[PHP-DEV] Re: OO in PHP5 (was zend_API.c on php-dev)

2003-02-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

andrei's point:
extensions should stick to either functional or oo API
PEAR wrappers can be provided

my point:
extensions should expose both APIs (if desired)
can be done by aliasing functions to class methods - no duplicate c code
when called as function - print warning
when called as method - throw exception

What do you guys think of this?

  I would argue that having two different methods to
  do the same thing only leads to increased complexity and
  confusion. Sure, some people like it one way and some people
  another, but having a standard way of doing things is,
  IMHO, better.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5 mailing list

2003-02-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

I am very happy that the mailing-list tab on the PHP main web site 
doesn't include it yet. I'd prefer only people who are active in the 
developer's community (i.e. php-dev, php-qa) to be part it.

  Was there ever a discussion of introducing a more formal
  organisation into the development process (I might have missed
  it, having actively followed php-dev for one year only)?
  Something along these lines:


  I think that a few rules would benefit the PHP community,
  and allow us to spend the resources we have more wisely.


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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: ivanr

2003-01-26 Thread Ivan Ristic
I want to bring my involvement with PHP to the next level: bug fixing, documentation, 
annotated manual, working on new features to enhance security.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] downgrade undefined function from fatal error

2002-12-14 Thread Ivan Ristic
John Coggeshall wrote:

There is absolutely no reason why you cannot simply include your
functions in your scripts

  Erm, to avoid manual work? There is no reason whatsoever
  to include files manually.

  Right now you must pre-load every single
  class you intend to use in the application. This may or
  may not be a problem, depending on the size of the application,
  since the engine must parse hundreds of KB of code. I use classes
  for everything and I would prefer to have one file per class,
  and to load classes on demand. Makes maintenance much easier.

  The patch for this is trivial. It was made a while ago and
  it seems that it still works (just tried it with 4.2.3)


Ivan Ristic, http://www.webkreator.com

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[PHP-DEV] $php_errormsg not populated

2002-12-14 Thread Ivan Ristic

I have noticed that $php_errormsg is not populated
for all types of errors. The code below is from main/main.c.
Do you think that we can safely switch places for parts one
and two? If we do $php_errormsg will be populated before
bailing out, and this inconsistency will be sorted.

-- pt 1 --

/* Bail out if we can't recover */
switch (type) {
if(!module_initialized) {
/* bad error in module startup - no way we can live 
with this */
/* no break - intentionally */
case E_ERROR:
/*case E_PARSE: the parser would return 1 (failure), we can 
bail out nicely */
if (module_initialized) {

-- pt 2 ---

   /* Log if necessary */
if (PG(track_errors)  EG(active_symbol_table)) {
pval *tmp;

Z_STRVAL_P(tmp) = (char *) estrndup(buffer, buffer_len);
Z_STRLEN_P(tmp) = buffer_len;
zend_hash_update(EG(active_symbol_table), php_errormsg, 
sizeof(php_errormsg), (void **)  tmp, si


Ivan Ristic, http://www.webkreator.com

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Cookie Session Problem

2002-12-06 Thread Ivan Ristic

The problem i'm having is that the session id is showing up in the url when
a user moves to the next page in the site, but then after that it stop
showing up in the url (the way it should be).  I don't want the session id
(periodically) showing up in the url this causes me problems on certain

Why does this happen?

  It is a feature to support users that do not have cookies or have
  cookies disabled. The sessionid is showing only on the first page
  access; once PHP establishes that the user supports cookies it
  will stop changing URLs.

  It is documented here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php

  You can turn it off by setting session.use_trans_sid parameter
  to off (btw, it is off by default).


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[PHP-DEV] Re: persistent java virtual machine under PHP

2002-12-05 Thread Ivan Ristic

  From the PHP point of view, you can get problems with persistent
  database connections on a very high load site, that's true. But
  that's about the only problem. Sure, you can't build a persistent
  storage of information in the server but that's a minor issue.

It's not a minor issue. Using persistent objects that are expensive to 
aquire is a common pattern, which can improve performance significantly. 
The above scenario prevents exactly that.

  Right, but you can still use shared memory, or, you can store
  persistent objects onto the filesystem. We've done the later
  with satisfactory results.

I guess this is more of an apache issue then a PHP issue. I'd have to 
look more closely at the apache sources to investigate further.

  Apache 2 resolves this problem. You can configure it to
  run multithreaded. Still, the issue of having a stable PHP remains.

  Plus, PHP has no mechanisms to handle multithreaded access from
  user space, you would have to use shared memory locks or file
  system locks.


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[PHP-DEV] Re: persistent java virtual machine under PHP

2002-12-05 Thread Ivan Ristic

  There is a servlet which accepts requests and uses native
  code from libphp4.so to execute them. At the same time,
  the Java extension is used to provide access to Java
  objects from PHP itself.

but the ext/java as it is would not be suitable, as it would spawn new 
JVMs every once in a while (thus it would use a different JVM then the 
one that called the PHP page).

  No, I have been told (by someone, I do not remember) that if you
  use PHP as a servlet ext/java would use the same JVM. I haven't
  check to see whether that is correct.

Where can I find documentation for calling libphp4.so? How do I execute 
a PHP script by calling some functions in libphp4.so?



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[PHP-DEV] Re: persistent java virtual machine under PHP

2002-12-04 Thread Ivan Ristic

What I'm looking for is that the JVM would not be discarded on a regular 
basis, but it would remain persistent.

  I do not think that is possible, unless PHP engine itself
  is contained within a single process (and runs multithreaded).
  Which it isn't (under Apache 1.x  , at least).

  You can perhaps try to use it the other way around, have PHP
  run inside a Java VM. You can also try to get the source code
  for the Java extension from the CVS as some patches have
  been submitted recently.

  Ideal solution for Java integration would be to have a single
  JVM running as a separate process, and to have the PHP communicate
  with it using some efficient protocol. This can be done right
  now although I do not think that the current Java extension
  works like this. However...

  I have heard (can someone confirm this, please) that ZE2
  handles foreign (i.e. non-PHP) object nicely and that you
  will be able to have classes and objects that feel like
  normal object but would in fact execute outside the engine.

  If the above is correct I would prefer to wait for ZE2 in
  order to integrate my PHP and my Java. On a similar note,
  is someone working on a ZE2-compatible extension at the
  moment? I might be interesting to work on it.

  There is one relevant project, see http://www.vl-srm.net
  (integrates PHP and PHP, not PHP and Java, but the method
  is the same).


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[PHP-DEV] Re: persistent java virtual machine under PHP

2002-12-04 Thread Ivan Ristic

How is a persistent database connection handled then? e.g. in the mysql 

  Apache 1.x pre-creates a number of server processes. Each process
  handles a certain number of requests (one at a time), and then
  dies. It is then replaced with an another server process. The number
  of processes can vary depending on the load and the configuration.

  Database connections (and other resources) are persistent on the
  per-server-process level. What this means that an open connection
  in one server process cannot be reused from within another
  server process.

  When using PHP with IIS, on the other hand, you only have one
  process and only one set of persistent connections.

  Since creating a 100% thread safe PHP (PHP meaning the core engine
  plus the libraries) is practically impossible, I would say that
  PHP will go the FastCGI route, even on Windows.


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[PHP-DEV] Re: bug of the day: $this

2002-12-03 Thread Ivan Ristic
Balazs Nagy wrote:


$this stays defined when an instantatiated member function calls a
non-instantiated member function.

  Correct. I actually find it quite interesting. :)
  It can be useful at times, I have used it in my
  libraries as a feature.

  There is an interesting article on the subject:

Ivan Ristic, http://www.webkreator.com

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[PHP-DEV] Handling fatal and parse errors (just a link :)

2002-12-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

Hi, since we are not going to patch PHP to support redirection
on fatal errors or the 500 error code, here is a link to the
technique you can use (works with 4.2.3) to handle these

I already posted a note about this but discovered that the
old approach no longer works, and I had to rewrite it. The
example code can be downloaded from the article.


Ivan Ristic, http://www.webkreator.com

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: bug of the day: $this

2002-12-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

$this stays defined when an instantatiated member function calls a
non-instantiated member function.

  Correct. I actually find it quite interesting. :)
  It can be useful at times, I have used it in my
  libraries as a feature.

  There is an interesting article on the subject:

Now, please tell me how can you decide whether the member function is
called as an object element (eg. $obj-func()) or as a class element
(eg. class::func()).

  You mean from the function itself? You can't, as far as I
  can tell. That is why this works best if you have a helper
  class with all static methods. Once nice example that
  comes to mind is a method that persists objects to the

  But never mind that, I am not trying to justify the
  existence of this quirk so there is no point in
  discussing it.

Basic functionality is killed with this so-called feature.

  Although I did use it as such, I wouldn't actually call
  this a feature, and would prefer to have it removed from


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[PHP-DEV] Redirect on Error (not localisation)

2002-11-26 Thread Ivan Ristic

 Anyway... So what of my actual patch we were discussing at
 some point? I never got a real answer as to if it would be
 suitable to commit.

   I have changed the subject of the message in an effort to
   separate the discussion on the Redirect on Fatal Error feature
   (the subject of this email) from the localisation discussion.


   As a reminder, we are discussing a patch that will redirect
   the user to another page when a fatal or a parse error occurs
   (parse errors can be caught with lint, fatal can't). The
   redirection will allow developers to:

   * Show a decent page to the user (instead of letting them
 see a blank or incomplete page)

   * Send a message to themselves that something
 strange has happened (allowing them to react quickly, instead
 of having to install log watch software for notification
 purposes (and many people cannot do that as they do not
 have control over the servers))

   As far as I am aware, there is not a single reason not to
   have this feature. Some people seem not to like it, but that
   is fine; with no performance or stability risks, if you don't
   want to use the feature - you won't be affected.

   On the other hand, I will be extremely happy to have it under
   my belt as yet another tool I can use to make my software
   run better.

   Please don't tell me that I wouldn't need this feature if
   I programmed perfectly. Errors happen all the time, no matter
   what you do trying to prevent them.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] error reporting for PHP5

2002-11-25 Thread Ivan Ristic
Sorry to jump in the middle of a conversation, but I just wanted to
say that I personally use trigger_error() quite often.

  Me too, I use it for warnings, notices, and errors
  that cannot be remedied.

  In my programs I also simulate custom error codes. The first
  part of the error string looks something like

  [error.code] Message

  and I parse this later and act upon it.

The site I
maintain has a nice custom error handler which logs the error and
emails the admins the error details + var dumps, etc.


  I often use
trigger_error() in my code because it allows me to treat certain
situations the same as a PHP generated error.  Of course, I suppose I
could just call my custom error handler directly but that seems less
elegant...just MHO.

  The way with trigger_errors is better because you can at any
  time turn the custom error handler off, and everything would
  still work.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] error handling

2002-11-21 Thread Ivan Ristic
John Coggeshall wrote:

If I hacked on the source a bit and got this redirect-error thing
working, would it Be perhaps worthy of a commit?



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Re: [PHP-DEV] error handling

2002-11-21 Thread Ivan Ristic
Edin Kadribasic wrote:

On Thursday 21 November 2002 08:04, Derick Rethans wrote:

I still think that an included file just should fail hard and I just
dont like this kind of obfucsication.

I agree with this 100%. It is IMHO a complete waste of time trying to 
handle parse errors gracefully. Most solutions proposed in this 
thread are either  server specific or would have an impact on normal 
php operation (would require output buffering, etc.).

  And in the real life you sometimes must change things live
  on the server, in the middle of the night. If you make a
  mistake then, and we all do, you will go to sleep without
  realising that the app/web site no longer works properly.

  I use logwatch for this at the moment, but that is, IMHO, a
  very, very, clumsy solution.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] error handling

2002-11-21 Thread Ivan Ristic
Mike Robinson wrote:

In Real Life [Patent Pending], if you cripple your production site
in the middle of the night then go to bed, you won't have to worry
about any of this because you'd be unemployed in the morning.

  I assume then that you run regression tests for your web sites
  after every change? Or stay awake throughout the night? Or
  not make mistakes at all and so you have nothing to fix at



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Re: [PHP-DEV] error handling

2002-11-21 Thread Ivan Ristic
We were talking about parse errors here. php -l before you put it life
should be enough for that. And yes, I run that before 'cvs commit'. 

  Well, I am afraid that it is not that simple, as there are other
  fatal errors that cannot be caught and where lint is useless. For


  is a fatal error.

  Since I am no perfect and make mistakes all the time, I would
  like my programming environment of choice to help me as much
  as possible.

  Also, from a management point of view (I manage programmers),
  what you are describing there can work in some cases but what
  if a programmer forgets/is-too-lazy to to that? I don't want
  to wait for the next morning to know about it.


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[PHP-DEV] Re: error reporting for PHP5

2002-11-21 Thread Ivan Ristic

 I will start laying out some my thoughts to hopefully get a discussion
 towards working on the complete error reporting logic.  I had an
 extensive experience implementing custom errors, so approve or
 disapprove my ideas.

  I like your ideas too, but some of your suggestions need to
  be compared to the exception mechanism, to avoid duplicated

I have been following the thread about error reporting thing and, I
think, it is all going off route.

  While I do agree that the error handling mechanism needs to
  be enhanced, none of your suggestions are directly related
  to the error handling discussion and the patch. I think
  we should finish with the patch discussion first so that
  we can later proceed to more complex issues.


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[PHP-DEV] Re: error reporting for PHP5

2002-11-21 Thread Ivan Ristic
Throwing this idea on another time can sound rush. Rright now, when 
our heads are occupied analysing error reporting, this can result 
being more productive, IMO.  And, it is till related anyway.

  I don't mind, I just don't want the patch forgotten :)


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Re: [PHP-DEV] URL for segfaults

2002-11-21 Thread Ivan Ristic
Steven Roussey wrote:

No. And I wish access_log logged requests at the beginning of a 
request and had the child pid.

  It would be very easy to write a custom module to log
  that at the beginning of the request. Would that help?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] URL for segfaults

2002-11-21 Thread Ivan Ristic
Steven Roussey wrote:
 Yes. Ideally such that you can grep for the failed URLs. I can see this
 as being very helpful to a lot of people. Debug modes don't work for
 production servers and it is only there that it is showing itself.

 BTW - Easy for you maybe!

   Don't take my word, have a look at it! :)


#include httpd.h  
#include http_config.h  
#include http_request.h  
#include http_protocol.h  
#include http_core.h  
#include http_main.h 
#include http_log.h 

module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT earlylog_module;

static int el_log(request_rec *r) {

ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE|APLOG_NOERRNO, r, mod_earlylog: [%s] 
%s, r-hostname, r-the_request);

return DECLINED;

module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT earlylog_module = {

NULL,   /* module initializer  */
NULL,   /* create per-dirconfig structures */
NULL,   /* merge  per-dirconfig structures */
NULL,   /* create per-server config structures */
NULL,   /* merge  per-server config structures */
NULL,   /* table of config file commands   */
NULL,   /* [#8] MIME-typed-dispatched handlers */
NULL,   /* [#1] URI to filename translation*/
NULL,   /* [#4] validate user id from request  */
NULL,   /* [#5] check if the user is ok _here_ */
NULL,   /* [#3] check access by host address   */
NULL,   /* [#6] determine MIME type*/
NULL,   /* [#7] pre-run fixups */
NULL,   /* [#9] log a transaction  */
NULL,   /* [#2] header parser  */
NULL,   /* child_init  */
NULL,   /* child_exit  */
el_log  /* [#0] post read-request  */

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Re: [PHP-DEV] error handling

2002-11-21 Thread Ivan Ristic
James Cox wrote:

  Also, from a management point of view (I manage programmers),
  what you are describing there can work in some cases but what
  if a programmer forgets/is-too-lazy to to that? I don't want
  to wait for the next morning to know about it.

if a programmer is too lazy to test, fire them. there are plenty more better
ones to hire.

  That's very funny! :) You are oversimplifying a complex
  issue. Real life is a series of compromises.

  But let us not stray anymore, this is not the subject of the
  discussion. If you want, you can still email me privately.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] error handling

2002-11-20 Thread Ivan Ristic
John Coggeshall wrote:

|I know this is possible now, but not within the error handling 
|function of PHP, or without setting a custom error handler.

Well, it's not really possible now -- a E_PARSE won't get thrown to a
custom PHP handler, it'll just die with a parse error. 

  It is possible. Not pretty but still possible :) You
  can use a series of hacks to make PHP behave and allow
  you to intercept an fatal error, and extract the error

  In short:

  * You use auto_append to append a short PHP file that
only sets a flag to true

  * You install a custom error handle to handle normal

  * You need to turn the output buffering on.

  * You register a shutdown function the checks the flag;
if the flag is set to false - you have a fatal error
on your hands. In that case you need to clear the
output buffer but not before you extract the fatal error
message (you need to have display_errors set to on).
Then you can forward the fatal error to your normal
error handler for processing.

  The full explanation is available here:


  I do not recall the version I used and I haven't checked
  whether this still works with recent releases. It did work
  at the time.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] error handling

2002-11-20 Thread Ivan Ristic

Create a configuration directive error_handler which accepts one of
Two values... Either a PHP script (like auto_prepend) which is

  And how about that we change PHP so that it changes
  the status of the response to 500 on a fatal error? Then
  you would be able to use the Apache directive

  ErrorDocument 500 /handle-my-errors.php

  to deal with them. You would have to use output buffering,
  of course, but using output buffering is the only way to
  shield your users from errors anyway.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] error handling

2002-11-20 Thread Ivan Ristic

The problem with this is that the 500 error does not provide any
information about the error.

  To the user, no. I wouldn't want users to see low level
  error messages anyway. Since standard error handlers can
  catch normal messages, the fact that a 500 error has
  occured means that something bigger is wrong and you
  have to go and fix it anyway. Then you can look the error
  message in the log file and see what the problem was.

  Also, the message will probably be parse error at line XXX
  anyway :))

  You would probably keep this off during the development
  phase, in which case messages will appear directly on


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Re: [PHP-DEV] code profiler

2002-06-25 Thread Ivan Ristic

 i am searching for a PHP code profiler

  DBG (http://dd.cron.ru/dbg/sshot.php) seems to be doing what
  you need. The link points to the screenshots page,
  and some screenshots show the profiler in action.

Best regards,
Ivan Ristic, Chief Technology Officer
DataGate Network Solutions Ltd. - http://www.datagate.net
Tel: +44 8700 119090, Fax: +44 8700 119080

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] RE: [PHP-DEV] REPOST: Class Autoloading [PATCH]

2002-06-13 Thread Ivan Ristic

   The second problem is that I don't see it working with nested classes.
   Is it good enough to only have this work with classes in the global
I am not really familiar with nested classes; is it because
you don't know the name of the file in which a nested class
is located? If so, I would say that trying to accommodate that
would be an overkill. In any case, the programmer using nested
classes can always write the __autoload() function that will
be smart enough.

 The problem is that if you have MyClass1::MyClass2::MyClass3 then MyClass3
 is looked up in the result of MyClass2 being looked up in MyClass1. If the
 lookup fails I can't tell __autoload() the path. The only think I could do
 is possibly pass it the result of MyClass2 being looked up in MyClass1 and
 MyClass3. The question is if people will manage to handle this. I think
 it might be complicated and it might be best not to go in this direction.

  I see the problem. But I would also like to play with it to
  understand it better. Why don't you add the feature so that we
  can test it, and we will remove it later if it prooves unusable?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] RE: [PHP-DEV] REPOST: Class Autoloading [PATCH]

2002-06-12 Thread Ivan Ristic

 First of all I'd prefer it to call a predefined callback called
 __autoload() if a class is not found.

  I do not have a problem with the predefined name. However,
  unserialize is already using the ini setting for the
  same thing, and it would be a shame to introduce an

  Can we obey the ini setting if it is there, and call __autoload()
  if it isn't (i.e. introduce __autoload as a default value for
  the ini parameter)?

 The second problem is that I don't see it working with nested classes.
 Is it good enough to only have this work with classes in the global scope?

  I am not really familiar with nested classes; is it because
  you don't know the name of the file in which a nested class
  is located? If so, I would say that trying to accommodate that
  would be an overkill. In any case, the programmer using nested
  classes can always write the __autoload() function that will
  be smart enough.

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [Zend Engine 2] RE: [PHP-DEV] REPOST: Class Autoloading [PATCH]

2002-06-11 Thread Ivan Ristic

 Okay, I guess I can live with it :)

  Is there anyone else who would like to comment on the


  Or can we have it committed?

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[PHP-DEV] REPOST: Class Autoloading [PATCH]

2002-06-09 Thread Ivan Ristic

Several days ago I posted a simple patch to the Zend Engine,
to support automatic class loading. The code is almost completely
copied from the existing auto-loading mechanism for the
unserialize function. Basically, a userland function is called
whenever a non-defined class is called. The function can then
find the class, and in that case the execution can continue as

Can someone please review the patch and then commit it to the CVS?

This is the link to the original email and to the patch itself:


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Re: [PHP-DEV] REPOST: Class Autoloading [PATCH]

2002-06-09 Thread Ivan Ristic

 I believe this has been discussed in the past and not ack'd, please read 
 the php-dev archives...

  I tried and I tried but I couldn't find a discussion on anything
  similar on the mailing list.

  The code I sent is *already* in use, and has been in
  use for some time now. Take a look at this message from
  November 2001:


  I didn't introduce anything new, so if it was OK then it should be
  OK now. Also, the code cannot affect the people that are not using
  the feature so I do not think that there will be any kind of impact
  on the existing user base.

  This feature makes it possible to have one class per file and not
  to worry about inclusion at all. It becomes especially useful when
  used together with products such as Zend Accelerator, where files
  are cached (and you do not have to worry about a large number of
  small files).

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Re: [PHP-DEV] WHAT is PHP's vision????

2002-06-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

I believe that the following would greately benefit PHP:

 * Devise a kind of formalised process to document problems,
   new requirements, areas where PHP can be improved, decisions,
   projects, so on and so on.

 * Support this process with a collaborative web site where
   people would be able to see what is happening in the
   community, who is doing what, and where the help is needed.

 The way I see it, everyone has an itch to scratch, and we
 need to have all people with the same itch united.

 Would this be used if it existed?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] WHAT is PHP's vision????

2002-06-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

 I don't think a dictator is needed.  Even if I or someone else was to
 dictate that PHP was a web-only scripting language, do you really think
 that people would stop working on and using PHP for other things?

  The point of a plan/dictator is to provide a sense of direction. Some
  people will still do things that are not in the plan, but with a well
  defined vision you will catch those developers that would not
  contribute otherwise.

  If people do not understand the big picture then they will
  solve their problems in a way that will work only for them, and not
  for other users of PHP. PHP has been really good in the past where
  the effort was small enough for one person to handle or where people
  organised themselves to work in a team. The whole XML/XMLRPC/SOAP
  issue is a very good example of this.

  The marketing aspect of a vision must not be neglected either. If you
  go to the main web site, you can't find a single word about what is
  going to happen next. Now, if I am to choose PHP for my business I
  want to know that 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] WHAT is PHP's vision????

2002-06-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

  [oops, I sent the message before finishing it]

 for other users of PHP. PHP has been really good in the past where
 the effort was small enough for one person to handle or where people
 organised themselves to work in a team. The whole XML/XMLRPC/SOAP
 issue is a very good example of this.

  ...very good example of how a lot of effort has been wasted with
  multiple implementations of the same thing. The ability to choose
  is a good thing but we do not have spare programming resources
  to allow this.

 The marketing aspect of a vision must not be neglected either. If you
 go to the main web site, you can't find a single word about what is
 going to happen next. Now, if I am to choose PHP for my business I
 want to know that

  ...PHP lives and that new requirements/problems that arise will
  be properly addressed by someone who oversees the whole thing and
  thinks about my needs (I am talking about the global userbase, as
  very few people contribute to the core PHP effort). 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] WHAT is PHP's vision????

2002-06-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

 Hmm, this sounds somewhat like evolutional model vs. non-evolutional, 
 but perfectly planned. At least for me all evolutional development 
 attempts work much better. I need three, four versions until I've 
 reached production level, so there's nothing wrong for me even with 
 totally different developments.

  I do not believe in plans carved in stone either. Plans can and
  should change but I would argue that simply having a plan
  is much more efficient than not having it.

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[PHP-DEV] Class autoload patch

2002-06-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

I have written this small patch to support class autoloading. It
is written in the spirit of the unserialize callback (see
http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.unserialize.php) and uses
the same callback function.

Can someone with write access to CVS please commit the patch?

I assume that this is a safe thing to do because the same
mechanism is already in use in the production code.


 function _autoload($classname) {

 ini_set(unserialize_callback_func, _autoload);

 // the following will work even if class X has
 // not be defined so far
 $x = new X();

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class autoload patch

2002-06-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

If you are having problems with the attachment from my
previous email, the patch is available for download here:

 I have written this small patch to support class autoloading. It
 is written in the spirit of the unserialize callback (see
 http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.unserialize.php) and uses
 the same callback function.
 Can someone with write access to CVS please commit the patch?
 I assume that this is a safe thing to do because the same
 mechanism is already in use in the production code.
  function _autoload($classname) {
  ini_set(unserialize_callback_func, _autoload);
  // the following will work even if class X has
  // not be defined so far
  $x = new X();

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Re: [PHP-DEV] WHAT is PHP's vision????

2002-06-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

 PHP is for the most part written by volunteers who contribute
 which are based on their needs or were solutions to the problems they've
 across when working with PHP. You cannot tell those people what to do,
 certainly the PHP Core Developers can reject the patch, but that's about

  If people want to become a part of a larger entity then they must
  give up some of their individuality. This is happening already
  but only for low level issues (e.g. case sensitivity). I am arguing to
  do the same for other important aspects of the PHP technology.

  Otherwise, PHP will be a boat where everyone paddles independently. Sure,
  we are moving - but where to? We should all agree that there is a really
  nice green island in front of us, join forces, and simply go there.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] WHAT is PHP's vision????

2002-06-03 Thread Ivan Ristic

 Ultimately it is the job of the Core Developers to accept or decline
 as the end user you of course can choose to compile or not compile a
 you dislike. If you are diluding yourself into thinking that people will
 voluntarily code what they are 'told' to code, they'll do what they
 or not do it at all.

  I would not say that 'telling' people is the way to go. We need
  leadership, and someone to sell the vision of 'better life with
  PHP' to people.

 At least from my personal experience all the work I've done involving PHP
 source came from having a certain need PHP could not adequantly fulfill
 in my mind.

  Agreed. But there are positive sides to Open Source: there are
  thousands of developers out there. Chances are, no matter where you
  decide to take PHP, someone will want to go there.

  I like working on my own, for example, but I have decided to
  put my efforts into PEAR because that will benefit the community
  more then releasing 'yet another ACME PHP libary' to satisfy
  my ego.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Anyone wrote persistent variable extension?

2002-04-10 Thread Ivan Ristic

 if (!isset($_PERSISTENT['VAR'])) {

  What would the scope of this variable be? If it is global
  (as in PHP engine global) then the solution would not work
  in an shared environment (and it would not be practical
  for multiple applications anyway).

  Ideally, there would be one copy of the variable per
  application, but we need to somehow define what application is.

  I think that the best approach would be to introduce a new
  php configuration option, something like application_name,
  and that would then define security for these kinds of
  things (naturally, you won't be able to change this one from
  the script :).  

Best regards,
Ivan Ristic, Chief Technology Officer
DataGate Network Solutions Ltd. - http://www.datagate.net
Tel: +44 8700 119090, Fax: +44 8700 119080

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Anyone wrote persistent variable extension?

2002-04-10 Thread Ivan Ristic

 bool psv_register(string var_name, array values, string access_key);
 where var_name is variable name, values are array to regieter,
 key is access key for the variable.

  access key is unique id of an application? If so, I would still
  prefer the approach with the configuration variable as I if
  I know your access_key (no matter how complex it may be) I
  can always access your data. With the configuration variable
  you would need access to either php.ini or httpd.conf, which
  typically requires root access.

  There is one more option, it is more of a hack really,
  we can use the value of the session.save_path, which should
  be set on the per application basis anyway.

 bool psv_is_registered(string var_name, string access_key);
 Return TRUE is var_name is registered with the access_key.

  Are these PHP userland functions? I believe that the approach
  with _PERSISTENT or _APPLICATION is better as it is
  more transparent for the programmer.


  I would also like to add a couple of functions to lock and
  unlock variables, if possible.

  psv_lock(string var_name);

  Locks created on a page would always be destroyed at the end
  of execution of that page.

  psv_unlock(string var_name);

  I assume that we will be able to make whole objects
  persistent, no?

Best regards,
Ivan Ristic, Chief Technology Officer
DataGate Network Solutions Ltd. - http://www.datagate.net
Tel: +44 8700 119090, Fax: +44 8700 119080

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Anyone wrote persistent variable extension?

2002-04-10 Thread Ivan Ristic

 I need to store large static array as lookup table (read only).
 I think there are many applications that has relatively
 large static array for application configuration, etc.
 $_PERSISTENT is problematic, since user may store unsutable
 data for it.

  Are there problems with objects or other data structures? I am
  prepared to make my hands dirty in order to make persistent
  objects possible with PHP :)

 I'll create functions to register/unregister so that user can
 only store array that does not have any reference nor objects.

  Aha, now I understand the email you sent earlier :)

Best regards,
Ivan Ristic, Chief Technology Officer
DataGate Network Solutions Ltd. - http://www.datagate.net
Tel: +44 8700 119090, Fax: +44 8700 119080

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Re: [PHP-DEV] class variable problem

2002-02-12 Thread Ivan Ristic

 I think it's misleading in best case. Property 'bar' *is* declared, so I
 think it should have an entry in class's default_properties table, even
 though it's not assigned a value.

  I agree. There is another problem: if you do not initialize
  a variable then it won't be listed using get_class_vars(). Now
  that is confusing.

  Can we have default values?

Best regards,
Ivan Ristic, Chief Technology Officer
DataGate Network Solutions Ltd. - http://www.datagate.net
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PROPOSAL] defense against session takeovers

2002-02-05 Thread Ivan Ristic

The real IP address can be tracked in most cases (say, using the
HTTP_X_FORWARDED header an others) but I am not really sure that we
should put the logic for that in the PHP engine itself. Users can
add the additional PHP code to their libraries. Anyway, you can
change the session id from the PHP code itself.
 Still the IP of the client can change every once in a while
 when his DHCP lease expires ... or when they use dial-on-demand
 and automatic hangup as eg. provided by the linux ISDN subsystem?
 Do you really want client sessions to become invalid every time
 their ISP decides to assign them a new IP? For my system at home
 this could make a service unusable as it automaticly hangs up
 the ISDN line after 60sec without IP traffic and redials on demand
 (with ISDN you have connect times of 1sec, so you don't even
 notice you've been disconnected, but you'll notice the effect on
 the bill if you are charged by connection time).
 So my Client IP might even be different for every single request
 if it takes me more than a minute to read a page or fill out a
 form ...

  You got a point there. I am not arguing that this needs to
  be added to the engine code itself. But I do argue that
  site owners should at least have such a code to warn them
  about possible hijack attempts. It all comes to how paranoid
  you are.

  For example, a changed IP address of the client (not the
  proxy) can be accepted as normal, but if the USER_AGENT
  changes as well - now that is suspicious.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Developer Seeking To Help

2002-02-04 Thread Ivan Ristic

 One common way is to create your patches and post them either to the
 php-dev list or as a comment (prefered) in the bug db, and if they are
 useful, the dev team will have a good reason to give you cvs access.
 (Use unified diff format for patches.)

  I have recently updated the FTP extension to include a couple
  of more functions (send raw command and get the raw response
  body), and I would like to send the patch now.

  Is all I need to know available in man patch?

Best regards,
Ivan Ristic, Chief Technology Officer
DataGate Network Solutions Ltd. - http://www.datagate.net
Tel: +44 8700 119090, Fax: +44 8700 119080

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PROPOSAL] defense against session takeovers

2002-02-02 Thread Ivan Ristic

How about that we use the SERVER_NAME environment variable when
generating session filenames? Instead of name like sess_, the name
could be sess__, where  is a server fingerprint? I
understand that this is not foolproof (say, for applications
that run on the same domain name) but it will solve the most
serious cases (shared hosting solutions).

 -1 for this because it destroys php functionality. it makes it impossible
 have multiple domains with the same sessions f.e.

  In order to make the above work you need to put
  a lot of effort. Cookies sent to www1.myserver.com will not
  arrive to www2.myserver.com. With the default configuration,
  a user visiting one server and then the other will create
  two different sessions. You need to manually tweak session.cookie_domain
  to make it work.

  Also, URL rewriting does not work on absolute URLs, and you would
  have to manually append the SID to the URL to make the session
  span two different domains.

  I am saying that with a lot of work required to make the above
  work, one extra configuration option will not make an impact,
  and it would certainly be worth the increased default security.

  Such people can simply override the session.save_path value,
  and if they do that, we can turn this additional feature off
  (knowing that they know what they're doing).

  This will secure the default configuration and yet make things
  work for people who want to use sessions over several domains.

  We can make this on by default but also allow it to be turned
  off it case it creates problems for someone.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PROPOSAL] defense against session takeovers

2002-02-02 Thread Ivan Ristic

 This will secure the default configuration and yet make things
 work for people who want to use sessions over several domains.

  But I admit that this improvement can be seen as meaningless
  since any user on a shared server can write a script to list
  all sessions in a directory and then read all files. This
  can be cured only by using the proper PHP engine configuration.

  Therefore, let us document this and leave it as is.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PROPOSAL] defense against session takeovers

2002-02-01 Thread Ivan Ristic

 The general philosophy of PHP has always been to make PHP easy for the
 beginner yet flexible enough for advanced users.  This fits that rule.
 Give the advanced users the tools to configure PHP to have per-virtualhost
 session handling, while sessions still work for the guy who just installed
 PHP on his own little server and really doesn't know what he is doing.

  That is fine for a philosophy. I would still like to try to make
  the default setup more secure. I agree, the least we can do is to
  document this.

  How about that we use the SERVER_NAME environment variable when
  generating session filenames? Instead of name like sess_, the name
  could be sess__, where  is a server fingerprint? I
  understand that this is not foolproof (say, for applications
  that run on the same domain name) but it will solve the most
  serious cases (shared hosting solutions).

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Re: Re[2]: [PHP-DEV] [PROPOSAL] defense against session takeovers

2002-02-01 Thread Ivan Ristic

 Why would you switch on safe_mode if you have a dedicated server?  That
 makes no sense.

  It can be useful to minimise the damage in case someone finds a hole
  in your PHP scripts, and the hole allows them to access files on
  the server.

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