Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval - inter code segment branches

2003-01-22 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Jason Gloudon wrote:

On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 08:21:42PM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

# #!/usr/bin/perl -w
# my $i= 5;
# LAB:
#eval(goto LAB if ($i==6));

Ok. Having inter_cs call DO_OP just seems more involved than it has to be.


How about a single self-contained inter-segment jump instruction.

Since the compiler knows when a branch is non-local it can always break a
non-local conditional branch into a conditional local branch to a non-local
branch instruction.

This would mean to rewrite the branch target to point to a location 
after the end of the current sub (or end of program).

  if i, non_local1

would become

  if i, taken1

  end/ret # whatever
taken1: inter_cs_jump non_local1

Yep. Seems really much simpler. I'll try this approach.

Thanks for your input,

Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval - inter code segment branches

2003-01-21 Thread Jason Gloudon
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 12:08:29AM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 Here is a proposal for inter code segment jumps:
 The assembler (imcc) can recognize when a branch ins goes to a different
 code segment.
 For such a branch, imcc generates this opcode seqence:
if i, ic # or whatever

Why do we need branches to go to different code segments ?  I think the
expectation has been that control transfers between segments would have their
own op, because separate code segments would generally coincide with subs,
closures or at least blocks, that have specific entry points.

Maybe Dan could give us a hint about the closure/block/byte code segment


Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval - inter code segment branches

2003-01-21 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Jason Gloudon wrote:

On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 12:08:29AM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Here is a proposal for inter code segment jumps:

The assembler (imcc) can recognize when a branch ins goes to a different
code segment.

For such a branch, imcc generates this opcode seqence:

  if i, ic # or whatever

Why do we need branches to go to different code segments ?  

Because of this nasty piece of little code:

# #!/usr/bin/perl -w
# my $i= 5;
# LAB:
#eval(goto LAB if ($i==6));
#print $i\n;
# 7

.sub _test
I1 = 5
$S0 = .sub _e\nif I1 == 6 goto LAB\nend\n.end\n
compreg P2, PIR
compile P0, P2, $S0
inc I1
print I1
print \n

... I think the
expectation has been that control transfers between segments would have their
own op, because separate code segments would generally coincide with subs,
closures or at least blocks, that have specific entry points.

The problem is, that the invoke calls a different code segment, which 
eventually  branches back.
Parsing the eval code into the same code segment in not possible, we 
can't expand code segments, or let's say not easily, except (if even 
possible) with invalidating prederef and JIT code, and restarting. This 
is IMHO too expensive to go that road.

The proposed inter_cs op is such a special op, but suitable for all 
branches. E.g. inter_cs ; bsr _somewhere

Maybe Dan could give us a hint about the closure/block/byte code segment

I just can tell you from imcc's POV. Everything compiled in one sequence 
(e.g. all subs of all files) could be one code segment. As soon as you 
start running the code, and you want to compile again, produced bytecode 
has to go into a different code segment. Of course, it could be more 
fine grained, but not less.


Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval - inter code segment branches

2003-01-21 Thread Jason Gloudon
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 08:21:42PM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 For such a branch, imcc generates this opcode seqence:
   if i, ic # or whatever
 Why do we need branches to go to different code segments ?  
 Because of this nasty piece of little code:
 # #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 # my $i= 5;
 # LAB:
 #eval(goto LAB if ($i==6));

Ok. Having inter_cs call DO_OP just seems more involved than it has to be.
How about a single self-contained inter-segment jump instruction.

Since the compiler knows when a branch is non-local it can always break a
non-local conditional branch into a conditional local branch to a non-local
branch instruction.

For example

if i, nonlocal

... not taken

can be expressed as

if i, TAKEN

... not taken

TAKEN: inter_jump nonlocal


Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval - inter code segment branches

2003-01-20 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

I have it ready.
It's based on the packfile patch #18056 by Juergen Boemmels. On top of 
this patch, it was quite easy to implement multiple code segments.

And yet another f'up me.

Here is a proposal for inter code segment jumps:

The assembler (imcc) can recognize when a branch ins goes to a different
code segment.

For such a branch, imcc generates this opcode seqence:

   if i, ic # or whatever

The branch location ic is the index[1] into the fixuptable, which 
contains codesegment/offset pairs.

The inter_cs instruction looks like:

   opcode_t *cur = cur_opcode;	/* remember current */
   // = CUR_OPCODE
   opcode_t *pc;
   DO_OP(pc, interpreter);	/* pc is new pc now */
   if (pc_is_outof_bounds) {	/* branch taken */
  index = (pc-code_start)/(sizeof opcode_t)  ~0x8000;
  interp-resume_code_seg = fixup_table[index].code_seg;
  interp-resume_offset = fixup_table[index].offs;
  //= restart OFFSET(x)
  return 0;			/* do a resume in new cs */
   cur_opcode = pc;		/* branch not taken */
   // = goto ADDRESS(pc);

[1] the branch offsets are with the hight bit set, to allow recognition 
of out_of_bounds.

Some help to translate this to OpsFile macros as well as of course 
always comments are welcome,


Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval

2003-01-20 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

I have it ready.

- code is ready for debug information, I'll first do it in imcc, which 
could generate file/line info on the fly. Next would then be to extend 
the PBC format.

And this is working too in imcc, including gdb-stepping into evaled code 

Does anyone want to have a look at the patch, or should I put it in?

Tomorrow is dead time, I really don't like to have 30 files different to 
CVS :)



Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval

2003-01-17 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

So it seems, that for multiple code segments, we'll have to take the 
PackFile_ConstTable out of the structure and include 
file/line/debug/whatever information. This would look like:

packfile aka interpreter-code:
 - constants
 - code_segment[]
   - byte_code
   - byte_code_size
   - [ more of current packfile ]
   - filename
   - lines[]
   - [ more aditional stuff ]
   - prederefed_code
   - jit_info (jitted code)
 - fixups

The debug stuff should have its own segment, linked to the corresponding 
code segment.

The return value of Bcompile would then be a pointer to such a 

BTW a PackFile_Constant should be a union IMHO, currently each type has 
its own storage.

As a first step towards multiple code segments I did apply locally 
Juergen Boemmels Patch #18056. With little rediffing and twigging, this 
runs all tests, imcc's packout() for writing pbc files is working too. 
Only packdump is broken, but this didn't do very much anyway.

So people please have a look at this patch and the description.
With this patch in place, it shouldn't be too hard, to have multiple 
code segments, currently only in memory and with extending the PBC file 
also external.


Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval

2003-01-15 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leopold Toetsch (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Leopold Toetsch 
# Please include the string:  [perl #20315]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

Attached is a first try towards eval.

I have now eval/compile also running inside imcc. There are two 
registered compregs: PASM and PIR aka .imc, e.g.

	set S0, 'set S1, 42\n'
	concat S0, \n
	concat S0, print S1\nend\n
	compile P1, S0, PASM
	print \n

I still would like to have some design advice.

The call function to the compiler/assembler is kept as a NCI. Better 
would be a subclass of NCI (Compiler.pmc or so), which provides

invoke_keyed(key, next)

This would look up the compreg key and prepare the registers for 
calling the compiler function.

I think such a vtable method would also be handy for the OO stuff:

callmethod P1, foo

which would translate too a invoke_keyed() on the object. For methods 
known at compile time, the HL could spit out

callmethod P1, n

which would then be invoke_keyed_int().

2) The return value of the compile ops should be a pointer to a bytecode 
segment, already in the interpreter and ready for calling.
So how should a code_segment_PMC look like and how should the 
structure in the packfile be defined?
Just an array of code pointers containing byte_code and byte_code_size?
The code_segment_PMC would probably be a [subclass of]? Sub.pmc, which 
can then be invoked for actually evalling the code.

Comments welcome,

Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval

2003-01-15 Thread Jerome Quelin
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 The call function to the compiler/assembler is kept as a NCI. Better
 would be a subclass of NCI (Compiler.pmc or so), which provides
 invoke_keyed(key, next)

Hmm, I don't know what a NCI is. Where (which files) can I find 
information about them?


Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval

2003-01-15 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 8:27 PM + 1/14/03, Leopold Toetsch (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Leopold Toetsch
# Please include the string:  [perl #20315]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# URL: 

Attached is a first try towards eval.

- interpreter has a new data member Parrot_compreg_hash
- parrot registers the PASM1 type i.e. what PDB_eval can parse
- the new Bcompile opcode (ab)uses nci to build a function for calling
- nci is extended (jit/i386 only), to understand an 'I' param as interpreter
- the string is evaled immediately, we don't have multiple byte code
segments yet

No registers, which nci uses, are preserved, no error checking and so
on, but works ;-)

Yow, Cool! We *have* to get IMCC built into parrot now.

Some questions arise here:
- Should the Bcompreg opcode also have a form with a label to build
PASM compilers, ook?

I think you've confused me here. (No, I'm wrong--you've definitely 
confused me here) More explanation?

- is using the NCI interface ok for evals purpose?

Sure. We can rejig it later if we need to, but I expect most 
compilers will involve a trip into C code, so that's fine.

- how should a byte code segment (PMC) look like?

Ah, the big question. I'm not quite sure yet--let's try and work that 
out while I'm churning over objects.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval

2003-01-15 Thread Leopold Toetsch
In perl.perl6.internals, you wrote:
 Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 The call function to the compiler/assembler is kept as a NCI. Better
 would be a subclass of NCI (Compiler.pmc or so), which provides
 invoke_keyed(key, next)

 Hmm, I don't know what a NCI is. Where (which files) can I find
 information about them?

Native Call Interface. s. nci.c,, classes/nci.pmc,
the docs and Dan's announcement on the list.



Re: [perl #20315] [PATCH] eval

2003-01-15 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 8:27 PM + 1/14/03, Leopold Toetsch (via RT) wrote:

Yow, Cool! We *have* to get IMCC built into parrot now.

You do get this wrong - always ;-)

imcc = parrot + - pre-processor + PIR-assembler +
   optimizer/10#yet  now  already

With the help of -E (preprocess only, spitting out PASM) 
imcc runs *all* parrot tests.

- Should the Bcompreg opcode also have a form with a label to build
PASM compilers, ook?

I think you've confused me here. (No, I'm wrong--you've definitely 
confused me here) More explanation?

I was thinking of assembler/compilers implemented in PASM, as 
languages/ook/ook.pasm is a ook compiler. It could register a compreg 
with type Ook, which uses the registered PASM compiler to run ook 
code ;-)

- is using the NCI interface ok for evals purpose?

Sure. We can rejig it later if we need to, but I expect most compilers 
will involve a trip into C code, so that's fine.

Ok, then this needs some twigging. I did use signature 'I' for pushing a 
Parrot_Interp. The return value needs still work.

- how should a byte code segment (PMC) look like?

Ah, the big question. I'm not quite sure yet--let's try and work that 
out while I'm churning over objects.

I did have a closer look at struct PackFile. I think we have some 
possiblities to actually eval()/invoke() the code, depending on the HL:
- new interpreter, nothing shared (unlikely)
- new interpreter, context shared - meaning also constants
- same interpreter, everything shared

So it seems, that for multiple code segments, we'll have to take the 
PackFile_ConstTable out of the structure and include 
file/line/debug/whatever information. This would look like:

packfile aka interpreter-code:
 - constants
 - code_segment[]
   - byte_code
   - byte_code_size
   - [ more of current packfile ]
   - filename
   - lines[]
   - [ more aditional stuff ]
   - prederefed_code
   - jit_info (jitted code)
 - fixups

The return value of Bcompile would then be a pointer to such a 

BTW a PackFile_Constant should be a union IMHO, currently each type has 
its own storage.
