[OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-09-30 Thread Pernilla Luttropp via OSList
Hi all!
At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning conversations on
how this community  goes about when expressing and accepting invitations
from countries/places to host the upcoming WOSONOSes.
In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and
discomfort with the process. Others said that whatever happened, they would
trust the process. There was also the mentioning of Œtraditions¹ and the
ways things are usually done at a WOSONOS. And the reminder that traditions
are made in every single now and ŒWhatever happens is the only thing that
could have¹.
If you are new to WOSONOS
This is how it¹s usually done (I think): the countries that wish to host the
next WOSONOS makes an invitation at the closing circle of the WOSONOS and
the participants are free to accept any of the invitations. The process of
accepting the invitation is sometimes done by some kind of Œvoting¹
procedure in order to agree on one place. There is often someone who reminds
everybody that the only way to Œvote¹ in Open Space is by applying ŒThe law
of mobility¹. There is no need to only have one WOSONOS, there could be
multiple since ŒWherever it happens is the right place¹.
My view
I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words Œvoting¹ or to Œmake a
collective decision¹ within an Open Space. One of the beauties with Open
Space is taking responsibility for your own engagement. If we all share the
same engagement we will walk in the same direction, eventually. But
sometimes it takes time for things to emerge.
If a group decides on voting there are many good methods and it¹s of outmost
importance for those present to understand what they are about to do, in
order to make an informed decision. Is it a majority decision? How many is
the majority? What happens if some vote no? Is it possible to have a ballot
vote? Is it the role of the facilitator to sum it up and make the final
decision? In my view, we can only express our appreciation for the
invitation at the Open Space, offer help if needed and make use of the law
of mobility. 
An invitation
This is an invitation to try something else and maybe to let go of a
Œtradition¹. What if we opened up at the beginning of the process in order
to see how it self organizes at the end?
There seems to be something unclear about the Œtradition¹ on how to get
information about who is inviting and why. If that information were
transparent from the very start of the WOSONOS, it might enable more
dialogue with the inviting hosts and between the hosts.
The countries/places that wish to host a future WOSONOS could post this on
the OSLIST and Facebook and send a gentle reminder a few weeks before the
upcoming WOSONOS. The inviting hosts would then be posted on a flip chart at
the WOSONOS and announced as a session when creating the bulletin board or
at the evening news. As always there is the opportunity to add places,
sessions and news announcements up until the closing circle, both on the
spot and via other ways of communicating. This would make it easier for
everyone to approach the hosts, express their delight or ask clarifying
questions. It would also enable the hosts (or their representatives) to come
together in a session and find out how they would like to do the invitations
in the closing circle. Maybe some will wait until next year? Maybe multiple
WOSONOSes in one year? Maybe in different continents at the same time? Maybe
with different themes/urgent questions? Let¹s embrace chaos and see what
emerges! Or ŒWhatever happens is the only thing that could have¹.
Since the closing circle have a more definite dead line than ŒWhen it is
over it is over¹, due to flights and other time restrictions, this prolonged
invitation process will open up time for more dialogues and invitations.
But then again, as said in the closing circle in Kraków, there is nothing
like a good mess in order to learn something new J
Maybe it has been tried before and in that case I¹m interested to know how
it worked or didn¹t work.

Greetings from Sweden!

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[OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-09-30 Thread Lisa Heft - via OSList
How wonderful, your invitation, in all its richness, Pernilla. 

Another two things I would like to add: 

1) As always, for any team interested in hosting a WOSonOS for a future year, I 
have a growing living letter of lessons-learned - gathered wisdom from past 
host teams, that has been growing since 2001 and that I happily offer to 
whoever wishes to contact me. My request is that if you, dear reader, are 
thinking “oh that is something I / we will ask Lisa for” then please wait until 
a few weeks from now, as I will in a few weeks update it with the latest Host 
Team’s lessons-learned. 

And 2) As has happened at several years in the past, including at our recent 
WOSonOS  - you as a Host Team / Host Team representative do not have to be 
physically present at a WOSonOS in order to invite. Several of us have over the 
years acted as representatives for teams wishing to invite who were not able to 
physically make it. And you can make us do whatever you like, to represent you !

Looking forward to the conversation,

On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:03 PM, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList 

> Hi all!
> At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning conversations on 
> how this community  goes about when expressing and accepting invitations from 
> countries/places to host the upcoming WOSONOSes.
> In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and 
> discomfort with the process. Others said that whatever happened, they would 
> trust the process. There was also the mentioning of ‘traditions’ and the ways 
> things are usually done at a WOSONOS. And the reminder that traditions are 
> made in every single now and ‘Whatever happens is the only thing that could 
> have’.
> If you are new to WOSONOS
> This is how it’s usually done (I think): the countries that wish to host the 
> next WOSONOS makes an invitation at the closing circle of the WOSONOS and the 
> participants are free to accept any of the invitations. The process of 
> accepting the invitation is sometimes done by some kind of ‘voting’ procedure 
> in order to agree on one place. There is often someone who reminds everybody 
> that the only way to ‘vote’ in Open Space is by applying ‘The law of 
> mobility’. There is no need to only have one WOSONOS, there could be multiple 
> since ‘Wherever it happens is the right place’.
> My view
> I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words ‘voting’ or to ‘make a 
> collective decision’ within an Open Space. One of the beauties with Open 
> Space is taking responsibility for your own engagement. If we all share the 
> same engagement we will walk in the same direction, eventually. But sometimes 
> it takes time for things to emerge.
> If a group decides on voting there are many good methods and it’s of outmost 
> importance for those present to understand what they are about to do, in 
> order to make an informed decision. Is it a majority decision? How many is 
> the majority? What happens if some vote no? Is it possible to have a ballot 
> vote? Is it the role of the facilitator to sum it up and make the final 
> decision? In my view, we can only express our appreciation for the invitation 
> at the Open Space, offer help if needed and make use of the law of mobility. 
> An invitation
> This is an invitation to try something else and maybe to let go of a 
> ‘tradition’. What if we opened up at the beginning of the process in order to 
> see how it self organizes at the end? 
> There seems to be something unclear about the ‘tradition’ on how to get 
> information about who is inviting and why. If that information were 
> transparent from the very start of the WOSONOS, it might enable more dialogue 
> with the inviting hosts and between the hosts.
> The countries/places that wish to host a future WOSONOS could post this on 
> the OSLIST and Facebook and send a gentle reminder a few weeks before the 
> upcoming WOSONOS. The inviting hosts would then be posted on a flip chart at 
> the WOSONOS and announced as a session when creating the bulletin board or at 
> the evening news. As always there is the opportunity to add places, sessions 
> and news announcements up until the closing circle, both on the spot and via 
> other ways of communicating. This would make it easier for everyone to 
> approach the hosts, express their delight or ask clarifying questions. It 
> would also enable the hosts (or their representatives) to come together in a 
> session and find out how they would like to do the invitations in the closing 
> circle. Maybe some will wait until next year? Maybe multiple WOSONOSes in one 
> year? Maybe in different continents at the same time? Maybe with different 
> themes/urgent questions? Let’s embrace chaos and see what emerges! Or 
> ‘Whatever happens is the only thing that could have’.
> Since the closing circle have a more definite dead line than ‘When it is over 
> it is over’, due to flights and other time restrictions, thi

[OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-11 Thread Barbara Kozok via OSList

Dear Community,

I was happy for the opportunity to talk about the hosting process for 
the WOSonOSes in Kraków.

Pernilla gently reminded me to put my comments into this forum.
I do it now.

When I read though your proposal, Pernilla

I really like the idea:

1. to post the ambition to host a WOSonOS on social media. We have to
   find the right place, where everybody has an access.
2. to have a session about the next WOSonOS on a WOSonOS. Experience
   could be shared, the Access Queen could be involved on the spot, and
   all necessary/crucial questions could be discussed. The next host
   will get to know the amount of work and the obstacles...

I am wondering

1. how we might integrate the idea, that the WOSonOS should rotate
   around the world. (Have we ever had an WOSonOS in Africa?) However -
   this might happen - or not.
2. and I am not quite sure how to combine the hosting-question with the
   closing circle. I would like to keep the closing of a WOSonOS free
   for closing of what has happend. The next WOSonOS is something to
   come in the future. Therefore it belongs - for me - into the action
   phase before closing the circle.
3. If we integrate the hosting-question of the next WOSonOS into our
   agenda it becomes transparent. And if everybody wants to join this
   session, we have to make space for it. :-o

So far my thoughts.


WHO I am:

Founding member of boscop, the Berlin Open Space Cooperative. After more 
than 20 years in SM and Big Enterprises out of which 7 years in Sweden I 
am living in Cyprus and work on a volontary basis with diffferent NGOs 
which want to make CY to a better place.


Dr. Barbara Kozok

berlin open space cooperative eG
POB 50257
3602 Limassol - Cyprus

mobile: 00357 97 687876

http://www.boscop.org <http://www.boscop.org/>


Thank you Harold for your help to get this post from my berlin.de-account

- ursprüngliche Nachricht -

Subject: Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS
Date: Fr 09 Okt 2015 16:29:51 CEST
From: Daniel Mezick via OSList
To: oslist@lists.openspacetech.org, Pernilla Luttropp

What Pernilla has written here looks and feels like a /proposal/.

Something for consideration. Perhaps to try? As an /experiment/ ?

Maybe for just 1 iteration (1 season)to see how it works?

Or maybe, just try it in one /venue/ in a given WOSONOS year, again, to 
just to... /see how it works? /

And then explicitly /inspect/ that, and make any adjustments needed from 

I wonder what person, or group of people, could actually make it happen; 
that is, who can actually /authorize/ this proposal ?

De-authorize this proposal?

The countries/places that wish to host a future WOSONOS could post this 
on the OSLIST and Facebook and send a gentle reminder a few weeks before 
the upcoming WOSONOS. The inviting hosts would then be posted on a flip 
chart at the WOSONOS and announced as a session when creating the 
bulletin board or at the evening news. As always there is the 
opportunity to add places, sessions and news announcements up until the 
closing circle, both on the spot and via other ways of communicating. 
This would make it easier for everyone to approach the hosts, express 
their delight or ask clarifying questions. It would also enable the 
hosts (or their representatives) to come together in a session and find 
out how they would like to do the invitations in the closing circle. 
Maybe some will wait until next year? Maybe multiple WOSONOSes in one 
year? Maybe in different continents at the same time? Maybe with 
different themes/urgent questions?

On 9/30/15 3:03 PM, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList wrote:

Hi all!
At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning 
conversations on how this community  goes about when expressing and 
accepting invitations from countries/places to host the upcoming 

In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and 
discomfort with the process. Others said that whatever happened, they 
would trust the process. There was also the mentioning of 
‘traditions’ and the ways things are usually done at a WOSONOS. 
And the reminder that traditions are made in every single now and 
‘Whatever happens is the only thing that could have’.

*If you are new to WOSONOS
*This is how it’s usually done (I think): the countries that wish 
to host the next WOSONOS makes an invitation at the closing circle of 
the WOSONOS and the participants are free to accept any of the 
invitations. The process of accepting the invitation is sometimes done 
by some kind of ‘voting’ procedure in order to agree on one 
place. There is often someone who reminds everybody that the 
only way to ‘vote’ in Open Space is by applying ‘The law 
of mobility’. Th

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-09-30 Thread Harrison Owen via OSList
Pernilla – It always amazes me how simple things complexify and
happenstantial acts suddenly become “intricate tradition.” 


Back in the day, long ages ago, having an Open Space on Open Space (OSONOS)
seemed like a  fun thing to do. I think it took me all of 4-5 hours (total)
to organize it, and the “fee” for attendance was $25. Actually, truth to
tell, I did charge something like $200 for the first one on the grounds that
there was some value added on my part. But after  the first one, when it
became quite clear that I really didn’t do a thing... we got back to
something reasonable. That was $25 to cover Post-its, magic markers, News
Print, etc.  And when it came to figuring out where it was going to “happen”
next – the process was indeed elaborate. Some nice soul just said, “Come See
us.” If two people had similar inclinations, but different places in mind,
who ever spoke second covered the following year. No fuss, no bother and in
10 minutes time the essential arrangements were made. 


I don’t know when or how,  but things started to drag on. I am sure a lot of
folks didn’t see it the same way I did, but I have to confess that I found
my two feet working if the discussion of “next place” lasted more than about
10 minutes... being a person of very short attention span. I have been to
most OSONOS’s and loved every one. But a few years ago it did seem to me
that we were working much too hard. It also seemed that having THE (W)OSONOS
was somehow a strangely competitive situation. Definitely working too hard!


As far as I was concerned anyone, anywhere should invite whomsoever to
wherever. OSONOS all over! And just to make the point I tried two such
things in Camden Maine. OSONOS-by-the-Sea, I called it. I think I broke my
record when it came to organizing time. If I said 3 hours, that would be
stretching it. We were filled out in about 48 hours and the fee was $25,
most of which I gave to Lisa for her good work. When it came to
accommodations, I just provided the website of the Chamber of Commerce, and
suggested that anybody who was coming might check it out and find a nice
bed/meal/front porch. A local parish let us have the use of their Hall (for
a small fee) – and we were in business. Actually the fee that they proposed
was so ridiculously low that I doubled it – and we still gave most of the
money to Lisa! Go figure.


Maybe it is catching? I notice that Andrew Rixon is welcoming folks to
Melbourne and I am looking forward to joining Mrs. Song and friends in
Beijing shortly. And then of course Manila is upcoming. And what’s happening
in Sweden?


This seems to have gone on for a bit. And I do have a bottom line: If it
ain’t fun, don’t do it. And if you are working too hard, that definitely
begins to cut into the fun. So Pernilla, in an odd sort of way, I just want
to get back to basics – Would that be tradition? Make it fun. Make it
simple. Open Space wherever you can, and amazing things always happen. The
more the merrier




From: OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of
Pernilla Luttropp via OSList
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 3:04 PM
To: OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
Subject: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS


Hi all!
At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning conversations on
how this community  goes about when expressing and accepting invitations
from countries/places to host the upcoming WOSONOSes.
In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and
discomfort with the process. Others said that whatever happened, they would
trust the process. There was also the mentioning of ‘traditions’ and the
ways things are usually done at a WOSONOS. And the reminder that traditions
are made in every single now and ‘Whatever happens is the only thing that
could have’.
If you are new to WOSONOS
This is how it’s usually done (I think): the countries that wish to host the
next WOSONOS makes an invitation at the closing circle of the WOSONOS and
the participants are free to accept any of the invitations. The process of
accepting the invitation is sometimes done by some kind of ‘voting’
procedure in order to agree on one place. There is often someone who reminds
everybody that the only way to ‘vote’ in Open Space is by applying ‘The law
of mobility’. There is no need to only have one WOSONOS, there could be
multiple since ‘Wherever it happens is the right place’.
My view
I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words ‘voting’ or to ‘make a
collective decision’ within an Open Space. One of the beauties with Open
Space is taking responsibility for your own engagement. If we all share the
same engagement we will walk in the same direction, eventually. But
sometimes it takes time for things to emerge.
If a group decides on voting there are many good methods and it’s of outmost
importance for those present to understand what they are about to do, in
order to make an informed decision

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-09-30 Thread Michael Herman via OSList
thanks for raising these questions, pernilla.  what you're proposing in
terms of people (rather than countries!) coming forward at the beginning of
the gathering makes great sense to me.  these invitations can be offered at
any time, of course, including a week or a month before the wosonos
gathering time.  if our tradition were to evolve in that direction, there
could be some commenting on that in advance of the gathering.

at the same time, the thing that makes for the pressure and scarcity and
overall un-OS feeling of this situation isn't really a question of when the
invites are offered, but that we have developed this habit of having only
one of these gatherings at once, or one per year, or more specifically that
we designate just one as *the* world osonos, even though nordic and haitian
and camden and oz folks and some other have had significant series of
osonos gatherings.

i really like the idea that these things could happen on several continents
at once, so the wosonos had multiple sites.  progress of tools like
qiqochat offer interesting possibilities of being able to easily bumblebee
across oceans.  we've also been growing a tradition of spinning these
things up into major productions, perhaps drifting some from the simple
power of our core practice.  if we met in more places at once and traveled
shorter distances, maybe the hosts would feel less pressure to "work too
hard" an planning and organizing these things?

what if the wosonos could evolve in the direction of a kind of world-around
OS carnival/retreat/learning exchange week?  many invites, many parties, i
mean working sessions?



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Lisa Heft - via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> How wonderful, your invitation, in all its richness, Pernilla.
> Another two things I would like to add:
> 1) As always, for any team interested in hosting a WOSonOS for a future
> year, I have a growing living letter of lessons-learned - gathered wisdom
> from past host teams, that has been growing since 2001 and that I happily
> offer to whoever wishes to contact me. My request is that if you, dear
> reader, are thinking “oh that is something I / we will ask Lisa for” then
> please wait until a few weeks from now, as I will in a few weeks update it
> with the latest Host Team’s lessons-learned.
> And 2) As has happened at several years in the past, including at our
> recent WOSonOS  - you as a Host Team / Host Team representative do not have
> to be physically present at a WOSonOS in order to invite. Several of us
> have over the years acted as representatives for teams wishing to invite
> who were not able to physically make it. And you can make us do whatever
> you like, to represent you !
> Looking forward to the conversation,
> Lisa
> On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:03 PM, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> Hi all!
> At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning conversations
> on how this community  goes about when expressing and accepting invitations
> from countries/places to host the upcoming WOSONOSes.
> In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and
> discomfort with the process. Others said that whatever happened, they would
> trust the process. There was also the mentioning of ‘traditions’ and the
> ways things are usually done at a WOSONOS. And the reminder that traditions
> are made in every single now and ‘Whatever happens is the only thing that
> could have’.
> *If you are new to WOSONOS *This is how it’s usually done (I think): the
> countries that wish to host the next WOSONOS makes an invitation at the
> closing circle of the WOSONOS and the participants are free to accept any
> of the invitations. The process of accepting the invitation is sometimes
> done by some kind of ‘voting’ procedure in order to agree on one place.
> There is often someone who reminds everybody that the only way to ‘vote’ in
> Open Space is by applying ‘The law of mobility’. There is no need to only
> have one WOSONOS, there could be multiple since ‘Wherever it happens is the
> right place’.
> *My view *I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words ‘voting’ or
> to ‘make a collective decision’ within an Open Space. One of the beauties
> with Open Space is taking responsibility for your own engagement. If we all
> share the same engagement we will walk in the same direction, eventually.
> But sometimes it takes time for things to emerge.
> If a group decides on voting there are many good methods and it’s of
> outmost importance for those present to understand what they are about to
> do, in order to make an informed decision. Is it a majority decision? How
> many is the majority? What happens if some vote no? Is it possible to have
> a ballot vote? Is it the role of the facilitator to sum it up and make the
> final d

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-09-30 Thread Linda Stevenson via OSList
Thank you for the thoughtful insights - especially remembering "the simple 
power of our core practice" as Michael points out which says it all for me!

Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 15:42:00 -0500
To: lisah...@openingspace.net; oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
Subject: Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS
From: oslist@lists.openspacetech.org

thanks for raising these questions, pernilla.  what you're proposing in terms 
of people (rather than countries!) coming forward at the beginning of the 
gathering makes great sense to me.  these invitations can be offered at any 
time, of course, including a week or a month before the wosonos gathering time. 
 if our tradition were to evolve in that direction, there could be some 
commenting on that in advance of the gathering.  
at the same time, the thing that makes for the pressure and scarcity and 
overall un-OS feeling of this situation isn't really a question of when the 
invites are offered, but that we have developed this habit of having only one 
of these gatherings at once, or one per year, or more specifically that we 
designate just one as *the* world osonos, even though nordic and haitian and 
camden and oz folks and some other have had significant series of osonos 
i really like the idea that these things could happen on several continents at 
once, so the wosonos had multiple sites.  progress of tools like qiqochat offer 
interesting possibilities of being able to easily bumblebee across oceans.  
we've also been growing a tradition of spinning these things up into major 
productions, perhaps drifting some from the simple power of our core practice.  
if we met in more places at once and traveled shorter distances, maybe the 
hosts would feel less pressure to "work too hard" an planning and organizing 
these things?
what if the wosonos could evolve in the direction of a kind of world-around OS 
carnival/retreat/learning exchange week?  many invites, many parties, i mean 
working sessions?


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Lisa Heft - via OSList 
How wonderful, your invitation, in all its richness, Pernilla. 
Another two things I would like to add: 
1) As always, for any team interested in hosting a WOSonOS for a future year, I 
have a growing living letter of lessons-learned - gathered wisdom from past 
host teams, that has been growing since 2001 and that I happily offer to 
whoever wishes to contact me. My request is that if you, dear reader, are 
thinking “oh that is something I / we will ask Lisa for” then please wait until 
a few weeks from now, as I will in a few weeks update it with the latest Host 
Team’s lessons-learned. 
And 2) As has happened at several years in the past, including at our recent 
WOSonOS  - you as a Host Team / Host Team representative do not have to be 
physically present at a WOSonOS in order to invite. Several of us have over the 
years acted as representatives for teams wishing to invite who were not able to 
physically make it. And you can make us do whatever you like, to represent you !
Looking forward to the conversation,Lisa

On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:03 PM, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList 

Hi all!

At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning conversations on 
how this community  goes about when expressing and accepting invitations from 
countries/places to host the upcoming WOSONOSes.


In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and 
discomfort with the process. Others said that whatever happened, they would 
trust the process. There was also the mentioning of ‘traditions’ and the ways 
things are usually done at a WOSONOS. And the reminder that traditions are made 
in every single now and ‘Whatever happens is the only thing that could have’.


If you are new to WOSONOS

This is how it’s usually done (I think): the countries that wish to host the 
next WOSONOS makes an invitation at the closing circle of the WOSONOS and the 
participants are free to accept any of the invitations. The process of 
accepting the invitation is sometimes done by some kind of ‘voting’ procedure 
in order to agree on one place. There is often someone who reminds everybody 
that the only way to ‘vote’ in Open Space is by applying ‘The law of mobility’. 
There is no need to only have one WOSONOS, there could be multiple since 
‘Wherever it happens is the right place’.


My view

I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words ‘voting’ or to ‘make a 
collective decision’ within an Open Space. One of the beauties with Open Space 
is taking responsibility for your own engagement. If we all share the same 
engagement we will walk in the same direction, eventually. But sometimes it 
takes time for things to emerge.

If a group decides on voting there are many good methods and it’s of outmost 

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-01 Thread Bhavesh Patel via OSList
I remember the WOSonOS in Kiev, my first one, and at the end we sat in a
circle with a talking stick, and the question was where the next one would
be... and people took the stick and spoke and responded and so on... and
after about 90 minutes we all felt like we came to some kind of
conclusion... I remember thinking "*Q. How could a decision be made with
such a simple process?*", and then was surprised when we got there...

I am not suggesting that this is the best method, just remembering it...

Smiles Bhav...

On 30 September 2015 at 22:03, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Hi all!
> At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning conversations
> on how this community  goes about when expressing and accepting invitations
> from countries/places to host the upcoming WOSONOSes.
> In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and
> discomfort with the process. Others said that whatever happened, they would
> trust the process. There was also the mentioning of ‘traditions’ and the
> ways things are usually done at a WOSONOS. And the reminder that traditions
> are made in every single now and ‘Whatever happens is the only thing that
> could have’.
> *If you are new to WOSONOS *This is how it’s usually done (I think): the
> countries that wish to host the next WOSONOS makes an invitation at the
> closing circle of the WOSONOS and the participants are free to accept any
> of the invitations. The process of accepting the invitation is sometimes
> done by some kind of ‘voting’ procedure in order to agree on one place.
> There is often someone who reminds everybody that the only way to ‘vote’ in
> Open Space is by applying ‘The law of mobility’. There is no need to only
> have one WOSONOS, there could be multiple since ‘Wherever it happens is the
> right place’.
> *My view *I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words ‘voting’ or
> to ‘make a collective decision’ within an Open Space. One of the beauties
> with Open Space is taking responsibility for your own engagement. If we all
> share the same engagement we will walk in the same direction, eventually.
> But sometimes it takes time for things to emerge.
> If a group decides on voting there are many good methods and it’s of
> outmost importance for those present to understand what they are about to
> do, in order to make an informed decision. Is it a majority decision? How
> many is the majority? What happens if some vote no? Is it possible to have
> a ballot vote? Is it the role of the facilitator to sum it up and make the
> final decision? In my view, we can only express our appreciation for the
> invitation at the Open Space, offer help if needed and make use of the law
> of mobility.
> *An invitation *This is an invitation to try something else and maybe to
> let go of a ‘tradition’. What if we opened up at the beginning of the
> process in order to see how it self organizes at the end?
> There seems to be something unclear about the ‘tradition’ on how to get
> information about who is inviting and why. If that information were
> transparent from the very start of the WOSONOS, it might enable more
> dialogue with the inviting hosts and between the hosts.
> The countries/places that wish to host a future WOSONOS could post this on
> the OSLIST and Facebook and send a gentle reminder a few weeks before the
> upcoming WOSONOS. The inviting hosts would then be posted on a flip chart
> at the WOSONOS and announced as a session when creating the bulletin board
> or at the evening news. As always there is the opportunity to add places,
> sessions and news announcements up until the closing circle, both on the
> spot and via other ways of communicating. This would make it easier for
> everyone to approach the hosts, express their delight or ask clarifying
> questions. It would also enable the hosts (or their representatives) to
> come together in a session and find out how they would like to do the
> invitations in the closing circle. Maybe some will wait until next year?
> Maybe multiple WOSONOSes in one year? Maybe in different continents at the
> same time? Maybe with different themes/urgent questions? Let’s embrace
> chaos and see what emerges! Or ‘Whatever happens is the only thing that
> could have’.
> Since the closing circle have a more definite dead line than ‘When it is
> over it is over’, due to flights and other time restrictions, this
> prolonged invitation process will open up time for more dialogues and
> invitations.
> But then again, as said in the closing circle in Kraków, there is nothing
> like a good mess in order to learn something new J
> Maybe it has been tried before and in that case I’m interested to know how
> it worked or didn’t work.
> Greetings from Sweden!
> Pernilla
> ___
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to oslis

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-01 Thread Marie Nelson via OSList
A more integrative vision, in so many ways.

From: OSList  on behalf of Michael 
Herman via OSList 
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 4:42 PM
To: Lisa Heft -; World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

thanks for raising these questions, pernilla.  what you're proposing in terms 
of people (rather than countries!) coming forward at the beginning of the 
gathering makes great sense to me.  these invitations can be offered at any 
time, of course, including a week or a month before the wosonos gathering time. 
 if our tradition were to evolve in that direction, there could be some 
commenting on that in advance of the gathering.

at the same time, the thing that makes for the pressure and scarcity and 
overall un-OS feeling of this situation isn't really a question of when the 
invites are offered, but that we have developed this habit of having only one 
of these gatherings at once, or one per year, or more specifically that we 
designate just one as *the* world osonos, even though nordic and haitian and 
camden and oz folks and some other have had significant series of osonos 

i really like the idea that these things could happen on several continents at 
once, so the wosonos had multiple sites.  progress of tools like qiqochat offer 
interesting possibilities of being able to easily bumblebee across oceans.  
we've also been growing a tradition of spinning these things up into major 
productions, perhaps drifting some from the simple power of our core practice.  
if we met in more places at once and traveled shorter distances, maybe the 
hosts would feel less pressure to "work too hard" an planning and organizing 
these things?

what if the wosonos could evolve in the direction of a kind of world-around OS 
carnival/retreat/learning exchange week?  many invites, many parties, i mean 
working sessions?



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Lisa Heft - via OSList 
mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> wrote:
How wonderful, your invitation, in all its richness, Pernilla.

Another two things I would like to add:

1) As always, for any team interested in hosting a WOSonOS for a future year, I 
have a growing living letter of lessons-learned - gathered wisdom from past 
host teams, that has been growing since 2001 and that I happily offer to 
whoever wishes to contact me. My request is that if you, dear reader, are 
thinking “oh that is something I / we will ask Lisa for” then please wait until 
a few weeks from now, as I will in a few weeks update it with the latest Host 
Team’s lessons-learned.

And 2) As has happened at several years in the past, including at our recent 
WOSonOS  - you as a Host Team / Host Team representative do not have to be 
physically present at a WOSonOS in order to invite. Several of us have over the 
years acted as representatives for teams wishing to invite who were not able to 
physically make it. And you can make us do whatever you like, to represent you !

Looking forward to the conversation,

On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:03 PM, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList 
mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>> wrote:

Hi all!
At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning conversations on 
how this community  goes about when expressing and accepting invitations from 
countries/places to host the upcoming WOSONOSes.

In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and 
discomfort with the process. Others said that whatever happened, they would 
trust the process. There was also the mentioning of ‘traditions’ and the ways 
things are usually done at a WOSONOS. And the reminder that traditions are made 
in every single now and ‘Whatever happens is the only thing that could have’.

If you are new to WOSONOS
This is how it’s usually done (I think): the countries that wish to host the 
next WOSONOS makes an invitation at the closing circle of the WOSONOS and the 
participants are free to accept any of the invitations. The process of 
accepting the invitation is sometimes done by some kind of ‘voting’ procedure 
in order to agree on one place. There is often someone who reminds everybody 
that the only way to ‘vote’ in Open Space is by applying ‘The law of mobility’. 
There is no need to only have one WOSONOS, there could be multiple since 
‘Wherever it happens is the right place’.

My view
I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words ‘voting’ or to ‘make a 
collective decision’ within an Open Space. One of the beauties with Open Space 
is taking responsibility for your own engagement. If we all share the same 
engagement we will walk in the same direction, eventually. But sometimes it 
takes time for things to emerge.
If a group decides on voting there are many good methods and it’s of out

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-01 Thread christine koehler via OSList
Hi everyone

I find really interesting to observe what is happening
On one hand, there is the theory (Harrison, I don't mean that you "are" the
theory, but you remind us on what is important and yes, we do hear your
voice as a very important one)  : a self-organized community , living (or
trying to live with) its principles, no organizational structure, so no
trouble of decision making processes. As Harrison says, it's simple, be the
first to invite , if there is someone, you'll have it next year, or do it
at different places and that's all. Let's have fun and do one less thing.

On the other hand, there are things we can observe : people or teams
working very hard for wosonos (I did it for osonos, so I know what it mean
very well ;)) , decision processes that make some people very
uncomfortable, people who care very much and also people who don't care and
who don't understand the tension they can feel when the topic comes out.
Hey, we are humain, we tend to make things complicate because we are not
just mere brains but have opinion  and feelings about how things should go
or could go, about who is doing what and taking this particular position in
the community etc..

So this create what Pernilla calls tradition. rituals. Groups tend to need
rituals, don't they ?

What I saw in Krakow is people uncomfortable with the way things were being
made and other people trying to suggest new ways of doing them. But then,
how do we do ? Who can decide ? How can we stay "true to open space", not
make things too complicate and still be fair for all, especially when "all"
is the community, ie not only the people in the room but also people who
feel part of the community (most of them on this list).

I must confess that I am very curious to observe how this conversation
evolves, as I will learn from whatever happens. This topic for me could be
: how can we make decisions that engage the whole community in a
self-organized community without decision making process, only with
conversation, and moreover, online conversation ? (ouch this is a long

No doubt a very interesting topic for most of us these days.


On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Marie Nelson via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> A more integrative vision, in so many ways.
> From: OSList  on behalf of
> Michael Herman via OSList 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 4:42 PM
> To: Lisa Heft -; World wide Open Space Technology email list
> Subject: Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS
> thanks for raising these questions, pernilla.  what you're proposing in
> terms of people (rather than countries!) coming forward at the beginning of
> the gathering makes great sense to me.  these invitations can be offered at
> any time, of course, including a week or a month before the wosonos
> gathering time.  if our tradition were to evolve in that direction, there
> could be some commenting on that in advance of the gathering.
> at the same time, the thing that makes for the pressure and scarcity and
> overall un-OS feeling of this situation isn't really a question of when the
> invites are offered, but that we have developed this habit of having only
> one of these gatherings at once, or one per year, or more specifically that
> we designate just one as *the* world osonos, even though nordic and haitian
> and camden and oz folks and some other have had significant series of
> osonos gatherings.
> i really like the idea that these things could happen on several
> continents at once, so the wosonos had multiple sites.  progress of tools
> like qiqochat offer interesting possibilities of being able to easily
> bumblebee across oceans.  we've also been growing a tradition of spinning
> these things up into major productions, perhaps drifting some from the
> simple power of our core practice.  if we met in more places at once and
> traveled shorter distances, maybe the hosts would feel less pressure to
> "work too hard" an planning and organizing these things?
> what if the wosonos could evolve in the direction of a kind of
> world-around OS carnival/retreat/learning exchange week?  many invites,
> many parties, i mean working sessions?
> michael
> --
> Michael Herman
> Michael Herman Associates
> http://MichaelHerman.com
> http://OpenSpaceWorld.org
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Lisa Heft - via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org<mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>>
> wrote:
> How wonderful, your invitation, in all its richness, Pernilla.
> Another two things I would like to add:
> 1) As always, for any team interested in hosting a WOSonOS for a fu

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-01 Thread Michael Herman via OSList
ll learn from whatever happens. This topic for me could be
> : how can we make decisions that engage the whole community in a
> self-organized community without decision making process, only with
> conversation, and moreover, online conversation ? (ouch this is a long
> sentence)
> No doubt a very interesting topic for most of us these days.
> Christine
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Marie Nelson via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
>> A more integrative vision, in so many ways.
>> From: OSList  on behalf of
>> Michael Herman via OSList 
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 4:42 PM
>> To: Lisa Heft -; World wide Open Space Technology email list
>> Subject: Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS
>> thanks for raising these questions, pernilla.  what you're proposing in
>> terms of people (rather than countries!) coming forward at the beginning of
>> the gathering makes great sense to me.  these invitations can be offered at
>> any time, of course, including a week or a month before the wosonos
>> gathering time.  if our tradition were to evolve in that direction, there
>> could be some commenting on that in advance of the gathering.
>> at the same time, the thing that makes for the pressure and scarcity and
>> overall un-OS feeling of this situation isn't really a question of when the
>> invites are offered, but that we have developed this habit of having only
>> one of these gatherings at once, or one per year, or more specifically that
>> we designate just one as *the* world osonos, even though nordic and haitian
>> and camden and oz folks and some other have had significant series of
>> osonos gatherings.
>> i really like the idea that these things could happen on several
>> continents at once, so the wosonos had multiple sites.  progress of tools
>> like qiqochat offer interesting possibilities of being able to easily
>> bumblebee across oceans.  we've also been growing a tradition of spinning
>> these things up into major productions, perhaps drifting some from the
>> simple power of our core practice.  if we met in more places at once and
>> traveled shorter distances, maybe the hosts would feel less pressure to
>> "work too hard" an planning and organizing these things?
>> what if the wosonos could evolve in the direction of a kind of
>> world-around OS carnival/retreat/learning exchange week?  many invites,
>> many parties, i mean working sessions?
>> michael
>> --
>> Michael Herman
>> Michael Herman Associates
>> http://MichaelHerman.com
>> http://OpenSpaceWorld.org
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Lisa Heft - via OSList <
>> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org<mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>>
>> wrote:
>> How wonderful, your invitation, in all its richness, Pernilla.
>> Another two things I would like to add:
>> 1) As always, for any team interested in hosting a WOSonOS for a future
>> year, I have a growing living letter of lessons-learned - gathered wisdom
>> from past host teams, that has been growing since 2001 and that I happily
>> offer to whoever wishes to contact me. My request is that if you, dear
>> reader, are thinking “oh that is something I / we will ask Lisa for” then
>> please wait until a few weeks from now, as I will in a few weeks update it
>> with the latest Host Team’s lessons-learned.
>> And 2) As has happened at several years in the past, including at our
>> recent WOSonOS  - you as a Host Team / Host Team representative do not have
>> to be physically present at a WOSonOS in order to invite. Several of us
>> have over the years acted as representatives for teams wishing to invite
>> who were not able to physically make it. And you can make us do whatever
>> you like, to represent you !
>> Looking forward to the conversation,
>> Lisa
>> On Sep 30, 2015, at 12:03 PM, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList <
>> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org<mailto:oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>>
>> wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning conversations
>> on how this community  goes about when expressing and accepting invitations
>> from countries/places to host the upcoming WOSONOSes.
>> In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and
>> discomfort with the proce

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-01 Thread Chris Corrigan via OSList
This struggle is the essence of the practice around which our community 

I think that how we approach these questions teaches us a lot about our 
personal orientation to the practice of holding space. Also, it provides us 
with many opportunities to examine, reflect and develop the personal practice 
of opening space. 


Harvest Moon Consultants
Facilitation, Open Space Technology and process design 

Check www.chriscorrigan.com for upcoming workshops, blog posts and free 

> On Oct 1, 2015, at 8:51 AM, christine koehler via OSList 
>  wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I find really interesting to observe what is happening
> On one hand, there is the theory (Harrison, I don't mean that you "are" the 
> theory, but you remind us on what is important and yes, we do hear your voice 
> as a very important one)  : a self-organized community , living (or trying to 
> live with) its principles, no organizational structure, so no trouble of 
> decision making processes. As Harrison says, it's simple, be the first to 
> invite , if there is someone, you'll have it next year, or do it at different 
> places and that's all. Let's have fun and do one less thing. 
> On the other hand, there are things we can observe : people or teams working 
> very hard for wosonos (I did it for osonos, so I know what it mean very well 
> ;)) , decision processes that make some people very uncomfortable, people who 
> care very much and also people who don't care and who don't understand the 
> tension they can feel when the topic comes out. 
> Hey, we are humain, we tend to make things complicate because we are not just 
> mere brains but have opinion  and feelings about how things should go or 
> could go, about who is doing what and taking this particular position in the 
> community etc..
> So this create what Pernilla calls tradition. rituals. Groups tend to need 
> rituals, don't they ?
> What I saw in Krakow is people uncomfortable with the way things were being 
> made and other people trying to suggest new ways of doing them. But then, how 
> do we do ? Who can decide ? How can we stay "true to open space", not make 
> things too complicate and still be fair for all, especially when "all" is the 
> community, ie not only the people in the room but also people who feel part 
> of the community (most of them on this list).
> I must confess that I am very curious to observe how this conversation 
> evolves, as I will learn from whatever happens. This topic for me could be : 
> how can we make decisions that engage the whole community in a self-organized 
> community without decision making process, only with conversation, and 
> moreover, online conversation ? (ouch this is a long sentence) 
> No doubt a very interesting topic for most of us these days.
> Christine 
>> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Marie Nelson via OSList 
>>  wrote:
>> A more integrative vision, in so many ways.
>> ________________
>> From: OSList  on behalf of Michael 
>> Herman via OSList 
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 4:42 PM
>> To: Lisa Heft -; World wide Open Space Technology email list
>> Subject: Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS
>> thanks for raising these questions, pernilla.  what you're proposing in 
>> terms of people (rather than countries!) coming forward at the beginning of 
>> the gathering makes great sense to me.  these invitations can be offered at 
>> any time, of course, including a week or a month before the wosonos 
>> gathering time.  if our tradition were to evolve in that direction, there 
>> could be some commenting on that in advance of the gathering.
>> at the same time, the thing that makes for the pressure and scarcity and 
>> overall un-OS feeling of this situation isn't really a question of when the 
>> invites are offered, but that we have developed this habit of having only 
>> one of these gatherings at once, or one per year, or more specifically that 
>> we designate just one as *the* world osonos, even though nordic and haitian 
>> and camden and oz folks and some other have had significant series of osonos 
>> gatherings.
>> i really like the idea that these things could happen on several continents 
>> at once, so the wosonos had multiple sites.  progress of tools like qiqochat 
>> offer interesting possibilities of being able to easily bumblebee across 
>> oceans.  we've also been growing a tradition of spinning these things up 
>> into major productions, perha

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-01 Thread Lisa Heft - via OSList
Hi, folks - Michael, I can answer these bits, for those of you who may be 
interested in what happened in Krakow:

> i don't know how many invitations were offered in krakow this year for 2016.  
> if there were several, then it certainly was possible for those different 
> inviters to get together and decide for themselves to not have any voting.  
> they could have decided to host them simultaneously, and pushed all of us to 
> decide for ourselves which of these to attend.  instead, somebody decided to 
> call a vote and a bunch of others agreed, including the inviters.  the vote 
> happened and the losers decided to accept that as the decision.

In conversations year-round and also just before and also at this recent 
WOSonOS (that I know of, anyway, and I am not the only person people talk to 
about this, but I invite the conversation all the time so I do get to talk to a 
lot of people about this year-round) - people from about 7 countries had been 
considering hosting a future WOSonOS. And in conversation with themselves, 
their potential teams, with a look at their own event-organizing capacity, or 
at whether or not they had an existing community of practice of people who know 
and understand OS in their region - six out of those seven countries decided 
(on their own, before any group conversation at the WOSonOS) not to invite the 
WOSonOS for 2016. And some of them plus a few others named in the full 
conference group that they were interested in inviting in the future but 2016 
would not be that time. Several said they would be inviting us to their 
regional events. People may experience it differently than me, so I will say 
this through my own filter: there were no losers. There was one team saying 
they were ready to go, had the support, had the community, were learning 
ongoing because they also hosts other kinds of OSonOSs, and were totally 
excited about and feeling ready to host this slightly-different sort of 
gathering. Yay, the Philippines !

And: It was indeed invited in Krakow for anyone considering inviting and anyone 
else interested in being part of the conversation to have a session about it 
earlier in the WOSonOS to chat and reflect about it, with the design for "what 
if there are more than one inviters / what is the design for decision-making” 
very graciously held, in my opinion, by the WOSonOS Poland Host Team. And then 
this small-group discussion opened up into a whole different and new 
conversation, which I feel the Host Team also held so graciously.

Also yes, thank you for pointing this out, Michael - it is very true that a 
number of those people (including myself) who think of hosting a WOSonOS in the 
future - in a good number of countries - have for some years been and will 
continue to host Open Space gatherings in their regions, inviting the world.  
They don’t always call them OSonOS because some find that because the 
conversations there are about facilitation in general, a different title 
perhaps better serves. Learning Exchange. Facilitators conference. Those sorts 
of names. 

And I love it - because this inviting, and these diverse regions, to the 
WOSonOS, to the other-named events, on-line and in-person - share our learning 
and our community across the world. To me, it is simply that “passion and 
responsibility” thing we talk about in OS. As someone / someones have the 
passion to say “come play and learn with us in our part of the world” - and 
they either do a simple or a more complex bit of preparation - which others 
perceive of as being difficult or easy. But which I perceive of as being their 
choice, their style, their passion. Which to me is so beautiful…


Lisa Heft
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
Opening Space

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Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-02 Thread Eleder_BuM via OSList
Hello family!

I find having a local  (yearly or every 2 years) osonos very stimulating.
In the Basque Country we started in 2013 (bOSonOS; I knew in Krakow, that
Berliners had done quite many bOSonOS, too) and we are having quite much
fun. The invitation is always open to everyone. Probably we´ll  keep doing
bOSONOS for some years, the local community will grow and, little by little
people from far away will like coming.

Maybe one day we´ll invite for wosonos. If a good bunch of fellows are
eager to share the task so as everyone can enjoy it. If we one day decide
to invite, I suppose it will be quite simple. Then, if people decide to
come *wosonosing*, great. If not, very fine too (one less thing to take
care of :).

I love attending the international ones from time to time. Enriching, as it
makes possible meeting many new practitioners, and OS is people, as life
is, too, people -for me, mainly
-. Krakow was fantastic, as

I find myself very comfortable when attending an osonos where 30-70 people
attend. Enough variety and not too overwhelming. More manageable.

I love knowing that the OS community grows on and on, and we are getting to
have several osonos yearly around the world. This way, when one is really
eager to attend one, the "difficulty" would be on oneself, deciding "which
great party will I attend now"? It seems that something like this is
already happening, great!

I suppose we take on too much responsibility and work because we assume
that the more people come, the better (And, what about "Whoever comes...?").

I find, too, that, specially when international, we tend to take on too
much burden as invitors. For example,...

   - Does the fact that many people will be coming by plane make it more
   difficult for the invitors to manage it? Why?
   - The payment issue, ... does it involve too much work? What would be
   the cons of just allowing paying cash on the site?
   - Is a fancy website really required? Or could we even registrate with
   an email an d having attendees fill in a 3 minutes form?
   - Does the food standard of the meeting tend to be too "smart", "high
   quality",... making it more difficult for the sponsors to hold? Why?
   - Is organizing a parallel online wosonos really required? Knowing that
   the permanent Wosonos is happening all the time on the OSLIST and other
   places online?
   - Maybe some of us feel the burden of showing the world "what our nation
   is like?..."

   - *Which other details are the ones that make it specially hard
   convening wosonos,* (apart from taking or assuming the decisions on how
   to manage language diversity)*?*

Having had so many wars all around the world for centuries,...Maybe it puts
an extra psychological burden on the invitors, wherever they live? Maybe we
tend to make a special effort to make it clear all over the world that "we
are lovely people":)?

Regarding the decision on how to decide "where next wosonos"? What
are the special features of wosonos? Maybe that you´ll usually meet there
more os-nicks than in a regular osonos (= that it´s bigger)? maybe that
you´ll meet with people of a wider part of the planet (= that it feels more
diverse)? Perhaps knowing that there are many people that repeat the
experience during years and special bonds appear, and you can get to
know/become more part of this big family?

I like the original spirit and I find that we could make it that simple now

*"Some nice soul just said, “Come See us.” If two people had similar
inclinations, but different places in mind, who ever spoke second covered
the following year. No fuss, no bother and in 10 minutes time the essential
arrangements were made."*

I assume that whoever invites is full of passion and able to host us in OS.
And that OS, it´ll always be the same and it´ll be also very different each

In fact it´s the people coming, the participants, who make the OS

In an osonos, a specially high percentage of participants know it, we are
the ones that know it best :)! So why do we care so much (I feel) about who
the invitors+facilitators are and sometimes seem to evaluate if they are
really prepared to hold the event?

I hope this chaotic and disperse ideas add something to the conversation.

Enjoy life!


2015-09-30 22:42 GMT+02:00 Michael Herman via OSList <

> thanks for raising these questions, pernilla.  what you're proposing in
> terms of people (rather than countries!) coming forward at the beginning of
> the gathering makes great sense to me.  these invitations can be offered at
> any time, of course, including a week or a month before the wosonos
> gathering time.  if our tradition were to evolve in that direction, there
> could be some commenting on that in advance of the gathering.
> at the same time, the thing that makes for the pressure and scarcity and
> overall un-OS feeling of this situation isn't really a qu

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-02 Thread Jan Höglund via OSList

Some thoughts ...

Pernilla in Sweden wrote 30 Sep 2015:

> I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words ‘voting’ or to ‘make a 
> collective decision’ within an Open Space.

> One of the beauties with Open Space is taking responsibility for your own 
> engagement. If we all share the same engagement we will walk in the same 
> direction, eventually. But sometimes it takes time for things to emerge.

Yes, indeed.

Here's Tom Atlee's beautiful story on How to make a Decision Without Making a 


Tom writes: As I stepped out into the flooded fields I suddenly realized that 
  no decision had been made. No motion was made. No vote was taken. 
  No one checked for consensus. Nothing was announced or recorded. 
  The group just "knew" how we were going to behave ...

Jan, also in Sweden

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Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-02 Thread Daniel Mezick via OSList
I experience this thread as a fascinating study in authority. I hope you 
do, too.

On 10/2/15 8:55 AM, Jan Höglund via OSList wrote:

Some thoughts ...

Pernilla in Sweden wrote 30 Sep 2015:

> I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words ‘voting’ or to 
‘make a collective decision’ within an Open Space.

> One of the beauties with Open Space is taking responsibility for 
your own engagement. If we all share the same engagement we will walk 
in the same direction, eventually. But sometimes it takes time for 
things to emerge.

Yes, indeed.

Here's Tom Atlee's beautiful story on How to make a Decision Without 
Making a Decision


Tom writes: As I stepped out into the flooded fields I suddenly 
realized that no decision had been made. No motion was made. No vote 
was taken. No one checked for consensus. Nothing was announced or 
recorded. The group just "knew" how we were going to behave ...

Jan, also in Sweden

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Daniel Mezick, President

New Technology Solutions Inc.

(203) 915 7248 (cell)

Bio . Blog 
. Twitter .

Examine my new book:The Culture Game 
: Tools for the 
Agile Manager.

Explore Agile Team Training 
 and Coaching. 

Explore the Agile Boston Community.

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Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-02 Thread Michael Herman via OSList
thanks for the clarification about how things happened this year, lisa.
 this morning i'm wondering if/how any expectation or assumption of voting
might play into people's decision to offer an invitation or not.  more, i'm
wondering why we ever started voting at all.  when several conveners offer
similar topics when we're facilitating, we might suggest or they just
naturally do go off and have a chat amongst themselves to decide when the
session will happen and what it might be called.  often they just push the
posted pages together and say "we're going to do these together," but then
what happens in that corner of the room is some mixing of the various
views.  it seems so natural in an OS event and yet it doesn't seem like
we've done this with various would-be conveners of osonos gatherings.  have
we just left it to those willing to take responsiblity for hosting to
figure it out and tell us where the next gathering(s) will be offered?  i'm
thinking this might move in the direction of jan's atlee story.  or maybe
that's the "session" you've been convening year to year, in some way.  if
so, have we had an underlying requirement or assumption that there always
be just one physical location convening at any one time?  and is that still

and i completely agree with you, eleder, re: doing online wosonos.  there
isn't any requirement at all to do any parallel convening.  there is some
value and maybe also some responsibility in the way of telling the story,
sharing what's happening.  usually this happens by ppts typing up notes.
 many times (vancouver, melbourne, swenmark and maybe others) we have been
able to share the notes online at the same time as they are posted on the
wall onsite.  always, new conversations have sprung up around those
postings.  this acknowledges and feeds a larger practice circle than can
gather in any one location and makes what happens in that location even
more importance and value, i think.  the simplest way of sharing those
notes would be posting to the oslist.  we've done it in other ways, in
wikis and such.

this year we offered some options at qiqochat, as part of learning our way
into that platform, as a community.  i think of this more like posting a
project/topic at wosonos than being any central part of the hosting team or
task.  i think there is something worth exploring, as a community, in this
realm of distributed collaboration as more and more people in agile and
other businesses are learning to work in this way.  again, this is learning
is something i see can happen in the context of osonos events, for anyone
who wants to join it (from anywhere), rather than a requirement in creating
an osonos event.  osonos is about learning while doing, ya?

thanks, too, eleder, for reminding about basque country and berlin osonos
events.  that must put us up toward 60 gatherings in 20+ years.


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates

On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Daniel Mezick via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> I experience this thread as a fascinating study in authority. I hope you
> do, too.
> On 10/2/15 8:55 AM, Jan Höglund via OSList wrote:
> Some thoughts ...
> Pernilla in Sweden wrote 30 Sep 2015:
> > I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words ‘voting’ or to ‘make
> a collective decision’ within an Open Space.
> > One of the beauties with Open Space is taking responsibility for your
> own engagement. If we all share the same engagement we will walk in the
> same direction, eventually. But sometimes it takes time for things to
> emerge.
> Yes, indeed.
> Here's Tom Atlee's beautiful story on How to make a Decision Without
> Making a Decision
> http://www.co-intelligence.org/I-decisionmakingwithout.html
> Tom writes: As I stepped out into the flooded fields I suddenly realized
> that no decision had been made. No motion was made. No vote was taken. No
> one checked for consensus. Nothing was announced or recorded. The group
> just "knew" how we were going to behave ...
> Jan, also in Sweden
> ___
> OSList mailing list
> To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
> To subscribe or manage your subscription click 
> below:http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> Past archives can be viewed here: 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
> --
> Daniel Mezick, President
> New Technology Solutions Inc.
> (203) 915 7248 (cell)
> Bio . Blog
> . Twitter
> .
> Examine my new book:  The Culture Game
> : Tools for the Agile
> Manager.
> Explore Agile Team Training
>  and Coaching.

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-02 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dearest Eleder,

How I love all that you've captured in your note most especially the spirit
of invitation and the joy of attending. The fact that there are more and
more international gatherings, big and small, training and reunions, is so

Having co-hosted a WOSonOS in Florida with a wonderful gang of University
of South Florida students and others, I know the love that went into the
welcome and the planning. I felt the same from other host countries where I
attended getting a chance to experience their culture through their
preparation, feeling the anticipatory joy they had in receiving us.  It was
in those little touches that I felt it most, local foods, the Open Space
posters in their language, their help as to where to stay (so appreciated
when I was going to a foreign country) and their recommendations on
restaurants or perhaps a few places to visit.  No one could argue that some
of these things have nothing to do with Open Space, nor are they required
but I would never want to deprive the hosts of making us feel special and
welcome through those littles touches. At the same time, it can be just as
simple as the way Harrison describes it. I totally love those too.

In our case, the preparations included a few training events and a
community Open Space a few months before WOSonOS. All of this seeded an
open space way of doing and being that continues to sprout in so many
surprising ways years later in the Tampa Bay region and beyond. Most
important of all are the spaces that were opened inside each of us.

That said, I have always felt that those preparations should never distract
or predetermine what happens in Open Space nor should they be a burden or
put pressure on people to do the same.

Life is a mix and in the spirit of self-organizing, I think there's room
for less is more and sometimes a bit more than less. Up to the hosts to
decide, there is no right or wrong, better or less.  Reminds me of the Law
of 2 Feet.

I sure hope my two feet take me to Manilla cause I want to walk those
hundred miles so that we can "hold the whole wide world in our hands",
"whistling all the while". In case you missed it, I fell in love with this
video by Sharon Joy Chao. Keep humming it all the time. Whether there in
spirit or in person, we feel your welcome and spirit of invitation!



Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 7:52 AM, Eleder_BuM via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Hello family!
> I find having a local  (yearly or every 2 years) osonos very stimulating.
> In the Basque Country we started in 2013 (bOSonOS; I knew in Krakow, that
> Berliners had done quite many bOSonOS, too) and we are having quite much
> fun. The invitation is always open to everyone. Probably we´ll  keep doing
> bOSONOS for some years, the local community will grow and, little by little
> people from far away will like coming.
> Maybe one day we´ll invite for wosonos. If a good bunch of fellows are
> eager to share the task so as everyone can enjoy it. If we one day decide
> to invite, I suppose it will be quite simple. Then, if people decide to
> come *wosonosing*, great. If not, very fine too (one less thing to take
> care of :).
> I love attending the international ones from time to time. Enriching, as
> it makes possible meeting many new practitioners, and OS is people, as life
> is, too, people -for me, mainly
> -. Krakow was fantastic, as
> ever.
> I find myself very comfortable when attending an osonos where 30-70 people
> attend. Enough variety and not too overwhelming. More manageable.
> I love knowing that the OS community grows on and on, and we are getting
> to have several osonos yearly around the world. This way, when one is
> really eager to attend one, the "difficulty" would be on oneself, deciding
> "which great party will I attend now"? It seems that something like this is
> already happening, great!
> I suppose we take on too much responsibility and work because we assume
> that the more people come, the better (And, what about "Whoever comes...?").
> I find, too, that, specially when international, we tend to take on too
> much burden as invitors. For example,...
>- Does the fact that many people will be coming by plane make it more
>difficult for the invitors to manage it? Why?
>- The payment issue, ... does it involve too much work? What would be
>the cons of just allowing paying cash on the site?
>- Is a fancy website really required? Or could we even registrate with
>an email an d having attendees fill in a 3 minutes form?
>- Does the food standard of the meeting tend to be too "smart", "high
>quality",... making it more difficult for the sponsors to hold? Why?
>- Is organizing a 

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-02 Thread JL Walker via OSList
Hi friends!


All of this issue make to remember me this wonderful and fun moment (Thanks 
Christine Koehler by immortalize this, although we must move our head slightly 
to the left.):




And now the song is something like this, I think: https://youtu.be/U89hYR8cc5c 


Laughter and hugs,


Juan Luis


De: OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] En nombre de Suzanne 
Daigle via OSList
Enviado el: viernes, 02 de octubre de 2015 16:16
Para: Eleder_BuM; World wide Open Space Technology email list
Asunto: Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS


Dearest Eleder,


How I love all that you've captured in your note most especially the spirit of 
invitation and the joy of attending. The fact that there are more and more 
international gatherings, big and small, training and reunions, is so 


Having co-hosted a WOSonOS in Florida with a wonderful gang of University of 
South Florida students and others, I know the love that went into the welcome 
and the planning. I felt the same from other host countries where I attended 
getting a chance to experience their culture through their preparation, feeling 
the anticipatory joy they had in receiving us.  It was in those little touches 
that I felt it most, local foods, the Open Space posters in their language, 
their help as to where to stay (so appreciated when I was going to a foreign 
country) and their recommendations on restaurants or perhaps a few places to 
visit.  No one could argue that some of these things have nothing to do with 
Open Space, nor are they required but I would never want to deprive the hosts 
of making us feel special and welcome through those littles touches. At the 
same time, it can be just as simple as the way Harrison describes it. I totally 
love those too. 


In our case, the preparations included a few training events and a community 
Open Space a few months before WOSonOS. All of this seeded an open space way of 
doing and being that continues to sprout in so many surprising ways years later 
in the Tampa Bay region and beyond. Most important of all are the spaces that 
were opened inside each of us. 


That said, I have always felt that those preparations should never distract or 
predetermine what happens in Open Space nor should they be a burden or put 
pressure on people to do the same. 


Life is a mix and in the spirit of self-organizing, I think there's room for 
less is more and sometimes a bit more than less. Up to the hosts to decide, 
there is no right or wrong, better or less.  Reminds me of the Law of 2 Feet.


I sure hope my two feet take me to Manilla cause I want to walk those hundred 
miles so that we can "hold the whole wide world in our hands", "whistling all 
the while". In case you missed it, I fell in love with this video by Sharon Joy 
Chao. Keep humming it all the time. Whether there in spirit or in person, we 
feel your welcome and spirit of invitation!  





Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
 <http://www.nufocusgroup.com> www.nufocusgroup.com
 <mailto:s.dai...@nufocusgroup.com> s.dai...@nufocusgroup.com
Twitter @Daiglesuz



On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 7:52 AM, Eleder_BuM via OSList 

Hello family!


I find having a local  (yearly or every 2 years) osonos very stimulating. 

In the Basque Country we started in 2013 (bOSonOS; I knew in Krakow, that 
Berliners had done quite many bOSonOS, too) and we are having quite much fun. 
The invitation is always open to everyone. Probably we´ll  keep doing bOSONOS 
for some years, the local community will grow and, little by little people from 
far away will like coming.


Maybe one day we´ll invite for wosonos. If a good bunch of fellows are eager to 
share the task so as everyone can enjoy it. If we one day decide to invite, I 
suppose it will be quite simple. Then, if people decide to come wosonosing, 
great. If not, very fine too (one less thing to take care of :).


I love attending the international ones from time to time. Enriching, as it 
makes possible meeting many new practitioners, and OS is people, as life is, 
too, people -for me, mainly <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ1J9d27aA0> -. 
Krakow was fantastic, as ever.


I find myself very comfortable when attending an osonos where 30-70 people 
attend. Enough variety and not too overwhelming. More manageable.


I love knowing that the OS community grows on and on, and we are getting to 
have several osonos yearly around the world. This way, when one is really eager 
to attend one, the "difficulty" would be on oneself, deciding "which great 
party will I attend now"? It seems that something like this is already 
happening, great!


I suppose we take on too much responsibility and work becau

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-09 Thread Daniel Mezick via OSList

What Pernilla has written here looks and feels like a /proposal/.

Something for consideration. Perhaps to try? As an /experiment/ ?

Maybe for just 1 iteration (1 season)to see how it works?

Or maybe, just try it in one /venue/ in a given WOSONOS year, again, to 
just to... /see how it works? /

And then explicitly /inspect/ that, and make any adjustments needed from 

I wonder what person, or group of people, could actually make it happen; 
that is, who can actually /authorize/ this proposal ?

De-authorize this proposal?

The countries/places that wish to host a future WOSONOS could post this 
on the OSLIST and Facebook and send a gentle reminder a few weeks before 
the upcoming WOSONOS. The inviting hosts would then be posted on a flip 
chart at the WOSONOS and announced as a session when creating the 
bulletin board or at the evening news. As always there is the 
opportunity to add places, sessions and news announcements up until the 
closing circle, both on the spot and via other ways of communicating. 
This would make it easier for everyone to approach the hosts, express 
their delight or ask clarifying questions. It would also enable the 
hosts (or their representatives) to come together in a session and find 
out how they would like to do the invitations in the closing circle. 
Maybe some will wait until next year? Maybe multiple WOSONOSes in one 
year? Maybe in different continents at the same time? Maybe with 
different themes/urgent questions?

On 9/30/15 3:03 PM, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList wrote:

An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS Hi all!
At the inspiring WOSONOS in Kraków there were some learning 
conversations on how this community  goes about when expressing and 
accepting invitations from countries/places to host the upcoming 

In the big circle there were voices that expressed some confusion and 
discomfort with the process. Others said that whatever happened, they 
would trust the process. There was also the mentioning of 
‘traditions’ and the ways things are usually done at a WOSONOS. 
And the reminder that traditions are made in every single now and 
‘Whatever happens is the only thing that could have’.

*If you are new to WOSONOS
*This is how it’s usually done (I think): the countries that wish 
to host the next WOSONOS makes an invitation at the closing circle of 
the WOSONOS and the participants are free to accept any of the 
invitations. The process of accepting the invitation is sometimes done 
by some kind of ‘voting’ procedure in order to agree on one 
place. There is often someone who reminds everybody that the 
only way to ‘vote’ in Open Space is by applying ‘The law 
of mobility’. There is no need to only have one WOSONOS, there 
could be multiple since ‘Wherever it happens is the right place’.

*My view
*I am personally very uncomfortable to use the words 
‘voting’ or to ‘make a collective decision’ within an Open 
Space. One of the beauties with Open Space is taking responsibility 
for your own engagement. If we all share the same engagement we will 
walk in the same direction, eventually. But sometimes it takes time 
for things to emerge.
If a group decides on voting there are many good methods and it’s 
of outmost importance for those present to understand what they are 
about to do, in order to make an informed decision. Is it a majority 
decision? How many is the majority? What happens if some vote no? Is 
it possible to have a ballot vote? Is it the role of the facilitator 
to sum it up and make the final decision? In my view, we can only 
express our appreciation for the invitation at the Open Space, offer 
help if needed and make use of the law of mobility.

*An invitation
*This is an invitation to try something else and maybe to let 
go of a ‘tradition’. What if we opened up at the beginning of 
the process in order to see how it self organizes at the end?
There seems to be something unclear about the ‘tradition’ on how 
to get information about who is inviting and why. If that information 
were transparent from the very start of the WOSONOS, it might enable 
more dialogue with the inviting hosts and between the hosts.

The countries/places that wish to host a future WOSONOS could post 
this on the OSLIST and Facebook and send a gentle reminder a few weeks 
before the upcoming WOSONOS. The inviting hosts would then be posted 
on a flip chart at the WOSONOS and announced as a session when 
creating the bulletin board or at the evening news. As always there is 
the opportunity to add places, sessions and news announcements up 
until the closing circle, both on the spot and via other ways of 
communicating. This would make it easier for everyone to approach the 
hosts, express their delight or ask clarifying questions. It would 
also enable the hosts (or their representatives) to come together in a 
session and find out how 

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-11 Thread Lisa Heft - via OSList
Hello, Barbara - good to hear your voice.

Just sharing what I have heard, regarding one aspect you mention - there have 
been conversations about a WOSonOS in a few locations in Africa, but those 
prospective hosts - at least the ones I have talked with - have felt that 
though we others want it to be there to share about OST, they themselves have 
not had a community of practice to host it, so they (these different people, 
from different countries, in the different years I have chatted with them) have 
preferred to build their community of OST facilitation learners and 
facilitators first, before hosting. Because when one hosts, the most people who 
attend are from the immediate region. And also because in these conversations 
there has usually just been one person in their region, so they did not have 
the capacity and sometimes not the interest to be an event host, as their 
energies were more about learning and facilitating things. That’s just the 
pattern I have seen - some of you others may have been involved in other 
conversations over the years.

My own question: With your first #2 item below - do you mean have a session 
about the next WOSonOS live, at the WOSonOS itself? Because that is what 
Karolina did at this year’s WOSonOS. She posted and hosted a session on a day 
previous to the Closing Circle day at the conference, and made sure it was 
timed so I could be there to answer any Access Queen questions anyone might 
have. Other possible hosts chatted with me before that for their own private 
questions and conversations. Or maybe you mean something different than hosting 
a session up at the WOSonOS event itself - and it’s just going into my head in 
a different way. Thanks for clarifying for me.

And personally, I agree with you - I love keeping the closing circle free for 
the group’s’ reflection about its WOSonOS conversations and learnings. Plus one 
more delicious thing: often in a WOSonOS, after Closing Circle ends, there is a 
really lovely moment when the current host passes the Talking Stick to the 
next-year’s host (or their representative if they are not physically at that 
WOSonOS). It is really celebratory, and a nice sense of 
closure-plus-connection/community across the years. So personally, I like that 
part, too. 

Barbara, I think the communities and organizations in Cyprus are lucky to have 


Lisa Heft, also known as Access Queen

On Oct 11, 2015, at 10:11 AM, Barbara Kozok via OSList 

> Dear Community,
> I was happy for the opportunity to talk about the hosting process for the 
> WOSonOSes in Kraków.
> Pernilla gently reminded me to put my comments into this forum. 
> I do it now.
> When I read though your proposal, Pernilla
> I really like the idea:
> to post the ambition to host a WOSonOS on social media. We have to find the 
> right place, where everybody has an access.
> to have a session about the next WOSonOS on a WOSonOS. Experience could be 
> shared, the Access Queen could be involved on the spot, and all 
> necessary/crucial questions could be discussed. The next host will get to 
> know the amount of work and the obstacles...
> I am wondering 
> how we might integrate the idea, that the WOSonOS should rotate around the 
> world. (Have we ever had an WOSonOS in Africa?) However - this might happen - 
> or not. 
> and I am not quite sure how to combine the hosting-question with the closing 
> circle. I would like to keep the closing of a WOSonOS free for closing of 
> what has happend. The next WOSonOS is something to come in the future. 
> Therefore it belongs - for me - into the action phase before closing the 
> circle.
> If we integrate the hosting-question of the next WOSonOS into our agenda it 
> becomes transparent. And if everybody wants to join this session, we have to 
> make space for it. :-o
> So far my thoughts.
> ***
> WHO I am:
> Founding member of boscop, the Berlin Open Space Cooperative. After more than 
> 20 years in SM and Big Enterprises out of which 7 years in Sweden I am living 
> in Cyprus and work on a volontary basis with diffferent NGOs which want to 
> make CY to a better place. 
> --
> \
> Dr. Barbara Kozok
> berlin open space cooperative eG
> POB 50257
> 3602 Limassol - Cyprus
> mobile: 00357 97 687876
> barbara.ko...@boscop.org
> http://www.boscop.org

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Past archives can be viewed here: 

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-13 Thread Pernilla Luttropp via OSList
Hi all!
Thanks all for your input, stories and further thinking out of my invitation
for future invitations. It¹s a rich conversation, it brings clarity and some
new questions to me.
To me it seems like naming The one and only (W)osonos might not be that
important anymore, or at least not for a while. The possibility of having a
multitude of gatherings all over the world and at different times seem to
open up for more space, breathing and fun (and brings us back to core
practice, as some of you pointed out).
If that is the case (the future will tell) there would maybe be a few less
things to do:
- The invitation doesn¹t have to come from a well prepared team or from an
area with an Open space community (whatever that is). It could be a single
person who wants to open up their place and welcome others to join.
- No Œvoting¹ at the end or the ceremony when the stick is handed over to
the Selected Team. Instead we could find out ways to celebrate the multitude
and richness of invitations, maybe to the tunes of ³the more the merrier² or
³we can¹t get enough of complexity².
What stands out for me is Michael¹s question on Who is osonos really for? Is
it a gathering for people who are more or less familiar to Open Space? A
place where we pass on knowledge and experiences, even traditions? Were we
take the liberty to be somewhat exclusive and excluding for a while? I
certainly have a need for those kind of meetings every now and then.
I reckon the ambition with most (w)osonoses is to be open for newcomers as
well. So how do we keep it new without burdening it with Œtraditions¹? An
event where the we try to avoid saying ³we usually doŠ². An event where the
newcomers have the same opportunity to co-create the event as the
Œold-timers¹. An event that is opening up for something new to happen that
no one knew about before? Like Paul pointed out in a Hotline call ­ why do
we put numbers on the (w)ononos¹es at all, isn¹t every event no 1?
How do we make Open Space instead of doing it?
And thanks Jan, for the link to ŒHow to make a decision without making a
decision¹. I my view the only tool I have for this, as a facilitator and
participant within an Open Space, is time - lots of time.  I usually only
get one day for an Open Space and if it¹s a tough decision and if the
question doesn¹t seem Œripe¹ enough, I simply don¹t invite for that process.
I find it too painful.
And that reminds me of what Chris said; this ³teaches us a lot about our
personal orientation to the practice of holding space. Also, it provides us
with many opportunities to examine, reflect and develop the personal
practice of opening space.²
The show goes on!

Den 2015-10-11 19:46, skrev "Lisa Heft - via OSList"

> Hello, Barbara - good to hear your voice.
> Just sharing what I have heard, regarding one aspect you mention - there have
> been conversations about a WOSonOS in a few locations in Africa, but those
> prospective hosts - at least the ones I have talked with - have felt that
> though we others want it to be there to share about OST, they themselves have
> not had a community of practice to host it, so they (these different people,
> from different countries, in the different years I have chatted with them)
> have preferred to build their community of OST facilitation learners and
> facilitators first, before hosting. Because when one hosts, the most people
> who attend are from the immediate region. And also because in these
> conversations there has usually just been one person in their region, so they
> did not have the capacity and sometimes not the interest to be an event host,
> as their energies were more about learning and facilitating things. That¹s
> just the pattern I have seen - some of you others may have been involved in
> other conversations over the years.
> My own question: With your first #2 item below - do you mean have a session
> about the next WOSonOS live, at the WOSonOS itself? Because that is what
> Karolina did at this year¹s WOSonOS. She posted and hosted a session on a day
> previous to the Closing Circle day at the conference, and made sure it was
> timed so I could be there to answer any Access Queen questions anyone might
> have. Other possible hosts chatted with me before that for their own private
> questions and conversations. Or maybe you mean something different than
> hosting a session up at the WOSonOS event itself - and it¹s just going into my
> head in a different way. Thanks for clarifying for me.
> And personally, I agree with you - I love keeping the closing circle free for
> the group¹s¹ reflection about its WOSonOS conversations and learnings. Plus
> one more delicious thing: often in a WOSonOS, after Closing Circle ends, there
> is a really lovely moment when the current host passes the Talking Stick to
> the next-year¹s host (or their representative if they are not physically at
> that WOSonOS). It is really celebratory, and a nice sense of
> closure-plus-conne

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-13 Thread Skye Hirst via OSList
Love this summary, Pernilla.  Works for me.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 2:49 PM, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Hi all!
> Thanks all for your input, stories and further thinking out of my
> invitation for future invitations. It’s a rich conversation, it brings
> clarity and some new questions to me.
> To me it seems like naming The one and only (W)osonos might not be that
> important anymore, or at least not for a while. The possibility of having a
> multitude of gatherings all over the world and at different times seem to
> open up for more space, breathing and fun (and brings us back to core
> practice, as some of you pointed out).
> If that is the case (the future will tell) there would maybe be a few less
> things to do:
> - The invitation doesn’t have to come from a well prepared team or from an
> area with an Open space community (whatever that is). It could be a single
> person who wants to open up their place and welcome others to join.
> - No ‘voting’ at the end or the ceremony when the stick is handed over to
> the Selected Team. Instead we could find out ways to celebrate the
> multitude and richness of invitations, maybe to the tunes of “the more the
> merrier” or “we can’t get enough of complexity”.
> What stands out for me is Michael’s question on Who is osonos really for?
> Is it a gathering for people who are more or less familiar to Open Space? A
> place where we pass on knowledge and experiences, even traditions? Were we
> take the liberty to be somewhat exclusive and excluding for a while? I
> certainly have a need for those kind of meetings every now and then.
> I reckon the ambition with most (w)osonoses is to be open for newcomers as
> well. So how do we keep it new without burdening it with ‘traditions’? An
> event where the we try to avoid saying “we usually do…”. An event where the
> newcomers have the same opportunity to co-create the event as the
> ‘old-timers’. An event that is opening up for something new to happen that
> no one knew about before? Like Paul pointed out in a Hotline call – why do
> we put numbers on the (w)ononos’es at all, isn’t every event no 1?
> How do we make Open Space instead of doing it?
> And thanks Jan, for the link to ‘How to make a decision without making a
> decision’. I my view the only tool I have for this, as a facilitator and
> participant within an Open Space, is time - lots of time.  I usually only
> get one day for an Open Space and if it’s a tough decision and if the
> question doesn’t seem ‘ripe’ enough, I simply don’t invite for that
> process. I find it too painful.
> And that reminds me of what Chris said; this “teaches us a lot about our
> personal orientation to the practice of holding space. Also, it provides us
> with many opportunities to examine, reflect and develop the personal
> practice of opening space.”
> The show goes on!
> Pernilla
> Den 2015-10-11 19:46, skrev "Lisa Heft - via OSList" <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>:
> Hello, Barbara - good to hear your voice.
> Just sharing what I have heard, regarding one aspect you mention - there
> have been conversations about a WOSonOS in a few locations in Africa, but
> those prospective hosts - at least the ones I have talked with - have felt
> that though we others want it to be there to share about OST, they
> themselves have not had a community of practice to host it, so they (these
> different people, from different countries, in the different years I have
> chatted with them) have preferred to build their community of OST
> facilitation learners and facilitators first, before hosting. Because when
> one hosts, the most people who attend are from the immediate region. And
> also because in these conversations there has usually just been one person
> in their region, so they did not have the capacity and sometimes not the
> interest to be an event host, as their energies were more about learning
> and facilitating things. That’s just the pattern I have seen - some of you
> others may have been involved in other conversations over the years.
> My own question: With your first #2 item below - do you mean have a
> session about the next WOSonOS live, at the WOSonOS itself? Because that is
> what Karolina did at this year’s WOSonOS. She posted and hosted a session
> on a day previous to the Closing Circle day at the conference, and made
> sure it was timed so I could be there to answer any Access Queen questions
> anyone might have. Other possible hosts chatted with me before that for
> their own private questions and conversations. Or maybe you mean something
> different than hosting a session up at the WOSonOS event itself - and it’s
> just going into my head in a different way. Thanks for clarifying for me.
> And personally, I agree with you - I love keeping the closing circle free
> for the group’s’ reflection about its WOSonOS conversations and learnings.
> Plus one more delicious thing: often in a WOSonO

Re: [OSList] An invitation for future invitations to WOSONOS

2015-10-13 Thread Michael Herman via OSList
thank you for everything you are pulling together in this last message,

on this question of including people new and old to open space, i will add
a little of what i understand about the history of osonos.  it started out
as a place for practitioners to share stories and learnings.  i joined as a
newbie at osonos4, but only after i had read back through 4 years of online
postings.  so i knew the history pretty well by then.

osonos6 was the second osonos that harrison didn't host, and the first, i
believe, that he did not attend.  there was a training scheduled right
before or after that conference, which attracted newbies, some of whom it
decided that the low-cost conference was a better option than the higher
priced training.  this created some uncomfortable difficulties from
mismatched expectations.

when sheila isakson and i hosted the following year, i made sure to
describe the event as something like a "practitioner confernece" for
"learning but not training," to make it clear that you should know
something before you came, or expect to play catchup and be responsible for
your own learning.  i think we might see remnants of that in the
invitations from 7, 8, 9, 10 or so at openspaceworld.org/wp2/osonos.

as we started moving around the globe more, it seemed to be more important
to have a local practice group and "planning team" to make an invitation.
 over time, as lisa mentioned, osonos attendance has gotten to be more
locally or regionally based, even though many countries might still be
represented.  the first dozen or so were pretty simple affairs, i think,
and are certainly a worthy model for future hosts.

not sure what, if anything, is to be done with any of this, only that what
you're describing all seems very easy and possible.

hat tip to paul levy and his point that every osonos is osonos1!  brilliant
as ever.


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 1:49 PM, Pernilla Luttropp via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Hi all!
> Thanks all for your input, stories and further thinking out of my
> invitation for future invitations. It’s a rich conversation, it brings
> clarity and some new questions to me.
> To me it seems like naming The one and only (W)osonos might not be that
> important anymore, or at least not for a while. The possibility of having a
> multitude of gatherings all over the world and at different times seem to
> open up for more space, breathing and fun (and brings us back to core
> practice, as some of you pointed out).
> If that is the case (the future will tell) there would maybe be a few less
> things to do:
> - The invitation doesn’t have to come from a well prepared team or from an
> area with an Open space community (whatever that is). It could be a single
> person who wants to open up their place and welcome others to join.
> - No ‘voting’ at the end or the ceremony when the stick is handed over to
> the Selected Team. Instead we could find out ways to celebrate the
> multitude and richness of invitations, maybe to the tunes of “the more the
> merrier” or “we can’t get enough of complexity”.
> What stands out for me is Michael’s question on Who is osonos really for?
> Is it a gathering for people who are more or less familiar to Open Space? A
> place where we pass on knowledge and experiences, even traditions? Were we
> take the liberty to be somewhat exclusive and excluding for a while? I
> certainly have a need for those kind of meetings every now and then.
> I reckon the ambition with most (w)osonoses is to be open for newcomers as
> well. So how do we keep it new without burdening it with ‘traditions’? An
> event where the we try to avoid saying “we usually do…”. An event where the
> newcomers have the same opportunity to co-create the event as the
> ‘old-timers’. An event that is opening up for something new to happen that
> no one knew about before? Like Paul pointed out in a Hotline call – why do
> we put numbers on the (w)ononos’es at all, isn’t every event no 1?
> How do we make Open Space instead of doing it?
> And thanks Jan, for the link to ‘How to make a decision without making a
> decision’. I my view the only tool I have for this, as a facilitator and
> participant within an Open Space, is time - lots of time.  I usually only
> get one day for an Open Space and if it’s a tough decision and if the
> question doesn’t seem ‘ripe’ enough, I simply don’t invite for that
> process. I find it too painful.
> And that reminds me of what Chris said; this “teaches us a lot about our
> personal orientation to the practice of holding space. Also, it provides us
> with many opportunities to examine, reflect and develop the personal
> practice of opening space.”
> The show goes on!
> Pernilla
> Den 2015-10-11 19:46, skrev "Lisa Heft - via OSList" <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>:
> Hello, Barbara - good to hear your voice.