Re: What can be hyperoperated?

2002-01-29 Thread Dave Storrs

Note:  I'm actually not talking about hyperoperators below, or
map/grep/sort.  Just 'for'.

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002 12:32:06 -0600, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

> @result = for @a; @b -> $a; $b { $a op $b }

I'd like to chime in withthe people who have already said that the
semicolons are a bit confusing.

I'd like to propose a slightly different syntax.  Is this maybe valid, or
have I missed a gaping problem?

#   Simplest case: one data source, pulling elements one at a time,
#   operating against a constant
@result = for @a -> ($a)  { $a + 2 }

More formally, this would be:

for LIST -> LIST [[, LIST -> LIST]...] CLOSURE (returns: LIST)

So, you could write things like so:

#   pull elements off two-by-two
for @a -> $x, $y { ... }

#   flatten @a, @b together, pull elements off two-by-two
for @a, @b -> $x, $y { ... }

#   pull one off @a, one off @b
for @a -> $x,
@b -> $y
{ ... }

#   pull one off @a, two off @b
for @a -> $x,
@b -> $y, $z
{ ... }

Of course, all of these only DWIM if -> knows that it takes exactly one
item on the left, and a list on the right.

As an extra bit of magic, perhaps, when the only thing to the left of ->
is a scalar, it could reduce to this (in Perl5 terms):

#   This Perl6:
for $_ -> $x { ... }

#   is the same as this Perl5:
  my $x = $_;
  local ($_);
  { ... }

Dave Storrs

Re: Perl6::Tokeniser

2002-01-29 Thread Simon Cozens

begin quote from Rafael Garcia-Suarez:
> Out of curiosity, what kind of parser do you intend to write ? A
> Parse::RecDescent one ?


> Have you an idea about what will be the 'final'
> parser for the Perl 6 compiler ? (LALR(1), like Perl 5 ?)
Yep, LALR1, probably yacc generated. 

> Side-note about whitespace. This is going to be tricky, because of the
> DWIMery involved by the end-of-line on some constructs (do{}, IIRC).

I know. This ought to be handled by '{' and '}', but it currently isn't.

> IMHO, Perl6::Tokener->toke() should not return whitespace to the parser
> (currently it returns (undef)x2, if I understand correctly), but should
> trigger some internal state change on \n (or whatever a end-of-line may
> be). So, it can insert a fake ';' token after "do { ... }\n" for the
> parser.

That's one way to do it, but I think it's probably easier to look ahead
after '}'.

A debugged program is one for which you have not yet found the conditions
that make it fail.
-- Jerry Ogdin

Re: Perl6::Tokeniser

2002-01-29 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez

Simon Cozens wrote in perl.perl6.language:
> An enhanced version of this (with documentation, no less) is available
> from CPAN. I'll be releasing updates to there. There are a few things
> I need to fix, but this should be enough to start sensible parser work,
> which I intend to in the near future.

Out of curiosity, what kind of parser do you intend to write ? A
Parse::RecDescent one ? Have you an idea about what will be the 'final'
parser for the Perl 6 compiler ? (LALR(1), like Perl 5 ?)

Side-note about whitespace. This is going to be tricky, because of the
DWIMery involved by the end-of-line on some constructs (do{}, IIRC).
IMHO, Perl6::Tokener->toke() should not return whitespace to the parser
(currently it returns (undef)x2, if I understand correctly), but should
trigger some internal state change on \n (or whatever a end-of-line may
be). So, it can insert a fake ';' token after "do { ... }\n" for the

Rafael Garcia-Suarez

Re: Perl6::Tokeniser

2002-01-29 Thread Simon Cozens

begin quote from Simon Cozens:
> This is my new toy. It's not perfect. I know what's lacking and I know
> how to fix it, but time is always against us. You don't need any
> documentation, you're intelligent people. Feed some code to
> Perl6::Tokeniser::toke, and it'll give you an array. 

An enhanced version of this (with documentation, no less) is available
from CPAN. I'll be releasing updates to there. There are a few things
I need to fix, but this should be enough to start sensible parser work,
which I intend to in the near future. (Lots o' writing to do this week,

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape
at about 30 miles/second.
-- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming

RE: Perl6 -- what is in a name?

2002-01-29 Thread Garrett Goebel

From: Melvin Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> At 01:52 PM 1/28/2002 -0600, Garrett Goebel wrote:
> >From: Brent Dax [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Aaron Sherman:
> > > #
> > > # I think the first guy that gets hired to maintain Perl6 code,
> > > # and think "hey, I know Perl, no sweat" will disagree with
> > > # you.
> > >
> > > I disagree.  He'll see stuff he doesn't understand and try to
> > > consult perldoc on it, at which point he'll realize that he's
> > > working with Perl 6.  Then he'll run out, get Camel IV, read
> > > it, and go back to work. Programmer is working with a better
> > > version of language, program is fixed, and ORA made fifty
> > > bucks.  Everybody's happy.  :^)
> >
> >Perhaps. Or perhaps he'll be like our company's lead C++ 
> >developers. They liked Perl4 well enough for a certain problem
> >domain, saw some Perl5 code... and have tried to stay away from
> >it ever since.
> >
> >Perl6 isn't going to make everyone happy.
> I have a hard time believing those C++ guys are really Perl lovers;
> I'ver never spoken to a Perl fan that didn't have dreams of a making
> the language even better than it already is; better OO in Perl, etc.
> Maybe they just have a huge unwieldy Perl4 app they don't 
> wish to port.

They were C++ lovers not Perl lovers. Perl was just a tool in their chest.
In their minds Perl4 was a simple elegant swiss army knife for data munging.
Perl5 was a new version of the same tool, but with too many extra whiz bang
features to suit their fancy.

But hey, Bryan Warnock said it best:

> >Perl6 isn't going to make everyone happy.
> That's right, it isn't.  Nor should it strive to.

This isn't Aesops fable about "The Miller, His Son, And Their Ass".