Re: [PHP] Re: Search like's URL thingy

2008-06-18 Thread Philip Olson
> Why is an ErrorDocument "insufficient" or "not the elegant way"?
>> It accomplishes the goal in a clean way, no?
> It's *WRONG*.  ErrorDocument still preserves the 404 error code, it just
> gives it a prettier face.  If the page really is there, returning a 404 for
> it is not correct.  Search engines will not index it.  You probably don't
> want that.

You may set it... so for example:

  header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');


Re: [PHP] Re: Search like's URL thingy [0.T]

2008-06-05 Thread Philip Olson
Hello, uses a 404 error handler for this, and most mirrors store url data
in an sqlite database. A simple $_SERVER dump in your 404 page will show you
which variables are available.


[PHP] Request for work on the FAQs

2008-02-27 Thread Philip Olson

Hello everyone,

The PHP manual FAQ has not received much attention over these past  
few years, so it's outdated. This needs to be fixed.

If you would like to add questions (and ideally, with answers) to the  
FAQ then please do so by either adding them to this thread, or point  
them out, and if you would like to work on the manual itself then  
please read the HOWTO:

Note: Each extension will now have its own FAQ, which means the more  
the merrier. So the URLs will be{extension}/faq.
Note: Questions and Answers should stand the test of time, e.g., not  
require editing with every PHP version.


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Re: [PHP] Register globals and ini_set

2005-07-11 Thread Philip Olson

>> If i use, at the beginning of my scripts,
>> ini_set('register_globals', 0), register globals will be
>> turned off?

> if you have php <= 4.2.3 yes, otherwise no.
> it has to be set in php.ini, .htaccess, or httpd.conf

You may NEVER set register_globals at runtime with
ini_set() regardless of PHP version.


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Re: [PHP] Splitting Vars from MySQL in PHP

2005-04-29 Thread Philip Olson
> > I remember in Perl I used to extract vars from a single fetchrow by adding
> > each var name to the beginning (like this). Only this ain'ta workin :)...
> > Anyone know the right syntax to do this?
> > 
> > ($var1, $var2, $var3)= mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)
> list($var1, $var2, $var3) = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);

But remember that list() only works with numerical 
arrays so use MYSQL_NUM (or array_values()) in the 
above. For associative, extract() can be useful.


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Re: [PHP] Can I use $_REQUEST for file uploads?

2005-04-22 Thread Philip Olson
> Thanks for the reponse. I tested again, but it was not the problem
> with ENCTYPE. I am getting file with $_FILES. I think this is due to
> CGI configuration if not with php.ini. Because when I check the
> version by using "PHP -v" command, it shows "4.3.10 (cgi)" but when
> check that using phpinfo() function, it is showing as PHP 4.2.2. Why
> the difference? I am working in that view to find the solution.
> Currently I got a temporary solution. I am jsut copying from $_FILES
> to $_REQUEST at the very begining of the script. Because I can't
> change all the scripts now.

Because you have two different versions of PHP installed. In
otherwords, the CGI version and most likely the module

Now to answer your question, here's a quote from the 
PHP Manual:

 Note: Prior to PHP 4.3.0, $_FILES information was 
   also included in $_REQUEST.

So, $_FILES is no longer part of $_REQUEST.


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Re: [PHP] following php development

2005-03-25 Thread Philip Olson

> I used to visit for the weekly summary but it seems that it
> has not been updated in a while.
> Besides the php-devel is there any other source of information about 
> php's development ?

While not about PHP Internals specifically, the following
do touch up on it and other PHP happenings:


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Re: [PHP] OR statement

2005-03-24 Thread Philip Olson
> > This work fine, however, I would like to add to the criteria above. I would
> > like to say:
> > 
> >  if ($audio == "Cool" or "junk" or "funky"){
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> if (in_array($audio,array("Cool","junk","funky"))) {
> ...
> }

Yes that's one way but to answer the question:

 if ($a == 'foo' OR $a == 'bar') {


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Re: [PHP] ODBC Errors and Undefined functions

2005-03-21 Thread Philip Olson
> Oh and Jay... since no one else has found the answer it would be nice if
> you could post your solution here when / if you find it.

Accoding to the source, these two functions require
something to exist:


Elsewhere in the source is this:

 #if defined(HAVE_DBMAKER) || defined(PHP_WIN32) ||
 defined(HAVE_IBMDB2) || defined(HAVE_UNIXODBC)

So you need to meet one of the above requirements to have
those two functions available.

According to the changelog, many of these checks were added
in early 2003 (4.3.2) not that this has to do with you but
when documented these should be taken into account. I'll add
this documentation later this week :)


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RE: [PHP] How from an html/web form I may go to a php script output(of form values)

2005-03-19 Thread Philip Olson

> If is easy please answer and this : when be online AND OPEN A FILE FROM
> A WEB LOCATION HOST - MINE WITH NOTEPAD may after I modify it, save it
> again to my hosting space WITHOUT save it to my PC first ? Please note
> that I mean using NotePad and I mean entering the host username&password
> AND AFTER UPLOAD IT !!! Please tell me the same[as for NotePad] but for
> Dreamweaver MX ?

It's difficult to know what you mean exactly but I'll assume
you want to setup FTP access with your text editors as to
edit files remotely. Notepad does not have this option but
dreamweaver does (most text editors do, such as jedit,
ultraedit, editplus, etc.). Here's a tutorial for setting up
FTP with dreamweaver:


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Re: [PHP] OT - C programming

2005-03-16 Thread Philip Olson

For a nice introduction to extension writing, read this

  Part I: Introduction to PHP and Zend

As well as the various README files found within the php
source files:

And let's not forget about PECL_Gen. Although it requires
PHP 5 to run, it also allows one to quickly create
extensions that work in both PHP 4/5. There is also ext_skel
but it's slowly being replaced by PECL_Gen:

And of course the Zend API docs:

The Zend article above will be a five part series, which is 
pretty cool :)


On Tue, 15 Mar 2005, Brian wrote:

> To understand the *'s just google for c pointer tutorial, you're
> likely to find alot of helpful material.
> On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 11:37:26 -0500, Jason Barnett
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> > > Jason Barnett wrote:
> > >
> > >> Jay Blanchard wrote:
> > ...
> > > In the end you are probably much better off learning a bit of C or C++
> > > and writing your own PHP extensions than hoping that someone will make a
> > > compiler that will magically speed everything up.  PHP was designed
> > > specifically with this in mind.  The idea is to keep things that don't
> > ...
> > > better performance than any "PHP Compiler" ever will.  And it really
> > > isn't that hard to write a PHP extension.
> > >
> > > -Rasmus
> > 
> > I actually looked into building my own extension before.  I saw some of
> > the docs from the site and most of it made sense to me.
> > So I agree that the PHP <-> extensions interface is simple enough for a
> > poor slob like myself to understand.
> > 
> > Can you (or anyone else for that matter) give me a book recommendation
> > that explains C coding to someone with intermediate PHP skills?
> > 
> > I already have George Schlossnagle's book and it's great (it taught me a
> > lot of what I know about the source), but it assumes a level of
> > proficiency in C that I just don't have.
> > 
> > I know that you have to allocate memory for variables, you have strict
> > types (although I'm vaguely familiar with a zval), but some things like
> > all of those **'s I see in the source code just don't make sense to me.
> >   Recommendations, anyone?
> > 
> > --
> > Teach a man to fish...
> > 
> > NEW? |
> > STFA |
> > STFM |
> > STFW |
> > LAZY |
> >
> > 
> > 
> >
> -- 
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[PHP] Re: recommending a PHP book?

2005-03-15 Thread Philip Olson

Do.  Not.  Cross.  Post.

Use ONE mailing list at a time.

Please have all further replies to this unfortunate thread
go to php-general and only php-general.


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2005-02-04 Thread Philip Olson
> Can I use the CGI executable at the command-line?


> In other words, what is the diference between the CLI
> and CGI Version?

See the manual, it explains the differences:


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RE: [PHP] escaping quotes

2005-01-27 Thread Philip Olson

What also works is this:

 print 'value="'. $foo['bar'] . '"';

Read the manual section on strings:


On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Giles wrote:

> Thanks, that works great.
> Knew that worked for JavaScript but didn't know it worked for PHP.
> > print("value="\" . $attributes["messageSubject"] . "\"");
> Slight typo there:
> "value=\"" . ...

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Re: [PHP] Is a PECL a black whole?

2004-09-03 Thread Philip Olson
> >> It took me a while to find an explanation of what a PECL is. I kept 
> >> reading
> >> comments about things being moved to a PECL but I saw nothing about what 
> >> is
> >> in a PECL or how to get anything out of a (the?) PECL. As far as I knew,
> >> there is a danger of all of PHP being in a PECL.
> >
> > There is documentation on the way for what to do with these PECL
> > extension on how to install and upgrade them.
> Perhaps you did not read everything I said, since there is more to what I 
> said than what you quoted, and in the other part of what I said, I did say 
> there is documentation as you say. Is that more or less muddy?
> So in other words, yes, there is documentation. The point I was making is 
> that the documentation is not as easy to find as it could be. So the issue 
> is not about use of PECL as much as it is use of the PHP documentation to 
> find the PECL (documentation).

All PECL extensions are or will be documented at but
currently this is not the case, for several reasons, most notably lack
of people to create said documentation. While the current state is
less than ideal, don't think it's how it will continue to be nor how
it's intended to be. And eventually links to this documentation will
exist at{extname}, there is an open bug report on this.

No, PECL is not a black hole, but it is a new hole looking to be filled.


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RE: [PHP] Fatal error: Call to undefined function

2004-08-28 Thread Philip Olson
> > It's been awhile since I've done php on Windows, but I think 
> > you have to uncomment the mysql dll in the php.ini file (make 
> > sure you're editing the right one as per phpinfo), and restart 
> > your web server. 
> Thanks, John. I have the line uncommented, am editing php.ini in my winnt
> directory and have restarted the server. No magic, yet. 

And make sure libmysql.dll is available in your systems PATH
and a nice way to do that is adding the PHP dir to your PATH
but a less cool way would be to copy libmysql.dll into the
Windows sytem directory because that directory is in the
PATH.  Don't do that though..

The manual talks about all of this, read the installation

It says how to set your PATH (via system environmetn variables)
and the MySQL documentation also refers to all of this:

Both of the above manual pages link to related FAQs so read
those as well.


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Re: [PHP] Need Someone to Develop a Project

2004-08-19 Thread Philip Olson
> It is possible that this newsgroup is not the appropriate forum for this
> request. Is there a site somewhere where I can post the spec and invite
> bids? I recall that there are several, but I cannot remember where they
> are.


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Re: [PHP] Cannot Load DLLs (WinXP, Apache 2, PHP 5)

2004-08-19 Thread Philip Olson
> > I can't get PHP to load php_mysql.dll, required to use the mysql_*() 
> > functions.
> > 
> > I have tried a variety of values for extension_dir, including 
> > "C:/php/ext", "C:\php\ext", "C:\php\", "./ext/", "ext/". I have copied 
> > php_mysql to all these directories, but it is not loading it.
> > 
> > PHP is stored in C:/php, and works perfectly apart from not finding the 
> > MySQL dll file.
> > 
> > If you could advise me for how to get PHP to load this DLL, I would be 
> > very grateful!
> This was just disussed a few days ago. Copy the libmysql.dll file **that 
> comes with PHP5** into the windows/system32/ directory.

New installation instructions exist that recommend never copying any
files to the Windows system directory.  It's preferred to leave all files
in the PHP directory and make it (the PHP folder) available to the systems
PATH by editing the appropriate system environment variable.  People copy
files into the Windows system directory because it's in the PATH so no
additional setup is required.  Do not fall into this trap.  Add the PHP
directory to your PATH as doing so will make the world a better place.
The updated manual is as follows:

If setup this way the above problem would not exist, PHP will find
libmysql.dll.  A FAQ on editing the systems path is here:


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Re: [PHP] Looking for article

2004-08-13 Thread Philip Olson

Read this faqts:

  How can I pass variables to a script in the url 
  like /script/var1/var2


On Thu, 12 Aug 2004, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:

> Anyone have an article written, or can point me to one that talks 
> about converting URLS from:
> -- 
> M | I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
>   +
>   Ashley M. Kirchner    .   303.442.6410 x130
>   IT Director / SysAdmin / WebSmith . 800.441.3873 x130
>   Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.. 3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6
> . .  ..   Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Is there a brian I can pick?

2004-07-26 Thread Philip Olson

> I've run into a small bump in some code I'm writing for a membership 
> database. The first thing that needs to be done is an index of all 
> states in the US with members. The fun part is that the state 
> information is stored as the abbreviation in the database (ie MI, WI) 
> and the HTML page needs to display the full name of the State. I want to 
> display the information in a four column table that kicks out as many 
> rows as needed. Now in order to get the full name of the state, I'm 
> running the state result through a switch statement. Actaully, it's 
> working rather well expect for this little issue:
> Row 8: South Dakota Tennessee Texas Virgina
> Row 9: West Virgina Wisconsin Texas Virgina
> I need to kill that extra Texas and's how I'm doing this:
>  $query=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT state FROM members WHERE 
> country='US' ORDER BY state ASC");  

Try something more like this:

 'Washington', 'OR' => 'Oregon');
$i  = 1;
$count  = mysql_num_rows($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
echo "\t". $statenames[$row['state']] ."\n";
if (($i % 4) === 0 && $count !== $i++) {
echo "\n\n";


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Re: [PHP] Unexpected T_ENCAPSED...

2004-07-24 Thread Philip Olson
> > And quoting integers is not a problem, I even prefer it.  IMHO we should
> > tell people to quote all values so if someone "forgets" to do any sort of
> > input validation (i.e. make sure it's actually an integer) there won't be
> > a major problem otherwise problems (including SQL injection) may arise.
> I wouldn't recommend that you recommend that to everyone. Not all 
> databases will allow you to enter a STRING into an numeric field. MySQL 
> may be lenient on it, but that doesn't mean you should get in the habit 
> of using it that way. Properly validate your data and none of this is an 
> issue. :)

Yeah, we all know you want magic_quotes_gpc off by default too but can
PHP coders really be that trusted? ;)  I was only referring to MySQL, will
look into the string/int index issue a bit later.  Yes it would be nice if
people validated data but having to write about that everytime gets old.
My advice wasn't ideal, I'll admit that.


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Re: [PHP] Unexpected T_ENCAPSED...

2004-07-24 Thread Philip Olson
> Sorry, let me clearify.. unless UserId is an integer, quote it !!

And quoting integers is not a problem, I even prefer it.  IMHO we should
tell people to quote all values so if someone "forgets" to do any sort of
input validation (i.e. make sure it's actually an integer) there won't be
a major problem otherwise problems (including SQL injection) may arise.


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Re: [PHP] good PHP to PDF libary?

2004-07-23 Thread Philip Olson
> Im looking for some good and complete and advanced PHP to PDF libarary.
> So far, i have seen pdflib and r&os pdf class. But i really would like
> to hear from you guys what is best?
> my only main goal for this is to create a low - res pdf and a hi - res
> business card pdf template.

Several are listed in this faq:


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Re: [PHP] PHP-5 book

2004-07-21 Thread Philip Olson
> Can someone advise me of a very good PHP-5 book.

Hands down the best:

 Advanced PHP Programming
 by George Schlossnagle


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Re: [PHP] [php] error in manual?

2004-07-20 Thread Philip Olson

Yes you're correct, this was fixed about a week ago and will show up when
the manual is next built (which should be soon), here's the diff:

When you find errors like this be sure to file a doc bug report at but be sure to search the bug database first!  For example
here's the report for this very bug:


On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Nick W wrote:

> On the page
> the first part reads:
>  The visibility of a member or method can be defined by prefixing the 
> declaration with the keywords: public, protected or private. Public declared 
> items can be allow access to any caller. Protected limits access access to 
> only classes inherited. Protected limits visiblity only to the class that 
> defines the item.
> should be [I think]
>  The visibility of a member or method can be defined by prefixing the 
> declaration with the keywords: public, protected or private. Public declared 
> items can be allow access to any caller. Protected limits access access to 
> only classes inherited. PRIVATE limits visiblity only to the class that 
> defines the item.
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] file_exists() to search for *.xml file with a wild card???

2004-07-20 Thread Philip Olson
> I would like to use the file_exists() or something similar to check for the
> existance of any of the xml files regardless of what filename it use.   Like
> file_exist("*.xml") for example.  Anyone know??

You may use glob(),


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Re: [PHP] PHP error catching....

2004-07-20 Thread Philip Olson
> What are those php functions that catch the PHP errors, not display it and
> do something to it while the user load a webpage.   I don't remember what
> those are.  :-(

Look around set_error_handler()


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Re: [PHP] Re: newbie needs help in getting php and MySQL integrated

2004-07-20 Thread Philip Olson
> > Windows XP SP1
> > Norton Antivirus and Internet Security
> > Apache 2
> > PHP 5
> > MySQL 4.0.16
> > 
> > All seem to work. I can run PHP scripts on the Apache server without any trouble.  
> > I have MySQL running as a service and the basic SQL command line commands and 
> > winmysqladmin shows all ok (to my limited knowledge so far).  
> > 
> > So as the PHP installation instructions stated :
> > 
> >   Since PHP 4.0.5 MySQL, ODBC, FTP, Calendar, BCMath, COM, PCRE,
> >   Session, WDDX and XML support is built-in. You don't need to
> >   load any additional extensions in order to use these functions.
> MySQL extension is included with PHP5, BUT NOT BUILT IN - thankfully ;)
> It needs enabling in php.ini
> The next beginner step is 'phpinfo();' which should be your first page 
> to build, THEN you will see what is actually loaded ;)

Actually the next step (or perhaps the first step :) would be to read the

It links to this faq:

Which mentions the libmySQL.dll DLL, a very important DLL!  This faq (or a
different/similar one) will soon mention this error and solution, and the
mysql docs will soon make it even clearer.  The Windows extension docs
will also be updated, I am surpised they have not been.


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Re: [PHP] Won't get $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']

2004-07-20 Thread Philip Olson
> Has there been any changes concerning $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] in PHP5? 
> My news-script won't let me login after I changed from PHP 4.3.7 to 
> 5.0.0 (Win32, Apache 1.3.31, php as module). I've checked 
> var_dump($_SERVER) and there's no PHP_AUTH_USER in the list, just 
> PHP_AUTH_PW. How come?
> It's called from this:
> header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"My Site\"");

This is a bug in PHP 5.0.0, here's the report:


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Re: [PHP] stripslashes() when reading from the DB

2004-07-12 Thread Philip Olson

> > I usually stripslashes() when I read the info from the database (MySQL).
> >   Because the information was inserted after adding slashes, or the
> > system has magic_quotes_gpc set to ON.
> > 
> > I'd like to know, if I can do stripslashes() directly, as it is suposed
> > that all data was inserted into DB after slashing the vars. I mean,
> > should I check or not before if magic_quotes_gpc are on ?
> > 
> > As I know, magic_quotes_gpc has nothing to do with info readed from the
> > DB, as it only affects Get/Post/Cookie values.
> > 
> > I think to make a check like this:
> > 
> > $result = mysql_query("SELECT ");
> > $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
> > 
> > foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
> >  $row[$key] = stripslashes($value);
> > }
> > 
> > But not sure if it really necessary, as i'm getting some confusing results.
> > 
> What you *should* be doing is check for magic quotes when inserting into the DB.
> if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
>   $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
> }
> $query = 'INSERT INTO table (field) VALUES ("'.$value.'")';
> mysql_query($query);

To add further comment.  If you're required to run stripslashes() on
data coming out of your database then you did something wrong.  Your
code would have essentially looked like the following before insertion:

  $var = addslashes(addslashes($var));

Where 'magic_quotes_gpc = on' essentially executed one of those
addslashes().  The above use of get_magic_quotes_gpc() shows you 
how to add slashes just once thus not having a bunch of \' type 
badness inside your database.  Remember backslashes are only 
added to make proper strings for db insertion so the backslashes 
should never actually make it into the database.


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Re: [PHP] Malicious SQL

2004-07-08 Thread Philip Olson

> > on the contrary:
> > sql = mysql_query("select * from users where name='".$name."'");
> >
> > will simply look for a user with a name of "Jim; delete from users;" and
> > return no results found.
> But I can also enter:
> jim'; delete from users
> You need to catch if there's a quote in the $name too, and escape that.

One thing to remember is mysql_query() will execute just one (the first)
query so use of ; won't do anything in the above except break the
query.  Still though the point is well taken, be sure to add slashes
(once) and put single quotes around the criteria ($name) and life will be
grand.  Quotes around numerical values won't hurt (such as id = '$id')
although it's not required.  If you choose not to do that then be sure
it's numerical before use (like cast it as an int, or check 
is_numeric(), etc. ...).  Some people check for ';' in the request
variable and if found yell at the user, that can be fun.
does this.

In regards to the controversial magic_quotes_gpc PHP directive, I feel it
should remain on by default but if you know what you're doing then set it
yourself.  Scripts that work everywhere should of course work perfectly
with it on or off.  php.ini-dist (the default php.ini) has it on while the
php.ini-recommended has it off.  You must know what you're doing to use
the 'recommended' version of php.ini.  PHP is a newbie friendly language
and newbies are for the most part clueless and don't know what strings or
integers are, or why data should be escaped, or what data validation is or
why it's important.  This is why magical quotes exist as without them
just think how many people would keep getting "malicious SQL" in their
code and blame PHP, or how seemingly random SQL syntax errors would crop
up.  For these reasons dealing with "Why do I get \' everywhere" type
questions is worth it, and why magic_quotes_gpc exists as a php.ini 


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Re: [PHP] import_request_variables

2004-07-06 Thread Philip Olson

> > > I get error : import_request_variables while I make a script to call a
> > > variable.
> > >
> > > This my header (in my script -- error) :
> > >
> > > import_request_variables( "GPC" );
> > >
> > > anybody knows why this happen ?
> >
> >
> > So, what's the exact error PHP gives you?
> I got this error at browser :
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: import_request_variables() in
> /var/www/html/zm.php on line 21

The import_request_variables() function became available 
in PHP 4.1.0 so you have an older version then this (which 
is a bad idea!), consider upgrading.  The manual has version
information, and phpinfo() tells all (including the PHP
version you're using).

Also, your code is *essentially* a runtime version of the much
hated register_globals PHP directive so you have the following
options to mimick the above behavior:

 1) Upgrade PHP! (preferred)
 2) Turn on register_globals in php.ini or .htaccess
 3) Use extract() on various $HTTP_*_VARS variables

Ideally you'd upgrade PHP and use either the superglobals
and/or use import_requests_variables() by using its second 
parameter, something like:

  import_request_variables('gpc', 'r_');

  echo $r_somevariable;

Adding the prefix is a good idea here as you will KNOW these
variables came via the REQUEST as opposed to being 
somewhere from within your script.  Why do you want to
know this?  Read:

So in short you really should upgrade PHP and then use these
request variables as explained here:


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Re: [PHP] import_request_variables

2004-07-06 Thread Philip Olson

> I get error : import_request_variables while I make a script to call a
> variable.
> This my header (in my script -- error) :
> import_request_variables( "GPC" );
> anybody knows why this happen ?

So, what's the exact error PHP gives you?


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Re: [PHP] Help with array / list looping syntax

2004-06-29 Thread Philip Olson
> > I need some help with a looping syntax. In english, "a" is used before
> > words that begin with consonants - "an" is used before words that start
> > with vowels. I'm trying to create a loop that checks this state and inserts
> > the correct word in the echo line. Below is the sloppy version of what I'm
> > trying to do...
> > 
> >  > if (substr($table['field'], 0, 1)=="a") OR (substr($table['field'], 0,
> > 1)=="e") OR (substr($table['field'], 0, 1)=="i") OR
> > (substr($table['field'], 0, 1)=="u") OR (substr($table['field'], 0,
> > 1)=="y") }
> > echo 'Member has an ' . $table['field'] . ' who is...';
> > } else {
> > echo 'Member has a ' . $table['field'] . 'who is...';
> > }
> > ?>
> > 
> > There's got to a cleaner way to do this. Perhaps using a list or array
> > containing the vowels and steping through it checking the first letter of
> > the field contents against each member of the list. But, I don't know how
> > to code this system. Please help.
> > 
> How about this?
> $vowels = array('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u');
> echo 'Member has a'.(in_array($table['field'][0], $vowels) ? 'n' :
> '').' '.$table['field'].' who is...';

Yet another solution (just for fun):

$vowels = 'aeiou';
if (false !== strpos($vowels,strtolower($table['field']{0}))) echo 'n'; 


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Re: [PHP] Re: Error Reporting

2004-06-28 Thread Philip Olson
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Daniel Kullik wrote:

> Tom Chubb wrote:
> > I ave a strange problem with my error reporting!
> > I have set php.ini to: error_reporting  =  E_ALL but I don't see any errors.
> > (After I was happy things were working on my Apache Test Server, I uploaded
> > to my web host and discovered errors.)
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Tom
> Make sure that "display_errors" in your php.ini is set to "On".
> You might also use ini_set() to set it to "On" at the beginning of each 
> of your scripts. Some prepend-file is suggested.
> Note (php.ini):
> "For production web sites, you're strongly encouraged to turn this 
> feature off, and use error logging instead (see below).  Keeping 
> display_errors enabled on a production web site may reveal security 
> information to end users, such as file paths on your Web server, your 
> database schema or other information."

Also note that turning it on at runtime (ini_set) won't 
work if a parse error exists as the code want execute so 
the errors won't "be displayed"


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RE: [PHP] Re: getting query string from referer website

2004-06-28 Thread Philip Olson

> $referer =
> "
> b-web-t&cop=mss&tab=";
> if (strpos($referer, "q=") != FALSE) { $query = "q=";} else if
> (strpos($referer, "p=") != FALSE) { $query = "p=";}
> $searcharray = explode("&", substr($referer, (strpos($referer, $query)+2)));
>  $searchstring = urldecode($searcharray[0]);
> echo "Your search words are: $searchstring";

Consider this example, not well tested but it should 
also work:

// This is the key, these functions are sexy
$url = parse_url($referer);
parse_str($url['query'], $query);

$search_keywords = '';
if (is_array($query)) {
foreach ($query as $type => $keywords) {
if (in_array($type, array('q','query','p','qkw'))) {
$search_keywords = urldecode($keywords);
if (empty($search_keywords)) {
echo "Unknown keywords, perhaps you didn't use a SE";
} else {
echo "Your searchwords are: {$search_keywords} \n";
echo "You used the host: {$url['host']} to get here.";


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RE: [PHP] socket_set_block undefined

2004-06-25 Thread Philip Olson

Perhaps you have multiple PHP versions on your system?  Like 
an old CLI or CGI laying around somewhere?  Maybe try checking
the PHP version in the code as well.  If it's not that then
I have no idea.


On Fri, 25 Jun 2004, Josh Close wrote:

> Well, here's the code i'm using. Let me know if I'm doing something silly.
> if(!socket_set_nonblock($this->socket)){
>   if($this->logging){ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not set socket to nonblock."); }
>   exit();
> }
> //connection part goes here
> if(!socket_set_block($this->socket)){
>   if($this->logging){ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not set socket to block."); }
>   exit();
> }
> if($this->loggging){ syslog(LOG_INFO, "Socket set to block."); }
>  and here's the error
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function:  socket_set_block()
> -Josh
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Philip Olson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 2:11 PM
> > To: Josh Close
> > Cc: PHP (E-mail)
> > Subject: Re: [PHP] socket_set_block undefined
> >
> >
> >
> > > I'm trying to use socket_set_block and says (php4
> > >= 4.2, php5).
> > >
> > > I'm using version 4.3.1 but I get this error
> > >
> > > Fatal error: Call to undefined function:
> > socket_set_block() in .
> > >
> > > Any idea why this is? Has the name changed or been something else?
> > >
> > > socket_set_nonblock() work fine.
> >
> > Strange as the name has not changed and the function
> > requires nothing special (no IF block around it), here's
> > the source:
> >
> >
> >
> > Since socket_set_nonblock() exists you must have
> > the socket extension available so this is odd.
> > Are you sure this problem exists and it's not
> > something silly?  Seems like an impossible problem
> > assuming your php source wasn't modified :)
> >
> > Regards,
> > Philip
> >
> > --
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> >
> >
> >

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Re: [PHP] socket_set_block undefined

2004-06-25 Thread Philip Olson

> I'm trying to use socket_set_block and says (php4 >= 4.2, php5).
> I'm using version 4.3.1 but I get this error
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function:  socket_set_block() in .
> Any idea why this is? Has the name changed or been something else?
> socket_set_nonblock() work fine.

Strange as the name has not changed and the function
requires nothing special (no IF block around it), here's 
the source:

Since socket_set_nonblock() exists you must have
the socket extension available so this is odd.
Are you sure this problem exists and it's not
something silly?  Seems like an impossible problem
assuming your php source wasn't modified :)


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Re: [PHP] string function that adds before and after

2004-06-25 Thread Philip Olson
> >>There's a number of functions in PHP that will give me the position of
> >>the *first* instance of the matched string, but it doesn't look like the
> >>function would keep searching after the first match.  Anyway, am I
> >>overlooking a function that already has the functionality that I'm
> >>searching for?  Or does anyone have any ideas how I can accomplish this
> >>efficiently since my search strings can be quite long?
> > 
> > 
> > try this
> > 
> > preg_replace('/(weather)/i', "$1", 'This is the worst
> > weather ever.  Weather around
> > here is terrible. ')
> Thanks Matt.  I think that will do the trick.  Let me see if I 
> understand it correctly.  the "i" will make the search case-INsensitive, 
> and the parenthesis around "weather" will store what it finds in the 
> variable $1?  Is that right?

Also consider str_replace() as it's faster albeit case
sensitive.  str_ireplace() exists in PHP 5.  Just another
option, I'm surprised you didn't find it when looking
around strpos() and friends.

Your assumptions above are correct, sorry Matt for stepping
in! :)  I prefer cold weather.


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RE: [PHP] a stupid question

2004-06-25 Thread Philip Olson

>> I cant figureout the syntax please help
>> echo "Some text".aFunction()."some more text";
>> The function is not working.
> Your problem is the paren's
> echo "'some text' $aFunction 'some more text'";
> You need double quotes for the entire string, but single 
> quotes around the text so it knows it is text.  

This is very much incorrect, not sure where to begin
but please ignore this advice.  A string is a string
is a string is a string:

I'm 99% sure the problem is aFunction() is echoing
a value as opposed to returning one, this is a
common question answered here:

If that doesn't answer your question then please
post the code.

Regarding the subject of this thread you should consider
asking smart questions by reading the following in its

Very useful for all parties involved! :)


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Re: [PHP] [Q]PHP not taking input values from forms

2004-02-12 Thread Philip Olson

> > > that tag is working fine and shows me the info. For some reason php will
> > > take input values only from the URL, not from the html code. any ideas?
> >
> >A few questions:
> >
> >   a) What's the exact version of PHP?
> >   b) Please post the smallest possible form that creates this
> >  problem.
> >   c) And how are you attempting to access these form values?
> >
> >If you're interested in some working examples and related
> >information, have a look at the following manual page:
> >
> >
> Thanks for the suggestions, first of all. I tried that exact code from the 
> code you included and I cut and pasted the "Simple HTML Form", and below 
> that I pasted the "Accessing Data..." php code. When I go to the page, all 
> it does after I hit the submit button with data in the fields, is say "no 
> input file specified". But when I run it through the url giving the input 
> names with values, it returns them. I tried getting it working with like ten 
> people so far, and no one's been able to figure out... I am running PHP 
> 4.3.4, btw.

Be sure you rename the "action" part of the "simple html form" 
to whatever page you are using, instead of foo.php, as otherwise 
it will literally attempt to access foo.php  I'm guessing this 
is what's happening by seeing "no input file specified".

Either fix that or on that same manual page is the example 
titled "More complex form variables", this prints to itself
as it demonstrates a use of the popular $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] 

Also, it's important you realize the difference between POST
and GET, and how to access them, so you may want to read that
manual page too. (hint: GET is through the URL's QUERY_STRING
(the stuff after the ?) while POST is not).


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Re: [PHP] [Q]PHP not taking input values from forms

2004-02-12 Thread Philip Olson
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Dan Aloma wrote:

> that tag is working fine and shows me the info. For some reason php will 
> take input values only from the URL, not from the html code. any ideas?

A few questions:

  a) What's the exact version of PHP?
  b) Please post the smallest possible form that creates this 
  c) And how are you attempting to access these form values?

If you're interested in some working examples and related
information, have a look at the following manual page:


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Re: [PHP] Looking for Spam free php form

2003-11-17 Thread Philip Olson
> > I am looking for a canned php form which hides the recipient email from
> > prying eyes. Everything I have found uses a hidden field.
> If you only need the email address on the back end, why not encode it
> (using your flavor of choice) and stick that value in the hidden field.  Then,
> upon submission, just decode and use.

Maybe I am misreading this question but why not just use id's
instead.  For example, in your database you might have:

  id name  email
  1  john  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2  fred  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the form you use the names, and unique ids, and the backend
will get the email addresses from the ids.  This way they choose 
names to send to but don't see the email addresses.


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Re: [PHP] how do i get assosciative name in foreach

2003-08-14 Thread Philip Olson

$arr = array('key' => 'value');
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
echo "$k is the name/key, $v is the value";


On 8 Aug 2003, Dan Anderson wrote:

> I want to send an assosciative array to a foreach loop.  Is there any
> way to get the name?
> For instance, now I have:
> $array['element1']['name'] = 'element1';
> $array['element1']['value'] = 'value1';
> $array['element2']['name'] = 'element2';
> $array['element2']['value'] = 'value1';
> foreach ($array as $element)
> {
>   if ($element['name'] == 'element1')
> { do_something(); }
>   elseif ($element['name'] == 'element1')
> { do_somethingelse(); }
> }
> ?>
> I want to do:
> $array['element1'] = 'element1';
> $array['element2'] = 'element2';
> foreach ($array as $element)
> {
>   // assuming get_assoc gets the assosciative name
>   if (get_assoc($element) == 'element1')
> {get_assoc($element) do_something(); }
>   elseif ( == 'element1')
> { do_somethingelse(); }
> }
> ?>
> Is what I want possible?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dan
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Old version of PHP

2003-08-10 Thread Philip Olson
> > > Thanks for all the feedback, guys. Is there an errata page somewhere
> > > lists known bugs in the PHP interpretter?
> >
> > google > php bugs
> I appreciate the (rather indirect) pointer to the PHP bug tracking site - I
> didn't know about that. Errata, it seems to me anyway, perform a different
> purpose. I don't mind RTFM-style responses, but please at least read my
> question more closely.
> I find the "reporting bugs" link on the PHP website a bit misleading since
> that page serves more purposes than simply reporting bugs.

There is no Errata per se, but there is a changelog that
lists bugs/fixes and even links to the bug reports in
question.  One day the manual will have its own changelog
that will list every change, such as new parameters, 
name changes, default value changes, etc.  But it doesn't
exist yet.

Here are the changelogs:


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Re: [PHP] Trouble getting $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA

2003-08-01 Thread Philip Olson

Your script should work fine, and to fix claims made in
this thread:

  a) $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is NOT an array, it's a string.
  b) It does not live in $_SERVER, or rely on register_globals.

Your code is wrong because you don't provide names for your
fields, so there is no POST data.  Assign your text field
a name, and your submit field a name, and it will work.
Also, keep in mind that $PHP_SELF existing requires the
PHP directive register_globals to be on.



On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Balazs Halasy wrote:

> I need to have the contents of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA because of
> non-regular uploads (from browser to my home-made WevDAV server implementation 
> (done in PHP)). However, no matter what I
> do, it is always NULL. I guess the following script should return
> SOMETHING in $HTTP_RAW_POST DATA if "always_populate_raw_post_data = On" is
> added to the php.ini file (and yes, I've restarted apache :-)... so, why
> is it empty and how can I get the RAW post data? My PHP version is 4.3.2.
> test.php: 
>  echo("Raw post data: ".$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA."\n"); 
> echo("Raw post data decoded:
> ".base64_decode($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA)."\n"); 
> echo(""); 
> phpinfo(); 
> ?> 
> Allman
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Missing php.ini file

2003-07-14 Thread Philip Olson
> > You'll be waiting a long time, until the end of time :)
> > Because the php4 module is now named php-src, so change
> > that in the url and you'll be set.
> Thanks. Someone needs to change the link in the Configuration chapter of the
> manual, too, b/c that's how I always find it. :)

Done, fixed in CVS!


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Re: [PHP] Strange Problem

2003-07-14 Thread Philip Olson

This is an IIS issue.  The install.txt has specific
information on this topic, have a look.  Also, this comes
up a lot and the following bug report is full of newbies
asking bogus questions but it also contains some good info:

So it looks like security/permission settings where the
php cgi lacks permission.  Also:


On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Curt Zirzow wrote:

> Haseeb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  
> >  
> > Hi all,
> > this is a very strange problem. i don't know where i am doing something that
> > is causing this. the problem is that i am working on a web portal  entirely
> > in  php. i have a few hidden pages. that do the queries to the DB. now when
> > i redirect to any page for query i get this error
> > CGI Error
> > The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
> > HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
> >  
> > strangely  when i hit F5 or refresh the page i get redirected to the desired
> > page. i have checked for any whitespaces. there are none. i have checked and
> > double checked this. i am using win2k,IIS, php 4.3.0
> >  
> Have you checked your log file, usually there is an error in the log
> file telling you what went wrong.
> > again i have checked all the files for any space left that could be causing
> > problem but i found none.
> This usually happens when non http headers are sent to the server when
> it wasnt expecting them, php should be handling this. But to check this
> make sure you try sending out a header('Content-Type: text/plain') first
> thing in the script then dont do a redirect and see if some text is
> showing up that shouldn't be.
> >  
> > i hope i make my self clear.
> > Haseeb
> Curt.
> -- 
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Missing php.ini file

2003-07-14 Thread Philip Olson
On 14 Jul 2003, Chris Blake wrote:

> On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 14:13, John W. Holmes wrote:
> > .
> > 
> > You can normally just get a new php.ini from here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > but it's giving a 505 error right now. May have to wait a bit.
> > 
> > First, create a PHP page with just the function  on it. 
> > Load up that page and look in the first block. Look for the line that 
> > says: Configuration File (php.ini) Path. If a php.ini file is listed 
> > there, that's the one that PHP is using. If just a path is shown, then 
> > PHP is using its defaults and that's where you should place the php.ini 
> > file when you get one. You can download the appropriate distro for your 
> > OS and just copy the php.ini from there, also. They are normally called 
> > php.ini-dist and php.ini-recommended that you rename into php.ini.
> > 
> > -- 
> > ---John Holmes...
> Thanks John,
> I`m also getting the 505 and will check back later..
> Thanks for the tip/link, much appreciated...

You'll be waiting a long time, until the end of time :)
Because the php4 module is now named php-src, so change
that in the url and you'll be set.


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Re: [PHP] Configuration Problems

2003-07-12 Thread Philip Olson

Here's a faq:

You need to upgrade your old DCOM.


On Sat, 12 Jul 2003, Arun wrote:

> I have installed Apache 2.0.47 and php 4.3.2 in Windows 98. Downloaded the
> php in the .zip format.
> The Apache server works properly without the inclusion of php.
> The problem is apache dosent even start with php in the SAPI mode,it gives a
> error stating that:
> "One of the device attached to the system isnt functioning properly"
> (or)
> "Library files missing"
> and in the CGI mode the apache server starts and it executes the .html files
> but it dosent execute the .php file or the .html files with php commands
> giving an error statement:
> "Internal Server Error
> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was  unable
> to complete your request."
> with a dialog box message stating that
> "The PHP4TS.DLL file is linked to missing export OLEAUT32.DLL:77."
> (I do have the OLEAUT32.DLL file in the same folder as the PHP4TS.DLL file)
> I have copied all the .dlls and php.ini to their respective places as given
> in the manual but still dosent work.
> I am hoping some one could give me a suggestion or a solution to my problem.
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] imagecreate() error

2003-07-12 Thread Philip Olson
Hello Michelle-

a) Only enable one GD dll, so use php_gd2.dll.
b) Consider using imagecreatetruecolor() instead but
   either will work.
c) When asking support questions, it's important to
   say exactly what version, although in this case
   we know it's 4.3.0-1 as php_gd.dll was removed in
   PHP 4.3.2

Anyway, enable just one dll and it should work.  Be sure
to restart the web server afterwards.


On Sat, 12 Jul 2003, Michelle Bernard wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am running PHP 4.3 something or other, I have enabled php_gd.dll and
> php_gd2.dll, pointed the extension directory to the right place, looked at
> the phpinfo and it has the correct information about the gd's being enabled,
> I have tried reintalling apache and php...but still get errors on all simple
> scripts that i have tried...
> this is the error I get..
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate()
> any suggestions or tips?
> Thank you!!!
> Sincerely
> Michelle
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] php mysql array question

2003-07-11 Thread Philip Olson
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:

> > Is there any php function to pull a query into an array?  I know there is
> a
> > way to get the first row of the results in an array, but I'm having to
> loop
> > through each row pushing the row onto an array to get the result I'm
> looking
> > for and it seems like a lot of code for something that I would think is
> used
> > a lot.
> There's no PHP function to do so. Some abastraction layers provide this, but
> it's just doing a loop like you're doing.
> Show your code and we can offer tips on how to improve performance.

I'm glad this feature doesn't exist.  Just think how abused it would 
be, how many people would use it, when few would actually need it.  
Most people can use the data while in the loop, not after.  Or do
what is needed in the sql, not php.  Maybe I'm a little too parental 
though, but so be it. :)


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Re: [PHP] Password + login from the AND Basic-Authenticate form

2003-07-10 Thread Philip Olson
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Seigo wrote:

> Please tell me can users login with the html-page form and
> Basic-authentication?

  Chapter 16. HTTP authentication with PHP


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Re: [PHP] What's this talk about ASP to PHP?

2003-07-10 Thread Philip Olson
On 10 Jul 2003, Jonathan Villa wrote:

> I've read somewhere about some asptophp convertor/tool/methodology...?? 
> Don't know what it is, that's why I'm asking.
> I've been asked to help out on a project which might include some
> already developed basic ASP code.  I would rather do it in PHP.

  2. Is there an ASP to PHP converter?


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RE: [PHP] $_POST problem

2003-07-09 Thread Philip Olson
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Joe Harman wrote:

> Yeah, me too... LOL... Although, I don't understand the curly
> brackets... I don't see any examples using them in the manual either...

Actually, the manual is pretty clear on this, and with tons
of examples:

It's just a matter of where to look :)


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Re: [PHP] MySQL Results - display issue :S

2003-07-09 Thread Philip Olson
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Brenton Dobell wrote:

> I know im probibly getting irritating to most of you :P but i thought i may
> ask another thing that is on my mind!
> I have a sql query bringing back 200 rows for arguments sake, From this i
> would like an answer to 2 issues i have.
> 1) I know how to display it row after row going down :P duh of course :P,
> but i have seen sites where it goes across then down across then down ect
> ect like X -> X then next row ect. How is this done??

> 2) How can i alternate the colours for each row?? row 1 eg light blue and
> the 2nd row dark blue then back to light blue ect ect.


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RE: [PHP] $_POST problem

2003-07-09 Thread Philip Olson

The only time you want to use {braces} like that is
when you are in a string.  None of the suggestions
here are in strings, so the use of {braces} is bogus.
The following is good:

  echo "Hello {$there['friend']} is good";

Note how we're in a string.  This topic is very much
discussed (with loads of examples) here:

Regarding the question in this thread, it's not clear
what you're problem is.  If the form is method POST,
and you have at least PHP version 4.1.0, there is a
100% chance that the name/value will live in $_POST.


  echo $_POST['foo'];

Not sure what the question is, could you be a little
more clear?  It seems you are mixing up img_keywords
and new_keywords, maybe that's it.  Debugging101
would say to check what's in $_POST, which could be:



On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Aaron Axelsen wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Sometimes in situatinos like that, it does the trick for me, im not
> really sure why though .., I just now it works :)
> - ---
> Aaron Axelsen
> Want reliable web hosting at affordable prices?
> Web Dev/Design Community/Zine
> - -Original Message-
> From: Joe Harman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 11:09 PM
> To: 'Micah Montoy'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [PHP] $_POST problem
> Hey... Just for Sh** and giggles... Try removing the quotes from
> keywords
> Make it look like this...
> $img_keywords = trim({$_POST[keywords]})
> Hmmm. Something is up here... Never seen curly brackets used like
> this... But that would probably be normal for me LOLjust
> thought I point out anything unusual...
> - -Original Message-
> From: Micah Montoy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 11:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] $_POST problem
> Nope.  That didn't do it.  The errors I'm receiving are:
> Notice: Undefined index: keywords in
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\webpage10\example\v_images\dsp_update_image.php on
> line 22 and
> Notice: Undefined variable: img_keywords in
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\webpage10\example\v_images\dsp_update_image.php on
> line 29
> thanks
> "Aaron Axelsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Try:
> >
> > $img_keywords = trim({$_POST["keywords"]});
> >
> > - ---
> > Aaron Axelsen
> > AIM: AAAK2
> >
> > Want reliable web hosting at affordable prices?
> >
> > Web Dev/Design Community/Zine
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > - -Original Message-
> > From: Micah Montoy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 10:26 PM
> > Subject: [PHP] $_POST problem
> >
> >
> > Anyone see what when I submit this, I can't do a $_POST on it?  I
> > check with the DB first to see if there is a value and if so, I
> > fill  it, otherwise, it will return a blank for the user to fill if
> > they  want.
> >
> >  
> > ?>" size="53" maxlength="500">
> >
> > On the page that it goes to when it is submitted, the post looks
> > like this:
> >
> > $img_keywords = trim($_POST["keywords"]);
> >
> >
> > thanks
> >
> >
> >
> > - --
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> > iQA/AwUBPwzdn7rnDjSLw9ADEQIcCQCgkktDGf9u26bOntsqMPw93lpINdcAoM9h
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> >
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Re: [PHP] print vs heredoc

2003-07-07 Thread Philip Olson
> As to which is faster is does not really matter as the speed of echo
> print and heredoc is dictated by the connection speed to the
> requesting client. If this is a factor in your overall operation you
> can use output buffering to save the contents and output them at the end of
> your script.

Although really, heredoc can't be compared to either
echo or print, as it's just a string definition that
eventually will be printed.  So I guess you guys are
really comparing "" vs heredoc?  And I agree that any
speed difference (if there is one) isn't a good reason
to choose when readablity may suffer.  So it all
depends on the situation, and the programmer.

> btw what would be nice is a print_raw command that does no
> parsing just sends the stuff :)
> (Would be good for template systems where you know there is no php
> hidden in there.) ... might gain a couple of micro seconds

I believe this is called "breaking out of PHP mode
and into HTML mode", which can be done anywhere, at
any time.


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Re: [PHP] Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

2003-07-06 Thread Philip Olson

On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, arnaud gonzales wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am getting crazy, can't understand what i missed!
> Does anybody know?
> $champs = array ("titre_art" => "h3" ,"nom" => "bleu", 
>  "prenom" => "green", "resume" => "bold");
> foreach($champs as $key => $value) {
> echo "$row($key))";
> }

It works fine, you are using different code then the above.
In your actual code, make sure you pass in an array that
exists, as currently you are not.

One example reason, the foreach is inside a function and
$champs isn't available in the functions scope (global).

At any rate, before your foreach, var_dump($champs) and
it'll let you know what is up.


p.s. In case $row is an array, you actually mean to write
it as $row[$key], but this is unrelated to the error that
foreach is providing.

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Re: [PHP] how to modify in the db

2003-07-06 Thread Philip Olson


Also, be sure to learn basic SQL before use:


On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Kevin Fradkin wrote:

> hi...
> i have this secuence to insert data to my db
> mysql_query
> ("INSERT INTO my_table(
>  number,name,surname
> )
>  values ('$number','$name','$surname'
> )");
> i want to ask what do i have to do if i want to modify instead of insert
> when this data already exists...
>  for example.. i have in my_table
> number name surname
> 1jhon smith
> and i want to change the name...jhon --> john
> and if that not exist create it...
> number name surname
> 0  mary   duke
> 1  charles emmerson
> and add john's one.. ( to check if i can use only modify to add )
> thnx!..
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Reading from remote file

2003-07-06 Thread Philip Olson

This is already fixed in CVS.  The entire example is bogus, 
it should not be using filesize($filename) either.

Here's what's in CVS (the manual will be rebuilt sometime
in the next week):";, "rb");
$contents = "";
do {
$data = fread($handle, 8192);
if (strlen($data) == 0) {
$contents .= $data;
} while(true);
fclose ($handle);

And the whole point is to demonstrate the following note:

 "When reading from network streams or pipes, such as those 
  returned when reading remote files or from popen() and 
  proc_open(), reading will stop after a packet is available. 
  This means that you should collect the data together in 
  chunks as shown in the example below."

Have fun :)


On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Daniele Baroncelli wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am trying to read from a remote file, by using an example reported at the
> manual page for the fread function:
>  $handle = fopen ("";, "rb");
> $contents = "";
> do {
> $data = fread ($handle, filesize ($filename));
> if (strlen($data) == 0) {
> break;
> }
> $contents .= $data;
> }
> fclose ($handle);
> ?>
> Unfortunately this example is incorrect, as it gives me a parse error. The
> mistake should be in the fact that there is a "do" keyword without a
> "while".
> Would anyone suggest me the correct version?
> Cheers
> Daniele
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Re: [PHP] Q on echo phpinfo() ;

2003-07-05 Thread Philip Olson

You may set the location of php.ini by using the PHPRC 
environment variable or during ./configure use the
--with-config-file-path directive.  Maybe you should
just copy a php.ini into the directory PHP is looking for
it in, which appears to be C:\WINNIT.  If PHP was actually
reading a php.ini, you would have instead seen it as
C:\WINNIT\php.ini as opposed to just a directory path.  So
because no php.ini is being read, PHP is using all default
values as per a stock php.ini-dist.


On Sat, 5 Jul 2003, jsWalter wrote:

> I ran this as a script from my Apache and it gave me a beautiful web page
> just full of wonderful information!
> But I have a question on just 1 item...
> Configuration File (piping) Path C:\WINNIT
> How does this value get set?
> My PHP is installed at 'G:\etc\php'
> My php.ini is there as well.
> The paths are set (in that ini file) as...
> include_path = ".;G:\etc\php\extensions;G:\etc\php\pear"
> extension_dir = "G:\etc\php\extensions"
> Even My Apache is told to look there as well...
> # Windows Win32 version
> LoadFile "/etc/php/gnu_gettext.dll"
> LoadModule php4_module "/etc/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll"
> Action application/x-httpd-php "/etc/php/php.exe"
> ScriptAlias /php/ "/etc/php/"
> (pls don't comment about there being volume letters missing to this block,
> I want to focus on the issue of a path being defined from out of the blue)
> Is this being hard coded somewhere?
> If so, then why does my PHP work at all?
> I have nothing that belongs to PHP in the system directory.
> Well, not completely true.
> PEAR installed a pear.ini in the system directory itself (I wish it didn't,
> but my PEAR not working properly is a different issue.)
> Nothing I've read from the web or the documentation has given me any
> understand on how this is set and why PHP file are needed in the location
> that the says to place them.
> I guess, this is a question for the folks who wrote the executables for
> Windows.
> Thanks for any help and enlightenment.
> Walter
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] how to :: multi select

2003-07-04 Thread Philip Olson
On Fri, 4 Jul 2003, Thomas Hochstetter wrote:

> Hi guys,
> This might just be off the topic, but here it goes anyway:
> How can one multi select check boxes and pass them through in php,
> without getting mixed up with variables (email multi select style).

Read these faqs:


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Re: [PHP] date() function and timestamps

2003-07-03 Thread Philip Olson


You are using an m where you want an i.


On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Garrick Linn wrote:

> Hello all,
> I seem to be running into a problem where the date() function appears not 
> to differentiate properly between unix timestamps.
> For example, the code:
> $seconds = 1054278483;
> echo "$seconds";
> echo date("d-m-Y H:m:s", $seconds);
> echo "";
> $seconds = ($seconds - 60);
> echo "$seconds";
> echo date("d-m-Y H:m:s", $seconds);
> echo "";
> ?>
> outputs
> 1054278483
> 30-05-2003 02:05:03
> 1054278423
> 30-05-2003 02:05:03
> I would expect the second date() to output 30-05-2003 02:04:03 as the 
> second timestamp is exactly 60 seconds behind the first, but I might be 
> missing something.  I see the same behavior on two redhat linux machines 
> running Apache 2.0.40 + PHP 4.2.2 and Apache 1.3.26 + PHP 4.3.2 
> respectively.  Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Garrick Linn
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Re: [PHP] Problem with PHP installation Under windows 2003

2003-07-02 Thread Philip Olson
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Dennis Verdaasdonk wrote:
> Hi there
> i was bussy with installing the PHP package under windows 2003
> when i do it with the CGI bin i ill always get error 404 and ca not find
> that problem
> when i use the ASPI way it's can not be loaded.. any idea please tell
> me.

There is an open doc bug on this, it appears IIS 6 requires an
extra step.  Have a look:


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Re: [PHP] states

2003-07-01 Thread Philip Olson
> Does anyone know of any built in functions or options for the US states?
> I want to make a drop down menu and some other things which have the 50
> states in it.  Is there any shortcut for this with PHP, or do I need to
> do it all manually in HTML?  Please let me know.  Thanks.

Here's one:


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Re: [PHP] Concatenate

2003-06-30 Thread Philip Olson
> how can i concatenate two strings?  i cant seem to find the
> function...  thanks :)

Read this:

And then this:


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Re: [PHP] PHP5 with MySQL on windows

2003-06-29 Thread Philip Olson
Hello Janet-

Currently you have two choices:

  a) Compile PHP 5 on Windows yourself, with MySQL support
  b) Wait for a DLL to exist

There isn't a DLL right now, nor do I know when one will
exist.  But, you can be pretty sure that one will 
eventually exist, especially before PHP 5 is officially

PHP 5 beta 1 was released today, there isn't a MySQL DLL
in there either.

In PHP 4, MySQL is of course built in.  That all changed
in PHP 5 where it's no longer built in to the Windows
binaries, nor is it bundled or enabled by default in *nix.


On Sun, 29 Jun 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I can't seem to figure out how to get PHP5 working with MySQL support. I just
> downloaded the latest PHP5 from snaps (which seems to be yesterday's build)
> and it's installed fine, but I can't seem to get MySQL support.
> The php.ini file still says 
> ;Note that MySQL and ODBC support is now built in, so no dll is needed for it.
> However, MySQL support is no longer there. There doesn't seem to by any dll
> for mysql in the extensions subdirectory. 
> There's a libmySQL.dll in dlls, but copying that into my system directory and
> adding an extension line for it in the php.ini file doesn't work. I get an
> error that says invalid library. Besides, it obviously has a different name
> that the other extension dlls.
> I am using Windows 2000. I am running MySQL 3.23.54. 
> I can find nothing about this on the PHP web site. Everything I find still
> says that MySQL support is built-in. Can someone tell me what I need to do to
> use MySQL. 
> Janet
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2003-06-29 Thread Philip Olson

It would be best to read the manual pages on superglobals
and retrieving external variables as the manual explains
these topics in detail:


On Sun, 29 Jun 2003, | Wouter van Vliet wrote:

> Let's explain this thing with the superglobals now once again .. so that
> everybody knows it ...
> In newer versions of PHP some superglobal arrays are available...
> $_GET[] - For any variable passed through the query string (in the URL,
> or address bar in a syntax)
> but also fields submitted through a form with a tag like 
> $_POST[]- For any field submitted from a form with tag like  method="POST">
> $_COOKIE[]  - For any cookie set and available for the script you're
> running.
> ---
> $_REQUEST[] - Merges the above three together. I think I mentioned them in
> the default order of importance. Post overriding cookie, get overriding
> post.
> $_FILES[]   - Also for information send by a form, but now only the  type="FILE" name="fieldname"> entries are listed. Remember to use this kind
> of form tag:  method="post"> .. espeically "method=post" and "enctype=multipart/form-data"
> are essential. Prior to PHP4.3 the $_FILES superglobal was also included in
> $_REQUEST, but don't rely on that to happen since it will make your scripts
> fail in a newer version and have you look for a bug which is almost
> impossible to find.
> $_SESSION[] - Session vars set. When using $_SESSION, you should not use
> session_start() of functions like that. A session usually exists untill a
> user closes his/her browser window. Or 30 minutes has expired, whatever
> comes first. (The 30 minutes is a setting in php.ini and can be overriden,
> if i'm right about that)
> $_ENV[] - info about the user's default shell, homedir and stuff like
> that. The user as which your PHP script is running on the server, that is.
> NOT the user visiting your page.
> $_SERVER[]  - info about the server and the script which is running.. For
> example $_SERVER['php_self'] gives you the filename of the script,
> $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] for the apache basic authentication username..
> -
> So, now I hope this has been cleared out for everybody.. And that I'll still
> be in time to see my fav bands play at ParkPop, one of the biggest free open
> air pop festivals I think in Europe.. just around the corner of my house
> here in The Hague.
> Salutes,
> Wouter
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Jason Wong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Verzonden: vrijdag 27 juni 2003 22:46
> Onderwerp: Re: [PHP] $_POST problem
> On Saturday 28 June 2003 04:32, Sparky Kopetzky wrote:
> > I've got my script kinda running but am unable to retrieve any values with
> > $_POST. I turned on register_globals in the php.ini and am using this url:
> If you're going to be using $_POST (which you should) then you should
> *disable* register_globals.
> > (Sorry, it's local for
> now...)
> >
> > I'm using this kind of line to check for values:
> > elseif ('reg' == $_POST['action'])
> > {
> > do something;
> > }
> Does print_r($_POST) show your variables?
> If not are you using the POST method in your form?
> If so what version of PHP are you using?
> --
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
> Open Source Software Systems Integrators
> * Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
> --
> Search the list archives before you post
> --
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Re: [PHP]

2003-06-23 Thread Philip Olson
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, Doug Essinger-Hileman wrote:

> On 23 Jun 2003 at 13:22, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:
> > The first two characters are opening up a PHP block of code, so you
> > get a parse error. Either disable short open tags in php.ini, 
> I don't have access to php.ini. Can I do this on a script by script
> basis with
> ini_set(short_open_tag, off)

No.  (btw, be sure to quote your strings). In reading 
the table found here:

You will notice short_open_tag has this level:


And according to the documentation, most namely the
documenation found here:

It can be set in the following (in Apache) or similar
depending your web server:


Closest you have is .htaccess  But, if you don't want
to worry about it, just use echo as someone already
suggested, instead of embedding it.  Something like:

  echo '';

Btw, the question proposed in this thread is also a
documented FAQ here:


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Re: [PHP] Is there a way to get rid of \' and \" ?

2003-06-22 Thread Philip Olson
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003, Jason Wong wrote:

> On Sunday 22 June 2003 06:00, Dan Anderson wrote:
> > I have a form which feeds into an e-mail.  When I use the mail function
> > all 's turn into \'s and all "s turn into \"s.  
> Are you sure it's the mail() function that's doing it? I doubt it.
> > I tried
> > set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) and it didn't do anything, 
> In php.ini:
>   magic_quotes_gpc = Off

Btw, magic_quotes_gpc and magic_quotes_runtime are totally
different beasts.  You cannot set magic_quotes_gpc at
runtime but may use php.ini as Jason suggests or .htaccess

Before you set it off, be sure you know how it will affect
your SQL queries though.


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Re: [PHP] Variable from hidden fields shortens.

2003-06-22 Thread Philip Olson
For example:

$a = 'a b c';
print $a;// a b c
print urlencode($a); // a+b+c

So, you want to urlencode your url (the query string).


On Sun, 22 Jun 2003, Denis L. Menezes wrote:

> I have a form called feedback which has a hidden field as follows :
>  Print" value=\"$SubCategoryName\">";
> ?>
> I send this hidden field as a variable in form2 which sends an email with
> the following code :
> // Build up email header fields
>  $mailFrom = $SenderName;
> $mailTo = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> $mailSubject = "Message form";
>  $link="Please follow this link
> "."".$SubCategoryNa
> me;
>  $Message="$SenderName had searched for '$SubCategoryName'. His/her details
> are as follows : "."\n"."Telephone number : ".$SenderTelNumber."\n";
>  $Message=$Message."Mobile number : ".$SenderMobNumber."\n"."Email address :
> ".$SenderEmailAddress."\n";
>  $Message=$Message."Address : ".$SenderAddress;
> // Send email to member company
> mail($mailTo, $mailSubject, $Message,$link);
> ?>
> When my variable in form 1 is "Large Format Print", the mail that arrives is
> as follows :
> Please follow this
> link Format
> Print
> Jack had searched for 'Large Format Print'. His/her details are as follows :
> Telephone number : 454588445
> Email address : 989855564
> Address : some address1, some home, some street, some city
> As you can see the link does not show the full variable at the end and shows
> only the word "large" instead of "large Format Print"
> can any of you help?
> Thanks
> denis
> ---
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Re: [PHP] User's Screen Resolution Size

2003-06-18 Thread Philip Olson

> > I what to be able to set a variable based on user's screen resolution.
> > 
> > Can anyone tell me who to do that?
> Use javascript to get the screen resolution and pass it back to your php script thru 
> a 
> hidden form field or some other means.

And awhile back someone used this as an example for
passing Javascript information into PHP.  The example
passes in screen width and height:


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Re: [PHP] mySQL: Rows and columns

2003-06-18 Thread Philip Olson

On Wed, 18 Jun 2003, zavaboy wrote:
> I know this is more of a mySQL question but, how do I delete and add rows
> and columns?

Before you touch MySQL or attempt to access it through
PHP, you really should learn basic SQL:

Spend some time learning basic SQL syntax and your life
will drastically improve.  Also, perhaps the most popular
tool on this subject is phpmyadmin, it shows the actual
queries as you go which also helps with learning:

Be sure to keep it secure though as it's a powerful tool.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Difference between $_POST[foo] and $_POST['foo']?

2003-06-18 Thread Philip Olson
> print "$_POST['foo']"; // generates a warning

The above is only true in PHP 4.3.0-1 as there was a
bug that caused the E_NOTICE there.  In all other PHP
versions, the above will cause a parse error.


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RE: [PHP] Re: Difference between $_POST[foo] and $_POST['foo']?

2003-06-17 Thread Philip Olson

This is explained in the manual with tons of examples:


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Re: [PHP] mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a validMySQL result resource

2003-06-12 Thread Philip Olson

It has to do with you assuming everything will work 100% 
of the time.  It won't.  mysql_query() returns false on 
failure, check for that.  Read this recent thread:

Also, this faq explains it:

Btw, what do you expect: $register_globals; to do in your
code?  It won't do anything useful.


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Re: [PHP] Vmailmgr Functions

2003-06-12 Thread Philip Olson
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, John Nichel wrote:

> On, they have functions listed for Vmailmgr in their 
> manual, whereas on, no such functions exist.  Do these functions 
> exist but not documented on

The manual over at phpbuilder is useless, and very old.  Do
not use that manual, use

Anyway, this extension was removed from the manual 2.5 years
ago, this extension is specific to PHP 3.


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Re: [PHP] array

2003-06-12 Thread Philip Olson
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Diana Castillo wrote:

> If I write a code like this,
> $room_type=array();
> $room_type[0][0]=4;
> echo "value in array is ".$room_type[0][0];
> yet I dont get any results out, what did i do wrong?

Nothing wrong with this code, it will work.  Your
error must be somewhere else.



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Re: [PHP] Re: Using register_globals

2003-06-12 Thread Philip Olson

Won't this topic just die? :)

register_globals is not insecure, users are insecure.  Yes, you
can write insecure code with it on or off, and secure code with
it on or off.  By users I mean people who write code, and people
who use it (the evil users are the ones that use the website,
and pass along evil REQUEST data).

In short, read these:

It should be pretty clear that register_globals = off is preferred
but it's up to you, this is why we have PHP directives.  Turning
of your computer is indeed the ideal security measure!


On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Jim McNeely wrote:

> I'm a bit of a neophyte with php, and I've read through lots of prior 
> posts and the online docs, but some of this is still not 
> registering in my head. TIA for your patience.
> I've got a script I include at the head of each of my scripts that 
> checks $_POST['username'] and $_POST['password'] against a database, 
> and exits to an error page if it doesn't check out. Every link is a 
> post where it passes these two values. So if you open any page in the 
> whole thing it has to have the actual value of a real username and 
> password or it exits to an error page asking for these values.
> This seems to have been working fine, but when I installed a newer 
> version of php it started making noise about register globals being 
> off. Upon further reading, it seems SESSIONS are insecure, COOKIES are 
> insecure, POSTS and GETS are insecure. It seems to me that you would 
> have to write some exceptionally stupid code for these things to be 
> really openly insecure, so I must be missing something.
> After a point it seems like if you leave your machine off or disconnect 
> it from the network that would be the most secure but you have to pass 
> this info somehow. What is the accepted practice for passing user info 
> into variables?
> -- 
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[PHP] Re: your mail

2003-06-12 Thread Philip Olson
> > Looks still broken to me :)
> yup, but I don't get the problem, everything seems fine on my box.. maybe
> a problem with vim comments ? can you commit the _right_ WS fix ?
> thanks in advance :)

TABS are EVIL! :)


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Re: [PHP] Array[array]

2003-06-10 Thread Philip Olson
On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Erich Kolb wrote:

> How do I get a value from an array thats inside of an array?

$array = array('a' => 'apple');

print $array['a']; // apple

$array = array('a' => array('b' => 'banana'));

print $array['a']['b']; // banana

$array = array(array(array(array('c' => 'cranberry';

print $array[0][0][0]['c']; // cranberry


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Re: [PHP] Re: Re: if ($xxxxx) { function not working?

2003-06-10 Thread Philip Olson

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Ben Houlton wrote:

> Now I get a blank page and all the code... that I can think of is the same...
> Look here:
> $db = mysql_connect("localhost","root");
> mysql_select_db("kangaroo",$db);
> if ($submit) {
> if ($id) {

Do this, to help us and you know your settings:

$info = array('rg'   => ini_get('register_globals'),
  'er'   => ini_get('error_reporting'),
  'de'   => ini_get('display_errors'),
  'id'   => $id,
  'id2'  => $_REQUEST['id'],
  'sub'  => $submit,
  'sub2' => $_REQUEST['submit']);


And now, read this entire page:

As you are not yet understanding what register_globals is and
btw it has nothing to do with the global keyword.  I am guessing
the above will show register_globals off and the variables you
assume exist do not really exist.  Read that manual page
for why, it should explain all of this to you.


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Re: [PHP] how to count memory used by a script

2003-06-09 Thread Philip Olson
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003,  Peter Berglund wrote:

> How do I count the memory usage of a script/page.

As of 4.3.2, if you compile PHP with --enable-memory-limit
you may use memory_get_usage().  This is documented and
will show up when the next PHP manual is built.


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Re: [PHP] Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not avalid MySQL result resource in f:\.....\none.php on line 286

2003-06-09 Thread Philip Olson
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Thomas Seifert wrote:

> On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 07:35:16 -0300 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcelo Luiz De Laia) wrote:
> > I use phpnuke and it have a sql_layer.php. You are correct, for mysql is
> > mysql_query. But this dont is the problem, I change it and the problem
> > continue!
> > 
> > Any tip??
> I think you are mixing the layer and native functions.
> You should use ONE of these, either the layer from phpnuke OR 
> the native functions.
> I don't know how the layer handles the results but from the layout you had it looks 
> just wrong.
> The "standard"-way using native mysql_*-functions for a select (with some basic 
> error checking) is as follows:

It's one way, not standard imho :)  My additions below are of
course just one way out of many.  In a production environment
you won't be printing out mysql errors, or sql statements, but
instead will give the user some pretty error.  The code below
is for a development environment and doesn't include a "debug"

The reason I use @ is because we are implementing our own
error handling so having PHP print out the errors too isn't
needed.  So choose one or the other, PHP's errors or your
own, or, turn down error reporting for the entire script
but I'll just use @.

The reason for the error is your are assuming $result is
a valid MySQL result resource when it's not, it's most
likely boolean false because for some reason (like the
connection failed, couldn't select database, invalid
query, etc) it's not valid.  phpnuke is known for having 
crappy code so that's unfortunate for you but anyway the 
words below will explain how to avoid this error, or why 
it may exist.

> [... connection and so on ...]

Making sure the connection and database selection works is
pretty important too:

$conn = @mysql_connect("host", "user", "pass");
if (!$conn) {
echo "Could not connect to MySQL";
if ([EMAIL PROTECTED]('dbname')) {
echo "Could not select database: " . mysql_error();

> $result = mysql_query("select * from ...");
> if(!mysql_error()) {
>echo mysql_error();
> }

Instead of calling mysql_error() twice, it's more common
and efficient to check the return value of mysql_query() 
(in this case we put it in $result) as mysql_query returns
boolean false on failure:

$sql = "SELECT foo, bar FROM sometable";
if (!$result = @mysql_query($sql)) {
echo "Could not run query ($sql): " . mysql_error();

And next, before fetching rows, make sure there are actually
rows to fetch.  Instead of my silly echo statement, consider
including the search form again, or have them press the
back button, or whatever:

if (mysql_num_rows($result) < 1) { 
echo "No results match your query, please try again";

Now it's finally time to fetch some rows as we now know that
$result is a valid mysql resource and rows exist.  This is 
the basic idea of checking if everything worked instead of 
just assuming everything will be perfect 100% of the time 
because it won't.


> while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
>   [... output ...]
> }
> You are either not transferring the result-identifier correctly or your query 
> returns an error.

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Re: [PHP] stripping newlines from a string

2003-06-09 Thread Philip Olson
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Charles Kline wrote:

> Yes. Is weird. I thought this would work too, but for some reason it 
> was not removing them all. I wonder if re-saving the files with UNIX 
> linebreaks (or try DOS) would have any effect. Will report back.

$str = str_replace (array("\r", "\n"), '', $str);


> On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 02:24 AM, Joe Pemberton wrote:
> >
> >
> > $newstr = str_replace("\n", "", $oldstr);
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Charles Kline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 10:44 PM
> > Subject: [PHP] stripping newlines from a string
> >
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> How would i go about stripping all newlines from a string?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Charles
> >>
> >>
> >> -- 
> >> PHP General Mailing List (
> >> To unsubscribe, visit:
> >>
> >>
> >
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] file upload script

2003-06-08 Thread Philip Olson

What PHP version?  You should rewrite your code to more
reflect what's being used in the manual.

  a) use move_uploaded_file() and not copy()
  b) check what ['error'] has to say
  c) set action in the form
  d) print_r($_FILES) is great for debugging
  e) only show the form is it's not yet submitted,
 or at least print something only if the form
 hasn't yet submitted so you know... debug. As
 for all know, $Submit may never be set.


On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, Rodney Green wrote:

> Sorry, here's the code:
>  $filesdir = "/PIVOT";
> echo $_FILES['imagefile']['name'];
> echo $_FILES['imagefile']['tmp_name'];
> if(isset( $Submit )) {
> if ($_FILES['imagefile']['type'] == "image/gif") {
> copy ($_FILES['imagefile']['tmp_name'],
> "$filesdir/".$_FILES['imagefile']['name'])
> or die ("Could not copy");
> echo "";
> echo "Name: ".$_FILES['imagefile']['name']."";
> echo "Size: ".$_FILES['imagefile']['size']."";
> echo "Type: ".$_FILES['imagefile']['type']."";
> echo "Copy Done";
> }
> else
> {
> echo "";
> echo "Could Not Copy, Wrong Filetype
> (".$_FILES['imagefile']['name'].")";
> }
> }
> ?>
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Philip Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Rodney Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 1:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] file upload script
> >
> > By no errors, do you mean you have a PHP version greater
> > than PHP 4.2.0 and checked the ['error'] code, and it
> > has a value of 0?  Are you sure you want the filename
> > to be $file_name?  I doubt you do.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Philip
> >
> > ref:
> >
> > On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Rodney Green wrote:
> >
> > > Hello. I'm attempting to upload a file using the script below and I'm
> not
> > > having any success. The temp directory I'm using does exist and is
> > > writeable. When I browse for the file then hit the send button it
> appears to
> > > be working then displays the form again with no errors. I look for the
> file
> > > on the server and it isn't there. Any advice on how to get this working?
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > > Rod
> > >
> > >
> > > ---
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Listing 9.14 A file upload script
> > > 
> > >  > > $file_dir = "/home/corrdev/htdocs/php24/scrap/uploads";
> > > $file_url = "";;
> > >
> > > foreach( $HTTP_POST_FILES as $file_name => $file_array ) {
> > >  print "path: ".$file_array['tmp_name']."\n";
> > >  print "name: ".$file_array['name']."\n";
> > >  print "type: ".$file_array['type']."\n";
> > >  print "size: ".$file_array['size']."\n";
> > >
> > >  if ( is_uploaded_file( $file_array['tmp_name'] )
> > >   && $file_array['type'] == "image/gif" ) {
> > >   move_uploaded_file( $file_array['tmp_name'], "$file_dir/$file_name")
> > >or die ("Couldn't copy");
> > >   print "\n\n";
> > >  }
> > > }
> > >
> > > ?>
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -- 
> > > PHP General Mailing List (
> > > To unsubscribe, visit:
> > >
> >
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Re: Using register_globals

2003-06-08 Thread Philip Olson
> On 08-Jun-2003 Philip Olson wrote:
> > [snip]
> >> 
> >> 
> >> register_globals=off won't make good code any better --it's just 
> >> a safety net for the sloppy coders.
> > [snip]
> > 
> > In some sense, register_globals = off makes both bad and
> > good code better, because it means less pollution.   So
> > many unused variables get defined with register_globals
> > on and this means wasted memory/resources.  Pollution 
> > makes any environment worse!  Granted this isn't what you
> > meant, but still... ;)
> > 
> Also true. 
> On namespace pollution  --based on some of the replies I've seen on the
> list, there's a sizable number of neophyte (and too many veteran) coders
> that are starting scripts with:
>  extract($_GET); extract($_POST); extract($_COOKIE);
> ...
> And so far, I don't recall anybody mention that you need to
> unset($admin, $internal_var, $nukenewyork, ...) afterwards.
> So nothing's really changed. 
> Bad code will mysteriously go tits-up (or worse) and good code will 
> keep on cranking.
> No matter what register_globals= is set to.

Anyone that would suggest using extract() like that would
only do so to quickly make a register_globals dependent
script work (using .htaccess would be preferred there). I
doubt people actually do that for new code, well, at least 
anyone with half a brain.


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2003-06-08 Thread Philip Olson

That article is pretty old, and the code sucks.  
Read this instead:

It will explain everything.


On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, nabil wrote:

> Please help me , I want to make any user on my website to submit his CV , or
> any file to a temp folder, the following script create a "fupload" file ,
> and I don't want to dump the original in it, I want to upload the file as it
> is, with its extension...
> by example
> Listing 9.14 A file upload script
> $file_dir = "C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\temps\\uploads";
> $file_url = "http://localhost/temps\uploads";;
> foreach( $HTTP_POST_FILES as $file_name => $file_array ) {
>  print "path: ".$file_array['tmp_name']."\n";
>  print "name: ".$file_array['name']."\n";
>  print "type: ".$file_array['type']."\n";
>  print "size: ".$file_array['size']."\n";
>  if ( is_uploaded_file( $file_array['tmp_name'] )
>   && $file_array['type'] == "text/plain" ) {
>   move_uploaded_file( $file_array['tmp_name'], "$file_dir/$file_name")
>or die ("Couldn't copy");
>   print "\n\n";
>  }
> }
> ?>
> /
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] popen() in 4.3.2

2003-06-07 Thread Philip Olson

PHP 4.3.0-1 has a bug that made your previous code "work",
have a look at the fread() docs for why, here's a quote:

  "Note:  When reading from network streams or pipes, such
   as those returned when reading remote files or from 
   popen() and proc_open(), reading will stop after a packet 
   is available.  This means that you should collect the data 
   together in chunks as shown in the example below."

It goes on to show that you must loop threw it to get
fread() to do what you want in the below code.  Although,
the example it eludes to is wrong (a correct example will
show when the manual next builds), you get the point... :)


On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Jeff Harris wrote:

> My webhost just upgraded to php 4.3.2, and now I have a problem with
> popen. I'm opening an output buffer then piping it through htmltidy to
> make nice looking output.
>  ob_start();
> // Other unimportant coding goes here
>  $str=addslashes(ob_get_contents());
>  $fp=popen("echo \"" . $str . "\" | /bin/tidy - config /my/home/htmlrc", "r");
>  @$newstr=fread($fp, 99);
>  ob_end_clean();
>  header("Last-Modified: " . $gmt_modtime);
>  header( "Content-length: " . strlen( $newstr ) );
>  echo stripslashes($newstr);
> ?>
> This code worked perfectly before the upgrade, now "strlen( $newstr )" is
> only getting back 4096 bytes. Is anybody else having this issue, and how
> can I fix this? I don't see any configuration setting that looks like it
> fits to this situation. It is running under redhat with Apache/1.3.27
> Thanks, Jeff
> --
> Registered Linux user #304026. "lynx -source
> | gpg --import" Key fingerprint
> = 52FC 20BD 025A 8C13 5FC6 68C6 9CF9 46C2 B089 0FED Responses to this
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> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Re: Using register_globals

2003-06-07 Thread Philip Olson
> register_globals=off won't make good code any better --it's just 
> a safety net for the sloppy coders.

In some sense, register_globals = off makes both bad and
good code better, because it means less pollution.   So
many unused variables get defined with register_globals
on and this means wasted memory/resources.  Pollution 
makes any environment worse!  Granted this isn't what you
meant, but still... ;)


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Re: [PHP] thumbnail program

2003-06-07 Thread Philip Olson
On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, Artoo wrote:

> thanks.  I'll give that a try.  Happen to know where to get sample code that
> uses this program?

After doing a google search for the terms mogrify php:

The first result was this article, it appears to touch
on the subject:
  Resizing Images with PHP and Mogrify

I'm sure there are many more examples around, and
including PHP in the search field of google is very 
much optional.  But, I guess this all depends on your
knowledge of PHP...  Maybe thumbnail is another good
search term to throw into the mix.


> "Philip Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> > On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Artoo wrote:
> >
> > > Anyone know of a good free thumbnail program that can be called from a
> > > script using the exec() call or something similar?
> >
> > By far, the most popular are the tools offered by
> > ImageMagick, such as mogrify:
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Philip
> >
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] XML Parser Problem

2003-06-07 Thread Philip Olson
On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, Dustin Pate wrote:

> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: xml_parser_create() in
> /home/httpd/rootdir/sstats/includes/XPath.class.php on line 1410
> I now get this error on my phpsysinfo page.  I have changed nothing in my
> install except for updating recently.  My Linux Flavor is Gentoo if that
> helps.  If you need further information, just ask. ;)

Your new PHP lacks XML support, otherwise this (and all
the other functions) will be defined.  Look
at a call to phpinfo(), you should see something like
--disable-xml in the configure line, or maybe it's 
shared and not included...  Anyway, bottom line is, your
PHP must now lack XML support.


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Re: [PHP] file upload script

2003-06-07 Thread Philip Olson

By no errors, do you mean you have a PHP version greater
than PHP 4.2.0 and checked the ['error'] code, and it
has a value of 0?  Are you sure you want the filename
to be $file_name?  I doubt you do.



On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Rodney Green wrote:

> Hello. I'm attempting to upload a file using the script below and I'm not
> having any success. The temp directory I'm using does exist and is
> writeable. When I browse for the file then hit the send button it appears to
> be working then displays the form again with no errors. I look for the file
> on the server and it isn't there. Any advice on how to get this working?
> Thanks!
> Rod
> ---
> Listing 9.14 A file upload script
>  $file_dir = "/home/corrdev/htdocs/php24/scrap/uploads";
> $file_url = "";;
> foreach( $HTTP_POST_FILES as $file_name => $file_array ) {
>  print "path: ".$file_array['tmp_name']."\n";
>  print "name: ".$file_array['name']."\n";
>  print "type: ".$file_array['type']."\n";
>  print "size: ".$file_array['size']."\n";
>  if ( is_uploaded_file( $file_array['tmp_name'] )
>   && $file_array['type'] == "image/gif" ) {
>   move_uploaded_file( $file_array['tmp_name'], "$file_dir/$file_name")
>or die ("Couldn't copy");
>   print "\n\n";
>  }
> }
> ?>
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] thumbnail program

2003-06-07 Thread Philip Olson

On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Artoo wrote:

> Anyone know of a good free thumbnail program that can be called from a PHP
> script using the exec() call or something similar?

By far, the most popular are the tools offered by 
ImageMagick, such as mogrify:


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Re: [PHP] fsockopen and SSL

2003-06-07 Thread Philip Olson
> but I get following error:
> Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: no SSL support in this build
> in
> /usr/home/trivisions/html/
> p on line 64
> So does this mean that my PHP installation does not support SSL, and
> that I have to recompile PHP again?
> I looked at the PHP installation configure options but did not see
> anything regarding SSL, so how would I install this?

>From the manual:

  "As of PHP 4.3.0, if you have compiled in OpenSSL support, you
   may prefix the hostname with either 'ssl://' or 'tls://' to 
   use an SSL or TLS client connection over TCP/IP to connect 
   to the remote host."

  "To use PHP's OpenSSL support you must also compile PHP


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Re: [PHP] Sorry, I cannot run apxs

2003-06-07 Thread Philip Olson
> I can't build php-4.3.2 with apache 2.0 under a RedHat 9 box.

Okay, Apache2 has some issues, and Redhat itself always
has issues with it's "unique" setups...


> php compilation fails even when I try just:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] php-4.3.2]# ./configure  --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs



> Configuring SAPI modules
> checking for AOLserver support... no
> checking for Apache 1.x module support via DSO through APXS... no
> checking for Apache 1.x module support... no
> checking for member fd in BUFF *... no
> checking for mod_charset compatibility option... no
> checking for Apache 2.0 module support via DSO through APXS... no
> checking for Apache 2.0 handler-module support via DSO through APXS...
> Sorry, I cannot run apxs.  Possible reasons follow:


What do these commands output?

# /usr/sbin/httpd -v
# /usr/sbin/apxs -q SBINDIR
# /usr/sbin/apxs -q TARGET


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Re: [PHP] mod_rewrite rules for the rewritten urls

2003-06-07 Thread Philip Olson
On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Tularis wrote:

> I was wondering where I could get the rewrite urls for the rewriting of 
> urls like here on
> - Tularis
> P.S. I don't think they're in the phpweb on CVS, I checked that already

What you see in phpweb is what you get, there is no
mod_rewrite, just a huge 404 handler.  For the related
sqlite stuff, see the systems cvs module.


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Re: [PHP] Gracefully dealing with Cookies OFF

2003-06-07 Thread Philip Olson
On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Bix wrote:

> Monty,
> The best way to avoid SID "Hijacks" is to assign an IP variable, and an
> expiration
> session_register("USERIP");
> session_register("EXPIRES");
> $_SESSION['expires'] = time() + 900; // 900 seconds (15 mins)

I've not followed this thread (nor do I want to get involved
with his touchy and difficult topic) but must make a general 
comment on the above code.  One should never mix use of the 
deprecated session_register() function with $_SESSION.  If 
you're going to use $_SESSION, also use it to assign session 
variables.  There is NO need for use of session_register() in 
the above code.

>From the manual (various versions of this text is also in
the manual):

  "If you are using $_SESSION (or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS), do not 
   use session_register(), session_is_registered(), and

And btw, EXPIRES != expires. 

And lastly, there is now session_regenerate_id() although it
won't set session cookies until PHP 4.3.3.


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RE: [PHP] Question about fopen

2003-06-06 Thread Philip Olson
On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Jay Blanchard wrote:

> [snip]
> > I have a file named billed.crm.php and it fopen throws the error "no 
> > such file or directory". It seems to have something to do with the 
> > multiple "." in the file name. Does anyone know why?
> It should make no difference.  I hate to ask this but you're absolutely
> 100% certain the path is correct?
> [/snip]
> yep...this file is contained in the same path of other single "." files
> where no problem occurs, and I, like you thought that it should not make
> a difference. 

It won't make a difference, the issue must be something
else, like permissions.


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