[GENERAL] Re: Which Front End for Postgresql

2001-05-22 Thread Michelle Murrain

Al Frick wrote:

> Which software should I use for a front end for Postgresql?  I know I
> need an admistrator package for the databases, don't I?
> What about which software to write the enduser routines?  The input
> screens, etc?
> come to think of it, what software should I use for reporting on the
> internal network?
> And what should I use for publishing data on the Net?

The first question is - what's the platform? If it's UNIX - there is 
pg_access - an X based front end. Of course psql is a the text-based front 
end, and it works pretty well.

You can use Access, or any other ODBC compliant database system as a front 
end for postgresql too. 

Basically, you can pretty much use anything that you are used to, or have 
access to, to do front-end or back-end work with Postgres. I use mostly 


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[GENERAL] Re: Re: Which Front End for Postgresql

2001-05-21 Thread Michelle Murrain

Tony Grant wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anybody know of any issues with Mac OS 9.x and either AppleWorks or
> Excel and ODBC access to a Postgres backend?
> I have a client who needs to print labels and who has AppleWorks.

Actually, I was going to investigate this for FileMaker - are their 
postgresql ODBC drivers for the mac? I couldn't find any.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] Ideal hardware configuration for pgsql

2001-05-03 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Thursday 03 May 2001 04:48 pm, Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:

> Those others, like "stable" and "secure". "Enjoyable" is obviously
> subjective (FreeBSD isn't very enjoyable for me, who has used Linux
> and Solaris extensively and much prefer SysV to BSD).

OK, I'll buy that the post was a bit much - my point was just that 
comparisons of flavors of UNIX seem, IMHO to be pointless, and flinging 
accusations of FUD are even more pointless. You can make just about any 
flavor of UNIX (unless it's under serious development, or seriously flawed) 
about as stable and secure as any other. Unlike comparisons of very different 
OSes (Windows vs Unix vs MacOS), comparisons of UNIX seem, to me, to come 
down to personal preference. (Although, many would argue the same for the 
other comparisons as well). 

Let's save the FUD accusations for much more serious matters.


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

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Re: [GENERAL] DBD::Pg errstr method doesn't return full error messages

2001-05-03 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Thursday 03 May 2001 03:24 pm, Vivek Khera wrote:
> where $msgid and $url are the same values above, I get this output:
> ERROR:  Cannot i
> This makes it a bit difficult to distinguish between a hard error and
> simply a duplicate insert error, which I can handle in this app.
> Also, at other times, I get just "7" as the error message rather than
> the full message, making error reporting just a bit confusing. ;-)
> Do you know of any issues with $dbh->errstr that could be causing
> this?  Any workarounds I might try?

I had the same problem.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] had posted a patch to it which worked for me. 
Sorry I deleted the original e-mail with the patch, but I can e-mail you the 
patched source file if you'd like.


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Locking a database

2001-04-30 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Monday 30 April 2001 02:37 pm, Jose Norberto wrote:
> Hello all!
> I want to make a pg_dump of a database, but I must be sure that no one is
> logged in. Which is the best way to do it?
> Thanks in advance

Change the permissions in the pg_hba.conf file 
(/usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf is the default placement)

The bottom of the file looks like:

# Put your actual configuration here
# --
# This default configuration allows any local user to connect as any
# PostgreSQL username, over either UNIX domain sockets or IP:
localall   trust
host all trust
# If you want to allow non-local connections, you will need to add more
# "host" records (and don't forget to start the postmaster with "-i"!).
# CAUTION: if you are on a multiple-user machine, the above default
# configuration is probably too liberal for you --- change it to use
# something other than "trust" authentication.


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] wierd problems with DBI/DBD::pg?

2001-04-30 Thread Michelle Murrain

I recently upgraded from 6.5 to 7.1, and it mostly went smoothly (fixed the 
PHP problem, thanks to a list member). But now some of my perl stuff is being 
a bit strange, and I'm wondering whether other folks have noticed strangeness 
when they upgraded their Postgres as well as upgraded to the new DBD::Pg.

First off, my error strings seem to be cut off - so when an error happens, I 
only get the first few (not at all predictable, either) characters from the 
error string. 

Second, I have this strange situation where a script that does a query on one 
table of a database gives a reasonable result, but returns an internal server 
error when a different table is queried. (this worked prior to the upgrade) - 
plus, the wierd thing is that this script has a graceful exit subroutine, and 
shouldn't just barf like that.

And of course, part of what is going on is that it's really hard to debug, 
since DBI is not returning the full error string, so it's hard to know what's 
going on.

Thanks in advance.


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

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[GENERAL] pg_encoding

2001-04-27 Thread Michelle Murrain

Hi folks,

I'm upgrading from Postgres 6.5 to 7.1. 6.5 was originally installed using 
apt-get (this is on a debian potato box). I'm installing 7.1 from tarball, 
because there are some particular things I want.

Anyway, I'm dumping my database, and I get the command: pg_encoding: command 
not found.

The whole thing appears dumped, and the file looks OK. I've done dumps on 
individual databases before, and gotten the same error, and I've been able to 
restore those databases without too much trouble. 

Is there something I'm missing and should watch out for - or should be 
worried about?


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] installing DBD::Pg without installing postgres

2001-04-23 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Monday 23 April 2001 06:04 pm, Lamar Owen wrote:
> Fran Fabrizio wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > It seems that there should be a way to install the DBD Pg module without
> > having to install postgres on the local machine.  I tried installing
> > just the libs rpm, but that didn't seem to do the trick.  I've done some
> What's the dependencies for the DBD::Pg RPM?  Satisfy those
> dependencies, and properly set up for client-server communications with
> a postgresql server, and it _should_ just _work_.

I don't know a lot of detail about how DBD::Pg works, but I do know that 
during installation (whether from tarball or CPAN, which I think is the best 
way to install perl modules), it requires the path of your postgres libraries 
and includes - so I guess it depends on a postgres installation on the local 

What are you trying to accomplish, exactly? 


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

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Re: [GENERAL] RE: Convert Filemaker Pro db to Postgresql db

2001-04-09 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Monday 09 April 2001 10:49 am, Scott Gritton wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> I'm not a FM user so I actually don't know about its capabilities.
> I've been given the assignment to convert our FM bug database over to
> Postgresql and was hoping that there was a tool out 'there' that could
> accomplish this without me having to spend a lot of time on the process of
> conversion.
> I'm just starting to script with Python and will be looking into how I
> might be able to do the conversion that way if I can't find any easier way.
> Thanks for your reply!

There are basically 4 aspects to a FM database to think about:

1) Field definintions
2) The data
3) User Interface
4) Scripts for functionality

Being both a FM and Postgres user, I'm familiar with how both work, although 
I've not yet tried to convert a FM database into postgres, because I 
invariably use them for different things. 

Obviously, the UI is toast, kiss it goodbye. As are the scripts - FM 
scripting language is very idiosyncratic, and doesn't really correspond well 
to anything much else out there. It also directly depends on the UI - which 
you've had to kiss goodbye. 

There is no automated way that I know of to generate pg tables based on FM 
field definitions. FM does export to .dbf format, so that if there are ways 
to convert .dbf files to SQL, that's one way to go. Otherwise, I think its a 
manual task.

In terms of the data - writing a perl or python script to import data 
exported (in delimited form) from FM to pg is certainly not to hard a task (I 
have a perl script that I've used, if anyone wants it.)

Hope this is helpful.


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Starting Postmaster

2001-03-26 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Monday 26 March 2001 03:49 pm, Doug McNaught wrote:
> "Scott Gritton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I've installed postgresql on a Linux-Mandrake 7.0.2 box with everything
> > installing correctly.
> > But when I try to start postmaster I get the following:
> >
> > DEBUG: Data Base System is in production state at Mon Mar 26 (and so
> > forth)
> >
> > I know that there is a simple answer but I haven't been able to find it
> > in documentation or faqs.
> Ummm... You haven't included anything that actually indicates an
> error.  The message above is basically saying "I'm alive and happy."
> How about some actual error messages?

Also - look at your process list - is the postmaster running?

Can you use psql?


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] Cold Fusion/ODBC

2001-03-21 Thread Michelle Murrain

Hi folks,

I'm just starting with learning how to use Cold Fusion, and I have a question 
for those of you who've used Postgres and CF. First, is there a direct way 
that Cold Fusion can connect with postgres other than ODBC? 


 SELECT * FROM weather

Is there a dbtype command that will directly connect with a pg database, or 
do I have to make the connection via ODBC?

Thanks in advance!

Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

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Re: [GENERAL] IDE or RAD tools

2001-03-19 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Sunday 18 March 2001 07:50 pm, Doug McNaught wrote:
> > > Can anyone recommend any Iintegrated Development Environment or Rapid
> > > Application Development tools for hooking upto a PostgrSQL database?
> > >
> > > In particular, I am looking for something that develops for Linux,
> > > because that is what my server is, and I want the users to work thin
> > > client.
> [snippage]
> > Generally speaking, if you put a good programmer in front of a RAD or
> > IDE, he or she becomes less productive - just one more thing to
> > learn. Programmers type, they don't point and click =)
> Preach on brother!

This is a tangent question - I've been thinking alot about a development 
project to allow mere mortals easily set up web-based databases in pgsql, 
using a web-based tool. Does anyone know about projects that would basically 
provide the functionality of pg_access but in a web-based context? 

If not, it's next on my list of things to tackle.


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

---(end of broadcast)---
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Re: [GENERAL] DELETE and efficiency

2001-03-06 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Tuesday 06 March 2001 05:05 pm, Neil Conway wrote:
> But as I understand it, a DELETE just marks the row as deleted -- the
> data is not actually removed from disk. This means they should be
> fast, but it also means that doing a VACUUM [ANALYZE] fairly regularly
> is probably a good idea.

Is that so? If so, that means there might be a way to do an undelete? What is 


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

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Re: [GENERAL] Getting lengths of variable fields

2001-03-05 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Monday 05 March 2001 07:05 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> Join attrelid against the OID column of pg_class ...

Um, which column?  When I look at that table, I see the following columns...

relname | reltype | relowner | relam | relpages | reltuples | 
rellongrelid | relhasindex | relisshared | relkind | relnatts | relchecks | 
reltriggers | relukeys | relfkeys | relrefs | relhaspkey | relhasrules |  

Thanks again!

Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] Getting lengths of variable fields

2001-03-05 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Monday 05 March 2001 05:55 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> This info is stored in the 'atttypmod' field of pg_attribute, but I
> don't know whether DBD::Pg provides any handy interface to that.  You
> might have to get down-and-dirty enough to select it directly out of
> pg_attribute ...

Ah, I got it. Just do a select. It's a system table I hadn't learned about 
yet. And, I have to subtract 4 from it to get the real length. Thanks!!


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] Getting lengths of variable fields

2001-03-05 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Monday 05 March 2001 05:55 pm, Tom Lane wrote:

> What Michelle seems to want is the declared limit on field width, not
> the actual width of any particular value.

Yes, that's exactly what I want.

> This info is stored in the 'atttypmod' field of pg_attribute, but I
> don't know whether DBD::Pg provides any handy interface to that.  You
> might have to get down-and-dirty enough to select it directly out of
> pg_attribute ...

I couldn't seem to find it - and I'm going to show my naivete here - how do I 
get hold of it if there is no interface in DBD::Pg?



Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

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[GENERAL] troublesome inputs

2001-02-17 Thread Michelle Murrain

Hi Folks,

I've got a question. Users that use the web-based databases that I've 
recently written (cgi-perl and pgsql) sometimes come up with errors when they 
input information. I have realized that I need to write some very rigorous 
error-checking routines in order to make sure that whatever they are typing 
in makes it into the database, or flags them for re-input, and doesn't result 
in an unrecoverable error. What I need to do is two-fold - escape stuff that 
is easy (like single quotes), and do testing of types (make sure they are not 
putting non-numerics in int fields, etc.)

I'm not a newbie at either perl or pgsql, but I'm definitely not yet a guru. 

I've identified quotes in particualr as characters I need to make sure 
get taken care of in some way or another before I pass them to a query. Are 
there others that folks know about, especially combinations of characters 
that lead to wierdness?

Other things I should be thinking about?



Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

[GENERAL] tuples too big

2001-02-08 Thread Michelle Murrain

Hi folks,

I've got a problem - I need a little help. I'm using 6.5.3 from Debian stable.

I've got a database, which has some fields in one table that need to hold a 
fair bit of text (say, 8000-10,000+ characters). Right now, I've got those 
fields as simple text. 

When I try to enter data into those fields, I get the "Tuple too large" 

I can't chop up the fields into smaller pieces, and 8104 is not enough.



Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

RE: [GENERAL] MySQL -> pgsql

2000-10-19 Thread Michelle Murrain

At 2:43 PM -0600 10/19/00, Diehl, Jeffrey wrote:
>I don't think this will work in all cases.  The index syntax is different
>between mysql and psql.  For example, I specify indexing in the create
>clause under mysql; I use a separate statement to create an index under
>psql.  Am I missing something?

Yeah, sorry I was oversimplifying the process. I had to go in and use 
a text editor and change some of the data type definitions. mSQL is 
such a simple DBMS, though, so the tables were really easy.

On the burner for development - conversion tools?

Michelle Murrain Ph.D., President
Norwottuck Technology Resources

Re: [GENERAL] MySQL -> pgsql

2000-10-19 Thread Michelle Murrain

>Can someone point me at any resources on the web that can help with such a
>transformation?  I have a series of tables I want to convert.  Thanks.
>Oh, and I'm not on the list so can you email direct! :)

I don't know MySQL, but I've converted tables from mSQL to pgsql by 
just using the dump tool in mSQL (dumps the schema and data in SQL 
format into a text file), then go into psql and execute the text file 
that comes from the dump. I'm sure MySQL has a tool to do that.

Michelle Murrain Ph.D., President
Norwottuck Technology Resources

[GENERAL] GUIs, OSes and related

2000-10-12 Thread Michelle Murrain

Hi folks,

Another big question, although not so theoretical as the last one:

We've been designing databases for a while now, both web based and 
not. I'm interested in thinking about using postgres to develop 
non-web based databases (ala access and filemaker pro). These are the 
relevant questions:

1) How well Windows (2000/NT/9x)? I've seen a few posts about it 
here, although haven't read them, since I wasn't thinking about this 
question until today. How easy (or hard) is it to install?

2) What GUI front ends have folks used/designed to work with 
postgres? What languages - Perl? C/C++? Python? Tcl/Tk? others?

3) Has anyone developed a solution using postgres on windows and 
activeperl (windows)? Can it be done?

Right now, we've decided that for web based stuff, 
postgres/cgi-perl/mod-perl is going to be our platform of choice. It 
would be cool to find a way to also write non-web database solutions 
using this combination. That would make it easier over time to really 
put together a set of tools that would last a while.

I guess another possible solution is a postgres/java one. Something 
to think about.

I'm also thinking that there isn't at this point a total 
cross-platform software solution that allows you to use a truly SQL 
based DBMS, both in GUI and web-based form. Filemaker is truly 
cross-platform and has web capability, but isn't SQL based. Access is 
SQL based and has web capability, but Macs are out of the picture. 
Am I wrong here? And is anyone interested in a Mac port of postgres? 
(MacOS X might make it real easy.)



Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
President, Norwottuck Technology Resources
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.norwottuck.com

[GENERAL] web programming

2000-09-25 Thread Michelle Murrain

Hi folks,

I thought (now that I've solved my DBD::Pg problem) that I'd ask a 
fairly generic opinion question. I've been working with postgres and 
php now for about 4 years, quite heavily in the last year. I'm sold 
on postgres, and will continue to use it unless I have compelling 
reasons not to. But I'm debating about continuing development using 

1) I'm getting better and better at perl - and it's a much more 
mature language than php.

2) I've been learning a bit about jsp and java servlets - and that's 
intriguing me a lot.

So what's your favorite web programming language to use with 
postgres, and why? Are there speed/performance issues I should think 
about? I'm also beginning to get into XML, so there is another set of 
things to think about.


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
President, Norwottuck Technology Resources
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.norwottuck.com

Re: [GENERAL] DBD::Pg installation

2000-09-25 Thread Michelle Murrain

At 5:51 PM -0400 9/25/00, Michelle Murrain wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>I'm trying to get DBD::Pg installed (I've tried directly and through 
>CPAN) - and I get the following error: please set environment 
>I looked then at the source tree - found the README, then looked at 
>the makefile. The variables POSTGRES_INCLUDE and POSTGRES_LIB need 
>the variable POSTGRES_HOME.
>I defined $POSTGRES_HOME (/usr/local/pgsql) in the makefile, tried 
>to make it again (perl Makefile.pl) and got the same error again!

Never mind - solved the problem meself. Thanks anyway.

Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
President, Norwottuck Technology Resources
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.norwottuck.com

[GENERAL] DBD::Pg installation

2000-09-25 Thread Michelle Murrain

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to get DBD::Pg installed (I've tried directly and through 
CPAN) - and I get the following error: please set environment 

I looked then at the source tree - found the README, then looked at 
the makefile. The variables POSTGRES_INCLUDE and POSTGRES_LIB need 
the variable POSTGRES_HOME.

I defined $POSTGRES_HOME (/usr/local/pgsql) in the makefile, tried to 
make it again (perl Makefile.pl) and got the same error again!


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
President, Norwottuck Technology Resources
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.norwottuck.com