the in Perl 6

2006-09-09 Thread Darren Duncan
P.S. I originally sent this to just Mark Stosberg yesterday, and he 
suggested I sent it to perl6-users for more exposure, so here it is, 
slightly edited.

To those of you working on (or wanting to use) the Perl 6 native,

Concerning the work you've been doing lately in getting the Perl 6 
version of to function, I would like to strongly suggest that 
you don't simply clone for Perl 5, but rather introduce some 
(possibly but not necessarily backwards-incompatible) improvements in 
the process, in particular to correct some stupid design issues.

Note that I will make these changes myself if someone else doesn't. 
But since you're extensively working on now, I'm giving you 
these strong suggestions early on so that you can incorporate them 
using other design decisions of your own choosing (eg, different 
function names).

To summarize:

1.  ALWAYS gather all GET/query-string variables that exist, 
regardless of whether this is a POST or GET query.  The Perl 5 
version currently discards any GET vars that are included in a POST 
request and doesn't provide any workaround save to uncomment a code 
line in itself.

Eg, say you want to submit a POST form to this url:

Stuff like that should just work, but for in Perl 5 it 
doesn't.  I have to parse the query string myself if I get a POST 
request, to make that work, and its inane that Perl 5's 
doesn't just work with it.

2.  Keep 2 distinct sets of query parameters, one each for GET (query 
string) and POST (HTTP body) variables, that are both initialized and 
can be appropriately read from and updated.  They must be separate 
because it is legitimate to have variables with the same names in 
both places that must be kept distinct.

Combining these is like combining cookie or session variable with 
either; all 4 are distinct things.  I suggest that all accessors for 
these contain the words "http get var(s)" or "http post var(s)" in 
them respectively.  For backwards compatability, you could also keep 
"param" named functions which accesses a union of the above and the 
post ones take precedence in a name conflict.  But the key thing is 
it must be possible+easy to use them separately.

Practically every other web invironment's basic built-ins, including 
ASP and PHP, correctly keep these separate, and its time for Perl's 
basics to join them.

3.  ALWAYS retain any multiple values for get and post vars.  For 
ease of use, your accessors could look like "http_post_var()" and 
"http_post_var_multi()" etc, which fetch either just the first item 
as a scalar or an array ref having all the items (even if just one) 

4.  Make UTF-8 the default HTTP response character encoding, and the 
default declared charset for text/* MIME types, and explicitly 
declare that this is what the charset is.  The only time that output 
should be anything else, even Latin-1, is if the programmer specifies 

5.  Similarly, default to trying to treat the HTTP request as UTF-8 
if it doesn't specify a character encoding; fallback to Latin-1 only 
if the text parts of the HTTP request don't look like valid UTF-8.

So for Perl 6 can resemble the Perl 5 version, but in no way 
should we retain backwards designs just because that's they way they 
were before.  So keep all input information and standardize on 

Thank you in advance.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-09 Thread Mark Stosberg
Darren Duncan wrote:
> P.S. I originally sent this to just Mark Stosberg yesterday, and he
> suggested I sent it to perl6-users for more exposure, so here it is,
> slightly edited.

And here is my reply to Darren, slightly edited.

I'm only interested in so much as it holds up my work on
CGI::Application. As far as I'm aware, adding cookie support is all
that's left to do that to meet my needs.

So for the most part, I don't intend to be making design decisions for
or against your arguments.

I do share your sentiment that shouldn't be a clone of how P5
works. I'd like the HTML building methods to stay out, which wasn't even
 one of the differences you cared about yourself.  On the other hand,
there is a real benefit to in being similar enough so that porting from
Perl 5 is easy. Radical differences can forked into or something.

I'll provide some comments on your suggestions below.

> > Note that I will make these changes myself if someone else doesn't.


> > 1.  ALWAYS gather all GET/query-string variables that exist, regardless
> > of whether this is a POST or GET query.  The Perl 5 version currently
> > discards any GET vars that are included in a POST request and doesn't
> > provide any workaround save to uncomment a code line in itself.
> >
> > Eg, say you want to submit a POST form to this url:
> >
> >
> >
> > Stuff like that should just work, but for in Perl 5 it doesn't.
> > I have to parse the query string myself if I get a POST request, to make
> > that work, and its inane that Perl 5's doesn't just work with it.

I see both sides to this and don't feel strongly about it.

> > 2.  Keep 2 distinct sets of query parameters, one each for GET (query
> > string) and POST (HTTP body) variables, that are both initialized and
> > can be appropriately read from and updated.  They must be separate
> > because it is legitimate to have variables with the same names in both
> > places that must be kept distinct.
> >
> > Combining these is like combining cookie or session variable with
> > either; all 4 are distinct things.  I suggest that all accessors for
> > these contain the words "http get var(s)" or "http post var(s)" in them
> > respectively.  For backwards computability, you could also keep "param"
> > named functions which accesses a union of the above and the post ones
> > take precedence in a name conflict.  But the key thing is it must be
> > possible+easy to use them separately.
> >
> > Practically every other web environment's basic built-ins, including ASP
> > and PHP, correctly keep these separate, and its time for Perl's basics
> > to join them.

I agree here.

> > 3.  ALWAYS retain any multiple values for get and post vars.  For ease
> > of use, your accessors could look like "http_post_var()" and
> > "http_post_var_multi()" etc, which fetch either just the first item as a
> > scalar or an array ref having all the items (even if just one)
> > respectively.

I think this is already working. We always store values as arrays
internally, and I think because of how Perl 6 works, it does the right
thing if you expect a single value or an array returned.

> > 4.  Make UTF-8 the default HTTP response character encoding, and the
> > default declared charset for text/* MIME types, and explicitly declare
> > that this is what the charset is.  The only time that output should be
> > anything else, even Latin-1, is if the programmer specifies such.
> >
> > 5.  Similarly, default to trying to treat the HTTP request as UTF-8 if
> > it doesn't specify a character encoding; fall back to Latin-1 only
if the
> > text parts of the HTTP request don't look like valid UTF-8.

I am not knowledgeable enough about this to haven an opinion. Currently defaults to Latin-1, apparently as a port for Perl 5. Since
the related function was broken as recently as a few days ago, I know no
one is depending on that default now, including me.

> > 6.  I suggest ditching the functional globals-storing interface
> > and using the OO version only; much simpler.

I made that change myself. It's OO-only now.

I look forward to your commits! Once you start making changes, I'll let
you know if you break anything CGI::Application depends on. It sounds
like you probably won't.



Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-09 Thread Darren Duncan

At 3:11 PM -0500 9/9/06, Mark Stosberg wrote:

I do share your sentiment that shouldn't be a clone of how P5
works. I'd like the HTML building methods to stay out, which wasn't even
 one of the differences you cared about yourself.  On the other hand,
there is a real benefit to in being similar enough so that porting from
Perl 5 is easy. Radical differences can forked into or something.

If you want to see something more radical, have a look at my first 
major CPAN modules from 2001ish.

Mainly HTML::FormTemplate and CGI::Portable.  Between those and their 
dependencies (HTML::EasyTags, Class::ParamParser, 
Data::MultiValuedHash, CGI::MultiValuedHash), was an entire and 
cleaner and more modular re-implementation of plus a few 
extras (and minus a few bits; I never implemented file upload 
handling).  It is also more or less backwards compatible with 
where it makes sense.

The combination is a bit large to be a replacement, but I 
think that a lot can be learned from this if one wants to make more 
significant improvements.

Note that I am still using those modules of mine for my own personal 
web sites, but I'm not aware that they ever took off with other 
people in a big way.

I also don't plan to straight-port them to Perl 6 since in large I 
don't know if they really offer anything people want that other web 
frameworks don't.  I also don't have a big stake in them like I do 
with my current database-centric modules (where I'm more certain they 
can have a big impact).  However, I'm sure the web modules can 
influence improvements to in Perl 6, and I will do so at an 
appropriate time.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-10 Thread Trey Harris

In a message dated Sat, 9 Sep 2006, Mark Stosberg writes:

I do share your sentiment that shouldn't be a clone of how P5
works. I'd like the HTML building methods to stay out, which wasn't even
one of the differences you cared about yourself.

I agree with the sentiment, but as a practical matter, not having HTML methods 
in could drastically limit Perl 6 adoption.

If Perl 5 programmers get used to how they can mechanistically port their 
programs to Perl 6, they will do so with the same sort of "ah-hah" moments 
you've posted about on the Pugs blog, and it will be a good experience.

In other words, if they can port at a very low level (more like paraphrasing a 
complicated text for a child than like translating from Chinese to English) 
they won't feel that *everything* has changed under their feet, and over time 
they'll start to nibble at more advanced features, and before long they'll be 
translating automatically rather than paraphrasing mechanically.

But the HTML methods are used everywhere.  And the more novitiate the 
programmer, the more likely they are to be using them spaghetti-like 
throughtout their code. If they discover that every time they see a 
C it's going to entail new coding, they're going to rapidly get 
discouraged about porting to Perl 6.

I'd suggest that perhaps a more workable solution is to just buck up and accept 
that the HTML methods have to get ported along with the rest of, but put 
them into a separate distribution and have documentation in Differences and its 
successors that say something like:

  was: use CGI ':standard';

  now: use CGI;
   use CGI::HTMLgenerators; # Available separately, deprecated

perhaps with some scary-sounding warnings about how you should only use the 
latter if you have lots of preexisting code needing the generators, that it's 
better to use these other good solutions, you may shoot your eye out, etc. etc.

I know I seem to veer from wanting everything to change to wanting nothing 
change, but it really comes down to whether the changes will not just be good 
for us in an eat-your-spinach kind of way, but will lead to a more pleasant 
programming experience as well.  Adoption of Perl 6 will depend on whether 
programmers like it, regardless of how stable or beautifully-architected its 
systems are.


Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-10 Thread Trey Harris

In a message dated Sat, 9 Sep 2006, Mark Stosberg writes:

I do share your sentiment that shouldn't be a clone of how P5
works. I'd like the HTML building methods to stay out, which wasn't even
one of the differences you cared about yourself.

I agree with the sentiment, but as a practical matter, not having HTML 
methods in could drastically limit Perl 6 adoption.

If Perl 5 programmers get used to how they can mechanistically port their 
programs to Perl 6, they will do so with the same sort of "ah-hah" moments 
you've posted about on the Pugs blog, and it will be a good experience.

In other words, if they can port at a very low level (more like 
paraphrasing a complicated text for a child than like translating from 
Chinese to English) they won't feel that *everything* has changed under 
their feet, and over time they'll start to nibble at more advanced 
features, and before long they'll be translating automatically rather than 
paraphrasing mechanically.

But the HTML methods are used everywhere.  And the more novitiate the 
programmer, the more likely they are to be using them spaghetti-like 
throughtout their code. If they discover that every time they see a 
C it's going to entail new coding, they're going to rapidly 
get discouraged about porting to Perl 6.

I'd suggest that perhaps a more workable solution is to just buck up and 
accept that the HTML methods have to get ported along with the rest of, but put them into a separate distribution and have documentation 
in Differences and its successors that say something like:

  was: use CGI ':standard';

  now: use CGI;
   use CGI::HTMLgenerators; # Available separately, deprecated

perhaps with some scary-sounding warnings about how you should only use 
the latter if you have lots of preexisting code needing the generators, 
that it's better to use these other good solutions, you may shoot your 
eye out, etc. etc.

I know I seem to veer from wanting everything to change to wanting nothing 
change, but it really comes down to whether the changes will not just be 
good for us in an eat-your-spinach kind of way, but will lead to a more 
pleasant programming experience as well.  Adoption of Perl 6 will depend 
on whether programmers like it, regardless of how stable or 
beautifully-architected its systems are.


Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-11 Thread Thomas Wittek
Trey Harris schrieb:
> I agree with the sentiment, but as a practical matter, not having HTML
> methods in could drastically limit Perl 6 adoption.

Oh well. I thought it was common sense that it's a bad idea to mix code
and markup. Who really wants to do itself this pain should use a
separate module for that imho (or better a templating system like
Template Toolkit).

> If Perl 5 programmers get used to how they can mechanistically port
> their programs to Perl 6, they will do so with the same sort of "ah-hah"
> moments you've posted about on the Pugs blog, and it will be a good
> experience.

They can do:

 use perl5:CGI;

if they want that legacy support.

If Perl6 is intended to be the successor of the P5 (the
quasi-standard for Perl web programming) is should really get a modern

An other acceptable solution would be to create a backwards compatible
P6 and create a new with an all new interface, like Mark
suggested. But then this new module cannot profit of the popularity of
the name "" and many people will say "Ah, Perl6 web development is
stuck at the 10 years old Perl5 interface. I'll use (python|ruby(
on rails)?|.+)". That would be sad.

>   now: use CGI;
>use CGI::HTMLgenerators; # Available separately, deprecated

That'd be ok.

Just my 2ct.

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-12 Thread Steffen Schwigon
Thomas Wittek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> An other acceptable solution would be to create a backwards
> compatible P6 and create a new with an all new
> interface, like Mark suggested. But then this new module cannot
> profit of the popularity of the name "" and many people will
> say "Ah, Perl6 web development is stuck at the 10 years old Perl5
> interface. I'll use (python|ruby( on rails)?|.+)". That would
> be sad.

IMHO even Perl people like me will think "Ah, Perl6 web development is
stuck at the 10 years old Perl5 interface" just *because* of
the name, regardless of a changed internal api.

I would strongly expect the CGI module to do the same as it did for
the last 200 years and create another name for any new school web
development. Catalyst, Jifty, Acme, Acyou, SillyIdol, WhatEver.

The name "CGI" smells like, erm, yes, C...G...I. If RoR would have
sold itself with "CGI" in its name, it hadn't been that successful. In
mankind's history, everything *not* named CGI had a chance to success,
even PHP. It will be impossible to resurrect a hype around the word
"CGI". Because of the word. Not the api.

IMHO. Of course. :-)

Steffen Schwigon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dresden Perl Mongers 

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-12 Thread Thomas Wittek
Steffen Schwigon schrieb:
> Thomas Wittek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> An other acceptable solution would be to create a backwards
>> compatible P6 and create a new with an all new
>> interface, like Mark suggested.

> I would strongly expect the CGI module to do the same as it did for
> the last 200 years and create another name for any new school web
> development. Catalyst, Jifty, Acme, Acyou, SillyIdol, WhatEver.

So we might agree ;) Catalysy, Jifty [..] are all "higher level"
complete frameworks. I used for rather lower level tasks
(POST/GET-parsing, HTTP redirects, ...) than as a foundation to build
complete applications (where the higher level framework come in).

So I think that there should be a (well designed) module for those lower
level (donkeywork) tasks and only for those (so definitely no

Other frameworks (or simple CGI-scripts or even a backwards compatible could be built upon this foundation.


Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-12 Thread Amir E. Aharoni

> Thomas Wittek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> An other acceptable solution would be to create a backwards
>> compatible P6 and create a new with an all new
>> interface, like Mark suggested.

My 0.02 ₪: will be better off redesigned and cleaned up, and
for those wanting compatibility a module called can be

It will probably be very popular, like p5 regexes ...

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-13 Thread David Cantrell
On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 05:18:19PM +0300, Amir E. Aharoni wrote:

> My 0.02 ???: will be better off redesigned and cleaned up, and
> for those wanting compatibility a module called can be
> written.
> It will probably be very popular, like p5 regexes ...

Hear hear!

I wonder how many people really use the HTML-generating bits of
I know I never have, nor have they been used that I can remember
anywhere that I've worked, or in any of the non-work projects I've
collaborated in.  It's always been 'print ""' or more recently
using a templating language like TT.

David Cantrell | top google result for "internet beard fetish club"

Computer Science is about lofty design goals and careful algorithmic
optimisation.  Sysadminning is about cleaning up the resulting mess.

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-13 Thread Andy Dougherty
On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, David Cantrell wrote:

> I wonder how many people really use the HTML-generating bits of

I'd guess a lot, since they are prominently documented in the 
documentation and are used extensively throughout many of the examples 
there.  It would be quite natural for anyone who learned to use by reading its documentation to use those bits.  Also, a simple 
Google search for them turns up lots and lots of hits.

> I know I never have, nor have they been used that I can remember
> anywhere that I've worked, or in any of the non-work projects I've
> collaborated in.  It's always been 'print ""' or more recently
> using a templating language like TT.

Yep, I'm sure there's a lot of that too.

Andy Dougherty  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-13 Thread Leon Timmermans

Actually, I used them a few times. I agree the model used for html
generation is inadequate for most any serious usage. However, if you
need to dynamicaly generate forms is unmatched. A modernized
equavalent for them would still be very usefull IMHO. Though I agree
it might be better put in it's own module.

On the other HTML outputting functions: They never really belonged in
CGI in the first place I guess. There is no reason they cannot be
generalized to XML outputting and be put in an appropriate library. In
my experience, it is a very decent method of outputting XML content,
specially when your program has a procedural or functional design.



On 9/13/06, David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 05:18:19PM +0300, Amir E. Aharoni wrote:

> My 0.02 ???: will be better off redesigned and cleaned up, and
> for those wanting compatibility a module called can be
> written.
> It will probably be very popular, like p5 regexes ...

Hear hear!

I wonder how many people really use the HTML-generating bits of
I know I never have, nor have they been used that I can remember
anywhere that I've worked, or in any of the non-work projects I've
collaborated in.  It's always been 'print ""' or more recently
using a templating language like TT.

David Cantrell | top google result for "internet beard fetish club"

Computer Science is about lofty design goals and careful algorithmic
optimisation.  Sysadminning is about cleaning up the resulting mess.

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-14 Thread Aankhen

On 9/13/06, Leon Timmermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On the other HTML outputting functions: They never really belonged in
CGI in the first place I guess. There is no reason they cannot be
generalized to XML outputting and be put in an appropriate library.

There is, actually.  HTML ne XML.  HTML is an SGML application.  XHTML
is an XML application.  The HTML generation functions definitely don't
fit in, but neither should they be pushed out into an XML
generation module, if only for the sake of conceptual clarity.

Regarding the general " in Perl 6" topic... I was working on
porting HTTP::* from LWP to Perl 6 a long time ago, but I was unable
to complete that.  That was probably a year or so ago; if someone
would like to take over and bring it up to date with the latest syntax
and tricks, be my guest.

There were a few discussions with Juerd and others in #perl6 about in Perl 6... if anyone's interested, I'll look for the logs.
The major feeling was that there should be no (if someone was
hellbent on using it, they could use the Perl 5 module).  Rather,
there needs to be proper seperation of concerns.  Maybe instead of
just importing CGI, you'd now import HTTP::Request::CGI and
HTML::Generator (I'm throwing names out at random, although I did
write HTTP::Request::CGI as a subclass of HTTP::Request whose members
are populated in a manner similar to's parsing of %ENV).

"I meant *our* species."
"You said *your* species."
"Evidently I am insane.  May I go now?"

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-14 Thread Juerd
Aankhen skribis 2006-09-14 17:00 (-0700):
> There were a few discussions with Juerd and others in #perl6 about
> in Perl 6... 

I've been following the discussion with great interest, and will
summarize my thoughts here soon.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-15 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Andy" == Andy Dougherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andy> On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, David Cantrell wrote:
>> I wonder how many people really use the HTML-generating bits of

Andy> I'd guess a lot, since they are prominently documented in the 
Andy> documentation and are used extensively throughout many of the examples 
Andy> there.  It would be quite natural for anyone who learned to use 
Andy> by reading its documentation to use those bits.  Also, a simple 
Andy> Google search for them turns up lots and lots of hits.

>> I know I never have, nor have they been used that I can remember
>> anywhere that I've worked, or in any of the non-work projects I've
>> collaborated in.  It's always been 'print ""' or more recently
>> using a templating language like TT.

Andy> Yep, I'm sure there's a lot of that too.

The thing that does is put in one place everything you need for a
simple web form.  And there's an amazing number of applications for
this... putting a "contact us" page on an otherwise static site comes to mind

Sure, if you're building a complex shopping cart application, you're gonna
reach for Jifty or Catalyst, or at least roll your own with Template Toolkit
or Mason, and you'd be silly to use either's parsing or HTML generation
in those cases.

But don't throw out the simplicity of's basic task handling: parsing
the incoming parameters (including file upload), and generating sticky forms
and other common HTML elements.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-15 Thread Juerd
Randal L. Schwartz skribis 2006-09-15  9:15 (-0700):
> The thing that does is put in one place everything you need for a
> simple web form.  And there's an amazing number of applications for
> this... putting a "contact us" page on an otherwise static site comes to mind
> immediately.

Yes, it's great to have a standard toolkit. It's also totally acceptable
that a single thing exports several task related things at once.

use Web;

my $web = does HTML::Generator;

HTML::Generator can be smart enough to realise that when it's used as a
role to extend Web::Request, it can provide stickiness for form

In fact, if you want to build a newbie friendly thing, just export a
pre-built $web, much like LWP::Simple can export a $ua:

use Web::Simple  :html :cookies :sessions;

> But don't throw out the simplicity of's basic task handling: parsing
> the incoming parameters (including file upload), and generating sticky forms
> and other common HTML elements.

Don't thow out the simplicity, but do severely re-model things!
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-15 Thread Juerd
Juerd skribis 2006-09-15 23:26 (+0200):
> Randal L. Schwartz skribis 2006-09-15  9:15 (-0700):
> > The thing that does is put in one place everything you need for a
> > simple web form.  And there's an amazing number of applications for
> > this... putting a "contact us" page on an otherwise static site comes to 
> > mind
> > immediately.
> Yes, it's great to have a standard toolkit. It's also totally acceptable
> that a single thing exports several task related things at once.

Hm, removed two paragraphs that I wanted to keep:

But this thing should not be called CGI. It's not CGI-specific. Also,
this should not internally put everything on one big pile. We have roles
now, and roles make it easy to compose an object of the things that we
like, leaving out the things that we don't like.

Personally, I am *against* HTML generating for elements that are not
form fields. And for form fields, I think the solution should be in the
templating thing, not elsewhere. Stickiness makes sense on invalid data
only anyway, and we need to put the error message and a pointer
somewhere, and those are also templating things. Even the simple
"contact page" is much better off with a nice templating tool, than with
HTML generating methods.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-16 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Trey Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-10 23:50]:
> But the HTML methods are used everywhere.  And the more
> novitiate the programmer, the more likely they are to be using
> them spaghetti-like throughtout their code. If they discover
> that every time they see a C it's going to entail
> new coding, they're going to rapidly get discouraged about
> porting to Perl 6.

I see that argument. So build a lean, well-designed CGI module,
but also offer a CGI5 module that aggregates the CGI stuff along
with HTML::Gen and whatnot into a CGI.pm5-compatible API melange
for easy porting.

No need to drag old mistakes along for all eternity just for the
sake of their familiarity.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-18 Thread David Cantrell

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

The thing that does is put in one place everything you need for a
simple web form.  And there's an amazing number of applications for
this... putting a "contact us" page on an otherwise static site comes to mind

Sure, if you're building a complex shopping cart application, you're gonna
reach for Jifty or Catalyst, or at least roll your own with Template Toolkit
or Mason, and you'd be silly to use either's parsing or HTML generation
in those cases.

You seem to be forgetting the case in the middle - a small dynamic site. 
 My weapons of choice for that are to parse requests and 
Template Toolkit to stuff the relevant content into templates.  Frankly, 
to use something heavier when I don't have to (and TT is already 
somewhat heavy for my tastes) would be silly.  And to have a plethora of 
little scripts each using to parse requests and to then generate 
the appropriate HTML, instead of having *one* script which uses TT would 
be, frankly, insane.

But don't throw out the simplicity of's basic task handling: parsing
the incoming parameters (including file upload), and generating sticky forms
and other common HTML elements.

That's two tasks.  It should be two modules.

I suppose you could argue that generating  tags specifically and 
all their baggage like s might fall under its remit (they are, 
after all, what generates the fancy requests that are CGI's bread and 
butter), but generating  tags is most definitely not anything to do 
with CGI.

David Cantrell | Enforcer, South London Linguistic Massive

  All praise the Sun God
  For He is a Fun God
  Ra Ra Ra!

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-18 Thread Fagyal Csongor

> Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
>> The thing that does is put in one place everything you need for
>> a simple web form.  And there's an amazing number of applications for
>> this... putting a "contact us" page on an otherwise static site comes
>> to mind immediately.
>> Sure, if you're building a complex shopping cart application, you're
>> gonna reach for Jifty or Catalyst, or at least roll your own with
>> Template Toolkit or Mason, and you'd be silly to use either's
>> parsing or HTML generation in those cases.
> You seem to be forgetting the case in the middle - a small dynamic site.
IMHO that is: "most sites".

>   My weapons of choice for that are to parse requests and
> Template Toolkit to stuff the relevant content into templates.
That's why I use CGI::Lite - no fancy HTML, only a lightweight module with
themost important features. (Gee, I am emitting WML sometimes!)

And let me add this as a side note:
IMHO a module should do what its name stands for.

Surely, when I do something with CGI, I also do HTML generation in 99% of
the time. But as the matter of fact, I also use DBI in 99% of the time, so
why not put DBI into, too? ;)


>> But don't throw out the simplicity of's basic task handling:
>> parsing the incoming parameters (including file upload), and
>> generating sticky forms and other common HTML elements.
> That's two tasks.  It should be two modules.

> I suppose you could argue that generating  tags specifically and
> all their baggage like s might fall under its remit (they are,
> after all, what generates the fancy requests that are CGI's bread and
> butter), but generating  tags is most definitely not anything to do
> with CGI.
Also consider that handling the "input part" of CGI is very
straightforward. No matter what system/language you use, you basically do
the same thing (parse/access GET/POST, the ENV variables, etc.) On the
other hand, handling the output is much more dubious - besides setting the
content type on some other headers, there are dozens of ways to
handle/mangle the content you output. Perl5's provides a way, but
that is IMHO just a legacy API Perl6 has nothing to do with. Basically
everyone who use use ->param() - but only a few use ->h1(), for
example. (IMHO if something beyond CGI input handling must go into,
then that is cookie handling - but that's another story.)

Just my two cents.
- Fagzal

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-19 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "David" == David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> But don't throw out the simplicity of's basic task handling: parsing
>> the incoming parameters (including file upload), and generating sticky forms
>> and other common HTML elements.

David> That's two tasks.  It should be two modules.

No, it's an *integrated* task.  The form-generation stuff needs tight coupling
with the getting (and setting) of the incoming param values.  You couldn't
just use two random modules for that... they'd have to specifically know about
each other and work together.

That's why it's great that it's all in  If I just want param handling,
I import/compile only that part.  If I also want sticky forms, I just ask it
for a bit more.  And as long as I'm there, I import "header" or "redirect" or
"cookie" to do that "last bit" of my application. has the *right*
mix for small tasks.  It *does* make sense.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-19 Thread Thomas Wittek
(Randal L. Schwartz) schrieb:
> > "David" == David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> David> That's two tasks.  It should be two modules.
> No, it's an *integrated* task.  The form-generation stuff needs tight
> coupling
> with the getting (and setting) of the incoming param values.

A separate module, say HTML::Formgenerator, could easily use (or,...) to get and set parameters:

  $value = $query->param('foo');


I see no need to integrate those modules.

Thomas Wittek

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-19 Thread Steve Pitchford

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

"David" == David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


But don't throw out the simplicity of's basic task handling: parsing
the incoming parameters (including file upload), and generating sticky forms
and other common HTML elements.

David> That's two tasks.  It should be two modules.

No, it's an *integrated* task.  The form-generation stuff needs tight coupling
with the getting (and setting) of the incoming param values.  You couldn't
just use two random modules for that... they'd have to specifically know about
each other and work together.

That's why it's great that it's all in  If I just want param handling,
I import/compile only that part.  If I also want sticky forms, I just ask it
for a bit more.  And as long as I'm there, I import "header" or "redirect" or
"cookie" to do that "last bit" of my application. has the *right*
mix for small tasks.  It *does* make sense.


To be honest I'm not sure I follow your argument. Why does populating a 
form from incoming form data require "closer integration"
than, say, pulling it out of a database and populating a form for 
further editing?. Surely its just a question of a consistant interface?

Forgive me if I have misunderstood your point.


Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-19 Thread Juerd
Randal L. Schwartz skribis 2006-09-19  8:16 (-0700):
> No, it's an *integrated* task.  The form-generation stuff needs tight coupling
> with the getting (and setting) of the incoming param values.

Integrated task? Tight coupling? If I didn't know you, I'd immediately
say you have no idea what you're talking about. But you do, so I'm a bit
puzzled as to why you would say this. Could you explain your point of
view a bit further?

The only coupling needed is the getting of "param"s. This can be done
perfectly by passing the CGI object, or (uglier) by using a subclass of In Perl 6, it can be done by adding HTML generation as a role to
the existing object.

In fact, itself only uses ->param and utility functions that are
specific to HTML generation, in methods like _textfield.

> You couldn't just use two random modules for that... they'd have to
> specifically know about each other and work together.

There's a tradition of treating's param method as an known
protocol, and often you can pass a CGI object, or any other object witha
similar param method, to certain modules. One of them is
HTML::FillInForm, which proves rather directly that no tight coupling or
integration is needed, at all. A simple method with a strict definition
is enough, and has provided just that. 

It's okay to have two modules that were designed to work together, as it
is okay to have one module depend on and use another.

Otherwise, why would you still want to factor things into separate
modules anyway? Maintenance and usability are important issues, but
being able to use only what you need is quite attractive too.
uses elaborate autoloading techniques, that would not be needed, or
could be much simpler, if there was clear separation of tasks from the

> That's why it's great that it's all in  If I just want param
> handling, I import/compile only that part.  If I also want sticky
> forms, I just ask it for a bit more.  And as long as I'm there, I
> import "header" or "redirect" or "cookie" to do that "last bit" of my
> application. has the *right* mix for small tasks.  It *does*
> make sense.

It does make sense to have a single toolkit that does all this. It does
not make sense to have a single .pm that does all this. There's
absolutely no need for having all these different tasks in one module.
There's not even any benefit. You can just as well use a couple of
nicely named, grouped, and reasonably standalone roles or classes, and
then a single module to combine them all for the ease of use that you
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-19 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Randal L. Schwartz  [2006-09-19 21:25]:
> The form-generation stuff needs tight coupling with the getting
> (and setting) of the incoming param values.  You couldn't just
> use two random modules for that... they'd have to specifically
> know about each other and work together.

Err, no. They just need a known protocol, and the semantics of’s `param` method have spread pretty widely and are now
used by many other modules as well. In general, you can pass
instances from any of these modules to anything that expects
something that speaks that protocol and they work just fine.
F.ex., you can pass CGI::Simple objects into HTML::Template for
variable prepopuluation and it Just Works because they talk to
each other using the `param` protocol.

Form handling clearly requires no coupling.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-20 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Steve" == Steve Pitchford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Steve> To be honest I'm not sure I follow your argument. Why does populating a 
Steve> from incoming form data require "closer integration"
Steve> than, say, pulling it out of a database and populating a form for further
Steve> editing?.

It's the stickiness, which is a handy feature of error-page generation.

Using the existing, I can say:

print textfied('first_name', 'default value');

and the first_name field will have 'default value' *unless* there's also a
param('first_name'), in which case it'll come from there.  Of course, I can
specify override => 1, or even delete the param as needed, if I don't want the
sticky behavior.

To get this to work right, whatever I use for HTML generation needs to know
how to get incoming params.  Admittedly, the interface is simple, but it would
have to know if I'm using a functional form with a hidden object (use CGI
qw/param/) or an explicit object (my $q = CGI->new). And if it's an
explicit object, how will the HTML generation find it?  This works
even for select-multiple forms, which is very nice.

That's why the *tight* integration of incoming parameters and HTML
form generation is a Good Thing.  90% of the time, it just Works.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-20 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Randal L. Schwartz  [2006-09-20 19:30]:
> To get this to work right, whatever I use for HTML generation
> needs to know how to get incoming params. Admittedly, the
> interface is simple, but it would have to know if I'm using a
> functional form with a hidden object (use CGI qw/param/)

Which is seriously awful anyway. Have you read the
`self_or_default` sub in I’d never put such a thing in my
own code.

CGI::Simple does this correctly – the default interface is OO
only, and if you want exports then you use CGI::Simple::Standard.

> or an explicit object (my $q = CGI->new). And if it's an
> explicit object, how will the HTML generation find it?  This
> works even for select-multiple forms, which is very nice.

Uuuu… maybe you’d just pass the query object to the form
generator constructor? You’ve seen HTML::FillInForm and
HTML::Template, haven’t you?

With roles in P6, you can even make this even simpler. You could
make the HTML generator a role which can be composed onto any
object that `does ParamQuery`.

> That's why the *tight* integration of incoming parameters and
> HTML form generation is a Good Thing.  90% of the time, it just
> Works.

You keep stating this as if it were true despite conclusive
evidence to the opposite. I don’t know what you are trying to

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-20 Thread Juerd
A. Pagaltzis skribis 2006-09-20 22:01 (+0200):
> With roles in P6, you can even make this even simpler. You could
> make the HTML generator a role which can be composed onto any
> object that `does ParamQuery`.

I think it's time we moved away from the param method, and started using
a hash. In fact, two hashes, get and post.

use Web <$web>;


$web;   # shorthand form for $ // $web.get
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-20 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-20 22:25]:
> I think it's time we moved away from the param method, and
> started using a hash.

I don’t know about that. The `param` method has the nice property
that it allows you to pretend everything’s a single value or to
use multi-valued params, at your own discretion, at any time,
with no change of syntax.

my $foo = $q->param( 'foo' );
my @bar = $q->param( 'bar' );

If you tried to do this with a hash, you’d get

my $foo = $q->param->{ 'foo' }[0];
# my ( $foo ) = @{ $q->param->{ 'foo' } };
my @bar = @{ $q->param->{ 'bar' } };

You could try making the type of the value depend on arity and be
either a scalar or an arrayref, but then you get V*E*R*Y U*G*L*Y
client code that needs to constantly check whether it’s dealing
with one or the other.

Does Perl 6 offer any help in making access to a HoL look like
the first example? If not, then no, let’s please stick with the
`param` protocol.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-20 Thread Juerd
A. Pagaltzis skribis 2006-09-20 22:39 (+0200):
> * Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-20 22:25]:
> > I think it's time we moved away from the param method, and
> > started using a hash.
> I don???t know about that. The `param` method has the nice property
> that it allows you to pretend everything???s a single value or to
> use multi-valued params, at your own discretion, at any time,
> with no change of syntax.

Thinking that one variable has only one interface is *so* Perl 5 :)

> my $foo = $q->param( 'foo' );
> my @bar = $q->param( 'bar' );
> If you tried to do this with a hash, you???d get
> my $foo = $q->param->{ 'foo' }[0];
> # my ( $foo ) = @{ $q->param->{ 'foo' } };
> my @bar = @{ $q->param->{ 'bar' } };

In Perl 5, yes.

But in Perl 6:

my $foo = $web;
say $foo;
say $foo[1];  # heck, why not.

my @foo = $web;
say @foo[1];

All we need is a very simple type that does both Str and Array. We can
handle this, *easily*.

And I wouldn't want the nullbyte mistake again. Let's just stick to the
last given value instead.

Also, I want parameters to be able to do a certain Upload role, which
adds terribly useful methods for file uploads. Let's escape the
primitive world and add some REAL dwimmery, the kind that doesn't
confuse people all the time :)

> Does Perl 6 offer any help in making access to a HoL look like
> the first example?

No, but it does offer help to make it look a whole lot nicer than that.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Note that your code, if literally translated to Perl 6, is already

> my $foo = $q->param->{ 'foo' }[0];

my $foo = $q.param[0];

> my @bar = @{ $q->param->{ 'bar' } };

my @bar = $q.param.'@';
my @bar = @ $q.param;

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-20 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-21 00:45]:
> And I wouldn't want the nullbyte mistake again. Let's just
> stick to the last given value instead.

Nobrainer. The nullbyte thing was a Perl-4-ism.

> Also, I want parameters to be able to do a certain Upload role,
> which adds terribly useful methods for file uploads. Let's
> escape the primitive world and add some REAL dwimmery, the kind
> that doesn't confuse people all the time :)

But let’s also be careful not to go *too* overboard with the new
stuff. Last time someone was all gung-ho to use new features to
make things more automagical, we got [EMAIL PROTECTED] = qw( Exporter );`.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-20 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 12:43:41AM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: > my @bar = @{ $q->param->{ 'bar' } };
: my @bar = $q.param.'@';
: my @bar = @ $q.param;

That should work but my preference is just

my @bar = $q.param[];

That is, empty .[] has the same arrayifying semantics as @.  (This is
currently b0rken in pugs though.)  Likewise .{} is equivalen to %.


Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-21 Thread Juerd
Larry Wall skribis 2006-09-20 16:34 (-0700):
> That should work but my preference is just
> my @bar = $q.param[];
> That is, empty .[] has the same arrayifying semantics as @.  (This is
> currently b0rken in pugs though.)  Likewise .{} is equivalen to %.

Nice, but what's the syntax for an empty slice then?
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-21 Thread David Cantrell
On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 08:16:26AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > "David" == David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> But don't throw out the simplicity of's basic task handling: parsing
> >> the incoming parameters (including file upload), and generating sticky 
> >> forms
> >> and other common HTML elements.
> David> That's two tasks.  It should be two modules.
> No, it's an *integrated* task.  The form-generation stuff needs tight coupling
> with the getting (and setting) of the incoming param values.

Gosh, maybe that's why my next paragraph was:

" I suppose you could argue that generating  tags specifically and
  all their baggage like s might fall under its remit (they are,
  after all, what generates the fancy requests that are CGI's bread and
  butter), but generating  tags is most definitely not anything to do
  with CGI. "

David Cantrell | Nth greatest programmer in the world

comparative and superlative explained:

 worse, worser, worsest, worsted, wasted

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-21 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 10:10:04AM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: Larry Wall skribis 2006-09-20 16:34 (-0700):
: > That should work but my preference is just
: > my @bar = $q.param[];
: > That is, empty .[] has the same arrayifying semantics as @.  (This is
: > currently b0rken in pugs though.)  Likewise .{} is equivalen to %.
: Nice, but what's the syntax for an empty slice then?

Oh, I expect .[()] would work for that.  Why you'd want one beats me.
Certainly it would work as a degenerate case of [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well.


Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-21 Thread Juerd
Larry Wall skribis 2006-09-21 15:24 (-0700):
> : > That is, empty .[] has the same arrayifying semantics as @.  (This is
> : > currently b0rken in pugs though.)  Likewise .{} is equivalen to %.
> : Nice, but what's the syntax for an empty slice then?
> Oh, I expect .[()] would work for that.  Why you'd want one beats me.

Generated code. It's nice that Perl usually isn't picky about such
things, because it saves you a lot of special cases when you're
generating code.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-21 Thread Larry Wall
On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 12:34:47AM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: Larry Wall skribis 2006-09-21 15:24 (-0700):
: > : > That is, empty .[] has the same arrayifying semantics as @.  (This is
: > : > currently b0rken in pugs though.)  Likewise .{} is equivalen to %.
: > : Nice, but what's the syntax for an empty slice then?
: > Oh, I expect .[()] would work for that.  Why you'd want one beats me.
: Generated code. It's nice that Perl usually isn't picky about such
: things, because it saves you a lot of special cases when you're
: generating code.

Well, sure, and for related reasons 1..0 is an empty list rather than
a reversed list.  On the other hand, we do use negative subscripts assuming
the user intended them.  For the empty slice I expect the usual solution
would end up looking like .[,] unless the code generator outsmarts itself
by using join to suppress the trailing comma.

Larry or something (Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-12 Thread Darren Duncan

At 3:21 PM +0200 9/12/06, Thomas Wittek wrote:

So I think that there should be a (well designed) module for those lower
level (donkeywork) tasks and only for those (so definitely no

I strongly suggest that if we're going to do things this way, which 
sounds like a good idea, then the new and well designed lower level 
module should NOT be named "" ... if nothing else, it is 
because that name sends the wrong message in today's age.

The word "CGI" generally speaks to an old, weak, and relatively 
inefficient technology ... modern proper stuff does not spin off a 
separate process for each server request; it reuses an existing 
server ala mod_perl.

But this module in question should provide a low level layer that one 
can use without changes regardless of whether the script is running 
in CGI mode, or under mod_perl or ISAPI or as a pure-Perl server or 
on the command-line.

As for "", that may work better, but are there any reasonably 
conceivable uses outside HTTP/HTTPS stuff that may invalidate the 

Either way, I agree; no HTML generation in this core module.  Just 
management of our server-side view of web client input and output.

In fact, it may borrow a few pages of design from LWP if applicable?

-- Darren Duncan

Charsets in HTTP (was: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-16 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-09 20:40]:
> 4.  Make UTF-8 the default HTTP response character encoding,
> and the default declared charset for text/* MIME types, and
> explicitly declare that this is what the charset is.  The only
> time that output should be anything else, even Latin-1, is if
> the programmer specifies such.

No, please don’t. For unknown MIME types, the charset should be
undeclared. In particular, `application/octet-stream` should
never have a charset forced on it if one is not assigned by the
client code explicitly. Likewise, for `application/xml` and
`application/*+xml`, a charset should NEVER be explicitly
declared, as XML documents are self-describing, whereas declaring
a charset forces using the charset declared in the HTTP header.
This is very unwise (cf. Ruby’s Postulate).

> 5.  Similarly, default to trying to treat the HTTP request as
> UTF-8 if it doesn't specify a character encoding; fallback to
> Latin-1 only if the text parts of the HTTP request don't look
> like valid UTF-8.

This is not just unwise, it is actually wrong. Latin-1 is the
default for `text/*` MIME types if no charset is declared. Using
a different charset in violation of the HTTP RFCs is __BROKEN__.

In fact, now that I’m writing all this out, I am starting to
think that maybe CGI.pm6 should simply punt on charsets as
does. Otherwise, the code and API would have to have able to deal
with the full complexity of charsets in HTTP, and the docs would
have to explain it, which is no picnic at all.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-11 Thread Michael Snoyman

If Perl6 is intended to be the successor of the P5 (the
quasi-standard for Perl web programming) is should really get a modern

I agree  completely.  In that vein, I think that one thing a lot of web
developers would like to have available more easily would be session
management.  In PHP it's as simple as $_SESSION['key'] = 'value'.  I
understand that is a fundemantally different concept from PHP and
that this can't be completely taken care of by the module.  Still, if
something could be written in, I think it would make many people's lives

Perhaps a method like CGI->get_session_key, which would return a unique ID
and handle all this via cookies without the developer needing to notice
anything.  It would then be a lot easier to keep a (flat file|dbm|sql
database) of information tied to that ID.

On the other hand, that might be the kind of feature that needs to be done
in a seperate module.  In any case, I'd be happy to help out with writing
it; I'm just not entirely certain of how it should work.


Re: or something (Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-13 Thread David Cantrell
On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 03:08:03PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:

> The word "CGI" generally speaks to an old, weak, and relatively 
> inefficient technology ... modern proper stuff does not spin off a 
> separate process for each server request; it reuses an existing 
> server ala mod_perl.

To me the Commong Gateway Interface means a standard method for dealing
with data supplied by the user, nothing more.  It certainly doesn't
specify how you should implement it.  Indeed, every mod_perl application
I've seen uses CGI.

David Cantrell | A machine for turning tea into grumpiness

Just because it is possible to do this sort of thing
in the English language doesn't mean it should be done

Re: or something (Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-13 Thread Darren Duncan

At 5:00 PM +0100 9/13/06, David Cantrell wrote:

On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 03:08:03PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
 > The word "CGI" generally speaks to an old, weak, and relatively

 inefficient technology ... modern proper stuff does not spin off a
 separate process for each server request; it reuses an existing
 server ala mod_perl.

To me the Commong Gateway Interface means a standard method for dealing
with data supplied by the user, nothing more.  It certainly doesn't
specify how you should implement it.  Indeed, every mod_perl application
I've seen uses CGI.

I beg to differ.  "CGI" is very much an implementation detail.  It is 
a gateway protocol for how 2 different processes communicate.


	An HTTP server is often used as a gateway to a legacy 
information system; for example, an existing body of documents or an 
existing database application. The Common Gateway Interface is an 
agreement between HTTP server implementors about how to integrate 
such gateway scripts and programs.


	The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard protocol for 
interfacing external application software with an information server, 
commonly a web server. This allows the server to pass requests from a 
client web browser to the external application. The web server can 
then return the output from the application to the web browser.

	Because this technology generally requires a fresh copy of 
the program to be executed for every CGI request, the workload could 
quickly overwhelm web servers, inspiring more efficient technologies 
such as mod_perl or ASP that allow script interpreters to be 
integrated directly into web servers as modules, thus avoiding the 
overhead of repeatedly loading and initializing language interpreters.

So "CGI" is absolutely not a good name for a new and modern module's 
design where the module's functionality isn't CGI-specific.

-- Darren Duncan

HTTP::Request/Response (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-14 Thread Darren Duncan

At 5:00 PM -0700 9/14/06, Aankhen wrote:

There were a few discussions with Juerd and others in #perl6 about in Perl 6... if anyone's interested, I'll look for the logs.
The major feeling was that there should be no (if someone was
hellbent on using it, they could use the Perl 5 module).  Rather,
there needs to be proper seperation of concerns.  Maybe instead of
just importing CGI, you'd now import HTTP::Request::CGI and
HTML::Generator (I'm throwing names out at random, although I did
write HTTP::Request::CGI as a subclass of HTTP::Request whose members
are populated in a manner similar to's parsing of %ENV).

While I wasn't involved in that discussion, I agree with the 
sentiment you have expressed here, wherein there should be no 
"" in Perl 6.

(Moreover, we should probably make an effort that no Perl 6 module 
will have just a top-level namespace as its name unless it is a core 
module or it is a framework.)

Having had some prior experience in tackling this problem (eg, 
CGI::Portable), I will endeavour to work on / help with the Perl 6 
analogy to HTTP::Request/Response, so to replace the use of 
corresponding aspects of

Note that the design strategy I had used in CGI::Portable was to have 
a pure container object representing a request and/or response, which 
was used sort of like this:

1. At start of handling an HTTP request, the main server runloop 
creates a new Request Container and has it populated by invoking a 
module function that knows about a particular environment, such as 
IO::Socket vs mod_perl vs CGI or whatever.

2. The main runloop calls the application's main per-request handling 
function; that function reads its HTTP input details from Request 
Container and writes its HTTP output details to Response Container.

3. At end of handling an HTTP request, the main server runloop 
invokes a module function that knows about a particular environment, 
and that function outputs whatever the Response Container represents.

Note that, in the general case, the Request/Response containers would 
not have any ties to outside environment, though in specific cases 
where input and output are too large to easily fit in RAM at once, 
there can be enhancements.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Charsets in HTTP (was: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-16 Thread Juerd
A. Pagaltzis skribis 2006-09-16 19:38 (+0200):
> * Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-09 20:40]:
> > 4.  Make UTF-8 the default HTTP response character encoding, and the
> > default declared charset for text/* MIME types, and explicitly
> > declare that this is what the charset is.  The only time that output
> > should be anything else, even Latin-1, is if the programmer
> > specifies such.
> No, please don???t. For unknown MIME types, the charset should be
> undeclared. In particular, `application/octet-stream` should never
> have a charset forced on it if one is not assigned by the client code
> explicitly. Likewise, for `application/xml` and `application/*+xml`, a
> charset should NEVER be explicitly declared, as XML documents are
> self-describing, whereas declaring a charset forces using the charset
> declared in the HTTP header.  This is very unwise (cf. Ruby???s
> Postulate).

Darren discussed the *default* encoding. Like how text/html is a nice
default for the MIME-type, UTF-8 is a nice encoding. Both should be

My thoughts:

* Default Content-Type header of "text/html; charset=UTF-8".
* Default output encoding of UTF-8.
* When a new Content-Type is set, but no new encoding
* Keep the default output encoding of UTF-8
* Warn if it's text/* without /charset=/
* Use the specified charset as the output encoding
* Change the output encoding to raw bytes if it's not text/*
* When a new Content-Type is set, and a new encoding is given
* Use the supplied encoding
* Warn if it's text/* without /charset=/
* Warn if supplied encoding and charset aren't equal enough

I think it's important to realise that only text/* have charset, and
that Content-Type is MIME-type plus charset in one value. We shouldn't
be "clever" and separate these: they're one string.

For XML, you'd have to explicitly mention Content-Type and encoding,
because the encoding can no longer be taken from the Content-Type, and
the default for non-text/* is raw bytes.

> > 5.  Similarly, default to trying to treat the HTTP request as
> > UTF-8 if it doesn't specify a character encoding; fallback to
> > Latin-1 only if the text parts of the HTTP request don't look
> > like valid UTF-8.
> This is not just unwise, it is actually wrong. Latin-1 is the
> default for `text/*` MIME types if no charset is declared. Using
> a different charset in violation of the HTTP RFCs is __BROKEN__.


> In fact, now that I???m writing all this out, I am starting to
> think that maybe CGI.pm6 should simply punt on charsets as
> does. Otherwise, the code and API would have to have able to deal
> with the full complexity of charsets in HTTP, and the docs would
> have to explain it, which is no picnic at all.

Simple schemes can always be documented equally simply.

A first attempt:

The default value for the C header is C

The encoding that $module uses for output data is taken from the
C attribute in the C header. If there is no
charset in the C header, UTF-8 is used for all text/*
types, and raw for everything else.

It is possible to explicitly force an output encoding. When you're
not sending a text/* document, you need to do this if the document
does contain text. This is the case with most XML formats.

$response1.type = 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1';
# implies: $response1.encoding = 'iso-8859-1;

$response2.type = 'application/xml';
$response2.encoding = 'UTF-8';

my $response3 = :type('text/html; 
my $response4 = :type, 
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Charsets in HTTP (was: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-16 Thread Darren Duncan

At 7:38 PM +0200 9/16/06, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-09 20:40]:

 4.  Make UTF-8 the default HTTP response character encoding,
 and the default declared charset for text/* MIME types, and
 explicitly declare that this is what the charset is.  The only
 time that output should be anything else, even Latin-1, is if
 the programmer specifies such.

No, please don't. For unknown MIME types, the charset should be
undeclared. In particular, `application/octet-stream` should
never have a charset forced on it if one is not assigned by the
client code explicitly. Likewise, for `application/xml` and
`application/*+xml`, a charset should NEVER be explicitly
declared, as XML documents are self-describing, whereas declaring
a charset forces using the charset declared in the HTTP header.
This is very unwise (cf. Ruby's Postulate).

Look again; I was only specifying that a default charset is used for 
text/* MIME types, not non-text/* MIME types; the latter would 
typically have no charset as you say.

 > 5.  Similarly, default to trying to treat the HTTP request as

 UTF-8 if it doesn't specify a character encoding; fallback to
 Latin-1 only if the text parts of the HTTP request don't look
 like valid UTF-8.

This is not just unwise, it is actually wrong. Latin-1 is the
default for `text/*` MIME types if no charset is declared. Using
a different charset in violation of the HTTP RFCs is __BROKEN__.

Okay, I retract that suggestion.  Because the official HTTP spec says 

In fact, now that I'm writing all this out, I am starting to
think that maybe CGI.pm6 should simply punt on charsets as
does. Otherwise, the code and API would have to have able to deal
with the full complexity of charsets in HTTP, and the docs would
have to explain it, which is no picnic at all.

I disagree.  Regardless of the details, a Perl 6 replacement for *should* handle character set issues.  Its users should simply 
be able to pull out correctly interpreted ready-to-use Str values 
when the HTTP request content type is text, and not have to know 
about what character set was used in the request.  Analagously, if 
the user takes their Str values and supplies them to an HTTP response 
whose content type is text, they should not have to specify an output 
encoding if they don't want to, and UTF-8 is the best default because 
it can handle all possible characters that the Str repetoire can 

The replacement by no means has to do the dirty work of 
processing encodings itself, such as mapping bytes to chars etc. 
Those details would be handled by something else, such as either Perl 
6 itself or a Perl 6 analogy to

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Charsets in HTTP (was: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-16 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-16 22:15]:
> My thoughts:
> * Default Content-Type header of "text/html; charset=UTF-8".
> * Default output encoding of UTF-8.
> * When a new Content-Type is set, but no new encoding
> * Keep the default output encoding of UTF-8
> * Warn if it's text/* without /charset=/
> * Use the specified charset as the output encoding
> * Change the output encoding to raw bytes if it's not text/*
> * When a new Content-Type is set, and a new encoding is given
> * Use the supplied encoding
> * Warn if it's text/* without /charset=/
> * Warn if supplied encoding and charset aren't equal enough

I had to read your mail twice to get what you really meant here,
but now that I have, this sounds reasonable.

> I think it's important to realise that only text/* have
> charset, and that Content-Type is MIME-type plus charset in one
> value. We shouldn't be "clever" and separate these: they're one
> string.

Sounds good to me.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-12 Thread Yuval Kogman
On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 13:31:55 -0700, Michael Snoyman wrote:

> I agree  completely.  In that vein, I think that one thing a lot of web
> developers would like to have available more easily would be session
> management.  In PHP it's as simple as $_SESSION['key'] = 'value'.  I
> understand that is a fundemantally different concept from PHP and
> that this can't be completely taken care of by the module.  Still, if
> something could be written in, I think it would make many people's lives
> simpler.

Please... no...

There are *so* many ways to do session handling that lugging them
all into will just make a mess.

It'd work much better as mixin plugins of some sort. I'd be happy to
discuss my conclusions from redesigning the Catalyst session
handling, if you like.

  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  0xEBD27418

Description: PGP signature

Re: HTTP::Request/Response (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-15 Thread Michael Snoyman

On 9/14/06, Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Having had some prior experience in tackling this problem (eg,
CGI::Portable), I will endeavour to work on / help with the Perl 6
analogy to HTTP::Request/Response, so to replace the use of
corresponding aspects of

I really like this idea.  I was actually working on a threaded HTTP server
in Perl that used that exact approach.  The idea was that you could write a
HTTP::Server::Threaded::Handler implementation; this could easily work for
CGI as well.  I can't test my code, since my Pugs installation is currently
broken (I've been working on it from work, and I'm trying to get everything
working in Cygwin right now).  However, I've posted my code at this URL:

As a note to Audrey: This is what I was asking about threads for; I added
the async statement, but haven't tested it.


Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-16 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-12 12:05]:
> There are *so* many ways to do session handling that lugging
> them all into will just make a mess.

Agreed, but maybe this is a case where it would make sense to do
something like what Perl 6 does for OO vs Perl 5, ie provide one
good default set of options that people can use without thinking
too much about it when they first get started?

F.ex., I could imagine that CGI.pm6 would provide a framework for
plugging in session implementations somehow (insert your wisdom
from the Catalyst design here f.ex.), and then comes with an easy
to set up default session store that would be configured in the
course of Perl 6 installation.

This way, it would work the way PHP works: when the sysadmin
installs it, it is automatically fully set up to provide sessions
somehow, and only the people who really need performance or
special features need to think harder about it. (Which they can,
because the whole thing is still pluggable.)

I think we stand to gain a lot from adopting the PHP/Python
“batteries included” attitude (cf. Elaine’s Law). (I note that
Catalyst is not holding up so well there… although it has made
great strides, in all fairness.)

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-16 Thread Juerd
> F.ex., I could imagine that CGI.pm6 would provide a framework for

Please, please, please, let us not call this module "CGI" or anything
closely resembling it. This will only fool a lot of inexperienced Perl 5
programmers, and start a lot of fuss about the interface being

And, of course, the name "CGI" is just totally *WRONG*, for several
reasons, *especially* if we provide Session support built in.

> This way, it would work the way PHP works: when the sysadmin
> installs it, it is automatically fully set up to provide sessions
> somehow, and only the people who really need performance or
> special features need to think harder about it. (Which they can,
> because the whole thing is still pluggable.)

Agreed. We can safely default to file based sessions, like PHP does.
This is one of the things that PHP got right!

Inefficiency, cruft accumulating in /tmp, and the possible
inavailability of a tmp directory is not our problem. That's a sysadmin

We can easily make this work out of the box for 95%[1] of all

[1] Like 53.4% of all statistics, this one is made up and based only on
0.5% actual research that nobody can actually recall, and based
precisely 88.445% on the writer's own experience.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
> I agree  completely.  In that vein, I think that one thing a lot of web
> developers would like to have available more easily would be session
> management.  In PHP it's as simple as $_SESSION['key'] = 'value'.  I
> understand that is a fundemantally different concept from PHP and
> that this can't be completely taken care of by the module.  Still, if
> something could be written in, I think it would make many people's lives
> simpler.

In Perl 5, CGI::Session is one solution that feels this gap well.

In frameworks like CGI::Application, sessions can be integrated so they
are apart of the of the same object anyway:

 self.query <-- object
 self.session   <-- CGI::Session object.

As far as I'm aware, no work on CGI::Session for Perl 6 has started yet.
I'm sure there will be some things that would be nice to change about it
as well, as it currently has some features only for backwards


Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-17 Thread Juerd
Mark Stosberg skribis 2006-09-16 22:04 (-0500):
> As far as I'm aware, no work on CGI::Session for Perl 6 has started yet.

I'm happy about that, because this module must not have "CGI" in its
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Ian Langworth

It sounds like the name of HTTP is more appropriate:

 ...uri, pathinfo, params, method, headers, etc.

 ...adds to HTTP::Request to provide session() method

 ...response code, content, headers, etc.

 ...extends response.write() to encode JSON

Maybe could adapt these to the CGI environment and ecapsulate
their functionality.

Maybe it's too servlety.

On 9/17/06, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mark Stosberg skribis 2006-09-16 22:04 (-0500):
> As far as I'm aware, no work on CGI::Session for Perl 6 has started yet.

I'm happy about that, because this module must not have "CGI" in its
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ian Langworth

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Juerd
Ian Langworth skribis 2006-09-19 19:02 (-0700):
> It sounds like the name of HTTP is more appropriate:
>   HTTP::Request
>  ...uri, pathinfo, params, method, headers, etc.
> (etc)

Well, yes and no. HTTP is today's web protocol standard, but may not be
with us forever. I was thinking of getting these HTTP modules from LWP
(and Perl6-ify them, and change some method names), and then letting
Web::Blah inherit from HTTP::Blah as a first implementation.

> Maybe could adapt these to the CGI environment and ecapsulate
> their functionality.

Maybe I think that that should absolutely not belong in a root
namespace. Though yes, could be in a directory, like Web/

> Maybe it's too servlety.

No, it's perfect, if we change just a few things (mostly the number of
"convenience methods" that are just delegations, and introduce some real
convenience instead.)
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Fagyal Csongor

Ian Langworth wrote:

It sounds like the name of HTTP is more appropriate:

 ...uri, pathinfo, params, method, headers, etc.

 ...adds to HTTP::Request to provide session() method

 ...response code, content, headers, etc.

 ...extends response.write() to encode JSON

Maybe could adapt these to the CGI environment and ecapsulate
their functionality.

Maybe it's too servlety.

It is :)

It is probably the *proper* way, but definetely not the *efficient* way. 
You rarely do real HTTP handling when you use CGI.

A general, simple CGI handling module fits into 200 lines, including 
POD. Imagine like

sub parseQueryStupidAndWrong {
   my $self = shift;

   $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} || return {};

   my @pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
   my %query;
   foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
   my ($key, $value) = split (/=/, $pair);
   $key =~ tr/+/ /;
   $key = whatever::url_decode($key);
   $value =~ tr/+/ /;
   $value = whatever::url_decode($value);
   if ($query{$key}) {
   $query{$key} .= ", $value";
   } else {
   $query{$key} = $value;
   return \%query;

You don't really need more. IMHO a CGI module 
parses/preprocesses/decodes/etc. all incoming parameters (POST, GET, 
COOKIES), and that's it. It might give some useful other routines (e.g. 
url encoding / decoding, various ways to mix GET+POST, set content types 
more easily, etc.), but other than that, it should be very lightweight 
and easy to use.

- Cs.

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Thomas Wittek
Fagyal Csongor schrieb:
> Ian Langworth wrote:
> A general, simple CGI handling module fits into 200 lines, including
> POD.
> [..]
> You don't really need more. IMHO a CGI module
> parses/preprocesses/decodes/etc. all incoming parameters (POST, GET,
> COOKIES), and that's it.

I can support this statement:

In a ~30k lines (incl POD) web project I actually use mostly for
parameter parsing:

  $ grep -ri 'cgi->' * | grep -v new | wc -l

Wehereas I hardly use for anything else:

  $ grep -ri 'cgi->' * | grep -v new | grep -v param | wc -l

4 of these 7 matches address file upload handling, the other 3 match in
an other custom module with the name *::CGI - not

But I think that it would be a good idea to create a clean, "servlety"
foundation, upon which you still can implement a 200 lines that covers the most common web-request tasks.

Thomas Wittek

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Juerd
Fagyal Csongor skribis 2006-09-20 11:28 (+0200):
> You rarely do real HTTP handling when you use CGI.

You may not, but many people do a lot of these things.

And when you don't, the datastructures are currently parsed and filled
anyway, so I don't know why you say it'd be too inefficient.

> A general, simple CGI handling module fits into 200 lines, including 
> POD. Imagine like

That's not "CGI handling", that's form parameter parsing. CGI, and web
programming, is much more than that.

> You don't really need more.

I think you mean: "I don't really need more". Many people do need a
whole lot more, and does do a whole lot more. Just not in a
nicely organized set of classes.

It's unfortunate that it mostly lets the user handle headers that are
communicated through ENV, precisely because that's part of the CGI spec,
and not common to other kinds of web programming, so it's specifically a
job for a module called

> It might give some useful other routines (e.g.  url encoding /
> decoding, various ways to mix GET+POST, set content types more easily,
> etc.), but other than that, it should be very lightweight and easy to
> use.

I agree that things should be lightweight and easy to use. But in Perl
6, that doesn't mean that you should avoid nicely structured OO.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Fagyal Csongor

Thomas Wittek wrote:


But I think that it would be a good idea to create a clean, "servlety"
foundation, upon which you still can implement a 200 lines that covers the most common web-request tasks.

That sounds nice.

- Cs.

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Fagyal Csongor

Juerd wrote:

Fagyal Csongor skribis 2006-09-20 11:28 (+0200):

You rarely do real HTTP handling when you use CGI.

You may not, but many people do a lot of these things.

Actually me, too. Not with, though.
I tend to use CGI::Simple for form/param parsing, for 
template processing, LWP::Simple for... well, HTTP handling (kind of...) 
and so on and so on.

And when you don't, the datastructures are currently parsed and filled
anyway, so I don't know why you say it'd be too inefficient.

Inefficient was probably a bad choice of word.
I would rather say: I would not like to see Perl6's as a monster 
module, which has one part everyone uses, and one hundred other parts 
that some uses, because I feel those parts should be put into other 
I just feel quilty when I use (Perl5's) for such trivial tasks as 
parameter parsing. Feels like... say, using MIME::Lite for *sending* 
mail not *constructing*.
Or maybe... you know, I have a Windows XP installed at home. The one 
thing I use it for is to run dvdsrhink :)) That's a big price for 10G of 
discspace :)

As a side note I also have to add that I really dislike the 
"html-functions" currently has. Creating the representation is 
the task of the designer, not the programmer. It's almost like "echo" in 
PHP :))) I used with simple cgi scripts, with Apache::ASP, 
mod_perl and FCGI, I used CGI::Cookie, etc. yet I never needed those 
HTML generating methods. To me, it feels wrong that they are 

A general, simple CGI handling module fits into 200 lines, including 
POD. Imagine like

That's not "CGI handling", that's form parameter parsing. CGI, and web
programming, is much more than that.

That I know :) That's what I do for a living :), for almost like 10 
years now. And I started with "" :)  ...which makes me think 
"" should not do much more than that old horse.

But please see below.

You don't really need more.

I think you mean: "I don't really need more". Many people do need a
whole lot more, and does do a whole lot more.

My public domain framework's dispatcher class starts something like:

use strict;
use FCGI;
use Template;
use Template::Stash;
use CGI::Simple::Cookie;
use CGI::Simple;
use Config::General;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes;
use Digest::MD5;
use HTML::FillInForm;
use LWP::Simple;
use MIME::Base64 qw/encode_base64/;
use PET::Filter;
use PET::Util;
use PET::Log;
use PET::CacheControl;
use Storable;
use Carp qw/croak cluck carp/;
use BSD::Itimer;
use POSIX qw/setuid setgid/;
use BSD::Resource;

And that's just the dispatcher - the framework uses every third module 
from CPAN, so to say :) So I am also between those people who need a lot 
more - yet I think should only do parameter parsing.

But no, that is not correct. What I really want to say is that I have no 
problem with any parts of the original, *except for* the HTML 
generation stuff. CGI/ is ~1200 lines. is ~7500 lines. And 
what is missing? From the man page of CGI::Simple:

  CGI::Simple provides a relatively lightweight drop in replacement 
for  It shares an identical OO
  interface to for parameter parsing, file upload, cookie 
handling and header generation. This mod-
  ule is entirely object oriented, however a complete functional 
interface is available by using the

  CGI::Simple::Standard module.

  Essentially everything in that relates to the CGI (not 
HTML) side of things is available. There
  are even a few new methods and additions to old ones! If you are 
interested in what has gone on under the

  hood see the Compatibility with section at the end.

Just not in a
nicely organized set of classes.

If you put it that way, I can certanly agree.

It's unfortunate that it mostly lets the user handle headers that are
communicated through ENV, precisely because that's part of the CGI spec,
and not common to other kinds of web programming, so it's specifically a
job for a module called

It might give some useful other routines (e.g.  url encoding /
decoding, various ways to mix GET+POST, set content types more easily,
etc.), but other than that, it should be very lightweight and easy to

I agree that things should be lightweight and easy to use. But in Perl
6, that doesn't mean that you should avoid nicely structured OO.

If we talk about nicely structured OO, I can see a few ways:
- include something like "CGI::HTML", to get rid of the HTML 
generating part, or maybe even separating CGI::HTML and CGI::Request
- now that I write it down, for me it feels more natural to have 
something like "HTML::CGI" :

 # imagine something like:
$cgi = new CGI;
$html = HTML::CGI->new($cgi);
$html->popup_menu( ... );   # I won't do this, but others might... :)

...and still I think that a module named CGI should handle t

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Fagyal Csongor


Sorry for the bandwith usage again, but what about something like

class CGI
 is CGI::Base
 does CGI::ParamParser
 does CGI::HTML
{ ... }


To make kind of backward compatible, but separates the layers.

(Please excuse my bad syntax/semantics.)

- Fagzal

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Jacinta Richardson
Fagyal Csongor wrote:

>  # imagine something like:
> $cgi = new CGI;
> $html = HTML::CGI->new($cgi);
> $html->popup_menu( ... );   # I won't do this, but others might... :)

My biggest gripe with CGI's html methods is the inconsistency in their
names.  I use them every now and then, but I always have to go and look
up the documentation.  It's "textfield" isn't it?  So that would make
this one "passwordfield": nope, it's "password_field".  "popup_menu" so
"scrolling_menu"... Ah, no: "scrolling_list".  How do I make it
multi-select again?

I'd love the Perl 6 version to have a compatibility mode where it
returned the methods we're all used to, but encouraged something which
was more intuitive.  Perhaps that would be better in two modules which
essentially did the same thing though.

All the best,


Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Juerd
Fagyal Csongor skribis 2006-09-20 15:43 (+0200):
> Inefficient was probably a bad choice of word.
> I would rather say: I would not like to see Perl6's as a monster 
> module, which has one part everyone uses, and one hundred other parts 
> that some uses, because I feel those parts should be put into other 
> modules.

Perl 6's Web toolkit, even with all these classes, is likely to be much
lighter than Perl 5's with :standard.

But note that especially if it is a well designed bundle of
classes/roles, you can pick exactly those things that you need, and
leave all others out. That's part of the reason why you should separate

> As a side note I also have to add that I really dislike the 
> "html-functions" currently has. Creating the representation is 
> the task of the designer, not the programmer.

That's an ideal world. Many programmers have to hack some HTML
themselves. I do think that they're far better off with raw HTML, but
there are people who prefer the generation methods, and we should try to
make everyone happy, not just ourselves.

> To me, it feels wrong that they are there.

It *is* wrong to have them in It wouldn't be wrong to have them
in a Web toolkit. In any case, I think they should only be loaded on

> And that's just the dispatcher - the framework uses every third module 
> from CPAN, so to say :) So I am also between those people who need a lot 
> more - yet I think should only do parameter parsing.

I think, as in Perl 5, should not ever be written for Perl 6.

I think Web::CGI could handle CGI requests well, but not just parameter
parsing. It should also do ENV parsing. If you want to implement only
parameter parsing, don't ask for CGI, because CGI is more than that.

> generation stuff. CGI/ is ~1200 lines. is ~7500 lines. And 

Please don't measure things in lines. For starters, your line counts
include documentation. These numbers are meaningless.

> If we talk about nicely structured OO, I can see a few ways:
> - include something like "CGI::HTML", to get rid of the HTML 
> generating part, or maybe even separating CGI::HTML and CGI::Request

s:g/CGI/Web/, please! mod_perl has nothing to do with CGI (except
perhaps for its compatibility syntax), and neither does HTTP::Daemon. We
should write generic code, suitable for any implementation.

I'm thinking of:

Web::Init::CGI  # Initializer for CGI requests
Web::Init::FastCGI  # Initializer for FastCGI requests
Web::Init::ModPerl  # Initializer for ModPerl requests
Web::Request# Request objects
Web::Response   # Response objects
Web::Session# Session objects
Web::HTML   # HTML generation
Web::Util   # HTML-entities, URI-encoding, etc
Web # utility module that mostly loads other modules

> - now that I write it down, for me it feels more natural to have 
> something like "HTML::CGI" :
>  # imagine something like:
> $cgi = new CGI;
> $html = HTML::CGI->new($cgi);
> $html->popup_menu( ... );   # I won't do this, but others might... :)

use Web <$web> :html;


implemented by something like

class Web {
has $.request;

role Web::HTML {
method popup_menu(...) {
# something with .request

> ...and still I think that a module named CGI should handle the CGI 1.1 
> (1.2) specification (read *STDIN, write to *STDOUT, parse %ENV , that 
> is) and do nothing more.

That's a good idea, and I agree. But should only be a tiny part
of our web toolkit.

> You know... as the matter of fact, I think we are only arguing about 
> namespace usage here :))

Yes. I'm talking about a web development toolkit, that does at least
what did, and not about CGI as a namespace, because I think
that's an incredibly bad thing anyway.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Juerd
Jacinta Richardson skribis 2006-09-21  0:13 (+1000):
> My biggest gripe with CGI's html methods is the inconsistency in their
> names.  I use them every now and then, but I always have to go and look
> up the documentation.  It's "textfield" isn't it?  So that would make
> this one "passwordfield": nope, it's "password_field".  "popup_menu" so
> "scrolling_menu"... Ah, no: "scrolling_list".  How do I make it
> multi-select again?

Yes, this needs to be redesigned completely. Are you volunteering?

> I'd love the Perl 6 version to have a compatibility mode where it
> returned the methods we're all used to, but encouraged something which
> was more intuitive.  Perhaps that would be better in two modules which
> essentially did the same thing though.

The compatibility mode is perl5:CGI, that loads the old Perl 5
There's little need for us to port bad things to Perl 6. Peoplo who
really want or need to use them can, and we should concentrate on
creating something that's GOOD for new code. This said, I do think it'd
be wise to document changes in accessible tables.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Fagyal Csongor

Juerd wrote:


Fagyal Csongor skribis 2006-09-20 15:43 (+0200):

Inefficient was probably a bad choice of word.
I would rather say: I would not like to see Perl6's as a monster 
module, which has one part everyone uses, and one hundred other parts 
that some uses, because I feel those parts should be put into other 

Perl 6's Web toolkit, even with all these classes, is likely to be much
lighter than Perl 5's with :standard.

I guess that's one of the reasons we are heading from 5 to 6 :)

But note that especially if it is a well designed bundle of
classes/roles, you can pick exactly those things that you need, and
leave all others out. That's part of the reason why you should separate

And here is another reason :)


If we talk about nicely structured OO, I can see a few ways:
- include something like "CGI::HTML", to get rid of the HTML 
generating part, or maybe even separating CGI::HTML and CGI::Request

s:g/CGI/Web/, please! mod_perl has nothing to do with CGI (except
perhaps for its compatibility syntax), and neither does HTTP::Daemon. We
should write generic code, suitable for any implementation.

I'm thinking of:

   Web::Init::CGI  # Initializer for CGI requests
   Web::Init::FastCGI  # Initializer for FastCGI requests
   Web::Init::ModPerl  # Initializer for ModPerl requests
   Web::Request# Request objects
   Web::Response   # Response objects
   Web::Session# Session objects
   Web::HTML   # HTML generation
   Web::Util   # HTML-entities, URI-encoding, etc
   Web # utility module that mostly loads other modules


A very sound idea. Reorganising the CPAN namespace :) (This 
CGI/HTTP/LWP/HTML/etc. got a bit confusing as it grew.)

I would say, maybe add "Web::Tools::*" so that others can add various 
useful (and not that useful) modules without mixing up everything.

And maybe expand Web::HTML something like:
But that's might as well be too much.

So is Web::Init::* class supposed to be selected by Web, and 
Web::Init(::*) used by e.g. Web::Request & Web::Response, so it all 
becomes transparent?

Yes. I'm talking about a web development toolkit, that does at least
what did, and not about CGI as a namespace, because I think
that's an incredibly bad thing anyway.

I absolutely agree.

- Fagzal

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Fagyal" == Fagyal Csongor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Fagyal> As a side note I also have to add that I really dislike the
Fagyal> "html-functions" currently has. Creating the representation is
Fagyal> the task of the designer, not the programmer. It's almost like "echo"
Fagyal> in PHP :))) I used with simple cgi scripts, with Apache::ASP,
Fagyal> mod_perl and FCGI, I used CGI::Cookie, etc. yet I never needed those
Fagyal> HTML generating methods. To me, it feels wrong that they are
Fagyal> there.

You've never made a sticky form then.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Randal L. Schwartz  [2006-09-20 19:30]:
> "Fagyal" == Fagyal Csongor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> yet I never needed those HTML generating methods.
> You've never made a sticky form then.

False dilemma. You can create sticky forms conveniently without
using’s HTML generation stuff. You can use HTML::Template,
HTML::FillInFrom, HTML::Widget, CGI::FormBuilder… should I go on?

C’mon merlyn, you’ve been around long enough to know about CPAN
and realise that your statement is transparently fallacious.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Aankhen

On 9/20/06, Fagyal Csongor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And maybe expand Web::HTML something like:
But that's might as well be too much.

If those are modules to generate markup, I don't see why they should
under the Web namespace.  There needs to be a toolkit (or
something similar), but that's mostly an amalgamation of other


Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-21 Thread Juerd
Aankhen skribis 2006-09-20 18:32 (-0700):
> If those are modules to generate markup, I don't see why they should
> under the Web namespace.  There needs to be a toolkit (or
> something similar), but that's mostly an amalgamation of other
> modules.

Because they speak the same language. That is: they know about arguments
passed via forms, and the preferred output language (xhtml? html?).

use Web :type :html <$web>;
print img(...);   # 

I'm dreaming that :type does the following things:

1. Set the MIME-type to application/xhtml+xml
2. Set the output encoding to UTF-8 again, because application/*
   implied raw
3. Make begin_html (or whatever it'll be called) smart enough to
   output the correct XML header doctype too
4. Make all html generation methods (requested with ":html" in my
   example. Should perhaps be renamed to :htmlgen?) output XHTML
   compatible tags.

If Web::HTML (Web::HTMLgen) is a role to Web, all this can come
naturally. If it's a module somewhere else, it's not so obvious that
it'll play nicely with the rest. 

Putting it in the Web namespace, and making it use information from the
Web object (which mostly delegates to its .request and .response),
doesn't have to mean it can't be used stand-alone.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-21 Thread Fagyal Csongor

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

"Fagyal" == Fagyal Csongor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Fagyal> As a side note I also have to add that I really dislike the
Fagyal> "html-functions" currently has. Creating the representation is
Fagyal> the task of the designer, not the programmer. It's almost like "echo"
Fagyal> in PHP :))) I used with simple cgi scripts, with Apache::ASP,
Fagyal> mod_perl and FCGI, I used CGI::Cookie, etc. yet I never needed those
Fagyal> HTML generating methods. To me, it feels wrong that they are
Fagyal> there.

You've never made a sticky form then.

Erm... what makes you think so?

Not with, but I use HTML::FillInForm for the basic cases (which 
is simply a per-page config parameter in my framework, and which has the 
advantage of using simple HTML markup without any coding), and my own 
module (PET::Filter::UtilXmlMap) for more comples cases when forms are 
pre-populated from DB. E.g.:

(Note: this generates [% Util.ehtml.bodySelect('array', subst.pages, 
'name', 'page', selected, %] at compile time.)

I think JSP tag libraries had a too strong effect on me :)

- Fagzal

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-21 Thread Aankhen

On 9/21/06, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Because they speak the same language. That is: they know about arguments
passed via forms, and the preferred output language (xhtml? html?).

Ah, I didn't think of that.  My bad.  Roles for all these things sound
great to me. :-)


Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-21 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> ""A" == "A Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

"A> * Randal L. Schwartz  [2006-09-20 19:30]:
>> "Fagyal" == Fagyal Csongor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> yet I never needed those HTML generating methods.
>> You've never made a sticky form then.

"A> False dilemma. You can create sticky forms conveniently without
"A> using’s HTML generation stuff. You can use HTML::Template,
"A> HTML::FillInFrom, HTML::Widget, CGI::FormBuilder… should I go on?

"A> C’mon merlyn, you’ve been around long enough to know about CPAN
"A> and realise that your statement is transparently fallacious.

However, HTML::FillInForm, HTML::Widget, CGI::FormBuilder were *not*
in core. was.  One stop shopping.  Easy to describe to people.

We need the same thing for Perl6: "If you're going to do simple web stuff,
please use MUMBLE module".  And MUMBLE better have tight integration of param
processing and sticky form generation, as well as good header generation for
cookies and redirects.  In other words, at least two thirds of what
does for me now.  And MUMBLE better be included *with* Perl6.

Without that, people will *hand code* that stuff, and get it wrong, and we'll
get the reputation of Perl6 being horrible for the web.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-21 Thread Juerd
Randal L. Schwartz skribis 2006-09-21  9:15 (-0700):
> We need the same thing for Perl6: "If you're going to do simple web stuff,
> please use MUMBLE module".  And MUMBLE better have tight integration of param
> processing and sticky form generation, as well as good header generation for
> cookies and redirects.  In other words, at least two thirds of what
> does for me now.  And MUMBLE better be included *with* Perl6.

To a certain extent, I agree.

What do you think of the Web MUMBLE that I proposed? I think I've
expressed it in enough detail now, for you to form an opinion.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-21 Thread Randy W. Sims

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

And MUMBLE better be included *with* Perl6.

I disagree. Anything that can be left out of the base Perl6 distro 
should be.

* It's too inflexible, so it doesn't allow for a new improved module to 
come along to replace it.

* It requires more from the Perl6 maintainers.

* It's impossible for everyone to agree on what should be core because 
everyone uses Perl6 for different applications.

* It's unnecessary bloat.

But this has all been "discussed" before...


Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-21 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Randal L. Schwartz  [2006-09-22 01:25]:
> HTML::FillInForm, HTML::Widget, CGI::FormBuilder were *not* in
> core. was. One stop shopping. Easy to describe to
> people.

That still doesn’t prove that tight coupling is necessary between
parameter parsing and HTML generation.

The concept of core is getting a do-over for Perl 6 anyway.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // 

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-22 Thread Fagyal Csongor

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

""A" == "A Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

"A> * Randal L. Schwartz  [2006-09-20 19:30]:

"Fagyal" == Fagyal Csongor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

yet I never needed those HTML generating methods.

You've never made a sticky form then.

"A> False dilemma. You can create sticky forms conveniently without
"A> using’s HTML generation stuff. You can use HTML::Template,
"A> HTML::FillInFrom, HTML::Widget, CGI::FormBuilder… should I go on?

"A> C’mon merlyn, you’ve been around long enough to know about CPAN
"A> and realise that your statement is transparently fallacious.

However, HTML::FillInForm, HTML::Widget, CGI::FormBuilder were *not*
in core. was.  One stop shopping.  Easy to describe to people.

We need the same thing for Perl6: "If you're going to do simple web stuff,
please use MUMBLE module".  And MUMBLE better have tight integration of param
processing and sticky form generation, as well as good header generation for
cookies and redirects.  In other words, at least two thirds of what
does for me now.  And MUMBLE better be included *with* Perl6.

Without that, people will *hand code* that stuff, and get it wrong, and we'll
get the reputation of Perl6 being horrible for the web.

I am in favour of different bundles. Then you can, for example
yum install perl6-base
yum install perl6-web
yum install perl6-everything

You know what I mean. The diff between perl6-base and perl6-web is a 
bunch of (CPAN6) modules.

- Fagzal

Who uses HTML generation? (was: Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
David Cantrell wrote:
> I wonder how many people really use the HTML-generating bits of
> I know I never have, nor have they been used that I can remember
> anywhere that I've worked, or in any of the non-work projects I've
> collaborated in.  It's always been 'print ""' or more recently
> using a templating language like TT.

I find a few of the form generation methods really handy, especially
popup_menu(). Form elements aren't managed much by designers anyway.
The rest of the HTML stuff I actively ignore.


Re: the in Perl 6 (create a design on the wiki)

2006-09-19 Thread Mark Stosberg
Juerd wrote:
> It does make sense to have a single toolkit that does all this. It does
> not make sense to have a single .pm that does all this. There's
> absolutely no need for having all these different tasks in one module.
> There's not even any benefit. You can just as well use a couple of
> nicely named, grouped, and reasonably standalone roles or classes, and
> then a single module to combine them all for the ease of use that you
> like.

I suggest that those who have concrete ideas sketch out the API through
a new page on the wiki. That could make it easier for someone else to
pick up, if they have programming skill, but less API design experience.
The result might be even multiple API designs (A more compatible
and cleaner/newer/different solution).


best practice for web form stickiness (was: Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
Juerd wrote:
> Personally, I am *against* HTML generating for elements that are not
> form fields. And for form fields, I think the solution should be in the
> templating thing, not elsewhere. Stickiness makes sense on invalid data
> only anyway, and we need to put the error message and a pointer
> somewhere, and those are also templating things. Even the simple
> "contact page" is much better off with a nice templating tool, than with
> HTML generating methods.

I think HTML::FillInForm is a much better way to handle form stickiness.
It allows you to keep the form generation in HTML /and/ still support

So, it's fine with me if the sticky feature of doesn't re-appear.


use perl5:CGI as a solution (was: Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
Aankhen wrote:
> The major feeling was that there should be no (if someone was
> hellbent on using it, they could use the Perl 5 module).  

In theory, "use perl5:CGI" could be a fine solution. In practice, it
hasn't worked out well for me. Even something that seems simple like
passing a hashref to Perl 5 is not documented now. In summary, I found
it easier to update p6 to meet my needs than to 'use perl5:CGI'
to meet my needs. I think the reality it is yet to been seen now well
calls to Perl 5 modules can work for the general case.


use perl5:CGI as a solution (was: Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-18 Thread Mark Stosberg
Aankhen wrote:
> The major feeling was that there should be no (if someone was
> hellbent on using it, they could use the Perl 5 module).  

In theory, "use perl5:CGI" could be a fine solution. In practice, it
hasn't worked out well for me. Even something that seems simple like
passing a hashref to Perl 5 is not documented now. In summary, I found
it easier to update p6 to meet my needs than to 'use perl5:CGI'
to meet my needs. I think the reality it is yet to been seen now well
calls to Perl 5 modules can work for the general case.


Re: use perl5:CGI as a solution (was: Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-17 Thread Juerd
Mark Stosberg skribis 2006-09-16 21:30 (-0500):
> Aankhen wrote:
> > The major feeling was that there should be no (if someone was
> > hellbent on using it, they could use the Perl 5 module).  
> In theory, "use perl5:CGI" could be a fine solution. In practice, it
> hasn't worked out well for me. Even something that seems simple like
> passing a hashref to Perl 5 is not documented now. In summary, I found
> it easier to update p6 to meet my needs than to 'use perl5:CGI'
> to meet my needs. I think the reality it is yet to been seen now well
> calls to Perl 5 modules can work for the general case.

Please note that eventually, perl5:CGI is supposed to work as expected.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: use perl5:CGI as a solution (was: Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-21 Thread Juerd
Mark Stosberg skribis 2006-09-16 21:32 (-0500):
> In theory, "use perl5:CGI" could be a fine solution. In practice, it
> hasn't worked out well for me.Even something that seems simple like
> passing a hashref to Perl 5 is not documented now.

I base my thoughts on Perl 6, not Pugs specifically. It's known that
Pugs doesn't implement all of Perl 6 perfectly yet, and Perl 5
compatibility is one of the many things that needs improvement. Give it
some time, and don't draw conclusions already.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> renaming (was Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6))

2007-04-14 Thread Jacinta Richardson

Juerd wrote:

Jacinta Richardson skribis 2006-09-21  0:13 (+1000):

My biggest gripe with CGI's html methods is the inconsistency in their
names.  I use them every now and then, but I always have to go and look
up the documentation.  It's "textfield" isn't it?  So that would make
this one "passwordfield": nope, it's "password_field".  "popup_menu" so
"scrolling_menu"... Ah, no: "scrolling_list".  How do I make it
multi-select again?

Yes, this needs to be redesigned completely. Are you volunteering?

Is this still needed?  If so yes, I'm now volunteering!  Where'd you like me to 

All the best,


Re: renaming (was Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6))

2007-04-14 Thread Darren Duncan

At 12:53 PM +1000 4/15/07, Jacinta Richardson wrote:

Juerd wrote:

Jacinta Richardson skribis 2006-09-21  0:13 (+1000):

My biggest gripe with CGI's html methods is the inconsistency in their
names.  I use them every now and then, but I always have to go and look
up the documentation.  It's "textfield" isn't it?  So that would make
this one "passwordfield": nope, it's "password_field".  "popup_menu" so
"scrolling_menu"... Ah, no: "scrolling_list".  How do I make it
multi-select again?

Yes, this needs to be redesigned completely. Are you volunteering?

Is this still needed?  If so yes, I'm now volunteering!  Where'd you 
like me to start?

All the best,


Pursuant to Juerd Waalboer's contributions to the relevant 
perl6-users discussion threads on 20060917,21, a replacement effort 
has been started.

See the ext/HTTP/ and ext/Web/ skeleton code in the current Pugs 
repository, which is basically a copy of Juerd's code in the 
discussion emails, which I wrapped with distributions on his behalf 
on 20070217.

Presumably Juerd will get back to these when he has the tuits, but 
meanwhile you could try improving what he started.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: renaming (was Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6))

2007-04-15 Thread Juerd Waalboer
Darren Duncan skribis 2007-04-14 23:37 (-0700):
> Presumably Juerd will get back to these when he has the tuits, but 
> meanwhile you could try improving what he started.


Please read these two posts to this list:

They outline my thoughts; you'll probably be able to extrapolate most of
the interface from it.

Whenever you have specific questions, or get stuck, don't hesitate to
ask. I can probably find a tuit or two to help, or someone else might.

korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: renaming (was Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6))

2007-04-15 Thread Darren Duncan

At 10:23 AM +0200 4/15/07, Juerd Waalboer wrote:

Please read these two posts to this list:

They outline my thoughts; you'll probably be able to extrapolate most of
the interface from it.

I should also point out that copies those 2 list posts are also in 
the Pugs repository, in the docs/ folder of ext/HTTP/ (the more 
central of the 2 derived projects); I put them there at the same time 
as creating ext/HTTP/ for purposes of both explanation and posterity; 
the implementation and rationale are together.

Eg, see:

The main advantage to seeing the perl6-users archive versions is that 
list replies from other people can also be seen there.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: renaming (was Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6))

2007-04-15 Thread Moritz Lenz

Jacinta Richardson wrote:
> Juerd wrote:
[ et al]
>> Yes, this needs to be redesigned completely. Are you volunteering?
> Is this still needed?  If so yes, I'm now volunteering!  Where'd you
> like me to start?

I'd like to point out that this might be a good idea for a perl6

Afaict so far only 2 out of 10 are granted, so ideas and applications
are welcome.


Moritz Lenz - -

Description: OpenPGP digital signature