[osint] More Evil UN: Peacekeeping and Impunity in Haiti

2011-08-09 Thread Beowulf


August 5, 2011 at 9:00

Peacekeeping and Impunity in

Is there a culture of impunity in Haiti's long-running MINUSTAH operation?
Hannah Armstrong explores the vulnerability of populations under
peacekeeping mandate.

UNTIL recently, the National Museum in Phnom Penh featured a wax sculpture
of a UN peacekeeper, wearing the iconic blue beret, with his arm around the
throat of a downcast Cambodian prostitute. It is an image in striking
contrast to the UN's preferred self-depiction,  exemplified by an image of a
meek-looking peacekeeper cooking for Darfur refugees on the newly-launched
UN Conduct and Discipline Unit website  .

The new millennium witnessed a surge in peacekeeping missions. Nine were
launched between 2002 and 2007, and the 2010-2011 budget totalled US$7.83
billion. But it has also brought a crescendo of complaints regarding
peacekeeper delinquency and immunity to prosecution that highlights the
acute vulnerability of populations under peacekeeping mandate.

Some of the worst examples have been in Haiti. A cholera epidemic that
killed more than 5,500 Haitians and infected at least 300,000 has been
convincingly linked to a Nepalese battalion of the UN Mission to Stabilise
Haiti (known by its French acronym of MINUSTAH). New evidence published in
the July issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases presents the strongest case
yet that contamination of the Artibonite River was caused by poor sanitation
at a MINUSTAH camp. This is merely the latest in a string of scandals that
have dogged the mission since it begain in 2004. Aside from allegations of
run-of-the-mill kickbacks and corruption, members of the Haiti mission have
been accused of multiple sex crimes against children. The UN expelled more
than 100 Sri Lankan peacekeepers after charges of underage prostitution
could no longer be ignored.

Allegations of sexual exploitation of local women and children are common
enough among modern military operations. They clash with liberal narratives
of peacekeeping presented by Western institutions.

Contemporary peacekeeping operations have many dimensions. They are meant,
according to the UN, not only to maintain peace and security, but also to
"facilitate the political process, protect civilians, assist in the
disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants; support
the organization of elections, protect and promote human rights and assist
in restoring the rule of law." These tasks entail monitoring and
"rehabilitating" post-conflict populations to promote security and
democracy. A number of academics have argued that these therapeutic
depictions of peacekeeping are misleading, and actually help to rationalise
coercive international intervention.

Carol Harrington, for instance, has argued that the rise of peacekeeping
operations programmes in the "new wars" environment of the past two decades
has served to "re-make individuals in post-conflict populations according to
liberal norms set by the 'international community' and give credibility to
narratives of violent liberal intervention."

"The picture that emerges when peacekeepers are monitored by the same
criteria as the locals is deeply disturbing for peacekeeping projects," she

And yet, measures to prosecute criminality among peacekeepers are minimal at
best. Many feel that UN inactivity and blame-shifting add to a culture of
impunity within peacekeeping missions. A UN panel sidestepped the role of
peacekeepers in introducing cholera in Haiti, choosing to focus instead on
local conditions such as poor access to healthcare that widened the scope of
the outbreak. "It's like blaming a building for catching fire to take
pressure off the guy who dropped the match," tweeted AP Haiti correspondent
Jonathan Katz at the time.

"There is strong sentiment that the UN has failed to take responsibility for
[its] role in the introduction of cholera into Haiti, and that the UN and
MINUSTAH behave as an arrogant supranational organisation without the
responsibilities of a sovereign state," said a senior Western aid official
in Port au Prince, where street graffiti commonly denounced the UN
"occupayson" well before the disease outbreak.

Peacekeeper impunity is often institutionalised by loopholes in
international law. Status of forces agreements (SOFA) signed by the UN and
host countries effectively waive all criminal and civil liability, erecting
"a big barrier to accountability for UN members, especially military"
according to Nicole Philips, staff attorney with the Boston-based Institute
for Justice and Democracy in Haiti. This means that Haitians cannot file
charges against the Sri Lankans who hired underage sex workers in Haiti
while working as UN representatives, as they are not subject to host country

[osint] "Europe Is On The Verge Of Collapsing"

2011-08-09 Thread Beowulf


"Europe Is On The Verge Of Collapsing" 

by Raul de Sagastizabal

Global Research  , August 8, 2011


Europe is on the verge of collapsing and the world is again in the quagmire,
the reason being Europe, rather than just Greece, is the planet's soft
belly, and the impact of Europe's eventual downfall would make itself felt
throughout the world, even if Germany, or France, could somehow be spared. 

The scale of impact is unpredictable, but potentially worse than that of the
recent toxic assets crisis. The European bloc is the second largest economy,
the first trade partner of China, the largest importer of Russian energy and
the first buyer of high quality raw materials (it still holds the Hilton
quota, the world's most expensive meat quota). 

All over the world European debt holders and many states maintain their
reserves in euros. China, for example, has one-fourth of its reserves in
such currency and holds a large amount of Greek, Portuguese and Spanish debt

Without debt restructuring involving important debt amount reductions and
extended maturities, Greece will not be able to meet her commitments, just
like the rest of Europe's debt-overhung Europe's periphery economies -
Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy, and the effects would certainly
contaminate the rest of Europe including the region's strongest economies. 

The illusion of dampening the fire by deferring debt maturities is just that
- a chimera. Unless public and private bondholders' debts are reduced and
longer maturities granted, default and meltdown are around the corner. 

Debt restructuring means debt renegotiation of debts on behalf of those
unable to honour them. In case of default it entails sovereign default. A
country notifies its debtors that it is unable to pay and goes into default,
outright failure, or proposes to renegotiate its debt and pay less or get
extended deadlines. 

Amount reductions may involve paying a percentage of the original debt, or
the original amount during a longer period, or even paying one's whole debt
over longer periods. 

Greece, Unable To Pay A Debt Exceeding 150% of GDP 

The latter solution is not available to Greece: with negative real GDP
growth, fiscal and trade balance deficits, among other negative indicators,
the country is unable to pay a debt exceeding 150% of GDP, even in a far off

In the April 2009 London G-20 summit, whose dubious merit was the rescue of
private banks with public money, the developing world bought the idea that
the worst was over - and emerging countries bought the idea that this time
they would emerge unscathed from the crisis just by adopting local measures
to mitigate the domestic impacts. 

The customary commitments to regulate financial activity and prohibit purely
speculative operations were once again heard at the summit, in London, and
such formulae are now at the centre of the European blistering scenario. 

Europe Lost The Opportunity To Avoid The Current Crisis 

The bloc was the only space where you could have regulated and blocked
financial activity; controlled or prevented purchase of sovereign debt by
private investors; prohibited sovereign debt rating by risk rating entities
in conditions such as those of reportedly fraudulent qualifications of toxic
bonds as AAA, which collapsed from 2007 on, simultaneously with
recommendations to purchase default swaps against those very bonds; capital
flight control, and even tax the sector itself to create a sovereign debt
buyback fund and / or even for future bailouts and to propel viable
adjustment and reform mid- and long term programs. 

Such elementary measures would have been, at least, survival plans. 

However, individuality, competence, speculation and political expediency
prevailed, and the stronger countries imposed an every-man-for-himself scene
by taking unilateral measures and forcing conditions on the rest of the

A year ago Germany, for example, banned short sellings, and Italy followed
suit. If Germany can impose adjustment programs to the whole bloc, why not
impose financial regulation, thus preventing speculators from jumping from
one market to another, non-regulated one? Germany is not Europe, some people
say. Neither is France, others say. 

No Consensus In The European Union 

Early July the European Parliament approved measures to regulate derivatives
markets and credit default swaps, compensate private investors victimized by
fraudulent investment firms, short selling (the practice of trading
speculative financial assets at large discounts), purchase of credit default
swaps by investors or entities holding bonds related to such swaps or with
related companies whose results depend on the evolution of government
securities, a

[osint] The Scourge of Unbridled Islamic Democracy

2011-08-08 Thread Beowulf


June 11, 2011 
by The Godfather   

The Scourge of Unbridled Islamic Democracy

Filed under 



 Comments (4) 


no Democracy


Islam is a worldview masquerading as a religion intent on world domination 
through fear, terror, and the ballot box. The talk from both ends of the 
political spectrum is that “democracy” will cure the ills of Iraq, Iran, Egypt, 
and the surrounding Muslim nations. What if the protesting people of Egypt 
decide they want a Taliban-style social and political system whose goal is to 
defeat the infidel West and impose Sharia law on Muslims and non-Muslims 
worldwide and they choose violence to accomplish the goal and the masses remain 
silent because they are afraid of reprisals? Democracy in the hands of 
wild-eyed fanatics is perilous. In the end, they would have used the democratic 
process to deny the democratic process once they gain power through the 
democratic process. It’s been said that Democracy is like a streetcar. When you 
reach your destination, you get off.

Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying. There are democratic elements in 
our constitutional system, but these at one time were balanced with the belief 
in an objective law that the majority of people understood and followed, courts 
bound by that law, and elected representatives who take an oath to uphold that 
law. Moreover, western-style democratic principles are built on the remnants of 
a Christian moral order. Self-government under God’s government tempered the 
potential harmful effects of a pure democracy that could be manipulated by evil 

Attempts to export our political form without the worldview that gave it its 
heart will lead to unintended consequences. Democracy in the Mideast will only 
lead to the imposition of the prevailing worldview which is anti-Christian and 
anti-Western. (Being anti-Western is not an all-bad thing. Just take a look at 
some of the goings-on at America’s national religious festival, the Super Bowl, 
where less than family-friendly commercials pour forth from our televisions 
every ten minutes for the whole world to see. This says nothing about the 
legalization of homosexuality and the bizarre notion that two people of the 
same sex can get married and adopt children.  See Dinesh D’Souza’s The Enemy at 
Home for a discussion of what makes many non-terrorist Muslims anti-Western.) 
There will be enough people in Egypt, influenced by Islamo-fascist terrorists 
who have their own special kind of death wish. They would love to get the 
chance to vote in a “democratic election” so they can see their dream of an 
Islamic world realized.

Holland used to have a Christian base. Over a period of time, the government 
adopted a form of religious pluralism, giving equal standing, first, to all 
Christian denominations, then to religion in general, and finally to every 
worldview imaginable. Holland has lost its worldview base. It has become a 
haven for drugs, prostitution, and euthanasia—all legal! Its liberal 
immigration policies are beginning to worry people, especially after the murder 
of Dutch filmmaker and outspoken critic of Islamic extremism Theo van Gogh. 
Tens of thousands of Dutch citizens have moved elsewhere, mostly to New 
Zealand, Australia, and Canada. This has led to a higher concentration of 

Muslims make up ten percent of the population. If population trends continue, 
Muslims could become a viable political force and remake Holland into a Muslim 
nation in the lifetime of our grandchildren. Holland’s religious pluralism 
could be its downfall. Is it too late? The rest of Europe is in a similar 
demographic predicament.

There is so much talk about democracy that few people have considered what our 
founders have said about this fictional ideal. Consider these comments about 
democracy. Democracy is no moral cure all. John Winthrop (1588–1649), first 
governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, declared direct democracy to be “the 
meanest and worst of all forms of government.”[1 

 ] John Cotton (1584–1652), seventeenth-century Puritan minister in 
Massachusetts, wrote in 1636: “Democracy, I do not conceive that ever God did 
ordain as a fit government either for church o

[osint] Is Reforming Islam Even a Possibility?

2011-08-08 Thread Beowulf



Is Reforming Islam a Possibility?


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Comments (14) 



The idea of reforming Islam is not new. Islam cannot be reformed. Keep in mind 
that Islam claims that it is the perfect eternal faith for mankind. Splits have 
occurred and will continue to occur in Islam. Yet, reformation has not happened 
in nearly 1400 years and is not going to happen. Islam is carved in granite, 
just the way it is. No change. Allah's book is sealed.


About the only universal agreement that exists among Islamic authorities is 
that every word of the Qur’an is the word of Allah and is not subject to human 
modification, ever. The ‘Hadith’ also enjoys a similar sacrosanct standing. And 
of course, the faithful Muhammad’s conduct as recorded in the Sunna is the 
model to be emulated. Hence, one can pick and choose, but one cannot discard or 
revise any part of the scripture. For this reason a Martin Luther type 
reformation has not happened and will not likely ever happen within Islam.


Numerous people have tried it in every imaginable way. The  
 Mu’tazelis tried it, the Sufis tried 
it and hundreds of old and new schools tried it and they all failed. Islam is 
not reform-able for at least the following reasons:


* At the heart of the problem is the Quran, Islam’s sacred book, considered as 
a literally perfect and the immutable words of Allah.


* Islam is a perfect religion:


Quran.5:3 : Today have I perfected your religious law for you, and have 
bestowed upon you the full measure of My blessings, and willed that 
self-surrender unto Me shall be your religion.


How can fallible limited humans possibly reform or improve the handiwork of the 
all-knowing, all-wise author of the universe?


* Freedoms of all forms are anathema to Islam that is squarely based on total 
submission to the dictates and will of Allah. Muslims must obey Allah and His 


Quran.33:36: And it behoves not a believing man and a believing woman that they 
should have any choice in their matter when Allah and His Messenger have 
decided a matter; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he surely 
strays off a manifest straying.


* Violence is part and parcel of Islam. 


Quran 2: 216: Fighting is ordained for you, even though it be hateful to you; 
but it may well be that you hate a thing the while it is good for you, and it 
may well be that you love a thing the while it is bad for you: and God knows, 
whereas you do not know.


* Reforming Islam requires discarding Shari’a, but also purging the Quran 
itself from enormous suras that are not only patently false, but totally 
repugnant to a civilized humanity. This line of thinking, to sanitize Islam is 
explicitly forbidden in the Quran:


Quran 2:85: Do you, then, believe in some parts of the divine writ and deny the 
truth of other parts? What, then, could be the reward of those among you who do 
such things but ignominy in the life of this world and, on the Day of 
Resurrection; they will be consigned to most grievous suffering? For God is not 
unmindful of what you do.


* Islam is a super religion: 


Muslims consider Islam, a super-religion and the final religion of Allah. 
Judaism and Christianity are the only other two religions that are granted a 
grudging minimal recognition by Islam. All other religions and those without 
religion are blasphemy and blasphemous. In short, Islam is not reform-able. 
Reforming Islam requires purging of its sacred book, the Quran. By so doing, 
then, we have a different religion, not Islam.


Let us look at some other points by explicit provisions of the Quran:


* Islam is misogynist. Men are superior to women. Women are to obey men and are 
to be beaten when they disobey or misbehave.


* Islam is racist. The Quran stipulates that the Arabs are superior to all 
others and it clearly condones slavery. It explicitly stipulates discriminatory 
laws for slaves.


* Islam denounces other belief systems and marginally recognizes the validity 
of only two religions, Judaism and Christianity.


* Islam is violent. It not only condones jihad, it recommends it and promises 
great reward for the jihadist.


* Islam is already splintered in a number of major sects and innumerable 
numbers of secondary sects that harbor huge disagreement and animosity toward 
one another as well as toward all infidels.


* Those who claim that they want to reform Islam, in fact, they want to 
transform it by stripping it from a great many provisions that are anathema to 
civilized hum

[osint] MUSLIMS in GERMANY = Beating, Robberies, Gangs, & the Welfare State

2011-08-08 Thread Beowulf


 MUSLIMS in GERMANY = Beating, Robberies,
Gangs, & the Welfare State 

| August 8, 2011 at 1:32 PM | Categories:
 Islamization of the West
| URL:   http://wp.me/peHnV-xYy 

In the Rütli-Schule Hauptschule secondary school where daily violence has
made teaching  nearly impossible, 80% of students are Turkish muslims and
27% of their families live on welfare. Muslim students brag about beating up
German kids who are terrified. Yet teacher complaints not only go
unanswered, they are warned not to speak out.

Now, after many years in court, the Islamic Federation won the right to
begin teaching religious lessons in public schools; the organization began
teaching at 20 Berlin schools in Fall 2002.  Since the Federation’s
induction, teachers hired by the Islamic Federation and paid for by the city
of Berlin have taught thousands of school children. 

Since the introduction of Islamic instruction, effects of the classes have
spilled over into other parts of academic activities — parents fight to have
their girls taken out of swimming

pg?w=371&h=480classes, sports in general, and class field trips, on
religious grounds . The Islamic Federation actively distributed pamphlets
and forms to Muslim parents, urging parents petition to exempt their
daughters from such ordinary school activities and ALSO TO PETITION THE

Turkish prime minister
  says, Turks living abroad should take the citizenship of
their new home country — not, however, with the intention of becoming an
integrated part of that society, but so they can become politically active.
“We need to inoculate European culture with Turkish culture.” Turkish
Germans should not assimilate ~ as it is ‘a crime against humanity’ ~ now
iGermany should have Turkish speaking high schools.

The conservative daily Die Welt says: “PM Erdogan has (again) expressed how
little he cares about integration of Turkish immigrants. He sees them as a
sort of national reserve, to be called up at will to represent the interests
of Turkey. This appears more important to him than opening career
opportunities for Turks in Europe.”

H/T BarclayAvenue  


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[osint] What Makes Islam So Successful?

2011-08-07 Thread Beowulf
teachings of Islam and what it all means (if anything) for non-Muslims

What Makes Islam So Successful?

 IF YOU WANTED to deliberately design a
collection of ideas with the purpose of making one that might eventually
out-compete every other religion or political system on earth, you would be
hard-pressed to do better than Islam.

Let's look at some of the individual ideas within the collection, keeping in
mind that many of the ideas enhance each other. In other words, adding one
idea to the others can make the whole collection more effective because some
ideas work synergistically.

Here are some of the key components of the package of ideas (or bundle of
beliefs) known as Islam (you can see this same list as a linked outline


1. A standardized version of the idea-collection is written down.This is
something basic to several religions and isn't an Islamic invention, but it
is an important factor in the success of Islam.

Something only transmitted orally can change over time, but something
written will be identical a thousand years from now, and with modern
printing presses, can be reproduced in the millions, giving it an enormous
advantage in spreading identical copies of the idea-collection.

2. The Quran includes instructions for its own spread. It tells believers
must spread Islam. It is their holy duty to bring Mohammad's warnings and
 Islamic law to every
corner of the world.
 Read more about that.

3. The idea-collection includes instructions for its own preservation,
protection, and duplication.
 The Quran,
the most important of the Islamic holy books,

directly tells its followers that
 they can never change or modify or "modernize" any of the teachings
within the idea-collection. It is perfect as it is. It is a capital sin to
try to change it. This idea ensures the preservation of the whole

These first three ideas are pretty standard for several successful
religions. But now it gets interesting...

4. Islam commands its followers to create a government that supports it.
This may be one of the most ingenious ideas in the whole collection. Islam
is the only religion that uses it. Other groups of religious people have had
political aspirations, but no other major religious group
 orders its followers
 - as a religious duty -
  to create a government that follows its own system of law.

Islam has a system of law, called  
Sharia, and all Muslims are obligated to continually strive to make their
government - wherever they are - follow it. Because of some of the other
ideas added to Islam, you will see that this political addition to the
idea-collection has significant consequences.

Many people are under the impression that the goal of Islam is to convert
everyone to Islam. This is not so. The prime directive of Islam is to bring
all people on earth under the rule of Islamic law.
 Read more
about the political nature of the core doctrines of Islam.

5. Permission to spread the religion by war. This is another successful
innovation ( 
source). Although some other religions havespread themselves using force,
they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do

Not so with Islam.
 Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the
idea-collection. Islamic teachings present it this way: The non-Muslims need
to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't
voluntarily change their laws to Sharia, then it is a Muslim's duty to
insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows
the laws of Allah.

Mohammad's own experience showed the example - an example, says the Quran
 91 times, that

every Muslim should follow. At first, Mohammad tried to spread Islam by
peaceful m

[osint] Good Morning America

2011-08-07 Thread Beowulf

And how did you say that Obama fella was working out for you?

(Kitco News) -The early sentiment from the market place is not good
following the late-Friday Standard & Poors downgrade of the U.S. credit
rating and the latest pronouncements from European Union officials Sunday,
regarding their own more serious debt situation. December Comex gold futures
soared to a fresh all-time record high of $1,697.70 in early Sunday evening
trading, up over $40.00 an ounce from Friday's close, while Dow futures were
down over 300 points and crude oil prices were $2.80 a barrel lower, trading
around $84.00 a barrel, basis September Nymex futures. The U.S. dollar index
was only modestly lower in very early dealings Sunday. While it's still very
early in the week's trading activity and many markets have not even opened
for electronic trading, there is an ominous early tone to upcoming price
action in the market place Monday.

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[osint] The Sickness Besetting the Country, and the President

2011-08-07 Thread Beowulf
Jan. 20, 2013 seems so agonizingly far away..


The Sickness Besetting the Country, and the President | The Blog on Obama: 
White House Dossier 





The Sickness Besetting the Country, and the President

Keith Koffler, WhiteHouseDossier,com

There is a sickness gripping America, an systemic illness that threatens 
President Obama more than any particular problem.

Because the problems are but symptoms of the illness.

Two of the symptoms appeared just in the last few hours: the downgrade of U.S. 
debt, and the shooting down of a Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan, killing 31 
U.S. special forces.

The downgrade is not just an economic blow; it’s a disgrace. The helicopter is 
not an isolated incident, but consistent with stepped up attacks by a Taliban 
sensing our eagerness to leave.

The illness, perceived by a country that overwhelmingly says things are on the 
wrong track, is such: This country is out of control, and the president is 
either incompetent or unwilling to lead it.

Other symptoms abound: the abnegation of the U.S. leadership in the world, the 
rise of China to take our place, the failure to deal with a gnat like Qaddafi, 
the high price of gasoline, the millions of jobless Americans.

The president has both created the illness and failed to cure it, because he 
has failed to rise above his limitations: He is a leader who has never led 
anything larger than a Senate office, and he is a liberal ideologue.

The credit downgrade is the direct result of the president’s failure to get a 
handle on the cascading U.S. debt, a potentially existential threat to the 
nation. Instead of proposing serious solutions, he has actually raised 
spending, increasing outlays for many discretionary domestic programs and 
dropping an $800 billion stimulus bomb on the country.

And he took a trillion in potential debt reduction off the table when he “paid 
for” his health reform law, which will inevitably cost even more. This was 
exactly like someone who is maxed out on their credit cards heading over to 
Best Buy and coming home with a top of the line 60″ flat screen TV and a state 
of the art sound system.

Like such a compulsive shopper, Obama just had to have it. His ideology trumped 
any sense of responsible management of the country.

Similarly the war in Afghanistan. Presented by the military with the options of 
increasing troops by 80,000 to get the job done or 40,000 to maybe get the job 
done, he took 35,000. And just as even this limited number was starting to have 
some success, he began withdrawing them.

If the job is not going to get done, it would have been better to take the 
option that had been offered by Vice President Biden – ignominious defeat, with 
the withdrawal of most troops while trying to keep the pressure on al Qaeda. At 
least we wouldn’t be wasting lives.

But the president harbors the traditional liberal abhorrence of anything having 
to do with war. It just is not in him to fight a war in the brutal manner 
necessary to win it. And so we have incompetent leadership in wartime.

Conservatives will be out in force in 2012 because of Obama’s ideology. But 
what’s worse for him, independents are turning on him because of his 

Both groups will be responding to the pervasive sickness, that of a great 
nation suffering indignities and crises it hasn’t experienced since the era of 
the last failed Democratic president, Jimmy Carter.



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[osint] Thankfully, Speeches won't save O

2011-08-07 Thread Beowulf



  Description: Description: New York PostUpdated:
Sun., Aug. 7, 2011, 4:13 AM Description: Description: home

Speeches won't save O


Last Updated: 4:13 AM, August 7, 2011

Posted: 10:59 PM, August 6, 2011

There was drama at the White House this week when a man tried to hurl
himself over the fence. But the Secret Service intervened and talked the
president into going back inside and finishing his term. 

That's from Conan O'Brien's monologue the other night. It captures the
moment pretty well. Obama's poll numbers continue to fall, his position in
the battleground states to deteriorate. From Politico: "Obama emerges from
the months-long [debt ceiling] fracas weaker - and facing much deeper and
more durable political obstacles - than his own advisers ever imagined." The
president seemed to admit as much when he met with supporters at a
fund-raiser in Chicago. "When I said 'Change we can believe in,' I didn't
say, 'Change we can believe in tomorrow.' Not 'Change we can believe in next
week.' We knew this was going to take time." When presidents talk like that,
they're saying: This isn't working.

One fact emerged rather starkly during the crisis, and it will likely have
implications in the coming year. It is that the president misunderstands
himself as a political figure. Specifically, he misunderstands his
rhetorical powers. He thinks they are huge. They are not. They are limited.

His conviction led to an interesting historic moment, and certainly a
dramatic one, during the debt ceiling negotiations.

It was late Wednesday afternoon, July 13, in the Cabinet Room in the White
House. Budget negotiations between Democrats and Republicans had been going
on for months. The president, the vice president and congressional leaders
on both sides were meeting again. Late in the meeting, House Majority Leader
Eric Cantor asked the president a question. As Cantor told it this week, he
was thinking about how the White House and the Republicans were still far
apart on the size of budget cuts. He felt the president and his party were
hung up on an insistence on raising taxes. Cantor asked Obama if he would
drop his stand that the debt ceiling should be raised without
dollar-for-dollar cuts. At that point, said Cantor, the president "turned to
me and said, 'Eric, don't call my bluff.' He said, 'I'm going to take this
to the American people.' " Then he got up and left.

The president was confident he could go over the heads of the opposition and
win the day with his powers of persuasion. On July 25 he made his move, with
a prime-time national address.

Boy, did it not work.

It was a speech with a calm surface but a rough undertow. "The wealthiest
Americans" and "biggest corporations" should "give up some of their breaks."
The "burden" must be "fairly shared." The problem is Republicans, who are
"insisting" on an approach that "doesn't ask the wealthiest Americans or the
biggest corporations to contribute anything at all." These Republicans ask
nothing of "those at the top of the income scale." Their stand would
"threaten working families" and enrich the "corporate jet owner," the "oil
companies" and "hedge fund managers." But don't worry, "the 98% of Americans
who make under $250,000 would see no tax increases at all." "Millionaires
and billionaires" must "share in the sacrifice." Otherwise the government
may not be able to send out Social Security checks.

It was, obviously, an attempt at class warfare. But class warfare is
inherently manipulative, and people often sense manipulation and lean away
from it. Americans at this point - they've been through the 20th century -
don't like attempts to divide them. It turns things sour.

Beyond that, it was the kind of appeal Americans would only begin to conside
r if the person making it had a lot of personal trust built up in the
credibility bank. Obama doesn't have that kind of trust. How many people
think he's broad-gauged, genuine, knowing, or that his judgment on political
issues is superior?

So the big speech went nowhere. It moved the dial nowhere but down. The
president's poll numbers continued to fall. And soon the White House put up
a white flag and dropped the insistence on tax increases, and Democrats and
Republicans came up with a bill that finally passed both houses.

The July 25 speech was of a piece with most of the president's rhetorical
leadership through the debt ceiling crisis. Some of his statements were
patronizing: We have to "eat our peas." He was boring in the way that people
who are essentially ideological are al ways boring. They bleed any realness
out of their arguments. They are immersed in abstractions that get reduced
to platitudes, and so they never seem to be telling it straight. And he was
a joy-free zone. No matter how much the president tries to smile, and he has
a lovely smile, one is always aware of his grim task: income equality,
redistribution, taxes. Come, let us suffer together.

But th

[osint] UK Mosque Searcher : The rest of London (339 mosques).

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf



UK Mosque Searcher



Home   > Towns 
  > London 
  > Tottenham 
Masjid Ayesha...

Masjid Ayesha

Also known as, or co-located with: Islamic Community Centre, Tottenham Mosque

115 Clyde Road, Tottenham, London, Greater London, N15 4JZ 


Phone: 020 8808 5506, 020 8809 2137, Fax: 020 8211 7019

Website: http://www.icconline.org.uk    

Capacity: 300 (including women)  

Theme: Maudoodi and Deobandi  

Management: Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Somali  

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  | Latest UK Mosques Statistics 

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Affiliations: Muslim Council of Britain. Self-certified as conforming to one or 
more of MINAB's 5 standards.


Registered charity, view: Charity Commission Report 


Premises was formerly: Community Hall, civil  

Data Accuracy:
Full (A): Reasonably recent first hand knowledge of the masjid. 

 Last Updated: 24th September 2010

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neighbourhood (5 mosques).

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[osint] A Failed Presidency

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf


A Failed Presidency -- The American Problem

  ForbesBy John Mariotti | Forbes – 12 hrs ago



Few Americans needed Standard & Poor to confirm the mismanagement of the
United States government and its finances.  The downgrading of American
credit will raise interest rates on America’s huge debt and ultimately on
all Americans.  Popular polls say that most Americans blame Congress—but
that’s too simplistic.  As much as Barack Obama would like to shift that
blame onto Congress, the fault lies squarely on the shoulders of President.
It is first and foremost a leadership problem that is crippling America—and
the leader is President Barack Obama—not the many members of Congress.

No matter how many speeches he makes, the conclusion is clear: Obama’s
greatest failure is spending America into enormous deficits, and being
clueless about how to get the economy to recover.  His speeches, riddled
with “I” and “We” are mostly serving to indict him for his failings.
Appearing on TV more than any other sitting president, Barack Obama is
constantly “explaining” why things aren’t working, when he should be working
on what to do different and better.


Instead he is “campaigning,” which is the only thing he knows how to do
reasonable well.  But he can’t fix the economy; he has neither the
experience nor the knowhow to do it.  His failed, misguided policies have
only exacerbated the size of his mistakes and shortcomings. 

“I didn’t say ‘Change we can believe in tomorrow.,.’ I didn’t say, ‘Change
we can believe in next week…’  “We knew this was going to take time.”
—Barack Obama, Aug. 4, 2011.

Obama has surrounded himself with academics, theoreticians and politicians
and all of their solutions are wrong, flawed and ineffective.  Don’t take my
word for it.  Look at the evidence.  Nobody in his  inner circle has
meaningful business experience.  He not only doesn’t understand business, he
dislikes businesses; they are only useful as a way to collect taxes to


For Barack Obama’s first 18 months, and occasionally even today, he and his
loyalists try to place the lion’s share of the blame for America’s problems
with George W. Bush.  There is little doubt that Bush erred seriously on
several counts:  he initiated two expensive wars and then saw the Iraq war
mismanaged for at least 2-3 years.


Then Bush failed, along with the (then) GOP led Congress to rein in spending
to compensate for the cost of these wars.  Finally, he reduced tax rates and
created the Medicare prescription drug program (which turned out to work
better and cost far less than was feared). Coincidentally, the much-maligned
TARP initiated by Bush actually staved off a financial collapse and is
largely being paid back by the banks and insurance companies involved.  In
perhaps his greatest mistake, Bush failed to veto a single spending bill
sent to him by Congress. 


Bush’s mistakes were clearly serious errors, but they pale in comparison
with Obama’s failures since he took office.  The Democratically controlled
Congress was complicit with Obama’s failures.  They have not submitted, and
Obama has not submitted a realistic budget for the country in over 800
days—a clear failure to meet their responsibilities. (Exception: Obama’s
irresponsible Feb. budget, which was voted down 97-0 by a Democratically
controlled Senate.)


To chronicle Obama’s failures and his shortcomings is impossible within the
length of a simple blog post.  A few of them are most notable.  Obama aided
and abetted by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid rammed the new health care
legislation down the throat of America—and Obamacare was created.  Parts of
it are well-intentioned, but much of it is feared by Americans and
especially small businesses.  Arguably some of Obama’s greatest damage to
the economy has been done by his appointees in the EPA, NLRB, CPSC, et. al.,
and the Justice Department.  American business is oppressed by regulation.
Sadly, Obama barely realizes this.


Next came the $840 billion “stimulus” package, (mostly pork and patronage),
which worked poorly or not at all—unless you consider creating jobs at
$275,000 each to be a good solution.  Not enough “shovel-ready” projects
were really “shovel-ready” Obama admitted recently, chuckling awkwardly at
his naiveté.  Obama and his experts (now mostly gone back to finance or
academia) predicted a drop of unemployment to under 8% when the number of
jobless went the other way—upward.  Now, more Americans have been out of
work, for longer, than any time in the past half-century.


Obamacare not only violated many of his eloquent campaign promises; e.g.,
Taxes on Americans earning less than $200/$250,000 per year will no increase
one penny—except for the new Obamacare tax to 3.8% applied to investment
income—which will hit millions of Americans. When f

[osint] Reports of al-Qaeda's Demise have been Greatly Exaggerated.

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf


Mission Not Accomplished

Reports of al Qaeda's demise have been greatly exaggerated.




U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's
 statement last month that al
Qaeda's defeat is "within reach" should be cause for celebration. But given
the decentralization of the jihadi movement over the past decade, that
victory may be meaningless. Although U.S. counterterrorism efforts have
indeed substantially weakened the organization, Panetta's comments miss the
bigger point about the terrorist threat facing the United States. Over the
past decade, that threat has morphed from one led by a hierarchical al Qaeda
organization into something much more diffuse, with a greater presence
online, that no longer depends on orders from senior leaders in Pakistan. 

nt_bubble.gifCOMMENTS (3) SHARE: 







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Without doubt, Osama bin Laden's death was a major setback to the
organization, and his charismatic leadership will be difficult to replace.
But senior officials in Barack Obama's administration are also arguing that
the tactic of targeting mid- to senior-level al Qaeda leaders is finally --
after many years -- beginning to pay dividends. That is, perhaps, an overly
optimistic view. The reality is the terrorist threat has simply adapted to
the post-9/11 security environment, and there is no evidence to suggest
there are any fewer jihadists targeting the United States today. In fact,
most anecdotal evidence seems to suggest there are more. Over the last three
years, while the policy of targeted killings has been waged, al Qaeda in the
Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has emerged as the most lethal of the terrorist
network's franchises. While Panetta and other officials have acknowledged
that AQAP now poses the greater threat to the United States, the pronouncing
of al Qaeda's impending demise nonetheless downplays the the equally if not
more dangerous enemy that has emerged out of the ideology of the original.
Over the coming years, American-born cleric and AQAP spokesman Anwar
al-Awlaki seems poised to prove a significant politicizing figure -- perhaps
even more so than bin Laden -- and a highly effective radicalizing force for
militant jihad. 

As drone warfare has waged in Waziristan and Afghanistan, AQAP leaders have
operated with relative ease in Yemen and have successfully carried out a
number of attacks against foreign and Yemeni targets in the country. These
include deadly attacks against the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa in September 2008,
dual suicide bombings against South Korean delegations in March 2009, the
alleged dispatching of Carlos Bledsoe to open fire at a military recruitment
office in Little Rock, Arkansas, in June 2009, and scores of attacks against
security forces in Marib, Abyan, Shabwa, and other provinces of Yemen over
the last two years. AQAP has also attempted two explosives attacks against
airliners arriving in the United States, notably Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's
attempted suicide bombing on Christmas Day 2009, using advanced chemicals in
creative ways to bypass security measures. It seems unlikely the group would
not attempt another similar attack in the future. 

As the  
New York Times reported this June 14, the CIA is building a new base
somewhere near the Arabian Peninsula to launch additional airstrikes against
AQAP. Whether future attacks against the group will pay dividends is
unknown, but those in recent year

[osint] Muslim Family Terrorized After Daughter Marries a Christian... in Britain

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf


Muslim Family Terrorized After Daughter Marries a Christian... in Britain

Friday, 05 August 2011 09:29 Robert Spencer 


The fact that the family is albino adds an unusual dimension to the story,
but is ultimately beside the point. The real story here is that a family in
Britain is being terrorized for reasons enshrined in Islamic law.

> If you like this article, please support Right Side News

Islamic law forbids Muslim women to marry Christian men. Muslim men can
marry Christian women with the expectation that the children will follow the
religion of their father. This supremacist design, together with the
allowance of up to four wives under Sharia, is intended to accelerate the
increase of the Muslim population, and to aid the decrease or stagnation of
the non-Muslim population. "Family of albino Muslims terrorised after one of
them marries a Christian man," from the Daily Mail
 , August 4 (thanks to all who sent this

A family of albino Muslims are being terrorised by bigots because their
daughter married a man from another religion. 

The so-called 'honour' retribution has included smashed windows at their
Coventry home, vandalised cars and death threats.

Now, head of the family Aslam Parvez has made a plea to the culprits to end
the hatred.

Aslam Parvez, 53, blames members of the Muslim community who believe the
family have been dishonoured by his daughter's marriage.

The hate campaign started five months ago when a national magazine published
an article on albinos which featured Naseem, who no longer lives in Coventry
and has little contact with her family.

It revealed how she has married a Christian, goes to church and is expecting
her second child with her husband.

Mr Parvez says copies of the article were quickly spread maliciously, and
were posted on walls near their house and through the doors of Muslim homes
in the community.

Mr Parvez says he has received numerous death threats and has spent hundreds
of pounds installing security cameras around his house.

He has now stopped going to mosque and says he may be forced to flee the
city with his wife Shameem Akhtar, 55, three sons Mohammed, 17, Haider, 28,
Gulam, 30, and daughters Muqadas, 26 and Musarat, 19.

Mr Parvez called the police last week and officers are investigating the

'We want it to stop now,' Mr Parvez said in a direct appeal to the culprits.

'We've had enough of all these bad things. We're not a bad family and have
done nothing wrong.

'We're being punished for our daughter's decision. We just want to live our
lives in peace.

'I'm a good religious man. Look at your own lives before you judge us.

'I know deep in my heart that I am a good man. God will judge you for what
you've done to us.'

Mr Parvez was born in Pakistan and moved to Coventry at the age of 10 to
join his family. He later met and married his Shameem, who is also an

Their six children inherited their parents' condition, which causes an
absence of pigmentation and partial sightedness.

Mr Parvez says their condition has meant they have been subjected to
ridicule, but recent events have made their lives unbearable.

'I've always had it bad,' Mr Parvez said. 'I was called names when I went to
school and then when I went to work.

'You get funny looks in the street but you get used to it.

'We've dealt with discrimination all our lives. This has made us feel 10
times worse.'

A Coventry Police spokesman said they received an allegation from the family
on July 20 and are investigating the matter.

Mandy Sanghera, a social worker and Coventry expert in honour violence, is
supporting the family.

She said: 'This family is already vulnerable because of their condition and
have clearly been affected by honour violence against them.

'They don't deserve it. They need the support of the community not to be
alienated by them. I urge those responsible for doing this to stop.

SOURCE: Jihad Watch

Robert_SpencerROBERT SPENCER is the director of Jihad Watch, a program of
the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and the author of ten books, including
the New York Times bestsellers The Truth About Muhammad and The Politically
Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) (both Regnery). He is coauthor,
with P

[osint] Western Police Cover-up Islamic Murders, Berlin, Detroit, Florida

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf


August 05, 2011

Berlin: Islamic "Honor" Killing Bloodbath, Mother and sister of ex-wife Shot

The silence of the media on the religious motivation of gendercide and
gender apartheid is inhumane, disgusting and criminal. Lawsuits have been
filed in Dearborn, Michigan against law enforcement for covering up honor
killings -- and the Islamic honor murder of Fatima Abdallah in Florida
remains classfied as suicide by coffee table.

Please join us on August 24th for the Aqsa Parvez Memorial Grove dedication

in memory of honor killing victims worldwide. This is the first initiative
of its kind, dedicated to calling attention to this enforcement of the most
savage elements of Islamic law against women: wives, daughters, and sisters.
One can't even begin to fathom the lost dreams and ideals and promises and
hopes for a full life extinguished by the tyrannical, hatemongering macho
culture of Islamic supremacism.

Demand the world's condemnation of Islamic misogyny, gender apartheid and
the dehumanization of women. This should be the first of tens of thousands
of memorials, but the point of the memorials does not end simply with the
memorials themselves. The memorials show that we have not forgotten and will
not forget these girls. And the memorials are just a part of a larger
determination to show the Islamic world that we simply will not allow this
barbaric practice of Islamic honor killing to stand in the West. We will
plant millions of groves.

Bloodbath in Berlin as morning 'honour killing sees jilted lover shoot
mother and sister of ex-wife dead' Daily Mail
  August 5, 2011 (hat tip BNI)

A horrific scene unfolded in Berlin in broad daylight yesterday morning when
a gunman fired a volley of shots into a car, killing two women and seriously
injuring the man driving it.

The execution-style massacre was carried out in the busy Wedding district of
the city and was witnessed by horrified shoppers and commuters.

Media reports suggest it may have been a so-called 'honour killing', as the
car apparently contained the 24-year-old ex-wife of the gunman, who survived
the ordeal. 

 'Honour killing' bloodbath in Berlin as gunman shoots dead two | Mail

Bloodbath: The assassination-style shooting took place in a busy area of
Berlin in broad daylight

Bloodbath: The assassination-style shooting took place in a busy area of
Berlin in broad daylight

Investigation: Berlin Police officers gather evidence at the grisly scene 

Investigation: Police officers gather evidence at the grisly scene

The driver, despite being shot in the head and shoulder, also survived, but
the woman's mother, 45, and younger sister, 22, who were both sitting in the
back seat with her, died.



*   Shaking hands in celebration on a bus, thugs who had just hunted
down a schoolboy, 16, like a pack of animals and stabbed him to death


Police identified the alleged gunman as a 26-year-old Turk called Mehmet Y,
who fled the scene. It's believed he was married to the 24-year-old woman
passenger for four months.

A police spokesman told German newspaper Bild: 'He fired at least seven,
probably more, bullets.'

The front passenger seat was occupied by a man who was unscathed by the
attack, but the 24-year-old woman received hospital treatment for serious

Shock: Berlin has been left reeling by the cold-blooded killing, which took
place in a district popular with the city's Turkish population

Shock: Berlin has been left reeling by the cold-blooded killing, which took
place in a district popular with the city's Turkish population

No mercy from Berlin gunman: Two women sitting in the back seat were killed
by the shooter, but the driver managed to survive

No mercy: Two women sitting in the back seat were killed by the shooter, but
the driver managed to survive

Brutal: Police say that the Berlin gunman fired at least seven shots into
the car

Brutal: Police say that the gunman fired at least seven shots into the car

Grief: Witnesses at the scene in the Wedding district struggle to come to
terms with the horror that unfolded

Grief: Witnesses at the scene in the Wedding district struggle to come to
terms with the horror that unfolded

The cold brutally of the shooting - and the fact that it took place in a
busy area in daylight - has stunned G

[osint] Is it Fair to Paint All Islamic Schools of Thought as Violent?

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf
Is the Pope Catholic?



  Is it Fair to Paint All Islamic Schools of
Thought as Violent? 


 Is it
Fair to Paint All Islamic Schools of Thought as Violent? 

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 03:11 PM PDT

The following is a chapter of
 Islam 101:

Islamic apologists often point out that Islam is not a monolith and that
there are differences of opinion among the different Islamic schools of
thought. That is true, but, while there are differences, there are also
common elements.

Just as Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant Christians differ on many
aspects of Christianity, still they accept important common elements. So it
is with Islam. One of the common elements to all Islamic schools of thought
is jihad, understood as the obligation of the Ummah (the global Muslim
community; the body of Muslim faithful) to conquer and subdue the world in
the name of Allah and rule it under Sharia law.

The four Sunni Madhhabs (schools of fiqh [Islamic religious jurisprudence])
- Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali - all agree that there is a
collective obligation on Muslims to make war on the rest of the world.

Furthermore, even the schools of thought outside Sunni orthodoxy, including
Sufism and the Jafari (Shia) school, agree on the necessity of jihad.

When it comes to matters of jihad, the different schools disagree on such
questions as whether infidels must first be asked to convert to Islam before
hostilities may begin (Osama bin Laden asked America to convert before
Al-Qaeda's attacks); how plunder should be distributed among victorious
jihadists; whether a long-term Fabian strategy against dar al-harb is
preferable to an all-out frontal attack; etc.

[ return to the Table of Contents of Islam 101

Islam 101   was
written by Gregory M. Davis, author of Religion of Peace?: Islam's War
Against the World
 , and the
producer/director of Islam: What the West Needs to Know






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[osint] First Nazi Auschwitz Prisoners Were The Christians: Roman Catholics From Poland

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf


 First Nazi Auschwitz Prisoners
Were The Christians: Roman Catholics From Poland 

  Volubrjotr | August 6,
2011 at 15:25 | Tags:
Concentration Camp,  
Extermination camp,  
Holocaust,   jewish,
 Rita Cosby,
 World War II | Categories:
 Roman Catholic,
 treason | URL:

Death Books 

This data base uses the partially preserved Death Books (Sterbebücher) of
Auschwitz Concentration Camp

prisoners. The 46 volumes of political department (camp Gestapo) record the
deaths of almost 69,000 prisoners who were registered in the camp and who
died between July 29, 1941 and December 31, 1943. Their names have been
entered in the data base.



Limited number of records

When using the data base, please remember that the death certificates cover
only registered prisoners who died in the period mentioned in the previous
paragraph. The overwhelming majority of victims, mostly Jewish
 , perished in the gas chambers
immediately after arrival, without being entered in the camp records, and
without their deaths being noted in the German documents.



An analysis of the “denomination” item shows that the majority of the
registered prisoners in the Death Books were Roman Catholic (31814 persons
�C 46,8%) and Jewish (“Mosaic”) (29125 persons �C 42,8%). Others belonged
to the following denominations: Greek Orthodox (3,6%), Evangelical-Lutheran
  (3,4%), and Greek Catholic
(1,6%). This item is left blank on 1,275 (1,9%) death certificates.

Memorial Museum Auschwitz  

The voice of Pius XII   is a
lonely voice in the silence and darkness enveloping Europe
  this Christmas… he is about the only
ruler left on the Continent of Europe who dares to raise his voice at all…
the Pope put himself squarely against Hitlerism… he left no doubt that the
Nazi aims are also irreconcilable with Christian peace.

- The New York Times   (Dec. 25, 1941, p. 20)


http://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/image002.jpeg?w=200&h=183Ms. Cosby
(left) is shown as she submits her application for membership in the
Downstate N.Y.  Division of the Polish American Congress
  to President Frank
Milewski (right) and Andrew Kaminski, co-chair of the Children of Polish
Christian Holocaust Survivors, himself the son of an Auschwitz survivor.

Brooklyn N.Y… Flag Day, June 14th, is that special day intended to remind
  they should honor
their country by displaying its flag from their homes and public places.
When Polish Americans   raise
the Stars and Stripes on Flag Day, many of them

[osint] America's Debt Downgrade........obama to blame.

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf


America’s debt downgrade is a damning indictment of President Obama’s Big 
Government disaster – Telegraph Blogs 




By Nile Gardiner   
World   Last updated: August 
6th, 2011


  Comment on this article 


The decision by credit agency Standard and Poor’s to downgrade America’s AAA 
credit rating 

  for the first time in 70 years is a massive blow to the credibility of the 
Obama administration, and a damning indictment of its handling of the economy. 
No doubt the White House will pathetically try to blame the Bush 
Administration, Republicans in Congress, and of course its favourite target, 
the Tea Party, for the move by S&P. But without a shadow of a doubt, 
responsibility for the country’s financial mess and staggering levels of debt 
lie with the current US president and his administration. They have been in 
charge of running the economy for over 30 months, during which time the United 
States has witnessed an unprecedented increase in government spending and 

As the Congressional Budget Office revealed In January 
 , the deficits generated under the 
Obama administration are the largest since the end of World War Two:

The deficits of $1.4 trillion in 2009 and $1.3 trillion in 2010 are, when 
measured as a share of gross domestic product (GDP), the largest since 
1945—representing 10.0 percent and 8.9 percent of the nation’s output, 
respectively… Just two years ago, debt held by the public was less than $6 
trillion, or about 40 percent of GDP; at the end of fiscal year 2010, such debt 
was roughly $9 trillion, or 62 percent of GDP.

The implications of this debt downgrade are extremely serious, not least with 
46 percent of US Treasuries 

  owned by foreigners. As  

 The Wall Street Journal notes, the United States now has a score that ranks 
“below Liechtenstein and on par with Belgium and New Zealand”:

the move by S&P could serve as a psychological haymaker for an American 
economic recovery that can’t find much traction, and could do more damage to 
investors’ increasing lack of faith in a political system that is struggling to 
reach consensus on even everyday policy items. It could lead to the prompt 
downgrades of numerous companies and states, driving up their costs for 
borrowing. Policy makers are also anxious about the hidden icebergs the move 
could suddenly reveal. …. Lessons from other countries, such as Canada and 
Australia, suggest it can take years for a country to win back its AAA rating.

Since President Obama took office in January 2009, the United States has 
embarked on the most ambitious failed experiment in Washington meddling in US 
history. Huge increases in government spending, massive federal bailouts, 
growing regulations on businesses, thinly veiled protectionism, and the launch 
of a vastly expensive and deeply unpopular health care reform plan, have all 
combined to instill fear and uncertainty in the markets. Free enterprise has 
taken a backseat to continental European-style interventionism, as an intensely 
ideological left wing administration has sought to dramatically increase the 
role of the state in shaping the US economy. The end result has been a dramatic 
fall in economic freedom  , 
sluggish growth, poor consumer confidence, high unemployment, a collapsing 
housing market, and an overall decline in US prosperity, with more than 45 
million Americans 

  now reliant on food stamps – that’s over one seventh of the entire country.

These are increasingly dangerous times, with American l

[osint] Quick Study: Egypt's MB Getting The Hang of "Democracy"

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf


  omubarak mubarakbed





[In the Islamic world nature fills a power vacuum with – ta-da! – Islam. df]





  Egypt's Muslim 
Brotherhood holds vote in public  




Most popular and organized political force in Egypt was banned, harassed 
semi-tolerated, during 30-year rule of former president Hosni Mubarak.  


CAIRO - Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood held a public internal election on Saturday 
for the first time in its history in a display of openness before a 
parliamentary election in November.


The Brotherhood, Egypt's most popular and organized political force, was banned 
and often harassed, but semi-tolerated, during the 30-year rule of former 
president Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted by an uprising in February.


"The group is doing this now as it wants to set a model in democracy and 
transparency ahead of the parliamentary vote," Mustapha al-Sayyid, political 
science professor at Cairo University, said of the Brotherhood's public vote.


"Having an internal election in public will certainly increase the credibility 
of the group among the public," he said.


The Brotherhood is generally seen as the best prepared group for the November 
election in which its newly formed "Freedom and Justice" party will contest 
half the assembly's seats.


Founded in the 1920s, the organization has endured years of repression and 
maintained strong grassroots support in Egypt's conservative Muslim society 
partly through a broad social program. It won a fifth of the seats in the 2005 
parliamentary election when it fielding its candidates as independents.


But the Brotherhood has lately been suffering from internal squabbles and 
criticism about its vague economic and political plans. It has also come under 
fire for some public statements in which it took the side of the military 
council which took over from Mubarak, rather than backing groups seeking faster 


Saturday's vote, to which journalists were invited, was to pick replacements 
for three senior figures who resigned from the Brotherhood's administrative 
body in April to join the Freedom and Justice Party, which the group says will 
be independent.


The three men are party leader Mohamed Mursi, deputy leader Essam Elarian and 
secretary-general Mohamed Saed Elkatatny.


"The elections taking place in this open manner is one of the gains of the 
blessed revolution that has allowed freedom of expression and granted freedom 
to all Egyptian citizens, including the Muslim Brotherhood," the group's guide, 
Mohamed Badie, said in a speech at the event at a Cairo hotel.


The voters were members of the Brotherhood's 122-strong decision-making Shura 


The Brotherhood then hosted a Ramadan Iftar banquet, at a cost put by a local 
newspaper at about a million Egyptian pounds ($168,000), with guests expected 
to include military council members, government officials and presidential 




Related: Andrew C. McCarthy,  
 Sharia is not a figment 
of our imagination.


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[osint] Ramadan sucks, Islam sucks!

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf


Ramadan sucks, Islam sucks! 

boudicabpi   | 08, 06, 11 
at 11:14 am | Categories: Allah  , 
Barack Obama  , Caliphate 
 , Christian 
 , Christians 
 , church 
 , Church Burning 
 , Islam 
 , Islamic 
 , Islamist 
 , Koran 
 , mosque 
 , Muhammad 
 , Muslims 
 , Obama 
 , President Obama 
 , Quran 
 , Ramadan 
 , threats 
 , Uncategorized 
 , war 
 , War on Terror 
 , War with Islam 
  | URL: http://wp.me/pe3o5-1Uj 

And we should give a flying fuck about Muslims and hurting their feelings? 
Obama can apologize, find excuses for, and praise their great "religion". I 

Ramadan Bombathon 2011 Scorecard    

Day 5

In the name of
The Religion
of Peace 

In the name of
All Other


Terror Attacks 




Dead Bodies




Not all attacks are immediately listed on TROP 



Indonesia: Muslims Kick Off Ramadan By Burning Churches 


On August 6, 2011,  by velvethammer 


But don’t blame the Muslim jihadists, the churches should not of been built out 
of wood. This is what they get for choosing an inflammable building material. 
According to local police that is…


 ) Jakarta –A mob of a hundred people attacked and set fire to two Protestant 
house churches in Logas Tanah Darat, in the Regency of Kuantan, Riau Province 
(Sumatra). The incident occurred August 1, coinciding with the start of 
Ramadan, the holy month of fasting and prayer for Muslims, but the news was 
broadcast by a radio station in Jakarta only late yesterday afternoon. The new 
attack against the Christian minority, according to some experts, is also a 
consequence of the “soft” sentences recently imposed by courts against 
extremists and Islamic leaders in Indonesia.

One of the two places of worship burned belonged to the Protestant Christian 
Batak Synod (Hkbp). Sahat Tarigan, leader of the Protestant Christian Karo, 
reports of at least 100 people who gathered around the building, chanting 
hostile slogans and brandishing weapons. Suddenly the assailants poured 
gasoline over the place of worship, then set it on fire. Previously, the crowd 
had attacked another house church located about five kilometers away.
However, in Indonesia there are frequent cases of violence against religious 
minorities and places of worship. And the police, instead of pursuing those 
responsible, justify the fires – as happened in the last case – arguing that 
the churches are built of wood “and so burn easily.”



Obama should speak out against the Islamic violence/persecution against 
Christians in his boyhood home of Indonesia. In all actuality he should speak 
out more often against Islamic Christian persecution across the globe, but 
there is just not enough time in the day. So the very the least he should do is 
denounce the evil Islamic goings on in Indonesia.

Don’t hold your breath…


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


[osint] US has 'snatch-and-grab' plan for Pak's nuclear weapons

2011-08-06 Thread Beowulf
If you're going to shoot, shoot.don't talk about it.


No Muslim should be permitted anywhere near anything nuclear.





US has 'snatch-and-grab' plan for Pak's nuclear weapons

PTI | Aug 6, 2011, 02.26PM IST


Comments (40)



Pakistan's nuclear weapons has long been a high US security priority even
before 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

WASHINGTON: The US has a contingency plan to "snatch-and-grab" Pakistan's
nuclear weapons, if and when the President believes they are threat to
either America or its interests, a media report has said, amid strains in
bilateral ties. 

Plans have been drawn up for dealing with worst-case scenarios in Pakistan,
NBC news   reported
quoting current and former US officials, who say that ensuring security of
Pakistan's nuclear weapons has long been a high US security priority even
before 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

Among the scenarios drawn by the report is Pakistan plunging into internal
chaos, terrorist mounting a serious attack against a nuclear facility,
hostilities breaking out with India
  or Islamic extremist
taking charge of the government or the Pakistan army

NBC said the greatest success of the US war on terrorism, the military
operation that killed Osama bin Laden in his safe house in Pakistan in
May..., has fuelled concerns about Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. 

The report said there were increasing suspicions among US officials that
Osama had support within the ISI
  and the Abbottabad
  operation had
emboldened those in Washington who believe an orchestrated campaign of
lightning raids to secure Pakistan's nuclear weapons could succeed. 

In the aftermath of the bin Laden raid, US military officials have testified
before Congress about the security of Pakistan's nuclear weapons and the
threat posed by "loose nukes" - nuclear weapons or materials outside the
government's control. And earlier Pentagon
  reports also outline
scenarios in which US forces would intervene to secure nuclear weapons that
were in danger of falling into the wrong hands. 

Such discussions of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, now believed to consist of
as many as 115 nuclear bombs and missile warheads, have gotten the attention
of current and former Pakistani officials. 

In an interview with NBC News, former Pakistan military ruler Pervez
warned that a snatch-and-grab operation would lead to all-out war between
the countries, calling it "total confrontation by the whole nation against
whoever comes in." 

"These are assets which are the pride of Pakistan, assets which are
dispersed and very secure in very secure places, guarded by a corps of
18,000 soldiers," said a combative Musharraf, who led Pakistan for nearly a
decade and is again running for president. 

"...(This) is not an army which doesn't know how to fight. This is an army
which has fought three wars. Please understand that," he said. 

Pervez Hoodboy, Pakistan's best known nuclear physicist and a human rights
advocate, rarely agrees with the former president. But he, too, says a US
attempt to take control of Pakistan's nukes would be foolhardy. 

"They are said to be hidden in tunnels under mountains, in cities, as well
as regular air force and army bases," he said. "A US snatch operation could
trigger war; it should never be attempted." 

Despite such comments, interviews with current and former US officials,
military reports and even congressional testimony indicate that Pakistan's
weaponry has been the subject of continuing discussions, scenarios, war
games and possibly even military exercises by US intelligence and special
forces regarding so-called "snatch-and-grab" operations. 

"It's safe to assume that planning for the worst-case scenario regarding
Pakistan nukes has ready taken place inside the US government," said Roger
Cressey  , former
deputy director of counter-terrorism in the Clinton and Bush White House
 . "This issue remains
one of the highest priorities of the US intelligence community ... and the
White House." 

Jeffrey T Richelson
 , an
intelligence historian, has written extensively about the possibility of a
US military operation aimed at Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, notably in his
2009 book 'Defusing Armageddon.' 

The book focuses on the US Nuclear Emergency Search Team

[osint] God's Will in a Military Maxim

2011-08-05 Thread Beowulf


August 5, 2011

God's Will in a Military Maxim

Thomas Smith, Jr.

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Years ago, I wrote a piece entitled, "Spirituality and military service,"
wherein I said service in the military is something akin to a religious


Writing then I said, "It is important that this is so." After all, to be a
good soldier one needs to embrace the soldierly virtues (those 'religious'
intangibles like loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity,
and personal courage), because soldiers in combat have to deal with the
weighty responsibilities of life and death. Who leads? Who follows? Who
lives? Who dies? And why?


This relationship between spirituality and military service has existed as
the proverbial heart-and-soul of all combat forces since the beginning of
recorded military history - with all belligerents believing God was (or is)
on their side, and Napoleon himself once musing that "God is on the side of
the biggest battalions."


What I did not address in that piece was that the relationship between
spirituality and military service may also be seen and appreciated in the
light of how we - in a very personal, perhaps primal sense - thwart the
corrupting influence of man's fallen nature. In other words how the
relationship between spirituality and military service gives us strength to
overcome the pitfalls of that particular soldierly drive we know to be


Make no mistake, a good soldier needs to be ambitious (in a measured
degree). Ambition is a reflection of his competitive nature, and without it
he has no fire within him to win.


Just as fire is necessary to fuel life, ambition is needed to fuel
competition. But like fire, ambition can quickly rage out of control, begin
to overwhelm the aforementioned soldierly virtues, and ultimately do more
damage than good.


This drive (or ambition) must be tempered.


As a means of tempering this drive this we have a military maxim: The
mission first, then the men, lastly me. It is simple albeit perfect formula
which, not only ensures the greatest chance of success in a given mission,
but it acknowledges the importance of the personal drive, yet keeps it under


In my opinion, the mission and the men (both being first) are everything by
God's own design.


Problem is, even though we all understand this, the
fallen-nature-of-ourselves tries to sidetrack us into that ugly selfishness
- when ambition begins to overheat to the point that the military leader
becomes consumed with the desire to be appreciated and recognized. This is
not a good thing for a military leader.


The maxim - a tool to be applied in every instance of sound military
leadership - protects the military leader from himself. The maxim reminds
the military leader that he must always put the mission first, then take
care of the men. That does not mean the men are taking a backseat to the
mission. In fact, many of us like to say, "The mission first, the men


When we look at the maxim's "me" element, we understand that "me" does take
a backseat to the mission and the men. As U.S. Marine Maj. Gen. James E.
Livingston, a Medal of Honor recipient, once told me, "The 'me' part of the
maxim must be far removed from the mission and the men."


But the military leader must never interpret "me" - being distanced from
"the mission and the men" - to mean that he should neglect himself. To
neglect "me" would be just as irresponsible as putting it in a status equal
to the mission and the men.


The best interpretation of the "The mission first, the men always" should be
that leaders eat last, and they put the mission and their people first.


This is not only a perfect maxim for success, it is a simple outline for
righteous living. It is - I believe - one of the few articulated expressions
of God's perfect Will.


God wants us to always serve the mission and the men. And the devil himself
(yes, I know it is not fashionable today to refer to the devil in serious
commentary) tries to disrupt or destroy God's Will by demanding we give the
selfish "me" the same attention we give the mission and the men.


But we know this is wrong.


This is just another reason I so love the military. Right and wrong stand so
clearly in contrast to one another. Just like courage (in its many forms)
and cowardice. Sacrifice and selfishness. Truth and untruth. Good and evil.


In the military, we cannot escape these antitheses of one another. Which is
why the great Swedish battle captain Gustavas Adolphus said in 1630, "A good
Christian will never make 

[osint] KGB Agent Putain Says US Is "Parasite" on Global Economy

2011-08-05 Thread Beowulf
As if Russia had ever contributed anything to the global economy.





Putin says U.S. is "parasite" on global economy

Russian Prime
Minister Vladimir Putin answers questions from the audience
during his visit to the summer camp of the pro-Kremlin youth
group ''Nashi'' at lake Seliger, some 400km (248miles) north
of Moscow, August 1, 2011. REUTERS/Mikhail Metzel/Pool

By Maria Tsvetkova

LAKE SELIGER, Russia | Mon Aug 1, 2011 5:45pm EDT 

(Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused the United States
Monday of living beyond its means "like a parasite" on the global economy
and said dollar dominance was a threat to the financial markets.

"They are living beyond their means and shifting a part of the weight of
their problems to the world 

economy  ," Putin told the
pro-Kremlin youth group Nashi while touring its lakeside summer camp some
five hours drive north of Moscow. 

"They are living like parasites off the global economy and their monopoly of
the dollar," Putin said at the open-air meeting with admiring young Russians
in what looked like early campaigning before parliamentary and presidential

US President Barack Obama earlier announced a last-ditch 

deal   to cut about $2.4 trillion from
the U.S. deficit over a decade, avoid a crushing debt default and stave off
the risk that the nation's AAA credit rating would be downgraded. 

The deal initially soothed anxieties and led Russian 

stocks   to jump to three-month
highs, but jitters remained over the possibility of a credit downgrade. 

"Thank god," Putin said, "that they had enough common sense and
responsibility to make a balanced decision."

But Putin, who has often criticized the United States' foreign exchange
policy, noted that Russia holds a large amount of U.S. 

bonds   and treasuries. 

"If over there (in America) there is a systemic malfunction,

this will affect everyone," Putin told the young Russians.

"Countries like Russia and 

China   hold a significant part of
their reserves in American securities ... There should be other reserve

U.S.-Russian ties soured during Putin's 2000-2008 presidency but have warmed
significantly since his protégé and successor President Dmitry Medvedev
responded to Obama's stated desire for a "reset" in bilateral relations.


Casually dressed in khaki trousers and a striped white shirt, Putin flew by
helicopter to the tented camp as part of a string of appearances that are
being closely watched in the run-up to the elections.

He did not say whether he plans a return to the Kremlin or will stand aside
for Medvedev, his partner in Russia's leadership tandem, to run for a second

But young people crowding round Putin, caught up in the campaigning spirit
created by huge portraits of Putin hung from trees, were not shy about
saying who they wanted as president.

"Russia's next president will be small, bald and look like Putin,"
17-year-old Ilya Mzokov joked with reporters. Asked why Medvedev was not
paying a visit to the summer camp, he said: "Only serious people come here."

Youngsters chanted Putin's name and applauded his remarks as he strolled
round the camp, where US-style business seminars, extreme sports and
political mudslinging were among the topics on offer.

Putin, whose macho image appeals to many Russians, briefly swung himself up
the first half of a climbing wall, filmed by a gaggle of state television

Nashi, which means "Our People," was created by the Kremlin to counter
popular dissent after youth activism helped topple a pro-Moscow government
in Ukraine's 2005 Orange revolution.

The group has worked to spread a personality cult around Putin and regularly
campaigns against Kremlin critics.

Opinion polls show Putin, still widely viewed as the country's paramount
leader, retains near 70 percent approval.

But his United Russia party is trying to reverse a slide in popularity
before December parliamentary polls, hoping to use a strong showing there to
help Putin in the March 2012 presidential vote.

(Writing by Alissa de Carbonnel; editing by Tim Pearce)

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[osint] China: Pakistan's True Ally

2011-08-05 Thread Beowulf
All Muslims are inherently totally duplicitous and untrustworthy.  As
required by Islamic Law.




China: Pakistan's True Ally

Posted By Stephen Brown On August 5, 2011 

Uighurs terrorists


While it blatantly betrayed America for almost a decade regarding Osama bin
Laden, recent terrorist attacks by Islamists in western China reveal who
Pakistan views as its true ally.

In the middle of July,
 "an organised terrorist attack" on a police station in
western China's restive, Muslim-majority Xinjiang
  region left 14 people dead. About
18 Uighurs, carrying a flag with the Arab words for "Holy War" written on
it, were blamed for the deadly assault.

The Uighurs are a Muslim Turkic people, native to the region and numbering
about ten million out of a population of about 22 million. Some want
independence from China and have angrily opposed the influx of Han Chinese
immigrants. Simmering tensions between the two ethnics groups exploded in
violence in 2009 that saw about 200 people killed.

Last weekend, China experienced two more terrorist attacks in Xinjiang that
left 19 dead, including five terrorists. On Saturday
 , an hour after two
bombs exploded, a truck hijacked by two Islamic terrorists slammed into a
group of people, after which they got out and stabbed innocent bystanders,
causing eight deaths. The following day, after burning down
  a restaurant, a larger group of Uighur terrorists began to randomly
stab passers-by, killing several.

Unlike with other terrorist attacks worldwide with connections to Pakistan,
the Pakistani intelligence agency, the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI),
reacted immediately to last weekend's Chinese incidents. That's because a
captured Uighur terrorist confessed
  the leaders of Sunday's
Islamist attackers had received training in Pakistan in camps of the banned
extremist East Turkistan Islamic Movement. So in contrast to its
stonewalling behaviour regarding bin Laden, the ISI sent straightway
  Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the agency's director
general, to Beijing. The Pakistani government also stated
  it was extending its "full support" to China on this matter.

"We cannot allow Pakistani territory to be used for any activities against
any neighbour, especially a close ally like China," said
  the chairman of the Pakistan-China Institute. "There are strong
ties between China and Pakistan, and we are cooperating closely on this

It's unfortunate, however, that America does not get the same consideration
and "full support," especially when it comes to jihadists using Pakistani
soil to launch attacks against NATO and Afghan troops in neighbouring

"The United States rarely gets that level of cooperation when it presses
Pakistan on militants operating in its border regions," wrote
  one analyst. 

No kidding. Despite paying Pakistan $1 billion in aid annually for the last
ten years to battle the terrorist groups operating on its soil, America
still cannot persuade the Pakistani military to invade North Waziristan
where the most hard-line Islamist organizations are located. Moreover, the
Pakistanis have always prohibited the American military from going in there
and doing the job itself.

The main reason for Pakistan's preferential treatment of China over America
is that the Pakistan military has always regarded India as its primary enemy
rather than the Islamic terrorists on its territory. This attitude was
evident only days after 9/11, when then-Pakistani president, Pervez
Musharraf, said
  in a speech on television: "We are trying our very best to come
out of this critical situation without any damage to them [Pakistan and the
Taliban]." Musharraf never condemned either terrorist organization in his

Musharraf, who set the lackadaisical Pakistani policy in the War on Terror
until he was replaced in 2008, was never a staunch ally of the United
States, as the media portrayed him after he resigned in 2008. Unlike America
and her allies, he never regarded the Taliban and al-

[osint] Gang of Muslims beating to death three members of the Ahmadiyah sect in Indonesia 2.wmv

2011-08-05 Thread Beowulf

Gang of Muslim men beating to death three members of the Ahmadiyah sect in
Indonesia 2.wmv





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[osint] The Islamic Nuclear Bomb Already Exists

2011-08-05 Thread Beowulf


The Islamic Nuclear Bomb Already Exists 

July 29, 2011 

By: Charles Faddis

We hear a lot about the Iranian nuclear weapons program and the concern that
the Islamic Republic of Iran will succeed in arming itself with nuclear
weapons. Most of the discussion about this possibility though is couched in
almost apocalyptic terms. If Iran gets the bomb, it is said, if Islamic
extremists get their hands on nuclear weapons, the results will be


I agree with those concerns. I believe we must do everything in our power to
prevent the Iranians from acquiring nuclear weapons. But I also believe that
we need to spend considerably more time worrying about the Islamic bomb that
already exists. 


According to press reports, Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal of between 80 and
100 operational nuclear weapons. But not only is it continuing to add to
this inventory, it also is continuing to create the material for additional
weapons - weapons that are considered to be fully functional and capable of
being deployed on short notice. This is not a research program. It is a
large, robust, formidable nuclear force. 


The presence of such a large number of nuclear weapons in a country racked
by Islamic extremism and unrest has been a concern for quite some time.
Prior to my retirement, when it was my job to monitor terrorist
Whttp://www.hstoday.us/uploads/RTEmagicC_PakNukeMissiles.jpg.jpgMD programs
worldwide, I spend a lot of time worrying about the security of those
weapons and the possibility that a terrorist group like Al Qaida or Laskar -
e - Taiba might be able to put their hands on a complete weapon rather than
having to build their own. 


The standard response in those days when concerns about the security of the
Pakistani nuclear arsenal were raised was to cite the professionalism and
secularism of the Pakistani military, whose Strategic Plans Division has
responsibility for the security of the nation's nuclear arsenal. The logic
was that no matter how chaotic Pakistan got, we could always count on the
military to be reasonably proficient and free of any significant Islamic
influence. The country might be going up in flames, but the military would
stay at its posts and do the right thing. 


I'm not sure that assumption was justified even a few years ago, but it's
definitely not justified now. 


A few weeks ago, Pakistani security officials arrested a Pakistani
brigadier-general and charged him with membership in an outlawed Islamic
extremist organization, Hib-ut-Tahrir. At the time of his arrest, the
general was working in a senior position inside Army headquarters in
Rawalpindi. The group to which the general belonged recently was linked to
efforts to convince Pakistani soldiers to mutiny against their commanders.
As of this writing, four more Pakistani military officers were under
investigation for alleged ties to the same group. 


This is only the most recent in a long list of actions that ought to cause
grave concern about the extent to which militants have infiltrated the
Pakistani military. 


On May 22, 2011 a team of terrorists attacked a naval air station in
Karachi. Apparently dressed in naval uniforms, the execution of the attack
suggested that the terrorists not only had inside knowledge of the layout of
the facility, but that they also were familiar with security procedures
inside the base. They cut through a perimeter fence at exactly the location
where it was not covered by security cameras. 


It took 18 hours for the attackers to be killed, but not before they took
hostages, destroyed several aircraft and killed a number of military




In October 2009, militants laid siege to Army Headquarters in Rawalpindi.

*   In August 2008, teams of suicide bombers staged a coordinated
assault on the Wah cantonment where Pakistan's nuclear weapons are
*   And in November 2007, a suicide bomber killed eight people in an
attack on a nuclear missile storage facility at Sargodha.


All of this constitutes a trend that must be considered in the context of
the recent US joint CIA/Special Forces operation that finally eliminated
Osama Bin Laden. Based on intelligence acquired during the run-up to the
raid on the towering Al Qaeda leader's residence, in addition to what was
seized from his compound, the world's most wanted terrorist had been living
in the midst of a Pakistani military garrison city for six years. Either he
had help of some kind from his neighbors, or he was the beneficiary of
staggering incompetence. 


The truth of the matter is, not only is extremism on the rise in Pakistan
generally, but it's also on the rise within the military, where there has
been a dramatic increase in anti-Americanism. 


Speaking to his country's National Defense University earlier this year,
Pakistan's ambassa

[osint] "Christian Terrorism"?

2011-08-05 Thread Beowulf

"Christian Terrorism"?

by Raymond Ibrahim
Jihad Watch 
August 3, 2011


In light of the Norway terrorist attack, and as expected, the hail of religious 
relativism has begun—the idea that, if a "Christian," such as Breivik, commits 
terrorism, then it is folly to assert that certain Muslim doctrines inspire 
violence and terror: all becomes relative. A recent AP report titled 
"'Christian terrorist'? Norway case strikes debate 

 ," makes this clear:

As westerners wrestle with such characterizations of the Oslo mass murder 
suspect, the question arises: Nearly a decade after 9/11 created a widespread 
suspicion of Muslims based on the actions of a fanatical few, is this what it's 
like to walk a mile in the shoes of stereotype? "Absolutely," said Mark Kelly 
Tyler, pastor of Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in 
Philadelphia. "It clearly puts us in a position where we can't simply say that 
extreme and violent behavior associated with a religious belief is somehow 
restricted to Muslim extremists." "It speaks to cultural assumptions, how we 
are able to understand something when it (comes from) us," Tyler said. "When 
one of us does something terrible, we know that's not how we all think, yet we 
can't see that with other people." Psychologists say stereotypes come from a 
deeply human impulse to categorize other people, usually into groups of "us" 
and "them."

The report goes on to give the opinions of an array of sociologists, 
anthropologists, and psychologists, who regurgitate the same aforementioned 
themes on "a fanatical few," "extreme and violent behavior," "cultural 
assumptions," and "stereotypes." Not once do any of these soft-scientists 
bother investigating, let alone pointing out, what Christianity and Islam 
actually teach regarding violence.

Nor do they seem cognizant that there is a major difference between what people 
do in the name of religion and what the religion itself commands—just as there 
is a major difference between historical descriptions of war in the Bible and 
timeless prescriptions to wage war in the Koran (see "Are Judaism and 
Christianity as Violent as Islam? 
" for a full treatment of these issues).

Nor are these important differences limited to theory, but rather manifest 
themselves in reality: when jihadists attack in the name of Islam, such as on 
9/11, high-ranking Muslim clerics praise them and Muslims celebrate in the 
streets; conversely, no Christian preacher has praised Breivik's terrorism, nor 
are Christians dancing.

The report continues:

"Breivik is not a Christian. That's impossible. No one believing in Jesus 
commits mass murder," Bill O'Reilly said on his Fox News show. That makes sense 
to Joyce Dubensky, CEO of the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious 
Understanding. She said it also makes sense that "millions of Muslims say Osama 
bin Laden is not a Muslim, that no one who believes in the prophet Muhammad 
commits mass murder."

Note again how the stress is entirely on what people "believe" and "say"—not 
what Christian and Muslim doctrines so unequivocally teach. Worse, that 
"millions of Muslims say Osama bin Laden is not a Muslim" is a curious 
assertion, considering that the Obama administration saw that he was given an 
Islamic burial so as not to anger the Muslim world (jihadists who go down in 
sea receive double the brownie points that land-dying jihadists receive—which 
are already considerable, a la 72 celestial concubines, etc.).

The one rare mention in the report of actual teachings comes from another 
psychology professor: "If you're a Christian and you see this Norway murderer, 
you say, I have these teachings and I haven't murdered anyone, so the teachings 
can't be the problem. But if you're talking about the 'other,' it's different. 
And if you don't know what the actual Muslim teachings are, it seems like a 
plausible explanation."

Quite the contrary, if you know what Islam teaches concerning the jihad and the 
non-Muslim—tellingly known as the "infidel"—violence becomes a very "plausible 

If lamentable, none of this is surprising: because Western secularists cannot 
fathom the importance of doctrine to believers; cannot take religion 
seriously—seeing all scriptures as little better than poetry to be interpreted 
any which way—they project their indecisive worldview onto the decisive other, 
much, ironically, to secularism's own detriment.

  Raymond Ibrahim, an Islam specialist, is a 
Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an Associate Fellow at 
the Middle East Forum.


[Non-text portions of this message have been remo

[osint] Muslims Attack Churches Around the World

2011-08-05 Thread Beowulf



| August 4, 2011 at 4:57 PM | Categories:
 Persecution of Christians
| URL:   http://wp.me/peHnV-xOO 

Where is the outrage from the worldwide Christian community? I could fill
hundreds of pages with stories of muslims burning down churches and killing
Christians. Here is a very small sample of recent incidents of Christian
persecution taking place on a regular basis in countries with majority
muslim populations.


uslims on Saturday (July 30) burned down a church building on Zanzibar
island off the coast of Tanzania, church leaders said, just three days after
another congregation's facility on the island was reduced to ashes.

Live Leak   - Another
Zanzibar church burning - another pre-Ramadan gesture of Interfaith
DialogueT to the tiny Christian population of this Tanzanian island outpost.
In Fuoni on the south coast of Zanzibar (known locally as Unguja), Islamic
extremists torched the building of the Evangelical Assemblies of
God-Tanzania (EAGT) at around 2 p.m., said Pastor Leonard Massasa, who
oversees Zanzibar's EAGT churches. The assailants were shouting, "Away with
the church - we do not want infidels to spoil our community, especially our
children," Pastor Massasa said.

On neighboring Pemba island, suspected Muslim extremists in Konde on June 17
razed a Seventh-day Adventist Church building, a witness said.


327-burning-church-zanzibar222-resized.jpg?w=500&h=387"We don't want
churches on our street. Today we are going to burn the church, and if you
continue we are going to burn your house also," Note posted to the donor of
a plot for a church building in Zanzibar. As if a 97% Muslim majority was
not enough, the local population and government (taking a cue from how they
do it in other Muslim countries) is, through this latest Zanzibar church
burning incident, seeing to it that Islam is the only way on Tanzania's
Pemba and Unguja Islands.

The latest Zanzibar church burning isn't an isolated initiative. Other
places of Christian worship have been torched recently and only days ago,
Muslims started work on building a hotel directly on a Anglican cemetery
they had siezed.

The real ethnic cleansing in Kosovo is being carried out by muslims who are
trying to drive out/kill all the Serbian Christians who remain there and
burn down and destroy their churches.

In order to terrorise the remaining Christian Serbs to leave their homeland
of Kosovo, Albanian muslims burned down more then 40 monasteries and
churches some over 1000 years old. This was done in the front of NATO and
all the charities of the world who came to Kosovo to create a multiethnic

In Pakistan, muslims regularly target churches and Christians.

Asia News
 - On March 25, a mob of
Islamic extremists attacked a Pentecostal church in Hyderabad, killing two
Christians and burning some copies of the Bible. Eyewitnesses said that the
fundamentalists stormed the place of worship looking to set it on fire, but
a group of believers defended the church.


Security forces have fled the scene, leaving those present at the mercy of
the crowd. The attackers hurled anti-Christian slogans and a feeling of
anger toward the religious minority has spread. in the city The pastor of
the church reports that "despite the condemnation of the burning of the
Koran" the community "has come under attack because they think that we are
linked to the Americans."  "What fault did those two innocent

[osint] Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist (friend of Hilary and Obama) Calls for Muslim Colonization of USA

2011-08-04 Thread Beowulf



August 03, 2011

Tariq Ramadan Openly Calls for a Muslim colonization of the U.S.

"It should be us, with our understanding of Islam, our principles,
colonizing the United States of America."

Tariq Ramadan, the silver-tongiued snake and grandson of Hasan al-Banna, who
founded the Muslim Brotherhood, loved by leftists, academics and the ummah
(of course) spoke in Texas. How adored is he by the urbane cannibals? This
savage is a Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies in the Faculty of
Oriental Studies at Oxford University. An online poll provided by the
American Foreign Policy magazine in 2009 placed Ramadan on the 49th spot in
a list of the world's top 100 contemporary intellectuals.

Ramadan was banned from the U.S. by George W. Bush; his U.S. visa was
revoked due to his numerous connections to Islamic terrorism. And he favors
the legal extinction of Israel (in keeping with Islamic teachings). More at
Discover the Networks

In February 2002 Salon.com called
  him "one of the most important
intellectuals in the world," characterizing him as "the Muslim Martin
Luther." In 2004 Time magazine named
  him one of the world's top 100
scientists and thinkers.

When speaking to Western audiences, Ramadan preaches an amicable message of
unity and mutual respect. But to Arabic-speaking audiences, he vents his
deep-seated hatred of the West and his endorsement of Wahhabism, the most
extreme form of Islam. Moreover, Ramadan has numerous connections to
fundamentalist Islamic militants and is suspected by U.S. intelligence
agencies of maintaining ties with the terrorist group al Qaeda

Ramadan's maternal grandfather was Hasan al-Banna
 , who
in 1928 founded the Muslim Brotherhood
 . Ramadan's
father, Said Ramadan, led the Brotherhood throughout the 1950s and then was
exiled from Egypt to Switzerland, where Tariq was born in September 1962.

.in the early 1990s, Ramadan established the Movement of Swiss Muslims
-- an outreach organization
exhorted Muslim youth to Islamize modernity rather than modernize Islam
 . He taught at the University
of Fribourg a

But he was welcomed into this country by Barack Hussein Obama. Stop the
Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance

Tariq Ramadan was in Dallas at the end of July, invited by Muslim
Brotherhood-tied ICNA. During a speech, he openly asked for a Muslim
colonization of the U.S.

His speech is in 3 parts on Youtube. Point de Bascule has done the
transcript of the most important excerpts.
   Video 1 - 03:37
It should be us, with our understanding of Islam, our principles, colonizing
positively the United States of America.
We don't want the West to be destructed. What we want is the West to be

 "It should be us, with our understanding of Islam, our principles,
colonizing the United States of America." - Tariq Ramadan, Dallas, July 27th
2011 hat tip Dai

On July 27, 2011, Tariq Ramadan gave a speech at a fundraiser organised by
the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) in Dallas (TX).

GMBDR   describes ICNA as "a less
well-known part of the Muslim Brotherhood network in the U.S., generally
thought to be closely tied to the Jamaat-e-Islami organization of Southeast
Asia, itself known to be allied with the Muslim Brotherhood. ICNA is
particularly close to the Muslim American Society and the two organizations
have been holding joint annual conventions for many years."

The website voicesempower.com
  and other American
websites have reported on the fact that several ticket holders, who had paid
their way to listen to Ramadan in Dallas, wer

[osint] Muslim Countries Financing Jihad in Spain

2011-08-04 Thread Beowulf
This is an act of war…Spaniards are too cowardly to respond.







Muslim Countries Financing Jihad in Spain

by Soeren Kern  
August 4, 2011Muslim countries in the Persian Gulf and North Africa are 
funnelling large sums of money to radical Islamic groups in towns and cities 
across Spain in a competing effort to exert control over the estimated 1.5 
million Muslims in the country.

A newly leaked secret report prepared by Spain's National Intelligence Center 
(CNI), excerpts of which were published 

  by the Madrid-based El País newspaper on July 31, says the Spanish government 
is struggling to stop the flow of tens of millions of dollars to Islamic groups 
in Spain from Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and 
above all Saudi Arabia.

The CNI report states: "The financing is having negative consequences for 
[multicultural] coexistence in Spain, such as the emergence of parallel 
societies and ghettos, Islamic courts and police that operate outside of 
Spanish jurisprudence, removing girls from schools, forced marriages, etc."

It continues: "There is insufficient control of financial flows involving 
grants and aid from other countries that are being funnelled to the Islamic 
community in Spain. For the most part donors are using alternative channels to 
ensure that their donations escape the control of the regular Spanish financial 
system. Donors should be made fully aware of the risks associated with such 

According to El País, two high-level officials from the Spanish Ministries of 
Justice and Foreign Affairs travelled to the Persian Gulf in June seeking 
cooperation from Kuwait, Oman and the United Arab Emirates. In May, the Spanish 
Justice Ministry summoned the ambassadors of several Gulf Arab states to a 
meeting in Madrid in which Spanish officials requested their cooperation in 
bringing order to the financing of Islam in Spain.

At the meeting in Madrid, Spanish officials distributed a document titled 
"System of Channelling the Flow of Funds to Islamic Communities in Spain." The 
document, which is in Spanish, English and Arabic, explains that henceforth 
Spanish authorities want all donations from the Gulf Arab states to be 
channelled through the Islamic Commission of Spain 
  (CIE), a group the 
Spanish government says should be the official representative for Muslims in 

Spanish authorities say Arab countries are flooding mosques in Spain with a 
host of anti-Western literature. For example, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs 
in Qatar has distributed a document in Spanish titled "Mohammed: The Ideal 
Prophet" which states: "Europe today still considers that the white race is 
superior to that of color. Europe, with all its pretensions to enlighten and 
lead … is still behind Islam."

The leaked CNI document says Kuwait is one of the worst offenders. Through the 
Society for the Revival of Islamic Heritage 
(RIHS), the Kuwaiti government has funded the construction of mosques in the 
Spanish municipalities of Reus and Torredembarra (Catalonia), from which 
Islamic preachers are "spreading a religious interpretation that opposes the 
integration of Muslim into Spanish society and promotes the separation and hate 
towards non-Muslim groups. … In the medium term, the RIHS plans to open a 
delegation in Spain." In June 2008, the U.S. Treasury Department designated the 
for bankrolling Al Qaeda.

Qatar, by contrast, funnels most of its donations through the Islamic League 
for Dialogue and Coexistence in Spain, a group the CNI says is "linked to the 
Muslim Brotherhood in Syria" and which controls the Catalan Islamic Cultural 
Center. Qatar recently paid €300,000 ($450,000) to renovate that center, which 
is based in Barcelona.

The United Arab Emirates is focussing its efforts on providing financial 
support to Muslims in the southern region of Andalusia. Al-Andalus was the 
Arabic name given to the parts of Spain ruled by Muslim conquerors from 711 and 
1492. Many Muslims believe that the territories they lost during the Spanish 
Reconquista still belong to them, and that they have a right to return and 
establish their rule there – a belief based on the Islamic precept that 
territories once occupied by Muslims must forever remain under Muslim 

In this context, the United Arab Emirates, together with Libya and Morocco, 
paid for the construction of the Great Mosque of Granada 
 . Says Abdel Haqq Salaberria, a 
spokesman for the mosque: "It will act as a focal point for the Islamic re

[osint] Burqa Babes in the Big House: Romeo and Juliet in Kabul

2011-08-04 Thread Beowulf
Burqa Babes in the Big House: Romeo and Juliet in Kabul

Posted By Phyllis Chesler On August 4, 2011 

  YouTube Preview Image[1] 

Forced, arranged marriage is a heartbreaking and soul-crushing Islamic
reality. Yes, I know: tribal concepts of family honor and Arab desert
customs take pride in the fact that they are able to break each individual's
will in the service of the larger good of the family, the clan, the most
brutal patriarch, the historical past, and ultimately Allah himself.

Nevertheless, marrying a ten-year-old to her thirty-year-old, illiterate
first cousin or to a man old enough to be her grandfather and who already
has two wives and grown sons is barbaric and inhuman. Forcing a girl or a
boy to marry someone against their will and preventing them from marrying
the person of their choice is a crime against the heart. Often, such
arranged marriages (and almost all marriages are arranged) include
normalized wife-and daughter-in-law beating. The few shelters and jails for
battered women and for the intended victims of honor killings in the Muslim
world are filled with such stories.

I recently watched an HBO documentary with the catchy title Love Crimes of
[2]. The film takes us inside a woman's prison in Kabul. The film is
surprisingly "light," given how dark its subject really is. The women in the
Badam Bagh prison are commendably feisty. They are surprisingly tough babes
in the Big House and their pants-wearing rather butch chief female warden is
tougher still. And yet, she still functions as their respected and
protective mother figure.

There is much gruff and playful tenderness among the women who bond with
each other and fight with each other as if they are "family"; they eat and
sleep together in the same room, communally. The all-female and informal
atmosphere is that of a harem, a prison, a brothel.

Burqa Babes are surprisingly, refreshingly brash. They are not ashamed of
what they have done. They are also funny; they see the comic dimension in
their essentially Kafkaesque situations. They are clowns, ironic, as
self-deprecating as they are aggressive. They make us laugh. They are
ethnically and racially gorgeous in their diversity. They are from every
tribe, every region, and they bear the genetic legacy of every conquering
army. The women are hard on each other. Just as I've discussed in my book
Inhumanity to Woman [4], women internalize the same sexist beliefs that men
do and are highly judgmental of other women, often without compassion.

Iranian filmmaker Tanaz Eshaghian (kudos to you dear lady!) miraculously
managed to get a camera and a crew inside the prison and inside some of the
legal hearings. What crimes have the women committed? Apparently half the
prison population have dared to fall in love, or are suspected of having
done so, or they have dared to have sex before marriage, have run away from
home, or rejected an arranged marriage. These are crimes in Afghanistan.
(The other half of the prison population are thieves, smugglers, or

Among the "moral" criminals: One woman was sentenced to four years for
having run away with the boy she loved.  Another woman, the very spunky
Kareema, who looks like an innocent child (many of the inmates do), fell in
love, had sex, became pregnant - but the scoundrel who had courted her
refused to marry her, which would have doomed Kareema to certain death. What
did Kareema do? She turned both herself and her boyfriend in to the police.
The only way this cad can now get out of jail is if he marries Kareema, who
is very pleased that she has managed to turn her potential murder into an
inevitable marriage.

Some husband. His name is Firuz and he says, on camera, "I wish I never met

Kareema is the one who proposed marriage to him. She is a Hazara; Firuz is a
Pashtun. The Pushtuns view themselves as a superior caste or tribe-although
many Hazaras do not believe in marrying out either. In this case, a "love
crime" trumps the internal tribal caste system. Firuz must marry Kareema.
How will Firuz and his family punish this upstart Hazara? Kareema's father
says that "she will be their dog, their servant."



Kareema wants to apologize to her father, whose only concern is himself. He
believes that Kareema should have married a suitor who could have supported
him, the father-in-law, in his old age.

Kareema is now refusing to marry Firuz in jail

[osint] For African-American, Muslim Slave-Traders' Ramadan Has Special Meaning

2011-08-04 Thread Beowulf
Historians estimate that between 10 and 18 million Africans were enslaved by
Arab slave traders and taken across the Red Sea
 , Indian Ocean, and Sahara
  desert between 650 and 1900.





August 04, 2011

For African-American Muslims, Ramadan Has Special Meaning

 VOA News Talib ShareefAs the month of Ramadan begins, many millions of
Muslims around the world are joining in a collective fast intended to help
purify their souls.  But for the more than half a million African-American
Muslims, many of whom descend from former slaves, Ramadan has a special
meaning - a link between the African-American experience and the Islamic
tradition of spiritual freedom.

VOA News Mana Rabiee | Washington August 3, 2011

More than 500 African-American Muslims worship at the Masjid Muhammad in
Washington, home to the oldest African-American Muslim community in the
United States. 

Talib Shareef, a retired U.S. Air Force veteran, is the new Imam at Masjid
Muhammad.  He says the experience of black Muslims in the United States is
different from that of most other Muslims. 

"Most of the African Americans in America come from the church experience,"
Shareef said.  "We became Muslims in America just a little differently here
and because we are Muslim most of our family members are not aware of Islam,
so we have to explain a lot of things.  We have to share a lot of our life
with those around us because it's a minority in terms of religion."

Jocelyn Cole, 24, grew up balancing her Christian life with Muslim
traditions.  Her mother is a Seventh Day Adventist Christian, while her
father converted to Islam before she was born.

"Whenever I would be with my father during the month of Ramadan I would
remember as a child going to farmers markets to find dates to break fast.
So even though I might not have fasted the whole day or even understood I
just remember eating dates with my daddy at sunset," noted Cole.

While the women greet each other inside the "Sisters' Room," the kitchen
crew rushes to serve a Ramadan dinner of chicken and rice with baked beans. 

For Ibrahim Mumin, the great-grandson of a slave, Ramadan is an important
opportunity to share his faith with non-Muslims.  But he says ten years
after 9/11 many Americans remain afraid of Muslims and ignorant about Islam.

"I was at a reception and they asked me what country am I from because many
Americans have this perception that all Muslims come from another country,"
Mumin noted.  "And I'm from the United States of America. I pull up my
passport, [it] says the same thing as your passport says, 'United States of

Imam Shareef says there is a strong connection between African-Americans'
historic struggle for freedom and equality since the end of slavery in the
1860s, and the Islamic tradition of seeking spiritual freedom.  Ramadan, he
says, is a chance for Black Muslims in America to remember that.

"You know, we're coming out of slavery," Shareef explained.  "So that was a
journey to see humanity free. And becoming Muslims through that experience
it was highlighting three particular words - freedom, justice and equality.
That's what we wanted. And every human being wants that." 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] Obama Muslim Adviser To Head New Abu Dhabi Gallup Center

2011-08-04 Thread Beowulf
BREAKING NEWS: Obama Faith Adviser To Head New Abu Dhabi Gallup Center

Posted By GlobalMB On October 24, 2010 @ 9:41 am In Breaking News | No


Dalia Mogahed

The Emirates News Agency has reported that Dalia Mogahed, an Obama
Administration faith advisor, will be heading a new center for social
research and analysis in Abu Dhabi to be called the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center
(ADGC). According to the report

The Court of Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Gallup, the world's leading
public opinion research firm, today announced their partnership to create an
independent center for social research and analysis in Abu Dhabi. Building
on Gallup's seminal work in the field of Muslim studies, the Abu Dhabi
Gallup Center (ADGC) will offer unmatched research on the attitudes and
aspirations of Muslims around the world. In addition to its worldwide scope,
the ADGC will invest in the specific priorities of its regional base and
present innovative analysis and insights on the most important societal
challenges facing the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC). The ADGC is a product of both Abu Dhabi's and Gallup's commitment to
rigorous research and scholarship on some of the most crucial issues facing
the world. Abu Dhabi's dedication to science, cultural dialogue, and
education makes it a natural champion for this important work. Gallup's
unique expertise in global public opinion makes it the ideal partner. In
addition, the Center's base in Abu Dhabi allows Gallup research to expand
and deepen its reach into this vibrant and pivotal region. Underscoring
Gallup's commitment to the partnership, the executive director of the Gallup
Center for Muslim Studies (GCMS), Dalia Mogahed, will head this new
initiative as ADGC director in Abu Dhabi. Mogahed co-authored the
groundbreaking book "Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really
Think" with John Esposito. Additionally, several Gallup analysts will
relocate to Abu Dhabi to build the new institution, while the GCMS will
continue to operate in Washington, D.C..The ADGC will open its doors in the
fall of 2010 and serve as a resource-rich hub for policy makers, thought
leaders, and global media. In addition to its groundbreaking research
studies, the ADGC will offer briefings, workshops, and seminars around the
region and the globe based on the Center's in-depth research.

According to GMBDR research, Ms. Mogahed was born in Egypt and lived in the
U.S. since the age of 5. She is the daughter of Elsayed Mogahed, an Egyptian
immigrant who is a former engineering scientist

[3] at the University of Wisconsin and director
  [4] of the Islamic Center of
Madison (ICM). The website of the ICM links mainly to U.S. Muslim
Brotherhood organizations and Souheil Ghannouchi, the President
  [5] of the MAS was ICM
Imam and President for several years. In 2003, Ms. Mogahed was  identified
  [6] in 2003 as the
Outreach Coordinator for the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh (ICP) whose
co-founder recently lost
  [7] a DOE security
clearance and whose Imam will probably be deported
  [8] on immigration
violations. Ms. Mogahed is currently the executive director of the Gallup
  [9] for Muslim Studies that also includes Georgetown University
academic Dr. John Esposito and she also co-authored a book
  [10] with Dr. Esposito suggesting that
majority of the world's Muslims support some form of democracy. Dr.
Esposito, in turn, is a long-time supporter of the global Muslim Brotherhood
, has espoused views   [11] consistent
with Brotherhood doctrine, and has at least a dozen past or present
affiliations with global Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas organizations.

Ms. Mogahed was appointed to the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based
and Neighborhood Partnerships in April 2009.

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[osint] Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome Count-As Of July 28, 2011: 37 Cases, 337 Dead

2011-08-04 Thread Beowulf




James Fulford Archive  

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July 28, 2011

VDARE.com’s Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome Count—As Of July 28, 2011: 37
Cases, 337 Dead

(Help Us Update This List!—No-one Else Is Counting!)


By   James Fulford

The July 22, 2011 mass shooting in Norway—committed, for once, by a
 —led, predictably  ,
to a witch hunt against conservatives, nationalists, and people who are
skeptical about immigration. John W. Miller (not notorious immigration
enthusiast John J. Miller
 ) reported in the Wall
Street Journal

"OSLO—European authorities are investigating possible links between the man
who has confessed to last week's massacre in Norway and right-wing elements
across the region, putting Europe's recently ascendant far-right movements
on the defensive.

“Europol, which handles transnational criminal investigations in Europe, has
assigned dozens of officers to assist Norwegian police. A spokesman for the
agency declined to offer specifics, but said Europol had given Norwegian
authorities access to its database of 'European extremists.' "

 Europe's Far-Right Parties Go on Defensive |
Authorities Examine Possible Links With Norway Bomber, July 28, 2011 

Of course, immigration patriot parties in Europe and Scandinavia  are
already being persecuted   by
powerful bureaucracies for CrimeThink—see my
 It Happened Here, for Belgium
banning a flourishing political party; or
They Came For Nick Griffin , for what keeps happening to the head of the
British National Party. 

But the Norwegian massacre made it ten times worse. It will be like those
crackdowns on Islamic immigration and on mosques preaching jihad that didn't
happen after either 9/11   or the London
7/7 Bombing  .

When we get actual immigrants committing mass murder, there isn't a witch
hunt of any kind.

In fact, there is a whole Main Stream Media stereotypical story worrying
about the (non-existent) danger of “backlash


Far larger is the phenomenon of "Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome", introduced
by VDARE.com to cover incidents like the Virginia Tech Shootings and many,
many, underreported others that do not involve Norwegians or Nazis of any
kind.  By our count since 1971, it’s 37 incidents and 337 murders as of

It’s a Trend—far stronger than the curious tendency of U.S. Post Service
workers to shoot fellow employees
 . “Going Postal
 ” has entered the
language  . But “immigrant mass
murder” has not—and will not, if the MSM can help it.

Is Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome really statistically valid? Mass murder,
alas, is not a job that Americans won’t do.

It’s a topic for social science research—which isn’t going to be done,
because, as an education expert told
  VDARE.com Editor Peter
Brimelow   about the impact of immigrants
on native-born classroom performance, “no-one wants to know the answer”. My
impression, from several years of checking whenever VDARE.com sees a case in
the news, is that about half of these cases involve immigrants—vastly
greater than their presence in the American population (some 11 per cent

For our earlier Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome count, see  

* Diversity Is
Strength! It’s Also...Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome, by Brenda Walker

That was written right after the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, but before
Binghamton   and
Fort Hood
 , and...the list goes on. (See full list

[osint] The liberal elite grows even angrier and more desperate.

2011-08-03 Thread Beowulf


 The Wall Street Journal  



AUGUST 2, 2011

'Civility': The Denouement 

The liberal elite grows even angrier and more desperate.




Did Vice President Biden liken Tea Party Republicans to terrorists in a meeting 
with House Democrats? Eyewitnesses say yes, but he denies it,  
 Politico reports:

Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a 
two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

"We have negotiated with terrorists," an angry Doyle said, according to sources 
in the room. "This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend 
any money."

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies' misgivings about the debt-limit deal, 
responded: "They have acted like terrorists."

Biden's office initially declined to comment about what the vice president said 
inside the closed-door session, but after Politico published the remarks, 
spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said: "The word was used by several members of 
Congress. The vice president does not believe it's an appropriate term in 
political discourse."

Whether Biden said it or not, all parties seem to agree that Doyle and perhaps 
other House Democrats did. And plenty of prominent elite liberals have sounded 
the theme. It's become commonplace on the opinion pages of the New York Times, 
Joe Nocera rants:

You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages 
them. These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the 
Tea Party Republicans have waged jihad on the American people. . . . Their 
goal, they believed, was worth blowing up the country for, if that's what it 
took. . . . For now, the Tea Party Republicans can put aside their suicide 
vests. But rest assured: They'll have them on again soon enough.

Last Wednesday   
Thomas Friedman described the Tea Party as the GOP's "Hezbollah faction." The 
same day   Maureen Dowd 
approvingly quoted "some Democrats" as describing the Tea Party as "the 
Republican 'Taliban wing.' " (In fairness we should note that the Times's  
 Roger Cohen 
registered a partial dissent: "Hatred of Muslims . . . is a growing political 
industry. It's odious, dangerous and racist.")

And it's not just the Times. NewsBusters.org quotes liberal Bloomberg columnist 

 Margaret Carlson: "There's a nihilist caucus which is, 'Listen, we want to 
burn the place down.' I mean, they're not, they've strapped explosives to the 
Capitol and they think they are immune from it." NewsButsers also notes a 
cartoon from  

 David Fitzsimmons of the (Tucson) Arizona Daily Star depicting President Obama 
ordering Navy SEALs to stage a bin Laden-style raid on the House side of the 

Politico itself got into the act, running two op-eds last week on the theme: 
"The Tea Party Taliban" by  
 Martin Frost (a 
Democratic ex-congressman) and "The Tea Party's Terrorist Tactics" by  
 William Yeomans, former 
chief counsel to Sen. Ted Kennedy. Mary Jo Kopechne's former chief counsel 
could not be reached for comment.

Hey, what ever happened to civility?

That's not a rhetorical question. Back in January, after a madman shot Rep. 
Gabrielle Giffords and a crowd of her constituents, gravely wounding her and 
killing six, the liberal elite briefly developed an obsession with the supposed 
dangers of uncivil political rhetoric. 

Before a suspect had even been identified, as we noted Jan. 10, Fitzsimmons, 
the Tucson cartoonist,   was on CNN blaming "the right in 
Arizona" for "stoking the fire of heated anger and rage" and making the attack 
"inevitable." Fitzsimmons later apologized, but former Enron adviser Paul 
Krugman did not. Sources inside Krugman's head told him that the Tea Party 

For those wondering why a Blue Dog Democrat, the kind Republicans might be able 
to work with, might be a target, the answer is that she's a Democrat who 
survived what was otherwise a GOP sweep in Arizona, prec

[osint] PAKISTAN: Christian man refuses to convert to Islam so Muslims brutally rape his 2-year-old daughter in a field

2011-08-02 Thread Beowulf


 PAKISTAN: Christian man refuses to convert to Islam so Muslims
brutally rape his 2-year-old daughter in a field 

| August 1, 2011 at 10:03 PM | Categories:
 Persecution of Christians
| URL:   http://wp.me/peHnV-xIi 

Due to the rape, the little girl became unable to pass urine normally and it
was predicted she would never live a normal life. Now, the family is in
Canada, where hopefully they will be able to help her. H/T Family Security

PAKISTAN: Christian man refuses to convert to Islam so Muslims brutally rape
his 2-year-old daughter in a field

Posted: August 1, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam
  | Filed under:
Persecution of Christians

Due to the rape, the little girl became unable to pass urine normally and it
was predicted she would never live a normal life. Now, the family is in
Canada, where hopefully they will be able to help her.

H/T Family Security Matters  

*   Share this: 


43 Comments on "PAKISTAN: Christian man refuses to convert to Islam so
Muslims brutally rape his 2-year-old daughter in a field"

&r=PGirishdiamondbm   says: 

August 1, 2011 at 10:23 PM


&r=PGlewis says: 

August 1, 2011 at 10:25 PM

Thanks for sharing this video. These are the people that need refugee
status, not the Muslim economic welfare sponges that want to conquer us. God
bless this man. He is a true Christian who is doing the Works of God".
"Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the
fatherless, plead the widow's cause." - Isaiah 1:17 .

&r=PGSweetOlBob says: 

August 1, 2011 at 10:28 PM

Just another example of the mentality of people, and usually men, who follow
this piss poor excuse for a Religion.

They are all barbarian savages. Whether they are the pie faced spokesmen of
CAIR or the rabble that rape babies. None of them can be trusted. They all
lie. They all carry the inbred genes that lead to atrocities like this.
Their pedofile, murderous, little boy raping, halucinatory prophet said that
their false god (small letter intentional) would bless them and give them a
multitude of virgins to rape in paradise - and they are so inbred and
stupid that they believe it.

They should never be allowed to live, work, or as usual, be supported by any
civilized country.

&r=PGSweetOlBob says: 

August 1, 2011 at 10:40 PM

More from me.
Those bastards tore this innocent little girl apart and they will probably
never have to pay anything for their crime.

And the United States is paying money we don't have to this nation of
illiterate, barefooted, savage, obfuscating, muslim retards !

And the status quo won't change until we get the muslim out of the white

&r=PGtommy mc donnell   says: 

August 1, 2011 at 10:45 PM

[osint] Muslim women....second or third class.....?

2011-08-02 Thread Beowulf
  My Pakistan

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August 1, 2011 | 12:41 am

Hijab shampoo? What next!

Posted by   Mahim Maher


Follow me on   




I've smudged out the actual name of the company from this advert

A new product has hit the Pakistani market - Hijab shampoo. It's meant for
women who cover their heads tightly in hijab that leaves their faces
exposed. The hijab is not like, say the Afghan shuttlecock burqa, which
covers a woman from head to toe.

I think this product is brilliant because it caters to a large part of the
urban (only urban) population in Pakistan. In the last ten years or so I've
seen more and more women adopt the headgear, burqa and abaya, which are used
in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, Saudi Arabia. The abaya is more of
a full-length, mostly black coat-like ensemble. In some countries women wear
the niqab as well, which sections off the face from the eyes down.

The people who are marketing the new hijab shampoo are capitalizing on what
say that is the excess production of oils, build-up of scalp dirt etc.

All my life I've seen Muslim women - whether in London, Montreal or Pakistan
- labour under these garments. And I've often wondered how the hell they
manage to pull it off, especially in the Pakistani heat.

I myself do not even wear a dupatta, the long scarf that you're supposed to
cross like a V over your chest in an attempt to distract menfolk from your
rack. I find the swathes of cloth distracting when I'm busy in the newsroom.
I try, instead to wear clothes that keep me covered in all the right places.
Gone are my days of mini-shirt glory in Montreal winters.

I would like to think that I am tolerant enough to not comment on women who
make the choice of covering up a certain way. Indeed, in Karachi, especially
if you are coming from certain neighbourhoods, taking public transport or
taxis, you need to adhere to this code for simple protection (even if it is
not your religious belief). Wearing a full-length black abaya sends a
message across to men on the street.

But I feel conflicted about the women who may be forced to make this choice
by their families. I feel sad when I see little girls, who have not hit
puberty, wearing the hijab. They're barely high as your knee and yet they're
being trained to cover up. I wonder about the invisible interpellation, the
enforcement of social codes that are unspoken but become entrenched.

But more so, a gynaecologist recently told me that a lot of these women who
were coming to her clinic for obgyn consults were turning out to be
massively deficient in Vitamin D. These hijabis, she said, aren't getting
enough sunlight. They are covered up the entire time they go out and when
they aren't covered they are indoors where they don't get sun. This leads to
migraines, bone trouble, and aches and pains that they keep popping pills

Interestingly, the boys in Karachi say that it is the girls who wear the
hijab and abayas who are most likely to "put out". I've often wondered if
they are aware that it seems a little bit like a double standard if they
cake their faces with makeup but decide to cover their heads. Isn't the
purpose of the hijab modesty? In fact, in Islam, as far as I know, the
principle is that men and women should lower their eyes and behave modestly.
When driving home, down Sunset Boulevard, I often see the sex workers in a
full burqa standing in the shadows, waiting to be picked up. A reporter told
me that the way to tell is if they are standing at an odd spot where there
is no bus stop or taxi stand.

And so I wonder, I wonder about a product that is full of chemicals that
some company is peddling to women who are developing a condition from
wearing what some scientists would call an "unnatural" shield to sunlight
and air. My grandmother has always worn a dupatta all her life. But the
large cloth is loosely wrapped from her shoulders to her head, leaving just
enough for fresh air to circulate as it were. It covers the same amount of

One of our sub-editors commented on the segregation of men and women the
other day. At a special celebratory gathering at her house, I believe after
her parents had performed the Hajj 

[osint] Some Things You Probably Do Not Know About Islam

2011-08-02 Thread Beowulf


From: Gwen [mailto:gwen...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 3:04 AM
To: Beowulf
Subject: Some Things You Probably Do Not Know About Islam



Some Things You Probably Do Not Know About Islam


1600/Muhammad-child-bride.jpg> The following is the content of the leaflet
referred to in this article
<http://www.citizenwarrior.com/2011/04/educate-public-with-leaflets.html> .
You can download the PDF file for the leaflet here:
UtYmNlMmIxNzRjMzE3&hl=en> Letter size or
EtYWE0OWIwNzJmOWY3&hl=en> A4. This is what the leaflet says:

1. When Muhammad was in his fifties he married a girl (Aisha) who was just
six years old. The marriage was consummated when she was nine. This is one
of the reasons why child brides are still common in the Muslim world. On
coming to power in Iran in 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini reduced the age at
which a girl could be married to 9 years, thus following the example of

2. Muhammad participated in the massacre of 800 Jewish men who had
surrendered themselves following a famous battle. Trenches were dug and they
were all beheaded and their bodies thrown into the trenches. The women and
children were distributed among the victorious Muslims as slaves.

3. When a woman came to Muhammad confessing that she had conceived a child
out of wedlock, he said that she should wean the child and then be stoned to
death. This sentence was duly carried out. In 1994, a Sharia court in
Nigeria passed the same judgement against Amina Lawal thus following
Muhammad's example exactly. Because Muhammad's behaviour is seen by Muslims
as sacrosanct these kinds of laws will be almost impossible to change.

4. Muhammad supported the use of slavery. He gave away slaves as gifts. He
owned all kinds of slaves including males, females and Black slaves. He
passed around slaves for the purpose of sexual pleasure for his companions -
men who were his chief lieutenants. He stood by and prayed while others beat
slaves. He shared the pleasure of forced sex with female slaves after
conquest. He captured slaves and sold them to raise money for warfare.

5. Muhammad told his followers to raid caravans in order to boost the
economy of his fledgling state in Medina. Bandits and pirates need look no
further for justification.

6. Muhammad said, "Whoever insults a prophet, kill him"; this is one of the
reasons why Muslims are so intolerant of anyone mocking Muhammad.and why
anyone doing so is liable to get killed. It is also the reason why Islamic
law requires the execution of anyone insulting Muhammad or Islam. A
Christian woman in Pakistan is currently facing execution for "insulting

7. Muhammad said, "Whoever leaves Islam, kill him"; this why it is so
difficult for Muslims to leave Islam. Abdul Rahman was flown to safety in
Italy from Afghanistan in 2004 because he was threatened with execution for
converting to Christianity. Many others are less lucky. Islamic law requires
that those leaving Islam be executed. Islamic countries are now campaigning
to get criticism of Islam outlawed worldwide. They are pursuing this via the
United Nations (and making good progress!).

8. Under Islamic law, the testimony of a woman is worth half that of a man.
That means that under Islamic law a woman is half as believable as a man.

9. At the end of his life, Muhammad boasted that he had been "made
victorious through terror". Is it any wonder that many Muslims are engaged
in terrorism?

10. He also declared that he had been ordered to make war on non-believers
until the whole world was dominated by Islam.

11. It is stated 91 times
l>  in the Koran that Muslims must follow the example of Muhammad in every
detail. Just ponder the implications of that.

These are a small sample of facts about Islam. It should be enough to show
you that the founder of Islam was a brutal warlord and that his words and
deeds have given Islam its brutal and intolerant character. It is difficult
to see what good can come from the teachings of a man like Muhammad. Take a
look at the world and you will see that many of the most oppressive, brutal
and backward societies are strongholds of Islam. They have become like this
by following the teachings of Muhammad.

Islam now has a foothold in your country and we are seeing increasing
pressure to make our society more Islamic. Do you want to live in such a

If the answer is "no", it is important that you fi

[osint] Islam Demands Unconditional Surrender

2011-07-28 Thread Beowulf


July 28, 2011

Islam Demands Unconditional Surrender

Amil Imani

Print This   E-mail This




Comments (4)


What's in a name? A great deal. Democracy, fascism, and communism represent
different systems of government. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are also
titles for different religious systems. 

Whereas democracy is defined as the rule of the people, by the people, for
the people, Islam is defined as the rule of Allah, by Allah and his
emissaries, for the pleasure of Allah. And when people, out of concern for
political correctness or ignorance, describe Islam as a religion of peace,
they are, at the very least, guilty of misrepresenting it.


The word "Islam," is derived from the Arabic "aslama," or "Tasleem" which
means 'surrender.' The word for peace is not "tasleem," but it is "solh."
Hence, when radical Muslims behave in violent barbaric ways, they are only
doing so in obedience to the dictates of their creed. They are surrendering
and sacrificing anything and everything in service to the will and pleasure
of Allah, as they see it. In saying that Islam means peace, Islamic
apologists are simply indulging in word play in order to put as positive a
spin on things as they can. It is an attempt to argue that Islam promotes
non-violence. In other words, they are lying.


Of course, not every Muslim surrenders fully to the will of Allah. The great
majority of Muslims are only partial Muslims. They may say their daily
obligatory prayers, they may tithe some, and they may keep the fast from
time to time. Yet, they may also have a few drinks now and then, and do many
things that they are not supposed to do. 

But Islam can be a "forgiving" religion, specifically for the male. If you
neglect to say your prayers or you simply don't want to, you can hire
someone, preferably an imam or a mullah, to pray on your behalf. Going to
the Hajj is too onerous and takes you away from the pleasures and comforts
of your life? You can deputize someone else to go in your stead. You have a
few drinks of the forbidden brew and it is time to say your prayer? Simply
rinse your mouth and go ahead with praying. But, always remember the will of
Allah and serve him. Do your duties to vanquish the unbelievers, promote the
rule of the Shari'a, and make the earth Allah's.

If only the masses of Muslims arise and carry out the orders of Allah, then
we would have the promised paradise of Islam on earth as exemplified by such
rules as that of the Taliban, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, and of course the
Shiite nirvana of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

In these model Islamic societies, freedom of expression, worship, and
assembly are taken away. Women are treated as chattel. Young girls are
subjected to barbaric genital mutilation to make them sex slaves and birth
channels without the ability to enjoy intercourse. Minors are executed,
adulterers are stoned to death, thieves have their limbs amputated, and much
much more. Isn't that everyone's idea of paradise? 

This misogynist religion of Allah is custom-made for the savage male. A
faithful follower of Allah is allowed to have as many as four permanent
wives - and replace any of them at any time he wants -- as well as an
unlimited number of one-night or one-hour-standers that he can afford to
rent. But, woe unto a woman if she even has a single love affair with
another man. Nothing less than death by stoning is her just punishment.

The partial-Muslims are seemingly harmless, may appear normal, and are under
the radar. What gets our attention is the die-hard, the real Muslims who are
a small minority. Yet this virulent combative minority is campaigning
simultaneously on two major fronts. It works to herd the partial-Muslim
majority into its fold and vanquish all other non-believers by any and all

It is prudent to keep in mind that all important events in the history of
humanity have been instigated by either an individual or a small group.
These individuals or groups have been the sheep dogs that have directed the
movements and activities of the masses, the sheep.

This is exactly what the real Muslims, the Islamists, are doing in the world
today. It is suicidal to dismiss the Islamists as a bunch of zealots of no
consequences or as a fringe group that will burn itself out. Sadly enough,
it is the bulk of the Muslims that pundits portray as "peaceful" who is
either irrelevant or often serves as an instrument in the hands of the
Islamists. A couple of examples from recent history conclusively prove the
point that it is the fanatical minorities that launch and implement
campaigns that inflict immense suffering on


2011-07-27 Thread Beowulf



Ann Coulter



July 27, 2011

The New York Times wasted no time in jumping to conclusions about Anders
Behring Breivik, the Norwegian who staged two deadly attacks in Oslo last
weekend, claiming in the first two paragraphs of one story that he was a
"gun-loving," "right-wing," "fundamentalist Christian," opposed to

It may as well have thrown in "Fox News-watching" and "global warming

This was a big departure from the Times' conclusion-resisting coverage of
the Fort Hood shooting suspect, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. Despite reports that
Hasan shouted "Allahu Akbar!" as he gunned down his fellow soldiers at a
military medical facility in 2009, only one of seven Times articles on Hasan
so much as mentioned that he was a Muslim. 

Of course, that story ran one year after Hasan's arrest, so by then, I
suppose, the cat was out of the bag. 

In fact, however, Americans who jumped to conclusions about Hasan were right
and New York Times reporters who jumped to conclusions about Breivik were

True, in one lone entry on Breivik's gaseous 1,500-page manifesto, "2083: A
European Declaration of Independence," he calls himself "Christian." But
unfortunately he also uses a great number of other words to describe
himself, and these other words make clear that he does not mean "Christian"
as most Americans understand the term. (Incidentally, he also cites The New
York Times more than a half-dozen times.) 

Had anyone at the Times actually read Breivik's manifesto, they would have
seen that he uses the word "Christian" as a handy moniker to mean "European,
non-Islamic" -- not a religious Christian or even a vague monotheist. In
fact, at several points in his manifesto, Breivik stresses that he has a
beef with Christians for their soft-heartedness. (I suppose that's why the
Times is never worried about a "Christian backlash.") 

A casual perusal of Breivik's manifesto clearly shows that he uses the word
"Christian" similarly to the way some Jewish New Yorkers use it to mean
"non-Jewish." In this usage, Christopher Hitchens and Madalyn Murray O'Hair
are "Christians." 

I told a Jewish gal trying to set me up with one of her friends once that he
had to be Christian, and she exclaimed that she had the perfect guy: a
secular Muslim atheist. (This was the least-popular option on the '60s board
game Dream Date, by the way). 

Breivik is very clear that you don't even have to believe in God to join his
movement, saying in a self-interview: 

Q: Do I have to believe in God or Jesus in order to become a Justiciar

A: As this is a cultural war, our definition of being a Christian does not
necessarily constitute that you are required to have a personal relationship
with God or Jesus. 

He goes on to say that a "Christian fundamentalist theocracy" is "everything
we DO NOT want," and a "secular European society" is "what we DO want." 

"It is enough," Breivik says, "that you are a Christian-agnostic or a
Christian-atheist." That statement doesn't even make sense in America. 

At the one and only meeting of Breivik's "Knights Templar" in London in
2002, there were nine attendees, three of whom he describes as "Christian
atheists" and one as a "Christian agnostic." (Another dozen people mistook
it for a Renaissance Faire and were turned away.) 

Breivik clearly explains that his "Knights Templar" is "not a religious
organization but rather a Christian 'culturalist' military order." He even
calls on the "European Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu community" to join his
fight against "the Islamization of Europe." 

He doesn't believe in Christianity or want anyone else to, but apparently
supports celebrating Christmas simply to annoy Muslims. 

Breivik says he is "not an excessively religious man," brags that he is
"first and foremost a man of logic," calls himself "economically liberal"
and reveres Darwinism. 

But Times reporters had their "Eureka!" moment as soon as they heard Breivik
used the word "Christian" someplace to identify himself. No one at the Times
bothered to read Breivik's manifesto to see that he doesn't use the term the
way the rest of us do. That might have interfered with the paper's obsessive

Other famous killers dubbed conservative Christians by the Times include
Timothy McVeigh and Jared Loughner. 

McVeigh was a pot-smoking atheist who said, "Science is my religion." 

Similarly, Breivik says in his manifesto that "it is essential that science
take an undisputed precedence over biblical teachings" -- a statement that
would be incomprehensible to all the real scientists, such as Copernicus,
Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Bacon, Newton, Mendel, Pasteur, Planck, Einstein
and Pauli, all of whom believed the whole purpose of science was to
understand God. 

The Tucson shooter, Jared Loughner, was lyingly described by the Times as a
pro-life fanatic. Not only 

[osint] Norway's Terrorism in Context

2011-07-27 Thread Beowulf

Norway's Terrorism in Context

by Daniel Pipes
National Review Online 

July 27, 2011


Scandinavia may look idyllic from a distance, what with royal families and 
prime ministers almost without security, but it has endured its fair share of 
violence, from the assassination of Swedish prime minister Olof Palme to two 
school massacres in one year in Finland, one killing eight, the other ten. 
Anders Behring Breivik's rampage, in other words, was hardly unprecedented.

In the past, one had the cold comfort of knowing that deranged acts such as his 
were carried out by individuals under the sway of extremist ideologies. Not so 
Behring Breivik. This terrorist lists among his favorite authors George Orwell, 
Thomas Hobbes, John Stuart Mill, John Locke, Adam Smith, Edmund Burke, Ayn 
Rand, and William James. The disconnect between Behring Breivik's mainstream 
political conservatism and his psychological derangement presents a shocking 
new dilemma and challenge.


Behring Breivik plagiarized the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski.

That said, there is no reason to think that Behring Breivik has a single 
follower, that any other mainstream political conservative will emulate him and 
massacre socialists. This has never happened before and will probably never 
happen again. This is a gruesome, freakish exception.

And yet, this exception does tell conservatives that we have to be aware of a 
danger we had not thought of before. We may oppose socialists, but not vilify 

Given how meticulously Behring Breivik planned not just his bombing attack and 
gun rampage but also his posting of a manifesto and a video, and given his 
plans to turn his trial into political theater, his terrorism appears 
ultimately intended primarily to bring attention to his political views. 
Indeed, during his initial court appearance on July 25, the Associated Press 

  reports, he presented the violence "as 'marketing' for his manifesto," 2083 — 
A European Declaration of Independence.

In this way, Behring Breivik resembles the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, who 
engaged in violence as a means to market his 1995 manifesto, Industrial Society 
and Its Future. Indeed, the tie between these two is very close: Hans Rustad 
documents how extensively Behring Breivik plagiarized from Kaczynski 
 , changing only 
some key words.

Add to these two Timothy McVeigh (the 1995 Oklahoma City bomber) and Baruch 
Goldstein (the 1994 Hebron mass killer) and one has the four outstanding 
exceptions to the dominant rule of Islamist mass murder. One website, 
TheReligionOfPeace.com, counts 17,500 terrorist incidents on behalf of Islam in 
the past ten years; extrapolating, that comes to some 25,000 since 1994. We are 
dealing with two very different orders of magnitude. As David P. Goldman 
  notes, "there is a 
world of difference between the organized use of horror by terrorist movements 
and the depraved actions of individuals." Yes, we must worry about non-Islamist 
violence too, but the Islamist variety prevails and, being a vital extremist 
movement, will continue to do so.

Ravi Shankar  , 
executive editor of the New Indian Express, writes that "What happened in Oslo 
Friday may be the early beginning of a new civil war — Europeans fighting each 
other, both Muslim and Christian." He could well be right. As I argued in a 
2007 analysis, "Europe's Stark Options 
 ," the continent's 
future is likely to consist of either Islamization or protracted civil 
conflict. I sketched the possibility of "indigenous Europeans — who do still 
constitute 95 percent of the continent's population — waking up one day and 
asserting themselves. 'Basta!' they will say, and reclaim their historic order. 
This is not so remote; a chafing among Europeans, less among elites than the 
masses, loudly protests changes already underway."

Although he attacked socialists, not Muslims, Behring Breivik clearly fits this 
chafing. More broadly, he fits into a pattern of growing Christian-Muslim 
violence visible from Nigeria to Iraq to the Philippines.

Not surprisingly, Behring Breivik belongs to the "Islam is evil" school of 
thought, as he frequently signaled in his manifesto:

. . . a tolerant Islam is a contradiction, and the "creation" of a tolerant 
past for Islam to appease the position of liberal Muslims is a lie.

. . . to take the violence out of Islam would require it to jettison two 
things: the Quran as the word of Allah and Muhammad as Allah's prop

[osint] Turkish Sultans of Germany Demand Instant Crackdown on "Islamophobia"

2011-07-27 Thread Beowulf


Turkish Sultans of Germany Demand Instant Crackdown on "Islamophobia"

by sheikyermami on July 27, 2011

Turkish Masters, German Serfs

Top Muslim leaders in Germany are calling on the federal government to take
immediate action to stamp out growing anti-Islamic sentiment in the wake of
the Norway massacre. (Ah yes, and censorship of any criticism of Islam
along with enforcement of sharia punishments would come in handy while we're
at it.)

obia is a crime against humanity"-Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish headbanger in

"German Muslims worried after Norway massacre"

The chairman of the Turkish Community in Germany, Kenan Kolat, called on
Tuesday for Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, to convene a "prevention
conference on the theme of Islamophobia."

There needed to be a show of strength against right-wing extremism and
xenophobia, he said. Kolat added that a ban on the far-right National
Democratic Party was also needed, though this would not solve the problem in

"These attitudes are there in the community - and we have to fight them
together," he said.

Anders Behring Breivik, a Norwegian far-right nationalist, has admitted
killing at least 76 people in a mass shooting on the island of Utoeya and a
bombing in Oslo, last Friday.

Breivik killed mostly young Norwegian members of the centre-left Labour
Party who were on a summer camp. But he expressed in a 1,500 page manifesto
the view that Islam was taking over Europe. The case has raised questions
about whether there is a simmering far-right fringe in Europe ready to carry
out further attacks, including against Muslims.

The chairman of the Islamic Council for the Federal Republic of Germany, Ali
Kizilkaya, also expressed concern that the Norway massacre represented a
deeper problem. He said on Tuesday that Islamophobia was "very
underestimated" in Germany and that the whole society must carefully
consider how a "a culture of tolerance" could be promoted.

Germany should promote "a culture of tolerance"  when Turkey starts building
churches  and stops tearing them down.

He blasted the federal government's present integration policies as "at a
dead end."

"Something is awry when a xenophobic and Islamophobic book becomes a
best-seller," he added, apparently referring to ex-central banker Thilo
Sarrazin's best-selling polemic, "Germany Does Away With Itself," which was
published last year.

Censorship will fix that. Submit, dhimmies!

Sarrazin, also a former Berlin finance minister has come to epitomise a
controversial form of populist anti-immigration and anti-Islamic rhetoric
that critics argue may fuel the views of extremists like Breivik.


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[osint] The Myths of Oslo

2011-07-27 Thread Beowulf
The Myths of Oslo

Posted By Michael Ledeen On July 26, 2011 

The more I look at the Oslo massacre, the more I am struck by how archaic it
all is. The killer fancies himself a noble defender of a Western world that
no longer exists, and has not existed, really, since the First World War
destroyed it. He is the sort of fascist who believes in the myth of a Golden
Age that must be restored, and vaingloriously sees himself a member of the
elite chosen by history to defend the mythical West.

He fancies himself a warrior fighting against two mortal enemies: "Marxism"
and "Islam."  He needn't have bothered;  they both died a long time ago.

The first was effectively demolished in the Cold War with the defeat of the
Soviet Empire. Yes, there are certainly Marxists around, and even
communists, but there is no longer a worldwide mass movement challenging the
West in the name of dialectical materialism. Their contemporary warriors are
intellectuals, not workers, and they are more often masked as liberals or
moderates than openly leftist revolutionaries.  That's because there is no
market for revolutionary Marxism, as Van Jones can explain to you.

The second, "Islam," has been moribund for centuries.  Virtually all the
countries calling themselves "Islamic" are failed states whose citizens are
starving, whose industries are generations behind those of the contemporary
West, and whose most talented young people are mostly eager, even desperate,
to live and work in infidel countries.  Yes, there are certainly plenty of
murderous jihadis around, but although they work very hard at killing us
(typically often blowing themselves up instead, or setting their own
underwear on fire), they are most effective against other Muslims. Even
outside the "Muslim world" - as President Obama called it during his
unfortunate address in Cairo in 2009 - the hard-core pro-jihad,
let's-create-a-new-caliphate crowd visits misery on correligionaries packed
into ghettos and force fed a particularly nasty version of shariah.

Anders Breivik's demons did not drive him to attack Muslims, although there
may have been some among his victims; his targets were his own people, those
he called "traitors" for betraying the mythical West to the mythical global
forces of Islam and Marxism.  Quite a bizarre tapestry:  A fight to the
death among and within three spent forces which had already died.

This archaic mythology is not only Breivik's; the Marxists and the radical
Islamists embrace it just as avidly.  The Marxists embrace the myth of class
struggle in a Western world that is no longer capitalist and where there is
no working class.  The jihadis embrace the cause of holy war (no accident,
the Marxists might say, that jihadis raced to take  "credit" for the mayhem
in the first hours) against a Western world described as Christian and
Islamophobic.  That, too, is an archaic remnant from a past long dead and
buried, especially in Europe.  The Old World is secular, and, certainly
among its elites, more anti-Semitic and anti-Christian than anti-Muslim.
Just look at the thoroughly disgusting remarks
  [1] by the Norwegian ambassador to Israel AFTER the
massacre, in which he showed greater "understanding" of Palestinians killing
Jews than of a Norwegian massacring fellow countrymen.

It is thoroughly understandable, then, that some have responded to the
Norwegian mass murder with myths of their own, beginning with the fable that
Breivik is the tip of a very large iceberg, that includes not only deranged
would-be killers but also writers and politicians.  Thus they conjure up yet
another phantasmagorical mass movement - a vast conspiracy with countless
followers, some hidden, others public.  There is no such movement.  Yes,
there are crazy people who think they are fighters in the great cataclysmic
struggle of the days of the Last Judgment (and if you want a fine survey and
analysis of the enormous variety of such beliefs, and their dreadful effects
over the centuries, get yourself a copy of Richard Landes' timely study
 "Heaven on Earth" [2]).  But I doubt there are enough of them to feed more
than a handful of Knights Templar, let alone a full-fledged political

We're living through a revolutionary moment, all over the world.  The world
we knew and believed we understood is gone, and we don't know where we're
headed.  No wonder chaos disrupts orderly thought, and mythology replaces
common sense.


Article printed from Faster, Please!: http://pajamasmedia.com/michaelledeen

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[1] thoroughly disgusting remarks:

[osint] RE: Norway attacker claims did not act alone

2011-07-27 Thread Beowulf
Excellent observations.and the case and its handling do stink.




No kidding. I am shocked... not. The stench coming off this case is putrid
as putrid can be.

My OSINT reading observations.  

Norwegian MI5 tracks for a year or more (with US and UK assistance, of
course) and preemptively apprehends a very secretive trio of AQ terrorists
51 weeks ago (one week shy of a full 52-week year) who are planning to bomb
Oslo. The Norway and EU security and intel guys nab all of the primary cadre
of AQ terrorists - two in Norway; one in the UK. Rolling up such a
compromised cell is routine fare, right?   

Apparently not, at least not on first examination of certain facts.

Good intel on a known quantity neo-Nazi nutjob who purchased components of
an OKC-like bomb as well as assault weapons and a hand gun seems to have
gone, what, ignored?.

Norwegian MI5 were definitely aware of and tracking BREIVIK and his
associations for a full year. They have complete access to his public domain
communications. Yet the Norwegian intel and security forces do not
preemptively arrest BREIVIK prior to his strike.

Say 'what the frack'...???

Norwegian MI5 correctly identify BREIVIK as the perp of the Oslo bombing
near simultaneously with the massacre event occurring on Utoeya Island which
has eyewitnesses solidly recounting a second shooter. Where did that perp

It takes Norwegian LE and security forces virtually 90 minutes to arrive
on-scene, even though a helicopter is taking pictures of either Kreivik or
the alleged other shooter in the act of massacre along a shore of Utoeya
Island. We are told through non-MSM media that NATO-qualified Norwegian SF
cannot arrive at Utoeya Island in rapid response mode because the helo
aitlift support they require is reportedly not available at that time. Say

Given the nature of the Norwegian (leftist) political elite and/or their
(pro-Palestinian and vehemently anti-Israel) children on Utoeya Island (at
least one was a Royal family member) ... why is there is virtually zero
significant security presence?

Do I copy the OSINT data on this event correctly so far?

Is someone or someone(s) taking advantage of such a perfectly good crisis?

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.


non sibi, sed patriae


From: "Beowulf" 
To: grendelrep...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 6:38:38 PM
Subject: [grendelreport] Norway Killer Claims Did Not Act Alone




Terror in Norway

Norway attacker claims did not act alone

Published 26 July 2011

Anders Behring Breivik, has pleaded not guilty to a bomb in downtown Oslo
and a shooting spree at a summer camp which left scores dead, and when
questioned by police, he said that there were "two further cells in our
organization" and he did not act alone; police have been criticized for
their slow response to the shooting on Utoya, as authorities took more than
an hour to arrive on the island after the first reports of shootings


Anders Behring Breivik in custody // Source: bossip.com

The man accused of carrying out last Friday's deadly attacks in Norway
<http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/26/world/europe/26oslo.html?_r=1&hp>  that
he had the help of two terrorist cells.

The accused man, Anders Behring Breivik, has pleaded not guilty to a bomb in
downtown Oslo and a shooting spree at a summer camp which left seventy-six
dead, and when questioned by police, he said that there were "two further
cells in our organization" and he did not act alone. According to Judge Kim
Heger, Breivik believes he is innocent because he thought he "needed to
carry out these acts to save Norway" and western Europe from "cultural
Marxism and Muslim domination."

Breivik has been charged with acts of terrorism including an attempt to
"disturb or destroy the functions of society, such as the government" and to
spread "serious fear" among the population. He is currently being held by
police in solitary confinement.

Geir Lippestad, Breivik's lawyer, said "[His client] has said that he
believed the actions were atrocious, but that in his head they were
necessary." Lippestad continued, "[Breivik] wanted a change in society and,
from his perspective, he needed to force through a revolution. He wished to
attack society and the structure of society."

"It is clear that there is concrete information that a public hearing with
the suspect present could quickly lead to an extraordinary and very
difficult situation in terms of the investigation and security," the court

So far Breivik has been the only one accused of planting a large bomb in
central Oslo and carrying out the shootings at a summer camp 

[osint] Chinese Jets Chase US Aircraft over Taiwan

2011-07-26 Thread Beowulf
Obama's weakness invites Chinese aggression.


This is how WWIII will start.





By Bill Gertz  


The Washington Times

7:19 p.m., Monday, July 25, 2011


Two Chinese warplanes intercepted an American spy plane over the tense
Taiwan Strait last month in China
 's most aggressive challenge
to U.S. surveillance flights since a 2001 collision that touched off an
international crisis.

According to defense officials, the intercept took place June 29. The two
Chinese jets flew from a base in China
  to head off an Air Force
  U-2 spy plane over the
dividing line in the 100-mile wide Taiwan Strait.

"In general, these reconnaissance flights are conducted in international
airspace, as are the PRC [Chinese] intercepts, which happen fairly
routinely," said a Pentagon
  official familiar with
the incident.

"There is no 'repel' aspect to them," he said of reports from Asia that the
Chinese jets had "repelled" the U-2 flight during the intercept.

A Pacific Command 
spokesman declined to provide details of the incident other than to say it
occurred June 29 as the Air Force
  was conducting a routine
operation in international airspace in the area of the East China Sea.

Other officials said the U-2 had taken off from Kadena Air Base
  in Okinawa as part
of a routine surveillance program of China

The Chinese Su-27 jets tried to follow the U-2 as it flew south along the
western dividing line on the Taiwan Strait.

According to the officials, at one point the Su-27s split up in pursuing the
U-2. One jet turned back before crossing the median line, and the second
continued across the line until two Taiwanese F-16s took off to intercept

It is not known how the Su-27s were able to follow the U-2, which normally
flies at much higher altitudes than the warplanes.

The officials said the U-2 aborted its flight and returned to its base upon
being alerted to the Su-27 interceptors.

The officials discussed some details of the incident Monday after they were
reported in Taiwan  's United
Daily News   and
the Financial Times 

It was the first time Chinese warplanes crossed the line since 1999 and the
closest encounter between a U.S. surveillance aircraft and Chinese
interceptors since a Chinese J-8 jet collided with a U.S. EP-3 surveillance
jet in April 2001, setting off an international crisis.

In the 2001 case, China   held
a U.S. air crew captive for 11 days after the damaged EP-3 made an emergency
landing on China  's Hainan
island after the collusion. The Chinese pilot died after crashing in the
sea. The Navy   blamed the
Chinese pilot for flying too close to the EP-3.

Disclosure of the June 29 aerial encounter comes amid growing tensions over
Chinese aggressiveness in the South China Sea. In recent weeks China
  has clashed with Vietnam
  and the Philippines
  over sovereignty
claims in the sea, which is believed to hold large energy resources and is a
strategic transit point.

U.S. officials have said China
 , after a year of relative
calm, began asserting questionable territorial rights in waters around its
shores. Beijing has claimed most of the South China Sea as a "core interest"
and has refused to hold international talks to resolve disputes.

The Chinese also threatened Japan into releasing a Chinese fishing boat
captain who had been detained for fishing illegally near Japan's Senkaku
islands in the East China Sea.

Informal guidelines on maritime behavior were agreed to recently between
China   and several Southeast
Asian states last week at a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations, but China   has yet
for formalize a code of conduct.

The Su-27 incident also comes amid a debate be

[osint] St. Obama and the Debt Dragon

2011-07-17 Thread Beowulf
St. Obama and the Debt Dragon

Posted By Victor Davis Hanson On July 16, 2011 

"Reckless Fiscal Policies"

Why did Obama only enumerate George W. Bush's big spending as responsible
for the out-of-control $14 trillion-plus debt, while not mentioning his own
contribution of $5 trillion? Why is there a debt limit standoff now, rather
than, say, in 2009 or 2010? Why did this latest $1.6 trillion Obama budget
prompt the current crisis? Why did not Obama earlier start debt limit talks
the moment that his own hand-picked Simpson-Bowles commission presented
their findings? Why did Obama just recently submit, and have rejected, a
budget that would have scheduled even larger deficits of the sort he is now
warning against ("Armageddon")?

Why is voting against the debt limit reckless now, but in 2006 Obama
lectured us thusly:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a
sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can't pay
its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial
assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless
fiscal policies. . Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and
internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead,
Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our
children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of
leadership. Americans deserve better."

(He then failed even to vote on the issue in 2007 and 2008 when the limit
was raised again. So Obama has an even weaker case than the weak case of the
congressional Republicans who approved the Bush deficits, given that if
Obama was right at the time to vote "no," then $6 trillion later, with a
ruined, rather than robust, economy, he could now be really right to vote
again "no," when he has the political power not to raise the debt ceiling.)

Why is Obama talking of new tax increases when he ruled that out in December
2010: taxes then bad, now seven months later good? Why does the president
claim 80% of the people want taxes when polls prove no such thing?

Failure, Failure Everywhere

In 2009, newly arrived Obama was convinced of redistributive Keynesian
postmodern economics, a sort of updated fable that borrowed money would
spawn more money, or at least would not have to be paid back, or could be
excused along the lines: "If a Republican Bush borrowed nearly $5 trillion
in eight years, then, dammit, why cannot a liberal Democrat be allowed to
borrow more than $5 trillion in three?" And if Reagan gave us "starve the
beast" (cutting taxes would cut revenue that would force smaller
government), Obama could console himself with "gorge the beast" (growing
government in extraordinary fashion would force higher taxes that in turn
would redistribute income from those who "didn't need it" to those who work
for or receive from the government and who most certainly did need it).

The architects of his economic policies - Austan Goolsbee, Peter Orszag,
Christina Romer, Larry Summers - did not even last three years. All now are
either back in tenured academia, making millions in the revolving door that
Obama once blasted, or writing op-eds why following their former advice is
leading to insolvency, or all three combined. None are making the argument
any more that we need more of their stimuli or ObamaCare will save us
billions and create "400,000 new jobs."

Their borrowing did not stop unemployment from plateauing at 9.1% or prevent
the housing market from getting worse, or growth from stalling, or gas from
soaring, or the beginnings of a new inflation. In the meantime, the model of
Obamism (e.g., Greece
  [1], Portugal,
[2], Spain, Ireland) in Europe of high taxes, redistributive government,
astronomical debt, and unsustainable pensions has crashed. So Obamism did
not work, and now is the politically opportune time, before the 2012
election, to follow the famed Obama reinvention stratagem: Cite straw men
and extremists on both sides, and put St. Obama plop in the middle as the
sober, great dragon slayer, who blames both his contemporaries and his
predecessor. Hard to do, I know, when you wasted $5 trillion, but do it
nonetheless he has. In the word of Obama, wasted borrowed money is
"stimulus," not so shovel ready jobs are "investments," and hiking taxes on
someone else is "revenue enhancement."

2012 on the Brain

The Tea Party won the largest midterm election victory since 1938 on the
theme that Obama's rate of borrowing and debt-creation were unsustainable
and made worse, not better, by massive new Obama health care and green
initiatives. So Obama, now well below 50% in the polls, is to be reinvented
as a reasoned budget cutter. Note the logic that suddenly after ObamaCare
and green fiascos we pause in midstream, and talk of fiscal restraint and
again mo

[osint] FW: YouTube - Andrew Klavan: Obama's Beach Blanket Recovery: It's Happy, Snappy & Incredibly Crappy.

2011-07-17 Thread Beowulf



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[osint] Islam Falsifies All Other Religions: "Jesus is a Slave to Allah"

2011-07-16 Thread Beowulf
Apropo the following article, see this comment by St. Thomas Aquinas:




Mohammed - Is his Testimony Credible? 

By St. Thomas Aquinas

"He (Mohammed) seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which
the concupiscence of the flesh urges us. His teaching also contained
precepts that were in conformity with his promises, and he gave free rein to
carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected; he was obeyed by carnal
men. As for proofs of the truth of his doctrine, he brought forward only
such as could be grasped by the natural ability of anyone with a very modest
wisdom. Indeed, the truths that he taught he mingled with many fables and
with doctrines of the greatest falsity. 

He did not bring forth any signs produced in a supernatural way, which alone
fittingly gives witness to divine inspiration; for a visible action that can
be only divine reveals an invisibly inspired teacher of truth. On the
Contrary, Mohammed said that he was sent in the power of his arms - which
are signs not lacking even to robbers and tyrants. What is more, no wise
men, men trained in things divine and human, believed in him from the
beginning (1). Those who believed in him were brutal men and desert
wanderers, utterly ignorant of all divine teaching, through whose numbers
Mohammed forced others to become his follower's by the violence of his arms.
Nor do divine pronouncements on part of preceding prophets offer him any
witness. On the contrary, he perverts almost all the testimony of the Old
and the New Testaments by making them into a fabrication of his own, as can
be seen by anyone who examines his law. It was, therefore, a shrewd decision
on his part to forbid his followers to read the Old and New Testaments, lest
these books convict him of falsity. It is thus clear that those who place
faith in his words believe foolishly" 

-  Summa Contra Gentiles, Book 1, Chapter 16, Art. 4. 





July 15, 2011

Islam Falsifies All Other Religions: "Jesus is a Slave to Allah"

We are expected not to run a couple of innocuous cartoons, not to oppose the
building of a 15-story mega mosque at Ground Zero, and not to say "Muhammad
on South Park," because marauding Muslims will be offended and burn down
embassies and slaughter non-Muslims across the world.

And yet this kind of falsifying of Christianity must be tolerated in the
interest of "outreach?" No. This is dhimmitude. 
And it seems the Christians and the Jews who lived under dhimmitude
  did not emerge unscathed. There is an
involuntary defense mechanism to submit, capitulate to Muslim invaders.
Centuries of humiliation and brutal subjugation has had that effect. The
psychological landscape of non-Muslims (with exceptions, of course) is
suffused with knee-jerk submission.

Glenn Beck said this billboard was put up by Muslims near the entrance to
the Stations of the Cross.

But it's not just Jerusalem. Here in America, bus ads are running with the
same message. A bit less obvious, stealth propaganda, but the same message.
And Australia too. I am sure Atlas readers can cite many examples.

Where is the outrage?

Billboards in Sydney declare Jesus is a 'prophet of Islam'

by Clayton Hinds Posted: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 13:48 (BST)

Billboards in Sydney declare Jesus is a 'prophet of Islam'

Photo of the MyPeace website showing the billboard designs Christian Today

A Catholic Bishop has slammed a series of provocative billboards in Sydney
touting Jesus as a "prophet of Islam".

The Islamic apologist website Mypeace.com.au launched the controversial
advertising campaign to provoke discussion and promote free literature.

Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney, Julian Porteous, described
the campaign as a direct assault on Christianity and called for the
billboards to be immediately removed.

"In Australia with its Christian heritage a billboard carrying the statement
'Jesus A prophet of Islam' is provocative and offensive to Christians," he

"Central to Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ is more than a
prophet. He is the Son of God. He is acclaimed Lord and Saviour of humanity.

"This statement is a direct assault on Christian beliefs," said Bishop

The bishop has also lamented that the incendiary campaign has the potential
to damage relations between the Christian church and the Muslim community.

And these bus ads ran all across America.

New York


[osint] China's Growing Assertiveness Seen as Prelude to War

2011-07-16 Thread Beowulf


China's growing assertiveness in S. China Sea seen as prelude to war 

China's aggressive assertion of maritime controls over the South China Sea
is increasing the risk of a future war in Asia, according to an Australian
think tank. 

The Sydney-based Lowy Institute for International Policy said Chinese
military activities in both South and East China Seas, combined with China's
growing demands for resources and greater assertiveness, is the basis for
the assessment. 

"The sea lanes of Indo-Pacific Asia are becoming more crowded, contested and
vulnerable to armed strife," the study said. "Naval and air forces are being
strengthened amid shifting balances of economic strategic weight." The
report was written by Rory Medcalf and Raoul Heinrichs. 

"China's frictions with the United States, Japan and India are likely to
persist and intensify," it said. "As the number and tempo of incidents
increases, so does the likelihood that an episode will escalate to armed
confrontation, diplomatic crisis or possibly even conflict." 

The report said increased maritime patrols and surveillance, growing
nationalism and resources disputes are making the management of disputes
over maritime sovereignty more difficult. 

"All of these factors are making Asia a danger zone for incidents at sea:
close-range encounters involving vessels and aircraft from competing powers,
typically in sensitive or contested zones," the report said. 


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[osint] Dry Run? Muslim Goes Jihad, Causes Flight Diversion on Plane to Germany, Kicking and Spitting at Passengers

2011-07-13 Thread Beowulf

July 12, 2011

Dry Run? Muslim Goes Jihad, Causes Flight Diversion on Plane to Germany,
Kicking and Spitting at Passengers

Why all the secrecy? The FBI finally released the name of the Muslim who
caused the diversion of the flight last Friday while verbally abusing the
crew and kicking and spitting at passengers. Saleh Ali S. Alramakh, aka
Saleh Ali S. Alramaleh, age 21, of Riyadh Saudi Arabia, has been charged
with interference with flight crew members and attendants

According to the FBI, Alramakh went into the plane's bathroom and used an
electronic device while the plane was taxiing in Chicago. He allegedly
refused to follow the flight attendant's directives that he immediately turn
off the device and return to his seat, but eventually returned to his seat.

Shortly after takeoff and while passengers are still required to stay
seated, the FBI said Alramakh went into the bathroom again and used an
electronic device. He once again refused to follow orders by the flight
attendants to immediately return to his seat, investigators said.

At this point, the FBI said flight attendants unlocked and opened the
bathroom door, at which point Alramakh became verbally abusive toward the
attendants before returning to his seat.

At some point later in the flight, Alramakh got up a third time and
approached a flight
 Airplane jihadattendant in a "belligerent, confrontational manner," the
FBI said.

"Alramakh was speaking in a loud tone of voice, using profanity, with his
face inches from the flight attendant's face. The flight attendant asked
Alramakh to step back multiple times, but instead Alramakh shoved the flight
attendant backwards against the aircraft," the FBI said in a news release.

At least one passenger stepped in, grabbing Alramakh and helping the flight
crew restrain him, the FBI said, but Alramakh refused to comply with the
crew and continued to try to kick and spit on the people around him.

Alramakh's conduct caused the flight to divert to Cleveland, where police
were waiting for him at the gate.

Now we find out the 'unruly' passenger who caused a flight from Chicago to
Germany to be diverted, spoke with a "heavy foreign accent."

DRY RUN? Authorities are being tight-lipped on details about the foreign man
who locked himself in the airplane lavatory, then went "ballistic when he
was confronted." Gee, I wonder why? SEE VIDEO HERE: Foreign Man had to be
subdued on Chicago to Germany flight which diverted to Cleveland



 - Some Chicagoans have quite a story
to tell about the flight from O'Hare to Frankfort that was diverted Friday
to Cleveland when a passenger was found hiding in the bathroom and went
ballistic when he was confronted.

Joe Shulfer of Woodstock had his noise-cancelling headphones on and was
sitting by himself on United Airlines Flight 944. "The flight attendant just
ran up to me and literally grabbed me by the shirt and said, 'You need to



Cell phone photo of 'unruly' passenger on floor of plane. Face is
intentionally blurred. I wonder why?

with me now,'" the passenger told Newsradio 780.

They came upon three men wrestling with another passenger who, Shulfer
learned, had been in the restroom for 20 or 30 minutes and wouldn't come

They handcuffed the suspicious passenger and tied up his feet, but he
started spitting and swearing, Shulfer says. "So we duct-taped his mouth
shut," he says. "He was able to get that off himself. He almost choked
himself by swallowing the duct tape."

Then they secured a surgical mask over his face "just to get him to kind of
shut up and stop spitting all over everybody." Shulfer says he heard from
United that the man had a boarding pass but wasn't on the passenger list.


[osint] Caliphate

2011-07-13 Thread Beowulf

Are You Ready For a World Governed by Islamic Law?

Are you ready for a world dominated by Islamic law? On July 9, the
international political group Hizb ut-Tahrir will meet for the "UK Khilafah
Conference" in London. During the gathering, meetings will focus upon ways
in which a caliphate can be instituted. As The Blaze explained back in
February, a caliphate is an Islamic state that draws its authority from, and
is based upon, Sharia law.

Hizb ut-Tahrir, which stands for the "Party of Liberation" in English, is an
international political organization that seeks one, unified Muslim state
that is dominated by Muslim law. This particular group stands firmly planted
against the United States, accusing the Super Power of colonization, among
other offenses.

Additionally, the group would like to see Israel, which it deems "illegal,"
be dismantled.

Above, you can watch the conference's "trailer" for more. In it, you'll
notice the that the group targets Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack
Obama, among others, for assisting in "colonialism" and "oppression." Also,
look out for the words, "An Islamic call spanning the globe." 

Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
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[osint] US Concerned by Number of South African Passports Held by Terrorists

2011-07-09 Thread Beowulf


U.S. concerned by number of S. African passports held by terrorists 

U.S. intelligence and security officials are stepping up scrutiny of all
South African passport holders following the disclosure that a key Al Qaida
operative was using a South African passport for travel. 

The stepped up surveillance followed disclosure in early June that Fazul
Abdullah Mohammed, the Al Qaida terrorists linked to U.S. Embassy bombings
in Nairobi, Kenya in 1998 carried a South African passport. 

Mohammed was killed at a checkpoint in Mogadishu, Somalia. 

South Africa's government is investigating how its passport system was

One expert told the Johannesburg Mail & Guardian newspaper that the passport
security was compromised by illegal activity. "It comes down to corruption
at [the department of] home affairs," said Anneli Botha a terrorism expert
at the Institute for Security Studies. 

"You can easily get your hands on a legal document through illegal means. I
would start looking at the ease with which one can get a driver's license or
birth certificate as well. If we had more of a focus on terrorism, home
affairs officials would place more emphasis on ensuring that the person
applying is the same person on the passport. But it's not a matter of
urgency to them," Botha said. 

U.S. officials remain very concerned about the South African passport found
with a key member of al Shabab, Al Qaida's Somalia affiliate. Terrorists
seek South African travel documents because it is a neutral country and
South Africans, in general, have easy access around the world because they
are known to return home from their travels. 

In 2004, Ihsan Garnaoui, a Tunisian Al Qaida member, told German police he
had several South African passports. The following year Haroon Rashid Aswat,
a terrorist linked to bus bombings in London, was found to have lived in
South Africa and to have travelled to the United Kingdom on a South African

Also, a man who traveled to Britain in 2006 used a South African passport
under the false name of Altaf Ravat and was involved in planning bomb
attacks on transatlantic airplanes. 

Botha said to fix the problem South Africa's government needs to "clean
house and bring criminal charges against people for corruption in home

Home Affairs Director-general Mkuseli Apleni told the newspaper: "The
department launched an investigation into the matter in collaboration with
relevant law enforcement agencies, including cooperation with our diplomatic
mission in Kenya." 

Investigators said the passport was forged and not issued by "any lawful
South African authority with the responsibility for the issuance of
passports," and that "the South African movement control system has no
record of any movement in or out of the country at any of our ports of entry
by Fazul, using the fake passport. 

Modiri Matthews, the chief director of the immigration inspectorate
responsible for investigation, law enforcement and deportation at the
department of home affairs, said: "There is no evidence of Mohammed being in
the country." 

"We've had challenges with corruption and syndicates, but we've really been
tightening up our countercorruption unit," he said. "There have been people
arrested for issuing documents fraudulently." 


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[osint] US Taxpayers just paid $780 Million to bail out Greece...again!

2011-07-09 Thread Beowulf



 TaxPayer Alert: US Taxpayers just paid $780 Million to bail out 

  Scotty Starnes | 
July 9, 2011 at 9:42 AM | Tags:  
 hedge funds,  
 US taxpayers | 
Categories:   Political Issues | 
URL:   http://wp.me/pvnFC-5zf 

The redistribution of U.S. wealth scheme is in full force.

> ZeroHedge:

The IMF is delighted to announce that it just approved a €3.2 billion 
disbursement of cash for Greece, its fifth, as part of the €12 billion in money 
that Greece needs in order to continue operating in the months f July and 
August. And just for what purpose will this money be used, one may ask? Well, 
as explained a few weeks ago, in  

 Greek Math: €12 Billion In, €18.2 Billion Out the entire amount will be 
promptly recycled by global financial institutions in the form of debt 
maturities and interest payments, which amount to €18.2 billion in the months 
of July and August. Simply said ECB, EU and IMF money in, money owed to bankers 
out. The kicker: 17.09% of the money coming from the IMF, comes from, that's 
right dear US taxpayer, you (and since 21% of the quota contributions allocated 
to the IMF are deemed "non-usable", the actual number funded by the US is 
likely much higher). But this plot has a bonus kicker:  

 as we reported on Wednesday, the actual Greek debt is no longer owed by 
European banks to the extent it had been previously expected: a development 
that threatens to scuttle the  

 entire second Greek bailout plan as currently proposed. So as the banks have 
been selling Greek debt, who has been buying? Mostly hedge funds, such as 
everyone's favorite John Paulson. So to recap: US taxpayers have just paid out 
about $780 million of the $4.6 billion in order to fund interest owed to... 
hedge funds.

The WSJ provides  

 a pretty chart explaining who is responsible for what:


And more 


Counting all IMF funding sources, the 15 euro-zone nations would be responsible 
for a substantially larger stake in the institution's Greek bailout than the 
U.S. European contributions to the IMF loan, of course, will in turn be dwarfed 
by euro-zone countries' far larger exposure through the European bailout.

To make its loan, the IMF will borrow from the U.S. Federal Reserve and the 
other central banks it taps and pay them interest of about 0.25% on the money; 
the IMF will then charge Greece about 3% on the loan.

Will the money be wasted? That depends on whether the Greek electorate swallows 
the cuts in salary and pensions required by the IMF and the country's European 
partners and whether a new economic strategy boosts Greece's competitive 

The IMF is always at the top of any list to be repaid because its blessing is 
crucial for any country to be able to borrow internationally. If there were to 
be any losses on Greek loans, IMF policy is to absorb them rather than passing 
them on to members.

So that's the truth. And here is the party line, from Reuters:

In announcing the payment, part of a 110 billion euro IMF-European Union 
bailout package crafted for Greece last year, IMF Managing Director Christine 
Lagarde pointed to progress being made by debt-laden Greece, though noting that 
more work remains.

"The program is delivering important results: the fiscal deficit is being 
reduced, the economy is rebalancing, and competitiveness is gradually 
improving," Lagarde said in a statement.

"However, with many important structural reforms still to be implemented, 
significant policy challenges remain. A durable fiscal adjustment is needed, 
lest the deficit get entrenched at an unsustainably high level, and 
productivity-enhancing reforms should be accelerated, lest growth fail to 
recover," she said.

The IMF has warned that the crisis in Greece could reach countries like the 

[osint] Muslim Propagandists Attempting to Buy Change of 9/11 Story Everywhere

2011-07-09 Thread Beowulf


July 08, 2011

Islamic Spin on 911 Jihad Attacks Takes Terrible Shape Everywhere

And so we are in the final phase of the successful jihad attacks on American

The leftist/Islamic machine is in full throttle leading up to the tenth
anniversary of September 11th.

Ground Zero mosque radical Rauf (his mosque mistress Farhat 'Daisy' Khan
riding shotgun) said, "9/11 was a watershed, was a major milestone, and a
major catalytic force in, in catalyzing the attention towards the issue of
Islam, it's presence in the West, and it brought into much greater
prominence our work and the importance of our work." 

And so it has. And their minions have been very busy in the propaganda war
leading up to 9-11. Their foot soldiers (the young and the clueless) are
hitting the streets shilling for the Ground Zero mosque asking, "Are you for
the building/community center?" and claiming "it's not a mosque."

They are creating Goebbels-style propaganda websites and promotional videos,
and trying desperately for them to go viral. Big money being spent lavishly.

Sites like   "Change the Story" -- yes,
change the story from this:

 Wtc people
... to this -- jihad is good for you: (thanks to Pamela Hall for


Another jihadist propaganda website, PREPARE New York for 911
 , is running a similar video. It galled me, and
if you watch it, you'll see the level of subtle, stealth attack we are
under: this vile video is insulting and grotesque. It is a smear campaign of
destruction to advance Islam. Its selling of Sharia as similar to Jewish law
is a lowlife lie. Let's hope this trash does not wind up in our schools.

This vile video is insulting and grotesque. It is a smear campaign of
destruction to advance Islam. The selling of sharia as similar to Jewish law
is a lowlife lie.

There are many such initiatives. An evidently very well paid publicist,
Elizabeth Potter, has contacted me no less than eight times in the past two
weeks to promote the taqiyya (the Islamic mandate to deceive to advance
Islam) in yet another video for myfellowamerican.us

Let's hope this trash does not wind up in our schools.

The worst of this sharia compliance is in the 911 Memorial and Museum. This
was written today by Michael Burke, who served on the family advisory
committee for the memorial and the advisory committee on the museum center
to the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. His brother, New York Fire
Department Capt. William F. Burke Jr., Engine Company 21, gave his life on

This Sept. 11, the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks upon America,
New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
  will dedicate
the massive, $600 million National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the
World Trade Center
 . What Americans
have not been told is that this "memorial" will remake Ground Zero so that
it does not acknowledge 9/11.

Instead of acting as a constant reminder of the attacks, a symbol for us and
future generations of the evil that struck, the death and destruction it
caused and the heroism and sacrifice in response, the memorial will wipe out
all evidence and memory of the attacks.

Replacing all reminders of the attacks will be two immense "voids" with
gigantic subterranean waterfalls designed to express exclusively, as per
architect Michael Arad 
, the continuing "absence in our lives caused by these deaths."

About 500 trees will be planted upon the site. They are, we are told by
memorial officials, "traditional symbols of the rejuvenation of life." They
also will eradicate all trace and memory of what stood there for 30 years
and its destruction on Sept. 11.

The cause of "these deaths," how these people came to be absent - that is,
9/11 - has been deemed irrelevant and even contrary to your memorial

The memorial is not about that; it's about you.

Cities and towns across America have humbly requested a segment of the
twisted steel of the WTC to feature in their own modest Sept. 11 memorials.
The only memorial where one is not welcome is the "national" memorial at
Ground Zero. Those iconic remnants, exactly because they are iconic, are
considered far too gauche for the jury of intellectuals and artists who
chose the design.

The National September 11 Memorial at the WTC will not include the iconic
WTC "Sphere" - again, exactly because it is iconic. "The Sphere" stood in
the center of the WTC plaza

[osint] The Perverse Sexual Habits of the Prophet (Mohammad)

2011-07-09 Thread Beowulf


   In general I try to keep ISLAMIC ISSUES current with material less than two 
or three days old and if work and teaching interferes with getting an email out 
in time, I tend to resist the urge of filling your mailbox with old material.

In this case, however, I found a piece that warrants not only retrieval 
from the files, but merits constant circulation.

The Perverse Sexual Habits of the Prophet
An Account by Fr. Zakaria Botros

by Raymond Ibrahim
Jihad Watch 

April 3, 2009


Part 1


"I am only reading what is in Islam's own books!"

Father Zakaria Botros recently ran a show dedicated to discussing the question 
of morality and how it is—or should be—one of the hallmarks of "prophethood." 
At the start, he posed the focal question of the show: "Was Muhammad the 
prophet a moral man—the most upright man, worthy of being emulated by the 

He opened the show by relying on an Ibn Taymiyya quote, which evaluated the 
signs of prophethood. Taymiyya asserted that there are many false-prophets, 
such as Musailima "the Liar," a contemporary of Muhammad. Taymiyya concluded 
that many of these so-called prophets are, in fact, "possessed," and that the 
only way to determine the authenticity of any prophet is by examining his 
biography (sira) and deeds, and see if he be found worthy of the title.

Being that this is the first of several episodes devoted to examining the 
concepts of morality and prophethood (with the notion that the former 
reinforces the latter), the theme for this particular episode was "purity" 
(tahara): "Was Muhammad a 'pure' man?"—in this context, a question concerning 
his sexual mores (or lack thereof).

After the preliminaries, Botros looked at the camera and gave a stern warning: 
"This episode is for adults only! I am going to discuss many things that make 
me blush for shame, so please: have the women and children leave the room."

He then asked Muslims watching to keep in mind the question "Is this the 
prophet I follow?" as he delineated some of Muhammad's sexual habits.

First, from the Koran, Botros read verses unequivocally stating that Muhammad 
is the paragon of all virtue and morality, such as "And most surely you 
[Muhammad] conform (yourself) to sublime morality [68: 4]." He further quoted 
the ulema, such as Ibn Kathir, all insisting that Muhammad was the "Noblest of 
all humanity, and the greatest of prophets."

Botros and his ex-Muslim cohost—the priest had insisted that it be a man for 
this particular show, lest he be too ashamed to delineate Muhammad's sexual 
habits—discussed Koran 4:3, which "limits" a Muslim's wives to four, plus "what 
your right hands possess  ," 
that is, slave-girls.

That was apparently not good enough for Muhammad, asserted Botros; an entire 
verse had to be "revealed" justifying more women for him (Koran 33:50). In 
fact, Father Botros has carefully compiled a list of all the women—66 are 
known—to have had sexual relations with Muhammad.

Botros said that was only normal: according to Sirat Al-Halabi, Muhammad can 
have a woman no matter what, even against her will; and if Muhammad desired a 
married woman, her husband would have had to divorce her. According to Ibn 
Sa'ad, who wrote another authoritative biographical account of Muhammad, "The 
prophet did not die till all women were permitted him" (see Kitab Al Tabaqat Al 
Kubra, v.8, 194).

The co-host, rather abruptly, interjected – "What of all those rumors that 
Muhammad exhibited homosexual tendencies?"

Botros dropped his face in his hands and mumbled, "So you still insist we 
discuss that?" The co-host was adamant, saying it was for Muslims' own good to 
know everything.

Thus Botros, after profusely apologizing to his Muslim viewers, saying how 
embarrassing this was for him, declared: "Look! We're merely readers here, 
bringing up what we have read in Islam's own books! If Muslims don't like it, 
they should go and burn these books."

The first anecdote discussed by the priest revolved around a hadith that, while 
some ulema say is "weak," is, nonetheless according to Botros, present in 44 
Islamic books—including some highly respected collections, such as Sunan 
Bayhaqi and Al Halabi.

According to this hadith, a man named Zahir, who used to declare that "the 
prophet loves me," said that one day Muhammad crept unawares behind him and put 
him in a bear-hug. Zahir, alarmed, yelled, "Get off me!" After turning his head 
and discovering that it was Muhammad, he stopped struggling and proceeded to 
"push his back into the prophet's chest—prayers and blessings upon him 


[osint] [Islam & Science] USA destroying the Human Society

2011-07-09 Thread Beowulf
Lut = Lot.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Wasim Abdullah 
Date: Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 2:53 AM
Subject: [Islam & Science] USA destroying the Human Society
To: wasim.abdul...@yahoo.com


Dear Brother


Assalam u Alaikum



US embassy Islamabad held a “Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT)
Pride Celebration” ceremony on June 26th 2011 to show Washington’s support
and solidarity towards the GLBTs of Pakistan.


Now see what Quran and Hadith  says about such awful and scorn Sin


Do not go near to adultery. Surely it is a shameful deed and evil, opening
roads (to other evils)" (Quran 17:32).


"Say, 'Verily, my Lord has prohibited the shameful deeds, be it open or
secret, sins and trespasses against the truth and reason"' ( Quran 7:33).


And (We sent) Lut when he said to his people: What! do you commit an
indecency which any one in the world has not done before you?

Most surely you come to males in lust besides females; nay you are an
extravagant people ( Quran 7:80,81)


And (We sent) Lut when he said to his people: Most surely you are guilty of
an indecency which none of the nations has ever done before you;
What! do you come to the males and commit robbery on the highway, and you
commit evil deeds in your assemblies? But nothing was the answer of his
people except that they said: Bring on us Allah's punishment, if you are one
of the truthful.
[He said: My Lord! help me against the mischievous people (Quran 28-31) 



Hadith about GLBT



May Allah curse him who does that Lut’s people did.” 

(Ibn Hibban)


Holy Messenger (may Allah bless and greet him) said, “When a man mounts
another man, the throne of God shakes.” 

In another hadith related by Ibn Abbaas the Holy Messenger (may Allah bless
and greet him) said: “... cursed is the one who has intercourse with an
animal, cursed is the one who does the action of the people of Lut.”


In yet another hadith reported in Tirmidhi, the Holy Messenger (may Allah
bless and greet him) prescribed death penalty for the doer of this crime. He
said: “Kill the one who sodomises and the one who lets it be done to him.”


Homosexuality is an abominable act, detestable and thus condemnable.

But USA in name of Fighting against terrorism are destroying Muslim Society
one by one by encouraging all such actions.

Please read the below Press release by US embassy In Pakistan

They have arranged such celebration in name of Support to Humanity.

They are killing millions of Muslim in name of fighting against Terrorism.


Embassy Islamabad Hosts GLBT Pride Celebration

June 26, 2011

Ambassador Richard E. Hoagland greets guests at GLBT Pride celebration on
June 26, 2011

Chargé d’Affaires Ambassador Richard Hoagland and members of Gays and
Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies (GLIFFA) hosted Embassy Islamabad’s
first ever gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender

 (GLBT) Pride Celebration on June 26.  This gathering demonstrated continued
U.S. Embassy support for human rights, including LGBT rights, in Pakistan at
a time when those rights are increasingly under attack from extremist
elements throughout Pakistani society.  

Over 75 people attended including Mission Officers, U.S. military
representatives, foreign diplomats, and leaders of Pakistani LGBT advocacy
groups. In formal remarks, the Chargé underscored President Obama’s May 31,
2011 GLBT Pride Proclamation that, “we rededicate ourselves to the pursuit
of equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender

Addressing the Pakistani LGBT activists, the Chargé, while acknowledging
that the struggle for GLBT rights in Pakistan is still beginning, said “I
want to be clear: the U.S. Embassy is here to support you and stand by your
side every step of the way.”



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[osint] The Missing US Ambassador (two articles)

2011-07-05 Thread Beowulf


05 July 2011 3:08 PM 

The Missing US Ambassador at the feast for Ronald Reagan Last night's
Guildhall dinner in honour of Ronald Reagan's centenary was a truly
glittering and warm occasion.

The British roasted lamb and the sunny Californian chardonnay evoked the
close Anglo-US relationship of Reagan and Thatcher as much as the fine
speeches by Condi Rice and William Hague.

But guests were left asking, where on earth was the American ambassador to
London, Louis B Susman?

"Our ambassador should be here," said Lynn de Rothschild, the American
entrepreneur who is married to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and was one of
Hillary Clinton's key fundraisers in 2008 as well as a supporter of several
Republican presidential candidates.  "This was an historic dinner to mark
Reagan's centenary and to celebrate him as the man who ended the Cold War.
What could not be more important?

"Why is our ambassador not here on Independence Day?  No excuse.  How is it
that America is not represented in this room by our ambassador?  It is
appalling that no representative of our government is in this room.  This
has the feel of petty partisanship."

Ambassador Susman is, of course, a long-standing Democrat fundraiser,
nicknamed the vaccuum cleaner for his skill at sucking donations out of the
wealthy.  And his efforts to fill Obama's campaign pockets was said by many
to be his main qualification to come to London.

According to the US embassy spokesman: "Ambassador Susman was pleased to be
invited to the dinner but was unable to attend."

He had however been at the unveiling of a statue of Reagan in Grosvenor
Square earlier in the day, and hosted a generous breakfast for the entire
VIP visiting party and the military band.  So he cannot be accused of
snubbing the Reagan centenary.

But he missed some cracking speeches and anecdotes.  For more details see
the Standard story here.

And where was he?  The embassy won't say.



The riddle of the missing US ambassador as London toasts Ronald Reagan

Joe Murphy, Political Editor Joe Murphy, Political Editor

5 Jul 2011 Sponsored links Ads by Google Ronald Reagan Documentary He
Revived, Restored, and Fought for America.  Watch the Trailer!

It was one of the most glittering events of the year, attracting some of the
greatest names in American and British politics.

But as the British roasted lamb and the sunny Californian chardonnay were
cleared away, one notable absence was the hottest topic among guests at the
Guildhall dinner in honour of Ronald Reagan's centenary.

Where was the American ambassador to London, Louis B Susman?

He had, it soon transpired, been invited.  But despite a guest list that
boasted four British Cabinet ministers, ex-Prime Minister, nine US
congressmen and a senator and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,
there was no sign of President Obama's representative in London.

And in a warm atmosphere evoking the closest days of the special Anglo-US
relationship of the Eighties, the surprise at Mr Susman's absence turned to

"Our ambassador should be here," said Lynn de Rothschild, the American
entrepreneur who is married to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and was one of
Hillary Clinton's key fundraisers in 2008 as well as a supporter of several
Republican presidential candidates.  "This was an historic dinner to mark
Reagan's centenary and to celebrate him as the man who ended the Cold War.
What could not be more important?

"Why is our ambassador not here on Independence Day?  No excuse.  How is it
that America is not represented in this room by our ambassador?  It is
appalling that no representative of our government is in this room.  This
has the feel of petty partisanship."

Where indeed?  Mr Susman had been at the unveiling of a statue of Reagan in
Grosvenor Square earlier in the day, and had hosted a generous breakfast for
the entire VIP visiting party and the military band, so he had certainly not
snubbed the grand centenary events.  According to the US embassy spokesman:
"Ambassador Susman was pleased to be invited to the dinner but was unable to

Mr Susman missed some sparkling speeches and anecdotes, announced by trumpet
blasts, including Foreign Secretary William Hague recounting a gem from the
Royal Wedding: "I told an Arab Ambassador, 'look, a million people are
heading for the palace - and we're totally relaxed'." London MP Greg Hands
said: "It was a non-partisan occasion to celebrate a great American and
President's 100th birthday."

Among the VIPs were John Major, Defence Secretary Liam Fox, who sat next to
Ms Rice, Home Secretary Theresa May, Commons leader S

[osint] FW: The EVIL That Is Communism.... E-V-I-L.

2011-07-04 Thread Beowulf
In terms of deaths from comparative evils, Islam beats Communism and Nazism
combined.responsible for the deaths of more than 270 million humans.



The EVIL That Is Communism E-V-I-L. 

  twg2a PitBull | July 3, 2011 at
22:08 | Categories:  
Communism/Marxism/Racism | URL:  

The EVIL That Is Communism.. E-V-I-L.

July 3, 2011 




History of Communism

Communism's Crimes Against Humanity

In October 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution gave birth to the deadliest
ideology in human history - Communism. In less than 100 years, Communism has
claimed more than 100 million lives. Today, it continues to enslave
one-fifth of the world's people.

Thanks to the efforts of The Victims of Communist Memorial Foundation and
its supporters the United States, Communism's greatest challenger and a
symbol of freedom to the world, now has a memorial to commemorate these
victims. Dedicated on June 12, 2007 by President George W. Bush, The Victims
of Communism Memorial stands two blocks from the U.S. Capitol building. It
stands as an enduring reminder of the murderous legacy of totalitarianism.

Never Forget

A free people cannot afford to forget the evils of Communism. We cannot
allow the atrocities of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, and Castro
to fade into the background of history. We must not forget the trail of
blood and tears this utopian deception has left behind:

*   When the Bolsheviks murdered their way into power... 
*   When Lenin destroyed hundreds of thousands of Cossacks... 
*   When the Kremlin starved more than six million in Ukraine... 
*   When Mao murdered tens of millions of Chinese peasants during his
"Great Leap Forward"... 
*   When Ho Chi Minh sent 850,000 Vietnamese to their graves in
"education camps"... 
*   When Castro buried dissenters in the infamous Isle of Pines... 
*   When the student voices of freedom were silenced at Tiananmen

A Moral Blind Spot

It is a great moral failing that so many do not know the extent of
Communism's atrocities. While the horrors of Nazism are well known, who
knows that the Soviet Union murdered 20 million people? Who knows that
China's dictators have slaughtered as many as 60 million? Who knows that the
Communist holocaust has exacted a death toll surpassing that of all of the
wars of the 20th century combined?

Just as we must grasp Communism's brutality, we must understand the true
cause of the fall of the Soviet Union. The West's triumph over the "evil
empire" was no accident of history. It was the result of a calculated
strategy by a grand alliance of political, military, religious, business and
labor leaders. These leaders deserve credit for the victory over Communism
many thought impossible.

The Battle Continues

The specter of Communism still haunts the world. In Russia, one-third of the
people believe that Stalin "did more good than bad for the country". In
China, thousands of dissidents are imprisoned in the slave labor camps known
as the laogai. In North Korea, masses starve as the leadership builds
nuclear weapons. In Cuba, dissidents are routinely imprisoned for peacefully
petitioning for democratic reform.

Communism remains today, as it has since its bloody beginning in 1917, the
road to serfdom.


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[osint] The Real Meaning of the Fourth of July

2011-07-04 Thread Beowulf
"The Declaration of Independence upended that age-old notion of rights. All
men -- not just Americans -- have been endowed by God and nature, not
government, with fundamental and unalienable rights. Governments are called
into existence by the people -- and exist at their pleasure -- for one
purpose: to protect the exercise of these inherent rights." 

The Real Meaning of the Fourth of July
by   Jacob G. Hornberger, July 4,

Contrary to popular myth, the men who signed the Declaration of Independence
were not great Americans. Instead, they were great Englishmen. In fact, they
were as much English citizens as Americans today are American citizens. It's
easy to forget that the revolutionaries in 1776 were people who took up arms
against their own government. 

So how is it that these men are considered patriots? Well, the truth is that
their government didn't consider them patriots at all. Their government
considered them to be bad guys -- traitors, all of whom deserved to be
hanged for treason. 

Most of us consider the signers of the Declaration of Independence to be
patriots because of their courage in taking a stand against the wrongdoing
and tyranny of their own government, even risking their lives in the

Yet not even the patriotism and courage of these English citizens
constitutes the foremost significance of the Fourth of July, any more than
the military victory over their government's forces at Yorktown does. 

Instead, the real significance of the Fourth of July lies in the expression
of what is undoubtedly the most revolutionary political declaration in
history: that man's rights are inherent, God-given, and natural and, thus,
do not come from government. 

Throughout history, people have believed that their rights come from
government. Such being the case, people haven't objected whenever government
officials infringed upon their rights. Since rights were considered to be
government-bestowed privileges, the thinking went, why shouldn't government
officials have the power to regulate or suspend such privileges at will? 

The Declaration of Independence upended that age-old notion of rights. All
men -- not just Americans -- have been endowed by God and nature, not
government, with fundamental and unalienable rights. Governments are called
into existence by the people -- and exist at their pleasure -- for one
purpose: to protect the exercise of these inherent rights. 

What happens if a government that people have established becomes a
destroyer, rather than a protector, of their rights? The Declaration
provides the answer: It is the right of the people to alter or even abolish
their government and establish new government whose purpose is the
protection, not the destruction, of people's rights and freedoms. 

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be construed in light of that
revolutionary statement of rights in the Declaration of Independence. The
American people used the Constitution to bring the federal government into
existence but also, simultaneously, they used that document to limit the
government's powers to those expressly enumerated in the Constitution. With
the Constitution, people limited the powers of their own government in a
formal, structured way, with the aim of protecting their rights and freedoms
from being infringed upon by that same government. 

Why did Americans deem it desirable and necessary to limit the powers of the
federal government? Because they feared the possibility that their new
government would become like their former government against which they had
had to take up arms. While they recognized the necessity for government --
as a means to protect their rights -- they also recognized that the federal
government was the greatest threat to their rights. By severely limiting the
powers of the federal government to those enumerated within the
Constitution, the Framers intended to encase the federal government within a

Even that was not sufficient for the American people, however. As a
condition for approving the Constitution, they demanded passage of the Bill
of Rights, which emphasized two deeply held beliefs: (1) that the federal
government, not some foreign entity, constitutes the greatest threat to the
rights and liberties of the American people; and (2) that the enumeration of
specific rights and liberties, both substantive and procedural, would better
ensure their protection from federal infringement. 

On the Fourth of July we celebrate the patriotism and courage of those
English revolutionaries who were willing to pledge their lives, fortunes,
and sacred honor in defense of the most revolutionary declaration of rights
in history -- that man's rights come from God and nature, not from




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[osint] Entebbe's Message 35 Years Later: Leave No One Behind

2011-07-04 Thread Beowulf
 The Iconoclast

Monday, 4 July 2011


Entebbe's Message 35 Years Later: Leave No One Behind



Editor's note:


As Americans we celebrate our Independence on July 4th. For Israelis, July
4th memorializes the 35th anniversary of the legendary Entebbe rescue raid
and the valiant death of Mission Commander, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin
Netanyahu's brother   Yonatan. In
this Op ed, Maj.. Gen. (Res.) Doran Almog, "the first man on the ground at
Entebbe", discusses the relevance of Entebbe to a personal cause, care of
Israel's disabled.


Maj. Gen. (Res.) Doron Almog, IDF


by Maj. Gen. (Res.)  Doron Almog, IDF


Thirty-five years ago today (July 4, 1976), an Air France flight was
hijacked and diverted to Entebbe Airport in Uganda. Shortly after landing,
all of the non-Jewish passengers were released and the remaining Jewish
passengers were held hostage. One week after the hijacking, I commanded the
first task force to land in Entebbe as part of a daring mission that freed
105 hostages.


Faced with immense challenges, we pulled off a thrilling (yet bittersweet)
victory. At the time, we saw the feat as an illustration of the strength and
vitality of the Israeli army and the Jewish spirit.  Upon reflection (so
many years later), it is clear that it also highlighted the importance of
standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.

It should be noted that my participation in Entebbe was voluntary. After my
brother, Eran, was killed in the Yom Kippur war (he was injured in the Golan
Heights and bled to death after sitting untreated for seven days), I was
given the choice of leaving my combat unit as a bereaved soldier.  However,
I chose to remain in the military in order to change the ethos of the IDF
and make absolutely sure that no soldier would ever be left behind again. 

It was this philosophy that drove me to participate in the Entebbe raid and
numerous other military operations throughout my career and, ultimately, set
the stage for the next phase of my adult life.

After our son was born - and we named him Eran after my late brother - he
was diagnosed with severe physical and cognitive disabilities.  In an
instant, my world was turned upside down. At first, I had a very hard time
coming to terms with the fact that my beloved son would never speak or hold
down a job, and would always be dependent on others to provide his every
need.  But my "no man left behind" philosophy prevailed, and I found the
strength to be the father that Eran needed me to be. 

In fact, my time with Eran allowed me to develop my philosophy even further,
and I became committed to changing the way society views the disabled.  I
realized that it is not enough to make sure that these wonderful children
don't get left behind.  We must ensure that they are given every opportunity
to excel and reach their greatest potentials.

For the Entebbe raid, our IDF battalions travelled 2,500 miles to fight for
those who could not fight for themselves.  It is time for us to harness that
bravery, resolve and dedication to our fellow men, to turn our sights inward
and focus on the urgent rescue missions in our own neighborhoods. These
"hostages" are in very real danger every day of their lives and are often
abandoned. They are the weakest members of our society and are completely
dependent on the kindness of others. We don't need to launch a complex
tactical mission to set them free.  We simply need to wrap them in love and
help them integrate into our social fabric.

Make no mistake: our commitment to care for the disabled members of society
remains immeasurably more difficult than any military campaign I have ever
led. But we must stand up and fight to provide them with the care that they
deserve. Because, in the end, our generation will be judged by how well we
complete this mission.


Major General (Res.) Doron Almog is the founder and Chairman of Aleh Negev -
Nahalat Eran, a village named in memory of his son, that provides a
continuum of residential care for children with severe disabilities as they
grow from adolescents into young adults.Learn more about Aleh at

General Almog currently serves as Chairman of Athlone Global Security (AGS),
a capital group that invests in high-tech Israeli companies specializing in
the development and distribution of homeland security-related solutions.

During his army service General Almog accumulated a great deal of
operational experience in leading people during war and battle conditions
and in managing complex divisions. See his background at

[osint] Texas warns against travel to Mexican border town

2011-07-02 Thread Beowulf


Texas warns against travel to Mexican border town

AUSTIN, Texas | Sat Jul 2, 2011 12:42pm EDT 

(Reuters) - The state of Texas warned U.S. citizens on Saturday to stay away
from the border town of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
 , over the July 4 weekend, saying
that the violent Zetas drug cartel was targeting vacationers there.

"According to the information we have received, the Zetas are planning a
possible surge in criminal activity, such as robberies, extortions,
car-jackings and vehicle theft, specifically against U.S. citizens," said
Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, in a press

McCraw said U.S. citizens should avoid Nuevo Laredo during the Fourth of
July holiday. The city is across the Rio Grande river from Laredo, Texas.

Texas has previously warned Americans about travel to Mexico during holidays
and other peak vacations times.

The latest bulletin comes just weeks after a complaint from Mexico's tourism
chief Rodolfo Lopez Negrete, who said some of the warnings are "ludicrous"
and "misinformed."

High-profile violence has stained the image of Mexico's large tourist
centers, although the majority of violence tends to happen away from tourist

More than 37,000 people have been killed in Mexico since late 2006 when
President Felipe Calderon sent the armed forces to crush powerful drug
cartels battling for lucrative smuggling routes to the United States.

The U.S. State Department says 111 Americans were reported murdered in
Mexico last year, up from 35 in 2007.

(Writing by Kyle Peterson; Additional reporting by Corrie MacLaggan; Editing
by Greg McCune



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2011-07-02 Thread Beowulf

► AP / by Kimberly Dozier 

► http://www.wtop.com/?nid=209&sid=2437805 

► WTop 

► Stringer: Kees Kalkman / VDAmok / Utrecht NL / k...@amok.antenna.nl 

Jun 28 2011 ► Jun 26. Military intelligence officers were scrambling a year ago 
to collect and analyze the social, economic and tribal ins and outs of each 
valley and hamlet in Afghanistan. 

This information wasn't the kind of secret or covert material many military 
intelligence specialists were used to. But it was seen as crucial to helping 
commanders tell the good guys from the bad, learn what Afghans really needed 
from their government and undermine the Taliban-led insurgency by winning 
hearts and minds over time. 

Since last fall, top intelligence leaders in Afghanistan shifted their focus 
back to targeting the enemy in the more traditional way, by mapping their 
networks and analyzing what made the Taliban tick. 

They didn't stop collecting the other information. But their goal now was 
helping tell commanders what they needed to know to kill insurgents and drive 
the enemy to the negotiating table. 

President Barack Obama said Wednesday that the United States will start 
bringing home U.S. troops next month. His announcement is part of a gradual 
scaling back of American operations and ambitions in Afghanistan that's 
expected to emphasize raids over governance, making tracking Afghan culture and 
bolstering the government less important, three current officials in 
Afghanistan said. 

The White House has been frustrated by Afghanistan's corruption and the 
inability of President Hamid Karzai's government to provide competent officials 
to serve far-flung provinces. That has helped shrink U.S. goals, and the new 
bottom line is a government strong enough to prevent terrorists' safe havens 
from returning. 

Targeting insurgent leaders and their support networks is seen as an important 
part of the U.S. exit strategy. The thinking is that Taliban leaders will be 
more ready for a deal if they feel threatened personally. 

The U.S. has confirmed preliminary outreach to the Taliban, but Secretary of 
State Hillary Rodham Clinton said last week that fruitful talks probably are a 
long way off. 

These developments come as the man in charge of military intelligence in 
Afghanistan, Maj. Gen. Steve Fogarty, has shifted his focus to how the U.S. 
gathers social, economic and tribal data, and how troops are getting access to 

But he may now face a closing window of opportunity to bolster those programs, 
with the looming drawdown of manpower and resources as ordered by an 
administration fed up with the war's $10 billion-a-month cost. 

A secret U.S. National Intelligence Estimate on Afghanistan issued in February 
said raids and small-scale special-operations-led stability operations were 
showing progress, but projects meant to bolster Afghan governance were not yet 
taking hold, according to the officials. They spoke on condition of anonymity 
to discuss intelligence matters. 

That assessment was one factor in Obama's decision to withdraw all but a small 
contingent of the current approximately 100,000 forces by 2015, said a senior 
U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive 
strategic discussions. 

In early 2010, now-retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal's mission was to keep the 
population safe, in addition to the traditional hunt-the-enemy role. That meant 
understanding enough about a town or village to know whether the insurgency was 
best combated by killing a key leader, giving out loans to build a factory and 
provide jobs, or in many cases both, according to a senior intelligence 
official in Afghanistan. 

The drawbacks of focusing solely on the enemy were laid out in a paper 
published by then- senior intelligence officer in Afghanistan, Maj. Gen. 
Michael Flynn. He called his work "Fixing Intel" and he bypassed traditional 
Pentagon channels to get it published by a Washington think tank. 

After publication, Flynn put in place new layers of collection and analysis 
that included the Stability Operations Information Centers, whose staff members 
function like news reporters. They travel to field locations to collect 
intelligence that others didn't have time to share with the rest of the 
NATO-led effort. FRINGE INTELLIGENCE - year 11 - no.234 – July 1 – 2011 - page 

Analysts also gathered "atmospherics." They asked Afghans what the man on the 
street was talking about, trying to get a sense of everything from sentiment 
about Karzai to whether they believed NATO troops were staying beyond 2014. 

Flynn also championed the Human Terrain System, which uses anthropologists to 
study village and social networks throughout Afghanistan. 

Most important, intelligence officials say, was his move to build 
district-by-district assessments to provide an encyclopedia of information 
readily available to the troops in the field. 

Flynn left last fall. Hi

[osint] Terror Propaganda by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

2011-07-02 Thread Beowulf
Urgent Call to the people of Greece and the World: Freedom Flotilla Must
Sail to Gaza!

Several boats that are part of Freedom Flotilla Two - Stay Human have been
detained and prohibited to sail by the Greek Coast Guard, including the
U.S., Canadian and Spanish Boats to Gaza, and the Greek government has
prohibited any boats from sailing to Gaza from Greek ports. The Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine calls upon the Greek government to
immediately end this active complicity with the Israeli siege on Gaza and
release the boats to join the Flotilla to Gaza, and calls on all popular
forces and movements in Greece and internationally to demand that the Greek
government end its participation in the illegal Israeli blockade and allow
the Freedom Flotilla to sail! 

The Greek people have demonstrated, time and again, their firm solidarity
with the Palestinian people, taking to the streets en masse to stand with
the people of Palestine against Israeli massacres, invasions and wars. The
people of Greece have also taken to their streets in the millions in the
past months, and Greek workers risen in escalating general strikes over the
past weeks, to stand against an EU/IMF economic austerity plan for their
country which will mean misery, subservience, and suffering for Greece's

Throughout the general strikes of the past week, Greek workers, including
the port workers' union, have made clear that the loading and sailing of the
boats to Gaza is the one exception to their overall stoppage of work at the

In January 2009, the people of Greece won a meaningful victory and stopped a
shipment of arms from the U.S. to Israel through a Greek port. The Greek
people mobilized and acted in response to calls from the Palestinian people
to block this arms shipment and demand an end to Greek complicity in the
ongoing Israeli war on Gaza.  

Now, we call upon the Greek movement to make it clear that the people of
Greece will not accept this further assault on their sovereignty and on
international justice and human rights and that the people of Greece will
not be held hostage to Netanyahu, the US, the EU and the IMF. 

We call upon all international and Greek forces in solidarity with Palestine
to protest - and to include in existing protests against the IMF/EU assault
on Greece - demanding that the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza be allowed
immediately to sail freely to Gaza. 

The Greek popular movement has faced police repression, closings of public
squares, and attacks of brutality, but has risen again and again, reclaiming
public squares from the police and continuing workers' strikes, refusing to
concede their sovereignty and their rights to IMF and EU authority, despite
the acquiescence of the Greek government. 

In this environment of mass popular struggle and government complicity with
IMF and EU demands, it is obvious that U.S. and Israeli pressure have been
brought to bear upon the Greek government - and that once again, rather than
defending Greek sovereignty and acting in the interests of the people of
Greece who time and again, have expressed their mass support for the
Palestinian people and their fierce opposition to the Israeli siege, have
acted in direct complicity and compliance with U.S/Israeli demands to stop
the Freedom Flotilla.  

The international Freedom Flotilla is a strong international statement of
rejection of Israel's illegal blockade and support for Palestinian
self-determination and sovereignty over our coasts and our borders. It is a
popular action manifesting material solidarity with our struggle for freedom
and liberation, in the best tradition of international solidarity against
oppression. It comes one year after the brutal Israeli military assault on
the previous Freedom Flotilla, in which the Israeli occupation military
killed nine international solidarity activists seeking to break Israel's
illegal blockade by sea. 

It is unacceptable that Greece is now being used as a puppet regime of the
U.S. and Israel. In Palestine, we have seen and experienced ourselves the
devastating results of IMF and EU authority over our political life,
including security cooperation with the occupation state and imprisonment
and repression of the Palestinian resistance by complicit Palestinian
Authority forces. The devastation of IMF austerity plans can be seen
throughout Latin America and Africa. At the same time, the massive rise of
the Latin American left and the drive toward unity has been greatly
propelled forward by the mass popular rejection of the IMF and its goals to
subjugate, divide and impoverish Latin America.  

The United States, the largest single member of the IMF, has made clear its
intentions to stop the flotilla, as has the Israeli government. The racist
occupation prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been a prime advocate of
the EU/IMF plan for Greece, a position ardently backed by the government of
George Papandreou.  

And while the people of Greece take to the s

[osint] "Anti-jihadists" carry water for antisemitism in EDL; attack SIOA

2011-07-02 Thread Beowulf


"Anti-jihadists" carry water for antisemitism in EDL; attack SIOA

There is circulating around the blogosphere an "Open Letter to Pamela
Geller," attacking my SIOA colleague for her concerns about the EDL. Pamela
Geller has responded in great detail here
 , and since I am in full
agreement with the statement

that precipitated this attack, I feel it incumbent upon me to respond also.
In fact, when Pamela first crafted her statement about the EDL, before she
published it she asked me what I thought of it, and I suggested that she add
a few thoughts -- which she did. So the statement as it stands represents as
much my sentiments as hers. It was SIOA's position.

What is unaccountable is that this "Open Letter" was published after the
appearance of EDL chief Tommy Robinson's statement

yesterday, which addressed as valid the very concerns Pamela raised -- the
ones that the "Open Letter" claims are baseless and defamatory. 

So what is the agenda here? This is just the latest in a series of
unwarranted and unjustifiable attacks by Gates of Vienna and other signers
of this "Open Letter" on Pamela Geller and me. It is always dispiriting when
professed anti-jihadists fight against other anti-jihadists instead of
against the jihadists, and Gates of Vienna and other sites allied with it
have been doing that for quite some time. I guess for some people, gaining
market share by denigrating more effective warriors is more important than
fighting the actual war. But particularly revealing here is the fact that,
as Pamela notes below, some of those who are shown as signing the "Open
Letter" never approved the use of their names at all. It looks as if these
puffed-up self-styled machiavellis and self-righteous, short-sighted
purveyors of friendly fire are getting desperate.

Here is Pamela's post:

I am a longtime, original supporter
  of the English Defence League from the very
first demo in 2009, before anyone would touch them with a ten-foot pole –
even this group of keyboard warriors. No one in America has taken as much
heat as I have for supporting the EDL. No one. My defense of the EDL is
constantly used to defame me, and I have never faltered in my support of the
group. When I speak at universities, I am routinely challenged about the EDL
(an example is at minute 4:45 of this video
 ). CAIR
includes the EDL in every press release on me; the Southern Poverty Law
  uses it all the time. The Guardian

, Newsweek
 , and the New York Times mentioned it in their articles about me.
Notorious blogger Max Blumenthal at the Huffington Post have even gone so
far as to call the EDL “Atlas
 ’s Thugs.” And I never wavered. 

>From their first demo, when they were denounced and smeared as the scum of
the earth, I knew the EDL was noble and true. I still believe that. I still
believe that the majority of the membership are good and decent and fine
people. The issue for some time has been certain elements in the
administration. There will always be infiltrators and plants who get into
the membership. But it is important to keep the admins clean.

This is an ongoing problem, and hardly a secret. It was most obviously
acknowledged in yesterday
 ’s statement by the leader of the EDL, Tommy Robinson. He said:
“We repudiate any individual, group or writing that favors anti-Semitism,
neofascism, and any race-based ideology. Any rogue elements within the EDL
who go against our mission statement and our beliefs will be removed from
the organization; we are determined to remain true to our mission.
Anti-Semitism will not ever be tolerated within the EDL.”

And there is anti-Semitism in the EDL now. This is much bigger than Roberta
Moore. She is just the tip of the spear. It is not going away with her
resignation, as evidenced by the anti-Semitic comments at Atlas (here

[osint] Obama Joins UN in Call for Halt to Texas Execution

2011-07-02 Thread Beowulf


Obama Administration Calls for Halt to Texas Execution

2 July 2011 VOA News The Obama administration has asked the U.S. Supreme
Court to stop Texas from executing a Mexican citizen convicted of raping and
killing a 16-year-old girl.

U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli made the request Friday involving
Humberto Leal Garcia, who is scheduled to be executed on July 7.

Earlier this week, Leal's lawyers asked the U.S. Supreme Court to grant a
stay of his scheduled execution.

They filed a petition saying Texas authorities violated Leal's rights under
the Vienna Convention by not giving him proper access to Mexican consular
officials after his arrest in the 1990s. 

Leal, a 38-year-old native of Monterrey, Mexico, was later sentenced to
death by a Texas court.

In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Jose Medellin, a Mexican
national who was later executed. The court rejected an argument by
Medellin's lawyers that his right to consular aid under the Vienna
Convention had been violated.

The U.S. reinstated use of the death penalty in 1976. Texas has since
executed more than four times as many prisoners as any of the other 49


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[osint] Clinton to Muslim Brotherhood Terrorists: Let's Talk

2011-07-02 Thread Beowulf


July 02, 2011

Clinton to Muslim Brotherhood: Let's Talk

US 'Welcomes' Dialog with Muslim Brotherhood

by Gavriel Queenann

July 1 2011

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday that the Obama
administration wants to open a dialog with the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood

"We believe, given the changing political landscape in Egypt, that it is in
the interests of the United States to engage with all parties that are
peaceful and committed to nonviolence, that intend to compete for the
parliament and the presidency," Clinton told reporters in Budapest, Hungary.
"And we welcome, therefore, dialogue with those Muslim Brotherhood members
who wish to talk with us."

Clinton added the desired dialog "will continue to emphasize the importance
of and support for democratic principles, and especially a commitment to
nonviolence, respect for minority rights, and the full inclusion of women in
any democracy. You cannot leave out half the population and claim that you
are committed to democracy."

Brotherhood Skeptical

Mahmoud Ghozlan, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, told CNN he had
heard of the U.S. interest in dialogue only from media reports.

"The U.S. administration has supported dictators for decades and authorized
torture, repression and colonization. The U.S. is hated in the Middle East
region more than any other country according to polls published in the U.S,"
Ghozlan said.

"If the U.S. is serious in opening a dialogue, they must first respect the
people's choices for a true democracy, independence and respect their choice
of leaders," Ghozlan continued, "We would welcome the open dialogue, if they
are serious and transparent."

Pushing for Sharia

Muslim Brotherhood members, joined by allied Hamas fighters
  from Gaza, were
at the fore of some of the most violent protests during the demonstrations
in Egypt that resulted in the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in February.

In the aftermath, the group's leadership threw its support behind the
interim-junta that took power until criticism from other opposition parties
started to hurt it in the polls.

The Islamist group, which originally said it does not intend to field a
candidate for president, has since created a broad super-coalition
  of opposition
parties in hopes of taking Egypt's next government by storm.

The international media frequently quotes former brotherhood leaders who say
the group's new Freedom and Justice party is not theocratic and supports
democracy in English-language interviews, but current leaders openly
advocate the imposition of sharia law
  in Egypt's Arabic

"Terms like civil or secular state are misleading," the brotherhood's Sobhi
Saleh told Egyptian Arabic daily Al Masry Al Youm. "Islamic Sharia is the
best system for Muslims and non-Muslims."

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 with the express goal of
ousting the British and creating an independent Islamic state.

US Controversy

Dialog with the group has sparked controversy in the United States, where a
debate over the brotherhood's essential character
  still rages on.

US President Barack Obama tried to downplay the prospect of the Muslim
Brotherhood dominating Egyptian politics saying it is just one faction in
Egypt that does not have majority support.

"There are a whole bunch of secular folks in Egypt, there are a whole bunch
of educators and civil society in Egypt, that want to come to the fore as
well," Obama told Fox News in February.

"It's important for us not to say that our only two options are either the
Muslim Brotherhood or a suppressed Egyptian people," Obama added.

But observers familiar with the Muslim Brotherhood say its famed
organizational prowess means it does not need a majority in Egypt's
parliamentary system to play king-maker and push its radical Islamist

Former CIA Director Mike Hayden says he believes the brotherhood could
"enjoy a disproportionate power in shaping the new government."


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[osint] Two NFL Players to Headline US Terrorist Convention

2011-07-02 Thread Beowulf



Two NFL Players to Headline ISNA Convention, Will Speak for Muslim Student

July 1, 2011

By admin   


ver the years Islamic apologists have pointed to Muslim celebrities in their
effort to try and downplay the threat of Islam. One of them was Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar, who has recently spoken out against
 "Islamophobia". Today we learn that two NFL players have shown us
where their loyalty lies, as they have joined forces with two of the
country's largest Islamic organizations. The Islamic Society of North
America (ISNA),
  and the Muslim Student Association (MSA).
  Just because a Muslim is a sports figure,
does not mean they stand with America over Islam.

(Husain Abdullah pictured)

NFL Players to Headline ISNA Convention Sessions, Register Today!

Source: ISNA

(Chicago,IL July 1, 2011) Listen up all you football fans! ISNA is excited
to announce that NFL brothers, Husain Abdullah of the Minnesota Vikings and
Hamza Abdullah of the Arizona Cardinals, will join the ISNA Convention this

The brothers will kick-off this year's basketball tournament on Saturday and
will also speak during sessions for the Muslim Student Association (MSA)
track and the main ISNA convention track throughout the weekend!

In addition to the great opportunities to meet with these all star players,
you can also view a full viewing of the film, "Fordson: Faith, Fasting, and
Football," at convention during the ISNA Convention Film Festival.

"Fordson" is the very popular documentary that follows a predominately
Arab-American high school football team from Dearborn, Michigan during the
last ten days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The film unearths the
story of a community desperately holding onto its Islamic faith while
struggling to gain acceptance in post 9-11 America.

Don't draft Muslim.

Related Article: "NFL Player Puts Islam Above Team


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[osint] A History Lesson for George Stephanopoulos - Another DUMB Democrat

2011-07-01 Thread Beowulf


A History Lesson for George Stephanopoulos

June 28, 2011 5:00 P.M.

By Andrew C. McCarthy  

Beating the same drum as Chris Wallace, George Stephanopoulos portrayed GOP
presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann as gaffe-prone during a Sunday
interview by recalling an earlier statement in which she said that a number
of America's founders had opposed slavery and worked to end it.
Stephanopoulos countered, "Now, with respect, Congresswoman, that's just not
true." In fact, it is true - Jeffrey Lord and Mark Levin provide a history
lesson, outlined in Jeff's post



By Jeffrey Lord   on 6.28.11 @


You'd think liberals would learn.

Of course not.

George Stephanopoulos made the mistake of going after Michele Bachmann on
history -- and promptly proceeded to get his history foolishly wrong. Said

For example earlier this year you said that the Founding Fathers who wrote
the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence worked tirelessly to
end slavery. Now with respect Congresswoman, that's just not true.

Actually, George, it is true.

And before we get to Levin's views, allow me. 

In 1785, James Madison (as noted by his biographer, Ralph Ketcham in James
Madison) took to the floor of the Virginia Assembly, where he was a
delegate, and

spoke.favoring a bill Jefferson had proposed for the gradual abolition of
slavery (it was rejected), and helped defeat a bill designed to outlaw the
manumission of individual slaves. Of this effort a French observer wrote
that Madison, "a young man (who)..astonishes.by his eloquence, his wisdom,
and his genius, has had the humanity and courage (for such a proposition
requires no small share of courage) to propose a general emancipation of the

Madison was not alone in taking action on the subject. There was another
Founding Father, along with Madison a co-author of The Federalist Papers.
That would be Alexander Hamilton.

In Alexander Hamilton: A Life, biographer Willard Sterne Randall notes that
this Founding Father helped "to found.the Society for Promoting the
Manumission of Slaves in New York." Randall on goes to say that:

..never forgetting the slave markets of his St. Croix childhood, Hamilton
became a prime mover in the early abolitionist group. He pressured the (New
York) state legislature and helped to raise money to buy and free slaves.
The society's founders.elected Hamilton chairman to draw up recommendations
for "a line of conduct" for any "members who still possessed slaves." He
also established a registry for manumitted slaves, listing their names and
ages, "to detect attempts to deprive such manumitted persons of their

There's more with Hamilton, who also demanded (writing and signing a 1786
petition on the subject) the legislature ban the importation of slaves,
calling slavery " a commerce so repugnant to humanity."

There is a difference between opposing something and being unable to change
the practice in the day -- and doing nothing. But it is just flatly false to
say, as Stephanopoulos says, that the Founding Fathers did not work to end
slavery. The historical record, if one looks, is crystal clear. Madison did.
Hamilton did. Jefferson did. They did not succeed, they were personally
flawed, some owning slaves themselves. (Wasn't it George who wrote a book on
a flawed president he knew called All Too Human?) But these Founding Fathers
started the United States of America down the right historical path,
personally "working" to end slavery. 

There was a reason for the Three-Fifths Compromise in the Constitution. That
reason: there were delegates to the Constitutional Convention (and they
would be called Founding Fathers ) who supported abolition -- as well as
those who opposed it. Hence -- the compromise. Which was not about declaring
a black man three-fifths of a person as, for example, Al Gore and many
liberals erroneously say. (Where was George then?) It was about reducing the
power of slavery as an institution in the new United States Congress. If, as
slave owners insisted, slaves were property -- then the obvious: they should
not be counted as whole persons, which would increase the proportional power
of the slave states in the House of Representatives, where representation
was based on population size. The slave owners wanted it both ways -- to
treat slaves as prop

[osint] Bachmann Lived on Kibbutz, Staunchly Pro-Israel

2011-07-01 Thread Beowulf
Bachmann Lived on Kibbutz, Staunchly Pro-Israel 

Friday, July 1, 2011 09:50 AM

By: Jim Meyers

For Rep. Michele Bachmann, staunch support for Israel is a personal matter: 
Teenage Bachmann spent a summer working on a kibbutz in Israel.

clip_image001The 55-year-old Minnesota Republican, founder of the House Tea 
Party Caucus and a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, went 
to Israel in 1974, immediately after graduating from high school. Her mission 
was sponsored by Young Life, a Christian ministry.

“I always had this love and appreciation for Israel because I was a Christian,” 
Bachmann, who was raised as a Lutheran, said in an interview with Matthew 
Continetti, opinion editor of The Weekly Standard. “It’s the foundation of our 
faith. All of the Bible is about Israel.”

The Israel she found in 1974 was “pretty grubby,” she recalled — brutal heat, 
soldiers with guns at the airport, customs officers at card tables on the 
tarmac, chickens everywhere.

The youth housing where Bachmann — then Michele Amble — lived on the kibbutz 
was called the ghetto. Lizards climbed the walls. She rose at 4 a.m. and rode 
to work on a flatbed truck pulled by an old diesel tractor. Her job: pulling 
weeds from cotton fields.

Soldiers escorted the workers everywhere, searching for mines. “You’re hoping 
at 4 o’clock in the morning that they see everything,” she told Continetti.

The experience has never left Bachmann’s mind. “If you consider what it was 
like in 1948,” she said, “and literally watch flowers bloom in a desert over 
time — I don’t know if any nation has paralleled the rise of Israel since 1948.”

Today, Bachmann is a member of Christians United for Israel and one of Israel’s 
strongest supporters in Congress. She has visited the Jewish state several 
times since taking office.

One Jewish Minnesota Republican has told Continetti of speeches at local 
Republican Jewish Coalition events where Bachmann has brought cheering 
audiences to their feet.

© Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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[osint] No default, no shutdown inevitable if debt ceiling talks fail

2011-07-01 Thread Beowulf
What?  Obama lying again?







No default, no shutdown inevitable if debt ceiling talks fail

Published: July 1, 2011 at 7:46 AM

UPI Outside View Commentator

COLLEGE PARK, Md., July 1 (UPI) -- The United States doesn't have to default
on its debt and the Social Security and Medicare checks can go out even if
Republicans and U.S. President Barack Obama cannot strike a deal to raise
the debt ceiling by Aug. 2.

Even though the government cannot borrow additional money, it still has tax
revenues equal to about 55 percent of expenses -- $2.2 trillion against
expenses equal to about $3.8 trillion for a $1.6 trillion deficit. With
those tax revenues, Washington can fund interest on the national debt,
Social Security, Medicaid and crucial national defense responsibilities.
With the interest on the debt honored, the government can sell new bonds to
replace bonds that come due without piercing the statutory debt limit.

Interest, benefits to seniors and defense would absorb virtually all tax
revenues. It would appear the other functions of government would have to
shut down but the Obama administration has other options.

Often overlooked, the U.S. Treasury can print money to pay its bills. Before
you gasp that Washington would be flooding the world with greenbacks, it
doesn't have to be.

The Federal Reserve holds on its balance sheet about $2.6 trillion in
securities, mostly Treasury bonds, which it could sell to absorb the money
the Treasury prints to pay its bills. At $1.6 trillion a year, that could
keep the government running past the next election.

Also, since 2007, government spending has jumped $1.1 trillion but only $200
billion was needed to cover inflation -- the $900 billion additional was new
programs and benefits and higher pay. That has increased federal spending's
share of gross domestic product from 19.6 percent to more than 25 percent.

Temporarily, slicing that additional government spending by $450 billion, by
executive order, would likely stand up in court as an emergency measure.
Especially if Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, sat down
and did a deal, alone or with help from their partisan friends if necessary.

It would be good politics for both sides -- either the president is right
and Americans would see how painful it is to cut government that much or
Republican would be able to point that we are better off.

The Treasury would have to print about $1.2 trillion a year in new money and
the Fed would sell an equal amount of securities from its balance sheet.
That maneuver would take us until a new Congress is seated and a re-elected
Obama or his successor has a clear mandate.

Before you say this is kicking the can again, consider that in 2012 both the
president and his opponent would have to table specific alternatives for
slashing the deficit and restoring normal operations and the winner would
emerge with a mandate for his plan.

Right now, neither side is tabling credible plans. The president's taxes on
the rich and other schemes would only slash at best $150 billion annually
from the $1.6 trillion deficit and the Republicans about a similar amount in
spending cuts they have managed to propose.

Neither side is talking about harnessing the rapidly rising prices the
government pays for healthcare -- both sides just talk about trimming
benefits a bit or the pain of it.

The United States pays double, or more, than European governments for drugs
and suffers from large disadvantages in insurance administration, hospital
efficiency and tort costs. Regulating those prices is tar baby no one in
Congress or the White House wants to put his arms around -- but we aren't
getting out of this mess without doing so.

Ditto for retirement ages for Social Security and the vast array of federal
pensions and state pensions the federal government indirectly helps finance.

The absence of frank discussion of financing options beyond Aug. 2 is the
fault of two men. Though U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner serves at
the pleasure of the president and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke must answer
frequently to Congress, both men have a responsibility to articulate the
genuine budget and economic challenges before the nation and both men can
easily find other satisfying and better paying jobs in a pinch.

In similar crises, past Cabinet members have stepped up -- consider the
conduct of senior Department of Justice officials in the last days of the
Nixon administration and Alan Greenspan wasn't afraid to talk frankly about
federal policies.

Geithner needs to draft plans to keep the government going and be quietly
frank with political leaders about those plans. And Bernanke would then
concur with how the Fed can respond.

Sadly Geithner and Bernanke are shirking responsibilities. Geithner's
substantive sho

[osint] EPA gives millions in handouts to China and Russia

2011-07-01 Thread Beowulf


EPA gives millions in handouts to China and Russia

*   Add a comment


Jim Kouri  

, Law Enforcement Examiner 

July 1, 2011 - In a transaction that's sure to anger Americans, the People's
Republic of China gets millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help with their
so-called green projects. The outrageous part of the story is that the U.S.
is indebted to China for almost a trillion dollars, according to a
Washington, D.C. watchdog group that investigates government corruption.

The Obama administrator, Lisa Jackson, who launched an enormously expensive
program to make America's minority communities green, has sent millions of
taxpayer dollars to environmental causes in nations overseas, including
China, Russia and India. 

Ranking members of a congressional energy committee call it "foreign
handouts" amid record deficits, soaring unemployment and a looming debt
ceiling in the U.S. The money -- $27 million since 2009 -- has been issued
by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is headed by Ms.

The cash was distributed via 65 foreign grants that don't even include
Canada and Mexico, according to a report issued this week by the House
Energy and Commerce Committee and obtained by Judicial Watch, a
public-interest group based in the nation's capital. 

Among the enraging foreign handouts are $1.2 million for the United Nations
to promote clean fuels, $718,000 to help China comply with two initiatives
and $700,000 for Thailand to recover methane gas at pig farms, according to
Judicial Watch's investigation.

An additional $150,000 went to help the International Criminal Police
Organization (INTERPOL) combat fraud in carbon trading and $15,000 to
Indonesia's "Breathe Easy, Jakarta" publicity campaign. 

This sort of federal spending does not reflect the priorities of the
American people, according to a letter that several lawmakers sent Jackson
in the report's aftermath. 

Since being appointed EPA Administrator, Jackson has gone on a manic
spending spree to bring "environmental justice" to low-income and minority
communities. Under the program, dozens of left-wing groups have received
millions of taxpayer dollars to help poor and impoverished people increase
recycling, reduce carbon emissions through "weatherization," participate in
"green jobs" training and avoid heat stroke. 

The EPA's budget has also surged 34% since Jackson took over to a whopping
$10.3 billion. The figure includes $43 million for efforts to reduce
greenhouse gases that the agency claims "endanger" public health. 

By the EPA's own statements, Administrator Jackson has pledged to focus on
core issues of protecting air and water quality, preventing exposure to
toxic contamination in U.S. communities, and reducing greenhouse gases. She
has pledged that all of the agency's efforts will follow the best science,
adhere to the rule of law, and be implemented with unparalleled

By the same statements, she has made it a priority to focus on vulnerable
groups - including children, the elderly, and low-income communities - that
are particularly susceptible to environmental and health threats. She has
promised that all stakeholders will be heard in the decision-making process.

Nearly half of the EPA's budget goes to grants that fund state environmental
programs, nonprofits and educational institutions that help promote the
agency's agenda.

Continue reading on Examiner.com
 EPA gives millions in handouts to
China and Russia - National Law Enforcement | Examiner.com



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[osint] Obama Propping Up Assad's Regime

2011-07-01 Thread Beowulf
July 1, 2011


Realpolitik Or Folly?


by Elliott Abrams


In the last week the news has brought reports of additional repression in 
Syria, and of the American response: to urge Syrian dissidents to negotiate 
with the Assad regime.


This Washington Post account describes typical events on the ground in Syria:


“Around 100 peaceful protesters calling for freedom were met with police and 
baton-wielding security forces Thursday at Damascus University.  Students 
gathered outside the faculty of economics in the Baramkeh area of Damascus 
minutes after 3pm today calling for freedom. Dozens more students joined 
together with the small group as the chanting became more forceful. One female 
protester managed to unfurl a flag before police and security forces charged on 
the crowd.”


On June 23, The New York Times reported that “Syrian forces backed by snipers 
and tanks stormed into the border town of Khirbet al-Jouz…sending hundreds of 
refugees fleeing to Turkey from the informal camp where they had sought shelter 
from a violent crackdown on protests in the country’s rural northwest.”


The Assad regime has adopted a diplomatic and propaganda plan so clear in its 
duplicity that I had assumed no one would fall for it.  While the killing and 
jailing continue, the regime has also allowed one single meeting of dissidents 
in Damascus.  In response, according to the Guardian newspaper in London, “The 
US is pushing the Syrian opposition to maintain dialogue with Bashar al-Assad’s 
regime as details emerge of a controversial ‘roadmap’ for reforms that would 
leave him in power for now despite demands for his overthrow during the 
country’s bloody three-month uprising.”


The Guardian account continues: “Quiet US interest in the roadmap dovetails 
with public demands from Washington that Assad reform or step down. Robert 
Ford, the US ambassador, has been urging opposition figures to talk to the 
regime, said Radwan Ziadeh, a leading exile, who insisted the strategy would 
not work. ‘They are asking Bashar to lead the transition and this is not 
acceptable to the protesters,’ he said. ‘It is too late.’”


The State Department denies that it is pushing the opposition into compromising 
its objectives and principles, but the Guardian then reports this: “A state 
department spokesman said: ‘We are encouraging genuine dialogue between the 
opposition and the regime but we are not promoting anything. We want to see a 
democratic Syria but this is in the hands of the Syrian people.’”


So, it is in the hands of the Syrians—but just in case they don’t get the 
message it is again clarified: the United States wants the regime to talk, not 
to fall.  In recent trips to the Middle East and in conversations with Arab 
democracy activists, I have often been asked why the United States is backing 
Bashar.  After months of denying it, I can only conclude they were right.  How 
else can one read these news reports?


It is not possible to have “genuine dialogue” with a regime that has murdered 
roughly 1,400 peaceful protesters, jailed up to 10,000 more, and continues to 
shoot and imprison anyone it pleases.  The American call for such “dialogue” is 
an act of realpolitik that abandons all claim to morality.


That is bad enough, but realpolitik must then be judged by its logic and its 
fruits.  There are none, except for undermining the moral position of the 
United States.  To repeat what has been written here before, the Assad regime 
is an enemy of the United States.  It has the blood of tens of thousands of 
Syrians on its hands but also of thousands of Americans, killed in Iraq by 
jihadis it led into Iraq for that purpose.  It is Iran’s only Arab ally, and 
provides Iran with a Mediterranean port, a border with Israel through 
Hizballah, and an arms trafficking route from Iran to Hizballah.  It supports 
and houses Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups.  The fall of the Assad 
regime would be the greatest blow we can strike against Iran and its terrorist 
allies today.


“Encouraging genuine dialogue” is a pitiful position for the United States to 
take when our interests—and those of our enemies—are so clear, and when 
astonishingly courageous Syrians keep risking their lives to bring down the 
Assad regime.  Our interests and our values coincide in Syria, and both are 
undermined when our policies have the effect of prolonging in power a vicious, 
anti-American regime allied to terrorist groups and to Iran.  This policy is 
folly, not realpolitik.



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[osint] Qadaffy Threatens Attacks in Europe

2011-07-01 Thread Beowulf

Qaddfi Warns of Carrying Out Attacks in Europe

Published July 01, 2011

| Associated Press


Muammar Qaddafi


March 22: This image taken from Libyan State TV shows Libyan leader Muammar
al-Qaddafi as he talks to a large crowd in Bab El Azizia, Libya.

TRIPOLI, Libya   -- A
defiant Muammar al-Qaddafi threatened Friday to carry out attacks in Europe
against "homes, offices, families," unless NATO halts its campaign of
airstrikes against his regime in Libya.

The Libyan leader, sought by the International Criminal Court for brutally
crushing an uprising against him, delivered the warning in an audio message
played to thousands of supporters gathered in the main square of the capital

Addressing the West, Qaddafi said Libyans might take revenge.

Seif Qaddafi

March 16: Seif al-Islam Qaddafi, son of Libyan Leader Muammar al-Qaddafi,
smiles during a TV interview in Tripoli.

"These people (the Libyans) are able to one day take this battle ... to
Europe, to target your homes, offices, families, which would become
legitimate military targets, like you have targeted our homes," he said.

"We can decide to treat you in a similar way," he said of the Europeans. "If
we decide to, we are able to move to Europe like locusts, like bees. We
advise you to retreat before you are dealt a disaster."

Friday's was one of the largest pro-government rallies in recent weeks.

It came just four days after the International Criminal Court issued arrest
warrants for Qaddafi, his son Seif al-Islam and Libyan intelligence chief
Abdullah al-Sanoussi for crimes against humanity. International prosecutors
allege government troops fired on civilian protesters during anti-Qaddafi
street demonstrations earlier this year.

The popular uprising has since turned into a protracted civil war, with
anti-government rebels controlling much of eastern Libyan and parts of
Libya's western mountains. NATO has been bombing government-linked targets
since March.

In his speech Friday, Qaddafi denounced the rebels as traitors and blamed
them for Libya's troubles. He said Libyans who fled to neighboring Tunisia
are now "working as maids for the Tunisians."

"What brought you to this stage? The traitors," Qaddafi said in the audio

He urged his supporters to "march on the western mountains" to clear the
area of weapons the French government delivered to the rebels there several
days ago.

Read more:



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[osint] Secret Service procures new software to analyze huge amounts of identity data

2011-07-01 Thread Beowulf



Secret Service procures new software to analyze huge amounts of identity

Thu, 2011-06-30 12:47 PM 

By: Jacob Goodwin  


The U.S. Secret Service has purchased an advanced tool, known as
Informatica's Identity Resolution (IIR), which is a robust, highly scalable
software that enables government organizations to search and match identity
data from more than 60 countries in batch and real-time.

The Secret Service now needs to install the latest version of this IIR
software and migrate its existing data from an earlier system, known as the
Informatica Data Clustering Engine.

According to Informatica Corp.  , a company
based in Redwood City, CA, its IIR software can enable a government agency
to "correctly identify entire populations or a particular segment -- such as
citizens, legal residents, overseas visitors, employers or employees,
registered organizations, and multinationals."

The IIR installation and migration effort will take place at the Secret
Service's headquarters at 950 H Street, NE, in Washington, DC.

"By its very nature, identity data is subject to unavoidable error and
variation that can compromise the performance of basic identity search and
match processes, generating false positives or missing matches entirely,"
explains Informatica on its company Website. "In addition, most large
identity databases now contain identity data from multiple languages,
countries and cultures that often have different structures, follow
different parsing rules, and have different variation characteristics. Also,
if transliteration, Romanization, character set conversion and other such
transformations are employed, a new class of error and variation is

The key to effective software, says the company, is overcoming spelling and
phonetic errors, while offering sufficient speed to provide high-volume

In a solicitation
  it released on June 28, the Secret Service did not
spell out precisely what kinds of data it plans to crunch with its new IIR
software. "Software is used to analyze and group diverse data records into
clusters," the Secret Service explained. "This data is increasingly
important in developing strategies for deterring and preventing crime, as
well as developing tactical plans for dealing with today's crimes and
security measures."

Informatica points out that in order to conduct such searches, an
organization's IT team "must be able to search and match identity data
records from multiple countries that use different alphabets -- such as
Latin, Arabic, and Cyrillic."

With 20 years of experience in the field, Informatica says its solutions can
help a government agency "search, match and link identities within a single
database or across multiple sources and multiple languages despite
intentional or random variations in the data."

Further information about this IIR installation effort is available from
Gregory James, the Secret Service's project manager, at 202-406-9330 or

In a separate procurement, the Secret Service announced on June 29 that it
wants to acquire

Secure View 3 software, a tool for the cell phone forensic investigator,
including svProbe investigative technology and a one-year maintenance and
support contract.

Using the svProbe capabilities, a Secret Service cell phone examiner can
collect all sorts of useful information. "Data is sorted by contact (phone
book entry), call history (outbound and in-bound calls), message (SMS-text,
MMS-text with an attachment, and Email), calendar, and other data (internet
history)," says the supplier, Susteen, Inc. 
, of Irvine, CA, on its Website. "The examiners have the ability to filter
the period of time, enter/load as many key words as needed, pick from normal
or timeline views, and drill down on data details."

The solicitation for Secure View 3 envisions a 100 percent small business
set-aside contract, says the Secret Service.

The software will be delivered to the National Computer Forensics Institute
in Hoover, AL.



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[osint] Terror Threat Mounts in US

2011-07-01 Thread Beowulf

Terror Threat Mounts




Terror Threat Mounts 

As Americans prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July, U.S. intelligence and
law enforcement officials report increased chatter about terrorist threats
from al Qaeda and others eager to avenge the killing of Osama bin Laden.
John Solomon and Tara McKelvey on what the latest evidence shows. 

by John Solomon
 , Tara
McKelvey   |
June 30, 2011 11:40 PM EDT 

The threat matrix that U.S. intelligence and law enforcement closely monitor
to guard against terror attacks has ticked up in recent weeks as groups such
as al Qaeda eagerly try to regroup from a series of leadership losses,
including the killing of Osama bin Laden, federal officials say.

Officials caution that there is no specific, credible threat of an impending
attack as Americans head into the Fourth of July holiday, but their growing
caution is evidenced by a series of recent bulletins they've sent local law

One bulletin last week disclosed that evidence found in bin Laden's
possession in May, when he was killed by U.S. special forces in Pakistan,
indicated an interest in attacking Americans at major holiday gatherings,
including Independence Day celebrations.

Another warned of Internet chatter that an al Qaeda affiliate had identified
more than 40 prominent Americans the terrorist group wanted killed.

"There is a higher threat environment," says Frances Fragos Townsend, a
national security expert who advised George W. Bush on homeland security

In past years, some holiday weekends have passed without incident after
similar law enforcement warnings. But the increased vigilance comes as the
Obama administration overhauled its anti-terror strategy earlier this
week-after fresh signs of America's vulnerabilities surfaced in New York,
when a Nigerian man slipped past airport security with a fake ID and boarded
a flight.

One development driving the concern of U.S. officials is the ascension of
longtime Egyptian extremist Ayman al-Zawahiri as the new leader of al Qaeda.


ZUMA; Getty Images

Long the No. 2 to bin Laden, al-Zawahiri is an operational expert who lacks
bin Laden's magnetism and charisma, and U.S. officials suspect he may seek
to win favor and loyalty among his lukewarm troops by trying to pull off a
big attack soon against a Western target.

"We knew that in the aftermath of the Osama bin Laden killing, there was
likely to be retaliatory attacks," Townsend explained. "Al-Zawahiri was
saying that he was planning something. The Pakistani Taliban said they were
going to take revenge. All that suggests that we're facing a higher threat."

Clark Ervin, the first inspector general of the Homeland Security
Department, says another reason al Qaeda and its followers may be striving
to strike soon is that they are feeling less relevant after the Arab
uprisings this spring used street protests, not terrorism, to push for
increased freedoms from oppressive regimes.


"They're frustrated that they haven't been able to launch a successful,
large-scale attack in a while."


"There are a variety of reasons why the threat of a terror attack is likely
increasing-the death of bin Laden and the need for al Qaeda to avenge it and
prove that they remain relevant, especially amid the 'Arab Spring' that runs
counter to their narrative that the only way to topple the Mideast's
autocrats is through violence, and that what should follow them is an
Islamic theocracy rather than a democracy," explained Ervin, now a security
expert at the Aspen Institute.

Other reasons, Ervin said, are "Zawahiri's particular need to prove that,
contrary to the speculation, he can lead al Qaeda effectively-and the
approach of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, which would be a natural time to
replicate that attack or come as close to doing so as possible."

The chatter suggesting a retaliatory strike by al Qaeda and its friends
among the Taliban also has ticked up on jihadist websites.

For instance, the FBI sent a bulletin to law enforcement June 8 noting that
extremists had posted online a "target specific" list earlier this month
identifying more than 40 people, mostly prominent Americans in business,
politics and media, who should be assassinated.  The list was quickly
compiled on websites after a video surfaced featuring a call for jihad by
American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn, one of the terror group's
favorite propagandists.

"While the information posted was detailed, it appears aspirational in
nature and it is unknown whether the threat will progress beyond
discussion," the bulletin said.

Al Qaeda-inspired spinoff groups in such countries as Yemen, Somalia,
Pakistan, and Afghanistan also are 

[osint] LUSH Cosmetics Supports Terrorism

2011-07-01 Thread Beowulf


Click here: Luxury Spa Brand Helps Hamas With Every Soap and Lotion Sold
 . | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze 

World Luxury Spa Brand Helps Hamas With Every Soap and Lotion Sold.

*   Posted on June 29, 2011 at 7:14pm by  Tiffany Gabbay
 Tiffany   Gabbay 


-and-lotion-sold/lush5/For everyone who's ever used a face cream,
anti-wrinkle treatment, "bath bomb" or body "butter" - did you ever think
that while performing your daily beautification rituals, you might actually
be supporting Hamas and its sympathizers?

Well, if you use a brand of high-end spa products by a company called LUSH,
you are.

Some may not have ever heard of the luxury cosmetics company Lush, but on
the hip streets of Soho, West Hollywood, South Beach and Mayfair in London,
the boutique soap-pusher has become a household name. Billed as a purveyor
of "fresh, handmade" cosmetics, Lush's products promise to pamper you head
to toe with luxurious all natural lotions, soaps, bath gels, lipsticks,
shampoos and perfumes.

Seems innocent enough, right? Think twice.

It turns out British-born Lush supports a number of far-left causes
  - spun on its website as "ethical campaigns" - running the gamut
from: global warming to oil spills
 ; to a
"no one is illegal
 " campaign; to advancing the fight against nuclear energy.
All polarizing issues that carry an inherit risk of alienating customers -
but when Lush announced its support for the anti-Israel, jihadi sympathizing
OneWorld campaign
  - the company's foray into the murky
waters of the Israeli Palestinian conflict went beyond the pale.

With a reported $350 million in annual revenue
  (some reports even say $500 million) and locations in over 40
countries, Lush's far-reach and influence cannot easily be dismissed.

You might remember OneWorld - the group started by various recording artists
whose stated aim is to "free Palestine" from its Israeli "oppressors."  With
the help of well-known music group Coldplay, OneWorld launched a song titled
"Freedom for Palestine." The pro-Palestinian song pushes a revisionist
  narrative, which paints Israel as
"illegal occupiers" committing "crimes against humanity."



The fact that West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem are territories under
dispute and not in fact "illegally occupied," - and that the charge of
Israel committing "crimes against humanity" is erroneous - doesn't seem to
be of consequence to OneWorld and its supporters.

Lush's website even hosts a separate section just for the OneWorld campaign.
Below is a screenshot of the dedicated page:



Lush's OneWorld page featuring the following statement:

This month we have the exciting opportunity to help secure a UK chart
position for a song called 'Freedom for Palestine' by a collective of
musicians called OneWorld. The aim of the song is to raise awareness of the
Israeli occupation of Palestine and the resulting poverty and other human
rights abuses.



Still, despite outraged customers requesting Lush to sever ties with
OneWorld, Lush's crusade to "free the Palestinians" continues. After
receiving a written complaint
  from a former customer and blogger who found the company's
anti-Israel bend repugnant, Lush stuck to

[osint] Unmasking A False Friend of the West: Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

2011-07-01 Thread Beowulf
All muslims lie, all of the time.






Unmasking A False Friend of the West: Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

by Brenda West (July 2011)

Can we admit that we have been scammed?   Many of us in the Western world
believed the Bangladeshi journalist and publisher, Salah Uddin Shoaib
Choudhury, when he called himself a "Muslim Zionist." Choudhury presented
himself as devoted to Jewish people and Western principles of democracy. He
won international acclaim and generous financial support as one of the few
Muslims who affirmed our values by playing on the hopes and fears of the
West in the post 9/11 world. However, this in-depth investigation reveals
that he has been exploiting his supporters and is creating national security
risks for both Israel and the West.


The Legend of Shoaib Choudhury

An earnest fan club has gathered around Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury. His
image was of a noble, highly moral person who was willing to face
imprisonment and death in support of minorities, especially Jews, in his
Muslim rule country. In November, 2003 Choudhury defied a ban Bangladesh had
placed on its citizens preventing them from traveling to Israel, and was
arrested. Choudhury was on his way to a media conference in Tel Aviv
organized by Dr. Ada Aharoni, the head of a group called the International
Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC). Very quickly, word
got out to an American friend, Richard Benkin, with whom Choudhury had been
communicating by email and telephone for almost a year. Through Benkin’s
intercession, the Internet was soon awash with Free Choudhury petitions and
articles denouncing his imprisonment and demanding his release.

An international movement was born, and Choudhury was eventually released
from prison on bail. In the United States, Choudhury won endorsements from
Congressional representatives Mark Steven Kirk, Nita Lowey, Peter King,
Joseph Crowley, and Anthony Weiner. They pushed through Congressional
Resolution 64 in 2007 to demand that the Bangladeshi government drop all
charges against Choudhury and no longer insist that he show up for court
appearances; the European Parliament took a similar action in 2006, as did
the Australian Senate in 2007. A Canadian Member of Parliament and
international lawyer, Erwin Cotler, provided pro bono representation.
Choudhury received a cash award from the Prince of Monaco at a ceremony
attended by Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel in 2007. Many Israeli
newspapers and institutions sang his praises with weekly articles. The Wall
Street Journal carried admiring articles about him, as did many other
newspapers, and bloggers flooded the Internet with their awe stricken
appreciation of what looked like Choudhury’s dedication to Western
humanistic principles. He was a celebrated lecturer at Yale University,
Rutgers, and the American Jewish Council, among others.

Choudhury’s fame brought him donations from well-funded institutions such as
the Middle East Forum and the Hudson Institute, as well as from many
individuals. With a gentle, charming manner and a gift for empathy,
Choudhury inspired respect, love and even adoration among many. For those
concerned with antisemitism, there was a rush to be part of the “in” group
that knew about the Shoaib saga, almost like the frenzy that developed
around Bernie Madoff when some Jews, trusting Madoff because he was one of
them, competed for status in gaining access to the Great Man. As if held in
a kind of hypnotic spell, the collective media first of the Jewish community
and then of the larger Western world failed to heed many disquieting
rumblings about Choudhury from his Bangladeshi compatriots, those who knew
him best. 

The Legerdemain of Choudhury- His Hidden Islamist And Criminal Past

The spell was broken for me when I realized he had defrauded
  two of his most devoted female, Zionist supporters of large sums of

After viewing the documents involved, the New York Police Department charged
Choudhury with Grand Larceny via Fraud. Not only did he bounce three checks,
break a contract, and send countless email promises to repay that were never
kept, but Choudhury founded the business relationships on an elaborate
deception. He tricked the women by inventing elaborate stories about the
businessmen he was dealing with – a Mr. Yun, David Jones, Sagir Ahmed Bhai –
to convince the defrauded women that their money was involved in legitimate
transactions.  But the problem is, the associates never existed. For over a
year, Choudhury maintained these ruses. When the women wrote that they
suspected fraud, Choudhury threatened to sue them for slandering his good
name. Furthering the deception, and demanding 

[osint] US Unveils New Counterterrorism Strategy of Smoke and Mirrors; Ignores Islam

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf

US unveils new counterterrorism strategy: three key parts




By Howard LaFranchi, Staff writer / June 29, 2011


US unveils new counterterrorism strategy: three key parts

The new counterterrorism strategy replaces one from 2006 and calls for
pursuing with 'laser focus' the approach that the Obama administration has
already been taking.



White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan speaks during the daily
press briefing on May 2. Brennan vowed the 'utter destruction' of Al-Qaeda
as he unveiled new plans June 29, focusing on the terror group's ability to
inspire Americans to carry out domestic attacks. 

Jewel Samad/AFP/Newscom



 0Share2 and 3

By Howard LaFranchi
Staff writer / June 29, 2011 


The White House 
unveiled a new counterterrorism strategy Wednesday that homes in on what it
says is a declining but still dangerous Al Qaeda
  - and that for the first
time makes a priority of the threat posed by adherents of Al Qaeda's
extremist ideology inside the US.

Skip to next paragraph



Gallery: American Jihadis

Related stories

*   As Gen. David Petraeus shifts to CIA, nature of war shifts with him
*   US covert attacks in Yemen: A better template for the war on terror?
*   The Next Wave: On the Hunt for Al Qaeda
 's American Recruits


*   Government and Politics
*   Terrorism  
*   War and Conflict
*   World Politics
*   U.S. Politics  
*   Politics  

"This is the first counterterrorism strategy that focuses on the ability of
Al Qaeda and its networks to inspire people in the United States
  to attack us from
within," said John Brennan
 , President Obama
 's chief counterterrorism
adviser, in a speech Wednesday in Washington.

IN PICTURES: American Jihadis

The new counterterrorism strategy replaces one from 2006 and calls for
pursuing with what Mr. Brennan called "laser focus" the approach that the
Obama administration has already been taking. This approach, which the
administration says has decimated Al Qaeda's power, reach, and appeal,
includes the following components: 

. A zeroing in on the organization's senior leaders.

. Enhanced cooperation with allies and partners to defeat the extremist

. A sustained effort to restore America's image and leadership in the world.

Elaborating on each of these points, Brennan said that, first of all, Al
Qaeda's leadership ranks have been seriously depleted and its recruiting
abilities weakened. 

"All told, over the past 2-1/2 years, virtually every major Al Qaeda
affiliate has lost its key leader or operational commander," he said -
adding that the operation in May resulting in the death of Osama bin Laden

[osint] More Muslim Criminality: Manila Mosques Market Meth

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf



Journal Online Logo

QC cops nab imam for drugs


Published : Thursday, June 30, 2011 00:00


Written by : Melnie Ragasa-Jimena



Mosque in Metro-ManilaPolice arrested an imam for alleged possession of
illegal drugs at a Muslim community in Quezon City Tuesday afternoon. 

Investigator PO2 Carlito Gula Jr. identified the suspect as Kali Hassan, 56,
of Libyan St., an imam at Al Salam Mosque compound in Bgy. Culiat, Quezon

Gula said Hassan was nabbed at around 4:30 p.m. near the gate of the
compound by operatives of the Quezon City Police District's Anti-Illegal
Drugs Special Operations Task Group (DAID-SOTG) led by its deputy chief
Insp. Hector Ortencio. 

He said the operatives also seized from the suspect a heat-sealed
transparent sachet containing shabu. 

PhilippinesGula said operatives were on surveillance operations when they
arrested the suspect. 

He said the compound has been known to be engaged in illegal drug activities
and has been closely watched by the DAID-SOTG. 

During surveillance, operatives saw the imam met with a young man and were
exchanging items. 

At this point, the operatives approached the two men. 

Upon seeing the approaching operatives, the younger man started to run and
left behind the imam who was apprehended by the police. 

Gula lamented that drug pushers have taken advantage of the mosque there
which they use as their refuge. He noted that there are two mosques in the

He pointed out that police can not just barge into a mosque as a show of
respect for the Islamic religion. 

Hassan remains detained at the DAID-SOTG jail facility and faces charges of
illegal drug possession. 

The imam was also subjected to drug testing Tuesday night. If found to be
positive of substance abuse, additional charges will be filed against him.



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[osint] Criminalizing Palestinian Criminals - a Novel Idea

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf

Criminalising Palestinian solidarity
Campaigning against Israeli apartheid has resulted in 23 Palestinian
solidarity activists facing US federal grand jury.
Maureen Murphy Last Modified: 27 Jun 2011 12:31

Palestinian solidarity activists making their voices heard are alleged to be
supporting 'terrorism', as if an entire nation of people can be generalised
as criminals [GALLO/GETTY]
The United States government has criminalised the Palestinian people, and
now it is increasingly treating US citizens who stand in solidarity with
Palestine as criminals as well - including those courageously putting their
lives on the line to break the siege on Gaza.

I am a Palestine solidarity activist in the US, and one of 23 US citizens
who have been issued with a subpoena to appear before a federal grand jury
as part of what the government has said is an investigation into violations
of the laws banning material support to foreign "terrorist organisations".

None of us have given money or weapons to any group on the State
Department's foreign terrorist organisation list. But what many of us have
done is participate in or help organise educational trips to meet with
Palestinians and Colombians resisting the US-funded military regimes they
live under. 

The goal of these trips is to learn about the human rights violations
happening in these places and to bring those stories back home to the US, to
educate people and to organise to change US foreign policy for the better.

Warranting an investigation

Travel for such purposes should be protected by the First Amendment of the
US Constitution. But a year ago the US Supreme Court decided in Holder vs.
Humanitarian Law Project to dramatically expand the government's definition
of what constitutes material support for a foreign terrorist organisation.

Now the government considers travel to places like the West Bank and
Colombia to be a predicate or justification for opening up an investigation
and issuing search warrants to raid activists' homes and seize their
belongings. Political speech if made in a "coordinated way" can be construed
as material support.

Travel to Colombia was the initial pretext for the investigation into the 23
of us, but it expanded to travel to Palestine. This was confirmed with the
recent discovery of files accidentally left behind by the FBI in one of the
homes raided last September.

The file includes dozens of questions that the FBI wanted to pose to
activists - many of them focused on travel to Palestine and Colombia, two
asking activists to name every person they know who has ever travelled to
the Middle East or South America.

Civil liberties groups including the Center for Constitutional Rights have
decried Holder v. HLP because it imposes guilt on people by association and
criminalises "activities like distribution of literature, engaging in
political advocacy, participating in peace conferences, training in human
rights advocacy, and donating cash and humanitarian assistance, even when
this type of support is intended only to promote lawful and non-violent

The investigation into the 23 of us is viewed by many as a test case for
Holder vs. HLP. Conviction of a violation of the material support laws means
a prison sentence of up to 15 years - and what happens with our case will
set a precedent for many social justice movements in the US. But it will
particularly - and perhaps more immediately - impact Palestine solidarity
activists who campaign to end US aid to Israel and in support of the
Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions.

Palestine solidarity movement in the US at risk

The Palestine Solidarity Movement has gained significant ground in the US in
the past few years. Consciousness of the oppressive nature of the Israeli
apartheid regime has been raised in the wake of Israel's 2006 war on Lebanon
- when the phrase "Dahiyeh doctrine" was coined to describe Israel's
wholesale destruction of civilian infrastructure. The winter 2008-09
invasion and air attacks on the trapped civilian population in the Gaza
Strip further exposed Israel's cruelty, and the execution of nine
humanitarians aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla last year showed that Israel
knows no bounds - and that the impunity it enjoys needs to end before the
next massacre is perpetrated.

Activists in the US play a key role in efforts to bring Israel's war crimes
and occupation to an end, as the US government bankrolls the Israeli
military with our tax dollars, and shields Israel from accountability
through diplomatic bullying and the veto at the UN Security Council.

For these reasons, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement in the US,
while still young, is especially significant. The movement is rooted in a
rights-based approach and aims to compel Israel to respect international

Such efforts to hold Israel to account are viewed as enough of a threat that
the US State Department this month reiterated its commitment to "counter
head-on effor

[osint] EU used Libya's frozen funds to finance NATO invasion

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


EU used Libya's frozen funds to finance NATO invasion

Posted on
 June 29, 2011 by


By The Voice of the Cape
31 August 2010 (last modified 20 June 2011)

Europe's foreign ministers Monday urged the use of frozen funds to finance
Libya's opposition, which has complained of a cash shortfall after failing
to receive aid pledged by international donors. In a statement on Libya, the
27 European Union ministers said the bloc "acknowledges the urgent financial
needs of the (opposition) Transitional National Council". They also welcomed
specific cash contributions by Italy and France, which is releasing frozen
funds to the rebels.

Extra global aid to the Benghazi-based opposition "where possible" could
include "the use of frozen Libyan funds", the ministers said. "Measures in
this regard will respect the rule of law," the statement added. Libyan rebel
forces said Sunday they were running out of money and had not yet received
any of the roughly one billion dollars promised by international donors
earlier this month.

Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague said there had been "some
technical difficulties" in getting a mechanism for transferring funds to the
rebels up and running. The EU statement said mobilising resources was key to
backing a transition process towards fulfilling the aspirations of the
Libyan people.

The rebels for their part said the mechanism for transferring funds had been
set up. "(The) funds should have been deposited from last week and none have
been deposited to date," council vice chairman and spokesman Abdel Hafiz
Ghoga said. At a conference in Abu Dhabi earlier this month, donors vowed to
help with cash and supplies. Italy promised loans and aid worth 300 to 400
million euros ($438 million to $584 million). France, meanwhile, said it
would release 290 million euros of frozen Libyan funds for the rebel

Diplomats said $180 million had been pledged by Kuwait and $100 million by
Qatar. The upheaval in Libya has left many out of work. Schools and
universities remain closed and hospitals are understaffed after foreign
workers fled the fighting. The council has set out a budget for around $3.5
billion for the next six months. SAPA


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[osint] Radical Flotilla Roster Portends Another Violent Clash

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf
What's the problem.  As with most blockades, blockade runners can be legally


Sink 'em.



Radical Flotilla Roster Portends Another Violent Clash




Radical Flotilla Roster Portends Another Violent Clash

IPT News
June 30, 2011


http://www.investigativeproject.org/pics/559_large.jpgA flotilla is

determined to sail to the Gaza Strip this weekend in breach of Israel's
naval blockade on the Hamas-controlled territory. This decision comes in
spite of growing  
international pressure to stop the campaign,
 damaged ships and
 fewer passengers
than expected.

 United Nations,
 United States,   European Union,

 France, the
 Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and
 Israel have called on
organizers of   Freedom Flotilla II to
abandon their plans in an effort to avoid a repeat of the violent
confrontation between Israeli commandos and activists of the first
 Freedom Flotilla on May 31, 2010. That encounter
 claimed the lives of
nine passengers and injured nine Israeli soldiers, causing

international outcry and tensions between Turkey and Israel.

Last year's flotilla was comprised of six ships, organized by a coalition of
international organizations, including the Islamist Turkish organization
 IHH. IHH has extensive ties to Hamas and is under

consideration for designation by the U.S. State Department.

Leaders of the IHH-owned Mavi Marmara ship launched a
 premeditated attack on Israeli commandos last May when the Israeli
Navy attempted to intercept the ship before it reached Gaza. Israeli
commandos boarded the Mavi Marmara following

repeated warnings, and were immediately attacked by activists wielding
clubs, knives, axes, hammers and other weapons.

 IHH was
 gearing up to participate in the second flotilla, but
 announced earlier this month that the Mavi Marmara would not sail.
IHH leader
 Bulent Yildirim
"technical problems" as the reason for withdrawing. Other sources say
 pressure on Turkey from the United
States government led to IHH's decision. Although IHH is no longer
officially involved, some of its members
 plan to sail on other ships.

The Israeli Navy is  
preparing for various scenarios, including the possibility of "extreme
violence" from flotilla participants.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)
 claimed Monday that
some flotilla partici

[osint] Why Muslim Demands for Headscarves Are Exaggerated

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf
All Muslims Lie All the Time.






Why Muslim Demands for Headscarves Are Exaggerated


By Raymond Ibrahim

June 30, 2011 at 4:30 am



Kulsoom AbdullahIslamic attire for women - the burqa and hijab - are back in
the news, though with a twist, as they cause problems and lawsuits in
America, where they are legal. In France, however, they have been banned,
and Muslim women are happily complying.

There is an instructive reason for this, but first, the stories from this

A Muslim-American woman, Kulsoom Abdullah, is trying to change the rules of
competitive weightlifting to accommodate her. The rules require arms and
legs to be bare so judges can see when elbows and knees are "locked,"
therefore being able to determine if a lift is successful. Most competitors
wear a form-fitting body suit with short sleeves and short pants. Abdullah,
however, says that "such exposure would violate her deeply held religious
beliefs. But rather than giving up on her dreams of competitive
weightlifting, she is pressing for a change in the sport's international
rules," including "with the help of a lawyer, Muslim activists and the U.S.
Olympic Committee."

And she won. The rules have been changed, in the words of the International
Weightlifting Federation, to "promote and enable a more inclusive sport
environment and break down barriers to participation."

Hani Khan Is Suing Abercrombie & FitchIt was also reported this week that
Muslim-American Hani Khan is suing Abercrombie & Fitch, claiming the
clothing retailer fired her for refusing to shed the hijab, an experience
which in Khan's words "shook my confidence." She would be the third Muslim
woman to sue Abercrombie for hijab reasons. But Khan is not trying to get
her job back; rather, "her suit seeks to force Abercrombie to change its
dress code to loosen restrictions on religious clothing. and is seeking back
wages and unspecified damages."

In a statement, Abercrombie said, "We are committed to providing equal
employment opportunities to all individuals regardless of religion, race or
ethnicity. ... We comply with the law regarding reasonable religious

Oddly, Khan's lawyer asserted that "Abercrombie prides itself on requiring
what it calls 'a natural, classic American style.' But there is nothing
American about discriminating against someone because of their religion."
Apparently, work dress codes are now tantamount to "discriminating against
someone because of their religion."

Meanwhile, in France, where Islamic dress is altogether banned, a new report
suggests that Muslim women are happily complying - indeed, more Muslim women
are traveling to France than before the ban:

Wealthy Gulf tourists are expected to continue to flock to France this
summer in spite of a law that prohibits Muslim women from wearing the burqa,
travel agencies said. Travel industry experts had initially feared a decline
in Arab tourists after the April ban on full veils but now report no decline
in peak-season bookings to France. Hotels.com, the parent company of the
online travel website expedia.com, has seen a 219 percent increase in the
number of searches for France from its Arabic Middle East site from April 1
to date. Searches for Belgium, which in 2010 passed a bill banning any
clothing that would obscure the identity of the wearer, have increased 300
percent the website said.

Lest you think these Gulf women are any less pious than their American
counterparts, there is a simple reason for why they are complying:

DearbornIslam's doctrine of taysir allows for hiyla, or the relaxation of
Islamic law whenever Muslims find it inconvenient to uphold aspects of
Sharia law, like when they are under infidel/Western authority. In fact,
some of Islam's top leaders, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, for example, are
great advocates of taysir, "especially for those Muslim minorities living in
Europe and America."

Taysir is like a broader concept of taqiyya, which permits Muslims to lie
when circumstances call for it, while taysir only permits Muslims to drop
aspects of Sharia law when circumstances call for it.

But there is another distinction. The Gulf women traveling to France are
tourists who are not nearly as acquainted with the West as their American
counterparts. They naturally assume the West is like the Islamic world -
actually tenacious about its customs and laws, hardly to be pushed around by
minority groups. (This is precisely why Muslims in the West shamelessly push
for the Ground Zero mosque -- Muslims in the Middle East can't believe it
and think it's a Zionist conspiracy.)

Muslims living in the West, on the other hand, know how easily the West can
be pushed into submission, so why settle for the Muslim option of taysir
when they can score a victory for Islam - and make some money while at it?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[osint] Gaza Terror Flotilla II: The Merchant Ships of Hamas Propaganda

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf
Flotilla II: The Merchant Ships of Hamas Propaganda

Posted By Joseph Klein On June 30, 2011 

The pro-Hamas flotilla of international ships planning to defy Israel's
lawful naval blockade of Gaza is getting underway, despite some delays
caused by insurance and mechanical problems. Israeli Foreign Minister
Avigdor Lieberman was spot on when he told Israel Radio that the so-called
Freedom Flotilla II participants are nothing more than "terror activists,
seeking to create provocation and looking for blood."

The merchant ships of Hamas propaganda are supporting the terrorist
organization that is the governing authority in Gaza and whose covenant
calls for the killing of all Jews, the destruction of Israel, and the
replacement of Israel with an Islamic state. The flotilla's purpose is to
rally international public opinion against the legitimacy of Israel as a
Jewish state, striving to achieve on the propaganda front what Hamas is
aiming to do with rockets and suicide bombers.

Flotilla activists seek to create an international incident by replicating
last year's flotilla confrontation, which led to the deaths of nine
Hamas-sympathizers on board a Turkish ship. These extremists attacked
Israeli soldiers who were attempting to enforce Israel's lawful maritime
blockade. Israeli's soldiers acted in self-defense.

At least one of the vessels due to participate in this year's flotilla is
reportedly carrying "sacks of dangerous chemical materials" to be used
against the Israeli troops, according to Israeli intelligence. The flotilla
organizers are making sure that members of sympathetic press agencies, such
as Al-Jazeera, CNN, and NBC, will be on hand to beam Israel's "brutal"
response to the world.

These merchant ships of Hamas propaganda are not "the Freedom Riders of this
era," nor a continuation of the fight against slavery, as one of the
American flotilla leaders, Alice Walker, tried insanely to claim:

When black people were enslaved for 300 years, it took a lot of people from
outside our community to help free us. This is a fine tradition-going to
help people who need us anywhere on the planet. I look at you in the room;
if we have salvation as humankind, it is in the room.

The abolitionists and Freedom Riders risked their lives to peacefully secure
freedom and civil rights for our nation's African-Americans. It is an insult
to their memories to equate them with the flotilla agitators who have
aligned themselves with terrorists trying to kill Jews simply because they
are Jews.

The flotilla organizers deny they are on the side of Hamas. They claim they
are just ordinary people moved by the human suffering of the Gazan people
and who want to do what they can to bring the suffering to an end. Yet the
truth gets in the way of their fairy tales. For example, the Free Gaza
Movement is an affiliate of the International Solidarity Movement, which
opposes the existence of the Jewish state. Adam Shapiro, an American
co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement and leader of the
Flotilla II brigade, had this to say about violence back in 2002:

Palestinian resistance must take on a variety of characteristics, both
violent and nonviolent. But most importantly, it must develop a strategy
involving both aspects.

Sounds like the model for Shapiro's flotilla comrades to use in their
upcoming manufactured confrontation with Israel's defense forces. 

Then there is Hamas activist and United Kingdom Muslim Brotherhood leader
Muhammad Kazem Sawalha, who has been identified by Iranian media as the
coordinator of the current Gaza flotilla. And there is the European Campaign
To End The Siege On Gaza, which is playing a leading role in organizing the
flotilla. It just happens to operate from the same address and has the same
telephone number as the Palestinian Return Centre, which just happens to
have strong ties to Hamas and the Global Muslim Brotherhood.

The flotilla is certainly not the humanitarian mission that some of its
propagandists would have us believe. There is no humanitarian crisis in
Gaza. Recognizing that the humanitarian fiction is being exposed, the
activist Palestinian lawyer Huwaida Arraf tried to change the subject. She
admitted to a press conference that the flotilla is not about humanitarian
aid after all. It is intended to support Palestinians' demand for

Even Jamal El-Khoudary, chairman of the board of the Islamic University in
Gaza who has led Gaza's Popular Committee Against the Siege, conceded that
the siege on goods is now mostly over. The flotilla participants and
supporters know they can get whatever true humanitarian aid they wish to
provide to the Gazan people delivered to them through internationally
recognized channels.

As reported by The New York Times on June 25th:

For the past year, Israel has allowed most everything into Gaza but cement,
steel and other construction material - other than for internationally
supervised projects - because they are worried that such sup

[osint] Rape: Islamic as Muhammad himself

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


Rape: Islamic as Muhammad himself

by sheikyermami on June 30, 2011

Religion of Rape

A relevant  rerun in light of the recent startling Oslo police report
  confirming that
every single solved case of assault-rape in the country in 2010 was carried
out by a Muslim immigrant. Meanwhile, the Western Left remains completely

Muslim Rape, Feminist Silence
By Jamie Glazov

Unveiled women who get raped deserve it.

http://sheikyermami.com/wp-content/uploads/al-Hilali_003.gifThat's the
pedagogy preached by the Mufti of Australia, Sheikh Taj al-Din al-Hilali,
who recently sparked an international stir by pronouncing
women who do not veil themselves, and allow themselves to be "uncovered
meat," are at fault if they are raped.

This is nothing new, of course, and it is somewhat mysterious why the
Sheikh's comments have caused any shock at all, since his view
legitimized by various Islamic texts and numerous social and legal Islamic
structures. And that is why back in September 2004 in Denmark, al-Hilali's
Australian counterpart, the Mufti Shahid Mehdi, declared exactly the same
thing, stating that unveiled women are
 "asking for rape." (Read it all)

There is more: The Religion of Rape
 . ALL Norwegian Rapists in 2010 Were Muslim

Every single rapist in Norway in 2010 was Muslim. A fluke?
Arutz Sheva 

Defenders of Islam call it a "religion of peace" but many Norwegian women
are learning that Islam is the religion of rape. According to an amazing
police report released there this month, every single solved case of
assault-rape in the country in 2010 was carried out by a Muslim immigrant.

Did Muhammad rape Safiyah?

*   You bet he did. In more ways than one. Here
 's what you need to know.

Time To Get Out

Details are still unclear, but it appears that as many as six
jihad/martyrdom suicide bombers descended upon the Intercontinental Hotel in
Kabul Tuesday night. As many as ten people have been murdered, and the
Taliban is thumping its chest in victory. The death toll could end up being
much higher: a Taliban spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, exulted: "Our
mujahedin, [mujahedin, warriors of jihad] entered the hotel, and they've
gone through several stories of the building and they are breaking into each
room and they are targeting the 300 Afghans and foreigners who are staying."
(more from Robert Spencer)


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[osint] Ann Barnard is looking for good links or citations on any topic relating to Islamic Sexuality

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf

Ann Barnard is looking for good links or citations on any topic relating to
Islamic Sexuality

by sheikyermami on June 30, 2011

The Gates of Vienna received a request for any topic on Islamic Sexuality
from Koran-burning buzzsaw Ann Barnhardt   . She
will be the keynote speaker at a Las Vegas event in September, for which she
needs it.

 Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil

So anyone who has any material on Islamic perversions should send it to Ms.
Barnhardt. Her email address is posted on her website

As you may know, WoJ is a treasure trove of information, and you can get
yourself  a gut-full of  this stuff anytime you come along for a ride.
How's this for starters:



"Ghazali, in his book, Ihya' Ulum al-Din (Revival of Religious Learnings)
writes that prayer, a big family and poverty will ensure Paradise
(al-Ghazali, 1993, p. 2.28)."

More on Ghazali, from Abul Kasem:

The most appalling narration of Ghazali's declaration of absolute
superiority of men over women is written in this fashion:

"Prophet said - if husband would be covered with pus from head to toe, and
wife would lick it, even then wife's gratitude to husband wouldn't be

Your sexual intercourse with your wife is an act of charity. If you throw
your semen in lawful things (inside a vagina), you will get rewards.

The readers should note that the above translated passage of Ihya Ulum
Al-Din is from the Bengali translation of the famous book of
Ghazali.(Reference: Ehiya Ulum Al Deen Vol 2 / 9 page 311, Bangla:
Translated by :- M. N. M. Imdadullah MMBA (Hons), MA, Publisher - Bangladesh
Taj company Ltd. 8 Parydas Road Dhaka 1100).

Please note that the English version of this grand book of Islam has
cleverly discarded similar passages quoted (from the Bengali translation)
above. In fact, the English translator writes that he has omitted certain
passages which are not relevant today. Here are a few gems (summarized) from
the English translation of Ihya Ulum Al?Din. Please note that the English
version is in four volumes.

Muhammad said: A prison in the corner of a house is better than a childless
woman. (p.2.24)

An ugly woman with children is better than a beautiful woman without
children (p.2.24)

If it be known that a woman is barren, do not marry her: marry lovely and
child bearing women. (p.2.32)
A good woman is one who is married early at her age, who gives birth to a
child without delay and who demands a small dower. (p.2.32)"
There's heaps more, here:  Muslim Woman


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[osint] Spain Says Enough to Muslims

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf



 SPAIN is telling the world, WE WILL NOT allow ourselves to become Islamized 

  barenakedislam | 
June 30, 2011 at 3:51 AM | Categories:  
 Islamization of the West | 
URL:   http://wp.me/peHnV-w9o 

Though it's not exactly the dawn of a new Crusades, the stunning defeat of the 
Socialists in the recent election and the rise of right wing parties clearly 
demonstrates that  anti-Muslim discourse has taken center stage. The Vibe 

  - The third most populated city of Catalonia (northeastern Spain) could be 
soon governed by a man who was brought to court for launching a controversial 
anti-Islam advertising campaign. His name is Xavier Garcia Albiol, and he is 
the leader of the right-wing People’s Party (PP) in the city of Badalona (near 

It all started last year, when the party made  the issue of immigration the 
focus of its campaign for the local elections that took place in May. Muslim 
Immigrants were directly associated to crime in a leaflet that said: “If I 
become mayor by 2011 I guarantee that (1) we will be able to walk the streets 
of the neighbourhood without fear of being harassed or robbed, and that (2) 
those who live in Badalona will have to adapt to our rules and customs.”

Many have argued that this was merely a response to local demands.  Badalona is 
widely known across the country for its social tensions deriving from ethnic 
diversity. However, it is vital to underline that as a member of a mainstream 
and nation-wide political party Mr Albiol’s policies and campaigns required 
higher approval.

Further emphasis must also be placed on the fact that people voted for Garcia 
Albiol en-masse. The PP   
was the most voted party not only in Badalona, but also in most of Spain’s 
localities that held elections, as well as in the majority of its regions. In 
fact, these elections represented a political turning point because many 
regions that have traditionally supported Zapatero’s Workers Party (PSOE) have 
now been taken over by the PP. In the coming year, general elections are due to 
take place, and the socio-political scenario is unlikely to change.

While Badalona is the most recent example of how anti-Islam discourses gain 
support among Spaniards, it is not the only one. The case of Platform for 
Catalonia (PxC), a political party created in 2003, is also worth mentioning. 
The PxC is a self-proclaimed anti-immigration party, and as such it promoted 
pro-Spain values through the controversial TV commercial, PxC used for these 
last elections. The results showed that Platform for Catalonia increased its 
support basis by 500%, and it will now be part of the political sphere in some 
cities in Catalonia.

The new embodiment of xenophobia, Islamophobia, appears to be experiencing a 
moment of political effervescence in the West. Regardless of the fact that only 
a small minority of Muslim women cover up, the Islamic veil is not only 
becoming a matter of political controversy, but also an issue of social 
discussion across Europe as we have seen with the burqa ban.



The idea of ‘immigrants are abusing of our public welfare’ is now highly 
promoted by ultra right-wing parties as well as increasingly supported by 
citizens. Islamophobia, is thus experiencing a progressive growth, as can be 
seen in the last European elections in 2009, when many  right-wing parties 
gained seats.

Minuto Digital 

  (H/T General Ze)- The Platform for Catalonia Badalona has called a 
demonstration against the construction of a mosque in his city. We did it in 
Premia de Mar in 2002, when we stopped the building of a local mosque, we are 
now doing the same.



Muslim asslifters in the streets of Spain

The PXC will voice that which nobody wants to hear – the vast majority of 
Catalans opposes the building of mosques in their country,  The political-PP 
ERC, which has opened the doors of Catalonia thousands of Muslim immigrants in 
the na

[osint] Who Is Behind the Second Gaza Flotilla?

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


Who Is Behind the Second Gaza Flotilla? 

Thursday, 30 June 2011 05:16 Ehud Rosen 


. The second flotilla is coordinated by Muhammad Sawalha, a senior
UK-based Muslim Brotherhood figure connected to Hamas
 . Many of the participating organizations can be directly
linked with the Union of Good (UoG), a coalition of European charities
affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which in 2008 was designated as a
terrorist organization by the U.S. Treasury for transferring funds to Hamas.
The UoG was initiated by Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, leader of the Muslim
Brotherhood on a global scale, shortly after the outbreak of the Second
Intifada in 2000.

. MuslimBrotherhoodFor the Brotherhood, two chief centers of
organization can be clearly seen. On the European and global scene, the
centrality of its UK-based activists is once again demonstrated, while in
the Middle East, its Jordanian branch is noticeable.

. Other main organizers include the anti-Israel International
Solidarity Movement (ISM), as well as far-left socialists from Europe and
the United States. Many of the flotilla's main organizers have stated that
its prime aim is to create provocations and harm Israel's image.

. Following Israel's Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, which ended in
January 2009, a series of international conferences was held in Turkey
  to restructure the struggle against Israel. A conference
in February 2009 featured 200 radical Islamist scholars who came to meet
with senior Hamas officials to plot a new, "third jihadi front" (in addition
to Pakistan and Iraq
 ) centered on Gaza. The conference gave birth to the
infamous, pro-Hamas Istanbul Declaration, which also provided justification
for attacking foreign navies which might try to prevent arms smuggling to

. In general, the same organizers stand behind the second flotilla,
with several changes. The most important may be the IHH decision not to send
the Mavi Marmara, the ship which brought the first flotilla its publicity
following violent clashes between IHH activists and the IDF in which nine
Turks were killed. Rather than take a leading role, it appears that the IHH
will settle this time for sending activists to sail on other ships.

. Thus, the flotilla is far from being a peaceful, humanitarian
effort to support the Palestinians in Gaza. It should instead be seen as a
major, pro-Hamas effort to delegitimize Israel by a "red-green alliance" of
leftists and Islamists.

The Second "Freedom Flotilla" is a joint and coordinated effort of several
groups working to delegitimize Israel on a global scale. The claim of the
organizers that they are seeking to relieve the siege of Gaza and to provide
urgently needed humanitarian aid rings completely hollow, given the vast
economic improvements the territory has been witnessing. Indeed, the New
York Times reported on June 25, 2011, that "two luxury hotels are opening in
Gaza this month." The report from Gaza continues with a description of a
"second shopping mall" about to open and "hundreds of homes" under
construction.1 The motivation behind the flotilla is thus clearly political.
All the groups involved have separately sent ships and land convoys aimed to
"break the siege" of Gaza in order to hurt Israel's image.

hamas01The latest campaign is coordinated by Muhammad Sawalha, a senior
UK-based Muslim Brotherhood figure who, according to Israeli sources, helped
establish Hamas' operational infrastructure in the West Bank in the late
1980s. He found asylum in Britain in 1990 and is one of the central leaders
of Islamist, anti-Israel, and pro-Hamas activities in Britain. Many of the
participating organizations can be directly linked with the Union of Good
(UoG), a coalition of European charities affiliated with the Muslim
Brotherhood, which in 2008 was designated as a terrorist organization by the
U.S. Treasury for transferring funds to Hamas. Other main organizers include
the anti-Israel International Solidarity Movement (ISM), as well as far-left
socialists from Europe and the United States. Many of the flotilla's main
organizers have stated that its prime aim is to create provocations and harm
Israel's image.

Origins of the Flotilla Campaign

The first group to send ships to Gaza ma

[osint] Illegal Alien's Guide to Top Five Best Places to Live in U.S.

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


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An Illegal Alien's Guide to the Top Five Best Places to Live In America

By Bob Dane   

Published June 29, 2011

| FoxNews.com



When “relocating” to the United States
 , it’s best to avoid
states that have selfishly put the interests of their legal residents ahead
of yours with laws that hinder your access to jobs and benefits. But many
attractive destinations remain, endorsed by millions of illegal aliens
already living in each.

1. California

California’s state motto “Eureka” (I have found it!) aptly applies here. The
state's population includes 3.2 million illegal aliens -- almost 24% of all
illegal aliens in America -- have chosen the Golden State as their preferred


Despite its $26 billion budget deficit, the state spends $21.5 billion
dollars annually subsidizing illegal alien health care
 , education, welfare, other state benefits
and criminal justice. Every California native-born household chips in $2438
each year to help.

Unless you commit a violent felony, the state leaves you alone. Los Angeles
Special Order 40 – a sanctuary policy that sets the tone statewide -
prevents local officers from inquiring about your immigration status.

Many “visitors” head straight for Central Valley, which depends on a
combination of immigration and irrigation to produce almost 8 percent of
America’s total agricultural output. You’ll be in good company
  because more than half of the farm workers
in California have no work authorization.

Of course don’t forget in-state tuition for illegal aliens. Take advantage
of the Dream Act in a place that can only be described as the Dream State
for Illegal Aliens.

2. Montgomery Country, Maryland

If jobs are what attract you, then this upscale community close to our
nation's capital offers the mother of all magnets.

The first step to getting a job is to visit a Casa De Maryland (CASA)
Welcome Center
 . Their employment specialists help you find a job
  and don’t give a hoot about your legal
status. They will even help you acquire an IRS-issued taxpayer
identification number
 because, of course, you’re here illegally and not eligible
for a real Social Security number
 . This powerful organization is truly the illegal alien
Welcome Wagon with $16 million in assets, $4.9M of it acquired in 2010 from
government contracts!

Don’t worry about Secure Communities because the County recently opposed its
implementation. And for college-bound illegal aliens, take advantage of
in-state-tuition now that the state passed the Maryland Dream Act.

3. Washington State

There’s nothing like a valid driver’s license in your hip pocket to help you
navigate the U.S. at will.

Most states require you to present your Social Security

Number (SSN) to get one. Washington has made an exception. If you don’t
already have a fake SSN – or aren’t “borrowing” one from a U.S. citizen –
simply sign a form and bring a utility bill along to prove you’re living in
the Evergreen State. 

Don’t have a utility bill? Washington accepts Mexican Matrícula Consular ID
cards as proof of identification. The state is not concerned with FBI
  and Department of Justice

warnings that the cards are not reliable forms of ID and pose “major
criminal and potential terrorist threats.”

Don’t even have a consular card? That’s even easier than getting a driver’s
license. Visit the Mexican Consulate in Seattle and bring a birth
certificate (they’re not concerned about whose it is

[osint] Slavery in Sudan

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf
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Issue 45




Northern Sudan's Islamist government has a record of violent racism against
the non-Arab population. One form of persecution employed is slavery, which
remains a permitted practice to this day in a number of African countries.
Up to 35,000 Africans are still reportedly
  enslaved in Northern Sudan. 

Today, Sudan's Nuba people are facing a campaign of genocide at the hands of
the extremist leaders in the north. Many fear this violence could reignite
the 22-year civil war, in which over 2 million people were killed and tens
of thousands were taken to Northern Sudan as slaves. 


Take Action!



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happenings in the world of Radical Islam. Follow us Twitter (and check out
our newly redesigned page) @No2RadicalIslam

Radical Islam poses a serious threat to the United States 
and all of Western civilization - arm yourself.with information.



 Genocide in Sudan - Again 
FrontPage Magazine


Imagine the outcry if the American government was suddenly to engage in a
campaign of extermination against the Navajos, one of America's aboriginal
peoples. The protests, especially from the Left, would be deafening. 

But what would be unimaginable in America today is currently taking place in
Sudan, whose rulers are no strangers to genocide. Sudan's original people,
the African Nuba tribes inhabiting central Sudan's Nuba Mountains, are
currently facing a massive campaign of ethnic cleansing at the hands of the
Arab and Islamist central government, whose leader, President Omar Hassan
al-Bashir, is currently under indictment by the International Criminal Court
(ICC) for war crimes in Darfur.


 10 Things You Need to Know About... Slavery in Islam


1.  Muslim slave trade in Africa has lasted
  14 centuries and continues to this day in places like Mauritania,
Saudi Arabia, and Sudan.
2.  Over 17 million slaves (mostly black women and children) were
  out of Africa by Islamic traders. Another 85 million are believed to
have died en route.
3.  The Prophet Muhammad practiced
  and approved of slavery, and directed his men to do the same.


Exclusive Clip - Jihad Slavery in Sudan




About RadicalIslam.org

RadicalIslam.org is a social networking tool, uniting individuals across
America to take a stand against Radical Islam. RadicalIslam.org also has a
live-blogging presence on Twitter: No2RadicalIslam



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[osint] Foreign policy without a teleprompter is hard.

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


John Bolton Is Wrong: Attacking Libya Was the Smart Thing to Do

June 28, 2011 2:59 P.M.

By Peter Kirsanow  

. . . because, among other things, it's consistent with the War Powers Act,
which is constitutional on the third Tuesday of every month but not when
applied to kinetic military actions that look a lot like wars, especially
when you're leading from behind against Muammar Qaddafi, who's a tyrant
responsible for a number of man-caused disasters, unlike the ophthalmologist
who's reforming Syria with tanks and flamethrowers that don't destroy nearly
as many jobs as the ATMs located in Las Vegas, where nobody should go to
blow a bunch of cash when saving for college, except Joe Biden, who nobody
messes with and is a big f*g deal because he liberated Auschwitz with
Patton during an overseas contingency operation that was the boldest
decision by any president who hasn't healed the planet or lowered the
missile-defense shields in Eastern Europe so that the Russians will pressure
the Iranians to hit the reset button on their nuclear-weapons program and
make peace with the Israelis, since no one else will as long as they
unreasonably insist on maintaining their existence and building shovel-ready
projects in Jerusalem without the use of stimulus money that has proven time
and again to keep unemployment rates below 8 percent whenever a Republican
drives his
 car into a ditch while sitting in the
back seat sipping a Slurpee and working on his tan like a typical white
person whose house is surrounded by a moat with alligators to keep out
people who do the jobs Americans won't do because at some point they've made
enough money to act as stupidly as the Cambridge police or someone who
smuggles AK-47s to  Mexican drug cartels in an effort to win the future,
just like MacArthur did when Emperor Hirohito came down and surrendered to
him at the end of World Time-Limited Scope-Limited Military Action II -
which everybody agrees was George Bush's fault. 

Foreign policy without a teleprompter is hard.


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[osint] SHOCKER: Financial Links Uncovered between Hamas and Gaza Flotilla Organizers

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


 Financial Links Uncovered between Hamas
and Gaza Flotilla Organizers

  Israel Defense Forces
| June 30, 2011 at 17:30 | Tags:  
abspp,   droit pour tous,
 Gaza flotilla,
 Gaza Strip,
 Humanitarian Aid,
 muslim brotherhood,
 naval blockade |
Categories:   Facts & Figures,
 Gaza Flotilla | URL:


  The Sfendoni 8000, an
ECESG ship that was part of the 2010 Gaza flotilla.

The Sfendoni 8000, an ECESG ship that was part of the 2010 Gaza flotilla.
Picture: IHH.

According to Israeli Military Intelligence, the terrorist organization
 Hamas and several
organizations behind the
 2011 Gaza flotilla have similar funding sources. Three
Islamic charity funds from the Hamas-affiliated Charity Coalition directly
fund Hamas and some of the organizations connected to the 2011 Gaza flotilla
(see below list of organizations).

The European Campaign to End the Siege (ECESG)

ECESG, one of the flotilla's leading organizers, is a UK-based umbrella
organization of more than thirty Europe-based organizations; it openly
supports Hamas. Most of its organizations -- founded as Muslim Brotherhood
branches in Europe -- are participating in the 2011 Gaza flotilla. Israeli
military sources found that some of these umbrella organizations are
sponsors of Hamas terror activity in the Gaza Strip.

ECESG Chairman Dr. Arafat Madi Mahmoud Shukri also serves as chairman of the
Palestinian Return Centre (PRC). Due to PRC's flagrant links to Hamas, it
was declared illegal in Israel.

Droit Pour Tous and ABSPP

In addition to ECESG, the Switerzland-based Droit Pour Tous organization and
the Italy-based group ABSPP are openly and intimately involved in Hamas
charity efforts as well as efforts to illegally break the
 lawfully enforced naval blockade on Gaza.

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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] New Name, Same Old Focus for Terror-supporting Islamic Bloc

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


  Home >  

New Name, Same Old Focus for Islamic Bloc 

Thursday, June 30, 2011 
By   Patrick Goodenough 


OIC Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, left, and Kazakhstan President
Nursultan Nazarbayev display a flag showing the new logo of the renamed
Organization of Islamic Cooperation. (Photo: OIC)

(CNSNews.com) - The bloc of mostly Muslim-majority states has a new name and
logo but, despite the momentous upheavals across the Arab world, "Palestine"
and religious "defamation" continue to top its agenda.

Meeting in Kazakhstan this week, foreign ministers of the 42 year-old
Organization of the Islamic Conference endorsed a decision to change its
name to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Also being dropped is the OIC logo featuring a red crescent and the words
"Allahu Akhbar" (Allah is greater) in Arabic. In its place is a green
crescent, a globe, and a representation of the Ka'aba - the cube-shaped
structure in Mecca which Islam says was built by Abraham and Muslims revere
as their religion's most sacred site.

The OIC called the move "a drastic positive change in the performance of the
organization to uplift its effectiveness as an international system dealing
with political, economic, cultural and social development issues."

The summit host, Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, described the
OIC as "the U.N. of the Islamic world."

Despite the rebranding, however, OIC secretary-general Ekmeleddin
Ihsanoglu's speech to the gathering made it clear that the key focus remains
unchanged for an organization established in 1969 with "liberating"
Jerusalem as its primary goal.

Leading the list of situations around the Islamic world addressed in the
speech was the Palestinian issue. Ihsanoglu condemned Israeli policies and
appealed for all countries to support an initiative at the U.N. in September
to secure recognition of a Palestinian state "on the borders of 1967 with
East Jerusalem as its capital."

The OIC head had more to say on the Palestinian question than he did on any
other country situation - the civil wars in Libya and Yemen, political
turmoil in Syria and Bahrain, the imminent division of Sudan, the conflict
in Afghanistan, or calls for reform from Morocco to Jordan. Iran received
not a single mention.

Also receiving much attention at the meeting in Astana was the issue that
has dominated OIC activism at the U.N. in recent years - "Islamophobia" and
the associated campaign to outlaw religious "defamation."

Ihsanoglu in his speech reaffirmed that it was "a matter of extreme priority
for the OIC."

"Islamophobia represents a contemporary manifestation of racism and the
phenomenon must be addressed in that context," he added, alluding to the
OIC's drive to   amend an existing,
binding anti-racism treaty, the International Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, so that it also covers religion.

Should the campaign succeed, the amended convention would place legal
restrictions on "matters regarded by followers of any religion or belief as

  New OIC logo

The OIC's new logo features a green crescent, a globe, and a representation
of the Ka'aba - the cube-shaped structure in Mecca which Muslims revere as
Islam's most sacred site. (Image: OIC)

Critics say this would silence legitimate criticism of Islamic teachings and
authorities, further endanger non-Muslim minorities, and amount to enforcing
blasphemy laws similar to those in place in OIC member state like Pakistan
and Saudi Arabia.

During the meeting in Kazakhstan, an OIC body called the "Islamophobia
Observatory" released its fourth annual report, stating that the 12-month
period ending in April had seen an increase in the frequency and intensity
of "Islamophobic events, acts and utterances."

It cited in particular the burning of a Qur'an at the small Florida church
headed by Terry Jones, Rep. Peter King's congressional hearings on Islamic
radicalism, and what it called the role of the Tea Party movement in
"fanning Islamophobia."

The report also highlighted some "positive" developments, including the
British government's decision to bar Jones from visiting the U.K.; the
fining of an Austrian woman for public comments critical of Islam; a
decision by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to reject a trademark
application by the group Stop Islamization of America; and a resolution
passed by the Los Angeles City Council last December supporting "any
legislation that would oppose Islamophobia and random acts of violence
against Muslims."

Consensus resolution hailed

Also noted in the Islamophobia Observatory's report was the OIC's success in
getting the U.N. Human Rights Council (HRC) t

[osint] OBAMA

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf

When Obama wrote a book and said he was mentored as a youth by Frank (Frank 
Marshall Davis) an avowed Communist, people said it didn't matter.

When it was discovered that his grandparents, were strong socialists who 
sent Obama's mother to a socialist school where she was introduced to Frank 
Marshall Davis. He was later introduced to young Barrack Hussein Obama. 
People said it didn't matter.

When people found out that Barrack Hussein Obama was enrolled as a Muslim 
child in school and his father and stepfather were both Muslims, people said

it didn't matter.

When he wrote in another book he authored "I will stand with them (Muslims) 
should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" people said it didn't


When he admittedly, in his book, said he chose Marxist friends and 
professors in college-- people said it didn't matter.

When he traveled to Pakistan, after college on an unknown national passport,

people said it didn't matter.

When he sought the endorsement of the Marxist Party in 1996 as he ran for 
the Illinois Senate, people said it didn't matter.

When he sat in a Chicago Church for twenty years and listened to a preacher 
spew hatred for America and preach black liberation theology, people said it

didn't matter.

When an independent Washington organization, that tracks Senate voting 
records, gave him the distinctive title as the "most liberal senator," 
people said it didn't matter.

When the Palestinians in Gaza set up a fund raising telethon to raise money 
for his election campaign, people said it didn't matter.

When his voting record supported gun control, people said it didn't matter.

When he refused to disclose who donated money to his election campaign, as 
other candidates had done, people said it didn't matter.

When he received endorsements from people like Louis Farrakhan and Mummar 
Kadaffi and Hugo Chavez, people said it didn't matter.

When it was pointed out that he was a total newcomer and had absolutely no 
experience at anything except community organizing, people said it didn't 

When he chose friends and acquaintances such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine 
Dohrn who were revolutionary radicals, people said it didn't matter.

When his voting record in the Illinois senate and in the U.S. Senate came 
into question, people said it didn't matter.

When he refused to wear a flag, lapel pin, and did so only after a public 
outcry, people said it didn't matter.

When people started treating him as a Messiah and children in schools were 
taught to sing his praises, people said it didn't matter.

When he stood with his hands over his groin area for the playing of the 
National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance, people said it didn't matter.

When he surrounded himself in the White house with advisors who were pro-gun

control, pro- abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and wanting to 
curtailfreedom of speech to silence the opposition people said it didn't 

When he aired his views on abortion, homosexuality and a host of other 
issues, people said it didn't matter.

When he said he favors sex education in Kindergarten, including homosexual 
indoctrination, people said it didn't matter.

When his personal background was either scrubbed or hidden and nothing could

be found about him, people said it didn't matter.

When the place of his birth was called into question, and he refused to 
produce a birth certificate, people said it didn't matter. When he did 
produce it, it was an altered document.

When he had an association in Chicago with Tony Rezco--a man of questionable

character and who is now in prison and had helped Obama to a sweet deal on 
the purchase of his home-- people said it didn't matter.

When it became known that George Soros, a multi-billionaire Marxist, spent a

ton of money to get him elected, people said it didn't matter.

When he started appointing White House Czars that were radicals, 
revolutionaries, and even avowed Marxist/Communist, people said it didn't 

When he stood before the Nation and told us that his intentions were to 
"fundamentally transform this Nation" into something else, people said it 
didn't matter.

When it became known that he had trained ACORN workers in Chicago and served

as an attorney for ACORN, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed cabinet members and several advisors who were tax cheats 
and socialists, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed a Science Czar, John Holdren, who believes in forced 
abortions, mass sterilizations and seizing babies from teen mothers, people 
said it didn't matter.

When he appointed Cass Sunstein as Regulatory Czar who believes in "Explicit

Consent," harvesting human organs without family consent, and allowing 
animals to be represented in court, while banning all hunting, people said 
it didn't matter.

When he appointed Kevin Jennings, a homosexual, and organizer of a group 
called gay, lesbian, straight, education network as Safe School Cza

[osint] GITMO Terrorists Prefer to Stay

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


Former Army Prosecutor: Some Prisoners 'Asked to Stay in Gitmo' Rather than
Go Home 

Thursday, June 30, 2011 
By   Katie Bell, Andrew Herzog and Pete


Detainees play soccer in the recreation area of Camp Six at Joint Task Force
Guantanamo, Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, March 1, 2011. (U.S. Navy
photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Elisha Dawkins/Released)

(CNSNews.com) - Former Army Gitmo prosecutor Kyndra Rotunda told CNSNews.com
that some prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have asked to stay there in U.S.
custody rather than be released to return to their home countries.

"Interestingly, some detainees were offered release, and asked to stay in
Gitmo. They prefer captivity in Gitmo to freedom in their own countries!"
Rotunda told CNSNews.com by e-mail.

Far from being tortured, as some protestors outside the White House alleged
last week, Rotunda said prisoners at Gitmo are allowed to take classes (with
some even receiving "home-schooling"), can read Harry Potter books in Arabic
and are given their choice of athletic shoes for playing sports.

What's more, the Defense Department has even flown in special fruits and
nuts for detainees to observe Ramadan, Rotunda said, although the detainees'
request for a goat to be sacrificed was declined--in deference to PETA.

"Most Gitmo detainees live in group housing with open bays and about 10
people to a bay," she said.


A detainee learns typing skills during a life skills class in Camp Six at
Joint Task Force Guantanamo in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Oct. 20, 2010. The
purpose of the class was to enhance literacy in reading and writing in
subjects of health and finance. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication
Specialist 2nd Class Elisha Dawkins/Released)

"They are outside of their housing bays for up to 12 hours a day. During
that time, they can take classes, visit the library--which has over 5,000
titles, including the Harry Potter series translated into Arabic, which are
very popular--exercise, check out movies or games, play sports--detainees
can chose from a selection of athletic shoes--or even visit the computer

Rotunda, who served as a prosecutor in the Army Judge Advocate General's
(JAG) office while stationed at Gitmo, is now a civilian who teaches
military and international law at Chapman University Law School in Southern
California and lectures at the University California at Berkeley.

The author of "Honor Bound: Inside the Guantanamo Trials," a book about her
experiences at Gitmo, Rotunda said she recently learned about one detainee
who asked, through his lawyer, "for an academic course offering that was
more closely tailored to his educational interests and needs."

"The Pentagon responded affirmatively and assigned lawyers to 'home-school'
this detainee," she said. "These lawyers regularly travel from Washington,
D.C., to Guantanamo Bay to tutor the detainee--carefully following a
curriculum that was agreed upon by the Pentagon and the detainee's lawyer."

Rotunda said that while most detainees live in open bays and "enjoy a lot of
flexibility and freedom of movement," a small handful of detainees
(including those awaiting trial), live in a brick and mortar prison, which,
she said, is modeled after a prison in Indiana.

"They have fewer freedoms and privileges, but the conditions meet U.S.
standards," according to Rotunda. "Prisoners awaiting trial in the U.S. are
often imprisoned--consider for example Casey Anthony, who is presently on
trial in Florida."

But all detainees are allowed to freely exercise their religion, the former
Army prosecutor said.

"The Muslim Call to Prayer is broadcasted over loud-speakers 5 times a day,"
she added. "During this time, the prison guards are instructed to give each
detainee 20 minutes of uninterrupted time, even if the detainee is not

In fact, the U.S. goes out of its way to host events to mark important
religious holidays.

  Kyndra Rotunda

(Photo courtesy Prof. Kyndra Rotunda)

"When I was in Gitmo, the camp commander hosted a celebration for detainees
to mark the end of Ramadan and flew in seasonal nuts and dates for the
celebration," Rotunda said. "The detainees asked the commander to fly in a
goat that they could sacrifice. The commander declined that request because
he did not want to upset PETA."

Last week, activists wearing black hoods, protested outside the White House,
claiming in a news release that the Obama administration was culpable for
the "ongoing torture, mistreatment and indefinite detention of troops at
Guantanamo Bay."

"Black hoods that are now emblematic of the policies of torture and abuse
that the Obama administration inherited from President Bush and has further
entrenched," the gr

[osint] Leave Me Alones vs Make It Betters

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


I'm from the government. I'm here to help

Leave Me Alones vs Make It Betters

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 - Daniel Greenfield  Wednesday, June 29, 2011 

imageThe two streams in American politics are not liberal vs conservative,
they can be roughly defined as "Leave Me Alone" vs "Make It Better". Leave
Me Alone seeks personal independence, self-reliance and freedom from
interference. Make It Better believes in the progressive betterment of
society through regulation, intervention and education.

Most people associate the "Leave Me Alones" with conservatism and the "Make
It Betters" with liberalism. That's partly true, but not entirely. The
hijacking of liberalism and the Democratic party by the radical left has
them into the standard bearers of a ruthless "Make It Better" agenda. But
"Make It Better" is found often on the right as well. The loss of the
cultural war to the left has pushed conservatives into a defensive position.
And the ascension of the left has moved it into a state of permanent

"Leave Me Alone" is defensive. It creates boundaries and asks that they be
respected. "Make It Better" is offensive, it pushes through individual
boundaries in the name of the greater good. Neither of these are purely
moral positions. Rather they are preferential positions. "Leave Me Alone"
can turn a blind eye to evil with long term consequences. "Make It Better"
sometimes brings positive change. But like any course of positive action,
"Make It Better" is more likely to be associated with negative consequences.

The difference between "Leave Me Alone" and "Make It Better" is cultural

The difference between "Leave Me Alone" and "Make It Better" is cultural.
It's in the way we prefer to live and how we see other people. To "Leave Me
Alones", other people are either good or bad. But to the "Make It Betters",
everyone is in a gray area and in need to enlightenment. "Leave Me Alones"
trust people more as individuals, while being suspicious of groups. "Make It
Betters" think of groups as more moral than individuals.

"Make It Betters" judge people by their web of interconnections. The
interconnectedness is their way of morality. The more involved with others
someone is, the better of a person they are. By contributing to the whole,
they demonstrate selflessness. Their understanding of morality is purely
external, as shown by interaction with others. It is why "Make It Betters"
are often unable to process how one of them could possibly be guilty of a
crime, when he is so involved in helping others. They derive their sense of
moral worth from group participation, which makes self-examination difficult
for them. Dissatisfied with the group, they often search for happiness and
pursue self-improvement, but lack the internal moral code that makes either
one truly possible.

"Leave Me Alones" see morality as internal. A matter of character. Public
interactions can reveal character, but are also dominated by social
pressures. "Leave Me Alones" distrust those who make a show of their social
morality. To them external morality is often a cover for private sin. They
are prone to self-examination and have a keen awareness of their failings.
And suspect that everyone else also has a similar mismatch between their
outer and inner selves.

The "Make It Betters" are hierarchical, as all social movements must be.
Their movements promote equality through brotherhood, but as in any
movement, function defines status. Inequality is the impetus for their
movements, and by pledging to remedy this inequality, they also acknowledge
it and enshrine it. By taking on the role as the uplifters, they elevate
themselves to a higher status, and unconsciously seek to maintain their
superior role in relation to those they wish to uplift. If actual equality
occurs, they feel lost for equality removes their status as the uplifters.

Moral "Make It Better" movements typically assign blame for the inequality
to the unequal, and political "MIB" movements assign it to those in power.
Moral movements call on the unequal to improve themselves. Political
movements call on those in power to stop oppressing them. Both approaches
are incomplete and opportunistic. But in both cases the "Make It Betters"
take on the role of intercessors for a portion of their community, their
country or the world.

The "Leave Me

[osint] Saudi Arabia Will Build Nuclear Weapons to Counter Iran

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

Prospect of a nuclear conflict in the Middle East is raised by senior
diplomat and member of the Saudi ruling family

A senior Saudi Arabian diplomat and member of the ruling royal family has
raised the spectre of nuclear conflict in the Middle East
  if Iran
  comes close to developing a nuclear

Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief and ambassador to
Washington, warned senior Nato military officials that the existence of such
a device "would compel Saudi Arabia
  . to pursue policies which
could lead to untold and possibly dramatic consequences".

He did not state explicitly what these policies would be, but a senior
official in Riyadh who is close to the prince said yesterday his message was

"We cannot live in a situation where Iran has nuclear weapons
  and we don't. It's as
simple as that," the official said. "If Iran develops a nuclear weapon, that
will be unacceptable to us and we will have to follow suit."

Officials in Riyadh said that Saudi Arabia would reluctantly push ahead with
its own civilian nuclear programme. Peaceful use of nuclear power, Turki
said, was the right of all nations.

Turki was speaking earlier this month at an unpublicised meeting at RAF
Molesworth, the airbase in Cambridgeshire used by Nato as a centre for
gathering and collating intelligence on the Middle East and the

According to a transcript of his speech obtained by the Guardian, Turki told
his audience that Iran was a "paper tiger with steel claws" that was
"meddling and destabilising" across the region.

"Iran . is very sensitive about other countries meddling in its affairs. But
it should treat others like it expects to be treated. The kingdom expects
Iran to practise what it preaches," Turki said.

Turki holds no official post in Saudi Arabia but is seen as an ambassador at
large for the kingdom and a potential future foreign minister,

Diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks and published by the Guardian last
year revealed that King Abdullah, who has ruled Saudi Arabia since 2005, had
privately warned Washington in 2008 that if Iran developed nuclear weapons
"everyone in the region would do the same, including Saudi Arabia".

Saudi Arabian diplomats and officials have launched a serious campaign in
recent weeks to rally global and regional powers against Iran, fearful that
their country's larger but poorer regional rival is exploiting the Arab
Spring to gain influence in the region and within the kingdom itself.

Turki also accused Iran of interfering in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria
 , and in the Gulf state of Bahrain,
where Saudi troops were deployed this year as part of a Gulf Co-operation
Council force following widespread protests from those calling for greater
democratic rights.

Though there has previously been little public comment from Riyadh on
developments in Syria, Turki told his audience at Molesworth that President
Bashar al-Assad "will cling to power till the last Syrian is killed".

Syria presents a dilemma for Saudi policymakers: although they would prefer
not to see popular protest unseat another regime in the region, they view
the Damascus regime, which is dominated by members of Syria's Shia minority,
as a proxy for Iran.

"The loss of life [in Syria] in the present internal struggle is deplorable.
The government is woefully deficient in its handling of the situation,"
Turki said at the Molesworth meeting, which took place on 8 June.

Though analysts say demonstrations in Bahrain were not sectarian in nature,
two senior Saudi officials in Riyadh said this week that Tehran had
mobilised the largely Shia protesters against the Sunni rulers of the Gulf
state. Iran has a predominantly Shia population. Around 15% of Saudis are
Shia. The officials described this minority, which suffers extensive
discrimination despite recent attempts at reform, as "vulnerable to external

Though there has been negligible unrest internally, Saudi Arabia has been
shaken by the events across the Arab world in recent months and has watched
anxiously as a number of allies - such as President Hosni Mubarak - have
been ousted or have found themselves in grave difficulties. President Ali
Abdullah Saleh of Yemen is being treated in a Saudi Arabian hospital for
wounds caused by a mysterious blast that forced him to leave his country
this month.

The former Tunisian ruler Zine al-Abedine ben Ali, whose relations with
Riyadh were complex, is reported to have been housed in a luxurious villa in
the Red Sea port city of Jeddah after he fled his homeland for Saudi Arabia.

Saudi officials admitted that decision-mak

[osint] Pakistan Betrays US Again, Stops Drone Attacks

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf
All Muslims are untrustworthy.






Pakistan ends U.S. use of base for drone attacks: report

  ReutersBy Sanjeev Miglani | Reuters - Wed, Jun
29, 2011

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Pakistan has stopped the United States from using an
air base in the southwest of the country to launch drone strikes against
militant groups, the defense minister was quoted as saying, as ties remain
strained between the two countries.

Pakistan has long publicly opposed the missile attacks as a violation of its
sovereignty, but has in private given support including intelligence to help
target members of al Qaeda and the Taliban in the northwest region along the
Afghan border.

The Financial Times quoted Defense Minister Ahmed Mukhtar as saying that
Pakistan had ended U.S. drone flights out of Shamsi base in the southwestern
province of Baluchistan, long reported to have been used for the covert war
against militants.

"No U.S. flights are taking place from Shamsi any longer. If there have to
be flights from the base, it will only be Pakistani flights," Mukhtar told
the newspaper.

Ties between the countries, strained since the killing of two Pakistanis by
a CIA agent in January, suffered a further setback after U.S. SEALs killed
al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a secret raid last month that Pakistani
officials said further breached its sovereignty.

Pakistan's army has drastically cut down the number of U.S. troops allowed
in the country and set clear limits on intelligence sharing with the United
States, reflecting its anger over what it sees as continuing U.S.
interference in its affairs.

Washington had been asked to remove all its infrastructure from the Shamsi
air base, the Financial Times cited an unidentified Pakistan official as
saying. The official, though, said, no drone flights had taken off from the
base since 2009.

Since U.S. President Barack Obama took office, drone strikes have been
stepped up, focused on the Waziristan region in northwest Pakistan, a hub
for militants from around the world.

These attacks have further intensified since bin Laden's killing which
reinforced suspicion in the United States that elements of Pakistan's
security establishment may have helped hide him.


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[osint] Libyan Rebels Need Arms - UK Sends Clothes

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


UK sends body armor, police uniforms to Libya

Associated Press | AP - 3 hrs ago

LONDON (AP) - Libya's opposition leader said Thursday that rebels need more
weapons and funding, as Britain offered new body armor and uniforms for
civilian police officers in the country's eastern cities.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said the U.K. was offering 5,000
sets of body armor, 6,650 uniforms, 5,000 high-visibility vests and
communications equipment to help police protect rebel leaders and
international officials.

But in talks in Vienna, Libya's opposition chief insisted rebels fighting
Moammar Gadhafi's forces need more and better weapons to win their conflict
and spare more bloodshed.

Foreign deliveries of military hardware would give the rebels a chance to
"decide this battle quickly (and) to spill as little blood as possible,"
said Mahmoud Jibril, of the Transitional National Council.

Jibril spoke after meeting Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger
and a day after France acknowledged air-dropping weapons to the rebels.

French military spokesman Col. Thierry Burkhard said Wednesday that France
had airlifted weapons to Libyan civilians in a mountain region south of
Tripoli. The deliveries of guns, rocket-propelled grenades and munitions
took place in early June in the western Nafusa mountains, when Gadhafi's
troops had encircled civilians.

Britain's government said it believed the French decision to supply weapons
fell within the terms of the United Nations Security Council resolution that
authorizes international action in Libya.

But China questioned whether or not the supplying of weapons contravened the
international agreement. Russia too has previously complained about the
scope of the NATO-led air campaign in Libya.

"China calls on the international community to strictly follow the spirit of
the relevant resolution of the U.N. Security Council and avoid taking any
action that goes beyond the mandate of the resolution," Foreign Ministry
spokesman Hong Lei told reporters. "We always call for a political
resolution to the Libyan crisis so as to restore peace and stability as soon
as possible."

China's Premier Wen Jiabao said on Monday in London that nations should seek
a political solution to demands for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to step
down after 42 years in power.

In London, Hague said the new supplies from Britain would help the
opposition protect the growing community of diplomats and aid workers in
eastern Libya.

Police will be able to "better protect Transitional National Council
representatives and the significant international and NGO communities in
Benghazi, Misrata and other areas of Libya" under opposition control, Hague

Jibril also warned that unless the opposition council receives large amounts
of foreign money, schools will not be able to open later this year. If
follows warnings from the rebels that hospitals are also running short on
cash and supplies.

Earlier this week, the opposition was handed an initial $100 million in
donor money to pay for salaries and fuel. The international contact group on
Libya has already pledged to supply more than $1.3 billion for Libya's

Austrian officials, who asked for anonymity because their information was
sensitive, said the government was ready to unfreeze some of the billions of
dollars frozen in Austrian accounts and funnel them to the rebels but only
after making sure that such a move did not violate laws prohibiting the
rights of the account holders, many of them private citizens


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[osint] Spain: al-Qaida Buying Libyan War Weapons

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf
Not surprising,  Qadaffy's primary opponents are al-Qaeda and Muslim
Brotherhood.who are also leading the Arab "Spring" in Tunisia, Egypt, and
Yemen.  Good going, Obama.







Spain: al-Qaida possibly buying Libyan war weapons

  APBy CIARAN GILES - Associated Press | AP - 41 mins

MADRID (AP) - Sophisticated Libyan army weapons are being trafficked and
possibly sold to al-Qaida's affiliate in North Africa, giving the group the
potential to increase instability in a key part of the continent, Spain's
interior minister said Thursday.

Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba said al-Qaida of the Islamic Maghreb, or AQMI, is a
growing menace that could conceivably spread outside its natural homeground
of the Sahel region of Africa unless Western countries step up efforts to
counter it.

The West considers North Africa, which is just across the Mediterranean from
Europe, as vital in the fight against terrorism. Algeria, where an Islamist
insurgency erupted in 1992 with sporadic attacks continuing, has become a
key U.S. ally in the anti-terrorism battle.

Rubalcaba briefed reporters during a break in a meeting with colleagues from
five other EU countries and U.S. Homeland Security Director Janet
Napolitano. The countries agreed among other things to set up a permanent
coordination mechanism for their countries' liaison people in the Sahel
region - the vast, bone-dry stretch of land just below sub-Saharan Africa
that includes countries such as Mauritania, Niger, Mali and Chad.

They also agreed to reach out to the African Union to step up joint
counterterrorism efforts, Perez Rubalcaba said.

Perez Rubalcaba said fairly sophisticated weapons from Libyan army forces
fighting to keep Moammar Gadhafi in power as rebel forces try to oust him
are being sold by traffickers at Libya's southern border and possibly ending
up in the hands of AQMI.

"The Libyan crisis is having an influence on AQMI," he said. "One that we
find particularly negative is the possible appearance of arms from the
Libyan army, or what remains of it, in the hands of terrorists."

The Libyan civil war is giving AQMI potential to increase its influence in
the Sahel region, where it is active after having first surfaced in Algeria.

"Organized crime would probably grow because it is clear they are linked,
and risks for Europe and the United States would grow," Perez Rubalcaba

Besides Rubalcaba and Napolitano, the meeting was attended by
representatives of Italy, Germany, France, Britain and Poland.

Napolitano stressed the need to step up security against terrorists
targeting the transport of goods across the world.

"The global supply chain security issue is one of our priorities,"
Napolitano told The AP in an interview.

"We had been working on this before last October but when AQAP - al-Qaida in
the Arabian Peninsula - had hidden bombs in two toner cartridges that were
put in air cargo it illustrated that they were willing to try to blow up a
plane, be it a passenger plane or a cargo plane. So we accelerated our
efforts in this regard."

Napolitano said material confiscated at the compound where Osama bin Laden
had been living in Pakistan - and killed in a U.S. raid in early May -
confirmed Washington was on the right track, adding that the material
mentioned surface transportation as a target for attack.

She said the U.S. government was in contact with domestic and international
air, land and sea transport institutions to see how best to minimize this

"There's much that can be done," she said. "The movement of cargo around the
world supplies the international economy and you have got to make sure that
there is security in that movement because jobs depend on it, manufacturing
depends on it."


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[osint] Michelle O's $800,000 Entitlement?

2011-06-30 Thread Beowulf


Return to the Article 


June 29, 2011 

Michelle O's $800,000 Entitlement?

M Catharine Evans

It's evident by now Mrs. Obama will not yield to public opinion regarding her 
profligate globe-hopping. Michelle's week-long junket to South Africa cost 
taxpayers nearly  

 $800,000 according to an analysis by White House Dossier. The trip ended at a  
 five-star hotel in the 
middle of a game preserve where rooms exceed $10,000 dollars per night. 
Michelle was accompanied by her daughters, brother Craig's kids and granny who 
all enjoyed the "luxurious suites" and "one of the world's finest art 
collections" at the Mateya.

The cost of local transportation, Secret Service protection, food for her 
family and staff members, and the cost of firing up "Air Force Two" not to 
mention the pre-trip preparations all contributed to the final amounts.

Mrs. Obama's goodwill tour was supposed to "help youth leadership, health, 
education and wellness" in crime-ridden South Africa. The photos of her and the 
'fam' showed them feeling "surreal" meeting Nelson Mandela, eating "fat cakes," 
dancing and going on safari. A U.S. Embassy  

 spokeswoman "made clear that the trip was partially a personal pilgrimage for 
the first lady."

A visit to South Africa is important for them as a family. She'll be visiting 
many Struggle-era landmarks, including the Apartheid Museum (and) the Hector 
Pieterson Memorial.

Obviously Michelle doesn't give a whit that she's fleecing average Americans. 
Or that draping Malia and Sasha in South African flags is downright bizarre for 
a first lady representing the United States. Or that  

 eating fatty foods, but telling others to "eat your vegetables" is downright 
Dante-esque. She told a crowd of young people at the University of Cape Town 
her favorite food is French fries, "I can't stop eating them." Michelle just 
blew her credibility in her vanity campaign against obesity. 

The mainstream press won't talk about Michelle Obama's unnecessary expenses or 
duplicitous campaigns at a time when the United States is having a debt crisis. 
The same liberal media who tore Bush up for spending too much time at his ranch 
in Crawford or demonized Nancy Reagan for replacing the White House china is 
more than happy to keep quiet about Michelle's extravagant WOD (wife of 
dictator) lifestyle.

The Obamas are living it up while more and more people go on food stamps, lose 
their jobs and only dream of the vacations they used to take.

Nothing's changed for Mrs. Obama since last summer when she took a "Mommy and 
me" trip to Spain with Sasha, one of eight jaunts in a 4-month period. She 
continues spending other people's hard-earned money while carting her friends 
and family all over the globe. The public is becoming increasingly disgusted 
with her defiant attitude of entitlement. Michelle couldn't care less.

Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/06/michelle_os.html 
at June 29, 2011 - 09:55:12 PM CDT 

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