[perl #128010] [BUG] reference to outside function prevents role instantiation

2016-04-27 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  grond...@yahoo.fr 
# Please include the string:  [perl #128010]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128010 >

In file A.pm6 :unit class A ; our sub f {}
In file B.pm6 :unit role B ;   use A ; &A ::f ;

$ perl6 -I. -e ‘use B ; class :: does B {} ;’
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
Could not instantiate role 'B':
Cannot find method 'package_at_key': no method cache and no .^find_method
at -e:1

Notice that &A ::f is not even called, only its reference is used in void 

Also notice that without explicit compilation units it works fine :

$ perl6 -e ‘class A { our sub f {} } ; role B { &A::f } ; class :: does B {} ;’

[perl #109880] [BUG] Something is wrong with instantiation of generic roles and typed attributes in Rakudo

2015-01-25 Thread Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
As a status update: This behaves differently now.

$ perl6-m -e 'role Foo[::T] { has T @.a = [T] }; class Bar {}; say 
Type check failed in assignment to '@!a'; expected 'Bar' but got 'Array'
  in method REIFY at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:9935
  in method reify at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:8543
  in method gimme at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:9024
  in method sink at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:9513
  in method BUILDALL at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:1043
  in method bless at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:961
  in method new at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:947
  in any  at src/gen/m-Metamodel.nqp:1510
  in block  at -e:1

$ perl6-m -e 'my $r = role Foo[::T] { has T @.a }; 

$ perl6-m -e 'my $r = role Foo[::T] { has T @.a }; $r.HOW.attributes($r, 

[perl #109880] [BUG] Something is wrong with instantiation of generic roles and typed attributes in Rakudo

2012-02-05 Thread Carl Mäsak
# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #109880]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=109880 >

 nom: role Foo[::T] { has T @.a = [T] }; class Bar {}; say
 nom a17736: OUTPUT«Cannot type check against type variable T [...]
 jnthn: what's up with this?
 nom: my $r = role Foo[::T] { has T @.a }; $r.HOW.attributes($r).perl.say
 nom 5a2c7d: OUTPUT«Method 'mro' not found for invocant of
class 'Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleHOW' [...]
 nom: my $r = role Foo[::T] { has T @.a };
$r.HOW.attributes($r, :local).[0].type.HOW.archetypes.generic.say
 nom 5a2c7d: OUTPUT«1␤»
 Hm, that much is right then.
 masak: Not sure without going for a deeper dig...some kind of
generic instantiation failure.
* masak submits rakudobug

[perl #57228] Instantiation an object last in a program fails in rakudo

2008-07-23 Thread Carl Mäsak
# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57228]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57228 >


$ perl6 -e 'class A {}; my A $a .= new; 1'
$ perl6 -e 'class A {}; my A $a = A.new; 1'
$ perl6 -e 'class A {}; my A $a = A.new(); 1'

all work fine,

$ perl6 -e 'class A {}; my A $a .= new'
$ perl6 -e 'class A {}; my A $a = A.new'
$ perl6 -e 'class A {}; my A $a = A.new()'

all produce the same error, namely

get_bool() not implemented in class 'A'
current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1311
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14518 (perl6.pir:172)


$ perl6 -e 'class A {}; my A $a = A.new(); 1'

works, but

perl6 -e 'class A; my A $a .= new'
Method 'ACCEPTS' not found for non-object
current instr.: '!DOTYPECHECK' pc 11697 (src/gen_builtins.pir:7467)
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6Object;infix:=' pc 60 (src/gen_builtins.pir:52)
called from Sub 'parrot;A;_block21' pc 95 (EVAL_13:45)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalpmc' pc 744
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;compile' pc 438
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 776
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1305
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14518 (perl6.pir:172)


Re: [perl #41266] [PDD] object instantiation, new method

2007-01-14 Thread Kevin Tew

I like it. I have been thinking of suggesting the same thing.
Currently, hackery is used to get the new opcode to instantiate
objects.  If classes become objects as well, the hackery breaks down.


Allison Randal (via RT) wrote:
# New Ticket Created by  Allison Randal 
# Please include the string:  [perl #41266]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=41266 >

Consider object instantiation as a method call on a class object, rather 
than an opcode on a type ID.

   $P0 = get_class "HLLClass"
   $P1 = $P0.new()

Or even:

   $P0 = get_hll_namespace
   $P1 = $P0.find_class("HLLClass")
   $P2 = $P1.new()

(Though the first could be shorthand for the second that assumes the 
current selected namespace.)


[perl #41266] [PDD] object instantiation, new method

2007-01-14 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Allison Randal 
# Please include the string:  [perl #41266]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=41266 >

Consider object instantiation as a method call on a class object, rather 
than an opcode on a type ID.

   $P0 = get_class "HLLClass"
   $P1 = $P0.new()

Or even:

   $P0 = get_hll_namespace
   $P1 = $P0.find_class("HLLClass")
   $P2 = $P1.new()

(Though the first could be shorthand for the second that assumes the 
current selected namespace.)


Re: MakeObject - an Object Instantiation Experiment

2006-10-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Am Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2006 21:32 schrieb chromatic:
> >   new P0, [class], 
> Is  a PMC (Hash) or a list of named arguments?  Creating a Hash for
> every initializer is a real bummer in PIR.

As said,  ought to be everything conforming to current calling 

  o = new .TypeId, 1, 'baz', 'x' => 'foo', 'y' => 42

or whatever - that's the plan(tm).


Re: MakeObject - an Object Instantiation Experiment

2006-10-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Am Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2006 20:41 schrieb chromatic:
> Hi all,
> Here's an experiment I worked on yesterday to make creating objects a
> little easier from PIR.

For reference:
Subject: PMC and object creation

PS: the examples are w/o syntactic sugar support for making the 
'new/instantiate' thingy any nicer. It's just an experiment how it could 
work. The basics are: it combines all the flexible argument passing features 
we already have with object instantiation.

PPS: new opcode variant count is 20 now.

I can imagine that we just have these:

  new P0, .Class   # plain form
  new P0, .Class,   
  new P0, [class], 

Re: MakeObject - an Object Instantiation Experiment

2006-10-10 Thread chromatic
On Tuesday 10 October 2006 12:23, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

> PPS: new opcode variant count is 20 now.
> I can imagine that we just have these:
>   new P0, .Class   # plain form
>   new P0, .Class, 
>   new P0, [class], 

Is  a PMC (Hash) or a list of named arguments?  Creating a Hash for 
every initializer is a real bummer in PIR.

(It makes me want to suggest that, just as [ class ] creates a Key PMC behind 
the scenes, so { key => value } creates a Hash PMC.)

-- c

MakeObject - an Object Instantiation Experiment

2006-10-10 Thread chromatic
Hi all,

Here's an experiment I worked on yesterday to make creating objects a little 
easier from PIR.  The MakeObject library allows you to create an object by 
passing its name (or, more usefully, a Key PMC) and a set of named arguments 
to the initializer.

It then calls the class's BUILDALL() method, if it exists, or the BUILD() 
methods on each class, least-to-most-derived, passing the arguments.

This surprisingly removes a lot of complexity in PIR objects.

-- c
=== runtime/parrot/library/MakeObject.pir
--- runtime/parrot/library/MakeObject.pir	(revision 22977)
+++ runtime/parrot/library/MakeObject.pir	(local)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+.include "iterator.pasm"
+.namespace [ 'MakeObject' ]
+.sub make_object
+	.param pmc classname
+	.param pmc args :slurpy :named
+	.local int obj_type
+	find_type obj_type, classname
+	.local pmc obj
+	obj = new obj_type
+	build_all( obj, args )
+	.return( obj )
+.sub build_all
+	.param pmc obj
+	.param pmc args
+	.local int can_ba
+	can_ba   = can obj, 'BUILDALL'
+	unless can_ba goto do_it_yourself
+	obj.'BUILDALL'( args )
+	.return()
+  do_it_yourself:
+	.local pmc class_pmc
+	class_pmc = class obj 
+	.local pmc mro
+	mro = get_mro class_pmc
+	.local pmc iter
+	iter = new .Iterator, mro
+	set iter, .ITERATE_FROM_END
+	.local pmc class_pmc
+	.local pmc class_ns
+	.local pmc build_meth
+	.local int has_build
+  iter_loop:
+	unless iter goto iter_end
+	class_pmc  = pop iter
+	class_ns   = get_class_namespace( class_pmc )
+	build_meth = class_ns.'find_sub'( 'BUILD' )
+	has_build = defined build_meth
+	unless has_build goto iter_loop
+	obj.build_meth( args )
+	goto iter_loop
+  iter_end:
+	.return()
+.sub get_class_namespace
+	.param pmc class_pmc
+	.local pmc ns
+	ns = get_hll_namespace
+	.local string class_name
+	class_name = typeof class_pmc
+	.local pmc name_array
+	name_array = split ';', class_name
+	.local pmc iter
+	iter = new .Iterator, name_array
+	iter = 0
+	.local pmc elem
+  iter_loop:
+	unless iter goto iter_end
+	elem = shift iter
+	ns   = ns.find_namespace( elem )
+	goto iter_loop
+  iter_end:
+	.return( ns )
=== t/library/make_object.pir
--- t/library/make_object.pir	(revision 22977)
+++ t/library/make_object.pir	(local)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+.sub main :main
+	load_bytecode 'MakeObject.pir'
+	build_classes()
+	.local pmc make_object
+	make_object = find_global 'MakeObject', 'make_object'
+	.local pmc gk_name
+	gk_name = new .Array
+	gk_name = 4
+	gk_name[0] = 'Grandchild'
+	gk_name[1] = 'Happy'
+	gk_name[2] = 'Fun'
+	gk_name[3] = 'Class'
+	.local pmc gk
+	gk = make_object( gk_name, 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'quux' )
+.sub build_classes
+	.local pmc parent
+	parent = newclass 'Parent'
+	.local pmc kid_name
+	.local pmc key_item
+	kid_name = new .Key
+	kid_name = 'Child'
+	key_item = new .Key
+	key_item = 'Class'
+	push kid_name, key_item
+	.local pmc child
+	child = subclass 'Parent', kid_name
+	.local pmc gk_name
+	gk_name = new .Key
+	gk_name = 'Grandchild'
+	key_item = new .Key
+	key_item = 'Happy'
+	push gk_name, key_item
+	key_item = new .Key
+	key_item = 'Fun'
+	push gk_name, key_item
+	key_item = new .Key
+	key_item = 'Class'
+	push gk_name, key_item
+	.local pmc grandchild
+	grandchild = subclass child, gk_name
+.namespace [ 'Parent' ]
+.sub BUILD :method
+	.param pmc args :slurpy :named
+	.local pmc foo
+	foo = args['foo']
+	args['baz'] = 'fzort'
+	print "Build in parent\n"
+	print "Foo: "
+	print foo
+	print "\n"
+.namespace [ 'Child'; 'Class' ]
+.sub BUILD :method
+	.param pmc args :slurpy :named
+	print "Build in child\n"
+.namespace [ 'Grandchild'; 'Happy'; 'Fun'; 'Class' ]
+.sub BUILD :method
+	.param pmc args :slurpy :named
+	.local pmc baz
+	baz = args['baz']
+	print "Build in grandchild\n"
+	print "Baz: "
+	print baz
+	print "\n"

Re: PMC instantiation

2004-09-07 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:27 AM +0200 9/3/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>>Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  At 12:16 PM +0200 8/31/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 Pclass = getclass, "Foo"
 Pobjnew = Pclass."__new"(args)  # Pnew is an OUT argument

and that be special-cased to call VTABLE_new according to calling
>>>  Still don't like __new, but otherwise that works out OK. It'd call
>>>  VTABLE_init_extended or whatever we'd name the entry.
>>Ok. It is actually "new_extended" now. It's creating new objects, so
>>"init_extended" didn't totally match the behaviou?r.

> Oh. This isn't right. The extended stuff's extended initialization,
> just like init is now. It works on the PMC it's attached to, rather
> than allocating a new PMC from the pool.

I was always talking about a class method that returns new objects like
in the example above.

If we need extended initialization too, then that's a different set of

The C matches nicely Python's object construction, like:

  c = complex(1,2)

where "complex" actually is a class.


Re: PMC instantiation

2004-09-07 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 11:27 AM +0200 9/3/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 At 12:16 PM +0200 8/31/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Pclass = getclass, "Foo"
Pobjnew = Pclass."__new"(args)  # Pnew is an OUT argument
and that be special-cased to call VTABLE_new according to calling

 Still don't like __new, but otherwise that works out OK. It'd call
 VTABLE_init_extended or whatever we'd name the entry.
Ok. It is actually "new_extended" now. It's creating new objects, so
"init_extended" didn't totally match the behaviou?r.
Oh. This isn't right. The extended stuff's extended initialization, 
just like init is now. It works on the PMC it's attached to, rather 
than allocating a new PMC from the pool.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: PMC instantiation

2004-09-03 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 12:16 PM +0200 8/31/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>>Pclass = getclass, "Foo"
>>Pobjnew = Pclass."__new"(args)  # Pnew is an OUT argument
>>and that be special-cased to call VTABLE_new according to calling

> Still don't like __new, but otherwise that works out OK. It'd call
> VTABLE_init_extended or whatever we'd name the entry.

Ok. It is actually "new_extended" now. It's creating new objects, so
"init_extended" didn't totally match the behaviou?r.

Initial tests are in as well as a fallback in default.pmc that
constructs a new PMC without initializers.


Re: PMC instantiation

2004-08-31 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 12:16 PM +0200 8/31/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Add a vtable slot to the PMC vtable inv_init (or something like that,
 the name's not that big a deal),
  vtable->new and "__new"?
Those are a little too similarly named. We should have something more 
distinct, I think.

 > ... define it as an invokable method
 taking parameters as the current calling conventions, and be done
 with it. Basically we special-case this one method and hoist it up
 into a vtable slot. IMCC for it'd look something like:

   (result1, result2) = $Pxxx.inv_init(1, 2, "foo", "bar", $Pbaz)
Two return values? What is $Pxxx: a class PMC or an empty Undef object
of some kind?
$Pxxx is an uninitialized object of the class you're creating, but 
that won't work at the PIR level. PIR combines the new and init 
functions together, which I always forget.

I think we should have:
   Pclass = getclass, "Foo"
   Pobjnew = Pclass."__new"(args)  # Pnew is an OUT argument
and that be special-cased to call VTABLE_new according to calling
Still don't like __new, but otherwise that works out OK. It'd call 
VTABLE_init_extended or whatever we'd name the entry.

How does that correspond to the proposed CONSTRUCT property? Is that
still needed?
I don't think CONSTRUCT would be needed with this.
--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: PMC instantiation

2004-08-31 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Add a vtable slot to the PMC vtable inv_init (or something like that,
> the name's not that big a deal),

  vtable->new and "__new"?

> ... define it as an invokable method
> taking parameters as the current calling conventions, and be done
> with it. Basically we special-case this one method and hoist it up
> into a vtable slot. IMCC for it'd look something like:

>   (result1, result2) = $Pxxx.inv_init(1, 2, "foo", "bar", $Pbaz)

Two return values? What is $Pxxx: a class PMC or an empty Undef object
of some kind?

I think we should have:

   Pclass = getclass, "Foo"
   Pobjnew = Pclass."__new"(args)  # Pnew is an OUT argument

and that be special-cased to call VTABLE_new according to calling

How does that correspond to the proposed CONSTRUCT property? Is that
still needed?


PMC instantiation

2004-08-26 Thread Leopold Toetsch
The current scheme of PMC instantiation works mostly fine for scalars 
and other simple types, but it's a bit limited. It allows only one 
initializer (see init_pmc in docs/pdds/pdd02_vtables.pod).

Further PMC and "real object" instantiation shouldn't differ in syntax.
Here is a summary what we currently have:
.sub main @MAIN
$P0 = new Integer   # known type
$P1 = new Ref, $P0  # same with initializer
$I0 = find_type "Integer"
$P1 = new $I0   # dynamic type or object
.local NCI clas
clas = global "Py_int"  # with parrot --python foo.imc
$P0 = "0x2a"
$P2 = clas($P0) # the pythonic way
clas = getclass "PerlInt"  # similar to getting the global
.local NCI newf
newf = global "__new__"
$P0 = "0x2a"
$P2 = newf(clas, $P0) # the "new" pythonic way
Perl6 seems to favor a scheme similar to the last one, something like:
$P2 = clas."new"($P0)
Python classes and types also have a "__new__" property, so that both 
schemes end up as the same, namely as a class method.

Anyway the advantage of the latter two methods is obviously that the 
constructors can take arbitrary initializer arguments like any other 
function call.

Finally we must be able to override the instantiation. Parrot seems to 
have the "CONSTRUCT" property for that[1]. But I can imagine that a 
C vtable [2] would work as well.

Comments welcome,
[1] if that's supposed to do instantiation, the code in objects.c is bogus.
[2] see e.g. invoke() in classes/perlint.pmc

Re: Instantiation

2004-08-24 Thread Simon Cozens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aaron Sherman) writes:
> > my $x = Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class.AUTOLOAD.new("blah");
> Wow, that's pretty amazing...  uh... I think I'd just prefer to do it
> the old fashioned way. If my suggestion was really that horrific, I
> withdraw the question.

These days, to me, the old fashioned way is just a variation on
UNIVERSAL::require. ;)

Foo->require->new # UNIVERSAL::require doesn't return "Foo", but it (c|sh)ould.

 Sucks really Forth. Ugh.

Re: Instantiation

2004-08-23 Thread Aaron Sherman
Dave Whipp wrote:
"Sean O'Rourke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

   my $x = (use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class).new("blah");

how about some variation on
my $x = Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class.AUTOLOAD.new("blah");

Wow, that's pretty amazing...  uh... I think I'd just prefer to do it 
the old fashioned way. If my suggestion was really that horrific, I 
withdraw the question.

Re: Instantiation

2004-08-23 Thread Dave Whipp
"Sean O'Rourke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> my $x = (use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class).new("blah");

how about some variation on

 my $x = Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class.AUTOLOAD.new("blah");


Re: Instantiation

2004-08-23 Thread Sean O'Rourke
At Mon, 23 Aug 2004 15:51:00 -0400,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aaron Sherman) wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 15:19, Paul Seamons wrote:
> > > So, I was wondering about a synonym, like:
> > >
> > >   uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;
> > 
> > Well if the long name is the problem:
> > 
> > use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class as Foo;
> No, like I said: this is not golf. I'm trying to remove an element of
> redundancy that I think obscures the meaning of a set of statements.
> Saying,
>   use reallylongnameforamodulethathassomeclass as Foo;
>   our Foo $bar := .new;
> Still has the same redundancy, it's just been hidden a bit. If
> "use/instantiate" is a common practice for certain kinds of library,
> then I think we should have a mechanism to perform that pair as a single
> step.

How about making "use" a list operator returning the module's return
value (== its last statement?)?  Then you could do something like

my $x = (use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class).new("blah");

This leaves a bad taste in my mouth -- I think importing a module and
instantiating its main class should remain separate -- but this looks
like a painless way to get what you want without a separate function
or keyword.


Re: Instantiation

2004-08-23 Thread Ingo Blechschmidt

Aaron Sherman wrote:
> I was thinking about the case where you use a module, only to define a
> class that you then instantiate like this:
[ snip ]
> So, I was wondering about a synonym, like:
> uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;

is $foo implicitely declared as our or my (or state or temp)?

IMHO it'd be better to be explicit:
my  $foo = uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class;
our $bar = uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class;

Or, requiring C to return it's first argument (IIRC a Class object):
my  $qux = use(Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class).new(...);

If C's argument is a Module object, C should return the first
class of that module.

I like the C form the best, because it allows you to pass
parameters to C.

Ingo Blechschmidt

Linux, the choice of a GNU | Running Windows on a Pentium is like having
generation on a dual AMD-  | a brand new Porsche but only be able to
Athlon!| drive backwards with the handbrake on.
Encrypted mails preferred. | (Unknown source)  

Re: Instantiation

2004-08-23 Thread Matthew Walton
Aaron Sherman wrote:
I was thinking about the case where you use a module, only to define a
class that you then instantiate like this:
use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class;
our Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo := new;
and I keep thinking that that's too redundant. It's not so much that I
want to syntax-golf it down, but there's just no reason to throw that
type around twice, when what you really WANT to say is "that module over
there is a class, instantiate me one."
So, I was wondering about a synonym, like:
	uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;
syntax will be awful and there are a lot of guesses, but:
macro uses($class, $var) is parsed(/() ()/) {
  use $class;
  our $class $var;
I suspect. It's probably not quite that simple, but I figured it was 
worth a shot. Hopefully the compiler would run through the result of the 
macro, parse it and compile it as normal so the C would actually work.

Okay okay, I just got a copy of Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials and I'm 
trying to learn stuff. I'm even ripping apart the compiler I wrote for 
my BSc final-year project so it generates working PIR instead of broken C.

Re: Instantiation

2004-08-23 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff
On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 12:53:04PM -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> I was thinking about the case where you use a module, only to define a
> class that you then instantiate like this:
>   use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class;
>   our Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo := new;
> and I keep thinking that that's too redundant. It's not so much that I
> want to syntax-golf it down, but there's just no reason to throw that
> type around twice, when what you really WANT to say is "that module over
> there is a class, instantiate me one."
> So, I was wondering about a synonym, like:
>   uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;

How about this?

my :autouse Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;

Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: Instantiation

2004-08-23 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 15:19, Paul Seamons wrote:
> > So, I was wondering about a synonym, like:
> >
> > uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;
> Well if the long name is the problem:
> use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class as Foo;

No, like I said: this is not golf. I'm trying to remove an element of
redundancy that I think obscures the meaning of a set of statements.


  use reallylongnameforamodulethathassomeclass as Foo;
  our Foo $bar := .new;

Still has the same redundancy, it's just been hidden a bit. If
"use/instantiate" is a common practice for certain kinds of library,
then I think we should have a mechanism to perform that pair as a single

As for the previous suggestion from Juerd... I don't think that
autoloading classes is quite the same. First, I'm not sure how that
behaves in a pre-compiled environment. When does the autoload happen?

Next, it's not explicit, and can thus lead to mistakes. With "uses", the
module inclusion is explicit, it just also happens to be an

â 781-324-3772
â http://www.ajs.com/~ajs

Re: Instantiation

2004-08-23 Thread Paul Seamons
> So, I was wondering about a synonym, like:
>   uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;

Well if the long name is the problem:

use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class as Foo;

my Foo $obj .= new;

# OR #

require Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class;
import Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class as Foo;

This seems to be more similar to what is done in other languages.  You still 
have to write the class name repeatedly - but it does cut the typing.  It 
does reduce the magic that is occuring behind the scenes (or at least 
redirects it to somewhere else).  I guess Foo would be a full fledged class 
which inherits from Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class.   I doubt that it 
is optimal - but it does give a little bit of flexibility.

Paul Seamons

Re: Instantiation

2004-08-23 Thread Juerd
Aaron Sherman skribis 2004-08-23 12:53 (-0400):
>   use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class;
>   our Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo := new;
> and I keep thinking that that's too redundant
> (...)
> So, I was wondering about a synonym, like:
>   uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;

Maybe, but I'd like something like this better:


use Module::AutoLoader :except(rx/^ Baz\:\: /);

my Foo::Bar$bar   .= new;
my Quux::Xyzzy $xyzzy .= new;
my Baz::Blah   $blah  .= new;  # error, because there is no Baz::Blah::new

Perhaps something must be added to tell it *when* to load modules:
at runtime or during compilation.

It shouldn't be hard to implement this module yourself, should it not go
into the standard distribution.



2004-08-23 Thread Aaron Sherman
I was thinking about the case where you use a module, only to define a
class that you then instantiate like this:

use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class;
our Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo := new;

and I keep thinking that that's too redundant. It's not so much that I
want to syntax-golf it down, but there's just no reason to throw that
type around twice, when what you really WANT to say is "that module over
there is a class, instantiate me one."

So, I was wondering about a synonym, like:

uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;

This would be handy to have for those lengthy setups of all of the
objects you have to have lying around:

uses CGI $cgi :threaded :persistent;
uses Apache $server;
uses MLDBM $shared_data :file('/var/www/cache/cgi-shared-data');
uses IO::CGI $input :cgi($cgi);
uses MIME::Entity $message :input($input);

â 781-324-3772
â http://www.ajs.com/~ajs

Re: Object instantiation

2003-10-21 Thread Jeff Clites
On Oct 21, 2003, at 7:14 AM, Dan Sugalski wrote:

After thinking about this a bit, it became glaringly obvious that the
right way to instantiate an object for class "Foo" is to do:
  new P5, .Foo

Or whatever the constant value assigned to the Foo class upon its 
is. When a class is created, it should be assigned a number, and for 
things PMC-only classes or full-on HLL classes should behave 
That makes sense. What I keep wondering is what about things with the 
semantics of Perl5, in which new objects aren't instantiated 
directly--already-allocated things later become associated with a 
class. This doesn't seem quite like a case of morphing, since for 
instance a Perl array can be blessed into a class, but it's still a 
Perl array.


Re: Object instantiation

2003-10-21 Thread Melvin Smith

new P0, 'std::array'  # PMC
new P1, 'Perl::PerlArray'# PMC (or class)
new P2, 'Package::SomeClass'   # Class

At compile time the string can be converted to an integer enumerator.


Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/21/2003 10:24 AM
Please respond to lt

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Sugalski)
Subject:Re: Object instantiation

Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After thinking about this a bit, it became glaringly obvious that the
> right way to instantiate an object for class "Foo" is to do:

>   new P5, .Foo

> Or whatever the constant value assigned to the Foo class upon its 
> is. When a class is created, it should be assigned a number, and for 
> things PMC-only classes or full-on HLL classes should behave 

Yep. The question does arise, if which range class enums are? Intermixed
with enum_class_ numbers?

And - what about:

  typeof S0, P0  <=> classname S0, P0

(IMHO the HLL compiler can't always know, which op to use)

And the classname of objects vs the classname of classes (the classname
PMC is in different array slots).

>  Dan


Re: Object instantiation

2003-10-21 Thread Dan Sugalski
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

> Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > After thinking about this a bit, it became glaringly obvious that the
> > right way to instantiate an object for class "Foo" is to do:
> >   new P5, .Foo
> > Or whatever the constant value assigned to the Foo class upon its creation
> > is. When a class is created, it should be assigned a number, and for most
> > things PMC-only classes or full-on HLL classes should behave identically.
> Yep. The question does arise, if which range class enums are? Intermixed
> with enum_class_ numbers?

Yes, intermixed. I added support a while back to pass in the class number
to a PMC class being initialized for this very reason. The compiled-in
PMCs get fixed numbers at the beginning because it's easiest, and things
get referenced symbolically from there.

> And - what about:
>   typeof S0, P0  <=> classname S0, P0
> (IMHO the HLL compiler can't always know, which op to use)

At this point they're the same thing, I think. I'll need to think on it a

> And the classname of objects vs the classname of classes (the classname
> PMC is in different array slots).

Last I knew there was something of a fight over what class a class is in.
At the moment I'm going to ignore the heck out of things and let the
language folks fight over it some more.


Re: Object instantiation

2003-10-21 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After thinking about this a bit, it became glaringly obvious that the
> right way to instantiate an object for class "Foo" is to do:

>   new P5, .Foo

> Or whatever the constant value assigned to the Foo class upon its creation
> is. When a class is created, it should be assigned a number, and for most
> things PMC-only classes or full-on HLL classes should behave identically.

Yep. The question does arise, if which range class enums are? Intermixed
with enum_class_ numbers?

And - what about:

  typeof S0, P0  <=> classname S0, P0

(IMHO the HLL compiler can't always know, which op to use)

And the classname of objects vs the classname of classes (the classname
PMC is in different array slots).

>   Dan


Object instantiation

2003-10-21 Thread Dan Sugalski
After thinking about this a bit, it became glaringly obvious that the
right way to instantiate an object for class "Foo" is to do:

  new P5, .Foo

Or whatever the constant value assigned to the Foo class upon its creation
is. When a class is created, it should be assigned a number, and for most
things PMC-only classes or full-on HLL classes should behave identically.

One more thing down--now to actually make it work out...


Re: Class instantiation and creation

2003-06-09 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> It's possible to just go ahead and do it *all* at runtime, and have 
> no compile time component at all--just a series of "newclass, 
> addparent, addattribute" ops, assuming those are the op names we go 
> with. Classes just get created at code initialization time or 
> something.

That would be cool .. a lot easier to debug this kind of thing , 
especially when you could dump it as imcc and have it constant
evaluated as a bytecode segment (wishful thinking ;)

Question #1 : Are classes allowed to have fields ?
Question #2 : Visibility ?
Question #3 : Static methods ?
Question #4 : Static constructors ?
Question #5 : Destructor semantics ..

Questions #3 & #4 can be emulated and #2 is only optional but #1 & #5 
are of concern .. 

> instantiate a new class you need a chunk of bytecode around.  It's 
> possible that at least some of this is only doable with metadata in 
> bytecode, but the bytecode metadata segments can be easily created on 
> the fly.

Hmm... like compile some imcc on the fly ? 

> Anyone got any feelings or opinions on this, besides "Why yes, I want 
> an object system"? :) Class-based info I may be missing would also be 
> welcome.

"Why who wouldn't ?" 

How would the override of a method happen ? ... would it be purely by
name or would you provide some way to force a method to override 
another of a different name ? .. Ie add a method forcibly over an 
occupied slot ?.

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Class instantiation and creation

2003-06-09 Thread Matt Fowles
Dan Sugalski wrote:

The issue is metadata. How do you declare a class' inheritance 
hierarchy, its interfaces, its attributes, and its type? (At the very 
least, there's probably more) I can see the following .

1) A class subclasses a single parent.
2) A class subclasses a single parent and adds attributes
3) A class subclasses multiple parents
4) A class subclasses multiple parents with extra attributes
5) A class adds attributes at runtime
6) A class adds parents at runtime
How about removing parents or attributes at runtime?


Re: Class instantiation and creation

2003-06-09 Thread Mark A. Biggar
Dan Sugalski wrote:
Well, we can make objects and we can call methods on objects (at least 
the interface is specified, if not actually implemented) but actually 
building classes to make objects out of is still unspecified. So, time 
to remedy that, after which I hope we can build at least a simple 
"ParrotObject" class.

The issue is metadata. How do you declare a class' inheritance 
hierarchy, its interfaces, its attributes, and its type? (At the very 
least, there's probably more) I can see the following .

1) A class subclasses a single parent.
2) A class subclasses a single parent and adds attributes
3) A class subclasses multiple parents
4) A class subclasses multiple parents with extra attributes
5) A class adds attributes at runtime
6) A class adds parents at runtime
Why not just have 1, 2 and 3 be degenerate cases 4?

We're going to need to be able to do all these at runtime as well as 
load time, the question is how.

It's possible to just go ahead and do it *all* at runtime, and have no 
compile time component at all--just a series of "newclass, addparent, 
addattribute" ops, assuming those are the op names we go with. Classes 
just get created at code initialization time or something.
Would "adparent" replacate the metadata of the parent into the metadata 
of the child or will we need to walk the inheritence tree to get the
metadata about inherited attributes?

Part of me wants to go all-metadata for cases 2, 3, and 4, since I'm 
wary of the issues of doing what should be an atomic action in multiple 
ops. There's a loss of atomicity at the program level there, and if the 
classes override some of the actions (if we even allow that--does anyone 
allow overloading the subclassing operation?) it could get messy.

#5 really has to be metadata based, as it'll be expensive as it is. 
Refiguring the attribute array is a constant-time operation, more or 
less, so doing it 6 times to add in 6 attributes seems... suboptimal. If 
we don't do it with metadata we'll need ops that allow adding in 
multiple elements in one go.
Another possibility is to have an "addslots N" op to pre-extend the
class and only dynamically extend if necessary.

Class instantiation and creation

2003-06-09 Thread Dan Sugalski
Well, we can make objects and we can call methods on objects (at 
least the interface is specified, if not actually implemented) but 
actually building classes to make objects out of is still 
unspecified. So, time to remedy that, after which I hope we can build 
at least a simple "ParrotObject" class.

The issue is metadata. How do you declare a class' inheritance 
hierarchy, its interfaces, its attributes, and its type? (At the very 
least, there's probably more) I can see the following .

1) A class subclasses a single parent.
2) A class subclasses a single parent and adds attributes
3) A class subclasses multiple parents
4) A class subclasses multiple parents with extra attributes
5) A class adds attributes at runtime
6) A class adds parents at runtime
I'm not too worried about adding interfaces at runtime, as that 
doesn't do anything more, really, than adding methods at runtime. 
Either way's fine, it's just a bit of extra provided metadata that's 
only there when you query it.

We're going to need to be able to do all these at runtime as well as 
load time, the question is how.

It's possible to just go ahead and do it *all* at runtime, and have 
no compile time component at all--just a series of "newclass, 
addparent, addattribute" ops, assuming those are the op names we go 
with. Classes just get created at code initialization time or 

It's also possible that, except for case #1, all these things can 
only be done at compile time. (Which rules out 5 and 6) Classes are 
declared exclusively with some sort of bytecode metadata and to 
instantiate a new class you need a chunk of bytecode around.  It's 
possible that at least some of this is only doable with metadata in 
bytecode, but the bytecode metadata segments can be easily created on 
the fly.

Case #1 will definitely want to be doable with a single op, at 
runtime. It's a reasonably common operation, as these things go, as 
folks make anonymous child classes for single objects. I know there 
are good reasons to be able to do that both from a user program 
standpoint as well as for internal reasons. (Mainly to allow 
per-object method overriding without having to go through too many 

Part of me wants to go all-metadata for cases 2, 3, and 4, since I'm 
wary of the issues of doing what should be an atomic action in 
multiple ops. There's a loss of atomicity at the program level there, 
and if the classes override some of the actions (if we even allow 
that--does anyone allow overloading the subclassing operation?) it 
could get messy.

#5 really has to be metadata based, as it'll be expensive as it is. 
Refiguring the attribute array is a constant-time operation, more or 
less, so doing it 6 times to add in 6 attributes seems... suboptimal. 
If we don't do it with metadata we'll need ops that allow adding in 
multiple elements in one go.

#6, well... I'm not sure we should even allow #6, at least as part of 
the base parrot object system, but since we're going to do it anyway, 
we might as well do it right. The big issue with #6 being the same as 
#5--potentially needing to add in multiple attributes. That argues 
for a metadata approach, though alterations using metadata are dodgy.

Anyone got any feelings or opinions on this, besides "Why yes, I want 
an object system"? :) Class-based info I may be missing would also be 

--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Object Instantiation

2002-10-15 Thread Peter Haworth

On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 14:05:30 -0700, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> Maybe postfix ! on a class name means to autoinstantiate an object of 
> the named class only if/when first accessed:
>   our FancyCache $cache;  # declare, but leave undef
>   our FancyCache! $cache; # undef, but new() it if/when we need 
>   our $cache returns FancyCache!; # the same
> (That's just a joke.  Um, I think.  Hmm...)

Apart from the "auto" bit of "autoinstantiate", that's almost what it means
in Eiffel, except there it's a prefix !! operator. Actually, you can specify
a subclass between the two shrieks, but perl lets you do that by sticking
Class:: on the method name, which means we'd only need one shriek:

  # ! is the new .=
  our FancyCache $cache; # declare but leave undef
  our FancyCache $cache ! new;   # create new instance
  our FancyCache $cache ! ReallyFancyCache::new; # create subclass instance

Eiffel does let you omit the name of the constructor if there is a single
argumentless constructor, but Eiffel constructors are all marked as such,
which (at least so far) Perl6 constructors aren't.

Peter Haworth   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The Hotmail migration is becoming the IT equivalent of painting-the-Forth-
 bridge, evidently. Once you've think you've finished migrating one end, more
 FreeBSD boxes reappear at the other. So you have to start all over again."
-- http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/28/23348.html

Re: Object Instantiation

2002-10-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Thursday, October 10, 2002, at 05:11  PM, Larry Wall wrote:

my MyClass $obj = .new;

my new MyClass $obj;

Thanks for the clarification.  I like those two OK, personally.  If I 
were chained to one of those, I wouldn't chew my leg off.

Tying it together with the other thread to make people *really* scream:

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 06:07:09PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
I've always wondered what the ! postfix operator means.  The 
think they know.   :-)

Maybe postfix ! on a class name means to autoinstantiate an object of 
the named class only if/when first accessed:
	our FancyCache $cache;			# declare, but leave undef
	our FancyCache! $cache;			# undef, but new() it if/when we need it
	our $cache returns FancyCache!;	# the same

(That's just a joke.  Um, I think.  Hmm...)

:-) :-) :-)


Re: Object Instantiation (Was: Re: [ANNOUNCE] Perl6 OO Cookbook, v0.1)

2002-10-10 Thread Larry Wall

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
: On Thursday, October 10, 2002, at 11:23  AM, John Williams wrote:
: >   my $obj = MyClass(...);
: >
: > This seems to assume that objects have a default method if you treat 
: > them
: > like a subroutine.  Kinda tcl-ish, but I don't recall anything like 
: > this
: > in the apocalypes.
: >
: >   my $obj = MyClass;
: >
: > I think $obj would contain a reference to MyClass, not an instance
: > of MyClass.
: This is an area that's been bothering me for a while now (the Apoc's so 
: far don't directly address it, AFAIK.)  Here's why:
: Instantiating new objects is *darn* frequent in OO programming.  And of 
: those objects, a sizable number -- possibly even a majority -- have 
: constructors with no required arguments, e.g. "default constructors".  
: And pretty much every one of those constructors is going to be named 
: ".new".

That's why it's short.  :-)

: Therefore, since creating an object using a default constructor is 
: really common, it should be drop-dead simple.  I think there's utility 
: in trying to accommodate:
:   $obj = MyClass.new(...);# normal case
:   $obj = MyClass.new; # if the constructor takes no args
:   $obj = MyClass(...) # implied "new" w/ args
:   $obj = MyClass; # implied "new", no args
: Since instantiating a class is MUCH more common than is passing classes 
: themselves around, the latter case could be "expanded" instead:
:   $obj = MyClass; # instantiate it, using the default constructor
:   $obj = MyClass.TYPE;# assign a reference to MyClass
:   $obj = 'MyClass';   # ... or just treat it as a string?
:  trading less code in the very common case for more code in the 
: not-as-common case.  (It would make other things simpler, too, e.g. 
: transformations.)  So tho I have no say in the decision, I'm REALLY 
: hoping that we can leave out the new().

Sorry, no.  The bare class name will refer to the class itself in such
constructs as

when Dog { bark() }
when Cat { meow() }

if $! =~ IntegerOverflow {...}

&squeek := Mouse sub ($x) { return mickey($x) }

: (The idea of being able to drop the new() was stolen from languages in 
: which the name of the constructor is the same as the name of the class, 
: there is no new() at all.)

Yep, I know about those.  Can't say I wasn't tempted.  But the simpler
concept should generally have the simpler usage, I think, all other things
being equal.  If you're going to do something verbish with a noun, there
ought to be a verb.

That being said, () is a verb of sorts, so we could allow a constructor
syntax in which a class functions as a subroutine reference.  But that'd
probably be a shorthand for .new(), or whatever the conversion method is
called, where conversion from undef is equivalent to an argumentless .new().

: As far as the syntax for type declarations:  I have less bees about 
: this one.  Clearly,
:   my $obj is MyClass;
: should declare a variable of type MyClass.  (You're right, it shouldn't 
: autoviv.)  So what's the simplest syntax for typing + instantiation, 
: together?  Dunno, maybe
:   my $obj is MyClass .= new;
: is it, but still I'm hoping for an alternative that is easier to 
: explain to people when I'm training them.  Hmm, think, think...

Note that according to the current design team notions your syntax there
is declaring the type of the variable (like a tie), not the type of
the value.  You want either

my MyClass $obj;


my $obj returns MyClass;

for that.  (The first is just synactic sugar for the second.)  Things get
more complicated for arrays and hashes.  The following are equivalent:

my MyClass @array;
my @array returns MyClass;
my @array is Array of MyClass;

Or something like that.

How the constructor syntax will fit in with that is still up in
the air.  I'm rather partial to tacking a closure on the end like
sub syntax, only the closure executes immediately at elaboration
time with the topic being the current object.  But that may be the
general syntax rather than the usual syntax.  Possibly a declaration
can serve as a topicalizer for any assignment or binding to itself,
so maybe you could say

my MyClass $obj = .new;

to mean the same as

my MyClass $obj { .new }

or maybe

my MyClass $obj { .init }

Or maybe we can have something weird like

my MyClass.new $obj;

That would assume that the object you're creating functions as its
own class.  Except you don't actually have the object at compile time...

Perhaps one of

my new MyClass $obj;
new my MyClass $obj;
new MyClass my $obj;
my MyClass $obj is init;
my MyClass $obj.init;

could also be allowed for an argumentless form, though.  But this is
all wild speculation at this point.


Object Instantiation (Was: Re: [ANNOUNCE] Perl6 OO Cookbook, v0.1)

2002-10-10 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Thursday, October 10, 2002, at 11:23  AM, John Williams wrote:
>   my $obj = MyClass(...);
> This seems to assume that objects have a default method if you treat 
> them
> like a subroutine.  Kinda tcl-ish, but I don't recall anything like 
> this
> in the apocalypes.
>   my $obj = MyClass;
> I think $obj would contain a reference to MyClass, not an instance
> of MyClass.

This is an area that's been bothering me for a while now (the Apoc's so 
far don't directly address it, AFAIK.)  Here's why:

Instantiating new objects is *darn* frequent in OO programming.  And of 
those objects, a sizable number -- possibly even a majority -- have 
constructors with no required arguments, e.g. "default constructors".  
And pretty much every one of those constructors is going to be named 

Therefore, since creating an object using a default constructor is 
really common, it should be drop-dead simple.  I think there's utility 
in trying to accommodate:

$obj = MyClass.new(...);# normal case
$obj = MyClass.new; # if the constructor takes no args
$obj = MyClass(...) # implied "new" w/ args
$obj = MyClass; # implied "new", no args

Since instantiating a class is MUCH more common than is passing classes 
themselves around, the latter case could be "expanded" instead:

$obj = MyClass; # instantiate it, using the default constructor
$obj = MyClass.TYPE;# assign a reference to MyClass
$obj = 'MyClass';   # ... or just treat it as a string?

 trading less code in the very common case for more code in the 
not-as-common case.  (It would make other things simpler, too, e.g. 
transformations.)  So tho I have no say in the decision, I'm REALLY 
hoping that we can leave out the new().

(The idea of being able to drop the new() was stolen from languages in 
which the name of the constructor is the same as the name of the class, 
there is no new() at all.)

As far as the syntax for type declarations:  I have less bees about 
this one.  Clearly,

my $obj is MyClass;

should declare a variable of type MyClass.  (You're right, it shouldn't 
autoviv.)  So what's the simplest syntax for typing + instantiation, 
together?  Dunno, maybe

my $obj is MyClass .= new;

is it, but still I'm hoping for an alternative that is easier to 
explain to people when I'm training them.  Hmm, think, think...
