Re: [perl #41695] [CAGE]: Refactor Parrot::Distribution

2007-03-05 Thread James Keenan
Here are some notes which I have made which may prove useful in the  
refactoring of Parrot::Distribution.  I hope that I have grepped and  
acked accurately, but I'm not guaranteeing 100% accuracy.


Parrot::Distribution refactoring notes

* used by:

* packages:

* Parrot::Docs::POD2HTML
* Parrot::Docs::Section::C
* Parrot::Docs::Section::Compilers
* Parrot::Docs::Section::Config
* Parrot::Docs::Section::Parrot
* Parrot::Docs::Section::PMCs

* tests:

* t/codingstd/c_code_coda.t
* t/codingstd/c_indent.t
* t/codingstd/c_parens.t
* t/codingstd/c_struct.t
* t/codingstd/cppcomments.t
* t/codingstd/cuddled_else.t
* t/codingstd/fixme.t
* t/codingstd/perlcritic.t
* t/codingstd/tabs.t
* t/codingstd/trailing_space.t
* t/distro/manifest_skip.t
* t/perl/Parrot_Distribution.t

* tools

* tools/dev/

* inherits from:

* Parrot::IO::Directory

* uses:

* Parrot::Docs::File
There are no current calls to this package. It's only mentioned
inside the currently unused file_class() subroutine.

* used by:

* packages:

* Parrot::Distribution
* Parrot::Docs::Item
* Parrot::Docs::Section

* tests:

* t/perl/Parrot_Distribution.t
* t/perl/Parrot_Docs.t

* tools

* tools/docs/

* comments:

*   Has two apparently unused subroutines: file_class() and
directory_class(). These are not methods, are not listed in any
@EXPORT (there is none), and are not called elsewhere within the
package. Why retain them?

*   Has no constructor of its own, so it must use
Parrot::IO::Directory (or one of that package's ancestors).

*   Has only one method: files_of_type(), which takes one argument.
This method calls methods from other packages, including:

* files()
* is_of_type()
* directories()
* name()
* directories()
* files_of_type()

* inherits from:

* Parrot::IO::File

* uses:

* Pod::Simple::Checker
One fully qualified call to Pod::Simple::Checker::new inside

* Parrot::Docs::POD2HTML
One fully qualified call to Parrot::Docs::POD2HTML::new inside

* methods:

* type_for_suffix()
* type_for_name()
* type()
* is_of_type()
* check_pod()
* contains_pod()
* num_pod_errors()
* pod_errors()
* pod_as_html()
* is_docs_link()
* title()
* short_description()

* used by

* packages:

* Parrot::Docs::Directory

* tests:

* t/perl/Parrot_Docs.t

* inherits from:

* Pod::Simple::HTML

* uses:

* Parrot::Docs::HTMLPage
One fully qualified call to each of
Parrot::Docs::HTMLPage::header and ::footer.

* methods:

* type_for_suffix()
* type_for_name()
* type()
* is_of_type()
* check_pod()
* contains_pod()
* num_pod_errors()
* pod_errors()
* pod_as_html()
* is_docs_link()
* title()
* short_description()

* used by:

* packages:

* Parrot::Docs::File
* Parrot::Docs::HTMLPage
* Parrot::Docs::Item

* tests

* t/perl/Parrot_Docs.t

* inherits from:
Does not inherit -- but doesn't have its own constructor, either!

* methods

* header()
* footer()

* used by:

* packages:

* Parrot::Docs::POD2HTML
* Parrot::Docs::Section

* comment
There is no current rationale for these functions to be methods.
They could simply be functions exported by this package and imported
by other packages on request.

* inherits from:

* Parrot::IO::Path

* uses:

* Parrot::IO::File
Imports_unspecified, but file_with_class calls

* methods:

* directory_with_path()
* file_with_path()
* tmp_directory()

* instance methods:

* create_path()
* relative_path()
* parent()
* file_and_directory_names()
* file_and_directory_paths()
* file_paths()
* directory_paths()
* file_exists_with_name()

[perl #41688] [PATCH]: tools for using Subversion branches; refactored

2007-03-05 Thread James Keenan via RT
I am pulling this patch from submission for the time being.  When I
originally submitted the refactored tools/build/ and
lib/Parrot/Ops2c/ over a week ago, they were passing their own
tests as well as those in 'make test'.

However, something outside these patches must have changed in that time,
because when I went to perform 'make test' last night, I got this
strange error:

# Failed test (t/pmc/object-mro.t at line 243)
#  got: 'Class Object already registered!
# current instr.: 'main' pc 0
# '
# expected: 'Vulcan Intelligent Sentient Humanoid BiPedal LifeForm
Object R
# '
# './parrot -D40 --gc-debug 
/Users/jimk/work/bt/t/pmc/object-mro_5.pir' failed with exit code 1
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 6.
Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/6 tests, 83.33% okay

Since I never made any changes in the vicinity of object-mro, this is
going to take some time to debug.  So, for now, I am withdrawing the patch.

[perl #41455] [NEW] and [PATCH]: tools/build/ refactored

2007-03-05 Thread James Keenan via RT
[Same note as in RT 41688]

I am pulling this patch from submission for the time being.  When I
originally submitted the refactored tools/build/ and
lib/Parrot/Ops2c/ over a week ago, they were passing their own
tests as well as those in 'make test'.

However, something outside these patches must have changed in that time,
because when I went to perform 'make test' last night, I got this
strange error:

# Failed test (t/pmc/object-mro.t at line 243)
#  got: 'Class Object already registered!
# current instr.: 'main' pc 0
# '
# expected: 'Vulcan Intelligent Sentient Humanoid BiPedal LifeForm
Object R
# '
# './parrot -D40 --gc-debug 
/Users/jimk/work/bt/t/pmc/object-mro_5.pir' failed with exit code 1
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 6.
Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/6 tests, 83.33% okay

Since I never made any changes in the vicinity of object-mro, this is
going to take some time to debug.  So, for now, I am withdrawing the patch.

Weekly Perl 6 mailing list summary for 18-24 February, 2007

2007-03-05 Thread Ann Barcomb

 This week on the Perl 6 mailing lists

'Course, if someone goes ahead and adds the Y combinator, one must
naturally begin to wonder what the YY combinator would be... :-) 

-- Larry Wall

Obviously it generates a function so anonymous that it can't even
refer to itself. I call it the depressed existentialist solipsist

-- chromatic, in 'Y not'


  Y not

Larry Wall announced the demise of ` ?? `, which was not much lamented.
Thomas Wittek suggested calling it `zip` and there was some discussion
of whether it is better to use terms like `minmax` and `zip`, or to
use symbols like `MM` and `ZZ`. Several jokes were made along the way.

  [svn:perl6-synopsis] r13699 - doc/trunk/design/syn

A commit by Larry Wall replaced ?? is replaced by Z. There was also a
change with the `XX` operator, which became `X`.

  Relief for rw/ro

Steve Lukas remarked that Larry Wall had asked for ideas about good
names for various states of write access. He offered a proposal which
involves indicating that the writeability can be described as
variable, constant, or final. Dr. Ruud added a brief comment about the
length of the term `variable`, which he didn't find to be too long.

  [svn:perl6-synopsis] r13703 - doc/trunk/design/syn

A commit from Larry Wall clarified that a named argument may name
either a label or a variable.

Blair Sutton asked if the synopsis repository is publicly available,
and if it is part of the Parrot or Pugs repository. The URL of the
repository was posted.

 Parrot Porters

  [perl #29994] [BUG] loadlib $P0, varname not working correctly

Some time ago, in ticket [perl #29994], Jens
Rieks reported an error in `imcc/parser_util.c`. Klaas-Jan Stol
updated the ticket and noted that the loadlib op works on windows.
However, another error was found: when loading a non-existent library,
no exception is raised.

  [perl #41235] [PATCH] Add get_name() Method to Namespaces

Earlier, chromatic created a patch for `get_name`, which Jerry Gay
forwarded to RT to create ticket [perl #41235]
Jerry wanted to apply the patch before 0.4.8, but chromatic said that
he had been waiting because Allison Randal wanted a deprecation cycle
for the rename of `name()` to `get_name()`. Allison replied that she
had made a note that it was deprecated (r17030) and said that the
patch could be applied after the release.

  [perl #41237] [TODO] PMC Class name IDs will require a dot in front

Klaas-Jan Stol reminded people that an issue had not been decided.

Earlier, Jerry Gay created ticket [perl #41237]
to address an item in DEPRECATED.pod about PMC Class name IDs. He felt
that either it should use one syntax or the other, but not both.

Allison Randal preferred eliminating the dot in classname IDs. Matt
Diephouse, on the other hand, liked the dot. Klaas-Jan Stol added that
the dot indicates that it is PIR not pure PASM.

Allison thought that if Matt used it to disambiguate between types and
local variables, it was a matter of sigils. She asked why put sigils
on types instead of putting them in variables, and if a dot was the
ideal sigil for types.

  [perl #41529] [BUG]: t/perl/Parrot_Distribution.t test failure

In ticket [perl #41529], James Keenan reported
that there was a new failure in `Parrot_Distribution.t`. Jerry Gay
explained that the test exposes a bug in Parrot::Distribution, which
classifies files as Perl even when they are not. He noted that failing
tests had been used as a reminder of things which needed to be fixed,
and this was still used to some extent, although there was a movement
towards RT.

The problem was resolved in r17069.

There was some discussion about the difficulty of identifying the
problem. Jerry Gay mentioned that he was working on refactoring

  in PIR, a BigInt is turning into a string against my will -- what am I
  doing wrong?

Eric Hanchrow reported a problem in r16999. Patrick R. Michaud offered
some suggestions for correcting the code in question.

  [PATCH] #39615: [TODO] get_outer op not defined in PDDs

Klaas-Jan Stol submitted a patch which adds the description of
`get_outer()` to PDD20.

  [PATCH] updates for docs/faq.pod

Klaas-Jan Stol made some updates to `faq.pod` which related to ticket
[perl #41312]

  :anon flag bug?

Klaas-Jan Stol had a question relating to a fix for [perl #39196] An anonymous 

[perl #41704] [BUG]: Test failures: t/pmc/object-mro.t t/pmc/timer.t

2007-03-05 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  James Keenan 
# Please include the string:  [perl #41704]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

This morning I encountered test failures when running 'make test' in  
three scripts:


1.  The failure in Parrot_Distribution.t is for known reasons and  
we're working on it.  No further comment needed here.

2.  Here's the output of prove -v t/pmc/object-mro.t:

[bt] 603 $ prove -v t/pmc/object-mro.t
ok 1 - print mro diamond
ok 2 - print mro 1
ok 3 - print mro 2
ok 4 - print mro 3
not ok 5 - print mro 4

# Failed test (t/pmc/object-mro.t at line 243)
#  got: 'Class Object already registered!
# current instr.: 'main' pc 0 (/Users/jimk/work/bt/t/pmc/object- 
# '
# expected: 'Vulcan Intelligent Sentient Humanoid BiPedal  
LifeForm Object R
# '
# './parrot   /Users/jimk/work/bt/t/pmc/object-mro_5.pir' failed  
with exit code 1
ok 6 - mro error 1
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 6.
 Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
 Failed 1/6 tests, 83.33% okay

I've experienced this failure repeatedly over the past two days.  At  
first I thought it was due to my patches to, and I went so  
far as to pull my patch submission this morning.  However, I then did  
a fresh checkout from trunk (i.e., I did *not* use my patches) and  
configured Parrot and ran 'make' as usual.*  'make' succeeded, but I  
once again got this failure in object-mro.t:

3.  While running 'make test', I got this error in t/pmc/timer.t -- a  
script that had always passed before.

# Failed test (t/pmc/timer.t at line 129)
#  got: 'ok 1
# never
# ok 2
# '
# expected: 'ok 1
# ok 2
# '
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 8.
 Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
 Failed 1/8 tests, 87.50% okay

However, I was unable to reproduce the test failure when running it  
through prove:

[bt] 603 $ prove -v t/pmc/timer.t
ok 1 - Timer setup
ok 2 - Timer setup - initializer
ok 3 - Timer setup - initializer/start
ok 4 - Timer setup - initializer/start/stop
ok 5 - Timer setup - initializer/start/repeat
ok 6 - Timer setup - initializer/start/destroy
ok 7 - Timer setup - timer in array destroy
ok 8 - check whether interface is done

*As usual means, as it has for several months, that in order to get  
Parrot to 'make' on Darwin, I have to use the workaround suggested by  
Coke (, attached), and that I have to use the next-to- 
most-recent version of (attached) as reported on Jan 7  

Can anyone shed any light, particularly on t/pmc/object-mro.t?  Thank  
you very much.

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
#! perl

# Copyright (C) 2001-2006, The Perl Foundation.
# $Id: 16702 2007-01-19 06:47:26Z allison $

=head1 NAME - Parrot's Configuration Script


% perl [options]


This is Parrot's configuration program. It should be run to create
the necessary system-specific files before building Parrot.

=head2 Command-line Options

General Options


=item C--help

Prints out a description of the options and exits.

=item C--version

Prints out the version number of and exits.

=item C--verbose

Tells to output extra information about the configuration data it
is setting.

=item C--verbose=2

Tells to output information about ievery setting added or

=item C--verbose-step={N|regex}

Run C--verbose=2 for step number CN or matching description.

=item C--nomanicheck

Tells not to run the MANIFEST check.

=item C--prefix

Sets the location where parrot will be installed.

=item C--step==

execute a single configure step

=item C--ask

This turns on the user prompts.


Compile Options


=item C--debugging=0

Debugging is turned on by default. Use this to disable it.

=item C--parrot_is_shared

Link parrot dynamically.

=item C--m=32

Create a 32-bit executable on 64-architectures like x86_64. This
option appends -m32 to compiler and linker programs and does
s/lib64/lib/g on link flags.

This option is experimental. See Fconfig/init/ for more.

=item C--profile

Turn on profiled compile (gcc only for now)

=item C--cage

[CAGE] compile includes many additional warnings

=item C--optimize

Add perl5's $Config{optimize} to the compiler flags.

=item C--optimize=flags

Add Cflags to the compiler flags.

=item C--inline

Tell Configure that the compiler supports Cinline.

=item C--cc=(compiler)

Specify which compiler to use.

=item C--ccflags=(flags)

Use the given 

resumable exceptions and LEAVE/KEEP/UNDO blocks

2007-03-05 Thread Daniel Hulme
What happens if a resumable exception is propagated through a block with
a LEAVE, KEEP, or UNDO block? S04 seems to be a bit vague on this point.
It strikes me that what we want it to do is not execute them when the
exception is propagated, because we don't know whether it's going to be
resumed or not. If the exception is resumed by its handler, then that's
fine, as we can call the blocks at the usual time (when the blocks they
are attached to exit). If the exception is caught and handled and not
resumed, that would leave us with having to find all the LEAVE c.
blocks and call them in the right order when the exception handler

In either case, it looks like you have a problem. LEAVE c. blocks will
often be used for things like database transactions, where we want to
ensure that some lock obtained on entering the block is released
promptly regardless of how the control flow jumps about. In such a
context, throwing a resumable exception that skips the LEAVE block,
farts about doing some potentially long computation in a higher-up
scope, and only calls the LEAVE block to release the lock at some later
date, seems to be far from the best choice. Sure, we can warn
programmers to make their resumable-exception handlers short, or to only
throw non-resumable exceptions from blocks that are likely to be called
in such circumstances. I suppose that would be an acceptable resolution,
but it has an aura of non--re-entrant signal handlers about it, so it
seems like the sort of thing I would like to avoid if anyone is clever
enough to think of something else to do.

BTW, if one is handling a resumable exception, how does one resume it? I
couldn't find anything explaining how. Having a .resume method (or some
cutesier name) on the Resumable role would seem to make sense.

Customer Waiter, waiter! There's a fly in my soup!
Waiter That's not a bug, it's a feature.  The Answer of the Oracle Is Always Death.

Description: Digital signature

Parrot Bug Summary

2007-03-05 Thread Parrot Bug Summary
Parrot Bug Summary
Generated at Mon Mar 5 14:00:02 2007 GMT

  * Numbers
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets



Ticket Counts: 102 new + 397 open = 499
Created this week: 25
Closed this week: 11


New Issues

New issues that have not been responded to yet

1 - 2 weeks old
41611 [TODO] Write a test for is_perl_exemption()
41610 [TODO] Work out why regexp in is_perl_exemption doesn't search subdirs
41603 [TODO] compilers/imcc/imcc.l different const qualifier
41600 [BUG] PMC docs are missing from
41584 [TODO] Update RELEASE_INSTRUCTIONS with details for updating the website 
41582 Parrot - 0.4.11 release
41581 Parrot - 0.4.10 release
41576 [BUG] t/pmc/pmethod_test.t fails on x86_64
41569 [BUG] t/distro/file_metadata.t fails on win32
41557 [BUG] addparent established heirarchies don't work with .Super
41548 [Tcl] - internals tests failings
2 - 3 weeks old
41528 Feature request, merge init and init_pmc
41505 [TODO] Cleanup and reorganise documentation related to svn properties
41500 [TODO] config - lib directory needs to be set appropriately for 32/64 bit
41499 [TODO] config - 32/64 bit architecture setting gcc specific
41497 [TODO] config - profiling options are specific to gcc in config/init/
41496 [TODO] config - profiling options should have their own step in config/
3 - 4 weeks old
4 - 5 weeks old
41388 Parrot::Distribution doesn't exclude all external perl modules
41374 test MMD with non-perl PMCs
41373 Need test for Clone of HLL info
5 - 6 weeks old
6 - 7 weeks old
41310 [CAGE] autogenerated PMC stubs kill compile
41286 [PDD] revisit properties
41280 [PDD] adding methods to subs as objects
7 - 8 weeks old
41265 [TODO] PGE: refactor pod_comment rule into PGE/Util.pbc
41264 [PDD] should properties get serialized?
41263 [PDD] should/can high-level classes be constructed at compile-time?
41257 [tru64] core dump in t/pmc/io_1.pir
41256 [tru64] NaNQ failures in t/pmc/complex
41255 [tru64] core dump from t/pmc/pmc_5.pasm
41254 [tru64] core dump from library/pg
41253 [tru64] core dump from t/dynoplibs/myops_3.pir
41251 [tru64] core dump from t/pmc/resizablebooleanarray_20.pasm
41249 [tru64] core dump in t/pmc/interp_3.pir
41242 Compile on Linux with Intel C++ and Sun Studio for Linux
41231 [TODO] exempt languages/ files from perlcritic testing
41226 [TODO] hunt through DEPRECATED.pod and find things to deprecate
41218 [BUG] warnings in imcc lexer code
8 - 9 weeks old
41201 [TODO] Remove temporary conf hack in
41168 graceful no compiler error message?
9 - 10 weeks old
10 - 11 weeks old
11 - 12 weeks old
41097 Segfault in malformed get_results
12 - 13 weeks old
13 - 14 weeks old
41035 [BUG] Parrot segfaults in perl6 08-regex.t (GC/pointer bug?)
14 - 15 weeks old
40990 [BUG] Parrot segfaults in perl6 08-regex.t (GC/pointer bug?)
40972 Iterator over Env under Win32
15 - 16 weeks old
40923 test errors
16 - 17 weeks old
40830 [PATCH] Man-Chicken's awesome hackathon throw-away patches...
40826 Mac OS X and Dylib Funcs
40822 Pg NCI Test Makes Unportable Connection
40804 -j fails: Stack alignment of x86 JIT on Mac
17 - 18 weeks old
18 - 19 weeks old
40599 [NEW] Coding standards test of return statements
19 - 20 weeks old
20 - 21 weeks old
40490 Flat/Slurpy Named Parameter Passing Errors

Overview of Open Issues

Platform   Severity   Tag  Lang
aix   0abandoned 05005threads   0  Amber0
All   2fatal 3bounce0  BASIC0
bsdos 0High  1Bug  50  bc   0
cygwin6low   1compiler  0  befunge  0
cygwin_nt 0medium0configure 0  bf   0
darwin0none  0core  0  cola 0
dec_osf   0Normal1dailybuild0  forth0
dgux  0unknown   0docs  0  jako 0
dos   0Wishlist  3duplicate 0  Lisp 0
dynixptx  0  install   1  m4   0
freebsd   1   library   0  ook  0
generic   0   notabug   0  perl60
gnu   0   notok 0  plot 0
HPUX  0   ok0  punie0
irix  0   Patch32  python   0

Re: for ... else

2007-03-05 Thread Jonathan Lang

Larry Wall wrote:

On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 04:13:16PM +1030, Tom Lanyon wrote:
: Sounds like the following will work, but it doesn't seem 'nice'.
: for @invoice
: {
:  .process;
:  1;
: } or fail 'No invoices to process';

Still think if there's no invoices it logically should be tested first.
If you don't want to repeat mentioning the array, how 'bout:

@invoice or fail 'No invoices to process'
== for @() {

or equivalently

@invoice or fail 'No invoices to process'
== map {

all assuming you don't like my original

for @invoice || fail 'No invoices to process'

These should work, as long as you don't replace fail 'no invoices to
process' with something that returns a non-empty list.

That said, you could:

   for = || fail 'no input'
   CATCH {
 do_something_else if 'no input'

...where the 'no input' string is there only so that failures
generated by .process will propagate correctly.


This solution isn't generalizable beyond for, though: you wouldn't
be able to use it for while, until, or loop, all of which could
potentially follow the logic of do something special if the loop
fails to run even once.  Hmm...

 while test - $result {
   FIRST { do_something_else unless $result }

...except that I don't think that FIRST would run unless $result is true.

I suppose that you _could_ write:

 if test {
   repeat {
   } while test
 } else {

You'd be having to spell out the test twice, though.

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

Re: [perl #41602] [TODO] MS VS 2005 deprecates strdup

2007-03-05 Thread Kevin Tew
Defining _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE on the compiler command line is 
probably the right solution here.


Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:



Applied in 17281, thanks.

For your question, strdup is fine since these are not garbage
collectable strings (STRING*), just normal C char*'s. There is loads of
them used in IMCC. Unfortunately though, there is an issue in that we
don't free a load of 'em, or at least hadn't used to and I doubt that's
been fixed. So that may hurt us with eval'd code in the future...


I still get the warning. On further inspection the file I added 
through the patch (win32/string.h) is not added. The
#define of strdup as _strdup is in there. So, in order to resolve this 
issue, the file should be added. (it's included in the original patch)


Re: [perl #41602] [TODO] MS VS 2005 deprecates strdup

2007-03-05 Thread jerry gay

On 3/5/07, Kevin Tew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Defining _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE on the compiler command line is
probably the right solution here.

i disagree. the reason Cstrdup, Cstrnicmp and Cstricmp were
deprecated is because they're non-ansi. therefore, microsoft renamed
it to C_strdup. since we've pledged ansi (aka c89) c compliance, we
should be following a similar path.

instead of disabling the *valid* compiler warning, i suggest that
either we modify our coding standard to allow Cstrdup, or we rename
all usage to C_strdup and #define as appropriate for each compiler.


[svn:perl6-synopsis] r14309 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-03-05 Thread audreyt
Author: audreyt
Date: Mon Mar  5 08:20:56 2007
New Revision: 14309


* S05: Minor fixup for this sentence no verb.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S05.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S05.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S05.podMon Mar  5 08:20:56 2007
@@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@
 be possible to know when to fire off the assertions without backchecks.)
 Ordinary quantifiers and characters classes do not terminate a token pattern.
-Zero-width assertions such as word boundaries also okay.
+Zero-width assertions such as word boundaries are also okay.
 Oddly enough, the Ctoken keyword specifically does not determine
 the scope of a token, except insofar as a token pattern usually

[svn:perl6-synopsis] r14310 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-03-05 Thread audreyt
Author: audreyt
Date: Mon Mar  5 08:27:24 2007
New Revision: 14310


* S12: Clarify that VAR(1) and VAR(@foo) are simply no-ops;
   i.e., it applies to thiings other than Scalars, too.
   Also fixed the postfix macro name and nomenclature
   around .VAR.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S12.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S12.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S12.podMon Mar  5 08:27:24 2007
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
   Maintainer: Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: 27 Oct 2004
-  Last Modified: 20 Feb 2007
+  Last Modified: 6 Mar 2007
   Number: 12
-  Version: 42
+  Version: 43
 =head1 Overview
@@ -332,18 +332,23 @@
 @keys  = %hash.keys;
 $sig   = sub.signature;
-Use the CVAR pseudo-function on a scalar variable to get at its
+Use the prefix CVAR macro on a scalar variable to get at its
 underlying CScalar object:
 if VAR($scalar).readonly {...}
-There's also a corresponding postfix:VAR macro that can be used
+CVAR is a no-op on a non-scalar variables and values:
+VAR(1); # 1
+VAR(@x);# @x
+There's also a corresponding C postfix:.VAR  macro that can be used
 as if it were a method:
 if $scalar.VAR.readonly {...}
 (But since it's a macro, CVAR is not dispatched as a real method.
-To dispatch to a real C.VAR method use the indirect C$obj.VAR
+To dispatch to a real C.VAR method, use the indirect C$obj.VAR
 You can also get at the container through the appropriate symbol table:

Re: [perl #41602] [TODO] MS VS 2005 deprecates strdup

2007-03-05 Thread Klaas-Jan Stol

On 3/5/07, jerry gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3/5/07, Kevin Tew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Defining _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE on the compiler command line is
 probably the right solution here.

i disagree. the reason Cstrdup, Cstrnicmp and Cstricmp were
deprecated is because they're non-ansi. therefore, microsoft renamed
it to C_strdup. since we've pledged ansi (aka c89) c compliance, we
should be following a similar path.

instead of disabling the *valid* compiler warning, i suggest that
either we modify our coding standard to allow Cstrdup, or we rename
all usage to C_strdup and #define as appropriate for each compiler.

Moreover, strdup was not deprecated without a reason; strdup is claimed to
be unsafe. It might be a good idea to accept this piece of advice, and use
_strdup and friends.


Re: [perl #41602] [TODO] MS VS 2005 deprecates strdup

2007-03-05 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 05:48:57PM +0100, Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:
 On 3/5/07, jerry gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 instead of disabling the *valid* compiler warning, i suggest that
 either we modify our coding standard to allow Cstrdup, or we rename
 all usage to C_strdup and #define as appropriate for each compiler.
 Moreover, strdup was not deprecated without a reason; strdup is claimed to
 be unsafe. It might be a good idea to accept this piece of advice, and use
 _strdup and friends.

I read that and though huh?

A better answer seems to be further down in:

   strdup(), stricmp(), and strnicmp() have also been deprecated, and I
   assumed it was also related to security, but it's not.  They are
   deprecated simply because they are not part of the ANCI C or C++
   standard, and as such should always have been prefixed by an underscore.
   This was a historical mistake that Microsoft has now rectified in VS

IIRC ANSI have reserved every function name starting str, so this is correct.
They've also reserved every type ending _t, but it seems that few pay
attention to that either.

Nicholas Clark

Re: [perl #41602] [TODO] MS VS 2005 deprecates strdup

2007-03-05 Thread Kevin Tew
I believe that VS2005 Has a new snprintf_s, strcpy_s etc that are 
suppose to be secure



Philip Taylor wrote:

Klaas-Jan Stol wrote on 05/03/2007 16:48:

On 3/5/07, jerry gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i disagree. the reason Cstrdup, Cstrnicmp and Cstricmp were
deprecated is because they're non-ansi. therefore, microsoft renamed
it to C_strdup. since we've pledged ansi (aka c89) c compliance, we
should be following a similar path.

instead of disabling the *valid* compiler warning, i suggest that
either we modify our coding standard to allow Cstrdup, or we rename
all usage to C_strdup and #define as appropriate for each compiler.

Moreover, strdup was not deprecated without a reason; strdup is 
claimed to
be unsafe. It might be a good idea to accept this piece of advice, 
and use

_strdup and friends.

As far as I can see, MSVC doesn't claim strdup is unsafe - string.h 
just defines it with _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE, and the compiler warns 
The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ 
conformant name: _strdup. See online help for details.

For the string functions which it does claim are unsafe (strcpy, 
strcat, etc), it warns This function or variable may be unsafe. 
Consider using strcpy_s instead and provides the _s alternatives; but 
strdup isn't one of those functions. A call to strdup is actually 
compiled into a call to _strdup (via linker tricks (I assume) in 
oldnames.lib), so there's no difference at all in implementation or 

Re: [perl #41602] [TODO] MS VS 2005 deprecates strdup

2007-03-05 Thread jerry gay

On 3/5/07, Philip Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For the string functions which it does claim are unsafe (strcpy, strcat,
etc), it warns This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using
strcpy_s instead and provides the _s alternatives; but strdup isn't one
of those functions. A call to strdup is actually compiled into a call to
_strdup (via linker tricks (I assume) in oldnames.lib), so there's no
difference at all in implementation or safety.

strdup isn't unsafe. it just copies a string--no worries about buffer overflow.

the ansi str* functions *are* likely unsafe, and should be converted
to something safe for compilers which offer a safe alternative, like
msvc. patches to redefine str* functions to the compiler-specific
variant are most certainly welcome.


Re: [perl #41602] [TODO] MS VS 2005 deprecates strdup

2007-03-05 Thread Philip Taylor

Klaas-Jan Stol wrote on 05/03/2007 16:48:

On 3/5/07, jerry gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i disagree. the reason Cstrdup, Cstrnicmp and Cstricmp were
deprecated is because they're non-ansi. therefore, microsoft renamed
it to C_strdup. since we've pledged ansi (aka c89) c compliance, we
should be following a similar path.

instead of disabling the *valid* compiler warning, i suggest that
either we modify our coding standard to allow Cstrdup, or we rename
all usage to C_strdup and #define as appropriate for each compiler.

Moreover, strdup was not deprecated without a reason; strdup is claimed to
be unsafe. It might be a good idea to accept this piece of advice, and use
_strdup and friends.

As far as I can see, MSVC doesn't claim strdup is unsafe - string.h just 
defines it with _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE, and the compiler warns The 
POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ 
conformant name: _strdup. See online help for details.

For the string functions which it does claim are unsafe (strcpy, strcat, 
etc), it warns This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using 
strcpy_s instead and provides the _s alternatives; but strdup isn't one 
of those functions. A call to strdup is actually compiled into a call to 
_strdup (via linker tricks (I assume) in oldnames.lib), so there's no 
difference at all in implementation or safety.

Philip Taylor

[svn:parrot-pdd] r17348 - trunk/docs/pdds/draft

2007-03-05 Thread mdiep
Author: mdiep
Date: Mon Mar  5 08:17:26 2007
New Revision: 17348


[pdd15]: A few small fixes to the Object PDD

Modified: trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd15_objects.pod
--- trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd15_objects.pod (original)
+++ trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd15_objects.pod Mon Mar  5 08:17:26 2007
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 class for each OO class, and they all share the Class or Object vtable,
-An instance of the Class PMC has six attributes, which are:
+An instance of the Class PMC has ten attributes, which are:
 =over 4
@@ -191,12 +191,12 @@
 =item 5
-An hash PMC of the methods defined in the class or composed into the
+A hash PMC of the methods defined in the class or composed into the
 =item 6
-An hash PMC of the overloaded PMC vtable entries for the class.
+A hash PMC of the overloaded PMC vtable entries for the class.
 =item 7
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
 =head2 Role PMC API
-An instance of the Role PMC has four attributes, which are:
+An instance of the Role PMC has five attributes, which are:
 =over 4

[perl #41707] [TODO] Tcl - relocate stub files

2007-03-05 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Will Coleda 
# Please include the string:  [perl #41707]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

(all paths relative to languages/tcl) 

First, do a make test in tcl to get a baseline as some tests are failing. 

The stub files in src/builtin/*.pir need to be relocated to 
runtime/builtin/*.pir; The stubs are: 


When moving, ok to do an svn del/add; be sure to update the MANIFEST. 

Update config/makefiles/ to remove reference to the old name. New 
file will be matched with a wilcard. 

Format of subs changes in runtime. Look at runtime/builtin/trace.pir for 
an example. 

If there's already a file of the same name in runtime, just delete the old 

Then reconfigure parrot, rebuild tcl, re make test, make sure nothing new is 

[svn:parrot-pdd] r17350 - trunk/docs/pdds/draft

2007-03-05 Thread nicholas
Author: nicholas
Date: Mon Mar  5 10:35:04 2007
New Revision: 17350


A few spelling corrections.

Modified: trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd15_objects.pod
--- trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd15_objects.pod (original)
+++ trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd15_objects.pod Mon Mar  5 10:35:04 2007
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 =head2 Class
-A class defines a pattern of characteristcs and behaviors from which
+A class defines a pattern of characteristics and behaviors from which
 objects are constructed.
 =head2 Attribute
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 will have the same set of attributes.  Most OO languages don't allow
 attribute changes to existing classes, but Parrot's base attribute
 system does allow it. In order to safely support advanced dynamic
-features in HLLs, attributes are not accesible via fixed attribute
+features in HLLs, attributes are not accessible via fixed attribute
 offsets, but only via named lookup.
 =head2 Method
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
 class. When instantiating an object, the object data store is created as
 a ResizablePMCArray, so doesn't need any specific details of the class's
 attribute structure. As attributes are set in the object (based on the
-index in the lookup table), the Array expands to accomodate the
+index in the lookup table), the Array expands to accommodate the
 attribute indexes that are actually used. In the common case, a
 relatively small set near the lower index range is all that will be
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
 objects still point to the old class and do their method resolution and
 attribute lookup through that class. If a class hasn't been
 instantiated, adding a method doesn't create a new class. If it has been
-instantiated, it creates a new class the first time its extended,
+instantiated, it creates a new class the first time it's extended,
 and then doesn't create a new class until it is instantiated again.) The
 class registry needs to have names removed entirely (it doesn't care
 about names anymore).  Low-level PMC types also need entries in the
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
 sections below on LObjects and LVtables.
 [stream-of-consciousness again]
-In addition to a value type, objects can have a containter type. The
+In addition to a value type, objects can have a container type. The
 container type can't be stored in the object itself, because a single
 object may live within multiple containers. So, the container type (when
 it exists) is stored in the LexPad or Namespace entry for a particular
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@
 =head1 Explanations
 To get a new class, you can do a Cnewclass, which creates a new class with no
-parents besides parrot's default super-ish parent class.
+parents besides Parrot's default super-ish parent class.
 To get a new child class, you have two potential options:
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@
 Classes may override the vtable methods, allowing objects of a class to behave
 like a primitive PMC. Each vtable slot has a corresponding named method that
-parrot looks for in your class hierarchy when an object is used in a primitive
+Parrot looks for in your class hierarchy when an object is used in a primitive
 To use these properly at a low-level requires a good working knowledge of the
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@
 methods are called by the interpreter--once a vtable method is exited any
 continuation taken within it is no longer valid and may not be used.
-Note that any class method that wishes to use parrot's multi-method dispatch
+Note that any class method that wishes to use Parrot's multi-method dispatch
 system may do so. This is, in fact, encouraged, though it is not required. In
 the absence of explicit multimethod dispatch, a left-side wins scheme is used.
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
 =head2 Objectspace
-Ruby: Objectspace in ruby allows the programmer to iterate through every live 
+Ruby: Objectspace in Ruby allows the programmer to iterate through every live 
 in the system.  There is some debate about how to make this play nice with 
 garbage collection schemes.
@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@
 .Net: Single inheritance.
-Ruby: Single inheritance but support for mixins of ruby modules.
+Ruby: Single inheritance but support for mixins of Ruby modules.
 =head2 Interfaces
@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@
 =head2 Translation
 The following list a set of languages, then within each language what the
-parrot term translates to.
+Parrot term translates to.
 =over 4
@@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@
 =item Attribute
-A Python attribute maps to a parrot property
+A Python attribute maps to a Parrot property
@@ -1278,7 +1278,7 @@
 =item Attribute
-What .NET calls an attribute parrot calls a property
+What .NET calls an attribute Parrot calls a property
 =item Property

Coercion of non-numerics to numbers

2007-03-05 Thread Dave Whipp
I was wondering about the semantics of coercion of non-numbers, so I 
experimented with the interactive Pugs on feather:

pugs +42
pugs +x42

I assume that pugs is assuming no fail in the interactive environment. 
However, Is 0.0 the correct answer, or should it be one of undef, or 

In my experiments, I also noticed:

pugs my Int $a = 42
pugs $a.WHAT

It seems that the explicit type of $a is being ignored in the 
assignment. Am I right to assume this is simply a bug?

testcase (if someone with commit bits can add it):

  no fail;
  my Int $a = not numeric;
  is $a.WHAT, ::Int, coercion in initial assignment;

Re: resumable exceptions and LEAVE/KEEP/UNDO blocks

2007-03-05 Thread Larry Wall
On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 01:06:46PM +, Daniel Hulme wrote:
: What happens if a resumable exception is propagated through a block with
: a LEAVE, KEEP, or UNDO block? S04 seems to be a bit vague on this point.
: It strikes me that what we want it to do is not execute them when the
: exception is propagated, because we don't know whether it's going to be
: resumed or not. If the exception is resumed by its handler, then that's
: fine, as we can call the blocks at the usual time (when the blocks they
: are attached to exit). If the exception is caught and handled and not
: resumed, that would leave us with having to find all the LEAVE c.
: blocks and call them in the right order when the exception handler
: exits.
: In either case, it looks like you have a problem. LEAVE c. blocks will
: often be used for things like database transactions, where we want to
: ensure that some lock obtained on entering the block is released
: promptly regardless of how the control flow jumps about. In such a
: context, throwing a resumable exception that skips the LEAVE block,
: farts about doing some potentially long computation in a higher-up
: scope, and only calls the LEAVE block to release the lock at some later
: date, seems to be far from the best choice. Sure, we can warn
: programmers to make their resumable-exception handlers short, or to only
: throw non-resumable exceptions from blocks that are likely to be called
: in such circumstances. I suppose that would be an acceptable resolution,
: but it has an aura of non--re-entrant signal handlers about it, so it
: seems like the sort of thing I would like to avoid if anyone is clever
: enough to think of something else to do.

I don't see a problem here.  I think you maybe missed the bit that says:

A CCATCH block sees the lexical scope in which it was defined, but
its caller is the dynamic location that threw the exception.  That is,
the stack is not unwound until some exception handler chooses to
unwind it by handling the exception in question.

Exiting blocks are not run until the decision is made to unwind the stack,
which is *after* the exception handlers are run.  So all the exception
trampoline has to do to resume is just return; the resume continuation
doesn't really have to be a real continuation in this case.

: BTW, if one is handling a resumable exception, how does one resume it? I
: couldn't find anything explaining how. Having a .resume method (or some
: cutesier name) on the Resumable role would seem to make sense.

To resume a resumable exception the correct thing to do is very
likely nothing.  The outermost warning handler is what generally
resumes otherwise uncaught resumables.  If you catch a warning,
it defaults to resuming when handled unless you rethrow it as fatal.


Re: resumable exceptions and LEAVE/KEEP/UNDO blocks

2007-03-05 Thread Daniel Hulme
On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 09:01:13AM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
 I don't see a problem here.  I think you maybe missed the bit that says:
 A CCATCH block sees the lexical scope in which it was defined, but
 its caller is the dynamic location that threw the exception.  That is,
 the stack is not unwound until some exception handler chooses to
 unwind it by handling the exception in question.

Yes, I did. I was grepping specifically for the bit on resumable
exceptions and the quoted bit is 80 lines up so I missed it completely.
Thanks for pointing me at it.

 To resume a resumable exception the correct thing to do is very
 likely nothing.  The outermost warning handler is what generally
 resumes otherwise uncaught resumables.  If you catch a warning,
 it defaults to resuming when handled unless you rethrow it as fatal.

OK, that makes sense.

The reason that came up was because on Friday I had a good idea for a
language feature that would have made a task I had been doing that day
much easier. When I checked the spec, though, I found out it was already
in. This is happening increasingly often, which should be reassuring to
all concerned.

Listen to your users, but ignore what they say. - Nathaniel Borenstein  Calm down, it's only ones and zeroes.

Description: Digital signature

Re: [svn:parrot] r17356 - trunk

2007-03-05 Thread Will Coleda


On Mar 5, 2007, at 7:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-- Mar 20th, Matt Diephouse (mdiep)
-- Apr 17th, Will Coleda (coke)
+- Mar 20th, Will Coleda (coke)
+- Apr 17th, Matt Diephouse (mdiep)

Will Coke Coleda

[svn:perl6-synopsis] r14311 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-03-05 Thread larry
Author: larry
Date: Mon Mar  5 19:01:16 2007
New Revision: 14311


the change back from .give to .leave was incomplete as noted by rhr++.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.podMon Mar  5 19:01:16 2007
@@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@
 would work just as well.  You can exit any labeled block early by saying
 =item *

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S03.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S03.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S03.podMon Mar  5 19:01:16 2007
@@ -2025,7 +2025,7 @@
 If a C* (see the Whatever type in S02) occurs on the right side
 of a range, it is taken to mean positive infinity in whatever space
 the range is operating.  A C* on the left means negative infinity
-for types that support negative values. (The sign of those infinites
+for types that support negative values. (The sign of those infinities
 reverses for a negative step.)  If the C* occurs on one side but
 not the other, the type is inferred from the other argument.  A star
 on both sides will match any value that supports the COrdered role.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.podMon Mar  5 19:01:16 2007
@@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@
 blocks this can be optimized away to a goto.  All CRoutine declarations
 have an explicit declarator such as Csub or Cmethod; bare blocks and
 pointy blocks are never considered to be routines in that sense.  To return
-from a block, use Cgive instead--see below.
+from a block, use Cleave instead--see below.
 The Creturn function preserves its argument list as a CCapture object, and
 responds to the left-hand CSignature in a binding.  This allows named return
@@ -1775,10 +1775,10 @@
 last COUNT;
-However, the first form explicitly gives the return value for the
+However, the first form explicitly sets the return value for the
 entire loop, while the second implicitly returns all the previous
 successful loop iteration values as a list comprehension.  (It may,
-in fact, be too late to give a return value for the loop if it is
+in fact, be too late to set a return value for the loop if it is
 being evaluated lazily!)  A Cleave
 from the inner loop block, however, merely specifies the return value for
 that iteration:

Re: [S09] Whatever indices and shaped arrays

2007-03-05 Thread David Green

On 2/27/07, Jonathan Lang wrote:

David Green wrote:
So I end up back at one of Larry's older ideas, which basically is: 
[] for counting, {} for keys.

What if you want to mix the two?  I want the third element of row 
5. In my proposal, that would be @array[5, *[2]]; in your 
proposal, there does not appear to be a way to do it.

Unless the two approaches aren't mutually exclusive: @array{5, 
*[2]}.  [...] Since this is an unlikely situation, the fact that 
nesting square braces inside curly braces is a bit uncomfortable 
isn't a problem: this is a case of making hard things possible, not 
making easy things easy.

Oh, good point.  Yes, I think that mixing them together that way makes sense.
It also suggests that you could get at the named keys by applying {} to *:
%foo[0, 1, *{'bar'}]; #first column, second row, bar layer

The one gotcha that I see here is with the possibility of 
multi-dimensional arrays.  In particular, should  multi-dimensional 
indices be allowed inside square braces? [...]  With that promise, 
you can always guarantee that the wrap-around semantics will work 
inside [], while nobody will expect them to work inside {}.

Right, I don't see a problem with handling any number of dimensions that way.

Furthermore, you could do away with the notion of shaped vs. 
unshaped: just give everything a default shape.  The default shape 
for arrays would be '[*]' - that is, one dimension with an 
indeterminate number of ordinals.

Meanwhile, shapes for {} would continue to use the current syntax.
'[$x, $y, $z]' would be nearly equivalent to '{0..^$x; 0..^$y; 0..^$z}'.


it can work in the usual way: start at 0, end at -1.  It is useful 
to be able to count past the ends of an array, and * can do this by 
going beyond the end: *+1, *+2, etc., or before the beginning: *-1, 
*-2, etc.  (This neatly preserves the notion of * as all the 
elements -- *-1 is the position before everything, and  *+1 is the 
position after everything else.)

Regardless, I would prefer this notion to the offset from the 
endpoint notion currently in use.  Note, however, that [*-1] 
wouldn't work in the ordinals paradigm; there simply is nothing 
before the first element.  About the only use I could see for it 
would be to provide an assignment equivalent of unshift: 
'@array[*-1] = $x' could be equivalent to 'unshift @array, $x'.  But 
note that, unlike the 'push'-type assignments, this would change 
what existing ordinals point to.

I figured that *-1 or *+1 would work like unshift/push, which 
effectively does change what the ordinals point to (e.g.  unshifting 
a P5 array).  If the array is not extensible, then it should fail in 
the same way as unshift/push would.

Meanwhile, {*-1} would only make sense in cases where keys are 
ordered and new keys can be auto-generated.  Note also that {*+$x} 
is compatible with {*[$x]}: the former would reference outside of 
the known set of keys, while {*[$x]} would reference within them.



[perl #41707] [TODO] Tcl - relocate stub files

2007-03-05 Thread Nuno Carvalho via RT

On Mon Mar 05 10:32:33 2007, coke wrote:
 (all paths relative to languages/tcl)
 First, do a make test in tcl to get a baseline as some tests are
languages/tcl$ make test | tee /tmp/OUTPUT

 The stub files in src/builtin/*.pir need to be relocated to
 runtime/builtin/*.pir; The stubs are:
 When moving, ok to do an svn del/add; be sure to update the MANIFEST.
Moved files and updated MANIFEST, still missing some propset on the new

 Update config/makefiles/ to remove reference to the old name.
 file will be matched with a wilcard.

 Format of subs changes in runtime. Look at runtime/builtin/trace.pir
 an example.
Subs where updated.

 If there's already a file of the same name in runtime, just delete the
The only one that already existed was trace.pir -- overwritten.

 Then reconfigure parrot, rebuild tcl, re make test, make sure nothing
 new is
After reconfigure parrot and rebuild tcl:

languages/tcl$ make test | tee /tmp/OUTPUT2

$ diff /tmp/OUTPUT /tmp/OUTPUT2 
 Files=73, Tests=1332, 874 wallclock secs (792.16 cusr + 16.80 csys =
808.96 CPU)
 Files=73, Tests=1332, 938 wallclock secs (795.61 cusr + 16.98 csys =
812.59 CPU)

Same behaviour, only time changed.

The changes were commited on revision 17353, MANIFEST update was
commited on revision 17354.

Best regards,

Re: Coercion of non-numerics to numbers

2007-03-05 Thread Larry Wall
On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 09:22:59AM -0800, Dave Whipp wrote:
: I was wondering about the semantics of coercion of non-numbers, so I 
: experimented with the interactive Pugs on feather:
: pugs +42
: 42.0
: pugs +x42
: 0.0
: I assume that pugs is assuming no fail in the interactive environment. 
: However, Is 0.0 the correct answer, or should it be one of undef, or 
: NaN?

It should probably warn by default since warnings are supposed to be on
by default in Perl 6, but if that is supressed the return value should
at least be an interesting value of undef containing the warning that
would have been emitted, so that the warning can be issued later if
the value is actually used.

: In my experiments, I also noticed:
: pugs my Int $a = 42
: 42
: pugs $a.WHAT
: ::Str
: It seems that the explicit type of $a is being ignored in the 
: assignment. Am I right to assume this is simply a bug?

Well, it's just not implemented, I think.  Or more accurately, still in
the process of being implemented, since the pugsers are madly working on
metaobjects this week.

: testcase (if someone with commit bits can add it):

I'm sending you a commit bit so you can add tests.  It's traditional
to add yourself to AUTHORS as the first checkin to make sure things work.
