Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/language variables.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

> +   
> +
> + In PHP 4.1.0 and later, the default set of predefined variables
> + which are available in the global scope has changed. Individual
> + input and server variables are by defaultno
> + longer placed directly into the global scope; rather, they are
> + placed into the following  + linkend="language.variables.superglobals">superglobal
> + arrays.
> +
> +
> + You can still force the old behaviour by setting  + linkend="ini.register-globals">register_globals to 'On' in
> + your php.ini file.
> +
> +
> + For more information and background on this change, please see
> + the PHP 4.1.0 Release
> + Announcement.
> +
> +   

a) There is no space between "by default" and "no" in 
   "by defaultno". It would be nice to
   put one space in.

b) I have PHP 4.1.0 win32 version. The php.ini-dist file contains
   register_globals = On, and the windows install instructions
   advise users to use php.ini-dist to set up PHP, so it is not
   true, that register_globals is Off by default AFAIK.


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/appendices reserved.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Andrew Lindeman

alindeman   Tue Mar 12 19:02:01 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/appendices   reserved.xml 
  Log: ->
Index: phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml:1.17 phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml:1.18
--- phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml:1.17  Tue Mar 12 18:33:21 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml   Tue Mar 12 19:02:00 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

[PHP-DOC] Bug #16010 Updated: phpinfo manual page bad grammar

2002-03-12 Thread alindeman

 ID:   16010
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: n/a
 PHP Version:  4.1.2
 New Comment:

And also, to answer your question, yes this is correct place to submit
bugs for PHP and the docs.  Please 
feel free to submit any others errors you find as a bug like you did in
this case.

Previous Comments:

[2002-03-11 22:12:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

[2002-03-11 22:07:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

on, in the "phpinfo()
options" table:

Loaded modules and there respective settings.

should be:

Loaded modules and their respective settings.

(is this the right place to report this sort of error?)


Edit this bug report at

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/appendices reserved.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Torben Wilson

torben  Tue Mar 12 18:33:22 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/appendices   reserved.xml 
  Re-added Andrew's note about $PHP_SELF.
  Added $GLOBALS to the list of predefined variables.
Index: phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml:1.16 phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml:1.17
--- phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml:1.16  Tue Mar 12 18:14:33 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml   Tue Mar 12 18:33:21 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/appendices reserved.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Torben Wilson

torben  Tue Mar 12 18:14:34 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/appendices   reserved.xml 
  Put $PHP_SELF at the beginning of the $_SERVER list, followed by $argv
  and $argc.
Index: phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml:1.15 phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml:1.16
--- phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml:1.15  Mon Mar 11 19:57:46 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/appendices/reserved.xml   Tue Mar 12 18:14:33 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/language variables.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Torben Wilson

torben  Tue Mar 12 18:12:28 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/language variables.xml 
  Added a warning about the register_globals change; added $GLOBALS.
Index: phpdoc/en/language/variables.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/language/variables.xml:1.38 phpdoc/en/language/variables.xml:1.39
--- phpdoc/en/language/variables.xml:1.38   Mon Mar 11 21:05:59 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/language/variables.xmlTue Mar 12 18:12:28 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -121,6 +121,28 @@
 Predefined variables.

+ In PHP 4.1.0 and later, the default set of predefined variables
+ which are available in the global scope has changed. Individual
+ input and server variables are by defaultno
+ longer placed directly into the global scope; rather, they are
+ placed into the following superglobal
+ arrays.
+ You can still force the old behaviour by setting register_globals to 'On' in
+ your php.ini file.
+ For more information and background on this change, please see
+ the PHP 4.1.0 Release
+ Announcement.

 From version 4.1.0 onward, PHP provides a set of predefined arrays
 containing variables from the web server (if applicable), the
@@ -134,8 +156,18 @@
 Predefined variables.

 PHP Superglobals
+   Contains a reference to every variable which is currently
+   available within the global scope of the script. The keys of
+   this array are the names of the global variables.

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /cs translation.xml /cs/faq html.xml languages.xml mailinglist.xml misc.xml obtaining.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Lukas Jelinek

luk Tue Mar 12 16:21:52 2002 EDT

  Added files: 
/phpdoc/cs/faq  languages.xml mailinglist.xml misc.xml obtaining.xml 

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/cs  translation.xml 
/phpdoc/cs/faq  html.xml 

Index: phpdoc/cs/translation.xml
diff -u phpdoc/cs/translation.xml:1.1 phpdoc/cs/translation.xml:1.2
--- phpdoc/cs/translation.xml:1.1   Wed Mar  6 15:53:49 2002
+++ phpdoc/cs/translation.xml   Tue Mar 12 16:21:52 2002
@@ -15,12 +15,8 @@
Index: phpdoc/cs/faq/html.xml
diff -u phpdoc/cs/faq/html.xml:1.1 phpdoc/cs/faq/html.xml:1.2
--- phpdoc/cs/faq/html.xml:1.1  Sun Mar 10 16:57:25 2002
+++ phpdoc/cs/faq/html.xml  Tue Mar 12 16:21:52 2002
@@ -214,49 +214,48 @@

-  How do I get all the results from a select multiple HTML tag? 
+  Jak získám v¹echna data z HTML elementu pro vícenásobný výbìr?
-  The select multiple tag in an HTML construct allows users to
-  select multiple items from a list. These items are then passed
-  to the action handler for the form. The problem is that they
-  are all passed with the same widget name. ie.
+  Tag pro vícenásobný výbìr v HTML konstruktu umo¾òuje u¾ivatelùm vybrat
+  více polo¾ej ze seznamu. Tyto polo¾ky se posílají do handleru pro
+  formuláø. Problém je v tom, ¾e se zpracovávají pod stejným jménem.
+  Napøíklad:
-  Each selected option will arrive at the action handler as:
+  Ka¾dá vybraná mo¾nost pøijde do handleru akce jako:  
-  Each option will overwrite the contents of the previous
-  $var variable. The solution is to use
-  PHP's "array from form element" feature. The following
-  should be used:
+  Ka¾dá volba tedy pøepí¹e pøedchozí obsah promìnné $var
+  Øe¹ením je pou¾ít "pole vytvoøené v elementu formuláøe". Mìlo by se
+  pou¾ít toto:
-  This tells PHP to treat $var as an array and
-  each assignment of a value to var[] adds an item to the array.
-  The first item becomes $var[0], the next
-  $var[1], etc. The count
-  function can be used to determine how many options were selected,
-  and the sort function can be used to sort
-  the option array if necessary.
+  Vý¹e uvedený kód øíká PHP, ¾e má promìnnou $var
+  zpracovat jako pole a ka¾dé pøiøazení hodnoty do var[] znamená pøidání
+  prvku do pole. První polo¾ka se tedy stane prvkem
+  $var[0], dal¹í
+  $var[1] atd. Funkci count
+  lze pou¾ít k urèení, kolik mo¾ností bylo vybráno, a v pøípadì potøeby
+  lze seøadit pole funkcí sort.
-  Note that if you are using JavaScript the []
-  on the element name might cause you problems when you try to
-  refer to the element by name. Use it's numerical form element
-  id instead, or enclose the variable name in single quotes and
-  use that as the index to the elements array, for example:
+  Uvìdomte si, ¾e pokud pou¾íváte JavaScript, mù¾e pøidání
+  [] do názvu elementu zpùsobit problémy pøi pokusu
+  odkazovat element jeho jménem. Tehdy pou¾ijte èíselnou identifikaci
+  elementu, nebo název promìnné uzavøete do apostrofù a pou¾ijte ho jako
+  indexaci do pole elementù, napøíklad:
 variable = documents.forms[0].elements['var[]'];

Index: phpdoc/cs/faq/languages.xml
+++ phpdoc/cs/faq/languages.xml

  PHP a jiné jazyky
  PHP a jiné jazyky

   PHP je nejlep¹í jazyk pro webové programování, ale co jiné jazyky?


 PHP vs. ASP?

  ASP ve skuteènosti není jazyk jako takový, je to zkratka pro Active
  Server Pages, jazyky nyní pou¾ívanými k programování ASP jsou Visual
  Basic Script a JScript. Nejvìt¹í nevýhodou ASP je to, ¾e se jedná o
  proprietární systém, který je nativnì pou¾íván pouze na serveru
  Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). To omezuje jeho
  dostupnost na servery zalo¾ené na Win32. Existuje nìkolik projektù,
  které umo¾òují bìh ASP v jiných prostøedích a serverech:
  od Halcyon (komerèní),
  Chili!Soft ASP od
  (komerèní) a OpenASP od (free). O ASP se tvrdí, ¾e je pomalej¹í a
  tì¾kopádnìj¹í, a stejnì tak i ménì stabilní. Z výhod ASP lze uvést
  to, ¾e primárnì pou¾ívá VBScript, který je pomìrnì snadno uchopitelný,
  pokud ji¾ víte, jak programovat ve Visual Basicu. Podpora ASP je také
  standardnì zapnuta na IIS, tak¾e se snadno spustí a bì¾í. Komponenty
  zabudované v ASP jsou opravdu omezené, tak¾e pokud potøebujete pou¾ít
  "pokroèilé" prvky, jako interakce s FTP servery, musíte si koupit
  doplòující komponenty.



 Existuje konvertot z ASP do PHP?

  Ano, jedním z nejèastìji

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de Translators

2002-03-12 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

> mk Tue Mar 12 12:14:20 2002 EDT
>   Modified files:  
> /phpdoc/de Translators 
>   Log:
>   Translated the docs for my favourite extension ;)

> -cybermut.xml
> +cybermut.xml Mark Kronsbein fertig (bis 1.16)


[Just to make sure, that you don't forget my email address ;) ]


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/functions cybermut.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Mark Kronsbein

mk  Tue Mar 12 12:14:41 2002 EDT

  Added files: 
  Translated the docs for my favourite extension ;)

Index: phpdoc/de/functions/cybermut.xml
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/cybermut.xml

  Crédit Mutuel CyberMUT functions
Diese Extension ist für den Ablauf der Kreditkartentransaktionen des  
Crédit Mutuel CyberMUT Systems (
&url.cybermut;) zuständig.

CyberMUT ist ein populärer französischer Service der Bank Crédit Mutuel für 
das Bezahlen im Web.
Wenn Sie nicht aus Frankreich sind werden Sie mit diesen Funktionen nichts 
anfangen können.
Diese Funktionen sind nur verfügbar, wenn PHP mit der Option

kompiliert wurde, wobei der Parameter DIR auf das Verzeichnis zeigt, in dem sich 
die Dateien 
libcm-mac.a und cm-mac.h befinden.
Sie benötigen das entsprechende SDK für Ihr Betriebssytem, welches Ihnen nach der 
Bestellung von 
CyberMUT zugesendet wird (Kontakt: Über das Web oder in der nächsten Filiale der 
Crédit Mutuel).
Die Verwendung dieser Funktionen ist weitgehend identisch mit den original 
Funktionen, bis auf die 
Rückgabewerte der Funktionen cybermut_creerformulairecm
und cybermut_creerreponsecm,
welche vond en PHP-Funktionen direkt zurückgegeben werden und in den 
Originalfunktionen nur referenziert werden.
Diese Funktionen wurden in PHP 4.0.6 hinzugefügt.

 Diese Funktionen stellen nur eine Verbindung zum CyberMUT SDK her. Lesen Sie auf 
jeden Fall den
 CyberMUT Developers Guide für alle Details der benötigten Parameter.


Generiert ein HTML Formular für eine Zahlungaufforderung

 cybermut_creerformulairecm wird dazu verwendet um ein HTML 
Formular zur Zahlungsaufforderung
 zu erzeugen.

 Erster Schritt der Bezahlung (entspricht cgi1.c)


 Siehe auch 
 cybermut_testmac und 



 Stellt sicher, daß keine betrügerischen Daten in der Bestätigungsnachricht sind. 


 cybermut_testmac wird dazu verwendet, sicherzustellen, daß 
keine betrügerischen oder falschen
 Daten in der erhaltenen Bestätigungsnachricht sind.
 Achten Sie auf die Parameter code-retour und
 texte-libre, welche wegen dem Bindestrich nicht einfach 
ausgewertet werden können. 
 Sie müssen sie wie folgt verwenden:

 Letzter Schritt der Bezahlung (entspricht cgi2.c)


 Siehe auch 
 cybermut_creerformulairecm und



 Generiert eine Bestätigung, daß die Zahlungsbestätigung gesendet wurde.


 cybermut_creerreponsecm gibt einen String zurück, der die 
Bestätigungsmeldung enthält.

 Der Parameter ist "OK", wenn die Bestätigungsmeldung korrekt von 
cybermut_testmac identifiziert werden konnte.
 Alles andere wird als Fehlermeldung angesehen.

 Siehe auch 
 cybermut_creerformulairecm und


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de Translators

2002-03-12 Thread Mark Kronsbein

mk  Tue Mar 12 12:14:20 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de  Translators 
  Translated the docs for my favourite extension ;)
Index: phpdoc/de/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/de/Translators:1.276 phpdoc/de/Translators:1.277
--- phpdoc/de/Translators:1.276 Tue Mar 12 08:17:40 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/Translators   Tue Mar 12 12:14:18 2002
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 curl.xmlChristian Bombera   in Arbeit
 cybercash.xml   Martin Jansen   fertig
+cybermut.xml   Mark Kronsbein  fertig (bis 1.16)
 datetime.xmlFriedhelm Betz  Änderungen
 dba.xml Martin Jansen   fertig

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions http.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Hartmut Holzgraefe

hholzgraTue Mar 12 09:38:07 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  corrected the example in the Location: note regaring absolute URLs
  and converted it to the new superglobals
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/http.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/http.xml:1.37 phpdoc/en/functions/http.xml:1.38
--- phpdoc/en/functions/http.xml:1.37   Tue Mar 12 09:35:02 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/http.xmlTue Mar 12 09:38:07 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   HTTP functions
@@ -108,14 +108,14 @@
   including the scheme, hostname and absolute path, but
   some clients accept relative URIs. You can usually use
   and dirname to make an absolute URI from a
   relative one yourself:


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions http.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Hartmut Holzgraefe

hholzgraTue Mar 12 09:35:03 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  changed order of HTTP status and Location header description
  as HTTP status is always the first header line 
  added info that Location will only set 302 status if no other
  3xx status has been set before
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/http.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/http.xml:1.36 phpdoc/en/functions/http.xml:1.37
--- phpdoc/en/functions/http.xml:1.36   Fri Feb  8 12:26:51 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/http.xmlTue Mar 12 09:35:02 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   HTTP functions
@@ -45,10 +45,52 @@
- There are two special-case header calls.  The first is the
- "Location" header.  Not only does it send this header back
- to the browser, but it also returns a REDIRECT
- (302) status code to the browser.
+ There are two special-case header calls.  The first is a header 
+ that starts with the string "HTTP/" (case is not
+ significant), which will be used to figure out the HTTP status
+ code to send. For example, if you have configured Apache to
+ use a PHP script to handle requests for missing files (using
+ the ErrorDocument directive), you may want to
+ make sure that your script generates the proper status code.
+   If you want to set the return status like this then you have to 
+   make sure this is the very first header you send. Remember that
+   setcookie uses header 
+   internaly and that the session functions might try to set a 
+   cookie, so these might interfere with setting a return status
+   using header("HTTP ...").
+   In PHP 3, this only works when PHP is compiled as an Apache
+   module. You can achieve the same effect using the
+   Status header.
+ The second special case is the "Location:" header.  Not only does 
+ it send this header back to the browser, but it also returns a 
+ REDIRECT (302) status code to the browser unless 
+ some 3xx status code has already been set.
-   In PHP 3, this only works when PHP is compiled as an Apache
-   module. You can achieve the same effect using the
-   Status header.
  PHP scripts often generate dynamic content that must not be cached
  by the client browser or any proxy caches between the server and the

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions image.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Marcus Börger

helly   Tue Mar 12 08:48:33 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  -exif functions
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/image.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/image.xml:1.80 phpdoc/en/functions/image.xml:1.81
--- phpdoc/en/functions/image.xml:1.80  Fri Mar  8 14:43:29 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/image.xml   Tue Mar 12 08:48:33 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
  Image functions
@@ -8,13 +8,19 @@
You can use the image functions in PHP to get the size of
-   PNG, TIFF and
-   SWF images, and if
+   PNG, SWF,
+   TIFF and JPEG2000 images, and if
you have the GD library (available at &;) you will also be able to create
and manipulate images.
+   If you have PHP compiled with --enable-exif
+   you are able to work with information stored in headers of
+   JPEG and TIFF images. These
+   functions do not require GD library.
The format of images you are able to manipulate depend on the
version of gd you install, and any other libraries gd might need
to access those image formats. Versions of gd older than gd-1.6
@@ -35,6 +41,52 @@
+   exif_imagetype
+   Determine the type of an image.
+   Description
+ int|falseexif_thumbnail
+  stringfilename
+exif_imagetype reads the first bytes of an image and
+checks its signature. When a correct signature is found a constant will be
+returned otherwise the return value is &false; The return value is the same
+value that GetImageSize returns in index 2 but this
+function is much faster.
+The following constants are defined:
+5 = IMAGETYPE_PSD, 6 = IMAGETYPE_BMP, 7 = IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II (intel byte order),
+8 = IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM (motorola byte order), 9 = IMAGETYPE_JPC, 10 = 
+This function can be used to avoid calls to other exif functions with unsupported
+file teypes or in conjunction with $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] to check whether or
+not the viewer is able to see a specific image in his browser.
+  This function is only available in PHP 4 compiled using --enable-exif.
+  This function does not require the GD image library.
+  See also GetImageSize.

@@ -125,7 +177,7 @@
-  read_exif_data example
+  exif_read_data example

@@ -196,6 +253,15 @@
+ Starting from PHP 4.3 the function can read all embedded IFD
+ data including arrays (returned as such). Also the size of an embedded thumbnail
+ is returned in THUMBNAIL subarray and the function
+ exif_read_data can return thumbnails in 
+ format.
This function is only available in PHP 4 compiled using --enable-exif.
Its functionality and behaviour has changed in PHP 4.2. Earlier versions
@@ -221,6 +287,8 @@
+  int&width
+  int&height

 exif_thumbnail reads the embedded thumbnail of
@@ -228,6 +296,17 @@
 will be returned.

+Both parameters width and height are
+available since PHP 4.3 and return the size of the thumbnail. It is possible that
+exif_thumbnail cannot create and image but determine the its
+size. In this case the return value is false but width and
+height are set.
+Starting from version PHP 4.3 the function exif_thumbnail can
+return thumbnails in TIFF format.
   This function is only available in PHP 4 compiled using --enable-exif.
@@ -270,8 +349,10 @@
 Returns an array with 4 elements. Index 0 contains the width of
 the image in pixels. Index 1 contains the height.  Index 2 a
 flag indicating the type of the image.  1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 =
-PNG, 4 = SWF, 5 = PSD, 6 = BMP. Index 3 is a text string with the correct
-"height=xxx width=xxx" string that can be used directly in an IMG
+PNG, 4 = SWF, 5 = PSD, 6 = BMP, 7 = TIFF(intel byte order),
+8 = TIFF(motorola byte order, 9 = JPC, 10 = JP2, 11 = JPX.
+Index 3 is a text string with the correct
+height="yyy" width="xxx" string that can be used directly in an IMG
  GetImageSize (file)
@@ -331,10 +412,16 @@
+  TIFF support was added in PHP 4.2. JPEG2000 support will be added
+  in PHP 4.3.
   This function does not require the GD image library.
+  See also exif_imagetype, 
+  and exif_thumbnail.
   URL support was added in PHP 4.0.5

[PHP-DOC] Bug #15930 Updated: gzencode can't have a level

2002-03-12 Thread sr

 ID:   15930
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Summary:  gzencode can't have a level
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Analyzed
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: windows 2000
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 Assigned To:  sr
 New Comment:

Fixed in latest cvs.

Previous Comments:

[2002-03-07 13:04:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, I prefer the fonctionnality in documentation
or something like : gzencode($data[,$level[,$mode]])

It would be much easy to use, than make a gzip by hand with header,crc,

in "User Contributed Notes" two another persons report this problem. We
can perhaps ask them.

[2002-03-07 12:42:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION is a constant of the zlib include file, so you
could change it only with a recompile of php.

As a workaround maybe you can use gzdeflate() or gzcompress(), there
the second parameter is the compression level. But then you have to
manually add the gzip headers (and maybe the CRC) if you need them.

[2002-03-07 11:41:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

YES, I use it. before I use gzopen($fic,"wb9"); with a temporary file
the compression was better than gzencode.
For passing information from serveur to client, the size of data is
very important. I prefer spending 20 ms for much compression than 30
sec more for download.
but if it is possible to change the Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,
it's ok I always use the same (maxi) compression.

[2002-03-07 10:50:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's an error in the documentation.

The optional second parameter doesn't set the compression level, it
does set the compression mode, i.e. you can use FORCE_GZIP or
FORCE_DEFLATE in order to use gzip/deflate compression. The compression
level is always the default Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION.

If nobody objects (does anybody use this parameter?) I'll fix the
documentation ...

[2002-03-07 07:37:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

$gzdata = gzencode($data,9);
echo strlen($gzdata),":bad always 10";

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-DOC] Bug #15944 Updated: imap_sort Error

2002-03-12 Thread sander

 ID:   15944
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Analyzed
 Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

Fixed that sentence, but the rest of the functions might need notes
about the availability on POP/NNTP servers.

Previous Comments:

[2002-03-08 03:26:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is documentation problem. When you use pop3
it doesn't have all the capabilities as imap has.
Search & sorting are one of the missing ones, AFAIK.

On this page:

Is a faulty line which confuses (at least me :)

"This function can also be used to open streams to POP3 and NNTP
servers, but some functions and features are not available on IMAP
servers. "

It should be saying "..features are only available on IMAP.."


[2002-03-07 21:09:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

// if u run it on Windows. U will see the error message "ERROR PHP.EXE"
and "Gate ERROR"!!

My System 
Windows XP, IIS 5.1, Expoler 6.0, PHP 4.1.1

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions imap.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Sander Roobol

sander  Tue Mar 12 08:21:26 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Fixed mistake: some functions _only_ work on IMAP-servers
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/imap.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/imap.xml:1.61 phpdoc/en/functions/imap.xml:1.62
--- phpdoc/en/functions/imap.xml:1.61   Sat Feb  2 10:36:00 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/imap.xmlTue Mar 12 08:21:26 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   IMAP, POP3 and NNTP functions
@@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@
  Returns an IMAP stream on success and &false; on error.  This
  function can also be used to open streams to POP3 and NNTP
- servers, but some functions and features are not available
+ servers, but some functions and features are only available
  on IMAP servers.  

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de Translators translation.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Mark Kronsbein

mk  Tue Mar 12 08:17:40 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de  Translators translation.xml 
  Some users do not like the username the choose...
Index: phpdoc/de/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/de/Translators:1.275 phpdoc/de/Translators:1.276
--- phpdoc/de/Translators:1.275 Tue Mar 12 08:13:59 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/Translators   Tue Mar 12 08:17:40 2002
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 nohn   Sebastian Nohn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mohRichard Samar  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hakan Hakan Kücükyilmaz  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-mmeierMichael Meier  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+impulzMichael Meier  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzeichnis/Datei   Übersetzer  Status
Index: phpdoc/de/translation.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/translation.xml:1.17 phpdoc/de/translation.xml:1.18
--- phpdoc/de/translation.xml:1.17  Tue Mar 12 08:13:59 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/translation.xml   Tue Mar 12 08:17:40 2002
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de Translators translation.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Mark Kronsbein

mk  Tue Mar 12 08:13:59 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de  Translators translation.xml 
  Added Michael Meier
Index: phpdoc/de/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/de/Translators:1.274 phpdoc/de/Translators:1.275
--- phpdoc/de/Translators:1.274 Fri Mar  8 12:41:02 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/Translators   Tue Mar 12 08:13:59 2002
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 nohn   Sebastian Nohn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mohRichard Samar  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hakan Hakan Kücükyilmaz  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+mmeierMichael Meier  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzeichnis/Datei   Übersetzer  Status
Index: phpdoc/de/translation.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/translation.xml:1.16 phpdoc/de/translation.xml:1.17
--- phpdoc/de/translation.xml:1.16  Wed Mar  6 14:10:16 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/translation.xml   Tue Mar 12 08:13:59 2002
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions classobj.xml /hu/functions classobj.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Gyozo Papp

gerzson Tue Mar 12 06:14:38 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Torben was quicker :) and forestalled me

Index: phpdoc/en/functions/classobj.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/classobj.xml:1.35 phpdoc/en/functions/classobj.xml:1.36
--- phpdoc/en/functions/classobj.xml:1.35   Mon Mar 11 20:10:46 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/classobj.xmlTue Mar 12 06:14:37 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   Class/Object Functions
@@ -170,45 +170,11 @@


- Call a user method given with an array of parameters
-  mixedcall_user_method_array
-  stringmethod_name
-  objectobj
-  arrayparamarr
- Calls a the method referred by method_name from
- the user defined obj object, using the parameters
- in paramarr.
- See also:
- call_user_func_array,
- call_user_func,
- call_user_method.
-  This function was added to the CVS code after release of PHP 4.0.4pl1

- Call a user method on an specific object
+ Call a user method on an specific object [deprecated]

@@ -220,6 +186,13 @@
+  The call_user_method function is deprecated
+  as of PHP 4.1.0, use the call_user_func variety 
+  with the array(&$obj, "method_name") syntax instead.
  Calls a the method referred by method_name from
  the user defined obj object. An example of usage
@@ -259,12 +232,53 @@
  See also call_user_func_array,
- call_user_func,
+ call_user_func, and

+ Call a user method given with an array of parameters [deprecated]
+  mixedcall_user_method_array
+  stringmethod_name
+  objectobj
+  arrayparamarr
+  The call_user_method_array function is deprecated
+  as of PHP 4.1.0, use the call_user_func_array variety 
+  with the array(&$obj, "method_name") syntax instead.
+ Calls a the method referred by method_name from
+ the user defined obj object, using the parameters
+ in paramarr.
+ See also:
+ call_user_func_array,
+ call_user_func,
+ call_user_method.
+  This function was added to the CVS code after release of PHP 4.0.4pl1

@@ -309,8 +323,8 @@
  See also get_parent_class,
- get_type, and 
- is_subclass_of
+ gettype, and 
+ is_subclass_of.

@@ -324,7 +338,7 @@
-  stringclass_name
+  mixedclass_name
  This function returns an array of method names defined for the
@@ -337,7 +351,7 @@


@@ -367,9 +381,9 @@
-$my_class = new myclass();
+$my_object = new myclass();
-$class_methods = get_class_methods(get_class($my_class));
+$class_methods = get_class_methods(get_class($my_object));
 foreach ($class_methods as $method_name) {
 echo "$method_name\n";
@@ -393,8 +407,8 @@
- See also get_class_vars,
- get_object_vars
+ See also get_class_vars and
+ get_object_vars.

@@ -553,32 +567,38 @@
+// "$label" is declared but not defined
 $p1 = new Point2D(1.233, 3.445);
-// "$label" is declared but not defined
-// Array
-// (
-// [x] => 1.233
-// [y] => 3.445
-// )
 $p1->setLabel("point #1");
-// Array
-// (
-// [x] => 1.233
-// [y] => 3.445
-// [label] => point #1
-// )
+ The printout of the above program will be: 
- See also get_class_methods,
- get_class_vars
+ See also get_class_methods and
+ get_class_vars!

@@ -632,7 +652,7 @@
  See also get_class, 
- get_parent_class and 
+ get_parent_class, and 

Index: phpdoc/hu/functions/classobj.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/functions/classobj.xml:1.9 phpdoc/hu/functions/classobj.xml:1.10
--- phpdoc/hu/functions/classobj.xml:1.9Tue Mar 12 05:59:30 2002
+++ phpdoc/hu/functions/classobj.xmlTue Mar 12 06:14:37 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -516,7 +516,11 @@
   Attól függõen, hogy milyen kiterjesztések vannak betöltve, egyéb 
-  osztályok is megjelenhetnek a listában.
+  osztályok is megjelenhetnek a listában. Ez azt jelenti, hogy
+  saját osztályokat ilyen nevekkel már nem lehet definiálni. A függelékben   

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions array.xml crack.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Lars Torben Wilson

On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 03:10, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> > >
> > > See also
> > > 
> > >  
> > > See also is_array,
> > > explode,
> > >   implode, split,
> > >   and join.
> > >  
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > 
> > What about ? Easy enough to 
> > process. But even the example you have above doesn't look bad to me, 
> > since the seealso has to be inside a  anyway at that point,
> > and it does make sense.
> Well, I don't like this above, because you have see also in
> the section id, in the section title, in the note role and
> in the para text. Huh. It would be nice to have a simple
> container tag for this, but I guess this is impossible
> with docbook...
> Goba

Well, yeah, but every one of those is optional--especially the para
text. I was speaking more to the fact that there was a note inside a
section, not the specifics of the example.

What I meant by my first sentence was:

 See also
 . . .functions. . .

i.e. just make  play this role here. 

 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions array.xml crack.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

> >
> > See also
> > 
> >  
> > See also is_array,
> > explode,
> >   implode, split,
> >   and join.
> >  
> > 
> >
> > 
> What about ? Easy enough to 
> process. But even the example you have above doesn't look bad to me, 
> since the seealso has to be inside a  anyway at that point,
> and it does make sense.

Well, I don't like this above, because you have see also in
the section id, in the section title, in the note role and
in the para text. Huh. It would be nice to have a simple
container tag for this, but I guess this is impossible
with docbook...


[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /hu/functions calendar.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Gyozo Papp

gerzson Tue Mar 12 05:59:58 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  sync with EN revision
Index: phpdoc/hu/functions/calendar.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/functions/calendar.xml:1.10 phpdoc/hu/functions/calendar.xml:1.11
--- phpdoc/hu/functions/calendar.xml:1.10   Sat Feb  2 10:41:24 2002
+++ phpdoc/hu/functions/calendar.xmlTue Mar 12 05:59:58 2002
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   Naptár függvények
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 A naptár függvények csak akkor elérhetõek, ha a PHP forráskönyvtárad
 alatt található 'dl' vagy 'ext' könyvtárakban található
 naptár kiterjesztést lefordítottad. Mielõtt használnád,
-olvasd el a READMET nevû állományt is.
+olvasd el a README nevû állományt is.

 A naptár kiterjesztés egy sereg függvényt bocsát rendelkezésre két
@@ -25,12 +25,20 @@
 url="&url.calendar;">&url.calendar; címre. Errõl az
 oldalról néhány idézett kivonat megtalálható ebben az instrukcióban.

+ E funkciók csak akkor mûködnek, ha a PHP-t
+ --enable-calendar kapcsolóval fordítottad.

 Julián dátumot konvertál Gergely dátumba

@@ -251,32 +259,39 @@
+   értékek

Gergely naptár - rövidített
+ Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
Gergely naptár
+ January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, 
+October, November, December
Julián naptár - rövidített
+ Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
Julián naptár
+January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, 
+October, November, December
Zsidó naptár
+ Tishri, Heshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, AdarI, AdarII, Nisan, Iyyar, 
+Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul
Francia Köztársasági
+ Vendemiaire, Brumaire, Frimaire, Nivose, Pluviose, Ventose, Germinal, 
+Floreal, Prairial, Messidor, Thermidor, Fructidor, Extra

@@ -447,7 +462,7 @@
- Lásd még: easter_date.
+ Lásd még: easter_date!

@@ -470,7 +485,7 @@
  timestamp paraméter.
- Lásd még: jdtounix.
+ Lásd még: jdtounix!
@@ -500,7 +515,31 @@
  jday <= 2465342)
- Lásd még: jdtounix.
+Lásd még:unixtojd!
+A megadott hónap napjainak számával tér vissza az adott naptár adott 
+  intcal_days_in_month
+  intcalendar
+  intmonth
+  intyear
+ Ez a függvény a napok számával tér vissza,
+ month hónapban, year évben,  
+ és a calendar naptár paraméterekben megadott értékek 
+ Lásd még: jdtounix!
@@ -510,6 +549,60 @@

+Egy támogatott naptártípusból Julián naptárba konvertál
+  intcal_to_jd
+  intcalendar
+  intmonth
+  intday
+  intyear
+Julián naptárból egy támogatott naptártípusba konvertál és további 
+információkat szolgáltat
+  arraycal_from_jd
+  intjd
+  intcalendar
+Különleges naptártípusokról ad információt
+  arraycal_info
+  intcalendar

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /hu/functions classobj.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Gyozo Papp

gerzson Tue Mar 12 05:59:30 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  sync with EN revision + (as I unable to commit the EN):
  call_user_method() and call_user_method_array() is deprecated as of 4.1.0
  some example outputs extracts into a  element

Index: phpdoc/hu/functions/classobj.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/functions/classobj.xml:1.8 phpdoc/hu/functions/classobj.xml:1.9
--- phpdoc/hu/functions/classobj.xml:1.8Sat Feb  2 10:41:24 2002
+++ phpdoc/hu/functions/classobj.xmlTue Mar 12 05:59:30 2002
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   Osztály/Objektum függvények
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
A függvényekrõl

-Ezek a függvények osztályokról és objektumpéldányokról
-adnak információkat. Megkaphatod az osztály nevét, amihez
-egy adott objektum tartozik, sõt az elemeinek tulajdonságait,
-és metódusait is. Ezen függvények használatával egy objektumnak
-nem csak az osztály-tagságát tudod megállapítani, hanem
-a származását is (pl. hogy melyik osztályt terjeszti ki
-az adott objektum osztály).
+Ezek a függvények PHP osztályokról és objektumpéldányokról
+adnak információkat, mint például:  az objektum osztályának 
+nevét (típusát), a tagváltozóit másnéven tulajdonságait,
+és metódusait is. Ezekkel a függvényekkel egy objektumnak
+nem csak az osztály-tagságát lehet megállapítani, hanem
+a származását is, azaz, melyik osztályt kiterjesztése
+az adott objektum osztály.

@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@

 Ebben a példában definiálunk egy alap osztályt, és
 ennek egy kiterjesztését. Az alap osztály leír egy zöldséget
-(vegetable), meghatározva, hogy ehetõ-e vagy sem (edible),
+(Zoldseg), meghatározva, hogy ehetõ-e vagy sem (eheto),
 és hogy milyen színû. Az alosztály a paraj
-(Spinach) hozzáad egy új metódust,
+(Paraj) hozzáad egy új metódust,
 hogy megfõzhesd, és egy másikat, hogy megállapítsd, hogy

@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
+  Lásd még: call_user_func!
+ meghívja az adott objektum egy metódusát paramétertömbbel [ellenjavallt]

-  stringget_class
+  mixedcall_user_method_array
+  stringmethod_name
+  arrayparamarr
+  A call_user_method_array függvény PHP 4.1.0-tõl 
+  kezdve ellenjavallt, azaz, helyette a call_user_func_array
+  függvényt kell használni a függvénynév paraméterben a 
+  array(&$obj, "method_name") szintaxissal.
-   Ez a függvény visszaadja annak az osztálynak a nevét, aminek
-   az obj objektum egy példánya.
+ Meghívja a felhasználó által definiált obj
+ objektum method_name paraméterben megnevezett
+ metódusát. A metóusnak átadandó paramétereket a paramarr
+ tömbbõl tölti fel sorjában.
-   Lásd még: get_parent_class,
-   is_subclass_of
+ Lásd még:
+ call_user_func_array,
+ call_user_func és
+ call_user_method!
+  Ez a függvény a PHP 4.0.4pl1 kiadása után került a CVS-be.


-Visszaadja a szülõ osztályát egy objektum osztályának
+megvizsgálja, hogy definiált-e az osztály

-  stringget_parent_class
-  objectobj
+  boolclass_exists
+  stringclass_name
-   Ez a függvény visszaadja a nevét annak az osztálynak,
-   ami szülõje annak az osztálynak, aminek az
-   obj objektum egy példánya.
+ Ez a függvény &true;-val tér vissza, ha a class_name 
+ osztály definiálva van, máskülönben &false;-szal.
+visszaadja egy objektum osztályának a nevét
+ stringget_class
+ objectobj
+ Ez a függvény visszaadja annak az osztálynak a nevét, amelynek az 
+ obj objektum egy példánya.
+  get_class a felhasználó által definiált osztályok neveit
+  mindig csupa kisbetûsként adja vissza, míg a kiterjesztésekben
+  definiáltakat az eredeti elnevezésõk szerint.
- Lásd még: get_class,
- is_subclass_of
+ Lásd még: get_parent_class, 
+ gettype  és
+ is_subclass_of!

@@ -228,15 +341,77 @@
-  stringclass_name
+  mixedclass_name
  Ez a függvény a class_name által megadott
- osztály metódusneveinek tömbjével tér vissza.
+ osztály metódusainak nevei adja vissza egy tömbben.
+  PHP 4.0.6-tól kezdve, class_name osztálynév 
+  helyett közvetlenül az objektumot is át lehet adni paraméterként, például:
+  get_class_methods példa 

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions array.xml crack.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Lars Torben Wilson

On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 01:52, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> > I added this to crosslink the array functions to functions from other
> > sections.
> Ah, I ckecked array.xml. This see also part is for the partintro.
> Well, it would be nice to come up with a good structure for
> see alsos in function descriptions and partintros.
> This would be a "bit" too cluttered (using the note we invented
> before for see also blocks):
> See also
> See also is_array,
> explode,
>   implode, split,
>   and join.
> Better ideas, anyone?
> Goba

What about ? Easy enough to 
process. But even the example you have above doesn't look bad to me, 
since the seealso has to be inside a  anyway at that point,
and it does make sense.

 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[PHP-DOC] Bug #16015 Updated: Online Documentation Differs in languages

2002-03-12 Thread torben

 ID:  16015
 Updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:  Open
+Status:  Bogus
 Bug Type:Documentation problem
 PHP Version: 4.1.2
 New Comment:

The Dutch manual appears to be in the middle of updating,
and got that part of the Dutch version done before it did
the English. Changes to the manual can take a while to 


Previous Comments:

[2002-03-12 05:35:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have found a difference in two PHP manuals which both are online

De Dutch page contains information about superglobals and the english
page about Apache Variables.

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-DOC] Bug #16015: Online Documentation Differs in languages

2002-03-12 Thread ronnie

Operating system: 
PHP version:  4.1.2
PHP Bug Type: Documentation problem
Bug description:  Online Documentation Differs in languages

I have found a difference in two PHP manuals which both are online at...

De Dutch page contains information about superglobals and the english page
about Apache Variables.
Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions array.xml crack.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Lars Torben Wilson

On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 01:53, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> > > What? We do not have sections like this for see also lists
> > > anywhere... We have  but it is also not
> > > used anywhere. We have see also lists written as
> > > See also: 
> > > 
> > > Goba
> > 
> > Yeah, I know. But it looked like Derick had something bigger in
> > mind and I wanted to meet two primary criteria: 1) not fuck with
> > what seemed to be the general idea, and 2) compile.  I figured we'd 
> > work out the details after that. Maybe this was something which was
> > discussed at the meeting? :)
> Well, we've not discussed the actual tags to use, but the
> concept is what Derick introduced. It will become a de facto
> standard this way. I really like the divisions, but we need
> to have the see also lists standard in partintros and function
> pages...
> Goba

I agree 100% with all of that. But section was the only valid element
at that point, and I neglected to remember the recently discussed 
standard. :/ I'll try to think of a better solution.

 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions array.xml crack.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

> > What? We do not have sections like this for see also lists
> > anywhere... We have  but it is also not
> > used anywhere. We have see also lists written as
> > See also: 
> > 
> > Goba
> Yeah, I know. But it looked like Derick had something bigger in
> mind and I wanted to meet two primary criteria: 1) not fuck with
> what seemed to be the general idea, and 2) compile.  I figured we'd 
> work out the details after that. Maybe this was something which was
> discussed at the meeting? :)

Well, we've not discussed the actual tags to use, but the
concept is what Derick introduced. It will become a de facto
standard this way. I really like the divisions, but we need
to have the see also lists standard in partintros and function


Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions array.xml crack.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

> > > +   
> > > +See also
> > > +
> > > + See also is_array,
> > explode,
> > > + implode, split,
> > > + and join.
> > > +
> > > +   
> >
> > What? We do not have sections like this for see also lists
> > anywhere... We have  but it is also not
> > used anywhere. We have see also lists written as
> > See also: 
> I added this to crosslink the array functions to functions from other
> sections.

Ah, I ckecked array.xml. This see also part is for the partintro.
Well, it would be nice to come up with a good structure for
see alsos in function descriptions and partintros.

This would be a "bit" too cluttered (using the note we invented
before for see also blocks):

See also

See also is_array,
  implode, split,
  and join.


Better ideas, anyone?


Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions array.xml crack.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Lars Torben Wilson

On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 01:10, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> >   Modified files:
> > /phpdoc/en/functions array.xml crack.xml
> >   Log:
> >
> >   'make test' didn't like these.
> > +   
> > +See also
> > +
> > + See also is_array,
> explode,
> > + implode, split,
> > + and join.
> > +
> > +   
> What? We do not have sections like this for see also lists
> anywhere... We have  but it is also not
> used anywhere. We have see also lists written as
> See also: 
> Goba

Yeah, I know. But it looked like Derick had something bigger in
mind and I wanted to meet two primary criteria: 1) not fuck with
what seemed to be the general idea, and 2) compile.  I figured we'd 
work out the details after that. Maybe this was something which was
discussed at the meeting? :)

 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/appendices migration.xml

2002-03-12 Thread Mark Kronsbein

mk  Tue Mar 12 04:28:12 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de/appendices   migration.xml 
  More work on migration.xml
Index: phpdoc/de/appendices/migration.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/appendices/migration.xml:1.7 phpdoc/de/appendices/migration.xml:1.8
--- phpdoc/de/appendices/migration.xml:1.7  Wed Dec 12 15:46:03 2001
+++ phpdoc/de/appendices/migration.xml  Tue Mar 12 04:28:12 2002
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
- Migrating von PHP/FI 2.0 zu PHP 3.0
+ Migration von PHP/FI 2.0 zu PHP 3.0
   Über die Inkompatbilitäten in 3.0
@@ -26,7 +28,9 @@
Ein Konvertierungsprogramm, welches Ihre PHP/FI 2.0 Scripts konvertieren kann, 
steht zur Verfügung.  
Zu finden ist es im convertor Verzeichnis 
derPHP 3.0 Distribution. Dieses Programm berücksichtigt nur Syntaxänderungen,
-   also sollten Sie dieses Kapitel aufmerksam lesen.
+   also sollten Sie dieses Kapitel aufmerksam lesen.
@@ -37,15 +41,20 @@
neue Möglichkeiten ersetzt:

 Migration: Alte Start-/End-Tags
Ab Version 2.0 unterstützt PHP/FI auch diese Möglichkeit:
Migration: Erste neue Start-/End-Tags
Beachten Sie, daß das End-Tag jetzt ein Fragzeichen und ein "Größer-als"-Zeichen 
beinhaltet anstatt
@@ -56,8 +65,10 @@
folgende Variante eingeführt:
Migration: Zweite neue Start-/End-Tags
Manche Leute hatten Probleme mit Editoren, die die Tags gar nicht
@@ -66,12 +77,14 @@
Migration: third new start/end tags