Re: Wanted: Germans (attempt 2)

2007-02-06 Thread Adam McKenty
Ralf R. Radermacher wrote:
> Markus Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Not a lot Germans seem to read the PDML, I know about 3 active members only?
> And those few live in other parts of the country. I tend to agree with
> former German chancellor Adenauer who insisted on installing the
> post-war German government in Bonn because he considered everything East
> of the river Rhine as the Balkans and Berlin as some place in deepest
> Asia. ;-) 
> Mind you, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Luxemburg, and even London are
> closer to Cologne (or Bonn, for that matter) than Berlin. Geographically
> and otherwise.
> Ralf

Interesting Ralf. I didn't know Berlin was considered so provincial. 
What would you say is the main difference, geography aside, between 
Berlin and cities in western Germany or other European capitols?


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Wanted: Germans (attempt 2)

2007-02-02 Thread Adam McKenty
Thanks to the evangelical zeal of my brother Francis (who has lately 
been tooting about his photo contest victory), I recently converted to 
Pentax and bought a K10D. I made this purchase just before I leaving 
Canada for a month in Berlin, and the assortment of lenses I bought on 
eBay to go with the body-only camera failed to arrive before I left.

So now I'm stuck in Berlin with a brand new DSLR (my first), and nary a 
lens to put on the thing. And my brother, well intentioned Pentax 
missionary,  is stuck here with me snatching the glass off his camera 
whenever he turns his back. Unless this is rectified, he may never 
convert another Nikon user again, and the world of Pentax will suffer 

If any Pentaxians live in or near Berlin, I -- and my brother -- would 
be sehr fruhlich to hear if (1) you have any inexpensive Pentax lenses 
you'd sell me (a DA 18-55 kit zoom would be fine) or (2) what store 
you'd recommend in Berlin for second hand equipment. Any general photo 
recommendations for Berlin would also be welcome of course.

Miene deutsch ist nicht sehr gut, aber ich denke ich konnen sagen genug 
worten fur kaufen eine objektive oder zwei.

Vielen danke!


P.S. : I tried sending this message a few days ago, but I'm not sure it 
made it to the list, so I am giving it a second try.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Pentax gear in Berlin

2007-01-27 Thread Adam McKenty
Hi Folks,
Thanks to the evangelical zeal of my brother Francis (who has lately 
been tooting about his photo contest victory), I recently converted to 
Pentax and bought a K10D. I made this purchase just before I leaving 
Canada for a month in Berlin, and the assortment of lenses I bought on 
eBay to go with the body-only camera failed to arrive before I left.

So now I'm stuck in Berlin with a brand new DSLR (my first), and nary a 
lens to put on the thing. And my brother, well intentioned Pentax 
missionary,  is stuck here with me snatching the glass off his camera 
whenever he turns his back. Unless this is rectified, he may never 
convert another Nikon user again, and the world of Pentax will suffer 

If any Pentaxians live in Berlin, I -- and my brother -- would be sehr 
fruhlich to hear if (1) you have any inexpensive Pentax lenses you'd 
sell me (a DA 18-55 kit zoom would be just fine) or (2) what store you'd 
recommend in Berlin for second hand equipment. Any general photo 
recommendations for Berlin would also be welcome of course.

Miene deutsch ist nicht sehr gut, aber ich denke ich konnen sagen genug 
worten fur kaufen eine objektive oder zwei.

Vielen danke!


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


2006-09-26 Thread Adam McKenty
Tesst! :{

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

What do you do when you get to IMGP9999

2006-09-26 Thread Adam McKenty
How do you rename/organize your digital photos?
I'm now at image 17,603 and am having a bit of a crisis with my sorting
regime because I can't add my last 7603 images to my file system. Until
now I've just been sorting my photos into a bunch of folders (people,
deer, sail boats, etc.), and copying the best ones in to a best ones
folder, with windows explorer. What I'd like to be doing is putting them
all in one big folder and having them organized by their meta data
keywords, which I could apply in bulk to an entire folder or drag on to
an individual image without having to type them out seventeen thousand
times. Is there any good freeware out there that can do this sort of
thing? Most of my photos are jpgs but the last thousand or so are raws
and I don't plan to be shooting to many more jpgs.

Francis (under construction)

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Photographing Egypt

2006-05-13 Thread Adam McKenty

Hi Folks,
I'm going to Egypt in a few days, and -- since I haven't been quite 
convinced to switch to digital -- I have some questions about film and 
such. First, what is the current situation with airport x-rays? I had 
heard that any film below about 800 would be fine, but a NG guide I 
recently looked at said today's carry-on baggage zappers are so powerful 
they'll cook film of any speed. Other options are to have the film hand 
inspected, or buy it when I get there. Does anyone have first hand 
experience of this? Are most airports willing to hand-inspect film? Does 
anyone have a favourite Cairene photography store that sells 100 asa 
slide film?

Any other advice about film for a trip like this or general tips on 
traveling with cameras would be welcome too.


Re: Soliciting all stray brain waves (P3n repair):(

2006-01-12 Thread Adam McKenty

Thanks Don!
Encyclopedia Organica to the rescue! (again)

That retainer took a considerable amount of... Ahem  Convincing (in 
the form of a small hammer hitting a large nail poked in to the 
now-non-existent slots as well as a lot of WD40) but I got it off. 
And... Voila! Just dirty terminals (or so I thought) and I had the cover 
back on it twenty minutes. Unfortunately I seemed to have overlooked 
something because though the viewfinder exposure display now works 
reliably (for the first time in months) the shutter still doesn't fire 
reliably. I guess it'll be back to the work bench.

Thanks again for all your help,

Don Sanderson wrote:

Manual? What manual? ;-)
Actually, my manual is in my head.
That retainer IS what's holding the cover on.
It's right hand thread, usually easy to remove,
however yours looks like a very tiny drop of
penetrating oil might help.
I use a spanner wrench designed for these but
a needle nose or snap ring plier will work if
it fits in the slots firmly.


Re: PESO: Diesel is dead

2006-01-12 Thread Adam McKenty
I'm certain it does but, compared to the gazillions of gallons of fuel 
that the freighter burns every hour, its consumption is fairly 
insignificant if it only uses its engine when necessary (which almost 
none do, but they could if they smartened up a bit).
Having spent more than my fair share of time in the belly of a very 
capable sailboat listening to the engine grinding away, this is one of 
my favorite topics (sail boats using their motors too much) to rant about.


"Nothing is perfect, but some things are better than others. Like Pentax 
for instance."


I bet that sailing craft has a diesel engine on board to help it
maneuver in port.

Jim A.

Re: RGB vs. CMYK

2005-12-28 Thread Adam McKenty

Thanks for the useful info David.

They're being printed commercially (but not on a press) and when I asked 
the fellow at the printer he said, with some hesitation, that the images 
should be in CMYK. If an RGB workflow is standard as you suggest, 
however, the eventual conversion must not be too damaging to the 
appearance of the image, so (if my screen understood these things) I 
should be OK doing the adjustments in RGB.

Thanks for your help,

David Mann wrote:

What are you printing them with?  I'd just use RGB unless it's going  
to a press, and even then the pre-press people would probably make a  
better job of converting and handling CMYK.

If you're using a desktop printer, use RGB all the way.  The printer  
driver internally converts from RGB to whatever the printer needs for  
its collection of ink colours.

I'm not sure what happens to colour management when you convert to  
CMYK... all of the working colour spaces I have are RGB.

- Dave

On Dec 29, 2005, at 4:23 PM, Adam McKenty wrote:

Color management, yay! (not).
I'm going to be printing a bunch of scans, which need some  adjusting 
in PS. My limited knowledge suggests that it would be  better to 
tweak the images in RGB, then convert them to CMYK for  printing 
(since the monitor doesn't accurately display CMYK images,  so I 
might be tweaking them in the wrong direction if done in  CMYK). On 
the other hand, if the conversion to CMYK /does/  substantially 
change the color values of the image, then perhaps I  should adjust 
in CMYK...

Can I assume that the shoddy on-screen appearance of the CMYK  images 
is because of the screen's poor handling of CMYK colours,  and that 
when they are printed they'll look (roughly) like the RGB  ones do on 

Any thoughts?

Re: RGB vs. CMYK

2005-12-28 Thread Adam McKenty
I'm sending them to a professional printing outfit, but they won't be 
done on a press per se. I'd guess some form of colour laser printer. 
Does that sound plausible?


William Robb wrote:

How are the images going to be printed?

William Robb


2005-12-28 Thread Adam McKenty

Color management, yay! (not).
I'm going to be printing a bunch of scans, which need some adjusting in 
PS. My limited knowledge suggests that it would be better to tweak the 
images in RGB, then convert them to CMYK for printing (since the monitor 
doesn't accurately display CMYK images, so I might be tweaking them in 
the wrong direction if done in CMYK). On the other hand, if the 
conversion to CMYK /does/ substantially change the color values of the 
image, then perhaps I should adjust in CMYK...

Can I assume that the shoddy on-screen appearance of the CMYK images is 
because of the screen's poor handling of CMYK colours, and that when 
they are printed they'll look (roughly) like the RGB ones do on screen?

Any thoughts?

Re: vote Francis for _______ ? (resend2)

2005-12-11 Thread Adam McKenty

Bob Sullivan wrote:

Do they never run out of pictures for you to rate?  Bob S.

Not really.
I have seen a few photos twice but not many.


On 12/11/05, Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Anybody get this?

If not you're lucky and I'll spare you the self promotion-induced nausea,
but here are the links just in case.

Their photos (look first):

And my photos (vote high): :-P

Thanks for your support,



Re: Printers and $tuff

2005-12-09 Thread Adam McKenty
Thanks for the suggestion Rick. I've considered going with one of those 
services (Staples, the local office supplies mega-mart, has a similar 
offer). Unfortunately, artistic hubris has always intervened. I've seen 
the results of those send-us-your-pictures-and-we-do-the-rest calendar 
services, and they ain't pretty, either in the quality of the print or 
of the calendar's graphic design.  In previous years I've done the 
layout myself (as I will almost certainly be doing this year as well), 
then sent it off to some printing place and crossed my fingers, hoping 
it would come back looking something like it did on screen (which it has 
yet to do, but I'll save that rant for another day).

So, since I'm too picky to let anyone else touch the layout on the 
thing, I'm stuck with either the above scenario, or getting a printer 
and doing it myself (an added attraction of this is the ability to do 
colour tests, since I use an LCD monitor and have yet to get it 
satisfactorily calibrated).

The question is whether the investment in a printer will be worthwhile 
in the long run for other projects, or if the cost and inconvenience of 
using it will end up outweighing the cost and inconvenience of getting 
things printed elsewhere.

Labor aside, how do the economics of the two strategies compare, in your 

Thanks for you time :),

Rick Womer wrote:


What's your time worth?

If you're sitting around whiling away the empty hours,
get a printer and have a go at it.

OTOH, if you're working 60+ hours a week, doing
chores, maintaining a marriage, raising children, and
have a few other things than photography competing for
your spare hour or two each week, the deals offered by
Ritz Camera et al. are hard to beat.  Upload your
images on their site and they'll print a calendar for
you, complete with special dates (such as Uncle
Elmer's birthday) filled in, for a very modest price.

--- Adam McKenty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



In your experience, which is a less expensive way to
produce cards, 
prints, calendars and such: buy ink and photo paper
and use an inkjet 
printer; or get them made at a lab/print shop? I
would have thought the 
do-it-yourself method cheaper, but then I ran across
Dan Heller's most 
excellent web page (,, 
and he thinks otherwise. (I'd take his word for it,
but that his math is 
bad. In the same page he bases a lengthy cautionary
tale on the 
following calculation: 1.5 x 100 = 1,500.)

Which brings me to my second question: what inkjet,
if any, can make 
good prints, take paper up to 8.5 inches wide, and
be had for around 
$200? What good/bad experiences have you had with
various printers? It's 
a rather broad subject, I know, but any suggestions
or comments would be 

I'm making photo calendars to foist on all my
relatives as Christmas 
gifts, and I'm wondering how to get least broke in
the process. In the 
future, my brother Francis and I plan to peddle some
similar products to 
the mobs of summer tourists that pour through the
local craft market (in 
exchange for a little dough, of course).


PS: Francis is wondering if any of you received his
last post (about an 
online photo competition), since he didn't receive

any replies (whimper).


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Printers and $tuff

2005-12-09 Thread Adam McKenty


In your experience, which is a less expensive way to produce cards, 
prints, calendars and such: buy ink and photo paper and use an inkjet 
printer; or get them made at a lab/print shop? I would have thought the 
do-it-yourself method cheaper, but then I ran across Dan Heller's most 
excellent web page (,, 
and he thinks otherwise. (I'd take his word for it, but that his math is 
bad. In the same page he bases a lengthy cautionary tale on the 
following calculation: 1.5 x 100 = 1,500.)

Which brings me to my second question: what inkjet, if any, can make 
good prints, take paper up to 8.5 inches wide, and be had for around 
$200? What good/bad experiences have you had with various printers? It's 
a rather broad subject, I know, but any suggestions or comments would be 

I'm making photo calendars to foist on all my relatives as Christmas 
gifts, and I'm wondering how to get least broke in the process. In the 
future, my brother Francis and I plan to peddle some similar products to 
the mobs of summer tourists that pour through the local craft market (in 
exchange for a little dough, of course).


PS: Francis is wondering if any of you received his last post (about an 
online photo competition), since he didn't receive any replies (whimper).

Re: PESO baby deer... warning cuteness alert

2005-01-13 Thread Adam McKenty
At 06:56 PM 1/13/2005 +, you wrote:
you're very lucky to have such willilng subjects! Have you tried
shooting them with the camera and lens on a bean bag?
Yes, I made a pinto bean one which I use quite a bit, but the ground was 
very muddy with deep puddles which I wasn't to keen on lying in (my excuse 
to self was that my beanbag might sprout if I watered it too much).
How big are most beanbags?  Mine is about four inches tall and I find it 
rather uncomfortable to use unless I have it propped up on something.

 If your tripod's
as wobbly as you suggest you might get better results with a beanbag,
which is easy to make at home, and costs a lot less than a stable
It isn't too bad for short lens stuff but it definitely isn't up to snuff 
for anything long long. It's, you know, one of those "made specifically for 
use with digital cameras" ones. Nice and light though.

cheering loudly

Re: OT: Calendar cost

2005-01-10 Thread Adam McKenty
I'm doing calendars on legal size paper (8.5 x 14 inches) folded and 
stapled. Printing alone is going to cost me $19.50 Canadian per calendar 
(about $16 US).

I could print them at home on an Epson Stylus color 850, but in order to 
get reasonable quality on the inkjet I'd need to use glossy paper, which 
(at least where I've looked) costs a fortune in anything above letter size. 
Perhaps combining two kinds of print/paper like you have is the key.

I'll have to put more thought into this for next year...
At 03:02 PM 1/10/2005 -0500, you wrote:
Just wondering if others making calendars have an idea as to their 
production costs?

I've been doing calendars for the last several years.
I use calendar blanks from Photographers Edge @ around $5.50/each 
depending on volume. I then print 13 4"X6" prints on my Epson Stylus Photo 
@ around $0.25each.
So total cost, less ink costs are under $10/each. People really like the 
fact they are getting prints.

Kenneth Waller

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

Colour laser printing issues

2005-01-09 Thread Adam McKenty
Hi folks,
I've put some photos together into a calendar (yes, a bit behind schedule), 
and I'm getting it printed by someone who runs a local news paper and 
offers printing services "on the side."  Unfortunately neither I nor the 
person doing the printing know much about the complexities of printing 
colour images, and so far the test prints have come out looking quite 
shoddy. The first one was printed as an RGB PSD placed in an Adobe Indesign 
document, and the printout has large areas that are too purple, large areas 
that are too green, and is generally higher contrast than the original. We 
tried converting the image to CMYK in PS, which resulted in fairly accurate 
colour, but muddy and grainy looking printouts.

I've uploaded scans of a couple of the printouts, as well as the original 
image at

The photo looks fine on all the screens I've looked at it on.
Anyone know what could be causing this problem?
Thanks very much,

Re: PESO Bee here now

2004-12-19 Thread Adam McKenty

Not only did I get it twice, but now I've commented twice!  
Ooops! :-O
For some reason your first comment didn't turn up in my mailbox. :(
 I guess my ISP choked on it.
Liked it then, like it now.  I asked in my previous comment, did you
desaturate everything but the yellow of the daisies?  It rather looks
that way - whatever, I like the look.

No, I desaturated all of it a bit but there wasn't much color in the rest.
Thanks for your comments.

PESO Bee here now

2004-12-13 Thread Adam McKenty
Bee in flower, that is...
I grabbed this one with my brothers N***n outside the polling station while 
he was participating in democracy.
I suppose that it might be outside the rules, seeing as it was produced 
with equipment from the dark side, but I figured that violators wouldn't be 
prosecuted too severely .
Comments welcome.
From jeff Tue Dec 14 07:26:02 2004
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I must say, I'm glad no one asked this group how many angels can dance on 
the head of a pin.   The argument might go on longer than the Scott Peterson 

Why don't all of you do what you want to do - which you will anyway - and 
start another thread.

No wonder genealogists get the reputation for being annal retentive.
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To find past messages, please go to our searchable archives at:
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un beau site canadien pour les amateurs de Western, cow-boys,
Francois Pecheux
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