[PHP] Re: Ive lost a zero somewhere

2003-11-06 Thread Lang Sharpe

You could use number_format..

$f = 25.50 * 3

$s = number_format($f,2,'.',NULL);


Richard Cook wrote:

 I have a problem with the following
 when i multiply for example 25 . 50 * 3 i get 76 . 5 how would i get PHP
 to recognise the last 0 ie make it 76 . 50
 Any ideas?

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Re: [PHP] Re: Input Validation of $_SESSION values

2003-11-06 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 06 November 2003 13:36, Chris Shiflett wrote:

 For example, if you store your sessions in a database, it's pretty trivial
 for another user to write a PHP script that allows him/her to navigate the
 filesystem, searching for your database access credentials. After all, if
 Apache/PHP can read the file that contains this information, then it's
 fair game for anyone else on the same server. With your database access
 credentials, it's pretty easy to manipulate session data.

Apache hosts can minimise this problem by hardcoding the mysql access 
credentials into the VirtualHost containers.

 If security is super important to you, hopefully you can afford a
 dedicated server.


Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *
Search the list archives before you post
24. You can do this patch with the system up...

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say

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Re: [PHP] anyway to return more than one value?

2003-11-06 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 06 November 2003 10:58, Robert Cummings wrote:

 It ABSOLUTELY amazes me how this list is so cyclic. Every couple of
 weeks or so the exact same questions rotate back to the head of the
 already been answered, but someone needs to ask it again list. Sure
 they get a wee bit of a rewording-- for instance what is better OOP or
 procedural? or What are the real advantages using classes? And when do
 you think they should be used? Anyways, just pointing out something I
 notice over and over again.

That's why one should point these people to RTFM, or STFA, or STFW. 

But some people can get upset if your answer doesn't includes quotes from the 
manual, the archives or wherever.

Most likely these same people enjoy reading the same questions week after 
week. (Note _reading_, not answering).

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *
Search the list archives before you post
God is a comic playing to an audience that's afraid to laugh.

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] [Newbie Guide] For the benefit of new members

2003-11-06 Thread tech
This message is for the benefit of new subscribers and those new to PHP.  
Please feel free to add more points and send to the list.
1. If you have any queries/problems about PHP try http://www.php.net/manual/en 
first. You can download a copy and use it offline also. 

Please also try http://www.php.net/manual/faq.php to get answers to 
frequently answered questions about PHP (added by Christophe Chisogne).

2. Try http://www.google.com next. Searching for php YOUR QUERY may fetch 
you relevant results within the first 10 results, if you are lucky.

3. There is a searchable archive of the mailing list discussion at
http://phparch.com/mailinglists. Many of the common topics are discussed 
repeatedly, and you may get answer to your query from the earlier 

For example: One of the repeatedly discussed question in the list is Best PHP 
editor. Everyone has his/her favourite editor. You can get all the opinions 
by going through the list archives. If you want a chosen list try this link : 
http://phpeditors.linuxbackup.co.uk/ (contributed by Christophe Chisogne).

4. Just put the following code into a file with a .php extension and access it 
through your webserver:


This will display tons of info if php is enabled, or, it will ask you to
download a file if php is NOT enabled.  (contributed by Teren)

5. If you are stuck with a script and do not understand what is wrong, instead 
of posting the whole script, try doing some research yourself. One useful 
trick is to print the variable/sql query using print or echo command and 
check whether you get what you expected. 

After diagnosing the problem, send the details of your efforts (following 
steps 1, 2  3) and ask for help.

6. PHP is a server side scripting language. Whatever processing PHP does takes 
place BEFORE the output reaches the client. Therefore, it is not possible to 
access the users'  computer related information (OS, screen size etc) using 
PHP. You need to go for JavaScript and ask the question in a JavaScript 

(You can access information SENT by the user's browser while requesting pages
from your server. You can get the details about browser, OS etc as reported by 
this request. - contributed by Wouter van Vliet)

7. Provide a clear descriptive subject line. Avoid general subjects like 
Help!!, A Question etc.  Especially avoid blank subjects. 

8. When you want to start a new topic, open a new mail composer and enter the 
mailing list address [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of replying to an 
existing thread and replacing the subject and body with your message.

9. It's always a good idea to post back to the list once you've solved
your problem. People usually add [SOLVED] to the subject line of their
email when posting solutions. By posting your solution you're helping
the next person with the same question. [contribued by Chris W Parker]

10. Ask smart questions http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
[contributed by Jay Blanchard)

Hope you have a good time programming with PHP.

Best regards,
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Re: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-06 Thread Eugene Lee
On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 05:17:29PM -0800, Chris W. Parker wrote:
: One thing you can do to make loops faster is the following: (yes I've
: posted this in the past!!)
: Unoptimized:
: $upperlimit = 100;
: for($i = 0;$i  $upperlimit; $++)
: {
:   // your stuff
: }
: Optimized:
: $upperlimit = 100;
: $i = -1;
: while(++$i  $upperlimit)
: {
:   // your stuff
: }

Still, doing a greater-than or less-than comparison is a bit slow.
You could try this:

$upperlimit = 100;
while ($up-- != 0)
//  your stuff

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Re: [PHP] Ive lost a zero somewhere

2003-11-06 Thread Eugene Lee
On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 03:03:35AM -, Richard Cook wrote:
: when i multiply for example 25 . 50 * 3 i get 76 . 5 how would i get
: PHP to recognise the last 0 ie make it 76 . 50

What's with the extra spaces before and after your decimal points?

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[PHP] php executable and environmental variables

2003-11-06 Thread Tom Diamond
Hello all,

I am trying to implement a simple web server (in Java) and I want to add 
php support. For the moment I do a Process p = 
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(php /path/to/php/file), I grab the output, 
seperate headers from body and send it back to the client. For simple 
php pages this thing works fine. But (obviously) it does not work for 
pages requiring parameters.
So my question is what exactly the php executable searches for in the 
environment? Which are the (CGI???) variables I'll have to set so that 
it will process POST and GET correctly?

Tnx in advance,

Klein bottle for sale... inquire within.
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Re: Input Validation of $_SESSION values

2003-11-06 Thread Boyan Nedkov

 ... Short of any severe bugs in PHP's core, there is no way for a
 user of your Web application to modify session data ...

It seems that statement is not completely correct considering the topic 
discussed in the paper 'Session Fixation Vulnerability in Web-based 
Applications' (http://secinf.net/uplarticle/11/session_fixation.pdf). I 
am also interested in the session security issue so any comments on that 
publication are welcome.



Chris Shiflett wrote:

--- Pablo Gosse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In all honesty I don't know enough about how one would go about
attempting to hack the values of a session other than through hacking
into the session files, so if anyone has any input on this please pass
it along.

Well, you basically hit the nail on the head (which means you're right, in
case that phrase makes no sense to anyone).
Short of any severe bugs in PHP's core, there is no way for a user of your
Web application to modify session data. This data can be modified by you
(so users can potentially modify session data if you have a flaw in your
logic, notably $_SESSION['foo'] = $_GET['foo']), or by physical access to
the session data store (/tmp, a database, or whatever).
So, as far as writing PHP goes, concern yourself with ensuring all data is
filtered prior to being stored in the session. A strict naming convention
can help here.
As far as the environment goes, there are of course many more factors, but
you basically want to protect your session data store as you would
personal user data or anything else like that.
Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] php executable and environmental variables

2003-11-06 Thread Eugene Lee
On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 11:11:13AM +0200, Tom Diamond wrote:
: I am trying to implement a simple web server (in Java) and I want to add 
: php support. For the moment I do a Process p = 
: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(php /path/to/php/file), I grab the output, 
: seperate headers from body and send it back to the client. For simple 
: php pages this thing works fine. But (obviously) it does not work for 
: pages requiring parameters.
: So my question is what exactly the php executable searches for in the 
: environment? Which are the (CGI???) variables I'll have to set so that 
: it will process POST and GET correctly?

POST and GET variables come through via the web server.  Since your PHP
script is getting invoked at the command line, it does not get these
variables.  So you'll have to find another way to pass these variables.
Maybe via a bunch of command-line switches?  Or an external, session-ish
data store?

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[PHP] MySQL Password Function

2003-11-06 Thread Shaun

I am trying to make my site more secure, can anyone suggest a tutorial on
using the mySQL password function with PHP. I can't find anything through

Thanks for your help

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Re: [PHP] Site Security

2003-11-06 Thread Shaun

Dan Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  I have created a site that allows users to schedule staff, make
  etc. Users must log in to use the site and the users data is held in the
  Users table of the MySQL database. However, due to the nature of
  the site I
  need to make sure it is 110% secure against hacks etc. Now I know
  this isn't
  actually possible but I would appreciate any advice on how I can get it
  secure as possible, I have no experience on this aspect of web

 Turn off register globals.  Validate all form posts for bogus data.  Check
 that the cookie hasn't been changed with bad characters malliciously.
 Things like that.  Try and break into the site w/o logging in.  We paid
 a security audit from a company called @stake (www.atstake.com).  If you
 afford it, I'd contract someone to audit you.

 -Dan Joseph

Thanks for your reply,

why would it be necessary to turn off register globals?

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[PHP] Job Vacancy

2003-11-06 Thread Ian Williams
my company (the one I work for I mean) are looking for a Junior Web

They are based in Berkshire, and would ideally like someone with 1-2 years

Skills to include: a firm grasp of HTML and JavaScript, experience of
server-side scripting (any flavour, but ASP / PHP preferred). Nice to haves
include XML/XSL, MySQL or SQL Server, graphical skills etc...

Salary depending on experience - please state expectations.

Please drop me a line with your CV if interested - note - you must be living
in the area already, and willing to start ASAP. We cannot sponsor any
working visa's or the like.

Many thanks!


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[PHP] Strange problem with dbase_add_record

2003-11-06 Thread Nagib Abi Fadel
i'm doing the following operation:
I'm reading multiple rows from a database then writing
each row into a dbf file using dbase_add_record.

I'm having the following problem : 
- some rows are beeing written other or not to the dbf
file (sometimes).
- if i repeat the operation all the rows are beeing
written to the dbf file

Why is the same operation sometimes working some other
times not working !!! ?

Thx in advance for any suggestions.

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[PHP] File creation date.

2003-11-06 Thread Carles Xavier Munyoz Bald
I want to write a PHP function for delete the files in a directory older than 
1800 seconds.
Is there any function for it ?

If not ...
How may I obtain the creation date of a file in PHP ?

Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Re: Input Validation of $_SESSION values

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Boyan Nedkov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   ... Short of any severe bugs in PHP's core, there is no way for a
   user of your Web application to modify session data ...

 It seems that statement is not completely correct considering the topic
 discussed in the paper 'Session Fixation Vulnerability in Web-based
 Applications' (http://secinf.net/uplarticle/11/session_fixation.pdf). I
 am also interested in the session security issue so any comments on that
 publication are welcome.

No, the statement is still correct. The paper discusses how malicious users
could possibly set the SESSION_ID to a predetermined value and then hijack
the session because they know it's value. They still cannot directly change
session variables that your script is creating.

In order to combat session fixation, use the session_regenerate_id()
function: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.session-regenerate-id.php

---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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2003-11-06 Thread Victor Spång Arthursson

I've been looking at the XML-parserfunctions in the manual, and they 
seems nice enough.

But I'm currently in a project where there is need to read from, write 
to and edit in XML-files, in some smart way. Our ISP is supporting the 


XML Support
XML Namespace Support
EXPAT Version
I suppose the answer to my questions lies in the expath-part, but where 
do I start, where can I read more about the above expat and which is 
the best approach for me in this project? We're going to import som 
data from Navision, XML-formatted, to postgresql, and meanwhile 
documents are edited they are, until finished, going to be saved as 
xml-documents on the server.



PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] File creation date.

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I want to write a PHP function for delete the files in a directory older
 1800 seconds.
 Is there any function for it ?

Start here: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.filesystem.php

---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Re: Input Validation of $_SESSION values

2003-11-06 Thread Boyan Nedkov
Yes, you are right, it was my misunderstanding, sorry guys.

Anyway, hope that posting was useful concerning the subject
of the discussion.

CPT John W. Holmes wrote:
From: Boyan Nedkov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ... Short of any severe bugs in PHP's core, there is no way for a
 user of your Web application to modify session data ...
It seems that statement is not completely correct considering the topic
discussed in the paper 'Session Fixation Vulnerability in Web-based
Applications' (http://secinf.net/uplarticle/11/session_fixation.pdf). I
am also interested in the session security issue so any comments on that
publication are welcome.

No, the statement is still correct. The paper discusses how malicious users
could possibly set the SESSION_ID to a predetermined value and then hijack
the session because they know it's value. They still cannot directly change
session variables that your script is creating.
In order to combat session fixation, use the session_regenerate_id()
function: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.session-regenerate-id.php
---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Source code

2003-11-06 Thread PHPLover
I have two questions.

1. Is it possible to download the entire PHP site so that i can learn from
the source code at my liesure. I know that source code of PHP can be
accessible through CVS but is there any anonymous FTP or a zip file download

2. How can i implement the new feature (installed in search page of PHP) on
my site. I have gone through the source but i didn't understand anything. I
hope it is ok to implement the same on my site since it is open source.


Thanks  Regards, 

Göd döësn't pläy dícë. 
- Älbërt Ëínstëín

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Website to fax

2003-11-06 Thread Denis L. Menezes
Hello friends.

I am trying to make a restaurant website where we can order on the net.
However, since the waiters cannot watch emails, I want to convert the mail()
messages from the webpage to a fax using an appropriate gateway.

We want one gateway to server many web sites. Is there such a possibility?

If yes, can someone please tell me how to start?


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Website to fax

2003-11-06 Thread Randum Ian
Won't converting it to a printer be simpler and cheaper?

 Hello friends.

 I am trying to make a restaurant website where we can order on the net.
 However, since the waiters cannot watch emails, I want to convert the
 mail() messages from the webpage to a fax using an appropriate gateway.

 We want one gateway to server many web sites. Is there such a

 If yes, can someone please tell me how to start?


 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Randum Ian
CBDagency Web Consultant
DancePortalGlobal Webmaster

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RE: [PHP] Website to fax

2003-11-06 Thread M.A.Bond
See here:


For an e-mail to fax gateway service review.


-Original Message-
From: Randum Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 06 November 2003 12:31
To: menezesd
Cc: php-general
Subject: Re: [PHP] Website to fax

Won't converting it to a printer be simpler and cheaper?

 Hello friends.

 I am trying to make a restaurant website where we can order on the
 However, since the waiters cannot watch emails, I want to convert the
 mail() messages from the webpage to a fax using an appropriate

 We want one gateway to server many web sites. Is there such a

 If yes, can someone please tell me how to start?


 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Randum Ian
CBDagency Web Consultant
DancePortalGlobal Webmaster

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] Website to fax

2003-11-06 Thread Jay Blanchard
I am trying to make a restaurant website where we can order on the net.
However, since the waiters cannot watch emails, I want to convert the
messages from the webpage to a fax using an appropriate gateway.

We want one gateway to server many web sites. Is there such a

If yes, can someone please tell me how to start?

php|a just had an article about printing with PHP, the way that you
access a fax server is by 'printing' to it. I don't remember which issue
at the moment, but you can find out at http://www.phparchitect.com/

As far as a gateway server...uhm, a web server is capable (usually) of
hosting several web sites. Go to start with http://www.apache.org

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[PHP] Re: XML and PHP

2003-11-06 Thread pete M
in fact a google search for php,xml, expat, tutorial


Victor spång arthursson wrote:

I've been looking at the XML-parserfunctions in the manual, and they 
seems nice enough.

But I'm currently in a project where there is need to read from, write 
to and edit in XML-files, in some smart way. Our ISP is supporting the 


XML Support
XML Namespace Support
EXPAT Version
I suppose the answer to my questions lies in the expath-part, but where 
do I start, where can I read more about the above expat and which is the 
best approach for me in this project? We're going to import som data 
from Navision, XML-formatted, to postgresql, and meanwhile documents are 
edited they are, until finished, going to be saved as xml-documents on 
the server.


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] File creation date.

2003-11-06 Thread David T-G
Carles --

...and then Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó said...
% Hi,


% I want to write a PHP function for delete the files in a directory older than 
% 1800 seconds.
% Is there any function for it ?

Not directly.  I wouldn't build this into a web script, either (though
if you're simply planning to write your system script in php that's fine).
I'd run it with cron (say every 20 minutes) no matter what language I
used to write it.

% If not ...
% How may I obtain the creation date of a file in PHP ?

There is a stat() function which should do you nicely.

% Greetings.


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Website to fax

2003-11-06 Thread Denis L. Menezes
yes, but we plan to route the faxes based on the zip code to various outlets
in the city.

Randum Ian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Won't converting it to a printer be simpler and cheaper?

  Hello friends.
  I am trying to make a restaurant website where we can order on the net.
  However, since the waiters cannot watch emails, I want to convert the
  mail() messages from the webpage to a fax using an appropriate gateway.
  We want one gateway to server many web sites. Is there such a
  If yes, can someone please tell me how to start?
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

 Randum Ian
 CBDagency Web Consultant
 DancePortalGlobal Webmaster

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] File creation date.

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I want to write a PHP function for delete the files in a directory older
 1800 seconds.
 Is there any function for it ?

Read this thread, too:

If you can get your hands on a September issue of php|architect, I had a
paragraph about this in my Tips 'n Tricks column.

---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] MySQL Password Function

2003-11-06 Thread Raditha Dissanayake
it's very simple intead of using
insert into users set userPassword='123'; you say
insert into users set userPassword=password('123');
Shaun wrote:


I am trying to make my site more secure, can anyone suggest a tutorial on
using the mySQL password function with PHP. I can't find anything through
Thanks for your help


Raditha Dissanayake.

http://www.radinks.com/sftp/  |  http://www.raditha/megaupload/
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with  |  Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB  |  with progress bar.
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[PHP] php function - netmask validity check

2003-11-06 Thread S H A N

while using ipman php script and come accross this problem...

function ip_mask_valid($mask)
   $maskroot = (int)sqrt(abs(ip2long($mask)));
   return ( (float)$maskroot == sqrt(abs(ip2long($mask))) );

this function is not returning true/successfull output when say given netmask. pls assist.


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Re: [PHP] MySQL Password Function

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Raditha Dissanayake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: Shaun
 I am trying to make my site more secure, can anyone suggest a tutorial on
 using the mySQL password function with PHP. I can't find anything through

 it's very simple intead of using
 insert into users set userPassword='123'; you say
 insert into users set userPassword=password('123');

And the column type should be CHAR(16) or VARCHAR(16), as the result of
PASSWORD() is always 16 characters.

Oh, and this will do almost NOTHING to make your site more secure. Why do
you think it will?

---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Building PHP source for Linux / Unix.

2003-11-06 Thread Raditha Dissanayake

Compiling stuff from source is one of the fun things that you get to do 
on linux. As with most things it takes a while to aquire the taste 
though. The best place to start usually is the README and INSTALL 
scripts that you tend to find with almost everything distributed as 
source. You will also find ./configure --help to be quite usefull. 
Before you compile PHP you might want to try your hand and apache, which 
is a lot easier to compile and which you need anyway (unless you plan to 
run comand line only)

have fun.

Ananth Kesari wrote:


I am a beginner to building PHP source code for Linux / Unix. I am
looking for a document that takes me through a step-by-step guidelines
of doing this. Can someone point to a link for this?

Raditha Dissanayake.

http://www.radinks.com/sftp/  |  http://www.raditha/megaupload/
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with  |  Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB  |  with progress bar.
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[PHP] preg_replace ^M

2003-11-06 Thread Torsten Rosenberger

i try to replace a string in a file 
but if i have linefeeds in the string
the output file after the replacement has 
^M carachters in in

if the $replacements[] = test; has no \n in it 
all is OK

$fp = fopen (draft.html, r);
$incont = fread ($fp,filesize(draft.html));
fclose ($fp);

$patterns[] = /\[CONTENT\]/;
$replacements[] = test\nout;

$content = preg_replace ($patterns,$replacements,$incont);

$fp = fopen (out.html,w);
fputs ($fp, $content);

draft.html looks like:

form method=post



the out put get ugly ^M

form method=post


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Re: [PHP] MySQL Password Function

2003-11-06 Thread Raditha Dissanayake

Oh, and this will do almost NOTHING to make your site more secure. Why do
you think it will?
---John Holmes...


You are partly right about this we had a nice flame war about this very 
issue couple of weeks ago on the jabber lists. Anyone interested in the 
nitty gritty can google on the jabber archives. I still use the 
password() function whenever i can cause i only have to type in about 10 
keystrokes anyhow, the reason is that it will keep other users of the 
database from accidentaly seeing passwords that they shouldn't.  Since 
this is one way hashes it cannot be decoded. Almost any argument that 
applies for/against /etc/password would apply to mysql password() as well.

Raditha Dissanayake.

http://www.radinks.com/sftp/  |  http://www.raditha/megaupload/
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with  |  Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB  |  with progress bar.
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RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

2003-11-06 Thread Donald Tyler
Windows update doesn't fix the problem. I keep my system updated 100% of
the time.

I no one has mentioned getting it to work on Windows XP. That is what I
am using, Windows XP Professional. Maybe the problem is confined to XP.

Here is the EXACT IE version that I am using:


I have a few other machine in the building that have other Versions of
M$ Windows on them, I will give those a try and let you know how it

-Original Message-
From: olinux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:48 AM
To: Pablo Gosse; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

 If, as Chris wrote, this is indeed a feature/bug of
 IE, then it must be
 configurable somewhere, though I'm lost as to where
 that might be.
 Does anyone have any ideas how this could be
 controlled via IE's

I've experienced a similar problem on a php based
system I use. I don't know what their code looks like.
I think its an IE issue though - windows update always
fixes the problem for me. 


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RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-06 Thread Luis Lebron
Excellent tips. I think I'm really going to have to polish my sql skills for
this task. Any good tools for benchmarking sql queries?

-Original Message-
From: Wouter van Vliet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 7:06 PM
To: 'Luis Lebron'; 'Jay Blanchard'; 'Marco Tabini'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: 'Php-General (E-mail)'
Subject: RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

That depends on the moment this emailing is sent, and how. If you do it at
night, when there's less visitors (assuming you run a site mostly meant for
ppl in 'your own country'), there's no real need to get a second server to
to this. 

I fourth the thing about database access. As long as you realize that
reading from disk isn't the fastest thing around either. Make sure you
reduce the number of files to be read to as little as possible. And output
with something like readfile() to prevent the files being loaded into

Some other things to think about (not only for the sake of performance, but
also readability):

* Use elseif or switch as much as possible rather than if statements
One time I had this script somebody else wrote. About 1000 lines, a complete
CMS in one file. It if'ed on simple $_GET vars about 10 times, by opening a
new if statement each and every time. After I changed this to if ($_GET['p']
== 'one') { .. } elseif ($_GET['p'] == 'two') { .. }; and so on the script
became TWO SECONDS faster. Switch { case 'one': ... }; was not an option
here, cuz there were more advanced expressions to be evaluated.

* Unset when not used anymore
If you load a large amount of data in a variable that exists untill the end
of your script but is used only untill a point higher, call unset($Var); to
free some memory

* Only code what is neccisery (still can't spell that word :D)
Logically, do not write something in 5 lines what can be done in 1. And only
create temp vars if you really need them. Usually this is when you use it's
value more than once. On the same hand, only call a function as much as you
need to. One time I found this in some code that reached me:

$ID = Array(1, 5, 3, 7, 3, 9);
$i = 1;
while($i = count($ID)) {
$query = SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = '.$ID[$i].';
$result = mysql_query($query);
$value = mysql_fetch_array($result);

/* .. Do stuff with $value .. */

I optimized it to:

$IDs = Array(1, 5, 3, 7, 3, 9);
$ResultSet = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN ('.join(',',
while($value = mysql_fetch_assoc($ResultSet)) {
/* .. Do stuff with $value .. */

Don't think I have to explain why the second version is quite faster.

Let me know if some of my lines were of any value to you.. Or anybody else


-Original Message-
From: Luis Lebron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday 05 November 2003 21:12
To: 'Jay Blanchard'; Marco Tabini; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Luis Lebron; Php-General (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

One of the things I have suggested to the customer is offloading some of the
work to a different server. For example, he wants to email a weekly message
to all the users with information on records that match their search
criteria. I suggested setting up a second server that handles this and other
admin function while the main server takes care of the users.

Does this sound like a good idea?



-Original Message-
From: Jay Blanchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 2:10 PM
To: Marco Tabini; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Luis Lebron; Php-General (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

 limit the number of times you need to hit the database.
I second Chris on this.

I third that. The problem can become especially apparent in large databases
containing millions of records. Other than that just code cleanly and
document, document, document.

Re: [PHP] preg_replace ^M

2003-11-06 Thread Marek Kilimajer
Those are \r characters from dos newline (\r\n). Generally they are not 
harmful and many editors can work with them without problems (vim). You 
can use some utility commands to convert to or from dos or unix newlines.

Torsten Rosenberger wrote:

i try to replace a string in a file 
but if i have linefeeds in the string
the output file after the replacement has 
^M carachters in in

if the $replacements[] = test; has no \n in it 
all is OK

$fp = fopen (draft.html, r);
$incont = fread ($fp,filesize(draft.html));
fclose ($fp);
$patterns[] = /\[CONTENT\]/;
$replacements[] = test\nout;
$content = preg_replace ($patterns,$replacements,$incont);

$fp = fopen (out.html,w);
fputs ($fp, $content);
draft.html looks like:

form method=post



the out put get ugly ^M

form method=post

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Re: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Luis Lebron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Excellent tips. I think I'm really going to have to polish my sql skills
 this task. Any good tools for benchmarking sql queries?

If you've been following the Load Stress Tool thead, this program:
http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/index.html was mentioned. The web site
mentions that it can be used to also benchmark SQL queries through JDBC.
Seems very useful indeed... :)

---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] MySQL Password Function

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Raditha Dissanayake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Oh, and this will do almost NOTHING to make your site more secure. Why do
 you think it will?

 You are partly right about this we had a nice flame war about this very
 issue couple of weeks ago on the jabber lists. Anyone interested in the
 nitty gritty can google on the jabber archives. I still use the
 password() function whenever i can cause i only have to type in about 10
 keystrokes anyhow, the reason is that it will keep other users of the
 database from accidentaly seeing passwords that they shouldn't.  Since
 this is one way hashes it cannot be decoded. Almost any argument that
 applies for/against /etc/password would apply to mysql password() as well.

True, true. I actually use MD5() for the same reason, but, really, if
someone has access to the database to read the hashes, odds are they have
access to the rest of the database and your code. So what are you protecting

In my eyes, it's just another tool to keep honest people honest...

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] preg_replace ^M

2003-11-06 Thread Torsten Rosenberger

 Those are \r characters from dos newline (\r\n). Generally they are not 
 harmful and many editors can work with them without problems (vim). You 
 can use some utility commands to convert to or from dos or unix newlines.

But i'm working under Linux.

I made a test with HTML Template IT and addBlockfile
and thats the same.

i fetched the content with tpl-get()
and wrote it to a file the same 

form method=post action=^M


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Re: [PHP] preg_replace ^M

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Torsten Rosenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 i try to replace a string in a file
 but if i have linefeeds in the string
 the output file after the replacement has
 ^M carachters in in

Some text editors will display \r as ^M. So, if you're file uses \r\n as the
newline, you'll see these ^M at the end of each line. Using a different text
editor or adjusting the properties of the one you've got should fix this.

Either way, they shouldn't be visible on the actual PHP/HTML page when
viewed over the web. this is an editor issue, not a PHP one, really.

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] preg_replace ^M

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Torsten Rosenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Those are \r characters from dos newline (\r\n). Generally they are not
  harmful and many editors can work with them without problems (vim). You
  can use some utility commands to convert to or from dos or unix

 But i'm working under Linux.

Doesn't matter...

 I made a test with HTML Template IT and addBlockfile
 and thats the same.

So that program is writing \r\n as the newline instead of just \n. It's
still just your editor that's displaying the ^M. Maybe you should get a new

---John Holmes...

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RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-06 Thread Wouter van Vliet
Yes, a filesystem hit is a filesystem hit .. And yes, be worried about the
number of GIF files you serve. Less is always better in this. 

What I meant in my advice about the readfile() function is that it makes a
big deal of a difference whether a file is sent directly to the client, or
first also read in the momory of you php file. Just try it.
- Make a file with about 1 lines (or more, just to make the
difference measurable by a regular watch.
- make two php scripts
-1. ?php readfile('/path/file.txt'); ?
-2. ?php $fd = fopen('/path/file.txt', 'r'); $Buffer =
fread($fd, filesize('/path/file.txt'); print $Buffer; ?

- Notice the difference in speed and lines of code.

 Creating indexes on columns that appear in your WHERE clauses can 
 drastically increase performance when hitting the database. Be sure to 
 read your database documentation on creating indexes.

Yes, this is true. But please be aware of the fact that INSERTS on tables
with indexes are in fact slower. Just as UPDATES on indexed columns. Also,
if you have a query like:

SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM tablename WHERE column4 =
'foo' AND column5 = 'bar';

Having an index on just column4 or just column5 doesn't do any good. You
will need a index on BOTH columns 

alter table `tablename` add index name (column4, column5) 

I think the syntax would be.

Gosh, this is getting more and more interesting.. (seriously)


-Original Message-
From: olinux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday 06 November 2003 07:28
Subject: RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips


 I fourth the thing about database access. As long as you realize that 
 reading from disk isn't the fastest thing around either. Make sure you 
 reduce the number of files to be read to as little as possible. And 
 output with something like readfile() to prevent the files being 
 loaded into memory.


A filesystem hit is a filesystem hit whether your requesting a php file or
an image for a button. If you are worried about filesystem hits then
shouldn't you also be worried about uneccessarily using GIF's etc.
in your page layouts. Likewise cleaning up bloated HTML code and properly
using CSS can cut down page filesizes dramatically, saving bandwidth for the
server and clients. If users are potentially using dialup, cutting 20K off
your pages will make them a lot happier than shaving a couple tenths of a
second off the backend processes. (not saying you should not be performance
focused on the backend as well.)


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Re: [PHP] preg_replace ^M

2003-11-06 Thread Torsten Rosenberger

 So that program is writing \r\n as the newline instead of just \n. It's
 still just your editor that's displaying the ^M. Maybe you should get a new
i use vim

and the input file don't have \r\n they look normal in vim
after the preg_replace in php then they have the ^M 


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[PHP] Concerning number_format()

2003-11-06 Thread Ed Curtis

I'm using an example straight from the manual on the php site that
doesn't seem to work.

$price = 1234.567890;

$price = number_format($price, 2, '.', '');

echo $price;

Returns 1234.567890

Should return 1234.57 correct?



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RE: [PHP] Concerning number_format()

2003-11-06 Thread Jay Blanchard
$price = 1234.567890;

$price = number_format($price, 2, '.', '');

echo $price;

Returns 1234.567890

Should return 1234.57 correct?

Use a new variable to hold the modified information

$price = 1234.567890;

$newPrice = number_format($price, 2, '.', '');

echo $newPrice;

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RE: [PHP] Concerning number_format()

2003-11-06 Thread Ed Curtis

 Duh. Yeah, works like a charm.



On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Jay Blanchard wrote:

 $price = 1234.567890;

 $price = number_format($price, 2, '.', '');

 echo $price;

 Returns 1234.567890

 Should return 1234.57 correct?

 Use a new variable to hold the modified information

 $price = 1234.567890;

 $newPrice = number_format($price, 2, '.', '');

 echo $newPrice;

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Re: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-06 Thread Radu Manole
Hi all,

I do have a question about optimizing the php for large applications.
Many applications group the functions in files (eg. functions.inc.php) or
build classes, and these files/classes are called with 'require' or
'include' on the top of each main file.

What would be the speed penalty if we have to include many files or if these
functions containter files are over 100k in size. I know the php engine will
parse them too. Are any tips to follow when using many functions?


 From: Luis Lebron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Excellent tips. I think I'm really going to have to polish my sql skills
  this task. Any good tools for benchmarking sql queries?

 If you've been following the Load Stress Tool thead, this program:
 http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/index.html was mentioned. The web site
 mentions that it can be used to also benchmark SQL queries through JDBC.
 Seems very useful indeed... :)

 ---John Holmes...

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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Re: [PHP] Site Security

2003-11-06 Thread Shaun

Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Dan Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   I have created a site that allows users to schedule staff, make
   etc. Users must log in to use the site and the users data is held in
   Users table of the MySQL database. However, due to the nature of
   the site I
   need to make sure it is 110% secure against hacks etc. Now I know
   this isn't
   actually possible but I would appreciate any advice on how I can get
   secure as possible, I have no experience on this aspect of web
  Turn off register globals.  Validate all form posts for bogus data.
  that the cookie hasn't been changed with bad characters malliciously.
  Things like that.  Try and break into the site w/o logging in.  We paid
  a security audit from a company called @stake (www.atstake.com).  If you
  afford it, I'd contract someone to audit you.
  -Dan Joseph

 Thanks for your reply,

 why would it be necessary to turn off register globals?

How could a cookie be changed maliciously? We use sessions anyway so this
isn't an issue but I am curious to know :)

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[PHP] Re: Concerning number_format()

2003-11-06 Thread pete M
$price = number_format( (int) $price, 2, '.', '');

Ed Curtis wrote:
I'm using an example straight from the manual on the php site that
doesn't seem to work.
$price = 1234.567890;

$price = number_format($price, 2, '.', '');

echo $price;

Returns 1234.567890

Should return 1234.57 correct?


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[PHP] binary or text file

2003-11-06 Thread pete M
I'm doing a bit of data recovery using php as the scripting language..

Is there a way to determine is a file is binary or text ?
all the files are recovered but the file names do not have extensions !
eg chkdsk.exe would be dgfhgj5767363874 as a file name


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Re: [PHP] preg_replace ^M

2003-11-06 Thread David T-G
Torsten, et al --

...and then Torsten Rosenberger said...
%  So that program is writing \r\n as the newline instead of just \n. It's
%  still just your editor that's displaying the ^M. Maybe you should get a new
%  editor.
% i use vim

Good :-)

% and the input file don't have \r\n they look normal in vim
% after the preg_replace in php then they have the ^M 

I suspect that you have a DOS format file which, after replacement, has
a line with only \n (no \r) which makes it a UNIX format file -- with
lots of extra \r chars in there.

Open your source file with vim.  Type

  :set fileformat

and hit return and see what it says (my bet is 'dos').  Type

  :set fileformat=unix

and then run your script again and check the output (my bet is no more ^M

% BR/Torsten


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] preg_replace ^M

2003-11-06 Thread Christophe Chisogne
Torsten Rosenberger wrote:
^M carachters in in
Classical pblm of representing end of line in text files between OS:
windows uses \r\n aka CRNL
*nixuses \n   aka NL (newline)
mac uses \r   aka CR (carriage return)
Good text editors dont care (win: wordpad, not notepad) and can
convert while reading/writing (emacs, vim, etc). --not sur for mac way.
Use hex editor to know for sure what is 'the' newline char.
\r is 0D in hex
\n is 0A in hex
$ hexdump -C file.txt | head -20

In your case, the src file contains \r\n or the file is written
in text mode on a windows server, most probably.
$fp = fopen (draft.html, r);
$incont = fread ($fp,filesize(draft.html));
$fp = fopen (out.html,w);
fputs ($fp, $content);
the out put get ugly ^M
With files _in_text_mode_ (see flags of fopen), the \n char in PHP
is virtual : following OS, PHP version, it can be written as
\r, \r\n or \n. Either use non portable t flag on windows to make
transparent \r\n -- \n translations, or better always use files in
_binary_ mode and choose yourself your eol char (\n is simpler).
The latter will improve portability. See php official doc

FYI: Perl also use a 'virtual' \n char, and that can cause problems.
Most of Internet protocols use \r\n as line separators, and sending
only \n is asking for trouble soon or later... See perlport(1)
Specific info for vim:
:help dos-file-formats
vim -b file.txt (read in binary mode, eol is always \n)
:set ff=dos   (read any, write \r\n)
:set ff=unix  (read dos, write \n)
Not using emacs often enough to provide same info. Someone here ?
It also does right things automatically, but dont know
shortcuts or functions to alter that correct behavirou ;-)
Hope it helps,


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Re: [PHP] binary or text file

2003-11-06 Thread David T-G
Pete --

...and then pete M said...
% I'm doing a bit of data recovery using php as the scripting language..

How interesting.  That's certainly a new twist.

% Is there a way to determine is a file is binary or text ?
% all the files are recovered but the file names do not have extensions !

You could use file(1) to check.  It looks at the first few bytes of a
file and compares them against a table (usually in /etc/magic).

% eg chkdsk.exe would be dgfhgj5767363874 as a file name

Of course, this implies that you're on a Windows box, which means getting
your hands on file() would require a bit more work (but should go well
with cygwin).

% pete


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Re: Input Validation of $_SESSION values

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Boyan Nedkov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ... Short of any severe bugs in PHP's core, there is no way for a
   user of your Web application to modify session data ...
 It seems that statement is not completely correct considering the topic 
 discussed in the paper 'Session Fixation Vulnerability in Web-based 
 Applications' (http://secinf.net/uplarticle/11/session_fixation.pdf).

Without reading that paper, I can guess that it explains session fixation.
This method of attack does not negate the above statement. It is still
your Web application that modifies the session data. A user can trick
your application in many different ways, but this is no different than:

$_SESSION['foo'] = $_GET['foo'];

Right there is a security vulnerability, and the user was able to modify
session data, but not without your help. This is the point.

Consider a hypothetical situation where all of the data in the session is
valid. Now, the user's next visit is to a page that begins like this
(substitute appropriate code for is this valid):

if ($_GET['foo'] is valid data)
 $foo = $_GET['foo'];
 $foo = $_SESSION['foo'];

This is not a security vulnerability, nor does it present a risk (except
for the slight risk that your is valid data is broken). This is
basically the point. In general, session data is safe, simply because it
is data from the server and not data from the client. That's an important
difference, and it is something you can leverage to increase the security
of your applications.

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] Re: XML and PHP

2003-11-06 Thread Victor Spång Arthursson
2003-11-06 kl. 13.42 skrev pete M:

in fact a google search for php,xml, expat, tutorial
Well, interesting articles but not really what I was searching for. I'm 
rather looking for something like the parser in Flash, which can open 
nodes like parent.nextsiebling.nextsibling

Anyone have an idea?



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RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Luis Lebron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any good tools for benchmarking sql queries?

This may not directly answer your question, but I find the mytop utility
very helpful for seeing what is happening with a MySQL server. It's
available here:


Another thing you can do is  configure MySQL to log slow queries, and
configure slow queries to be more and more critical, so that you can
focus on the queries that would make the biggest difference. Sorry fi
you're not using MySQL, since I'm assuming you are. :-)

Of course, I still think that avoiding database calls as much as possible
is a good thing.

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] Site Security

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How could a cookie be changed maliciously?

Cookies are sent by the client, so hopefully that alone illustrates the

A cookie's value is not guaranteed to be whatever you asked the client to
set. The legitimate users of your site will likely be using a browser that
adheres to your wishes, but those who try to attack your application will
most assuredly not. If there is any way that an alternate value for the
cookie can benefit the attacker in any way, you can be assured that
someone will eventually find out.

Hope that helps.


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[PHP] BTML 2.0 released!!!

2003-11-06 Thread Bas
Okay, i am happy that BTML 2.0 is released(finally)

It is also known as BTML Template Edition.

The 3 files(the parser, a simple template and a test BTML-file)


function tpl2html($title, $images, $text, $tplfile = simple.tpl, $links =
) {

$tpldata = file_get_contents($tplfile);

$trans = array('%title%' = $title, '%text%' = $text, '%images%' =
$images, '%links%' = $links);

$html = strtr($tpldata, $trans);

return $html;


function parseTags($file) {

/* readfile... here */

$filedata = file_get_contents($file);

$tag_match =(!bttag=(\w*)\s*(.*?)\s*/bttag!is);

preg_match_all($tag_match, $filedata, $matches);

for ($i=0; $i count($matches[0]); $i++) {

$tagname = $matches[1][$i];

$tag['tagname'] = $tagname;

$tag['value'] = $matches[2][$i];

$tags[] = $tag;


return $tags;


include_once template.php;

$filename = $_GET['name'];

$bttags = parseTags($filename);

// echo HTMLHEAD;

foreach($bttags as $tag) {

switch($tag['tagname']) {

case 'title':

$title = $tag['value'];

// echo TITLE . $tag['value'] . /TITLE/HEADBODY;

// echo H1 . $tag['value'] . /h1br;


case 'heading':

$completetext .= h1 . $tag['value'] . /h1br;

// echo H1 . $tag['value'] . /h1br;


case 'image':

if (!empty($tag['value'])) {

// echo IMG SRC=\ . $tag['value'] . \;

$images .= IMG SRC=\ . $tag['value'] . \br;



case 'text':

// echo nl2br($tag['value']);

$completetext .= nl2br($tag['value']);


case 'nl':

// echo br\n;

$completetext .= br;


case 'template':

$templatefile = $tag['value'];


case 'link':

$links .= a href= . $tag['value'] .  . $tag['value'] . /abr



// echo /body/html;

if (empty($templatefile)) {

echo tpl2html($title, $images, $completetext);

} else {

echo tpl2html($title, $images, $completetext, $templatefile);












Images: br





And test.btm



Welcome to BTML page v1!



Welcome to my BTML page!!! This is an experimentally version of HTML!!!









Hope that you like it and please tell me wat you think of it,


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Re: [PHP] Source code

2003-11-06 Thread John Nichel
PHPLover wrote:

I have two questions.

1. Is it possible to download the entire PHP site so that i can learn from
the source code at my liesure. I know that source code of PHP can be
accessible through CVS but is there any anonymous FTP or a zip file download
2. How can i implement the new feature (installed in search page of PHP) on
my site. I have gone through the source but i didn't understand anything. I
hope it is ok to implement the same on my site since it is open source.
Do you want the source used to compile php?  That's available in the 
downloads section of the web site.  Or are you talking about the code 
they wrote to build the site?  Look at the bottom right of any page on 
php's site, and you'll see a link for 'Show Source'.

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Re: [PHP] MySQL Password Function

2003-11-06 Thread John Nichel
Shaun wrote:


I am trying to make my site more secure, can anyone suggest a tutorial on
using the mySQL password function with PHP. I can't find anything through
Thanks for your help

Not that this would make your site more secure (well, I guess it would 
be more secure than plain text), but just use it in your query

INSERT INTO someDB.someTable ( username, password ) VALUES ( 
'{$username}', PASSWORD('{$password}');

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Re: [PHP] MySQL Password Function

2003-11-06 Thread Shaun

John Nichel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Shaun wrote:

  I am trying to make my site more secure, can anyone suggest a tutorial
  using the mySQL password function with PHP. I can't find anything
  Thanks for your help

 Not that this would make your site more secure (well, I guess it would
 be more secure than plain text), but just use it in your query

 INSERT INTO someDB.someTable ( username, password ) VALUES (
 '{$username}', PASSWORD('{$password}');

 It's all about the Rush

Thank you for your replies,

can i just confirm that the user uses the encrypted version of the password
or the originally inserted version to login?

Thanks for your help

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Re: [PHP] Source code

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
 1. Is it possible to download the entire PHP site so that i can learn
 from the source code at my liesure. I know that source code of PHP can
 be accessible through CVS but is there any anonymous FTP or a zip file

Not to my knowledge. If you don't like using CVS, you can always browse
the source here:


Of course, someone else could do a simple CVS checkout for you or
something. But, I don't see why CVS isn't sufficient for what you're

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] MySQL Password Function

2003-11-06 Thread John Nichel
Shaun wrote:
John Nichel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Not that this would make your site more secure (well, I guess it would
be more secure than plain text), but just use it in your query
INSERT INTO someDB.someTable ( username, password ) VALUES (
'{$username}', PASSWORD('{$password}');
It's all about the Rush

Thank you for your replies,

can i just confirm that the user uses the encrypted version of the password
or the originally inserted version to login?
Thanks for your help

Yes, you can.  But by the time it has reached the MySQL server, it has 
passed from the client to your server via plain text, and to my 
understanding (I may be wrong here), MySQL's built in password function 
isn't all that secure.  For better security, I would suggest a 
combination of https and md5, or write a custom encryption function.

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RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-06 Thread Luis Lebron
I guess there is a configuration option in my.cnf for logging slow queries?


-Original Message-
From: Chris Shiflett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 9:11 AM
To: Luis Lebron; 'Wouter van Vliet'; 'Jay Blanchard'; 'Marco Tabini';
Cc: 'Php-General (E-mail)'
Subject: RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

--- Luis Lebron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any good tools for benchmarking sql queries?

This may not directly answer your question, but I find the mytop utility
very helpful for seeing what is happening with a MySQL server. It's
available here:


Another thing you can do is  configure MySQL to log slow queries, and
configure slow queries to be more and more critical, so that you can
focus on the queries that would make the biggest difference. Sorry fi
you're not using MySQL, since I'm assuming you are. :-)

Of course, I still think that avoiding database calls as much as possible
is a good thing.

Hope that helps.


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RE: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Luis Lebron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess there is a configuration option in my.cnf for logging slow

There, or you can pass it in as a command line argument when you start the
server. Here is a good URL for more information:


You can keep decreasing the value of long_query_time as you improve your

Hope that helps.


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[PHP] PHP's own perl2exec converter?

2003-11-06 Thread Guillaume Dupuis

I am looking for the PHP-equivalent of Perl's perl2exec (script to binary
converter). Where can I find this?

Thanks in advance,
Guillaume Dupuis

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RE: [PHP] PHP's own perl2exec converter?

2003-11-06 Thread Jay Blanchard
I am looking for the PHP-equivalent of Perl's perl2exec (script to
converter). Where can I find this?


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Re: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-06 Thread David T-G
Luis, et al --

...and then Luis Lebron said...
% One of the things I have suggested to the customer is offloading some of the
% work to a different server. For example, he wants to email a weekly message
% Does this sound like a good idea?

If you can afford more servers, it's almost always good :-)

In addition, if you're going to be sending high volumes of mail, it's
very probably a good idea.

I recently coded up some parts of a marketing/fan site for promoting
music groups, video games, and such (surf over to killswitcharmy.com
and/or didofans.com if you're interested).  One thing we do is send
template-driven personalized (== one message per person) bulk mail to
our members.  With some casual tuning, I managed to get this quad-Xeon
box with 1G RAM and hw-mirrored SCSI drives down to about 120ms per
message injection, or 30K/hr, but then they have to get off of the box.

We're currently seeing a bottleneck in the mail queue as messages try to
get to other machines, have to wait to retry, and so on -- and it blocks
normal mail like our admin messages and the verification emails for new
subscribers.  Since we're at the mercy of the world's connectivity, it
doesn't matter whether we queue up a batch in the middle of the night or
any other time; even though 80% of our emails will make it out within a
couple of hours at most, on a 55K mailing that leaves 11K still hanging
around having to be retried (often repeatedly), and it takes a while to
get through those to send out a fresh email.

We're currently playing with setting up two separate queues so that all
of the bulk mail (both initial and retries) is handled separately, and at
low priority, while the rest of the mail is handled by the normal queue
(which will also get some hi-perf tuning), but that still leaves bounces
to be handled in the normal incoming stream (fortunately we can process
things very fast, even if the rest of the world can't, so that's not so
terribly bad).  It would be easier to just have a bulk mail machine to
handle all of that traffic and then the normal machine could handle
subscriptions and admin messages with ease, but the client won't pay an
additional monthly fee for a separate mail box.

% thanks,
% Luis

HTH  HAND  keep us posted :-)

David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] High bandwidth application tips

2003-11-06 Thread David T-G
Eugene, et al --

...and then Eugene Lee said...
% Still, doing a greater-than or less-than comparison is a bit slow.
% You could try this:
%   $upperlimit = 100;
%   while ($up-- != 0)
%   {

Hey, that's pretty slick.  And does that reduce to

  while ($up--)

as can be done in C?  [I always forget return codes and what is true
versus false :-]


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

RE: [PHP] PHP's own perl2exec converter?

2003-11-06 Thread Guillaume Dupuis
Thanks Jay, but I omitted that it was for Linux.

Any others?

-Original Message-
From: Jay Blanchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 11:36 AM
To: Guillaume Dupuis; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP's own perl2exec converter?

I am looking for the PHP-equivalent of Perl's perl2exec (script to
converter). Where can I find this?


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RE: [PHP] BTML 2.0 released!!!

2003-11-06 Thread Chris W. Parker
on Thursday, November 06, 2003 7:21 AM said:

 Okay, i am happy that BTML 2.0 is released(finally)

You need to get a website and post a link to the site instead of posting
a giant email with code that's not even indented and probably wrapped in
some places.

Don't like reformatting your Outlook replies? Now there's relief!

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[PHP] OT-Javascript Question

2003-11-06 Thread Jake McHenry
Hi everyone, I know this is off topic, but I was hoping someone could explain this to 
me. It may be something with php, not sure though.

I have this exact code on a regular html file and it works fine, copy paste to php 
file, and it doesn't work.

script language=JavaScript src=handler.js/script


input type=text name=10_Accounting_Unit size=1 maxlength=1 

and the movefocus function is basically justif 10_Accounting_Unit.length == 1 

of course it's a function, and the variables are used.. etc.. but I was just wondering 
why this doesn't work on my php page.


Re: [PHP] OT-Javascript Question

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Jake McHenry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 input type=text name=10_Accounting_Unit size=1 maxlength=1

This looks like you're trying to go in and out of PHP mode without using
?...?, ?php...?, etc.

Try something like this:

input type=text name=accounting_unit value=? echo
$_SESSION['accounting_unit']; ? /

Hope that helps.


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RE: [PHP] anyway to return more than one value?

2003-11-06 Thread Chris W. Parker
Robert Cummings mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 6:59 PM said:

 It ABSOLUTELY amazes me how this list is so cyclic.

Do you think this list is more so than any other list? I'm on a few and
it seems to be the same way everywhere. Unfortunately I don't think
there's anyway to stop it. alas...

And to the thread hijacker I'd suggest you use Google, and search the
php archives at http://www.phparch.com/mailinglists/.

Don't like reformatting your Outlook replies? Now there's relief!

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[PHP] upload_tmp_dir has no value... could that be the problem?

2003-11-06 Thread Jason

Trying to run an upload script.


if ($userfile==none)


echo Problem: no file uploaded;



if (move_uploaded_file($userfile,..$userfile_name))
 echo your file was loaded successfully;

 echo nope;

Looks like the problems is in the if (move_uploaded_file.. line also a
look at the configuration of PHP4.1.2 shows no value for upload_tmp_dir

Any hints?


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Re: [PHP] MySQL Password Function

2003-11-06 Thread David Otton
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 09:09:57 -0500, you wrote:

True, true. I actually use MD5() for the same reason, but, really, if
someone has access to the database to read the hashes, odds are they have
access to the rest of the database and your code. So what are you protecting

Many people use the same password over multiple sites.

A database/OS bug could expose the user table without exposing the rest of
the machine.

If you have the plaintext password you can impersonate the user and modify

I would be /very/ uncomfortable if I found that a site I use for anything
meaningful stored passwords as plaintext. If nothing else, it's a litmus
test of how seriously they take security.

(agree about using md5() (sha1() is even better) not password(), though -
nobody should be using password(), as the manual points out:

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Re: [PHP] OT-Javascript Question

2003-11-06 Thread Jake McHenry
Yes, I'm not going in and out of php, the entire html output is php...

echo EndHTML

html code


So I can't do this then?


- Original Message - 
From: Chris Shiflett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] OT-Javascript Question

 --- Jake McHenry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  input type=text name=10_Accounting_Unit size=1 maxlength=1
 This looks like you're trying to go in and out of PHP mode without using
 ?...?, ?php...?, etc.
 Try something like this:
 input type=text name=accounting_unit value=? echo
 $_SESSION['accounting_unit']; ? /
 Hope that helps.
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 HTTP Developer's Handbook
 RAMP Training Courses

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Re: [PHP] OT-Javascript Question

2003-11-06 Thread Jake McHenry
Will I have to change my entire page format? As I said, right now it's all
being echo'd


- Original Message - 
From: Chris Shiflett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] OT-Javascript Question

 --- Jake McHenry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  input type=text name=10_Accounting_Unit size=1 maxlength=1

 This looks like you're trying to go in and out of PHP mode without using
 ?...?, ?php...?, etc.

 Try something like this:

 input type=text name=accounting_unit value=? echo
 $_SESSION['accounting_unit']; ? /

 Hope that helps.


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[PHP] $HTTP_Referer

2003-11-06 Thread Josephin

am a newbie as of yesterday.
Can't figure out how to get the $HTTP_Referer (own domain) of the page
entering my form (html), convert it into a variable which is later passed on
to my formmailer.php for the $subject variable.

xy.html ---form.html--formmailer.php

want the $HTTP_Referer or  HTTP_URI, file only, (of xy.html)
--to be forwarded to form.html,
--to be converted in a variable,
--which is passed on to formmailer.php, which will use it as subject.

Would appreciate your know-how!

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RE: [PHP] $HTTP_Referer

2003-11-06 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Thursday, November 06, 2003 10:31 AM, Josephin wrote:

xy.html ---form.html--formmailer.php

want the $HTTP_Referer or  HTTP_URI, file only, (of xy.html)
--to be forwarded to form.html,
--to be converted in a variable,
--which is passed on to formmailer.php, which will use it as subject.

Hi Josephin.

Simply use $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to populate a hidden field in your


input type=hidden name=referrer value=?php echo


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Re: [PHP] $HTTP_Referer

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Josephin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 am a newbie as of yesterday.


 Can't figure out how to get the $HTTP_Referer (own domain) of the page
 entering my form (html), convert it into a variable which is later
 passed on to my formmailer.php for the $subject variable.
 xy.html ---form.html--formmailer.php
 want the $HTTP_Referer or  HTTP_URI, file only, (of xy.html)
 --to be forwarded to form.html,
 --to be converted in a variable,
 --which is passed on to formmailer.php, which will use it as subject.

Well, in PHP, you can use $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']. However, unless your
Web server is configured to treat form.html as a PHP script (which I
seriously doubt is the case), you will not have access to this information
at that point. So, you can't do what you're describing wihout the original
POST request (xy.html - form.html) being to a PHP resource rather than an
HTML one.

Hope that helps.


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[PHP] Send data Header Response

2003-11-06 Thread Jonathan Villa
I would like submit a form to a page, do some processing on that page,
then if need be, return to the referrer but also send the submitted data
along with it... and data is coming from a POST form, not a GET.  I


or something to that effect...

If I can't do this, what options do I have?

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RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

2003-11-06 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Thursday, November 06, 2003 5:51 AM, Donald wrote:

 I no one has mentioned getting it to work on Windows XP. That is what
 am using, Windows XP Professional. Maybe the problem is confined to
 Here is the EXACT IE version that I am using:


Hi Donald.  I just tried this in XP Professional on IE 6.0 and it worked
fine, both via a javascript function and a standard link with the target
set to _blank.

Anyone else have any idea why this would be happening?


-Original Message-
From: olinux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:48 AM
To: Pablo Gosse; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

 If, as Chris wrote, this is indeed a feature/bug of
 IE, then it must be
 configurable somewhere, though I'm lost as to where
 that might be.
 Does anyone have any ideas how this could be
 controlled via IE's

I've experienced a similar problem on a php based
system I use. I don't know what their code looks like.
I think its an IE issue though - windows update always
fixes the problem for me. 


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Re: [PHP] Send data Header Response

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Jonathan Villa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like submit a form to a page, do some processing on that page,
 then if need be, return to the referrer but also send the submitted data
 along with it... and data is coming from a POST form, not a GET.  I
 or something to that effect...
 If I can't do this, what options do I have?

$_POST is an array. You can serialize it, if you want to send it as one
variable, or you can send each POST variable as a separate URL variable.

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] Send data Header Response

2003-11-06 Thread Jonathan Villa
Thanks... but that is something I wanted to avoid.

If I put each POST var into the url, then it's as if I used a GET method

If I serialize the array and pass it back in the URL, I get 


after it's been urlencoded...and it still displays the values of the

On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 14:17, Chris Shiflett wrote:
 --- Jonathan Villa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like submit a form to a page, do some processing on that page,
  then if need be, return to the referrer but also send the submitted data
  along with it... and data is coming from a POST form, not a GET.  I
  or something to that effect...
  If I can't do this, what options do I have?
 $_POST is an array. You can serialize it, if you want to send it as one
 variable, or you can send each POST variable as a separate URL variable.
 Hope that helps.
 My Blog
 HTTP Developer's Handbook
 RAMP Training Courses

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Re: [PHP] Send data Header Response

2003-11-06 Thread Jonathan Villa
Thanks, I'll look into that.

On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 14:31, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:
 From: Jonathan Villa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I would like submit a form to a page, do some processing on that page,
  then if need be, return to the referrer but also send the submitted data
  along with it... and data is coming from a POST form, not a GET.  I
 Can you send the data back to the referrer as GET data (in the URL)?
 If you must POST it back to the referrer, then you'll need cURL or search
 the archives for a function called posttohost() (not a core php function,
 ---John Holmes...

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RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Pablo Gosse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Donald.  I just tried this in XP Professional on IE 6.0 and it worked
 fine, both via a javascript function and a standard link with the target
 set to _blank.
 Anyone else have any idea why this would be happening?

No, but it would really be nice if anyone that experiences this could
capture the HTTP transaction(s) that illustrate the behavior more

Ethereal (http://www.ethereal.com/) can help with this.


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[PHP] Replacing text on page, but not in img tags

2003-11-06 Thread Taylor York
Lets say im trying to replace every occurance of 'hello' with 'bhi/b'.
heres a sample page
  hello there!

This would simply change to
  bhi/b there!

but what if it had an img?
  hello there!
  img src=hello.jpg alt=well hello there

It would then be,
  bhi/b there!
  img src=bhi/b.jpg alt=well bhi/b there

It would then be completely jacked up. Not only would it do the wrong img,
but the tag in general would be screwed be cause of the bold tag.  So what
can I do?

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Re: [PHP] Send data Header Response

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Jonathan Villa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I would like submit a form to a page, do some processing on that page,
 then if need be, return to the referrer but also send the submitted data
 along with it... and data is coming from a POST form, not a GET.  I


Can you send the data back to the referrer as GET data (in the URL)?

If you must POST it back to the referrer, then you'll need cURL or search
the archives for a function called posttohost() (not a core php function,

---John Holmes...

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[PHP] restricting text fill on a text area

2003-11-06 Thread Ian Truelsen
Here is what I want to do, but I have no idea if it is possible:

I want to set up a sized div on my page and be able to fill it with text
from a text file. Easy enough, but I want to be able to 'sense' when the
text area fills, no matter what size text the browser has set. I don't
really want to use the scroll bars as they don't render well, IMO. What
I would prefer to do is to have the text fill the area in question and
then throw up a next page button, or something of the like.

I can see that I would have to parse out the text word by word, wait for
the overflow and then have that position be the beginning of the next

Can anyone see how/whether this would be possible?

Ian Truelsen
AIM: ihtruelsen
Homepage: http://www.ihtruelsen.dyndns.org

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[PHP] To format a number

2003-11-06 Thread phpziobudda
Hi, I have a little problem.
I have a number for example 5 and I would it transform in 5,00.
I tried with round() but it doesn't add the numbers after comma with an interger 
Does some funtion that make this exist?

[PHP] Multiple Image Uploads

2003-11-06 Thread Jay Fitzgerald
Can someone help me with this? I've been trying to get it to work all day :(


Jay Fitzgerald, Design Director
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[PHP] Compile on Mac OS X --with-java?

2003-11-06 Thread Karl Nelson
Has anyone managed to get PHP to compile on Mac OS X with the --with-java
flag in the configure command?

I've tried it with PHP 4.3.2, 4.3.3, and 4.3.4, all without any luck.

I'm using Mac OS X Server 10.2.8, with Java 1.4.1.

I've tried 
./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs --with-xml
./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs --with-xml --with-java

When I run make, it dies with:
make: *** [ext/java/java.lo] Error 1

I can build just fine if I configure with:
./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs --with-xml

Looking over the output from make, it looks like the trouble starts here:
/Users/admin/Desktop/php-4.3.3/ext/java/java.c:39:24: JavaVM/jni.h: No such
file or directory

The only jni.h files I could find are:

My knowledge of how Apple set up java gets a bit fuzzy at this point.
overview/chapter_2_section_5.html helps a bit, but clearly we're moving
beyond just a simple install here.

Any ideas?  Anybody have success with this?


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Re: [PHP] restricting text fill on a text area

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Ian Truelsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I want to set up a sized div on my page and be able to fill it with text
 from a text file. Easy enough, but I want to be able to 'sense' when the
 text area fills, no matter what size text the browser has set.

Client side issue, not PHP. Ask on a Javascript list.

---John Holmes...

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RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

2003-11-06 Thread Donald Tyler
I am downloading ethereal and I will post my findings.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Shiflett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 2:31 PM
To: Pablo Gosse; Donald Tyler; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

--- Pablo Gosse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Donald.  I just tried this in XP Professional on IE 6.0 and it
 fine, both via a javascript function and a standard link with the
 set to _blank.
 Anyone else have any idea why this would be happening?

No, but it would really be nice if anyone that experiences this could
capture the HTTP transaction(s) that illustrate the behavior more

Ethereal (http://www.ethereal.com/) can help with this.


My Blog
HTTP Developer's Handbook
RAMP Training Courses

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Re: [PHP] To format a number

2003-11-06 Thread CPT John W. Holmes

 I have a number for example 5 and I would it transform in 5,00.
 I tried with round() but it doesn't add the numbers after comma with an
interger number.
 Does some funtion that make this exist?

You mean some function that'll format a number? Hmmm... number_format() 

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] OT-Javascript Question

2003-11-06 Thread Jake McHenry
I got everything working now. For some reason when I put it inside php, it
wouldn't work with my variables with the numbers in front
(1_Accounting_Unit) so I renamed all of them with the number at the end and
they work fine.


- Original Message - 
From: Chuck Vose [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] OT-Javascript Question

 You're fine to echo the whole thing, but remember that php happens
 before the page is ever created (server side as opposed to client side)
 whereas javascript happens after the page is finished loading on the
 client computer. So the javascript can't run in the middle of a php
 script because the php is being loaded on the server.
 Chris has it right, you just have to plan on php inputting variable and
 the like by embedding ?php ? tags inside the javascript statements,
 without the echo's. If you want to keep your echo's you may be having a
 problem with ' and  s. Quotes unfortunately have meaning in both php
 and javascript so you may have to pass the javascript quotes in with a \
 in front so the php's echo doesn't interpret them as an escape into
 phpland. (by which I mean using \ and \' inside the echo's)

 Hope this helps you a little.
 Chuck Vose

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RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

2003-11-06 Thread Donald Tyler
Well that's bizarre. I change it back to opening the new windows so that
I can go test it on some other machines, and now it works on this

Makes no sense...

-Original Message-
From: Chris Shiflett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 2:31 PM
To: Pablo Gosse; Donald Tyler; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

--- Pablo Gosse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Donald.  I just tried this in XP Professional on IE 6.0 and it
 fine, both via a javascript function and a standard link with the
 set to _blank.
 Anyone else have any idea why this would be happening?

No, but it would really be nice if anyone that experiences this could
capture the HTTP transaction(s) that illustrate the behavior more

Ethereal (http://www.ethereal.com/) can help with this.


My Blog
HTTP Developer's Handbook
RAMP Training Courses

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] Replacing text on page, but not in img tags

2003-11-06 Thread Jay Blanchard
It would then be completely jacked up. Not only would it do the wrong
but the tag in general would be screwed be cause of the bold tag.  So
can I do?

Skip the image tag by using regex.

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[PHP] fopen url

2003-11-06 Thread John Hagstrand

I'm trying to read a URL.

this works:  fopen( http://www.google.com;)

this does not work:  fopen( http://news.google.com;)

If the URL does not start with www, then fopen writes and error message
that says success and returns false.  What's up with that?

Can you help?
I'm using PHP 4.2.2.

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