[Pharo-users] Monticello

2020-12-15 Thread Ramon Leon

Hi, I wonder if anyone is familiar enough with Monticello to know how to code 
up a quick commit history report showing all commits and comments for a given 
date range?

Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] Do we have a simple markdown parser?

2020-03-27 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2020-03-26 3:24 p.m., Eric Gade wrote:

Hi Ramón,

I have a couple of questions. If you are using OSProcess in Pharo 8

I'm not, I don't try and keep up with the latest stuff, too much churn.  But 
I'd imagine the latest must still be able to pipe out to a command even if the 
API changed a bit.

 but the new ZnStreams in P7/P8 DNU on #isOssPipe and StandardFileStream (for 
which OSSubprocess was designed, evidently) is being deprecated.

And this is why it's not worth riding the bleeding edge.  Go back and find a 
stable older version you like and stick with it. Let others get all cut up 
playing with unstable new stuff.

Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] Do we have a simple markdown parser?

2020-03-26 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2020-03-24 10:51 a.m., Tim Mackinnon wrote:

Hi guys - do we have a simple markdown parser that is reasonably up to date?

What's wrong with the real markdown itself? I've used the original Markdown.pl 
implementation for years same as I would any other shell script, via OSProcess

markdown: someContent
  ^UnixProcess pipeString: someContent throughCommand: (FileDirectory default 
fullPathFor: 'Markdown.pl')

Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Phoedown - Markdown to HTML

2020-01-03 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2020-01-02 10:56 a.m., Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

While I dream of a world where everything is in-image as pure Smalltalk,
given the reality of limited manpower, I think of outside library use as a
way to "cheat" and get a lot more from that limited engineering resource.

Agree, I've used the original Markdown.pl implementation for years same as I 
would any other shell script, via OSProcess

markdown: someContent
 ^UnixProcess pipeString: someContent throughCommand: (FileDirectory default 
fullPathFor: 'Markdown.pl')

Never saw a need to rewrite what already works in its original form.

Ramón León
VP of Technology
Alliance Reservations Network

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Phoedown - Markdown to HTML

2020-01-03 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2020-01-02 10:56 a.m., Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

While I dream of a world where everything is in-image as pure Smalltalk,
given the reality of limited manpower, I think of outside library use as a
way to "cheat" and get a lot more from that limited engineering resource.

Agree, I've used the original Markdown.pl implementation for years same as I 
would any other shell script, via OSProcess

markdown: someContent
 ^UnixProcess pipeString: someContent throughCommand: (FileDirectory default 
fullPathFor: 'Markdown.pl')

Never saw a need to rewrite what already works in its original form.

Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-20 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2019-09-20 3:03 p.m., Steve Quezadas wrote:

I think the "covenant" should be a single line: "keep the subject matter on
pharo, anything else is off-topic".

This list should be politically neutral.

I agree. The leadership apparently does not, left wing social justice identity 
politics is now embedded into the community rules. Guess we'll see what happens 
when outsiders start trying to use it to cancel people as is happening just 
about everywhere these CoC's are introduced.

Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-20 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2019-09-20 12:33 p.m., Ben Coman wrote:

A fair response Ben.

A good compromise is sometimes said to be when opposing parties are> 
**equally** dissatisfied.

The new version is much better, I believe I said that.  James and Norbert made 
some final and excellent changes that mostly fixed what was wrong and removed 
the overreach and the lack of due process.

That feels to me like an extreme interpretation.

It's not, identity politics are left wing politics and putting them in the CoC 
is absolutely imposing them on the community. I guess we'll see how it goes.

Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-20 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2019-09-20 7:44 a.m., Steve Quezadas wrote:

Or maybe you're too easily offended and the problem lies with you.

It's fairly obvious now, the Pharo leadership is occupied by left wing 
progressives who are intent on bringing identity politics into the community. 
While the new CoC is vastly better in its current state, it still insists one 
the left wing political ideology of respecting people's chosen identities as if 
that has any bearing at all on anything.

* One's identity is not relevant in a technical forum.
* One's code is not better because of one's identity.
* One's arguments are not more sound because of one's identity.
* Ones point of view are not more important because of one's identity.

Any calls to respect someone's identity are thinly veiled attempts to impose 
objectionable left wing political language onto the community. I don't care how 
anyone identifies, but I'm under no obligation to play along and it is not 
disrespectful to disagree with these political beliefs. The maintenance of ones 
identity and self image is theirs to worry about, I have no obligation to 
support the maintenance of someone else's ego. You can identify as a pink 
unicorn for all I care, but no I do not have to respect that or play along.  
Nor will I.

I'm saying this here because the pull request to remove the word identity was 
rejected without explanation, discussion, or comment. Progressives seem intent 
on ruining everything.

Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-17 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2019-09-17 5:11 p.m., James Foster wrote:

If there was, indeed, adoption of a “Covenant” it should have been done by the 
board whose role “is to make decisions if in the future the community can't 
decide on a course of action” (https://pharo.org/about).

I suggest that we suspend discussion of the politics of speech codes until we 
confirm that there is one for Pharo.


Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-17 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2019-09-17 4:26 p.m., Richard O'Keefe wrote:

I see the
so-called "Covenant" that we are discussing as another example of this urge to
micro-control other people.  It has me nervously looking for the exit.

I couldn't agree more.

Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-17 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2019-09-17 2:34 p.m., Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

as I say the important issue is to provide safe
spaces via explicit or implicit rules

I understand, I just disagree. These are of course my personal opinions, others may 
disagree.  "Safe spaces" are bad things, not good things; the world is not a 
safe space, it is not the responsibility of others to provide one a feeling of safety in 
a an online community where people merely exchange words. Words are not dangerous, you 
are already safe. If you don't like what someone is saying, ignore them or mute them. 
Safe space a euphemism for censorship and exclusion, people who want safe spaces want to 
exclude other people who might express ideas or opinions that they disagree with. Safe 
spaces are anti-free speech zones.

They are an attempt to prepare the world for the child rather than the child 
for the world; they are inherently narcissistic. Intellectual discourse is 
supposed to be challenging to your beliefs, you're supposed to confront ideas 
you might not like or agree with and people you might have a hard time getting 
along with. If you submit code to a technical forum you should expect criticism 
and debate.  Technical discussions should resolve around the ideas being 
presented, not around the identities of those involved, and ideas should always 
be open to critique and debate. I don't care what one's sex or gender are or 
what color one's skin is or political beliefs are; those things have no place 
in a technical forum. I watch these groups to see discussions about technology 
like Pharo, Squeak, or Seaside.

It's a rare thing to see anyone here being truly rude, there's no need for a 
code of conduct, it's a non solution to a non problem intended only to divide 
and punish for political ends.  Maybe I'm just getting old, but the younger 
generation is far too coddled and expectant of the world to adjust to their 
feelings rather than learning how to deal with the world and others who have 
different ideas than they do. Safe spaces are bad ideas.

Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-17 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2019-09-17 6:28 a.m., Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

I'm pretty secure that Code of Conducts intent to provide secure spaces beyond 
just digital spaces and go also into physical and face to face ones.

The code of conducts intent is to force identity politics into technical spaces 
in the name of social justice and to make someone feeling offended an 
actionable reason to go after the supposed offender; never mind that offense is 
taken rather than given. Nevermind that anyone can claim to be offended by just 
about anything. The goal is to get the project to agree to kick people out for 
violating the utterly vague and subjective rules.

Here's some more quotes from the author of said code of conduct.

"Some people are saying that the Contributor Covenant is a political document, and 
they’re right."

"I can’t wait for the mass exodus from Linux now that it’s been infiltrated by SJWs. 

"Meritocracy is just thinly veiled misogyny and white supremacy propping up fragile 
cis het white men's egos"

"Meritocracy is late stage patriarchy"

"Why didn’t anyone punch the reporter giving the nazi air time?"

He is a radical left transgender activist, his intentions are purely political, 
the CoC is merely a means to an end and is used by him to setup situations in 
which he can cancel people in this new cancel culture. He wants to replace 
meritocracy with identity politics. This is the CoC that ran Linus out of 
Linux, a massive loss to the OS community.  This is not a horse you want to 
hitch your wagon to Pharo.

Ramón León

Re: [Pharo-users] Richard Kenneth Eng is NOT Mr. Smalltalk

2019-04-09 Thread Ramon Leon

On 2019-04-09 1:17 p.m., horrido wrote:

BTW, I've also said many unkind things about Python. And C++. And Scala and
Swift. But I'm being criticized for what I've said about JavaScript?

There is certainly no hint of bias here.

Richard, you keep doing what you're doing; that guy doesn't know what 
the fuck he's talking about.

> The quote I mentioned ("just object all
the way down") was one of the blog topics the managers, to whom I tried
to advertise Pharo, found ridiculous and laughed at it ("does it work
by magic then? What are the primitives and basic value types then?"

It's not your fault neither he nor his manager have any idea what 
objects all the way down means and that he thinks JS and a whole bunch 
of other languages have done this just shows he still has no idea what 
objects all the way down means.

These easily offended people and their entitlement to think they can 
tell you what you should or shouldn't say about a language you like can 
be dealt with by telling them to go fuck themselves.

I've liked your articles, and JavaScript is a shitty language no matter 
how many newbs pick it up; popularity doesn't mean quality.

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] Lazy vs eager initialization

2018-05-29 Thread Ramon Leon

On 05/29/2018 08:49 AM, sergio ruiz wrote:
If a model has a list of things.. such as a user that can/may have lots 
of pets, are there any real benefits to initializing the list of pets 

Yes, there's a huge benefit to lazy initialization; it's more resilient 
to class changes in the face of deserilization of old class shapes.  If 
you add new instance vars to a class, and then deserialize older version 
those instance variables will be nil.  With lazy init, this is not a 
problem.  Without lazy init, this is a null ref exception.

These old versions could be from a cache of data from the previous 
version of the code.  It's no fun to have to lose all cache data just 
because you push out a new version of the code.

In of the face of persistence, i.e. serialized versions of your objects, 
lazy init is the way to go.

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] #ast vs. #parseTree

2018-05-07 Thread Ramon Leon

On 05/05/2018 03:08 AM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

and may buy us little at the cost of a good amount of extra typing.

Auto-completion killed that argument long ago. Method names are for
reading, not writing; the computer will do most of the writing for you.

If you're optimizing key strokes when deciding a method name, you're 
doing it wrong.

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] #ast vs. #parseTree

2018-05-04 Thread Ramon Leon

On 05/04/2018 01:29 AM, Ben Coman wrote:

a TMA situation?

And my point made; I don't even know what that means.

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] #ast vs. #parseTree

2018-05-03 Thread Ramon Leon

On 05/03/2018 12:02 PM, Guillermo Polito wrote:
I don't think so... any compiler book talks about ASTs using acronyms. 
Acronyms are good when acronyms are good.

Boo, acronyms bad, virtually always. Jargon is awful when speaking and 
awful when Smalltalk'ing, use words, they're not in short supply.

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] Using SandstoneDB for persistance. Getting error.

2017-07-11 Thread Ramon Leon

On 07/11/2017 10:05 AM, sergio ruiz wrote:

Oh! i forgot to mention.. this method belongs to Order..

so that part is working just fine..

Doesn't matter where the method is, your state machine clearly has 
blocks stored as instance variables and you're trying to save the state 
machine as part of the Order; SandstoneDb doesn't support saving blocks. 
I'd try what Dennis Suggested and store message sends rather than blocks 
for the guarded method, then it might save fine.  Inspect the state 
machine, any use of blocks has to be removed/changed to message sends in 
order for it to be persistable by SandstoneDb.

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] Hot to retrieve values from Nested Dictionaries

2017-04-24 Thread Ramon Leon
On 04/24/2017 11:16 AM, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote:> For these use cases 
it would be nice to have some sort of syntax sugar

as with the cascade operator, but with a chaining operator instead.

This doesn't even require syntactic sugar, just objects, and this is a 
more general problem even with a back to back chain of 
select/detect/reject style things. I solved this for myself years ago by 
introducing what I call a pipe (nod to unix) allowing me to chain calls 
in a pipeline without all the parens with each call acting on the result 
value of the last call. Trivially implemented using #doesNotUnderstand: 
and the cascade operator.

^ dict1 asPipe at: 'key1'; at: 'key2'; at: 'key3'.

Anytime I have a bunch of back to back calls that would require a lot of 
parens, I just create a pipe...

^self findBlocks asPipe
		select: [ :e | e blockDate between: actualCheckInDate and: 
actualCheckInDate + (nights - 1) days ];

detectMin: [ :e | e quantityAvailable ];

The simplest implementation is...

^ SPipe with: self

Object subclass: #SPipe
instanceVariableNames: 'value'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'PharoExtensions'

privateValue: anObject
value := anObject

^ value yourself

doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
^ value := value perform: aMessage selector withArguments: aMessage 

SPipe class>>with: anObject
^ (self new)
privateValue: anObject;

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] real world pharo web application set ups

2016-12-14 Thread Ramon Leon

On 12/14/2016 12:09 PM, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote:

Can you extend on suspending the UI process? I never did that.

I feed my images a start script on the command line

pharo-vm-nox \
-vm-sound-null -vm-display-null \
/var/pharo/app.image \

startScript containing one line (among others) like so...

Project uiProcess suspend.

I'm on an older Pharo, but I presume the newer ones are the same or 
similar. No sense in wasting CPU on a UI in a headless image

Won't the idle use add up?

Sure eventually, but you don't run more than a 2 or so per core so 
that'll never be a problem.  You shouldn't be running 5 images on a 
single core, let alone more.

In my case I served up to 20 concurrent users (out of ~100 total) with
only 5 images. Plus another two images for the REST API. In a dual
core server.

That's barely a server, most laptops these days have more cores. Rent a 
virtual server with a dozen or more cores, then you can run a few images 
per core without the idle mattering at all and run 2 dozen images in 
total per 12 core server.

Scale by adding cores and ram allowing you to run more images per box; 
or scale by running more boxes, ultimately, you need to spread out the 
load across many many cores.

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] real world pharo web application set ups

2016-12-14 Thread Ramon Leon

On 12/14/2016 10:27 AM, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote:

Memory is cheap, and the only limit now is CPU, the current Pharo
image has an idle CPU consumption ~5%, so you can't have many
concurrent images running in the same machine.

Sure you can, a multi-core server isn't going to get maxed out by idle 
CPU consumption as each image will only do that on a single core; you 
can also reduce consumption on headless images by suspending the UI 
process which isn't needed getting you down to perhaps 2-3%.

whilst 10 idle Pharo images will consume 50%.

Only on a single CPU machine which isn't what you're going to have on a 
server. Running two images per core on a 12 core virtual server and 
you'll be sitting more like 5-6% idle which is totally fine. Spread that 
across 10 or 15 virtual servers and you can handle 1000 concurrent users 
just fine.

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] SandstoneDB for Pharo maintainer?

2016-06-02 Thread Ramon Leon

On 06/02/2016 09:26 AM, Udo Schneider wrote:


I noticed that the most recent SandstoneDB fails most tests when using a
disk based store. I have fixed the issue so that all tests are green
again. I'm not sure how to proceed now though.

I noticed that the StHub repository is public write. But I'm not sure if
it's okay to simply push the changes/config. So who's the current
maintainer or is there any other process?


It's open commit, feel free to commit your fixes; I'm no longer 
maintaining and left it open for all.

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] VM Crash after adding ram

2015-07-31 Thread Ramon Leon

On 07/30/2015 11:43 AM, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:


did you try a fresh Pharo image (without loaded code)? ExternalObject and 
ExternalAddress are FFI so… problem*could*  be there… no idea what can be 
happening, but well… it could be there:)


After poking around the net a bit with some of the error messages I saw

Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 610: _dl_open: Assertion 
`_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)-r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed!

it was apparently some corrupted Ubuntu lib's that after running updates 
again and rebooting seem to have repaired themselves. The VM starting 
working fine after this last reboot which is admittedly the first reboot 
since I got the PC back up with the new amount of ram. So, apparently 
not a VM issue, thanks for the advice anyway.

Ramon Leon

[Pharo-users] VM Crash after adding ram

2015-07-30 Thread Ramon Leon

stack page bytes 4096 available headroom 3300 minimum unused headroom 3540

(no objects after the end of memory)
Aborted (core dumped)

Ramon Leon

Re: [Pharo-users] OrderedCollection remove:

2015-04-03 Thread Ramon Leon

On 04/01/2015 11:22 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:

col := #(1 2 3 4 5) asOrderedCollection.
col do: [ :each | col remove: each. ].

As a general rule in Smalltalk, a lot of hassle can be avoided avoiding 
loops.  If you think you need a loop, stop and find a better way, it 
likely already exists, in this case as someone else already mentioned 
either #removeAll: or #removeSuchThat:.  Smalltalk isn't procedural, 
loops aren't your bread and butter.

Ramon Leon