Visual accessibility Re: field/button/control labeling enforcement in Visual Studio sometime: who agrees with this proposal?

2012-12-13 Thread steven

I'm a lurker on this list. Not being visually impaired myself, I hadn't thought 
about people such as yourself having such frustration with the tools we use, as 
most attention goes to online accessiblity. Perhaps Microsoft and others aren't 
aware (or aware enough) that blind people do write code. You mention open 
source so from your point of view how does Eclipse stack up in impaired 
accessibility compared to Visual Studio?

As for website accessibility, I'm hoping you're better served. When I designed 
and built the online public litter and illegal dumping reporting system for the 
Queensland Government there was a strong mandate in the requirements to make it 
accessible to visually impaired people, at least for all the public-facing 
components. Alt tags, no flash, caption tags, careful Javascript use, no frames 
and other strict requirements were set.

TO achieve this I found the US government Section 508 Web Accessibility 
Standards to be very helpful, as well as the Illinois Center for Information 
Technology and Web Accessibility guidelines. To test accessibility I found 
browser plug-ins such as the JAWS and WAVE toolbars to be very helpful as these 
allowed me to see what the page would look like to an e-reader as well as in 
contrasting large fonts for use by a partially sighted person.

If you had a few minutes time I'd be interested in what your e-reader makes of 
the accessibility of my litter reporting site
(Written in C# / .NET / MVC2 / LINQ to SQL / SQL Server 2008)

Steve Malikoff.

> Hello guys,
>   I was just wondering how many of you agree with this.  I, who's desire 
> it is to become an open source .NET Framework programmer, look at all of the 
> both open source, and not to mention, Microsoft-provided products, and I 
> can't tell you how much lazy programming I see out there.  I'm not calling 
> you lazy programmers, so please, please don't take it that way.  I'm just 
> saying, that for the masses, and especially for the many blind and visually 
> impaired users like me who rely on everything being labeled so that screen 
> readers, or software that  converts text on screen to speech, can understand 
> and provide the right information.  Half of the time, I will download a piece 
> of software whether open source or otherwise, and I will never be able to 
> utilize it due to nothing being labeled, or some things being labeled and 
> others not, giving only half the experience to someone hard of seeing like 
> me.  Now, what I am proposing is strong and provocative, but I think that it 
> could pote!
 ntially be a good thing if implemented correctly.  I think that it would be a 
good idea for Visual Studio to have a compilation requirement that all elements 
are labeled, and all UIA properties exposable by a control are implemented.  
Microsoft themselves are lazy when it comes to that; a lot of their new 
interface for Windows server 2012 for instance, has so much mislabeled and 
missing UIA content that either screen readers don't read at all, or they read 
spurious content, as if they are reading .NET classes, instead of 
application-generated, administrator-friendly messages.  My friend thinks that 
this would only work if Microsoft themselves built this in, and he may be 
right.  But I definitely think that it should be required on most open source 
projects and open source frameworks that all elements be labled and exposed 
that way people of all abilities and disabilities alike can benefit.  I don't 
see how it would work in the commercial sector unless Microsoft implemented !
 it.  Tell me what you guys think.

Re: VS2012 - Colours

2012-12-18 Thread steven
Looks like you've already found something, but I used 'SExColor' (yes I know, 
stupid name) in VS2010 as I wanted to see the current file in more contrast.
I have not tried to see if it's ok for VS2012 though.


> Hi,
> Is there any option to turn some colours in VS2012? This "metro" is
> insanely bad. I have the solution open and everything in the Solution
> Explorer is freaking black. with a bit of green that is hardly visible on
> today's high resolution screens. My eyes instead of finding information at
> a glance I have to struggle to figure out icons and read the tree to find
> out what I want:
> [image: Inline image 1]
> This is incredibly hard to use. I'm tempted to write a plugin just to fix
> all those colours.
> Or is there a plugin already?
> Thanks,
> Corneliu.

Re: Graph visualisation

2019-06-06 Thread steven
How about graphviz, it's been ported to .NET
or this


 Original Message 
Subject: Graph visualisation
From:"Greg Keogh" 
Date:Wed, June 5, 2019 8:59 am
To:  "ozDotNet" 

> Folks, can anyone suggest a free WPF-friendly library for visualising a
> graph of vertexes and edges? All of my searches so far produce  projects
> and discussions that are around 10 years old, the documentation is dreadful
> or misleading, the links are dead, they're for WinForms or JS clients, or
> there are some commercial products that cost from $3000 to $12000. Maybe
> there are modern choices I'm not aware of.
> If you search for "graph visualisation neo4j" images you'll see the sort of
> thing I'm after … but only the simple practical samples (not the Sci-Fi
> movie ones!). I want to visualise the relationships between organisation
> entities (company, department, people, etc) with about a few hundred nodes
> at most. The ability to zoom and select would be expected.
> Thanks
> *Greg K*

Re: Core 3.0 and C# 8

2019-09-28 Thread steven
I have Core 3.0 in VS2019CE Preview, but not available in VS2019CE (out of the 
box - I have
not touched any project files etc) as per the comments on


 Original Message 
Subject: Core 3.0 and C# 8
From:"Greg Keogh" 
Date:Fri, September 27, 2019 2:18 pm
To:  "ozDotNet" 

> Folks,
> I'm keen to experiment with C# 8 features and get familiar early, but I
> can't get any project to use it. In Visual Studio 2019 16.2.3 I've tried to
> create Standard, Core and Framework projects of all the latest versions,
> then set the Build Advanced Language Version to 8 or preview, but it's
> never available.
> I thought Core 3.0 projects could use C# 8, but the highest choice I have
> is 2.2. So I installed 3.0 manually and dotnet --list shows me the
> following (truncated) as installed, but I never see 3.0 list in target
> frameworks.
>>dotnet --list-runtimes
> Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 3.0.0 [C:\Program
> Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
> Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.0.0 [C:\Program
> Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App]
> Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 3.0.0 [C:\Program
> Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
>>dotnet --list-sdks
> 3.0.100 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
> So I have two issues: (1) I can't pick Core 3.0 Framework (2) How on earth
> do I coax C# 8 into action?
> Any advice would be most welcome. Perhaps there are really strict
> conditions or dependencies I'm not aware of.
> Cheers,
> *Greg*
> P.S. Public holiday in Melbourne for some sort of ball game. A horse race I
> can understand, but this?

RE: Latest MS Sync Framework?

2011-11-09 Thread Steven Parish
Is anyone using the Sync Framework 2.1

I am having problems getting the sample project "Sync101 with Remote Change 
Application over WCF" - I am getting the a COM error due to incompatible dll's 
(running on a x64 laptop)

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException was unhandled
  Message=Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID 
{F235D316-69DB-4918-8536-B8A008D93057} failed due to the following error: 
fileName, CultureInfo locale)
   at Sync101.MySyncProvider.InitializeMetadataStore() in 
C:\Data\Downloads\Microsoft\Sync101 with Remote Change Application over 
WCF\C#\Sync101Provider\MySimpleSyncProvider.cs:line 83
   at Sync101.MySyncProvider.ToString() in 
C:\Data\Downloads\Microsoft\Sync101 with Remote Change Application over 
WCF\C#\Sync101Provider\MySimpleSyncProvider.cs:line 570
   at Sync101.MyTestProgram.Main(String[] args) in 
C:\Data\Downloads\Microsoft\Sync101 with Remote Change Application over 
WCF\C#\MyTestProgram\MyTestProgram.cs:line 71
   at System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(Assembly assembly, String[] args)
   at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(String assemblyFile, Evidence 
assemblySecurity, String[] args)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.HostProc.RunUsersAssembly()
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext 
executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Google pointed me to MSDN article

(Title on the article is "Exception when run Sync Framework on 64-bit Windows 7 
with VS 2010 RC ")

This article explains the exact situation (caused by x86 vs x64 dll mismatch) - 
but I can't seem to fix the problem - any clues?

I have changed all references to be "copy local=true" &  the platform & output 
on the build configuration to all be x64 - still fails, plus have also changed 
to all be x86 and still fails.

In the end what I need is an example application for File & Database Syncing 
over an internet connection - this sample uses WCF Service with custom Sync 
Providers which implement a proxy.

Should I use the Sync 4.0 CTP (which seems to sit on top of the Sync 2.1 anyway)

Thanks for any help.


Steven Parish

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Clint Colefax
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2011 2:15 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Latest MS Sync Framework?

Team blog seems to still active, might find more info there?

Clint Colefax

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Preet Sangha
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2011 1:38 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Latest MS Sync Framework?

Looking at the sync framework home page 
( I see that CTP 4.0 (from 
October 2010) is listed. Is this really the last update - that seems pretty 
ancient? Or is there codeplex type releases that I should be looking at 
instead. It look like an interesting technology for off line phone applications.

Also thinking about it, does anyone on the list use it or a competing 

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

RE: Latest MS Sync Framework?

2011-11-09 Thread Steven Parish
Yeah - I tried that - but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. I went to the 
configuration manager in VS2010 and changed the platform to be x86 on all three 
projects and also changed the output option on all references to be copy local 
- but I am not sure how to check if this is working correctly (obviously it 
isn't as it still fails).

The Sync download page on MSDN indicates that x86 & x64 SDK's cannot be 
installed side by side - but you can install selected components (ie I assume 
dll's) from the x86 redistributable - maybe I need to do that - but will it 
clobber the x64 dll's ?

Thanks again for any help


Steven Parish

From: [] On 
Behalf Of David Kean
Sent: Thursday, 10 November 2011 1:47 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Latest MS Sync Framework?

If you read the forum, it states that what worked for him was to compile an x86 
version, not a x64 bit version. Can you try that?

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Steven Parish
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 2:41 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Latest MS Sync Framework?

Is anyone using the Sync Framework 2.1

I am having problems getting the sample project "Sync101 with Remote Change 
Application over WCF" - I am getting the a COM error due to incompatible dll's 
(running on a x64 laptop)

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException was unhandled
  Message=Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID 
{F235D316-69DB-4918-8536-B8A008D93057} failed due to the following error: 
fileName, CultureInfo locale)
   at Sync101.MySyncProvider.InitializeMetadataStore() in 
C:\Data\Downloads\Microsoft\Sync101 with Remote Change Application over 
WCF\C#\Sync101Provider\MySimpleSyncProvider.cs:line 83
   at Sync101.MySyncProvider.ToString() in 
C:\Data\Downloads\Microsoft\Sync101 with Remote Change Application over 
WCF\C#\Sync101Provider\MySimpleSyncProvider.cs:line 570
   at Sync101.MyTestProgram.Main(String[] args) in 
C:\Data\Downloads\Microsoft\Sync101 with Remote Change Application over 
WCF\C#\MyTestProgram\MyTestProgram.cs:line 71
   at System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(Assembly assembly, String[] args)
   at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(String assemblyFile, Evidence 
assemblySecurity, String[] args)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.HostProc.RunUsersAssembly()
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext 
executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Google pointed me to MSDN article

(Title on the article is "Exception when run Sync Framework on 64-bit Windows 7 
with VS 2010 RC ")

This article explains the exact situation (caused by x86 vs x64 dll mismatch) - 
but I can't seem to fix the problem - any clues?

I have changed all references to be "copy local=true" &  the platform & output 
on the build configuration to all be x64 - still fails, plus have also changed 
to all be x86 and still fails.

In the end what I need is an example application for File & Database Syncing 
over an internet connection - this sample uses WCF Service with custom Sync 
Providers which implement a proxy.

Should I use the Sync 4.0 CTP (which seems to sit on top of the Sync 2.1 anyway)

Thanks for any help.


Steven Parish

 On Behalf Of Clint Colefax
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2011 2:15 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Latest MS Sync Framework?

Team blog seems to still active, might find more info there?

Clint Colefax

 On Behalf Of Preet Sangha
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2011 1:38 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Latest MS Sync Framework?

Looking at the sync framework home page 
( I see that CTP 4.0 (from 
October 2010) is listed. Is this really the last update - that seems pretty 
ancient? Or is there codeplex type releases that I should be looking at 
instead. It look like an interesting technology for off line phone

RE: Blacklight and "metroising" a WPF app

2012-06-19 Thread Steven Parish
DevExpress has a WPF Metro Style Tile control - see their online demos & videos 
(I have been doing some research lately on this -but haven not purchased or 
implemented the control as yet).


Steven Parish
Managing Director

BusinessCraft Pty Ltd
Address: Level 1, 270 Turton Road, New Lambton NSW 2305
Mail: PO Box 57, Lambton NSW 2299
M: 0417 688 599 | T: 02 4965  | F: 02 4965 5333<>


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From: [] On 
Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Wednesday, 20 June 2012 8:37 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: Blacklight and "metroising" a WPF app

Folks, a few years ago someone here pointed me to the 
Blacklight<> Drag 
Dock Panel which I thought would quite simple and effective for creating a 
portal style arrival screen in an app. However, I had to de-style it to remove 
the ridiculous default glowing and hatching effects and weird colours so it was 
suitable for a real use. Sadly I discovered it had bugs in the min/max motion 
when clicking the arrows and I gave up on it. Then Blacklight 4.3 dropped WPF 
support and a lot of people were confused and upset.

The Drag Dock Panel was ahead of its time in a sense, as it had a metro/phone 
feel. We'd like a similar effect on the main screen of our WPF app where tiles 
show you what's available and clicking one will zoom into that feature, 
possibly pushing the other icons out of the way.

Does anyone know of a control/kit/technique for creating this effect? I don't 
want to waste a lot of time reproducing the effect manually if I can avoid it.


Australian Weather Web Services

2012-11-27 Thread Steven Parish

We have a requirement to retrieve weather information on a daily basis for 
several Australian locations and was wondering what Web Services others may 
have had some success with - free would be preferred - but being a commercial 
requirement our clients would be prepared to pay a modest fee.

I have had a quick look at Weather API from (in the USA)  and even signed up and did a quick 
test for retrieving the current weather for AU/Sydney - this is a REST API and 
can return data in several formats including JSON & XML - so it looks OK and 
pricing is OK - but just wanted to test the water with other developers before 
jumping in - thanks for any assistance.

Steven Parish

Software Architect | BusinessCraft Pty Ltd |
Tel: (02) 4965  | Mob: 0417 688 599 | Fax: (02) 4965 5333 | Level 1, 270 
Turton Road, New Lambton, NSW 2305

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their attachments from your computer and or  your computers system. Opinions, 
conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the 
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endorsed by it. It is your responsibility to check the message and any 
attachments for any viruses before use. BusinessCraft does not accept liability 
for any loss or damage that may result, directly or indirectly from your 
receipt of this message or any attachments contained within it.

RE: Australian Weather Web Services

2012-11-27 Thread Steven Parish
Thanks James,

I tried the url and it returned JSON file OK - would prefer XML so tried 
changing the extension to .xml - but that did not work - but at least now I 
have a starting point & can start doing some reading - thanks for your help

Steven Parish

Software Architect | BusinessCraft Pty Ltd |
Tel: (02) 4965  | Mob: 0417 688 599 | Fax: (02) 4965 5333 | Level 1, 270 
Turton Road, New Lambton, NSW 2305

The information contained in this and associated e-mails and any attachments 
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endorsed by it. It is your responsibility to check the message and any 
attachments for any viruses before use. BusinessCraft does not accept liability 
for any loss or damage that may result, directly or indirectly from your 
receipt of this message or any attachments contained within it.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of James Chapman-Smith
Sent: Wednesday, 28 November 2012 9:13 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Australian Weather Web Services

Hi Steven,

If you're looking for observational data then the BoM provides free data in a 
variety of formats.

Here's Adelaide in JSON format:

Does that help?



[] On Behalf Of Steven Parish
Sent: Wednesday, 28 November 2012 08:33
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Australian Weather Web Services


We have a requirement to retrieve weather information on a daily basis for 
several Australian locations and was wondering what Web Services others may 
have had some success with - free would be preferred - but being a commercial 
requirement our clients would be prepared to pay a modest fee.

I have had a quick look at Weather API from (in the USA)  and even signed up and did a quick 
test for retrieving the current weather for AU/Sydney - this is a REST API and 
can return data in several formats including JSON & XML - so it looks OK and 
pricing is OK - but just wanted to test the water with other developers before 
jumping in - thanks for any assistance.

Steven Parish

Software Architect | BusinessCraft Pty Ltd |
Tel: (02) 4965  | Mob: 0417 688 599 | Fax: (02) 4965 5333 | Level 1, 270 
Turton Road, New Lambton, NSW 2305

The information contained in this and associated e-mails and any attachments 
are confidential and were only intended solely for the use of the addressee. If 
you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the identified sender by 
return e-mail and then delete all copies of this and associated emails and 
their attachments from your computer and or  your computers system. Opinions, 
conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the 
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attachments for any viruses before use. BusinessCraft does not accept liability 
for any loss or damage that may result, directly or indirectly from your 
receipt of this message or any attachments contained within it.

RE: Lightweight database

2013-06-04 Thread Steven Parish

We have been developing with SynergyDE for almost 30 years (Synergex) and
they have an extremely good ISAM file system with ODBC for access
externally via SQL statements.

They have just recently released their ISAM file system as a NOSQL offering
which may meet your criteria.

[image: cid:image001.png@01CE6128.50483A60]


*Steven Parish***

*Software Architect | BusinessCraft Pty Ltd |*

Tel: (02) 4965  | Mob: 0417 688 599 | Fax: (02) 4965 5333 | Level 1,
270 Turton Road, New Lambton, NSW 2305


The information contained in this and associated e-mails and any
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*From:* []
*On Behalf Of *Greg Keogh
*Sent:* Tuesday, 4 June 2013 12:25 PM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* Lightweight database

Folks, an app has just grown with a new feature that needs to store  of
"users", "jobs" and "reports" and the joins between them, If I was using
SQLite it would be 3 tables with joins. However, rather than use SQLite
this time I'd like to consider an alternative that's even more lightweight
to setup and use. The app does not currently use any database technology
and the guys managing the project are actually scared of them.

Can anyone recommend an in-process database (not necessarily relational!)
that is has a friendly managed API, small footprint, not too
complicated and is easy to get going? I know this is a lot to ask, but
there may be some NoSQL options around that I'm not aware of. The most
important issues for me are: (1) *Minimal dependencies* (2) *Simple managed

I'm running a few web searches now for such things, and I can see Redis,
Mongo, Couch, Raven, db4o, Cassandra, Eloquera, Lucene, and the list goes
on and on. There are too many choices and it would take many days of hard
slog to work out which one would be suitable. So perhaps someone has
already been through this process?!

I've been tempted many times over the last 10 years to write a pure managed
single-file database with indexes, and nothing much else (no transactions,
no client-server, no schemas, etc). However, I decided to leave it to the
experts, and it looks like there are too many of them, and they all
over-engineer their works.


Greg K

RE: Recommendation for graphical editor type library/custom controls

2013-12-16 Thread Steven Parish


*Steven Parish*

*Software Architect | BusinessCraft Pty Ltd |

Tel: (02) 4965  | Mob: 0417 688 599 | Fax: (02) 4965 5333 | Level 1,
270 Turton Road, New Lambton, NSW 2305


The information contained in this and associated e-mails and any
attachments are confidential and were only intended solely for the use of
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associated emails and their attachments from your computer and or  your
computers system. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this
message that do not relate to the business of BusinessCraft Pty Ltd shall
be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it. It is your
responsibility to check the message and any attachments for any viruses
before use. BusinessCraft does not accept liability for any loss or damage
that may result, directly or indirectly from your receipt of this message
or any attachments contained within it.

*From:* []
*On Behalf Of *Preet Sangha
*Sent:* Tuesday, 17 December 2013 8:26 AM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* Recommendation for graphical editor type library/custom controls

Apologies for the terse title :-)

Imagine a visio like tool that allows me to move some simple connected
shapes around on the screen and as I move them around I get events on the
change in the graphs. This would be for embedding into custom application.
No webby stuff needed.

I'd prefer a .Net library but can work with non .Net library if need be.

Actually if you know the name of this kind of software maybe I can google
it myself.

Commercial/OSS is fine.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

RE: Debugging Web API

2013-12-23 Thread Steven Parish
Hi Greg,

The book mentioned the issue re fiddler with supporting localhost (with IE)
– but the latest version worked for me straight out of the box. It’s
interesting to watch what packets are going on your machine (more like


*Steven Parish*

*Software Architect | BusinessCraft Pty Ltd |

Tel: (02) 4965  | Mob: 0417 688 599 | Fax: (02) 4965 5333 | Level 1,
270 Turton Road, New Lambton, NSW 2305


The information contained in this and associated e-mails and any
attachments are confidential and were only intended solely for the use of
the addressee. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
identified sender by return e-mail and then delete all copies of this and
associated emails and their attachments from your computer and or  your
computers system. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this
message that do not relate to the business of BusinessCraft Pty Ltd shall
be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it. It is your
responsibility to check the message and any attachments for any viruses
before use. BusinessCraft does not accept liability for any loss or damage
that may result, directly or indirectly from your receipt of this message
or any attachments contained within it.

*From:* []
*On Behalf Of *Greg Keogh
*Sent:* Tuesday, 24 December 2013 5:56 AM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* Re: Debugging Web API

If my memory serves me correctly, I believe you can run the Web API
solution and call the API from Fiddler. Any breakpoints you set will be
hit. I am pretty sure that this has worked for me.

I'll try that, and I have to install a fresh Fiddler on my new system
anyway. I remember last time I had to jump through hoops to get Fiddler to
work with localhost, but maybe that's easier now -- Greg

Re: [OT] Windows on Macbook

2014-10-13 Thread Steven Parish

After most of our company moving to Mac's, I finally went from my big dell
luggable to a Macbook Pro 15 running windows parallels. Takes a bit of
getting used to the different keys (no page up/down, there is a
FN/CONTROL/OPTION & COMMAND keys on the Mac which sends you a bit crazy -
but you can survive.

I really like the difference in weight - the dell powerpack probably
weighed more than the mac :) Plus the ability to just open the mac and
your're ready to go is heaps better than the 5 min startup time of my old
dell. This means you tend to get your mac out to read emails instead of
using your ipad/iphone when watching tv (and it doen';t burn your lap - the
dell would literally cook your skin).

Overall I love it - but it does take some getting used to.


*Steven Parish*

*Managing Director*

 *BusinessCraft Pty Ltd*

*Address:* Level 1, 270 Turton Road, New Lambton NSW 2305

*Mail:* PO Box 57, Lambton NSW 2299

*M:* 0417 688 599 | *T:* 02 4965  | *F:* 02 4965 5333

* <>*

On 14 October 2014 09:17, Bec Carter  wrote:

> Yep considering doing the same.
> Windows run ok on the MBP? Surface is way overpriced imo
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 10:09 PM,  wrote:
>> Same here..thinking of getting a surface pro..but considering mac ultra
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *Tom Rutter
>> *Sent:* Monday, 13 October 2014 8:19 PM
>> *To:* ozDotNet
>> *Subject:* [OT] Windows on Macbook
>> Hey all
>> Anybody here have a macbook running windows? Thinking of going down this
>> path coz I can't decide on any other laptop/ultrabook

Re: LINQ providers

2014-10-21 Thread Steven Parish
Hi Greg,

I assume that the ISAM data file system is a pre-requisite?

We use an ISAM file system as well and the platform supplier has provided a
LINQ provider for us - no such luck with your ISAM provider?


*Steven Parish*

*Managing Director*

 *BusinessCraft Pty Ltd*

*Address:* Level 1, 270 Turton Road, New Lambton NSW 2305

*Mail:* PO Box 57, Lambton NSW 2299

*M:* 0417 688 599 | *T:* 02 4965  | *F:* 02 4965 5333

* <>*

On 22 October 2014 10:14, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, I have a simple ISAM data source which can get-by-key or seek on
> arbitrary indexes. I'm only using an Int32 primary key at the moment and
> haven't needed to create more indexes so far. For a few thousand records
> the performance is good, but as it grows and you ask for something like
> this:
> var smiths = mydb.List().Where(c => c.Surname =
> "Smith").OrderBy(c => c.Postcode);
> It slows because this query inefficiently "Lists" the complete database
> over the primary Int32 index and then uses LINQ-to-objects to give me the
> result. In this case it's no better than reading a txt file.
> I realised of course that the real solution is to make my data source a
> LINQ Provider that it can use its internal DB smarts to answer queries
> efficiently. By looking at these articles: *Walkthrough: Creating an
> IQueryable LINQ Provider
> <>*
> and *Enabling a Data Source for LINQ Querying
> <>* I realised I was
> up for a full-time specialist job for a few months. The latter page
> describes how you can decide to make a *simple*, *medium* or *complex*
> provider and it warns: "Developing a complex provider requires a
> significant amount of effort". After reading about expression trees I
> realise this is a highly specialised and complex topic. Even Oren who
> created RavenDB says it took him longer to write the LINQ provider for the
> database than it took to write the database itself, which is pretty
> sobering!
> I'd still like to turn my data source into a *simple* LINQ provider if
> possible, but lord knows where to start, maybe at the huge walkthrough in
> my first link. I found re-linq <> which
> apparently takes some of the pain of working with expression trees, but I
> haven't even found a tutorial on it yet.
> Has anyone got experience or comments on this subject?
> *Greg K*

Re: LINQ providers

2014-10-22 Thread Steven Parish
Hi Greg,

Are you locked into this specific ISAM provider - can you replace with


*Steven Parish*

*Managing Director*

 *BusinessCraft Pty Ltd*

*Address:* Level 1, 270 Turton Road, New Lambton NSW 2305

*Mail:* PO Box 57, Lambton NSW 2299

*M:* 0417 688 599 | *T:* 02 4965  | *F:* 02 4965 5333

* <>*

On 22 October 2014 17:34, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> I assume that the ISAM data file system is a pre-requisite?
>> We use an ISAM file system as well and the platform supplier has provided
>> a LINQ provider for us - no such luck with your ISAM provider?
> It's actually this library from Microsoft:
> I just noticed they've added basic LINQ support to the accompanying
> PersistentDictionary
> <>
> class (which I don't use), so I downloaded the source for a look about how
> it was done ... I can tell you immediately that unless you have some
> experience with this sort of coding that it will look like gibberish.
> *Greg*

Re: LINQ providers

2014-10-22 Thread Steven Parish
We have been developing using the synergy/de platform for 30+ years. 

The synergy isam meets a lot of your criteria.

There is a runtime required for their main environment, however they have 
recently released an entry into the "no SQL" arena which I believe is free and 
is just a rebadge of their isam - company name is Synergex from Sacramento in 
ca / I have a regular monthly Skype call with their CEO this Friday - and can 
ask some questions for you. They are a great company to deal with.

See their web site & the no SQL product is called kittaro

 Happy to have a chat offline

Steven Parish

Sent from my iPhone

On 23/10/2014, at 7:26 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

>> Are you locked into this specific ISAM provider - can you replace with 
>> another?
> Do you know of any other in-process, small footprint, transactional, 
> high-performance, high-capacity, zero-configuration, zero-installation ISAM 
> libraries I could replace ESENT with? -- Greg

Re: Escrow : anyone been involved in the process?

2015-11-05 Thread Steven Parish
Hi Preet,

Have a look at - one of our developer partners
in the US use them for their escrow and we were potentially requiring an
escrow for our software so I made contact with them for pricing etc They
take care of looking after copies of the software in their vaults in the US
(either on physical media or electronically). When you make contact via the
web, the person looking after Aus/NZ is based in the US. The option is not
cheap, but obviously this cost would normally be passed onto the client who
wants the security.


*Steven Parish*

*Managing Director*

*BusinessCraft Pty Ltd*

*Address:* Level 1, 270 Turton Road, New Lambton NSW 2305

*Mail:* PO Box 57, Lambton NSW 2299

*M:* 0417 688 599 | *T:* 02 4965  | *F:* 02 4965 5333

* <>*

On 6 November 2015 at 09:30, Preet Sangha  wrote:

> One of our customers (UK govt org) has requested that the software we
> provide is held in escrow.
> This will be our first product that is going to be escrowed and I've never
> been involved in the process and was wondering if it's a relatively
> straightforward process or something we'll need to carefully plan for.
> Also if there are any gotchas you found that would be great to hear about
> in advance. Thank you
> regards,
> Preet, in Auckland NZ

Re: Gadgets [OT]

2016-04-28 Thread Steven Parish
With mothers day coming up - here is a warning in case you thinking of
getting a fancy techno gadget for the wife - like a "dual bag vacuum


*Steven Parish*

*Managing Director*

*BusinessCraft Pty Ltd*

*Address:* Level 1, 270 Turton Road, New Lambton NSW 2305

*Mail:* PO Box 57, Lambton NSW 2299

*M:* 0417 688 599 | *T:* 02 4965  | *F:* 02 4965 5333

* <>*

On 29 April 2016 at 11:45, David Burstin  wrote:

> Does a Dyson vacuum cleaner count? :)
> On 29 April 2016 at 10:15, Stephen Price 
> wrote:
>> Hi, my name is Stephen and i'm a gadget-oholic. It's been 12 hours since
>> i bought my last gadget.
>> Got me a minix neo 8 from jbhifi (last one in stock)
>> Seems like a very cool device and the build feels very nice. Even came
>> bundled with an air mouse controller which has a keyboard on the back.
>> Anyone else got some new gadget they woukd like to share?
>> Sent from Outlook Mobile <>

Re: [OT] iMac backups

2017-01-23 Thread Steven Parish
I just had the experience of a crashing macbook pro - short story, the
"timemachine" backup worked flawlessly for me - did a full backup of about
400GB and restored it on a fresh install - all this done by the nice people
at my local apple store on the weekend (they also replaced the logic board
under warranty even though I was outside the 2 year warranty period). I
have always been a windows person, but I'm definitely liking the apple
experience (still develop under parallels which was about 200gb for the
image and this restored perfectly). Have been running for a full day now
with no black screen shutdowns! Life is much better. :)


*Steven Parish*

*Managing Director*

*BusinessCraft Pty Ltd*

*Address:* Level 1, 270 Turton Road, New Lambton NSW 2305

*Mail:* PO Box 57, Lambton NSW 2299

*M:* 0417 688 599 | *T:* 02 4965  | *F:* 02 4965 5333

* <>*

On 24 January 2017 at 09:19, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, I have to take a snapshot of about 9GB of files on my El Capitan
> iMac. On Windows I would plugin a stick or portable and run robocopy with
> the /XD and /XF switches to exclude junk, but I'm not sure what the
> equivalent is on OSX. Does anyone have a handy technique for doing this
> sort of thing? Perhaps there are mysterious Unix commands I can use from
> the Terminal prompt -- *Greg K*

Re: [OT] iMac backups

2017-01-23 Thread Steven Parish
Nope - I bought a 1TB portable drive from the apple shop for $110 and it
backs it up onto the drive. You can navigate to the folders on the drive
down to a specific file (I was worried like you - but felt much better when
I could view the individual folders/files and see my photos!). But the most
impressive thing was how it restored my entire macbook including all my
apps etc (only needed to reactivate one app so far - all the rest seem to
still work OK including parallels) - very impressed with the experience.


*Steven Parish*

*Managing Director*

*BusinessCraft Pty Ltd*

*Address:* Level 1, 270 Turton Road, New Lambton NSW 2305

*Mail:* PO Box 57, Lambton NSW 2299

*M:* 0417 688 599 | *T:* 02 4965  | *F:* 02 4965 5333

* <>*

On 24 January 2017 at 09:53, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> I just had the experience of a crashing macbook pro - short story, the
>> "timemachine" backup worked flawlessly for me
> But doesn't TimeMachine backup to some hidden location on the same
> hard-drive? I don't consider that a "real" backup. If I had NBN I could
> backup the whole lot to the cloud in a 15 seconds.
> Later this morning I'll to drop in to the local shop and get another 32GB
> SanDisk stick <> (my
> Windows one is blazing fast), format it as HFS and use one of these
> commands: cp <>, ditto
> <>, rcp <> or
> rsync <> (too many choices). I last used cp
> in 1993, the other commands I can't remember and might be more recent
> inventions.
> *GK*

Re: [OT] New job

2019-05-08 Thread Steven Parish
Hi Tom,

Any chance you're interested in moving to Newcastle? Its a great place to
live - great surf beaches, close to the vineyards :)

Kind Regards,

Steven Parish
*Managing Director*

BusinessCraft Pty Ltd | | M: 0417 688 599| T:02
4965  | Level 1, 418-422 Hunter Street, Newcastle, NSW 2300

On Wed, 8 May 2019 at 14:29, Tom P  wrote:

> Hi folks
> Anyone’s Melbourne based workplace looking for a .NET developer?
> Cheers
> Tom
> --
> Thanks
> Tom

Re: [OT] New job

2019-05-08 Thread Steven Parish
Newcastle is sound better all the time - we're looking for .Net - C# - Web

Kind Regards,

Steven Parish
*Managing Director*

BusinessCraft Pty Ltd | | M: 0417 688 599| T:02
4965  | Level 1, 418-422 Hunter Street, Newcastle, NSW 2300

On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 11:33, Tom P  wrote:

> Well that explains a few things
> Cheers
> Tom
> On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 10:47, Tom Rutter  wrote:
>> Back to the original question, sorry nothing here.
>> Melbs market is quite tough at the moment. Not many positions for
>> straight .NET devs (my sister in law is in recruitment). Many agency
>> advertisements on Seek are actually not even for real positions, more to
>> fill up their databases with prospects.
>> On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 08:38, Greg Low  wrote:
>>> Further north is even more awesomeness. Sapphire Beach (just north of
>>> Coffs) has fibre to the premises as well as awesome beaches, nearby
>>> rainforests, mountains, etc.
>>> Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> Dr Greg Low
>>> SQL Down Under Pty Ltd
>>> Mobile: +61419201410 Office: 1300775775
>>> --
>>> *From:* on behalf of DotNet Dude <
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, May 9, 2019 6:09 am
>>> *To:* ozDotNet
>>> *Subject:* Re: [OT] New job
>>> Here we go again with someone from Newcastle bragging how awesome
>>> Newcastle is... Yes, we know it’s awesome. Stop rubbing it in.
>>> On Wed, 8 May 2019 at 19:21, Steven Parish 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>> Any chance you're interested in moving to Newcastle? Its a great place
>>>> to live - great surf beaches, close to the vineyards :)
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Steven Parish
>>>> *Managing Director*
>>>> BusinessCraft Pty Ltd | | M: 0417 688 599| T:02
>>>> 4965  | Level 1, 418-422 Hunter Street, Newcastle, NSW
>>>> <,+Newcastle,+NSW&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>> 2300
>>>> On Wed, 8 May 2019 at 14:29, Tom P  wrote:
>>>>> Hi folks
>>>>> Anyone’s Melbourne based workplace looking for a .NET developer?
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Tom
>>>> --
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Tom
>>>> --
> Thanks
> Tom

Re: [OT] Any dev jobs?

2020-03-23 Thread Steven Parish
Where are you/they based?

Kind Regards,

Steven Parish
*Managing Director*

BusinessCraft Pty Ltd | | M: 0417 688 599| T:02
4965  | Level 1, 418-422 Hunter Street, Newcastle, NSW 2300

On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 08:00, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Hey folks,
> We’re about to let go of a few devs. Rather than them going straight to
> Centrelink in the current climate I thought checking if any of you have any
> vacancies that I can pass on. Any help would be appreciated.
> Cheers

RE: [OT] Ticketing System

2011-01-23 Thread Steven Parish
We are using Helpstar - provides Windows client plus web portal with rules 
engine for escalation, automatic creation of support issue from incoming emails 
plus many other features. Reasonably priced (not free).


Steven Parish

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Hemal Modi
Sent: Monday, 24 January 2011 5:11 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: [OT] Ticketing System


I am currently looking for a good ticketing system for IT helpdesk support. Is 
there something you are impressed with which is cost-effective as well easy to 


Re: [OT] Contracting PAYG vs ABN

2023-12-11 Thread Steven Parish via ozdotnet
Hi Dan,

Great explanation and I concur with your info based on my accountants advice 
with respect to the “Personal Services Business” and the implications.
I think the extra burden of the paperwork/insurances/BAS etc is worth the 
freedom it gives for being the master of your own destiny with respect to 
controlling your finances. But everyone is different.
Kind Regards,
Steven Parish
From: Dan Cash via ozdotnet 
Date: Tuesday, 12 December 2023 at 4:56 am
To: ozDotNet 
Cc: Tom P , Dan Cash 
Subject: Re: [OT] Contracting PAYG vs ABN

If this is your "one job" ,  the cost and hassle of GST and PAYG  accounting,  
quarterly / annual reporting probably make working through the ABN more trouble 
than its worth.


For contracting,  ABN is frequently tied to a company ("Interposed Entity") 
setup both as a Services vehicle and circuit breaker to limit your personal 
liability for contractual reasons.The Agency contracts your company, your 
company employs you.

If you work through any ABN, you'll work need to register as a PAYG Employer 
and SGC Contributor.

ABN ("Personal Services Business")  == PAYG + "Extra Paperwork"

If you take a 12 month contract +2 renewals, your ABN would represent a 
"Personal Services Business" that cannot carry retained earnings from year to 
year.  All business earnings after GST is treated as your Gross PAYG Income, 
your PAYG  Tax return will  look very similar either way.

So why use an ABN?

1. Many contractors have side-gigs, maintain  their own commercial software, or 
take a new contract every three months.  With enough income from  Secondary 
sources, they may avoid PSB determination.

2. Some contractors direct income to a Family trust, permitting wealth 
distribution across the family to minimise tax.

3.  For most ABN Holders, it's just easier to carry the same accounting 
structure to manage banking/ deductions,  SGC etc regardless of where the 
money's coming from today.

4.  Some use an ABN to avoid being treated as a "wages" employee to the Agency, 
and take control of their own money.  Agencies will often "keep" a portion of 
your contract income to "pay"  you between contracts / for sick leave.  They 
may even keep a portion for "long service leave". For true employees these 
are "on-costs", and come off the company's bottom line.   For contractors, 
they're inventing ways to keep your money in their bank account longer.  They 
can't try this with ABN holders.

So it's really a question of whether 1/12th of your money is better earning 
interest in the Agency's bank account or yours.   If cash runs through your 
fingers like drops of rain, then the Agency's PAYG plan is for You!   (You can 
probably ask them NOT to retain anything when setting up your contract, 
regardless of ABN.  Discuss with your Agent).

ABN (company)Too hard?

Twenty years ago you needed a company to setup your own Superfund and PIPL, 
lease a vehicle or claim deductions.  But you could also pay your partner as 
bookkeeper.  Gradual tightening of Australia's Company, Tax and Super 
legislation has eroded any real benefit from running a Personal Services 
Business through a company, while adding the overhead of quarterly or monthly 
BAS reporting.

If you are intent on running a company structure and ABN without so much pain, 
Companies like Contractor X-Change will setup and manage your company, receive 
your income,  deduct the GST, lodge the reports and pay you as Pla PAYG 
employee and put away 1/12th of your money in YOUR  account  for a 3% cut of 
your income.  They'll also facilitate Vehicle leasing and FBT and any other 
extraordinary company purchases/expenses.

Agency PI/PL?

Most agencies will now extend their PI/PL cover to you either way, it's just a 
deduction and some paperwork for them, and fairly inexpensive.   If you carry 
your own PI/PL, it's an invite to offload liability on you anyway.  The agency 
cover ONLY covers you for liability risk for that one contract, while holding 
your own PIPL could cover all of your enterprises.

HTH.  It's all a bit rough and ready, I hate typing on my mobile.
I'm sure I've left holes, it's more just to give you some ideas.

Everyone's journey and needs are different.


Dan Cash
m. 0411 468 779

On Mon, 11 Dec 2023, 16:31 Tom P via ozdotnet,>> wrote:
Hi all,

I’m getting asked by a recruiter whether I want to do PAYG or use a personal 
ABN for a contracting position. I never really understood why one would use an 
ABN as you’d need to get your own insurances etc. Can anybody explain?

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