Re: [PHP] PHP vs. CGI

2003-03-05 Thread michael kimsal
John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
Three advantages I like:
1- no more cgiwrap.
2- thus I can work in any directory and am not bound to cgi-bin
'being bound to cgi-bin' is a function of how the server is set up, not
'cgi' itself.  I've worked on systems where anything ending in .cgi
was treated as a cgi script, regardless of directory location.

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[PHP] Re: Objects: Cant set object variables with refrences ...

2003-02-11 Thread michael kimsal
James wrote:

However I would like refernce semantics and the final output of this script
to be 1000. So I changed the line to "$this->t &= $c;" and suddenly I get
the error: "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
/user/sh/jmb/Project/Wiki/Public_html/test.php on line 25"

Anyone have any help on what is happening?

$this->t = &$c;

I dunno where &= comes from.  I see people using it many times,
but =& makes more sense imo.  The & is 'by reference', and putting
it explicitly in front of which variable is to be passed by
reference *seems* more logical to me.  Otherwise you could
end up with

$this->t &= $c.$d;

What's being passed by reference at that point?

Michael Kimsal

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2003-02-10 Thread michael kimsal
Kevin Waterson wrote:

Well basically, Smarty is gay.
Smarty supposedly will seperate code from content.
but you have still need to markup to able to handle loops, 
conditions etc which puts code right back into the content.
But it is Smarty code and not PHP code, where is the value in that?
The pre-supposition is of course that html designers are idiots when
what is really needed is to teach them some basics about PHP rather
than introducing an entire new (Smarty) concept.
Of course when you build an application with Smarty you get to 
use buzzwords like multi-tiered, but this slows you down.

I'm no Smarty fan, but there are two aspects which are
rarely, if ever (I'd say NEVER, but 'never say never'!)
brought up in Smarty's defense.

First - if you're dealing with multiple people on a project,
having 'HTML' people use Smarty can prevent them from including
random PHP code, which may email contents of forms to themselves,
etc.  The rebuttal to that (at our office) is that especially
on projects that have multiple people, you should rarely
have people putting stuff on  a live server without peer review
of some sort.

Second - there's a POTENTIAL for Smarty (or any other template
system) to be 'cross platform'.  If you could reuse the same
Smarty template across PHP, Perl, CF, Java, Python, TCL, whatever,
it'd become a defacto standard.  They aren't pushing this.

There is one ( I think) which has
ASP and PHP parsers for the same template syntax system.  Good
idea, but not getting enough attention.

It'd be one of the few reasons I'd recommend someone
learning/using an external template system.

The extensive use of regex within the application cannot be a 
good thing. The use of tags such as {foobar} could easily be replaced
by  or  and most every thing else
is easily handled with file_get_contents() include() or eval()
I am not saying Smarty is a worthless piece of dog shit, quite, I just
feel it create unneccessary overhead without delivering true seperation
of code and content.

The regexes are only done once per file, until it changes, as
Smarty will take the 'original' version and translate it into
native PHP calls then save that file.  I'm not sure
how it handles concurrency on new templates (possibility of race 
conditions?) but I tend to think most people getting their
ire up over various template systems usually don't have
sites with much traffic anyway.  I may be wrong here - it's
more of a hunch than anything else.

Michael Kimsal <-- doesn't use Smarty  :)

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Re: [PHP] Re: MySQL/PHP Associative Array Insert

2003-02-03 Thread michael kimsal
Chris Shiflett wrote:

--- Cditty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A co-worker is teaching me to move to the next level
in php. I have started using associative arrays for my
scripts, but I am having a problem using them to do an
insert into MySQL. Can someone give me an example of
how to do an insert to the database using these arrays?
My array is this...$item['itemID']

Using arrays is easy. For example:

$sql = "insert into blah (foo) values('";
$sql .= $item['item_id'];
$sql .= "')";

It isn't necessary for that to span three lines, but my
mail client will annihilate it otherwise. Just use
concatenation (.) to make things easy on yourself instead
of embedding your variable in the string (possible with
curly braces).

Of course, if you want to do it the cool way (which is what
your co-worker probably wants), look at Mr. Kimsal's

(That's what I figured the co-worker was after, with the 'next level'

--- michael kimsal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The only problem here is that there is no table name, which
is easily remedied. You probably want to pass the table
name as another argument. Also, use "replace into" for an
elegant way to insert the record if it does not exist
(based on whether your where clause matches) or update the
record if it does. Mr. Kimsal mentioned later in his
explanation I believe.

GOOD CALL - sorry - shouldn't have been trying to do
that so late at night.  :)

You can eliminate the slashadd() function and the
array_walk() call if you make sure your values are properly
escaped. If magic_quotes is on, you definitely want to
avoid the extra slashes, and it might be worth checking
whether it is on in your script, so that you don't depend
on any specific PHP configuration.

Yeah, I was going to mention about that too, but I figured
someone looking at the code might just assume that
I hadn't thought about the slash issue.  :)

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[PHP] Re: Graphic Pie Charts

2003-02-02 Thread michael kimsal
Vernon wrote:

How do I create a graphic pie chart on the fly with PHP. I have already
figured out how to get the variables from the database and so forth am just
looking to create the graphics.


If you have the GD libraries installed, you could use the
jpgraph libraries - google for jpgraph ( I think, but
can't remember)

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: MySQL/PHP Associative Array Insert

2003-02-02 Thread michael kimsal
Cditty wrote:

A co-worker is teaching me to move to the next level in php. I have
started using associative arrays for my scripts, but I am having a problem
using them to do an insert into MySQL. Can someone give me an example of
how to do an insert to the database using these arrays? My array is

If you want to go up to even another level:

Now all you need to do is pass more info to the $x
array, and it'll make the insert SQL for you,
including adding the slashes, and you don't need to
worry about { } or where to put quotes and backslashes
and all that crap.  1 column or 50 columns
is absolutely no more work for you.

Modify it just slightly some by using REPLACE with
MySQL and you've got updates and inserts taken care

PLUG: That's the sort of thing we get up to during our
PHP Training Courses.  More info at

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: PHP3 Web Architecture Framework

2003-02-01 Thread michael kimsal
Karthikeyan.Balasubramanian wrote:


  I browsed the web for many different web architecture and frameworks.  I
found many Interesting but all wants latest version of PHP at least PHP
4.0.6.  I dont want to upgrade the PHP Version(4.0.5) that i have because
many clients are using it and i dont want to mess it up.  Its a Pain in PHP
that to support any extension we need to recompile with appropriate
extensions unlike Java where all you need to do is put the appropriate Jar
files in the /Lib directory and it automatically gets SET in the classpath
and works great but I do ADORE PHP for its ease and efficiency and ofcourse
along with Apache it rocks.  So please dont suggest me to upgrade my PHP or
something other.

Maybe you shouldn't publicly talk about how you and your clients
are sticking with php4.0.5.  It has known security holes, which
is just one of many reasons to upgrade.  You *will* spend much more
 time coding trying to make stuff work in PHP3 and early PHP4 than
you will by taking advantage of relatively modern PHP4 versions. 
Session handling is something which comes to mind, and improved
array handling.  There will be things you can do in a few lines
of code in recent versions of PHP4 that you simply won't
be able to do at all, or not without *much* more work than
it's worth. *might* work for you.  I know that there
was a stated goal of their code working on PHP3 and PHP4 installations.
I found that somewhat strange, but it was a goal.  It may not
be anymore.

For *new* development, it doesn't make much sense to use the
old stuff.  If you're running older versions and people have
apps that are running fine, that's another story, but even in
those cases, the security exploits make it an unwise
strategy for the long term.

"Pear which ofcourse needed recompilation with Pear support"

I don't think PEAR does require any recompilation.  Certainly
with most of the PEAR stuff you can just use the source code
and it'll work fine.  I would be very surprised if there wasn't
at least SOME PEAR code which required PHP4.0.6 or higher.

You don't need to recompile all of PHP, or at least you
don't need to place the entire recompiled version of PHP
into Apache again.  You can usually compile "SO" files (shared
object files) which you can dl() or put in php.ini.

./configure --with-gd=shared

for example, will make a file suitable for dl() use.

"So please dont suggest me to upgrade my PHP or
something other."

Sorry, if you get many responses, at least some will suggest
you upgrade.  This is like saying you drive a 6 year old car
(equivalent in internet time!) and that you *won't* get a newer
car (cause your passengers like the seats in the old car) but you
want all the benefits of a new engine.  The fact that
the car has known safety hazards and that a new car is essentially
free aren't supposed to factor in to this?  True, your
passengers may have to adjust to new seats, and they may not
like those seats as much as the old ones, but they'll have a
safer ride, and you'll have a new, more powerful engine.

I just can't think of too many valid reasons to not be running
at least PHP4.1.x, if not 4.2.  4.3 has only been out
for a few weeks, and I don't expect too many people to be
running that yet.

Most *interesting* development work in PHP regarding
frameworks involves people who are somewhat on the cutting
edge, using recent technology.  They are most likely
not going to bother trying to support PHP4.0.5 and below.

Good luck.

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Re: [PHP] PHP Encoders and GPL License

2003-01-19 Thread michael kimsal
Larry Brown wrote:

I just want to clarify this for myself.  My impression was that the affects
of GPL requiring software developed from the original GPL to also be free
was only applicable to modifications of the program itself.

The GPL is a ridiculously outdated and vague license which has
rarely been tested in any courts (if ever) and therefore there's
no clearly established caselaw to base decision on.

'outdated'? 'vague'?  GPL speaks of 'linking'.  How is this
to be defined?  The GPL has language (linking, binary, compiler,
kernel, etc) which is not something which even enters
into the consideration of most developers who use scripting
langauges (perl, php, python, etc).  The GPL was written
almost exclusively with C and similar languages in mind, although
it's not explicitly stated anywhere.

"derivative works" is not clearly defined.  If I distribute
a PHP script, is calling a 'wordwrap' function somehow 'linking'
to the original PHP code?  My program's functionality certainly
depends on the wordwrap code functioning properly.   Is it
a 'work based on the Program'?

The definition states that
'a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another

Whose copyright law?  The original developer's?  The 2nd generation

Translated into another language is damn vague, imo.  If I
take the original wordwrap function code - in C - and translate
that to Python, have I translated it to another language?  I
realize that the PHP code isn't GPL - I'm not speaking specifically
to PHP, but to the GPL 'definition' of things.

It's a shame so many people just write stuff and put it out
under GPL without coming close to understanding the implications
of the license, or the ambiguities.  At some point, there will be
larger legal cases which will invalidate some of the principles which
developers though the GPL meant, but didn't really understand.

 So if php was
GPL and I modified the source and built my own customized version of php I
couldn't sell it but could only give it away, 

You can sell GPL software.  Often there's not much point
because you have to grant the right of redistribution to others,
so the first person you sold it to would be able to redistribute the
source code (because they're entitled to recieve the original source
code), thereby being able to undermine your sales efforts.  In
practice, many people probably wouldn't bother redistributing
something, but it would only take one person to do so to
have the impact.

Also, just because something is GPL doesn't require the
original developers to give it away to everyone by setting
up FTP servers and all that other stuff.  All you're required to
do is provide to source to someone who requests it, and you
only have to do that if they got it from you.


I have a large system which I GPL.  I distribute a binary to customers
 who purchase it.  My only obligation is to provide source code
to the customer upon request.  At that point, THEY can recreate
a binary from my source and sell that, but they would also then have
to fulfill requests for the source (which they may not want to do).
*I* do not have to fulfill requests for the source to anyone except
those to whom I distribute/sell a binary version.  That's really it.

but if I used php to develop

some other software that runs on php I could sell it without a problem.
Similar to creating software that runs on Linux, the software can be sold
but if I modify Linux itself and turn around and sell it, it would be
against the license.  

Again, no, you can sell it, but you're obligated to provide the source
to any purchser who requests it, and you can't then stop them from
redistributing it.  Any Linux kernel changes you made then 'sold'
would either not sell at all, or would sell a couple copies then get
rolled back in to the main tree of some distribution.

Michael Kimsal
PHP Training

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Re: [PHP] Ever complained about lousy PHP programmers?

2003-01-18 Thread michael kimsal
Olinux wrote:

I prefer single quotes on stuff that doesn't need to
be parsed. In most cases this is more efficient,
though  probably not noticed except on a large scale.
I also think it makes it easier to include html
strings (because double quotes don't need to be
escaped) and I find it easier to work my code in

echo ''.$something.' '.$something_else.'';
rather than 
echo "$something $something_else";

Both the zend accelerator (lower price for small businesses now)
and the ioncube system (free) optimize any minor
double-quote performance out after the first run, so it
should be a non-issue for more and more people.  Additionally,
as you mention, it's really only an issue on largescale
system (or systems under heavy load).

It's completely a comfortability issue - I personally
find the double-quoted version easier both to read and
to type.  It's not my favorite use of time to do extra
typing just to try to shave off 2 tenths of a millisecond
for the processor - computers are here to make life
easier (supposedly!)  :0

Michael Kimsal

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Re: [PHP] Re: Source Guardian

2003-01-10 Thread michael kimsal
Sean Malloy wrote:

Keep in mind the "Works out of the box with no changes to your server" 
requires the use of the function dl()

Good point - had forgotten that may have issues for some people.

However - in our case we've used 'protected' versions only for demos,
which people generally aren't running on production machines, but local 
development environments, so issues of crashing or 'safe_mode' and
other issues have usually been of limited concern.  But it is a good
point nonetheless, and isn't just a strike against SG, but ioncube as 
well should the user not be able to edit the php.ini file.

according to the PHP docs;
dl() is not supported in multithreaded Web servers. Use the extensions 
statement in your php.ini when operating under such an environment. 
However, the CGI and CLI build are not affected ! 

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Re: [PHP] Suggestions on FAQ application?

2003-01-10 Thread michael kimsal
Jeff Lewis wrote:

Why re-invent what is already written? I'm well aware that it's easy to
write but there may be something out there already that suits my needs and
has some features that I hadn't thought of. If you don't have a suggestion
on a package please spare me the rude replies which seem to run rampant on
here lately...

I've checked Hotscripts and I can't findanything relatively
new or that suits my needs. I was wondering if anyone uses a
FAQ program that they could suggest?

Are you looking for something new, or something which suits your needs?
Not trying to flame here, but I didn't understand the sentence.

I think what the other poster was getting at is that if you searched and
can't find anything that meets your needs, do go ahead and write
your own tool.  Yes, re-inventing the wheel isn't the best idea,
but your 'wheel' (what you want the app to be) doesn't exist,
based on your own searching.

If you'd searched Lycos for 30 seconds, I'd say search again.  If you've 
exhausted HotScripts, I'd say you've gone thru the majority of known 
systems - certainly systems that had authors who were interested enough 
to bother to register them in the first place.

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: Source Guardian

2003-01-10 Thread michael kimsal
Christopher Ditty wrote:

Does anyone here use Source Guardian?  I am about to purchase it and
thought I'd ask before I do.  Any problems using it?




We've used it to create demos.  It does work, but is being surpassed by
other options (at the time we purchased, it was the cheapest option, but 
it's not anymore).

They seem to have updated their site some - $150 for 'just' the 
obfuscator is a bit much, and the obfuscation portion was,
I thought, pretty poor.

If you relied at all on globals, or ever used 'extract' on arrays
coming from form input, it was useless.  We don't rely on globals,
but we do rely on form array extraction sometimes - completely
wasted when the system would 'obfuscate' your code.  Reason being:

echo $myName;

echo $uu7whfdsisdf;

But if you've got a form with

You can't do

echo $bar;

and expect it to work, because the obfuscation will turn it into:

echo $uu7whfdsisdf;

I wrote them and told them it was fairly pointless, atleast
for systems large/advanced enough that you'd consider wanting
to protect them in the first place.

They didn't seem to have much on their site before about
how to get new .so and .dll files for newer versions of PHP
(they bundle .so and .dll files for each version of PHP
- 4.1.0, 4.1.1, etc).  Also, the support for working
'out of the box' with no need to fiddle with the php.ini
file was useful.  Ioncube's encoder answer requires your users
to install the appropriate .so or .dll file in a particular directory,
or to edit php.ini - not as useful for giving out demos.  Ioncube
is making an effort to move in that 'ease of use' direction,
but it doesn't seem to be there just yet.

Having said that, the ioncube answer offers a greater level of
security for the encrypted code - the sourceguardian stuff
is, last I checked, 'just' encrypted source code.  zend and ioncube
package encrypted byte code.  If someone decrypts zend-encoded
files, they'll only get bytecode.  If they decrypt sourceguardian
code, they get the original code.  This was how it was
last summer - they may have upgraded since then.

All in all, it's not bad.  That the files now can be run on Windows
servers is a plus, but lack of a command line version to allow
for dynamic encryption from a server isn't all that good.  If you *need*
that, you'll need to find something else.  Why?

The 'time limiting' aspect, for starters - you can set a 'timeout'
for a particular date.  Unless you put up a new trial file on a
site every day, you won't be able to offer '14 day' trials, for
a start.  The file will timeout on date X, regardless of when the
user downloaded it.  The Zend license manager is much more flexible in 
that regard, but is overkill for most smaller projects.

Does this help at all?

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: something annoying about includes/relative paths.

2003-01-09 Thread michael kimsal
Sean Malloy wrote:

Moving to PHP from an ASP backgroun, I always found one thing really
annoying about PHP.

With ASP, you could have a file structure such as:

|  |--header.asp
|  |--engine.asp

in default.asp, you would

in core.asp, engine.asp would be included as such

in engine.asp, header.asp would be included as such

Its a bad example. However, it demonstrates that the relative path for each
include changed depending on what file was being included.

PHP doesn't do that. Which is kind of annoying, but you get used to it.. But
I've come up with a work around.


define('CORE_PATH', str_replace('core.php', '', __FILE__));


and so on and so forth. searching for __FILE__, and removing the filename
from the output, gives you a sort of relative path hack.

Hope someone finds that useful

You could also simply use the $DOCUMENT_ROOT variable
prepopulated for you ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] perhaps?) and
base your includes relative to that.

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: Medium to Large PHP Application Design

2003-01-09 Thread michael kimsal
Nick Oostveen wrote:

As PHP becomes more accepted in the corporate world, it is only logical 
that larger and more complex applications are going to be developed 
using it.  While there is an abundance of information out there about 
making specific things work, there seems to be a shortage regarding the 
big picture.

As such, my question is this: What methods and techniques can be used to 
help design and build complex, medium to large PHP applications that are 
not only scalable, but maintainable and extensible?  I'm looking for 
online references, personal experience and opinion and even examples of 
open source code which you think demonstrate the above criteria on this 
one.  I think an extended discussion on this topic could be of great 
benefit to everyone.

Obviously separating application and business logic from interface code 
is a given, but what about other things? Are the object orientated 
facilities of PHP currently worth really trying to take advantage of? If 
so, what are you doing to take advantage of them? Are design concepts 
such as design patterns relevant at this level?  What frameworks, if 
any, currently exist to assist in rapid, structured development, and 
what specific benefits do they bring to the table?

These are just some of the questions that I'd like to see expanded upon, 
I'm sure there are others out there who can add more to the list.

Nick Oostveen

Hello Mr. Oostveen:

Is that the same that had someone named 'jozef' at it?
The domain name looks familiar - like I've seen it in online chats before.


Are you only looking for 'open source' (GPL/BSD/etc) frameworks?  If 
not, I'd encourage you to take a look at
for a quick overview of our product - feel free to email back or
call if you've any questions.

Now, in general, yes, it's certainly worth thinking about
design patterns at this level (whatever 'this' is).  There's
very few situations where thinking like that *isn't* helpful.
Preplanning code projects, coming up with a structure, and
other 'niceties' become essential as projects grow and mature
to help manage the inevitable complexities which arise.  These
complexities stem not just from the management of the code itself,
but from the growing number of contributors and/or end users
whc will be affected by the project as it becomes larger and/or
more important.

There's some discussion about topics of scalability, design patterns,
and other similar topics on many websites, but not much on the group 
here itself.  I'd suggest having a look at
for a start.

Interesting related tools I came across recently: Umbrello and's UML program.  Umbrello ( is a KDE 
app, and microgold is a windows app.  The microgold, while about $200
(I think ) has the added ability to take preexisting classes and
attempt to reverse them into UML diagrams, suitable for giving newcomers 
to a project a good starting point for understanding a project.  Of 
course, UML is just one facet of a project's development, which isn't 
even that widely embraced in most circles, but it's becoming quite 
common in other circles.

Hope that helps some.

Michael Kimsal

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Re: [PHP] Connection pool extension?

2003-01-09 Thread michael kimsal
Vinod Panicker wrote:


Thanks for the quick response - I am aware of PHP's support for sockets,
but since I cant store persistent connection information in a PHP script
I was looking out for a module


Vinod Panicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sr. Software Designer
Geodesic Information Systems Ltd. 

-Original Message-
From: Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 1:00 PM
To: 'Vinod Panicker'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Connection pool extension?

PHP supports sockets check out:

Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO)
Open Platform Consulting

-Original Message-
From: Vinod Panicker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 9 January 2003 5:31 PM
Subject: [PHP] Connection pool extension?


I was wondering if there is a php extension available that
allows me to do the following -

1.	Connect to a given IP address and port
2.	Allow me to send and receive data from a particular ip and port
3.	Pool the connections so that further requests to the given ip
and port will reuse the existing connection


Vinod Panicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sr. Software Designer
Geodesic Information Systems Ltd.


Look for 'SRM' - VL-SRM I think it is.  It's a separate daemon that
has specific PHP functions to allow PHP to talk to it - it'll hold
connections open for you automatically.

Michael Kimsal
PHP Training Courses

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[PHP] Re: Securing areas of a web site with PHP

2003-01-01 Thread michael kimsal
Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:

I'll try this out and see what I get. Though I have read that not all 
browsers follow cache-control directives ...

Exactly - and some don't follow other HTTP header directives to the 
letter either.  You will not be able to 'secure' this stuff 100% simply
because you only control 50% of the environment (the server, not the 
client).  The cache-control stuff people have already replied is good, 
but realize nothing's 100%.  You also can't prevent someone from taking 
a snapshot of the page, or control who sees a piece of paper with the 
information printed on it either.  :)

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Re: [PHP] php app frameworks?

2002-12-27 Thread michael kimsal
Jason Sheets wrote:

If you go to they have several PHP application
frameworks listed.

I've investigated PHPLIB, and horde ( but wound up
creating my own framework because I have not yet found a well documented
framework that does what I need it to do.

What were you looking for that you couldn't find in other products/projects?


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Re: [PHP] LDAP support...

2002-12-23 Thread michael kimsal
Peter Lavender wrote:

OK this is lame, but I'm posting a reply straight after the message hits
my box...

I'm running debian and have apt-get php and openldap.  openldap works,
as does php.  I'm now working with the ldap functions and here is where
I'm stuck.

apt-cache search php4

what turns up?


I've installed the package, restarted apache but still not joy.. :(


I'd suggest posting this to a debian group as well - perhaps first
next time if there's another problem.  They don't like people
dispelling the 'apt-get install solves it all' myth in non-debian
circles.  :)

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[PHP] Re: Good program to indent large quantity of files?

2002-12-20 Thread michael kimsal
Leif K-Brooks wrote:

I haven't been indenting any of my code, but I want to start indenting 
to make the code more readable.  It would be near-impossible for me to 
manually indent what's already there, though.  So, I'm looking for a 
program to indent an entire folder of PHP files at once.  Any suggestions? (I believe) has a 'code beautifier' program which will
take existing files and make them 'pretty' (indented, etc)

Not sure if it can do things in batches or not, but still faster
than doing things manually.

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[PHP] Re: Training Courses in PHP & MySQL

2002-12-19 Thread michael kimsal
Ben C . wrote:

Does anyone know where I can get a good training course in both PHP and MySQL that would make me proficient?  Or does anyone know of a good tutor?  I would prefer it to be in California or on the west coast.  Please provide your comments.

I'd neglected to mention that with our courses, students
get a free Zend Studio, and free snacks and lunch.  Little
things, true, but they mean a lot to some people.  :0

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Training Courses in PHP & MySQL

2002-12-19 Thread michael kimsal
Ben C . wrote:

Does anyone know where I can get a good training course in both PHP and MySQL that would make me proficient?  Or does anyone know of a good tutor?  I would prefer it to be in California or on the west coast.  Please provide your comments.

Hello Ben:

We offer PHP/MySQL training courses - currently in Detroit/Chicago, but 
we're planning others in Texas and later California.  More
info can be found at  We've
recently partnered with Zend and are looking to expand our
classes into various other markets.

If you're serious about learning PHP, give me a call or drop me an
email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Our next class is in January
in Detroit, but we may still be able to convince you to come out
here anyway!  :)

I can be reached at 734-480-9961, or 1-866-745-3660 (toll free).

I look forward to hearing from you.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: PDF Lib

2002-12-16 Thread michael kimsal
Bogomil Shopov wrote:

hi folks
Is there any way to include in PDF file .gif file with more than 8 colors?

Error:Warning: Internal PDFlib warning: Color depth other than 8 bit not
in GIF file


No, there's no *standard* way.  I dare say that PDFlib itself could be
hacked to accomodate things differently, but that's a PDFlib issue
itself, not PHP's issue.  If you have the option, PNGs might be better 
in this situation because they can be greater than 8 bits.

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Session: I RTFM

2002-12-15 Thread michael kimsal
Marco Tabini wrote:

Single quotes are normal strings. Double quotes are strings in which
substitutions can take place. For example:

Double quotes also expand escape strings (e.g."\n") whereas single
quotes don't.

However, in a case like this:

What is the difference between:
$familyname = getvar("familyname");
$familyname = getvar('familyname');

There's no effective difference.


Good magazine Marco - keep it up!

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Session: I RTFM

2002-12-14 Thread michael kimsal
Instead of

//echo "_name_ ".stripslashes($k)." _value_ 

why not just

$_SESSION = array_merge($_SESSION,$_POST);


Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Performance issues

2002-12-12 Thread michael kimsal
Karel wrote:

I'm having a lot of trouble with loading times...

Let me explain in detail:

I've a full & huge coded website based upon a mysql database...

mysql entries: at least 2M
php code: at least 1M lines (longest file about 25k, without includes)

about 2 months ago we resetted the entire database and reworked a part of
the code (nothing really essential).

And now we are experiencing a really heavy load on the server. (no root
access, but we think it's PHP).

What reasons could there be for that?

BTW if I was pretty unclear about what I said in here, please ask... I know
my english ain't that well ;)

My company can perform a detailed analysis of your site,
isolating the specific weak points regarding performance,
with specific recommendations about what to improve.  This
could be a code issue, or a database issue, or a combination,
but you probably won't be able to get a solid answer by
doing 'back and forth' over the newsgroups with various people,
however well-intentioned.

If you're serious about getting this issue resolved, please
contact us - we will need access to your code, database, and
server account.  We have a standard NDA, or will work
within NDA terms you provide.  We've done this before
with good results, and will be happy to work with you
on your issues.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Forms

2002-12-10 Thread michael kimsal
Beauford.2002 wrote:



Maybe you just had a typo before?

Michael Kimsal
Guaranteed PHP support when you need it!

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: C#

2002-12-08 Thread michael kimsal
Wilmar Perez wrote:

Hello guys

I'm sorry if this message disturbs anyone, I know it is completely off topic.

I've been thinking about open a C# mailing list for I hadn't been able to find a good 
one so far.  All I want to know is if there is enough people out there interested in 
joining such list.  

I posted this message to this list for a couple of reason: it is the only programming 
list I am in and since you're php developers I thought many of you may be interested.

Again please don't get mad at me for this I don't mean to upset or disturb anyone.

Sr. Perez:

Please visit (I think that's it) or   There
are links there to many c# and other .net-related lists and boards.

Good luck.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Done w/ PHP - VB or C# ?

2002-05-16 Thread Michael Kimsal

Miguel Cruz wrote:

>>As much as I'm not a fan of ASP (2 or 2.5, not worked with 3 much),
>>I'd have to say that you could definitely at least read a directory's
>>contents without having to purchase external libraries.  Please don't
>>go overboard.
> It's been a while, but I remember that it was impossible to create a
> functional directory browser with off-the-shelf ASP functionality. The
> file component was categorically unwilling to follow mounted shares until
> we got some extra add-in. This was after a month of debate in newsgroup
> microsoft.public.this.that.the-other-thing, and plenty of experimentation
> during which I discovered, reported, and was contacted by MS engineers
> about more bugs than I've ever encountered in PHP.

This isn't specifically ASP, but NT permissions in general.  PHP running
under "off the shelf" Windows can't access shares either.

> I don't think it's a bad thing that they see a niche and try to fill it. I 
> think it's a bad thing from the web developer's perspective that there are 
> so many unfilled niches.
> Furthermore, in contrast to the PHP/Open Source world I find the
> profiteering got annoying after a while. It was a drag just having to fill
> out a P.O. every week to buy another ridiculous little thing that may or
> may not be production-quality and had a no-refund policy.
> And the fact is, most of those little companies provide wretched
> documentation and support, and there is no real onlne user community in
> the Windows world to exchange information with. Well, there are lots of
> users, but the ratio of crap-to-usefulness in the fora is so high that
> finding information is painful at best.

Honestly, I find that now in the PHP community as well, to a larger 
extent than I used to, but perhaps it's because I/we aren't in the
'sessions v cookies' mentality anymore.

Compiling GD support, for one, is a pain in the ass which you
can't get really get good support for, due to the variety of systems. 
Servlet support as well.  Java support has gotten better, but
it generally just magically happens.  I don't think I've had too
many deep technical issues that have been resolved with help
from the PHP community.  Not because they're 'lesser' people,
but we're trying to do stuff that most people don't do.  It'd be
like trying to get JScript support at an ASP site.  Yeah,
JScript works with ASP, but no one really uses it much,
compared to VBScript.

>>Where the heck did you read that?  Do you know what .NET is?
> Slashdot. And no, to be honest.

:)  Great answer.  Honestly.

>>There's a lot of interesting concepts in the .NET codebase out there now
>>(ASP.NET webforms, for example) as well as other platforms (Java springs
>>to mind).  Just because it's "not PHP" shouldn't mean you ignore it or
>>worse yet, publicly denigrate it.
> Public denigration of what I don't understand is how I strike out at a
> callous world that's denied me my just deserts: fame, millions, and a
> torrid love affair with Nancy Reagan. Either address the fundamental
> injustice here or cut me some slack.

Not sure how old you are or when you had this thing for Nancy -
never been 'fanciable' since I've known her (but maybe I'm too much
of a youngster).

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Done w/ PHP - VB or C# ?

2002-05-16 Thread Michael Kimsal

Miguel Cruz wrote:

> all the power of DOS batchfiles. Every single thing you want to do - even
> basic filesystem operations like working with directories and file
> permissions!!! - requires purchasing expensive and buggy .COM components
> from nasty little companies with horrible documentation and nonexistent
> customer service. I consider it an incredibly developer-hostile
> environment (unless you're in the business of developing developer tools,
> which seems to be the lynchpin of the ASP ponzi scheme).

As much as I'm not a fan of ASP (2 or 2.5, not worked with 3 much),
I'd have to say that you could definitely at least read a directory's
contents without having to purchase external libraries.  Please don't
go overboard.

Wouldn't it be cool if you didn't have to be a C programmer to
write PHP extensions that you could distribute to others (whether
for profit or not)?  I certainly think so, but it's currently not
possible right now.  All those "nasty little companies" you mention
are making some money because they can program VB, wrap up stuff
as DLLs, and sell them.  They see a need in the ASP community and
address it, while being able to make some money too.  What a novel

> Your choices are your own, but it's always seemed to me that it makes more 
> sense to be focus on being really good at something fun, than to spread 
> out to things that every other loser is already doing. 

It's all perspective.  I'm not saying everyone who does PHP is a loser,
but I have met more than a few losers who happen to work in PHP.  Same
with every other language.

> Insofar as it can 
> be said about a programming language, PHP is actually fun - in a way that 
> only Perl seems to match (though Perl is certainly a more frustrating kind 
> of fun).
> As for .NET, I thought I just read that Microsoft was pulling everything 
> in for a rethink because of all the negative reactions it was getting.

Where the heck did you read that?  Do you know what .NET is?
Glad that you do, because most other people don't - there really
isn't a good definition, so it's hard to say someone 'pulled everything 
in'.  What MS has done is retarget the 'hailstorm' service to
corporate intranets looking to do internal authentication as opposed
to a public authentication system.  Hardly retracting .NET from
the scene.

There's a lot of interesting concepts in the .NET codebase out there now 
(ASP.NET webforms, for example) as well as other platforms
(Java springs to mind).  Just because it's "not PHP" shouldn't mean
you ignore it or worse yet, publicly denigrate it.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Done w/ PHP - VB or C# ?

2002-05-15 Thread Michael Kimsal

Phil Schwarzmann wrote:
> I know I'll get mauled big-time on this mailing list but I'm thinking
> about putting PHP on hold for a while and learning ASP.NET
> I love PHP and open-source computing but if one wants to get a job in
> web development, you'll have a much better time find a job with both PHP
> and ASP (among others) skills.

Funny, I don't know many ASP developers who are all that eager
to learn other technologies.  I also don't see that many Java developers
jumping up and down to say "gosh, I gotta go learn perl or I won't
be able to get a job".

That's not to say your prospects might not be a bit brighter
in terms of sheer financial gain hitching onto the MS bandwagon -
they're big, have name recognition, and it's often an easy sale.  But
don't assume that you need 10 languages under your belt.  It helps,
but it most likely won't instantly get you better results.

Michael Kimsal

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Re: [PHP] Cool PHP Tricks/Features ?

2002-05-15 Thread Michael Kimsal

Danny Shepherd wrote:
> No, that's not a problem either!
> Before ob_gzhandler() actually sends compressed data, it determines what
> type of content encoding the browser will accept ("gzip", "deflate" or none
> at all) and will return it's output accordingly. All browsers are supported
> since it's up to the browser to send the correct header saying that it
> accepts compressed web pages.

It is a problem if you're bothering to support NS4 users,
because they can't handle it properly.

NS has a useful habit of re-requesting a 'page' from the server
under many conditions (used to be even when resizing the window). 
Currently, the browser will issue another GET against the same URL,
even if the page had been POSTed.  It will not bring back the same info,
so VIEWSOURCE and PRINTing are already messed up.  But even PRINTing
a regular page that is gzipped is hosed, because NS tells the
server it can handle zipped data, but it doesn't unzip before printing,
so you'll be printing out compressed data to your printer.

Don't even bother flaming me about x% of your users still use NS4
and it's a great browser and IE sucks etc.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Cool PHP Tricks/Features ?

2002-05-15 Thread Michael Kimsal

George Whiffen wrote:

> 1. My biggest concern is the slowest user i.e. at the end of a modem
> on the other side of the planet.  I thought they would almost certainly
> have modem compression so doing our own compression doesn't
> really help them at all i.e. actual download speeds stay the same, it's
> just we/they do the work rather than the modems.

Have you tried it?

> In summary, I can't agree more that all pages should be compressed,
> but  don't feel it should be our job.   Maybe I'm wrong and this is another
> case of the poor old application developer having to do all the * work,
> just because the rest of the computing industry is too busy counting its
> profits to do its own job properly ;).

Apache isn't making any profits directly from its technology, but there
is a mod_gzip module for Apache.

Why is it so hard to put in *one line* of code (probably in an include 
file?)  Why do you consider this "all the  work"?  You probably
spend more time fiddling with TABLE CELLPADDING than you would on 
putting this line in one place, but you seem to think it's *another 
burden*.  I look at it the other way - I love having more things under 
my control, and regardless of whether a webserver has configured 
outgoing compression or not, I can control it.

> What's everyone else think?
See above. :)

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Compatiblity: Zend-1.20 + PHP4.2.1

2002-05-14 Thread Michael Kimsal

David J Jackson wrote:
> Is my hosting company trying to "pull the wool over my eyes"?
> There response to upgrading to 4.2.1, was that it isn't
> compatible with Zind optomizer 1.20?
> The only *issue* I seen with 4.2.x is of course register_globals!
> (which of course be changed in php.ini)
> I don't  have a problem with them holding off, but I do have a
> problem with them trying to "blow smoke up my ***".

Dunno for certain, but it's entirely possible.  If you followed
the ZO stuff, you'll notice that it's pretty picky about
what versions it works with.  IIRC, it didn't used to be uncommon
for the ZO to lag at least a few days behind PHP releases,
and I wouldn't be surprised if that's still the case.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: css sheets in designs

2002-05-13 Thread Michael Kimsal

Dennis Gearon wrote:
> CSS sheets have to be in the document root somewhere, don't they?
> I'm trying to move as much, or at least what I consider security
> related, from the phpnuke in the document root to a directory outside of
> the document root.

In our experience it's better to just have the HTML pages
link to the style sheet files, and keep them in a directory
that is publicly accessible.

If your CSS files are large, you'll notice a reduction in bandwidth 
because most browsers will do another request, get a 304 from
the server, and not have to download anything else.  Same goes for
javascript ".js" files.

I noticed a site the other day that was over 80k to download.  38k
was javascript and stylesheet stuff that was being reloaded
on every page request.  Bandwidth reduction by 50% wouldn't have been
hard for them.  Granted most people aren't worried about bandwidth
costs, but a 50% reduction is page loading speed is something more
people seem to notice.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: unhandled exception processing the ISAPI

2002-05-13 Thread Michael Kimsal

Keith Ay wrote:
> Hi all, I got a problem when using PHP
> Server: win2000(sp2)
> Version: 4.2.0
> Application use: ODBC, sessions, oci8, oracle.
> I tried PHP ISAPI version (4.2.0)
> I am using generic client socket(i.e. fsockopen()) to communicate with a
> server. It work fine at the begin, but I found that if the server
> suddenly shutdown. The follow error
> occur:
> The HTTP server encountered an unhandled exception while processing the
> ISAPI Application '
> php4ts!zend_strndup + 0x2B
>  + 0xA05E5983
> and I have to reboot the system because IIS won't work!!!
> Would u please give me some help or advice? thx!!!!

This may seem a bit harsh, but don't use the ISAPI version.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: Debugger

2002-05-12 Thread Michael Kimsal

Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> That's just not the case.  The debugger in PHP 3 would not work at all in
> PHP 4 and would need a complete rewrite.  So, being cynical you might say
> that someone should have written a debugger for PHP 4 and the fact that
> nobody did was the conspiracy, but it makes no sense to say it was removed
> for conspiracy reasons.  I mean if the PHP 3 debugging code worked with
> PHP 4, then you could just take the code from PHP 3 and use it.  It's not
> like it is deleted from CVS.

I'll stand corrected on that.  I'd not looked at the code closely enough 
to know if there were major compatibility problems.

Are there any movements to get things like the stack trace module and 
the Russian dbg debugger module into the standard PHP distribution?

If there was at least some links on the site, that would help
people to know they're available.

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: To all who replied to :Newbie question to everybody...PHP

2002-05-12 Thread Michael Kimsal

R wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I thank each and everyone one of you who replied, yeah, i got flamed a
> couple of times from some of you for the "sleep" bit but need i remind you
> that i am a newbie?

You didn't get flamed because you're a newbie, you got flamed
because it appeared you didn't do ANY research at all - you have
a book but didn't seem to read it (I'd guess there's at least a mention
of it there) but more importantly you didn't seem to even hit a basic
search engine.  Search or the site for 'sleep' and 
you'd have gotten exactly what you were looking for. You may have well 
asked if PHP has a way to do something "if" a condition is true.

Abstract issues about arrays are a bit harder to get across in a search 
engine, because you're not looking for syntax but perhaps more a 
tutorial (I'd guess searching for 'php array tutorial' would net you 
exactly what you want though too).

Use search engines first - you're bounch to find exactly what you're 
looking for in a fraction of a time it takes people multiple people to 
read and respond, then for you to get those responses.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: Debugger

2002-05-12 Thread Michael Kimsal

Jose Leon wrote:

> It would be nice that php itself incoporates a system to debug php 
> programs, like in PHP 3, in that way a development tool for php would 
> be enabled to debug modifying the php.ini with debug.enabled=true and 
> listening to a port. The system will work on any php distribution 
> because will be part of php itself. Why the debugger was removed from 
> PHP 3?

I think it's pretty obvious it was removed during the PHP4
development so that Zend would have a 'value add' to sell later.

That's the cynical part of me answering, obviously, and I've
never heard an answer one way or another why it was removed,
but the timing seems pretty remarkable.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Getting PHP on FreeBSD to talk to MSSQL Server 7...

2002-05-10 Thread Michael Kimsal

Glenn Sieb wrote:
> Hi.. it's me again :)
> We have a few different servers here, most of which are FreeBSD, 
> including our internal web server (Apache 1.3.24). We have PHP 4.2.0 
> installed as well.
> Currently I'm running my MSSQL query scripts on a Win2k webserver, as I 
> can't seem to get PHP to talk to MSSQL on the FreeBSD side. I'd really 
> prefer to have my PHP scripts all running on the FreeBSD side, rather 
> than on Win2k.
> We do have Perl able to talk to the MSSQL server using FreeTDS and the 
> DBI::Sybase package on the same FreeBSD machine.
> My ./configure:
>  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local 
> --with-apache=/home/src/Apache/Apachetoolbox
> -1.5.56/apache_1.3.24 --enable-exif --enable-track-vars 
> --with-calendar=shared -
> -enable-safe-mode --enable-magic-quotes --enable-trans-sid --enable-wddx 
> --enabl
> e-ftp --with-gd=/usr/local --with-zlib --enable-gd-native-tt 
> --with-t1lib=/usr/l
> ocal --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local --with-png-dir=/usr/local 
> --with-zlib-dir=/usr -
> -with-ttf --with-freetype-dir=/usr/local 
> --with-unixodbc=/usr/local/unixODBC --w
> ith-openssl=/usr/local --with-curl=/usr/local --enable-apc 
> --with-mysql=/sw/mysq
> l --with-mssql=/usr/local/etc/freetds --with-sybase=/usr/local/etc/freetds
> (built using ApacheToolbox, 1.5.56)
> FreeTDS' interfaces file is located in /usr/local/etc/freetds, which it 
> is/was my understanding that this is what's supposed to be there. Yet 
> not only does PHP give me:

the --with-sybase= line needs to point to where freetds was compiled, 
not the interfaces file.  We don't use the interfaces file, which seems
to be primarily a way to map names to IPs.  We just use the IP address 
directly in the mssql_connect() functions and it works.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] PHP Training Course announcement

2002-05-06 Thread Michael Kimsal

Good afternoon,

We are currently taking sign-ups for our June 17th-21st 2002 week long
PHP training course.  If you feel you can make this course or if you
would like to register for this session please register on our web site

The course is held in Ypsilanti, Michigan at the Eagle Crest Resort
(  Pricing for the course is $2500
(discounts available to non-profit, government and educational
institutions).  Currently this is the only place we offer training but
we do offer corporate on-site training for companies wishing to train
more than one employee.  More about our corporate training can be found

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you if you can attend this
session or require further information.

Michael Kimsal
Tap Internet, Inc.
(734) 482-1371
Toll Free 1-866-745-3660

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] PHP compared to JSP

2002-05-04 Thread Michael Kimsal

Ilia A. wrote:
> Caching is not going against PHP as long as whenever the file is changed of 
> the 1st access it would be cached, rather then caching php scripts based on 
> some arbitrary timer.
> Ideally the caching script would on the 1st access of the script convert the 
> script to binary code which can then be executed right away without needing 
> to pass through an interpreter. Just like you would run a compiled C program. 
> I suspect such caching solution would greatly boost the speed of any PHP 
> page. Unfortunately, as far as I know no current PHP caching solution does 
> this.

It's not PHP's place to do this.  Currently, it would be Zend's
place to do this, as they have somewhat of a monopoly on the PHP engine. 
  Obviously not a "monopoly" like, well, MS, but there's not any notable
support or demand for alternative PHP engines.  Current caches
cache the zend 'opcodes' (as far as I can tell), and the Zend engine 
translates to machine code during execution.  If anything was to do 
this, that's the place where it would/should happen.  I'd read about
someone planning a PHP -> C compiler, but haven't seen anything on it
yet.  This might alleviate speed problems for people (although it
would introduce a longer write/compile/test cycle).

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] if cant use header what should i use? or how to do this?

2002-05-03 Thread Michael Kimsal

Mantas Kriauciunas wrote:

because i have lots of outputs before it..and i need them 
should i do?

If you need them, why are you redirecting away from them?  You can't
'need' to display something and simultaneously 'need' to redirect
away from that same something.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: PHP vs JSP

2002-05-03 Thread Michael Kimsal

Paras Mukadam wrote:
> Dear all,
> How is PHP similar to / different than JSP ? I mean, in JSP the page is
> compiled the first time it runs on the web-browser, then the next time it
> finds the .class file and just runs it. i.e. the compiling is "just" the
> first time !! How does it work in PHP? Does PHP has any way to figure out
> whether it's first time ? that is does PHP compile .php file to some
> .compiled_php type and then it gives the output ?

If you're using the Zend Accelerator, or PHPA from, or APC from
or bware from someone else (sorry, can't remember the URL)
then the PHP process would only compile the first time and
store the bytecode for execution on subsequent requests.

18 months ago, eweek did a ecommerce store benchmark comparison
between CF, ASP, JSP and PHP.  JSP, at the time, got 13
page requests per second.  PHP had 47.  PHP was NOT using
any caching technology in that benchmark, but presumably JSP
was.  No doubt the JSP engine (Tomcat in that demo) has improved,
but I would suggest PHP has improved as well.

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Re: [PHP] Secure user authentication

2002-05-03 Thread Michael Kimsal

Pedro Pontes wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> I am considering doing that because any user can create a simple PHP script
> with his/her object with the authenticated flag set to "authorized",
> register that object with the session and then link to any of my pages,
> which if they don't make any kind of password test, they will unsuspectly
> accept the intrusion.
> What kind of test do you do in each of your pages? I just test if there is a
> user object registered and if its type (group), set upon successfully login,
> is allowed in the specified page. But if I create a separate script that
> just creates a simmilar object (with the same fields), artificially
> attribute a group and login to it, register it with the session and then
> link to any of my pages (without passing through the login page), they won't
> suspect that the access rights were forged.

What I can't figure out is why you're allowing people to just randomly
put pages on your server.  If someone was to randomly register a similar
user object, etc - why bother?  If I can put pages on your server and 
execute them, I'd do some something far more malicious than just pretend
I'm "user X".

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Best BBS

2002-04-30 Thread Michael Kimsal

Austin Marshall wrote:

> To bring balance in the force, there is  It has a few 
> arguments of why it is BAAADDD... I know i will never use phpbb2

It's a pretty lame page/site that amounts to someone whining about
the fact that

1.  The phpbb website looks good, therefore they must have crap code and
2.  They have a lot of includes/requires/constants and if/else

If it's truly poor code, and the guy wants to criticize, then post
some code samples and point out WHY it's bad.

Personally, I agree - I had to do a bit of work with someone else's
phpbb site a few weeks ago and thought it was a horrible
mishmash of code/html.  But I'm not going to post a whole website
about how bad it is unless without giving specific examples.  :)

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Michael Kimsal

Mark Charette wrote:

>-Original Message-
>From: michael kimsal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
>javascript as 'corporate policy'?
>Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler specifically disallow running of
>JavaScript, Java, and ActiveX via browsers on any computers connected to the
Seems kinda silly then that GM and Ford (didn't check dcx) would rely so
heavily on javascript and fancy crap on their own public websites.  Perhaps
none of their tens of thousands of workers is allowed to view their 
website - or maybe you
mean they reserve it separately on the inside.

>IBM recommends that all scripting services be turned off but does not
>disallow it.

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread Michael Kimsal

Miguel Cruz wrote:

>On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, michael kimsal wrote:
>>Miguel Cruz wrote:
>>>But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business. 
>>>Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by their 
>>>browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly 
>>>won't follow those links.
>>Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't 
>>handle javascript?
>Palm Pilot
>Cell phones
Those don't generally support HTML either, but some WML or something 
Palm's proxy service for the palm vii would translate HTML on the fly to 
its own
markup language.

Call me crazy, but I have this funny feeling most people doing the kind 
of projects where
javascript menus are even a consideration aren't also doing cell phone 

>Lots of public internet kiosks
I don't think I've seen a kiosk in the past 2 years that, if it allowed 
public browsing,
didn't allow javascript.  The only time it appears to be non-functioning 
is in 'locked down' kiosks,
and at that point I can't tell if javascript is 'disabled' or if the 
designers simply didn't use it
(moot point at that stage anyway).

>>Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
>>javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript'
>>argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting
>>handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
>>disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience
>>will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't
>>notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.
>I've done consulting in bank and government offices where application 
>proxies filtered out JavaScript. Given its frequent role as an attack 
>vector, this struck me as only the tiniest bit paranoid.
More than a tiny bit, imo.  Any 'attack' worth its salt has been through 
outlook - people should
spend more time filtering email with VB attachments than "javascript" in 
html pages.

>Go to any of the truly major sites, the ones that depend on getting large 
>numbers of people in and have mastered the art of doing it gracefully, and 
>you'll see that they don't depend on JavaScript. Even Microsoft's own 
> works fine without it. Likewise Yahoo, CNN, eBay, Amazon, etc.

I'm more than aware of the approach of large players.

I was not advocating using JS exclusively to the point of not working 
without it, but
it seemed the advice was 'don't use it at all'.  That's what I was 
getting from it before.

MSDN, on the other hand, pretty much demands "latest IE" only or else 
nothing works -
their prerogative to do so, I guess.

>>IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people 
>>might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the 
>>web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically 
>>think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.
>With current versions of Netscape and Mac browsers, I frequently see areas 
>of flat (HTML-specified) color not matching non-web-safe GIF and JPEG 
>colors. This creates unsightly seams (like not wearing a panty-liner, I 

PNGs cause more problem, ime, than anything else because IE doesn't 
render them properly.  

BTW, did you mean 'current version' of NS as '4.7x' or '6.x'.  Just 
curious what
people mean by 'current' NS these days.  :)

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Re: [PHP] lookin for a Menuing System...

2002-04-28 Thread michael kimsal

Miguel Cruz wrote:

>>Do it in JavaScript, it works and it's client side so it will be 
> But take care - using JavaScript for site navigation is tricky business. 
> Some people don't use it, some people can't use it (not supported by their 
> browsers / hardware / corporate policy), and search engines certainly 
> won't follow those links.

Can someone point me to hardware that is still in active use that can't 
handle javascript?

Similarly, can someone point me to a company that specifically disables
javascript as 'corporate policy'?  Back in 96-97, the 'no javascript' 
argument held, and probably holds today some if you're targetting 
handhelds and other 'non standard' devices.  But if someone specifically
disables Javascript these days, a good portion of their web experience 
will not be as robust as it would otherwise be, and they probably won't 
notice that using your site is any worse than any other site.

IMO, it's now like targetting only websafe colors because some people 
might only browse in 256 colors.  If they do that, about 80% of the 
web's content will look like crap anyway, and they won't specifically 
think my stuff looks all that much worse than anyone else's.

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[PHP] Re: Hey PHP PPL - Great Question !!!

2002-04-28 Thread Michael Kimsal

Vins wrote:
> Session Data.
> What is the best.
> to save in database, or to save as file ???
> let me know.
> Cheerz
> Vins

Sorry Vins,

It's not a great question.  It's too dependant on what you need to do,
what your development level is, and a host of other factors.

Start with files and when they don't do what you need, move to a database.

Michael Kimsal
Guaranteed PHP support when you need it

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: PHP is making errors for no apparents reason..?

2002-04-27 Thread michael kimsal

   if (!$chck) {
   $zquery = "SELECT name from users WHERE handle like 
   $zres = mysql_query($zquery);
   $zrow = mysql_fetch_array($zres);
   $user = $zrow[name];
   $query = "INSERT into husers values (\'$row[handle]\' , 

The first "select" line doesn't end its quotes properly.

Michael Kimsal
Guanrateed PHP support when you need it

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: web application development question

2002-04-26 Thread Michael Kimsal

Erik Price wrote:
> mysql> SELECT * FROM material_multiplier;
> ++
> | multiplier |
> ++
> |   1.50 |
> ++
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> I suppose I could store a table with two columns, one being VARNAME the 
> other being VALUE, and pull this kind of standalone data out of it, but 
> was curious what other people do when they need to store something like 
> this.

Hello Erik,

This is what our system does, except we go a 
step further and additionally pull in the variables related to a 
particular module being processed.  There is a config table with module 
name, var name and value, and when you're using the 'forum' module, for 
example, all vars in the config table relating to 'forum' are extracted 
and made available to the forum module code.  There is also a backend 
system to allow administrators to change those variables.  Something 
like 'postsPerPage' in the forum module, for example, can easily be 
changed from 15 to 20, by someone who knows no FTP, no PHP, no HTML, no 
coding of any kind.  Just a web-based 'change this value' screen.

Yeah, subtle plug there :)  but it *does* work - we've been using this 
strategy for over a year and it's a good middle ground giving 
flexibility without having to grant access to code to people who don't 
need it/shouldn't have it.

Michael Kimsal

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Re: [PHP] authentication

2002-04-23 Thread Michael Kimsal

Brian Drexler wrote:
> Use javascript and close the browser, that's all I can think of.

I wasn't aware you could close an entire browser - only
a specific window.  If the browser instance has any open windows,
  I believe the authentication will still be active.

Michael Kimsal
Guaranteed PHP support when you need it

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] authentication

2002-04-23 Thread Michael Kimsal

Morten Ronseth wrote:
> Anybody know how to revoke the HTTP authentication, i.e. log people out,
> using PHP?

You can't

Michael Kimsal
Guaranteed PHP support when you need it

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] LogiCreate: looking for resellers

2002-04-22 Thread Michael Kimsal

Richard Archer wrote:
> At 7:57 PM -0400 22/4/02, Michael Kimsal wrote:
>>you won't find a stronger combination of a solid development
>>framework and professional support anywhere else.
> In a word: Bollocks.
> This obviously an untrue claim for all but one company in the world.
> And I find it very hard to believe that you could be that company.
> I would never purchase (or possibly even use) a product from someone
> who lies and misleads in their promotional material.
> Thanks for the spam.
>  ...R.

Perhaps I should have clarified (and I thought it was evident)
that we were referring to the PHP market, not the
software development market in general.  We still don't know
anyone else who provides guaranteed PHP development support
service or professional training courses for PHP.  If you
know of others in the US, please let me know.

I apologize to you if you've felt misled - it was not the
intention at all.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] LogiCreate: looking for resellers

2002-04-22 Thread Michael Kimsal

Hello all!

My company, Tap Internet, has launched the latest
version of our development platform - LogiCreate.  The basic
info can be found at, but I'm writing
here specifically to solicit product resellers from
the PHP developer community.

The product itself has been tested in numerous deployments
over the past 2 years, including ecommerce, extranet, intranet and
CMS-oriented installations.

Although there are numerous open source projects and toolkits
you can base your development work on, we'd like to appeal to
your commercial instincts.  By becoming a LogiCreate
reseller, you'll be getting much more than code and updates,

* Deployment experience and support.  Our engineers
have deployed large scale ecommerce sites (processing
tens of millions of dollars per day) as well as handled
migration from ColdFusion and ASP-based sites.

* Sales support - if you need help developing proposals
to go up against competitors, we can help.  Whether it's
the validity of PHP itself, or questions about open source
security, we'll lend our support to your sales efforts.

* Training - we offer the only professional PHP training course
in the US, and as a reseller you get preferred rates on
training courses (as well as at least one free class per year).

While there's nothing wrong with the mailing lists and
support forums on various free sites, you won't find a stronger 
combination of a solid development framework and professional support
anywhere else. If you're ready to step up your development
efforts with PHP, give us a call.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Not A PHP question but I need help in a big way...

2002-04-22 Thread Michael Kimsal

Chuck Pup Payne wrote:
> Hi,
> I just got finish will a meeting from HELL, I need to ask can some one tell
> me is there an Apache Mailing List like this. I have to ask if I can do ASP
> page on Apache, I know I know please don't flame me, I kept trying to get
> them to switch to PHP, but I been told to shut my mouth and just find out
> this information. So I am sorry that I am asking but I not sure where to
> start.
> Chuck Payne

You don't need a mailing list so much as just going to google first -
it'll point you to mailing lists or groups if they exist (hit 'groups' 
at the top too).

I can give you the answer(s):

Chilisoft makes an ASP interpreter which works with Apache,
but it doesn't run everything.

By ASP I'm assuming you mean VBScript.  You will see reference to an ASP 
module for Apache - don't bother.  It uses Perl and emulates some of the 
core ASP system objects.  Unless your people are inclined to rewrite 
everything in Perl, don't bother even clicking those weblinks.

So the short answer is pretty much 'no', with the exception of 
Chilisoft.  If your ASP pages are extremely simple Hello World type 
stuff that don't use any external COM stuff, it'll work.  Otherwise skip 
it.  If you're on Windows, just stick with ASP/VBScript.

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Better standards in PHP-coding

2002-04-20 Thread michael kimsal

Mark Charette wrote:
> Hehehe. And I thought the OTBSW (One True Brace Style Wars) had passed into
> memory back some 10 or 15 years ago! Lo! They resurface yet again! 30 years
> in this business and still I hear them argue.
> Perhaps a cb style program for PHP so people can write any blasted style
> they feel like and then have another programmer transform it into _their_
> OTB style.
> _My_ "coding standards" may not be _your_ coding standards, but mechanical
> transformations can pretty much make it all moot.

Cool - thanks.  I seem to have posted twice on accident, but you
summed up much better what I tried to say, but quicker!  :)
This guy got on my few remaining nerves this evening.  :)

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[PHP] Re: Better standards in PHP-coding

2002-04-20 Thread michael kimsal

Frank wrote:

For starters, just because GNU says something is what should be done
doesn't mean it's the right way.  They don't believe software should be
licensed in particular ways, and I happen to believe it's up to the 
developer(s) of a package to decide that.

Second, *HOW MANY* PHP statements can be followed by a { ?

I can think of three

if (foo) {
function foo () {
class foo {

Maybe there's one more that I'm missing, but it seems pretty darn
obvious to me that if I write

if (foo) {
if (bar) {
   echo "bar";

that when I see a } I can immediately trace it back up to the 
corresponding column and see the keyword "IF".  The indentation still 
keeps things in order.

Guess what other benefit *I* derive from this?  I can see more lines
on the screen at the same time.  Sorry - I usually always see ~35.
What I'm seeing are more *useful* lines of PHP code, not extra line 
breaks intended to satisfy some GNU standards definer.

Personally, I enjoy being able to see more useful code than line breaks, 
and I am intelligent enough to be able, using intelligently indented 
code, to follow a } up the the statement which opened the { on the same 

"As teacher I know from experience that programmers has a harder time 
tracking their own block with a number of "{"s dancing far out of sight 
in the right side of the screen."

Maybe they should be breaking up their IF logic into multiple lines
(PHP's OK with whitespace issues) so that things aren't 'dancing' off 
the right side of the screen.

if ($myvarirable1*myvariable2 >= myvariable3*myvariable4+114)  {

The only people I've come across that like to use this oneStatement
trick are smart enough not to type { in the first place.  Myself, I
never use that oneStatement style, and always put a { and matching } 
immediately below it when coding.  Then I go back and put the logic
between the { and } markers.

"> Why, then, are functions not written as
 > function foo(parameter1, foo(parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterN) {
 >  statements
 >  ...
 > }
 > "

We write our functions like that.  It seems many user comments
in the PHP manual use the same style, as do many of
the code snippets and samples on Zend.

Trying to base if block {} usage on the supposed uniformity of
function block {} usage doesn't hold much weight.  :(

"I have yet to see anybody write

if expression begin

I'm not sure if you're trolling, or just don't go back very far in 
computers, or what...

BASIC seemed to be full of this stuff, and it made a decent
name for itself as a computer language.  Example:
(note carefully the placement of "IF" and "THEN" and "END IF")

FOR i% = 1 TO 10
   IF yourScore% >= playerscore%(i%) THEN
 FOR ii% = 10 TO i% + 1 STEP -1  'Go backwards (i% < 10)
   playername$(ii%) = playername$(ii% - 1)
   playerscore%(ii%) = playerscore%(ii% - 1)
 NEXT ii%
 PRINT "Congratulations! You have made the top 10!"
 INPUT "What is your name? ", yourName$
 playername$(i%) = yourName$
 playerscore%(i%) = yourScore%

(taken shamlessly from as I can't 
remeber much BASIC these days!)

"As an amusing result of the weird practice it has been necessary to
recommend a standard where the { }-pair is always used, even though
there is only one statement following an if:"

I don't find it amusing that, as a programming standard,
one is encouraged to *ALWAYS* use { and }, regardless of if there's
only oneStatement (see above).  We teach PHP courses, and trying
to explain to people that, "well, sometimes you can use { } blocks
but you don't always need them" is just confusing as all get out
to people just starting out with the language.  Giving them a
standard "use {} blocks" makes more sense to them and us.

BTW, in the classes, we do show both

if (foo) {
   echo "foo";


if (foo)
echo "foo";

styles.  I'd say about 60% or so wind up using option one, even though
option 2 is presented more, and the examples generally use style 2.

"We can only hope that some major standard-setters for PHP should make a
rational decision about what standard to choose and not just keep "what
we are used to" for the disadvantage of future generations of programmers."

What if there IS a forthcoming 'rational decision' about {} usage from
all the core PHP team, and they choose the way you don't like?  Should
they codify the parser to not work with certain styles?  Why must
there be some magical consensus on something which, ime, doesn't have
as much impact on the language as ISAPI support, or better object 
handling, or stronger memory handling, or a myriad of other topics?

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: CMS -- central module handling

2002-04-20 Thread michael kimsal

Lauri Vain wrote:
> Hello there, 


> I'm seriously researching some aspects of writing a content management
> system that would be 'relatively' easy to extend. 
> My biggest problem is the ground level -- how should the central system
> (that registers modules) work? Ideally, it should be possible to easily
> extended the system -- running the install.php file (or something
> similar) will tell (insert new database rows or will add new rows to the
> configuration file) the central module that a new module was just added
> and also gives instructions, how to use it, with which other modules it
> integrates and where the new files are. 

I think you're attacking the wrong problem first, especially
coming up with a system which defines what modules something else can
'integrate' with.  If your modules are designed as essentially 
standalone pieces of code, any of them should be able to 'integrate' 
(or, perhaps a better term, interoperate) with each other with little 
pain, even if it's not what was originally designed for one or more of 
the pieces of code in question.

You'd do better to focus on a common i/o system which the core system 
uses to talk to each module.

> The basic idea is that modifications to existing files (modules)
> shouldn't be made (except the central module, which handles all others).
> Each module should be totally *independent*, but should still integrate
> with the rest of the modules (when marked as possible in the database).
> What I mean by 'integrate' is the following: there are two modules, for
> example, "image gallery" and "articles". Both of them should appear in
> "What's new" part (when the appropriate checkbox will be checked). Also,
> it would be nice when one could choose the option "Publish to articles"
> when inserting a new image gallery (a client event for example -- story
> in pictures). Yes, that's a simplified example. 

You need to better define a module, I guess.  I our case (with a 'module' is a separate section of code 
pieces.  Sometimes as little as two (one logic/one display) and 
sometimes many more).  Our 'forum' system, for example, has I believe 8 
files.  Your requirement about *never* changing any files is, imo, 
impossible.  *something* will always need to be changed for various 
implementations, even if it's just one visual change someone wants.

> So, the problem is that there might only be the "article" module at
> first. Later, the "articles" and "What's new" module will be added and
> all three of them should now work together. I hope you catch my drift. 

You could possibly look at to see how they implement 
the 'addition' of modules (different from how we handle it, but perhaps 
a bit more in line with what you're describing)

> I have quite a few ideas, but I'm sure that our team is just
> re-inventing the wheel. What are your experiences? Are there any good
> books on the subject of creating an extendable content management system
> (preferably from the coders point of view, but not language-specific). 
> Thanks,
> Lauri

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: Querying Oracle from PHP

2002-04-19 Thread Michael Kimsal

Jon wrote:
> Hi,
> I am evaluating if it is posible to connect Oracle 8i from PHP, running a
> PL/SQL procedure and returning the results, avaible in a temp table, to
> HTML. Besides, I need to format the results of the query in PDF document and
> make a pie chart based on he results of the contents of the table I
> mentioned before. I looking for some adds-on to PHP that makes it posible to
> do this all..
> Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advanced

Someone else suggested using
which I'd aso highly recommend.  This will do some
pretty sophisticated charting/graphing.

Also, instead of PDFLib, you may want to investigate
htmldoc from first.  You don't get as much
fine-grained detail control, but it's much easier to
work with for pdf stuff you need to crank out quickly.

Michael Kimsal
Guaranteed PHP support when you need it.

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Nasty DoS in PHP

2002-04-17 Thread Michael Kimsal

Dustin E. Childers wrote:
> Hello.
> I have found something interesting that can kill the server. I'm not sure if this is 
>because of Apache or PHP. If you use PHP to send a header() inside of a while loop, 
>the httpd process will begin to use massive CPU and Memory until it is killed, or the 
>server is killed. Here is what I used:
>while(0<1) {
> header("A");
>   }
> ?>
> We have tested this on apache 1.3.22, and apache 2.0.35, using php 4.1.2 and 
>4.2.0RC4. It was able to completly kill our servers (not apache, the entire server). 
>The loads of the server will reach 50+. I have contacted apache about this and they 
>said that it is PHP related.

Did you have output buffering on or off?  It seems that it would be 
somewhat dependant on the browser as well, but maybe I'm offbase here.

If you just kept letting

while(0<1) {
echo "w";

run as well, wouldn't that also lock things up?  Aren't infinite loops 
in general a bad thing?  Or is there something particular about the 
header() that you're thinking is going on?

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[PHP] Re: Storing images in MySql

2002-04-16 Thread Michael Kimsal

Mike Fifield wrote:
> After posting my question about performance earlier this morning it was
> suggested that I also store the jpg's in the database, (thanks Maxim). I did
> a little research and got a lot of conflicting information on weather this
> is a good idea or not. For example the following url states that you suffer
> a 30% performance hit by doing it this way. 
> <> 
> Is anyone out there running a website that stores images as binary data in
> MySql that could comment on this?
> Any and all comments are welcome. 
> Mike

*Storing* images in the database is only half the battle - you need to 
have another script to pull them out and display them.

The only situation where this makes sense is if you want/need to 
programmatically control access to images.  Just like you can control 
access to various other bits of data in the database, you can also 
control access to specific image data in a database - but it's an extra 
step to pull it out.  An extra HTTP request, I should say.

If you don't have a need to programmatically control access to image 
files, don't bother putting them in a database.  Let the filesystem do 
what it's meant to do - serve files.

Michael Kimsal
Guaranteed PHP support when you need it

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Definitive answer for large scale registration/authentication

2002-04-16 Thread Michael Kimsal

Brad Hubbard wrote:
> Can I get some feedback on the conventional wisdom as to the best solution 
> for high volume registration and authentication of users accessing a secure 
> site? I have worked before with database/session based methods as well as 
> htaccess. Which is preferred? Are there alternatives?
> Thanks for the feedback,
> Brad

I guess the first thing you should help us with is defining "high 
volume".  :)  1/sec?  100 sec?  Actually, this will probably have less
impact on archictecture than hardware, but I'm always curious as to what
'high volume' is to different people (my own view has changed
a lot over the years).

".htaccess" can be made to pull data from a database, so I don't think
there's a clear distinction to be made there.  Furthermore, if
the .htaccess is using a textfile for password authentication, how many
users are in it?  1,000?  1,000,000? 1,000,000,000?  Using a database
would be more flexible, I believe, should you need to change webservers
in the future - you probably won't be moving to IIS, but hey, who knows? :)

Manuel is right about the browser authentication method not being 
'controllable'.  If you log in with a 'challenge/response' password box,
your browser will keep sending that information with every request 
(including graphics), and because it's in the browser, you have no easy 
way of forcing it to log out.  Doing 'server-side' authentication
and session handling is going to give you more flexibility.

Our initial testing has show LDAP to be a bit faster in raw lookups for 
user authentication.  Perhaps a combination of LDAP and a another 
database to store the session data would be your best bet.  If you could 
give us more info on your hardware and requirements needs we can better 
assist you.

Michael Kimsal
Guaranteed PHP support when you need it

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP MySQL Hosting services

2002-04-15 Thread Michael Kimsal

Vins wrote:
> you get unlimited traffic.
> here it is very cheep.
> so they can offer a great service.
> and they also don't pay for a domain.
> so that means even more cheeper prices.
> they crazy.
> I  know they guy, his way of thinking is free is better for the client and
> for them
> client gets cheeper prices.
> they get more moeny.

So, that $14.95/year he saves on his own domain name is split
between, what, 10 clients and each one is saving $1.50/year?  Wow! 
That's over 10 cents per month he's saving his clients!.

Maybe he should get rid of the phone lines too - that would save
even MORE money, and mean even CHEAPER prices for people!  There's
no end to how much money he can save us!

> works, you should see what he drives

Did he pay cash?  Or is he leasing?  "Fake it till you make it"
is quite a popular lifestyle for many people.  :)

Michael Kimsal

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: "What date/time was it 7 hours ago"?

2002-04-15 Thread Michael Kimsal

Torkil Johnsen wrote:
> "What date/time was it 7 hours ago"?
> I'm just trying to make a log using mysql/php
> This log is kinda supposed to show the time, local to the user.
> So I store datetime on the format -MM-DD HH:MM:SS in a datetime field.
> Using the php date function to get the date.
> This will store the time that right then ON THE SERVER.
> Now, when fetching data from the mysql table, I want to display what the
> time WAS, LOCALLY (where I'm at, not the server) when the log entry was
> made.
> So. How do I make a function that takes in -MM-DD HH:MM:SS and spits out
> the -MM-DD HH:MM:SS minus... for instance, 7 hours?
> "What date/time was it 7 hours ago"?

function timebefore($time,$hours=7) {
$x = strtotime($time) - ($hours * 3600);
return date("Y-m-d H:i:s A",$x);

Michael Kimsal
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Re: [PHP] chechking to see if a directory already exists

2002-04-11 Thread Michael Kimsal

Kevin Stone wrote:
> Wouldn't it be more helpful to assume that the individual is simply
> uninformed?  So isntead of flaming him and calling him stupid you could say,
> "Check the PHP manual at".
> -Kevin

The definition of a question assumes the person is uninformed - else,
why ask the question?

Perhaps the list should have an autoreponse with 'check the 
manual' as a canned response to every post.  :)

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[PHP] Re: pages compressed with zlib

2002-04-11 Thread Michael Kimsal

Levy Alves Carneiro Jr. wrote:
> Hello,
> inside php.ini file there's a special configuration:
> ; Transparent output compression using the zlib library
> ; Valid values for this option are 'off', 'on', or a specific
> ; buffer size to be used for compression (default is 4KB)
> zlib.output_compression = On
> this way pages will be parsed, compressed, and then sent to the
> browser. Does anybody know of pros & cons of using this
> configuration? Which browsers support zlib compression?
> Thanks,
> Levy

Netscape 4.x *says* it supports compression, but it
doesn't uncompress when printing, so if you use the compression
method, your netscape 4 users will be at a loss if they want to print.

Maybe this will force them to upgrade (finally) but probably not.

Michael Kimsal
Guaranteed PHP support when you need it

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[PHP] Re: Serializing Binary Data

2002-04-11 Thread Michael Kimsal

Jeb Scarbrough wrote:
> Is it possible to serialize binary data?  An image for example.  I am trying
> to accomplish this:
> 1. Build web page.
> 2. Retrieve dynamically built image from another physical server.
> 3. Serialize the image and store it in some type of session variable
> 4. Unserialize this image and display it inline with html around it.
> I realize this is terribly inefficient, but there are several factors as to
> why it has to be accomplished this way.

Not sure if serializing binary data directly would work, but you
should be able to run base64_encode() and base64_decode() on the
data first, then serialize it.  Or heck, just store that ascii
version that is the base64'd version directly - no need to serialize.

Michael Kimsal
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Re: [PHP] Re: arguments against php / mysql?

2002-04-10 Thread Michael Kimsal

Barry C. Hawkins wrote:
 > Mallen, It sounds like you might have some non-technical or
 > open-source execs to talk to, and that a non-MS platform is not an
 > option (yet :^) ).  If so, here are some more "managerial"-type
 > arrows for your quiver:
 > 1.) MySQL was one of the top 2 databases in a Ziff-Davis major vendor
 > "shootout" recently, ranking alongside Oracle 9i.  See
 > under the heading "MySQL a winner in server database clash".  They
 > like products more if they're mentioned in the same sentence as
 > Oracle.  Oracle was on the SuperBowl, you know. :^)
 > 2.) Actually, PHP doesn't officially say that CGI is the recommended
 > install for IIS.  They simply issue a few caveats regarding SAPI.
 > Check it out at:

"Officially" perhaps but I think the overwhelming consensus has been
that ISAPI under Windows just didn't work.  It *does* work now, as
long as you don't use any third party DLLs (like MySQL, GD, etc) 
rendering it pretty useless.

Sorry, it's just anecdotal evidence, but you'll notice that no one in 
the PHP camp will unequivocally say that PHP under ISAPI is solid.  The 
silence on ISAPI speaks volumes right now.

 > 3.) I have nothing to offer on the search engine issue.
 > Now, I know that some of what I just said will incense some folks,
 > because yes, ideally this poor fellow would be able to use *nix with
 > Apache, MySQL, and PHP.  But, since he may not have that luxury,
 > these items might put enough "spin" on things for him to get the Open
 > Source items in the door.  Once that initial "yes" has been given,
 > the subsequent steps might come more easily.

If the only way to get "open source" products in the door is
to have them running half-crippled (running on OSes they weren't
designed for) you're giving "open source" products a bad image.  No one 
expects ASP to run on anything but IIS (chilisoft notwithstanding).  If 
the server HAS to be Windows, use ActiveState's Perl or something else 
with a company behind it and just go down that road.

Having PHP run poorly under Windows will just make PHP look bad, even if 
it's Windows' fault.

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: arguments against php / mysql?

2002-04-10 Thread Michael Kimsal

Mallen Baker wrote:
 > Hi - the company we're talking to about doing some work on a simple
 > site / database is trying hard to persuade us that Windows-based PHP
 > / mysql is not the route to go. The arguments are as follows:

Windows-based PHP might not be the way to go.  We've deployed
PHP as CGI under IIS, and, while it did work, there were things
Linux/Apache gave us that you can't get under Windows (IIS or Apache)
(good URL parsing, for a start).  It was workable enough, but
was not very fast.

 > 1. XXX's experience that MySQL is less than 100% stable when running
 > on a windows platform (main problem being unexpected database
 > shutdowns while applications are being used).

If we're going on experiences, then our experiences is that
*anything* on Windows doesn't stay up 100% of the time (not saying
other OSs are necessarily better, but you'll find pros and cons
on both sides).  Just because something isn't 100% doesn't
mean you shouldn't go with it.  We've run various SQL Servers on Windows
and normally had to reboot every 1-2 months as a preemptive
strike against a crash.  We had unexpected database crashes
with MS products on MS servers.  By XXX's logic, we shouldn't
use MS SQL Server either.  But people do use it.

2. The fact that the
 > recommended mode for running PHP on a windows platform (the CGI
 > binary) uses technology that is now reasonably old and will
 > consequently result  in a hit to the server performance and memory
 > management and the associated  possible lack of scalability.

As others have said, the Apache module under Windows seems to work better.

3. Loss
 > of verity - the powerful search engine bundled with Cold Fusion.
 > Searches may  be significantly slower on the new site.

Depending on what you use.  MySQL has full-text searching which, while 
not perfect, does a pretty good job with most of the stuff we've thrown
at it so far (speed and size).

 > I have had some experience using php/mysql on linux/apache - but
 > don't have enough information to know whether this advice is sound or
 > not. Can anyone please advise - is there anything in these arguments?
 > If so, are there ways around the problems. We very much want to use
 > these technologies due to the open source aspects.

There's always an answer - depends on how much work you want to do. 
Yeah, CF/Verity might be nice to start with, but who's doing the coding?
If XXX is doing it up front, will they be around to make changes 
quickly/as needed?  Or will the maintenance drop to you?

They may have a reseller program which means they'll make a couple 
hundred bucks off the sale of CF and want to push that.  (just a guess - 
you haven't given any more info).

For the money you'd spend on CF, you could do worse than to buy a
machine to run LAMP on and go with that.  If they only want to push
CF at you, and you want PHP, give us a call.  :)

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: PHP Sessions/P3P Questions

2002-04-10 Thread Michael Kimsal

Richard Spangenberg wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using PHP Sessions in my coding.  I have noticed that my cookies work
> just fine in MSIE 6.0 if the browser's privacy setting is set to low.
> However, in all other settings it is not responding.  I bleive this is
> because of the P3P privacy setting.  Is this a major issue, or are the
> higher P3P settings not really being used.
> What are others doing about this? Implimenting P3P at clients sites or
> standing by and waiting?

Well, if you want to get a project done and get paid, you've got no 
choice but to jump into the P3P stuff.  It's a major pain, let me tell 
you.  Getting clients who take 3 weeks to determine what shade of blue 
they like to suddenly have to positively articulate a privacy policy 
just isn't my idea of fun.

And don't think you can throw just anything in there.  If your customer 
will use the client's info to call them about something, and you 
indicate in the P3P that no phone calls will be made to the user, you 
may be in trouble (or at least the site owner would be).  The legal 
ramifications are unknown at this point, but given the big business at 
stake, and the litigious nature of our society (US anyway) nothing would 
surprise me at this point.

The whole P3P gives too much control to users without requiring any 
education on their part.  Sliding a bar to 'medium' without knowing 
precisely what it's doing causes nothing but support headaches for the 

We went through this about 6 months ago.  IE6 came out and about 6 
percent of our client's users were using it after about a month. 
Support calls skyrocketed because suddenly a huge number of people 
couldn't use the site.  Cookies weren't being accepted.  In every case, 
it was an IE6 user who'd set their privacy settings up higher than 
'low'.  We had to hastily put up a P3P policy and modify it later. 
People were just paranoid about 'privacy', as if moving a slider made 
them safer.  The sad thing is that the slime who *will* sell your name 
and email and whatever other info they gather will have no compunction 
about creating a false P3P policy file.

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: sablotron XMl XSLT

2002-04-09 Thread Michael Kimsal

Matthew Luchak wrote:
> PHP 4.1.2
> SunOS web-unix1 5.7
> apache_1.3.22
> I'm trying to parse XML/XSL on a shared  box and I'm using :
> $xslthandler = xslt_create() or die("Can't create XSLT handle!");
> to test for sablotron.  Unfortunately I just get a "Call to undefined 
> function" error which I guess means no - there's no sablotron installed 
> - but I was wondering if there is another way to test for Sablotron?  I 
> need a little quicker turnaround time then passing from voicemail to 
> voicemail at my ISP ;)
> thanks,

You could use function_exists() to test if xslt_create() is a defined
function.  If not, then error out.  If so, carry on.  It's not limited
to sablotron checking - check for GD, PDF, etc.

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: tired by linux - recompiling.._PHP SERVER

2002-04-01 Thread Michael Kimsal

Septic Flesh wrote:
> anyone found any webserver for linux to support HTML - PHP - SSL without
> much/any compiling . .
> just the binary to uncompress and run .???
> I am really tired by linux..

Most Linux distributions come precompiled with PHP and SSL in Apache
by default.  RedHat and Mandrake do - at least there are options during

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Re: [PHP] ask for suggestion about printing

2002-04-01 Thread Michael Kimsal

Eric Coleman wrote:
> This can be done easily...
> And since when does PDFLIB cost money? I thought it was free...

PDFLIB isn't free.

A commercial PDFlib license is required for all uses of the software 
which are not explicitely covered by the Aladdin Free Public License 
(see bottom), for example:

? shipping a commercial product which contains PDFlib
? distributing (free or commercial) software based on PDFlib when the 
source code is not made available
? implementing commercial Web services with PDFlib

? you may develop free software with PDFlib, provided you make all of 
your own source code publicly available
? you may develop software for your own use with PDFlib as long as you 
don't sell it
? you may redistribute PDFlib non-commercially
? you may redistribute PDFlib on digital media for a fee if the complete 
contents of the media are freely redistributable.

It's fine for some situations, but it's not *free* for all uses.
There are actually quite a number of scenarios I come across
where PDFLIB isn't a 'free' package, but requires someone to pay.
"implementing commercial Web services with PDFlib" is pretty wide
open, imo.

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: Why?

2002-03-30 Thread Michael Kimsal

Alberto Wagner wrote:
> Why everyone uses $foo or $foobar as examples?

Why not?  They are relatively benign words that are simply to
type and aren't terribly language centric.

$moo and $moocow would work just as well, or $asdf or $qwerty
or others.

As far as I know, they have no specific connotation,
but they've been used as placement holder names since
at least the early 80's when I started programming.

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: Drawing graphs - opinions

2002-03-22 Thread michael kimsal

Lee P Reilly wrote:
> Hi,
> I see there a number of PHP scripts/libraries out there for the purpose
> of graphing data. Which one is considered to be the best, most powerful
> / easiest to use? I need to plot X/Y graphs for some data sets with
> vertical error margin lines going along the y-axis. Any recommendations?

By far the strongest I've seen/used is jpgraph.  Others here
have picked it up faster than I have - I can't say it's the easiest to 
learn, but definitely very powerful (rotated 3d pie charts?!)

Have you looked at it?  Is there something it's missing?

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: Advice needed

2002-03-22 Thread michael kimsal

If this is the explanation the other 7 got, I'm not
surprised they're stumped.  :)

You don't seem to explain the formula to determine q100, q300, etc.,
which bugged me, but the text of your question seems to indicate
we don't really need to know this.

 > Now the tricky part is $Quantity2 can either be blank or have a value
 > and if $Quantity2 has a value then $Quantity3 can either be blank or
 > have a value

if ($Quantity2) {
execute code
if ($Quantity3) {
execute code

Am I missing something obvious?  Do the values of quantity2 and 3
have some impact on the pricings of quantity1?  Could you explain your
problem in more detail (offlist is fine if you want).

Michael Kimsal
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Re: [PHP] object reflection in php?

2002-03-18 Thread Michael Kimsal

John Coggeshall wrote:
> Why are you going through all of this trouble, exactly?
> If you are looking to store the instance of the object in the databaes,
> why not just use serialize()/unserialize()?? 
> John

If you're trying to map each object property to a specific table column 
in a database, serializing wouldn't help.

Michael Kimsal
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Re: [PHP] object reflection in php?

2002-03-18 Thread Michael Kimsal

Erik Price wrote:
> On Monday, March 18, 2002, at 06:28  AM, Filippo Veneri wrote:
>> Just to make myself understood:
>> class obj {
>>   var $field;
>>   function obj( $value ) {
>> $this->field = $value;
>>   }
>> }
>> $o = new obj( "field value" );
>> How can i know, if possible,  that the instance of
>> obj pointed to by $o has a field named "field"?
>> This would be useful to write an object to a database
>> without knowing its structure 'a-priori'.
> Couldn't you just add another method called "return_field_name()" to the 
> class?  Then you could run this method from the script and you will be 
> given the value of the field name.  Your code would look like this:

I think you missed his point.  With your example, you still need
to know the field name, which is what he's trying to avoid.

Filippo, I think what you're looking for is:
more info at

Does that help?

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: Get row number from mysql

2002-03-13 Thread michael kimsal

Tyler Longren wrote:
> Hello,
> How can I get the number of the current row, something like this:
>  $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id DESC");
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
> $id = $row["id"];
> $name = $row["name"];
> print "$current_row_number. $name";
> }
> ?>
> I can't just use the id field, because the ID's might not always be 1, 2, 3,
> 4, 5, 6, etc...they could go 1, 2, 4, 5, 8.
> I need it to look like this:
> 1. first person
> 2. second person
> 3. third person
> and so on and so forth.
> Can anyone advise me on how I should do this?
> thanks,
> Tyler

Why not just put a counter in there?

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
  $id = $row["id"];
  $name = $row["name"];
  print "$counter. $name";

Michael Kimsal
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Re: [PHP] Re: A stupid question...

2002-03-10 Thread michael kimsal

Chuck "Pup" Payne wrote:
> I want to sort by a letter in a colomn. Let say I want to sort the colomn
> last_name. I can do order by but I can do just the A's.
> Like to create a link on a web "A" then sort only the last name are A.
> I hope that's helps. I can order by, but I can't so a sort like the example
> above.
> Chuck Payne
> Magi Design and Support

One of two things to do:

When you're inserting the data, figure out the first letter and store 
that as a separate column ("letter" perhaps)

Second, probably easier to implement in your case with existing data,
is to use LIKE.

$sql = "select * from datatable where last_name like '$letter%'";

The % is a wildcard symbol, so if $letter is "a" then a last name
of "adams", "aames", "aston", etc. would all match.

I know there's someway to have mysql do a string manipulation to compare 
just part of a column's data with something, so you could do something 
similar to a 'substr' in PHP - but it's late and I can't remember off 
the top of my head.

Hope that helps...

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: Can Anyone translate my script to php?

2002-03-10 Thread Michael Kimsal

Ceyhun GüLer wrote:
> I have a small picture and when I click on this image
> image opens resimgoster.asp with "resimgoster.asp?res=main tumbled images
> picture.jpg"
> and this asp code includes
> <%@language="vbscript"%>
> <%location=request.querystring("res")
> location=replace(location, " ", "/")
> %>
> this code gets "res" variable and replace " " fields with "/"
> by this way I use only one file to enlarge of these picture...
> but I need it in php now
> can any one translate my asp code to php code?

I'd probably do something like

I'm relying on the fact that $res would be autodefined
as a variable from the querystring.  This behaviour is
not standard in the latest version of PHP I believe, but
most versions before have it come by default.  The server admin
may have disabled it, but by default that happens.  If it's
not on, you could add a line to make it:

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: problem with mysql persistent connections; already read the FAQ!

2002-03-08 Thread michael kimsal

Dustin Puryear wrote:
> We are running Apache 1.3.20 with PHP 4.0.6/rfc1876-patch built as a
> module. We are using PHP on a load-sharing cluster with n web servers.
> Our cluster supports an application that makes extensive use of mysql
> connections via the PHP mysql_* functions.
> The application was tested on a single web server, and the programmers
> are trying to use persistent connections to increase efficiency.
> First, I want to confirm in my own mind whether this will have any
> real benefit in our situation because we are using a cluster
> environment, correct?
> Second, the programmers are using mysql_connect() and not
> mysql_pconnect(). Does that mean they are in fact not using persistent
> connections? (BTW, we do have persistent connections turned on in
> php.ini.)

If they are not using the mysql_pconnect functions, then you are not 
using persistent connections.  The .ini file setting simply allows them 
to be used or not - no version I've seen has an option to override to
always use them.

> Finally, the programmers showed me how they see that persistent
> connections are in fact working. On the development server they are
> doing the following:
> mysql_open()
> mysql_query() 
> ...
> mysql_close()
> mysql_query()
> On their server the second mysql_query() works! 

What is the specific syntax they are using?  Is there any chance that 
they have opened more than one handle to mysql?  The mysql_close() would
only close one, and if there are more than one handles open, only one 
will close and others will be free to handle _query() functions.

I'm going to assume they are using mysql_connect() as I can't find 
refernce to a mysql_open() function.

The mysql_query function *may* be simply reopening another connection 
with the previous information.

 From the manual:
mysql_query() sends a query to the currently active database on the 
server that's associated with the specified link identifier. If 
link_identifier isn't specified, the last opened link is assumed. If no 
link is open, the function tries to establish a link as if 
mysql_connect() was called with no arguments, and use it.

(They are using Apache
> 1.3.20 as well, but I was told they may have compiled PHP into Apache
> rather than as a module, and I'm not exactly sure of the version, but
> I'm pretty sure it is 4.0.6.) But on the cluster the second
> mysql_query() returns:
> Warning: 1 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /some/path/pers.php
> on line 11 could not execute 'select zipcod from zip'

Does that second machine have access to the database?  The database may 
be only allowing 'localhost' connections or connections from a specific IP.

> Should this be working on our cluster? If not, what do we need to do.


> Can this work? 

 > Will persistent connections even be effective in a
> cluster environment?

It depends.  In the Apache situation, using persistent connections will 
cause *each* Apache child to hold a connection open to MySQL.  So if you 
have 150 apache processes on 3 servers, that's 450 connections the 
database server needs to have open for MySQL.  ~50k per connection, 
that's about 23 meg - should be doable on most machines to start.  If 
you're running lots of big queries, get loads of RAM.  You'll need to 
tune mysql to handle more than the default 100 concurrent connections, 
and make sure your OS can handle the maximum resources it may require as 

Yes, they can be effective.  On a fast network with a light loaded 
machine using mysql, you often can't tell much of a difference between 
pconnect and connect.  As the load grows heavier, the pconnects come in 
more handy, but at a price of consuming resources you may otherwise need.

If 150 apache processes are serving up HTML and PHP and graphics, one 
server may end up holding 150 persistant connections open for a long 
time, even though you may only be serving 10-20-30 PHP pages at any one 
time.  Although the other Apache children are serving graphics/HTML, 
they may earlier have run a PHP script with pconnect and will now hold 
it open until they die.  We tell Apache children to only handle 
5000-1 requests and then specifically die, which should kill the 
connection to mysql (some drivers seem to not handle this - freetds had 
a problem letting go of handles on the apache exit cycle).

In short, if you're looking to load balance a high load, pconnects can 
help, but smart web serving architecture can help too (possibly moreso 
all around).

> I did read the alt.comp.lang.php FAQ, but it didn't actually address
> this issue.
> Any help or information is appreciated!

Hope that helps some.

Michael Kimsal
Taking the ? out of
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[PHP] Re: Graphing Question

2002-03-08 Thread Michael Kimsal

Chris Seymour wrote:
> Hi All,
> Does anyone know of a graphing package that will allow a line graph with 
> labels on the data points?
> Thanks in advance.
> Chris


Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: Dbconnect

2002-03-07 Thread Michael Kimsal

Josiah Wallingford wrote:
> I have a file called dbconnect that stores all of my mysql information
> (host, user, pass) up until now I have always just used localhost as the
> hostname because it was on my local server. My question is what do I have to
> do to connect to a different server? Do I just have to put in the computers
> ip address?

Yes.  Except:

If that server will allow a remote connection from yours, then you're 
all set.  If that server doesn't allow remote MySQL connections, you'll 
need to have that mysql administrator allow remote connections for that 
mysql user and/or ip.

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[PHP] Re: PHP vs object.record set

2002-03-07 Thread Michael Kimsal

Rodrigo Peres wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm new to PHP, but I found it greate. But I have a question. Recently I've
> saw a friend using asp and the object record set seems perfect, I mean the
> function to count records, navigate in throw record (back and forth)
> everything automatic is amazing. There's a way, to implement such things in
> PHP??
> Thank's in advance
> Rodrigo

Go look at adodb from  They have a PHP library 
that gives you much of the same functionality as the ADO system.
Keep in mind that going 'back and forth' in a recordset comes at the 
expense of a great amount of speed.  MS and others will tell you that
for good performance you should use 'forward only' recordsets,
so it's of limited value to many people anyway.

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: mcrypt? - Can't find any good info

2002-03-07 Thread Michael Kimsal

Nick Richardson wrote:
> I'm getting this error:
> Warning: mcrypt module initialization failed in /home/www/common.php on line
> 314
> When running this code:
>  function encryptPassword($password) {
>   $key = randomString();
>   $code = mcrypt_ecb(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH_128, $key, $password, MCRYPT_ENCRYPT);
>   print("$code = enc w/ $key");
> }
> encryptPassword("testing");
> ?>
> And i can't find any documentation on what might be causing this... anyone
> out there know?

Is mcrypt installed in your PHP system?

echo phpinfo();

and look for mcrypt

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: User accounts

2002-03-07 Thread Michael Kimsal

David Johansen wrote:
> I'm new to this php thing and I would like to set up a web page were the
> users can login and edit their preferences and all that stuff. I have the
> basic login stuff worked out and I was passing the username and password as
> a hidden input in the form, but then the password can be seen with view
> source. I know that there's a better way to do this, so could someone point
> me to a good tutorial or example on how I could make it so that the user
> could login and logout and then I wouldn't need to be passing the password
> all around like this. Thanks,
> Dave


Have a read up about sessions in the PHP manual to start.  The basic 
idea is that you'd store the fact that someone is succesfully logged in 
or not (and who they are) in session information at the server.  The 
client forms never have to have the username or password in them at that 
point (only when they submit their login data).

Michael Kimsal
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[PHP] Re: require v. includes

2002-03-07 Thread Michael Kimsal

Joshua E Minnie wrote:
> I was just wondering if anyone could tell me when would be the time to
> choose require(), require_once(), or include().  I know a little bit about
> using each one, but I am just not sure if there is one that is better than
> the other in certain situations.

For all intents and purposes there's no real difference between the two.

 From the manual:
require() and include() are identical in every way except how they 
handle failure. include() produces a Warning while require() results in 
a Fatal Error. In other words, don't hesitate to use require() if you 
want a missing file to halt processing of the page. include() does not 
behave this way, the script will continue regardless. Be sure to have an 
appropriate include_path setting as well.

require_once() should be used in cases where the same file might be 
included and evaluated more than once during a particular execution of a 
script, and you want to be sure that it is included exactly once to 
avoid problems with function redefinitions, variable value 
reassignments, etc.

include_once() should be used in cases where the same file might be 
included and evaluated more than once during a particular execution of a 
script, and you want to be sure that it is included exactly once to 
avoid problems with function redefinitions, variable value 
reassignments, etc.

Michael Kimsal
Taking the ? out of
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[PHP] Congrats to Rasmus?

2002-03-07 Thread Michael Kimsal

It doesn't seem to have been mentioned here unless my newsfeed is very 
slow, but has a quick mention of the new addition to 
Rasmus' family.

"Well, everyone's favorite PHP developer multiplied last night - Rasmus 
Lerdorf now has a son (9.0lbs, 19.25in. - a big boy) was born at 13:26 
PDT on Wednesday March 6, 2002. If you'd like to see some pics from the 
family, check out this page - or to send congrats, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

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Re: [PHP] include() and paths

2002-03-06 Thread michael kimsal

Patrick Teague wrote:
> ok, so this makes alot of since...  if I move my website from one server to
> another server I'll have to go through every single file & redo the
> directory structure?  Isn't this the reason for the includes...  so you
> don't have to go through every single file to make changes?  Maybe I should
> go back to ASP...
> #include virtual="/includes/"
> or is there a way to get this to work via php on apache?

is an 'ini' setting which you can change - you could either set it in 
your php.ini once, and point it to one common 'includes' direcotry.  Or 
possibly set it per apache virtual server (via .htaccess perhaps in a
main root directory).

Another thought is to simply make all your include statements use a
constant, such as DOCUMENT_ROOT or something else (we use something
else but the idea is the same).  Yes, all includes need to be written as


Also, try


at the top of your page(s).  That might do the trick.

but it makes everything a heck of a lot more portable.  Don't go back to 
ASP.  If you really want to use  stuff Apache
supports that via .shtml files.  There are probably ways of getting the
two to work together (PHP and SSI) though I'm not sure why you'd want to 
do so.  :)  Remember ASP is a framework, and VBScript is the popular 
language there.  VBScript doesn't support includes at all - it's ASP 
calling an SSI interpreter, include()ing things, then passing to the 
language.  PHP is just a language.   There are some pretty ugly, 
inelegant things going on under the hood with respect to includes under 
ASP - if you want gorey details let me know.  :)

After writing all this I see it's basically a rehash of the 9/2/2001 
posting in the user comments under include at the php manual site.  Is 
there a reason one of those 3 options isn't viable?

Michael Kimsal
Taking the ? out of
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[PHP] Re: HELP UNIX vs Windows

2002-03-06 Thread michael kimsal

Christopher J. Crane wrote:
> I am a PERL scripter and I am just getting into PHP. My first few pages are
> simple but I am running into a few problems when changing OS. I included
> below a piece of code that works fine in windows but not on a linux box. Not
> sure what the differences would be
> The problem is that on the windows platform all information is returned. On
> the linux platform the "$Details" variable is not populated. The nothing
> what could it be. The only thing I can think of is that maybe
> the version of php is different on the linux server.
> Here is the code.after reading in a file with "|" deliminations
> while ($i < $length):
>$tok = strtok($cartFile[$i],"|");
> $Category = $tok;   $tok = strtok("|");
> $SKU = $tok;$tok = strtok("|");
> $Name = $tok;$tok = strtok("|");
> $SubCategory = $tok;  $tok = strtok("|");
> $Price = $tok;$tok = strtok("|");
> $Image1 = $tok;$tok = strtok("|");
> $Image2 = $tok;$tok = strtok("|");
> $OnSale = $tok;$tok = strtok("|");
> $SalePrice = $tok;   $tok = strtok("|");
> $Details = $tok;   $tok = strtok("|");
It could be a different version - what are the versions on the two systems?

In the meantime, could you not use explode() or split() instead?

list($category,$sku,$name,$sub,$price,$etc) = split("|",$cartFile[$i]);
(might need to be "\|" instead of "|" - I can't remember, it's late,
and I don't have easy access to test it.  :0

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: How are they doing it?

2002-03-06 Thread Michael Kimsal

Gary wrote:

> Hello Everyone.
>  I saw a Perl script today that the owners of the site can send an email 
> and pages would update automatically update. How are they accomplishing 
> this?
> Gary

The mail goes to an address, which is passed to procmail, which passes 
the mail info to a script.  In our case it's a PHP script.  It could 
just as easily be a perl script, or python, or whatever.

We've done pretty much the same thing at is doing something similar - processing a request by 
parsing an email, then sending results back.

If anyone gets 'redbook' magazine, you may have read about - again, a client of ours using PHP and parsing thousands 
of emails per day with procmail/PHP.

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: PHP-Based Authentication Security?

2002-03-06 Thread Michael Kimsal

John Coggeshall wrote:

> Hey all..
> I've got a question -- I'd like to restrict access to entire directories
> based on if the user has been authenticated or not. Basically, I'd like
> to set up a auto-include *FROM APACHE* to run a PHP script prior to
> sending any documents what-so-ever and only send the requested document
> if the PHP script allows it. So..
> Request Made -> PHP Script Runs -> PHP Checks Authentication -> PHP says
> OK -> Apache sends file normally
> Or..
> Request Made -> PHP Script Runs -> PHP Checks Authentication -> PHP says
> NO -> Apache stops dead in it's tracks or displays a HTTP error
> Is this possible? It has to work for any document or MIME type and be
> restrictable by directory... (i.e. I just want this happening in a
> /secure/ directory)
> John

Not sure if you'll be able to do that, because PHP won't run unless 
Apache calls it.  It wouldn't call the PHP interpreter unless it's a PHP 
file type (.php associated with 1 application type, jpg associated with 
a MIME type, etc).

Two things spring to mind:

1.  Do you mean 'authenticated' as in 'Apache-level' authentication, or 
PHP-level authentication?

2.  If you need to have every request go through PHP, perhaps a
URL rewriting solution would work - everything it rewritten to go 
through PHP, then it can decide whether to 'pass thru' the file or 
display an error message.

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: FYI Using Qmail & PHP

2002-03-06 Thread Michael Kimsal

Steven Walker wrote:

> For some reason (I don't know why) qmail doesn't like the CRLF.

Probably because Dan Bernstein didn't invent it.  :)

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[PHP] Re: Is there a "GoTo Page" Function?

2002-03-05 Thread Michael Kimsal

Andre Dubuc wrote:

> As a complete newbie to PHP, and relative novice to html, this one has me 
> stumped. Rather than wade through volumes of documentation, I thought I'd 
> risk asking it here.
> After inserting variables from a fill-out html form into my database, I would 
> like the form to "goto" the next html page, but I cannot figure out how to do 
> this basic function. I assume that when one clicks a "Submit" button, the 
> info is sent to the server, but how do you call a new page? [In my old 
> Paradox PAL days, this was accomplished very easily. I cannot find a 
> corresponding function either in PHP or html.]
> (I.e: Once a person clicks on <"Input type=submit value="Accept"> Is there a 
> function that can redirect the form to a new form?)
> Any help here would be greatly appreciated (or pointers to a good working 
> tutorial that covers this area!)

Usually people will do one of two things:

Make the action of the form tag point to the new page directly.  That 
page would take care of any form data processing that needed to happen.


Have the form call itself, then when it's done, use a HEADER tag with 
location: to redirect
header("Location: newpage.php");

Hope that helps.

Michael Kimsal

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Re: [PHP] Re: Arrays/OOP

2002-03-05 Thread Michael Kimsal

Joshua E Minnie wrote:

> Michael Kimsal wrote:

> Attached you will find the class definition.  Thanks in advance..
> Joshua E Minnie

What version of PHP are you using?  I took the file and it seemed to 
work OK in PHP 4.0.5.

Michael Kimsal

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[PHP] Re: Arrays/OOP

2002-03-05 Thread Michael Kimsal

Joshua E Minnie wrote:

>   while(!feof($fp)) {
> $temp = fgetcsv($fp, 1024, ":");
> $event_list[$i] = 
> $i++;
>   }

Without seeing more of the code, I can't say for certain, but I suspect 
that instead of $event_object->init you need to call $this->init.  Does 
that do the trick?

Wait - I looked above.  $event_object = new event().  What is the class 
definition for "event"?

Could you send more code?

Michael Kimsal

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Re: [PHP] Re: Non printable page

2002-03-03 Thread Michael Kimsal

Lars Torben Wilson wrote:

> On Fri, 2002-03-01 at 20:03, michael kimsal wrote:
>>Diana Castillo wrote:
>>>Is there any way tomake a page that cannot be printed??
>>GZIP the page and force the end user to use Netscape.  ???
> No, still wouldn't work. If the data ever gets displayed, then it
> is present on the viewer's machine, and can be printed.

It was meant as a jab at Netscape.  Yes someone could take a screen shot
and print, or grab to the clipboard and print the text, but hitting 
'print' from netscape would cause it to go grab gzipped info and print 
out the zipped info - essentially printing garbage to the printer 
instead of what it's rendered on the screen earlier.

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[PHP] Re: Non printable page

2002-03-01 Thread michael kimsal

Diana Castillo wrote:
> Is there any way tomake a page that cannot be printed??

GZIP the page and force the end user to use Netscape.  ???

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