Re: Checking for nil return

2020-12-31 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2020-12-29 6:26 a.m., Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:

Basically, never mix error-state and return-value.
Rather use a different channel/dimension for each.

Such a separation can't be absolute though.  One needs to be able to user-define 
routines that implement additional generic Failure related features, and in that 
case they WOULD be normal arguments or return values.  And so the regular type 
system still needs to support having anything at all as an argument or return 
value. -- Darren Duncan

Re: A proposal for Perl's branding - let's free all the butterflies

2018-02-16 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2018-02-16 11:15 AM, Nigel Hamilton wrote:

Here is a suggestion for Perl's branding:

I like your proposal.

But its details would need fleshing out more, particularly at the end, where it 
says this:

Perl $new_runtime_name_for_perl5_goes_here (tm)
Perl $new-runtime-name-for-perl6-goes-here (tm)

That implies that the only things being branded this way are runtimes, and not 
the languages themselves, which I thought was meant to be under that umbrella.

So for example:

Perl $new_language_name_for_perl5_goes_here (tm)
Perl $new-language-name-for-perl6-goes-here (tm)

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Naming debate- what's the location for it?

2018-02-16 Thread Darren Duncan
If we assume the use of NQP is part of the project's identity, then yes that 
makes sense.  Historically that wasn't the case, eg the earlier Rakudo were 
written to Parrot PIR directly, and there's the possibility this could change 
again, though I see that as unlikely.  Not a bad idea. -- Darren Duncan

On 2018-02-16 3:07 AM, Lloyd Fournier wrote:
I'm about to publish some blog posts with using Perl 6  to demonstrate some 
cryptographic primitives. I was thinking about calling it "rakudo" to at least 
intrigue people and make them google it. Couldn't we call the language rakudo 
and the implementation nqp-rakudo? (ie a rakudo implementation in nqp)


On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 5:02 AM Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 05:55:54PM +, raiph mellor wrote:
 > (Perl) Rakudo
 > ===
 > If jnthn and pmichaud and larry can warm to this idea, then:
 > [...]
 > The 'Perl' could be dropped from Rakudo specific propaganda,
 > calling the language just Rakudo instead, to reinforce that it refers
 > to 6e and beyond. But the Perl could be retained in any material
 > covering both Raptor and Rakudo as a reunified tech / community.

FWIW, I am VERY MUCH AGAINST the idea of naming a language after its
implementation.  I've seen the confusion it causes in other environments and
we ought not repeat that mistake here, especially since we don't have to.

Whatever things end up being called, don't confuse the implementation(s)
with the language definition.


Re: Naming debate- what's the location for it?

2018-02-10 Thread Darren Duncan
Bad idea.  There should not be any number in the name, in any way shape or form. 
 No six, no ten, or any other.  Differentiating factors should be something not 
a number. -- Darren Duncan

On 2018-02-09 9:15 PM, Brent Laabs wrote:

Might as well follow Apple and Microsoft and call it Perl Ten.  Yes, spelled 

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 8:16 PM, Parrot Raiser wrote:

On 2/10/18, Darren Duncan wrote:

> I think if we want to keep "Perl" in the name we should use "C" as a 
> Other related languages keeping "C" include "Objective C", "C#", "C++",
> >

Perl++ would work.

Re: Naming debate- what's the location for it?

2018-02-09 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2018-02-09 12:55 PM, Eaglestone, Robert J wrote:

I think a name change is too radical. /And yet/.

I think Steve has a point, though I don’t know what to do about it.  The 
developers in my little corner of the world may not be up on the 
new-language-of-the-week, but even they see Perl as a has-been, write-only 
language, so when their brain matches /perl/i they automatically toss it in the 
bit bucket.  Some of them are too nice to say it outright.  Some aren’t.

Personally I think having the "6" as part of the name is the worst part of the 
situation.  Its too confusing with a version number.

I think if we want to keep "Perl" in the name we should use "C" as a precedent. 
Other related languages keeping "C" include "Objective C", "C#", "C++", and its 
much more clear those are separate languages, even if C-alike.

So one way or another, "6" should be dropped from the name of the language 
formally.  Then we either have "Foo Perl" or "Perl Foo" or "Foo".

After this is done, regular "Perl" can also be free to increment its first 
version number for major releases (albeit skipping 6 to avoid confusion) just as 
Postgres and many other projects do these days, as staying at 5.x forever is weird.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Naming debate- what's the location for it?

2018-02-08 Thread Darren Duncan
My personal favorite resolution is to officially name the language Rakudo, full 

The implementation that was/is using the name would be renamed to something else 
so it isn't the same as the language.

Then we say "Rakudo" is a sibling language of "Perl", full stop.

Then "Perl 6" becomes a deprecated alias for Rakudo, used informally rather than 
formally from now on, and officially considered a historical footnote rather 
than anything still cited in official documentation or marketing.

The unqualified name "Perl" continues to refer to the original lineage 
(currently at version 5.x) such as what 99% of the world means when they refer 
to it.

Remember, we can still say "Rakudo is a sibling of Perl" for all the reasons we 
currently do without actually calling it any kind of "Perl" as an individual; we 
don't actually lose the family thing.

For documentation/marketing materials and to help with continuity, we can 
typically reference "the Rakudo language, a sibling of Perl", where the latter 
part is then more of a description.

This is what I really think should and that I would like to happen.

-- Darren Duncan

On 2018-02-08 12:47 PM, yary wrote:
...and "rakudo" even 
better by that criterion. And then there's how "rakudo" is already named in many 
files, databases, websites, and that's enough to make me think it's a "good 
enough" name. Though I'd like to change that implementation's name to something 
else if we start calling the language Rakudo!

I quite like having the distinction between the language and its 
implementations. No one confuses C with cc, gcc, pcc, tcc, mvcc, XCode, or 
Borland. Using the name "rakudo" to mean the language makes me feel a little bad 
in that it muddies that distinction further, and gives this current 
implementation a special status. A status which it earned, we're not talking 
about calling the Perl6 language "pugs" or "parrot" or "niecza" for a reason. 
/me shrugs.

Re: fixing infinities and ranges etc

2016-12-11 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2016-10-30 4:11 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:

On 2016-10-30 5:45 AM, yary wrote:

Before/AfterEverything are also easy to understand, and would be as natural to
use for sorting strings, eg. for saying if a database NULL should go before the
empty string or after everything else. On the other hand, if I'doing something
with tangents and handling pi/2, I'd rather be thinking about PosInf as my
exception and not AfterEverything.

So, the main thing that I think should exist is a generic
before/after-everything concept so that it can be used to indicate that generic
intervals are unbounded at either end and that generic 'cmp' etc are
automatically defined for every other type and them and use as identity values
for min/max.

So, following up on this, ...

I went with the singleton names Before_All_Others and After_All_Others in my 
abstract database protocol API for Perl 6, and explicitly documented that these 
are a type-agnostic analogy to negative/positive infinity whose sole purpose is 
to canonically sort before or after every other value in the type system, and 
they expressly do NOT represent any mathematical or physical concept of 
infinity, including those in IEEE floating point, which should be defined 
separately where useful.  Example uses of these singletons are to represent the 
endpoints of partially or totally unbounded intervals/ranges, or be the identity 
values for "min" and "max", or be the result when one calls "pred" or "succ" on 
the first/last value of an orderable type.

And so, I also want to propose that Perl 6 add the 2 singletons 
X::BeforeAllOthers and X::AfterAllOthers for similar type-generic use cases. 
Yet other singletons or values can exist to meaningfully represent mathematical 
infinities etc such as the IEEE floats support so appropriate semantics exist in 
peoples' code.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: fixing infinities and ranges etc

2016-10-30 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2016-10-30 5:45 AM, yary wrote:

I'm not sure I entirely understand the proposal- does it change Inf aka ∞ ?

Part of the issue I think is that the existing "Inf" aka "∞" don't seem to be 
very clearly defined.

What I could find so far, at least with respect to Ranges, is that they are just 
syntactic alternatives to the Whatever *.

They don't seem to be actual typed values that one can say use as declared types 
for things.

Otherwise I like it, and prefer the X::NegInf and X::PosInf,spellings as being
easy-to-understand & a good Huffman-encoding.


Before/AfterEverything are also easy to understand, and would be as natural to
use for sorting strings, eg. for saying if a database NULL should go before the
empty string or after everything else. On the other hand, if I'doing something
with tangents and handling pi/2, I'd rather be thinking about PosInf as my
exception and not AfterEverything.

So, the main thing that I think should exist is a generic 
before/after-everything concept so that it can be used to indicate that generic 
intervals are unbounded at either end and that generic 'cmp' etc are 
automatically defined for every other type and them and use as identity values 
for min/max.

At the same time, I think some people would want to distinguish between these 
and a mathematical concept of infinity in a similar manner that people 
distinguish orderable and ordered and ordinal etc.

What I mean by the latter is, "ordered" and "ordinal" have rather precise 
meanings in set theory or mathematics etc, meanings that don't apply to a lot of 
data types we tend to sort on.  For example, ordered/ordinal strictly speaking 
wouldn't apply to character strings and they may not apply consistently to the 
general case of rational numbers and so on; for some types we just want to be 
able to sort them deterministically but the actual sort order might not be 
meaningful within the domain.  So I made up the term "orderable" to refer to 
what generic "cmp" or SQL "order by" etc do.

The before/after-everything singleton are meant specifically to apply to this 
"orderable" concept.

So, having that, the question is whether we want to have distinct infinity 
concepts for numbers from those, and I suspect we might.  In maths we have 
directional infinities on a line, but there's also the concept of something 
being infinite that is not directional such as an unbounded volume, and there's 
also countable vs uncountable infinities etc.  We may not want to imply any of 
those with our before/after-everything concept which is meant to serve a 
different purpose.

X::BE and X::AE are too short to use outside of this discussion, especially as
"BE" is the common verb "be."

Maybe X::OBE and X::OAE for "ordered before/after everything"?

Anyway, this part is bike-shedding, my main point is that the singletons simply 
exist and what their properties are.

Before/AfterEverything ... would be as natural to
use for sorting strings, eg. for saying if a database NULL should go before the
empty string or after everything else.

So, now this brings up a different thing.

A Perl 6 analogy to a SQL Null would ALSO be a Failure singleton type, for 
example X::NoReason, basically it means that we don't have a normal value of the 
domain here AND we are giving absolutely no explanation for why the normal value 
is missing.  A SQL Null in general means means "we don't have a normal value and 
we aren't saying why", it does NOT mean "not applicable" or "unknown" or 
"missing" or "not matched" or anything like that, it doesn't even say which of 
those it is.

As far as I could tell the Perl 6 Nil singleton had this X::NoReason meaning, 
but if it actually doesn't, then we should have a new X::NoReason to be more 
explicit about that.  This would mean that a Perl 6 Nil actually IS giving a 
reason why the normal value is absent.

As a final note today, I will mention that the subject of this email thread is 
relevant to this thing that I'm working on, a DBI for Perl 6 with a PSGI/Plack 
inspired design, meaning a no-mandatory-shared-code database interface:

-- Darren Duncan

fixing infinities and ranges etc

2016-10-27 Thread Darren Duncan
I have observed that the current Perl 6 spec and implementations seem deficient 
in regards to representing some special values or conditions, in particular the 
concept of the two linear directional infinities or otherwise special values 
that naturally sort before and after everything else.

Moreover, some discussion I saw on the matter shows that these issues had been 
punted, so here I'm trying to propose a resolution or process to that end.

Here are some links for context:


Here are some proposals and comments:

1. I think the best way to represent various special values like this is as 
singleton types, basically in the same way various Failure or Exception are 
handled, such as the various X::Foo classes.  So for example, we should add 
X::NegInf and X::PosInf, or alternately per Larry's comment in the first link, 
something like X::BeforeEverything and X::AfterEverything or X::BE and X::AE. 
Actually we may want both the infs and the BE/AEs where distinguishing them is 
useful.  Similarly I recommend adding such singletons for various other math 
concepts such as X::DivByZero and X::ZeroToTheZero etc.

2. In the case of NegInf/PosInf (alternately read as BE/AE from now on), generic 
ordering sensitive operators like cmp would have signatures defined such as 
(NegInf, Any), there would be 4 combos of those, which would be defined to 
always return FALSE or TRUE as appropriate; as such, all values would be 
comparable with these singletons automatically.  Also, any dyadic min/max 
operators would use these singletons as their identity values.

3. Regular types such as Int or Rat or Str etc should be pure and just include 
normal values, that is just actual numbers for the numeric types etc.  Then, 
contexts that might produce or want to recognize failure conditions alternately 
accept or return the appropriate Failure singletons mentioned, as if a type 
union were defined over the regular types and the failure types; users can 
choose whether they want to allow the special values explicitly by either 
including or excluding them from signatures, so naming eg just Int will only 
accept actual numbers.

4. Independent of the above points, the current Range class has a problem in 
that it doesn't distinguish which endpoint is infinite.  Just as it currently 
distinguishes whether each endpoint is open or closed, it needs to distinguish 
whether each endpoint is infinite or finite.  All 4 of these cases need to be 
distinguished: 5..10, -Inf..10, 5..Inf, -Inf..Inf and I hope it should be 
self-evident why that is important.  For starters, it is completely valid to ask 
whether a value is in any of the given ranges; for half-infinite ranges, it is a 
generalized form for asking if the value is larger or smaller than the finite 
end; for fully-infinite ranges, the answer is always TRUE.  Another way to think 
about it is that a Range is just a concise way of expressing a set.  The current 
Range class simply has a boolean attribute that says is the Range infinite, yes 
or no, and that needs fixing.

5. A generic solution to representing Ranges properly is to use the two special 
singletons I mentioned be the endpoint values.  A lot of comparing operations 
would then just work.  Using the range to generate a list of member values would 
also work in some cases, depending where the infinities are and in what 
direction we are enumerating.

So what are the thoughts on this?  Can we get appropriate improvements into Perl 
6d and implementations etc?  Also, is any of what I said actually already done? 
 Certainly some key parts at least are not.

Thank you.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: It's time to use "use v6.c"

2016-02-06 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2016-02-06 11:35 AM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

On Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 2:30 PM, yary  wrote:

this morning I installed the 2016.01 R*. Now I'm at the NYC perl6
study group, and a helpful neighbor asked me to start up p6doc.

This is something of an edge case. It is reasonable for stuff that is supposed
to ship *with* perl6 to bend the rules; the problem is that nobody realized that
p6doc was broken (this was discovered earlier today), so R* silently (grumble)
didn't include it and you got some other p6doc instead.

I agree with yary.  I also think that dog-fooding it should be done where 
possible.  If stuff that ships with perl6 can't be written using all the same 
best practices as code users should write, then its a problem.  This includes 
not having "use v6.c".  While exceptions may exist, any time they do, that 
should become a case study for whether there is truly a good reason for the code 
to work that way, or if there isn't.  Keep in mind that the standard libraries 
are right now some of the primary examples Perl 6 developers would have to look 
at on how to write Perl 6 code. -- Darren Duncan

Re: Exploit the versioning (was Re: Backwards compatibility and release 1.0)

2015-10-15 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2015-10-15 5:27 AM, yary wrote:

Short answer: everything must declare which semantics it expects-
everything in Panda/CPAN at least. And we already knew it, just need
to do it.

I believe this is something Perl 6 should require in general, if it doesn't. 
That is, it should be MANDATORY for Perl 6 code to declare what version of Perl 
it expects.  (The sole exception is one-liners.)  If we don't do this, people 
are going to be lazy and not say anything, and then there will be a large base 
of code that officially is just saying "any version of Perl 6 will do" but they 
silently actually expect Perl semantics.  We're always going to be 
stuck with this problem if we don't make declarations mandatory now.  That's a 
much more important change to ingrain into those several hundred existing 
modules, if they aren't already, nevermind the :D thing. -- Darren Duncan

Re: Exploit the versioning (was Re: Backwards compatibility and release 1.0)

2015-10-14 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2015-10-14 6:14 AM, Parrot Raiser wrote:

Is this particular change one that could be implemented
algorithmically, or at least partially so?
(E.g. For all modules
  check for the presence of a ":D".
  If it's there, no action.
  If not, insert a line of code. Run a test.
  If successful, post change.
  If not, alert a human)

I think this can be done, yes, and in principle it would be a good idea.

But the problem Moritz seemed to be raising is that each of the Perl 6 modules 
is possibly in different repositories under a wide variety of users, and it 
would still count on a lot of people to take action to accept those changes in 
order to not have a lot of breaking.

While I agree that changing the modules would be better quality-wise, my 
versioning proposal is likely more practical if we're trying to focus on 
stability now for a Christmas release.

I mean, this situation seemed to be a solid example of why Perl 6's versioning 
scheme exists in the first place, to deal elegantly with things like this.

-- Darren Duncan

Exploit the versioning (was Re: Backwards compatibility and release 1.0)

2015-10-14 Thread Darren Duncan

I have a proposal.

Unlike with say the GLR, perhaps this whole :D thing may be a good test case for 
the Perl 6 feature of explicit language versioning.

How about we don't make the :D change now, and give more thought as to whether 
we actually want to do it at all.

If we do decide it is worthwhile, lets make it so that the :D change is part of 
Perl 6.1 say, along with any other changes we decide in the near future would be 
a good idea.

Then, programs that explicitly say "use 6.1" or such will get :D as default, 
while those that don't or say "use 6.0" etc will get the current behavior with 
:D not being default.

I say, save any further major breaking changes before this Christmas for things 
that would be really hard to change later and are sure to be worthwhile now, and 
the :D thing is not one of those.

What do you think?

-- Darren Duncan

On 2015-10-14 2:54 AM, Moritz Lenz wrote:

So a large percentage of the module updates are done by group of maybe five to a
dozen volunteers. So, do the math: 5 people updating 70% of 390 modules. Modules
they are usually not all that familiar with, and usually don't have direct
access. So they need to go through the pull request dance, waiting for reaction
from the maintainer. In short, it sucks.

The ecosystem hasn't yet fully recovered from the s/done/done-testing/ change,
nor from the GLR, nor from the need to prefix 'unit' to some declarations.

And this is why I'm getting increasingly frustrated and angry when people
propose major breaking changes, brushing off the implications for the ecosystem
and its maintainers with "but it's not 6.0", "shouldn't be a problem", "we
aren't stable yet".

We want to release Perl 6 by Christmas, and it'll reflect *very* badly on us and
the language if many modules in the ecosystem are broken. And any change that
requires us to touch all .pm files will result in that.

Re: Backwards compatibility and release 1.0

2015-10-13 Thread Darren Duncan
I had a related thought.  We want Perl 6 to be the best it can be out of the 
gate when it is declared production ready at Christmas or whatever.  If it is 
better for the default to be that parameters must be defined where not 
explicitly declared otherwise, then that is what Perl 6 should specify, and it 
doesn't matter about the 390+ modules that exist now.  Perl 6 is supposed to be 
a break it all at once release, and this situation is no different.  Having :D 
being default seems right to me, that would seem to huffman code for the safer 
behavior which users most likely want by default. -- Darren Duncan

On 2015-10-13 1:52 AM, Richard Hainsworth wrote:

Following on the :D not :D thread, something odd stuck out.

On 10/13/2015 03:17 PM, Moritz Lenz wrote:

But hopefully none of them breaking backwards compatibility on such a large
scale. The last few backwards incompatible changes still cause pain in the
ecosystem. We have 390+ modules, and hand-waving away all trouble of
maintaining them seems a bit lofty.

Surely, the idea of keeping the release number below 1.0 is to warn early
adopter developers that code is subject to change and thus in need of 

Seems strange that after so long and "Christmas" is finally coming up that
Rakudo 1.0 is going to be associated with modules that do not comply with the
"standard". So if :D is the default specified by the standards, then all modules
should be expected to conform to that standard when V1.0 comes out.

It does not matter really what the standard actually is, :D or not, so long as
what is defined to be the standard is adhered to. Perl6 gives huge flexibility
to developers to change standard for themselves, but surely there should be some
common 'starting' ground, and modules for general use should adhere to it.

When the language and implementation were being co-developed, it was reasonable
to expect that different modules would have different states of compliance. But
surely V1.0 is a different sort of milestone?

'Hand-waving' all the trouble of maintaining the modules surely is not the
issue. Ensuring that the modules comply with the standard set for Perl6 as
implemented by Rakudo V1.0 is a reasonable expectation for anyone using the
Rakudo version of Perl6 going forward.

Even if there is an argument that I have missed in the above about the need for
modules to adhere to the standard prescribed by the Perl6, would it not be in
the interests of PR around Perl6 for the very first V1.0 implementation to be
accompanied by modules that have been brought as close to the standard as
possible? These modules will help future developers to understand how to use the

Re: To :D or not to :D

2015-10-12 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2015-10-12 1:25 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 09:51:13PM +0200, Mark Overmeer wrote:

Can you give me an example?  Many other languages are capable to live
without undef and have first class type objects.

Keep in mind that what Perl 6 calls a "type object" isn't quite the
same as class objects in other languages -- a Perl 6 typename is
really an undefined instance of a class.  In other words, the
identifiers C, C, C etc. refer to instances of
those classes just like the literals C<3>, C<4/5>, and C<[1,2,3]> are
instances of those classes.  They share the same method spaces.

Hey, that sounds like a nice elegant design, I learned something new. -- Darren 

Re: Language design

2015-06-22 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2015-06-16 2:15 PM, The Sidhekin wrote:

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 10:52 PM, Michael Zedeler  wrote:
...and unpredictable performance is a cost you're willing to pay?

   I don't write performance-critical applications, but even if I did, why would
I prefer getting the wrong answer faster?

I agree with Sidhekin and similar mentalities.

On the range between safety/correctness and speed, a good programming language / 
tool should always default to the most safe/correct option when the user doesn't 
specify where on the range they want, and leave it to the power users to 
explicitly make the trade-off when they know what they're doing.

In this case, people who explicitly want floats because of performance rather 
than exact rationals do indeed count as power users.

Normal people are more interested in not being surprised by the answers they get 
to what should be common-sense questions, such as when adding 10.3 to 14.2.

I should also point out that finance / anything to do with money is an extremely 
common use case that cares very much about math being exact, its not just 
esoteric science applications.

This all being said, I draw the line where implementing is much more complicated 
to serve esoteric cases.  So for example while exact precision rationals 
absolutely should be default / part of core, something like symbolic values eg 
exact representations of irrational numbers, are perfectly valid to, and 
probably shouldn't, be part of core.  Exact rationals are not particularly 
complicated.  Its perfectly reasonable to expect in the core that if someone 
does math that is known to deal with irrationals in general, that loss of 
precision then is acceptable.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: versioning - how to request different 'ver' per 'auth'?

2015-06-11 Thread Darren Duncan
Please get the #perl6 consensus then.  I had suspected the answer would be that 
the solution would be the :ver code being able to see what :auth was selected 
and dispatch based on that.  Otherwise supporting the wider version declaration 
to have a tree structure, where :ver was embedded inside :auth etc.  Note that I 
raised this question on #perl6 myself shortly before writing perl6-language, but 
the email version is better organized. -- Darren Duncan

On 2015-06-10 11:38 PM, Tobias Leich wrote:

Hi, that is a very interesting use case, and IMO a very valid one.

Currently the semantics are, to also explain the correct syntax of the
pair that follows a 'use NAME':
:auth and :ver<1.2> etc are of type Pair. Wenn the compiler hits a
use statement, it smartmatches
the distribution's auth/name/ver against the value of the corresponding

That means these Pairs are valid:

:auth # match literally
:auth(/\w+/) # regex match
:auth($author) # okay if $author is known at compile time
:auth(*.chars == 6) # oaky, whatevercode
:auth({ $_.starts-with('Bla') }) # okay, closure
:auth(-> $auth { $auth ~~ /Bla/ }) # okay, something callable with arity
== 1
:auth({ $^auth ~~ /Bla/ }) # okay, something callable with arity == 1

That also means we cannot match different version patterns for different
:auth patterns, because we only
pass one value to the Pair's value to smartmatch against. What I can
imagine though is that if the matcher
is callable, and has an arity of 2, we pass the CompUnit as the first
and the $auth as the second argument.
That needs consensus in #perl6 though.

Cheers, Tobias

Am 11.06.2015 um 05:26 schrieb Darren Duncan:

So I have a question about versioning, either/especially about
compilation units, but also Perl 6 itself.

For context I refer to .

With regard to "use" statements and specifying 'auth' or 'ver' to
restrict between versions, it seems to me that the spec defines them
interacting in a cross-product fashion.

For example, given this possibly incorrect syntax:

 use Dog:auth:ver(4-6, 10-15);

... that would be satisfied by any of TPF versions 4-6,10-15 or
JRANDOM versions 4-6,10-15.

However, what I want is to restrict the 'ver' differently depending on
the 'auth', treating them more as the hierarchy they are, assuming
that different authorities may go off and use different versioning

The question I have is how to 'or' the following into a single 'use
Dog' that isn't any less restrictive:

 use Dog:auth:ver(v1.2.1..v1.2.3);
 use Dog:auth:ver(v14.3..v16.2);

That is, the cross-product answer is not restrictive enough.

I don't know if this hypothetical use case has been discussed before,
but if not, I hope that the Perl 6 specification has or can gain a
clean way to say how its done.

Thank you.

-- Darren Duncan

versioning - how to request different 'ver' per 'auth'?

2015-06-10 Thread Darren Duncan
So I have a question about versioning, either/especially about compilation 
units, but also Perl 6 itself.

For context I refer to .

With regard to "use" statements and specifying 'auth' or 'ver' to restrict 
between versions, it seems to me that the spec defines them interacting in a 
cross-product fashion.

For example, given this possibly incorrect syntax:

use Dog:auth:ver(4-6, 10-15);

... that would be satisfied by any of TPF versions 4-6,10-15 or JRANDOM versions 

However, what I want is to restrict the 'ver' differently depending on the 
'auth', treating them more as the hierarchy they are, assuming that different 
authorities may go off and use different versioning schemes.

The question I have is how to 'or' the following into a single 'use Dog' that 
isn't any less restrictive:

use Dog:auth:ver(v1.2.1..v1.2.3);
use Dog:auth:ver(v14.3..v16.2);

That is, the cross-product answer is not restrictive enough.

I don't know if this hypothetical use case has been discussed before, but if 
not, I hope that the Perl 6 specification has or can gain a clean way to say how 
its done.

Thank you.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Synopses size and revision state

2015-05-15 Thread Darren Duncan
Also, there are other newer API docs than the Synopsis that are useful for 
study, but printing all this stuff seems very excessive, even more so because 
the Synopsis etc keep changing.  I advise against printing this stuff in bulk. 
-- Darren Duncan

On 2015-05-15 7:54 AM, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:

On 15 May 2015, at 16:05, Parrot Raiser <> wrote:

Without doing too much work, can anyone offer an estimate of the
volume of the Perl 6 Synopses? I'm assuming that by now, they are
unlikely to undergo serious modification.

I'm trying to estimate the cost of rendering them to dead-tree
versions for study. (Personal limitation; I can look up a command
definition online, but for study and mental integration, it's got to
be something like a real book.)

at 4+ lines and 100 lines / page, that would be about 400 pages ?


Re: S02 mistake re Blob?

2015-02-21 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2015-02-21 2:45 AM, Moritz Lenz wrote:

Hi Darren,

On 21.02.2015 08:51, Darren Duncan wrote:

I notice from looking at that Blob is listed
both as being a role and as a type.  See
for an example of the former, and for an example of the latter.
-- Darren Duncan

so, you think roles aren't types?

(Also, roles auto-pun into classes upon usage).

When I said type I meant class.  As I recall from the rest of the spec, things 
were either roles or classes.  You can't instantiate a role directly, so if a 
Blob is declared as a role you can't just instantiate one directly, isn't that 
how it works?  Either way it seemed to be getting treated differently. -- Darren 

S02 mistake re Blob?

2015-02-20 Thread Darren Duncan
I notice from looking at that Blob is listed 
both as being a role and as a type.  See 
for an example of the former, and for an example of the latter. 
-- Darren Duncan

Re: question - languages with set/foo as only base data type

2013-11-18 Thread Darren Duncan

On 2013.11.17 3:48 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:

Thanks a lot to Andrew, John, Raiph, and any later responders.  What you've said
so far looks very useful to me, and I will follow up on the leads you gave. --
Darren Duncan

FYI, as of last night I'm intending to use generic ordered lists rather than 
generic unordered sets as the one foundation Foo type for my purposes, as I 
realized when you had Lisp ops like car/cdr plus generic recursive functions and 
such you didn't even need to have integers as a precondition to use the ordered 
lists, as the integers are no longer fundamental to access arbitrary list 
elements; the orderedness also makes working with these as I want to much much 
simpler as its easy to identify the element that gives you context to interpret 
the other elements. -- Darren Duncan

Re: question - languages with set/foo as only base data type

2013-11-17 Thread Darren Duncan
Thanks a lot to Andrew, John, Raiph, and any later responders.  What you've said 
so far looks very useful to me, and I will follow up on the leads you gave. -- 
Darren Duncan

question - languages with set/foo as only base data type

2013-11-17 Thread Darren Duncan
I have a question for those among you that are more knowledgeable about Haskell 
or other functional programming languages, or related mathematics or set theory 
and such.

I recall reading that at least in certain math/logic papers that a programming 
language type system can be defined logically in terms of pure sets, making it 
essentially self-defined without needing to rely on external definitions of for 
example what a number is.  In such a type system, every value is a generic set 
of 0..N elements, and the value of every element is also such a generic set, 
which can recurse arbitrarily such that all leaves are the empty set.  In such a 
system, you could for example represent the number zero by {}, the number 1 by 
{{}}, 2 by {{{}}} or something else, etc.  I'm not saying that such a type 
system would be practical to implement in a manner resembling this, but more 
that it is simply a logical basis for defining a closed system at the most 
fundamental level.

I am wanting to try designing a low-level conceptual type system like this and 
was wondering what precedents existed, ideally in implemented programming 
languages, but otherwise in set logic papers, for how one might do this.  For 
example, what set values one might use to represent integers, or booleans, or 
arrays, or other data types that users would actually work in terms of.  Also, 
what fundamental/etc set operators one would have in terms of which all other 
operators are defined.

Does Haskell at least conceptually work in terms like I described?  I seem to 
recall reading that how it logically thinks about string values is towards that 

Or to be more clear, what I *actually* am looking to design is a system with a 
single concrete base type that can represent all possible values, and that all 
other types are declared as subsets.

In Perl 6 syntax I'm looking to have some single base type Foo where all other 
types including eg Integers and Arrays etc are definable like this:

  subset Integer of Foo where ...;
  subset Array of Foo where ...;

I thought that the generic set was probably the best candidate for Foo.  But 
there might be something better.

Any pointers to precedents on what to use for Foo and how are greatly 

-- Darren Duncan

Perl 6 in Perl 6?

2012-10-18 Thread Darren Duncan
Something (PyPy et al) got me wondering, is it a goal in the Perl community 
before too long to have a (compiling) implementation of Perl 6 written entirely 
in Perl 6?  Meaning, that at some point the entire non-optional codebase of the 
Perl 6 compiler (not just the parser) would be written in pure Perl 6?  This 
doesn't necessarily have to produce machine language; it could be another 
language that needs compiling itself externally, but the point is that the 
entire process of producing that target language out of Perl 6 would be written 
in Perl 6.  I know does this for the parsing portion, but I'm wondering 
about the rest.  (Maybe the all-Perl-6 version would also eventually be able to 
produce the fastest running Perl 6 programs too, because it is easiest to write 
Perl 6 analysers/optimizers/etc in, corresponding to PyPy as I understand it.) 
-- Darren Duncan

Re: CFOs not aligned with Recruiting

2012-09-20 Thread Darren Duncan

So I guess we have a rare failure of a spam filter. -- Darren Duncan

Re: Underscores v Hyphens (Was: [perl6/specs] a7cfe0: [S32] backtraces overhaul)

2011-08-24 Thread Darren Duncan

Tom Christiansen wrote:

Darren Duncan  wrote on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 11:18:20 PDT:

I oppose this.  Underscores and hyphens should remain distinct.

That would seem to be the most human-friendly approach.

I disagree.  More human friendly is "if it looks different in any way then it is 
different".  (I am not also saying that same-looking things are equal, given 
Unicode's redundancy.)

Your mentioning of Unicode is poignant.  In Unicode properties, you are not
supposed to have to worry about these things.For example, from UTS#18:

Note: Because it is recommended that the property syntax be lenient
  as to spaces, casing, hyphens and underbars, any of the
  following should be equivalent: \p{Lu}, \p{lu}, \p{uppercase
  letter}, \p{uppercase letter}, \p{Uppercase_Letter}, and

Sure, but Unicode character names are a distinct issue from Perl identifiers.

Apples and oranges.

For dashes and underscores etc, the fact that they both exist distinctly in 
Unicode and that people consider have circumstances to use one over the other, 
means they are considered distinct, and we need to preserve that treating as 

 -- Darren Duncan

Re: Underscores v Hyphens (Was: [perl6/specs] a7cfe0: [S32] backtraces overhaul)

2011-08-24 Thread Darren Duncan

Smylers wrote:

Could we have underscores and hyphens mean the same thing? That is, Perl
6 always interprets illo-figut and illo_figut as being the same
identifier (both for its own identifiers and those minted in programs),
with programmers able to use either separator on a whim?

I oppose this.  Underscores and hyphens should remain distinct.

That would seem to be the most human-friendly approach.

I disagree.  More human friendly is "if it looks different in any way then it is 
different".  (I am not also saying that same-looking things are equal, given 
Unicode's redundancy.)

If you're going to treat hyphens and underscores in identifiers as being equal 
then you should make them case-insensitive too, because its the same kind of 
lack of distinction.

I think that a better change, if we're going to change something, is to make 
hyphens illegal in bareword identifiers, just allowing them in quoted ones.

Then we also gain consistency that if something looks symbolic then its an 
operator, not a question of whether we have a minus operator or not.

If one points to XML as an example of working hyphens in bareword identifiers, I 
should point out that those are typically in a "<>"-quoted context, and we also 
don't see symbolic bareword operators in the same place.  Apples and oranges.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Encapsulating the contents of container types

2011-08-21 Thread Darren Duncan

Moritz Lenz wrote:

Moving into the direction of immutability doesn't help with the problem
at hand -- it only helps here if we force everything(*) to be immutable,
or at least encapsulating every mutable object into special types, like
Monads in Haskell.

(*) ok, not everything, but everything that can be stored in an object

And I'd be very disappointed if Perl 6 turned into Haskell so late in
its development stage (remember that we have working compilers, a
growing number of modules and active users), especially since it's not
tailored to be a language that is tailored towards immutability.

Well, you do what works for you.

For my part, I have been evolving my new Muldis D language to be essentially 
what Perl 6 might have been if it were tailored towards immutability.

In fact, I would say that is the single largest difference between the 2 
languages.  I started out more different, and over time came to see the light on 
how other Perl 6 aspects are actually better for Muldis D than what I had before.

The next largest differences are the built-in database functionality, and the 
fact that mine doesn't even have a hello-world implementation yet.  But when I 
have the time, you will see it run.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Encapsulating the contents of container types

2011-08-20 Thread Darren Duncan

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 04:41:08PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:

I believe the general solution to this problem is to make all
objects immutable, with the only exception being explicit
references, and so mutating an object isn't an option; rather you
have to derive a new object.

"Values" of all types should be immutable, even if that type is
Array or whatever, and only "Variables" should be mutable.

To make sure I understand correctly, you're essentially
saying that @a.push(3) should not modify @a directly -- someone
would have to write something like

 @a = @a.push(3)  # or @a .= push(3)

And to do a "shift", one would have to do something like
   ($value, @a) = @a;
since @a.shift would be unable to mutate the array.  (I'm not 
exactly sure what pop would look like.)

Is that correct?

Yes, that's what I'm saying.

And we've already been making moves in that direction.

As I recall, regular expression substitutions were already changed to work that 
way, returning the modified string rather than modifying the argument, so there 
is precedent.

Moreover, thanks to meta-operators, one can typically get a mutating variant of 
any otherwise non-mutating operator very tersely with just a single added "=" 

This aids learnability as there's a relatively simple mnemonic, where nearly any 
given operator foo is non-mutating, but by adding an "=" to it you get a 
mutating variant, so people can look for the "=" to know if it would mutate. 
The comparison ops are the rare exception to the rule.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Encapsulating the contents of container types

2011-08-20 Thread Darren Duncan

Carl Mäsak wrote:

I ended up implementing a custom accessor method and a sub to
deep-clone hashes, just to make sure that data belonging to readonly
attributes doesn't get changed.

This worries me.

Concrete example (useless output left out):

$ perl6

class A { has @.numbers; method add($n) { @!numbers.push($n) } }
my $a =
$a.add(1); $a.add(2); $a.add(3)
$a.numbers[1] = "OH NOES"


Notice that the attribute @.numbers is readonly (since it's not
declared 'is rw'). But that does us a fat lot of good here; it just
means that I'm not allowed to reassign the array reference itself. The
contents are just as writable as any array's.

What worries me -- and the reason I turn to p6l for this -- is that a
lot of class authors will fail to notice this fact and write code that
isn't properly encapsulated and, depending on the circumstances, maybe
even insecure.

I've been worried about this for years, and said so on p6l years ago.  I believe 
that if you declare something readonly, it should be a guarantee that nothing 
can mutate what is stored there to any level of recursive depth, with the sole 
exception of elements that are explicitly references.

I believe the general solution to this problem is to make all objects immutable, 
with the only exception being explicit references, and so mutating an object 
isn't an option; rather you have to derive a new object.

"Values" of all types should be immutable, even if that type is Array or 
whatever, and only "Variables" should be mutable.

You should have to go out of your way to mutate something rather than this 
happening by default, rather than having to go out of your way to prevent mutation.

As a side benefit, things like concurrency become a lot easier with immutables.

You can fake object mutability with syntax, or only allow what references point 
to to change.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: eval and try should be separate

2011-06-29 Thread Darren Duncan
I agree with the change.  Let "try" be for exceptions and "eval" be for runtime 
compile+run of code.  These are very distinct concepts and should be separate. 
-- Darren Duncan

Stefan O'Rear wrote:

I intend to change the definition of "eval" such that it does not catch
exceptions.  String eval's role as the catcher of exceptions is a legacy of
Perl 1, which had no block eval, and I feel it has no place in Perl 6.

The exception catching and associated unwinding makes it impossible to use
resumable exceptions across eval boundaries.  This includes warn.

Given an eval that does not catch exceptions, it is very easy to add catching,
using the new blockless form of try, "try eval $code".  However, given an eval
which does catch, it is impossible to synthesize one that passes exceptions

Catching exceptions in an eval causes the eval frame to be different from the
calling frame, which makes tail call optimization through evals impossible.

With the catching eval, it is very easy to write code which accidentally
discards exceptions.  For the goal of safety it seems best to make discarding
exceptions hard by default.

Does anyone have objections?  Is there general consensus that this change
should be made?

spell check in code

2011-03-17 Thread Darren Duncan

It occurs to me, both from my own experience in writing code as well as seeing
some production code by others, that spell-checking may be useful in programming

To be specific, often user-defined entities such as variable or routine names or
attribute names or type names may be declared with dictionary words, but
sometimes they may be misspelled, and programmers may not always spot this.

I think it would be useful for programming language implementations to provide 
the option to flag entity names that appear to be mis-spelled dictionary

words for programmers.

This could also be in text editors, but it could be useful in the compiler also.

What would make this different from applying a generic spell checker, is that 
the code-savvy one would know to take entity names and recognize 
underscore-separated or mixed-caps or mixed letters and numbers etc and parse 
out the component words, so to evaluate those components, rather than looking at 
words as just entire strings delimited by non-alphanumeric characters.

Not applicable everywhere, but useful in some places.

Of course, this would be an extension feature, not a core feature.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: sql idea

2010-11-26 Thread Darren Duncan

Oha wrote:


I was thinking how to abuse the p6 grammar to simplify the interface to 

- First i wanted to have a SELECT which works like a map.
- Then i wanted to use a pointy block to bind fields to variables.
- And i wanted also to make it lazy.

Ah, you have touched on a matter that I care greatly about and have been working 
on for awhile, albeit more comprehensively with my Muldis database projects.

First off, see Anton Berezin's DBIx::Perlish Perl 5 module on CPAN, for some 
functional prior art of what it looks like you're trying to do.

Next, design-wise, you should be able to have much tighter and more natural 
syntactic integration than your example shows, such that you make the database 
access code look just like normal Perl code, wherein the database is just a Perl 
variable, as if you had something like this (I apologize if this isn't correct 
Perl 6, and I'm not sure how to specify a hash slice that returns pairs rather 
than just values):

  my %db is Database =;

  my ($state, $dept) = ;

  my @fetched_users := (%db where {
  $_{'state'} eq $state and $_{'dept'} eq $dept

  for @fetched_users -> $user {
my ($username, $age, $salary) = $user;
say "fetched '$username'";

... or since your filter is just anded equality tests, you could alternately say 
for the main query (the "matching" takes a Hash second argument, matches by 
common key/field names):

  my @fetched_users := (%db
matching {state => $state, dept => $dept}

A relational database is structurally equivalent to a Hash of Set of Hash (or if 
you have multiple schemas, a Hash of Hash of Set of Hash) and you should be able 
to syntactically treat it like one in Perl.  The various things you can do in a 
SQL SELECT can easily have Perl-defined routine/operators doing the same.  A 
WHERE is just a "grep", picking a subset of fields is just a hash slice keeping 
pairs or "map", ORDER BY is just "sort".  Joins and groups are a bit more 

See also my functional Set::Relation Perl 5 module on CPAN, which demonstrates 

As for your "(select," question, don't do that; instead, rename 
(with "AS" in SQL") any same-named fields to have distinct names, and then the 
field names in your rowset can be a properly flat namespace.

On a side note, you shouldn't name things all uppercase since those are reserved 
for use by Perl itself; just say "select".

-- Darren Duncan

I come up to the following code:

my $db =;
my ($state, $dept) = ;

my @out := $db.SELECT:
-> $username, $age, $salary {
say "fetched '$username'";
"$username => $salary, $age";
}, 'from users where state = ? and dept = ?', 
($state, $dept);

say "2nd: ", @out[1];
say "1st: ", @out[0];
say "4th: ", @out[3];

the fake module which make the above code to work (but do not really 
connect to a db):

class FakeDBI {

method SELECT(&block, $stm, *...@binds) {
my $sig = &block.signature;
my @fields = map {
$ ~~ /\$(\w+)/ or die "invalid 
signature params: "~$_.perl;

}, $sig.params;

my @stm = ("SELECT");
if @fields ~~ ('_') { push @stm, '*'; }
else { push @stm, join ', ', @fields; }
push @stm, $stm;

say 'DBG> prepare "', join ' ', @stm, '"';

gather {
say 'DBG> fake execute, fetching rows...';
for  -> $row {
my @data = map { $row ~ "_$_" }, 

take &block.(|@data);
say 'DBG> no more rows...';

and the output:

DBG> prepare "SELECT username, age, salary from users where state = 
? and dept = ? "

DBG> fake execute, fetching rows...
fetched 'john_username'
fetched 'paul_username'
2nd: paul_username => paul_salary, paul_age
1st: john_username => john_salary, john_age
fetched 'sara_username'
DBG> no more rows...
4th: Any()

I found the usage very nice, and the lazyness may be removed by 
assigning instead of binding,

so i thought i should share this little useless example, HTH!

TODO: i would like to find a way to use the Signature for table names 

but i don't want to make it too complex, any suggestion?


Re: exponentiation of Duration's

2010-11-18 Thread Darren Duncan

Carl Mäsak wrote:

Darren (>):

Specific units, even "seconds" should not be mentioned at all in the
definition of "Instant" or "Duration"; instead, any particular units or
calendars or whatever would just be a property of the composing class.

No disrespect, but it was the abandonment of abstracty stuff like this
that led to us getting a Temporal spec that made sense and could be

// Carl

How so?  All I'm proposing is having top level markers that aren't too 
constraining, but everything specced below that can be quite specific and 
implementable. -- Darren Duncan

Re: exponentiation of Duration's

2010-11-18 Thread Darren Duncan
To clarify, by "define particular methods" I mean that said 2 roles would 
require composing classes to define them, not to include the code themselves. -- 
Darren Duncan

Darren Duncan wrote:
I think that "Instant" and "Duration" should simply be declarational 
roles that don't have any implementation code to compose.

Composing "Instant" or "Duration" into a type simply says that the 
objects of that type represent a point on a timeline or an amount of time.

Specific units, even "seconds" should not be mentioned at all in the 
definition of "Instant" or "Duration"; instead, any particular units or 
calendars or whatever would just be a property of the composing class.

Said 2 roles would *not* specify that values would numify or strify or 
boolify in any particular way, such as seconds or otherwise; this is 
strictly a property of the composing class.

Said 2 roles could define particular methods such as, assuming we're 
just talking one-dimensional:

  Instant - Instant --> Duration

  Instant + Duration --> Instant
  Instant - Duration --> Instant

  Duration + Duration --> Duration
  Duration - Duration --> Duration

  Duration * Numeric --> Duration
  Duration / Numeric --> Duration

  Duration / Duration --> Numeric (rational in general)
  Duration div Duration --> Numeric (integral)
  Duration mod Duration --> Duration (rational in general)

I don't see that multiplying a Duration, or having arbitrary 
exponentiation, makes any sense when talking one-dimensional, especially 
when we're being completely units-agnostic.  A specific implementing 
type may have a concept of dimensionality, but I would think that these 
2 roles don't.

Perhaps a suitable analogy is to look at the level of abstraction that 
"Numeric" has relative to composing classes.

Do we want Instant and Duration to include concepts like dimensionality, 
such as like Numeric may include Complex, or do we want it to explicitly 
be one-dimensional (though units agnostic), like Real?

And whatever choice we pick, maybe there should be suitable generic 
names given to the complementary concept of what I mentioned.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: exponentiation of Duration's

2010-11-18 Thread Darren Duncan
I think that "Instant" and "Duration" should simply be declarational roles that 
don't have any implementation code to compose.

Composing "Instant" or "Duration" into a type simply says that the objects of 
that type represent a point on a timeline or an amount of time.

Specific units, even "seconds" should not be mentioned at all in the definition 
of "Instant" or "Duration"; instead, any particular units or calendars or 
whatever would just be a property of the composing class.

Said 2 roles would *not* specify that values would numify or strify or boolify 
in any particular way, such as seconds or otherwise; this is strictly a property 
of the composing class.

Said 2 roles could define particular methods such as, assuming we're just 
talking one-dimensional:

  Instant - Instant --> Duration

  Instant + Duration --> Instant
  Instant - Duration --> Instant

  Duration + Duration --> Duration
  Duration - Duration --> Duration

  Duration * Numeric --> Duration
  Duration / Numeric --> Duration

  Duration / Duration --> Numeric (rational in general)
  Duration div Duration --> Numeric (integral)
  Duration mod Duration --> Duration (rational in general)

I don't see that multiplying a Duration, or having arbitrary exponentiation, 
makes any sense when talking one-dimensional, especially when we're being 
completely units-agnostic.  A specific implementing type may have a concept of 
dimensionality, but I would think that these 2 roles don't.

Perhaps a suitable analogy is to look at the level of abstraction that "Numeric" 
has relative to composing classes.

Do we want Instant and Duration to include concepts like dimensionality, such as 
like Numeric may include Complex, or do we want it to explicitly be 
one-dimensional (though units agnostic), like Real?

And whatever choice we pick, maybe there should be suitable generic names given 
to the complementary concept of what I mentioned.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: base-4 literals

2010-11-16 Thread Darren Duncan

Larry Wall wrote:

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:11:01PM -0800, Darren Duncan wrote:
: Carl Mäsak wrote:
: >Darren (>):
: >>While I haven't seen any prior art on this, I'm thinking that it would be
: >>nice for a sense of completeness or parity to have an 0a syntax specific to
: >>base-4 that complements the 4 that we have now for bases 2,8,16,10.
: >
: >You're joking, right?
: No, its a serious idea, just not so conventional. -- Darren Duncan

The lack of base 4 numbers in Real Life seems to me to justify the
convention.  Do you have a use case?

Actually, the primary case I was thinking of was with blobs.

S02 currently says:

  * Blob literals look similar to integer literals with radix markers, but use 
curlies instead of angles:

:2{0010_1110_1000_10}   a blob1, base 2, 1 bit per column
:4{}a blob2, 2 bits per column
:8{5235 0437 6} a blob3, 3 bits per column
:16{A705E}  a blob4, 4 bits per column
  Whitespace and underscores are allowed but ignored.

Now, granted, all of the above examples use :N format, but if 0a formats 
actually are supported for blobs as I would expect given the above description, 
like this:

0b{0010_1110_1000_10}   a blob1, base 2, 1 bit per column
0o{5235 0437 6} a blob3, 3 bits per column
0x{A705E}   a blob4, 4 bits per column

... then for blobs in particular, I had thought it would be appropriate to have 
a base-4 version.

But if there is no agreement, then so be it, I will retract my proposal.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: base-4 literals

2010-11-16 Thread Darren Duncan

Carl Mäsak wrote:

Darren (>):

While I haven't seen any prior art on this, I'm thinking that it would be
nice for a sense of completeness or parity to have an 0a syntax specific to
base-4 that complements the 4 that we have now for bases 2,8,16,10.

You're joking, right?

No, its a serious idea, just not so conventional. -- Darren Duncan

base-4 literals

2010-11-16 Thread Darren Duncan

A simple proposal ...

While I haven't seen any prior art on this, I'm thinking that it would be nice 
for a sense of completeness or parity to have an 0a syntax specific to base-4 
that complements the 4 that we have now for bases 2,8,16,10.

With that addition, the line-up would look like this:

  0b - binary (2)
  0t - tetra (4)
  0o - octal (8)
  0d - decimal (10)
  0x - hexidecimal (16)

Another alterative for 0t is 0q (quad) but I like the look of 0t more because 
that character's glyph doesn't have a descender like the other 4.

With numeric literals, it means we have an 0a form for every power of 2 between 
1 and 4, rather than skipping one.

Even more important, with blob literals, we have an 0a form for every power 
likely to be used period, since for all practical purposes they can only take 
literals in powers of 2 anyway.

So, any thoughts on this?

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Bag / Set ideas - making them substitutable for Arrays makes them more useful

2010-11-16 Thread Darren Duncan

Jon Lang wrote:

Darren Duncan wrote:

This said, I specifically think that a simple pair of curly braces is the
best way to mark a Set.

 {1,2,3}  # a Set of those 3 elements

... and this is also how it is done in maths I believe (and in Muldis D).

In fact, I strongly support this assuming that all disambiguation eg with
hashes can be specified.

That would be great.

Glad you agree.

Sets built from multi-dimensional arrays migt be a problem:

{1, 2, 3: 4, 5, 6}

Does that even work?  I thought the colon, or is it a semicolon, only had that 
meaning in a delimited list like () or [].

In any event, I don't believe there is such a thing as a multi-dimensional set 
in that way.  Unless you have a concept of multi-dimensional Hash keys, and then 
there might be an analogy.

As for bags, well I think that is where we could get fancier.

But *no* doubling up, as we don't want to interfere with nesting.

Instead, it is common in maths to associate a "+" with set syntax to refer
to bags instead.

So, does Perl already ascribe a meaning to putting a + with various
bracketing characters, such as this:

 +{1,2,2,5}  # a Bag of 4 elements with 2 duplicates

 +{}  # an empty Bag, unless that already means something

So would the above try to cast the collection as a number, or take the count
of its elements, or can we use something like that?

I'd expect +{...} to count the elements.

Something else I just thought of, and my main reason for writing this reply, is 
other options.

Firstly, and I don't necessarily like this option, maybe we could use the simple 
 curly-brace pair to mean something more general that can be treated as either 
a Set or a Bag depending on context.  At least from my brief look around, it 
appears that maths use the same {foo, bar, baz} syntax to denote both sets and 
bags.  In some ways it would be like how Perl has the generic "(foo, bar, baz)" 
syntax, which remembers order but isn't an Array.  We certainly can't use the 
presence of duplicates in the {...} to pick Set vs Bag because there could 
legitimately be duplicates or not duplicates in the literals for both, 
especially if any of the list items are variables and we won't know until 
runtime whether any duplicate each other or not.

I still think the better option is to have slightly different looking syntax for 
the two.  I still prefer Set being the plain brace pair and a Bag being that 
plus something extra.  It seems that a leading + or ~ or ? is out because those 
have established meanings as treating what they're next to in num/str/bool 
context, so something else.  But it really should be a leading symbolic.

The differentiator needs to be be leading, not trailing; end-weight is bad.

I think that having the marker character /inside/ the curly braces actually 
gives us more choices and would cut down on syntactic conflicts, because then we 
can basically pick anything that isn't a symbolic prefix unary.

Barring a better suggestion, I suggest the greater-than symbol.


  {1,2,3,3,4}  # 4-element Set

  {>1,2,3,3,4}  # 5-element Bag

I think that looks different than anything else we have, and the greater-than 
could be a mnemonic that there is "more" in here.

Moreover, the different appearance means we could use => to indicate a count of 
that element's contribution to its count, "{>1,2,3=>2,4}", without there being a 
confusion with a Hash.

That said, I like the "+" most when differentiating a Bag from a Set, but we 
have that symbolic unary "+" which could interfere with it.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Bag / Set ideas - making them substitutable for Arrays makes them more useful

2010-11-13 Thread Darren Duncan

Jon Lang wrote:

That saves a singlr character over Bag( ... ) and Set( ... ),
respectively (or three characters, if you find decent unicode bracket
choices).  It still wouldn't be a big enough deal to me to bother with

As well, my first impression upon seeing [! ... !] was to think
"you're negating everything inside?"  That said, I could get behind
doubled brackets:

[[1, 2, 3]] # same as Bag(1, 2, 3)
{{1, 2, 3}} # same as Set(1, 2, 3)

I prefer to have the mnemonic that {} means unordered and that [] means ordered, 
so please stick to [] meaning arrays or ordered collections, an {} meaning 
unordered collections, so set and bag syntax should be based around {} if either.

This said, I specifically think that a simple pair of curly braces is the best 
way to mark a Set.


  {1,2,3}  # a Set of those 3 elements

... and this is also how it is done in maths I believe (and in Muldis D).

In fact, I strongly support this assuming that all disambiguation eg with hashes 
can be specified.

  {a=>1,b=>2}  # a Hash of 2 pairs

  {:a<1>, :a<2>}  # we'll have to pick a meaning

  {}  # we'll have to pick a meaning (Muldis D makes it a Set; %:{} is its Hash)

  {;}  # an anonymous sub or something

  {a=>1}  # Hash

  {1}  # Set

  {1;}  # anonymous sub or something

But keep that simple an let nesting work normally, so:

  {{1}}  # a Set of 1 element that is a Set of 1 element

  {{a=>1}}  # a Set with 1 Hash element

  {[1]}  # a Set with 1 Array element

  [{1}]  # an Array with 1 Set element

In certain cases, we can always still fall back to this:

  Set()  # empty Set

  Hash()  # empty Hash

  Set(:a<1>)  # if that's what we wanted

As for bags, well I think that is where we could get fancier.

But *no* doubling up, as we don't want to interfere with nesting.

Instead, it is common in maths to associate a "+" with set syntax to refer to 
bags instead.

So, does Perl already ascribe a meaning to putting a + with various bracketing 
characters, such as this:

  +{1,2,2,5}  # a Bag of 4 elements with 2 duplicates

  +{}  # an empty Bag, unless that already means something

So would the above try to cast the collection as a number, or take the count of 
its elements, or can we use something like that?

But I would recommend something along those lines.

I suppose then if +{} works for bags we could alternately use -{} for sets but I 
don't really like it.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Bag / Set ideas - making them substitutable for Arrays makes them more useful

2010-11-07 Thread Darren Duncan

Mason Kramer wrote:

I want to propose one major change to the Bag spec: When a Bag is used as an 
Iterable, you get an Iterator that has each key in proportion to the number of 
times it appears in the Bag.

You present some interesting thoughts here.  But I don't have enough time to 
think about any implications to the point of agreeing or disagreeing with that 
change, other than to say that the proposal seems reasonable at first glance.

However, if the above proposal is done, I would still want an easy way to get 
the value-count pairs from a bag if I wanted them.

I do agree though with the principle that sets and bags should be just as easy 
and terse to use as arrays.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Lazy Strings and Regexes

2010-10-31 Thread Darren Duncan

Francesco 'Oha' Rivetti wrote:

On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 20:29:27 +0100, Moritz Lenz  wrote:

If we can efficiently match against a lazy string, and if this doesn't
turn the lazy string into a (large) normal string, then the best way
to process a file might be something similar to:
   my $fh = open ... err die;
   my $contents = cat($fh.lines);
, followed by matching on $contents.

Better still would be to provide a way for filehandles to be directly
asked to produce a lazy Str which reflects the file.

I guess there's no good reason not to have a .Cat method in the IO class
- another thing that'll likely appear when Cats are implemented.

What if a regexp may consider a lazy list of string as a single lazy 

i have no idea exactly what does could mean in practice, but i would like
to see something like:


or better:

  MyGrammar.parse($io); # which could be a file or a socket

If you want to do that, please don't make it a behavior of lazy lists of 
strings, since that would be too magical.  Instead, either do this using, for 
example, MyGrammar.parse() taking a Cat argument but that argument can be 
coerced from a string or array of string argument. -- Darren Duncan

Re: Tweaking junctions

2010-10-28 Thread Darren Duncan

Damian Conway wrote:

If it's about parallel data handling, then we have to be prepared to
(notionally) fork the entire rest of the runtime, even as far as
having a definition of what return value the parent process sees (from
"exit") when those threads are implicitly collapsed at termination.

That's certainly true, although junctions are supposed to guarantee
to coalesce all the threads they may generate back into a single superimposed
result back in the originating thread.

The problem only arises if an operation or subroutine that has been
junctively threaded terminates without returning. But that's just
"having a side-effect", which we already know is inappropriate for
junctions (and hyperoperators, and autothreaded loops, and pretty much
any other kind of parallel construct).

Could thread termination without a return reasonably be treated as another way 
of saying "returns nothing" or alternately returns an empty junction (a junction 
ranging over zero values)?  Or would that instead better be treated as an error 
such that returning nothing should have been done explicitly? -- Darren Duncan

Re: Lists vs sets

2010-10-25 Thread Darren Duncan

yary wrote:

I think of a list conceptually as a subclass of a set- a list is a
set, with indexing and ordering added. Implementation-wise I presume
they are quite different, since a set falls nicely into the keys of a
hash in therms of what you'd typically want to do with it.

If a list is a set, does that mean that a list only contains/returns each 
element once when iterated?  If a list can have duplicates, then a list isn't a 
set, I would think. -- Darren Duncan

Re: threads?

2010-10-21 Thread Darren Duncan

Aaron Sherman wrote:

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Damian Conway  wrote:

Perhaps we need to think more Perlishly and reframe the entire question.
Not: "What threading model do we need?", but: "What kinds of non-sequential
programming tasks do we want to make easy...and how would we like to be
able to specify those tasks?"

Things that typically precipitate threading in an application:

   - Blocking IO
   - Event management (often as a crutch to avoid asynchronous code)
   - Legitimately parallelizable, intense computing

Interestingly, the first two tend to be where most of the need comes from
and the last one tends to be what drives most discussion of threading.

Perhaps it would make more sense to discuss Perl 6's event model (glib,
IMHO, is an excellent role model, here -- ) and async IO model
before we deal with how to sort a list on 256 cores...

The last one in particular would legitimately get attention when one considers 
that it is for this that the concern about using multi-core machines efficiently 
comes into play.  The first 2 are more about lowering latency and appearing 
responsive to a user on a single core machine.  I think that Perl 6's implicit 
multi-threading approach such as for hyperops or junctions is a good best first 
choice to handle many common needs, the last list item above, without users 
having to think about it.  Likewise any pure functional code. -- Darren Duncan

Re: [perl6/specs] 58fe2d: [S12] spec setting and getting values of attribute...

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Duncan

Moritz Lenz wrote:

Darren Duncan wrote:
I think then that .perl needs to be updated so it is more expressly limited and 
only works on some objects rather than on all of them.

The way I see it, .perl is mainly about representing *value* objects in a 
serialized form, and what it should produce is a value expression whose 
execution results in an object which would eqv the original.

Are you using "value object" in the same sense as in the Perl 6

I'm essentially thinking in terms of the Perl 6 specified "value types" but I 
was actually being a little more general so to also include container objects 
whose current values could change over time; hence I used "eqv" rather than 
"==="; I didn't want the .perl to be more restrictive than necessary.

Bottom line, if .perl isn't supposed to work on 100% of objects then we should 
fix .perl so it doesn't break encapsulation.

+1. The question is: how?

My proposal: the default .perl method should only spit out value for
public attributes, ie those that have accessors. Maybe .new should also
default to his behavior.

I agree with this proposal, and would be happy for it like Damian.  It would 
mean the langauge has a good, safe, default behavior, which does what people 
expect most of the time or is otherwise simple for users to understand and 
should be simple to implement.  And individual classes can write their own 
.perl/etc when their public API is different from the corresponding internals.

Or maybe so that we can have our cake and eat it too, there should be two .perl 
where the first is more restricted like I say and the second just dumps the 
private attributes, and the second can only be used with MONKEY PATCHING.

1) please don't abuse MONKEY_TYPING for anything that might look like

Fair enough.  In this case I was just echoing Damian's comment.  The main idea 
was that any language built-in which exposes the otherwise private internals of 
an object should be only be accessible when the user explicitly enables access 
in a way that states they know what they're doing, such as by enabling a pragma.

2) I find .perl very, very valuable in real world debugging; I don't
want to make it its usage any harder.

So I suggest we utilize a debugging pragma that enables dumping an object's 
actual internals; people only get that by explicitly activating the pragma; this 
pragma could also implicitly be enabled by someone using a debugger.  The 
dumping routine would not be called .perl but rather something else ... 
internals_perl() perhaps?

-- Darren Duncan

Re: not using get/set (was Re: [perl6/specs] 4d77c0: ...)

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Duncan

Jonathan Worthington wrote:

 On 30/09/2010 21:38, Darren Duncan wrote:

Mark J. Reed wrote:

Of alternatives you didn't mention, I like "put" - as pithy as "get"
and "set", with plenty of corresponding history (SmallTalk, POSIX,

Actually, *yes*.  I didn't think of this one at the time but when you 
mentioned the various history of pairs I then thought of get/put 
related to I/O, as well as FTP, etc.

Also "put" is clearly an action like "get" is, and they're the same 
length as you say, while "set" is both an action and not an action.

So I amend my prior comment to highly recommend that "set" be renamed 
to "put" in contexts such as attribute accessors like this.

The problem with put/set etc. is that they tend to fail to distinguish 
binding from assignment (which is bad - there's a reason we have 
different operators for them). In the REPR API I called this thing 
bind_attr to be clear that's what it's doing.

Fair enough.  I stand by my general comment that "set" shouldn't be used for 
things such as this and that there are better alternatives. -- Darren Duncan

Re: [perl6/specs] 58fe2d: [S12] spec setting and getting values of attribute...

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Duncan

Carl Mäsak wrote:

To summarize, I consider myself having lost that debate. I even
demonstrate the complete unviability of my views (that privacy has any
kind of footing in Perl 6) with the below one-liner.

 rakudo: class X { has $!foo; has $!bar; has $!baz }; say
eval( foo => 1, bar => 2, baz => 3).perl.subst("", "\{
").subst(/\)$/, " }")).perl
 rakudo 8156be: OUTPUT«{"foo" => 1, "bar" => 2, "baz" => 3}␤»

As long as C<.perl> works the way it does, there can be no real
privacy. And thus C<.get_value> and C<.set_value> are just convenient
access points for the same behaviour.

I think then that .perl needs to be updated so it is more expressly limited and 
only works on some objects rather than on all of them.

The way I see it, .perl is mainly about representing *value* objects in a 
serialized form, and what it should produce is a value expression whose 
execution results in an object which would eqv the original.

It should be possible to provide all the information to construct said object 
with a single constructor/new() call, and such a new() call is what .perl should 
be producing.

Such as in this context, private attributes are about letting the class designer 
have arbitrary differences between the public possible representation and 
internal actual representation of an object and the class knows how to map them; 
moreover, it should have enough knowledge to make this a 2-way mapping.  (Maybe 
the type system needs more metadata for that to be automatic?  Maybe not?)

Also, some private attributes are redundant and don't need to be separately 
turned into source code, such as if they are a cache or something.

The .perl should just use a class' mechanism for producing a complete set of 
new() arguments and produce code for that.

Objects that you can't do that with don't make sense to be serialized and so 
.perl can reasonably refuse to work on them.

I don't think anyone can argue that every object of every class can reasonably 
be serialized with .perl and so it should only try where it makes sense.  Now if 
.perl is also savvy enough to take a reference to a subroutine and can produce 
the source code for said subroutine, I'd have a bit less of a case.

Bottom line, if .perl isn't supposed to work on 100% of objects then we should 
fix .perl so it doesn't break encapsulation.

Or maybe so that we can have our cake and eat it too, there should be two .perl 
where the first is more restricted like I say and the second just dumps the 
private attributes, and the second can only be used with MONKEY PATCHING.

Then Damian's position (which I support) is supported and so are monkeys.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: not using get/set (was Re: [perl6/specs] 4d77c0: ...)

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Duncan

Mark J. Reed wrote:

Of alternatives you didn't mention, I like "put" - as pithy as "get"
and "set", with plenty of corresponding history (SmallTalk, POSIX,

Actually, *yes*.  I didn't think of this one at the time but when you mentioned 
the various history of pairs I then thought of get/put related to I/O, as well 
as FTP, etc.

Also "put" is clearly an action like "get" is, and they're the same length as 
you say, while "set" is both an action and not an action.

So I amend my prior comment to highly recommend that "set" be renamed to "put" 
in contexts such as attribute accessors like this.

-- Darren Duncan

not using get/set (was Re: [perl6/specs] 4d77c0: ...)

2010-09-29 Thread Darren Duncan wrote:

Commit: 4d77c0bb74957e31934c45ad8b4a990e0f6c024e
Author: TimToady 
Date:   2010-09-29 (Wed, 29 Sep 2010)

This change includes the addition of get_value() and set_value() routines.

I would argue that naming accessors get/set is a bad idea, "set" in particular, 
because "set" would easily evoke thoughts of having something to do with "set" 
collection types and values.

Instead, much better names for the updating accessor are either "update" or 
"store" or "assign", and I personally prefer "update" between the three.

As for "get", that is less of a problem as it is, though it could alternately be 
spelled either "fetch" or by leaving the prefix off; for an example of the 
latter, the accessors could be named "value" and "update_value()".

But regardless of whatever else you do, "set" for this purpose has got to go.

-- Darren Duncan

meaning of "range" - use "interval" instead?

2010-09-23 Thread Darren Duncan
Larry's updating the Synopsis terminology to say "sequence" instead of "series" 
for correctness led me to check out what seems to be a similar problem, "range".

I believe that the Synopsis should just use the term "interval" for what it 
currently calls "range" (and "Interval" for "Range"); currently it uses both 
terms and Perl 6 has related types named "Range" and "RangeIter".

The problem stems from "range" having multiple relevant meanings in practice:

1.  A "where" or "region" kind of meaning, where it is used in the same way as 
"interval", as being a collection of everything between 2 locations/points.

2.  A "how much" or "distance" kind of meaning, where it is the (scalar) 
distance between 2 locations/points.

The relationship between these is like a generalization of the relationship 
between a temporal interval (with 2 temporal instant endpoints) and a temporal 

There is also a third meaning of "range" meaning the set of possible output 
values of a function, corresponding to "domain" as the set of possible inputs.

I believe that the name Interval is much more specific to the meaning that Range 
is going for, without having the other meanings that can confuse, while Range is 
more likely to confuse.

In particular, what would someone expect a function named range() to do?

It is often the case that range() would be expected take a nonempty set of 
numbers and return a number that is the difference between the largest and 
smallest numbers in the set.  For example, "range(5,-3,0,6,2,-1)" would return 9 
(6-(-3)); similarly, "range(25..52)" would return 27.

A range() function would be in the same category of functions as mean(), 
median(), mode(); each takes a nonempty set of numbers and returns a single number.

Now if Range were renamed to Interval, I don't see this as being a problem for 
anyone.  Sure, Interval is a longer word, but how often would the name of that 
type be written out in code?  Usually one produces an interval using ".."/etc 
notation anyway.

As for places you want to abbreviate, I recommend "Ivl" ("Int" won't work, 
obviously); it looks visually different and emphasizes distinct sounds.  For 
example, with "IvlIter"; granted, this doesn't read as well as "RangeIter", but 
would either appear in code that often anyway and not be more of an internal 
thing that's used implicitly?

So then, just use "interval" etc for that meaning and just use "range" for other 
meanings such as high-low distance or the output of a function, or just use it less.

The main wrinkle I can see here is if you were deliberately using "range" 
*because* it has multiple meanings, to try and convey all of those meanings at 
once.  While that may work in some cases, it seems *too* clever in this case. 
And if you want to say that, eg, casting a Range object as an integer returns 
the difference between its endpoints (meaning #2), Interval works for that too.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: [perl6/specs] 177959: s/series/sequence/ to accord with math culture

2010-09-23 Thread Darren Duncan wrote:

Commit: 17795925bc48affda10275bd2768e1f2d9ef6345
Author: TimToady 
Date:   2010-09-23 (Thu, 23 Sep 2010)

Log Message:
s/series/sequence/ to accord with math culture

To a mathematician, a series is the sum of a sequence.  We don't want
to confuse the poor mathematicians any more than they already are.

These kinds of changes are always welcome.  Anything that will be more correct 
to the mathematicians/logicians/etc without being appreciably worse to anyone 
else is a good thing, this being an example. -- Darren Duncan

Re: requiring different vers per auth

2010-09-10 Thread Darren Duncan

Larry Wall wrote:

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 06:00:30PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
: With regard to ...
: If some Perl code requires a module (or Perl version) that has

: multiple authorities and each authority uses a different
: version-numbering scheme, and the code is compatible with different
: version ranges from each authority, then how does the code express
: this?

Search for "emulates" in S11.

I already know about "emulates" and it didn't seem applicable because "emulates" 
is something you would put in a package declaration so a package declares it 
emulates another one.

But what I'm asking is what a user does when none of the versions of the package 
they want to use declare "emulates".

-- Darren Duncan

requiring different vers per auth

2010-09-10 Thread Darren Duncan

With regard to ...

If some Perl code requires a module (or Perl version) that has multiple 
authorities and each authority uses a different version-numbering scheme, and 
the code is compatible with different version ranges from each authority, then 
how does the code express this?

For example, say that either of the following would be acceptable:

  use Foo:auth:ver(1..3,5..*)

  use Foo:auth:ver(2..9)

From S11 I see that one can indicate too many versions like:

  use Foo:auth(PERIL|PURILE):ver(1..*)

... or too few versions like:

  use Foo:auth(PERIL|PURILE):ver(2..3,5..9)

... assuming that these "use" would specify the cartesian product of "auth" and 

But how does one best express what I actually said would be acceptable, the full 
"ver" range per "auth" and only that?

Can you say something like this?:

  use Foo:(auth:ver(1..3,5..*)|auth:ver(2..9))

... but maybe with different syntax?

-- Darren Duncan

Re: [perl6/specs] 761178: remove some some duplicate words words

2010-09-08 Thread Darren Duncan

Jason Switzer wrote:

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Moritz Lenz  wrote:

Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On 9/7/10 08:17 , wrote:

Commit: 7611788411e5aff5f3ae150e2da9929ee546d6d8

It was nicer when these contained the actual diffs like they used to,
instead of forcing me to go poke at the tree.

Indeed. Any contributions to restoring that behavior are very welcome.

I'm surprised anyone actually ever read the diff part of the message. I
would prefer to never see that feature again. This has a link to the commit,
which has a much better diff viewer than plaintext email (hello? 1997
called, they want their change notices back). It links to the actual change
and even highlights the changes. Now I'll actually take a moment to sift
through the changes. I vote to never see those diff emails ever again. In
fact, if the diffs are brought back, I'll just subscribe to the commit feed
and skip the email notice all together.

I like the email diffs and think that both they plus the link to the web diff 
should be in the emails.

Sure, the web page diffs are prettier, but the email diffs are much more 
convenient, and pretty enough.  With the email we don't have to click a link to 
see what changed.

And particularly important, if we want to reply with a *comment* on the diff, it 
is easy to cite the portions we're commenting on, because a simple reply on the 
list message has the diffs quoted.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Pragma to change presentation of numbers in Perl 6.

2010-09-01 Thread Darren Duncan

Matthew wrote:
Today I propose a pragma that changes how numbers are presented in Perl 
6. The idea arises from a discussion on the freenode channel #perl6, 
available here:

I only see this pragma as being useful within limited circumstances, such as 
when applied lexically for when you want to use a large number of numeric 
literals in some other base, rather than always at a file level.

Generally speaking, I see it better to explicitly specify the base with each 
number when that base isn't ten, because it is much easier for people to 
correctly read the code.

Believe me when I say I empathize with wanting to let other numeric bases have 
equal treatment to base 10, but I believe the best way to do that in general is 
support a common syntax for specifying the base with each number, and Perl 6 
already provides this.

See also my Muldis D language which has explored these same kinds of ideas:

-- Darren Duncan

Re: pattern alternation (was Re: How are ...)

2010-08-05 Thread Darren Duncan

David Green wrote:

On 2010-08-05, at 8:27 am, Aaron Sherman wrote:

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Carl Mäsak  wrote:

I see this particular thinko a lot, though. Maybe some Perl 6 lint tool
or another will detect when you have a regex containing ^ at its start, $
at the end, | somewhere in the middle, and no [] to disambiguate.

I think conceptually the beginning and the end of a string feels like a
bracketing construct (only without symmetrical symbols).  At least that seems
to be my instinct.  Well, it doesn't in / ^foo | ^bar | ^qux /, but in
something like /^ foo|bar $/, the context immediately implies a higher
precedence for ^ and $.  Maybe something like // foo|bar // could work as a
bracketing version?

Personally, I had always considered the ^ and $ to be the lowest precedence 
things in a pattern.  But I can understand the flexibility one gains from that 
not being so, having seen David's example here, which it never occurred to me 
before was possible. -- Darren Duncan

Re: declaring versions (was Re: How ...)

2010-08-05 Thread Darren Duncan

Darren Duncan wrote:
For another thing, assuming in the typical case that any time a language 
evolves, it still provides the means to accomplish anything it was 
previously capable of, then each implementation needs no 
backwards-compatibility internally, but just the state of the art.  
Backwards compatibility can be achieved with version-specific shims over 
top of this single core, which translate works written to an older spec 
to their equivalent in the new one. Because versions are explicitly 
declared, it is trivial to dispatch to the correct interpreter or 

As an addendum to this thought ...

If a system is also capable of generating a source work from a parsed version 
that is effectively the same as the original, it should also be possible for a 
user to request a source translation from some older understood spec version to 
a newer/current one.  So they can be assisted in keeping their sources up to 
date without having to manually keep updating them, in general.  Then when 
support for older formats is deprecated and removed, by that time their source 
will have been updated so it is still interpretable without manual updates.

Of course, supporting this is optional, but its useful.

Like a Perl 5 to Perl 6 translator but on much finer and easier to do scales.

-- Darren Duncan

declaring versions (was Re: How ...)

2010-08-05 Thread Darren Duncan

Damian Conway wrote:

Darren suggested:

Use namespaces.

The upper/lower/mixed approach *is* a
namespace approach.

Yes it is.  But I thought that prefix-namespaces would scale better.  Especially 
if the documentation system got complicated enough to involve modules, possibly 
those by different sources, as some others have suggested.

That said, I'm inclined to think that the likely complexity of the documentation 
system over time should grow by fewer orders of magnitude than code in general, 
and so I grant that some ideas can look like over-engineering.

Explicit versioning is your friend.

Can I get some support for this?

Not from me.  ;-)

I think it's a dreadful prospect to allow people to
write documentation that they will have to rewrite when
the Pod spec gets updated. Or, alternatively, to require all
Pod parsers to be infinitely backwards compatible across
all versions. :-(

One main purpose of declaring the intended interpretation context of a work is 
so that developers of interpreters have a lot more freedom to *not* be 
backwards-compatible.  Each version is effectively a separate language in some 
ways.  Because a work declares its language version, one should be able to take 
the work anywhere and it would be completely unambiguous as to how to interpret 
it, no matter how old it is and how much the state of the art has evolved.  If 
the meaning of a keyword changes in a spec, we know without a doubt which 
meaning the user intended.

As for backwards compatibility, this is actually less onerous to implement with 
my proposal than otherwise.

For one thing, if developers want to make an incompatible change, they can 
release it right away, without a long deprecation or changeover cycle, and in 
the typical case old works will continue to be interpreted correctly.

For another thing, assuming in the typical case that any time a language 
evolves, it still provides the means to accomplish anything it was previously 
capable of, then each implementation needs no backwards-compatibility 
internally, but just the state of the art.  Backwards compatibility can be 
achieved with version-specific shims over top of this single core, which 
translate works written to an older spec to their equivalent in the new one. 
Because versions are explicitly declared, it is trivial to dispatch to the 
correct interpreter or pseudo-interpreter.

Yet another thing, parsers don't have to be infinitely backwards compatible; 
they can deprecate support for particular older versions as they choose to, when 
necessary and reasonable.

So, explicit versioning is actually very good for *future-proofing*.

I believe there are various precedents for this.

In the Perl 5 world, for example, see "autodie" (optional) or "perl5i" 

  use autodie qw(:1.994);

  use perl5i::2;

I have also done this from day one in my Muldis D language, and I have no 
regrets for doing so.

-- Darren Duncan

pattern alternation (was Re: How are ...)

2010-08-05 Thread Darren Duncan

Carl Mäsak wrote:

Darren (>):

Read what I said again.  I was proposing that the namespace comprised of
names matching a pattern like this:

 /^ <[A..Z]>+ | <[a..z]>+ $/

/^ [<[A..Z]>+ | <[a..z]>+] $/

Are the square brackets necessary when the pattern doesn't contain anything 
other than the alternatives?

I would have thought them optional in the case I mentioned.

Rather, they would just be necessary in a case like this:

  /^ foo [<[A..Z]>+ | <[a..z]>+] bar $/

-- Darren Duncan

Re: How are unrecognized options to built-in pod block types treated?

2010-08-04 Thread Darren Duncan

Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On 8/4/10 21:26 , Darren Duncan wrote:

jerry gay wrote:

are there codepoints in unicode that may be either upper-case or
lower-case, depending on the charset?  if so, then there's ambiguity
here, depending on the user's locale.  i suspect not, but languages
are strange beasts, and i don't know the answer.

Just say that names consisting entirely of either ASCII-range uppercase
letters or ASCII-range lowercase letters are reserved, and that names having
either both of those or any of those plus non-ASCII letters are not reserved.

The only way I see this being a problem is if we forsee that we might want
to have official names going out of the ASCII repertoire, which I would
recommend we don't.

For the first, you're also excluding scripts that lack the notion of case:
Hebrew and Arabic, and all of the ideograms, etc.

As to the latter, Perl 6 already has «» and ASCII equivalent <<>>; I would
expect similar would be possible and supported in this context.

(Yes, I know, I'm not helping.  Only thing that occurs to me is something
like "x-foobie:".)

Read what I said again.  I was proposing that the namespace comprised of names 
matching a pattern like this:

  /^ <[A..Z]>+ | <[a..z]>+ $/

... be reserved for official use and the complementary namespace be available 
for users to define names in.  So users can use anything with non-ASCII 
characters plus those with mixed-case ASCII.

So users aren't excluded from using Hebrew or Arabic characters due to what I 
said, but only that official names wouldn't use them.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: How are unrecognized options to built-in pod block types treated?

2010-08-04 Thread Darren Duncan
There's also potentially another simple solution, which in some ways is 
superior, and means we can avoid the whole thing about upper/lowercase being 
significant, that case thing honestly seems like a cludge.

Use namespaces.

In the generic sense, we could say that all names are in at least one level of 
namespace.  Perl just reserves a namespace for itself for official names, and 
the other namespaces are available for use by others.

For brevity, the namespace qualifier may be omitted when referring to the 
Perl-reserved namespace, and so any names that appear unqualified are assumed to 
be there by default.

This is somewhat analogous to the main:: namespace for Perl code.

A parallel solution would be that POD can declare a version, similarly to how 
Perl code can declare a Perl version, whose spec it is expected to be 
interpreted according to.

If POD declares that it is written to a particular version of the POD spec, then 
any unqualified names are taken as reserved ones iff that version of the POD 
spec included them, and they are taken as user-defined otherwise.

I really think that's the way to go.

It can also be documented that the official POD spec will likely just use 
all-uppercase or all-lowercase ASCII words, but that isn't a promise and rather 
is a convention; there may be a good reason to change later.

Explicit versioning is your friend.

Can I get some support for this?

-- Darren Duncan

Re: How are unrecognized options to built-in pod block types treated?

2010-08-04 Thread Darren Duncan

jerry gay wrote:

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 15:56, Damian Conway  wrote:

Specifically, I think it would be easiest to be consistent and say
that all purely lowercase and all purely uppercase config option names
are reserved, and that unrecognized reserved config options generate
at least a warning when they are parsed. Mixed-case config options
should be freely available to users and the parser should simply
accept them without complaint and include them in the internal data
structure it builds, whereupon they will be available to user-defined
Pod extensions.

are there codepoints in unicode that may be either upper-case or
lower-case, depending on the charset?  if so, then there's ambiguity
here, depending on the user's locale.  i suspect not, but languages
are strange beasts, and i don't know the answer.

There's a simple solution to that.

Just say that names consisting entirely of either ASCII-range uppercase letters 
or ASCII-range lowercase letters are reserved, and that names having either both 
of those or any of those plus non-ASCII letters are not reserved.

The only way I see this being a problem is if we forsee that we might want to 
have official names going out of the ASCII repertoire, which I would recommend 
we don't.

-- Darren Duncan

rounding method adverbs

2010-08-01 Thread Darren Duncan

Martin D Kealey said (in the a..b thread):
>> So then, "a" cmp "ส้" is always defined, but users can change the
>> definition.
> I take the opposite approach; it's always undefined (read, unthrown
> exception) unless the user tells us how they want it treated. That can be a
> command-line switch if necessary.
> To paraphrase Dante, "the road to hell is paved with Reasonable Defaults".
> Or in programming terms, your reasonable default is the cause of my ugly
> work-around.

That might be fair.

But if we're going to do that, then I'd like to go a step further and require 
some other operators have mandatory config arguments for users to explicitly 
state the semantics they want, but that once again a lexical pragma can declare 
this at a higher level.

Specifically, I think there should be a configuration for any numeric operations 
that might do rounding, where users specify the rounding method employed.  For 
example, the Int-resulting division and modulo operators should require 
specifying how to round on an uneven division.

I can think of at least 9 rounding methods to choose from off the top of my 
head: up (ceiling), down (floor), to-zero (truncate), to-infinity, half-up 
(common), half-down, half-to-zero, half-to-infinity, and half-to-even 
(statistics, banking, etc).  There are probably more, so this should be extensible.

The point here is that there are multiple distinct expectations on what is a 
reasonable default way to do numeric rounding, and it would be a lot more clear 
for everyone reading code if these semantics were spelled out.  Just because 
such as default is stated in the Perl 6 manual doesn't mean it won't constantly 
trip people up all the same.

In particular, common programming languages are often split between down/floor 
and to-zero/truncate as their semantics, and I believe even Perl 5 and Perl 6 
differ on the issue.

Having these options provided also supports some other common tasks.  For 
example, the up/ceiling option would be common, if the task is to figure out how 
many containers we need to hold our widgets, or how many rows in which to 
display multi-column data.

For example:

  $num_boxes_needed = $num_widgets div $box_capacity :round(Up)

Similarly, explicitly stated rounding semantics are useful for non-integer 
operations such as currency or statistics or science.

Also useful when we want to emulate other languages in Perl 6 elegantly and 

Now, of course, some rounding methods may be more efficient than others on 
particular hardware, but that's just something that should be documented, or 
alternately an explicit named rounding method of don't care could be provided, 
for users who don't care about exact portable semantics, and the implementation 
can decide what is fastest.  I suggest using the whatever mnemonic for this:

  $a = $b div $c :round(*)

... though for those people, probably they'd do it at the file level.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Suggested magic for "a" .. "b"

2010-08-01 Thread Darren Duncan

Martin D Kealey wrote:

On Wed, 28 Jul 2010, Darren Duncan wrote:

I think that a general solution here is to accept that there may be more
than one valid way to sort some types, strings especially, and so
operators/routines that do sorting should be customizable in some way so
users can pick the behaviour they want.

The customization could be applied at various levels, such as using an
extra argument or trait for the operator/function that cares about

That much I agree wholeheartedly with, but ...

or by using an extra attribute or trait for the types being sorted.

... puts us back where we started: how do we cope if the two endpoints
aren't tagged with the same attribute or trait or locale?

In any case I'd much rather prefer that the behaviour be lexically scoped,
with either adverbs or pragmata, not with the action-at-a-distance that's
caused by tagging something as fundamental as a String.

Lexical scoping *is* a good idea, and I would also imagine that users would 
frequently apply that at the file or setting level.

But making this a pragma means that the pragma would have to be a little more 
verbose than a typical pragma.

In the general format, one wouldn't just say, eg:

  collation FooNation;

... but rather it would at least be more like:

  collation Str FooNation;

... to say that you're only applying to operations involving Str types and not, 
say, Numeric types.

So then, "a" cmp "ส้" is always defined, but users can change the

I take the opposite approach; it's always undefined (read, unthrown
exception) unless the user tells us how they want it treated. That can be a
command-line switch if necessary.

To paraphrase Dante, "the road to hell is paved with Reasonable Defaults".
Or in programming terms, your reasonable default is the cause of my ugly

That might be fair.

But if we're going to do that, then I'd like to go a step further and require 
some other operators have mandatory config arguments for users to explicitly 
state the semantics they want, but that once again a lexical pragma can declare 
this at a higher level.

I'm restating this thought in another thread, "rounding method adverbs", so 
that's the best place to follow it.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Smart match isn't on Bool

2010-08-01 Thread Darren Duncan

TSa (Thomas Sandlaß) wrote:

... unless you want C to do a value-and-type check,
in which case it doesn't exactly follow the pattern for smartmatching
of the other builtin types (which only check value equivalence,
not type equivalence).

This is true only if you want to distinguish 1 and True which are the
same value. But 42 should be distinct from this. Same goes for "viaduct".
So these three should be a valid disjoint set of choices that can be
made given $something.

Is that so?  1 and True *are* the same value now?  Not Bool wraps Int rather 
than being a subset type and it and has wholly distinct values?

Carl Mäsak wrote:
> I don't know whence you got the impression that Bool is a subtype.
> Bool is an enumeration type, which makes True and False distinct
> objects both of which aren't (but instead wrap) their corresponding
> Int values.
>> Asking "False eqv 0" should be false, though either "False eqv ?0" or
>> "+False eqv 0" being true is okay.
> All those are as you want them.

I would like for what Carl said to be true, but TSa seems to be contradicting 

1 and True should *not* be the same value, and they should be distinguishable in 
any generic context like eqv or given-when.  They should only compare alike when 
cast into the same type such as with a ? or +.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Smart match isn't on Bool

2010-07-31 Thread Darren Duncan

David Green wrote:

given $foo :using( [===] ) { ... }
given $foo :using(&binary-func) { ... }

I do like the general principle of what you're proposing, that one can customize 
the semantics of how given-when picks options.  But I have no further details to 
suggest at this time. -- Darren Duncan

Re: Smart match isn't on Bool

2010-07-31 Thread Darren Duncan

Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

I think there's a confusion about what given/when is doing.  Naïvely(?), I
expect it to be shorthand where the value for "when" is matched against the
one for "given", thus your example would be (pseudocode) "if 0 == True" and
expecting "OH NOEZ" *would* be unreasonable.

Is given/when trying to do too many things at once?

I would prefer if given/when was nothing more than an alternate syntax for 
if/then that does comparisons.  That is, these would be equivalent:

  given $foo {
when $bar {...}
when $baz {...}
default {...}

  if $foo eqv $bar {...}
  else if $foo eqv $baz {...}
  else {...}

On the other hand, Perl 6 has multiple equality comparison operators, eqv, eq, 
==, ===, etc, and hence ~~ semantics instead of eqv may seem to make some sense, 
though I think that would cause more problems.

So I think if given-when just used eqv semantics and then users explicitly 
coerced their arguments instead, that might be best.  For example, in the 
general case, say they want numeric semantics and the arguments aren't 
necessarily already numbers:

  given +$foo {
when +$bar {...}
when +$baz {...}
default {...}

All this being said, I really do *not* like the idea of saying Bool is just a 
subset of Int as it seems to be.  Bool should be disjoint from every other 
common type like Int/Str/etc instead.

Asking "False eqv 0" should be false, though either "False eqv ?0" or "+False 
eqv 0" being true is okay.

If people want ~~ semantics, let them ask for it explicitly, such as with:

  given $foo {
when ~~ $bar {...}
when ~~ $baz {...}
default {...}

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Suggested magic for "a" .. "b"

2010-07-28 Thread Darren Duncan

Jon Lang wrote:

I don't know enough about Unicode to suggest how to solve this. All I can
say is that my example above should never return a valid Range object unless
there is a way I can specify my own ordering and I use it.

That actually says something: it says that we may want to reconsider
the notion that all string values can be sorted.  You're suggesting
the possibility that "a" cmp "ส้" is, by default, undefined.

I think that a general solution here is to accept that there may be more than 
one valid way to sort some types, strings especially, and so operators/routines 
that do sorting should be customizable in some way so users can pick the 
behaviour they want.

The customization could be applied at various levels, such as using an extra 
argument or trait for the operator/function that cares about ordering, or by 
using an extra attribute or trait for the types being sorted.

In fact, this whole issue is very close in concept to the situations where you 
need to do equality/identity tests.

With strings, identity tests can change answers depending on whether you are 
doing it on language-dependent or language-independent graphemes, and Perl 6 
encodes that abstraction level as value metadata.

When you want to be consistent, the behaviour of "cmp" affects all of the other 
order-sensitive operations, including any working with intervals.

Some possible examples of customization:

  $foo ~~ $a..$b :QuuxNationality  # just affects this one test

  $bar = 'hello' :QuuxNationality  # applies anywhere the Str value is used

Also, declaring a Str subtype or something.

Of course, after all this, we still want some reasonable default.  I suggest 
that for Str that aren't nationality-specific, the default ordering semantics 
are by whatever generic ordering Unicode defines, which might be by codepoint. 
And then for Str with nationality-specific grapheme abstractions, the default 
sorting can be whatever is the case for that nationality.  And this is how it is 
except where users define some other order.

So then, "a" cmp "ส้" is always defined, but users can change the definition.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Suggested magic for "a" .. "b"

2010-07-28 Thread Darren Duncan

Dave Whipp wrote:

Similarly (0..1).Seq should most likely return Real numbers

No it shouldn't, because the endpoints are integers.

If you want Real numbers, then say "0.0 .. 1.0" instead.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Suggested magic for "a" .. "b"

2010-07-28 Thread Darren Duncan

Darren Duncan wrote:

Aaron Sherman wrote:
The more I look at this, the more I think ".." and "..." are reversed. 

I would rather that ".." stay with intervals and "..." with generators.  

Another thing to consider if one is looking at huffmanization is how often the 
versions that exclude endpoints would be used, such as "^..^".

I would imagine that a sequence generator would also have this variability 

Does "..." also come with the 4 variations of endpoint inclusion/exclusion?

If not, then it should, as I'm sure many times one would want to do this, say:

  for 0...^$n -> {...}

In any event, I still think that the mnemonics of "..." (yadda-yadda-yadda) are 
more appropriate to a generator, where it says "produce this and so on".  A ".." 
does not have that mnemonic and looks better for an interval.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Suggested magic for "a" .. "b"

2010-07-28 Thread Darren Duncan

Aaron Sherman wrote:

The more I look at this, the more I think ".." and "..." are reversed. ".."
has a very specific and narrow usage (comparing ranges) and "..." is
probably going to be the most broadly used operator in the language outside
of quotes, commas and the basic, C-derived math and logic ops. Many (most?)
loops will involve "...". Most array initializers will involve "...". Why
are we not calling that ".."? Just because we defined ".." first, and it
grandfathered its way in the door? Because it resembles the math op? These
don't seem like good reasons.

I would rather that ".." stay with intervals and "..." with generators.  The 
mnemonics make more sense that way.  Having ".." resemble the math op with the 
same meaning, intervals, is a good thing.  Besides comparing ranges, an interval 
would also often be used for a membership test, eg "$a <= $x <= $b" would 
alternately be spelled "$x ~~ $a..$b" for example.  I would imagine that the 
interval use would be more common than the generator use in some problem 
domains. -- Darren Duncan

Re: Suggested magic for "a" .. "b"

2010-07-28 Thread Darren Duncan

Michael Zedeler wrote:
This is exactly why I keep writing posts about Ranges being defunct as 
they have been specified now. If we accept the premise that Ranges are 
supposed to define a kind of linear membership specification between two 
starting points (as in math), it doesn't make sense that the LHS has an 
additional constraint (having to provide a .succ method). All we should 
require is that both endpoints supports comparison (that they share a 
common type with comparison, at least).

Yes, I agree 100%.  All that should be required to construct a range 
"$foo..$bar" is that the endpoints are comparable, meaning "$foo cmp $bar" 
works.  Having a .pred or .succ for $foo|$bar should not be required to define a 
range but only to use that range as a generator. -- Darren Duncan

Re: r31789 -[S32] DateTime immutable, leap seconds validation

2010-07-23 Thread Darren Duncan

Nicholas Clark wrote:

I think one weakness of Parrot is that it uses almost no Parrot-based language
in its own build system. You need to know Perl 5 or C to be useful to the
Parrot core. And if you gain your fun by working on the Parrot core, you
actually stop being a Parrot user, and hence experiencing what they

Well, one major roadmap item for Parrot 3.0 of January 2011 is to eliminate the 
dependency on Perl 5.  And so we should have more dogfooding within 5 months. 
Which is good, since then Parrot/Rakudo will be more at the level of typical 
language implementations, not dependent on any language besides themselves and 
C. -- Darren Duncan

Re: Suggested magic for "a" .. "b"

2010-07-21 Thread Darren Duncan

Larry Wall wrote:

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:53:27PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
: In particular, consider that pi ~~ 0..4 is true,
:  because pi is within the range; but pi ~~ 0...4 is false, because pi
: is not one of the generated elements.

Small point here, it's not because pi is fractional: 3 ~~ 0...4 is
also false because 3 !eqv (0,1,2,3,4).  There is no implicit any()
on a smartmatch list pattern as there is in Perl 5.  In Perl 6 the
pattern 0..4 may only match a list with the same 5 elements in the
same order.

For some reason I thought smart match in Perl 6, when presented with some 
collection on the right-hand side, would test if the value on the left-hand side 
was contained in the collection.

So, for example:

  my @ary = (1,4,3,2,9);
  my $test = 3;
  $test ~~ @ary;  # TRUE

Similarly, since a range represents a set of all values between 2 endpoints, I 
might have thought this would be reasonable:

  3 ~~ 1..5  # TRUE

So if that doesn't work, then what is the canonical way to ask if a value is in 
a range?

Would any of these be reasonable?

  3 ~~ any(1..5)

  3 in 1..5

  3 ∈ 1..5  # Unicode alternative

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Suggested magic for "a" .. "b"

2010-07-20 Thread Darren Duncan

Darren Duncan wrote:
specific, the generic "eqv" operator, or "before" etc would have to be 

Correction, I meant to say "cmp", not "eqv", here. -- Darren Duncan

Re: Suggested magic for "a" .. "b"

2010-07-20 Thread Darren Duncan

Aaron Sherman wrote:

2) The spec doesn't put this information anywhere near the definition of the
range operator. Perhaps we can make a note? This was a source of confusion
for me.

My impression is that a "Range" primarily defines an "interval" in terms of 2 
endpoint values such that it defines a possibly infinite set values between 
those endpoints.

For example, 'aa'..'bb' is an infinite sized set that includes every possible 
character string that starts with the letter 'a', plus every one that starts 
with the string 'ba'.  And so, asking $anysuchstring ~~ 'aa'..'bb' is TRUE.

(Note that for ".." to work, its 2 arguments would need to be of the same type, 
so that we know which set of rules to follow.  Or to be specific, the generic 
"eqv" operator, or "before" etc would have to be defined that takes both of the 
".." arguments as its arguments.  Although this might be fuzzed a bit if the 
spec defines somewhere about automatic casting.  For example, if someone said 
'foo'..42 then I would expect that to fail.)

A "Range" can also be used in a limited fashion to generate a finite list of 
values, but that is not its primary purpose, and the "..." operator does that 
job much better.

3) It seems that there are two competing multi-character approaches and both
seem somewhat valid. Should we use a pragma to toggle behavior between A and

 A: "aa" .. "bb" contains "az"
 B: "aa" .. "bb" contains ONLY "aa", "ab", "ba" and "bb"

I would find A to be the only reasonable answer.

If you want B's semantics then use "..." instead; ".." should not be overloaded 
for that.

If there were to be any similar pragma, then it should control matters like 
"collation", or what nationality/etc-specific subtype of Str the 'aa' and 'bb' 
are blessed into on definition, so that their collation/sorting/etc rules can be 
applied when figuring out if a particular $foo~~$bar..$baz is TRUE or not.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: r31777 -[S32/Temporal] Reverted DateTime back to being mutable. I think we ought to make a big change like this only after reaching some kind of consensus to do so, not least because I just implem

2010-07-20 Thread Darren Duncan wrote:

[S32/Temporal] Reverted DateTime back to being mutable. I think we ought to 
make a big change like this only after reaching some kind of consensus to do 
so, not least because I just implemented a lot of mutating methods!

Note that += and friends need only the *container* on the LHS to be mutable, 
not the value?\226?\128?\148'$x += 1' should be allowed whether $x holds an 
Int, a Date, or a DateTime.

Types representing temporal artifacts should *not* be mutable; they should be 
"value" types.

If you want to derive a DateTime from another, say, then just have the 
pseudo-mutator method return a new object with the differences.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: r31735 -[spec] Say a bit about Numeric operators and Bridge.

2010-07-16 Thread Darren Duncan wrote:

Author: colomon
Date: 2010-07-16 20:39:33 +0200 (Fri, 16 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 31735

[spec] Say a bit about Numeric operators and Bridge.

+Users who provide their own scalar real numeric types are encouraged to 
implement the
+C role.  Because all C types are well-ordered, it is desirable 
that any two
+C types be mutally compatiable, even if they are not aware of each 
other.  The
+current proposal requires you to define a C method in your C 
type, which
+converts your type into a neutral C type by restating it in terms of the 
+Perl 6 types and calling C on them.  This then makes the default 
C methods
+and operators all work with your C type.  While the name of this method 
may changed,
+it is hoped that something like this will remain in the spec.

Is there some type or role named "Bridge", such that "Bridge" would be casting 
as such?  Because if not, I would think you'd want the method to not be 
capitalized, unless there is some other precedent for doing so. -- Darren Duncan

Re: r31630 -S02 : add initial formats for Blob (or Buf) literals

2010-07-11 Thread Darren Duncan wrote:

 =item *
+Blob literals look similar to integer literals with radix markers, but are

+distinct in their details.  A Blob literal has 1 format with 3 radix
+0b<00101110100010>  base 2, 1 bit per column
+0o<523504376>   base 8, 3 bits per column
+0x   base 16, 4 bits per column
+TODO:  Expand this for more generality.  Meanwhile, this existing
+definition covers the common cases of specifying in bits and hexits.

Note that another option might be substitution of a quotation-pair for the <>:

0b'00101110100010'  base 2, 1 bit per column
0o'523504376'   base 8, 3 bits per column
0x'A705E'   base 16, 4 bits per column

But the general idea is that a Blob/Buf literal ought to look like something 
between an integer and a string.

There is also still the need to cover something that looks like a list of 
integers, for the general case of a Blob/Buf literal, and yet it should have an 
appearance more like that of a scalar/number/string/etc than of an array/etc.

Any thoughts on this?

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Perl 6 in non-English languages

2010-06-24 Thread Darren Duncan

yary wrote:

Reminds me of an article of yore from The Perl Journal "Localizing
Your Perl Programs" which discusses
the reasoning behind Locale::Maketext

the point of which is that the "values" you're looking up should be
able to be functions, to handle some edge cases where nothing else
will do. That module isn't exactly what Darren is looking for since
the keys are English strings with a little meta-language mixed in, but
the rest of it is worth referencing.

Functions are fine.  My main point is that all languages are treated in exactly 
the same way as far as where their user text is stored and what format it has. 
The common format could in fact be a Perl module for each language containing 
the user text, and these all do a common role representing all the messages that 
could be used.

You should not be treating the user text for one language differently from 
others, by using the text of one language to look up the text of another, or by 
embedding one user language in the main program code.

Now, this isn't to say that the common key can't resemble English, but you 
should still have the separate copies of all the messages that are the actual 
user text, and the common English-like key can be a simplified version.

A main point here is that if any translator or human-interfaces person wants to 
tweak user text, say to capitalize a word or fix a misspelling, they shouldn't 
have to go into the main program code to do it, and the process is the same for 
every language, and you only have to update not more than one copy or location 
per language.

Something I want to avoid is the actual English user text being used to look up 
the others, because then if you want to tweak a misspelling or something in 
English, you'd then have to find an change all the other copies of the text in 
order for the mapping to be maintained.

Its a similar problem actually to a bad relational database design, where you 
use something descriptive and likely to mutate (such as the English name of a 
product for sale) as the column that a foreign key copies and points to, in 
contrast to say a less descriptive product code.  What I am proposing is to use 
the analogy of the product code in your main code rather than the English 
product name.  But the code can still be quite English like.

Such as a role's function name can be English like.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Perl 6 in non-English languages

2010-06-24 Thread Darren Duncan

Moritz Lenz wrote:
However there are things that can be translated to other languages, and 
that is documentation, error messages and warnings.

And the next step is non-error messages intended to be seen by users.

The latter two require that we standardize exception types and messages, 
and provide some means to load different localizations.

If somebody could take on that project, that would be really great for 
non-English speakers (and would also help the standard, English 
implementation, because standardize exceptions make testing of 
meaningful errors much easier).

That would be a real benefit for the Perl 6 landscape at large, and 
probably not all too difficult (I'm sure that implementors of compilers 
and will help with technical details where necessary, I for one 
would do my best to integrate such an effort into Rakudo).

I highly recommend a key-based approach, such that not even the English versions 
of these error messages and warnings etc are in the program code, but rather are 
in separate files, in the same format as versions of any other languages, and 
that the only thing actually in the code is a non-human-language lookup key, 
though that can be meaningful to programmers such as a variable name is.

See my simple Locale::KeyedText module for a working proof of concept of what I 
speak of.  Its the first module of mine that has matching Perl 5 and Perl 6 
versions, and I had produced the Perl 6 version in 2005 as part of the early 
Pugs development effort.  This said, I haven't updated it in years and I don't 
expect it to still run under Rakudo, but it did run under Pugs in the day.

The concept I describe and demonstrated is inspired by how Mac OS X works, where 
all user text is in separate language resource files.

I also recommend against the older "gettext" (name?) design that involved having 
one language's text inside the program code and using that as a key for others. 
 I prefer the more self-consistent design that I proposed.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Announce: Rakudo Perl 6 development release #30 ("Kiev")

2010-06-17 Thread Darren Duncan

Stefan O'Rear wrote:

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 04:55:38PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
So, is "Rakudo Star" meant to be a parallel release series, sort of like 
Perl 5.12.x vs 5.13.x are now, or are the monthly Rakudo releases we've 
been seeing going to be named "Star" at some point?  I thought I read 
recently that "Star" would be coming in June. -- Darren Duncan

Rakudo Star is a parrallel release series; however, it is not a series of
compiler releases, but a series of complete Perl 6 environments.  A
single release of Rakudo Star will contain:

- Some version of Rakudo (not necessarily a monthly)
- Some version of Parrot
- Some random libraries
- Documentation

all vetted to work OK together.

Ah, that's even better than I expected.

So then the experience to a Perl 6 user could be like the same opaque experience 
of installing Perl 5 or some other language, where the whole language 
implementation is together and a single configure/make/etc will take care of 
everything, and users don't have to know about the distinct Parrot+Rakudo+etc 
components if they don't want to, as they get the "perl" binary.

Will this package work on Windows too like Strawberry for Perl 5 (I'm not a 
Windows user but that's a valuable project), or just Unixen for now?

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Announce: Rakudo Perl 6 development release #30 ("Kiev")

2010-06-17 Thread Darren Duncan
So, is "Rakudo Star" meant to be a parallel release series, sort of like Perl 
5.12.x vs 5.13.x are now, or are the monthly Rakudo releases we've been seeing 
going to be named "Star" at some point?  I thought I read recently that "Star" 
would be coming in June. -- Darren Duncan

Re: r31051 -[S02] refine Blobs to simply be immutable Bufs, with similar generic characteristics

2010-06-02 Thread Darren Duncan wrote:

Author: lwall
Date: 2010-06-02 19:30:34 +0200 (Wed, 02 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 31051

[S02] refine Blobs to simply be immutable Bufs, with similar generic 

Thank you for this change; it was essentially what I wanted with the Blob type.

@@ -666,6 +666,8 @@

However, I believe a further change is needed.

With the above addition, you have both Buf and Blob roles as well as Buf and 
Blob types.

I think you need to make each of those just a role or a type, and then add 
another named entity which is the counterpart role or type.

For example, as you have Stringy as a role with the Str type, maybe you can have 
Blobby with the Blob.

And maybe Buffy with the Buf?  The Perl community already seems to like such 
puns, so why not?

Or otherwise clarify what Buf and Blob each are.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: eqv and comparing buts

2010-05-27 Thread Darren Duncan

Larry Wall wrote:

Or going the other direction, perhaps we're missing a primitive that
can produce a data structure with the type information stripped, and
then eqv might be able to determine structural equivalence between
two canonicalized values.

Often you still want to know the declared type, though, because while sometimes 
we want things to be equivalent if they are structurally equivalent, other times 
we don't.  A declared type implies a particular intended interpretation of a 
value.  For example, we could have two classes named Weight and Distance, both 
of which have a single Num-typed attribute named $v.  A structural comparison of 
a and a may consider them equal, but logically we 
would want those two to not compare equal, because no weight is a distance or 
vice-versa, so every Weight should compare as not equal to every Distance. 
Ignoring the declared type only really makes sense when the two values are 
subtypes of a common parent type.  It only makes sense for objects of two 
classes to be declared equal if you can say that a value of a type "is a" value 
of the other type.  For example, it makes more sense (than comparing Weight and 
Distance) to compare a Manager with an Employee since that can tell you if they 
are the same Person.  It depends on what kind of equality test you are looking 
to do, at what level of abstraction. -- Darren Duncan

ANNOUNCE - Muldis D version 0.129.1

2010-05-19 Thread Darren Duncan
c to Muldis D and its implementations: "-announce",
"-devel", and "-users"; just the latter 2 are for discussions.

If you want a "homepage" url to link to, you can use
concerning this project or particularly its commercial support.

And is its main public GIT version control repository.

Thank you in advance for any interest in or support for this project that you
can give.  Any kind of support is welcome, from trying to update your own
projects to use Muldis D, or from contributing your time and expertise to
improving Muldis D or its implementations or ancillary projects, or promoting
this project in various media and forums.  Support is welcome in providing
significant financial sponsorship towards my further work, in which case you
have more of a say in its direction and priorities.  But mainly I want to see it
get used to enrich projects and their users and developers.

This project and ancillary projects are a serious endeavor that I intend to
commercially support over the long term, and others can do likewise.

Good day. -- Darren Duncan

Re: Proposal for a new Temporal time-measurement paradigm

2010-04-24 Thread Darren Duncan

Jan Ingvoldstad wrote:

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 00:46, Darren Duncan wrote:

All details specific to any calendar, including Gregorian, including
concepts like seconds or hours or days, should be left out of the core and
be provided by separate modules.  Said modules can be self-contained, just
say using Perl's ordinary numeric and string types for internal
representation, and Perl's single core now() routine they can use to
determine the current datetime, and the module can introspect its result or
calendar() and figure out how to map that to the internal representation or
API it wants to use, as well as figure out the proper way to invoke sleep().

I think you're taking minimalism at least two steps too far; your bikeshed
has become too small to contain a bike.

A standard library can and should provide reasonable functionality.

We _know_ that the North-Western civilizations' common understanding of time
(calendars and time-of-day), as defined in various standards, are
fundamental to how we handle a lot of programming problems.

I don't see any good reason not to provide the basic functionality needed,
and especially not when it's already there.

Mark J. Reed wrote:

Absolutely ridiculous.  The Gregorian calendar is in universal use for
civil purposes and definitely belongs in the core.

Just because things are practically universal or commonly used doesn't 
necessarily mean they belong in the Perl 6 core.

Granted, many things that are commonly used do belong in the Perl 6 core, when 
they are relatively simple such as basic generic numbers and strings and 

But the Gregorian calendar and related matters are sufficiently complex that 
they should be a non-core component, because both they are sufficiently complex 
and because their definitions change frequently enough over time, and so they 
should be free to be developed and updated independently of the Perl 6 core.

Case in point, see the Perl 5 DateTime module.  This module is frequently 
updated just for reasons of giving it an updated time-zone database or a 
database of leap-seconds.  It is also updated for other reasons.

Keeping these details out of the core frees them up to be easier to keep up to 
date on a schedule independent of the Perl 6 core.

If anything, your argument about Gregorian being universal or common should be 
an argument for Perl packagers to bundle Gregorian-knowledgeable temporal 
modules, so that users get them by default.  But then there would also be a 
package-managing system for more easily keeping those non-core components 
updated as new time-zone databases or leap-second measurements are made.

My argument still stands; it is better to not have Gregorian et al in the 
language core, and rather it should be a recommended module for bundlers.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Proposal for a new Temporal time-measurement paradigm

2010-04-24 Thread Darren Duncan
I want to clarify that I currently believe that the Perl 6 core should only 
include temporal roles and *no* temporal classes.  So the Perl 6 core could 
provide, say, 3 roles, Instant, Duration, and Calendar (or use some other name 
for the last one).  It would also provide now(), sleep(), and calendar() 
routines that have signatures of Instant, Duration, and Calendar, respectively, 
without necessarily being more specific.

And so, what now() returns would then be entirely implementation-defined; all 
Perl 6 guarantees is that now() would return some object that does Instant but 
not what class that object is nor what any of its capabilities are.  Each Perl 6 
implementation would be responsible for bundling at least one non-core module of 
its own choice that provides a class for each of the 3 core roles, such that 
now() can return something on that system.  Or alternately, now() doesn't 
actually have to work at all, say if this Perl is to run say on some embedded 
system all of whose programs don't need a clock, in which case no implementing 
classes are bundled.

The Calendar role would be the role composed by values that you get from 
introspecting the return value of now() so that you know in a more generic sense 
what that Instant-doing object is capable of.  You could consult calendar() to 
introspect what classes now() and sleep() use and know about how to interpret them.

All details specific to any calendar, including Gregorian, including concepts 
like seconds or hours or days, should be left out of the core and be provided by 
separate modules.  Said modules can be self-contained, just say using Perl's 
ordinary numeric and string types for internal representation, and Perl's single 
core now() routine they can use to determine the current datetime, and the 
module can introspect its result or calendar() and figure out how to map that to 
the internal representation or API it wants to use, as well as figure out the 
proper way to invoke sleep().

-- Darren Duncan

Darren Duncan wrote:

Jon Lang wrote:

We _should_ define a "default calendar", which is the one that Perl
uses when returning values from now(), etc.  That is, Perl 6.0.0
should define the Instant and Duration roles as you outlined above,
plus a set of classes that implement those roles according to the
Gregorian calendar system.  If you want to replace that with another
calendar system in your implementation of Perl, the language already
has the means of allowing you to do so (e.g., replacing &now with a
variant that returns a different type of Instant).

I am more on the fence in regards to default implementations of the roles.

But I think that all the messy details of particular calendars, such as 
Gregorian leap seconds and timezones etc, should not be bundled with 
Perl, and be separate, where users can upgrade them separately 
independent of Perl as the measurements and political declarations come in.

I still suggest just letting Perl itself be minimalist as far as 
providing classes go, just say have a class representing a Unix et al 
timestamp that directly corresponds to the implementation's time system, 
which differs per OS, plus a means for a program to ask what the current 
OS's calendar is, and then let separately distributed DateTime et al 
modules examine this and take care of all the mapping.

For example, Perl 6 should include the analogy of Perl 5's "time" but 
not an analogy to "gmtime" or "localtime"; implementing the latter 
should be left exclusively to separate modules.

This fits in with a Perl philosophy of mainly sticking to being grammar 
and letting CPAN/etc be the language, especially where complexity comes in.

It also means that temporal modules can be bundled with Perl, but that 
is a choice made by the Perl packagers, not the Perl core, same as 
deciding what templating or networking or database or whatever modules 
to bundle.

Re: Proposal for a new Temporal time-measurement paradigm

2010-04-24 Thread Darren Duncan

Jon Lang wrote:

Darren Duncan wrote:

I think that the most thorough solution is to just take it for granted that
there are multiple reference timelines/calendars and that in general it is
impossible to reconcile them with each other.

Taking this to its logical extreme, there might be a few (admittedly
fringe) cases where someone might want a calendar that, even in
principle, cannot be reconciled with anything else: consider someone
who's writing an application that tracks events in a fantasy setting,
such as the Lord of the Rings or the Wheel of Time.  (Something like
this actually occurred with a friend of mine, who's hobby is
pen-and-paper roleplaying games; he wanted to build a database to
track the events in his campaign, but ran into the problem that
nothing allowed for the creation of a custom calendar such as the one
in his fictional setting.)

Yes, and in a middle ground between fiction and modern records that we are 
reasonably confident about are historical records.  For example, "such-and-such 
happened during the wet season in the 14th year of so-and-so's reign". 
Often-times we don't know exactly when that was, or even if it was a true 
account, and so using a distinct reference calendar, say "so-and-so's reign" 
(actually further qualified), means we have a way of recording exactly what we 
know without degrading the information by forcing a conversion based on not well 
known information at the entry stage.

And so, what we can do in general is simply have an Instant role and a
Duration role, and pairs of types where each member composes one of those,
and then all that needs to exist for temporal routines is an independent
collection for each pair that is closed within that pair.

This is what I was trying to say.  And where you _can_ convert between
calendars, you can always write a "type-casting" routine that takes,
say, a Julian Instant as an input and produces a Gregorian Instant as
the output.

Yes, we seem to see eye-to-eye here.

Incidently, it might be possible for two calendar systems to share the
same Duration implementation; IIRC, the Julian and Gregorian calendars
both use the same concept of seconds, minutes, hours, etc.  Likewise,
a calendar system might end up with more than one type of Duration:
it's always possible to convert between seconds, minutes, hours, days,
and weeks; and its also always possible to convert between months,
years, decades, centuries, and millenia; but it isn't always so easy
to convert between days and years.  I could see the Gregorian
implementation having two kinds of Durations: short Durations that
deal with everything from seconds to weeks, and long Durations that
deal with everything from months to millennia.

Similarly, there would be a calendar for "I don't know what calendar", or
varying degrees of such, which is often the case for dated historical

With this, I'm not quite following you.  Could you give an example of
what you mean?

There are several variants of this.  See also my first reply paragraph about 
"the reign".

For example, you could say that such-and-such happened "in Summer of 1406", and 
you want to record it that way because that's exactly what you know the record 
says, and having to change this to a specific Gregorian month or day would 
actually be losing information because you would be claiming more detail as 
being a recorded fact when it actually isn't; so if someone just records "in 
Summer ..." then someone looking at it can know better how sure we are or aren't 
about something.  This isn't to say that we couldn't also record "July of 1406" 
as a separate related datum, but then the latter would be explicitly annotated 
as being a shoehorning guess to make some kinds of operations easier, but the 
other "Summer ..." is all that we actually know.

Or, say we have a date saying "this was at 6:37am on March 1st of 1887"; 
however, we may not know if they are talking about the Julian or the Gregorian 
calendar, and so we can't just fix the date into one of those calendars; rather 
we have to fix it to "I believe it is either Julian or Gregorian but I don't 
know which", which is a distinct calendar.

Ultimately a system for handling data should be accurate in clarifying what it 
does or doesn't know, and only claim exactly what it knows and no more.  It 
needs to be able to distinguish knowing for a fact that something occurred at a 
specific hour and minute of a specific day on a specific calendar, with 
considering that information to be more of a guess that they aren't so sure 
about.  Then, say if one wants to compile records and solve a problem, they can 
give greater weight regarding details to the records that claim to be more 
certain about what they are saying versus those that claim to be

Re: Proposal for a new Temporal time-measurement paradigm

2010-04-23 Thread Darren Duncan

Jon Lang wrote:

Why do I find myself thinking of roles and classes here?

IMHO, we should have a role that represents abstractly a moment in
time.  This role should, in and of itself, not be tied to any
particular calendar; its purpose is so that one can write functions
that make reference to instances in time without locking oneself into
a particular labeling scheme.  We should also have a series of classes
that compose that role, each class representing a different calendar
scheme.  For perl 6.0.0, only one such class need be defined: the one
representing the Gregorian calendar.  Later on, modules can be written
to provide additional classes representing other calendar schemes.

Fine in theory; in practice, the big question is: how much can we get
the role to do, within the "no calendar preference" constraint?  And a
corollary to this: can we get it to do enough to be worthwhile?

I think that the most thorough solution is to just take it for granted that 
there are multiple reference timelines/calendars and that in general it is 
impossible to reconcile them with each other.

And so, what we can do in general is simply have an Instant role and a Duration 
role, and pairs of types where each member composes one of those, and then all 
that needs to exist for temporal routines is an independent collection for each 
pair that is closed within that pair.

Each instant simply says, "I am this point on this particular 
timeline/calendar", and not try to imply that it is anything against any other 

For example, each instant is only a datetime in the Gregorian or Julian or 
Muslim or Jewish or TAI-1958 or TAI-1970s or whatever.

This may result in a proliferation of calendars, but that can be blunted 
somewhat anywhere there are multiple measuring systems that are guaranteed to be 

Similarly, there would be a calendar for "I don't know what calendar", or 
varying degrees of such, which is often the case for dated historical records.

So all Perl 6 really needs to define is:

1.  There is an Instant role and a Duration role.

2.  A Duration is an amount of time that isn't fixed on a timeline; to get 
something fixed on a timeline, use a Range of Instant.

3.  The system routine now()/etc returns a value of some Instant-composing 

4.  The Instant/Duration roles define functions like these:

abs Duration -> Duration
Duration + Duration -> Duration
Duration - Duration -> Duration
Duration abs_diff Duration -> Duration
Duration * Numeric -> Duration
Duration / Numeric -> Duration
Instant - Instant -> Duration
Instant abs_diff Instant -> Duration
Instant + Duration -> Instant
Instant - Duration -> Instant

5.  There are absolutely no attributes defined by the Instant or Duration roles; 
attributes are defined entirely by the specific implementing classes, or other 
roles that they compose which compose Instant or Duration etc.  There is no 
concept of years/days/etc in Instant or Duration.  We might be counting time on 
Mars for example, so no Terra-centricity.

So, basically like that.

It keeps the core very simple and we avoid most of the bikeshedding seen so far.

What calendars/timelines are supported can be implementation-defined and/or 
provided by modules.  Each Perl 6 implementation can be minimalist as far as 
composing classes go; just provide some programmatically readable way to 
discover what calendar the system uses so then modules can use that to decide 
how to make a particular calendar work on any system as possible.

This brings up a new discussion point though:  We should come out with a list of 
distinct timelines/calendars and canonical names for them with respect to Perl 
6.  So to at least help those who are trying to use the exact same calendar to 
recognize that they are doing so.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: underscores vs hyphens (was Re: A new era for Temporal)

2010-04-11 Thread Darren Duncan

Doug McNutt wrote:

${A-1} = 3.14159;
$A = $A-1;
$A = $A -1;
$A = 123E-2;
$A = Pi();
$B = sin ($A-1);
$B = sin (${A}-1);
$B = sin($A -1);

-2**2 = -4 except when it comes out +4 as in MS Excel.
_2**2 = +4 in some other languages that use _ as a unary minus operator.

Will editors be bothered when I try to include "-" in the list of characters 
that are considered words when double clicking? When doing a find and replace all as 

Is the unicode equivalent of   allowed in a variable name?

See for your answers.

Essentially, I believe that any character at all is allowed in a variable name. 
 Its just that for most characters, when you use them the variable name has to 
be quoted.  The common unquoted identifier syntax is much more limited, and is 
mainly what was being discussed here.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: underscores vs hyphens (was Re: A new era for Temporal)

2010-04-11 Thread Darren Duncan

Damian Conway wrote:

The relevant suggestion regarding hyphens vs underscores is:

" allow both characters, but have them mean the same thing."

That is, any isolated internal underscore can be replaced with an
isolated internal hyphen (and vice versa), without changing the meaning
of the identifier.

I am formally opposed to this idea.  I see that making underscores and hyphens 
to be equivalent is akin to having case-insensitive identifiers, where 
"Perl","PERL","perl" mean the same thing.  Rather what I want is to be 
everything-sensitive, as AFAIK Perl 6 currently is; if something looks 
different, it is different. -- Darren Duncan

underscores vs hyphens (was Re: A new era for Temporal)

2010-04-09 Thread Darren Duncan

John Siracusa wrote:

Forgive me if this is a question the reveals how poorly I've been
following Perl 6 development, but what's the deal with some methods
using hyphen-separated words (e.g., day-of-week) while others use
"normal" Perl method names (e.g., set_second)?

There are 2 answers to that question:

1.  Unlike with Perl 5, Perl 6 supports the use of hyphens in bareword 
identifiers, except as the first character.  In principle, I think this is very 
welcome, as hyphens are just as reasonable for separating words as underscores, 
and several other languages support this, and in XML at least it is standard 
practice.  For that matter, Perl 6 also supports single-quotes in bareword 
identifiers, so you can have routines like isn't() or can't(); I don't like that 
so much as I prefer not to have characters used for quoted string delimiters in 
the middle of a bareword string, but I can understand why it was done.  And so, 
if the language supports it and it is reasonable, why not use it?

2.  I do think that any particular module should be internally consistent in its 
naming scheme, so Temporal should use all-underscores or all-hyphens, but not 
mix and match, unless there is a conceptual distinction between things named 
with the different styles that are worth highlighting by using different styles; 
barring that, such an inconsistency in Temporal may be something that should be 

-- Darren Duncan

P.S.  My Muldis D language also has the feature of Perl 6 about supporting both 
underscore and hyphen separated bareword identifiers, though I don't support the 
single quotes.  While users are free to use what style they want, for all the 
built-in stuff I have adopted the following convention:  For all normal 
identifiers like the names of system-defined routines or variables or parameters 
or attributes etc, I use underscore separation.  (Type names are typically 
camel-case like in Perl.)  For language keywords or special operator syntaxes in 
the concrete language grammars, I use hyphen separators when said keywords have 
multiple words, rather than either underscores or whitespace.  I find that this 
distinction is very effective at making different things look different, and for 
the keywords or special syntaxes, hyphens actually look better than either 
underscores or spaces.

Re: expression of seconds (was Re: A new era for Temporal)

2010-04-09 Thread Darren Duncan

Jonathan Worthington wrote:

Darren Duncan wrote:

Dave Rolsky wrote:
On a smaller point, I think second vs whole_second is the wrong 
Huffman coding. I'd think most people want the integer value.

Well, whatever you call things, the most important thing is to keep 
the seconds count as a single number which can do fractions, or if you 
really must break them up, then have the fractional second part as a 
real in 0..^1.  The whole 
"nanosecond"-integer-fixed-onesizefitsall-subsecond-precision thing is 
a terrible hack.  Keeping a single number for seconds is best from a 
conceptual and a usability and a math point of view.  If users only 
want the integer value, then they can just store the second as an 
integer in the first place.  As for the name, well "whole_second" can 
be made shorter, or its value could automatically truncate if users 
assigned it to an Int.  

my Int $x implies a constraint, *not* a coercion. That's:


Though even clearer and same number of characters as whole_seconds is:



Yes, exactly, thank you Jonathan. -- Darren Duncan

expression of seconds (was Re: A new era for Temporal)

2010-04-09 Thread Darren Duncan

Dave Rolsky wrote:
On a smaller point, I think second vs whole_second is the wrong Huffman 
coding. I'd think most people want the integer value.

Well, whatever you call things, the most important thing is to keep the seconds 
count as a single number which can do fractions, or if you really must break 
them up, then have the fractional second part as a real in 0..^1.  The whole 
"nanosecond"-integer-fixed-onesizefitsall-subsecond-precision thing is a 
terrible hack.  Keeping a single number for seconds is best from a conceptual 
and a usability and a math point of view.  If users only want the integer value, 
then they can just store the second as an integer in the first place.  As for 
the name, well "whole_second" can be made shorter, or its value could 
automatically truncate if users assigned it to an Int.  Even Larry said that 
using reals for seconds if we're supporting fractional seconds is preferred in 
Synopsis 2, and I agree; if people think otherwise, then what is the rationale? 
-- Darren Duncan

Re: You never have privacy from your children in Perl 6

2010-03-29 Thread Darren Duncan

Martin D Kealey wrote:

On Mar 27, 2010, at 15:43 , Darren Duncan wrote:

For example, say you want to define a graph of some kind, and for
elegance you have a separate container and node and side classes,

On Sat, 27 Mar 2010, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

This sounds like a hackaround for an incomplete implementation of ADTs.

No, it's simply a reflection that the one-to-one relationship between the
attributes of a single storage object is too simplistic to use as the *only*
encapsulation boundary.

Of course, that points towards having access limits that depend not just on
the type, but on the specific object: in Darren's example, nodes should be
able to see the details of the edges and faces they're attached to, but
probably not any other edges or faces. And definitely not the edges or faces
in some completely disconnected mesh or network.

I agree.  And in my experience actually implementing said graph thingy, one of 
the things I regularly had to test is whether an object I was given as an 
argument is in the same network as another one, and the easiest way to do that 
is to test if both have the same container object.

FYI, that graph implementation was the now-deprecated (aka 
SQL::Routine), last substantially updated in mid-2005.  This url is a Perl 5 
version, but I had also ported it to Perl 6 in the first few months of Pugs' 
existence to help test Pugs, though it was soon after wiped from Pugs' repo, as 
they added the policy that most ext/ things should actually be distributed 
separately from Pugs, or there was some reason.

-- Darren Duncan

A connected mesh or network is a reasonable ADT, but to implement it you're
going to want several classes. The mesh-object-as-a-whole is the appropriate
encapsulation boundary.

If we had a really sophisticated ADT that could represent a "Network", that
would indeed solve the encapsulation problem. So what tools are we going to
need to build such an ADT? Well, privacy, trust, ...


Re: Ordering in \bbold{C}

2010-03-29 Thread Darren Duncan

Leon Timmermans wrote:

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see the value of having some
*arbitrary* predefined order for complex numbers. If people really
want to order their complex numbers, let them do it themselves in
whatever way they want.

I agree actually that Complex shouldn't have a predefined order.  I just raised 
my algorithm since someone else raised another one. -- Darren Duncan

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