Re: [HACKERS] pl/python tracebacks

2011-03-01 Thread James William Pye
On Mar 1, 2011, at 12:10 PM, Jan Urbański wrote:
 So you end up with a context message saying PL/Python function %s and
 a detail message with the saved detail (if it's present) *and* the
 traceback. The problem is that the name of the function is already in
 the traceback, so there's no need for the context *if* there's a
 traceback present.
 The problem I'm having is technical: since the callback is already set
 when the code reaches the traceback-printing stage, you can't really
 unset it. AFAICS the elog code calls *all* callbacks from
 error_context_stack. So I can't prevent the context message from
 appearing. If I make the traceback part of the context as well, it's
 just going to appear together with the message from the callback.

I remember going through a lot of pain getting this done right
in pg-python[pl/py].

SELECT it_blows_up();
ERROR:  function's main raised a Python exception
CONTEXT:  [exception from Python]
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File public.it_blows_up(), line 13, in main
   File public.it_blows_up(), line 10, in three
return two()
   File public.it_blows_up(), line 7, in two
return one()
   File public.it_blows_up(), line 4, in one
raise OverflowError(there's water everywhere)
 OverflowError: there's water everywhere


IIRC, I unconditionally print the [public.it_blows_up()] part iff it's
not an ERROR. If it is an ERROR, I let the traceback rendering part of the code
handle it on the PL's entry point exit. It was really tricky to do this because 
was rendering the traceback *after* the error_context_stack had been called.
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Re: [HACKERS] pl/python improvements

2010-12-24 Thread James William Pye
On Dec 23, 2010, at 3:38 AM, Jan Urbański wrote:
 Oh, didn't know that. I see that it does some more fancy things, like
 defining a inheritance hierarchy for these exceptions and adding some
 more into the mix.

Right, there were some cases that appeared to benefit from larger
buckets than what the existing code classes provided. Also, some of the
exceptions in there are strictly for py-postgresql/client-side things.

 The names I used are not really invented, they're just plpgsql condition
 names from
 with underscores changed to camel case. Also, since they're
 autogenerated from utils/errcodes.h they don't have any hierarchy, they
 just all inherit from SPIError.

For the backend setting, I think this is quite appropriate.

However, for pg-python, I had mixed feelings about this as I wanted to
be able to leverage py-postgresql's hierarchy, but still have the projects
independent. I ended up punting on this one by using a single error class,
and forcing the user to compare the codes. =(

 Sticking Error to every one of them will result in things like
 SubstringErrorError, so I'm not really sold on that.

There was some creativity applied to the names in postgresql.exceptions
to accommodate for things like that. (Like no redundant Error)

 Basically I think
 more PL/Python users will be familiar with condition names as you use
 them in pl/pgsql than with the names from py-postgresql.

I think that's fair assumption. In fact, I think that might make a good
TODO for py-postgresql/pg-python. Provide a plpgsql-code-name to
exception class mapping.

cheers, jwp
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Re: [HACKERS] hstores in pl/python

2010-12-14 Thread James William Pye
On Dec 13, 2010, at 6:16 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
 how do you identify which type OID is really hstore?

How about an identification field on pg_type?

CREATE TYPE hstore ..., IDENTIFIER 'org.postgresql.hstore';
-- Where the identifier is an arbitrary string.

Type information can be looked up by the PL, and the I/O functions can
be dynamically resolved using the identifier.

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Re: [HACKERS] [JDBC] Trouble with COPY IN

2010-08-28 Thread James William Pye
On Aug 9, 2010, at 11:49 AM, Kris Jurka wrote:
 Oh, duh.  It's a server side copy not going through the client at all. Here's 
 a hopefully final patch.

Trying it out... Works for me.

I understand the resistance to the patch, but it would be
quite nice to see this wart in the rear view. =\
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Re: [HACKERS] Python 2.7 deprecated the PyCObject API?

2010-08-14 Thread James William Pye
On Aug 14, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
 Just to clarify, you're recommending something like
   proc-me = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(proc, NULL);
 + if (proc-me == NULL)
 + elog(ERROR, could not create PyCObject for function);
   PyDict_SetItemString(PLy_procedure_cache, key, proc-me);
 correct?  (Hm, and it looks like we'd better move the pfree just above 

Almost, there's still a Python exception to report and/or clear.
I only glanced at this and didn't recall what the plpython mechanisms were for 
that, thus the ambiguous complain().

 Yeah, and since we'll have to back-patch it, a fairly noninvasive patch
 would be nice.  Will you work on that?

I was hoping that Peter would pop in with a patch, but I think a few lines of 
CPP may suffice..
(warning: untested =)

#ifdef Py_CAPSULE_H
 * Python.h (2.7 and up) includes pycapsule.h, so rely on the header
 * define to detect the API's existence.
#define PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(POINTER, IGNORED) PyCapsule_New(POINTER, NULL, 
#undef PyCObject_Check
#define PyCObject_Check(OBJ) PyCapsule_CheckExact(OBJ)
#define PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(OBJ) PyCapsule_GetPointer(OBJ, NULL)
#endif /* Py_CAPSULE_H */

yay? nay?
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Re: [HACKERS] Python 2.7 deprecated the PyCObject API?

2010-08-13 Thread James William Pye
On Aug 13, 2010, at 5:20 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
 According to a discussion over in Fedora-land, $subject is true:
 I see several calls in plpython.c that seem to refer to PyCObject stuff.
 Anybody have any idea if we need to do something about this?

Well, we should at least be checking for an exception here anyways:

proc-me = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(proc, NULL);
PyDict_SetItemString(PLy_procedure_cache, key, proc-me);

if (proc-me == NULL) complain();

That is, with those warnings adjustments, proc-me will be NULL and then 
explode in PyDict_SetItemString:

[David Malcolm]
However, if someone overrides the process-wide warnings settings, then
the API can fail altogether, raising a PendingDeprecationWarning
exception (which in CPython terms means setting a thread-specific error
state and returning NULL).

AFA a better fix is concerned, the shortest route would seem to be to use the 
new capsule stuff iff Python = 2.7.
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Re: [HACKERS] [JDBC] Trouble with COPY IN

2010-08-06 Thread James William Pye
On Aug 6, 2010, at 4:31 PM, Kris Jurka wrote:

I think there's a snag in the patch:

postgres=# COPY data FROM '/Users/jwp/DATA.bcopy' WITH BINARY;
ERROR:  row field count is -1, expected 1
CONTEXT:  COPY data, line 4

Probably a quick/small fix away, I imagine.

But, I was able to trigger the new ERROR with py-postgresql:

 import postgresql as pg'localhost/postgres')
 q=db.prepare('copy data FROM STDIN WITH BINARY')
 from itertools import chain
 import sys
 db.pq.tracer = sys.stderr.write
 q.load_rows(chain(open('/Users/jwp/DATA.bcopy', 'rb'), (b'EXTRA',)))
↑ B(25): b'B\x00\x00\x00\x18\x00py:0x1268b30\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
↑ E(10): b'E\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01'
↑ S(5): b'S\x00\x00\x00\x04'
↓ b'2'(0): b''
↓ b'G'(5): b'\x01\x00\x01\x00\x01'
↑__(7): b'PGCOPY\n'
↑__(3): b'\xff\r\n'
↑__(5): b'EXTRA'
↑ c(5): b'c\x00\x00\x00\x04'
↑ S(5): b'S\x00\x00\x00\x04'
↓ b'E'(95): b'SERROR\x00C22P04\x00Mreceived copy data after EOF marker\x00WCOPY 
data, line 4\x00Fcopy.c\x00L2081\x00RCopyFrom\x00\x00'
↓ b'Z'(1): b'I'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
 line 462, in raise_server_error
raise server_error
postgresql.exceptions.BadCopyError: received copy data after EOF marker
  CODE: 22P04
  LOCATION: File 'copy.c', line 2081, in CopyFrom from SERVER
  CONTEXT: COPY data, line 4
STATEMENT: [prepared]
  sql_parameter_types: []
  statement_id: py:0x1268b30
  string: copy data FROM STDIN WITH BINARY
  client_address: ::1/128
  client_port: 63922
PostgreSQL 9.1devel on x86_64-apple-darwin10.4.0, compiled by GCC 
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664), 64-bit
CONNECTOR: [Host] pq://jwp:*...@localhost:5432/postgres
  category: None
DRIVER: postgresql.driver.pq3.Driver
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Re: [HACKERS] [JDBC] Trouble with COPY IN

2010-07-28 Thread James William Pye
On Jul 25, 2010, at 8:01 AM, Kris Jurka wrote:
 The JDBC driver reads server messages for multiple reasons.

 One of them is indeed to do early failure detection.

That's high quality. =)

 Another is to pickup NoticeResponse messages to avoid a network buffer 

That's a good catch. I don't think psql/restore would often run into this as 
when COPY IN is in play, it's normally restoring a database. However, with 
JDBC, I imagine COPY would more often be used to do bulk loading into live 
tables that may very well cause a NOTICE. [Well, I reference psql/libpq because 
I don't recall it recognizing failure during COPY IN in the past, so I assume 
it's not receiving any data in that state.]

hrm, I suppose a lazy way around that problem would be to suspend all client 
messages(client_min_messages) during COPY IN. Tho, I guess one would still have 
to contend with NotificationResponse, and ParameterStatus..

 So this is possible to work around driver side by peeking into the network 
 stream and delaying processing of the end of copy until the driver agrees 
 that the copy is done, but

I don't think you would have to peek in. If the interface were to always hold 
onto the last message or last n-bytes submitted to be sent, it would be able to 
send the possible CopyData(EOF) and CopyDone once the COPY operation (at the 
interface level) is closed/shutdown/terminated. Granted, this is dependent on 
CopyData(EOF) not being in the middle of regular CopyData, but I gather that 
that would end in an ErrorResponse anyways.

 I still maintain that this is a server bug. It is not OK for the server to 
 assume that the client is done and move on, the client must tell the server 
 what it wants done.

I'm a bit torn here. While it would seem to be either a bug in the spec or a 
bug in the server, I'm inclined to call it a wart in the server's 
implementation of the spec.

I don't see the fix as being dangerous, but I imagine an implementor would want 
to have the workaround in place regardless. I certainly would.

I'd be in favor of seeing this fixed in 9.x, and the documentation updated to 
warn implementors about the wart in the older versions.. That is, I don't see 
any reason why we can't get rid of this unsightly thing considering the 
workarounds would still work with a wart-free server.

cheers, jwp
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Re: [HACKERS] [JDBC] Trouble with COPY IN

2010-07-28 Thread James William Pye
On Jul 28, 2010, at 9:53 AM, Kris Jurka wrote:
 Technically you won't get NotificationResponse until transaction end, so you 
 don't need to worry about that mid copy.

Ah, thanks for noting that. It would appear my original reading of the async 
section didn't get far enough beyond Frontends must be prepared to deal with 
these messages at any time, even when not engaged in a query.. I see the note 
below clarifying NotificationResponse.

 One of the key points of confusion is that CopyData(EOF) does not result in 
 an error.
 It results in ignoring any futher data.
 The problem I have is that for text mode it waits for CopyDone, but in binary 
 mode it ends the copy sequence immediately.

That is bothersome. :\

 Additionally the interface exposed by the JDBC driver lets the user write 
 arbitrary CopyData bytes to the server, so without parsing all of that we 
 don't know whether they've issued CopyData(EOF) or not.

Okay, so you can't know with absolute certainty without parsing the data, but 
the usual case would be handled by holding onto the last-N bytes or so. Enough 
to fit the EOF and perhaps a little more for paranoia's sake.

That's not to say that I'm missing the problem. When (not if, when) the 
user feeds data past a CopyData(EOF), it's going to get interesting.

[Thinking about the logic necessary to handle such a case and avoid network 
buffer deadlock...]
I would think the least invasive way to handle it would be to set the 
CommandComplete and ReadyForQuery messages aside when they are received if 
CopyDone hasn't been sent, continue the COPY operation as usual until it is 
shutdown, send CopyDone and, finally, reinstate CommandComplete and RFQ as if 
they were just received.. I don't think that really accommodates for CopyFail 
as the status in RFQ will need to be adjusted to match what was actually 
done..? Well, I'm not sure you would need to worry about NoticeResponse after a 
premature CommandComplete as INSERTs are no longer happening. ugh.

+1 for a fix.

Not directly regarding your patch, but while the discussion is in the general 
I think it would be wise to throw an error when non-empty CopyData messages are 
received after CopyData(EOF). Chances are that the user is making a mistake and 
should be notified of it.

cheers, jwp
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Re: [HACKERS] [JDBC] Trouble with COPY IN

2010-07-24 Thread James William Pye
On Jul 23, 2010, at 7:11 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
 I can't help thinking that the JDBC driver must be being overly cute
 if this breaks it ...

I was wondering the same thing when I first saw Kris' message. However, iff I 
understand what JDBC is trying to achieve, I don't think I would call it 


Is this a problem because JDBC is trying to detect failures as early as 
possible during a COPY IN?
Or, is it just JDBC's normal MO to always be reading?

Well, I've wanted to do the former (early error detection) with py-postgresql's 
COPY support, and I imagine getting a read event marking completion prior to 
emitting done/fail could be a snag.

cheers, jwp
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Re: [HACKERS] Python Interface Hacking

2010-07-07 Thread James William Pye
On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:07 AM, Peter Froehlich wrote:
 I joined this list under the mis-impression that it was about hacking
 the Python interfaces to pgsql. Is there possibly another list for
 that? Or is the Python stuff just mixed in with all the rest? Sorry
 for the meta-question...

For BSD/MIT licensed python3 fun, be sure to check out:

The project currently enjoys a status as an alternative,
but with help from people like you that could change. =)

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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-05-08 Thread James William Pye
On Feb 1, 2010, at 12:18 PM, James William Pye wrote:
 Right now, I'm trying to trim some of the easy issues[1] and getting a 
 project web page up. I expect to be able to make a release soon, and I'll 
 follow-up to this thread when I do.

Well, I ended up doing some others things at that point in time,
but I have managed to get a release out:
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Re: [HACKERS] libpq connectoin redirect

2010-04-21 Thread James William Pye
On Apr 20, 2010, at 10:03 PM, feng tian wrote:
 Another way to do this, is to send the client an redirect message.  When 
 client connect to, instead of accepting the connection, it can 
 reply to client telling it to reconnect to one of the server on  

ISTM that this would be better handled at a higher-level. That is, given a 
server ( that holds Connect to that server and query 
for the correct target host.
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Re: [HACKERS] Tightening binary receive functions

2010-02-16 Thread James William Pye
On Nov 10, 2009, at 9:54 AM, Bruce Momjian wrote:

 FYI, Heikki has fixed this bug and the fix will appear in Postgres 8.5.

 Heikki Oops, you're right. The check is indeed confusing julian day
 Heikki numbers, with epoch at 23th of Nov 4714 BC, with
 Heikki postgres-reckoning day numbers, with epoch at 1th of Jan
 Heikki 2000. Thanks, will fix.

Need a special case for the infinities as well?

postgres=# create table foo (d date);
postgres=# INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('infinity');
postgres=# COPY foo TO '/Users/jwp/foo.copy' WITH BINARY;
postgres=# COPY foo FROM '/Users/jwp/foo.copy' WITH BINARY;
ERROR:  date out of range
CONTEXT:  COPY foo, line 1, column d
postgres=# DELETE FROM foo;
postgres=# INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('-infinity');
postgres=# COPY foo TO '/Users/jwp/foo.copy' WITH BINARY;
postgres=# COPY foo FROM '/Users/jwp/foo.copy' WITH BINARY;
ERROR:  date out of range
CONTEXT:  COPY foo, line 1, column d

postgres=# SELECT version();
 PostgreSQL 8.5devel on i386-apple-darwin10.2.0, compiled by GCC 
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646) (dot 1), 
(1 row)

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Re: [HACKERS] Confusion over Python drivers

2010-02-06 Thread James William Pye
On Feb 6, 2010, at 5:51 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:
 Finally, I just don't see the existing (often PG specific) goals that I have 
 in mind for it appealing to the majority of [web framework/abstraction] 
 What are those goals?

I think the most interesting one that has yet to be implemented is fast, 
multiple destination COPY support. Currently, COPY is supported, but a bytes() 
object is allocated for each row, so it's currently not efficient for moving 
data(pg-to-pg ETL sans the T? =). While some C is still needed to make it 
properly efficient, it's primarily to keep track of the COPY's state and to 
update stats. This is pretty useless to a django user... Well, I suppose it 
might be interesting if COPY OUT could target [or transform into] JSON, but 

The general, ongoing goal is to implement and document *convenient* Python 
interfaces to PostgreSQL features. A, perhaps uninteresting, case being 
supporting advisory locks. I was thinking a context manager, but it might 
just be something as trivial as an additional method on the connection(very 
simple/direct binding).

Some fuzzy goals: twisted support, some asynchronous interfaces, and greater 
user control over type I/O. The first, twisted, mostly interests me as an 
exercise. The second, async interfaces, scares me as it took me some time just 
to feel not unhappy with the blocking APIs. The third will probably happen, 
but it's going to be a while.

I also have some goals not directly related to a driver. postgresql.unittest is 
currently only used internally, but I hope to document it some day soon so that 
people can write Python unittest.TestCase's that auto-magically build out a 
target cluster(~pg_regress/pgTap for Python?). Well, it works, but it's not 
documented and the APIs haven't been given much thought. Generally, basic 
cluster management tools for Python. (At one point I tried to write a 
programmer's HBA editor, but I think I hurt myself trying to figure out rule 
reduction.. That is, it was trying to be smarter than insert/delete rule at 
position x.)

Well, these are the ones that come to mind, atm, but I don't think there's much 
beyond them.
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Re: [HACKERS] Confusion over Python drivers

2010-02-05 Thread James William Pye
On Feb 5, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Marko Kreen wrote:
 py-postgresql seems to be more serious, but as it's python3 only
 which makes it irrelevant today.

Furthermore, if it did work on python2, it's *not* something that's going to 
appeal to mainstream users (Python heavy web frameworks) as it *partially* 
suffers from the same problem that pg8000 does. It's mostly pure-Python, but it 
has some C optimizations(notably, PQ message buffer). I have done some 
profiling, and *with a few tweaks* it's about 2x-3x *slower than psycopg2* for 
the retrieval of a single int column. I think it could go faster, but I don't 
think it's worth the work.

ISTM that the target audience are folk who are married to PG, and are generally 
unhappy with DB-API, but do not want to buy into a big abstraction layer like 
SQLAlchemy. Sure, it supports DB-API like other drivers so it *would be* usable 
with frameworks, but why take the 3x *or greater* hit over a properly 
implemented libpq version?

Finally, I just don't see the existing (often PG specific) goals that I have in 
mind for it appealing to the majority of [web framework/abstraction] users.

 Psycopg was the leader, especially in web-environments,
 but it has non-obvious license and with dead website it does not
 seem that attractive.  Although it is well-maintained still.
 Best path forward would be to talk with Psycopg guys about
 license clarification/change.

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Re: [HACKERS] Confusion over Python drivers

2010-02-05 Thread James William Pye
On Feb 5, 2010, at 11:34 AM, Josh Berkus wrote:
 For people who use Python a lot, could I have a list of the deficiencies
 in DBAPI?  I've got my horse and lance ready.
 Given that SQLAlchemy isn't for everyone, of course ... it couldn't be,
 or Django would use it, no?

Here are some to start with:

 - paramstyle
 - No direct support of prepared statements
   [they *tried* to compensate for this with cached statements, but it's 
 - Too many *optional* extensions (Cursor Method .__iter__() being rather 

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Re: [HACKERS] Confusion over Python drivers

2010-02-05 Thread James William Pye
On Feb 5, 2010, at 8:00 AM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
 I think another difference is that the Perl DBI interface is very rich,
 whereas the Python DB-API is quite minimal and almost forces people to
 write (incompatible) extensions.  


 The DB-SIG at Python that ought to drive all this is also quite dead,

From reading messages that come into that list(not-so-lately), I've gotten the 
impression that they are content with DB-API 2. Aside from the TPC interfaces, 
the last round of activity that I know of was dbapi3[1 (which was a long while 

 possibly because everyone has moved on to SQLAlchemy.

Yeah. AFAICT, that is the general direction encouraged by DB-SIG. Write an 
abstraction on top of DB-API. SQLAlchemy, SQLObject, anysql, and I'm sure there 
are others.

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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-02-01 Thread James William Pye
On Feb 1, 2010, at 11:29 AM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

 On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 13:20 -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
 On the basis of all of the foregoing, I don't think we can consider
 this patch further for this CommitFest and will update accordingly.  If the user community grows or
 if one of the committers takes an interest in this down the road, I
 think we could consider it for a future release.
 I spoke with James offline about this as well. My understanding (correct
 me James) is that he is working on an implementation that can be
 installed via PGXS.

yep, mostly done:

The tests that can pass are passing on 8.3 and 8.4 now, save optimized Cursor 
returns in 8.3(the materialize preferred flag).

Also made some other improvements like getting rid of the ugly 
`__func__.stateful = True` in favor of a decorator, @Stateful. (Thanks to 
Harald for a push in that direction.)

Right now, I'm trying to trim some of the easy issues[1] and getting a project 
web page up. I expect to be able to make a release soon, and I'll follow-up to 
this thread when I do.

However, the lack of release files shouldn't stop anyone from trying it out. =)


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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-02-01 Thread James William Pye
On Feb 1, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote:
 I would love to know why PL/Python can't be incrementally improved like
 the rest of our code.

AFAICT, there are two primary, perhaps identifying, parts to a PL extension: 
code management (compilation, execution, etc) and type I/O (conversion in most 
PLs). (well, aside from the language itself =)

My proposed extension chooses a different design for both of those parts.

It didn't make sense to try and incrementally change PL/Python because I would 
have been rewriting the whole thing anyways. Not to mention breaking user code 
in the process for the mentioned parts--thus the Python 3 target.

Hope this clears things up.
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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-02-01 Thread James William Pye
On Feb 1, 2010, at 1:23 PM, Nathan Boley wrote:

 I think it would be great for you to review it... I doubt that will
 cause it to get committed for 9.0, but my doubt is no reason for you
 to hold off reviewing it.
 I assumed so, but the pretense of a chance will probably help to motivate me 
 I'll have something by Thursday, and then 'Returned with Feedback'
 will at least be factual.

I haven't updated the plpython3 branch in a while, so you may want to hit the 
github repo with the PGXS build:

...Should probably get the updated docs published too, but they are available 
in src/documentation as ReST files. If you have sphinx installed, running `make 
html` in the root project directory should build them into src/sphinx/html.
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Re: [HACKERS] development setup and libdir

2010-01-30 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 30, 2010, at 3:36 PM, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
 For development purposes you would be far better off building a
 private version of postgres (with configure --prefix=/path) and
 using its pgxs to build, install and test your module.
 That's pretty expensive.


j...@torch[]:org/postgresql/git 0% ls /src/build 
pg  pg-nodb-plpypg81pg83pg85
pg_foreach  py  py31-nodb
pg-nodb pg80pg82pg84pg90
pgweb   py31

The tricky part is that they tend to multiply. ;)

 Requiring I compile a private version of postgres[1]
 increase the cost of development unreasonably,

That install of PG that you're using will *probably not* have debugging 

Now, granted, you might not need PG with debugging for some problems, but 
chances are that you'll come across one (or two or fifty or so) where you 
*will* need it.

I'd suggest using a private install for dev as well. Enable debugging and 
casserts, and make sure your ulimit's allow core dumps.

I'm not sure if pgxs can do what you want or not, but using a private prefix 
works well enough for me.
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Re: [HACKERS] C function accepting/returning cstring vs. text

2010-01-27 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 27, 2010, at 1:00 PM, Joe Conway wrote:
 Implementing true value_per_call is still something on my TODO list, but
 obviously has not risen to a very high priority for me as it has now
 been an embarrassing long time since it was put there. But that said,
 materialize mode has proven extremely good at covering the most common
 use cases with acceptable performance.

Hrm. I think this has been noted before, but one of the problems with VPC is 
that there can be a fairly significant amount of overhead involved with context 
setup and teardown--especially with PLs. If you're streaming millions of rows, 
it's no longer a small matter.

I would think some extension to Tuplestore would be preferable. Where chunks of 
rows are placed into the Tuplestore on demand in order to minimize context 
setup/teardown overhead. That is, if the Tuplestore is empty and the user needs 
more rows, invoke the procedure again with the expectation that it will dump 
another chunk of rows into the container. Not a formal specification by any 
means, but I'm curious if anyone has considered that direction.

Or along the same lines, how about a valueS-per-call mode? =)
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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-01-23 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 14, 2010, at 7:08 PM, Greg Smith wrote:
 So more targeted examples like you're considering now would help.

Here's the trigger example which should help reveal some of the advantages of 
native typing. This is a generic trigger that constructs and logs 
manipulation statements for simple replication purposes.

The original plpython version is located here:
 [You'll need to scroll down to the very bottom of that page.]

There are three points in this example that need to be highlighted:

 1. There is no need for a mogrify function (see original in the above link).
 2. Attributes/columns of the records (new/old) are extracted when referenced.
 3. The comparisons in after_update uses the data type's actual inequality 

The first point is true because native typing gives the user direct access to 
a given type's typoutput via ``str(ob)``. This makes constructing the PG string 
representation of a given object *much* easier--quote_nullable, and done. The 
original plpython example will need to be updated to compensate for any changes 
in conversion: arrays will now need special handling and MD arrays will not 
work at all. It also relies heavily on the Python object representation 
matching PG's; where that fails, special cases need to be 
implemented(composites, notably). All of that compensation performed in the 
original version is unnecessary in the plpython3 version.

The second point touches on the efficiency that was referenced in an earlier 
message. No cycles are spent converting the contents of a container object 
unless the user chooses to. Naturally, there is no advantage performance-wise 
if you are always converting everything.
I'd wager that with triggers, it's rare that everything needs to be converted.

The third point reveals that Postgres.Object instances--a component of native 
typing--use the data type's operator for inequality. It's not limited to 
comparisons as all available Python operators are mapped to corresponding 
operators in PG. For many or all primitives, there is no added value over 
conversion. However, this provides a lot of convenience when working with UDTs, 
datetime types, and geometric types.

...ISTM that the primary advantage of native typing is that we get to define 
the Python interface to a given Postgres data type.

Three files are attached: - the trigger returning function
 afterlog.sql - the sql exercising the TRF (creates the replica_log table as 
 afterlog.out - the contents of the replica_log table after executing 

To replay:

\i afterlog.sql
SELECT * FROM replica_log;

from Postgres import quote_nullable, quote_ident, notify

# parameter type extracted from the statement
record_manipulation = prepare(INSERT INTO replica_log (sql) VALUES ($1))

def log(sql):
	# notify listeners that new data is available

fmt_insert = INSERT INTO {relname} ({columns}) VALUES ({values});.format
fmt_update = UPDATE {relname} SET {changes} WHERE {keys};.format
fmt_delete = DELETE FROM {relname} WHERE {keys};.format

def fmt_eqs(joinwith, keys, record, fmt = {0} = {1}.format):
	pairs = [fmt(quote_ident(k), quote_nullable(record[k])) for k in keys]
	return joinwith.join(pairs)

# entry points

def after_insert(td, new):
	relname = td.args[0]
	sql = fmt_insert(
		relname = relname,
		columns = ', '.join(map(quote_ident, new.keys())),
		values = ', '.join(map(quote_nullable, new.values())),

def after_update(td, old, new):
	relname, *pkeys = td.args
	modified_columns = {k : v for k,v in new.items() if old[k] != v}

	# only log if there were modified columns
	if modified_columns:
		sql = fmt_update(
			relname = relname,
			changes = fmt_eqs(', ', modified_columns.keys(), modified_columns),
			keys = fmt_eqs(' AND ', pkeys, old)

def after_delete(td, old):
	relname, *pkeys = td.args
	sql = fmt_delete(
		relname = relname, 
		keys = fmt_eqs(' AND ', pkeys, old)

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

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Re: [HACKERS] [NOVICE] Python verison for build in (Win32)

2010-01-20 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 20, 2010, at 12:27 PM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
 Well, it needs the version to match it to the DLL name. For python
 2.6, it needs python26.dll. But yes, there should probably be some way
 to ask python itself about that - that would be the non-naive method.
 But as long as python is installed per default, we got it for free,
 which is why it has worked so far.

[on tom's question]
IIRC, the reason you can't query Python in the same way that 
configure/python.m4 does is because the generated Makefile that supports 
distutils.sysconfig does not exist in standard win32 builds. That is, AFAIK, 
there is no way to request the exact path of the dll/lib file in win32. 
However, I'm not particularly familiar with Python on win32, so that may not be 
the case.

Given the absence of a more precise method, I'd recommend considering something 
along the lines of:

Allow the user specify ( the Python executable to build against and 
default to the python.exe in %PATH%. (this may already be the case, idk)

Query Python for the version information and installation prefix.

 python -c 'import sys; print(str(sys.version_info[0]) + 
 python -c 'import sys; print(sys.prefix)'

Assume that the prefix has a normal layout, and construct the lib path from the 
extracted version and prefix.
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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3 perf

2010-01-20 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 14, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
 What I would (as a non hacker) would look for is:
 (1) Generalized benchmarks between plpython(core) and plpython3u
 I know a lot of these are subjective, but it is still good to see if
 there are any curves or points that bring the performance of either to

k, it was pretty much as expected. However, the surprise for me was that 
@pytypes didn't perform as terribly as I expected it to. I imagine it's impact 
may become more noticeable with more parameters, but, nonetheless, I was 
surprised. I didn't do any SRF tests, but the installations are still setup, so 
if anyone really wants to see that, it shouldn't take long to do.

Apologies ahead of time for the lack pretty graphs. =)

I used two different builds/installations of PG to test as the PL names 
conflict. Both were compiled with the following CFLAGS(pg_config output):

-O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement 
-Wendif-labels -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv

Both PLs were built against the same build of Python(recent svn update of 

Python 3.1.1+ (release31-maint:77585M, Jan 17 2010, 10:29:13) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646) (dot 1)] on darwin

I ran each of the test files a few times against the target installation, but I 
only attached one of each to this message. (Primarily, multiple runs to filter 
out any spurious spikes.)

The source SQL and output files are attached.

rawtest.sql.out is the output for raw data objects(native typing).
pytypestest.sql.out is the output of the @pytypes test(native typing with 
conversion overhead).
plpythontest.sql.out is the output for core's plpython(conversion).

A few samples from the output files are included inline below.

Each volatile function is called 100,000 times from a COUNT() aggregate, and 
the duration is measured using psql's \timing. Most of the functions simply 
return the first parameter given to it. The functions are ran inside a 
transaction because plpython3 does some cache clears(linecache) and GC at the 
end of transactions.

The parameter type, if any, is indicated by the label:


raw: 125ms
pytypes: 372ms (base overhead, it would appear)
plpython: 309ms


raw: 140ms
pytypes: 684ms
plpython: 750ms


raw: 145ms
pytypes: 676ms
plpython: 718ms


raw: 271ms
pytypes: 2766ms
plpython: 2310ms


raw: 235ms
pytypes: 795ms (N/A, no conversion done, but takes a bit of a hit 
plpython: 1654ms

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-01-17 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 14, 2010, at 7:08 PM, Greg Smith wrote:
 So more targeted examples like you're considering now would help.

So far, I have three specific examples in mind:

The first will illustrate the advantages of function modules wrt setup code in 
the module body. Primarily this is about convenience. (I'm going to send this 
example when I send this message)

The second is a generic after trigger that does manipulation logging for some 
simple replication purposes. This example will illustrate one application of 
native typing as it provides direct access to a PG type's typoutput.

The third one is a fairly old plpythonu example written by Elein that exercises 
SD to keep state for an aggregate. I'm expecting this to be a good candidate 
for showing off stateful functions.

Other things I plan to cover, but nothing specific in mind yet:

 Direct function calls
 Internal subtransactions, with xact(): (something plpython can't do, save 
calling plpgsql =)
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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-01-17 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 14, 2010, at 7:08 PM, Greg Smith wrote:
 So more targeted examples like you're considering now would help.

Here's the first example. This covers an advantage of function modules.

This is a conversion of a plpythonu function published to the wiki:

In the above link, the code is executed in the body of a Python function.
Please see plpython's documentation if you don't understand what I mean by that.

The effect of this is that every time the FUNCTION is called from PG, the 
import statements are ran, a new class object, UrlOpener, is created, and a new 
function object, translate, is created. Granted, a minor amount of overhead in 
this case, but the point is that in order to avoid it the author would have to 
use SD:

if urlopener in SD:
 UrlOpener = SD[urlopener]
 class UrlOpener(urllib.UrlOpener):
 SD[urlopener] = UrlOpener

While some may consider this a minor inconvenience, the problem is that *setup 
code is common*, so it's, at least, a rather frequent, minor inconvenience.

With function modules, users have a module body to run any necessary setup code.

Now, WRT the actual example code, I'm not suggesting that either example is 
ideal. Only that it should *help* identify one particular advantage of function 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.gtranslate(src text, target text, phrase text)
 LANGUAGE plpython3u
AS $function$
from urllib.request import URLopener
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
import json

base_uri =;

class UrlOpener(URLopener):
version = py-gtranslate/1.0
urlopen = UrlOpener().open

equal_fmt = '{0}={1}'.format

def main(src, to, phrase):
args = (
('v', '1.0'),
('langpair', quote_plus(src + '|' + to)),
('q', quote_plus(phrase)),
argstring = ''.join([equal_fmt(k,v) for (k,v) in args])

resp = urlopen(base_uri + argstring).read()
resp = json.loads(resp.decode('utf-8'))
return resp['responseData']['translatedText']
# should probably warn about failed translation
return phrase

pl_regression=# SELECT gtranslate('en', 'es', 'i like coffee');
 Me gusta el café
(1 row)

pl_regression=# SELECT gtranslate('en', 'de', 'i like coffee');

 Ich mag Kaffee
(1 row)

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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-01-15 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 14, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
 What I would (as a non hacker) would look for is:
 (1) Generalized benchmarks between plpython(core) and plpython3u
 I know a lot of these are subjective, but it is still good to see if
 there are any curves or points that bring the performance of either to

I guess I could do some simple function I/O tests to identify invocation 
overhead(take a single parameter and return it). This should give a somewhat 
reasonable view of the trade-offs of native typing vs conversion 
performance-wise. One thing to keep in mind is that *three* tests would need to 
be done per parameter set:

 1. plpython's
 2. plpython3's (raw data objects/native typing)
 3. plpython3's + @pytypes

The third should show degraded performance in comparison to plpythonu's whereas 
the second should show improvement or near equivalence.

@pytypes is actually implemented in pure-Python, so the impact should be quite 

I'm not sure there's anything else worth measuring. SRFs, maybe?

 (2) Example of the traceback facility, I know it is silly but I don't
 have time to actually download head, apply the patch and test this.

Well, if you ever do find some time, the *easiest* way would probably be to 
download a branch snapshot from;a=snapshot;h=refs/heads/plpython3;sf=tgz

It requires Python 3.1. 3.0 has been abandoned by

 type of thing, showing debugging facilities within the function would be

The test output has a *lot* of tracebacks, so I'll just copy and paste one here.

This one shows the traceback output of a chained exception.

-- suffocates a pg error, and attempts to enter a protected area
plpython3u AS
import Postgres

rp = Postgres.Type(Postgres.CONST['REGPROCEDUREOID'])

def main():
fun = rp('nosuchfunc(int17,zzz)')
# Should be valid, but the protection of
# PL_DB_IN_ERROR should keep it from getting called.

SELECT pg_failure_suf_IFTE();
ERROR:  database action attempted while in failed transaction
CONTEXT:  [exception from Python]
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File public.pg_failure_suf_ifte(), line 8, in main
fun = rp('nosuchfunc(int17,zzz)')
 Postgres.Exception: type int17 does not exist
CODE: 42704

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File public.pg_failure_suf_ifte(), line 12, in main


 (3) A distinct real world comparison where the core plpython falls down
 (if it does) against the plpython3u implementation

Hrm. Are you looking for something that plpython3 can do that plpython can't? 
Or are you looking for something where plpython makes the user work a lot 
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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-01-14 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 14, 2010, at 12:17 AM, Greg Smith wrote:
 Code samples.


 I don't know, because even with several thousand lines of basic Python code 
 to my credit I cannot understand a single one of the arguments you presented 
 for why your implementation is better--except agreeing that, yes, tracebacks 
 are useful  

 And even on that one, I'm not going to take your word on the superiority of 
 your implementation.

Sure, that's what review is about. No?

  You're writing way over people's heads here.

Okay. I guess I hoped the documentation would help clarify a lot of this, and 
make the advantages self-evident.

On that:

 (Doesn't help that your docs link at the bottom of is broken either).

Ouch. Thanks, that's fixed now. Please take a look again:

 If one has to be a Python expert to understand your position, you've already 

Function modules should be pretty obvious. native typing is a bit more 
difficult as a solid understanding of PG's type system is fairly important for 
a firm grasp.

 Python code is easy to read though.  If you'd said here's a great example of 
 how Function Modules are an improvement over what you can do with the current 
 pl/python, that would be infinitely more useful than the list of language 
 trivia related to them.  You should be aiming to put Peter on the spot to 
 respond to claims you make like you can't do this easily with the current 
 implementation after showing an elegant bit of code.

Okay. So, some examples would help. The documentation is back up, so please be 
sure to look at the numerous examples provided therein. In addition to that, 
I'll try to get some contrasting examples posted as a follow-up to an earlier 
message. In plpython you do X whereas in plpython3 you do Y.

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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-01-13 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 13, 2010, at 11:08 AM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
 My argument would be now, what is the benefit of the James Pye version
 over our version. James can you illustrate succinctly why we should be
 supporting a new version?

Doing so, succinctly, is unfortunately difficult.
It is primarily a matter of comparing features, AFAICT. And, furthermore, some 
features may not be useful to some users.

It exposes additional functionality that should *not* be incrementally 
developed  in plpython as it would break applications. This was the point of 
trying to move forward with it for Python 3.

Function Modules:
 - Does away with the need for GD/SD (more natural Python environment).
 - Allows tracebacks (tracebacks are useful, right?) to implemented easily.
 - Does *not* expose a bastardized variant of the language by pretending that 
modules/script files can return and yield.
 - Helps to promote the Python tenet of being explicit.

Native Typing:
 - Provides PG type introspection not available in any other PL, AFAIK.
 - Improves efficiency in some cases (conversion must be _explicitly_ called 
 - MD Array support.
 - Composites are a sequence and a mapping.

Other features:

Aside from function modules and native typing, many of plpython3's features 
could be implemented incrementally. However, I had a chance to sprint and they 
are available now in a new implementation. I did so, rather than improving 
plpython, because I believe that native typing and function modules are very 

I'm not sure this fulfills your request, but, hopefully, it's a start.
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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-01-13 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 13, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
 The problem I'm having with this discussion is that every time someone
 asks what the supposed advantages of this new Python PL are, a feature
 list like the above is dumped,

I agree that this is unfortunate, but how else can we to discuss the 
advantages? It boils down to comparing a couple feature lists, and *maybe* some 
implementation details. No?

 75% of which is subjective and tends to use semi-buzzwords,

You say semi-buzzwords, I say names. I have to call it something.

 such that then someone else who by his own admission
 isn't completely up to date on things says, sure, that sounds great.

Which is why we need to get some more experienced Python users involved in this.

Well, even the mileage of inexperienced users is quite useful for detecting 
what level of obviousness has been achieved by the features, so I'm not trying 
to exclude anyone.

 The current PL/Python also has, arguably, a more natural Python environment,

No, it doesn't. GD/SD are contrived in order to compensate for the very absence 
of that. Additionally, modules / script files don't return or yield.

 native typing,

Okay, that's arguably subjective, but when I write native typing, it's wrt 
PG, not Python's built-in types. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't call it 
anything--save [data] conversion when necessary--as it wouldn't be much of a 
feature to clamor about.


Yes, as discussed in the thread before there are trade-offs here wrt how PG 
data is handled. It depends pretty heavily on how the parameters / query 
results are used.

Although, as stated before, the difference in efficiency can be rather 
significant in situations where conversion to built-in Python types is *not* 

 and explicitness.

Hrm? What is explicit about munging the source code of the procedure to make it 
into a function body? Perhaps you could give some examples where plpython helps 
promote explicitness?

And sure, I understand that other PLs do this. That may be fine for those 
languages, but for Python it's not, IMO.
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Re: [HACKERS] plpython3

2010-01-13 Thread James William Pye
On Jan 13, 2010, at 12:15 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
 1. It's not just a rewrite, it's an incompatible rewrite that will
 present significant user-visible behavioral differences.  So replacing
 the current implementation wholesale would produce massive breakage
 for anyone actually using PL/python in production.

Right. That was the point of trying to leverage Python 3 to make the 
distinction. Most people will need to update their functions if they are moving 
to Python 3. And for the larger chunks of code, the hard stuff, the amount of 
change required is likely significant already.

snip some
 Given these two facts, it's hard for me to see how we could decide to
 REMOVE the current implementation and replace it with the new one.  So
 the most we could do is maintain them side by side, and then you have
 to ask, why?

My original hope was that plpython would be maintained for several years to 
come and when Python 3 started picking up steam, we would deprecate plpython. 
If people still wanted to use it, they could continue using the older version 
of PG and/or someone could continue to maintain plpython out of core for legacy 

snip/maintaining out of core
 Sure, his code won't get as much exposure that way,


Try next to none. The existence of core's implementation makes competing *very* 
difficult, IMO. Thinking of something along the lines: Why would I 
use/contribute to your implementation when core has one? And, all I can say in 
response is, Check out my features. Subsequently, they will probably weigh 
the added risk of choosing the loner's implementation and come to the 
conclusion that using core's would be safer in the long term. I can't fault 
that line of reasoning, so ISTM that it would be difficult to sell.

 but it's been posted to the mailing list several times now
 over a period of 8 months and nobody has said oh, wow, this is

Yeah. :(

In the past, one person showed interest in function modules(Stuart, see the 
first WIP message), and two others showed interest in native typing(Nathan and 
Tino). Mr. Drake has also shown some interest in this thread.

But, yes, you are correct. There has been no wow, this is great message.
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Re: [HACKERS] Additional SPI functions

2009-12-27 Thread James William Pye
On Dec 20, 2009, at 12:03 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
 This looks like it's most likely redundant with the stuff I added
 recently for the plpgsql parser rewrite.  Please see if you can use that

The parser param hooks will definitely work. As for getting the result 
TupleDesc prior to execution, I can include spi_priv.h and look at the CPS list 
directly. Something more crayola would be preferable, but I don't think 
SPI_prepare_statement is that something; although, it did make for a fine 
stopgap. (Well, fine, saving that my proposed SPI_prepare_statement appeared 
to be broken wrt plan revalidation and bound parameters.. ew)

So, after looking into the parser hooks, CachedPlanSource, and SPI more, I 
ended up taking a slightly different route. I expect it to work with a couple 
prior versions of PG as well, so there is some added value over a new SPI 
function or exclusively using param hooks. And, now, thinking of compatibility 
with past versions of PG, I'll find a different route for 
SPI_execute_statements as well.

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Re: [HACKERS] Additional SPI functions

2009-12-20 Thread James William Pye
On Dec 20, 2009, at 12:03 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
 Why not code a loop around one of the existing SPI execution functions?

*shrug* seemed nicer to push it on the parser than to force the user to split 
up the statements/calls. Or split up the statements myself(well, the parser 
does it so swimmingly =).

It's purpose is to allow the user to put a chunk of SQL into a single big block:

init temp tables with data for use in the procedure

For me, that tends to read better than breaking up the calls.
Well, the above may be a bad example for crying about readability, but I'm 
thinking of cases with a bit more SQL in em'..

 This looks like it's most likely redundant with the stuff I added
 recently for the plpgsql parser rewrite.

If that allows me to identify the parameter type Oids of the statement, 
optionally supply constant parameters after identifying the types(so I can 
properly create the parameter Datums), and provides access to the resultDesc, 
then yes it is redundant. Personally, I'm hoping for redundant. =)

  Please see if you can use that instead.

I took a very short peak (wasn't really looking..) earlier today (err yesterday 
now) and nothing jumped out at me, but I'll take a closer look now.

Thanks =)
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Re: [HACKERS] alpha3 bundled -- please verify

2009-12-20 Thread James William Pye
On Dec 20, 2009, at 1:36 AM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
 Please check that it is sane.

I'm up, so:

Works for me on snow leopard.

But it doesn't seem to want to stop configure'ing on my fbsd8/amd64 box:

$ ./configure --prefix=/src/build/pg85a3
$ gmake # GNU make 3.81
keeps running configure again and again
... (last few lines before it appears to restart configure)
configure: creating ./config.status
cd .  ./config.status src/
config.status: creating src/
./config.status GNUmakefile
config.status: creating GNUmakefile
cd .  ./config.status --recheck
running CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/sh /bin/sh ./configure --no-create --no-recursion

However, I can build the REL8_5_ALPHA3_BRANCH from git using that box..
Recently pulled, gmake distclean'd and remade again..

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Re: [HACKERS] alpha3 bundled -- please verify

2009-12-20 Thread James William Pye
On Dec 20, 2009, at 9:20 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
 Usually that means timestamp skew, ie file timestamps are later than
 your system clock.

Yep. It's working now.

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[HACKERS] Additional SPI functions

2009-12-19 Thread James William Pye
In the event that my plpython3 patch does not make it, it seems prudent to try 
and get a *much* smaller patch in to allow the PL to easily exist out of core.

I added a couple SPI functions in order to support the database access 
functionality in plpython3u. Also, a getelevel() function for conditionally 
including context information due to error trapping awkwardness:

extern int SPI_execute_statements(const char *src);

Execute multiple statements. Intended, primarily, for executing one or more DDL 
or DML statements. In contrast with the other execution functions, the RPT loop 
plans and executes the statement before planning and executing the next in 
order to allow subsequent statements to see the effects of all the formers. The 
read only argument is omitted as it should only be used in read-write 
cases(you can't read anything out of it).

extern SPIPlanPtr SPI_prepare_statement(
 const char *src, int cursorOptions,
 SPIParamCallback pcb, void *pcb_arg,
 TupleDesc *resultDesc);

Prepare a *single* statement and call the SPIParamCallback with the parameter 
information allowing the caller to store the information and supply constant 
parameters based on the identified parameter types, if need be. Also, if it 
returns rows, return the TupleDesc via *resultDesc.

typedef void (*SPIParamCallback)(
 void *cb_data, const char *commandTag,
 int nargs, Oid *typoids, Datum **param_values, char **param_nulls);

Not at all in love with the callback, but it seemed desirable over using an 
intermediate structure that would require some additional management.

Certainly, docs and tests will be necessary for this, but I'm sending it out 
now with the hopes of getting some feedback before sweating those tasks.

The patch is attached for easy reference.
Any help would, of course, be greatly appreciated.


Description: Binary data

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Re: [HACKERS] Options for protocol level cursors

2008-06-13 Thread James William Pye

On Jun 13, 2008, at 9:24 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

You'd do it while Binding a FETCH command.

Indeed, that is true. It seems quite unfortunate that drivers
have to jump through such hoops to provide a convenient
programmer's interface to held and/or scrollable cursors; bearing in
mind all that has been discussed about the--well, *my*--desire of
equivalent capabilities wrt the usual protocol level Prepare,
Describe, Bind, and Execute sequence.

Well, perhaps it is better to say that it is *ideal* to be able to
merely use the protocol mechanisms to achieve the desired
effect, rather than using them to use the SQL command yielding
the same or similar(Binding FETCH for different formats) effect. =\

[Obviously, I was looking to propose... ;]

My thoughts for creating a HOLD and/or SCROLL cursor on Bind would be
to add YA GUC stating the cursor options for Bind cursors. Something
along the lines of default_bind_options=HOLD,SCROLL. Of
course the actual default would be an empty string so as to preserve the
existing functionality by default. I imagine there's a big fat No
waiting for me for at least the following reasons[in no particular  

1. It's already possible to achieve the desired result and the  
proposed feature

   is, of course, not going to work with past versions.
 [Just put in the extra work to support past versions of PG.]
2. I'm the only one asking/looking for it. (I'm so lonely ;)

It is, of course, ideal to be able to state these options in the Bind  
but I don't see how that would be a possibility without a new protocol  
or doing something dangerous like embedding the options in the  
cursor's name.

ain't happenin'.

And, yeah, despite the first reason, I think I would prefer to use a  
new GUC.

Certainly, with some bitterness. =(

In any case, thanks for the discussion, Tom.

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Re: [HACKERS] Options for protocol level cursors

2008-06-13 Thread James William Pye

On Jun 13, 2008, at 4:40 PM, Kris Jurka wrote:
The JDBC driver would also like this ability, but a GUC is a pretty  
ugly hack.

I completely agree that it is an ugly hack. :)

 Also, since you still have to go to the SQL level to issue the MOVE  
or FETCH BACKWARD, you're still not all the way there to a full  
protocol solution.

Completely true. However, this is, of course, only pertinent to SCROLL

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[HACKERS] Options for protocol level cursors

2008-06-12 Thread James William Pye
Is there anyway to bind a cursor with SCROLL and WITH HOLD at the  
protocol level?

Or perhaps configuring it so after binding it?

I know you can use DECLARE, but I believe that this inhibits the  
driver from being
able to select the transfer format for individual columns; it's all  
binary or it's all
text. Also, I don't think I can DECLARE against a prepared statement,  
save restating

the query, no?

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Re: [HACKERS] Options for protocol level cursors

2008-06-12 Thread James William Pye

On Jun 12, 2008, at 10:08 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

James William Pye [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Is there anyway to bind a cursor with SCROLL and WITH HOLD at the
protocol level?

No, and for at least the first of those I don't see the point,
since the protocol doesn't offer any behavior other than forward

That protocol level inability doesn't keep you from using MOVE on  
cursor's name.
And yes, it yield the appropriate errors when you try to MOVE  
backwards on a protocol declared cursor.

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Re: [HACKERS] Options for protocol level cursors

2008-06-12 Thread James William Pye

On Jun 12, 2008, at 3:59 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

Sure, but if you're willing to use a SQL-level operation on the portal
then you could perfectly well declare the cursor at SQL level too.

Indeed, but like I said in my initial e-mail::

   I know you can use DECLARE, but I believe that this inhibits the
   driver from being able to select the transfer format for individual
   columns; it's all binary or it's all text. Also, I don't think I
   can DECLARE against a prepared statement, save restating the  
query, no?

Also, the latter has other problems wrt statement parameters. I guess  

could prepare(protocol level) the DECLARE, but that seems like a gross
workaround as it defeats the purpose of prepared statements by forcing  
to create a new statement for each cursor that you plan to open. Of  

unless you can close the existing one before opening the next one.

[ I really do hope that I'm missing something, btw :( ]

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Re: [HACKERS] Options for protocol level cursors

2008-06-12 Thread James William Pye

On Jun 12, 2008, at 4:45 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

Huh?  I don't see why... you might have such a limitation in a
particular driver, but not in the protocol.

Oh? I know when you bind a prepared statement you have the ability
state the formats of each column, but I'm not aware of the protocol's
capacity to reconfigure the formats of an already existing cursor; ie,
a DECLARE'd cursor. I know you can use the Describe message to learn
about the cursor's column types and formats

Got a link to the part of the protocol docs describing this feature?

Also, the latter has other problems wrt statement parameters. I guess
could prepare(protocol level) the DECLARE, but that seems like a  
workaround as it defeats the purpose of prepared statements by  

to create a new statement for each cursor that you plan to open.

Well, using a query for a cursor is grounds for replanning anyway,
because you might want a fast-start plan in such a case.  And it's
*definitely* grounds for replanning if you are asking for SCROLL
capability --- the plan stored for a regular prepared statement
very likely can't support that.

Ah, that is good to know. Thanks.

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Re: [HACKERS] Overhauling GUCS

2008-06-12 Thread James William Pye

You guys call this simplification?  You're out of your minds.
This proposal is ridiculously complicated, and yet it still fails
even to consider adjusting non-numeric parameters.  And what about
things that require more than a trivial arithmetic expression to
compute?  It's not hard at all to imagine wanting log, sqrt, etc.

We do not need to put computational capability into GUC.  Any
computations needed to determine a parameter setting should be done
by a wizard.

+1 (save the comment speculating about anyone's location relative to  
their mind ;)

Additionally, obvious as it may be, there's nothing stopping anyone
from developing a tool to generate the configuration file from a
more interesting source. Whether that's XML or some DSL that
supports computations, doesn't matter. I would think if such a tool
showed dramatic merit it would provoke another discussion about core
integration, but ISTM that leaving it dead simple is best.

[mm, hook into the postgres startup script, shouldn't be that hard to  

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Re: [HACKERS] rfc: add pg_dump options to dump output

2008-06-03 Thread James William Pye
On Tue, Jun 03, 2008 at 01:17:43AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 Robert Treat [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I would like to add the flags given to pg_dump into the output of the 

+1, FWIW

  Anyone see any issues with this?
 I'm a bit worried about breaking diff-equality of matching dumps,

I don't tend to do this too often, but I'm curious if others make a habit of 
for some process. When I have done this, it's normally one-off case.

 but mainly I don't see the point.

It's informative, no? Sure if every dump used the same flags, it's pointless.
However, that's certainly not the case: --schema, --exclude-schema, etc. ie, I
imagine it would be nice to have the information about how a dump was performed
without having to track down someone's script or pester the person who's in the
know via e-mail if you wanted/needed to repeat the process.

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Re: [HACKERS] Proposal: new function array_init

2008-06-02 Thread James William Pye
On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 08:10:19PM +0200, Pavel Stehule wrote:
  * I have a mild preference for array_fill instead of array_init.
 maybe, maybe array_set. Any ideas are welcome


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Re: [HACKERS] 8.2 beta blockers

2006-09-17 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 07:38:38PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 We have three possible choices for this: do nothing, install a
 bug-compatible, allegedly-clean-room implementation in contrib:
 or put a hopefully-cleaner design into core, eg per my suggestions here:
 I favor the third alternative, mainly because by changing the API
 we remove all doubt as to whether any intellectual property
 remains from the original GPL'd code.  However, we've got to make up
 our minds and get on with it.

FWIW, I'm +1 on the cleaner design you suggested. While I understand the
concerns of adding features/API this late; as a user, I'd rather not wait
another year to have these available in core(yes, I know alternative measures
would exist if it did not make it into core, but the convenience of having it
there would certainly be nice). That is, I really like the waiting variant.
It is something that I would use. The lack thereof(IIRC) in the current contrib
implementation is something that I have recently lamented about.

I understand that want is not a reason to compromise the feature freeze, so I
hope the legal concerns Tom mentions will be enough. =)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [HACKERS] pg_proc probin misuse

2006-05-29 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, May 28, 2006 at 09:12:34PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 But we're still avoiding the central issue: does it make sense to dump a
 probin clause at all for plpython functions?  If it's a compiled form of
 prosrc then it probably doesn't belong in the dump.

That's why I initially thought pg_dump or I was the dirty one.
Even if CREATE FUNCTION would take it, the probin value would be ignored(well,

 On reflection I'm kind of inclined to think that plpython is abusing the
 column.  If it were really expensive to derive bytecode from source text
 then maybe it'd make sense to do what you're doing, but surely that's
 not all that expensive.  Everyone else manages to parse prosrc on the
 fly and cache the result in memory; why isn't plpython doing that?

Yeah, I don't think it's expensive. It wasn't a feature that I implemented
out of any kind of demand or testing. Rather, I knew I could marshal code
objects, and I figured it would likely yield some improvement on initial loads,
so I implemented it.

 If we think that plpython is leading the wave of the future, I'd be kind
 of inclined to invent a new pg_proc column in which derived text can be
 stored, rather than trying to use probin for the purpose.  Although
 arguably probin itself was once meant to do that, there's too much
 baggage now.

I think having something like that in pg_proc could be useful. Certainly my case
may not really be demanding, but I guess there may be some languages that could
enjoy a good benefit from avoiding recompilation. Tho, such a column seems like
it would be more of a mere convenience for PL authors. If initial load were
truly that expensive, I would think that it would justify creating a table
containing compiled code and taking the extra lookup hit on initial load.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] pg_proc probin misuse

2006-05-27 Thread James William Pye
On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 11:21:32PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 James William Pye [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  So is this fix your broken PL or pg_dump should only be doing that for C
  language functions?
 Offhand it seems to me that pg_dump is behaving reasonably: it's storing
 probin if it sees something there to be stored.  The asymmetry is in the
 backend, specifically functioncmds.c's interpret_AS_clause(): it has a
 hardwired assumption that probin is only relevant to C functions.

 Feel free to propose a saner definition.  AFAICS the current coding
 makes probin useless for all except C functions, so I think it could
 be improved.

I guess there are two ways to go about it. Simply remove the assumption that
probin is only relevant to C functions; perhaps allowing a hardwired exception
for builtin languages where allowing probin to be set would be deemed unsightly
(ie, the easy way ;). Or, add a column to pg_language that specifies the
language's probin usage so that pg_dump and the backend have an idea of how to
handle these things for the given language(the takes a bit more work way).
[I imagine the former could gracefully lead into the latter as well.]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[HACKERS] pg_proc probin misuse

2006-05-26 Thread James William Pye

In PL/Py, I had the bright idea of storing bytecode in the probin field of the
function's pg_proc row. However, this idea has lately become rather dim as I
have recently rediscovered(thanks Adrian) that this breaks dumps; pg_dump 
a PL/Py function as CREATE FUNCTION x() RETURNS y LANGUAGE python AS
'bytecode', 'source'. Of course, when loading this, it fails:
'ERROR:  only one AS item needed for language python'.

So is this fix your broken PL or pg_dump should only be doing that for C
language functions? I imagine the former, so if that is the case perhaps
the 'probin' column description at [1] should be reworded to ensure others don't
get the same bright idea(the language specific part in particular).
Ugh, even if it were the latter, I would still be breaking existing versions,
so I'm inclined to fix it regardless..

Have a good evening (afternoon, morning, etc :).

[Yeah, I do see the clarification at the bottom of the page. :( ]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] pseudo-type record arguments for PL-functions

2006-05-06 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, May 07, 2006 at 12:16:16AM +0200, Thomas Hallgren wrote:
 Yes, the intarray stuff was very helpful but also somewhat confusing. 
 Why are there two ways of representing some of the array types? I mean, 
 why is there an _int4 when you could just as well write int4[]? I'm 
 probably missing the point altogether.

FWICT, Prefixing a '_' is the convention used to make the array type's typname
unique. Being able to reference array types as _type is a side effect.
(array types being actual rows in pg_type)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[HACKERS] Scanning for insert

2006-02-27 Thread James William Pye
[Ugh, sent one with uncompressed patch. Seems to be swallowed(No failure msg?).
 Ignore it if it surfaces.]

The attached patch extends pg_am by adding two methods, scan for insert and
insert from scan. These methods are meant to provide an index user with the
ability to do conditional insertions based on the results of a conclusive
locking scan--a scan that not only finds a match, but resolves its actual
existence(what _bt_check_unique does), and makes any necessary locks to warrant
later insertion by a call to insertfromscan. (It should also be noted that
insertions are aborted by giving the insertfromscan method an InvalidItemPointer
instead of adding another method, ie abortinsertscan.)

I'm sending this to hackers instead of patches, because it's not complete(I know
it's broken in the some of the new places), and, most importantly, I want to
know if this is actually the appropriate general direction to travel in. Not to
mention that I have probably missed something and I hope that someone will give
me my due whackings with The Clue Stick. :P

These new index interfaces are meant to provide the necessary functionality
for doing conditional index insertions that will likely aid in any
implementation of error logging, and other features(merge?). I have failed to
find much discussion on this, so if there is a good thread about, please point
me at it.

The most recent discussion of something along these lines was Martijn's thread
about providing non-btree indexes with uniqueness:
(However, I doubt that this patch would actually help with deferred constraints
or giving GiST/hash uniqueness.)

This patch is mostly incremental, and doesn't make many alterations to existing
code for the time being; the most significant alteration was restructuring a bit
of _bt_check_unique(_bt_evaluate in this patch) to work for both scanforinsert
and doinsert.
(This is probably a good thing as this code is all pretty new to me.)

[Sorry about some of the whitespace changes in the patch, remnants from an
overzealous version.]

Any thoughts and directions would be appreciated.
Regards, James William Pye

Description: Binary data

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Scanning for insert

2006-02-27 Thread James William Pye
On Mon, Feb 27, 2006 at 05:44:20PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
 Is this really a good idea?  The fundamental problem I see with it is
 that it takes away the index AM's ability to make any guarantees about
 its locking behavior, ie, how long locks will be held or what other
 operations might intervene while holding them.

Yeah, I saw that as well. :(

My only thoughts on that issue so far have been that the user must tread
carefully while holding these scans; it becomes the user's responsibility.
Weak at best, perhaps, so I can understand if that does not move you or
anyone else into thinking positively of these proposed interfaces. ;)

 It'll also require the
 AM to save potentially large amounts of state between the two calls
 (eg, an entire search path might be needed for GiST).  Currently any
 such state can live on the stack in local variables, but that won't
 work if it has to be remembered until a later AM call.

Hrm, certainly, implementing these methods for AMs that use such state
keeping techniques may be extra difficult. Massive changes may be necessary.
However, I don't imagine that making such a change would be impossible, nor
would it necessarily be required at all. Similar to uniqueness, the index need
not be forced to implement these new interfaces--surely not upon this patch's
introduction into the source(if/when). If a feature were to demand the use of 
insertions on a specific index that does not provide the interfaces, it could
easily raise an informative exception about the shortcoming.

Hehe, perhaps a Truly Foolish Notion, but could we use siglongjmp for such
cases(state living on the stack)? Seems questionable and evil, tho; I know. ;)

 Lastly, what
 happens if the caller loses control (due to elog) and never makes the
 followup AM call?

I imagine/hope it would get cleaned up similar to how nbtree gets cleaned up at
the end of the transaction that was rolled back due to a unique constraint
violation. [I seem to recall having to do some special _bt_wrtbuf to get my
experimental insert unless patch working, so I guess that at eox some cleanup is
done w.r.t. to those locks and whatnot. (yeah, technical term, whatnot ;)]

Additionally, if the caller is very concerned with potential exceptions,
perhaps a PG_TRY() block should be exercised in those areas of worry.

I guess in most cases it simply comes back to becoming the scan's user's
responsibility to be sure to keep things kosher. :\

 If that's what you want, maybe a better answer is to simply allow
 aminsert to return a uniqueness-conflict indication, rather than
 raising the ereport for itself.

Maybe so. However, I guess I was thinking along lines that many times multiple
insert scans may need to be done before the final decision to actually do the
insertion is made(yeah, uh, the insert unless thing is what I've had in mind ;).

Also, I think part of this point is to be able to avoid the actual insertion
into heap, so as to avoid a superfluous heap_insert  heap_delete, and other
unwinding code if a uniqueness-conflict indication were made to a user that
needs to respond to such signals for the feature being implemented.
(The more unique constraint violations that occur, the more I/O that gets saved
with insert scans. I imagine this could be a very good thing for certain
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Pl/Python -- current maintainer?

2006-02-26 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 01:08:52PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
 That design is broken on its face, as the system does not guarantee to
 call the validator.

Hrm. Other than language creations that do not specify a validator, at what
times will Postgres not call the validator upon function creation?
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Pl/Python -- current maintainer?

2006-02-26 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 07:36:01PM +0100, Michael Paesold wrote:
 SET check_function_bodies = off;

Hrm, thanks for pointing that out. However, this, thankfully, does not appear
to inhibit the validator at all. Rather, the PL's validator is left with the job
to respect it if need be:

jwp=# select version();

 PostgreSQL 8.1.3 on i386-unknown-freebsd6.1, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.4.4 
SD] 20050518
(1 row)

jwp=# set check_function_bodies = off;
jwp=# SHOW check_function_bodies ;
(1 row)

jwp=# CREATE FUNCTION test() RETURNS int LANGUAGE python AS 'return 1';
jwp=# SELECT prolang, probin FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'test';
 prolang |



   16390 | 
(1 row)

jwp=# SELECT test();
(1 row)

This is a good thing, IMO. Python primarily does a syntax check so the cited[1]
reasons for the use of check_function_bodies do not seem to apply here.
(Not sure if this is different on 8.0 or earlier.)

Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [HACKERS] Pl/Python -- current maintainer?

2006-02-25 Thread James William Pye
On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 10:09:52AM +0100, Tino Wildenhain wrote:
 And with even more love the restricted python from zope could
 be ported so there could be a pl/python again :-)
 Ok, just haluzinating ;)

Not necessarily. ;)

From what I have seen of zope's restricted python, it does, or can, force its
restrictions by checking bytecode. I imagine a simple PL sitting on top of the
untrusted varient that merely implements a custom validator that checks the
bytecode produced by the untrusted PL's validator. The language handler would
remain the same:

Create untrusted plpy...

getcode = Postgres.CachedQuery(SELECT probin FROM pg_proc WHERE oid = $1)
getlangval = Postgres.CachedQuery(
SELECT lanvalidator FROM pg_language WHERE
oid = (SELECT prolang FROM pg_proc WHERE oid = $1)

langvaloid = getlangval(self.function.procid)
langval = Postgres.Function(langvaloid)

# produce the function's bytecode for checking

# get the function's newly created bytecode
code = getcode(args[0]).next()[0]

# XXX: do the zope restriction stuff, raise exception if necessary


CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE plpyr HANDLER python.handler VALIDATOR zope_restrict;

[This almost works in plpy head, but I think I just found a bug ;]
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Pl/Python -- current maintainer?

2006-02-25 Thread James William Pye
On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 06:36:19PM -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 I'm not sure it's an issue now that we have pg_pltemplate, but in older
 versions it's possible to create a language without setting a validator.
 This would make the validator an unsuitable place for checking the

Hrm. I think this would only be an issue in PL/Py is if the user had the ability
to alter probin. The handler will never directly execute code in prosrc; it
relies on a validator to fill in probin.

Whether a regular user could take advantage of this or not, I'm not sure as I
have yet to test it or to give it much thought.
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Pl/Python -- current maintainer?

2006-02-25 Thread James William Pye
On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 01:21:34PM -0700, I wrote:
 From what I have seen of zope's restricted python, it does, or can, force its
 restrictions by checking bytecode. I imagine a simple PL sitting on top of the
 untrusted varient that merely implements a custom validator that checks the
 bytecode produced by the untrusted PL's validator. The language handler would
 remain the same:
[ugh, Correcting my assumptions...]

Zope's RestrictedPython is a custom bytecode generator that compiles Python
code specially, as opposed to a bytecode processor that validates against some
rule set as I had thought for some (wishful? ;) reason. The bytecode then needs
to be executed in an special environment that then imposes some specified
restrictions at runtime(I'm not really clear on all the details here as I
am having a very difficult time finding documentation).

This doesn't mean that it couldn't be used. However, it does mean that some
munging of the handler would be required(Something that I desired to avoid).
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Copy From Insert UNLESS

2006-02-14 Thread James William Pye
On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 05:08:38PM -0500, Alon Goldshuv wrote:
 The proposal is neat, however, I am not too
 excited about handling errors in such high granularity, as far as the user
 is concerned. I am more on the same line with Tom Lane's statement in
 Simon's thread (Practical error logging for very large COPY statements):
 The general problem that needs to be solved is trap any error that
 occurs during attempted insertion of a COPY row, and instead of aborting
 the copy, record the data and the error message someplace else.  Seen
 in that light, implementing a special path for uniqueness violations is
 pretty pointless.

I think I would be inclined to actually agree with that, which is why I proposed
a special path for constraint violations in general as opposed to just
uniqueness. However, I can understand if you remain unmoved. ;)

 But, I definitely share your struggle to finding a good way to handle those
 unique/FK constraints...

Aye, :-(

 As far as UNIQUE goes, maybe there is a good way to do a bt scan against the
 index table right before the simple_heap_insert call?

Yes, but I believe some additional locking is required in order to make that
safe. Not that that would kill it, but I think there is a better way; I'm
cooking up a general proposal for refactoring unique constraints, so I'm hoping
something along those lines will aid any patch attempting to solving this
problem[copy error/violation management].
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [HACKERS] Copy From Insert UNLESS

2006-02-06 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, Feb 05, 2006 at 07:14:49PM -0800, Stephan Szabo wrote:
 On Sun, 5 Feb 2006, James William Pye wrote:
  However, constraints referenced in an UNLESS clause that are deferred, in 
  fashion, should probably be immediated within the context of the command.
  Perhaps a WARNING or NOTICE would be appropriately informative if UNLESS 
  to actually alter the timing of a given constraint.
 The problem is that even immediate constraints are supposed to be checked
 at end of statement, not at row time.

I see. Immediated is not the word that I am actually looking for then. :(
Perhaps Postgres should specify our current immediate as a new constraint 
instant, maybe? Sadly, I think it will be difficult to get away from using 
that or
some other synonym if such an idea were to be implemented.

[Getting the feeling that this has been discussed before. ;]

 Our implementation of UNIQUE is particularly bad for this.

Yes. Changing how UNIQUE constraints are implemented will likely be the first
step in this patch.

  Any facility that can alter the tuple before it being inserted into the heap
  should probably be exercised prior to the application of the tuple against
  UNLESS's behavior.
 The problem is that you can un-violate a unique constraint by changing
 some other row that's already in the table. And I think that it might even
 be legal to do so in an after trigger (and in fact, some other row's after
 Basically a violation at the time the row is
 created is irrelevant if the violation is gone by the end of statement.

Okay. I can't help but think such a trigger as being questionable at best.
However, per spec, it should be possible. =\

 This isn't necessarily a killer to the idea though, it probably just means
 the semantics are harder to nail down.

Aye. I figured there would be some details that might take a while.

Once the UNIQUE constraint code is relocated, I think implementing more
standards compliant constraint timing might be substantially easier. However, I
don't think this should effect UNLESS. Rather, I think UNLESS should, more or
less, demand that specified constraints be checked at the same time as they are
currently. This is meant to be an optimization at multiple levels; reduce code
redundancy(rewriting constraint checks for use prior to the actual insertion),
computational redundancy(potentially, running the rewritten checks more than
once), and reduce unnecessary I/O(avoiding heap_insert()'ing an evil tuple
into the target table despite the fact that the statement may later inviolate
it). Although, perhaps, it could be configurable with an option;
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Copy From Insert UNLESS

2006-02-06 Thread James William Pye
On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 11:03:06AM -0800, Josh Berkus wrote:
 Are you sure that a new type of constraint is the way to go for this?

[Thinking that you are referring to the new constraint mode that I was
confusingly referring to...]

Well, it really wouldn't be new. It's just labeling what we do now as something
other than immediate. Considering that immediate constraints are meant to be
checked at the end of the SQL-statement, and our implementation of immediate is
truly immediate, as Stephan pointed out to me. However, I think our current
timing method is better for normal cases, at least for Postgres, than what the
spec specifies.
[See pages 63-66: The second paragraph in 4.17.2 Checking of constraints]

Ultimately, I don't care about this very much. However, I think an
implementation of my proposal would aid in implementing spec compliant
immediate timing.

[If I misunderstood what you were getting at, sorry. :]

 It doesn't solve our issues in the data warehousing space.  The spec we 
 started with for Error-tolerant COPY is:

 1) It must be able to handle parsing errors (i.e. bad char set);

My proposal did not handle this, and purposefully so. A constraint violation,
while inhibiting insertion into the target table would still yield a kosher
tuple--just not okay for that table, which could then be dropped or redirected
using the THEN INSERT INTO into another precisely structured table for later
analysis. Bad data errors would not even have a tuple to work with in the first
place, which is why I wanted to draw a distinction.

I think having something to handle bad data is useful, but I think it should be
distinct, syntactically and implementation-wise, from constraint violations.

That's not to say that it couldn't fit into the model that UNLESS would try to

 2) It must be able to handle constraint violations;

Check. :)

 3) It must output all row errors to a log or errors table which makes 
 it possible to determine which input row failed and why;

Check; save data errors for now.

 4) It must not slow significantly (like, not more than 15%) the speed of 
 bulk loading.

Check. (See below)

 It seems like your idea, which would involve a second constraint 
 check, would achieve neigher #1 nor #4.

I'm not proposing that a second constraint check should be made.

The difficulty of my implementation comes from the position that I don't think
the current implementation of UNIQUE constraints is ideal. It is hidden
inside nbtree, which, while convenient, is not likely to be the best place for
it. I believe my original letter covered this by proposing a new pg_am column;
one that would hold a regproc that would be able to 'scan for insert' and return
the state(position, locks, whether an entry exists, anything else necessary for
a quick insert) of that scan to the caller for later use in the actual insert or
update. All other constraints appear to require trivial modifications to get it
to work with UNLESS without any redundancy.
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Copy From Insert UNLESS

2006-02-05 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, Feb 05, 2006 at 02:08:12PM -0800, Stephan Szabo wrote:
 Have you considered how this might work with spec-compliant constraint

I haven't gone so far as to look into the spec, yet. [Noise of rustling papers]

However, constraints referenced in an UNLESS clause that are deferred, in any
fashion, should probably be immediated within the context of the command.
Perhaps a WARNING or NOTICE would be appropriately informative if UNLESS were
to actually alter the timing of a given constraint.

 I think even in inserting cases, a later trigger before statement
 end could in some cases un-violate a constraint, so checking before insert
 won't actually be the same behavior as the normal constraint handling
 which seems bad for this kind of system.

Any facility that can alter the tuple before it being inserted into the heap
should probably be exercised prior to the application of the tuple against 
UNLESS's behavior. The implementation of UNLESS will probably completely change
ExecConstraints(), which comes after the firing of BEFORE triggers and before
heap_insert(). Beyond that, I am not sure what other considerations should be
made with respect to triggers. So, UNLESS should/will be applied after BEFORE
triggers, but before non-UNLESS specified constraints. ;)
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[HACKERS] Copy From Insert UNLESS

2006-02-03 Thread James William Pye

Extant Solutions

There are quite a few solutions to this problem as I'm sure many (all?) know:

. Temporary table that filters out the evil tuples.
. BEFORE TRIGGER handling the tuple if the constraint of interest is violated.
. INSERT wrapped in a subtransaction.
. (Other variations)

Temporary tables are probably the fastest here. However, it still exhibits
redundancy, and requires post-load tuple movement(extra step).

Savepoints require client side logic in order to detect the appropriate
error code to trap or raise. (Also, this seems to be quite slow, regardless.)

A before trigger is going to require that interested constraints be tested
twice and for code to be effectively duplicated.

So, there are quite a few ways to do error controlled bulk loading. Temporary
tables appear to be the best current solution. However, I think the
implementation described in this proposal will yield improvements by simply
reducing redundancy.

Simple Numbers [Using the attached, *very* experimental patch]:

(PostgreSQL 8.2 [~HEAD], redhat 9)

These numbers were rendered from a simple single client trial where psql
and the postmaster were running on the same machine. I ran each trial a
few times and I would cleanup and VACUUM FULL between runs. The numbers do
not include the cleanup or the vacuum.

The Insert unless trials are drawn from my attached patch.
(For the INSERT UNLESS cases I used the patch, otherwise a clean PG.)


[Straight SQL INSERTs (via psql and an SQL file)]
(10 Violations)
Auto-Commit Transactions: 22.213
Savepoints: (ran out of shared memory)
Insert into temporary table, Merge: 24.225
*   Insert Unless: 14.668

(5 Violations, 5 New)
Auto-Commit Transactions: 33.342
Savepoints: (untested)
Insert into temporary table, Merge: 24.243
*   Insert Unless: 14.260

(10 New)
Auto-Commit Transactions: 47.990
Savepoints: 3:05.60 (three minutes!!)
Temporary table: 26.178
*   Insert Unless: 14.283

The numbers here look pretty good, especially for such a hackish patch.
[btw, I hope I screwed up somehow on the savepoints.]


[COPY FROM STDIN (via psql and a file of data)]
(10 Violations)
Copy Unless: 2.4132
Copy to temporary, Merge: 0.72675

(5 Conflicts, 5 New)
Copy Unless: 2.1145
Copy to temporary, Merge: 1.469

(10 New)
Copy Unless: 1.6386
Copy to temporary, Merge: 2.4305

The numbers here don't look so good now. :(
However, I'm convinced that this is showing the inefficiencies in my current
hack, rather than dissolving the likelihood of the discussed implementation 
an improvement.

(The files that rendered these results are available on request. They are 100K a
piece after being bzip'd)
Regards, James William Pye
Index: src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtinsert.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtinsert.c,v
retrieving revision 1.131
diff -c -r1.131 nbtinsert.c
*** src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtinsert.c   17 Jan 2006 00:09:00 -  
--- src/backend/access/nbtree/nbtinsert.c   2 Feb 2006 20:05:47 -
*** 121,127 
TransactionId xwait;
!   xwait = _bt_check_unique(rel, btitem, heapRel, buf, 
if (TransactionIdIsValid(xwait))
--- 121,139 
TransactionId xwait;
!   PG_TRY();
!   {
!   xwait = _bt_check_unique(rel, btitem, heapRel, buf, 
!   }
!   PG_CATCH();
!   {
!   _bt_freestack(stack);
!   _bt_freeskey(itup_scankey);
!   _bt_wrtbuf(rel, buf);
!   PG_RE_THROW();
!   }
!   PG_END_TRY();
if (TransactionIdIsValid(xwait))
*** 240,245 
--- 252,259 
return xwait;
+   if (nbuf != InvalidBuffer)
+   ReleaseBuffer(nbuf);
 * Otherwise we have a definite 
Index: src/backend/commands/copy.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/copy.c,v

Re: [HACKERS] Adding a --quiet option to initdb

2006-01-25 Thread James William Pye
On Wed, 2006-01-25 at 19:23 +0100, Thomas Hallgren wrote: 
 Make it completely silent by 
 default instead and then introduce a --verbose.


I imagine initdb is usually ran interactively, so I don't think having
the extra output is a big issue considering the normal case, but I think
the If you want it, ask for it idea that Thomas is proposing is the
right way. Why should initdb give it [processing information] to the
user if the user didn't request it in the first place?

For applications that want to automate the initdb process in a GUI-way
or whatnot, the output [of initdb] isn't likely to be a very elegant
aspect of the environment the developer would be trying to create, but
they are, more or less, stuck with getting it if they wish to provide
their user with more informative feedback about the ongoing process.

While for Devrim's case, it would be overkill, but what about a
libinitdb, or some sort authoritative source of processing steps in
order to initialize a new database location that other applications
could make easier use of?
Regards, James William Pye

iCrossing Privileged and Confidential Information
This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may 
contain confidential and privileged information of iCrossing. Any unauthorized 
review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the 
intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all 
copies of the original message.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Coding standards? Recommendations?

2006-01-15 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 11:14 -0500, korry wrote:
 (sorry if this has been covered before - if you can point me to a document 
 that covers the information I'm looking for, that would be very helpful).

I asked this question about a half year ago or so, and got:

Hope it helps.
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] plpython and bytea

2005-11-21 Thread James William Pye
On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 15:18 +0200, Hannu Krosing wrote:
 The project seems quite interesting, will surely take a deeper look
 It looks quite alpha, seems to mess to deeply with backend, and the cvs
 checkout of module be does not build, so I will probably not be able to
 use it in production for quite a while :(
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] be]$ python build
 running build
 running config
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 256, in ?
   File, line 249, in setup
 d = distutils.core.setup(**kw)
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/distutils/, line 149, in setup
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/distutils/, line 946, in run_commands
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/distutils/, line 966, in run_command
   File /home/hannu/work/postgresPy/be/lib/, line 193, in
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/distutils/, line 333, in run_command
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/distutils/, line 966, in run_command
   File /home/hannu/work/postgresPy/be/lib/, line 166, in
 self.distribution.config = cfg = self.load()
   File /home/hannu/work/postgresPy/be/lib/, line 129, in
   File, line 19, in configure
 import postgresql.utility.config
 ImportError: No module named postgresql.utility.config

The 'layout' package needs to be installed first.

See this quick start section:
('be' depends on 'lo' and 'ex')

Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] FAQ/HTML standard?

2005-09-10 Thread James William Pye
On Sat, 2005-09-10 at 17:12 -0400, Neil Conway wrote:
 Bruno Wolff III wrote:
  I ran accross an article a few weeks ago that suggested that this wasn't
  all that great of an idea. Using HTML 4.01 should be just as useful.
 Is there a reason why the FAQ can't be in DocBook, like the rest of the 
 documentation? That would allow multiple output formats to be produced, 
 and avoid the need to store multiple copies of the FAQ in CVS.

Additionally, I would be inclined to think that this would be a good
idea considering that DocBook defines elements specifically for
structuring FAQ material. See
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [HACKERS] PQ versions request message

2005-09-08 Thread James William Pye
On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 09:17 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 You're right, it wouldn't be necessary to tear down the socket --- but
 it *would* be necessary to have two network round trips.  And the point
 remains that in most scenarios the client and server will be of similar
 vintages and so wish to speak the same protocol version anyway, so most
 of the time the extra probe would be useless.  I think you're trying to
 optimize the uncommon case at the expense of the common case.

The feature, being optional, does not always require any extra expense.
The expense is only incurred when the feature is used; those who use are
those who pay. For those users, I imagine this would normally be once
per host per process, and only if the user of the client does not
explicitly specify the PQ version in the first place.

AFA the likelihood of client and servers being of similar vintages, I
imagine that you are right here. Although, I would rather not play a
guessing game if I didn't have to, and the backend very well has the
ability to give me the information that I need to avoid any such thing.

The point is to give client authors the ability to authoritatively
resolve ambiguity that may exist in multiversion supporting clients and
to do so without any version specific code(or at a minimum wrt older
servers) or fingerprinting of any sort.
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] PQ versions request message

2005-09-08 Thread James William Pye
On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 16:27 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 Had we had such a facility from the beginning, it would indeed have that
 benefit.  But unless you are going to start out by dropping client-side
 support for all extant server versions, you will not get any such
 benefit; you'll still need retry code.  So I still think this isn't
 really worth the trouble it would take to implement.

The benefit will come when extant server versions become antiquated. AFA
difficulty with the implementation is concerned, I wouldn't bother with
anything except the backend. libpq-fe can wait until said antiquation
occurs, and I imagine the backend work being 40 lines or so, no?

 Also, you keep referring to caching the result on the client side and
 re-using it across multiple connections --- but you can do that now,
 so why is that an argument in favor?

Not so much favor, but, rather, it was to target your complaint about
the two required round-trips involved in connection negotiation with a
version query. I was trying to ease that distaste by showing that if
such ambiguity existed where resolution were necessary, it would/should
only need to be done once(save various exceptions, of course).
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[HACKERS] PQ versions request message

2005-09-07 Thread James William Pye
I have been writing a PQ client and I have come to think that a
supported PQ versions request startup packet would be useful to client
authors. That is, sending a StartupPacket(Version(0, 0))(or whatever)
would return a message containing a list of supported PQ versions, and
maybe the server version as well.

Having the said feature would allow client authors to select the
connection code based on the versions returned, rather than using a
trial and error process. It also gives the client the ability to quickly
error out and notify the user that it cannot connect to the server if
the client doesn't support any of the server versions.

I find the trial and error process unseemly as it could require code to
be loaded that simply does not need to be loaded--of course, making
assumptions about the client design(this would likely be the case for my
client). In addition, the trial and error process could be time
consuming depending on how the connection to the server is established,
thus further decreasing the appeal of the trial and error process(hrm,
this may not be a useful criticism of te if pg keeps the pipe open
until the client sends a suitable startup packet?). Although, I do see
that the trial and error process would only need to happen once(per
process, I figure) if the client author cached the code selection
information about a given server.

Thoughts? Has this been proposed/shot down before?
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] PQ versions request message

2005-09-07 Thread James William Pye
On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 03:48 +0200, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
 This doesn't make sense to me, because a server does not have any 
 version requirements on the client (aside from the protocol versions, 
 which are negotiated automatically).

The use case primarily applies to custom clients(non-libpq, atm) that
support multiple PQ versions that may be implemented in separate
modules/libraries. (Avoid loading client-2.0 code for a 3.0 connection,
and/or future versions.)

libpq automatically negotiates the version using trial and error,
effectively(assume 3.0 by sending 'S', if 'E', fallback to 2.0, and
reestablish the connection, apparently).

  and maybe the server version as well. 
 That is already available automatically.

Yes, but, AFAIK, only after the protocol has been negotiated and
authentication is complete. Really, I'm not sure if such a feature
should include the server version as selecting feature implementations
based on it is probably a bad idea(TM).
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] PQ versions request message

2005-09-07 Thread James William Pye
On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 22:02 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 Given that it'd be guaranteed not to work with any existing server
 versions, I find the usefulness a bit debatable...

Indeed =(. However, older servers could be easily detected then if the
returned message type is 'E'. If 'E' is returned, it would likely be on
a pre 8.x server running 2.0 and/or 3.0. Thus signalling the client
connection code to fall back on old-style version detection, if need
be. Alas, this would, of course, require yet another connection
expenditure for any so called pre-version list supporting servers.

 In particular I disagree with the premise that clients should expend an
 extra connection setup/teardown cycle to find out which protocol
 versions the server supports.  We change protocol versions seldom enough
 that I think the optimal strategy is try the newest version you know
 of, then back off one at a time until it works.  This is always optimal
 if the server is newer than the client, and it's only pessimal if the
 server is much older than the client --- how often does that happen?

[Assuming you're not referring to connection attempts to the
pre-version list supporting servers]

Why does it have to be torn down? I imagine that it could easily be an
extra, optional part of connection negotiation. Wait for startup packet,
If Version(0,0), Send PQ version list, wait for real startup packet,
Else take it as the real startup packet, or ssl neg message, or etc.

If I implied that it should be torn down entirely, it was probably due
to how I was planning to manage the initial connection that I establish
to a server to validate that a connection can actually be made and
resolve any/some server specific issues(int timestamps, etc). Although,
this is all specific to the implementation that I'm brewing.
(not sure about all the specifics yet, as I've just been toying with the

 To put it more concretely: there are currently only two protocol
 versions in live use (V1 died a long time ago).  If you try V3 and then
 V2, you will expend either one or two connection cycles, with the
 average converging towards one as time passes and more people update
 their servers.  If you probe for the right answer and then do it, you
 will always expend two connection cycles.  That is a win how exactly?

Like I asked above, why does it have to be done in two connection
cycles? I'm assume by connection cycle you are referring to reopening
the socket, or...?
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [HACKERS] process crash when a plpython function returns

2005-07-07 Thread James William Pye
On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 08:12 -0600, Michael Fuhr wrote:
  also in this context it would be helpful
  if sys.defaultencoding would be set to
  the database encoding so strings get encoded
  to utf-8 when postgres works in unicode mode
  rather then the default encoding of ascii.
  This could avoid most of the PyObject_Str()
  exeptions in the first place.
 I haven't looked at doing that yet and probably won't before feature
 freeze.  Gerrit van Dyk has expressed an interest in hacking on
 PL/Python (he recently submitted a SETOF patch) so maybe he'll work
 on it.

I have this fixed, for the most part, in PL/Py. What I have done might
be a good starting place for someone who wants to get it fixed in core.

This file makes using PostgreSQL encodings in Python a more friendly
experience by setting up some aliases. (uóäæ.encode('UNICODE') would
work in 8.0)

Also, to set the default encoding used by Python's Unicode strings:

PyEncoding_FromPgEncoding is defined in encoding.c.

Also, it should be noted that to get the interpreter to read the
function code as a specific encoding, one must use, afaik, the # -*-
encoding: utf-8 -*- magic.
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] inclusions WAS: Increased company involvement

2005-05-03 Thread James William Pye
On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 18:06 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
 1) If we start including everything that's useful, where do we stop?  There 
 are enough pg add-ins to fill a CD -- 200 projects on GBorg and pgFoundry and 
 others elsewhere.  And some of them probably conflict with each other.  Any 
 decision to include some projects and not others will alienate people and 
 possibly be a mis-evaluation; the libpq++/libpqxx mistake comes to mind.

Mmm, just think of it. If enough projects get into core maybe, just
maybe, pg could compete with mozilla for the longest build time.
Wouldn't that be nice. ;)

[snip some stuff that I agree with]

With regards to PLs, there is a good argument for having them in core:
the volatility of the backend's APIs make it difficult to externally
maintain. I know this is the case, first hand. Although, if dynamically
loaded extensions are to be allowed, I think that that volatility should
be seen as a problem, and not so much as a reason to keep things in the
same tree. While I understand that it's likely to be difficult to give
interversion [source] compatibility without sacrificing general
improvement, I think it would be a good goal to have.

I asked on IRC and I'm still curious, does PG have a API styling
standard/guide? I see formatting and info about error messages, but
nothing about function/global/typedef naming.
Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[HACKERS] Python

2005-05-02 Thread James William Pye

Well, I've been solo'ing it for over a year now, and it's definitely
time to make my presence known to the community and invite others to
participate as I can't keep putting it off as I have been. There has
always been something else that I wanted to finish up before making
any announcements, so I kept putting it off and putting it off. Time to
stop that. =)

For those of you who are not familiar with what I've been doing, I have
been working on a Python procedural language extension for PostgreSQL
and, furthermore, making attempts to formalize a specification of Python
interfaces to PostgreSQL elements(making a draft doc [relatively ;]
soon). It is a PgFoundry project, and I do have some information up on
the project site[1]. There are other subprojects as well as the PL, such
as layout and exceptions, which should be of interest to other
developers working on PostgresSQL related Python modules.

The backend part--the procedural language--of the project offers a
substantial number of improvements over the plpython that is currently
in core[2]. The design, in general, has a significant contrast to the
one in core, as it focuses on providing 'interfaces to' rather than
'conversions for'. While this appears to cause a larger code base, it
provides a level of flexibility that makes adaptations and improvements
trivial in many or most cases. For instance, I already have the
necessary infrastructure to support OUT parameters in a way that is
_very_ natural(tho, support for 8.1dev is not there yet; busy with other

It, currently, is *not* my hope to eventually put this into core;
rather, I think I would like to give a try at setting a good example for
extension development. PgFoundry is a good resource, and I think it
should be exercised, as it makes a great home for projects like
this(gborg is pretty good as well! ;).(Yes, I'm +1 for, eventually,
pushing things out of core. =)

While this is not so much of a formal announcement of the
initiative/project(a formal one will eventually come to -announce and, it is an invitation to those interested parties on -hackers to
join the python-general list[4], which, in addition to up and coming
development releases, I hope will lead to the project becoming more
active, as opposed to me just silently hacking away. In addition, for
those who might want it, I'm open to the idea of giving admin/commit
access--especially to well known devs and members of core, so please
don't hesitate to ask.

If you are concerned about the licensing and the ambiguity of the
primary license, don't be. It is--at least meant to be--a gift license,
so I have no problems with others using the works under the BSD or MIT
licenses; this is explicitly stated/granted here[3], and a reference to
the authorization to use those substitute terms will eventually make its
way into every instrument-stamped source file.

If you want to play with what I've got so far, see the quick start[5].
It gives you some neat code, so you can play around in the interactive
console in a single-user backend to get a better feel of things. (It
should work without much/any trouble, at least on FreeBSD 5.3. If you do
have trouble don't hesitate to contact me by e-mail or on freenode where
I go by the nick 'jwp'.)

Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Output functions with multiple arguments considered

2005-04-30 Thread James William Pye
On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 16:17 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 An example that Elein put up yesterday:
 caused me to realize that type output functions that depend on
 additional arguments to determine what they are dealing with are
 fundamentally security holes.  It is trivial to crash 8.0's record_out
 by lying to it about the rowtype of its first argument.

I was bitten by this a little while ago where I was running an
OidFunctionCall1(yes, 1) on typoutput's. Andrew on IRC pointed out that
calls to recordout out normally used a FunctionCall3, thus showing the
reason for the issue. Sometimes junk data in the heap signalled the
function to use it instead of the datum tuple's typoid, normally causing
a failed cache lookup. I figured it was somehow my fault, but I just
couldn't put my finger on it.(thanks again Andrew if you're on here)

I imagine this change will also help save others from that mistake as

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

[HACKERS] pl/Python

2005-04-30 Thread James William Pye
Greets, [apologies if an earlier dup gets unswallowed]

Well, I've been solo'ing it for over a year now, and it's definitely
time to make my presence known to the community and invite others to
participate as I can't keep putting it off as I have been. There has
always been something else that I wanted to finish up before making
any announcements, so I kept putting it off and putting it off. Time to
stop that. =)

For those of you who are not familiar with what I've been doing, I have
been working on a Python procedural language extension for PostgreSQL
and, furthermore, making attempts to formalize a specification of Python
interfaces to PostgreSQL elements(making a draft doc [relatively ;]
soon). It is a PgFoundry project, and I do have some information up on
the project site[1]. There are other subprojects as well as the PL, such
as layout and exceptions, which should be of interest to other
developers working on PostgresSQL related Python modules.

The backend part--the procedural language--of the project offers a
substantial number of improvements over the plpython that is currently
in core[2]. The design, in general, has a significant contrast to the
one in core, as it focuses on providing 'interfaces to' rather than
'conversions for'. While this appears to cause a larger code base, it
provides a level of flexibility that makes adaptations and improvements
trivial in many or most cases. For instance, I already have the
necessary infrastructure to support OUT parameters in a way that is
_very_ natural(tho, support for 8.1dev is not there yet; busy with other

It, currently, is *not* my hope to eventually put this into core;
rather, I think I would like to give a try at setting a good example for
extension development. PgFoundry is a good resource, and I think it
should be exercised, as it makes a great home for projects like
this(gborg is pretty good as well!).(Yes, I'm +1 for, eventually,
pushing things out of core. ;)

While this is not so much of a formal announcement of the
initiative/project(a formal one will eventually come to -announce and, it is an invitation to those interested parties on -hackers to
join the python-general list[4], which, in addition to up and coming
development releases, I hope will lead to the project becoming more
active, as opposed to me just silently hacking away. In addition, for
those who might want it, I'm open to the idea of giving admin/commit
access--especially to well known devs and members of core, so please
don't hesitate to ask if you think you would like to take a relatively
active role.

If you are concerned about the licensing and the ambiguity of the
primary license, don't be. It is--at least meant to be--a gift license,
so I have no problems with others using the works under the BSD or MIT
licenses; this is explicitly stated/granted here[3], and a reference to
the authorization to use those substitute terms will eventually make its
way into every instrument-stamped source file. (I may restamp files with
the BSDL, as it is the license used by PG, but this one is so short and
sweet. ;)

If you want to play with what I've got so far, see the quick start[5].
It gives you some neat code, so you can play around in the interactive
console in a single-user backend to get a better feel of things. (It
should work without much/any trouble, at least on FreeBSD 5.3. If you do
have trouble don't hesitate to contact me by e-mail or on freenode where
I go by the nick 'jwp'.)

I imagine this being the first step that I need to take to begin
gathering interest and increasing project activity. Any suggestions on
how I can further achieve this goal would be appreciated.

Regards, James William Pye

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Error handling in plperl and pltcl

2004-11-30 Thread James William Pye
While your message was directed at Thomas, I think I share Thomas'
position; well, for the most part.

On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 11:21 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
 But I think it's a bogus design, because (a) it puts extra burden on the
 function author who's already got enough things to worry about, and

Simply put, IMO, a subtransaction is != an exception, and shouldn't be
treated as one.

If the author wishes to worry about transaction management that is his
worry. I don't feel the extra burden is significant enough to justify
hacking around in the Python interpreter(assuming that it's possible in
the first place).

Personally, I think the decision is fine for plpgsql, but not for
Python, or just about any other language. plpgsql is a special case,

 (b) since you can't support arbitrary rollback patterns, you have to
 contort the semantics of Savepoint objects with restrictions that are
 both hard to design correctly and complicated to enforce.

Hrm, isn't this what savepoint levels are supposed to do? Impose those
I'm guessing Postgres doesn't have savepoint levels yet, per lack of
response to my message inquiring about them(well, a savepoint scoping
facility), and poking around xact.h not revealing anything either.

I think I may hold a more of a hold nose stance here than Thomas. I am
not sure if I want to implement savepoint/rollback restrictions as I
can't help but feel this is something Postgres should handle; not me or
any other PL or C Function author.

plpy being an untrusted language, I *ultimately* do not have control
over this. I can only specify things within my code. I *cannot* stop a
user from making an extension module that draws interfaces to those
routines that may rollback to a savepoint defined by the caller. (Not a
great point, as a user could also try to dereference a NULL pointer from
an extension module as well. ;)

I feel if I were to implement such restrictions/regulations it would be
analogous to a security guard trying to enforce the law, whereas a real
police officer is needed.. ;-)

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Error handling in plperl and pltcl

2004-11-22 Thread James William Pye
On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 16:39 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
 You're right.  You can *not* expose those as user-callable operations in
 a PL language.  Consider for example what will happen if the user tries
 to roll back to a savepoint that was established outside your function
 call, or tries to exit the function while still inside a local
 savepoint.  You have to enforce strict nesting of functions and
 subtransactions; therefore it's a lot easier to present an API that
 looks like an exception-block construct (per plpgsql), or that just
 hides the whole deal in the SPI calling interface (as I'm proposing for

Hrm, what about a savepoint scoping facility that would be wrapped
around calls to [volatile?] functions to explicitly enforce these

[...Poking around the archives a bit...]

[Or do I mean savepoint levels?]:

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Preventing some SQL commands

2004-11-21 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, 2004-11-21 at 16:55 +0100, Thomas Hallgren wrote:
 In a PL language it's sometimes desirable to prevent execution of some 
 commands. I would like to prevent the commands begin [work or 
 transaction], commit, and rollback,  completely and I would like to 
 force the user to use explicit methods for the savepoint methods.

I implemented my own SPI; not for this purpose, but I could [may] use it
for that.
This, of course, would also allow mapping specific utility commands to
my internal methods; instead of inhibiting them (tho, I don't do this
[yet, perhaps]).

 I wonder if there's any way to extract the nature of a command from the 
 execution plan returned by SPI_prepare. If not, would it be very 
 difficult to add? It doesn't feel optimal to add a home brewed parser 
 that parses the statements prior to prepare just to find out if I they 
 should prevented.
 CmdType SPI_get_command_type(void* executionPlan)

[I see Tom's reply, but considering I already wrote this; here it is

Hrm, I can't help but think it would be better just to allow
fetching/access to the Node tag, (e.g. T_TransactionStmt) as opposed to
creating a new command type.

NodeTag SPI_get_utility_tag(void *execPlan);

Well, something like that. I suppose it would somehow need to handle
compound queries.

Perhaps a filter operation would be a better idea.
Passing a function pointer like:

bool (*SPI_UtilityFilter) (NodeTag aStmt);
To a void SPI_FilterUtilities(void *execPlan, SPI_UtilityFilter fp).

Throwing an error if deemed necessary by the pointed to function.

Although, I'm inclined to think that if you require this sort of
flexibility you should probably think about writing your own SPI.

While a ways from complete/stable, my Python SPI:

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Error handling in plperl and pltcl

2004-11-20 Thread James William Pye
On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 16:58 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
 What I think we ought to do is change both PL languages so that every
 SPI call is executed as a subtransaction.  If the call elogs, we can
 clean up by aborting the subtransaction, and then we can report the
 error message as a Perl or Tcl error condition, which the function
 author can trap if he chooses.  If he doesn't choose to, then the
 language interpreter will return an error condition to plperl.c or
 pltcl.c, and we can re-throw the error.

I do this already in my plpy, save the subtransaction handling
In plpy, all Postgres ERRORs are caught and transformed into Python
exceptions, then when the interpreter exits with a Python exception, it
is transformed back into a Postgres ERROR and raised. I even created a
class of Python exceptions for Postgres ERRORs(e.g. raise
Postgres.ERROR('msg', code=someErrCode, hint='foo')). (And more specific
classes as well, putting errcodes to good use.)

I plan(well, already working on it) to create Python interfaces to
Postgres transaction facilities so that the author can start, rollback,
and commit subxacts as needed for use/cleanup. Of course, I feel that
this is the best way to go AFA subxacts are concerned; leaving the
details to the author.

I have been playing with RollbackToSavepoint and ReleaseSavepoint, but
per Neil's comments on IRC and the fact that I have to annoyingly
construct a List containing the savepoint name. I get the feeling that I
am not meant to use them. If they are provided for possible use,
shouldn't they take a string instead of a List? (Is a List used here to
discourage use?)

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] Version defines

2004-10-31 Thread James William Pye

Would it be possible to get something along the lines of the attached
patch in 8? (major,minor,patch,state version defines)

(I tried making them shell vars and giving it to AC_INIT, but it seemed
to want a literal, so...)

Yes, I know there are other ways to get and define this information, but
[something like] this is considerably more convenient, IMO.

James William Pye
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/,v
retrieving revision 1.383
diff -c -r1.383
***	25 Oct 2004 00:11:04 -	1.383
---	29 Oct 2004 18:21:13 -
*** 26,31 
--- 26,35 
  AC_SUBST(configure_args, [$ac_configure_args])
+ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PG_VERSION_MAJOR, 8, [PostgreSQL major version])
+ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PG_VERSION_MINOR, 0, [PostgreSQL minor version])
+ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PG_VERSION_STATE, beta4, [PostgreSQL version state])
Index: src/include/
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/include/,v
retrieving revision 1.80
diff -c -r1.80
*** src/include/	6 Oct 2004 09:35:22 -	1.80
--- src/include/	29 Oct 2004 18:21:13 -
*** 587,592 
--- 587,604 
  /* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+ /* Define to the major version */
+ /* Define to the minor version */
+ /* Define to the patch level */
+ /* Define to version descriptor */
  /* Define to the full name of this package. */

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Version defines

2004-10-31 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, 2004-10-31 at 08:02, Tom Lane wrote:
 This has been proposed and rejected before, mainly on the grounds that
 it would encourage bad programming practices.

I admit that I am probably practicing this bad programming at few places
in my source, and shame on me for it. I have hoped to tighten it up a
bit later, but it is convenient for the time being.

 At compile time, you should be checking the specific feature you care

Well, for one of my uses, it is not a feature check. My PL loads a
Python extension module whose path is dependent on the major and minor
version of the PostgreSQL installation that the PL was compiled against.
So I construct the module path string based on the major and minor at
compile time.

If this is the stance that the group has, that is fine. For now, I will
continue my shameful practice of parsing up pg_config --version and
defining the components for use in my source. (;

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Version defines

2004-10-31 Thread James William Pye
On Sun, 2004-10-31 at 10:49, Tom Lane wrote:
 Er ... can't you just keep it in pkglibdir and refer to it via $libdir?
 Given that 8.0 now supports relocatable installations, I'd think it best
 to avoid hardwiring any paths at compile time.


I think it would be best to keep Python [extension] modules in Python's

AFA hardwiring is concerned, I will probably make it a GUC variable in
8.0 that will default to how I currently hardwire it.

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] CVS configure failure

2004-09-21 Thread James William Pye
On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 17:13, Neil Conway wrote:
 Should this be documented in the installation instructions?

I think so.

I figure just a mention should be enough.
(Also add some productname tags around 'Python'.)

James William Pye
Index: installation.sgml
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql-server/doc/src/sgml/installation.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.203
diff -c -r1.203 installation.sgml
*** installation.sgml	20 Jun 2004 01:32:46 -	1.203
--- installation.sgml	22 Sep 2004 05:03:30 -
*** 170,181 
To build the PL/Python server programming language, you need a
!   Python installation, including the header files.  Since
!   PL/Python will be a shared library, the
filenamelibpython/filename library must be a shared library
also on most platforms.  This is not the case in a default
!   Python installation.
--- 170,181 
To build the PL/Python server programming language, you need a
!   productnamePython/productname installation with the header files and
!   the distutils module.  Since PL/Python will be a shared library, the
filenamelibpython/filename library must be a shared library
also on most platforms.  This is not the case in a default
!   productnamePython/productname installation.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] PG_exception_stack

2004-09-15 Thread James William Pye
On Wed, 2004-09-15 at 09:04, G u i d o B a r o s i o wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] postgres]$ createlang plpgsql tech_mis
 createlang: language installation failed: ERROR:  could not load
 library /usr/local/pgsql/lib/
 /usr/local/pgsql/lib/ undefined symbol: PG_exception_stack

It looks like your build is a bit fubar'd. I don't know why exactly, but
it can't find that symbol, so I'd suggest a gmake distclean, configure,
and gmake all install. (hrm, might also want to make sure that your
installations arent crossing paths somewhere here, if you have multiple
versions installed)
(Note that I just did it with my dev build without trouble)

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] banner vs version

2004-09-15 Thread James William Pye
On Wed, 2004-09-15 at 09:15, G u i d o B a r o s i o wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] local]$ psql template1
 Welcome to psql 8.0.0beta2, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
 template1=# select version();
  PostgreSQL 7.4.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
 (1 row)
 Is this ok? Banner version, 8 beta2, version() returns 7.4.2.

I think this explains the problem that you e-mailed in earlier.
You probably tried to install a 8.0beta2 plpgsql into a 7.4.2 backend.

AFAIK, this is fine, 8.0 psql clients should be able to connect to 7.4
backends (;

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] x86_64 configure problem

2004-09-11 Thread James William Pye
On Sat, 2004-09-11 at 14:05, Joe Conway wrote:
 Perhaps. The first error message seems clear enough to me, but if you 
 want to send me the necessary distutils test, I can incorporate it. Any 
 other opinions out there?

AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Python distutils module])
if ${PYTHON} 2- -c 'import distutils'
AC_MSG_ERROR([distutils module not found])

That should work.

While I'm of the opinion that installations without distutils are
antiquated, I see no reason why we couldn't check for it anyways.
(Gaetano requested it so there would probably be others who would
appreciate it.)

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] x86_64 configure problem

2004-09-09 Thread James William Pye
On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 11:17, Joe Conway wrote:
 On an x86_64 machine I'm finding that I cannot configure --with-python 
 without the attached patch. Undoubtedly there is a better way to fix 
 this -- any suggestions?

python_configdir=`${PYTHON} -c from distutils.sysconfig import
get_python_lib as f; import os; print os.path.join(f(plat_specific=1,

That should work, regardless of the lib directory that Python is
installed to.
(at least it works on my system):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ % py -c from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib as
f; import os; print

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] x86_64 configure problem

2004-09-09 Thread James William Pye
On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 12:28, James William Pye wrote:
 That should work, regardless of the lib directory that Python is
 installed to.

Looking at get_python_lib(), I'm not so sure that I'm correct:

if == posix:
libpython = os.path.join(prefix,
 lib, python + get_python_version())

Although, I'm getting a bit confused. I just compiled and installed
Python(CVS) configured as:

./configure --prefix=/usr/dev --libdir=/usr/dev/pylib

But it didn't install anything in /usr/dev/pylib, as one would expect.
It just threw everything in /usr/dev/lib. I even gmake'd distclean to
make sure there wasn't some configure option cache of some sort. Same

ISTM that Python's libdir wasn't meant to be located anywhere other than

James William Pye

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] [PATCHES] [BUGS] casting strings to multidimensional arrays yields

2004-08-11 Thread James William Pye
On 08/06/04:31/5, Joe Conway wrote:
 I just reread your comment and thought about it more. I think most of 
 what I said in the last post holds, but in addition part of the problem 
 lies in the fact that we don't implement multidimensional arrays as 
 nested arrays, but rather as one monolithic structure. If we did the 
 former, then 2x0 would be feasible.
 Investigating, and possibly implementing, multidimensional arrays as a 
 nested structure is another item on my wish list. I'm still not entirely 
 sure how difficult or desirable it is, but my interpretation of SQL99 is 
 that nested arrays is the requirement.


This would probably make MD array support in plpy almost trivial, so it is
definitely desirable to me.

James William Pye

Description: PGP signature

[HACKERS] SRFs ExecMakeTableFunctionResult

2004-08-09 Thread James William Pye

While I was finishing up SRF support in PL/Py, I noticed that when VPC is the
selected mode for a table function, ExecMakeTableFunctionResult will set
rsinfo.isDone to ExprSingleResult each time it loops to fetch another value
(when a direct_function_call). This makes the VPC-SRF author set isDone to
ExprMultipleResult on _every_ call while returning values, as it will break
out if rsinfo.isDone != ExprMultipleResult.

Is this the desired behavior?

James William Pye

Description: PGP signature

Re: [HACKERS] SRFs ExecMakeTableFunctionResult

2004-08-09 Thread James William Pye
 Seems reasonable to me.  A SRF function really ought to explicitly set
 isDone on every call anyway.

Aye, it seems reasonable, but a bit inconsistent with the effect of
ExecMakeFunctionResult, which does the same thing but bases the continuity of
the result gathering on the isDone pointer, which is set to
ExprMultipleResult if isDone is not ExprEndResult, thus making it continue
until rsinfo.isDone is explicitly set to ExprEndResult, unlike table
functions which will end on either SingleResult or EndResult.
(Around lines #941-984 in execQual.c)

Is this inconsistency desired?

My confusion came in when I implemented SRFs that worked with non-table
SRFs, and then table functions didn't work because I wasn't setting isDone
to MultipleResult every call.

James William Pye

Description: PGP signature

Re: Postgres development model (was Re: [HACKERS] CVS comment)

2004-08-09 Thread James William Pye
On 08/09/04:32/1, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
 BitKeeper ist not open source, so it's out of the question for most 
 people.  Subversion is shockingly unstable.  I'm very open for 
 something that replaces CVS, but I'd rather not use any than one of 
 these two.

From my casual usage of svn, I haven't noticed any stability issues. If it
were shockingly unstable, I would have expected to have had problems with

Using the ssh tunnel, served on an fbsd jail(yeah, rented from Marc), and
connecting with svn client 1.0.4 on my home fbsd 4.10 box..

James William Pye

Description: PGP signature

Re: [HACKERS] try/catch macros for Postgres backend

2004-07-31 Thread James William Pye
On 07/28/04:30/3, Tom Lane wrote:
 In service of the refactoring of error handling that I was talking about
 a few days ago, I'm finding that there are several places that really
 ought to catch longjmps and clean up after themselves, instead of
 expecting that whatever mess they've made will be cleaned up for them
 when control gets back to PostgresMain().  If we have functions that can
 catch errors, control might *not* go right back to PostgresMain(), and
 so throwing random cleanup actions into the sigsetjmp branch there is
 No Good.

This is wonderful news. plpy for 7.5 will be very nice. :)

 This is no big deal since pltcl and plpython already do much the same
 thing, but I'm starting to think that instead of directly hacking on
 Warn_restart, it would be good to have some macros hiding the details.
 The syntax I'm toying with is


 Does anyone have a problem with this macro syntax?  The try/catch names
 are stolen from Java, so I'm figuring they won't terribly surprise any
 modern programmer, but I'm open to different names if anyone has a
 better idea.

Sounds good, but perhaps it would be useful for some developers to have
the macro syntax broken up into smaller pieces, plpythonu does/did this in
plpython.h(gone now), and I rolled my own based on plpython's in plpy.

for example:

#define PG_EXC_DECLARE() sigjmp_buf local_sigjmp_buf
#define PG_EXC_SAVE() \
  sigjmp_buf *save_exception_stack = PG_exception_stack; \
  ErrorContextCallback *save_context_stack = error_context_stack
#define PG_EXC_TRAP() (sigsetjmp(local_sigjmp_buf, 1) == 0)

You could then use those to make up PG_TRY, PG_CATCH, PG_END_TRY.

Although, I'm not too concerned about this, as if someone wants the smaller
pieces they could probably just write their own without much difficulty.

 Also, the memcpy technique for saving/restoring Warn_restart is what
 pltcl and plpython currently use, and it works, but it seems
 unnecessarily inefficient.  A further improvement would be to replace
 Warn_restart by a pointer defined like
   extern sigjmp_buf *exception_stack_top;

Aye, good idea.

James William Pye

Description: PGP signature

Re: [HACKERS] try/catch macros for Postgres backend

2004-07-31 Thread James William Pye
On 07/31/04:30/6, Tom Lane wrote:
 Is there any actual functional usefulness to that, or is it just to
 avoid having to reorder existing code to fit into the try/catch paradigm?
Both, I imagine. In the case of the former, it *may be* useful for someone to
create their own paradigm, which seems like it would tye back into the latter.

 I would actually prefer to force people to use the try/catch macros, in
 the name of code readability and consistent coding style.
Ah, you must be a Python programmer at heart! ;)

 I had never
 felt that I understood the way the plpython error-trapping code was
 structured, until I had to go in and examine it in detail to rewrite it
 into the try/catch style.
Yeah, it wasn't pretty. When I first started on plpy, I hadn't even heard
of sigjmp_buf before. Perhaps you can imagine the clumps of hair I had
to pull out to finally get a grasp on it.

 I think it's now a lot more legible to the
 casual reader, and that's an important goal for Postgres-related code.
Definitely. It is a vast improvement over plpython's more demanding style.

 If you're really intent on doing that, you probably can do it no matter
 what I say about it ;-).
I have yet to decide to adopt the new syntax, as I just saw it yesterday,
but it is likely that I will, as I do depend on PG, so if it convenient, I
might as well use the tools that it gives me.

 But I find it hardly any improvement over
 direct use of the setjmp API.
Well, I find it more aesthetically appealing, and it can be quite nice to
have a macro interface to allow the underlying to change willy-nilly(not
that it should, but that it can). I'll bet that's the hardly any improvement
that you mentioned.

James William Pye

Description: PGP signature

Re: [HACKERS] Clean-up callbacks for non-SR functions

2004-05-23 Thread James William Pye
On 05/21/04:20/5, Tom Lane wrote:
 Hm.  I do not think you can use an expression context callback for this
 anyway, because the callback won't be called in the case that query
 execution is abandoned due to an error.

 What you'd need for something like that is a global data structure that
 is traversed at transaction commit/abort and tells you which PyObjects
 you are holding refcounts on.
Indeed. I was planning to implement something along those lines for that
case at a later point in time, just wasn't sure when the cleanup should
occur, and how it was to be triggered at that time.

I still have reservations about the temporary leakage, but I can't help but
think that a solution to that is likely cost more than its worth.

I can't imagine anything other than an explicit end of usage callback
function stored in FmgrInfo that takes fn_extra as an argument, and this would
still require ERROR handling...

 You might want to look at plpgsql's
 plpgsql_eoxact() function for something vaguely similar.
Aye! Thanks for pointing me at EOXact! It's quite the perfect point to cleanup
my fn_extra usage. I think that it is quite reasonable to specify that
inter-transaction usage of the feature to be forbidden; thus further
qualifying it as an appropriate cleanup point.

Disqualifying my own idea:
AFA free-hooks are concerned, it is clear to me now that they are BAD for my
application, as it assumes FmgrInfo is allocated by Postgres's memory
manager, and after a quick grep I see that FmgrInfo is statically
declared/allocated is many places..

James William Pye

Description: PGP signature

Re: [HACKERS] Clean-up callbacks for non-SR functions

2004-05-21 Thread James William Pye
 with that.

James William Pye

Description: PGP signature

Re: [HACKERS] Clean-up callbacks for non-SR functions

2004-05-20 Thread James William Pye
 in ExecMakeTableFunctionResult ()
#2  0x80f9d47 in ExecReScanNestLoop ()
#3  0x80f3758 in ExecScan ()
#4  0x80f9e0a in ExecFunctionScan ()
#5  0x80efd51 in ExecProcNode ()
#6  0x80eea48 in ExecEndPlan ()
#7  0x80edff4 in ExecutorRun ()
#8  0x8153d56 in PortalRun ()
#9  0x8153c56 in PortalRun ()
#10 0x8150d87 in pg_plan_queries ()
#11 0x815310f in PostgresMain ()
#12 0x8107096 in main ()
#13 0x806d772 in _start ()

NOTE: If I SELECT Composite(); resultinfo is NULL..

And finally, an actual SRF:

AS 'return [[0L]]';

backend SELECT * FROM SRF();
Breakpoint 1, pl_handler (fcinfo=0xbfbff1f4) at src/pl.c:468

(gdb) print *fcinfo
$11 = {
flinfo = 0x842631c,
context = 0x0,
resultinfo = 0xbfbff1d4,
isnull = 0 '\000',
nargs = 0,
arg = {0 repeats 32 times},
argnull = '\000' repeats 31 times

(gdb) print *fcinfo-flinfo
$12 = {
fn_addr = 0x285dc118 pl_handler,
fn_oid = 554026,
fn_nargs = 0,
fn_strict = 0 '\000',
fn_retset = 1 '\001',
fn_extra = 0x0,
fn_mcxt = 0x82ab858,
fn_expr = 0x8313a60

(gdb) print *((ReturnSetInfo *)fcinfo-resultinfo)
$13 = {
type = T_ReturnSetInfo,
econtext = 0x84261b0,
expectedDesc = 0x8426258,
allowedModes = 3,
returnMode = SFRM_ValuePerCall,
isDone = ExprSingleResult,
setResult = 0x0,
setDesc = 0x0

(gdb) bt
#0  pl_handler (fcinfo=0xbfbff1f4) at src/pl.c:468
#1  0x80f13a3 in ExecMakeTableFunctionResult ()
#2  0x80f9d47 in ExecReScanNestLoop ()
#3  0x80f3758 in ExecScan ()
#4  0x80f9e0a in ExecFunctionScan ()
#5  0x80efd51 in ExecProcNode ()
#6  0x80eea48 in ExecEndPlan ()
#7  0x80edff4 in ExecutorRun ()
#8  0x8153d56 in PortalRun ()
#9  0x8153c56 in PortalRun ()
#10 0x8150d87 in pg_plan_queries ()
#11 0x815310f in PostgresMain ()
#12 0x8107096 in main ()
#13 0x806d772 in _start ()

Probably more info than you need/want, but gdb is fun, so here's lots! 8)

James William Pye
Index: execQual.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql-server/src/backend/executor/execQual.c,v
retrieving revision 1.159
diff -u -r1.159 execQual.c
--- execQual.c  10 May 2004 22:44:43 -  1.159
+++ execQual.c  20 May 2004 11:28:20 -
@@ -894,21 +894,20 @@
-* If function returns set, prepare a resultinfo node for
-* communication
+* Prepare a resultinfo node for communication.  We always do this
+* even if not expecting a set result, so that we can pass
+* expectedDesc.  In the generic-expression case, the expression
+* doesn't actually get to see the resultinfo, but set it up anyway
+* because we use some of the fields as our own state variables.
-   if (fcache-func.fn_retset)
-   {
-   fcinfo.resultinfo = (Node *) rsinfo;
-   rsinfo.type = T_ReturnSetInfo;
-   rsinfo.econtext = econtext;
-   rsinfo.expectedDesc = NULL;
-   rsinfo.allowedModes = (int) SFRM_ValuePerCall;
-   rsinfo.returnMode = SFRM_ValuePerCall;
-   /* isDone is filled below */
-   rsinfo.setResult = NULL;
-   rsinfo.setDesc = NULL;
-   }
+   fcinfo.resultinfo = (Node *) rsinfo;
+   rsinfo.type = T_ReturnSetInfo;
+   rsinfo.econtext = econtext;
+   rsinfo.allowedModes = (int) (SFRM_ValuePerCall | SFRM_Materialize);
+   rsinfo.returnMode = SFRM_ValuePerCall;
+   /* isDone is filled below */
+   rsinfo.setResult = NULL;
+   rsinfo.setDesc = NULL;
 * now return the value gotten by calling the function manager,

Description: PGP signature

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