[PHP] Login Script

2001-12-21 Thread Necro

Lo all,

I am trying to get the following script to work..

header("Location: http://localhost/error.php";);

function login($user, $pass)
$db = "zoner2";
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name='".$user."' AND
$connection = db_connect();

$query = mysql_db_query($db, $SQL, $connection);

if (mysql_num_rows($query) != 1)
return -1;

$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);

$user_id = $row["user_id"];

$sid = md5("blah blah".$user_id.$time());

$remip = REMOTE_ADDR();

$ttime = date("YmdHis");

$SQL2 = " INSERT INTO details ";
$SQL2 = $SQL2 . " (user_id, sid, ttime, remip) VALUES ";
$SQL2 = $SQL2 . " ('$user_id','$sid','$ttime','$remip') ";
$result2 = mysql_db_query($db,"$SQL2",$connection);
if (!$result2) { echo("ERROR: " . mysql_error() . "\n$SQL\n");
mysql_close($cid); exit; }
SetCookie("TheLoginCookie", "$user_id:$sid:$ip", time()+3600);

return $sid;


But every time I open the login page and try to login I get the following

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: () in d:\htdocs\web\login1.inc on
line 10

Can anyone explain why this is??



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[PHP] login script

2006-08-15 Thread Ross


I have a couple of questions

first how do I check two tables is it?

$sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable, mytable2 WHERE username = '$username' AND 
userpass = '$userpass'";

Secondly my table just sends and returns straight values from the db but I 
expect some kind of encription is required. What is a simple, secure method. 
md5() or another method. Do I store an encypted file on the server and just 
decrypt it at the php page.

my auth script at present

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[PHP] Login Script

2004-07-19 Thread Brian Krausz
While I know there are many scripts out there, and have spent many hours 
looking through them, I am having trouble finding a login script that 
fits my needs.  I am looking for the following:

A MySQL-based login system that doesn't use Pear :: DB.  All I would 
like is for it to support cookies and all those things that would make 
it more secure.

I have had trouble finding this...any suggestions?
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RE: [PHP] Login Script

2001-12-21 Thread Jerry Verhoef (UGBI)

Line 10 is?

$sid (login($user, $pass)); <--- missing =

-Original Message-
From: Necro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 1:40 PM
Subject: [PHP] Login Script

Lo all,

I am trying to get the following script to work..

header("Location: http://localhost/error.php";);

function login($user, $pass)
$db = "zoner2";
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name='".$user."' AND
$connection = db_connect();

$query = mysql_db_query($db, $SQL, $connection);

if (mysql_num_rows($query) != 1)
return -1;

$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);

$user_id = $row["user_id"];

$sid = md5("blah blah".$user_id.$time());

$remip = REMOTE_ADDR();

$ttime = date("YmdHis");

$SQL2 = " INSERT INTO details ";
$SQL2 = $SQL2 . " (user_id, sid, ttime, remip) VALUES ";
$SQL2 = $SQL2 . " ('$user_id','$sid','$ttime','$remip') ";
$result2 = mysql_db_query($db,"$SQL2",$connection);
if (!$result2) { echo("ERROR: " . mysql_error() . "\n$SQL\n");
mysql_close($cid); exit; }
SetCookie("TheLoginCookie", "$user_id:$sid:$ip", time()+3600);

return $sid;


But every time I open the login page and try to login I get the following

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: () in d:\htdocs\web\login1.inc on
line 10

Can anyone explain why this is??



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Re: [PHP] Login Script

2001-12-21 Thread Bogdan Stancescu

This is your problem -- what do you expect this line to do?

> $sid (login($user, $pass));


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[PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Dave Carrera

Hi All,

Having a grey brain moment here and need some advise on the logic of 
this, should be simple, login script.

I am checking validity of

customer number
customer email
customer password (md5 in mysql)

So i have my form with relevant fields

Now i am getting problems with either sql or how i am handling , and 
showing, and errors.

I think what i am asking is this

If someone just hits the login button show error "All fields must be 

If customer number dose not excist show relevant error

If customer number ok but email not show error

If customer number ok but email ok but password is not show error

If all is ok set sessions, got this ok, and proceed.

Any help with with this is very much appreciated.

Kind Regards

Dave C

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[PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-04 Thread Reese


I've been lurking for several weeks, I thought I'd post to describe
a problem I've been having in the hope that a solution can be found.
And my thanks to Casey, for his offlist assistance with another,
unrelated issue earlier this week.  :-)

I apologize up front, for what is probably too much information.
I know this will take some time to read and digest.

On a client's site (PHP4 environment, natch), two login "methods" are
used to control access to premium content. The first sets a cookie
when valid access codes are submitted via the login form, there are
no known problems with that method at this time.

The second method was grafted on top of the first by a 2nd programmer.
It is a link to the verification script (index1.php) that is supposed
to do IP lookups in a MySQL db table. The table is called "getIPval"
and has 4 Fields, which are named 'nIP','ipStart','ipEnd','nStatus'

All ipStart/ipEnd ranges have a status of "1", and can accommodate
the number of characters required for IPv6 addresses but to the best
of my knowledge, no IPv6 addresses are listed at this time (there are
a couple thousand line items).

The script(s) is supposed to check rows in the table and if the
requesting IP is >= ipStart AND <= ipEnd on a given row, grant
access to the requesting IP [load the page identified by the rYear
(decade) & year (actual year) variables called out in the navigation
link] - the default page after login is /1940s/1949.php . If the
requesting IP is not found, the user is to be bounced to the login
page [index.php]. Outside of these two scripts, the 'rYear'and 'year'
values are passed via GET in the navigation links, the "key" is not
passed by the navigation links. To repair emergent problems with the
1st access method while getting the 2nd access method to work, the
"key" was introduced but it is not included in the navigation links.
An example nav link looks something like this:


Or at least, that is how it is all supposed to work, per my
understanding of the programmer's description and my own understanding
after reviewing the code myself.

The Problem
A growing number of what are supposed to be authorized, IP-authenticated
users have reported an inability to navigate away from the initial
premium content page, 1949.php, after the script checks their IP and
lets them in that far. Access code users do not report difficulties.

I've been over this with the programmer, he says he cannot find
anything wrong with the PHP scripts. I've checked some of the affected
IP-range entries in the MySQL db table, our best guess to date has
been that a cache server is misbehaving somewhere. Neither of us is
able to duplicate the reported error of not being able to navigate
away from the 1949 page.
What I have observed recently however, with my own IP listed in the
db table as part of a range, sometimes the script will randomly either
let me in or not let me in. Whichever state it is in, persists, until
new changes are made when it will then either let me in or not.
It always lets me in if I list my specific IP (not as part of a range).

So as the number of users who report the navigation difficulty grows,
I am beginning to wonder if there might really be a problem in the
script that the programmer isn't seeing for whatever reason. Does
anyone see anything obviously wrong in the code below?

I've obscured the actual server domain name, login, passwords, and some
path statements. Watch for line wraps.




Below, the check script that is used on all other premium pages.
Its intended function is to verify that the user is authorized
and if they are not, bounce them back to the login page (index.php).
It also obscures the true path to premium-content PDF downloads.
Both scripts (above and below) are accessed regardless of access
code or IP-check-based logins, so that may be a bit confusing:

$twoyears = array('alphanumeric_code1', 'alphanumeric_code2', 
'alphanumeric_code3', 'alphanumeric_code4', 'alphanumeric_code5',

'alphanumeric_code6', 'alphanumeric_code7');
$key = in_array($sPromocode,$twoyears);
header('Location: ../../index.php');
$nme = $_REQUEST['nme'].'.pdf';
$filename = '[PATH]'.$nme;
$filename = realpath($filename);
$file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename,"."),1));
switch ($file_extension) {
case "pdf": $ctype="application/pdf"; break;
default: $ctype="application/force-download";
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
die("NO FILE HERE");
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, 

header("Cache-Control: private",false);

Re: [PHP] login script

2006-08-15 Thread Stut

Ross wrote:

first how do I check two tables is it?

$sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable, mytable2 WHERE username = '$username' AND 
userpass = '$userpass'";

That depends on what you are trying to achieve. Your example makes no 
sense at all. What are you trying to get from each table? How are they 
linked? etc! However, since this is a PHP list I suggest you try 
Googling for an introductory SQL tutorial or a SQL mailing list.

Secondly my table just sends and returns straight values from the db but I 
expect some kind of encription is required. What is a simple, secure method. 
md5() or another method. Do I store an encypted file on the server and just 
decrypt it at the php page.

my auth script at present


If that's your login script you have bigger problems than securing the 
passwords in the database. There is no escaping applied to the username 
and password you get from the browser - this is a massive security hole. 
See http://php.net/mysql_real_escape_string about that one.

As far as securing the password goes, the most common approach is to 
store the MD5 hash in the DB. What you want is something like this...


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Re: [PHP] login script

2006-08-15 Thread Dave Goodchild

On 15/08/06, Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a couple of questions

first how do I check two tables is it?

$sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable, mytable2 WHERE username = '$username' AND
userpass = '$userpass'";

Secondly my table just sends and returns straight values from the db but I
expect some kind of encription is required. What is a simple, secure
md5() or another method. Do I store an encypted file on the server and
decrypt it at the php page.

my auth script at present

$pass = md5(password);
select * from table 1 where password = '$pass';

I think the php and mysql md5 functions differ but I may be wrong!


Re: [PHP] login script

2006-08-15 Thread Andrew Kreps

I would hope that MD5 hashing is MD5 hashing no matter where it
originates.  However, I think it's better to use the database server's
implementation.  I believe it is less likely to be changed in future
versions, and it removes some processing time from the front end.
Additionally, if you ever move away from PHP, you have one less line
of platform-specific code to change.

On 8/15/06, Dave Goodchild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

$pass = md5(password);
select * from table 1 where password = '$pass';

I think the php and mysql md5 functions differ but I may be wrong!

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Re: [PHP] login script

2006-08-15 Thread Richard Lynch
On Tue, August 15, 2006 5:37 am, Ross wrote:
> I have a couple of questions
> first how do I check two tables is it?

You probably should not have 2 tables at all.

Both username and password would normally be stored in a single record
in the same table

  user_id int(11) auto_increment unique not null primary key,
  username text,
  password text
/* You'd probably have other fields like name, address, email, etc */

> $sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable, mytable2 WHERE username = '$username'
> userpass = '$userpass'";

So it would just be:
FROM user WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$userpass'

Second, SELECT * is Evil, for various reasons.  You can Google and
find the debates about it.

> Secondly my table just sends and returns straight values from the db
> but I
> expect some kind of encription is required. What is a simple, secure
> method.
> md5() or another method. Do I store an encypted file on the server and
> just
> decrypt it at the php page.

You never ever ever actually decrypt it.

"But wait", you way, "how can that work?!"

It's quite simple, really.

The whole purpose of a one-way encryption is that you only store the

Later, the user then has to put in the correct password, and you
one-way encrypt that, and you compare the ENCRYPTED values.

Either the encrypted values match, or the password is wrong.

You can almost think of the ENCRYPTED value as being like a "lock" to
which there is only one "key" that fits -- the password.

To test if the key fits the lock, you don't make another copy of the
key -- You just encrypt it, and see if it matches the shape of the

MD5 would be a perfectly reasonable one-way encryption scheme.

So if the password was 'foo', then your MD5-encrypted value would be:

Your database would have 'acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8' stored in it.

When they login, you do:

SELECT user_id, username
FROM user
WHERE username = '$username'
  AND password = md5('$userpass')

Either the MD5 of their input ('foo') is the correct value you have
stored: acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8 or they have the wrong
password/key, and you should not let them in.

>  session_start();
> $auth = false; // Assume user is not authenticated
> $username= $_REQUEST['username'];
> $userpass= $_REQUEST['userpass'];
> if (isset($username) && isset($userpass)) {
>  $sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE
> username = '$username' AND
> userpass = '$userpass'";


You REALLY need to read about SQL-injection here:

and start using this function:

Also, your $username and $userpass should be constrained at all times
to very specific validation rules.
Can't be blank.
Must be at least X characters. (you pick a nice X)
Passwords should probably contain at least one non-alpha character.

> // Execute the query and put results in $result
> $result = mysql_query( $sql )
> or die ( 'Unable to execute query.' );

or die() is a great simple way to demonstrate the basics of code.

It's not something you would really really want to use on a production
server, unless you are 100% sure that you've turned off display-errors
and are logging your errors and you have a process in place to examine
the logs...

Something like http://php.net/set_error_handler and
http://php.net/trigger_error would be more appropriate for "real"

> // Get number of rows in $result.
>  $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
>  if($num_rows == 0) {
>  }
> else {
>   $_SESSION['username']= $username;
>   $_SESSION['userpass']= $userpass;
>header("Location: disclaimer.php");

Instead of a header("Location:") which has some issues involved, you
could just do:
require 'disclaimer.php';

> $auth = true;

This doesn't do anything, at least not with your current code, nor
with anything I've suggested here...

> }
> }

Like Music?

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Re: [PHP] login script

2006-08-15 Thread Richard Lynch
On Tue, August 15, 2006 5:51 am, Dave Goodchild wrote:
> I think the php and mysql md5 functions differ but I may be wrong!

You are wrong. :-)

The whole point of MD5 is that MD5 is MD5, no matter where you go.

Even ASP MD5 is the same as PHP MD5.

Except it probably sucks for being too slow or you have to pay for it
or something. :-)

Like Music?

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[PHP] PHP Login Script

2004-08-25 Thread Chuck
Could anyone let me know or point me to where I could find out how to setup
a login for my php site.  I've been looking around and found plenty of stuff
for PHP/Apache, but nothing for just PHP.

Any help or info about this would be appreciated.


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[PHP] PHP login script

2004-05-31 Thread René Fournier
I'm looking for some good, secure login code, and found the following 

Not being much of a security expert, I was wondering if anyone here 
could say whether this code is any good? Or if there's a better one 
elsewhere? (I'm developing with MySQL, and do not know object-oriented 
PHP or PEAR—which this samplel uses.)

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RE: [PHP] Login Script

2004-07-19 Thread Jay Blanchard
While I know there are many scripts out there, and have spent many hours

looking through them, I am having trouble finding a login script that 
fits my needs.  I am looking for the following:

A MySQL-based login system that doesn't use Pear :: DB.  All I would 
like is for it to support cookies and all those things that would make 
it more secure.

I have had trouble finding this...any suggestions?

Do you mean a login script where the username and password are stored in
a MySQL database table? One where if the login is good a cookie is set?



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Re: [PHP] Login Script

2004-07-19 Thread Brian Krausz
Well I already have a db with username/password fields, etc.  I'm just 
looking for code for a login page and a file to include at the top of 
each page for auth.

Jay Blanchard wrote:
While I know there are many scripts out there, and have spent many hours
looking through them, I am having trouble finding a login script that 
fits my needs.  I am looking for the following:

A MySQL-based login system that doesn't use Pear :: DB.  All I would 
like is for it to support cookies and all those things that would make 
it more secure.

I have had trouble finding this...any suggestions?
Do you mean a login script where the username and password are stored in
a MySQL database table? One where if the login is good a cookie is set?

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RE: [PHP] Login Script

2004-07-19 Thread Jay Blanchard
Well I already have a db with username/password fields, etc.  I'm just 
looking for code for a login page and a file to include at the top of 
each page for auth.

a. do not reply off-list unless asked, your question may not receive the
attention it needs

2. You do know basic PHP, correct? Create a page that accepts a username
and password. Have the un and pw checked against the db. If it is good,
set a cookie and check for the cookie with each page, if not redirect to
the proper location.

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Re: [PHP] Login Script

2004-07-19 Thread Cosmin Chiru
Hello Brian,

Take a look at setcookie() in the PHP manual. The algorithm is pretty
simple. Once the user submits the form, you compare form data with the
data in the database. If the password matches, then set a cookie with
the username (using setcookie()). Then you'll just have to check if the
cookie is set - if(isset($_COOKIE['username'])) {...} - and if it's set,
proceed to user page; if not, display the login form again.

Best regards,

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Re: [PHP] Login Script

2004-07-19 Thread Brian Krausz
a. do not reply off-list unless asked, your question may not receive the 
attention it needs
Sorry, I got the email before the board post so I assumed you were only 
replying off-list.

2. You do know basic PHP, correct? Create a page that accepts a username
and password. Have the un and pw checked against the db. If it is good,
set a cookie and check for the cookie with each page, if not redirect to
the proper location.
My 2 main concern are security and user-friendlyness.  I would like 
anyone (regardless of cookies being allowed or not) to be able to use my 
service, but I would still like it to be secure.

But I guess I'll try making my own script...worth a shot.
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Re: [PHP] Login Script

2004-07-19 Thread Torsten Roehr
"Brian Krausz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [snip]
> a. do not reply off-list unless asked, your question may not receive the
> attention it needs
> [/snip]
> Sorry, I got the email before the board post so I assumed you were only
> replying off-list.
> [snip]
> 2. You do know basic PHP, correct? Create a page that accepts a username
> and password. Have the un and pw checked against the db. If it is good,
> set a cookie and check for the cookie with each page, if not redirect to
> the proper location.
> [/snip]
> My 2 main concern are security and user-friendlyness.  I would like
> anyone (regardless of cookies being allowed or not) to be able to use my
> service, but I would still like it to be secure.
> But I guess I'll try making my own script...worth a shot.

Hi Brian,

if you want to be independent of the user's browser cookie settings you have
to pass the session id from page to page via POST (e.g. as a hidden field in
a form) or GET:


I would recommend searching the mailing list archives. You will find LOADS
of useful information on sessions.

Regards, Torsten Roehr

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Re: [PHP] Login Script

2004-07-19 Thread Matthew Sims
> [snip]
> a. do not reply off-list unless asked, your question may not receive the
> attention it needs
> [/snip]
> Sorry, I got the email before the board post so I assumed you were only
> replying off-list.
> [snip]
> 2. You do know basic PHP, correct? Create a page that accepts a username
> and password. Have the un and pw checked against the db. If it is good,
> set a cookie and check for the cookie with each page, if not redirect to
> the proper location.
> [/snip]
> My 2 main concern are security and user-friendlyness.  I would like
> anyone (regardless of cookies being allowed or not) to be able to use my
> service, but I would still like it to be secure.

If security is in mind, adding SSL to your website is a great start.

--Matthew Sims

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Re: [PHP] Login Script

2004-07-19 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 20 July 2004 03:24, Brian Krausz wrote:
> While I know there are many scripts out there, and have spent many hours
> looking through them, I am having trouble finding a login script that
> fits my needs.  I am looking for the following:
> A MySQL-based login system that doesn't use Pear :: DB.  All I would
> like is for it to support cookies and all those things that would make
> it more secure.
> I have had trouble finding this...any suggestions?

I find it hard to believe that there is nothing out there that suits your 
purpose. But anyway, it would be helpful if you listed what packages you've 
tried that didn't meet your requirements so people don't recommend those.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
Search the list archives before you post
Life is both difficult and time consuming.

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Re: [PHP] Login Script

2004-07-20 Thread Jarratt Ingram
Hey Brian, 

how about something like this, just change the session info to cookies
if you want?


On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 21:01, Brian Krausz wrote:

> [snip]
> a. do not reply off-list unless asked, your question may not receive the 
> attention it needs
> [/snip]
> Sorry, I got the email before the board post so I assumed you were only 
> replying off-list.
> [snip]
> 2. You do know basic PHP, correct? Create a page that accepts a username
> and password. Have the un and pw checked against the db. If it is good,
> set a cookie and check for the cookie with each page, if not redirect to
> the proper location.
> [/snip]
> My 2 main concern are security and user-friendlyness.  I would like 
> anyone (regardless of cookies being allowed or not) to be able to use my 
> service, but I would still like it to be secure.
> But I guess I'll try making my own script...worth a shot.

Re: [PHP] Login Script

2004-07-20 Thread Brian Krausz
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I took your advice and currently 
have a working login script (hopefully :) ).  If I have any more 
problems I'll be sure to ask you, it's nice to know that there's a place 
I can always go for questions.

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Re: [PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Satyam
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Carrera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

Having a grey brain moment here and need some advise on the logic of this, 
should be simple, login script.

I am checking validity of

customer number
customer email
customer password (md5 in mysql)

So i have my form with relevant fields

Now i am getting problems with either sql or how i am handling , and 
showing, and errors.

I think what i am asking is this

If someone just hits the login button show error "All fields must be 

If customer number dose not excist show relevant error

If customer number ok but email not show error

If customer number ok but email ok but password is not show error

In login scripts you usually don't tell which part of the login is wrong, 
otherwise, you are hinting at what is right.  Once the customer is logged 
in, you are right to be as helpful as possible, but until the customer 
proves who he/she is, you don't give away anything.


If all is ok set sessions, got this ok, and proceed.

Any help with with this is very much appreciated.

Kind Regards

Dave C

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Re: [PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Stut

Dave Carrera wrote:

Hi All,

Having a grey brain moment here and need some advise on the logic of 
this, should be simple, login script.

I am checking validity of

customer number
customer email
customer password (md5 in mysql)

So i have my form with relevant fields

Now i am getting problems with either sql or how i am handling , and 
showing, and errors.

I think what i am asking is this

If someone just hits the login button show error "All fields must be 

If customer number dose not excist show relevant error

If customer number ok but email not show error

If customer number ok but email ok but password is not show error

If all is ok set sessions, got this ok, and proceed.

Any help with with this is very much appreciated.

Kind Regards

Dave C

I'm not totally clear what the question was in there. Personally I keep 
this simple...

die('Unable to locate customer/user/whatever');

// Set up the session here, or however you're tracking the
// current customer/user/whatever

header('Location: /somewhere_else');

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Dave Carrera

Hi Stut,

I think i have found where i am going wrong.

Its in the comparison login for the db result.

So i select * from jfjfjfjf where custno=$_POST[number]

But now i am getting messed up with if cust no not found then all i get 
is a blank page but hoping for an error

And i dont think i am comparing the db result with the $_POST correctly

Struggling here a bit :-(

Dave C

Stut wrote:

Dave Carrera wrote:

Hi All,

Having a grey brain moment here and need some advise on the logic of 
this, should be simple, login script.

I am checking validity of

customer number
customer email
customer password (md5 in mysql)

So i have my form with relevant fields

Now i am getting problems with either sql or how i am handling , and 
showing, and errors.

I think what i am asking is this

If someone just hits the login button show error "All fields must be 

If customer number dose not excist show relevant error

If customer number ok but email not show error

If customer number ok but email ok but password is not show error

If all is ok set sessions, got this ok, and proceed.

Any help with with this is very much appreciated.

Kind Regards

Dave C

I'm not totally clear what the question was in there. Personally I 
keep this simple...

die('Unable to locate customer/user/whatever');

// Set up the session here, or however you're tracking the
// current customer/user/whatever

header('Location: /somewhere_else');

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Németh Zoltán
On p, 2007-02-02 at 12:10 +, Dave Carrera wrote:
> Hi Stut,
> I think i have found where i am going wrong.
> Its in the comparison login for the db result.
> So i select * from jfjfjfjf where custno=$_POST[number]
> But now i am getting messed up with if cust no not found then all i get 
> is a blank page but hoping for an error

because you get an empty result set if no match is found
so check it like

if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
 // ok, found
} else {
 // not found, error

or whatever sql you use

hope that helps
Zoltán Németh

> And i dont think i am comparing the db result with the $_POST correctly
> Struggling here a bit :-(
> Dave C
> Stut wrote:
> > Dave Carrera wrote:
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> Having a grey brain moment here and need some advise on the logic of 
> >> this, should be simple, login script.
> >>
> >> I am checking validity of
> >>
> >> customer number
> >> customer email
> >> customer password (md5 in mysql)
> >>
> >> So i have my form with relevant fields
> >>
> >> Now i am getting problems with either sql or how i am handling , and 
> >> showing, and errors.
> >>
> >> I think what i am asking is this
> >>
> >> If someone just hits the login button show error "All fields must be 
> >> entered"
> >>
> >> If customer number dose not excist show relevant error
> >>
> >> If customer number ok but email not show error
> >>
> >> If customer number ok but email ok but password is not show error
> >>
> >> If all is ok set sessions, got this ok, and proceed.
> >>
> >> Any help with with this is very much appreciated.
> >>
> >> Kind Regards
> >>
> >> Dave C
> >
> > I'm not totally clear what the question was in there. Personally I 
> > keep this simple...
> >
> >  > $_POST['number'] =
> > (isset($_POST['number']) ? trim($_POST['number']) : '');
> > $_POST['email'] =
> > (isset($_POST['email']) ? trim($_POST['email']) : '');
> >
> > if (empty($_POST['number']) or
> > empty($_POST['email']) or
> > empty($_POST['password']))
> > {
> > die('All fields must be entered');
> > }
> >
> > // Find the customer/user/whatever you need from the given details
> >
> > if (<>)
> > {
> > die('Unable to locate customer/user/whatever');
> > }
> >
> > // Set up the session here, or however you're tracking the
> > // current customer/user/whatever
> >
> > header('Location: /somewhere_else');
> > ?>
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> > -Stut
> >

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Re: [PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Jürgen Wind

Stut wrote:
> I'm not totally clear what the question was in there. Personally I keep 
> this simple...
>  $_POST['number'] =
>  (isset($_POST['number']) ? trim($_POST['number']) : '');
> $_POST['email'] =
>  (isset($_POST['email']) ? trim($_POST['email']) : '');
> if (empty($_POST['number']) or
>  empty($_POST['email']) or
>  empty($_POST['password']))
> {
>  die('All fields must be entered');
> }
> // Find the customer/user/whatever you need from the given details
> if (<>)
> {
>  die('Unable to locate customer/user/whatever');
> }
> // Set up the session here, or however you're tracking the
> // current customer/user/whatever
> header('Location: /somewhere_else');
> ?>
> Hope that helps.
> -Stut
be aware that you need a session_write_close(); before header('Location...
or the session data might not be written to disk!

just my 2 cent
View this message in context: 
Sent from the PHP - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Richard Lynch
On Fri, February 2, 2007 5:19 am, Dave Carrera wrote:
> Having a grey brain moment here and need some advise on the logic of
> this, should be simple, login script.
> I am checking validity of
> customer number
> customer email
> customer password (md5 in mysql)
> So i have my form with relevant fields
> Now i am getting problems with either sql or how i am handling , and
> showing, and errors.
> I think what i am asking is this
> If someone just hits the login button show error "All fields must be
> entered"

$customer_number = (int) (isset($_POST['customer_number']) ?
$_POST['customer_number'] : 0);
$customer_email = isset($_POST['customer_email']) ?
$_POST['customer_email'] : '';
$customer_password = isset($_POST['customer_password']) ?
$_POST['customer_password'] : '';

if (!$customer_number || !strlen($customer_email) ||
  $messages[] = "All fields are required";
  $customer_number_sql = mysql_real_escape_string($customer_number);
  $customer_email_sql = mysql_real_escape_string($customer_email);
  $customer_password_sql = mysql_real_escape_string($customer_password);
  $query = "select ";
  $query .= "   email = '$customer_email_sql' as email_ok
  $query .= ", password = md5('$customer_password_sql') as password_ok
  $query .= " FROM customer ";
  $query .= " WHERE customer_number = $customer_number_sql ";
  $customer_info = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
  if (!mysql_num_rows($customer_info)){
$messages[] = "Invalid Customer Number";
list($email_ok, $password_ok) = mysql_fetch_row($customer_info);
if (!$email_ok) $messages[] = "Invalid Email";
elseif (!$password_ok) $messages[] = "Invalid Password";
if count($messages)) echo "",
implode("\n", $messages), "\n";
else require 'proceed.inc';

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Richard Lynch
On Fri, February 2, 2007 5:33 am, Satyam wrote:
> In login scripts you usually don't tell which part of the login is
> wrong,
> otherwise, you are hinting at what is right.  Once the customer is
> logged
> in, you are right to be as helpful as possible, but until the customer
> proves who he/she is, you don't give away anything.

Satyam is correct:  It's more secure to not indicate when the username
was incorrect differently from an incorrect password.

But it's definitely also (very much) less user-friendly.

For example, in seldom-used applications where the user is very likely
to forget their username, such as 99% of the stupid websites that
require me to register for something that needs no security in the
first place, it's a royal pain in the ass.  :-)

You have to balance Security against Usability and make an informed
intelligent decision.

I also wondered why you have an ID number that somebody is supposed to
remember, and an email, when either one should be sufficient for most
applications, but it was easier to type out an answer than to get you
to re-think your design decisions. :-)

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Richard Lynch

If you are splicing $_POST directly into your SQL, you are DEFINITELY
doing it wrong, but not in the way that you think.

Start reading here:

On Fri, February 2, 2007 6:10 am, Dave Carrera wrote:
> Hi Stut,
> I think i have found where i am going wrong.
> Its in the comparison login for the db result.
> So i select * from jfjfjfjf where custno=$_POST[number]
> But now i am getting messed up with if cust no not found then all i
> get
> is a blank page but hoping for an error
> And i dont think i am comparing the db result with the $_POST
> correctly
> Struggling here a bit :-(
> Dave C
> Stut wrote:
>> Dave Carrera wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Having a grey brain moment here and need some advise on the logic
>>> of
>>> this, should be simple, login script.
>>> I am checking validity of
>>> customer number
>>> customer email
>>> customer password (md5 in mysql)
>>> So i have my form with relevant fields
>>> Now i am getting problems with either sql or how i am handling ,
>>> and
>>> showing, and errors.
>>> I think what i am asking is this
>>> If someone just hits the login button show error "All fields must
>>> be
>>> entered"
>>> If customer number dose not excist show relevant error
>>> If customer number ok but email not show error
>>> If customer number ok but email ok but password is not show error
>>> If all is ok set sessions, got this ok, and proceed.
>>> Any help with with this is very much appreciated.
>>> Kind Regards
>>> Dave C
>> I'm not totally clear what the question was in there. Personally I
>> keep this simple...
>> > $_POST['number'] =
>> (isset($_POST['number']) ? trim($_POST['number']) : '');
>> $_POST['email'] =
>> (isset($_POST['email']) ? trim($_POST['email']) : '');
>> if (empty($_POST['number']) or
>> empty($_POST['email']) or
>> empty($_POST['password']))
>> {
>> die('All fields must be entered');
>> }
>> // Find the customer/user/whatever you need from the given details
>> if (<>)
>> {
>> die('Unable to locate customer/user/whatever');
>> }
>> // Set up the session here, or however you're tracking the
>> // current customer/user/whatever
>> header('Location: /somewhere_else');
>> ?>
>> Hope that helps.
>> -Stut
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Richard Lynch
On Fri, February 2, 2007 7:05 am, Jürgen Wind wrote:
>> // Set up the session here, or however you're tracking the
>> // current customer/user/whatever
>> header('Location: /somewhere_else');
>> ?>
>> Hope that helps.
>> -Stut
> be aware that you need a session_write_close(); before
> header('Location...
> or the session data might not be written to disk!

If we're gonna get picuyane...

The Location header technically requires a full URL.

And using a re-direct instead of an include is a shocking waste of
HTTP resources imho, but that may not matter if traffic is low.

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP] Login script login

2007-02-02 Thread Stut

Richard Lynch wrote:

And using a re-direct instead of an include is a shocking waste of
HTTP resources imho, but that may not matter if traffic is low.

I generally redirect there because on occasion the login process does 
stuff like clear out potentially pre-existing session data from another 
part of the site. Having it happen again because of the user refreshing 
the page needs to be avoided. The redirect accomplishes this.


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Re: [PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-04 Thread Daniel Brown
On Jan 4, 2008 9:54 AM, Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've been lurking for several weeks, I thought I'd post to describe
> a problem I've been having in the hope that a solution can be found.
> And my thanks to Casey, for his offlist assistance with another,
> unrelated issue earlier this week.  :-)


While I noticed several areas for improvement in the code (such as
being sure to exit; after calling header("Location: "); ), two
things primarily come to mind:

Do you expect the value of $key in this condition to be a literal zero?
$twoyears = array('alphanumeric_code1', 'alphanumeric_code2',
'alphanumeric_code3', 'alphanumeric_code4', 'alphanumeric_code5',
'alphanumeric_code6', 'alphanumeric_code7');
$key = in_array($sPromocode,$twoyears);

Also, what about ISPs such as AOHell who use fully-dynamic IP
proxies that change on location, at time intervals, and are
interspersed with random changes?  Even putting that into a range
won't help, as it's likely the IP will only have the network prefix
(and perhaps the same Class B slot).

Daniel P. Brown
[Phone Numbers Go Here!]
[They're Hidden From View!]

If at first you don't succeed, stick to what you know best so that you
can make enough money to pay someone else to do it for you.

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Re: [PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-04 Thread Reese

Web Design Company wrote:



Please, if you do not need amplifying information or if you do
not intend to pose a suggestion, it is better to remain silent.
I wasn't helped by your "Someone?" post, no one else was either.


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Re: [PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-04 Thread Web Design Company


http://ooyes.net Web design company  |  http://ooyes.net Graphic design
company  |  http://ooyes.net Outsourcing company  
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Re: [PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-04 Thread Reese

Daniel Brown wrote:



While I noticed several areas for improvement in the code (such as
being sure to exit; after calling header("Location: "); ), two
things primarily come to mind:

Do you expect the value of $key in this condition to be a literal zero?
$twoyears = array('alphanumeric_code1', 'alphanumeric_code2',
'alphanumeric_code3', 'alphanumeric_code4', 'alphanumeric_code5',
'alphanumeric_code6', 'alphanumeric_code7');
$key = in_array($sPromocode,$twoyears);

No, it should either be "1" if set or NULL(?) if not set, there is
nothing to set that value to "0" - only this check to see if it is
== to "0". Is this another area, like the one Casey helped with
earlier, where '!empty' was being used instead of 'isset'?

The programmer is aware that improvement is possible and we've had
some discussions in that regard, but owing to this being a "for a
friend" item and his currently declared job demands, either he is
truly swamped or he is brushing me off. I'm willing to give him
benefit of the doubt, until I'm confronted with evidence to the

Also, what about ISPs such as AOHell who use fully-dynamic IP
proxies that change on location, at time intervals, and are
interspersed with random changes?  Even putting that into a range
won't help, as it's likely the IP will only have the network prefix
(and perhaps the same Class B slot).

That's an area where I left detail out, my apologies. The dual login
mechanisms are geared towards accommodating this, AOHell users will
tend to be individual entities and the 'access code' mechanism is
geared towards them. Meanwhile, entities with static, assigned IP
addresses such as libraries on city networks are meant to be given
IP-based access, hence the other login validation method (which
isn't working quite right).


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Re: [PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-04 Thread Daniel Brown
On Jan 4, 2008 11:55 AM, Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Web Design Company wrote:
> > Someone?
> Me31!1!1ONE
> Please, if you do not need amplifying information or if you do
> not intend to pose a suggestion, it is better to remain silent.
> I wasn't helped by your "Someone?" post, no one else was either.

It's just some jackass who's replying to random posts to SPAM the
links in his/her signature, I'm sure.  Ridiculous posts have been made
in other threads from "Web Design Company" as well.

Daniel P. Brown
[Phone Numbers Go Here!]
[They're Hidden From View!]

If at first you don't succeed, stick to what you know best so that you
can make enough money to pay someone else to do it for you.

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Re: [PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-05 Thread Daniel Brown
On Jan 5, 2008 11:50 AM, Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Brown wrote:
> > Do you expect the value of $key in this condition to be a literal zero?
> > $twoyears = array('alphanumeric_code1', 'alphanumeric_code2',
> > 'alphanumeric_code3', 'alphanumeric_code4', 
> > 'alphanumeric_code5',
> > 'alphanumeric_code6', 'alphanumeric_code7');
> > $key = in_array($sPromocode,$twoyears);
> > if($key=='0')
> I changed
> if($key=='0')
> to
> if(!isset($key=='1'))
> to see what effect that change might make, the server threw an error
> so I set it back to its original state:
> Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_IS_EQUAL, expecting ',' or ')' in
> /[PATH]/login.php on line 16

That's because isset() isn't able to eval() an expression.  Remove
the !isset() part, or the =='1' part and that will remove the parse

Daniel P. Brown
[Phone Numbers Go Here!]
[They're Hidden From View!]

If at first you don't succeed, stick to what you know best so that you
can make enough money to pay someone else to do it for you.

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Re: [PHP] Login script problem

2008-01-05 Thread Reese

Daniel Brown wrote:

if(!isset($key=='1')) //caused parse error

That's because isset() isn't able to eval() an expression.  

Got it, I see the mistake now.

Remove the !isset() part, or the =='1' part and that will remove 
the parse error.

I changed it to if(!isset($key)) and you were right, the parse error
went away. This change seems to have no effect on access code logins
(I'm able to log in, as expected) or IP-authenticated logins (I still
cannot log in, even though my IP is in the MySQL db).


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[PHP] php Login script issue

2007-09-16 Thread Chris Carter


Its just a login and password validation that I am trying to achieve. If the
username is correct then the person is able to view certain page, if
incorrect then he is directed elsewhere.

 Successfully,Logged in
logout.php  Log OUT   welcome.php Click here if your browser is not
redirecting automatically or you don't want to wait. ";
 print "";
   print " self.location='submit-store-details.php';"; // Comment this
line if you don't want to redirect
  print "";

else {

echo "Wrong Login. Use your correct  Userid and Password and Try


I am getting this error when I am using this code:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
resource in thispage.php on line 37
Wrong Login. Use your correct Userid and Password and Try

Why does it show up everytime and whats wrong with mysql_fetch_array(). 

Please advice also if there is some other way available please help me try


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Sent from the PHP - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [PHP] PHP Login Script

2004-08-25 Thread raditha dissanayake
Chuck wrote:
Could anyone let me know or point me to where I could find out how to setup
a login for my php site.  I've been looking around and found plenty of stuff
for PHP/Apache, but nothing for just PHP.

You need to store user information somewhere and apache .htpasswd files 
and mysql databases are popular choices.
Shamless plug:  I can direct you to a php and mysql login system at 

Any help or info about this would be appreciated.

Raditha Dissanayake.

http://www.radinks.com/sftp/ | http://www.raditha.com/megaupload
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with | Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 128 KB | with progress bar.
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[PHP] Re: PHP Login Script

2004-08-25 Thread Torsten Roehr
"Chuck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Could anyone let me know or point me to where I could find out how to
> a login for my php site.  I've been looking around and found plenty of
> for PHP/Apache, but nothing for just PHP.
> Any help or info about this would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Chuck

Hi Chuck,

you could try those two PEAR packages:

If you have any questions about those packages that the docs and the source
code can't answer there is the PEAR general mailing list to help ;)

Best regards, Torsten Roehr

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Re: [PHP] php Login script issue

2007-09-16 Thread Tijnema
On 9/16/07, Chris Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Its just a login and password validation that I am trying to achieve. If the
> username is correct then the person is able to view certain page, if
> incorrect then he is directed elsewhere.
>  $userid=mysql_real_escape_string($userid);

Here you call it $userid

> $password=mysql_real_escape_string($password);
> if($rec=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE
> userName='$userName' AND password = '$password'"))){

and here you call it $userName. If this is the full code, $userName is
not set here, and it would result in query userName='' and mysql_query
will return FALSE, which isn't a valid mysql resource for

> include "../include/newsession.php";
>echo " Successfully,Logged in
> logout.php  Log OUT   welcome.php Click here if your browser is not
> redirecting automatically or you don't want to wait. ";
> print "";
>   print " self.location='submit-store-details.php';"; // Comment this
> line if you don't want to redirect
>  print "";
>else {
> echo "Wrong Login. Use your correct  Userid and Password and Try
>  onClick='history.go(-1)'>";
> ?>
> I am getting this error when I am using this code:
> Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
> resource in thispage.php on line 37
> Wrong Login. Use your correct Userid and Password and Try
> Why does it show up everytime and whats wrong with mysql_fetch_array().
> Please advice also if there is some other way available please help me try
> that.
> Thanks,
> Chris

I advice you to split the code up in 2 seperate actions, and check for errors.

> if($rec=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE 
> userName='$userName' AND password = '$password'"))){

would become:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE
userName='$userName' AND password = '$password'") or die
// You could also add some checks here with mysql_num_rows for example...


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RE: [PHP] php Login script issue

2007-09-16 Thread Sanjeev N

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE
userName='$userName' AND password = '$password'");
if($rec = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
//your code

Try like this it may solve. It may solve your problem
Don't try to fetch the result from one single line code.

Warm Regards,
http://webdirectory.sanchanworld.com - Submit your website URL
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-Original Message-
From: Chris Carter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 3:10 PM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP] php Login script issue


Its just a login and password validation that I am trying to achieve. If the
username is correct then the person is able to view certain page, if
incorrect then he is directed elsewhere.

 Successfully,Logged in
logout.php  Log OUT   welcome.php Click here if your browser is not
redirecting automatically or you don't want to wait. ";
 print "";
   print " self.location='submit-store-details.php';"; // Comment this
line if you don't want to redirect
  print "";

else {

echo "Wrong Login. Use your correct  Userid and Password and Try


I am getting this error when I am using this code:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
resource in thispage.php on line 37
Wrong Login. Use your correct Userid and Password and Try

Why does it show up everytime and whats wrong with mysql_fetch_array(). 

Please advice also if there is some other way available please help me try


View this message in context:
Sent from the PHP - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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RE: [PHP] php Login script issue

2007-09-16 Thread Bastien Koert

argh! hotmail sucks

I don't see in the script where you are using $_POST / $_GET / $_REQUEST to 
access tha data from the form. Its likely that the example you are following is 
old and uses 'register_globals'. Since register_globals is a huge security hole 
and is not active in any new installations of PHP you need to change your 
script to use the above methods to get the form data. The error you are getting 
is due to the fact that you are not passing in the values to the sql and not 
getting a valid result

Note that the below example fixes your issue but DOES NOT do any validation, 
which you really should do before passing your data to the sql...


if($rec=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE> 
userName='$userName' AND password = '$password'"))){ 



> Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 02:39:57 
-0700> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: php-general@lists.php.net> Subject: [PHP] 
php Login script issue>>> Hi,>> Its just a login and password validation that I 
am trying to achieve. If the> username is correct then the person is able to 
view certain page, if> incorrect then he is directed elsewhere.>>  
if($rec=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE> 
userName='$userName' AND password = '$password'"))){> 
if(($rec['userName']==$userName)&&($rec['password']==$password)){> include 
"../include/newsession.php";> echo " Successfully,Logged in> logout.php Log OUT 
 welcome.php Click here if your browser is not> redirecting automatically or 
you don't want to wait. ";> print "";>> }> }> else {>> session_unset();> echo 
"Wrong Login. Use your correct Userid and Password and Try>  
onClick='history.go(-1)'>";>> }> ?>>> I am getting this error when I am using 
this code:>> Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid 
MySQL result> resource in thispage.php on line 37> Wrong Login. Use your 
correct Userid and Password and Try>> Why does it show up everytime and whats 
wrong with mysql_fetch_array().>> Please advice also if there is some other way 
available please help me try> that.>> Thanks,>> Chris> --> View this message in 
context: http://www.nabble.com/php-Login-script-issue-tf4450691.html#a12698139> 
Sent from the PHP - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.>> --> PHP 
General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)> To unsubscribe, visit: 

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[PHP] login script fix help needed

2003-01-20 Thread Karl James

hey guys,
I was wondering if you can see why i cant insert the info into a table,
right now its 
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/virtual/site12/fst/var/www/html/Create_Account.php:8) in /home/virtual/site12/fst/var/www/html/Create_Account.php on line 10
can anyone help me get this working thanks.
and let me know what i did wrong.

  IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

[PHP] Login script, session problem (I think)

2002-01-15 Thread Hawk

I made a simple login script which uses MySQL for username and password
retrieval and that stores the username in a session, the problem is that
this script only works locally, e.g. I can only login from this computer but
not from any other, I have session.use_cookies = 1 and I also have another
session on the page that stores a counted var so the counter doesn't jump up
everytime someone changes page.
The thing confusing me is that the counter session works global but the
login only works local..

Does anyone have an idea how I should solve this? I'm not so good with php
yet so I might have missed something, but i think it's wierd anyway... :p

please reply as soon as possible. :)


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RE: [PHP] login script fix help needed

2003-01-20 Thread Timothy Hitchens \(HiTCHO\)
Move this below to after your php logic:

Add a User 



Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO)
Open Source Consulting
-Original Message-
From: Karl James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, 20 January 2003 1:59 PM
To: php
Subject: [PHP] login script fix help needed

hey guys,

I was wondering if you can see why i cant insert the info into a table,

right now its 

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output
started at /home/virtual/site12/fst/var/www/html/Create_Account.php:8)
in /home/virtual/site12/fst/var/www/html/Create_Account.php on line 10


can anyone help me get this working thanks.
and let me know what i did wrong.


  IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

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Re: [PHP] login script fix help needed

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Karl James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already
> sent by (output started at
> in
> on line 10

This means you have something on line 10 of
Create_account.php that sends headers, but PHP cannot
because you have something on line 8 that causes output.


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[PHP] Login Script and Global Registering Things

2003-07-23 Thread Master Mark
Hay people.

This is my code below ...

I have been using this for ages, but would like to know if there is a better way to 
process a login ...

Is HTTP auth better than HTML?

/ Mark

Re: [PHP] Login script, session problem (I think)

2002-01-15 Thread Dennis Moore

More information is needed... what version of PHP are your running?   I bit
of sample code on how you set up your sessions would also be helpful...


- Original Message -
From: "Hawk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 11:19 AM
Subject: [PHP] Login script, session problem (I think)

> I made a simple login script which uses MySQL for username and password
> retrieval and that stores the username in a session, the problem is that
> this script only works locally, e.g. I can only login from this computer
> not from any other, I have session.use_cookies = 1 and I also have another
> session on the page that stores a counted var so the counter doesn't jump
> everytime someone changes page.
> The thing confusing me is that the counter session works global but the
> login only works local..
> Does anyone have an idea how I should solve this? I'm not so good with php
> yet so I might have missed something, but i think it's wierd anyway... :p
> please reply as soon as possible. :)
> Hawk
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Login script, session problem (I think)

2002-01-15 Thread Hawk

php 4.*  4.03 I think, or something like that

first I have a form that directs to login.php, in that file I have

then I assign a word to admin_allow and the username and password to the
username and password vars(for later use with things like "my settings")
and if the username and password above was found in the mysql database I
made it to redirect to the admin area, and on every admin page I have

maybe I'm doing this totaly wrong, but I just recently started with php.. :p

"Dennis Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet
02e801c19de4$bf9e2000$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:02e801c19de4$bf9e2000$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> More information is needed... what version of PHP are your running?   I
> of sample code on how you set up your sessions would also be helpful...
> /dkm
> - Original Message -
> From: "Hawk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 11:19 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Login script, session problem (I think)
> > I made a simple login script which uses MySQL for username and password
> > retrieval and that stores the username in a session, the problem is that
> > this script only works locally, e.g. I can only login from this computer
> but
> > not from any other, I have session.use_cookies = 1 and I also have
> > session on the page that stores a counted var so the counter doesn't
> up
> > everytime someone changes page.
> > The thing confusing me is that the counter session works global but the
> > login only works local..
> >
> > Does anyone have an idea how I should solve this? I'm not so good with
> > yet so I might have missed something, but i think it's wierd anyway...
> >
> > please reply as soon as possible. :)
> >
> > Hawk
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

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Re: [PHP] Login Script and Global Registering Things

2003-07-23 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Master Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is HTTP auth better than HTML?

In my opinion, no. Handling authentication in your application is a much better
choice for numerous reasons (although HTTP authentication has its place and can
be very useful).


Become a better Web developer with the HTTP Developer's Handbook

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Re: [PHP] Login Script and Global Registering Things

2003-07-23 Thread Master Mark
Sounds good (o;

I find it easyer to work with HTML auth anyway.

/ Mark

- Original Message -
From: "Chris Shiflett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Login Script and Global Registering Things

> --- Master Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is HTTP auth better than HTML?
> In my opinion, no. Handling authentication in your application is a much
> choice for numerous reasons (although HTTP authentication has its place
and can
> be very useful).
> Chris
> =
> Become a better Web developer with the HTTP Developer's Handbook
> http://httphandbook.org/

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[PHP] Login Script: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

2010-02-19 Thread David Hutto
The following script is supposed to validate a username and password in a mysql 
db.  When entering the username and password of a preregistered user, I get the 
following errors:

Warning:  mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in /var/www/login.php on line 24

Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output 
started at /var/www/login.php:24) in /var/www/login.php on line 26

On line 24 is:

>>>if(!mysql_num_rows($login)) //if the username and pass are wrong

--The supplied argument is $login, which is previously defined as:

>>>$login = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'userinfo' WHERE `user` = '$user' AND 
>>>`pass` = '$pass`");

--which is further defined above it as these values:

  $user = $_POST['user']; //pulls the username from the form
  $pw = $_POST['pass']; //pulls the pass from the form
  $pass = md5($pw); //makes our password an md

So why is the sum of those previous definitions an invalid argument for the 
mysql_query() to test for whether the username and md5 password values are 
true/equivalent to each other?

Thanks for any help you may be able to provide, below is the full login.php 


This is the full login.php script, I'm pretty sure no other portions are needed 
to show at this point for the current problem:

elseif($act == "auth") //if our page action = auth
  $user = $_POST['user']; //pulls the username from the form
  $pw = $_POST['pass']; //pulls the pass from the form
  $pass = md5($pw); //makes our password an md5
  include("connect.php"); //connects to our mysql database
  $login = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE `user` = '$user' AND 
`pass` = '$pass`"); //selects info from our table if the row has the same user 
and pass that our form does
  if(!mysql_num_rows($login)) //if the username and pass are wrong
    header("Location: login.php");  //redirects to our login page
    die(); //stops the page from going any further
    setcookie("user", $user, time()+3600);//sets our user cookie
    setcookie("pass", $pass, time()+3600);//sets our pass cookie
    header("Location: memprar.php");//instead of yourpage.php it 
would be your protected page


Re: [PHP] Login Script: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

2010-02-19 Thread Ashley Sheridan
On Fri, 2010-02-19 at 00:30 -0800, David Hutto wrote:

> The following script is supposed to validate a username and password in a 
> mysql db.  When entering the username and password of a preregistered user, I 
> get the following errors:
> Warning:  mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
> resource in /var/www/login.php on line 24
> Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output 
> started at /var/www/login.php:24) in /var/www/login.php on line 26
> On line 24 is:
> >>>if(!mysql_num_rows($login)) //if the username and pass are wrong
> --The supplied argument is $login, which is previously defined as:
> >>>$login = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'userinfo' WHERE `user` = '$user' AND 
> >>>`pass` = '$pass`");
> --which is further defined above it as these values:
>   $user = $_POST['user']; //pulls the username from the form
>   $pw = $_POST['pass']; //pulls the pass from the form
>   $pass = md5($pw); //makes our password an md
> So why is the sum of those previous definitions an invalid argument for the 
> mysql_query() to test for whether the username and md5 password values are 
> true/equivalent to each other?
> Thanks for any help you may be able to provide, below is the full login.php 
> page.
> David
> This is the full login.php script, I'm pretty sure no other portions are 
> needed to show at this point for the current problem:
>  $act = $_GET['act']; //retrives the page action
> if(empty($act)) //if there is no action
> {
>   echo(' id="loginform">
>   Username
>   Password
>   ');
> }
> elseif($act == "auth") //if our page action = auth
> {
>   $user = $_POST['user']; //pulls the username from the form
>   $pw = $_POST['pass']; //pulls the pass from the form
>   $pass = md5($pw); //makes our password an md5
>   include("connect.php"); //connects to our mysql database
>   $login = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE `user` = '$user' AND 
> `pass` = '$pass`"); //selects info from our table if the row has the same 
> user and pass that our form does
>   if(!mysql_num_rows($login)) //if the username and pass are wrong
>   {
> header("Location: login.php");  //redirects to our login page
> die(); //stops the page from going any further
>   }
>   else
>   {
> setcookie("user", $user, time()+3600);//sets our user cookie
> setcookie("pass", $pass, time()+3600);//sets our pass cookie
> header("Location: memprar.php");//instead of yourpage.php it 
> would be your protected page
>   } 
> }
> ?>

First, please create a new email when sending to the list and don't just
reply to the last one, as those of us with email clients that group by
threads get confused when the subject line appears to change mid-thread!

On to your question, you've got an error with your query, so it will
never work:

"SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE `user` = '$user' AND `pass` =
'$pass`"// change that last back tick after $pass!

Lastly; protect your queries! That $user variable is open to injection.
Replacing it with something like $user =
mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user']); Your $pass is protected (I
believe) because of what you're doing with the hash, but I'm not an
expert in these things, so it could be that this may not be enough.


Re: [PHP] Login Script: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

2010-02-19 Thread David Hutto

--- On Fri, 2/19/10, Ashley Sheridan  wrote:

From: Ashley Sheridan 
Subject: Re: [PHP] Login Script: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a 
valid MySQL result resource
To: "David Hutto" 
Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
Date: Friday, February 19, 2010, 5:34 AM

On Fri, 2010-02-19 at 00:30 -0800, David Hutto wrote:

The following script is supposed to validate a username and password in a mysql 
db.  When entering the username and password of a preregistered user, I get the 
following errors:

Warning:  mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result 
resource in /var/www/login.php on line 24

Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output 
started at /var/www/login.php:24) in /var/www/login.php on line 26

On line 24 is:

>>>if(!mysql_num_rows($login)) //if the username and pass are wrong

--The supplied argument is $login, which is previously defined as:

>>>$login = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'userinfo' WHERE `user` = '$user' AND 
>>>`pass` = '$pass`");

--which is further defined above it as these values:

  $user = $_POST['user']; //pulls the username from the form
  $pw = $_POST['pass']; //pulls the pass from the form
  $pass = md5($pw); //makes our password an md

So why is the sum of those previous definitions an invalid argument for the 
mysql_query() to test for whether the username and md5 password values are 
true/equivalent to each other?

Thanks for any help you may be able to provide, below is the full login.php 


This is the full login.php script, I'm pretty sure no other portions are needed 
to show at this point for the current problem:

elseif($act == "auth") //if our page action = auth
  $user = $_POST['user']; //pulls the username from the form
  $pw = $_POST['pass']; //pulls the pass from the form
  $pass = md5($pw); //makes our password an md5
  include("connect.php"); //connects to our mysql database
  $login = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE `user` = '$user' AND 
`pass` = '$pass`"); //selects info from our table if the row has the same user 
and pass that our form does
  if(!mysql_num_rows($login)) //if the username and pass are wrong
    header("Location: login.php");  //redirects to our login page
    die(); //stops the page from going any further
    setcookie("user", $user, time()+3600);//sets our user cookie
    setcookie("pass", $pass, time()+3600);//sets our pass cookie
    header("Location: memprar.php");//instead of yourpage.php it 
would be your protected page


First, please create a new email when sending to the list and don't just reply 
to the last one, as those of us with email clients that group by threads get 
confused when the subject line appears to change mid-thread!

On to your question, you've got an error with your query, so it will never work:

"SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE `user` = '$user' AND `pass` = '$pass`"    // 
change that last back tick after $pass!

Lastly; protect your queries! That $user variable is open to injection. 
Replacing it with something like $user = 
mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user']); Your $pass is protected (I believe) 
because of what you're doing with the hash, but I'm not an expert in these 
things, so it could be that this may not be enough.




Apologies for hijacking the thread, I hit reply all in a randomly picked email 
and deleted the info/subject line, guess that doesn't work.

Thanks for the advice, it's almost working right, all things considered.
