Re: Vocabulary

2003-12-16 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at 05:36 PM, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
Speed is for users.  PR is for non-users.

You want speed?  OK, we can talk about the actual speed you actually
need based on your actual usage patterns.  But from a design
perspective you're a collection of anecote, not a user base; so your
usage patterns may be irrelevant to Perl in the big picture.
In a separate matter, non-users may perceive Perl {5,6} to be too slow
for their needs; more to the point, they may *assume* that it is too
slow without research and testing.  That assumption is a public
relations issue -- ironically, one which is fundamentally disconnected
from the question of Perl's _actual_ efficiency.

Well, just for clarification; in my anecdotal case (server-side web 
applications), the speed I actually need is "as much as I can get", and 
"all the time".  Every N cycles I save represents an increase in peak 
traffic capabilities per server, which is, from a marketing 
perspective, essential.

If a potential client company needs to decide between two server-based 
products -- my Perl based product, and a competing Java-based one -- 
one of the first questions they ask is "how much traffic can it handle 
for X dollars of hardware and software".  I don't have to win that 
benchmark, but I have to be close.  Otherwise I don't get to play.

I agree, it is frequently the case that the question of speed is made 
critical by people who most assuredly do not need it.  But they still 
decide that way, and I have found that asserting to them that speed is 
not important has been... well, less than effective.  I do not doubt 
that P6 will be much more competitive, speed-wise, than P5 -- but if it 
could actually _win_ a few benchmarks, it would turn my company's use 
of Perl from a PR problem to a PR advantage.

your usage patterns may be irrelevant to Perl in the big picture.
The thought has crossed my mind repeatedly, believe me.


Re: Vocabulary

2003-12-16 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at 04:01 PM, Chip Salzenberg wrote:

According to Michael Lazzaro:
As someone who has 90% of their projects relying very critically on
... an anecdote ...

and who has had to battle a number of clients' IT departments
over the years in defense of said speed compared to other popular
languages which, out of spite, I will not name,
... and a public relations issue.
Yes, again.

Let us not confuse them.
I'm not sure I understand which part of that is in conflict.  Is it the 
premise that some people use Perl in environments in which speed is an 
issue, the premise that Perl5 has a public relations issue about being 
inappropriate for speed-critical environments, or the conflation that 
someone that works in speed-critical environments, and wishes to use 
Perl, is going to run up against the public-relations issue?


Re: Vocabulary

2003-12-16 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at 03:00 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:
But Perl hinges on laziness, doesn't it?  Eh, I trust that Perl 6 will
make it easy to figure that out in most cases.  I was coming from the
perspective that 90% of my projects don't need speed; but I can say no
such thing on account of my users.  And what about that 
As someone who has 90% of their projects relying very critically on 
speed, and who has had to battle a number of clients' IT departments 
over the years in defense of said speed compared to other popular 
languages which, out of spite, I will not name, I beg you to never 
speak or think that sentence again.



Re: Vocabulary

2003-12-16 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at 12:20 PM, Gordon Henriksen wrote:
finally by default? None for me; thanks, though.
I don't think so; we're just talking about whether you can extend a 
class at _runtime_, not _compiletime_.  Whether or not Perl can have 
some degree of confidence that, once a program is compiled, it won't 
have to assume the worst-case possibility of runtime alteration of 
every class, upon every single method call, just in case you've screwed 
with something.

They still aren't "final" classes, in that you can subclass them at 
will.  You just can't subclass them _runtime_, via C, unless 
you've specifically marked that you want to allow that for that 
_specific_ class.

As Larry hypothesized:
The other reason for "final" is to make it easy for the compiler
to optimize.  That's also problematical.  As implemented by Java,
it's a premature optimization.  The point at which you'd like to
know this sort of thing is just after parsing the entire program and
just before code generation.  And the promises have to come from
the users of interfaces, not the providers, because the providers
don't know how their services are going to be used.  Methods, roles,
and classes may never declare themselves final.  They may be declared
final only by the agreement of all their users.
But the agreement could be implied by silence.  If, by the time the
entire program is parsed, nobody has said they want to extend an
interface, then the interface can be considered closed.  In other
words, if you think you *might* want to extend an interface at run
time, you'd better say so at compile time somehow.  I think that's
about as far as we can push it in the "final" direction.

Actually, I think making people declare what they want to extend
might actually provide a nice little safety mechanism for what can
be modified by the eval and what can't.  It's not exactly Safe, but
it's a little safer.

Seriously, I hope we can provide a framework in which you can screw
around to your heart's content while modules are being compiled,
and to a lesser extent after compilation.  But we'll never get to a
programming-in-the-large model if we can't limit most of the screwing
around to the lexical scope currently being compiled, or at least
to a known subset of the code.

So, if I may interpret that; it might not be so bad to have to declare 
whether or not you were going to extend/alter a class at runtime, in 
order that Perl could optimize what it knows at compile-time for the 
99.5% of the classes that you wouldn't be doing that for.


Re: Vocabulary

2003-12-16 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at 09:07 AM, Larry Wall wrote:
Seriously, I hope we can provide a framework in which you can screw
around to your heart's content while modules are being compiled,
and to a lesser extent after compilation.  But we'll never get to a
programming-in-the-large model if we can't limit most of the screwing
around to the lexical scope currently being compiled, or at least
to a known subset of the code.  Modules that turn off optimization
for all other modules are going to be about as popular as $&.  So
the general declaration should probably be something easy to see like:

That will encourage people to be more specific about what they want
to pessimize.  Certainly, your fancy module should be encouraged
to declare these things on behalf of its users if it can.  I'm not
suggesting that Lukian or Damianly modules force such declarations onto
the users unless it's impossible for the module to know.  And it seems
to me that with sufficient control over the user's grammar, you can
often get that information into your own fancy module somehow.
Might take a few macros though, or analysis of the user's code at
CHECK time (or maybe just before).
And in general, it's probably not necessary to declare all the new
interfaces, but only those interfaces known at compile time that want
to stay open.  Any interfaces added at run time are probably assumed
to be open.  So in some cases you might find yourself deriving a
single open class at compile time from which you can derive other
open classes later.
Exactly, assuming I correctly understand.  :-)

My own first instinct would be that the run-time extensibility of a 
particular interface/class would simply be a trait attached to that 
class... by default, classes don't get it.  By limiting or not limiting 
the amount of runtime screwin' around you can do with the class, it is 
therefore able to control the level of optimization that calls to 
methods, etc., are given -- but specific to that particular 
interface/class, not to the module and certainly not to the program in 

class Wombat is runtime_extensible { ... };

So everything is closed, except the specific classes which are not.  
Even when you are (to use an example from my own code) making runtime 
subclasses on-the-fly, you're almost always starting from some common 
base class.  (And 'almost' is probably an unneeded qualifier, there.  
As is 'probably'.)

As far as users of your class being able to specify that they want 
something runtime-extensible, when your original module didn't call for 
it, I don't see that as a problem, if they can just add the trait to 
your class shortly after they C the package containing it, if such 
things are possible -- or, for that matter, simply subclass your 
original into a runtime_extensible class:

  class Wombat { ... };   # Not runtime extensible
  class MyWombat is Wombat
  is runtime_extensible { ... };  # Runtime extensible
Now, it might be that declaring MyWombat to be runtime_extensible 
actually silently disables some compile-time optimizations not only for 
it, but for all its superclasses/roles/etc., depending on how 
intelligent and far reaching those optimizations may be.  Not sure.  
Still, the fact that you are _requesting_ that happen is specific to 
the particular class that needs it -- and should be associated with 
that class, such that if that class later falls into disuse, the 
optimizations silently reappear.

(At first glance, I am less sure of the need to have similar 
functionality for entire modules, as opposed to classes, but perhaps 
someone out there can come up with an example.)


Re: Vocabulary

2003-12-15 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Sunday, December 14, 2003, at 06:14 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
But the agreement could be implied by silence.  If, by the time the
entire program is parsed, nobody has said they want to extend an
interface, then the interface can be considered closed.  In other
words, if you think you *might* want to extend an interface at run
time, you'd better say so at compile time somehow.  I think that's
about as far as we can push it in the "final" direction.
That seems a very fair rule, especially if it adds a smidge more speed. 
 Runtime extension will likely be very unusual -- requiring it to be 
explicit seems reasonable.

I'm probably spouting nonsense.  I just hope it's good-sounding 
It's beyond good-sounding, it's frickin' awesome.


Re: enums and bitenums

2003-12-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, December 11, 2003, at 10:04 AM, Larry Wall wrote:

$bar.does(Color)# does $bar know how to be a Color?
$  # always cast to Color
Implicitly boolean:

$bar ~~ Color   # $bar.does(Color)
?$bar.Color # $bar.does(Color)
if $bar.Color   # if $bar.does(Color)
Implicitly non-boolean:

+$bar.Color # +$
~$bar.Color # ~$
$($bar.Color)   # $($
@($bar.Color)   # @($

So C would be for casting, not coercion, right?

Suppose you have a class Foo, such that:

  class Foo does (Bar, Baz) {
... or however that looks.  May I then presume that

$foo.Bar.zap# ($

calls the method C of role C, with $foo as the invocant?


Re: >>OP<< [was: Re: Properties]

2003-12-02 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, December 2, 2003, at 12:37 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:
Michael Lazzaro writes:
There were also vaguely threatening proposals to have <> and 
do slightly different things.  I assume that is also dead, and that
<> is (typically) a syntax error.
Ack.  No, slightly different things would be a very bad idea.

At the moment, as most of you probably know, they do *very* different
things.   >>op<< vectorizes the operator, and <> is
equivalent to qw{some stuff}.
Sorry, right.

I therefore deduce that the proposal to have, for example, <<+>> mean a 
different flavor of vectorization than >>+<<, e.g. for these to do 
different things:

@a >>+<< @b;
@a <<+>> @b;
is quite soundly and completely dead.

Excellent.  Let us not speak of it again.


>>OP<< [was: Re: Properties]

2003-12-02 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, December 1, 2003, at 01:05 PM, Hodges, Paul wrote:
Didn't know "is" would do that. Good to know!
And in my meager defense, I did reference MikeL's operator synopsis as 
3/25/03, which said ^[op] might be a synonym for <<>> or >><< (Sorry, 
fancy chars here. :)
Hey, that was *March*!  ;-)  The fossil records from that time are 
fragmentary, at best.

I don't think I ever saw any further reference to the ^[op] syntax 
staying alive; I assume that means it's dead.  Last I heard, which was 
admittedly around the same time frame, we'd have the non-Unicode-using 
>>op<<, and a Unicode synonym »op«, and that's it.

There were also vaguely threatening proposals to have <> and >>op<< 
do slightly different things.  I assume that is also dead, and that 
<> is (typically) a syntax error.

If anyone in the know knows otherwise, plz verify for Piers' summary 
and the future fossil record.


Re: 'Core' Language Philosophy [was: Re: 'catch' statement modifier]

2003-11-26 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 12:29 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
If you contrast it with an explicit try block, sure, it looks better.  
that's not what I compare it with.  I compare it with Perl 5's:

$opus.write_to_file($file) or die "Couldn't write to $file: $!";

That has some known problems with false positives, er, negatives,
which Perl 6 addresses with things like:
$opus.write_to_file($file) err fail "Couldn't write to $file: $!";

But if we're going to talk about philosophy, we should talk about
Perl's notion of not forcing people to escalate all the way to
exceptions when a lesser form of undefinedness or falseness will do.
Perl 6 doesn't back off from this.  In fact, it takes it further
by allowing you to return unthrown exceptions as "undef".  And by
providing a "fail" that either returns or throws the exception
depending on the preferences of the caller.
Well, yes, hmm, har, but...

Speaking only for myself, my own (database-heavy) code already makes 
pretty extensive use of the differences between "false", 
"unknown/undefined/NULL", and "worthy of exception" -- all three of 
those conditions may exist at various times, and no two of them can 
reasonably be lumped together as being logically identical.

There are plenty of cases where a piece of data being "undefined" or 
"NULL" means something different from it being zero, for example -- and 
neither case represents an actual error condition.  Just undefinedness. 
 So, for those cases, I'm forced into using full-fledged exception 

So as an abstract example, I would consider these to be entirely 
different, but each of them to be useful:

foo(...) or blah(...);
foo(...) err blah(...);
foo(...) catch blah(...);
I read the first one as executing blah() if the result of foo() is a 
false value; the second as executing blah() if the result is something 
with an undefined or NULL value; the third as executing blah() if an 
otherwise fatal condition arises during the execution of foo().  All 
three can be considered constructs useful for quick-n-dirty recovery 
from the corresponding -- but very different -- exceptional conditions.

If you want to promote a catch modifier to me, you'd better market it
as a form of "or" rather than a form of "try".  I could see a form
of "err" that implies a try around its left argument and coerces
any caught exception to an undef exception.
Yes, precisely that.

But that sounds like
a philosophical decision to be made consistently by the calling
module. like "use fatal" in reverse.  So I think I'd rather see a
pragma that does that to "err" instead of adding yet another keyword.
I would explicitly not want that, personally, for the above reasons; 
there are many circumstances in which I'd rather use "undefined" to 
mean "undefined", rather than "exceptional/error condition".

Again, tho, TMTOWTDI.  It's hardly a crisis if it doesn't exist.  It 
just seems like an obvious simplification of try/CATCH when only one 
statement is being wrapped.


Re: 'Core' Language Philosophy [was: Re: 'catch' statement modifier]

2003-11-26 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 01:50 PM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
	my $c = (defined($a) ? $a : $b);
Sorry, P5.
Before the grammar police attack...
	my $c = (defined($a) ?? $a :: $b);

Parens for clarity.


Re: 'Core' Language Philosophy [was: Re: 'catch' statement modifier]

2003-11-26 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 12:13 PM, chromatic wrote:

On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 11:39, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

I think we also need to be skeptical of the false economy of putting
such sugar into CP6AN, if a sizable portion of the community is going
to download it anyway.
A more interesting question is *when* to put something into the core
language or libraries.
Consider Perl 5, where File::Find is a core module.  While the 
may have been nice in 1995 (though I doubt even that), it's been widely
regarded as awful for at least three years.  It's likely never to be
removed from the core.  File::Find::Rule is immensely nicer.
Agreed, but I hope I made it clear I was talking about a different 
level of beast -- a bit of pure syntactic/semantic sugar that rests 
solely upon other core things, not a bit of extended functionality.  
File::Find is an excellent example of something that wouldn't belong in 
core because it does not represent the Only Good Way To Do It.  You can 
think of plenty of valid interfaces to something as complex as a 
File::Find-like module, and each would have vigorous supporters.

I'm talking about things on the level of, for example, C.  I 
can say:

foo() if not $a;
foo() unless $a;
The presence of C in the language, functionality-wise, is 
utterly meaningless; it adds nothing aside from a very slight but 
useful linguistic nuance.  I wager most of us regularly use both C and C now, interspersed liberally, depending on what 
precisely we are trying to convey.  We could be trained to always say 
C, however, and eliminating it from P6 would save a keyword.

But it would be a hollow savings; nobody would realistically then use a 
func/method/op/whatever called 'unless' in their code -- and if they 
did use it, it would almost certainly be to produce a behavior 
identical to the existing functionality.

Similarly, the much-needed new C operator:

my $c = $a // $b;
my $c = (defined($a) ? $a : $b);
Again, a functionally meaningless bit of fluff which exists solely to 
provide a simpler visual reading of a ridiculously common construct.  
It could be eliminated easily; to do so would be an overall loss.  
Ditto ==>, or even C/C.

When I use the term 'sugar', it is things of this level of 
primitiveness that I mean to convey.


'Core' Language Philosophy [was: Re: 'catch' statement modifier]

2003-11-26 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, November 24, 2003, at 03:28 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:
Damian Conway writes:
In which case I think we just fall back to:

try{$opus.write_to_file($file); CATCH {die "Couldn't write to 

which is, after all, only 5 characters longer than:

$opus.write_to_file($file) catch die "Couldn't write to $file: 

Fair enough :-)

No, I wasn't implying that C could validly return undef.
I just failed to realize how short the "long" version was.
But you have to admit, the latter version makes the important part of
the expression stand out, and is more natural to write (IMHO, as
But it's moduleable, so I won't worry about it.

A small point of order, philosophically...

While there is a justifiable urge to deny entry into of the core 
language of as much syntactic sugar as possible -- since merely looking 
at the operator list proves P6 will be a behemoth of a language, when 
you consider all of its nooks and crannies -- I think we also need to 
be skeptical of the false economy of putting such sugar into CP6AN, if 
a sizable portion of the community is going to download it anyway.

In my mind, Luke's proposed C modifier quite easily fits the 
qualifications of something that should be in core, for the following 

- It serves a common purpose, for which there is Only One (Good) Way To 
Do It.  While you perhaps _can_ say

try {
die "Couldn't write to $file: $!"
in other golfish ways, the above is clearly (ignoring preferences in 
whitespace formatting) the Obvious and Recommended way to do it, and so 
the above phrase will appear _wherever_ a single statement needs to be 
wrapped with a try/CATCH.

- It has one, and only one, obvious meaning.  Nobody should be making 
their own 'catch' modifiers that do different things -- that would be 
far more annoying, for shared code, than reserving the keyword in 
advance to do the One Obvious Thing.

- It is consistent with the philosophy of similar syntax.

- It poses no significant harm to novice users.  They can program in P6 
effectively without ever using it, but if they do see it in someone 
else's code, it will be reasonably obvious what it is doing.  And 
whether it is core or commonly used CP6AN, they _will_ see it in other 
people's code.

It is true, the difference between the two constructs:

try { $opus.write_to_file($file); CATCH {die "Couldn't write to 
$file: $!"} }

$opus.write_to_file($file) catch die "Couldn't write to $file: $!";

is only 7 characters.  But four of those characters are curly brackets, 
visually introducing two blocks.  That's kind of a yuck.


Re: Control flow variables

2003-11-20 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 12:15 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:
Oh, and if you really want to do that return thing without using a
C, you can just:
sub blah {
return $a || goto CONT;
I don't see what's wrong with that. :-p
Umm... refresh my/our memory.  Did we end up having a post- form of 
C, such that:

	return $_ if given $big.long.calculation.{ with }{ some }{ stuff };

does what I might suppose it does, or does it have to be... longer?

(The point of that old thread was to try and find the smallest possible 
way to write annoyingly common constructs like:

method foo ($self: $a,$b,$c) {
return $self.cached.{ $a }{ $b }{ $c }   # short-circuit 
if $self.cached.{ $a }{ $b }{ $c };  # if possible

... otherwise do actual stuff ...
but I don't recall the official recommended solution.)

Forgive the craptacularness of my current P6 knowledge, I have been 
preoccupied with life-involving stuff, with items and things and 


Re: Control flow variables

2003-11-20 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, November 19, 2003, at 12:28 PM, Smylers wrote:
Larry Wall writes:
: Michael Lazzaro wrote:
: >return if $a { $a }
No, it's a syntax error.  You must write

I too was quietly hoping someone would say that.  These hurt my 
admittedly ever-shrinking brain:

return if $a;  # our old friend
return if $a { $a }# ow!  me noggin!  Always returns, or not?
The C encapsulation helps clarify enormously:

	return do { if $a { $a } }

... well, OK, maybe not enormously...  I'd still be annoyed if anyone 
actually wrote that with a straight face, but there's nothing offensive 
about it being legal.


Re: Control flow variables

2003-11-18 Thread Michael Lazzaro

Would that then imply that

 sub blah {
   ...  # 1
   return if $a;# 2
   ...  # 3
...would return $a if $a was true, and fall through to (3) if it was
It sure should, provided there were a correct context waiting, which 
quite nicely address another WIBNI thread a couple of months back 
about a
quick return under those conditions.
I don't think so.  I say that all the time to mean precisely:

if $a { return }

And I don't think people are ready to give that up.

In particular, if we kept our bottom-up parser around, this particular
construct would cause an infinite-lookahead problem.  So for 
sake, C should not be a valid term without a block following.
So, just to make sure, these two lines are both valid, but do 
completely different things:

return if $a;
return if $a { $a }

Re: Control flow variables

2003-11-18 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 06:38 AM, Simon Cozens wrote:
Given that we've introduced the concept of "if" having a return status:

  my $result = if ($a) { $a } else { $b };

Would that then imply that

sub blah {
  ...  # 1
  return if $a;# 2
  ...  # 3
...would return $a if $a was true, and fall through to (3) if it was 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Sugalski) writes:
Luke Palmer:
That's illegal anyway.  Can't chain statement modifiers :-)
Will be able to.
I was under the strong impression that Larry had decided that syntactic 
ambiguities prevented this from happening.  (Now, of course, you will 
ask me for a cite to the thread, which I can't even begin to find at 
this point...)


Re: Apocalypses and Exegesis...

2003-08-14 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 07:00 AM, Alberto Manuel Brandão 
Simões wrote:
On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 14:49, Simon Cozens wrote:
Just a hint: don't try writing it and revising it as the language 
I wrote a Perl 6 chapter for a book in December and it is now almost 
due to the pace of change.
Yes. That's why I'm asking :-) I can start looking to apocalypses and
exegesis to have an idea of the structure and content, but not really
write them. I would need a running prototype, too. And that's more
difficult to find :)
I add a hearty "Amen" to Simon's advice.

In my own opinion -- which is worth approximately what you paid for it 
:-) -- things are probably pretty slushy until A12/E12 "Objects" comes 
out.  AFAIK, that's due to be the next official A/E.  I expect that 
_after_ that one, things will solidify rather rapidly; but be wary of 
doing too much before that, IMHO.

The A12/E12 problem is that the core concepts and syntax related to 
objects and types have wide repercussions on the syntax of everything 
else -- control structures, subroutines, operators, etc. etc. etc.  
Since *everything* can be described as being an operation upon a set of 
objects/types (and, after all, even csubs/subs/ops are themselves 
"objects", in the larger sense) until those object/type concepts are 
nailed down *quite* firmly, I would be a little wary of counting on the 
stability of anything else.

We've seen several examples already of things changing -- for the 
better! -- long after the A&Es for them have come out.  I confidently 
prophesize at least one more big, scary round of that.

My personal advice is to wait until E12 comes out and is polished, and 
then go whole-hog.  I wouldn't expect any major changes to happen after 
that, because the rest of the A&Es are less far-flung in scope.


Re: printf-like formatting in interpolated strings

2003-06-16 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 11:49 AM, Austin Hastings wrote:
--- Michael Lazzaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Or, if we have "output rules" just like we have "input rules", could
something quite complex be expressed simply as:
"You have <$x as MoneyFormat>"

having previously defined your MoneyFormat "formatting rule" in some
other location?
"You have ", no?
Yeah.  Though I'd actually hope both forms were acceptable, personally. 
 I really like the visual karma of the first, representing a "type or 
format conversion", more than the second, representing the "creation of 
a formatted object" -- though in practice the two notions are of course 
identical.  :-)


Re: Type Conversion Matrix, Pragmas (TAKE 4)

2003-06-16 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 11:04 AM, David Storrs wrote:
On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 10:15:57AM -0700, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
(I've been operating under the
assumption that an "untyped scalar" doesn't _remove_ the type of
something, it just can store values of _any_ type, and is by default
much more generous about autoconverting them for you, so that you 
use $c as an Int, int, Num, num, Str, str, etc., without warning or
error... but internally, it's actually still storing the value as an
C, because that's what you assigned to it.)
Seems reasonable.

 Although I would assume that it would store and pull the
value from an Int slot, then create a new value of the "converted to"
type, and use that.  
Yeah, I would think so.

A better example of what I was driving at would be this:

   my $a = 'foo' but purple;
   my Int $b = $a;
In other words: I've just created an untyped Scalar. This Scalar is
(presumably in it's Str slot) storing a string value which happens
to have a property set on it  (i.e., CI am almost positive that the assignment would perform a copy/clone of 
the original value, but would preserve the properties while doing so.

So if we try to assign C<'foo' but purple> to the Int $b, it:
  - clones a new Scalar C<'foo' but purple>, but...
  - identifies the copied C<'foo' but purple> as being a Scalar, not an 
Int, so...
  - converts the copied C to an Int, resulting 
in C
  - assigns C to $b.

... or something like that.  But I would expect that the property 
_would_ be preserved... my gut feeling is that otherwise, they'd be 
_way_ to easy to accidentally lose, yes?

OT afterthought: In the past, whenever we've gotten embroiled in one
of these thorny, knotty issues, @Larry has pulled a stunningly
beautiful, elegant rabbit out of their hats.  And when I thought that,
I had this vision of a single quantum rabbit simultaneously coming out
of multiple hats with widely divergent spatial coordinates
Yeah.  What I wouldn't give for a quantum bunny, right about now.  It's 
not even that type conversion is a particularly difficult issue, it's 
just so *very* all-encompassing that it's got to be done precisely, 
because it chains through everything else about the language... what 
happens when calling subroutines, what happens in the multimethod 
dispatcher, what simple lines of code do or don't give big honkin' 
errors, etc...


Re: printf-like formatting in interpolated strings

2003-06-16 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 10:39 AM, Edwin Steiner wrote:
I'm content if this will be revisited (hopefully by someone with
better overview than mine). It just should not be ignored.
Oh, it definitely won't be ignored.  :-)  It's come up several times 
before -- try searching for "stringification", IIRC -- and has always 
sortof fizzled because the higher-ups were never quite ready for it 
yet.  And there's some primitive type and type conversion questions 
that are still unclear -- until those are fleshed out, the 
stringification proposals have been a bit "stuck".

But there is broad support for the idea that the somewhat elderly 
printf syntax is a PITA, and that printf, in general, should be 
completely unnecessary since we already *have* interpolated strings, 
fer pete's sake.

If you really want to make your brain hurt, consider this:  
stringification can be thought of, obliquely, as the "inverse" of 
regexes.  One puts strings together, the other takes them apart.  And 
Perl6 introduces shiny, clean-looking rule syntax:

   /here is a /

Oooh, pretty.

So if I were in an evil mood, which I almost always am, I'd ask: what's 
the inverse of a  rule?  Is it possible that interpolated 
strings could benefit from the same angle-bracket syntax?  __Is it 
possible that there are "output rules" just like there are "input 

So what would

   "The value of x is "

mean, from the interpolation end of things?  _Could_ it mean something? 
 Is it possible that

   "The value of x is "

is in fact a cleaner, more elegant syntax than:

   "The value of x is $(expr but formatted(...))"

Or, if we have "output rules" just like we have "input rules", could 
something quite complex be expressed simply as:

   "You have <$x as MoneyFormat>"

having previously defined your MoneyFormat "formatting rule" in some 
other location?


Re: Type Conversion Matrix, Pragmas (TAKE 4)

2003-06-16 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Friday, June 13, 2003, at 10:26 PM, David Storrs wrote:
On the subject of untyped scalars...what does it mean to say that the
conversion is 'lossless'?  For example:
I've been using the word to mean that a conversion is "lossless" if, 
for a particular A-->B conversion, you can recreate the typed value A 
*completely* from B, including value, definedness, and properties.

So if you can say A-->B-->A, and always get _exactly_ the same thing in 
A that you started with, for _any_ valid starting value of A, it's 
"lossless".  Which is darn rare, looking at the matrix, because of 
range issues, etc.

   my $a = 'foo';
   my Int $b = $a;  # legal; $b is now 0;  is there a warning?
   my $c = $b;  # is $c 0, or 'foo'?
0, I think.  Or specifically, C.  (I've been operating under the 
assumption that an "untyped scalar" doesn't _remove_ the type of 
something, it just can store values of _any_ type, and is by default 
much more generous about autoconverting them for you, so that you could 
use $c as an Int, int, Num, num, Str, str, etc., without warning or 
error... but internally, it's actually still storing the value as an 
C, because that's what you assigned to it.)

   my Str $d = $a;  # no loss
   my $a = $d;  # no effective change in $a
   my $e = $b;  # what is $d?
$d?  Still a Str, I would think.  And $e would be Int 0, same as $c

In the above, I would expect that $c is 0 and

   my $a = 7 but false;
   my Str $b = $e;  # ???
What value does $f end up with? (My vote would be '7'.)
My understanding is that properties go with the values, (just like 
traits go with the variables), so I would expect $f to be C<7 but 
false>.  So if a value is C, it stays C until you 
say otherwise.

Are any warnings emitted?
Yeah, I dunno.  I think we need somebody smart to tell us at this 
point.  I have no idea how close or how far we are on our musings about 
pragmas and defaults... I sure hope somebody does.  :-)


Re: Type Conversion Matrix, Pragmas (TAKE 4)

2003-06-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 05:48 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:
(vi)  Conversions of User Defined Types/Classes 

  It may be useful to allow the same level of pragma-based control for
user-defined types and classes.  For example, a given class Foo may
wish to be "silently" convertable to an C.  One proposed syntax 
declare the method of coercion/conversion might be:

class Foo {
to int {...}  # or C?
However, users of such a class could adjust the warning level of the
given conversion using the alternate syntax given above (v):
use strict conversions warn { Foo => int };
my int $int = $foo;
isn't the int() method (vtable entry) called on $foo? (effectively)
So the $foo object is asked to provide an int for assigment to $int.
So the Foo class gets to decide how to do that.
Yep.  The general question that has come up before is to what extent 
the user of a given class or module should be able to influence the 
"strictness" of the interface of that class/module -- without altering 
the module, obviously.  The general feeling was that people wanted to 
be able to do it, because they didn't want to be bound to a particular 
CP6AN author's decisions on interface strictness.

The specific issue discussed previously, IIR, was something like this:

class Foo {
method bar(str $s);
If you said:

my int $i = 5;
what should happen?  Should bar() convert $i to a str, or give a 
compiletime warning or error because it's not a str?  And is that 
determined by the strictness level of the Foo class, or the strictness 
level of the calling code, or --shudder-- possibly both?

Please correct me if I'm wrong (which I could easily be as I've not
been following any of thise closely).
I think this is an important topic because it may reflect back on
how the specific Int/Num/Str classes should also be handled.
Tim [quite possibly talking nonsense]
Talking perfect sense.  It's a nasty issue.


Type Conversion Matrix, Pragmas (TAKE 4)

2003-06-10 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Seeing as how lots of folks are on the road, and you can hear the  
on-list crickets chirping, I'm not sure if anything can be  
accomplished, but I'll repost this as one of those perennial  

Namely, how the most basic Perl6 types interact with each other, and  
what types can and can't be converted automatically, and the whole  
philosophy behind this: is it supposed to be silent, and DWIMmy?  Is it  
supposed to be pedantic enough to prohibit "lossy" conversions?  Is  
there more than one level of strictness?  Who controls it -- the  
caller, or the callee?

(i)  Type Matrix 

The following matrix depicts the basic P6 scalar types, and the "kinds"  
of conversions that may/must take place between them.  Key is as  

+: Automatic conversion, conversion is not lossy
*: undefness and properties will be lost
N: numeric range or precision may be lost (esp. bigints, bignums)
F: numeric (float) conversion -- conversion to int is lossy
S: string conversion -- if string is not *entirely* numeric, is lossy
B: boolean conversion -- loses all but true/false
J: junction type; coercing to non-junction type may be lossy
FROM ->  str  Str  int  Int  num  Num  bit  Bit  bool  Bool Scalar
TO: str   -*+*+*+*+ **J
Str   +-+++++++ + J
int   S   *S-   *NF  *NF+*+ **J
Int   SS+-FF+++ + J
num   S   *S+*-   *N+*+ **J
Num   SS+++-+++ + J
bit   B   *BB   *BB   *B-*+ **J
Bit   BBBBBB+-+ + J
bool  B   *BB   *BB   *B+*- **J
Bool  BBBBBB+++ - J
  Scalar  +++++++++ + -
(ii)  Initial Assumptions 

I previously proposed simplifying the matrix using the following Big  
Assumptions.  This was not universally agreed upon, however: it may be  
that these assumptions are controlled by pragma (see next section).  I  
include them here separately for reference.

*: (undefness and properties lost)

   Using/converting an uppercase type as/to a lowercase (primitive)  
type is silently allowed.  If you're sending an Int to something that  
requires an C, you know that the 'something' can't deal with the  
undef case anyway -- it doesn't differentiate between undef and zero.   
Thus, you meant to do that: it's an "intentionally destructive"  
narrowing, and the C becomes a C<0>.

  my Int $a = undef;
  my int $b = $a; # $b is now C<0>, NOT C
B: (conversion to boolean)

  Converting to/from a bit or bool value is silently allowed.  The  
Perl5 rules for "truth" are preserved, such that:

  my bool $b = undef;  # $b is C<0>
  my bool $b = 0;  # $b is C<0>
  my bool $b = 1;  # $b is C<1>
  my bool $b = -5; # $b is C<1>
  my bool $b = 'foo';  # $b is C<1>
Converting a C or C to any other type always results in C<0>  
or C<1> for numeric conversions, or C<'0'> or C<'1'> for string  

J: (scalar junctive to typed scalar)

   A scalar junctive, e.g. an "untyped" scalar, can always be silently  
used as and/or converted to a more specific primitive type.  This will  
quite frequently result in the loss of information; for example, saying:

   my $a = 'foo';
   my int $b = $a;# $b is now C<0>
works, but silently sets $b to 0, because the numeric value of C<'foo'>  
is C<0 but true>.

This means that using untyped scalars gets you back to Perl5 behavior  
of 'silently' accepting pretty much any conversion you can think of.

   my str $a = 'foo';
   my $b = $a;
   my int $c = $a;# COMPILE TIME ERROR
   my int $c = $b;# OK
If you are using typed variables to enforce strict conversions, you  
probably want to be warned if you are using any untyped variables,  
anywhere.  Something like:

   use strict types;

(iii)  Simplified Matrix 

  The above assumptions result in a simplified conversion matrix, as  

FROM ->  str  Str  int  Int  num  Num  bit  Bit  bool  Bool Scalar
TO: str   -++++++++ + +
Str   +-+++++++ + +
int   SS-NF   NF+++ + +
Int   SS+-FF+++ + +
num   SS++-N+++ + +
Num   SS+++-+++ + +
bit   ++++++-++ + +
Bit   +++++++-+ + +
bool  ++++++++- + +
Bool  +++++++++ - +
  Scalar  ++  

Re: MMD [was Re: This week's summary]

2003-06-09 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 03:45 PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
"Michael Lazzaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
 multi bar (Foo $self, int $i : );  # semicolon optional

I think you meant "colon optional". The semi-colon is, I think, a 
error. You need the yada-yada-yada thing: "{...}".

Sigh.  Yes, thank you.  This, not that:

   multi bar (Foo $self, int $i : ) {...}  # colon optional

It's been a bad day.  :-/


Re: MMD [was Re: This week's summary]

2003-06-09 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 09:19 AM, Mark A. Biggar wrote:
On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 01:26:22PM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:
  multi factorial (0) { 1 }
  multi factorial ($n) { $n * factorial($n - 1) }
That's a bad example, as it's really not MMD.  It's a partially
pre-memoized function instead.
It's MMD if you think of the number 0 as being a "subclass" of C 
or C.  In other words, you have an C class, and then a 
subclass of C that binds the value to always be zero.

In a not-too-twisted fashion, you can think of any constant as being a 
"subclass" of its base type, overridden to store exactly one possible 
value.  It's like instance-based (classless) inheritance, which we 
haven't discussed much, but which I hope we eventually get to, because 
it's bloody useful...  Sigh...

Which brings up a issue.  Is it really MMD if you're only dispatching 
a single invocant?  Most of the examples I've seen for MMD so far use
only a single invocant and are really either regular dispatch or simple
overloading instead.  MMD only becomes really interesting if you
have multiple invocants possibly with best-match signature matching
I think it's a matter of semantics: a single-invocant routine is still 
a "multi", and still semantically MMD, because it uses the same 
internal dispatcher as an N-invocant one, and checks the same list of 
possible variants.  So you can have:

multi bar (Baz $b : ...);   # one invocant
multi bar (Foo $f : ...);   # one invocant, but different!
multi bar (Foo $f, Baz $b : ...);   # two invocants
All three of those are multimethod variants of a routine named C.  
The MMD mechanism has to determine which of those three variants to 
use, based on the invocant(s) -- of which there may be one, or several, 
for any given call to C.  Even if there only happens to be one 
invocant, it's still the same dispatcher, sifting through the same 
possible variants.

The single-invocant C thing I still find confusing at this point 
is that, for example, you can't actually have Cs!  That 
is, you can't do this:

class Foo {
method bar (int $i);
method bar (str $s);   # ERROR
method bar (str $s1, str $s2);
You'd have to do this:

class Foo {
multi bar (Foo $self, int $i : );  # semicolon optional
multi bar (Foo $self, str $s : );
multi bar (Foo $self, str $s1, str $s2 : );
Which, internally, makes some sense -- they have to go to a more 
complicated dispatcher than normal methods -- but is semantically icky, 
IMO, and I hope/wish we could find a better way of expressing that.  
Perhaps E6 will help.


Re MMD [was Re: This week's summary]

2003-06-09 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 07:13 AM, Adam Turoff wrote:
On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 01:26:22PM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:
Assuming I'm not misunderstanding what Adam is after, this has 
come up
before (I think I asked about value based dispatch a few months 
and I can't remember if the decision was that MMD didn't extend to
dispatching based on value, or if that decision hasn't been taken 
If it's not been taken, I still want to be able to do

   multi factorial (0) { 1 }
   multi factorial ($n) { $n * factorial($n - 1) }

The most recent semi-official opinion given onlist, AFAIK, was from 
Damian on 3/13/03:

On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 06:15 PM, Damian Conway wrote:
Piers Cawley wrote:
Speaking of multis and constants, Greg McCarroll wondered on IRC if
this would work:
multi factorial (Int 0) { 1 }
multi factorial (Int $n) { $n * factorial($n-1) }
Probably not. We did discuss whether multimethods should be able to be 
overloaded by value, but concluded (for that week, at least ;-) that 
this might prove syntactically excessive.
See the rest of his message for a marginally scary workaround.


Re: Threads and Progress Monitors

2003-05-30 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 04:48 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:
To nitpick:

my $result is lazy::threaded := { slow_fn_imp @_ };
Pursuing this lazy-threaded variables notion, a question.  Given:

 sub slow_func is threaded {# me likey this 
auto-parallelizing syntax!

Would we want to say that _both_ of these have the lazy-blocking 

 my $result := slow_func();
 print $result;
 my $result  = slow_func();
 print $result;
Or would the first one block at C, but the second block 
immediately at the C<=>?

The obvious answer is that the := binding "passes through" the 
lazyness, but the = assignment doesn't.  But I wonder if that isn't a 
bit too obscure, to put it mildly.


Re: Threads and Progress Monitors

2003-05-30 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 12:45 PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
"Michael Lazzaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in> # But if 
you want
to get the thread object, so you can monitor it's
my $tid = thread &slow_func_impl(...);
while $ {
sleep 60;
return $tid.result;
To my eye, that looks pretty darn slick.
You might be a bit frustrated if the &slow_func_impl took 61 seconds 
How do we interrupt the C? Possibly in the same way as we'd 
timeout a
blocking IO operations.
Personally, I'd be happy with just making the C a smaller 
number, like one second, or a fifth of a second, or whatever.  You want 
the status_monitor to be updated no more often than it needs to be, but 
often enough that it's not lagging.

But if you really wanted wake-immediately-upon-end, I'd add that as a 
variant of C.  For example, you might want a variant that 
blocked until a given variable "changed", just like in debuggers; that 
would allow:

my $tid = thread &slow_func_impl(...);
while $ {
sleep( 60, watch => \($tid.progress) ); # do you even 
need the '\'?
return $tid.result;

... which would sleep 60 seconds, or until the .progress attribute 
changed, whichever came first.

You could make more builtins for that, but I think I'd like them to 
just be C or C variants.  Obvious possibilities:

sleep 60; # sleep 60 seconds
sleep( block => $tid );   # sleep until given thread is complete
sleep( watch => \$var );  # sleep until given var changes value
sleep( 60, block => $tid, watch => [\$var1, \$var2, \$var3] );  
five tests

$tid.sleep(...);# sleep the given thread, instead of this one


Re: Threads and Progress Monitors

2003-05-30 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 10:47 AM, Dave Whipp wrote:

OK, we've beaten the producer/consumer thread/coro model to death. 
Here's a
different use of threads: how simple can we make this in P6:
Hey, good example.  Hmm...

Well, for starters I think it wouldn't be a big deal to associate a 
"progress" attribute with each thread object.  It should be that 
thread's responsibility to fill it out, if it wants to -- so you 
shouldn't ever have to pass \$percent_done as an argument, it should be 
a basic attribute of every thread instance.  That might encourage 
people to add progress calculations to their threads after-the-fact, 
without changing the basic interface of what they wrote.

I'll also claim that I would still prefer the auto-parallel, 
auto-lazy-blocking behavior on the thread results we've mused about 
previously.  So coming from the semantics end, I'd love to see it 
written like this:

   # Declaring a threaded calculation

   sub slow_func_impl is threaded {
   while (...stuff...) {
   ... do stuff ...
   &_.thread.progress += 10.0;   # or however you want to 
guesstimate[*] this
   return $result;

   # If you don't care about getting the actual thread object, just the 
   # call it this way:

   my $result = slow_func_impl(...);
   return $result;
   # But if you want to get the thread object, so you can monitor it's 
   # call it this way:

   my $tid = thread &slow_func_impl(...);
   while $ {
   sleep 60;
   return $tid.result;
To my eye, that looks pretty darn slick.


[*] Huh.  Imagine my surprise to find out that my spellcheck considers 
"guesstimate" to be a real word.  And I always thought that was just a 
spasmostical pseudolexomangloid.

Re: Cothreads [Philosophy]

2003-05-29 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 02:56 PM, Austin Hastings wrote:
(s/coroutine/thread/g for the same rough arguments, e.g. "why should
the caller care if what they're doing invokes parallelization, so
long as it does the right thing?")
Global variables. Threads __never__ do the right thing.
Heh.  That's for sure.

I am enamored with the possibility of finding some sub-like syntax for 
threads where variables are shared *solely* based on their scope, 
because that is simply The Way It Should Work.  If you're in a thread, 
and refer to a var outside of the threaded block, it's shared; if you 
refer to a lexical var within the thread, it's not shared.  Much like 
your April example, or John M's idea of C vs. C.  So that if:

   sub process_event (Event $e) is threaded {   # (A) an 
always-parallelized subroutine
   my $z;

   our $x;
   loop {
   our $y;
   my $current_event = get_event()
   or next;
   process_event($current_event);   # (B) creates a 'process_event' 
thread for each event

$x and $y are shared between all active threads invoked by line (B), 
the threads can't see the lexical $current_event at all, and the 
lexical $e and $z are private to each individual C 
thread.  Bada-bing, Bada-boom, can't get much more intuitive than that.

OTOH, "threads" have proven historically easiest to manage when little 
if any data is shared.  OTOOH, threads that "share" everything but 
their private lexical data would be faster/easier to create & run, 
because they don't have to do mass copying of program state.  OTOOOH, 
they'd still need automatically generated locking when they _were_ 
accessing those shared vars.  OTH, there's nothing wrong with that 
-- that's what threads are supposed to do, and the vast majority of 
speed-oriented threads don't *refer* to much shared data, and big 
"event loop" threads do because, well, they have to.


Re: Cothreads [Philosophy]

2003-05-29 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 01:01 PM, Austin Hastings wrote:

sub traverse(Hash $tree) {
  return unless $tree;
  traverse $tree{left} if $tree{left};
  yield $tree{node};
  traverse $tree{right} if $tree{right};
my %hash is Tree;
my &cotrav := coro &traverse(%hash);
print $_ for ;
my &thtrav := thread &traverse(%hash);
print $_ for ;

Hmm.  I think that having _anything_ on the caller side that has to 
change based on whether the called thing is a subroutine vs. a 
coroutine probably defeats one of the most central purposes of 
coroutines -- that nifty subroutine-like abstraction that makes it 
"just work".  Consider, under Damian's latest model:

for  {...}

It doesn't matter whether foo() is a closure or function returning a 
list, lazy list, or iterator, or is a coroutine returning it's .next 
value.  Which is excellent, and, I'd argue, the whole point; I'm not 
sure that we can have any coroutine syntax that _doesn't_ do that, can 

But, as Luke pointed out, some of the other syntax required to make 
that work is isn't particularly friendly:

coro pre_traverse(%data) {
yield %data{ value };
yield $_ for <&_.clone(%data{ left  })>;
yield $_ for <&_.clone(%data{ right })>;
If I work backwards, the syntax I'd _want_ for something like that 
would be much like Luke proposed:

sub pre_traverse(%data) is coroutine {
yield %data{ value };
pre_traverse( %data{ left  } );
pre_traverse( %data{ right } );
... where the internal pre_traverses are yielding the _original_ 
pre_traverse.  Whoa, though, that doesn't really work, because you'd 
have to implicitly do the clone, which screws up the normal iterator 
case!  And I don't immediately know how to have a syntax do the right 
thing in _both_ cases.

So, if I have to choose between the two, I think I'd rather iteration 
be easy than recursion be easy.  If lines like

   yield $_ for <&_.clone(%data{ left  })>;

are too scary, we might be able to make a keyword that does that, like:

sub pre_traverse(%data) is coroutine {
yield %data{ value };
delegate pre_traverse( %data{ left  } );
delegate pre_traverse( %data{ right } );
Maybe.  But in truth, that seems no more intuitive than the first.

(s/coroutine/thread/g for the same rough arguments, e.g. "why should 
the caller care if what they're doing invokes parallelization, so long 
as it does the right thing?")


Re: Cothreads [Philosophy]

2003-05-29 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 07:32 PM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 02:05:57PM -0700, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
If we could think about "threads" not in terms of forkyness, but 
in terms of coroutines that can be called in parallel, it should be
possible to create an implementation of "threading" that had to do a
whole heck-of-a-lot less duplication of state, etc.
See, this where I start to feel all Cozeny and wonder what the heck
we're doing even thinking about how it's implemented. What I want to
know is how it looks from the user perspective.
Sorry, yes, I'm not talking at all about implementation.  I'm just 
talking about syntax/semantics of invoking them.  Underneath, threads 
and coroutines may well be implemented by giant, man-eating woodchucks 
battling to the death on a rainy day under a popsicle-stick bridge, for 
all I care.  :-)

If, in order to
understand threads, I have to first understand coroutines, I think
that's a loss because it throws away (or at least morphs into an
unrecognizable form) all of collect CS knowledge of what "threading"
usually means.  In other words, I think the idea of fork-like
behaviour is important to threads.

Here's the possible defect in my brain that started my train of thought.

I hadn't used coroutines in a long while, so when the topic came up I 
had to do a little reviewing to make sure I was on the same page.  
Reviewing done, I started thinking about how coroutines were a 
different concept from continuations, which were different from 
threads, and we already had closures, and at what point was the 
aggregation of all those things going to cause potential Perl6 converts 
to look at our hypothetical table-o-contents and say "WTF -- exactly 
how much 'Perl' am I gonna have to learn to be considered a 'good' Perl 

Because _all_ those things are useful concepts, but in spite of the 
fact that they address very similar problem spaces -- allowing "program 
state" to be saved and resumed in less-than-strictly-linear ways -- 
they historically approach it in rather different ways.  Whether you're 
sucking in a concept from a well-worn but sortof-crazy-aunt language 
like Lisp, or from a possibly-created-as-the-result-of-a-wager language 
like Icon, each concept largely reached its current fruition 
independent of the others.  No currently-popular(?) language uses _all_ 
of them at the same time, or to be more precise, you don't see many 
programmers using _all_ those concepts simultaneously within a given 
application (and my gut tells me I'd not be keen to debug it if I saw 

OK.  So I get to thinking about coroutines.  Coroutines are one of 
those things that Freak People Out, but once you get to use them, 
they're quite easy to understand, and damn useful.  They're like 
blocking threads; you call them like a subroutine, they (eventually) 
return a result to you, and you go on your merry way.  They are used 
_exactly_ as subroutines are used... the only difference is that, like 
a thread, you can _resume_ the subroutine from the point you last 
yield()ed, and continue on your way within the subroutine as if that 
yield() never happened.  Again, like a suspended and resumed thread.

True threads, on the other hand, are one of those things that everyone 
*thinks* they know, but which have so many issues with scheduling, 
blocking, data sharing and hiding, and general wiggyness that it's a 
lot harder to implement a well-engineered group of threads than most 
people are willing to admit.  Much of that is intrinsic, by definition, 
to _any_ attempt at parallelization.  But how much?

Threads are a low-level interface to parallelization.  But 
realistically, people use threads for a *very* narrow set of real-world 

(Concept 1) Creating event loops, listeners, etc., in which an event 
spawns an "action", which runs in parallel to anything else which is 
running and is independent of all those other things -- so whether it 
succeeds, fails, or just never ends, it doesn't affect the rest of the 
program.  We'll call this the "subprocess" model.

(Concept 2) Splitting multiple "lengthy" tasks to run in parallel, to 
allow calculations on one task to proceed even if another task is in a 
blocked (waiting) state, as frequently happens in I/O, or to allow 
multiple calculations to be run on multiple processors.  We'll call 
this the "parallelization" model.

Current popular thread semantics, I would argue, are entirely designed 
around (Concept 1), and are designed to be very similar to actual 
_process_ forking.  Which at first glance is great, because if you 
understand process fork()ing you understand threading, but there are 
two problems with that.  First, threads aren't processes, so the 
analogy brea

Re: Cothreads

2003-05-27 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 01:49 PM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
I think there's some timing missing (or maybe it's just me). Executing 
Code junction implies that I have all of the routines I wish to execute
in parallel available at the same time. This is often not the case.

Or if adding a Code block to a junction is how you parallelize them at
differing times, then I think the syntax would be horrid. Besides *I*
don't want to have to keep track of the junction, I just want my 
to execute.
I suppose you could make C or whatever return a "thread 
group" object, which, if necessary, you could use to add additional 

my $tgroup = parallel( &foo | &bar | &baz );
$tgroup.add( &fuz, &fup, &waz ); # three more
though I metaphysically like the idea of executing a junction of Code 
in parallel, and returning a junction of results.  But that still keeps 
the idea of routine-like, as opposed to fork-like, threads.

And no matter what, we'd need to have a "global" thread group, so if 
your intent was to make a globally-parallel thread, you'd do it on a 
builtin var called $*THREADS or something.


Re: Cothreads

2003-05-27 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 01:16 PM, Austin Hastings wrote:
I like and agree with some of what you've been saying. I too think that
there's a case of "an x is just a y with ..." underlying the whole
coro/thread/parallel thing. That's why I'm in favor of deconstructing
the threading thing -- a lower thread overhead means more people can
spawn more threads for lower cost.
So with that in mind, see my enormous proposal from April 15th. I think
that coroutine behavior could be coded with the stuff I proposed, maybe
with a few helper items added in.
Yes, I just re-read it.  Of what you wrote, the one thing I'd like to 
think extra hard about is whether we really _need_ the fork()-like 
behavior of threads, at all.  No, seriously.  Stop laughing!

If we could think about "threads" not in terms of forkyness, but simply 
in terms of coroutines that can be called in parallel, it should be 
possible to create an implementation of "threading" that had to do a 
whole heck-of-a-lot less duplication of state, etc.  Things "outside" 
the scope of the thread group would automatically be shared(?), things 
"inside" the thread group would not be shared unless explicitly marked 
as such.

Which, if I read it right, is what you proposed too, but with a 
slightly different syntax.

That _might_ make threads a heck of a lot faster upon creation/startup, 
and a lot less bulky in general.


Re: Cothreads

2003-05-27 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 12:26 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:
We could also have things like:

sub   { ... }
closure   { ... }
I think you've finally gone crazy.  :-)
All four of these things are closures.
coroutine { ... }
thread{ ... }
Well, yes, I've been crazy for a while now.  But seriously, all four of 
those are closures -- but I'm theorizing that the last two constructs 
create something "more" -- a closure bound to an encapsulating 

OTOH, the difference between a thread and a coroutine is mostly
internal, not external.
Again, I beg to differ.  But, these are the kinds of misunderstandings
that are keeping a good coroutine proposal from getting in
Here's how I think of things:

coroutines - Used for easy iteration over complex data structures,
pipelines, and communication of the results of certain
threads - Used for user interfaces, speed (on SMP systems), very
occasionally pipelines, and headaches.
I may have missed things in the threads section, because I haven't
done very much threaded programming.  To be honest, my favorite use so
far has been using them to (painstakingly) emulate coroutines :-)
AHA!  I think what I am proposing as a "thread" is perhaps not the 
all-encompassing "thread" as implemented by many other languages, but 
merely "an encapsulated method of parallelization".

We are perhaps used to thinking of threads as intra-process versions of 
fork(), which I would argue is a damn annoying way to do it -- far too 
low-level.  All a thread really has to be is a block of code that:

(a) executes in parallel with "sibling" blocks of code, and
(b) is independent of exceptions thrown by "sibling" blocks of code
The conventional thread interface is sortof lame.  What I'm very 
fuzzily envisioning, while hoping that my dumb-guy analysis inspires a 
"eureka!" moment in somebody more experienced in these implementations 
than I am, is "nestable" threads and subthreads, the way coroutines can 
be "nestable".

So it's not like doing a fork().  It's like calling a subroutine and 
getting a result.  Now, in some cases (like a top-level event loop) 
that subroutine will never return, which is just as true of normal 

If you call one routine, piece o' cake, it's not a thread, and it 
doesn't have to do anything fancy.  If you call a _junction_ of 
routines, however, _then_ it knows it has to do the extra fluff to make 
them parallel, which it then automatically does.  So don't execute a 
junction of Code blocks in parallel unless you intend to do that!

So rather than having fork()y threads, perhaps we can use Code 
junctions to represent parallelization, and call threads _as if they 
were simply coroutines_.


But I'm pretty sure these two concepts are things that we don't want
to unify, even though they both have to do with "state".  I like your
musings on "state", however, and making them more explicit might
enable us to come up with some very cool ideas.
If we define a thread as a coroutine that runs
in parallel, the syntax might converge:
sub foo() is cothread { ... yield() ... return() }

# start foo() as a coroutine, (blocks until explicitly yields):

my $results = foo(...);

# start foo() as a parallel thread (nonblocking):

my $results_junction = parallel( &foo(...), &bar(...), &baz(...) )

In this situation, C would indicate that you couldn't
continue on until all three threads had suspended or exited -- so in
order to have truly "top-level" parallel threads, you'd have to set
them up so that your entire program was encapsulated within them.
(Otherwise you'd just get temporary parallelization, which is just as
desirable.)  (You could declare a scheduler as an optional named
parameter of C.)
So to what extent is it OK to "hide" the complexity of a coroutine, or
a thread, in order to have the caller side interface as clean and 
as possible?  (A question over which I remember having a vigorous but
unanswerable debate with someone -- specifically over C++ operator
overloading, which suffers from the problem in spades.)
There is very little complexity to a coroutine.  It's a difficult
*concept*, in the ways it has traditionally been explained.
Somewhat unrelatedly, I have a mini-rant about encapsulating
coroutines inside the sub call interface.  Why do so many people
consider this a good thing?  I don't go around coding all of my
functions with ten C variables, and I consider it a good
practice.  My subs tend to do the same thing each time they're
called... which is precisely how the concept works.  There are things
that are meant to keep state, and these things are called objects!
Why don't we use their interface to manage our state?
I say this because Damian's coroutine proposal could be greatly
simplified (IMHO making it clearer and easier) if calling the sub
didn't imply starting an implicit coroutine the first time.  I might
write something tha

Re: Cothreads [was Re: Coroutines]

2003-05-27 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 06:51 PM, John Macdonald wrote:
This is an interesting idea.  I'd add forked processes
to the list (which includes the magic opens that fork
a child process on the end of a pipeline instead of
opening a file.
I thought about that quite a bit, but fork() is a process-level thing, 
whereas even threads are more internally controllable/implementable, so 
I thought that would be too controversial.  People already *know* how 
to fork processes in Perl, whereas thread syntax is newer and more 

There is a danger in hiding the distinction between
them too much.  They have quite difference performance
Some thinking out loud: a thread is significantly more expensive than a 
coroutine.  Why?  Because threads must be executable in parallel, so 
you're duping quite a bit of data.  (You don't dup nearly as much stuff 
for a coroutine, _unless_ of course you're cloning an already-active 
coroutine.)  So a conventional thread is like cloning a 
"very-top-level" coroutine.

Now, if we were to say:

   sub foo(...) is coroutine { ... yield() ... return() }

We would expect


to give us back that coroutine, from the last yield point.  In the 
above, C yields out of the coroutine, and C 
yields-without-saving-state such that the next foo() invocation will 
start from the beginning of the routine.

Similarly, then, I would expect:

   sub foo(...) is threaded { ... yield() ... return() }


to start &foo as a new thread.  C would temporarily suspend 
the thread, and C would end the thread.  (Note that you could 
use &_.yield to yield the current Code object, so you can have nested 
yields w/out confusion -- see C, from A6.)

These are using nearly identical syntax, but there is still a clear 
semantic difference between them -- the trait C is sufficient 
for that.

We could also have things like:

   sub   { ... }
   closure   { ... }
   coroutine { ... }
   thread{ ... }
If that's preferable syntax.  As long as they're similar, and share 
similar suspend/resume capabilities.

OTOH, the difference between a thread and a coroutine is mostly 
internal, not external.  If we define a thread as a coroutine that runs 
in parallel, the syntax might converge:

   sub foo() is cothread { ... yield() ... return() }

   # start foo() as a coroutine, (blocks until explicitly yields):

   my $results = foo(...);

   # start foo() as a parallel thread (nonblocking):

   my $results_junction = parallel( &foo(...), &bar(...), &baz(...) )

In this situation, C would indicate that you couldn't 
continue on until all three threads had suspended or exited -- so in 
order to have truly "top-level" parallel threads, you'd have to set 
them up so that your entire program was encapsulated within them.  
(Otherwise you'd just get temporary parallelization, which is just as 
desirable.)  (You could declare a scheduler as an optional named 
parameter of C.)

So to what extent is it OK to "hide" the complexity of a coroutine, or 
a thread, in order to have the caller side interface as clean and brief 
as possible?  (A question over which I remember having a vigorous but 
unanswerable debate with someone -- specifically over C++ operator 
overloading, which suffers from the problem in spades.)

I'm of mixed opinion.  I like the notion of merging them, because I 
think they are largely the same concept, implemented in different ways. 
 I _VERY MUCH_ like the idea of any arbitrary Code block being 
parallelizable with the addition of a single word.  Few languages do a 
decent job of parallelization, and current thread syntax is often 
overly burdensome.

Importantly, I hope that it _might_ be possible to, in the 
multiprocessor-laden future, automagically parallelize some coroutines 
without going full-fledged into multiple threads, which are far too 
expensive to produce any net benefit for anything but the largest 
tasks.  (The trick is in the dataflow analysis -- making sure there's 
no side effects on either path that will conflict, which is bloody 
difficult, if not impossible.)  Such that given:

   my $result = foo(...);

   ... more stuff ...

   print $result;

foo() recognizes that it can be run in parallel with the main flow, 
which is only blocked at the C statement if C<$result> isn't 
completed yet.  Until such time as dataflow analysis can accomplish 
that, however, it may take a keyword:

my $result = parallel foo(...);
print $result;

my $result |||= foo(...);
print $result;

Re: Cothreads [was Re: Coroutines]

2003-05-27 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 06:10 PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
So, in summary, its good to have a clean abstraction for all the HCCCT 
things. But I think it is a mistake to push them too close. Each of 
the HCCCT things might be implemented as facades over the underlying 
othogonal concepts of data management and execution management (hmm, 
we mustn't forget IO and other resource managers).
Yeah, that.

What I STRONGLY SUGGEST WE AVOID is a situation where _some_ of those 
interfaces are object-based, using  or similar, and others 
of those are trait or keyword based, such as  or , and others are implicit and invisible (closures).[*]

I think that's where we _might_ be headed, and we should turn that 
burro 'round.


[*] I would even be ~somewhat~ willing to debate whether Perl5's 
ability to implicitly create closures, in absence of any marker to 
specify that you _meant_ to do that, might be a slight misfeature.  In 
that I've seen people accidentally create closures -- a damn hard bug 
to find, sometimes -- when they would have been better served by Perl 
throwing var-not-found errors, and requiring a specific keyword to 
create an actual closure.  Somewhat willing.  Maybe.  Sortof.

Re: Cothreads [was Re: Coroutines]

2003-05-27 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 06:10 PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
Michael Lazzaro wrote:
What I'm getting at is that all these concepts are much more related 
than they might at first seem, and that the differences between them 
are largely of "scope".  If we have some form of coroutines, _and_ 
can run them in parallel, all the other constructs fall out of them 
fairly naturally.  Even threads, for some pretty decent definition of 
OK, Mike sayes "a single entity", and then "these concepts are much 
more related than...". Perhaps I'm being pedantic, but I relationships 
generally imply multiple entities. But perhaps he meant that things 
are so related that they become attributes of a single entity. I'd 
like to disagree: they may belong the a single domain, but to stick 
them in a single class would result in a bloated blob with a fat 
Sorry; I meant that the _current_ concepts are strongly related, but 
they _could_ be a single entity.  Please forgive the somewhat spastic 
parts of the proposal -- like I said, it was less than an hour of 
thought, I certainly don't mean it to be a be-all-end-all.  (In 
particular I'm aware I'm badly conflating the thread vs. scheduling 

Most obvious is that the "Priority" attribute is a property of the 
relation between the execution context and its CPU resource manager 
(i.e its scheduler). In fact, I'd like to suggest the redical proposal 
that every shared lock should be able to have an associated priority 
for each blocked thread: and to enable this we'd want each lock to 
have an associated arbiter (the simplest of which would not have 
Certainly, a separate and overridable thread-scheduler seems a 
necessity.  I'd be annoyed if you couldn't swap out the scheduler.

What I really want, most of all, is a syntax for coroutines and a 
syntax for threads that is Damn Similar; similar enough so that one can 
be taught as merely a more encompassing extension of the other.  
Whether they should be absolutely identical is _very_ debatable, but I 
think it's worth some thought.

More in a sec...


Re: == vs. eq

2003-04-01 Thread Michael Lazzaro
One thing we should clear up is that we already *have* a generic 
comparator, C<~~>, depending on what you mean by "generic".  It can be 
made to compare things however you like, according to whatever standard 
of similarness you decide you want to enforce, and can even compare 
objects of disparate types (if you tell it how.)

The way I personally have been envisioning this working is:

   $a == $b;   # compares numerifications of $a and $b
   $a eq $b;   # compares stringifications of $a and $b
   $a ~~ $b;   # tests equality of $a and $b
   $a =:= $b;  # tests identity of $a and $b
Of these, I would expect that ==, eq, and =:= would almost never be 
overloaded, because they have very specific meanings.[*]

You _could_ choose to override those == and eq for a particular custom 
class, and use those for comparing equality of objects.  But since some 
people will tend to want to override ==, and some will want to override 
eq, it's not clear that the Perl6 community will converge on using only 
one or the other, which might make things quite confusing if you're 
using a library that has standardized on the opposite convention from 
your own.

~~, on the other hand, is meant to be overloaded to a 
possibly-excruciating extent, and I've been assuming that it will be 
the thing that classes most often overload when they want to test 
"equality" of two arbitrary objects, without resorting to serializing 
them via num/str.  (Using num/str comparisions to test for object 
equality obviously only works if num/stringifying _completely_ 
serializes the object -- which very often is _not_ what you want the 
num/stringification of an object to do, by default.)

The proposed =:=, however, merely tests that two objects are identical 
-- that is, _that they are bound to the same underlying thing_.  It's 
possible for two objects to be equal, ~~wise, without actually being 
identical, identitywise.  I don't see ever wanting to overload =:=, and 
it's unclear if it should even be allowed.

Note also that == and eq comparisions are naturally accompanied by 
greater-than, less-than variants.  But ~~ and =:= don't really have 
those variants, because they wouldn't make much sense.

Having said all that, it should be noted that I'm completely making 
this stuff up.


[*] By 'overloading', I mean multimethod variants.  The comparision 
operators are almost certainly accomplished via multimethods, $a and $b 
being the two invocants.

Re: == vs. eq

2003-04-01 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Luke Palmer wrote:
As much as I don't want to refute my own operator, I agree with you
here.  I don't know what the "official" (this week) policy is, but I
think it's a bad idea for references to auto-dereference.  The other
way around is fine, though (arrays auto-referencizing).
I'm pretty darn sure they autodereference... we last talked about this 
when we were trying to determine how an arrayref would behave when 
interpolated into a string literal (answer: just like the original 
array would).

Here's the relevant message:

On Fri, Dec 06, 2002, Larry Wall wrote:
On Fri, Dec 06, 2002, Dan Sugalski wrote:
: If an aggregate and a reference to an aggregate are going to behave
: the same, which is what Larry's indicated in the past, then
: stringifying a reference should be the same as stringifying its
: referent.
This is a bit of an oversimplification.  $foo and @foo do not always
behave the same, even if $foo and @foo refer to the same array object.
In particular, $foo doesn't behave like @foo in a list context.

But it's probably fair to say that $foo and @foo always behave
identically in a scalar context.
So I *really* don't think comparing the equality of references will be 
a good idea, in P6.  :-)

John Williams wrote:
You're right, but personally, I have come to trust eq more that == when
comparing things-which-might-not-be-numbers, such as references.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] eq [EMAIL PROTECTED];# true, for the reason I think
# (the string-representation of the refs are equal)
I'm pretty sure that breaks too, for the same reason.  It puts both 
sides in string context, which causes both sides to return the string 
representation of the underlying array, _not_ the string representation 
of the references themselves.


Re: == vs. eq

2003-04-01 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 10:35  AM, John Williams wrote:
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
So I would imagine it _is_ possible to test that two values "have the
same identity", but I would imagine it is -not- possible to actually
get what that identity "is".  There's no .id method, per se, unless 
create one yourself.
What about the \ (reference) operator?  If you take two references to 
object, they should compare the same, right?
In theory, I would think so.  But in P6 practice, that might not be as 
useful as it sounds:

   my @a;
   my @b := @a;  # bind @b same as @a
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] == [EMAIL PROTECTED];   # true, but not for the reason you think!
@a =:= @b;   # true, are bound to the same array
Note if we are truly strict about C<==> always meaning "compare 
numerically", I imagine that the line:


would in fact be identical to _this_ line:

   @a.length == @b.length;# or whatever it's called

or even just:

   @a == @b;

...which is probably not at all what you meant when you tried to 

Likewise, if you attempt to store the numerified reference of 
something, in hopes of using it later as an identifier:

   my num $id = [EMAIL PROTECTED];

You would be in for a world of hurt.  That line would actually set $id 
to the number of elements in @a -- at least, I hope it would:

   my $x = @a;   # stores a reference to @a
   my $x = [EMAIL PROTECTED];  # same thing
   my int $x = @a;   # stores length of @a
   my int $x = [EMAIL PROTECTED];  # same thing
So I don't think comparing references would do what you wanted, for 
arbitrary (non-scalar) objects.  Or rather, I don't think it'll be easy 
to get at a "numeric representation" of a reference ... a true 
'identity' test might be a better approach.[*]



[*] (Also, any identity test that relies on numerification or other 
transformation of the comparators is doing a lot of unnecessary work.)

Re: == vs. eq

2003-04-01 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 02:22  AM, Luke Palmer wrote:
To outline the problem again, even disregarding user-defined objects:
Generic containers need a way to compare nums to nums and strings to
strings and only get true when they actually are equal.  The kind that
the user overloads with his own user-defined type to say what it means
to be equal.  No magic.
I would suggest that probably ~~ would be the thing most objects 
overload to determine equality.  Since == means numeric, and eq means 
string, that pretty much leaves ~~ as our beast-to-work-with.  Which is 
fine, because I can certainly see two things being equal numerically 
without being "Equal" like-wise.  And I can certainly see two things as 
being similar (like-wise), without being identical (identity-wise).

For example, two arrays may contain the name number of elements, but 
the actual elements in each may be totally different.  One possibility.

   my @a1 = (1,2,3);
   my @a2 = ('a','b','c');
   @a1 == @a2;   # true  -- same number of elements
   @a1 eq @a2;   # false -- stringifications aren't the same
   @a1 ~~ @a2;   # false -- elements contained don't ~~ match
   @a1 =:= @a2;  # false -- aren't bound to the same exact array
So I like your idea a lot, personally.


Re: == vs. eq

2003-04-01 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 06:59  AM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 03:22:33AM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
   ($a =:= $b;  # looks a little better)
I like =:= as identity operator if we want one. If not, as long as .id
returns something that compares properly with both == and eq, I'm
Agreed, =:= is nice looking.

As I said before, I would strongly doubt that there will be an .id 
method _at all_ on any builtin types/classes -- because unless we used 
memory location as the id, it would imply that a separate id had to be 
calculated and stored with each object, which would be expensive, and 
if we _did_ use mem location as the id, getting and storing the id 
would be largely useless, since it could change unpredictably.

So I would imagine it _is_ possible to test that two values "have the 
same identity", but I would imagine it is -not- possible to actually 
get what that identity "is".  There's no .id method, per se, unless you 
create one yourself.

As to whether we want on identity op, the only purpose would be when 
building your own classes, so that string, numeric, smartmatch, and 
true identity comparisions could be overloaded separately.  We'd almost 
certainly have "identical" mean "points to the same object in memory", 
as opposed to the fuzzier matching of the other variants.  Which sounds 
like a very good idea to me.

We've talked about this before, and let it drop.  We should decide... 
well, we should encourage the deciders to decide.  Myself, I strongly 
vote for -no- .id function, but for an identity-test operator separate 
from ==, eq, and ~~.  Called C<=:=>


Re: Conditional Cs?

2003-03-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 11:21  AM, Smylers wrote:
Michael Lazzaro writes:
Forgive me; a very minor style & efficiency question... what would the
canonical way to do this be, given what we know of Perl6?
 # the hapless, inefficient version:
 return &result_of_some_big_long_calculation(...args...)
 if &result_of_some_big_long_calculation(...args...);
The obvious answers are this:

 my bool $x = &result_of_some_big_long_calculation(...args...);
 return $x if $x;
That does something different, in that it has coerced the result into a
C[*0].  So after the first line C<$x> can only be 0 or 1[*1].  
given that one of those states is false, the code becomes equivalent 

However if you permit the function to return more than two different
values (of which more than one are true) then it becomes a more
interesting question.
My apologies, you are correct -- $x should _not_ be typed.  It's the 
more interesting question I'm asking.

On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 12:30  PM, Paul wrote:
I started to suggest this myself, then realized that you might not want
it to return at all if the value is false.
Yes, exactly:

  sub foo(...args...) {
# We first attempt to get our return value the easy way.
# If successful (the resulting value is defined and true),
# just return that value.
my $x = &baz(...args...);
return $x if $x;
# Still here?  OK, then... we've got a lot more work
# to do before we can return a reasonable value
I'm looking for a Perl6 way to say that oft-repeated, oft-chained 
two-line snippet up there without declaring the temporary variable.  
Using C or C, maybe?


Re: Conditional Cs?

2003-03-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 11:18  AM, Matthijs van Duin wrote:
On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 11:04:35AM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
my bool $x = &result_of_some_big_long_calculation(...args...);
return $x if $x;
Is there a way that doesn't require the named variable?
$_ and return  given big_calculation();


given big_calculation() {
return when true;
Don't those return C, as opposed to the value of C<$_>?  I.E. 
wouldn't it be:

$_ and return $_ given big_calculation();
given big_calculation() {
return $_ when true;

Conditional Cs?

2003-03-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Forgive me; a very minor style & efficiency question... what would the 
canonical way to do this be, given what we know of Perl6?

# the hapless, inefficient version:
return &result_of_some_big_long_calculation(...args...)
if &result_of_some_big_long_calculation(...args...);
The obvious answers are this:

my bool $x = &result_of_some_big_long_calculation(...args...);
return $x if $x;
-or the identical -

my bool $x;
return $x if $x = &result_of_some_big_long_calculation(...args...);
Is there a way that doesn't require the named variable?  Perhaps using 
C?  Just a thought experiment on my part, reduced from some code 
examples that do this sort of thing in a duplicitous fashion, 

my bool $x;
return $x if $x = &calc_try_1(...);
return $x if $x = &calc_try_2(...);
return $x if $x = &calc_try_3(...);

Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 10:15  AM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 10:09:43AM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
I'm still hoping rather desperately for a if-uninitialized op in
general, even if only for hashes, because the difference between
"present but undefined" and "not present" is rather crucial for some
common algorithms.
Can you give some examples?
Sure, edited slightly from my last mail...

I suppose my own most common example is a hash representing a cache... 
it's entirely possible for C to be calculated and cached, but 
that doesn't mean the cache entry is invalid and should be 
recalculated every time -- a nonextant key would mean the cache entry 
is invalid.

$cache.{ $key } = &foo($key)# (1)
if not exists $cache.{ $key };
$cache.{ $key };
In my own experiences, code similar to the above is awfully common.  
An assign-if-not-present form (at least for hashes, but in a magical 
fairy world, for arrays/params/whatever, too) such as:

  $cache.{ $key } ///= &foo($key); # (2)

would be a lot cleaner, and maybe a little faster, since it's testing 
C<$cache.{ $key }> once instead of -- what, 2.5 or 3 times, I guess, 
depending on how you count it?
There are other examples -- working with external data sources, 
primarily -- but they pretty much always boil down to the same general 
concept.  I basically want the shortest, *fastest* possible way to say 
the caching code above given above.


Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 07:39  AM, Piers Cawley wrote:
  Argument initializations
Michael Lazzaro summarized the various different and proposed 
operators available in Perl 6, including a proposed "::=" for 'only
assign to uninitialized variables'. Michael wondered how these 
could be
used in method signatures and proposed some changes to the 
system as set out in Apocalypse 6. People were dubious about this, 
Damian saying "I don't think that allowing 20 different types of
assignment in the parameter list of a subroutine actually helps at 
I'm not sure Michael is convinced yet.
Nah, I'm convinced that nobody likes the 
putting-more-initializers-in-the-sig idea, so it can die.  And I'm 
convinced that we can't use ::= for the purpose of if-uninitialized, 
because it's not consistent with the other meaning.

I'm still hoping rather desperately for a if-uninitialized op in 
general, even if only for hashes, because the difference between 
"present but undefined" and "not present" is rather crucial for some 
common algorithms.  But I have no idea what to propose calling it, 
which is a bit of a pickle.  :-/

   $h{ k } = 'blah'; # always
   $h{ k } //= 'blah';   # if not defined
   $h{ k } ///= 'blah';  # if not exists ???

Re: A6: argument initializations via //=, ||=, ::=

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 12:59  PM, Smylers wrote:
Michael Lazzaro writes:
Larry Wall wrote:
We don't have a word for "START" right now.  It's somewhat equivalent
state $foo //= 0
unless $foo gets undefined, I suppose.
Assuming we have a static-like scope called C, one can
definitely see the use of having an assignment variant for "not yet
initialized" or "doesn't yet exist", the proposed spelling of which 
I'm unconvinced by the need for a cryptic way to distinguish undefined
from uninitialized.

Or, at least, if we want to make such a distinction here it should be
because we come up with good examples where the distinction is useful,
doing something that couldn't easily be achieved in some other way --
and that that usefulness is thought to outway the additional complexity
of having another assignment operator in the language and having to
distinguish it when teaching or learning Perl.
I suppose my own most common example is a hash representing a cache... 
it's entirely possible for C to be calculated and cached, but 
that doesn't mean the cache entry is invalid and should be recalculated 
every time -- a nonextant key would mean the cache entry is invalid.

$cache.{ $key } = $cache.load($key)
if not exists $cache.{ $key };
$cache.{ $key };
In my own experiences, code similar to the above is awfully common.  An 
assign-if-not-present form (at least for hashes, but in a magical fairy 
world, for arrays/params/whatever, too) such as:

  $cache.{ $key } __= $cache.load($key);

would be a lot cleaner, and maybe a little faster, since it's testing 
C<$cache.{ $key }> once instead of -- what, 2.5 or 3 times, I guess, 
depending on how you count it?

Your mileage may vary, of course -- I must confess I need the undefined 
vs. noexists distinction all the time, but it's quite possible I code 
weirdly compared to other people.  :-/


Re: A6: argument initializations via //=, ||=, ::=

2003-03-26 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 06:17  PM, Damian Conway wrote:
Likewise, I read
   sub foo($x //= 1) {...}
as saying the value stored in $x is a constant, but if the caller 
passed an undefined value (or didn't pass anything at all), we're 
going to instead pretend they passed us a (still-constant) 1.  I'm 
not sure why that violates any rules.(?)
//= means "assign to lvalue unless lvalue is defined". So I read that 
$x is a constant variable. Bind the corresponding argument to $x and 
then assign 1 to it if its value is undef. But the container bound to 
$x is bound as a constant, so it *can't* be assigned to.
OK, I buy that, I think.  But does that mean that fixing edge cases in 
your arguments doesn't work at all, i.e. you can't even do this?

   sub foo(?$x) {
   $x //= 1;   # if they passed an undef, init it to 1
or that you have to say it like this?

   sub foo(?$x) {
   my $x = $x // 1;   # hide $x param using a non-const C?

Re: P6ML?

2003-03-26 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Robin Berjon wrote:

The data binding folks have tried to address the problem using XML 
Schema, and the result is, hmmm, "unpleasant" to use something polite. 
The SOAP and WSDL people have been at it, and I won't even describe 
the result because I couldn't possibly be polite about it.

Imho a grammar-based approach would likely be too low-level. I'm 
currently betting on something that would mix XBind[1] and Regular 
Fragmentations[2]. The first one defines simple mappings as described 
above, the second tells you how to parse data in XML documents that 
has structure not expressed in XML (eg 2003-03-26) so 
that it is seen in a structured way, without the need for typing.

One very cool thing that could be done in Perl 6 would be to take an 
XBind+RegFrag document and generate a grammar derived from the P6 XML 
grammar that would 1) be specific to the vocabulary (and thus 
hopefully faster than a generic XML grammar, though I don't have /too/ 
much hope) and 2) directly produce the object representation you want 
and return it in the parse object.
Indeed.  This is the primary problem space.  Nobody has done this well. 
 If we could provide a toolset for doing this, we would Really Have 

My initial query about the ambiguously-named "P6ML" was not based so 
much on a notion that such an effort couldn't be done in Perl5, and 
more on the notion that it may be far _more_ possible to do this, 
quickly & credibly, using P6 typing/OO and the new regex engine.  As I 
said, I've done quite a bit of prototyping, and the P5 solutions can be 
very, very tedious.  (P5 and P6 may be mostly alike, but it's the parts 
that aren't "mostly" that have driven the very need for P6 -- and just 
so happen to be the very parts that make this problem so awkward in P5.)

And in case I haven't mentioned it this week, you Parrot folks are my 

Thanks for those... I was aware of the first two links, but I had 
completely missed the Frag one -- I plead ignorance on that.  You are 
correct, it looks quite promising.


Re: A6: argument initializations via //=, ||=, ::=

2003-03-25 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 02:19  PM, Damian Conway wrote:
And I don't think that allowing 20 different types of assignment in 
the parameter list of a subroutine actually helps at all. Especially 
since the vast majority of parameters in Perl 6 will be constant.
Twenty types of _initialization_.  :-D

Seriously, tho, I'm not sure I understand the constantness part.

   sub foo($x = 1) {...} # A6 syntax

I read the above as saying $x is indeed constant, but if it's not 
explicitly placed by the caller, we're going to pretend the caller 
passed us a 1.  Likewise, I read

   sub foo($x //= 1) {...}

as saying the value stored in $x is a constant, but if the caller 
passed an undefined value (or didn't pass anything at all), we're going 
to instead pretend they passed us a (still-constant) 1.  I'm not sure 
why that violates any rules.(?)

As a marginal bonus, perhaps an assertion-style

   sub foo($x //= 1) {...}

optimizes to be faster, runtime, than

   sub foo($x) { $x //= 1; ... }

when passing a constant in $x, e.g C or C, since 
it can optimize out the assertion at compile-time?


Re: A6: argument initializations via //=, ||=, ::=

2003-03-25 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 03:35  PM, Mark Biggar wrote:
sub myprint(+$file is IO:File is rw ::= IO:STDOUT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) {...}

open f ">/a/d/v/f/r";
myprint file => f, "Hello World!\n"; # goes to f
myprint "Differnet World!\n";# goes to IO:STDOUT
As a side note... that sig will not do the behavior you've described.  
You instead want this:

sub myprint([EMAIL PROTECTED], +$file is IO:File is rw ::= IO:STDOUT) {...}
The named parameter +$file has to go behind the positional [EMAIL PROTECTED] in 
the signature, but still goes _before_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the actual call.

(Insert image of a five-year-old me jumping up and down on a chair, 
pointing my finger, saying "see! see! I told you people would do that!")


Re: A6: argument initializations via //=, ||=, ::=

2003-03-25 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 11:08  AM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 10:42:39AM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
But it is certainly possible to extend the initialization capabilities
to be more robust:
 sub foo($x   = 'blah') {...}   # wrong: use one of the below
 sub foo($x ::= 'blah') {...}   # same as C<$x is default('blah')>
 sub foo($x //= 'blah') {...}   # sets $x whenever $x is undefined
 sub foo($x ||= 'blah') {...}   # sets $x whenever $x is false
While this looks pretty in email, it makes me wonder what the ::
operator does outside of regular expressions and how that operator
interacts with ??::
Well, := is the binding operator, and ::= is the "compile-time" binding 
operator.  For some definition of "compile-time"(?)... I'm not sure 
whether it can be reused for this "init-time" purpose or not.  So ::= 
does what := does, but does it sooner.  :-)

It has been proposed on several occasions that

   $foo ??= 'baz' :: 'zap';

be equiv to

   $foo = ($foo ?? 'baz' :: 'zap');

But I don't think ??= and ::= conflict in any (technical) way.

And don't forget these other argument initializations:

sub foo($x &&= 'blah') {...}# sets $x whenever $x is true
sub foo($x += 1) {...}  # add 1 to whatever $x given
sub foo($x -= 1) {...}  # subtract 1 to whatever $x given
sub foo($x *= 2) {...}  # multiply by 2 whatever $x given
sub foo($x /= 2) {...}  # divide by 2 whatever $x given
sub foo($x ~= "foo") {...}# Append "foo" to whatever $x given
True, most of those are not useful.  But the ones that potentially are 
(::=, //=, ||=), should we support them?  It would seem that all three 
of those notions are quite often used, even in quickndirty code.

I'm arguing for these three defaulting options in particular, but my 
more encompassing argument is the wrapper-like notion that signatures 
should be able to specify assertions, invariants, and initializations 
that may then be "inherited" by all implementations of that 

Placing such extensive capabilities in the sig is especially useful if 
we can 'typecast' subs, as others have pointed out.

   class mysub is sub(...big long signature...) returns int {...}

   sub foo is mysub {
   # actual implementation goes here
   sub bar is mysub {
   # same signature, different function
If ...big long signature... contains initializations and assertions 
that are required to be shared by all sub implementations, than it 
makes the sig a quite powerful thing.  Sure, a complex sig could be 
pretty big.  But it's one big thing, as opposed to repeating the same 
assertions in N implementations.


Re: P6ML?

2003-03-25 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 11:02  AM, Robin Berjon wrote:
Michael Lazzaro wrote:
So, is anyone working on a P6ML, and/or is there any 
discussion/agreement of what it would entail?
Imho P6ML is a bad idea, if it means what I think it means (creating a 
parser for quasi-MLs). People will laugh at our folly, and rightly so 
for trying to be able
My own musing was not something that would accept bad XML, but 
something more geared as a P6-based replacement for the steaming hunk 
of crap known as XSL.  An XML-based derivative that performs XML 
transformations, allowing/using embedded P6 regexs, closures, etc., and 
able to more easily translate XML <==> P6 data.

Something like that might significantly help P6 adoption rates.[*]  
While we're stuck with XML, I'm not willing to say we in Perl-land 
should be stuck with the currently craptacular XML transformation 
methods being adopted by other languages.  :-P

Anyway, it's a future library issue more than a language development 
one, but I'd be interested in hearing if any such plans were already 


[*] For example, one of the Very First Things I'll be doing with Perl6 
is, of course, creating a P6-specific companion to ASP/JSP/PHP, but one 
that's substantially more OO in nature... all of those *Ps have pretty 
poor capabilities, and do not allow sufficiently flexible OO-based 
templatizations, in my experience.  And while P5's Mason is impressive, 
one can imagine a more firmly P6, OO-based solution that would have a 
*lot* of additional speed/capability.  (I have a longtime P5 prototype 
that we use here, but limitations of the P5 implementation makes it 
annoyingly slow during template compilation & init.)


2003-03-25 Thread Michael Lazzaro
So, is anyone working on a P6ML, and/or is there any 
discussion/agreement of what it would entail?


A6: argument initializations via //=, ||=, ::=

2003-03-25 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Getting back to A6, a few thoughts.  From the 'Re: is static?' thread:

On Wednesday, March 19, 2003, at 08:30  AM, Larry Wall wrote:
Well, people *will* write

state $foo = 0;

The question is what that should mean, and which major set of people
we want to give the minor surprise to, and how much effort we want
to expend in training to avoid the surprise in the first place.
There's something to be said for keeping = as assignment outside
of sigs.  But it's not clear whether that = is part of a sig...

Most use will be to init with a compile-time constant, so I suppose
we could train people to just say:
state $foo ::= 0;

We don't have a word for "START" right now.  It's somewhat equivalent 

state $foo //= 0

unless $foo gets undefined, I suppose.
That's where that particular thread ended -- from there, it diverged 
into a subthread about C behavior within nested subs/closures.  
Ignoring the closure parts, and getting back to the more generic idea 
of C:

Assuming we have a static-like scope called C, one can 
definitely see the use of having an assignment variant for "not yet 
initialized" or "doesn't yet exist", the proposed spelling of which was 
C<::=>.  That gives us:

   state $baz = 0;
   state $baz ::= 'blah'; # if doesn't "exist" or not 
   state $baz //= 'blah'; # if $baz is undefined
   state $baz ||= 'blah'; # if $baz is false
   state $baz &&= 'blah'; # if $baz is true
   state $baz ??= 'blah' :: 'blarp';  # if $baz is true|false

Of course, for C scoped vars, C<::=> is the only one that makes 
much sense, and C<::=> doesn't make much sense for lexical vars.  (One 
could argue that C<=> should just mimic C<::=> for C-scoped, but 
I'm not going to.)


OK, so tying that back in to A6...  people have suggested extending //= 
and/or ::= into signatures.  The more I think about it, the better I 
like this approach, and the more justified it seems.  Right now we have:

sub foo($x = 0) {...}# same as C<$x is default(0)>

to set the $x param to 0 _if it was not specified by the caller_.  But 
it is certainly possible to extend the initialization capabilities to 
be more robust:

sub foo($x   = 'blah') {...}   # wrong: use one of the below
sub foo($x ::= 'blah') {...}   # same as C<$x is default('blah')>
sub foo($x //= 'blah') {...}   # sets $x whenever $x is undefined
sub foo($x ||= 'blah') {...}   # sets $x whenever $x is false
The utility of this is that it gives the signature significantly more 
control over the initialization of individual parameters, regardless of 
the actual function/method "implementation".  Maybe sigs _should_ be 
able to make certain assertions about their arguments, and even 
adjustments to them, before they hit the 'real' implementation.

There has been some debate about the power that sigs should be given.  
Specifically, I'm thinking of the old "how do you make an assertion 
upon an argument" debate of a few months ago, and the terror of 
ten-line-long function sigs with assertions attached to the various 
parameters.  But it's largely a false debate, I would argue: if you 
want all possible implementations of a given function/method to share 
the same precise parameter assertions, they _should_ be specified in 
one place, not in twenty.  (subs are objects, have inheritance, etc... 
more on this later).  But TMTOWTDI, if that's not your style.

Anyway, I can definitely see merit in allowing those particular 
constructs for the sake of significantly smarter sigs.  I can see 
_practical_ uses for C<::=>, C, and <||=> -- enough so that they 
probably should be differentiated, and that I would even propose the 
C<=> spelling, in sigs, be dropped as ambiguous/meaningless.



Re: A6: Named vs. Variadic Parameters

2003-03-19 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, March 19, 2003, at 09:58  AM, Larry Wall wrote:
: sub foo($x, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +$k) {...}# (2) OK

Fine, you can set @a using positional notation, like push(), in
addition to the notations available to (1).  But if you set "k =>",
it has to be before the list, unless you pass the list explicitly as
a "*@" named parameter.  With the exception of [EMAIL PROTECTED] at the front as
in (2), non-positional parameters don't pay any attention to their
order of declaration.
It's the "with the exception of [EMAIL PROTECTED] at the front" part that worries me 
quite a bit.  I'd be a lot happier with having the rule be 
"non-positional parameters must come after positional parameters, but 
before any variadic elements".

I think newbies are going to unquestionably try and put the parameters 
in the same order as they expect to see the eventual arguments, and be 
durn confused it doesn't work -- I know I would.  Especially because:

   sub foo($x, +$k, *%h) {...} # (3)
   sub foo($x, *%h, +$k) {...} # (4)
_are_ synonymous, but

   sub foo($x, +$k, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) {...} # (1)
   sub foo($x, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +$k) {...} # (2)
are quite definitely not.

Dunno.  I'm just one datapoint, but I strongly see the difference 
between (1) and (2) as being a *huge* newbie trap.  And it doesn't seem 
like you ever gain anything by specifying (1) -- I don't know why you 
would ever purposefully _want_ to do that, instead of (2).  So I would 
still strongly urge that (1) and (2) be synonyms.


Re: "XML is Too Hard for Programmers" = Tim Bray

2003-03-18 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 09:55  AM, Austin Hastings wrote:
To me, this says that there's no real commitment to "doing XML". What
there is seems to be a recognition that XML format is regular and
comprehensible to others, so writing "XML-like" files becomes popular.
Yep.  Which makes things even worse.  And this is pretty important 

We do a *lot* of XML parsing here (Cognitivity, that is) and even more 
"XML-like" parsing.  And even with Perl, it's a royal pain.  There are 
P5 XML modules out there which tie into C-based XML libraries... those 
are quite fast, but fail badly if the XML isn't 100% well-formed, and 
are largely not extensible for "XML-like" situations.  You'd have to 
rip one up and rewrite it, in C, for every iteration of "-like", which 
we cannot credibly do.

A perl5-native parser can be rigged up fairly easily, but it's 
*numbingly* slow compared to the C version.  I mean, 20-50 times 
slower, by my guess.  The speed issue when importing XML-like data 
(which we do *very frequently*) is a constant sticking point for us and 
our clients.  Damian's Parse::RecDescent has been a godsend, 
implementation-wise -- but it of course suffers the same nasty speed 

This is a big, big issue, and one that P6 needs to address well, 
because this is how many businesses will judge it.  What I'm hoping, 
obviously, is that the new P6 regexes -- which will be *perfect* for 
writing and maintaining our umpteen quite-similar parsing rulesets -- 
will be fast enough to at least be in the same order of magnitude as a 
middling C solution.  They don't have to be as fast as C, obviously, 
but they can't be 20x worse.

Why does this matter so much?  Because it's a barn door.  Even though 
it's so much easier to write XML-like parsers in Perl than, well, 
anything else, the speed issue will at some point dictate moving to a 
non-Perl parsing solution.  At which point, the issue becomes how much 
of the rest of the related system to move into that other solution as 
well, since it is much cheaper to maintain expertise in one toolset 
than two.  So within a company, it can lead to greater use of Perl -- 
or abandonment of Perl -- depending on success in this one key area.  
(I have seen this in action at a number of companies.)

It is therefore critically important that P6 allows easy, fast parsing 
for XML-like things, not necessarily just XML proper, because that's 
the way the business winds have been blowing.  And it needs to support 
it out-of-the-box.  Seriously, it's that important.


Re: is static?

2003-03-18 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Damian wrote:
Hence, I would argue, one ought to simply mark it with a trait:
FWIW, I personally think this is _absolutely_ the right approach.  
Using a trait is a very visible, very obvious way to say what's going 
on that is probably easier to remember than adding another keyword to 
the [my|our|temp|let] group.  While I, too, immediately understood what 
'has' meant, I can't help but feel many people won't get it.

As others have pointed out, the problem with 'static' is not only that 
(a) it has too many C++ meanings, but (b) the word itself implies 
'constant', not 'persistent'.  I would really, really like for us to 
not use that already-abused word.

   is retained
is preserved
   is kept
These three, I think, show the most promise.  Or the linguistically 
dubious "is once", maybe.  The others like "is saved/stored/restored" 
might be taken for serialization-style persistence.

David Landgren wrote:
I expected to see 'is persistent' as a possible name. Or does that 
denote serialisation too much?
I think so... I thought about that too, but I think "persistent" is 
becoming synonymous with "serialized & stored" these days.


Re: survey page? [OT, was Re: is static?]

2003-03-18 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 06:49  AM, Paul wrote:
Merely for the one small thing I might possibly contribute
Would it be useful to have a convenient place to do polls?
I suspect there already is one somewhere, but I'm unaware of it.
I don't want to undermine the authority of the core planning team, but
thought they might like to have a simple way to survey for things that
are more preference than major issue.
The (now very outdated!) POOC pages at have polls attached to each recipe.  
If nothing else, let me know and I can easily add a few.  They contain 
the caveat that you must register to vote, as a way to prevent ballot 

The POOC polls were an experiment.  They tentatively demonstrated that 
(a) while hundreds of people visited those pages, pretty much NONE of 
them voted, and (b) we all like bitching a heck of a lot more than we 
like deciding.  ;-)

So dunno.  We might try a few, but I'm not sure the results would be 
very useful.  The design team has proven repeatedly that they have a 
terrific handle on the various issues, and there's been quite a few 
things that, if left to the prevailing popular opinion, would have led 
to distinctly the WRONG decision being made.

The most productive (though not necessarily painless!) approach I've 
personally witnessed is when the design team muses about ideas, the 
list argues back and forth for a while, then the design team comes down 
with an Edict From On High that takes those issues into account.  If 
people are *really* convinced it's wrong, the argument continues for a 
while, but it usually gets shut down when most of the list is satisfied 
that all the arguments have been heard.

As much as people hated it, I think the P6 Operators thread was *quite* 
beneficial.  It lead to the saving of ^ xor, and the >>hyper<< syntax, 
and quite a few other improvements, and got things pinned down 
squarely.  I wouldn't mind seeing more of that level of disciplined 
debate, but it's difficult to pull off.


Re: A6: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-17 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, March 17, 2003, at 10:35  AM, Luke Palmer wrote:
I've been thinking of it like this:

  class int isa intlike; # and isa value or whatever
  class Int isa intlike; # and isa Object or whatever
  class num isa numlike; # and isa value or whatever
  class Num isa numlike; # and isa Object or whatever

  class Scalar isa intlike, numlike, ...; # and isa Object or whatever

The *like classes are placeholder (interface) classes that capture
the ability to *treat as* (as opposed to *really is*). And 
IMO) the *like classes capture the aspects of foo and Foo that
are the same, leaving the foo and Foo classes to capture the
This is an interesting concept.  We can have Intlike and Numlike
abstract class that Int and Num concretify :).  Then anything can
derive from Intlike and Numlike and be substituted where they are
expected everywhere.
Not quite sure I understand -- how does this interact with the goal of 
flexibility between things which take an C vs. an C, for 
example?  Ideally...

sub foo(int $n) {...}# accepts int only (?)
sub foo(Int $n) {...}# accepts int, Int (?)
sub foo(num $n) {...}# accepts int, num (?)
sub foo(Num $n) {...}# accepts int, Int, num, Num (?)
(Assuming a significant difference between int/Int and num/Num is that 
the latters are allowed to be undef, thus making the above distinctions 
more relevant)

You certainly don't want to have to type things as

sub foo(intlike $n) {...}

just to get the above flexibility, for example.



A6: Named vs. Variadic Parameters

2003-03-14 Thread Michael Lazzaro
A simple question, I hope...

From A6, "Calling Subroutines", comes the following:

multi push(@array, +$how, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) {...}

push(@a, how => 'rapidly', 1,2,3);   # OK
push(@a, 1,2,3); # WRONG, $how == 1!
Oops!  What you really wanted to say was:

multi push(@array, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +$how) {...}

push(@a, how => 'rapidly', 1,2,3);   # OK
push(@a, 1,2,3); # OK
Note the gotcha part... if you want to use both named arguments and a 
variadic list, you must declare the parameters in the signature in a 
different order than they must appear when actually calling the sub.  
If you put the signatured params and the actual arguments in the _same_ 
order, it will break.  The reason for this is because, in the first 
example, the slurpy array has been placed in the named-only zone, _not_ 
the positional zone.

Clearly, it's going to be a newbie problem, and I guess I'm not 
understanding why we can't enforce What They Really Meant.

When calling a sub that has both named params and a slurpy list, the 
slurpy list should always come last.  If a sub has both a slurpy hash 
and a slurpy list, the slurpy list should still always come last.  You 
simply can't credibly have anything after the slurpy list, or it'll be 
slurped.  So args/params must ALWAYS come in this exact order, if they 
are to be useful:

   sub foo(
   $x,# required positional
  ?$y,# optional positional
  +$k,# optional named
  *%h,# optional slurpy hash
  *$s,# optional slurpy scalar
  [EMAIL PROTECTED],# optional slurpy array
   ) {...}
I guess what I'm not understanding is why you would _EVER_ want [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
to be in the named-only zone, and presuming you never would, why we 
can't syntactically / semantically fix the above gotcha so that the 
params always appear in the "calling" order?


Re: [SUMMARY] A6: Type Inference

2003-03-14 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Friday, March 14, 2003, at 12:21  PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
Michael Lazzaro wrote:
3) If an "untyped" var is used for a typed parameter, a simple 
dataflow analysis is used to determine whether the compiler can 
guarantee that, at that point, an "untyped" var will _always_ contain 
values of a known, specific type.  If so, the type is inferred 
(silently or with a warning, according to pragma?)  Otherwise, it is 
a compile-time error.
I was suggesting something slightly more subtle:

* If the dataflow says its definitely wrong, then its an error

* If the dataflow says its definitely OK, it is OK -- no warning,
  nor error, nor run-time check
* Otherwise (silently or with warning), defer to run-time check

The coercsion aspect makes it slightly more complex, but not 
significantly so.
Sorry -- I agree 100% with that.  As a language feature, it has 
problems, as Luke & Angel both pointed out.  As a mere optimization of 
case #2, it's fine, and there's not really any language implications.  
In tight loops, etc., it would probably speed up the runtime quite a 
bit, in fact.

The optional warning if it falls through to the runtime check is 
important, IMO, because even lazy one-off scripts sometimes need to be 
fast.  :-/

It would still mean that, in 'non-strict' mode, you might get different 
"deferring to runtime typechecking" warnings on different versions of 
P6, but I don't see that as a big issue, if it's just an optional 


Re: [SUMMARY] A6: Type Inference

2003-03-14 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Friday, March 14, 2003, at 11:06  AM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
AFAICT, these are the *only* possible solutions to the problem.  At 
last count, Larry was leaning towards #2.  Damian was countering with 
#1.  Some Lowly Grubs were suggesting #3.  Am I missing anything?
Whoops!  That needs correcting.  Larry sayeth:
The real question is whether this particular stricture is part of the
default "use strict" that classes and modules assume.  There are
decent arguments on both sides of that one, but just to mollify Damian
I'm inclined to come down on the strict side for that.
E.G.  "use strict" invokes #1, otherwise it's #2.  Sorry for the 
repost, but if something says "SUMMARY" it'd be best for it not to be 
obsolete after the first 5 min...


[SUMMARY] A6: Type Inference (was Re: A6: Strict signature checking)

2003-03-14 Thread Michael Lazzaro
OK, divide & conquer.  We seem to be spasming about this and trying to 
talk about N things at once, so here's an issue summary.  We're talking 
about at least two separate cases, (1) "inferring" type where none has 
been specified, and (2) "coercing" a typed value into another type.  
Let's take these separately, first one first:

[ISSUE: Type Inference]

Consider the following example:

class MyClass {...}
sub foo(MyClass $c) {...}
my MyClass $a =;
my $b = $a;
foo($a);# OK
foo($b);# ERROR!
The issue here is that the variable C<$b> has not been typed -- or more 
accurately, it has been given a default type of C.  So $b can 
store a MyClass, but it has not been _guaranteed_ to contain a MyClass, 
violating the typed signature of C.

This is potentially significant because for quick-and-dirty scripts, 
some programmers would prefer to not explicitly type every single 
variable they declare, but they would still like to be able to use 
modules that have been written to be type-aware.

NOTE that this issue only comes up when passing "untyped" vars like 
C, C, or C.  If a type _has_ been explicitly 
given, it's not type "inference", it's type "coercion", which should be 
considered separately.


1) If an "untyped" var is used for a typed parameter, it's a 
compile-time error.  Broadly speaking, if you use type-aware subs, you 
must use type awareness everywhere.

The advantage of this approach is that in assures there will be no 
hidden runtime costs; if you want to take advantage of the *huge* speed 
increases of using strictly typed vars, you can just do it.  The 
disadvantage is that you'd pretty much have to use types *everywhere* 
in your program, or *nowhere*, because the edge between them always 
introduces compile-time errors.  This is especially troublesome when 
using library modules, for example.

2) If an "untyped" var is used for a typed parameter, invoke runtime 
type checking, either with or without a warning (according to a pragma?)

The advantage of this approach is that it will silently work; the 
disadvantage is that it could introduce *very* expensive runtime 
penalties if "accidentally" invoked, essentially nullifying the speed 
gains of typing.

3) If an "untyped" var is used for a typed parameter, a simple dataflow 
analysis is used to determine whether the compiler can guarantee that, 
at that point, an "untyped" var will _always_ contain values of a 
known, specific type.  If so, the type is inferred (silently or with a 
warning, according to pragma?)  Otherwise, it is a compile-time error.

The advantage is that it will silently work, and will present no 
runtime speed penalties.  The disadvantage is that different 
implementations of Perl might have different levels of dataflow 
analysis, causing one-off code that was acceptable under a "smarter" 
analysis to be invalid if moved to a "dumber" analysis -- meaning 
either this has to be acceptable behavior of an implementation, or that 
we need to specify, as part of the language spec, the precise smartness 
of the analysis.


AFAICT, these are the *only* possible solutions to the problem.  At 
last count, Larry was leaning towards #2.  Damian was countering with 
#1.  Some Lowly Grubs were suggesting #3.  Am I missing anything?

I think we can decide _this_ issue independently of coercion issues, 


Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 01:23  PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
Michael Lazzaro wrote:

Defining a Class for this is also overkill.
Ye.. well, no.  Why?
  class Foo is Bar; # normal inheritance
  class Baz is Bar; # the thing that we are over-killing
  Foo.isa("Baz") == FALSE;

A lightweight, typedef-like mechanism behaves differently:

  class Foo is Bar;
  typedef Baz is Bar;
  Foo.isa("Baz") == TRUE;
Ah, I get it.  But why would you want that -- treating Foo and Baz as 
synonymous?  Shouldn't you always be using Baz instead of Foo, if you 
really mean Baz and not Foo, and vice versa?  Because later on, if you 
changed it such that:

   class Foo is Bar;
   typedef Baz is Bar is blarpy;
   Foo.isa("Baz") == FALSE;  # BOOM!

...which would break anything that relied on the symmetry.

Mind you, I'm not really against the idea, I'm just devil's advocating 
-- trying to think whether we really need the feature or whether we 
just _think_ we need it because we're all used to it from C, when in 
fact P6 will provide better ways of doing it.  (?)


Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 01:05  PM, Austin Hastings wrote:
More to the point:

type sigfunc is interrupt is reentrant;

sub sig_ign() is sigfunc {...}
sub sig_kill() is sigfunc {...}
sub sig_intr() is sigfunc {...}
This is WAGging based on A6, but I guess I see things like this as 
being implemented by making subs that inherit from subs:

   class sigfunc is sub (...default signature...) is interrupt is 

   sub sig_ign(...alternate signature...) is sigfunc {...}
   sub sig_kill is sigfunc {...}
   sub sig_intr is sigfunc {...}
   sigfunc sig_foo {...}  # could you also say it like this, I wonder?

Since C is itself a class, you can subclass it.  And since A6 
indicates that the signature, traits, and even implementing body are 
just properties of a given C "object", you should be able to 
override them individually if you want, for example, an alternate 
signature.  At least, I'm hoping something like that works -- there's a 
lot of guessing there.

type null but defined but false;

return undef but null;
Hmm... I'm not entirely sure how that works for runtime properties... 
but what about

   class null is void but defined but false;

   return undef but null;

Would something like that that be OK?  Essentially using 'void' as a 
marker that you're defining a (heh) classless class?  I'd really like 
to avoid making a separate keyword for combining traits, I'd love for 
it to just use the normal class inheritance mechanisms.

class CatTable is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat;

my %pet is CatTable;
sub feed (%cats is CatTable);

ISSUE: How is C spelled? (was Re: A6: Signature zones and such)

2003-03-13 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 04:07  PM, Piers Cawley wrote:
Michael Lazzaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Can we get a final answer, for the (documented) record?

@list is variadic
@list is slurpy
@list is greedy
@list is slurpificatious
@list is slurptacular
@list is bloated
  @list is greedy

C or C are both good with me too.

As cute as C is, I'm not sure it's as obvious.  And us 
American types will get it confused with the 7-11 spelling C, probably.  :-)

POMTC, 0.0005%.  Don't care what it is, as long as it is.


Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 12:04  PM, Mark Biggar wrote:
What we do need is some way of bundling a bunch of traits together
under a simple name.
Yes, yes, yes.

Defining a Class for this is also overkill.
Ye.. well, no.  Why?

So instead of saying:

my %pet is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat;
sub feed (%cats is Hash of Array of Array of Hash
of Array of Cat) {...}
You could say
trait cat_table is Hash of Array of Array of Hash
of Array of Cat;
my cat_table %pet;
sub feed (cat_table %cats) {...}
I think classes are not necessarily the heavyweights some people might 
expect them to be...  I think of them more as types, actually.  
Basically, if you replaced the word 'trait' with 'class', I think the 
current plan is that you can do exactly what you're suggesting:

class CatTable is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat;

my %pet is CatTable;
sub feed (%cats is CatTable);
(note I fixed the last lines to use the right syntax... before, you 
were actually saying that %pet was a Hash of CatTables...)


Re: Operators and context

2003-03-12 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 05:03  PM, Deborah Ariel Pickett wrote:
Sort of a rehash on an old topic, but there's new stuff now with A6.

Mike Lazarro had been making a list of all the operators that Perl6 
The latest version I could find was Take 6 (at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg12130.html

So, my questions:

1. Is there a more recent version of this list?
Nope, I think that version is still good.  There will be the addition 
of the piping ops <== and ==>, and I'm not sure if (a) the Unicodeness 
of >>op<< was ever decided upon, and (b) whether there's still an 
>>op<< vs. <> issue.

Note also that some of the things may or may not be "real" operators, 
but those should all be clearly marked in that version.

2. Perhaps this list ought to be expanded to specify how the operators
relate to context (e.g., C<+> applies numeric context to LHS and RHS).
I'm happy to give this a go, but I'd prefer the most recent operator
list first.
It'll be huge, but needs to be done, that's for sure.  I'd certainly be 
happy if you gave it a shot!

3. Speaking of context, what's the complete tree of contexts now?
Am I missing anything from this?  Are ArrayRef and HashRef et al still
needed, or are we going away from the %{...} notation for dereferencing
a hash?
A6 implies that there will be a knowable context for every type, so 
your type-context tree probably looks nearly identical to the P6 type 
hierarchy.  But what that full type tree is, I dunno.  :-)  We left it 

  -- Is a C a C, or is a C a C?
  -- Is an C a C, or are they both subclasses of C?
  -- Are things like C actually called C or similar?
  -- Is there a difference between C and C context?
  -- etc.
We also talked on-list about whether 'void' could be considered a type, 
but nothing came out of it.  So this is definitely an area that needs 
some serious help...

Type context
+--- Scalar
|+--- Bool
|+--- Num
||+--- Int
|+--- Str
|+--- Ref
| +--- HashRef
| +--- ArrayRef
| +--- CodeRef
| +--- ScalarRef
+--- List
|+--- (lazy and eager?)
+--- Void
(Is there a Pair context?  PairRef?  My guess is no.)
(There's also Object, Code, and all the others in A6, approx. page 8.)


A6: Type Coercions (was Re: A6: Strict signature checking)

2003-03-12 Thread Michael Lazzaro
I think the issue of type coercion (forcing one type to another) should 
be decided separately from the issue of "implicit" types (recognizing 
when an untyped variable can be KNOWN at a given point to hold a 
specific type, even if it isn't explicitly stated.)

As far as true coercion goes: for the sake of example, let's assume we 
have a class, C, that doesn't inherit from str, but that can 
be converted to a str if necessary.

   sub foo(str $s);

   my str $a = 'blah';
   my MyClass $myclass =;
   foo($a);  # OK
   foo($myclass);# COMPILE ERROR; WRONG TYPE
That last line is a type coercion... we know it's one type, but it 
needs to be another.  Previous implication is that you'd do it like 

   foo($myclass.str);   # OK

I'm not keen on that syntax, personally, because it means you're 
cluttering up the method namespace of MyClass with every possible 
type/class you want to be able to convert to, which I have to think 
would cause problems in larger libraries.  I at one point suggested:

   class MyClass {
   to str {...}
   to num {...}   # etc
   foo($myclass to str);

as a way to separate the 'coercions' namespace from the normal 
'methods' namespace.   But regardless, the A6 question being asked is 
whether the C or C can know when it's allowed to implicitly 
coerce arguments from one type to another, such that


can work without having to first define 'foo' variants to explicitly 
handle each and every possible type.  Possibilities:

(1) If MyClass isa str, or MyClass implements str, problem solved -- it 
will work on anything that a str works on, right?  (But maybe you don't 
want your class to actually _implement_ str, because we don't 
ordinarily want it to be considered a str... we actually just want a 
one-directional way to _convert_ instances to strs.)

(2) Maybe we can mark a given C as being specifically willing to 
coerce an argument if necessary, probably with a trait:

   multi foo (str $s)  {...}  # Normal syntax
   multi foo ($s to str)   {...}  # OK, should attempt to COERCE $s to 
a str
   multi foo (str from $s) {...}  # alternate spelling???

  ... thereby identifying that we want to convert it if the compiler 
and/or runtime can figure out how.  Would something like that achieve 
the desired effect?

My main points being, untyped-to-typed coercion is different from true 
type coercion, and that the 'coerce to' and 'implements' relationships 
might be worthy of syntactic separation.

POMTC: 70%


Re: A6: Strict signature checking

2003-03-12 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 11:07  AM, Damian Conway wrote:
Austin Hastings wrote:

In this case, I rather like the idea of being able to say
   sub foo(@a is Array of Int) {...}
   my @input = read_a_bunch_o_data();
Where the compiler will automatically "wrap" the @input array in a
make-it-an-int converter. This, to me, is DWIM.
But to many others it's not DWIS ("Do What I Said"). To them, types 
are about compile-time checking of constraints on the run-time 
compatibility of data.
So they would argue that declaring C like that implies that any 
argument passed to C ought to guarantee that it already contains 
Ints, rather than  specifying a (possibly unsuccessful) run-time 
coercion to ensure that condition. And many would argue that implicit 
coercions on typed parameters is one of the major *problems* with C++.
Agreed.  It should do compile-time verification, not runtime.

That said, I still think there *might* be something to be said for 
compile-time 'hints' for explicitly _untyped_ values.  Take the example:

sub foo(str $s) {...}

my str $a = 'blah';   # type 'str'
my $b = 'blah';   # untyped, but set to a constant 'str'
my $c = $a;   # untyped, but set to a known typed 'str'
my $d = $a + $b;  # untyped, but known to be of type 'str'
foo($a);  # OK
foo($b);  # COMPILE ERROR
foo($c);  # COMPILE ERROR
foo($d);  # COMPILE ERROR
With strict typing, the last three lines are errors.  But it is known 
that $b,$c,$d were all set to known C values and have not since 
been altered.  So the compiler *could* infer the type of these 
variables without them explicitly being stated, we *might* choose to 
catch those cases and make them non-errors.  (You can actually track 
the 'type' hints quite a ways, if the operations you're doing produced 
typed values.)

That would allow the use of quickie untyped temporary variables.  For 
example, if you have a little ten-line script that uses type-aware 
CP6AN subs, but yer a lazy slob.

Again, POMTC (percentage of me that cares), 50%.  Not a showstopper.  
Just an idea.


Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-12 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 11:14  AM, Damian Conway wrote:
Larry wrote:

: I agree. As long as it's not C!
Of course not.  We're trying to encourage the use of line noise,
and discourage the use of the long variants, so the long one would
have to be C.
Riiight! Thank-you, General Haig.

Of course, C (my own preference for the name of this 
trait) would probably have much the same effect. ;-)
Can we get a final answer, for the (documented) record?

   @list is variadic
   @list is slurpy
   @list is greedy
   @list is slurpificatious
   @list is slurptacular
   @list is bloated


Re: A6: multi promotion

2003-03-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 12:39  PM, Austin Hastings wrote:
You want C to tell the compiler to build in multiple dispatch.
Any invocation of C after C is going to be a penny
dropped into the great Pachinko game of multimethod-dispatchery. By
default, if no winning multi appears, the call falls out the bottom and
winds up invoking the original sub().
OK, hmm.  What Damian is saying is that, tentatively, it's the 
reverse... it calls the sub if theres a sub, then the multi if there's 
a multi.  So overriding a sub with a multi wouldn't work, but it would 
*silently* not work, because you could just never get to the multi 
version (well, not without a bit of introspection).

I agree that the issue of overriding an inherited/preexisting C -- 
like one from a CPAN module -- with a set of C implementations 
is a useful capability; it would allow you to extend predefined 
routines to handle different arguments without getting into OO.  But I 
sure worry that it makes accidental redefinition of subs invisible in 
many cases.

Dunno.  I could argue that one both ways.  Maybe it has to wait until 

sub foo($a)  {...}

... lots of code inbetween ...

multi foo(int $a) {...}   # (???)
multi foo(str $a) {...}

Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 05:18  PM, Damian Conway wrote:
Various folks have suggested that the default assignment syntax:

sub foo(?$bar is copy = 1) {...}

be considered merely a shorthand for something like:

sub foo(?$bar is copy is default(1)) {...}

I don't know...maybe I'm worrying too much.
But then, that's part of my job. ;-)
Are you concerned about having an C spelling at all, or 
just about optional placements of C<=>?  I agree that the C vs. C<= 1 is constant> is a potential point of confusion, and 
probably not worth the grief.

I don't know that that means we couldn't have an C 
spelling, though.  And C (or something easier to spell) 
for the * case.  If we have C and C, I think it 
would be appropriate to have names for the other linenoise as well.

(Percentage of me that really cares: 20%.  But I suspect others might.)


Re: A6: multi promotion

2003-03-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 11:19  AM, Austin Hastings wrote:
But you can't wrap multi-ness, as far as I can tell.

And it happens that the multimethod dispatch is smart enough to find
the ordinary single-invocant sysread method, even though it may not
have been explicitly declared a multimethod. Multimethod dispatch
happens to map directly onto ordinary method dispatch when there's only
one invocant.
At least, that's how it works this week...
To me, this suggests that multithods can be bolted on top of unithods.
And presumably, likewise multisubs can be bolted atop Plain Old Subs
I *think* that's just talking about the internal dispatch mechanism... 
e.g. the dispatcher treats one-invocant subs and multis the same way, 
and can map between them if necessary -- I don't think it's talking 
about the semantic/syntactic rules for declaring them, just the guts of 
what happens when you eventually call one.

So I still surmise it's a semantic error to override a C with a 
C.  (It doesn't have to be, internally, but otherwise I'm not 
sure why you'd want a separate keyword C at all.)

sub foo($a,$b,$c)  {...}

... lots of code inbetween ...

multi foo(int $a) {...}# ERROR - can't multi an existing sub
multi foo(str $a) {...}
In your example, where you have two separate modules that both have a 

module CPANthing;
sub foo($x) {...}
module MyThing;
sub foo($x) {...} # ERROR - redefined: multi won't, but "my" will fix
sub foo(int $x) {...} # ERROR - must use multi
multi foo(int $x) {...} # OK
multi foo($x: @a) {...} # OK
multi foo($x: ?$y = 0) {...} # WARNING: compile-time or run-time?
I would put the errors in different places, because there's nothing 
wrong with having an identically named function in two different 
namespaces, right?  So I would rewrite that:

module CPANthing;
sub foo($x) {...}
module MyThing;
sub foo($x) {...}   # OK - we're in a different namespace now
sub foo(int $x) {...}   # ERROR - must use multi
multi foo(int $x) {...} # ERROR - can't multi an existing sub
multi foo($x: @a) {...}
multi foo($x: ?$y = 0) {...}
Or am I completely spacing on something?


Re: A6: multi promotion

2003-03-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 06:42  AM, Richard Proctor wrote:
If one has a simple sub such as factorial:

sub factorial(int $a) {...}

then one subsequently declares the multi form of factorial to pick up 
non-integer form:

multi factorial(num $a) {...}

Does this promote the original declaration of factorial to a multi?
if not what happens?
I would *strongly* suspect that it would fail, saying "can't redeclare 
'factorial'" or something.  The idea behind C is that if you're 
giving multiple possible signatures to a function, you have to do so 
*explicitly*.  Otherwise, you might just be accidentally overriding 
some previous sub when you didn't really mean to -- and you'd _really_ 
like to know when that was happening.

   sub foo($a,$b,$c)  {...}

   ... lots of code inbetween ...

   multi foo(int $a) {...}
   multi foo(str $a) {...}
You might have forgotten, when declaring the two Cs, that -- 
oops -- you had already used that subroutine name for something 
completely different!  So you'd want it to tell you if you were 
redefining the C sub.

So I'm betting it's an error.  You have to go back and make the first 
one a C, if that's what you really meant to do.

(Note that this means you can't give alternate signatures to functions 
that you've pulled in from a CPAN-style library, unless the library has 
given you permission to do so by making the functions C in the 
first place.  Probably a good idea, on balance.  You can do similar 
things with wrapper functions.)


Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 08:41  AM, Brent Dax wrote:
Almost makes you wish for those backwards declarations from C that
computer scientists always gripe about, eh?  :^)  Well, what about 

multi substr(Str $str, $from = $CALLER::_ is optional, $len =
  Inf is optional, $new is optional)
Well, if we have alternate spellings of all the markers:

$arg is default(1) # same as $arg = 1
$arg is optional   # same as ?$arg
$arg is named  # same as +$arg
@list is variadic  # same as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
@list is slurpy# (possible alternate spelling)
@list is greedy# (possible alternate spelling)
This would lend a little more credence to the notion that you can put 
the C<=> in whatever order you want.  Well, maybe.  OK, maybe not.  But 
if you have an C spelling, you wouldn't care so much...

Wimpy, readable code:

multi substr (
Str $str,
$from is default($CALLER::_) is optional,
$len is default(Inf) is optional,
$new is optional
) {...}
# is same as

multi substr (
Str $str,
$from is optional is default ($CALLER::_),
$len is optional  is default(Inf),
$new is optional
) {...}
Manly, expert code:

multi substr (
Str $str,
?$from = $CALLER::_,
?$len = Inf,
) {...}

Re: A6: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Larry wrote:
: >  multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}
: >
: >  my int @a = baz(); # is Array of int
: >  my @b = baz(); # is Array of Scalar
: >
: >  foo(@a);# @a is typed correctly, so OK
: >  foo(@b);# @b is not explicitly typed as C; OK or FAIL?

I dunno.  I can argue that it should coerce that.
Damian wrote:
I think that IF there's a significant speed issue there at all, it 
should just fail.  (IMO, it's more important to be able to optimize for 
speed.)  But the issue is of course that when people make temporary 
arrays, I imagine they'll seldom be explicitly typed, because we all 
like to be lazy slobs:

   sub baz returns Array of int {...}

   my @temp = baz();

Since this is such a common case, it might be possible to leave a lazy 
'hint' after the assignment such that @temp is treated as an C, because we know for a fact that's how it was (last) assigned.  
The next operation on @temp would clear the hint:

   push @temp, $i; # well, now we don't know *what* type @temp 

(I hate to niggle at all over such a stupid little edge case, but I 
worry it's going to be terribly common.)


P.S. I'm so happy I'm getting my multimethod-friendly Array of Array of 
Cats!  Herding Cats is so much easier when they're placed in explicitly 
typed multidimensional buckets!

A6: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-10 Thread Michael Lazzaro
In A6, it is confirmed that you can have "complex" types such as:

  my %pet is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat;

It is also confirmed that you can indeed use such types in sub 
signatures, e.g.:

  sub foo (@a is Array of int) {...}


1) Complex types for sub parameters:  The above would imply that a sub 
can tell the difference between an C vs an C, thank goodness.  That also implies that you can use arbitrarily 
complex types, and still get the same type checking:

  sub foo ( %pet is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat ) 


2) Multimethod dispatch:  The text would seem to _IMPLY_ that you can 
perform multimethod dispatch based on complex types, but it isn't 
actually stated anywhere AFAICT.  e.g.

  multi foo (@a is Array of str) {...}
  multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}
... is it legal, and DWYM?

3) The edge point between explicitly typed and explicitly non-typed 
variables:  If you pass an "untyped" array (or list?) to an explicitly 
typed array parameter, is the "untyped" array considered a unique case, 
or will it fail?

  multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}

  my int @a = baz(); # is Array of int
  my @b = baz(); # is Array of Scalar
  foo(@a);# @a is typed correctly, so OK
  foo(@b);# @b is not explicitly typed as C; OK or FAIL?

A6: Pipes

2003-03-10 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Since noone else has said it yet -- This Apoc looks *great*.  The sig 
stuff is very, very nice.  (The wrapper stuff has interesting 
possibilities, too, especially with OO.)

Question on pipes: I like very much the concept of relating them only 
to the variadic list, that was the piece we were all missing in the P6L 
discussions.  After reading that appendix, I'm still a bit murky on the 
final decisions as to which of these edge cases will be allowed:

 my @out <== (1,2,3);
 my @out <== (my @in = foo());
 my @out <== foo();
 (1,2,3) ==> my @out;
(my @in = foo()) ==> my @out;
   foo() ==> my @out;
Are these all valid, or do some of them have to be errors?  I got lost 
in the appendix explanation of what was confirmed, and what was 

FWIW, stylistically, I'd personally vote for

   @in ==> map  {...}
   ==> sort {...}
   ==> map  {...}
   ==> @out;
as better than:

   @in ==>
   map  {...} ==>
   sort {...} ==>
   map  {...} ==>
... if we care about such details.  :-)


Re: Arrays, lists, referencing

2003-02-18 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 08:47  AM, David Storrs wrote:

I can see five possible courses here:

1) We decide that my suggestion is a bad one and do nothing with it.
   That's fine; I am not wedded to it, I just thought it was an
   interesting idea that I wanted to raise.

2) (4, 1, 2) + 7 returns (9).  This is C comma behavior, and I always
   found it incredibly non-intuitive.  I'd really like to get away
   from this, even if it means that this expression is a fatal error
   "Can't add scalar to list".

3) (4, 1, 2) + 7 returns (10), by adding 7 to the length of the list.
   This makes lists look even more like arrays, and doesn't really add
   any new power to the language.

4) (4, 1, 2) + 7 returns (11, 8, 9).  This is a convenient shorthand
   for the vector syntax, IMO.

5) (4, 1, 2) + 7 returns (14).  That is, the list is collapsed into a
   datatype matching the "RHS" by iteratively applying the operator in
   question to the list elements, and then the item on the RHS of the
   operator is applied.  I'm not sure this is useful; I'm just
   exploring options.

IMHO the only reasonable possibilities are (2) or (3)... the others are 
much rarer in practice, and too prone to 

Agreed, however, that (2) is icky.  My worry has been that removing 
C-comma behavior would break common constructs, but I haven't been able 
to find any that would really break (except obfuscated ones that would 
be better written in some other fashion anyway.)  Statements like:

foo() or (warn("blah"), next);

work either way, because they don't rely on getting the "scalar value" 
of the list.

So, IMO, the only reasonable answer is (3)... that a list in numeric 
context returns the length.  Thus we have consistency between lists and 

   (1,2,3) + 4   # --> (1,2,3).length + 4 --> 7  (list)
   [1,2,3] + 4   # --> [1,2,3].length + 4 --> 7  (array ref)

   my @a = (1,2,3);  #
   @a + 4# -->  @a.length + 4 --> 7  (array var)
   *@a + 4   # -->   (*@a).length + 4 --> 7  (list)
   (@a,@a) + 4   # -->  3 + 3 + 4 --> 10 (list)

Alternatively, we could say that using a list in numeric context is a 
syntax error.  This is fine w/ me as well, but pointedly *doesn't* 
match the array behavior... and would mean the second to last line 
would also be a syntax error.

I think the consistency of behavior probably means (3) wins.


Re: Arrays, lists, referencing

2003-02-14 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 05:50  PM, Deborah Ariel Pickett 
All right, I'm prepared to buy that.  Now how would it extend to 

A %hash in list context returns a list of its pairs (NOTE4)
A %hash in scalar context returns a reference to itself (NOTE1)
A %hash in numeric (scalar) context returns (?)
A %hash in string (scalar) context returns (?)

A $hashref in list context returns a hashref (NOTE2)
A $hashref in scalar context returns a hashref
A $hashref in numeric (scalar) context returns (?)
A $hashref in string (scalar) context returns (?)

(NOTE4): Or is it a flattened list of key-values?

As far as NOTE4, I don't think they've decided yet.  At least, I can't 
seem to find confirmation of it.

One possibility for the (?) part is of course that numeric context 
returns the number of keys, and that string context returns a 
pretty-printed list of key => value pairs.  That would seem the most 
obvious answer, but it might not be the right one.  We have to get that 
verified too.

And how would it extend to the finer-grained contexts we're getting in
Perl6 (integer numeric scalar context, hashref context, ...)?  Our
complete list of contexts now is quite a hierarchy.

Yeah, I'm waiting eagerly for A6 to talk about that, but it shouldn't 
be too hard.  Certainly, context seems to be a simple tree.  So 'want' 
can return true for multiple things...

my int $i = foo();

# now inside foo:

   want scalar;# true
   want numeric;   # true
   want int;   # true
   want str;   # false

I've been told with great consistency that there's not really going to 
be complete, typedef-style contexts... e.g., you'll be able to tell 
"hash" context, but you won't be able to tell the difference between 
"hash of ints" and "hash of strs" context.  Which is a shame, IMO, 
since multimethods could benefit from as much info as possible, but 
we'll see what they come up with.

An @array in nonbinding list context returns a list of its elements.
An @array in binding list context returns the symbol table reference 
An @array in nonbinding scalar context returns a reference to itself.
An @array in binding scalar context returns the symbol table reference 

Would that fly?  If so, I'd expect the new generic want() operator to 
able to detect it.

Huh, I never really thought of it that way, but I suppose it would have 
to be something like that.  So you can overload the binding operator 


Re: Arrays, lists, referencing (was Re: Arrays vs. Lists)

2003-02-12 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 04:56  PM, Deborah Ariel Pickett 

But is it OK for a list to be silently promoted to an array when used
as an array?  So that all of the following would work, and not just 
of them?
(1..10).map {...}
[1..10].map {...}

And somehow related to all this . . .

I think some of this is in A2, but not all of it.

Here are some of the answers from my own notes.  These behaviors have 
all been confirmed on-list by the design team:

An @array in list context returns a list of its elements
An @array in scalar context returns a reference to itself   (NOTE1)
An @array in numeric (scalar) context returns the number of elements
An @array in string (scalar) context returns a join of its elements

An $arrayref in list context returns an arrayref  (NOTE2)
An $arrayref in scalar context returns an arrayref
An $arrayref in numeric (scalar) context returns ??? (NOTE3)
An $arrayref in string (scalar)  context returns ???

Note that that's pretty consistent with how it works now.

(NOTE1): This is the big change.  It's what allows us to treat arrays 
as objects, and call methods on them like @array.length.  I don't think 
anyone will argue that's not a good thing.

(NOTE2): Note that this is a non-change.  If we changed it so that an 
arrayref flattened itself in array context, you could never have 
complex data structures, because [[1,2],[3,4]] would always be the same 
as [1,2,3,4].

(NOTE3): I have not been able to find explicitly confirmed behaviors 
for these two.  It has been implied that they return $arrayref.length 
and $arrayref.string (or whatever those methods are called).  Maybe.

--- List Flattening ---

The confusing behavior is, of course, that the list


is seen as being treated differently in different syntactic contexts.  
In the case of:

sub foo(@p1,@p2,@p3);


the arrays @a, @b, and @c are NOT flattened, but are passed as @p1, 
@p2, and @p3.  Likewise, in:

my(@d,@e,@f) := (@a,@b,@c);

the same is true.  But in ALL other circumstances, like

my(@d,@e,@f) = (@a,@b,@c);

an array in list context simply returns it's elements, such that @d = 
(@a,@b,@c), @e=(), @f=().  So what's the deal?

My own two-sentence explanation for why this is is that in the first 
two examples, C and C<:=>, you're binding one variable to another, 
NOT dealing with the array-ness of those variables at all.  E.G.

   @a := @b

makes @a refer to the same array object as @b refers to, whereas

   @a = @b

simply says to copy all elements _contained within_ @b into @a.  So 
it's not that arrays are behaving differently in different situations, 
because they're NOT... the same rules always apply.  It's just that 
C and C<:=> are specific, binding-style operations... they do the 
same thing for scalar variables, too.

There, how convincing did that sound?


Re: Arrays vs. Lists [x-adr]

2003-02-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 10:56  AM, Garrett Goebel wrote:

What about this?


hmm. As perl Apoc2, Lists, RFC 175... arrays and hashes return a 
to themselves in scalar context... I'm not sure what context '\' puts 

I'd guess \@array is a reference to an array reference.

I understand the logic, but:

   my $r = @a;  # ref to @a
   my $r = \@a; # ref to ref to @a ???
   my @array = (\@a,\@b,\@c);   # array of three arrayrefs

Boy howdy, I think that would freak people.  But making '\' put them in 
list context would of course be far worse:

   @array = (\@a);   # means @a = ( \@a[0], \@a[1], ... ) ???

So I think '\' just puts things in C context, which solves the 
problem and always does The Right Thing, I think.  So the context rules 
for arrays are:

 - in scalar numeric context, returns num of elements
 - in scalar string  context, returns join of elements
 - in scalar ref context, returns a ref
 - in generic scalar context, returns a ref



Re: Arrays vs. Lists

2003-02-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 06:26  PM, Joseph F. Ryan wrote:

Deborah Ariel Pickett wrote:

(Just going off on a tangent:  Is it true that an array slice such as
is syntactically equivalent to this list
 (@array[4], @array[5], @array[6], @array[7], @array[8])
?  Are array slices always lists in Perl6?)

I think so, unless its possible to do crazy things like reference part
of an array.  Maybe @array[4..8] is a list, and \@array[4..8] acts like
an array.  Or maybe \@array[4..8] is actually ( \@array[4], \@array[5],
\@array[6], \@array[7], \@array[8]), like it is in perl 5.  If it keeps
that behaivor, then @array[4..8] is always a list.

What is the utility of the perl5 behavior:



(\$a, \$b, \$c)

Do people really do that?  I must say, given that it looks *so 
obviously* like it instead means [$a,$b,$c], I wonder if attempting to 
take a reference to a list should be a compile-time error.

Note that this is still OK:

\($a) # same as \$a

because as previously discussed, it's the commas making the list, not 
the parens.  But \($a,$b,$c) seems like a bug waiting to happen.  I 
don't use it.  Can someone give an example of an actual, proper, use?

What joy I'll have explaining that one to my students . . .

Groan.  Yeah.  I feel your pain.  :-|


Re: Arrays vs. Lists

2003-02-11 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 05:56  PM, Luke Palmer wrote:

Indeed, this supports the distinction, which I will reiterate:

- Arrays are variables.
- Lists are values.

My hesitation about the 'arrays are variables' part is that Damian 
corrected me on a similar thing when I was writing about scalars.  A 
variable is more like "a name of a container for a value", e.g. there's 
three parts to it:

   - the name  (what it's called in the namespace)
   - the container (a specific container implementation)
   - the value (what's inside it)

So I don't know that arrays are variables, so much as arrays are 
containers, if we want to get pedantic about it (which I don't, but... 
documentation... sigh).

Just to clarify... in P6, is this an array reference, or a list 


What about this?


I'd say both of them are array references, but there's no variable 
associated with the first one -- it's just an anonymous container.  So 
I'd rewrite the definition to:

  - Lists are an ordered collection of scalar values
  - Arrays are containers that store lists

(Coupled with Uri's explanations, of course... it's the 'container' 
part that allows read/write, as opposed to simply read.)  Yes/no?

Arrays are things that know about lists.  They know how to get a
particular element out of a list. They know how to *flatten
themselves, interpolating themselves into the surrounding list.  They
know how to map, grep, sort, splice themselves.  They know how to turn
themselves into a scalar.  Lists don't know how to do these things.

But is it OK for a list to be silently promoted to an array when used 
as an array?  So that all of the following would work, and not just 50% 
of them?

   (1..10).map {...}
   [1..10].map {...}



Re: A4 aliasing syntax (and a note on statement modification)

2003-02-09 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Saturday, February 8, 2003, at 02:53  AM, Luke Palmer wrote:

If you're talking about your own C example, actually, this would
match it better:

grep $x <- @list { $x eq 3 }

But if you're talking about A4's:

grep @list -> $x { $x eq 3 }

Which is very close to (one of) the currently valid:

grep @list: -> $x { $x eq 3 }

(In Perl 6 there will be many ways to do Cs and C 

My guess is that Larry wanted $x to appear before the block it
will be used in, and that C's swapping of block and list
(when compared to C) makes doing so ugly (IMO).

There has been some inconclusive discussion about unifying those two
syntaxes.  As you can see from my example above, you can get pretty
close, so nobody seems to be complaining anymore.

I'm personally still hoping for a unification there... see my note from 
Jan 23, "Re: Why C needs work" for some ideas.  Maybe someone will 
think of a way to do it, at some point.

We stopped that discussion because Dan S. begged for mercy, at least 
until A6 comes out.


Re: Arrays vs. Lists

2003-02-07 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 04:24  PM, Uri Guttman wrote:

  ML>  \(1,2,3)

  ML> returns an array reference...

in perl5 it returns a list of refs ( \1, \2, \3 ). i dunno the perl6
semantics. it could be the same as [ 1, 2, 3 ] which means it is not a

Sorry, I was misremembering a thread.  I remember (vaguely) now... 
can't do what I suggested because it's something like \($x) should 
never be a list ref, which means we would have to treat parens 
differently depending on how many things are inside them, etc, which 
pointedly won't work.

If someone remembers when that damn thread happened, or better still 
remembers the outcome (if any), drop me a pointer?


Re: Arrays vs. Lists

2003-02-07 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 03:38  PM, Uri Guttman wrote:

but you can't derive the rules about allowing push/pop/splice/slice 
that pair of defintions.

Is there any syntactic reason why both of the following cannot be 


I don't know that one is any more/less useful than the other, and it 
would seem a list could be silently promoted to an array where it is 
used as an array.  For example,


returns an array reference...


Re: Arrays vs. Lists

2003-02-07 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 02:07  PM, Uri Guttman wrote:

the whole notion is that lists are always temporary and arrays can be 
permanent as you want (an array ref going quickly out of scope is very
temporary). lists can't live beyond the current expression but arrays 

Along those lines, the closest I've been able to come so far to a 
usable two-sentence definition is:

-- A list is an ordered set of scalar values.
-- An array is an object that stores a list.

But I'm not sure that holds water.


Arrays vs. Lists

2003-02-07 Thread Michael Lazzaro

I'm trying, and failing, to accurately and definitively answer the 
question "what's the difference between an array and a list in Perl6?"

If someone can come up with a simple but accurate definition, it would 
be helpful.


Re: summarizing the obvious

2003-01-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Friday, January 31, 2003, at 09:40  AM, Garrett Goebel wrote:

Or for the extremely thick:
  GOOD: Separate syntax for indexed vs. named lookups
  BAD:  Same syntax with >= 2 contextual meanings

Seriously, everyone read Damian's "Seven Deadly Sins" thing, if ya 
haven't read/heard it already.  It's quite short, and quite good at 
pointing out Things That Suck about programming languages.

I'm disappointed that The Perl Foundation (TPF) has been so quiet and
unresponsive on support for our core language designers and 
architects. I
dropped a note to all the TPF contacts over a week ago, and have yet to
receive a reply. It is a sad state of affairs when a language as 
as Perl and with such a strong sense of community can be so 
disorganized and
lacking when it comes to financial sustenance.

It's worse than that, IMO.  Think of all the businesses that benefit 
from Perl... it's bloody *everywhere*.  It's the, what, fourth most 
popular language, after C/C++/Java, according to that 
monster-job-search-based-statistic on slashdot.  And yet the entire 
population of the Perl-using planet can't support 4 or 5 full time 
designers/developers?  Have we just not been effective in getting the 
word out, or are businesses truly that cheap?  Does Perl need to be 
made into a commercially supported product, w/ venture capital, a'la 
other recent open source pkgs, in order to get funded?


What's core? (was Re: Arrays: is computed)

2003-01-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 10:44  PM, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Michael Lazzaro wrote:


Shouldn't access to 'is computed' arrays be read-only?

In general, I would hope that 90% of them would be, but it's been 
stated that it won't be a requirement.

If you want such 'is computed' thingy, then tie it or wrap it in your 
own - IMHO. Everyone seems to need different things, so the simplest 
and by far the safest way is to make this explicit in your code.

Yep.  Sigh.  This is all quite frustrating, because everyone has 
different ideas on what's valuable enough to be a builtin, but it's the 
design team that finalizes that, and the information is sort of 
scattered piecemeal through the A's/E's/p6l.  If you look around 
enough, there's a pile of builtin stuff that's obliquely referred to, 
but never quite spelled out.  And even the simplest ones -- what 
"default" means, for example -- aren't necessarily obvious at first 

All I want is a list of what the already-known builtins *are*, or what 
other things people *demand* should be there, and the gist of what they 
do.  Even if I have to change it later.  Even if they're not in core, 
but they're things that people are going to immediately build because 
they're so obvious.  Something to make me feel that the precise 
behaviors have really been pinned down -- and can be reliably 
extrapolated from -- preferably *before* people spend a lot of time 
coding them.

Lord, this is just *arrays*.  Not even *hashes*, yet...

So, is it obvious that I'm a little discouraged lately?  Don't suppose 
anyone can come up with some numbingly inspirational words to cheer us 
(well, me) up...


Re: Arrays: is computed

2003-01-30 Thread Michael Lazzaro


Shouldn't access to 'is computed' arrays be read-only?

In general, I would hope that 90% of them would be, but it's been 
stated that it won't be a requirement.  But hey -- note that, for 
starters, this would mean that you could easily use an array for 
caching things... you could give a big hairy calculation as the C sub, and immediately store the result in the indexed location 
-- thus avoiding triggering the computation the next time.  Pretty 

Assuming, again, your C sub didn't return undef.  If it 
might, you still need a separate flag to mean "real undef" vs. 
"haven't-gotten-around-to-it-yet undef".  Which I agree sucks.

Hmm... real vs. fake undef... a difference between null-PMC and 
PMC-null, autofill with null-PMC, but assigning undef writes 
PMC-null... is that enough to make it work w/out speed penalty?  

But making C and C<@a[n] = undef> do very different 
things, that's still scary.  Powerful, but scary.  People really, 
really want that, huh?

On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 02:30  PM, Nicholas Clark wrote:
I think there is a lot of scope for creating tied objects for all of 
complex behaviour. Everyone has different ideas about what would be 
and they aren't all compatible. Eliminating the speed hit from perl 5 
and perl 5 overloading is one big reason why parrot should be nicer to 
with than any language built on the perl 5 internals.

Agreed.  Very, very agreed.  :-)  DAMN, I want to start using this NOW.


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-30 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 12:49  PM, Austin Hastings wrote:

undef @a[5];   # undefining the element sets it to the default
@a[5]; # 2

@a[5] = undef; # same as above
@a[5]; # 2


@a is an array of Int (not int) and can store undef, so no error occurs
when you make the assignment. But now I, the programmer, am saying that
of my own volition I want an undef in there, not a 2. If I wanted @a[5]
to take on the default value, I'd say so: C<@a[5] = @a.default;>

This is operating on Damian's premise that the presence of an undefined 
value is what causes the default value to be raised.  So we don't have 
two types of undef (undef but undef, etc.)... a cell is either defined, 
or it's not.  The presence of C is what triggers the default 
value, regardless of how the undef got there.

Thus, as Damian said, there is no way to place an undefined value in an 
array with a default:
I'm not compelled by the counter-argument that this makes it 
impossible to store an C in an array with a default. Because 
the whole point of an array having a default is to prevent those nasty 
out-of-range Cs from popping up in the first place.

I'll document the behavior as Damian has specified it, since he's the 
ranking design team member here.  If a design team member overrules, 
we'll change it to match.


Arrays: is computed

2003-01-30 Thread Michael Lazzaro

For C arrays, things get more complicated.  Since there 
are no true 'holes' in a primitive-typed array, the correct behavior 
there would seem to be to autofill the array using the computed values.

For example, an empty array:

my int @a is computed { $^index ** 2 }

@a[2];   # 4  (doesn't exist, is computed)
@a[3];   # 9  (doesn't exist, is computed)
@a[4];   # 16 (doesn't exist, is computed)

Now setting an element:

@a[4] = 0;# (setting an element autofills previous elements)
  # @a now contains (0,1,4,9,0)
@a[2];# 4
@a[3];# 9
@a[4];# 0
@a[5];# 25 (still doesn't exist, is computed)

@a[1000] = 0  # (calls the computed sub 1000 times, hope ya meant 

Again, note the dubious behavior of doing a C or other 
manipulation on any C array.  The autofilled portion would 
shift, but the computed portion would not:

my int @a is computed { $^index ** 2 }

 # at first, @a is entirely computed, 
@a[4] = 0;   # @a now contains (0,1,4,9,0);
 # now (real)  + (computed)
shift @a;# (1,4,9,0)  + (16,25,...)
shift @a;# (4,9,0)  + (9,16,25,...)
shift @a;# (9,0)  + (4,9,16,25,...)
shift @a;# (0)  + (1,4,9,16,25,...)
shift @a;# () + (0,1,4,9,16,25,...)

Not saying that's wrong.  Just very, very wacky.  And yes, it's fixable 
if every array has an "offset" number that's always updated to mark how 
far the array has been shifted/unshifted from it's starting point.  But 
I'm not suggesting that.  Really.


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-30 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 10:56  AM, Austin Hastings wrote:

There is no reason why primitive-typed arrays can't have a default. It
is the confusion of "default" with "undef" that is causing this

Yes, I misspoke.  You can have a default, which it will use for 
autofill & out-of-range values.  You just can't use undef to do it.


  1   2   3   >