Re: POD - Code entanglement

2007-06-14 Thread Thomas Wittek
Moritz Lenz:
 =begin pod
 =head3 Cmethod from_string(Str $s);
 =end pod
 method from_string(Str $s){
   # implementation of that method here
 Since method signatures are very expressive in Perl 6, there should be a
 way of accessing them in the POD without copy  paste.

As I read =head 3 method... I also had the idea that semantically more
meaningful directives might be a good idea.

I mean POD uses constructs like headlines, lists, blocks, italic etc.
which all describe _how it looks like_ and not _what it is_.
A head3 might be the headline of a method documentation as well as one
introducing the contact information for the author of a module.
The directive doesn't have much semantics.
Other people might use head2 for documenting methods, what leads to a
pretty inconsistent look of the documentation.

So maybe directives like method, sub, attribute, class etc. might be a
better choice regarding semantics.
Of course those semantics are directly given in the code, so why not use
them as MarkOv proposed?

It's a bit like HTML-XML, where the former lacks most of the semantics
and makes the information processing - not to speak about a consistent
look over several documents - a lot harder.

I could imagine a semantic documentation in Perl6, that could be
translated to XML/HTML+CSS or to POD(6) for formatting it.

A semantic documentation could also be very useful in IDEs, where the
IDE could clearly (without guessing) determine the documentation for a
certain element.
Also you could automatically test if every method/class/.. has been
documented etc.

Semantics are very useful in documentation, why throw them away?
Thomas Wittek

Re: propose renaming Hash to Dict

2007-06-01 Thread Thomas Wittek
Larry Wall:
 Nope.  Hash is mostly about meaning, and very little about implementation.
 Please don't assume that I name things according to Standard Names in
 Computer Science.  I name things in English.  Hash is just something
 that is disordered, which describes the associative array interface
 rather nicely, distinguishing it from the ordered Array interface.

Hm, but with which would you explain a hash in plain english?
What would be the closest equivalents in the real world?

I'm not a native english speaker, but I've never heard or read the word
hash outside CS.

I guess this ones are close:
- collection (contra: doesn't imply the access to an item)
- dictionary (contra: might be assumed ordered)
- directory (contra: might be assumed ordered, clashes with a file
- index (contra: might be assumed ordered, might be too technical)

The problem with the implication of an order in the real world concepts
is that you probably won't find one that isn't ordered.
Those things allow us to find something easily by a word. But as we
first have to find that word, we have an ordered list of the words...

So there is no perfect candidate in the above list.
But in my opinion they are still more english than hash.
Additionally I believe it would be easier to learn that it's (e.g.) a
dictionary that just is not ordered than learning a whole new word like
a hash (which it was for me as a non-native english speaker).

Thomas Wittek

Re: propose renaming Hash to Dict

2007-06-01 Thread Thomas Wittek
Daniel Hulme:
 Larry Wall:
 I name things in English.  Hash is just something that is disordered
 I'm not a native english speaker, but I've never heard or read the word
 hash outside CS.
 you've never eaten corned beef hash.

To conclude, as hash definitely tastes better than a dictionary, we
should stick to that name. ;)

At least nobody can say that Perl is bad taste!

Thomas Wittek

Re: Is Perl 6 too late?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek

Moritz Lenz schrieb:

What makes Perl hard to read is the excessive use of special characters

I disagree: The make it look ugly, but not hard to read.

Even if it's only ugly: To what advantage? I don't think ugliness is a 
good characteristic of a programming language.

Global variables with cryptic names, that no beginner can make any sense
of by reading it. And after not working with $ for some months I
can't remember it either, although I've got quite some Perl experience.

Well, most of them are gone or renamed to more readable ones in p6.

I hope so. I could only find the counterparts for __PACKAGE__ etc. in 
S02. I didn't find the one for e.g. $.

Additionally I'm not a friend of sigils: 

Then you shouldn't program in perl. Really.

Reason? I still haven't seen a good justification for sigils.
To allow arrays and scalars and subs to have the same name (besides the 
sigil) although they have different content? No good idea I think.
I also can't remember that I ever named a variable like a reserved 
word or operator. And even if I could, I'd consider it to be bad style.

I would also like semicolons to be optional. 

Most people don't ;-).

Oh, really? Source? :)
I think they were invented to allow easier parsing and not easier coding.
E.g. in JavaScript, Python, Ruby and Groovy they are optional or even 
don't exist. As I said, there are much more cases where you wouldn't 
need them but have to write them than vice versa.
Optional semicolons save keystrokes, eye pain and stupid syntactic 
errors. And if you still like them, you could just use them, which is 
the definition of optional.

I really like the Python way of doing it: Set the variables type on the
assignment and remember it. The (fewer) operators now work according to
the type of the operands. No implicit (and error prone) type casting.
That way seems to be the best compromise of easiness and type safety.

Well, if you like the python way, feel free to code in python.

Oh, if I didn't like Perl, why should I care about posting my ideas here?
Perl has stolen the largest part of the language from other languages.
Why not do so again by adopting good ideas.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad in writing some critics, but
yours is impossible to realize in Perl 6

Admittedly I'm much too late and I didn't expect applause for my critics 
-- but at least I hoped to get a discussion based on arguments.

 and therefore are it's hard to call it constructive.

Unfortunately I already thought this. Even if everyone agreed that 
sigils (or forced semicolons, or tons of operators, ...) are more bad 
than good (and this seems like persuading the pope to allow homosexual 
muslims to marry with priests) the design process is probably too far to 
introduce such dramatic changes.


Thomas Wittek

Re: Is Perl 6 too late?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek

chromatic wrote:

Global variables with cryptic names, that no beginner can make any sense
of by reading it. And after not working with $ for some months I
can't remember it either, although I've got quite some Perl experience.

Most of those have gone away.

Oh, some someone must agree that word characters might be the better choice.
As I wrote Moritz, I could only find the replacements for __PACKAGE__ 
and alike. Additionally it would be very nice to group them in packages.

Additionally I'm not a friend of sigils:

I'm not a friend of potential conflicts between built-in operators and my 
identifier names (and especially the conflicts between scalar, aggregate, 
type, and function names).

As I partially wrote Moritz, I
a) don't think that it's the case very often. you have to write the 
sigil a thousand times where it wouldn't be useful for only 1 case where 
you'd have a name conflict.
b) even if there would be a conflict, it might be considered bad style 
to use identical identifiers (besides the sigil) for different things 

I would also like semicolons to be optional.

When (smart) people talk about Python's whitespace problem, they don't mean 
*horizontal* whitespace.

I'm not much into Python. But as at least Ruby, Python, JavaScript, 
Groovy and Lua (which all are relatively young languages) don't force 
you to write semicolons.
So semicolons don't seem to be the best invention since sliced bread. 
There should be extra-syntax for the rare cases (multiline) and not for 
the common ones.

Some say that there are too much operators in Perl(6). I partially

That's like saying there are too many function calls in Scheme.  Perl's an 
operator-oriented language!

And it should be. I really like the expressive power of most of the 
operators. Especially the new zip/junction/reduce/smart-match ones.

But I don't like doing implicit type casting with operators.
It's even discouraged in Perl5 as we have a warning for that.
So maybe it'd be a good idea to completely drop it.

People not only want code that _is_ sexy, but they also want it to
_look_ sexy.

At least almost everyone to whom I said, that I do most work in Perl, 
responded with some sentence containing the word ugly or unreadable.
To get away from that image, it's neccessary to do some radical changes 
I think.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Is Perl 6 too late?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek

Andy Armstrong schrieb:

On 14 May 2007, at 11:51, Thomas Wittek wrote:
I also can't remember that I ever named a variable like a reserved 
word or operator. And even if I could, I'd consider it to be bad style.

How did you know which reserved words and operators were going to be 
introduced in the future so you could avoid them all?

How did C, C#, Java, Ruby, Python, Lua, JavaScript, Visual Basic, etc. know?
They didn't.
If there is a new release, you always have to check if your code still runs.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Is Perl 6 too late?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek

herbert breunung schrieb:

please make a decision for you to program in a language [..]

 [..] try python. [..]

Oh, just because I think that they've some smart design decisions?
Why not steal them?

BTW: Why do so much people say go away if you don't like it instead of 
being open for ideas and discussing them from a neutral point of view?

Thomas Wittek

Re: Is Perl 6 too late?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek

Andy Armstrong schrieb:

On 14 May 2007, at 12:31, Thomas Wittek wrote:
How did C, C#, Java, Ruby, Python, Lua, JavaScript, Visual Basic, etc. 

They didn't.
If there is a new release, you always have to check if your code still 

I think that may be the point I'm making.

Your point is that you don't have one?
Do you believe, that new keywords are the only cause of breaking 
backwards compatibility? I don't think so.

So you rely on testing your code anyway. Sigils won't save you from that.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Is Perl 6 too late?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek
Frank Wiles schrieb:
 Take a look at
 actual code written in other languages and you'll find many variable
 names that end in things like _ary, _array, _dict, _list, etc.

Actually I've not seen that often. Where I've seen it frequently is in
Visual Basic and Delphi/Pascal.
I hated it too.

But I think that the name of an identifier (noun/verb, single/plural,
the meaning of the word) already gives enough context to understand what
type it is.
And every use of it (assigning and reading) additionally makes it clear.
So _for me_ there is no need for an additional hint for the type.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Is Perl 6 too late?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek
chromatic wrote:
 theproblemlinguisticallyspeakingisthatsometimes [snipped]

I can't remember that I said that you shouldn't separate your
expressions (by punctation/whitspaces),
$.but! (*adding$ %*characters _+that^# $might) @#not_ !#be()
!necessary_ *#$doesn't! *(make) [EMAIL PROTECTED] =_easier
to read and to type (in addition it was a torture to type that).

 So semicolons don't seem to be the best invention since sliced bread.
 There should be extra-syntax for the rare cases (multiline) and not for
 the common ones.
 Somehow English seems to get by with periods at the ends of statements, 
 almost no one pronounces them.

Oh, I thought Perl was a programming language. My fault.
Apples and oranges.
Most modern scripting languages don't need the semicolons. I think
there's no plausible reason for them.

 I agree.  You need less ignorant colleagues.  I'm not sure Perl 6 can fix 

I don't think that it's a point of ignorance.
Especially as they (and enough other people on the web) only seem to be
ignorant regarding Perl. Strange, huh?

 By the way, I'm still waiting to meet your cadre of Dylan hackers.

I never claimed to have some.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Sigils by example

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek
Juerd Waalboer wrote:
 Thomas Wittek skribis 2007-05-14 22:20 (+0200):
 But I think that the name of an identifier (noun/verb, single/plural,
 the meaning of the word) already gives enough context to understand what
 type it is.


You are right, I should have weakened this sentence by in most cases.
Tricky from you to cut out my next sentence, which was about additional
context that's needed in this cases and that your examples are missing
of course:

 Thomas Wittek also wrote:
 And every use of it (assigning and reading) additionally makes it
 So _for me_ there is no need for an additional hint for the type.

Juerd Waalboer wrote:
 And how on earth would you write, where foo is a variable
 holding a reference to a method, not the name of the method, if you had
 no sigils?

That would not happen in my code.
I consider having the same name for different things bad.
I even wouldn't do that _with_ sigils.

 The Perl Way:
 $ calls the method called foo.
 $object.$foo() calls the method that is in the variable $foo.

My way:
someref = somemethod

Of course you could argue that you don't know in advance, if object
has a method with that name, so you cannot manually avoid the conflict.
But it should be no problem to put out a warning/error at runtime (or
maybe even at compile time) when a variable name clashes with a method name.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Is Perl 6 too late?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek
Juerd Waalboer schrieb:
 Thomas Wittek skribis 2007-05-14  0:42 (+0200):
 excessive use of special characters (/\W/).
 This seems to be I don't like regexes. Ignoring for now that Perl 6
 regexes will be more verbose and thus easier to read for someone without
 much prior exposure to them, what would you suggest as an alternative to
 regex matching?

Not ignoring that will nullify your argument.
Regexps/rules are great, and I never said anything differing. If the
syntax gets more readable without any cost (in which I belive) its even
Now do s/Regexps\/rules are/Perl is/ on the last sentence.

 On the other hand, the overall structure of a program is often more
 obvious, exactly because so much more fits in one screenful.

My suggestions won't have an impact on the expressiveness of Perl.
So in many cases you might have even less characters on your screen.
Of course some special character sequences would be replaced by word
character sequences, but that won't fill your screen by a magnitude.

Thomas Wittek

Re: explicit line termination with ;: why?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek
Andrew Shitov:
 If the line of code is not ended with ';' the parser tries first
 to assume [..]

Wouldn't that be unambigous?

 foo = 23
 bar = \


I think there would be no ambiguities and you only had to add additional
syntax for the rare cases instead of the common cases.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Is Perl 6 too late?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek
Austin Hastings:
 A similar trade-off exists with the statement terminating semicolon. In
 this case, it involves the number of statements per line:
 A language that terminates statements can ignore whitespace, allowing
 multiple statements per line and statements that span multiple lines.

Still possible with optional semicolons (as you say later):

 a = 1
 b = \
 c = 3; d = 4

 The vast majority of languages have opted to terminate statements.

Most of the younger scripting languages didn't.

 Probably the best argument is that encountering a
 semicolon (or full stop, in COBOL) is a positive indicator rather than a
 negative one. I see a semicolon. I know the statement is over. as
 opposed to I don't see a continuation marker, so it's likely that the
 statement is over, although it could be tabbed way off to the right or

Your semicolon could also be tabbed way off, so you can't be sure there
I see no semicolon, so it's likely that the statement continues on the
next line.

 So line termination doesn't gain a punctuation character

No problem I think.

 and causes the ends of lines to be uncertain.

It's exactly as certain as with semicolon termination. See above.

 It does reduce typing, for the small crowd of people that wouldn't
 just use them anyway because they use them in every other language.

 I think the lack of value here outweights the savings of one character
 per line.

But even if the advantage of line termination is low (some characters
saved, some people might say it looks cleaner), I cannot see any
advantage of semicolon termination.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Sigils by example

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek
Juerd Waalboer schrieb:
 Thomas Wittek skribis 2007-05-15  0:48 (+0200):
 The Perl Way:
 $ calls the method called foo.
 $object.$foo() calls the method that is in the variable $foo.
 My way:
 someref = somemethod
 Of course you could argue that you don't know in advance, if object
 has a method with that name, so you cannot manually avoid the conflict.
 Indeed. Now you have to know your object very well, and avoid all of its
 method names for variable names. For example, an HTTP::Request object
 has a .headers method. If Your Way were in effect, I could no longer
 safely use the name headers for my own variables, and then still call
 the headers method on the object.

You are right, it would not be practical to prohibit variable names to
be the same like any other object method names.

But still I can't imagine a useful example where I want so call a method
of object A on object B, which doesn't have this method.
Would it be a good idea to call methods on objects, that never thought
of this methods?
If it wasn't allowed to do so (because it may be not a good idea at all
-- i don't know), we wouldn't have that problem:

Storing a reference to a method of object A, that will only be called on
object A could be done like this:

  my ref = A.method

 Perl allows both avoiding clashes and not-avoiding clashes. Your way
 only strictly requires the former programming style. And since my
 preferred style is different, I'm glad you're not designing Perl 6.

I'm also glad not to do that as I don't think that I'd have the
knowledge to do that.
I just offer my thoughts.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Sigils by example

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek
chromatic schrieb:
 On Monday 14 May 2007 15:48:24 Thomas Wittek wrote:
 But it should be no problem to put out a warning/error at runtime (or
 maybe even at compile time) when a variable name clashes with a method
 Do you always know all of the method names in your entire memory space at 
 compile time?

No, and as I wrote to Juerd, I now think that it's also not a good idea
at runtime.

Thomas Wittek

Re: explicit line termination with ;: why?

2007-05-14 Thread Thomas Wittek
John Macdonald schrieb:
 It's also, in many cases,
 harder to edit - that's why a trailing comma in a list that
 is surrounded by parens, or a trailing semicolon in a block
 surrounded by braces, is easier to manage.

Now that the list is surrounded by parens makes clear that it ends with
the closing paren and not with a line break. So you could still use
commas (without backslashes) to separate the items over multiple lines.
See e.g.

 Having punctuation where there is a stop is more natural than
 having an explicit marker for don't stop here, keep going.

That's the pro-semicolon reason that makes most sense in all comments
that I've read so far in this discussion.
But maybe that's just something where you have to get used to.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Is Perl 6 too late?

2007-05-13 Thread Thomas Wittek
chromatic schrieb:
 On Thursday 03 May 2007 03:06:43 Andrew Shitov wrote:
 What is nedded is a very simple step:

And to attract contributors, you have to have a convincing vision.
I'm not sure, if the (current) Perl6 specs are convincing enough to
attract the developers out there.
Sure there are a lot of great ideas. But imho Perl6 still has quite some
deficiencies, that are criticized very often for Perl5.


I'm only a distant observer of the Perl6 design process, so I might not
be in the position to criticize Perl6.
On the other hand, a distant view might be insightful.
This is not intended to be a provocation.
But I also think that there is a great opportunity to make _big_ changes
to Perl to be even more competitive.
But maybe Perl6 is probably too far defined to encounter big changes in
some critical aspects.

As Ruby and Python are getting more and more attraction [1][2] I think
they do something right, that Perl doesn't.
What I think where both (especially Python) do better is in readable code.

What makes Perl hard to read is the excessive use of special characters
In my opinion, reducing the use of those characters would make Perl a
lot easier to read and also easier to write.
Global variables with cryptic names, that no beginner can make any sense
of by reading it. And after not working with $ for some months I
can't remember it either, although I've got quite some Perl experience.

Additionally I'm not a friend of sigils: Typing them is relatively
painful, for reading there is no advantage if you use an editor with
decent syntax highlighting and the code looks more cryptic. The answer
in Perl6 are twigils, great... One step backwards in my optinion.
Most programming languages
/C(++|#)?|Java(Script)?|Python|Ruby|Groovy/... don't need them. The only
obvious advantage of using sigils is variable interpolation in strings.
But that could easily be done only in strings without the need to put a
$ in front of each and every variable name in the rest of the code.

I would also like semicolons to be optional. There are far more cases of
single line statements than multiline statements. So you would save
quite some characters, when the semicolon would be optional and you
could concatenate multiline statements with e.g. a backslash.

Some say that there are too much operators in Perl(6). I partially
agree. I don't like the implicit type casting forced by the operators
(== int / eq string). That's harder to learn and remember. Harder to
read also.
I really like the Python way of doing it: Set the variables type on the
assignment and remember it. The (fewer) operators now work according to
the type of the operands. No implicit (and error prone) type casting.
That way seems to be the best compromise of easiness and type safety.

I could continue on that, but I've already written too much...



People not only want code that _is_ sexy, but they also want it to
_look_ sexy.

Thomas Wittek

Re: for ... else

2007-03-04 Thread Thomas Wittek
Darren Duncan schrieb:
 At 11:17 PM +0100 3/3/07, Thomas Wittek wrote:
 Larry Wall:
  : if ($item = 'foobar') {

 == of course ;)

  If you actually wrote that, then you'll always find that the first
   item has the value 'foobar'.  :)
 Care to try a third time?
 I don't think the numeric-casting == will do what you want either.

Shame on me. I confused my examples. Read the 42 thing and wrote above.
Must be  of course, to leave the gag running ;)
Next time I should write my messages with use warnings;...

Thomas Wittek

Re: for ... else

2007-03-03 Thread Thomas Wittek
Larry Wall:
 : if ($item = 'foobar') {

== of course ;)

 If you actually wrote that, then you'll always find that the first
 item has the value 'foobar'.  :)

 Well, leaving out the extraneous stuff, here's both kinds of else in one:
 $result = first 42, (@items || say No items.)
   err say The end has been reached. 42 not found.;

That's a solution to find the first matching item.
But that's not the only reason to loop through a list.
else would be a general purpose solution.

 To get all of it in, you could use something more like:
 $result = first Any, gather for @items || say No items. {
   FIRST { 
   say Mh, I'll look for 42!
   when 42 {
   say I've found the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!;
   take $_;
   LAST {
   say The end has been reached. 42 not found.;

That's, well, elegant! Yes.
Because and but it's tricky.
Nothing where I'd say wow, thats an easy solution to my problem!.
It's a bit complicated, because you have to understand and combine
several concepts. That's elegant. But not easy, I think.
I think it's not simple enough for this simple kind of problem.

Thomas Wittek

for ... else

2007-03-02 Thread Thomas Wittek
Today I stumbled upon the Perl5 module For::Else.
It adds an else block to a foreach loop:

  foreach my $item (@items) {
#process each item
  } else {
#handle the empty list case

I find it a very nice addition as I've written code like this:

 if (@stuff) {
   for my $thing (@stuff) {
 } else {

many times. An else block would save keystrokes and would make the code
more readable. Python also has it.

What do you think?
Thomas Wittek

Re: for ... else

2007-03-02 Thread Thomas Wittek
Luke Palmer schrieb:
 That is not what it means in Python.

You trapped me. :) Actually I don't know any python but I've once read a
for/else construct in python. But obviously it doesn't dwIm.

From the Python Reference Manual:

  When the items are exhausted (which is immediately when the sequence
  is empty), the suite in the else clause, if present, is executed,
  and the loop terminates.

 I'm not sure about either interpretation, but admittedly Python's is
 harder to emulate clearly.

I'd like the For::Else behaviour more. Especially as I remember numerous
times writing an if clause to check if a list is empty before processing it.

I don't remember many cases where I wrote something like this:

  my $found;
  foreach my $item (@items) {
if ($item = 'foobar') {
  $found = 1;
  unless ($found) {

To make it more clear, I could imagine (a subset of) this:

  for @items - $item {
say $item;
if $item == 42 {
  say I've found the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!;
  } start {
say Mh, I'll look for 42!
  } end {
say The end has been reached. 42 not found.
  } empty {
say No items.

Thomas Wittek

Re: Y not

2007-02-21 Thread Thomas Wittek
Damian Conway schrieb:
 If the very much more readable 'zip' and 'minmax' are
 to be replaced with 'ZZ' and 'MM', then I think that's a serious step
 backwards in usability.

Fully agree here and I think that there are still even more places,
where the usability could be improved:
Say more words/letters, less symbols/special characters.
Especially special characters (shift + num: [EMAIL PROTECTED]*...) are harder 
type (I think I can type a 5-char word a lot faster than shift-5 = % -
additionally the shift-wrench disturbs the typing flow) and above all
harder to read/intuitively understand/learn/remeber than plaintext keywords.

Of course there will always be a trade-off and special characters are
the most usable choice in many cases. But I also think that in many
other cases words will be more usable.

As the usability of a tool greatly influences it's acceptance and usage,
this is a point, where we really should think about.
Thomas Wittek

Re: Y not

2007-02-20 Thread Thomas Wittek
Larry Wall schrieb:
 I think the ¥ and Y operators are going to have to change to something else.

Very probably I missed something as I'm only a distant observer of the
Perl6 development: Why not just call it zip?!
There is a function called zip, wouldn't it be possible to create an
operator with the same name?

zip(@a; @b) - function
@a zip @b - operator

Or would that lead to grammar ambiguities, that are impossible to resolve?

Thomas Wittek

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Thomas Wittek
Fagyal Csongor schrieb:
 Ian Langworth wrote:
 A general, simple CGI handling module fits into 200 lines, including
 You don't really need more. IMHO a CGI module
 parses/preprocesses/decodes/etc. all incoming parameters (POST, GET,
 COOKIES), and that's it.

I can support this statement:

In a ~30k lines (incl POD) web project I actually use mostly for
parameter parsing:

  $ grep -ri 'cgi-' * | grep -v new | wc -l

Wehereas I hardly use for anything else:

  $ grep -ri 'cgi-' * | grep -v new | grep -v param | wc -l

4 of these 7 matches address file upload handling, the other 3 match in
an other custom module with the name *::CGI - not

But I think that it would be a good idea to create a clean, servlety
foundation, upon which you still can implement a 200 lines that covers the most common web-request tasks.

Thomas Wittek

OT: Re: Web development I: Web::Toolkit

2006-09-20 Thread Thomas Wittek
A. Pagaltzis schrieb:
 On top of this, roughly 80% (or so it sometimes feels)
 of the useful attributes defined in HTML do not have any tangible
 browser support (such as `cite` on `blockquote`/`q`, or
 `datetime` on `ins`/`del`).

At least without CSS. You can use those tags to create a more semantic
markup which can be styled using CSS.

Of course there is more than just design. The cite attribute of the
blockquote tag isn't supported by any browser AFAIK.

Thomas Wittek

Re: renaming grep to where

2006-09-19 Thread Thomas Wittek
Jonathan Lang schrieb:
 IMHO, syntax should be left alone until a compelling reason to change
 it is found.  While I think it would be nice to have a more intuitive
 name for grep
What would be the disadvantage of renaming it to a more intuitive name?
I can only see advantages.
 I don't think that this qualifies as a compelling
 reason to change it - especially since it's so easy to add aliases via
As Smylers said above: Please, no more aliases. They only create confusion.

Thomas Wittek

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-19 Thread Thomas Wittek
(Randal L. Schwartz) schrieb:
  David == David Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 David That's two tasks.  It should be two modules.

 No, it's an *integrated* task.  The form-generation stuff needs tight
 with the getting (and setting) of the incoming param values.

A separate module, say HTML::Formgenerator, could easily use (or,...) to get and set parameters:

  $value = $query-param('foo');


I see no need to integrate those modules.

Thomas Wittek

Re: renaming grep to where

2006-09-18 Thread Thomas Wittek
Trey Harris schrieb:
   @filtered = @originals.where:{ .foo eq $bar };

 Note that this can be written:

@filtered = any(@originals) ~~ { .foo eq $bar};
I generally like words more than sequences of non-word characters as
you can quickly remember/guess the meaning, what's not always the case
when you're reading code (of a language) that you haven't read for a
while. Also you can usually type them more quickly as the word-charactes
have a more prominent position than the special characters on most keybords.

Best Regards
Thomas Wittek

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-12 Thread Thomas Wittek
Steffen Schwigon schrieb:
 Thomas Wittek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 An other acceptable solution would be to create a backwards
 compatible P6 and create a new with an all new
 interface, like Mark suggested.

 I would strongly expect the CGI module to do the same as it did for
 the last 200 years and create another name for any new school web
 development. Catalyst, Jifty, Acme, Acyou, SillyIdol, WhatEver.

So we might agree ;) Catalysy, Jifty [..] are all higher level
complete frameworks. I used for rather lower level tasks
(POST/GET-parsing, HTTP redirects, ...) than as a foundation to build
complete applications (where the higher level framework come in).

So I think that there should be a (well designed) module for those lower
level (donkeywork) tasks and only for those (so definitely no

Other frameworks (or simple CGI-scripts or even a backwards compatible could be built upon this foundation.


Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-11 Thread Thomas Wittek
Trey Harris schrieb:
 I agree with the sentiment, but as a practical matter, not having HTML
 methods in could drastically limit Perl 6 adoption.

Oh well. I thought it was common sense that it's a bad idea to mix code
and markup. Who really wants to do itself this pain should use a
separate module for that imho (or better a templating system like
Template Toolkit).

 If Perl 5 programmers get used to how they can mechanistically port
 their programs to Perl 6, they will do so with the same sort of ah-hah
 moments you've posted about on the Pugs blog, and it will be a good

They can do:

 use perl5:CGI;

if they want that legacy support.

If Perl6 is intended to be the successor of the P5 (the
quasi-standard for Perl web programming) is should really get a modern

An other acceptable solution would be to create a backwards compatible
P6 and create a new with an all new interface, like Mark
suggested. But then this new module cannot profit of the popularity of
the name and many people will say Ah, Perl6 web development is
stuck at the 10 years old Perl5 interface. I'll use (python|ruby(
on rails)?|.+). That would be sad.

   now: use CGI;
use CGI::HTMLgenerators; # Available separately, deprecated

That'd be ok.

Just my 2ct.

Re: S04 - forbidden coding-style

2006-07-25 Thread Thomas Wittek
 Bearing that in mind, would the eye-socket-burning
   return $foo
   IF $something;
 really be so bad?

Operators/reserved words should be lowercase. Period. ;)
I think that this would heavily break consistency, annoying new users.


Re: S04 - forbidden coding-style

2006-07-25 Thread Thomas Wittek
Markus Laire schrieb:
 Operators/reserved words should be lowercase. Period. ;)
 I think that this would heavily break consistency, annoying new users.
 There are already many uppercase reserved words in perl6:
 Pseudo-packages from S02
 Closure traits from S04
 From S10
 Submethods from S12
 Pseudo-class from S12
 I might've missed some.
 So making statement modifiers uppercase would just be an another place
 where perl6 uses uppercase reserved words.

Actually I don't know all of them but most seem to be (part of)
identifiers, not operators. Of course they are reserved words.

What I wanted to say is that it would annoy me, if almost all operators
and control-flow keywords are lowercase but a hand full of them has to
be written uppercase.

It would be especially annoying, if a keyword like if exists in both
lower and upper case. Besides the fact that is looks ugly and is a bit
harder to type, imho ;)


Re: Mutil Method Questions

2006-06-26 Thread Thomas Wittek
Steffen Schwigon:
 Thomas Wittek [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Maybe I just phenomenally misunderstood multi subs, but unless I
 did, I can't see why we want to have subs when we can have multi
 subs that can do the same and even more.
 I understand your point and I confess I'm not sure.
 At least there seems to be a visibility difference. In S12 I found
 those two sentences:
 1. [sub (or method) without a multi] [...] Only one such sub (or
method) can inhabit a given namespace, and it hides any outer subs
(or less-derived methods) of the same short name.
 2. [subs or methods declared multi] [...] It does not hide any
routines with the same short name but a different long name. In
other words, multis with the same short name can come from several
different namespaces provided their long names differ and their
short names aren't hidden by a non-multi declaration in some
intermediate scope.

So it looks like we can hide several multis with one sub:

  class Foo {
multi method somesub (Int $arg) {
  foo - Int: $arg.say
multi method somesub ($arg) {
  foo - Scalar: $arg.say

  class Bar is Foo {
multi method somesub ($arg) {
  bar - Scalar: $arg.say

  class Baz is Foo {
method somesub ($arg) {
  baz - Scalar: $arg.say

  my $foo =;
  my $bar =;
  my $baz =;

  # foo - Scalar: scalar

  # foo - Int: 42

  # Bar - Scalar: scalar

  #I'd expect (but it doesn't do that, see text below):
  #using more specialized method from Foo
  # Foo - Int: 42

  # Baz - Scalar: scalar

  #_not_ using method from Foo as a non-multi sub overwrites it
  # Baz - Scalar: 42

Interestingly $bar.somesub(42) doesn't use the multi method somesub (Int
$arg) of the class Foo (whose signature would provide a better match)
but it also uses multi method somesub ($arg) of the class Bar. So
actually every method that somehow matches in a less derived class
will be used. The more specialized methods of the more derived classes
are hidden, which I didn't expect (but what probably will be better
performance wise).

So I have no Idea why I would like to use a non-multi as even multis
hide the methods of more derived classes.

So even if there are cases where I want the non-multi-behavior (what
ever it really is), I think they are rare.
So I'd suggest that this behavior shouldn't be the default for all subs.
Instead I'd find it more intuitive if every sub is a multi sub by
default and that you could opt in the non-multi-behavior with a keyword
like overriding, dominant or preferred.

I think that the multi-behavior will be more common and thus should be
the default (as it is in most other languages). The probably less common
non-multi-behavior should require an additional keyword. Not vice versa.

Again, that's all written from my fairly small knowledge of the Perl6
language. But supposed that one, who starts learning Perl6, will also
have a small knowledge at the beginning, this concepts might confuse the
beginner, if he/she has to define extra keywords for a behaviour that's
probably more common and omitting the keywords will lead to a less
common behavior.

Maybe we should steal the ruby principle of least surprise here, which
I find a very good principle.

Maybe someone can enlighten me ;)

Best regards,

Re: Mutil Method Questions

2006-06-23 Thread Thomas Wittek
Steffen Schwigon schrieb:
 At least the many keywords seem to be necessary to map the complexity
 of different paradigms possible in Perl6. Multimethods are not just
 overloading as in C++. Second, the different keywords declare
 different behaviour you can choose. Just read S06, it's explained
 quite understandable.

Hm, but wouldn't whose be equivalent?

  sub foo ($bar) {

  multi sub foo ($bar) {

Aren't subs a subset of multi subs, meaning that every sub can be
expressed as a multi sub?
Is there anything a sub has in advantage of a multi sub?
So might not just every sub be a multi sub?
If the only difference is, that you _must not_ declare a sub twice with
different argument lists, I think that this one is relatively
unimportant and letting every sub be a multi sub seems to be more
consistent to me in opposite to this arbitrary looking distinction.

Maybe I just phenomenally misunderstood multi subs, but unless I did, I
can't see why we want to have subs when we can have multi subs that can
do the same and even more.


Name of this wiki

2006-06-15 Thread Thomas Wittek
Conrad Schneiker schrieb:
 3) (Quoting from above link): I propose that the wiki be called P6 to
 signify its use of Perl6. I presently prefer something like the
 Perl++ Wikicosm.

Another idea: Wiki is hawaiian for quick, fast. Why not take another
hawaiian word? Some examples (you will find more on the web):

-Aloah: Greeting, love ;)
-Kākau: Write
-Kala: To release, free
-Kāmelo: Camel
-Makana: Gift
-Mana: Spiritual power
-Momi: Pearl
-Nani: Beautiful
-Pinao: Dragonfly

Maybe combine these word with wiki: Kāmelo wiki = Fast camel :).

I'd also like Bikini wiki, sounds sexy, doesn't it? Unfortunately,
this word does not have much in common with Hawaii, instead of both
lying in the pacific ocean.


Re: class introspection and extention

2006-06-12 Thread Thomas Wittek
max demmelbauer schrieb:
 * how can i serialize objects (like the use Storable qw(freeze thaw) in

Try $object.perl(.say) as stated in (or ;) )


Re: $1,000 prize for Perl 6 Wiki written in Perl 6

2006-06-07 Thread Thomas Wittek
Udo Güngerich schrieb:
 Thomas Wittek wrote:
 Unfortunately you probably have to throw away/heavily modify earlier
 increments, if you add features like a flexible syntax, which will need
 a different internal infrastructure.
 Well, if object-oriented design has any advantage at all, here it is!
 Only you will have to define the abstract class or plugin bay from the first
 minute in the right way (the only was softly ironic).

Of course. But I guess that the architecture/design for such a flexible
piece of software will be relatively complex. I think that creating this
architecture might even take too long to get a running wiki quickly.
Where quickly of course is a term still to be defined ;)


Re: $1,000 prize for Perl 6 Wiki written in Perl 6

2006-06-07 Thread Thomas Wittek
Juerd schrieb:
 * Markdown does not have tables.
 * Textile does not have paragraphs in table cells.
 * Kwiki does not have paragraphs in table cells.
 Unless someone comes up with another way to do side-by-side layouts
 (extremely useful for showcasing differences between Perl 5 and Perl 6),
 all of these formats are not suitable.

I suppose doing it the Perl-way: Stealing the best of each syntax,
adding what's missing.

I don't think that we have to choose an existing syntax, but can create
one that combines the best features of the existing ones.

Of course, this would be more work. Probably it will not be easy to get
a common agreement of what's best. Additionally the mixed up syntax
shouldn't look too inconsistent - but that won't be too hard I think.
Also some restrictions have to be considered. E.g. if we want to allow
block oriented parsing (nested blocks in other blocks), the syntax
must be unambiguous on how to detect blocks (within other blocks).

That's mainly what I did as stated in my first post[1]. Look at several
wiki-syntaxes and combine, what _I_ think is the syntax suited best for
a wiki.

And I think that such a (then collaborative) process might be a good
idea for the definition of the syntax of this wiki.


Re: $1,000 prize for Perl 6 Wiki written in Perl 6

2006-06-07 Thread Thomas Wittek
Damn, forgot the link.

Thomas Wittek schrieb:
 That's mainly what I did as stated in my first post[1]. [...]


Re: $1,000 prize for Perl 6 Wiki written in Perl 6

2006-06-06 Thread Thomas Wittek
Udo Güngerich schrieb:
 Why not doing a wiki system that does NOT have a fix syntax but rather
 allows defining its syntax rules in e.g. YAML and thus being entirely
 It should have a proper user/groups system as well...
 Why not give the wiki a web service API [..]

Good ideas. But maybe we should start a bit smaller ;)
It might be a good idea to create a list of features separated in
several increments (releases) to get a running system early.

I could imagine increments like Parsing/Converting, Storage
backend/Revision control, User management, ...

Unfortunately you probably have to throw away/heavily modify earlier
increments, if you add features like a flexible syntax, which will need
a different internal infrastructure.

But targeting such a feature monster will probably take too much
development time.

Maybe a feature complete version could be targeted as the
But before this one a Lite Version, which will be used to have a wiki
quickly available, could be developed.


Re: Where can I find a Perl 6 langauge reference? - Conclusion

2006-06-03 Thread Thomas Wittek
Thomas Wittek wrote:
 Where should I start, when I want to get myself a picture of the current
 Perl 6 language features and syntax?

To conclude this, I'll give a list of online docs I find interesting
about learning Perl6:

1) Synopses:

2) pugs/docs/Perl6/ (HTML):
   (HTML-ified every day at 0:00 on this (my) server)

3) pugs/docs/Perl6/ (POD):

4) pugs/examples:

5) Pugs first blood (german):

6) Pugs first blood (english):

7) German Perl6 tutorial:

8) Perl 6 Wiki:


Re: $1,000 prize for Perl 6 Wiki written in Perl 6

2006-06-03 Thread Thomas Wittek
A. Pagaltzis schrieb:
 * Amir E. Aharoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-05-28 23:00]:
 The popularity of Wikipedia made Media-Wiki syntax the de-facto
 standard. It's not perfect, but please don't reinvent the wheel
 (even though it's a PHP wheel).
 Noone other than Mediawiki uses the Mediawiki syntax. I posit
 that the reason is that that syntax blows chunks.

I have to agree. 'bold and italic' is definitely not what I
understand as an intuitive syntax.

I did some work on designing an easy wiki syntax for a wiki plugin for
my (yet another...)[1] webdev framework. I looked at the syntax of
several wikis and tried to create an easy to write (and to parse)

This actually has been implemented and works fine. It's not released yet
and also not intended to be a base for a perl6-wiki. I'm just posting it
to suggest a possible syntax. Interestingly it is very similar to
Markdown although I never heard about it before :)


[1]: I believe everyone has to build one on its own ;)

Re: $1,000 prize for Perl 6 Wiki written in Perl 6

2006-06-03 Thread Thomas Wittek
A. Pagaltzis schrieb:
 * Thomas Wittek [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-06-03 22:30]:
 Interestingly it is very similar to Markdown although I never
 heard about it before :)
 Hmm, it doesn’t look similar at all to me?

Headers (Markdown):
# This is an H1
## This is an H2
## This is an H6

Headers (/me):
= This is an H1
== This is an H2
== This is an H6

Lists (Markdown):
*   Red
*   Green
*   Blue

Liste (/me):
*   Red
*   Green
*   Blue

Code (Markdown):
This is a normal paragraph:

This is a code block.

Code (/me):
This is a normal paragraph:

This is a code block.

Horizontal Rules (Markdown):

Horizontal Rules (/me):

Emphasis (Markdown):
e.g. *single asterisks*

Emphasis (/me):
*single asterisks*

There are of course many cases where the syntax differs, but only I said
that they are similar, not identical ;) Especially the linking differs
from my syntax.

 Not even superficially
 similar, but most importantly, it looks line-based. Markdown is
 block-based. If you want another example of block-based, take a
 look at the new-style PhpWiki markup. These let you do things
 like put a code block inside a blockquote within a list item, or
 heck, even things as simple as multi-paragraph list items.
 Mediawiki markup, like many other wiki syntaxes, can’t express
 that. Yours doesn’t look like it can either.

No, (currently) blocks cannot be nested.
Blocks are separated by =1 newlines and consist of only one type of the
ones listed in I only
wanted to cover the most common formatting cases. It's far from being
feature-complete and not intended to be a full-sized wiki-system.


Where can I find a Perl 6 langauge reference?

2006-05-18 Thread Thomas Wittek
Where should I start, when I want to get myself a picture of the current
Perl 6 language features and syntax? Where is the best place to take a
look at, when I want to start experimenting with Perl 6 and pugs?

Would you recommend reading the synopses[1]?
Or should I take a look at pugs-doc?
Or is there a point to start?

Thank you!



Re: best of perl6 for tutorial

2006-05-12 Thread Thomas Wittek
herbert breunung schrieb:
 its understood that i will try, once finished to translate it for the
 pugs trunk.

Might have been better vice versa. First write it in english and then
translate it to german. This way you would've got more responses on that...
