PUG woes

2002-02-03 Thread a_v_k

Dear All,

there have been several complaints about the PUG.

First: the Komkon server has been down several times this week, Admin had
technical problems with the server itself. I hope they are solved now.

Files sizes:
As Bill pointed out, there are serveral reasons to keep the filesize small.
First: stealing small pics is not so attractive as big printable ones.
Second: Space on the komkon Server, we don't have to pay for it and this
should make us considerate of disk space. 
Third: We are a group situated all over the world and the bandwidth is not
all over  the world as good as in the Western Hemispere. And as Annsan pointed
out, not everyone can aford fast big bandwidth and computers with huge

I think Bill's idea with the link is a good one. Please put the link in the
comments for the time being. I have to talk with Jostein about an additional

Resizing of the pics.
There are two restrictions on the file sizes:
first the file size must be below 75 K
second the longest part of the pic is max 600 pixel.

I have to resize the pics which don't follow these rules. 
Since I don't have photoshop I use a different freeware program to resize.
And this program downgrades resized pics considerably. If you don't want me to
fiddle with your pic (which I prefer) keep to the rules. And you'll get the
pics the way you want them. 

Problems with differnt Browsers
I am at present working on a way to automate the creation of the PUG.
Unfortunatly my program made a mistake which I didn't realize until it was too
late. The blanks should be gone from the file now. And you should be able to view
the PUG with Netscrape and Opera as well.

PUG Maintainer (in training :) 

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
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PUG is ok, but komkon server seems to have problems

2002-02-01 Thread a_v_k

Hi there,

Alans complaint:
Went to get my monthly fix of crackingly good pictures and 'connection
As Terry Wogan says 'Is it me?'
Have I not put enough pennies in the slot?

No - komkon seems to have a problem with their server, the server was not
available several times during the week. I'll inform the Admin.

Richards remark:
I think Paul Jones' Rain photo might have got corrupted by the 
comptuer.  On my screen it's got some strange artifacts in it.


You are quite right. I asked Paul to resubmit, but the pic has not arrived
yet. As soon as I get it I'll change it.

Sorry about the mess.


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
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OT: PUG News - Intro

2001-11-28 Thread a_v_k

I have been so quiet, because my client refused to post to the PDML so I
lurked most of the time. But since I took on this task I persuaded it to

I used to have a ME super bought around 1981, it has been a very good camera
travelling with me all around the world. But one day it didn't like
travelling anymore and started to meter all pics one or two stops to low.
And since I am a person always forgetting these things I decided to give it
in good hands (my brothers wife) and there it has a quiet live now.
For myself I bought a MZ-5 and two zoom lenses 28-70 and 70-210 (bad girl).
Over the years and several birthdays and Xmases I accumulated another MZ-5n,
some more lenses and a tripot.
Now I try to remember all the good advice from the PDML (and my boyfriend)
but stress the try. My pics are most of the time underexposed or the
lamppost is in the middle of the composition and what else you can think of.
But gradually it gets better and some of my efforts can be viewed at

I wouldn't call me a beginner but a forgetter.
But don't worry I won't forget the PUG though.

I work for a software company - testing software, driving my collegues nuts
because I tend to forget there as well and produce the errors good users
wouldn't find.
I live in Germany (Munich) with my boyfriend and about 20 computers (all
his) and lot's of books and slides in a too small appartment.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of tom
Sent: Mittwoch, 28. November 2001 23:51
Subject: Re: PUG News

Hi Adelheid, thanks for taking on this task.

I don't think I've seen you post here much...how 'bout an intro?



 Bill did a great job, I have a very well maintained WebSite at my hands
 I'll have a hard time improving it. ;)
 All the best Bill and take the time to submit to the PUG :)))
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PUG Comments for Steve Larson, Jim Brooks, Lasse Karlsson

2001-08-31 Thread a_v_k

Steve Larson - LAX Encounter 
Since I have never seen this restaurant before and LAX told me next to
nothing - my first idea was UFO. After a closer look I realised that this UFO
was sitting on good old earth. 
I think I understand what you wanted to achieve with this frame,
unfortunatly there is too much around it that confuses the eye. I think the black spot
is not as bad as the white sky which seems to bleed the pic out of the frame,
because it is so small. I played around with cropping (again) and it might
help. Cut some skypart (opend the hole so to speak) and cropped a bit of the
plants. Just have a look for yourself whether you like it.

Jim Brooks - Our Lady Of Three Graces 
This is an interesting perspective. Unfortunatly the grainy film or too much
light erased the line of the cheek of the background face. 

Lasse Karlsson - The Finish Line 
I needed some time to realise that you treated it a lot in photoshop. It is
amazing how quick our brain accepts obvious wrong images, as long as they are
close enough to reality.
From a picture point of view I don't know whether the long tartan lane is
necessary, since the runners have reached the finish line and are not going to
run much further. The runners are nicely catched in the various stages of
running and jumping. You where lucky that all of them where so close a field,
that makes it more dynamic. 

My two cents worth.

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
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Comments on Dan Matyola, Bill Peifer, Dave O'Brien

2001-08-25 Thread a_v_k

Sorry to be late, it was a busy month ...

Dan Matyola Roue de Paris
I like the way you got the wheel into the frame. The whole one would have
been boring I think. The black night sky which is really black and not gray
makes a good contrast to the brightly lit cabins and the wheelbarrows. 

Bill Peifer Mars Rising: A Self-Portrait
I had a closer look at your pic and realized that cropping might do it some
good. Get rid of the bright light on the left side and cut the sky a bit. I
like the colours though. The warm light between the trees and the sky is very
nice. Your idea of a selfportrait is amusing ;-).
Dave O'Brien Carleena
This one I simply like. The way she gives herself to the music is perfectly

These are my two cents worth.

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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May '01 Assignment: Bill Gekas, Fairy, William Johnson, Timo Hartikainen

2001-05-03 Thread a_v_k

Sorry to be late, I just found out that my mail never made it to the PUG but
here it comes:
- and probably not plain test - I am working on it

Bill Gekas: Wife with Fritz the Cat

I like this picture very much. Both of your victims look attentive into
the camera, the angle is nice, coming from a bit below. The cat doesn't seem
upset only curious. The two are forming a diagonal line across the frame, so
the composition is good as well. I wonder though whether it would improve the
pic further if the head of your wife where complete ;-).

Fairy: EyeSpy 
Hmm I am bit of two minds here. When I saw the pic first I couldn't make
head or tail of it. I needed the comment to understand it. But once I understood
I liked the sharpness and the structure of the fur. The eye is of course the
eye catcher here ;-). I wonder what your dog thought at this moment

William Johnson: Melancholy Reflection
I like the composition. The girl out of center and the dark, calm water
behing here. It transports the melancholy quite nicely. I experimented a bit and
cropped the people in the background and IMHO this would improve it. It gets
a more panoramic outlook, but the uncalm things in the background won't
disturb the calm mood of the foreground.

Timo Hartikainen: A Glance
Cute. I understand the look, (the big cheek is a bit in the way), but I like
the overall composition. The outstreched arm gives it a bit of action and a
diagonal. I miss the mother though. You have to add her in the mind smiling
her down on him

So a bit short, but I hope it helps.
All the best


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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