the author of The Death of the
West (Pat Buchanan) and the writers at TAC bonkers. Ditto the prospect of
the historical majority’s demise in the U.S. Not so the Jewish state’s death
by demographics. But what’s good for the American goose is clearly no good
for the Israeli gander.

What makes this depravity so much more chilling—if not nihilistic—is that we
can predict with a degree of certainty what will transpire once the
prescribed “right of return” or “one-state solution” is foisted on Israel
and Muslims become a majority in Israel proper.

Considering Israel’s Arab citizens are reluctant to accept her
Jewish-Zionist identity, and their brethren outside the Green Line believe
Israeli real estate ought to be confined to the Mediterranean Sea, retaining
a Jewish majority in Israel is a matter of life and death for Jews. For
Israel, the lives of its citizens, and certainly the liberal nature of its
institutions, depend on remaining numerically preponderant. 

Toward the end of the chronicle, TAC drops the façade of support for “

[osint] Bush says Muslim welcome to head UN

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft
Bush says Muslim welcome to head UN

11 July 2006 

WASHINGTON - US President George W. Bush said he did not oppose the idea of
a Muslim being the next UN Secretary General as long as they were willing to
"blow the whistle" on human rights abuses. 

At the same time, he told a small group of reporters on Monday, two days
before leaving for Germany and a group summit in Russia, "we're really
looking in the Far East right now" to find a successor to UN chief Kofi

But asked whether he would oppose a Muslim in principle, Bush replied; "Not
at all, would not be against a Muslim."

"The criterion I'm for is somebody who wants to spread liberty and enhance
the peace, do difficult things like confront tyranny, worry about the human
condition, blow the whistle on human rights violations," he said.

"We will work closely with friends and allies to come up with the best
candidate, but we won't be committing publicly, like you're trying to get me
to do," he said.


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[osint] DHS Probe finds churches' visa program riddled with fraud

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft




Probe finds churches' visa program riddled with fraud

By Charlie Savage, Globe Staff  |  July 11, 2006

WASHINGTON -- A special visa program that allows churches to bring thousands
of foreign religious workers into the country each year is riddled with
fraud, an investigation by the Department of Homeland Security investigation
has found.

The probe found numerous instances in which groups in the United States
falsely claimed to be churches, and visa applicants lied about their
religious vocations in order to get into the country . More than a third of
the visas examined by investigators were based on fraudulent information.

A report on the investigation, obtained by the Globe, said that instances of
fraud were particularly high among applicants from predominantly Muslim
countries, and the report raised concerns about potential terrorism risks.

Homeland Security auditors who reviewed an application for a 33-year-old
Pakistani man, for example, could not locate the alleged religious group
listed on the petition as his sponsor, and when investigators went to the
group's address they found an apartment complex.

In addition, the investigators found that an address listed on the form
``has been used by an individual suspected of membership with a terrorist
organization." The report does not say whether the address was in Pakistan
or the United States.

In another case, investigators found that an Egyptian man working for a
religious group in the United States had filed ``at least 82 petitions with
many fraud indicators" in an attempt to obtain visas for dozens of alleged
religious workers.

Under the program, churches, synagogues, and mosques can ask the government
to grant visas to foreigners to fill vacant positions. The sponsoring group
or the foreigner may file the application.

Applicants must include letters from their sponsor attesting that they have
been a member of its denomination for at least two years, that they will
fill a specific religious position, and that they are qualified for the job.
The application must also provide evidence that the sponsor is a bonafide
religious organization that qualifies for non-profit tax status.

The US government issues several thousand religious worker visas each year.
There are two types: temporary three-year visas, and ``green cards" that
allow foreigners to become permanent residents. The Homeland Security study
looked only at petitions for green cards, but the report noted that the
three-year visa program faces identical fraud risks.

The program dates back to 1990, and it has primarily been used by the
Catholic Church. The State Department said that statistics breaking down
recipients by faith are not available, but the majority do not come from
predominantly Muslim countries. In fiscal year 2006, the top five countries
of origin for religious worker visa recipients were India, Mexico, South
Korea, Brazil, and Colombia.

The program has long been suspected of being susceptible to fraud. In 1999,
for example, the General Accounting Office found that many applicants for
temporary religious worker visas were unqualified for the positions they
were coming to fill.

Such concerns have grown since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. In
September 2004, a Pakistani man living in Brooklyn was convicted of visa
fraud for helping more than 200 illegal immigrants falsely obtain religious
worker visas. The man had declared himself to be an imam and the basement of
his store to be a mosque.

The Brooklyn case helped prompt Homeland Security, which had inherited the
religious worker visa program from the old Immigration and Naturalization
Services, to conduct an audit. The internal investigation was completed in
August 2005, but it has not been made public. The Globe obtained a a
redacted version with several pages missing.

Stewart Baker, assistant secretary of homeland security for policy, said in
an interview that the department is still wrestling with how to crack down
on fraud in the program without hurting the benefits it provides to
legitimate churches.

``There is way too much fraud in this program," Baker said. ``One of the
things we need to do is go there more often and actually check that it is a
real institution, because unfortunately one form of fraud is to say `I have
a storefront church,' and when you go to that address there is a store, not
a church."

Baker said the department is significantly increasing the number ``fraud
detection and national security investigative officers." There were only a
``negligible" number of such agents before 2005, he said. Last year the
department trained 160, and this year it is adding 220 more.

The new agents will be charged with investigating the claims of all 

[osint] 7/11/06 Summary of New Information - NYC PATH Train Plot

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


*   Lebanese authorities, acting on information from the FBI, arrested
Asem Hammoud, who was plotting to blow up the Hudson River PATH train tunnel
and flood NYC's financial district in late 2006, possibly on September 11,

o   Seven other individuals are believed to have played major
roles in the planning. 

*   The attack was to incorporate backpack suicide bombings,
akin to the London tube bombings, and as many as 15 to 20 suicide bombers
would be used, all on a single train car. The bombers would have entered the
United States via Canada.

*   Although grandiose, authorities say the plan would have
failed, as the tunnel does not run through the water. Rather, it sits under
the bedrock, and is encased in concrete and cast-iron steel. In addition,
Lower Manhattan sits above the water level. The suspects did discuss how
much explosive material would be needed to break through the bedrock.

*   The cell also discussed bombing NYC subway cars, the
Brooklyn and Golden Gate Bridges, and starting wildfires in California,
although it is not clear whether these options were seriously considered or
were merely "chitchat" by jihadists who often made hyperbolic statements.
These targets were ruled out as the cell decided on the PATH train tunnel.

*   The FBI and Canadian authorities uncovered the plot in
internet chatrooms. No explosives had been acquired, nor had any of the
other cell members traveled to the United States.


*   The ringleader of the cell, 31-year old Asem Hammoud, aka
Emir al-Andalousi, was arrested in Lebanon on 4/27/2006 and confessed to the
plot, saying he was acting on Osama bin Laden's orders. 

*   Lebanese authorities found maps and bombing plans on
Hammoud's laptop, and other "important information" was found on a computer
and on CDs in Hammoud's office at Lebanese International University. 

o   The maps and other plans were procured on the internet. 
o   Hammoud sent the maps and other information to the other cell
members in the chatrooms. 

*   Hammoud was allegedly recruited into al-Qaeda or a similar group in
1994, when he was in Montreal. 

o   He was taught to maintain a western way of life to avoid
attracting attention. 

*   He is described as a social individual who drinks alcohol,
had girlfriends, and traveled the world. 

*   Hammoud studied finance and economics at Montreal's Concordia
University from 1993 to 1997 and taught economics at the Lebanese
International University. 

o   Hammoud may still have a girlfriend in Montreal, which
suggests he may visit often. 
o   He allegedly prayed at Concordia University's mosque, but the
mosque's prayer leader at the time has no recollection of Hammoud. 

*   Possibly using a Canadian passport, Hammoud traveled multiple times
to New York and New Jersey to survey targets. 

o   If he did possess a Canadian passport, he did so illegally,
as neither Hammoud nor his Hammoud's parents are Canadian citizens. 

o   He had recently applied for a new Canadian visa, suggesting
he planned to return to Canada in the near future. 

*   He visited California in 2000, allegedly to visit friends and

*   Shortly after the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, Hammoud appeared in the
jihadi chatrooms. There, he received information on what to read, how to
train, and how to conceal his plans for jihad. 

*   He planned to travel to Pakistan on May 1 (four days after his
arrest) for 4 months and train in an al-Qaeda-linked training camp, and
possessed a visa to travel to Pakistan at the time of his arrest.

*   Hammoud was in contact with 2 Lebanese men - Hassan Nabaat, and Hany
Shanti, who is a dual Jordanian / Lebanese citizen. Both were arrested in
December '05, charged with al Qaeda membership and planning attacks in

*   These contacts trained him at Lebanon's Ein el Helweh refugee camp
and facilitated his travel to Syria (date unknown.)

*   In all, there are believed to be 8 major players in this plot. 

*   One of the suspects is said to be Canadian. 

o   Alternatively, according to the Lebanese newspaper al-Safir,
a Syrian suspect had been lured to Libya and arrested there, along with a
third suspect whose nationality was unknown. 

*   Other reports state that one suspect was in custody in England, and
a third was picked up in Canada. 

o   Canadian media reported a Montreal man was questioned but
later released because there wasn't enough evidence to hold him. 

*   Other sources list the remaining suspects as a Saudi, a Yemeni, a
Jordanian, a Palestinian, and an Iranian Kurd.

*   Danish authorities assisted in the run-up to Hammoud's arrest. They
were tracking an al-Qaeda field lieutenant who contacted Hammoud to help
recruit, fundraise 

[osint] FW: Montreal Connection

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

Montreal's a hot spot

Festivals, terrorism suspects are doing their part to put us on the mapJAMES
MENNIE, The Gazette

Published: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 

"I think this 27th edition was pretty exceptional," Montreal International
Jazz Festival president Alain Simard says as he prepares to back up his
definition of "exceptional" with an exceptionally big batch of statistics.

"From any point of view - quality of the program, attendance, management of
the site, the crowds we could welcome, it was another exceptional year ... a
total of 50 sold-out shows, a 25-per-cent increase in tourism and we've seen
a lot of Americans returning to Montreal for the festival - and so much the

This is an annual ritual for Montreal's jazz, comedy and film festivals - a
problem-free inventory divided between what went well and what went better,
whatever having gone otherwise usually not making it into the final

It's also a harmless bit of propaganda long overdue in a city that spent 30
years wallowing in economic doldrums and bad press.

Problem is, while Simard and his colleagues spent yesterday taking a
deserved bow for their efforts to maintain the quality of what has become a
local institution and part of our international reputation, Montreal was
making headlines of another kind in the rest of the world's time zones. It
was making news, in fact, in what some might argue is also becoming
something of a ritual for this city.

By now you've probably heard more than you ever want ed to about Assem
Hammoud - a former Concordia University student who graduated with a
commerce degree in 2002. Hammoud is alleged to have planned to use suicide
bombers to blow up New York's Holland Tunnel.

Hammoud was back home in Beirut when he was detained more than two months
ago. That was after U.S. and Lebanese authorities, eavesdropping on Internet
chat rooms, claim they untangled a plot to blow up the tunnels under the
Hudson River used by thousands of commuters to get to and from Manhattan.

But geography's not going to make much of a difference at this point,
especially when news reports in Lebanon claim Hammoud was recruited by
Al-Qa'ida while studying in Montreal between 1995 and 2002.

The only people more disturbed by news of Hammoud's arrest (apart from those
Montrealers who lost sleep this weekend wondering if they ever signed the
guy's yearbook) are our neighbours to the south - some of whom may have used
the Holland Tunnel to get back home after enjoying the jazz festival.

Hammoud's name will go alongside that of Ahmed Ressam (busted in 1999 by
U.S. Customs after driving from Montreal to Seattle with a trunk load of
bomb fixings) and Sleiman Elmerhebi, sentenced to 40 months in prison after
firebombing the library of a Jewish elementary school in 2004, as another
spoke in our local "hub of terror."

It can go alongside that of any other terrorist suspect whose name has been
linked with this city - no matter how tenuously - even when that connection
was being made by some U.S. congressman from Dogpatch who wouldn't know the
difference between terrorism and Terrebonne.

Submit the matter to the 21st-century's Arbiter of All Things and this city
seems to be holding its own. A Google search yields 2.35 million results for
"Montreal Terrorism," while "Montreal Festivals" totals 7.6 million.

And Simard is right, there actually do seem to be more Americans in town
this summer, their vowels as rectangularly broad as some of the states they
call home.

But no matter how many records our festivals set, there's always the
question of how long it will stay that way, if only because life is so full
of examples of how quickly things can change.

Just ask Assem Hammoud.


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[osint] Italians jailed for breaching Australian defence website

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


Italians jailed for breaching Australian defence website
Desmond O'Grady
July 12, 2006

AN ITALIAN court has sentenced a group of hackers who penetrated the
Australian Department of Defence's website and about 700 others, including
the Pentagon's and NASA's.

The Italian hackers penetrated the Defence Department's website on March 9,

Italian police specialising in cyber crime identified the group responsible
four years ago, but their trial ended only last week.

Italian police claim it is the first time in the world that a group of
hackers, rather than individuals, has been nabbed.

They informed the embassies of the countries concerned during their

They received collaboration from the US but had no response from Australia,
they said. "There must have been a link missing somewhere," a senior fiscal
police official said.

The Australian websites targeted included home pages of federal, state and
local government agencies.

The group included four young adults and two minors. They had no criminal
records and admitted their crimes.

The adults each received a 17-month jail sentence from a court in Ravenna.
The minors' trial in Bologna has not yet concluded.

Colonel Umberto Rapetto, commander of the crime unit, said two of the
hackers knew each other personally but met their accomplices through
internet. They began their activities for mischief but could have been used
for spying or crime, he said.

Other Australian targets included the Queensland Parliament website and Gold
Coast theme parks. Another state target was the website of EcoRecycle
Victoria, a State Government agency for environmental sustainability, which
has since become Sustainability Victoria.

The offenders also hacked into three shire councils in three states:
Cardinia in Victoria, Coffs Harbour in NSW and Dalrymple in Queensland.

A spokesman for the Australian Federal Police said they did not receive a
referral regarding the matter and because of this "it is inappropriate to
comment further".

Australian sites penetrated:












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[osint] Last US-backed warlord surrenders to Somali Islamists

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

Last US-backed warlord surrenders to Somali Islamists 

By Steve Bloomfield, Africa Correspondent 

Published: 12 July 2006 

The Independent 

The last Somali warlord left fighting Islamists in Mogadishu surrendered
yesterday after two days of battles that killed more than 140 people. 

Abdi Awale Qaybdiid is believed to have fled after scores of his troops
handed over their weapons. "It has become necessary to surrender and give
peace a chance," a militiaman loyal to Qaybdiid said.

He was the last of an alliance of warlords backed by the United States which
claimed to have formed an anti-terrorism coalition. The group had been
fighting the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), a group of Islamists which wants
to bring sharia law to the whole of Somalia - a country that has been
lawless and leaderless since 1991.

The US claimed that the UIC was harbouring suspected al-Qa'ida terrorists.
In an effort to prevent Somalia becoming a "safe haven" for al-Qa'ida, the
US gave support to the very same warlords that had driven American troops
out of Somalia in 1993 after 18 US Army Rangers were killed in an incident
later made into a Hollywood film.

The Islamists seized most of Mogadishu after heavy fighting in June.
Qaybdiid was the only warlord to continue to hold out.

The moderate Islamist leader, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, said that the latest
victory would bring stability to Somalia's capital. "From today onwards, we
promise the world that this city is safe," Sheikh Ahmed said. "We need to
overcome tribalism and the Somali enemies. There are so many enemies and in
order to defend ourselves against them we need to unite."

The Islamists ambushed Qaybdiid's fighters and those loyal to the Interior
Minister, Hussein Aideed, a deputy prime minister in the weak interim
government, on Sunday. The fighting, with heavy artillery, mortars and
machine guns, killed at least 140 people, and hospital sources expected the
toll to rise.

The latest fighting comes as the UIC and the transitional federal government
prepare for peace talks in Sudan on Saturday. The federal government, based
in the town of Baidoa 130 miles north-west of Mogadishu, has been unable to
bring law and order to Somalia.

The Somali Prime Minister, Mohamed Ali Gedi, has called for international
peacekeepers to come to Somalia to help the government restore a semblance
of stability. But the Islamic Courts have said Somalia does not need any
foreign troops, and has promised to attack any that are brought in. Tensions
are already high in the region after the Islamic Courts accused Somalia's
neighbour Ethiopia of sending troops over the border to help the government.

Already the effects of the Islamists' control in Mogadishu and other parts
of Somalia are apparent. While some residents claim security in the world's
most dangerous city has improved and food prices have dropped, two people
were last week murdered for watching the football World Cup and a Swedish
cameraman, Martin Adler, was shot dead while reporting a protest in the
capital. Sharia law has been introduced in places, while singing and dancing
has been banned.

Moderates within the Islamic Courts stress they only wish to bring law and
order to a country which has been in chaos for 15 years. But last month a
radical Islamist who the US claims has links with terrorism was named as the
new chairman of the Union of Islamic Courts. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys is
accused of formerly heading an Islamist group with links to al-Qa'ida.

Regional analysts hold little hope for Saturday's peace talks. The Prime
Minister has already vowed not to hold direct talks with the UIC, and has
accused them of breaking a ceasefire agreement. 

The last Somali warlord left fighting Islamists in Mogadishu surrendered
yesterday after two days of battles that killed more than 140 people. 

Abdi Awale Qaybdiid is believed to have fled after scores of his troops
handed over their weapons. "It has become necessary to surrender and give
peace a chance," a militiaman loyal to Qaybdiid said.

He was the last of an alliance of warlords backed by the United States which
claimed to have formed an anti-terrorism coalition. The group had been
fighting the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), a group of Islamists which wants
to bring sharia law to the whole of Somalia - a country that has been
lawless and leaderless since 1991.

The US claimed that the UIC was harbouring suspected al-Qa'ida terrorists.
In an effort to prevent Somalia becoming a "safe haven" for al-Qa'ida, the
US gave support to the very same warlords that had driven American troops
out of Somalia in 1993 after 18 US Army Rangers were killed in an incident
later made into a Hollywood film.

The Islamists seized most of Mogadishu after heavy fighting in June.
Qaybdiid was the only warlord to continue to hold out.

The moderate Islamist leader, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, said that the latest
victory would bring stability

[osint] Massacre in Mumbai: Ten minutes, eight bombs, 163 rail passengers killed

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

Massacre in Mumbai: Ten minutes, eight bombs, 163 rail passengers killed 

By Justin Huggler in Delhi 

Published: 12 July 2006 

The Independent

At least 163 people were killed yesterday in a series of co-ordinated bomb
blasts on Mumbai's suburban train network. Six of the eight bombs went off
inside packed commuter trains in the middle of rush hour, injuring more than
300 people, many of them severely. 

Witnesses spoke of seeing severed limbs and body parts littering the tracks.
Other passengers rushed to help the wounded, wrapping them in whatever
scraps of cloth they could find, fashioning makeshift stretchers, and
carrying them out of the wreckage. At one hospital where the wounded were
treated, a witness said the floors were covered in blood. 

"I saw more than 35 bodies, some without legs," one survivor, Dhiraj Bajpee,
said. "I even saw severed halves of bodies." A shopkeeper who was near by
when one bomb went off said the blast was so powerful he thought the train
had been hit by lightning. 

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks, but
immediate suspicions were turned on Islamic militant groups operating in
Kashmir, particularly Lashkar-e Toiba. Suspicions also pointed towards " D
Company", a highly politicised criminal mafia that used to be based in

The attacks brought Mumbai to a standstill. Yesterday evening, in an
extremely rare move, the police closed the entire rail network down. They
had, in effect, shut down the city. 

Mumbai's phone network was completely jammed as people tried to call their
loved ones to make sure they were safe. Survivors asked the Indian
television news channels to broadcast their names to let their families know
they were alive. Heavy monsoon downpours were slowing the rescue efforts
last night. 

The first explosion came just before 6.30pm local time (2pm BST) at the peak
of the rush hour, in a train near the busy Khar Road station. Seven more
bombs went off in the 10 minutes that followed at locations all over Mumbai,
from downtown to the furthest suburbs, including two at Borivili, said a
senior Indian government official. 

"I urge the people to remain calm, not to believe rumours and carry on their
activity normally," the Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, said,
describing the attacks as a "shocking and cowardly attempt to spread a
feeling of hatred". 

Police said they had received intelligence that an attack was imminent but
that they had no information as to where or when. 

There will be immediate fears of heightened tensions between India and
Pakistan over the attacks, especially with many initial suspicions pointing
towards militant Islamic groups that operate in Kashmir but are based in

Islamabad was quick to condemn the bombs, saying: "Pakistan strongly
condemns the series of bomb blasts on commuter trains. This despicable act
of terrorism has resulted in the loss of a large number of precious lives."

The bombings are the latest in a recent series of attacks in India. In
October last year, 61 people were killed in three co-ordinated bombings at
shopping markets in Delhi, on the last shopping day before the biggest Hindu
festival of the year. And in March, 20 people were killed when a bomb went
off at a temple in Hinduism's holiest city, Varanasi. Police say they
believe both attacks were the work of Lashkar-e Toiba. 

An attack on Mumbai has considerable symbolic value, since it is India's
financial capital, and the powerhouse of the country's transformation into
the world's second-fastest growing economy. 

But most of yesterday's bombings did not target the wealthy city centre but
trains carrying commuters home to the vast suburbs where most of the city's
17 million or so people live. 

It is not the first time Mumbai has been targeted: in 1993, in what many
analysts believe was the prototype for al-Qa'ida's tactic of co-ordinated
attacks across a city, 13 bombs went off in different locations in Mumbai,
including the stock exchange, killing at least 250 people. In 2003, 52
people were killed in twin bombings, one at the Gateway to India, Mumbai's
main tourist attraction. 

There are many groups which could have been responsible for yesterday's
atrocity. India is the target for one of the widest range of militant groups
in the world, from Maoist guerrillas to tribal separatists. But most do not
have the capability to mount such an attack. 

There were unconfirmed reports that Indian intelligence was focusing on
Lashkar-e Toiba as the prime suspect for the attacks. Lashkar's main cause
is to "liberate" Kashmir from Indian rule.It used to have close links to
Pakistan's ISI intelligence but Islamabad says links have been severed. 

There were also reports that Indian intelligence was investigating the
possible involvement of the "D Company" mafia group, which is believed to
have been behind the bombings in 1993. Run by the multimilliona

[osint] News Flash: Israel invades south Lebanon after Hezbollah seizes two soldiers

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Israel invades south Lebanon after Hezbollah seizes two soldiers

Israel has invaded southern Lebanon in a ground and air assault 
to retrieve two soldiers snatched by Hezbollah, the first such 
assault into the country since a 2000 pullout. 


 [ http://www.afp.com/english/news/stories/060712125017.qj7riuyq.html ]

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[osint] News Flash: Kashmir militant group says outraged by Mumbai bombs

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Kashmir militant group says outraged by Mumbai bombs

A leading Kashmiri guerrilla group on Wednesday denounced bomb 
attacks on India's financial hub, Mumbai, and grenade attacks in 
Indian Kashmir as "outrageous", saying it abhorred the killing of 



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[osint] News Flash: Rumsfeld Makes Snap Visit to Baghdad

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Rumsfeld Makes Snap Visit to Baghdad

U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld paid an unannounced 
visit to Iraq Wednesday and answered troops' questions and 
consulted military leaders. 



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[osint] News Flash: 3 Israeli soldiers die, 2 captured in raid

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

3 Israeli soldiers die, 2 captured in raid

Hezbollah militants captured two Israeli soldiers in a 
cross-border raid Wednesday, and dozens of Israeli troops crossed 
the frontier with warplanes, tanks and gunboats to hunt for the 
captives. Three Israeli soldiers also were killed in the raid. 


Yahoo! (AP)
 [ http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060712/ap_on_re_mi_ea/lebanon_israel_clash_14 ]

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[osint] News Flash: Iraq Gunmen Seize 24 People, Killing 20

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Iraq Gunmen Seize 24 People, Killing 20

Gunmen stormed a bus station Wednesday northeast of Baghdad, 
seizing 24 people and killing all but four of them, authorities 
said. An Iraqi general said the victims were Shiites, but police 
said their identities were unclear. 


Houston Chronicle
 [ http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/world/4041816.html ]

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[osint] News Flash: RI prepares to execute three convicted in Bali bombings

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

RI prepares to execute three convicted in Bali bombings

Indonesia is preparing to execute three men convicted in the 2002 
Bali bombings that killed 202 people, as their lawyers plan to 
lodge appeals next month. 


Jakarta Post
 [ http://www.thejakartapost.com/detaillgen.asp?fileid=20060712115223&irec=5 ]

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[osint] News Flash: Death Toll in Bombay Attacks Rises to 200

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Death Toll in Bombay Attacks Rises to 200

The death toll from a series of bombs that struck Bombay's packed 
commuter trains rose Wednesday to 200, and India demanded that 
Pakistan dismantle the "infrastructure of terrorism," but leveled 
no direct accusation at its rival for the attacks. 



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[osint] News Flash: Timers found at Mumbai bomb sites

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Timers found at Mumbai bomb sites

imers hidden in pencils have been discovered in at least three of 
the seven sites where bombs exploded on commuter trains in 
India's financial capital, killed 185 people, police said 



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[osint] News Flash: Islamists handed Mogadishu port

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Islamists handed Mogadishu port

Militiamen have handed over control of the potentially lucrative 
main port in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, to the Union of 
Islamic Courts (UIC). 


BBC [ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/5172000.stm ]

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[osint] News Flash: Hezbollah kills 7 Israeli soldiers, captures 2 in fight along Lebanese border

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Hezbollah kills 7 Israeli soldiers, captures 2 in fight along 
Lebanese border 

The Israeli army on Wednesday said seven soldiers were killed in 
fighting with Hezbollah guerrillas after a cross-border raid in 
which the Lebanese group captured two other soldiers. 


 [ http://www.news1130.com/news/international/article.jsp?content=w071245A ]

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[osint] News Flash: Iran military engineers on hand for N. Korea missile launch

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Iran military engineers on hand for N. Korea missile launch

Iranian military representatives attended North Korea's 
Taepodong-2 missile launch, according to Japanese news reports. 


World Tribune
 [ http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/WTARC/2006/ea_nkorea_07_12.html ]

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[osint] News Flash: 'Suicide bomber' in Afghan attack

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

'Suicide bomber' in Afghan attack

A suicide bomber has driven a taxi into a convoy of US-led troops 
in Afghanistan, killing himself and a child, officials say. 


BBC [ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/5171990.stm ]

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[osint] News Flash: U.S. Blames Syria, Iran For Israeli Soldiers' Kidnapping

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

U.S. Blames Syria, Iran For Israeli Soldiers' Kidnapping

Syria and Iran are to blame for the kidnapping of two Israeli 
soldiers by Hezbollah terrorists and the Israeli military 
response, U.S. officials said Wednesday. 


Fox News [ http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,203166,00.html ]

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[osint] CAIR , Ibrahim Hooper, And The 'Domination Agenda'

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


CAIR , Ibrahim Hooper, And The 'Domination Agenda'

Topics: Understanding

The liberal press and collectively the MSM have given CAIR a politically
correct cakewalk in the interest of both being secular and believing the
press releases of so called "peaceful Muslim organizations." - Hyscience
(Nov. 24, 04)

 Hooper2.jpg  Council on
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) spokesperson Ibrahim Hooper has been in
the news again due to his strong opposition to an amateur music video, Hadji
Girl, made by American Marine Cpl. Joshua Belle

Riehl World View
  has an excellent piece on Hooper (a former ABC affiliate news
producer named Doug Hooper, prior to converting to Islam) and CAIR regarding
the Hadji video and CAIR / Hooper's stated dedication to an Islamic America.

Hyscience has targeted CAIR in a number of previous posts
  as being a
terrorist organization dedicated to the establishment of Islamic law in the

Danial Pipes has previously addressed
  what he
describes as an ugly Islamist pattern of double standards. His model here is
CAIR who presents itself as a civil-rights group, yet has shown itself to be
the opposite by asserting special privileges for Muslims and derogating the
rights of others. This is a very typical Islamic approach and illustrates
the Muslim mindset toward non-Muslims. In his final paragraph Pipes advises:

(...) When Western institutions grant legitimacy to Islamist organizations
like CAIR, they strengthen Islamist supremacism and its drive for Muslim
dominance. Those institutions need to get smart and retract that legitimacy,
reserving it for Muslims who reject radical Islam. 

Edward R., a reader of the DanialPipes.org article discussed here,
How long will it take for U.S. authorities, as well as the general public,
to learn what we already know: That allowing Islamist organizations to
continue to propagate in America is a sure pathway to our downfall? There is
no legitimate, redeeming purpose for CAIR. It exists only to perpetuate its
anti-American Islamist agenda. We should tolerate CAIR no more than the KKK,
its white supremacist analog. -End item

The reader sums up what Hyscience has tried to pound home time and time
again. CAIR and other Islamic groups like them have their own agendas, and
those agendas are not consistent with the agenda of a free and religiously
tolerant America. CAIR is no better than the KKK, and neither is any group
that perpetuates an anti-American Islamic agenda or for that matter, any
agenda of religious or racial hatred whatsoever. 

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[osint] CAIR Teaching Jihad In Islamic Summer Camp For Children

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

June 21, 2006

CAIR Teaching Jihad In Islamic Summer Camp For Children

Topics: Understanding

How long will it take for U.S. authorities, as well as the general public,
to learn what we already know: That allowing Islamist organizations to
continue to propagate in America is a sure pathway to our downfall? There is
no legitimate, redeeming purpose for CAIR. It exists only to perpetuate its
anti-American Islamist agenda. We should tolerate CAIR no more than the KKK,
its white supremacist analog. - (

You definately need to check out what CAIR and the World Assembly of Muslim
Youth (WAMY) is teaching in their Islamic summer camps for children. Here's
a sample from their promotional literature: 

We prefer death and refuse to be belittled for the Cause of Allah; O! how
sweet a destiny! 

We have decided and sworn an oath
To live or die as Muslims
Holding fast to the errors of the corrupt ones
Striving for Muslims to rule
Muslims! Muslims! Muslims!

We, with Islam were the best of nations
And with it conquered Kisraa [a Persian emperor] and Caesar
We have sown Justice in the world
So reap & spread amongst the people "Allahu Akbar"

Ask if you still don't know who
Muslims! Muslims! Muslims!

...Raise the Qur'aan as the constitution of our time
And fill the horizons with: We are Muslims! Muslims! Muslims! Muslims!

Be sure to see the rest at Little Green Footballs...

After reading excerpts from their camp chant called "Youth of the True,"
extolling Muslim military victories of the past, lamenting the abandonment
of shariah in contemporary times, and urging youth to "unsheath the
swords/And don't be concerned here with difficulties", you're going to
wonder why Homeland Security has shut CAIR and their summer camp down as a
terrorism risk - indoctrinating children in jihad.

So why does the U.S. government tolerate CAIR's teaching of jihadism,
violence, and intolerance? The liberal press and collectively the MSM have
given CAIR a politically correct cakewalk in the interest of both being
secular and believing the press releases of so called "peaceful Muslim
organizations." - Hyscience (Nov. 24, 04)


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[osint] The real CAIR

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft



The real CAIR


Posted: April 25, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Editor's note: Are you ready for the Second American Revolution? Joseph
Farah's new book, "Taking America
 Back" exposes the
weaknesses in America's current system and offers practical solutions -
solutions that are real and doable, solutions that can revive freedom,
morality and justice in our nation. Order your copy
 now in
WorldNetDaily's online store, ShopNetDaily! 

C 2003 WorldNetDaily.com 

The Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is leading a witchhunt
against the nomination of a very good man, Daniel Pipes
 , to the board of the U.S. Institute for

CAIR is not what it seems - not what it pretends to be. 

It is not a group fighting for equal rights for Muslim-Americans. It is not
a group trying to protect the interests of Muslims in America. It is not a
group promoting human rights for anyone. 

It is a group whose real mission is changing the very character of America -
remaking it in the image of the Islamo-fascists who fund them from Saudi
Arabia and elsewhere. 

You will never hear a nice word about America from the Council on
American-Islamic Relations. It's a hate group. It spends all or most of its
time and resources denigrating America, condemning it as a pariah state that
exploits and oppresses Muslims. 

According to CAIR, America is a terrible place for Muslims. At the same
time, CAIR boasts Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America. It makes
you wonder: If conditions for Muslims are so bad in America, why is Islam so
popular? Why are Muslims flocking from all parts of the world to the United
States - this hideous concentration camp for Muslims? 

I'll tell you why. Many Muslims have come here and continue to come here to
escape the Islamo-fascism of places like Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia -
places about which CAIR never has a bad word to say. 

CAIR was late to the party in condemning Osama bin Laden for the Sept. 11
terror attacks. It finally got around to it three months after the fact.
Don't expect to hear any CAIR officials condemn suicide bombings by the
terrorists in Hamas. The founder of this organization is on record in
support of the goals and tactics of Hamas. 

CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper indicated in a 1993 interview with the
Minneapolis Star Tribune that he wants the United States to become a Muslim

"I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the
government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future,"
Hooper told the Star Tribune. "But I'm not going to do anything violent to
promote that. I'm going to do it through education." 

Founded in 1994, CAIR is a spin-off of the Islamic Association of Palestine,
identified as a "front group" for the terrorist group Hamas, according to
Steve Pomerantz, former chief of the FBI's counterterrorism section. 

Another ex-FBI counterterrorism chief, Oliver "Buck" Revell, has called the
Islamic Association For Palestine - Hooper's former employer - "a front
organization for Hamas that engages in propaganda for Islamic militants." 

CAIR advisory board member Siraj Wahhaj was named by U.S. Attorney Mary Jo
White on Feb. 2, 1995, as one of the "unindicted persons who may be alleged
as co-conspirators in the attempt to blow up New York City monuments,"
including the World Trade Center in 1993. 

How seriously can we take the charges of a group that called the conviction
of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers "a travesty of justice"? How
seriously can we take a group that called the conviction of Omar Abdel
Rahman, who conspired to blow up New York City landmarks, a "hate crime"?
How seriously should we take a group about which Steven Pomerantz, former
FBI chief of counter-terrorism, says: "CAIR, its leaders and its activities
effectively give aid to international terrorist groups"? 

Very seriously. 

But just don't assume the group has any credibility. 

The real goal of this group was made clear by its chairman, Omar M. Ahmad,
who told a rally of California Muslims in 1998: "Islam isn't in America to
be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the
highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on

This is the real CAIR. Amazingly, some American people and institutions have
fallen for CAIR's ad hominem attacks on Daniel Pipes, a scholar among
scholars. No less an establishment enterprise than the Washington Post
editorialized last week against Daniel Pipes' nomination. Despite its
extremist history, CAIR is making inroads in the media. 

It would be tragic if the Senate failed to confirm Pipes because of the
rantings and ravings of an extremist group like CAIR. 



[Non-text port

[osint] News Flash: Suspected Egyptian terrorist denies getting military training in Afghanistan

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Suspected Egyptian terrorist denies getting military training in 

A suspected terrorist from Egypt denies getting ideological and 
military training in Afghanistan before he came to Canada. 


 [ http://www.news1130.com/news/national/article.jsp?content=n071206A ]

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[osint] CAIR: US Muslim coalition condemns Israeli action in Gaza

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft
Of COURSE terrorist supporting front organizations in the US will oppose
counter-terror measures anywhere in the world.


US Muslim coalition condemns Israeli action in Gaza


WASHINGTON, D.C., CAIR - The American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and
Elections (AMT), a national coalition of 11 major American Muslim
organizations, today said Israel's continued targeting of the Palestinian
civilian infrastructure is a "war crime" that should be condemned by the
Bush administration. 

In its statement, the coalition said: 

"The Israeli army has been waging a full-fledged war against the Palestinian
population, killing scores of civilian men, women and children. These crimes
followed an unprecedented act of kidnapping dozens of democratically-elected
Palestinian officials and cabinet ministers, including the deputy prime
minister. Such acts are nothing short of state-terror. 

"The American Muslim Task Force calls on the Bush administration to strongly
condemn these war crimes and demand that Israel stop using American
taxpayer-funded weapons to carry out attacks that will only serve to
intensify the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the West Bank. 

"Israeli aggression against a defenseless civilian population is also a
violation of the US Arms Export Control Act, which mandates that American
weapons can only be used for defensive purposes and not for violations of
human rights. The State Department has documented human rights violations by
the Israeli military against Palestinian civilians in its annual report. 

"We also believe that any attempt to solve the Palestinian/Israeli conflict
must be based on the full implementation of all relevant UN resolutions,
particularly 194, 242, and 338, return of Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinian
lands currently occupied by Israel, and the establishment of a viable,
independent and sovereign state of Palestine. 

"The international community must not allow the Israeli government to use
this crisis to remove the democratically-elected Palestinian government and
thus strike a devastating blow to the nascent democratic process in the

AMT members and affiliates endorsing this statement include: American Muslim
Alliance (AMA), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Circle
of North America (ICNA), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim
Alliance in North America (MANA), Muslim American Society (MAS), Muslim
Public Affairs Council (MPAC), Muslim Student Association-National (MSA-N),
Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA), Project Islamic Hope (PIH), and United
Muslims of America (UMA). 

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[osint] Palestinians choose war - again

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

Palestinians choose war – again 

   he hopes for a Palestinian
transformation following the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in August 2005
have been blasted to bits once again. 

The opportunity that opened up after the removal of civilians, checkpoints
and army bases was never explored. In the 10 months between the Israel
Defence Forces’ exit and its return last month, the missile attacks and
terror efforts never really ended. And the anarchy of Palestinian society in
Gaza only got worse under the Hamas-led pseudo-government. 

The arguments in favour of the Gaza pullout remain valid – primarily in
terms of demographics and public relations. By withdrawing its presence from
Gaza completely, the Israeli government expected that the “international
community” would declare the occupation, and the responsibility for the
welfare of the population, to be over. But the dangers of this move,
particularly in terms of the security costs, were underestimated by
then-prime minister Ariel Sharon and the government. 

The post-disengagement security model was based on the assumption, or naïve
hope, that Palestinian security forces, Egyptian border troops and monitors
from the “international community” would provide the substitutes for an
Israeli military presence. But the warheads of the Qassams and the anti-tank
missiles fired in the recent attack were brought in under their noses – or
perhaps their feet. 

The main element in this plan was the expectation that the Palestinians
would change course. U.S. President George W. Bush called on the
Palestinians “to fight terrorism, dismantle terrorist organizations, and
prevent the areas from which Israel has withdrawn from posing a threat that
would have to be addressed by any other means.” The Europeans (and some
Canadian officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International
Trade) talked about helping moderate and pragmatic Palestinians build a new
relationship with Israel. 

But these hopes went nowhere. As the Israelis left, the Palestinians
extended the terrorist infrastructure into abandoned greenhouses, schools
and houses. A few months later, Hamas took over, pledging to eradicate
Israel and escalating the attacks. And the diplomatic gains did not
materialize – Israel is still blamed for the plight of Gazans. 

At the same time, responsibility for the 13-kilometre long Philadelphi
Corridor was turned over to Egypt, under the eye of the U.S.-led
Multinational Force and Observers. The Egyptians were supposed to stop the
Palestinians from digging tunnels for use in smuggling explosives,
terrorists and anti-tank and even anti-aircraft missiles. 

Shortly after this agreement, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
brokered a separate security arrangement covering the Rafiah crossing. Last
Nov. 15, Rice knocked heads together, and Sharon agreed to allow Palestinian
control of this border zone, accompanied by a European Union monitoring
mission to insure implementation of the prohibition on the entry of weapons
and terrorists. This effort was also a response to the pressures on the
United States from Javier Solana, the European Union’s high representative
for the common foreign and security policy, and James Wolfensohn, who was
the international Quartet’s special envoy in Gaza. 

But these were empty words, and after paying a high price, Israel has
rediscovered the fundamental need for direct control over its frontiers.
After relying on Egypt and Europe, it has no choice but to resume direct
control over Gaza’s borders. The lessons of the failed disengagement will
also be applied elsewhere, and, in addition to maintaining full security
control to the east of the separation barrier, Israel will need to maintain
tight control over the Jordan Valley. 

The bottom line is that only condition under which Israel can transfer
security responsibility, in any sector, is after the Palestinians have
finally ended their war. 

Until then, short cuts to security and meaningless “international
guarantees” will lead to even more violence and death – for both Israelis
and Palestinians.

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[osint] U.N.'s Annan arrives in Italy for talks

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


U.N.'s Annan arrives in Italy for talks

However, the timing of the secretary general's meeting coincided with an
ongoing dispute within the governing coalition over what Italy's role in
Afghanistan should be. 

Prodi's center-left government is sticking to its campaign promises to
withdraw its troops from Iraq by the end of the year, but it supports the
Afghan mission because of NATO   and
EU involvement  . Italy
  has about 1,800 troops in Kabul
and Herat. 

The government earlier this month approved financing to continue Italy's
military mission in Afghanistan despite opposition from a group of far-left
allies in the legislature who want to end Italy's military presence there. 

However, it still must be approved by both chambers of Parliament later this
month, and resistance to the mission was still strong on the part of
Communist and Green Party politicians, according to the AP. 

During a visit to Brussels on Tuesday, Foreign Minister Massimo D'Alema
indicated to reporters that he would quit rather that allow Italy to
withdraw its troops from Afghanistan under his watch. 

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[osint] RE: Council On American-Islamic Relations Complaining To FBI About Blogs

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:28 AM
Subject: Council On American-Islamic Relations Complaining To FBI About


June 25, 2006

Council On American-Islamic Relations Complaining To FBI About Blogs

Topics: Understanding

We're not talking about this CAIR  , are

"Senator Charles Schumer (Democrat, New York) describes it as an
organization "which we know has ties to terrorism."[3] Senator Dick Durbin
(Democrat, Illinois) observes that CAIR is "unusual in its extreme rhetoric
and its associations with groups that are suspect."[4] Steven Pomerantz, the
FBI's former chief of counterterrorism, notes that "CAIR, its leaders, and
its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups."[5]
The family of John P. O'Neill, Sr., the former FBI counterterrorism chief
who perished at the World Trade Center, named CAIR in a lawsuit as having
"been part of the criminal conspiracy of radical Islamic terrorism"[6]
responsible for the September 11 atrocities. Counterterrorism expert Steven
Emerson calls it "a radical fundamentalist front group for Hamas."[7] -
(Sources at link)

Hyscience has written about CAIR (the principle front
 organization of a coalition of
Islamist groups that have taken root in America over the past two decades)
numerous times in the past, and even wrote a post entitled
 , "Let's Say
It, 'CAIR is a Terrorist Front Organization,' With A Dangerous Agenda For
America," a position that we do not back away from and will never stop
making clear to everyone we can. More recently we asked (in "CAIR Teaching
Jihad In Islamic Summer Camp For
how long will it take for U.S. authorities, as well as the general public,
to learn what we already know - that allowing Islamist organizations to
continue to propagate in America is a sure pathway to our downfall? There is
no legitimate, redeeming purpose for CAIR. It exists only to perpetuate its
anti-American Islamist agenda. We should tolerate CAIR no more than the KKK,
its white supremacist analog. 

Now comes this report of absolute stupidity on the part of the FBI, from
Little Green Footballs

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has begun filing complaints with
the FBI about comments on this blog and others (not front page posts). I
know this because I've spoken with two different agents recently about LGF
comments that were reported to the FBI by CAIR. 

Just thought you might like to know too. The premier Islamist front group is
starting to go after the blogosphere, using the tools provided by our own

CAIR, by the way, is being bankrolled by the United Arab Emirates: The
CAIR-U.A.E. Connection

An Arab nation with ties to 9-11 has pledged a major endowment to the
Council on American-Islamic Relations, even as the Washington-based
nonprofit group insists it receives no foreign support. 

The United Arab Emirates recently announced on its official government
website that it has set up an endowment serving as a source of income for
CAIR. The amount of the funding is undisclosed, but sources say it will be
enough to help CAIR finance the construction of a new $24 million office
building and a planned $50 million public-relations campaign aimed at
repairing Islam's -- and the UAE's -- image in America. ...

CAIR -- Washington's biggest Muslim lobbying group -- is quoted in the UAE
statement, but has not released its own statement. It is not commenting
publicly about the size of the endowment or other details.

But the UAE, which formally recognized the Taliban and acted as a launching
point for the 9-11 hijackers, has already taken a nearly $1 million stake in
CAIR's existing headquarters near the U.S. Capitol. As first reported in the
book, Infiltration, Dubai holds the deed to the building. The transaction
took place in 2002, according to local property records.

>From Protein Wisdom
  (HT - LGF): 

When is the last time an LGF commenter was arrested for assaulting a Muslim,
or, say, hijacking a jet airplane and flying it into a skyscraper? 

If the FBI wants to try sniffing out hate speech, perhaps it should check
out any number of mosques or Islamic centers funded by the Saudis. Because
rumor has it Wahabbism isn't exactly the most ecumenical platter of Islam on
the buffet ... 

Joseph Farah has written that CAIR is not what it seems to be, and not what
it pretends to be

[osint] News Flash: Lebanon distances itself from Hizbollah attack

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Lebanon distances itself from Hizbollah attack

Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said on Wednesday the Lebanese 
government did not condone a cross-border Hizbollah attack 
against Israel. 


Reuters AlertNet
 [ http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L12797900.htm ]

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[osint] News Flash: Israelis Attack Just 10 Miles From Beirut

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Israelis Attack Just 10 Miles From Beirut

Israeli warplanes and gunboats struck a Palestinian guerrilla 
base 10 miles south of Beirut late Wednesday, Lebanese security 
officials said, in the closest raid to the Lebanese capital since 
fighting erupted in southern Lebanon after guerrillas captured 
two Israeli soldiers. 


 [ http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/07/12/D8IQKKG80.html ]

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[osint] News Flash: Saddam on hunger strike for five days: US

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Saddam on hunger strike for five days: US

Saddam Hussein and three of his co-defendants have been on hunger 
strike for five days, the U.S. military said on Wednesday, 
confirming a statement from the former president's lawyer, but 
insisting he was in good health. 



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[osint] News Flash: Palestinians welcome Hizbullah attack

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Palestinians welcome Hizbullah attack

Palestinians across the political spectrum on Wednesday welcomed 
the kidnapping of the two IDF soldiers by Hizbullah and expressed 
optimism that the move would lead to the release of thousands of 
prisoners from Israeli jails. 


Jerusalem Post

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[osint] News Flash: Venezuelan Diplomat: North Korea Has a Right to Test Missiles

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Venezuelan Diplomat: North Korea Has a Right to Test Missiles

 A high-ranking Venezuelan diplomat defended North Korea's right 
to test missile, saying Wednesday that every country has the 
right to develop weapons and international superpowers such as 
the United States cannot impose disarmament on smaller nations. 


Fox News [ http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,203181,00.html ]

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[osint] News Flash: Bomb destroys Palestinian foreign ministry

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Bomb destroys Palestinian foreign ministry

A bomb dropped by an Israeli warplane destroyed the Palestinian 
Foreign Ministry building in Gaza City early Thursday. 


Fort Wayne News Sentinel
 [ http://www.fortwayne.com/mld/newssentinel/news/local/15023776.htm ]

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[osint] News Flash: Berlusconi slams Italy arrests over CIA case

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Berlusconi slams Italy arrests over CIA case

Ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who lost power in April 
elections, attacked Italian magistrates on Wednesday for chasing 
CIA agents and Italian spies over the alleged kidnap of a 
terrorism suspect. 


Yahoo! (Reuters)
 [ http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060712/wl_nm/security_italy_usa_dc ]

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[osint] News Flash: Geneva policy won't halt U.S. interrogations

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Geneva policy won't halt U.S. interrogations

The U.S. military order to apply basic provisions of the Geneva 
Conventions to terrorism detainees at Guantanamo Bay does not 
mean they will get the Swiss francs, parcels from home or full 
protections afforded to recognised prisoners of war, experts said 
on Wednesday. 


Scotsman [ http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=1019082006 ]

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[osint] News Flash: US wants Czech missile base

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

US wants Czech missile base

The US hopes to build a missile base in the Czech Republic as 
part of its proposed global defence shield. 


Times Online

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[osint] News Flash: Hamas Leader Badly Hurt in Israeli Bombing

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Hamas Leader Badly Hurt in Israeli Bombing

A Hamas militant leader who has topped Israel's most-wanted list 
for a decade was badly wounded and underwent four hours of spinal 
surgery Wednesday after being wounded in an Israeli airstrike, 
security officials said.  


 [ http://www.forbes.com/business/energy/feeds/ap/2006/07/12/ap2875430.html ]

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[osint] News Flash: Israeli HQ hit by mortar shells

2006-07-12 Thread IntellNet

Israeli HQ hit by mortar shells

LEBANON'S Shiite Muslim Hezbollah militia claimed today to have 
hit the Israeli army's northern headquarters twice in two hours 
with mortars, causing casualties. 


 [ http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,19774700-1702,00.html?from=rss ]

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[osint] Imad Mugniyah likely behind the capture of Israeli soldiers

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft
Mughniyah and Iran...yes.


Imad Mugniyah likely behind the capture of Israeli soldiers

By Bill Roggio


Hezbollah has conducted a highly successful raid into Israeli territory,
attacking a Israeli Defense Force outpost along the Israel-Lebanese border,
killing three soldiers and capturing two after they were wounded. Four
Israeli soldiers were killed when their tank ran over a land mine in Lebanon
during follow-up operations to free the captured soldiers. An additional
soldier was killed when attempting to recover the bodies of the four

Hezbollah carefully planned and selected the personnel for this operation,
and executed with precision. The attack began with an artillery barrage
along the Israeli frontier. An IDF outpost, with well trained Israeli
troops, was overrun, and Hezbollah had the time to take the two wounded
Israeli soldiers hostage. The land mine used to destroy the tank during the
Israeli follow-up raid into Lebanon was deliberately set to catch the IDF
while pressing forward, and large enough to destroy a well armored main
battle tank. The Israeli search and rescue combat team took heavy fire once
they crossed the border. Hezbollah laid a trap for the IDF.

The sophistication of this attack points to the involvement of Imad Fayez
Mugniyah, Hezbollah's chief of military operations. Mugniyah has a long
history of successful military and terrorist operations across the globe.
Mugniyah has a history of conducting similar snatch and grab operations
against the Israelis. He was responsible for capturing three Israeli
soldiers in Lebanon, and the abduction of an Israeli colonel in Kuwait in

Mugniyah began his career in terrorism in the 1970s with Force 17
 , the personal
bodyguard detachment for Yassar Arafat, and later joined Hezbollah. His more
infamous terror attacks include the April 1983 bombing of the U.S. embassy
in Beirut, killing 63; the October 2003 simultaneous truck bombings on the
U.S. Marine and French paratrooper barracks in Beirut, killing 241 Marines
and 58 French soldiers; the hijacking of TWA 847; the kidnappings and
murders of U.S. military, intelligence and diplomatic personnel in Beirut;
the bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1992,
killing 29 people; the bombing of an Israeli cultural center in 1994,
killing 86 people. He is suspected of direct involvement in the 1996 bombing
of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, killing 19 U.S. servicemen.

Mugniyah has extensive links with the Iranian intelligence services, and has
 directly linked to al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, and recently
deceased al-Qaeda in Iraq commander Abu
al-Zarqawi. Mugniyah is on FBI's list
  of 22 most wanted
terrorists, with a $5 million dollar reward for information leading to his
capture. U.S. Special Forces aborted a
 raid to
capture Mugniyah in the Persian Gulf in 1996. He was believed to have
visited Syria   in January of 2006,
attending a meeting with Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Syrian President

The Hezbollah raid and subsequent capture of two Israeli soldiers has placed
Israel in a difficult situation. After Hamas' operation in Gaza, which also
included the capture of an Israeli soldier, and the subsequent Israeli
incursion into Gaza in attempt to free him, Israel now has fight on a second
front. An Israeli reserve division is being mobilized to deploy to the
Lebanese frontier. After today's attack, Israel conducted multiple strikes
by air and sea, bombarding Hezbollah positions and bridges leading away from
the attack site to prevent easy movement of the Hezbollah strike team. The
IDF also struck at Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General
Command positions just ten
 miles south
of Beirut.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert referred to
strike was an "act of war" by Lebanon. "The Lebanese government, of which
Hezbollah is a part, is trying to shake regional stability. We are already
responding with great strength," said Olmert. The U.S. has directly
implicated Iran and Syria (and by default, Mugniyah, their proxy). There are
several motivations for Hezbollah's attack: Iran wishes to shift focus from
their nuclear program to Israel; Syria Syria seeks an excuse to re-occupy
Lebanon; Lebanon has been under pressure to disarm Hezbollah; Hezbollah
wishes to gain prestige but striking at their hated enemy while providing
assistance to Hamas; the destabilization of the nascent Lebanese democracy

[osint] Palestinians welcome Hizbullah attack

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft
 Naturally...they are all terrorists.  Those supporting Arafat's PLO and
those supporting HAMAS...


Palestinians welcome Hizbullah attack


Khaled Abu Toameh, THE JERUSALEM POST   Jul. 12, 2006   

Palestinians across the political spectrum on Wednesday welcomed the
kidnapping of the two IDF soldiers by Hizbullah and expressed optimism that
the move would lead to the release of thousands of prisoners from Israeli

Spokesmen for a number of armed and political groups also expressed their
hope that the Arabs and Muslims would eventually join the fight against

Both Fatah and Hamas officials hailed the attack as "heroic" and urged
Hizbullah not to release the soldiers unless Israel agreed to free all
Palestinian prisoners. 

In several places in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestinians took to the
streets to celebrate the kidnapping of the two soldiers and to voice their
support for Hizbullah. 

Families of prisoners gathered outside the offices of the Palestinian
Legislative Council in Gaza City and handed out sweets to passersby. 

"This is a great day for the Palestinian people," said Um Amjad, whose son
Muhammed has been in prison for nearly 10 years. "We want to thank
[Hizbullah Secretary-General] Hassan Nasrallah for this wonderful gift and
we hope that today's heroic operation will result in the release of all our
sons from Israeli prisons." 

Also in Gaza City, gunmen belonging to various Palestinian groups opened
fire into the air as an expression of joy and called on Hizbullah and Hamas
to kidnap more soldiers. 

Palestinian lawyers and human rights organizations reported that thousands
of prisoners held in Israeli jails began chanting and dancing as soon they
heard about the abduction of the two soldiers. 

"The prisoners are celebrating because they feel that they will be release
soon now that Israel has three soldiers in captivity," said a
Bethlehem-based lawyer who represents security prisoners. "They feel that
they are close than ever to freedom." 

The Hamas government said in a statement that the Hizbullah attack was a
"natural response to Israeli crimes against our people in the Palestinian
territories." The statement added: "It's inconceivable to leave the
Palestinians alone in facing the mighty Israeli military machine. We call
upon all the Arab and Muslims to rise in defense of the Palestinian people."

Ahmed Abdel Rahman, a senior Fatah leader and close advisor to Palestinian
Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, sent greetings to Hizbullah "for aiding
their Palestinian brethren." 

Defending the recent Hizbullah and Hamas attacks on Israel as "legitimate
acts of self-defense," he called on the two groups to demand the release of
all Palestinians and Arabs from Israeli jails. 

"The Palestinian resistance is a natural right," he said. "The Palestinians
won't succumb and we will continue to fight until the liberation of all the
Palestinian territories." 

Abdel Rahman said the abduction of the two soldiers was an "encouraging
sign" for the Palestinians and expressed hope that the entire Arab and
Muslim countries would come to help the Palestinians in their struggle
against Israel. 

In a separate development, a spokesman for Abbas denied on Wednesday a
report in a London-based newspaper to the effect that the PA chairman had
threatened to resign and dissolve the PA in protest against the ongoing
Israeli military strikes in the Gaza Strip. 

The spokesman described the report in the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper as
"nonsense" and said Abbas had no intention of stepping down. The paper
claimed that Abbas made the threat during a phone conversation with US
Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice last week. 


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[osint] Israeli warplanes strike Beirut airport

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft
Israel needs to widen the attack further, to the source:  Iran.

Israeli warplanes strike Beirut airport 
22 civilians reported killed in Israeli offensive in southern Lebanon
The Associated Press

Updated: 10:04 p.m. PT July 12, 2006
JERUSALEM - Israel widened its offensive against Hezbollah guerrillas on
Thursday, targeting Beirut's international airport and blasting southern
Lebanon for a second day, police and airport officials said. Twenty-two
civilians were reported killed in the south, local media said.
Warplanes struck the runways of the country's only international airport
early Thursday during Israel's ongoing air and sea assault against Lebanon,
which began a day earlier after Hezbollah guerrillas captured two Israeli
soldiers in a cross-border raid. The airport was later closed, forcing
flights to be diverted to nearby Cyprus, officials said.
Israel's Army Radio said the object of Thursday's attack was to shut down
air traffic in and out of Beirut. The airport is located in the capital's
southern suburbs, which are controlled by Hezbollah.
Meanwhile, Israeli aircraft and artillery continued attacking targets in
southern Lebanon overnight, police reported. Leading TV station LBC said at
least 22 civilians were killed in the attacks, including a family of 12 in
the village of Dweir.
Israeli medics also reported Thursday that an Israeli woman was killed when
a Hezbollah rocket hit her home in a northern border town. The Israeli
military said it was checking the report.
Israel bombed and shelled southern Lebanon and sent ground troops over the
border for the first time in six years Wednesday after the two soldiers were
captured. The fighting killed eight Israeli soldiers and three Lebanese.
Hezbollah's brazen cross-border raid opened a second front for the Israeli
army. The army is now fighting Islamic militants in both Lebanon and the
Gaza Strip, where it is looking for another soldier who was captured more
than two weeks ago by Hamas-linked militants.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called the Hezbollah raid an "act of war"
by Lebanon and threatened "very, very, very painful" retaliation. The
Cabinet, meeting in the wake of the military's highest daily death toll in
four years, decided to continue the army operation and call on the
international community to disarm Hezbollah, according to participants.
Residents of northern Israeli towns were ordered to seek cover in
underground bomb shelters as Hezbollah, an anti-Israel guerrilla group that
essentially runs southern Lebanon, launched rockets across the border
throughout the day.

Overnight, Hezbollah fired rockets and shells at Israeli military bases
along the border, the military said. Also, an Israeli civilian was wounded
by a rocket explosion in the border village of Zarit. His condition was not
Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said he would free the Israeli
soldiers only in a prisoner swap, adding that he was open to a package deal
that would include the release of the soldier held in Gaza.
"The capture of the two soldiers could provide a solution to the Gaza
crisis," he told reporters in Beirut.
At least 23 Palestinians were killed in Gaza on Wednesday. And an Israeli
airstrike early Thursday destroyed the building housing the Hamas-controlled
Palestinian Foreign Ministry. Palestinian medics said 13 people in the
neighborhood, including six children, were injured, mainly from flying glass
and debris.
The Gaza crisis began June 25 when Palestinian militants dug a tunnel out of
the coastal strip and attacked an army position inside Israel, seizing Cpl.
Gilad Shalit and demanding the release of 1,500 prisoners held by Israel.
Although Israel has made prisoner exchanges in the past, Olmert ruled out
any negotiations for Shalit's return, saying that would only encourage more

Instead, Israel unleashed an offensive against Gaza, sending in troops,
firing artillery and carrying out airstrikes on militant targets in an
effort to force the Palestinians to free Shalit.
In an attempt to assassinate top Hamas fugitives Wednesday, Israel dropped a
quarter-ton bomb on a home in Gaza City, killing a couple and seven of their
children, ages 4-18. Hamas said its leaders escaped harm, but militants took
over the intensive care unit of a hospital, barring reporters.
Palestinian security officials said Mohammed Deif, leader of Hamas' military
wing and No. 1 on Israel's wanted list for more than a decade, was among the
wounded - suffering severe back injuries that could paralyze him.
Palestinians in Gaza welcomed the attack in Lebanon, hoping it would force
Israel to shift its focus away from them.
"People are cheering this attack ... because they view it as a kind of
revenge and reprisal against what Israel has been doing in Gaza," said Salah
Bardawil, a spokesman for Hamas in the Palestinian parliament. "Militaril

[osint] Mumbai blasts: 'Hundreds' detained

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft

Mumbai blasts: 'Hundreds' detained

Police say 'pencil timers' may have detonated bombs

MUMBAI, India (CNN) -- Indian police have detained hundreds of people for
questioning over Tuesday's bomb attacks on the Mumbai train system that
killed at least 185 people, according to media reports.

Wire services report the number of those detained ranges from more than 150
to about 350.

Most of the detentions were made overnight in Malwani, a northeastern suburb
of Mumbai, police Inspector S. Goshal said, according to The Associated

No group has claimed responsibility for the blasts, which came in a span of
11 minutes during Tuesday evening's rush hour in Mumbai, when trains were
jam-packed with commuters making their way home.

Mumbai Police Commissioner A.N. Roy confirmed a large number of arrests have
been made but refused to give an exact figure.

"There have been widespread search operations. A lot of people have been
detained for questioning," he told AP.

He said those arrested include known thugs and trouble makers, who might
have information about the culprits.

Local television reports many of those detained had been picked up from
hotels and guest houses in the financial capital.

Investigators, meanwhile, said they had prepared sketches of three suspects
seen at some of the bomb sites and were working on several leads, Reuters

Timers hidden in pencils have been discovered in at least three of the seven
sites where bombs exploded on commuter trains in India's financial capital,
killing 185 people, according to CNN's sister station, CNN-IBN.

The timers are believed to have detonated bombs made of RDX, one of the most
powerful kinds of military explosives, the network quoted police as saying

However, CNN could not independently confirm the discovery of the timers or
the material used in the explosives.

The Western Railway system carries more than 4.5 million passengers a day in
the city formerly named Bombay.

Maharashtra state's police chief said more than 700 people were hurt, and
hospitals continued appeals for blood donors.

Relatives and friends searched desperately for missing loved ones, posting
messages at train stations and in the media as officials worked to identify
the dead and injured.

Local train service resumed in most areas of Mumbai on Wednesday but
long-distance trains were not running.

Indian shares recovered on the Bombay Stock Exchange after a shaky start on
Wednesday, but investors remained cautious and dealing rooms were thinly
staffed as nervous employees stayed at home. (

Meanwhile, as the investigations widened, police said the pencil timers were
found at blast sites in Matunga station, Mahim and Borivili -- where
authorities on Tuesday defused another bomb found after an initial explosion
ripped apart a rail car.

Forensic tests are also being performed on a leather bag found at one of the
stations, as well as on other items collected there.

Authorities said the bombs all appeared to have been planted on trains that
left the Churchgate station in Mumbai.

The blasts hit trains at Khar, Mahim, Matunga, Jogeshwari, Borivili and
Bhayander stations, in that order. The seventh explosion hit a train between
the Khar and Santacruz stations, a police official told CNN-IBN.

Although there has been no claim of responsibility for the carnage, U.S.
officials said suspicion fell on two Islamic terrorist groups whose focus
has been on the disputed territory of Kashmir -- Lashkar-e-Tayyiba and
Jaish-e-Mohammed. Jaish-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility for the beheading
of U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl.

Both groups have been implicated in attacks that involved coordinated
bombings during peak times in India, the officials said.

Asked whether Lashkar, which in a statement earlier Wednesday denied any
role in the bombings, was involved, state police chief P.S. Pasricha was
reported by The Associated Press as saying: "It is difficult to say
definitely at this stage, but Lashkar-e-Tayyiba can be involved going by the
style of attack."

Pasricha said officials had known for some time that Mumbai was a target.

"We had an idea since some months that Bombay was a target," Pasricha told
reporters. "Since it is the financial capital, there are many vulnerable
areas in the city. Targets are well known."

Despite a statement Tuesday from Pakistan condemning the blasts, India's
government denounced other comments from Pakistani officials linking the
dispute over Kashmir to the attacks.

"We find it appalling that (Pakistan) Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud
Kasuri should seek to link this act of terror to the lack of resolution of
the dispute between India and Pakistan," said Indian foreign ministry
spokesman Navtej Sarna.

"His remarks appear to suggest that Pakistan will cooperate with India
against the scourge of terrorist vio

[osint] Why August 22? Iranian Armageddon?

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


Why August 22?


Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has rejected Western demands that he
respond to a new proposal regarding the cessation of Iran's nuclear efforts
by the middle of this month.

 the   consternation of
officials in Europe and Washington, Ahmadinejad promised only to respond by
the end of the Iranian month of Mordad (August 22).

Why that date? Why so long to look over a simple package of incentives and
give either a negative or a positive reply? Finding the answers to these
troubling questions may require America and Europe to come to terms with a
reality Western liberalism has done its best to ignore - that Islam remains
engaged in a clash of civilizations with the Judeo-Christian world. 

You see, Ahmadinejad is a
 strong believer in
the Shi'ite tradition of a 12th imam, the so-called "hidden" Imam Mahdi who
Allah has miraculously kept alive since his disappearance in 874 AD. As the
story goes, Imam Mahdi will return at a time of great global chaos,
oppression and bloodshed and usher in an era of (Islamic) justice.

Ahmadinejad sees himself as Allah's instrument to pave the way for Imam
Mahdi, and constantly uses public appearances to urge his countrymen to
prepare to back him in this task.

Rumor is, Imam Mahdi could be returning this August (or shortly thereafter),
just around the time some military experts believe Iran will be
 ready to construct its first
nuclear weapon. Go figure.

Ahmadinejad has made clear his confidence that he and other true believers
can affect this apocalyptic timetable, and will
 use all means at his disposal to do

Also of note is that August 22 of this year corresponds with the Islamic
date of Rajab 28, the day Saladin conquered and entered Jerusalem.

Taken in conjunction with Ahmadinejad's stated desire to see Israel
destroyed, it hardly seems a coincidence.

Will the coming months see Ahmadinejad attempt to bring about Imam Mahdi's
return by attacking Israel and generating the necessary regional and global

Perhaps the better question is, will the West start to take this man at his
word in time to stop him?

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[osint] Israeli jets bomb Al-Manar television

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft


IAF jets bomb Al-Manar television


Yaakov Katz, THE JERUSALEM POST Jul. 13, 2006   

IAF jets attacked the Al-Manar television station in Beirut belonging to the
Hizbullah organization on Thursday morning. 

There were no immediate reports of casualties. The station was apparently
continuing to broadcast from the station. 

The attack was part of a military campaign which the IDF vowed would be
harsh and quick against the Lebanese government and Hizbullah, which killed
eight IDF soldiers and kidnapped two others along the northern border on

Earlier Thursday morning, IAF fighter jets bombed runways at Beirut
International Airport. Al-Jazeera television network reported that 15 people
were killed in the airstrike. 

The IDF said that the airport was targeted because it was used by Hizbullah
to import weapons. 

The IAF attack forced the closure of the airport and the diversion of two
flights to Cyprus. 

Meeting in emergency session late Wednesday, the Cabinet approved IDF plans
to target the airport and other strategic infrastructures inside Lebanon
including power plants. 

In southern Lebanon, at least 27 civilians were reported killed overnight
Wednesday in IAF attacks, including a family of 12 in the village of Dweir,
leading TV station LBC reported. The IAF struck a Hizbullah post and two
bridges in southern Lebanon as the number of targets hit by the air force
since fighting erupted after the kidnapping of two IDF soldiers
 , reached into the hundreds. 

Earlier, in a series of air strikes, IAF aircraft bombed Kfar Shuba and
Sheba Farms. The communications infrastructure connecting Beirut to the
south of the country was also damaged by IAF strikes. 

The strikes followed an attack by IAF warplanes and navy gunboats on a
Palestinian terrorist base south of Beirut late Wednesday in the closest
raid to the Lebanese capital since fighting erupted. 

The names of six of the eight soldiers killed Wednesday in a Hizbullah
attack on IDF forces patrolling the Lebanese border were released for
publication Wednesday evening: Sgt. Nimrod Cohen
 , 19, from Mitzpe Shalem; Sgt.-Major Eyal Benin
 , 22, of Be'ersheba and Sgt.-Major Shani Turgeman
 , 24, of Beit Shean. All the soldiers' families have
been notified. 

The fourth victim was later identified as Sergeant-Major Wasim Nazel, 27,
from the Druze village of Kfar Yanuh. Earlier, Nazel's family was mistakenly
informed that he had been kidnapped. 

Two of the soldiers who were killed when the tank in which they were riding
drove over an explosive device, were identified as St.-Sgt. Alexei
Kashiniervski, 21, from Ness Ziona and Yaniv Bar-On, 19, from Maccabim. 

Under heavy fire, IDF forces continued their attempts to reclaim the bodies
of the four soldiers who died when their tank was ripped apart by the blast.

OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Udi Adam said Wednesday the IDF was preparing
for a widespread operation not only against Hizbullah but also against the
Lebanese government. 

"The IDF is responding with its full might by the air, the sea and the
ground," Adam said. "We are also preparing for a massive operation to defend
Israeli citizens and stop the terror." 

AP contributed to this report.

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[osint] Jaballah claims purely innocent dealings with other terror suspects

2006-07-12 Thread Bruce Tefft
Innocent dealings with terrorism?  Of course.

tacky, tacky taqiyya

Jaballah claims purely innocent dealings with other terror suspects
Allison Hanes   
CanWest News Service; National Post 

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mahmoud Jaballah is shown in this undated handout photo.

TORONTO - Just because Mahmoud Jaballah may have shaken hands, shared meals
and invited men alleged to have sympathized with al-Qaida into his home
doesn't mean he espoused their radical views, the Egyptian terror suspect
testified Tuesday in Toronto.

Jaballah, detained in Canada for nearly five years, took the stand in
Federal Court attempting to refute secret intelligence evidence that accuses
him of being a member of Egyptian Al-Jihad, a group held responsible for the
fatal bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, as well as
political assassinations.

''Maybe you are a terrorist, maybe I know you are a dangerous man, but it
doesn't mean I believe what you believe. I have to deal with any Muslim, I
have to deal with him like a human being,'' Jaballah said, ignoring the
services of the Arabic translator he had been speaking through all day and
switching to heavily accented English to emphasize his point. ''This is my

''When I call you, maybe you need help, maybe I need help. Maybe you are
sick, maybe I am sick. This is the way of life. We not like animals that
only care about ourselves.''

Under questioning from his lawyer, John Norris, Jaballah acknowledged he is
an opponent of the Egyptian government, but denied he considers violence a
legitimate means to achieve his political goals.

''If this, in fact, was the way to create an Islamic state, this objective
would have been accomplished a long time ago,'' he said. ''The only thing
that comes out of these acts is pure loss for everyone.''

Jaballah, one of five foreign terror suspects held under national security
certificates, spent his day in the witness box denying anything but innocent
relationships with a slew of men whom CSIS claims in a summary of evidence
are tied to global terror.

This includes everyone from his former lawyer in Egypt, Tharwat Shehata,
accused of being a leader of Al-Jihad in Egypt before disappearing in
Afghanistan, to Kassem Daher, an Edmonton businessman indicted in the U.S.
for running a terror support cell.

He said he met Hassan Farwat, a man CSIS accuses of embracing the doctrines
of Osama bin Laden, purely by accident in a mosque during his first weeks in
Canada in 1996.

He said Farwat introduced him to Ali Hussein, another alleged al-Qaida
sympathizer according to CSIS, and that Hussein helped translate rental
applications and birth-certificate registrations for him when he was a

But Jaballah said he broke off his friendships with these men by choice
after a first security certificate issued against him 1999 was quashed and
he was released from jail.

A second one, filed in August 2001, has kept him in custody ever since.

The eldest of Jaballah's six children said outside court Tuesday that his
father's unwitting dalliances with men the government considers dangerous
has been difficult for his entire family.

Ahmad Jaballah, 19, said it has also had the unfortunate consequence of
leaving him unduly suspicious of everyone he meets.

''It troubles me that people I meet on the street, people I meet at school,
people I meet at the mosque, I always wonder: 'What is this person's
beliefs, and will I be questioned about it one day,''' he said. ''You should
be able to associate with people freely and not have to worry.''

Jaballah's testimony was to resume this morning.


National Post

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