Re: Audacity weirdness!

2007-03-24 Thread Chris Skarstad
Hi. I never really noticed a lag in the time when I pressed a key 
when using Audacity, but to be fare I didn't use it very long because 
I was alarmed by the slowness of the speech.  i thought somehow 
Audacity had done something funky to my sound card. I'm glad that 
isn't the case though!
At 04:20 PM 3/23/2007, you wrote:

I'm not noticeing any response problems here either.  Not sure what would be
causing the problems.



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- Original Message -
From: Scott Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PC audio discussion list.
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: Audacity weirdness!

Is it due to anything in the preference?  I guess I never heard itl.  What I
heard is Audacity taking a while to pause with software speech.  Wonder if
thgis should be filed as a bug maybe.  Anyone on the Audacity regular user's
list.  i have too much email to join at the time.

- Original Message -
To: PC audio discussion list.
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Audacity weirdness!

 O no I've had it change and i can hear the difference and no one said
 anything about it bu then at the time my ears were super  sensitive.
  It may change very slightly here too but its so little I wouldn't
  have even noticed unless someone said something and I'm not entirely
  convinced that I'm not just imagineing it.
  Visit my webpage and podcast feed at
  Here you will find Audio tutorials for popular programs, blindness
  related web links, blind mailing list links and documents for various
  If you are looking for customized one on one software training and
  friendly and knowledgeable technical support for very cheap rates
  then visit my website and click on the training and tech support link.
  - Original Message -
  To: PC audio discussion list.
  Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 2:12 PM
  Subject: Re: Audacity weirdness!
  that happens to me to and I would like to know why. It also happens to
  another friend of mine using said program as well.
  Hi folks. I'd like to think I'm pretty good with solving a lot of
  audio-related problems, but this one's got me completely
  stumped.This is going to sound completely nuts, but trust me,
  this is exactly what's happening, and I'd even be willing to send
  someone an audio file to proove it.  Sometime  yesterday, I heard
  about Audacity, which is a pretty popular sound editor So being the
  somewhat brave sowl I am, I downloaded and installed it and all went
  very well, absolutely no problems.  Then, when the program launched,
  that's when the weirdness comes into play.  I am currently using JAWS
  8 with an earlier version of the dec-talk access 32 software speech,
  and 99.9 percent of the time it sounds absolutely beautiful.  But
  when I launch audacity to look around and have a play with it,  there
  is a slight change to the speech, and it sounds as if it is running
  slightly slower, as if the voice is on a tape and is running a little
  low on batteries.
I have never heard of this happening, so I figured maybe it was
  just my imagination.  So I switched to another software synthesizer,
  namely eloquence and the effect was the same.  Closing audacity had
  no effect on it, and the only way to really make the speech return to
  normal was to shut down, and restart JAWS. I switched over to my
  dec-talk express hardware synth sso I could have a further look and I
  wanted to see if it was some kind of weird sound card issue or
  something.  By default, the program is routed to the Microsoft sound
  mmapper for both playing and recording, so I changed the program so
  that it found my card, which is an SB audigy 2, or SB audigy audio
  ff80, as it says in the options for most programs.  So then I closed
  down audacity in JAWS and I got the speech to sound normal
  again.  then, I launched audacity again, same deal, the speech
  sounded slightly slower. W to the t to the f?  So I'm stumped as to
  why this is happening, and I've run out of ideas.  The only other
  idea I have is that Audacity might be a memory hog and is taking up a
  lot of power which could cause weird stuff to happen, so I'm
  wwondering if that could be it?  I'd like to find out what's
  happening so I can start using the program a little more. I heard a
  demonstration that was given about it so i was hoping to give it a

Re: Iriver h340 and Rockbox manual

2007-03-24 Thread Arnaud
what is all about the cue sheet support?
what is the purpose of it?

Arnaud de Bonald - WeBlog: - Skype: Netcava

Dane Trethowan a écrit :
 Hi there!
 Having been an Iriver user myself I thought I'd warn people about the  
 Rockbox manual, this manual is now quite out-of-date as Rockbox has  
 been enhanced and changes made since the manual was compiled so by  
 all means, read the manual but also read any release notes pertaining  
 to each build of Rockbox you download to see exactly what has  
 changed, what is being worked on etc.
 Last time I saw Rockbox for the Iriver for example, support had been  
 added for Cue sheets and FLAC files, a worthy addition indeed to  
 Rockbox'es many features. I also know that time recording was being  
 bworked on, that is recording on your Iriver would start and stop at  
 preset times though some modifications to the Iriver had to be made  
 apparently for this to work successfully.
 There is a trigger menu in the recording menu but I didn't read up  
 on this as none of the options in this menu speak.
 Did you know!  This message could have been secured by the TFT BBS Digital 
 Security Initiative. To secure
 future messages from this sender, please click this link:
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Re: Rockbox and iRiver h340

2007-03-24 Thread Arnaud
no, you opoously don't need to update Rockbox heach time you copy new 
files into your player.

for the volume, it's the up / down button of the joystic.

to access the pitch , while playing a file, press a long on the navy button.
this will speak the context menu where you have the pitch option I believe.

the radio  is accessed via the regular menu, e.G. on the h340, the a b 
repeat button.

Arnaud de Bonald - WeBlog: - Skype: Netcava

denise avant a écrit :
 Hello all,
 Thanks for directing me to the manual for the Iriver 340 and rockbox I'm
 reading through it now. I'll probably have to read it over another time.
 I have a couple of questions if someone who has a Iriver 340.
 Am I suppose to update the rockbox file each time I place a new cd for
 listening on my rockbox?
 With the iRiver, how does one control the volume and pitch?
 How does one gain access to the radio?
 Thanks again.
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Re: XP Media Center Question.

2007-03-24 Thread Arnaud
Hello Rick,

Sorry I asked this already in February but do you have a description of 
the WMCE remote buttons?

Arnaud de Bonald - WeBlog: - Skype: Netcava

Rick Alfaro a écrit :
 As I recall, when you  schedule a recording for the current day, the date is
 not shown in the list of scheduled programs, but if the recording is
 scheduled for another day in the future, the date is shown in the list.
 Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out a way to go to a specific
 date within the guide though.  If anyone knows the answer to this, please
 post it as I would love to figure that out.
 --Warmest regards,
 --Rick Alfaro
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Jim Noseworthy
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 5:13 PM
 To: 'PC audio discussion list. '
 Subject: RE: XP Media Center Question.
 Thanks for the shortcut keys.
 Do you know if one can enter the day in the scheduler.  I can find the start
 and end times settings; however, not the scheduled day.
 Thanks much.
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Rick Alfaro
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 4:21 PM
 To: 'PC audio discussion list. '
 Subject: RE: XP Media Center Question.
 Although I mainly use Window Eyes, it will basically be the same with Jaws.
 I will include a list of hotkeys below.  Watching and recording is easy and
 works well once you get the hang of it.  There is lots of stuff that doesn't
 speak like most dialogs and unfortunately, most program info displays, but
 navigating through the program guide, recording, playing back recordings and
 all of that stuff thankfully works quite well. Just check out these hotkeys
 then get in there and poke around a while and you will see what I mean.  In
 addition, if you have a full fledged media center pc, with built-in tuner
 and remote, the remote works very well and many times easier than using the
 keyboard.  Note that these keyboard shortcuts along with shortcuts for all
 MS products can be found here.
   Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
 To: Turn up volume
 Press: F10
 To: Turn down volume
 Press: F9
 To: Mute volume
 Press: F8
 To: Open Messenger in Media Center
 Press: CTRL+N
 To: Display the Help window
 Press: F1
 To: Display an additional menu of actions for a page or item that is
 Press: CTRL+D
 To: Go in and go out of windowed mode
 To: Move left, right, up, or down
 To: Go to the previous page
 Press: PAGE UP
 To: Go to the next page
 To: Go to the last item in a list
 Press: END
 To: Go to the first item in a list
 Press: HOME
 To: Go back to the previous screen
 To: Accept the selection
 Press: ENTER
 To: Close Media Center
 Press: ALT+F4
 To: Open Media Center or return to the Media Center Start menu
 Press: Windows Key+ALT+ENTER
 To: Go to the previous channel
 To: Go to the next channel
 Press: PAGE UP
 To: Skip forward 30 second while watching TV
 Press: CTRL+F
 To: Skip back 7 seconds while watching TV
 Press: CTRL+B
 To: Fast forward live TV or recorded TV
 To: Rewind live TV or recorded TV
 To: Play live TV or recorded TV
 To: Stop recording or stop playing a TV show
 To: Pause or resume live TV or recorded TV
 Press: CTRL+P
 To: Record a TV show
 Press: CTRL+R
 To: Go to live TV
 Press: CTRL+T
 To: Go to the Guide
 Press: CTRL+G
 To: Go to Recorded TV
 Press: CTRL+O
 To: Go to My TV
 To: Copy a CD
 Press: CTRL+R
 To: Fast forward a song
 To: Skip to the next song
 Press: CTRL+F
 To: Replay an audio file or song
 Press: CTRL+B
 To: Stop an audio file or song
 To: Pause an audio file or song
 Press: CTRL+P
 To: Play an audio file or song
 To: Go to My Music
 Press: CTRL+M
 To: Skip forward
 Press: CTRL+F
 To: Skip back
 Press: CTRL+B
 To: Resume playing radio
 To: Stop live radio
 To: Pause or resume playing live radio
 Press: CTRL+P
 To: Go to Radio
 Press: CTRL+A
 To: Zoom a picture in full-screen mode
 Press: ENTER
 To: Skip forward to the next picture
 To: Skip back to the previous picture
 To: Pause a slide show
 Press: CTRL+P
 To: Stop a slide show
 To: Play a slide show
 To: Go to My Pictures
 Press: CTRL+I
 To: Skip forward 30 seconds in a video
 Press: CTRL+F
 To: Skip back 7 seconds in a video
 Press: CTRL+B
 To: Fast forward a video
 To: Rewind a video
 To: Stop playing a video
 To: Pause or resume a video

podcast client question

2007-03-24 Thread Denny Daughters
Hi guys,
What is the name of that podcast client where you can listen to the 
podcasts before downloading them? Thanks.

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Re: podcast client question

2007-03-24 Thread Steve Pattison
One program that I use that will let you do this is Golden Ear 
available from

At 12:05 AM 25/03/2007, you wrote:
  What is the name of that podcast client where you can listen to 
 the podcasts before downloading them?

Regards Steve
Skype:  steve1963

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Re: Audacity weirdness!

2007-03-24 Thread Anders Holmberg
i have had this issue with my m-audio card and audacity.
I really had no idea of what it could be.
- Original Message - 
From: Chris Skarstad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 9:36 AM
Subject: Audacity weirdness!

 Hi folks. I'd like to think I'm pretty good with solving a lot of
 audio-related problems, but this one's got me completely
 stumped.This is going to sound completely nuts, but trust me,
 this is exactly what's happening, and I'd even be willing to send
 someone an audio file to proove it.  Sometime  yesterday, I heard
 about Audacity, which is a pretty popular sound editor So being the
 somewhat brave sowl I am, I downloaded and installed it and all went
 very well, absolutely no problems.  Then, when the program launched,
 that's when the weirdness comes into play.  I am currently using JAWS
 8 with an earlier version of the dec-talk access 32 software speech,
 and 99.9 percent of the time it sounds absolutely beautiful.  But
 when I launch audacity to look around and have a play with it,  there
 is a slight change to the speech, and it sounds as if it is running
 slightly slower, as if the voice is on a tape and is running a little
 low on batteries.
  I have never heard of this happening, so I figured maybe it was
 just my imagination.  So I switched to another software synthesizer,
 namely eloquence and the effect was the same.  Closing audacity had
 no effect on it, and the only way to really make the speech return to
 normal was to shut down, and restart JAWS. I switched over to my
 dec-talk express hardware synth sso I could have a further look and I
 wanted to see if it was some kind of weird sound card issue or
 something.  By default, the program is routed to the Microsoft sound
 mmapper for both playing and recording, so I changed the program so
 that it found my card, which is an SB audigy 2, or SB audigy audio
 ff80, as it says in the options for most programs.  So then I closed
 down audacity in JAWS and I got the speech to sound normal
 again.  then, I launched audacity again, same deal, the speech
 sounded slightly slower. W to the t to the f?  So I'm stumped as to
 why this is happening, and I've run out of ideas.  The only other
 idea I have is that Audacity might be a memory hog and is taking up a
 lot of power which could cause weird stuff to happen, so I'm
 wwondering if that could be it?  I'd like to find out what's
 happening so I can start using the program a little more. I heard a
 demonstration that was given about it so i was hoping to give it a
 go, but I'd like to solve this issue first.  So, any ideas would be 
 Thanks folks.

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Re: Wireless speakers

2007-03-24 Thread Cornell Ligon

Best Regards,
I bought a Kinsington wireless and mouse package for roughly $20 around 
Christmas. I opted for this one, because it was the only one I could find 
that has a range of 30 feet+; all the others were roughly 6 to 9 feet.


Original Message Follows
From: Richard Claypool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: PC audio discussion list.
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Re: Wireless speakers
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 02:32:31 -0400

How much did your wireless keyboard cost?


contact info
skype lord_of_beer
aim r_claypo
- Original Message -
From: russell Bourgoin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PC audio discussion list.
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Wireless speakers

  I do this all the time.  I have a c crane fm transmitter,
  approximately sixty dollars, plugged into an output on my sound
  card.  I also use a wireless keyboard from my living room, from my
  back deck, etc.  Any fm radio in your home can be used as
  speakers.  You can even read email in bed using this setup.  I hope this
   At 11:02 PM 3/21/2007, Terri Lynne Pomeroy spake thusly:-
 Hi all,
 I am brand new to the list, so I may be asking a question that has been
 discussed ad nauseum, so please bear with me. I put all of my CD's on my
 computer and love arranging them into lists of favorites. My computer is
 in its own room with other office stuff. I would like to be able to
 pipe the music on the computer into other parts of the house. I had
 heard of wireless speakers, but when I went looking, what I saw was sets
 of 3 or 5 speakers, one or more of which had to stay hard-wired to the
 computer. This appeared to mean that your base would be in one room and
 your treble in another. Can anyone throw any light on this for me, and
 also perhaps tell me if I have other options?
 Thanks much,
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Help. Serious Problem with Skype

2007-03-24 Thread Samuel Wilkins
I am having a serious problem with Skype. When I try to call someone, it gives 
me an access violation. Why is that? 

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Re: Iriver h340 and Rockbox manual

2007-03-24 Thread Dane Trethowan
Ok, suppose you have created a wave and cue file set from EAC or Easy  
CD DA Extractor, you can have Rockbox play that cue file associated  
with the Wave of FLAC file you created.
a Cue file contains information in text format as to where tracks  
start and end on a CD thus Rockbox can act on a single FLAC or Wave  
file as if it contained multiple tracks.
You can of course use software such as EAC or Nero to burn Cue andd  
Wave files to a CD.

On 24/03/2007, at 10:34 PM, Arnaud wrote:

what is all about the cue sheet support?
what is the purpose of it?

Arnaud de Bonald - WeBlog: - Skype: Netcava

Dane Trethowan a écrit :
 Hi there!
 Having been an Iriver user myself I thought I'd warn people about the
 Rockbox manual, this manual is now quite out-of-date as Rockbox has
 been enhanced and changes made since the manual was compiled so by
 all means, read the manual but also read any release notes pertaining
 to each build of Rockbox you download to see exactly what has
 changed, what is being worked on etc.
 Last time I saw Rockbox for the Iriver for example, support had been
 added for Cue sheets and FLAC files, a worthy addition indeed to
 Rockbox'es many features. I also know that time recording was being
 bworked on, that is recording on your Iriver would start and stop at
 preset times though some modifications to the Iriver had to be made
 apparently for this to work successfully.
 There is a trigger menu in the recording menu but I didn't read up
 on this as none of the options in this menu speak.

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 Digital Security Initiative. To secure
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Re: setting frequency on the veronica 50 MW transmitter

2007-03-24 Thread Don Ball
don My veronica has a large whole cut in to the bottom of the case. You use 
a non metalic Flat tuner to move the tuner inside. Once I set mine I could 
forget it. I would suggest that you let the transmiter Warm for about 
Fifteen minutes before you set it.
- Original Message - 
To: PC audio discussion list.
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: setting frequency on the veronica 50 MW transmitter
- Original Message - 
From: don bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: pc-audio
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 8:48 PM
Subject: setting frequency on the veronica 50 MW transmitter


 Does anyone on the list have a recent Veronica 50 MW fm transmitter?

 I'm trying to figure out just which tuning tool I need in order to
 adjust the transmit frequency.  Also, which screws do you remove to
 get the unit out of the case or at least get the bottom exposed.

 I use this transmitter to pipe pc audio throughout the house to fm
 receivers and need to adjust the frequency.

 Any help would be appreciated.

 Although it has to do with pc-audio, it may be considered somewhat
 for this list, so feel free to write me privately.



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Re: setting frequency on the veronica 50 MW transmitter

2007-03-24 Thread James Shaker
Not exactly the same matter, but, has anyone discovered how to get the hum 
out of the Veronica's signal?

- Original Message - 
To: PC audio discussion list.
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: setting frequency on the veronica 50 MW transmitter

 don My veronica has a large whole cut in to the bottom of the case. You 
 a non metalic Flat tuner to move the tuner inside. Once I set mine I could
 forget it. I would suggest that you let the transmiter Warm for about
 Fifteen minutes before you set it.
 - Original Message - 
 To: PC audio discussion list.
 Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 10:22 PM
 Subject: Re: setting frequency on the veronica 50 MW transmitter
 - Original Message - 
 From: don bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: pc-audio
 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 8:48 PM
 Subject: setting frequency on the veronica 50 MW transmitter


 Does anyone on the list have a recent Veronica 50 MW fm transmitter?

 I'm trying to figure out just which tuning tool I need in order to
 adjust the transmit frequency.  Also, which screws do you remove to
 get the unit out of the case or at least get the bottom exposed.

 I use this transmitter to pipe pc audio throughout the house to fm
 receivers and need to adjust the frequency.

 Any help would be appreciated.

 Although it has to do with pc-audio, it may be considered somewhat
 for this list, so feel free to write me privately.



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RE: XP Media Center Question.

2007-03-24 Thread Rick Alfaro
Hi, sorry, no I do not have a real description.  I only know the buttons I
use and those I found by trial and error.  I typically use the row of 4
buttons above the number pad.  The first one takes you directly to your
scheduled or list of recorded programs, the second one takes you directly to
the Guide, and the third on takes you directly to live tv.  I do not know
what the fourth one does.

I also use the circle found in the middle of the remote.  This pretty much
acts as you would expect, like arrow keys with the center being like the
enter key. 

I also use the large round button that is found directly above the circle.
This is the play button.  There are 2 small thin horizontal  buttons
directly to the left and right of the play button.  These are rewind and
fast forward.  Above the play button there are 3 small round buttons at
positions 10:00, 12:00, and 2:00.  The right most of the 3 buttons is pause,
the middle on is stop, and the left most one is record for on the fly
recording.  If you record something with this button, just press stop to
stop it and you will get a dialog that doesn't really speak except for the
yes and no buttons.  It is asking you if you really want to stop the
recording I think.  Use your left and right arrow keys in the circle to

Of Cures, you can also use any of the keyboard shortcuts I already posted to
do any of this.

Sorry I don't know every button, but maybe this will get you started.

--Warmest regards,
--Rick Alfaro

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Arnaud
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 7:44 AM
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Re: XP Media Center Question.

Hello Rick,

Sorry I asked this already in February but do you have a description of 
the WMCE remote buttons?

Arnaud de Bonald - WeBlog: - Skype: Netcava

Rick Alfaro a écrit :
 As I recall, when you  schedule a recording for the current day, the date
 not shown in the list of scheduled programs, but if the recording is
 scheduled for another day in the future, the date is shown in the list.
 Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out a way to go to a specific
 date within the guide though.  If anyone knows the answer to this, please
 post it as I would love to figure that out.
 --Warmest regards,
 --Rick Alfaro
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Jim Noseworthy
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 5:13 PM
 To: 'PC audio discussion list. '
 Subject: RE: XP Media Center Question.
 Thanks for the shortcut keys.
 Do you know if one can enter the day in the scheduler.  I can find the
 and end times settings; however, not the scheduled day.
 Thanks much.
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Rick Alfaro
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 4:21 PM
 To: 'PC audio discussion list. '
 Subject: RE: XP Media Center Question.
 Although I mainly use Window Eyes, it will basically be the same with
 I will include a list of hotkeys below.  Watching and recording is easy
 works well once you get the hang of it.  There is lots of stuff that
 speak like most dialogs and unfortunately, most program info displays, but
 navigating through the program guide, recording, playing back recordings
 all of that stuff thankfully works quite well. Just check out these
 then get in there and poke around a while and you will see what I mean.
 addition, if you have a full fledged media center pc, with built-in tuner
 and remote, the remote works very well and many times easier than using
 keyboard.  Note that these keyboard shortcuts along with shortcuts for all
 MS products can be found here.
   Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
 To: Turn up volume
 Press: F10
 To: Turn down volume
 Press: F9
 To: Mute volume
 Press: F8
 To: Open Messenger in Media Center
 Press: CTRL+N
 To: Display the Help window
 Press: F1
 To: Display an additional menu of actions for a page or item that is
 Press: CTRL+D
 To: Go in and go out of windowed mode
 To: Move left, right, up, or down
 To: Go to the previous page
 Press: PAGE UP
 To: Go to the next page
 To: Go to the last item in a list
 Press: END
 To: Go to the first item in a list
 Press: HOME
 To: Go back to the previous screen
 To: Accept the selection
 Press: ENTER
 To: Close Media Center
 Press: ALT+F4
 To: Open Media Center or return to the Media Center Start menu
 Press: Windows Key+ALT+ENTER
 To: Go to the previous channel
 To: Go to the next channel
 Press: PAGE UP
 To: Skip forward 30 second while watching TV
 Press: CTRL+F
 To: Skip back 7 seconds while 

Re: podcast client question

2007-03-24 Thread Susan Wojtecki
I was looking at the Webbie program and thinking about it because the 
podcatcher looks straightforward and also because i use the BBC player 
frequently and that program's interface is very compact compared to the 
regular web interface. i'm wondering whether these programs work 
independently of the Webbie browser, which seems to have its own entry under 
programs. In other words, do these programs need to connect via this browser 
interface or can the browser be safely uninstalled? Though I haven't really 
tried the browser itself, i can't see any real advantage to using it over 
IE, unless I'm really missing something. Does anybody know about this?


- Original Message - 
From: Jeff Samco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PC audio discussion list.
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: podcast client question

 Another podcast client where you can either listen or download a
 podcast is Accessible Podcatcher at

 At 05:11 AM 3/24/2007, you wrote:
One program that I use that will let you do this is Golden Ear
available from

At 12:05 AM 25/03/2007, you wrote:
   What is the name of that podcast client where you can listen to
  the podcasts before downloading them?

Regards Steve
Skype:  steve1963

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RE: Iriver h340 and Rockbox manual

2007-03-24 Thread André van Deventer
Hi Dane

What is the newest build for rockbox that would work on the iriver 320 or


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Dane Trethowan
Sent: 23 March 2007 11:04 PM
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Iriver h340 and Rockbox manual

Hi there!
Having been an Iriver user myself I thought I'd warn people about the
Rockbox manual, this manual is now quite out-of-date as Rockbox has been
enhanced and changes made since the manual was compiled so by all means,
read the manual but also read any release notes pertaining to each build of
Rockbox you download to see exactly what has changed, what is being worked
on etc.
Last time I saw Rockbox for the Iriver for example, support had been added
for Cue sheets and FLAC files, a worthy addition indeed to Rockbox'es many
features. I also know that time recording was being bworked on, that is
recording on your Iriver would start and stop at preset times though some
modifications to the Iriver had to be made apparently for this to work
There is a trigger menu in the recording menu but I didn't read up on this
as none of the options in this menu speak.

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Re: podcast client question

2007-03-24 Thread Jeff Samco
I have not used Accessible PodCatcher for a couple years now. I only 
used it when I first got started listening to podcasts. I don't think 
I had to use it with the Webbie browser.

At 12:29 PM 3/24/2007, you wrote:
I was looking at the Webbie program and thinking about it because the
podcatcher looks straightforward and also because i use the BBC player
frequently and that program's interface is very compact compared to the
regular web interface. i'm wondering whether these programs work
independently of the Webbie browser, which seems to have its own entry under
programs. In other words, do these programs need to connect via this browser
interface or can the browser be safely uninstalled? Though I haven't really
tried the browser itself, i can't see any real advantage to using it over
IE, unless I'm really missing something. Does anybody know about this?


- Original Message -
From: Jeff Samco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PC audio discussion list.
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: podcast client question

  Another podcast client where you can either listen or download a
  podcast is Accessible Podcatcher at
  At 05:11 AM 3/24/2007, you wrote:
 One program that I use that will let you do this is Golden Ear
 available from
 At 12:05 AM 25/03/2007, you wrote:
What is the name of that podcast client where you can listen to
   the podcasts before downloading them?
 Regards Steve
 Skype:  steve1963
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Re: sam broadcaster?

2007-03-24 Thread
We have an Internet Jazz Radio Station that uses SAM 
In the beginning we were using it through Spacial Audio and their streaming 
company, AudioRealm.
However, we encountered a number of problems which we though we the fault of 
the SAM Broadcaster,
but it took Spacial Audio about 10 days to get back with us to troubleshoot 
the problem, only to find out that
the problem was not with SAM Broadcaster. After that, we dropped their 
streaming services. Signed up with another
atreaming company and switched internet service Providers and now we have no 
problems. While I think the SAM Broadcaster
is a excellent Automation and Scheduling Software, I don't reccommend the 
company that supports and stream the music through it.
- Original Message - 
From: David La Caille [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 7:37 AM
Subject: sam broadcaster?

 hi all.
 anyone know how to use sam broadcaster? it's realy good!

 take a listen

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Re: Audacity weirdness!

2007-03-24 Thread Scott Berry
Yeah that's what I run here topo on a Sony Vaio 820G and no problemas.

- Original Message - 
From: Rick Harmon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PC audio discussion list.
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: Audacity weirdness!

 You guys must be talking a big change in speech rate on your ends running
 audacity.  Because here the speech rate might slow very  very slightly and
 no big deal at all.  I have no response issues either.  Running Intel 
 1GB ram, SB Audigy 2 sound card. Running Jaws 8.0 and 7.0 with eliquence.



 Visit my webpage and podcast feed at

 - Original Message - 
 From: Anders Holmberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: PC audio discussion list.
 Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 10:14 AM
 Subject: Re: Audacity weirdness!

 i have had this issue with my m-audio card and audacity.
 I really had no idea of what it could be.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Chris Skarstad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 9:36 AM
 Subject: Audacity weirdness!

 Hi folks. I'd like to think I'm pretty good with solving a lot of
 audio-related problems, but this one's got me completely
 stumped.This is going to sound completely nuts, but trust me,
 this is exactly what's happening, and I'd even be willing to send
 someone an audio file to proove it.  Sometime  yesterday, I heard
 about Audacity, which is a pretty popular sound editor So being the
 somewhat brave sowl I am, I downloaded and installed it and all went
 very well, absolutely no problems.  Then, when the program launched,
 that's when the weirdness comes into play.  I am currently using JAWS
 8 with an earlier version of the dec-talk access 32 software speech,
 and 99.9 percent of the time it sounds absolutely beautiful.  But
 when I launch audacity to look around and have a play with it,  there
 is a slight change to the speech, and it sounds as if it is running
 slightly slower, as if the voice is on a tape and is running a little
 low on batteries.
  I have never heard of this happening, so I figured maybe it was
 just my imagination.  So I switched to another software synthesizer,
 namely eloquence and the effect was the same.  Closing audacity had
 no effect on it, and the only way to really make the speech return to
 normal was to shut down, and restart JAWS. I switched over to my
 dec-talk express hardware synth sso I could have a further look and I
 wanted to see if it was some kind of weird sound card issue or
 something.  By default, the program is routed to the Microsoft sound
 mmapper for both playing and recording, so I changed the program so
 that it found my card, which is an SB audigy 2, or SB audigy audio
 ff80, as it says in the options for most programs.  So then I closed
 down audacity in JAWS and I got the speech to sound normal
 again.  then, I launched audacity again, same deal, the speech
 sounded slightly slower. W to the t to the f?  So I'm stumped as to
 why this is happening, and I've run out of ideas.  The only other
 idea I have is that Audacity might be a memory hog and is taking up a
 lot of power which could cause weird stuff to happen, so I'm
 wwondering if that could be it?  I'd like to find out what's
 happening so I can start using the program a little more. I heard a
 demonstration that was given about it so i was hoping to give it a
 go, but I'd like to solve this issue first.  So, any ideas would be
 Thanks folks.

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Rather spooky

2007-03-24 Thread David Reynolds
Hi Folks,
This isn't a problem, just rather strange. I just converted a vinyl, and put
the contents on to an audio CD, having got rid of deck noise, and split the
thing down into individual tracks.
The audio CD wored fine, and I decided to play it through winamp. Playing
commercial cds, I'm quite used to the tracksnames and cd title being spoken,
as the information is gott from freedb. Imagine my surprise when the CD I'd
made came up with the correct cd title and track names. Very weird!


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Skipping recordings

2007-03-24 Thread David Reynolds
I've had a problem with recording using my soundblaster audigy 2 for a
while. I've got around it by selecting microsoft sound mapper for input and
output, but nevertheless, I'd like to get to the bottom of it.
If I select SB audigy, I record something, but when I come to play back,
bits are missing. After a while, I discover that this is not a playback
problem, but happens during the recording. I have done the following:
Defragged the hard drive.
Unloaded antivirus software.
Removed any memory hungry programs.
I always use a hardware synthesizer.

Any ideas,



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Another XP Media Center Question.

2007-03-24 Thread Jim Noseworthy
Hi Folks:

Is it possible to acquire a tv tuner card that will record digital TV?

Thanks all over the place gang.

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Easy CD Extractor Version 10.0.6 is now Available

2007-03-24 Thread Steve Pattison
Easy CD DA Extractor version 10.0.6 is now available and one place 
where you can download it from is at  Here are the 
changes in this version:

Codec Update: FLAC 1.1.4 encoded and decoder
Windows Explorer components updated, added improved folder selection 
in the folder-combobox
(Audio File Format Converter, Audio CD Creator, MP3/WMA CD Creator)
Added user-suggested genres (St.Maarten)
Bugfix: Too long paths (=260) no longer crash the application (Audio 
File Format Converter)
Bugfix: Unicode problem when entering track titles fixed (Audio CD Ripper)
Bugfix: The crash bug with WAV and AIFF Mono formats fixed
Bugfix: Progress bars flickering problem on Windows Vista fixed
Bugfix: A bug in sample rate converter fixed (source for random 
M4A/MP3/MP2 decoding problems)

Regards Steve
Skype:  steve1963

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Re: Rather spooky

2007-03-24 Thread Doc
You must have had cd text turn on when you burned the tracks.

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot

robert Doc Wright
skype: talmidim

- Original Message - 
From: David Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'PC audio discussion list. '
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 4:10 PM
Subject: Rather spooky

Hi Folks,
This isn't a problem, just rather strange. I just converted a vinyl, and put
the contents on to an audio CD, having got rid of deck noise, and split the
thing down into individual tracks.
The audio CD wored fine, and I decided to play it through winamp. Playing
commercial cds, I'm quite used to the tracksnames and cd title being spoken,
as the information is gott from freedb. Imagine my surprise when the CD I'd
made came up with the correct cd title and track names. Very weird!


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Re: Wireless speakers

2007-03-24 Thread Tom Shults

The C-Crane transmitter broadcasts to all radios in its range that are tuned
to its broadcast frequency.  The broadcast frequency of the transmitter is
selected up or down using 2 push buttons on the unit.  If the unit is
unplugged, and it has no battery, the frequency resets to 107.5 Mhz.  You
can use this trick if you lose track of the frequency setting and cannot
find it broadcasting on your radio.  The selection wraps down to 87.5 (I
think) if you press the up button when the transmitter is at 107.5.

My experience with the C-Crane transmitter is that it could not even
broadcast across a room as shipped by the company.  I had to use a well
known tweak that says to peal off the label on the back, and turn the output
control all the way up to get a good signal.  After this tweak, I can pick
up the signal all over my apartment.

Regarding wireless speakers, Advent sells several models of 900Mhz wireless
speakers.  I think the models are aw810, aw820 and aw870.  They have a very
long range.  You can either buy 2 speakers and set them to left and right
stereo, or buy one speaker and set it to mono.  These speakers are widely
available on the internet.

Tom Shults

- Original Message -
From: Terri Lynne Pomeroy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: Wireless speakers

 Hi Russell,
 Thanks so much for tellming me about your transmitter!I am really excited
 about this. And, I have some questions. Can you beam to more than one
 FM radio at a time? Do you have to do something special to the radio or
 set it to a certain setting in order for it to receive from your
 computer? Did you need any sighted assistance to set things up?

 Thanks so much for the info,

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sound card and goldwave questions

2007-03-24 Thread Betsy Sawyers

After going around in circles trying to resolve my goldwave issue with no 
success I decided to replace my SB Live with a brand new SBPCI512 card and got 
no sound at all.  I tried another card and got the same results.  The cards 
didn't even show up in device manager, but work fine in another computer. Both 
computers are running XP Home.  Could there be something in bios preventing any 
other cards from being recognized?  I have no idea what to try next and still 
cannot record anything with goldwave, not even through the microphone.  The 
only thing it records is whatever Jaws is saying.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: sound card and goldwave questions

2007-03-24 Thread Doc
What option n gold wave control pannal in the volume tab is checked?

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot

robert Doc Wright
skype: talmidim

- Original Message - 
From: Betsy Sawyers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PC audio discussion list.
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 7:47 PM
Subject: sound card and goldwave questions


After going around in circles trying to resolve my goldwave issue with no 
success I decided to replace my SB Live with a brand new SBPCI512 card and 
got no sound at all.  I tried another card and got the same results.  The 
cards didn't even show up in device manager, but work fine in another 
computer. Both computers are running XP Home.  Could there be something in 
bios preventing any other cards from being recognized?  I have no idea what 
to try next and still cannot record anything with goldwave, not even through 
the microphone.  The only thing it records is whatever Jaws is saying.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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3:27 PM

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World Swimming online streaming

2007-03-24 Thread Stephen Jolley
The FINA World Swimming championships are currently taking place in Melbourne 
Australia.  The pool swimming starts today running through to next Sunday April 

The national broadcaster ABC, is audio streaming its radio coverage of the 
finals sessions each evening.

The coverage start time varies from 6:30 or 7:05 through to 10:00 Melbourne 

Subtract 10 hours for GMT.  That is, tonight's broadcast starts at 8:30 am GMT.

The audio links can be found on

Stephen Jolley
Melbourne Australia
Too much sport is barely enough.

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Re: World Swimming online streaming

2007-03-24 Thread Stephen Jolley
It appears from the info on the ABC streaming page which has only been 
posted in the last hour or so, that the stream of the World Swimming 
championships will not be available to people outside Australia.

Sorry, I hadn't picked this up.



- Original Message - 
From: Stephen Jolley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PC audio discussion list.
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 1:08 PM
Subject: World Swimming online streaming

 The FINA World Swimming championships are currently taking place in 
 Melbourne Australia.  The pool swimming starts today running through to 
 next Sunday April 1.

 The national broadcaster ABC, is audio streaming its radio coverage of the 
 finals sessions each evening.

 The coverage start time varies from 6:30 or 7:05 through to 10:00 
 Melbourne Time.

 Subtract 10 hours for GMT.  That is, tonight's broadcast starts at 8:30 am 

 The audio links can be found on

 Stephen Jolley
 Melbourne Australia
 Too much sport is barely enough.

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Re: Skipping recordings

2007-03-24 Thread Denny Daughters
What program are you using to record? Do you know if it has a memory 
buffer for recording time? If it has a record buffer, set that to a higher 
setting.  How long are the files that you've recorded? It could also be an 
issue of not having enough internal ram in your computer.  Let me know when 
you get a chance.

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Re: Help. Serious Problem with Skype

2007-03-24 Thread Sarah
I believe tha'ts a memmory read error but I'm not sure. Are you able to paste 
the error here?

 I am having a serious problem with Skype. When I try to call someone,
 it gives me an access violation. Why is that? 
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RE: Wireless speakers

2007-03-24 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

Just a question about these wireless transmitters that I have been wondering

Surely, because of many external factors e.g. the quality of the
transmitter, the quality of the specific radio/tuner you use to pick up the
signals, etc. there must be a significant loss in audio quality in such a



-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Tom Shults
Sent: 25 March 2007 04:22 AM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: Wireless speakers


The C-Crane transmitter broadcasts to all radios in its range that are tuned
to its broadcast frequency.  The broadcast frequency of the transmitter is
selected up or down using 2 push buttons on the unit.  If the unit is
unplugged, and it has no battery, the frequency resets to 107.5 Mhz.  You
can use this trick if you lose track of the frequency setting and cannot
find it broadcasting on your radio.  The selection wraps down to 87.5 (I
think) if you press the up button when the transmitter is at 107.5.

My experience with the C-Crane transmitter is that it could not even
broadcast across a room as shipped by the company.  I had to use a well
known tweak that says to peal off the label on the back, and turn the output
control all the way up to get a good signal.  After this tweak, I can pick
up the signal all over my apartment.

Regarding wireless speakers, Advent sells several models of 900Mhz wireless
speakers.  I think the models are aw810, aw820 and aw870.  They have a very
long range.  You can either buy 2 speakers and set them to left and right
stereo, or buy one speaker and set it to mono.  These speakers are widely
available on the internet.

Tom Shults

- Original Message -
From: Terri Lynne Pomeroy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: Wireless speakers

 Hi Russell,
 Thanks so much for tellming me about your transmitter!I am really 
 excited about this. And, I have some questions. Can you beam to more 
 than one FM radio at a time? Do you have to do something special to 
 the radio or set it to a certain setting in order for it to receive 
 from your computer? Did you need any sighted assistance to set things up?

 Thanks so much for the info,

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