Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-17 Thread Michael Barnes
Thanks for all the comments. Here are  some of mine.

My first mistake was running the upgrade from the popup window in 14.04.
That was pretty much a disaster. It resulted in a blank screen and the only
thing I could do was ssh in and try to fix it. LOTS of wasted time.

I must preface all this with the fact that I haven't done any of this setup
stuff or even much command line use in well over a year. I'm an old man and
memory is not what it used to be, so things are slow to come back.

Finally realizing using the upgrade tool was probably not a good plan, I
also discovered the 40 GB drive didn't have a lot of free space. I grabbed
a 500 gig drive (smallest I could find, cost less than the 40 gig drive did
a few years ago),  downloaded the 16.04 iso, dumped it to a flash drive and
installed it in a couple minutes. Screens and everything came up fine.
Picked up a USB drive adapter when I got the new hard drive. Hooked up the
old drive via the adapter and copied all my data files over and all was

The aforementioned network issue was a challenge. As I said, it has been a
while since I have done any of this and many changes have come to pass.
First, I find ifconfig is deprecated, replaced by ip addr and ip link, etc.
I had to learn these new commands and what they were telling me. Then I
discover eth0 is no more, replaced in my case by enp3s0. Further confused
by the fact that the interface name is dependent on the actual hardware
location and other details, so the name will vary between computers. This
made Google searches on the subject problematic. As it turned out, since
the network was not seen during the installation process, certain
configuration items were not automatically set up.

All in all it was an interesting and educational experience. Despite the
frustration, I found lots of readily available help and information. I
still much prefer Linux over Windows.

Thanks again for everyone's help.


On May 17, 2017 00:08, "Tom"  wrote:

> Trouble shooting the presence of the ethernet link is relatively easy.
> Here are a few suggestion from my limited tool box.
> Following commands will show if the link is UP - if it sees a carrier
> from the switch - opposite side of the cable.
> old fashioned: /sbin/ifconfig will print the link status (note UP and
> Tx/Rx status/errors/collisions/etc.)
> > /sbin/ifconfig
> eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 50:7B:9D:04:AB:53
>   inet addr:  Bcast:
>  Mask:
>   inet6 addr: fe80::527b:9dff:fe04:ab53/64 Scope:Link
>   RX packets:5690410 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:1338157 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>   RX bytes:8161292947 (7783.2 Mb)  TX bytes:134265512 (128.0
> Mb)
>   Interrupt:20 Memory:f120-f122
> loLink encap:Local Loopback
>   inet addr:  Mask:
>   inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
>   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
>   RX packets:135 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:135 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
>   RX bytes:10123 (9.8 Kb)  TX bytes:10123 (9.8 Kb)
> New equivalent: ip address will print more or less the same
> information. Note the presence of UP/DOWN, and the fact that ifconfig
> did not show the disabled wlan0 interface
> > ip address
> 1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
> group default
> link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
> inet scope host lo
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> inet6 ::1/128 scope host
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 2: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
> state UP group default qlen 1000
> link/ether 50:7b:9d:04:ab:53 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
>valid_lft 81579sec preferred_lft 81579sec
> inet6 fe80::527b:9dff:fe04:ab53/64 scope link
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 3: wlan0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group
> default qlen 1000
> link/ether 94:65:9c:91:72:a6 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> Alternatively command "ip link" will just narrow down the print out to
> link relevant info:
> > ip link
> 1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
> mode DEFAULT group default
> link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
> 2: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
> state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
> link/ether 50:7b:9d:04:ab:53 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> 3: wlan0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode
> DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
> link/ether 94:65:9c:91:72:a6 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> Now when I unplug the ethernet cable (Note eth0 went DOWN and NO
> > ip link
> 1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
> mode DEFAULT gr

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-17 Thread Tom
Trouble shooting the presence of the ethernet link is relatively easy. 
Here are a few suggestion from my limited tool box.
Following commands will show if the link is UP - if it sees a carrier
from the switch - opposite side of the cable.
old fashioned: /sbin/ifconfig will print the link status (note UP and
Tx/Rx status/errors/collisions/etc.)
> /sbin/ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 50:7B:9D:04:AB:53  
  inet addr:  Bcast: 
  inet6 addr: fe80::527b:9dff:fe04:ab53/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:5690410 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1338157 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
  RX bytes:8161292947 (7783.2 Mb)  TX bytes:134265512 (128.0
  Interrupt:20 Memory:f120-f122 
loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
  RX packets:135 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:135 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
  RX bytes:10123 (9.8 Kb)  TX bytes:10123 (9.8 Kb)
New equivalent: ip address will print more or less the same
information. Note the presence of UP/DOWN, and the fact that ifconfig
did not show the disabled wlan0 interface
> ip address
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
group default 
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 50:7b:9d:04:ab:53 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
   valid_lft 81579sec preferred_lft 81579sec
inet6 fe80::527b:9dff:fe04:ab53/64 scope link 
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: wlan0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group
default qlen 1000
link/ether 94:65:9c:91:72:a6 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Alternatively command "ip link" will just narrow down the print out to
link relevant info:
> ip link
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
mode DEFAULT group default 
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
link/ether 50:7b:9d:04:ab:53 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: wlan0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode
DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
link/ether 94:65:9c:91:72:a6 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Now when I unplug the ethernet cable (Note eth0 went DOWN and NO
> ip link
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
mode DEFAULT group default 
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
link/ether 50:7b:9d:04:ab:53 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: wlan0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode
DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
link/ether 94:65:9c:91:72:a6 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
As about the interface naming that depends on your
This is example for enp3s0: Realtek RTL8111/8168 PCI Express Gigabit
Ethernet controller on kernel 3.16.7-53:
> ip link
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
mode DEFAULT group default 
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: enp3s0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
link/ether 70:85:c2:07:47:ab brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> /usr/sbin/hwinfo --netcard
19: PCI 300.0: 0200 Ethernet controller 
  [Created at pci.328]
  Unique ID: UOJ9.sw6bxR4vqR7
  Parent ID: hoOk.6EfNe3ljZ_F
  SysFS ID: /devices/pci:00/:00:1c.2/:03:00.0
  SysFS BusID: :03:00.0
  Hardware Class: network
  Model: "Realtek RTL8111/8168 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller"
  Vendor: pci 0x10ec "Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd."
  Device: pci 0x8168 "RTL8111/8168 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
  SubVendor: pci 0x1849 "ASRock Incorporation"
  SubDevice: pci 0x8168 "Motherboard (one of many)"
  Revision: 0x11
  Driver: "r8169"
  Driver Modules: "r8169"
  Device File: enp3s0
  I/O Ports: 0xe000-0xefff (rw)
  Memory Range: 0x91304000-0x91304fff (rw,non-prefetchable)
  Memory Range: 0x9130-0x91303fff (ro,non-prefetchable)
  IRQ: 138 (81048274 events)
  HW Address: 70:85:c2:07:47:ab
  Link detected: yes
  Module Alias: "pci:v10ECd8168sv1849sd8168bc02sc00i00"
  Driver Info #0:
Driver Status: r8169 is active
Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe r8169"
  Config Status: cfg=no, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown
  Attached to: #15 (PCI bridge)
ifconfig can also configure some aspects of the interface, such as
bring it up/down:
sudo /sbin/ifconfig -s eth0 down
sudo /sbi

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-16 Thread Erik Lane
I don't think you should be embarrassed about that! That would be one of
the hardest things for me to troubleshoot, too. (Mainly because I would
fight *everything* else before I even started to suspect the cable. They
just work.)

Actually it sounded to me like you caught onto it pretty quickly. I would
only suspect a simple cable as an absolute last resort, especially if it
was known to be working right before.

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 7:36 PM, Michael Barnes 

> Red face. Turns out I had a bad Ethernet cable. It was working fine, but
> after I moved the computer while installing the new hard drive, it quit
> working. All fine now. Thanks for everyone's comments.
> Michael
> On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 12:33 AM, wes  wrote:
> > well, I don't have any more ideas for you right now, but if you don't get
> > it figured out by this weekend, the PLUG Clinic is this Sunday, 1-5pm.
> >
> > 1731 SE 10th Ave, 97214.
> >
> > -wes
> >
> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 11:37 PM, Michael Barnes 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > It also looks like it is not using IPV4, only IPV6. Strange.
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > More info seems to lead to more questions. Apparently this has
> > something
> > > > to do with systemd. I guess this is a new (to me) thing and it
> changes
> > > the
> > > > way stuff is named. So, what used to be eth0 is now enp3s0. But,
> trying
> > > the
> > > > usual network commands with that don't work either.
> > > >
> > > > Michael
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:04 PM, wes  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> my first step is usually to find the model number in the lspci
> output,
> > > and
> > > >> the google that number along with ubuntu 16.04 and see if anyone's
> > > posted
> > > >> a
> > > >> guide.
> > > >>
> > > >> -wes
> > > >>
> > > >> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 9:28 PM, Michael Barnes <
> >>
> > > >> wrote:
> > > >>
> > > >> > Installed 16.04 LTS via flash drive to new hard drive. Only took a
> > few
> > > >> > minutes! Previous DVD installs took much, much longer. Anyhow, so
> > far,
> > > >> no
> > > >> > network. Sadly, my Linux memory has become very foggy, so please
> > > forgive
> > > >> > the noobie type questions. I don't seem to be finding eth0. Using
> > > >> lspci, I
> > > >> > find the info for the onboard Broadcom Ethernet adapter, but under
> > > >> > 'Capabilities' it says ". Running ifconfig does not
> > > show
> > > >> > eth0, but it does show enp3s0. If I try "sudo ifup eth0" I get
> > > "Unknown
> > > >> > interface eth0."
> > > >> >
> > > >> > I'm kind of surprised at the minimum of questions and the speed of
> > the
> > > >> > install. I wonder what else will not be working?
> > > >> >
> > > >> > Thanks for your comments,
> > > >> >
> > > >> > Michael
> > > >> >
> > > >> >
> > > >> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > >>
> > > >> > wrote:
> > > >> >
> > > >> > > I figured the quickest and easiest was probably to start all
> over.
> > > It
> > > >> > > looks like all my files, pictures, documents, etc. are still
> > intact.
> > > >> I'll
> > > >> > > just stick in a new hard drive, install 16.04 LTS from scratch,
> > then
> > > >> copy
> > > >> > > what I need from the old drive to the new one. Thanks for
> > everyone's
> > > >> > > comments.
> > > >> > >
> > > >> > > Michael
> > > >> > >
> > > >> > >
> > > >> > > On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Nat Taylor  >
> > > >> wrote:
> > > >> > >
> > > >> > >> instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to
> > > >> > >> automagically
> > > >> > >> configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure
> xorg*
> > > and
> > > >> a
> > > >> > >> *sudo
> > > >> > >> apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
> > > >> > >> Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
> > > >> > >> -- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade
> and
> > do
> > > >> you
> > > >> > >> need to reenable it?
> > > >> > >> Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
> > > >> > >>
> > > >> > >> Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the
> sources,
> > or
> > > >> did
> > > >> > >> you
> > > >> > >> use the tool in the Software Center, or did you
> > do-release-upgrade
> > > >> from
> > > >> > >> the
> > > >> > >> command line?
> > > >> > >>
> > > >> > >> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > > >>>
> > > >> > >> wrote:
> > > >> > >>
> > > >> > >> > Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done
> > > that.
> > > >> > >> > Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems
> > I've
> > > >> > >> forgotten
> > > >> > >> > more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order.
> > I'll
> > > >> have
> > > >> > >> to
> > > >> > >> > compare Xorg files and look at drivers loaded between the two
> > > >> > versions.
> > > >> > >> > Just have to remember

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-16 Thread Joe Shisei Niski

On 05/16/2017 12:46 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
> I am running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a System 76 Gazellle (great machine!) and
> have been contemplating upgrading to 16.xx. However, I am concerned that it
> will be a giant headache. I can't take this machine out of service to fix a
> ton of upgrade problems.
> Any suggestions on the best way to upgrade? I have two SSDs in the machine
> now, mirror images of each other. I would hate to have to buy two more SSDs
> and suffer through the setup process

I also have a Gazelle, love it. I downloaded the installer image and pu 
it on a usb drive and upgraded from 14.04 to 16.LTS without a hitch. I 
have a single ssd in mine, and the upgrade flew by in the blink of an eye.

Joe Shisei Niski
Portland, Oregon, USA
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-16 Thread Nat Taylor
Stop mirroring for a sec and upgrade or fresh install on one.  Honestly, if
you don't have a lot of foreign packages and you use the upgrade tool it
should go smooth.
On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 12:49 PM Mark Phillips 

> Michael,
> Happy to hear the problem with the upgrade was just a cable!
> I am running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a System 76 Gazellle (great machine!) and
> have been contemplating upgrading to 16.xx. However, I am concerned that it
> will be a giant headache. I can't take this machine out of service to fix a
> ton of upgrade problems.
> Any suggestions on the best way to upgrade? I have two SSDs in the machine
> now, mirror images of each other. I would hate to have to buy two more SSDs
> and suffer through the setup process
> Thanks for any suggestions!
> Mark
> On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 7:36 PM, Michael Barnes 
> wrote:
> > Red face. Turns out I had a bad Ethernet cable. It was working fine, but
> > after I moved the computer while installing the new hard drive, it quit
> > working. All fine now. Thanks for everyone's comments.
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> > On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 12:33 AM, wes  wrote:
> >
> > > well, I don't have any more ideas for you right now, but if you don't
> get
> > > it figured out by this weekend, the PLUG Clinic is this Sunday, 1-5pm.
> > >
> > > 1731 SE 10th Ave, 97214.
> > >
> > > -wes
> > >
> > > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 11:37 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > It also looks like it is not using IPV4, only IPV6. Strange.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Michael Barnes <
> >>
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > More info seems to lead to more questions. Apparently this has
> > > something
> > > > > to do with systemd. I guess this is a new (to me) thing and it
> > changes
> > > > the
> > > > > way stuff is named. So, what used to be eth0 is now enp3s0. But,
> > trying
> > > > the
> > > > > usual network commands with that don't work either.
> > > > >
> > > > > Michael
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:04 PM, wes  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >> my first step is usually to find the model number in the lspci
> > output,
> > > > and
> > > > >> the google that number along with ubuntu 16.04 and see if anyone's
> > > > posted
> > > > >> a
> > > > >> guide.
> > > > >>
> > > > >> -wes
> > > > >>
> > > > >> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 9:28 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > >>
> > > > >> wrote:
> > > > >>
> > > > >> > Installed 16.04 LTS via flash drive to new hard drive. Only
> took a
> > > few
> > > > >> > minutes! Previous DVD installs took much, much longer. Anyhow,
> so
> > > far,
> > > > >> no
> > > > >> > network. Sadly, my Linux memory has become very foggy, so please
> > > > forgive
> > > > >> > the noobie type questions. I don't seem to be finding eth0.
> Using
> > > > >> lspci, I
> > > > >> > find the info for the onboard Broadcom Ethernet adapter, but
> under
> > > > >> > 'Capabilities' it says ". Running ifconfig does
> not
> > > > show
> > > > >> > eth0, but it does show enp3s0. If I try "sudo ifup eth0" I get
> > > > "Unknown
> > > > >> > interface eth0."
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> > I'm kind of surprised at the minimum of questions and the speed
> of
> > > the
> > > > >> > install. I wonder what else will not be working?
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> > Thanks for your comments,
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> > Michael
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > > >>
> > > > >> > wrote:
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> > > I figured the quickest and easiest was probably to start all
> > over.
> > > > It
> > > > >> > > looks like all my files, pictures, documents, etc. are still
> > > intact.
> > > > >> I'll
> > > > >> > > just stick in a new hard drive, install 16.04 LTS from
> scratch,
> > > then
> > > > >> copy
> > > > >> > > what I need from the old drive to the new one. Thanks for
> > > everyone's
> > > > >> > > comments.
> > > > >> > >
> > > > >> > > Michael
> > > > >> > >
> > > > >> > >
> > > > >> > > On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Nat Taylor <
> > >
> > > > >> wrote:
> > > > >> > >
> > > > >> > >> instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to
> > > > >> > >> automagically
> > > > >> > >> configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure
> > xorg*
> > > > and
> > > > >> a
> > > > >> > >> *sudo
> > > > >> > >> apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
> > > > >> > >> Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
> > > > >> > >> -- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade
> > and
> > > do
> > > > >> you
> > > > >> > >> need to reenable it?
> > > > >> > >> Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
> > > > >> > >>
> > > > >> > >> Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the
> > sources,
> > > or
> > > > >> did
> > > > >> > >> you
> > > > >> > >> use the tool in the

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-16 Thread Mark Phillips

Happy to hear the problem with the upgrade was just a cable!

I am running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a System 76 Gazellle (great machine!) and
have been contemplating upgrading to 16.xx. However, I am concerned that it
will be a giant headache. I can't take this machine out of service to fix a
ton of upgrade problems.

Any suggestions on the best way to upgrade? I have two SSDs in the machine
now, mirror images of each other. I would hate to have to buy two more SSDs
and suffer through the setup process

Thanks for any suggestions!


On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 7:36 PM, Michael Barnes 

> Red face. Turns out I had a bad Ethernet cable. It was working fine, but
> after I moved the computer while installing the new hard drive, it quit
> working. All fine now. Thanks for everyone's comments.
> Michael
> On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 12:33 AM, wes  wrote:
> > well, I don't have any more ideas for you right now, but if you don't get
> > it figured out by this weekend, the PLUG Clinic is this Sunday, 1-5pm.
> >
> > 1731 SE 10th Ave, 97214.
> >
> > -wes
> >
> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 11:37 PM, Michael Barnes 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > It also looks like it is not using IPV4, only IPV6. Strange.
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > More info seems to lead to more questions. Apparently this has
> > something
> > > > to do with systemd. I guess this is a new (to me) thing and it
> changes
> > > the
> > > > way stuff is named. So, what used to be eth0 is now enp3s0. But,
> trying
> > > the
> > > > usual network commands with that don't work either.
> > > >
> > > > Michael
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:04 PM, wes  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> my first step is usually to find the model number in the lspci
> output,
> > > and
> > > >> the google that number along with ubuntu 16.04 and see if anyone's
> > > posted
> > > >> a
> > > >> guide.
> > > >>
> > > >> -wes
> > > >>
> > > >> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 9:28 PM, Michael Barnes <
> >>
> > > >> wrote:
> > > >>
> > > >> > Installed 16.04 LTS via flash drive to new hard drive. Only took a
> > few
> > > >> > minutes! Previous DVD installs took much, much longer. Anyhow, so
> > far,
> > > >> no
> > > >> > network. Sadly, my Linux memory has become very foggy, so please
> > > forgive
> > > >> > the noobie type questions. I don't seem to be finding eth0. Using
> > > >> lspci, I
> > > >> > find the info for the onboard Broadcom Ethernet adapter, but under
> > > >> > 'Capabilities' it says ". Running ifconfig does not
> > > show
> > > >> > eth0, but it does show enp3s0. If I try "sudo ifup eth0" I get
> > > "Unknown
> > > >> > interface eth0."
> > > >> >
> > > >> > I'm kind of surprised at the minimum of questions and the speed of
> > the
> > > >> > install. I wonder what else will not be working?
> > > >> >
> > > >> > Thanks for your comments,
> > > >> >
> > > >> > Michael
> > > >> >
> > > >> >
> > > >> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > >>
> > > >> > wrote:
> > > >> >
> > > >> > > I figured the quickest and easiest was probably to start all
> over.
> > > It
> > > >> > > looks like all my files, pictures, documents, etc. are still
> > intact.
> > > >> I'll
> > > >> > > just stick in a new hard drive, install 16.04 LTS from scratch,
> > then
> > > >> copy
> > > >> > > what I need from the old drive to the new one. Thanks for
> > everyone's
> > > >> > > comments.
> > > >> > >
> > > >> > > Michael
> > > >> > >
> > > >> > >
> > > >> > > On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Nat Taylor  >
> > > >> wrote:
> > > >> > >
> > > >> > >> instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to
> > > >> > >> automagically
> > > >> > >> configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure
> xorg*
> > > and
> > > >> a
> > > >> > >> *sudo
> > > >> > >> apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
> > > >> > >> Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
> > > >> > >> -- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade
> and
> > do
> > > >> you
> > > >> > >> need to reenable it?
> > > >> > >> Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
> > > >> > >>
> > > >> > >> Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the
> sources,
> > or
> > > >> did
> > > >> > >> you
> > > >> > >> use the tool in the Software Center, or did you
> > do-release-upgrade
> > > >> from
> > > >> > >> the
> > > >> > >> command line?
> > > >> > >>
> > > >> > >> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > > >>>
> > > >> > >> wrote:
> > > >> > >>
> > > >> > >> > Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done
> > > that.
> > > >> > >> > Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems
> > I've
> > > >> > >> forgotten
> > > >> > >> > more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order.
> > I'll
> > > >> have
> > > >> > >> to

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-15 Thread Michael Barnes
Red face. Turns out I had a bad Ethernet cable. It was working fine, but
after I moved the computer while installing the new hard drive, it quit
working. All fine now. Thanks for everyone's comments.


On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 12:33 AM, wes  wrote:

> well, I don't have any more ideas for you right now, but if you don't get
> it figured out by this weekend, the PLUG Clinic is this Sunday, 1-5pm.
> 1731 SE 10th Ave, 97214.
> -wes
> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 11:37 PM, Michael Barnes 
> wrote:
> > It also looks like it is not using IPV4, only IPV6. Strange.
> >
> >
> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Michael Barnes 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > More info seems to lead to more questions. Apparently this has
> something
> > > to do with systemd. I guess this is a new (to me) thing and it changes
> > the
> > > way stuff is named. So, what used to be eth0 is now enp3s0. But, trying
> > the
> > > usual network commands with that don't work either.
> > >
> > > Michael
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:04 PM, wes  wrote:
> > >
> > >> my first step is usually to find the model number in the lspci output,
> > and
> > >> the google that number along with ubuntu 16.04 and see if anyone's
> > posted
> > >> a
> > >> guide.
> > >>
> > >> -wes
> > >>
> > >> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 9:28 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > >> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> > Installed 16.04 LTS via flash drive to new hard drive. Only took a
> few
> > >> > minutes! Previous DVD installs took much, much longer. Anyhow, so
> far,
> > >> no
> > >> > network. Sadly, my Linux memory has become very foggy, so please
> > forgive
> > >> > the noobie type questions. I don't seem to be finding eth0. Using
> > >> lspci, I
> > >> > find the info for the onboard Broadcom Ethernet adapter, but under
> > >> > 'Capabilities' it says ". Running ifconfig does not
> > show
> > >> > eth0, but it does show enp3s0. If I try "sudo ifup eth0" I get
> > "Unknown
> > >> > interface eth0."
> > >> >
> > >> > I'm kind of surprised at the minimum of questions and the speed of
> the
> > >> > install. I wonder what else will not be working?
> > >> >
> > >> > Thanks for your comments,
> > >> >
> > >> > Michael
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Michael Barnes <
> >>
> > >> > wrote:
> > >> >
> > >> > > I figured the quickest and easiest was probably to start all over.
> > It
> > >> > > looks like all my files, pictures, documents, etc. are still
> intact.
> > >> I'll
> > >> > > just stick in a new hard drive, install 16.04 LTS from scratch,
> then
> > >> copy
> > >> > > what I need from the old drive to the new one. Thanks for
> everyone's
> > >> > > comments.
> > >> > >
> > >> > > Michael
> > >> > >
> > >> > >
> > >> > > On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Nat Taylor 
> > >> wrote:
> > >> > >
> > >> > >> instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to
> > >> > >> automagically
> > >> > >> configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg*
> > and
> > >> a
> > >> > >> *sudo
> > >> > >> apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
> > >> > >> Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
> > >> > >> -- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade and
> do
> > >> you
> > >> > >> need to reenable it?
> > >> > >> Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
> > >> > >>
> > >> > >> Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the sources,
> or
> > >> did
> > >> > >> you
> > >> > >> use the tool in the Software Center, or did you
> do-release-upgrade
> > >> from
> > >> > >> the
> > >> > >> command line?
> > >> > >>
> > >> > >> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > >>>
> > >> > >> wrote:
> > >> > >>
> > >> > >> > Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done
> > that.
> > >> > >> > Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems
> I've
> > >> > >> forgotten
> > >> > >> > more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order.
> I'll
> > >> have
> > >> > >> to
> > >> > >> > compare Xorg files and look at drivers loaded between the two
> > >> > versions.
> > >> > >> > Just have to remember how to do all that.
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> > Michael
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> > On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Edward Koenig <
> > >>
> > >> > >
> > >> > >> > wrote:
> > >> > >> >
> > >> > >> > > Michael
> > >> > >> > > If the new version boots and you can ssh to log in, then most
> > >> likely
> > >> > >> > > either or a GPU driver did not update fully or
> correctly.
> > >> This
> > >> > >> is
> > >> > >> > > very typical for proprietary nvidia drivers, or any
> proprietary
> > >> > >> hardware
> > >> > >> > > drivers that install a kernel module. You might try using the
> > >> > command
> > >> > >> > line
> > >> > >> > > tools to reinstall the GPU and X bits.  I'm not sure it
> Ubuntu
> > >> > >> switched
> > >> > >> > to
> > 

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-15 Thread wes
well, I don't have any more ideas for you right now, but if you don't get
it figured out by this weekend, the PLUG Clinic is this Sunday, 1-5pm.

1731 SE 10th Ave, 97214.


On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 11:37 PM, Michael Barnes 

> It also looks like it is not using IPV4, only IPV6. Strange.
> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Michael Barnes 
> wrote:
> > More info seems to lead to more questions. Apparently this has something
> > to do with systemd. I guess this is a new (to me) thing and it changes
> the
> > way stuff is named. So, what used to be eth0 is now enp3s0. But, trying
> the
> > usual network commands with that don't work either.
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:04 PM, wes  wrote:
> >
> >> my first step is usually to find the model number in the lspci output,
> and
> >> the google that number along with ubuntu 16.04 and see if anyone's
> posted
> >> a
> >> guide.
> >>
> >> -wes
> >>
> >> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 9:28 PM, Michael Barnes 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Installed 16.04 LTS via flash drive to new hard drive. Only took a few
> >> > minutes! Previous DVD installs took much, much longer. Anyhow, so far,
> >> no
> >> > network. Sadly, my Linux memory has become very foggy, so please
> forgive
> >> > the noobie type questions. I don't seem to be finding eth0. Using
> >> lspci, I
> >> > find the info for the onboard Broadcom Ethernet adapter, but under
> >> > 'Capabilities' it says ". Running ifconfig does not
> show
> >> > eth0, but it does show enp3s0. If I try "sudo ifup eth0" I get
> "Unknown
> >> > interface eth0."
> >> >
> >> > I'm kind of surprised at the minimum of questions and the speed of the
> >> > install. I wonder what else will not be working?
> >> >
> >> > Thanks for your comments,
> >> >
> >> > Michael
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Michael Barnes <
> >> > wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > I figured the quickest and easiest was probably to start all over.
> It
> >> > > looks like all my files, pictures, documents, etc. are still intact.
> >> I'll
> >> > > just stick in a new hard drive, install 16.04 LTS from scratch, then
> >> copy
> >> > > what I need from the old drive to the new one. Thanks for everyone's
> >> > > comments.
> >> > >
> >> > > Michael
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Nat Taylor 
> >> wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > >> instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to
> >> > >> automagically
> >> > >> configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg*
> and
> >> a
> >> > >> *sudo
> >> > >> apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
> >> > >> Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
> >> > >> -- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade and do
> >> you
> >> > >> need to reenable it?
> >> > >> Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
> >> > >>
> >> > >> Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the sources, or
> >> did
> >> > >> you
> >> > >> use the tool in the Software Center, or did you do-release-upgrade
> >> from
> >> > >> the
> >> > >> command line?
> >> > >>
> >> > >> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Michael Barnes <
> >>>
> >> > >> wrote:
> >> > >>
> >> > >> > Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done
> that.
> >> > >> > Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems I've
> >> > >> forgotten
> >> > >> > more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order. I'll
> >> have
> >> > >> to
> >> > >> > compare Xorg files and look at drivers loaded between the two
> >> > versions.
> >> > >> > Just have to remember how to do all that.
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> > Michael
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> > On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Edward Koenig <
> >>
> >> > >
> >> > >> > wrote:
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> > > Michael
> >> > >> > > If the new version boots and you can ssh to log in, then most
> >> likely
> >> > >> > > either or a GPU driver did not update fully or correctly.
> >> This
> >> > >> is
> >> > >> > > very typical for proprietary nvidia drivers, or any proprietary
> >> > >> hardware
> >> > >> > > drivers that install a kernel module. You might try using the
> >> > command
> >> > >> > line
> >> > >> > > tools to reinstall the GPU and X bits.  I'm not sure it Ubuntu
> >> > >> switched
> >> > >> > to
> >> > >> > > wayland with this release so perhaps check on that.  Remember
> to
> >> > read
> >> > >> the
> >> > >> > > release notes etc before clicking "upgrade"
> >> > >> > >
> >> > >> > > Nuking from orbit, as Dick suggests after backup, will
> certainly
> >> > work.
> >> > >> > > Personally run a Linux distribution to avoid such "windowesque"
> >> > fixes.
> >> > >> > >
> >> > >> > > Ed
> >> > >> > >
> >> > >> > >
> >> > >> > > > On May 12, 2017, at 11:36 AM, Dick Steffens <
> >> >>
> >> > >> > > wrote:
> >> > >> > > >
> >> > >> > > >> On 05/12/2017 11:24 AM

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-14 Thread Michael Barnes
It also looks like it is not using IPV4, only IPV6. Strange.

On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Michael Barnes 

> More info seems to lead to more questions. Apparently this has something
> to do with systemd. I guess this is a new (to me) thing and it changes the
> way stuff is named. So, what used to be eth0 is now enp3s0. But, trying the
> usual network commands with that don't work either.
> Michael
> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:04 PM, wes  wrote:
>> my first step is usually to find the model number in the lspci output, and
>> the google that number along with ubuntu 16.04 and see if anyone's posted
>> a
>> guide.
>> -wes
>> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 9:28 PM, Michael Barnes 
>> wrote:
>> > Installed 16.04 LTS via flash drive to new hard drive. Only took a few
>> > minutes! Previous DVD installs took much, much longer. Anyhow, so far,
>> no
>> > network. Sadly, my Linux memory has become very foggy, so please forgive
>> > the noobie type questions. I don't seem to be finding eth0. Using
>> lspci, I
>> > find the info for the onboard Broadcom Ethernet adapter, but under
>> > 'Capabilities' it says ". Running ifconfig does not show
>> > eth0, but it does show enp3s0. If I try "sudo ifup eth0" I get "Unknown
>> > interface eth0."
>> >
>> > I'm kind of surprised at the minimum of questions and the speed of the
>> > install. I wonder what else will not be working?
>> >
>> > Thanks for your comments,
>> >
>> > Michael
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Michael Barnes 
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > > I figured the quickest and easiest was probably to start all over. It
>> > > looks like all my files, pictures, documents, etc. are still intact.
>> I'll
>> > > just stick in a new hard drive, install 16.04 LTS from scratch, then
>> copy
>> > > what I need from the old drive to the new one. Thanks for everyone's
>> > > comments.
>> > >
>> > > Michael
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Nat Taylor 
>> wrote:
>> > >
>> > >> instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to
>> > >> automagically
>> > >> configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg* and
>> a
>> > >> *sudo
>> > >> apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
>> > >> Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
>> > >> -- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade and do
>> you
>> > >> need to reenable it?
>> > >> Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
>> > >>
>> > >> Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the sources, or
>> did
>> > >> you
>> > >> use the tool in the Software Center, or did you do-release-upgrade
>> from
>> > >> the
>> > >> command line?
>> > >>
>> > >> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Michael Barnes <
>> > >> wrote:
>> > >>
>> > >> > Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done that.
>> > >> > Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems I've
>> > >> forgotten
>> > >> > more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order. I'll
>> have
>> > >> to
>> > >> > compare Xorg files and look at drivers loaded between the two
>> > versions.
>> > >> > Just have to remember how to do all that.
>> > >> >
>> > >> > Michael
>> > >> >
>> > >> >
>> > >> > On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Edward Koenig <
>> > >
>> > >> > wrote:
>> > >> >
>> > >> > > Michael
>> > >> > > If the new version boots and you can ssh to log in, then most
>> likely
>> > >> > > either or a GPU driver did not update fully or correctly.
>> This
>> > >> is
>> > >> > > very typical for proprietary nvidia drivers, or any proprietary
>> > >> hardware
>> > >> > > drivers that install a kernel module. You might try using the
>> > command
>> > >> > line
>> > >> > > tools to reinstall the GPU and X bits.  I'm not sure it Ubuntu
>> > >> switched
>> > >> > to
>> > >> > > wayland with this release so perhaps check on that.  Remember to
>> > read
>> > >> the
>> > >> > > release notes etc before clicking "upgrade"
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > Nuking from orbit, as Dick suggests after backup, will certainly
>> > work.
>> > >> > > Personally run a Linux distribution to avoid such "windowesque"
>> > fixes.
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > Ed
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > > On May 12, 2017, at 11:36 AM, Dick Steffens <
>> >>
>> > >> > > wrote:
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > > >> On 05/12/2017 11:24 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:
>> > >> > > >> I rebooted again and at the grub screen chose 14.04LTS.
>> > Everything
>> > >> > came
>> > >> > > up
>> > >> > > >> normally. After login, I get a pop-up window that says 14.04
>> is
>> > out
>> > >> > > dated
>> > >> > > >> and no longer supported. Anyhow, display and everything works,
>> > so I
>> > >> > > know at
>> > >> > > >> least the hardware is okay. Shutdown and restart, let grub
>> screen
>> > >> > choose
>> > >> > > >> default and back to blank screens. I can ssh in and shutdown
>> from
>> > >> > re

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-14 Thread Michael Barnes
More info seems to lead to more questions. Apparently this has something to
do with systemd. I guess this is a new (to me) thing and it changes the way
stuff is named. So, what used to be eth0 is now enp3s0. But, trying the
usual network commands with that don't work either.


On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 10:04 PM, wes  wrote:

> my first step is usually to find the model number in the lspci output, and
> the google that number along with ubuntu 16.04 and see if anyone's posted a
> guide.
> -wes
> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 9:28 PM, Michael Barnes 
> wrote:
> > Installed 16.04 LTS via flash drive to new hard drive. Only took a few
> > minutes! Previous DVD installs took much, much longer. Anyhow, so far, no
> > network. Sadly, my Linux memory has become very foggy, so please forgive
> > the noobie type questions. I don't seem to be finding eth0. Using lspci,
> I
> > find the info for the onboard Broadcom Ethernet adapter, but under
> > 'Capabilities' it says ". Running ifconfig does not show
> > eth0, but it does show enp3s0. If I try "sudo ifup eth0" I get "Unknown
> > interface eth0."
> >
> > I'm kind of surprised at the minimum of questions and the speed of the
> > install. I wonder what else will not be working?
> >
> > Thanks for your comments,
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> > On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Michael Barnes 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I figured the quickest and easiest was probably to start all over. It
> > > looks like all my files, pictures, documents, etc. are still intact.
> I'll
> > > just stick in a new hard drive, install 16.04 LTS from scratch, then
> copy
> > > what I need from the old drive to the new one. Thanks for everyone's
> > > comments.
> > >
> > > Michael
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Nat Taylor 
> wrote:
> > >
> > >> instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to
> > >> automagically
> > >> configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg* and a
> > >> *sudo
> > >> apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
> > >> Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
> > >> -- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade and do
> you
> > >> need to reenable it?
> > >> Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
> > >>
> > >> Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the sources, or
> did
> > >> you
> > >> use the tool in the Software Center, or did you do-release-upgrade
> from
> > >> the
> > >> command line?
> > >>
> > >> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Michael Barnes <
> > >> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> > Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done that.
> > >> > Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems I've
> > >> forgotten
> > >> > more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order. I'll
> have
> > >> to
> > >> > compare Xorg files and look at drivers loaded between the two
> > versions.
> > >> > Just have to remember how to do all that.
> > >> >
> > >> > Michael
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Edward Koenig <
> > >
> > >> > wrote:
> > >> >
> > >> > > Michael
> > >> > > If the new version boots and you can ssh to log in, then most
> likely
> > >> > > either or a GPU driver did not update fully or correctly.
> This
> > >> is
> > >> > > very typical for proprietary nvidia drivers, or any proprietary
> > >> hardware
> > >> > > drivers that install a kernel module. You might try using the
> > command
> > >> > line
> > >> > > tools to reinstall the GPU and X bits.  I'm not sure it Ubuntu
> > >> switched
> > >> > to
> > >> > > wayland with this release so perhaps check on that.  Remember to
> > read
> > >> the
> > >> > > release notes etc before clicking "upgrade"
> > >> > >
> > >> > > Nuking from orbit, as Dick suggests after backup, will certainly
> > work.
> > >> > > Personally run a Linux distribution to avoid such "windowesque"
> > fixes.
> > >> > >
> > >> > > Ed
> > >> > >
> > >> > >
> > >> > > > On May 12, 2017, at 11:36 AM, Dick Steffens <
> >>
> > >> > > wrote:
> > >> > > >
> > >> > > >> On 05/12/2017 11:24 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:
> > >> > > >> I rebooted again and at the grub screen chose 14.04LTS.
> > Everything
> > >> > came
> > >> > > up
> > >> > > >> normally. After login, I get a pop-up window that says 14.04 is
> > out
> > >> > > dated
> > >> > > >> and no longer supported. Anyhow, display and everything works,
> > so I
> > >> > > know at
> > >> > > >> least the hardware is okay. Shutdown and restart, let grub
> screen
> > >> > choose
> > >> > > >> default and back to blank screens. I can ssh in and shutdown
> from
> > >> > remote
> > >> > > >> session. Screens give Ubuntu shutdown splash just before power
> > off.
> > >> > > >
> > >> > > > Having been on this list a fairly long time, I've followed the
> > >> advice
> > >> > of
> > >> > > > others who say one should not use the "upgrade" path to move

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-14 Thread wes
my first step is usually to find the model number in the lspci output, and
the google that number along with ubuntu 16.04 and see if anyone's posted a


On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 9:28 PM, Michael Barnes 

> Installed 16.04 LTS via flash drive to new hard drive. Only took a few
> minutes! Previous DVD installs took much, much longer. Anyhow, so far, no
> network. Sadly, my Linux memory has become very foggy, so please forgive
> the noobie type questions. I don't seem to be finding eth0. Using lspci, I
> find the info for the onboard Broadcom Ethernet adapter, but under
> 'Capabilities' it says ". Running ifconfig does not show
> eth0, but it does show enp3s0. If I try "sudo ifup eth0" I get "Unknown
> interface eth0."
> I'm kind of surprised at the minimum of questions and the speed of the
> install. I wonder what else will not be working?
> Thanks for your comments,
> Michael
> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Michael Barnes 
> wrote:
> > I figured the quickest and easiest was probably to start all over. It
> > looks like all my files, pictures, documents, etc. are still intact. I'll
> > just stick in a new hard drive, install 16.04 LTS from scratch, then copy
> > what I need from the old drive to the new one. Thanks for everyone's
> > comments.
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> > On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Nat Taylor  wrote:
> >
> >> instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to
> >> automagically
> >> configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg* and a
> >> *sudo
> >> apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
> >> Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
> >> -- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade and do you
> >> need to reenable it?
> >> Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
> >>
> >> Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the sources, or did
> >> you
> >> use the tool in the Software Center, or did you do-release-upgrade from
> >> the
> >> command line?
> >>
> >> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Michael Barnes 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done that.
> >> > Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems I've
> >> forgotten
> >> > more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order. I'll have
> >> to
> >> > compare Xorg files and look at drivers loaded between the two
> versions.
> >> > Just have to remember how to do all that.
> >> >
> >> > Michael
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Edward Koenig  >
> >> > wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > Michael
> >> > > If the new version boots and you can ssh to log in, then most likely
> >> > > either or a GPU driver did not update fully or correctly. This
> >> is
> >> > > very typical for proprietary nvidia drivers, or any proprietary
> >> hardware
> >> > > drivers that install a kernel module. You might try using the
> command
> >> > line
> >> > > tools to reinstall the GPU and X bits.  I'm not sure it Ubuntu
> >> switched
> >> > to
> >> > > wayland with this release so perhaps check on that.  Remember to
> read
> >> the
> >> > > release notes etc before clicking "upgrade"
> >> > >
> >> > > Nuking from orbit, as Dick suggests after backup, will certainly
> work.
> >> > > Personally run a Linux distribution to avoid such "windowesque"
> fixes.
> >> > >
> >> > > Ed
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > > On May 12, 2017, at 11:36 AM, Dick Steffens <
> >> > > wrote:
> >> > > >
> >> > > >> On 05/12/2017 11:24 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:
> >> > > >> I rebooted again and at the grub screen chose 14.04LTS.
> Everything
> >> > came
> >> > > up
> >> > > >> normally. After login, I get a pop-up window that says 14.04 is
> out
> >> > > dated
> >> > > >> and no longer supported. Anyhow, display and everything works,
> so I
> >> > > know at
> >> > > >> least the hardware is okay. Shutdown and restart, let grub screen
> >> > choose
> >> > > >> default and back to blank screens. I can ssh in and shutdown from
> >> > remote
> >> > > >> session. Screens give Ubuntu shutdown splash just before power
> off.
> >> > > >
> >> > > > Having been on this list a fairly long time, I've followed the
> >> advice
> >> > of
> >> > > > others who say one should not use the "upgrade" path to move from
> >> one
> >> > > > Ubuntu release to another, but should start with a fresh install.
> I
> >> > have
> >> > > > gone from Ubuntu 10 to 12 to 14, and am slowly moving to 16. Each
> >> time
> >> > I
> >> > > > had the luxury of being able to at least put in a fresh hard drive
> >> for
> >> > > > the new version, and then mount the old hard drive to be able to
> >> copy
> >> > > > files as needed. I don't think any of the episodes has been
> >> painless,
> >> > > > since it seems there's always something big that changes so that
> it
> >> > > > doesn't work the way it did in the previous version, but I have
> >> always
> >> > > > been able to get past

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-14 Thread Michael Barnes
Installed 16.04 LTS via flash drive to new hard drive. Only took a few
minutes! Previous DVD installs took much, much longer. Anyhow, so far, no
network. Sadly, my Linux memory has become very foggy, so please forgive
the noobie type questions. I don't seem to be finding eth0. Using lspci, I
find the info for the onboard Broadcom Ethernet adapter, but under
'Capabilities' it says ". Running ifconfig does not show
eth0, but it does show enp3s0. If I try "sudo ifup eth0" I get "Unknown
interface eth0."

I'm kind of surprised at the minimum of questions and the speed of the
install. I wonder what else will not be working?

Thanks for your comments,


On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Michael Barnes 

> I figured the quickest and easiest was probably to start all over. It
> looks like all my files, pictures, documents, etc. are still intact. I'll
> just stick in a new hard drive, install 16.04 LTS from scratch, then copy
> what I need from the old drive to the new one. Thanks for everyone's
> comments.
> Michael
> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Nat Taylor  wrote:
>> instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to
>> automagically
>> configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg* and a
>> *sudo
>> apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
>> Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
>> -- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade and do you
>> need to reenable it?
>> Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
>> Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the sources, or did
>> you
>> use the tool in the Software Center, or did you do-release-upgrade from
>> the
>> command line?
>> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Michael Barnes 
>> wrote:
>> > Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done that.
>> > Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems I've
>> forgotten
>> > more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order. I'll have
>> to
>> > compare Xorg files and look at drivers loaded between the two versions.
>> > Just have to remember how to do all that.
>> >
>> > Michael
>> >
>> >
>> > On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Edward Koenig 
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > > Michael
>> > > If the new version boots and you can ssh to log in, then most likely
>> > > either or a GPU driver did not update fully or correctly. This
>> is
>> > > very typical for proprietary nvidia drivers, or any proprietary
>> hardware
>> > > drivers that install a kernel module. You might try using the command
>> > line
>> > > tools to reinstall the GPU and X bits.  I'm not sure it Ubuntu
>> switched
>> > to
>> > > wayland with this release so perhaps check on that.  Remember to read
>> the
>> > > release notes etc before clicking "upgrade"
>> > >
>> > > Nuking from orbit, as Dick suggests after backup, will certainly work.
>> > > Personally run a Linux distribution to avoid such "windowesque" fixes.
>> > >
>> > > Ed
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > > On May 12, 2017, at 11:36 AM, Dick Steffens 
>> > > wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > >> On 05/12/2017 11:24 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:
>> > > >> I rebooted again and at the grub screen chose 14.04LTS. Everything
>> > came
>> > > up
>> > > >> normally. After login, I get a pop-up window that says 14.04 is out
>> > > dated
>> > > >> and no longer supported. Anyhow, display and everything works, so I
>> > > know at
>> > > >> least the hardware is okay. Shutdown and restart, let grub screen
>> > choose
>> > > >> default and back to blank screens. I can ssh in and shutdown from
>> > remote
>> > > >> session. Screens give Ubuntu shutdown splash just before power off.
>> > > >
>> > > > Having been on this list a fairly long time, I've followed the
>> advice
>> > of
>> > > > others who say one should not use the "upgrade" path to move from
>> one
>> > > > Ubuntu release to another, but should start with a fresh install. I
>> > have
>> > > > gone from Ubuntu 10 to 12 to 14, and am slowly moving to 16. Each
>> time
>> > I
>> > > > had the luxury of being able to at least put in a fresh hard drive
>> for
>> > > > the new version, and then mount the old hard drive to be able to
>> copy
>> > > > files as needed. I don't think any of the episodes has been
>> painless,
>> > > > since it seems there's always something big that changes so that it
>> > > > doesn't work the way it did in the previous version, but I have
>> always
>> > > > been able to get past it, often with the help of folks on this list.
>> > > >
>> > > > So, in your case, I'd recommend using Grub to boot to your previous
>> > > > version, find a way to back up all your important files, and
>> install 16
>> > > > from scratch. Better would be to have two machines, but not everyone
>> > has
>> > > > that luxury. I'm happy that I do have that option this time, because
>> > > > there are a handful of things I have yet to be able to figure out
>> how
>> > to
>> > > > do in 16 that I need on at l

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-14 Thread Michael Barnes
I figured the quickest and easiest was probably to start all over. It looks
like all my files, pictures, documents, etc. are still intact. I'll just
stick in a new hard drive, install 16.04 LTS from scratch, then copy what I
need from the old drive to the new one. Thanks for everyone's comments.


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Nat Taylor  wrote:

> instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to automagically
> configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg* and a
> *sudo
> apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
> Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
> -- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade and do you
> need to reenable it?
> Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
> Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the sources, or did you
> use the tool in the Software Center, or did you do-release-upgrade from the
> command line?
> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Michael Barnes 
> wrote:
> > Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done that.
> > Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems I've
> forgotten
> > more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order. I'll have to
> > compare Xorg files and look at drivers loaded between the two versions.
> > Just have to remember how to do all that.
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> > On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Edward Koenig 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Michael
> > > If the new version boots and you can ssh to log in, then most likely
> > > either or a GPU driver did not update fully or correctly. This is
> > > very typical for proprietary nvidia drivers, or any proprietary
> hardware
> > > drivers that install a kernel module. You might try using the command
> > line
> > > tools to reinstall the GPU and X bits.  I'm not sure it Ubuntu switched
> > to
> > > wayland with this release so perhaps check on that.  Remember to read
> the
> > > release notes etc before clicking "upgrade"
> > >
> > > Nuking from orbit, as Dick suggests after backup, will certainly work.
> > > Personally run a Linux distribution to avoid such "windowesque" fixes.
> > >
> > > Ed
> > >
> > >
> > > > On May 12, 2017, at 11:36 AM, Dick Steffens 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> On 05/12/2017 11:24 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:
> > > >> I rebooted again and at the grub screen chose 14.04LTS. Everything
> > came
> > > up
> > > >> normally. After login, I get a pop-up window that says 14.04 is out
> > > dated
> > > >> and no longer supported. Anyhow, display and everything works, so I
> > > know at
> > > >> least the hardware is okay. Shutdown and restart, let grub screen
> > choose
> > > >> default and back to blank screens. I can ssh in and shutdown from
> > remote
> > > >> session. Screens give Ubuntu shutdown splash just before power off.
> > > >
> > > > Having been on this list a fairly long time, I've followed the advice
> > of
> > > > others who say one should not use the "upgrade" path to move from one
> > > > Ubuntu release to another, but should start with a fresh install. I
> > have
> > > > gone from Ubuntu 10 to 12 to 14, and am slowly moving to 16. Each
> time
> > I
> > > > had the luxury of being able to at least put in a fresh hard drive
> for
> > > > the new version, and then mount the old hard drive to be able to copy
> > > > files as needed. I don't think any of the episodes has been painless,
> > > > since it seems there's always something big that changes so that it
> > > > doesn't work the way it did in the previous version, but I have
> always
> > > > been able to get past it, often with the help of folks on this list.
> > > >
> > > > So, in your case, I'd recommend using Grub to boot to your previous
> > > > version, find a way to back up all your important files, and install
> 16
> > > > from scratch. Better would be to have two machines, but not everyone
> > has
> > > > that luxury. I'm happy that I do have that option this time, because
> > > > there are a handful of things I have yet to be able to figure out how
> > to
> > > > do in 16 that I need on at least a weekly basis, if not a daily one.
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Regards,
> > > >
> > > > Dick Steffens
> > > >
> > > > ___
> > > > PLUG mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > > ___
> > > PLUG mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > ___
> > PLUG mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> PLUG mailing list
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-13 Thread Nat Taylor
instead of comparing xorg files, I'd want to get it to try to automagically
configure stuff fresh, maybe with a *sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg* and a *sudo
apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade*
Maybe try dpkg-reconfiguring your window manager (unity?)
-- did it disable the universe or multiverse for the upgrade and do you
need to reenable it?
Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

Did you do the upgrade to 16.04 by manually editing the sources, or did you
use the tool in the Software Center, or did you do-release-upgrade from the
command line?

On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Michael Barnes 

> Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done that.
> Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems I've forgotten
> more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order. I'll have to
> compare Xorg files and look at drivers loaded between the two versions.
> Just have to remember how to do all that.
> Michael
> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Edward Koenig 
> wrote:
> > Michael
> > If the new version boots and you can ssh to log in, then most likely
> > either or a GPU driver did not update fully or correctly. This is
> > very typical for proprietary nvidia drivers, or any proprietary hardware
> > drivers that install a kernel module. You might try using the command
> line
> > tools to reinstall the GPU and X bits.  I'm not sure it Ubuntu switched
> to
> > wayland with this release so perhaps check on that.  Remember to read the
> > release notes etc before clicking "upgrade"
> >
> > Nuking from orbit, as Dick suggests after backup, will certainly work.
> > Personally run a Linux distribution to avoid such "windowesque" fixes.
> >
> > Ed
> >
> >
> > > On May 12, 2017, at 11:36 AM, Dick Steffens 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > >> On 05/12/2017 11:24 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:
> > >> I rebooted again and at the grub screen chose 14.04LTS. Everything
> came
> > up
> > >> normally. After login, I get a pop-up window that says 14.04 is out
> > dated
> > >> and no longer supported. Anyhow, display and everything works, so I
> > know at
> > >> least the hardware is okay. Shutdown and restart, let grub screen
> choose
> > >> default and back to blank screens. I can ssh in and shutdown from
> remote
> > >> session. Screens give Ubuntu shutdown splash just before power off.
> > >
> > > Having been on this list a fairly long time, I've followed the advice
> of
> > > others who say one should not use the "upgrade" path to move from one
> > > Ubuntu release to another, but should start with a fresh install. I
> have
> > > gone from Ubuntu 10 to 12 to 14, and am slowly moving to 16. Each time
> I
> > > had the luxury of being able to at least put in a fresh hard drive for
> > > the new version, and then mount the old hard drive to be able to copy
> > > files as needed. I don't think any of the episodes has been painless,
> > > since it seems there's always something big that changes so that it
> > > doesn't work the way it did in the previous version, but I have always
> > > been able to get past it, often with the help of folks on this list.
> > >
> > > So, in your case, I'd recommend using Grub to boot to your previous
> > > version, find a way to back up all your important files, and install 16
> > > from scratch. Better would be to have two machines, but not everyone
> has
> > > that luxury. I'm happy that I do have that option this time, because
> > > there are a handful of things I have yet to be able to figure out how
> to
> > > do in 16 that I need on at least a weekly basis, if not a daily one.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Dick Steffens
> > >
> > > ___
> > > PLUG mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > ___
> > PLUG mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> PLUG mailing list
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-12 Thread Michael Barnes
Yeah, I got to thinking after I started I shouldn't have done that.
Everything has been packed away for almost a year. It seems I've forgotten
more than I remember. A new hard drive is probably in order. I'll have to
compare Xorg files and look at drivers loaded between the two versions.
Just have to remember how to do all that.


On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Edward Koenig 

> Michael
> If the new version boots and you can ssh to log in, then most likely
> either or a GPU driver did not update fully or correctly. This is
> very typical for proprietary nvidia drivers, or any proprietary hardware
> drivers that install a kernel module. You might try using the command line
> tools to reinstall the GPU and X bits.  I'm not sure it Ubuntu switched to
> wayland with this release so perhaps check on that.  Remember to read the
> release notes etc before clicking "upgrade"
> Nuking from orbit, as Dick suggests after backup, will certainly work.
> Personally run a Linux distribution to avoid such "windowesque" fixes.
> Ed
> > On May 12, 2017, at 11:36 AM, Dick Steffens 
> wrote:
> >
> >> On 05/12/2017 11:24 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:
> >> I rebooted again and at the grub screen chose 14.04LTS. Everything came
> up
> >> normally. After login, I get a pop-up window that says 14.04 is out
> dated
> >> and no longer supported. Anyhow, display and everything works, so I
> know at
> >> least the hardware is okay. Shutdown and restart, let grub screen choose
> >> default and back to blank screens. I can ssh in and shutdown from remote
> >> session. Screens give Ubuntu shutdown splash just before power off.
> >
> > Having been on this list a fairly long time, I've followed the advice of
> > others who say one should not use the "upgrade" path to move from one
> > Ubuntu release to another, but should start with a fresh install. I have
> > gone from Ubuntu 10 to 12 to 14, and am slowly moving to 16. Each time I
> > had the luxury of being able to at least put in a fresh hard drive for
> > the new version, and then mount the old hard drive to be able to copy
> > files as needed. I don't think any of the episodes has been painless,
> > since it seems there's always something big that changes so that it
> > doesn't work the way it did in the previous version, but I have always
> > been able to get past it, often with the help of folks on this list.
> >
> > So, in your case, I'd recommend using Grub to boot to your previous
> > version, find a way to back up all your important files, and install 16
> > from scratch. Better would be to have two machines, but not everyone has
> > that luxury. I'm happy that I do have that option this time, because
> > there are a handful of things I have yet to be able to figure out how to
> > do in 16 that I need on at least a weekly basis, if not a daily one.
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> >
> > Dick Steffens
> >
> > ___
> > PLUG mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> PLUG mailing list
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-12 Thread Edward Koenig
If the new version boots and you can ssh to log in, then most likely either or a GPU driver did not update fully or correctly. This is very typical 
for proprietary nvidia drivers, or any proprietary hardware drivers that 
install a kernel module. You might try using the command line tools to 
reinstall the GPU and X bits.  I'm not sure it Ubuntu switched to wayland with 
this release so perhaps check on that.  Remember to read the release notes etc 
before clicking "upgrade"

Nuking from orbit, as Dick suggests after backup, will certainly work.  
Personally run a Linux distribution to avoid such "windowesque" fixes. 


> On May 12, 2017, at 11:36 AM, Dick Steffens  wrote:
>> On 05/12/2017 11:24 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:
>> I rebooted again and at the grub screen chose 14.04LTS. Everything came up
>> normally. After login, I get a pop-up window that says 14.04 is out dated
>> and no longer supported. Anyhow, display and everything works, so I know at
>> least the hardware is okay. Shutdown and restart, let grub screen choose
>> default and back to blank screens. I can ssh in and shutdown from remote
>> session. Screens give Ubuntu shutdown splash just before power off.
> Having been on this list a fairly long time, I've followed the advice of 
> others who say one should not use the "upgrade" path to move from one 
> Ubuntu release to another, but should start with a fresh install. I have 
> gone from Ubuntu 10 to 12 to 14, and am slowly moving to 16. Each time I 
> had the luxury of being able to at least put in a fresh hard drive for 
> the new version, and then mount the old hard drive to be able to copy 
> files as needed. I don't think any of the episodes has been painless, 
> since it seems there's always something big that changes so that it 
> doesn't work the way it did in the previous version, but I have always 
> been able to get past it, often with the help of folks on this list.
> So, in your case, I'd recommend using Grub to boot to your previous 
> version, find a way to back up all your important files, and install 16 
> from scratch. Better would be to have two machines, but not everyone has 
> that luxury. I'm happy that I do have that option this time, because 
> there are a handful of things I have yet to be able to figure out how to 
> do in 16 that I need on at least a weekly basis, if not a daily one.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Dick Steffens
> ___
> PLUG mailing list
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-12 Thread Dick Steffens
On 05/12/2017 11:24 AM, Michael Barnes wrote:
> I rebooted again and at the grub screen chose 14.04LTS. Everything came up
> normally. After login, I get a pop-up window that says 14.04 is out dated
> and no longer supported. Anyhow, display and everything works, so I know at
> least the hardware is okay. Shutdown and restart, let grub screen choose
> default and back to blank screens. I can ssh in and shutdown from remote
> session. Screens give Ubuntu shutdown splash just before power off.

Having been on this list a fairly long time, I've followed the advice of 
others who say one should not use the "upgrade" path to move from one 
Ubuntu release to another, but should start with a fresh install. I have 
gone from Ubuntu 10 to 12 to 14, and am slowly moving to 16. Each time I 
had the luxury of being able to at least put in a fresh hard drive for 
the new version, and then mount the old hard drive to be able to copy 
files as needed. I don't think any of the episodes has been painless, 
since it seems there's always something big that changes so that it 
doesn't work the way it did in the previous version, but I have always 
been able to get past it, often with the help of folks on this list.

So, in your case, I'd recommend using Grub to boot to your previous 
version, find a way to back up all your important files, and install 16 
from scratch. Better would be to have two machines, but not everyone has 
that luxury. I'm happy that I do have that option this time, because 
there are a handful of things I have yet to be able to figure out how to 
do in 16 that I need on at least a weekly basis, if not a daily one.


Dick Steffens

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-12 Thread Michael Barnes
I rebooted again and at the grub screen chose 14.04LTS. Everything came up
normally. After login, I get a pop-up window that says 14.04 is out dated
and no longer supported. Anyhow, display and everything works, so I know at
least the hardware is okay. Shutdown and restart, let grub screen choose
default and back to blank screens. I can ssh in and shutdown from remote
session. Screens give Ubuntu shutdown splash just before power off.

On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 9:28 AM, Michael Barnes 

> I finally got a house and all my stuff delivered and unpacked. I fired up
> my desktop system, a Dell Optiplex 745 with dual monitors. It has been
> running Ubuntu 14.04LTS for the last couple years without problem. When I
> fired it up, it asked me to upgrade to 16.04LTS. I figured 'why not' and
> clicked upgrade. It did its thing and rebooted. Once it rebooted, the
> screens come up blank. No response from the keyboard or mouse. NumLock key
> lights on and off appropriately. When I hit the power button, it will put
> up a splash and shut down. On power up, I get a grub screen with the usual
> options, older versions, memtest, etc. Letting it default, I get an Ubuntu
> boot splash for a few seconds, then blank screens. I can ssh into it and
> see that things appear to be running. I can't really remember where to go
> from here. Ideas appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Michael
PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade

2017-05-12 Thread Michael Barnes
I finally got a house and all my stuff delivered and unpacked. I fired up
my desktop system, a Dell Optiplex 745 with dual monitors. It has been
running Ubuntu 14.04LTS for the last couple years without problem. When I
fired it up, it asked me to upgrade to 16.04LTS. I figured 'why not' and
clicked upgrade. It did its thing and rebooted. Once it rebooted, the
screens come up blank. No response from the keyboard or mouse. NumLock key
lights on and off appropriately. When I hit the power button, it will put
up a splash and shut down. On power up, I get a grub screen with the usual
options, older versions, memtest, etc. Letting it default, I get an Ubuntu
boot splash for a few seconds, then blank screens. I can ssh into it and
see that things appear to be running. I can't really remember where to go
from here. Ideas appreciated.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-30 Thread John Meissen said:
> I still need a way to disable this stupid auto-maximize every time I
> accidentally hit the top of the screen when moving a window. :-( 

Found it. It's actually a Compiz setting under Window Management. Disabling 
"Grid" accomplishes what I want.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-30 Thread Joe Niski
i had to deal with this one, too - it's somewhere in CompizConfig's
Window-management section, though i can't remember exactly where...

Joe Shisei Niski
Portland, Oregon, USA

On 2013-09-30 2:34 PM, "John Meissen"  wrote:

>I still need a way to disable this stupid auto-maximize every time I
>accidentally hit the top of the screen when moving a window. :-(

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-30 Thread Bynoe, RonaldX J
Well, in KDE you go to settings | Workspace Behaviour, click on "Screen Edges", 
and then uncheck the "Maximize windows by dragging them to the top of the 
screen" box.

I don't know how you'd do it in an inferior DE though.

Glad to help!

From: [] on 
behalf of John Meissen []
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 2:34 PM
To: Portland Linux/Unix Group
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help said:
> "John Meissen"  dijo:
> >That's it. No "panel options" or "panel settings". No "more settings" .
> I don't use the same desktop as you, so my advice might be wrong. But it seems
> to me that you clicked on one of the widgets (or applets, among other names)
> that live in the panel, rather than clicking on the panel itself . It can be
> tricky to find a spot on the panel that is not occupied by a widget, but once
> you find one you should get the panel options.

That was it. I needed to  on the panel (super =
Windows key) and then I got the correct preferences screen.


I still need a way to disable this stupid auto-maximize every time I
accidentally hit the top of the screen when moving a window. :-(

PLUG mailing list
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-30 Thread John Meissen said:
> "John Meissen"  dijo:
> >That's it. No "panel options" or "panel settings". No "more settings" .
> I don't use the same desktop as you, so my advice might be wrong. But it seems
> to me that you clicked on one of the widgets (or applets, among other names)
> that live in the panel, rather than clicking on the panel itself . It can be
> tricky to find a spot on the panel that is not occupied by a widget, but once
> you find one you should get the panel options. 

That was it. I needed to  on the panel (super = 
Windows key) and then I got the correct preferences screen.


I still need a way to disable this stupid auto-maximize every time I 
accidentally hit the top of the screen when moving a window. :-(

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-30 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Mon, 30 Sep 2013 12:22:15 -0700
"John Meissen"  dijo:

>> Right click on the lower panel.  Click panel options/panel
>> settings. Then click more settings.  That should open up a pane that
>> gives visibility settings including auto-hide.
>If I right-click on the lower panel I get a single choice:
>"Preferences". That opens a window with
>  Window List Content
>o Show windows from currecnt workspace
>o Show windows from all workspaces
> Window Grouping
>o Never group windows
>o Group windows when space is limited
>o Always group windows
> Restoring Minimized Windows (disabled unless Show All is selected
> above) o Restore to current workspace
>o Restore to native workspace
>That's it. No "panel options" or "panel settings". No "more settings" .

I don't use the same desktop as you, so my advice might be wrong. But
it seems to me that you clicked on one of the widgets (or applets, among
other names) that live in the panel, rather than clicking on the panel
itself . It can be tricky to find a spot on the panel that is not
occupied by a widget, but once you find one you should get the panel

Or - better idea yet - drag the panel to the left (or right) of the
screen and make it wide enough to hold all the widgets that you want.
This will leave you with nothing at the top and bottom, giving you
maximum vertical real estate.

Or even better idea - install Xubuntu, and then move the panel to the
left or right.
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-30 Thread John Meissen said:
> On 09/30/2013 11:03 AM, John Meissen wrote:
> > Two more annoyances 
> >
> > The panel at the bottom of the screen (WindowList) used to have an option to
> > "auto-hide". It doesn't do that anymore, and it's taking up valuable screen
> > real estate that I want back. I've checked every "configuration" and
> > "preferences" screen I can find. Any suggestions on how to restore that
> > feature?
> >
> > Also, now whenever I happen to move a window to the top of the screen it
> > automatically "maximizes" the window. Damnit, if I want Windows I'll run
> > Windows. :-( I can't imagine on what planet this might be useful. How
> > do I turn that off? If I want a window maximized I can do it myself.
> Right click on the lower panel.  Click panel options/panel settings.  
> Then click more settings.  That should open up a pane that gives 
> visibility settings including auto-hide.
If I right-click on the lower panel I get a single choice: "Preferences". That 
opens a window with

  Window List Content
o Show windows from currecnt workspace
o Show windows from all workspaces

 Window Grouping
o Never group windows
o Group windows when space is limited
o Always group windows

 Restoring Minimized Windows (disabled unless Show All is selected above)
o Restore to current workspace
o Restore to native workspace

That's it. No "panel options" or "panel settings". No "more settings" .

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-30 Thread Bruce Kilpatrick
On 09/30/2013 11:03 AM, John Meissen wrote:
> Two more annoyances 
> The panel at the bottom of the screen (WindowList) used to have an option to
> "auto-hide". It doesn't do that anymore, and it's taking up valuable screen
> real estate that I want back. I've checked every "configuration" and
> "preferences" screen I can find. Any suggestions on how to restore that 
> feature?
> Also, now whenever I happen to move a window to the top of the screen it
> automatically "maximizes" the window. Damnit, if I want Windows I'll run
> Windows. :-( I can't imagine on what planet this might be useful. How
> do I turn that off? If I want a window maximized I can do it myself.
> ___
> PLUG mailing list
Right click on the lower panel.  Click panel options/panel settings.  
Then click more settings.  That should open up a pane that gives 
visibility settings including auto-hide.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-30 Thread John Meissen
Two more annoyances 

The panel at the bottom of the screen (WindowList) used to have an option to 
"auto-hide". It doesn't do that anymore, and it's taking up valuable screen 
real estate that I want back. I've checked every "configuration" and 
"preferences" screen I can find. Any suggestions on how to restore that feature?

Also, now whenever I happen to move a window to the top of the screen it 
automatically "maximizes" the window. Damnit, if I want Windows I'll run 
Windows. :-( I can't imagine on what planet this might be useful. How 
do I turn that off? If I want a window maximized I can do it myself.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-28 Thread Paul Munday
On Fri, 2013-09-27 at 14:41 -0700, John Meissen wrote:
> said:
> > On Fri, 2013-09-27 at 12:22 -0700, John Meissen wrote:
> > 
> > > Is it suddenly downloading and applying updates in the 
> > > background?!? That's a no-no. Update Manager settings still shows 
> > > "Display" 
> > > only. Is there a different setting somewhere else?
> > 
> > Not as far as I know (on either question, there is unattended-upgrades
> > but that doesn't involve update-manager and needs to be installed
> > separately) . 
> > 
> Synaptic/dpkg shows that it got installed...
> ii unattended-upgrades  0.76ubuntu1 automatic installation of security 
> upgrades
> This script is the backend for the APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade option.
> Is there a way to configure it, or should I just uninstall it?

By default it just does security upgrades, without them it won't be
doing  much of anything but you can also exclude packages, so you might
want to keep security but remove kernels so you can control reboots. 

> ___
> PLUG mailing list

   Technical Support Specialist, Free Geek
  Free Geek Tech Support:
(503) 232-9350 option 6 Tuesday-Saturday: 12-1,1:30-5:45PM

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-27 Thread John Meissen said:
> On Fri, 2013-09-27 at 12:22 -0700, John Meissen wrote:
> > Is it suddenly downloading and applying updates in the 
> > background?!? That's a no-no. Update Manager settings still shows "Display" 
> > only. Is there a different setting somewhere else?
> Not as far as I know (on either question, there is unattended-upgrades
> but that doesn't involve update-manager and needs to be installed
> separately) . 

Synaptic/dpkg shows that it got installed...
ii unattended-upgrades  0.76ubuntu1 automatic installation of security upgrades

This script is the backend for the APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade option.

Is there a way to configure it, or should I just uninstall it?

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-27 Thread Paul Munday
On Fri, 2013-09-27 at 12:22 -0700, John Meissen wrote:

> When I logged out and back in it complained that there were updates pending 
> that needed a reboot. 

Thats standard if a reboot is pending because of previously applied
updates (a kernel upgrade came down the line this morning).

> Is it suddenly downloading and applying updates in the 
> background?!? That's a no-no. Update Manager settings still shows "Display" 
> only. Is there a different setting somewhere else?

Not as far as I know (on either question, there is unattended-upgrades
but that doesn't involve update-manager and needs to be installed
separately) . 

   Technical Support Specialist, Free Geek
  Free Geek Tech Support:
(503) 232-9350 option 6 Tuesday-Saturday: 12-1,1:30-5:45PM

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-27 Thread John Meissen said:
> apt-get install  compizconfig-settings-manager will get you the old setting
> manager 

I already had compizconfig-settings-manager installed, that's what I was using.

> Then enable Desktop Wall (or rotate cube) -> bindings
> (Ctrl+Alt + arrow is the default, I think, but I may have set that) 

I tried Rotate Cube. Holy cow, that screwed things up. Pinned windows lost 
their positions, I suddenly couldn't access any of the virtual desktops. I 
tried to reset things back to the way they were, hopefully I succeeded.

I tried Desktop Wall instead. That works well enough (although I wish it would 

When I logged out and back in it complained that there were updates pending 
that needed a reboot. Is it suddenly downloading and applying updates in the 
background?!? That's a no-no. Update Manager settings still shows "Display" 
only. Is there a different setting somewhere else?

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-27 Thread John Meissen said:
> In Applications - System Tools - System Settings, in the Hardware group,  is a
> button for Keyboard. That has a tab for Shotcuts. One of those  shortcuts is
> Launch Terminal, with the default setting of Ctrl+Alt+T.  Down at the bottom
> it says, "To edit a shortcut, click the row and hold  down the new keys or
> press Backspace to clear." 

Thanks. I don't know why I didn't see that. I must have looked at the System 
Settings window a dozen time. :-(

Maybe it's the grey-on-grey color scheme ;-)


PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-27 Thread Dick Steffens
On 09/27/2013 11:27 AM, John Meissen wrote:
> said:
>> Did you install GNOME session fallback? In the Ubuntu Software Center  it's
>> called:
>>   GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session
>>   gnome-session-fallback
> Yes. That was implied when I said I got most of the gnome environment back, 
> and
> that I wasn't using Unity. I suppose I could have done something else, though.
>> I use that, and with it T gives me a terminal window.
> That may be. But it's awkward, and I have a different, much more natural and
> comfortable combination that I've used for years. I don't want to retrain my
> fingers. In the old system it was a simple matter to redefine the keys.
> Now they're trying to make the settings interface look like a Mac, and IMHO
> have only screwed things up.

In Applications - System Tools - System Settings, in the Hardware group, 
is a button for Keyboard. That has a tab for Shotcuts. One of those 
shortcuts is Launch Terminal, with the default setting of Ctrl+Alt+T. 
Down at the bottom it says, "To edit a shortcut, click the row and hold 
down the new keys or press Backspace to clear."

I haven't tried changing anything in there, but that might be worth a 
try for your key combination.


Dick Steffens

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-27 Thread Paul Munday
On Fri, 2013-09-27 at 11:27 -0700, John Meissen wrote:
> said:
> > Did you install GNOME session fallback? In the Ubuntu Software Center  it's
> > called:
> >  GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session
> >  gnome-session-fallback
> Yes. That was implied when I said I got most of the gnome environment back, 
> and 
> that I wasn't using Unity. I suppose I could have done something else, though.
> > I use that, and with it T gives me a terminal window. 
> That may be. But it's awkward, and I have a different, much more natural and 
> comfortable combination that I've used for years. I don't want to retrain my 
> fingers. In the old system it was a simple matter to redefine the keys.
> Now they're trying to make the settings interface look like a Mac, and IMHO 
> have only screwed things up.

apt-get install  compizconfig-settings-manager will get you the old
setting manager
Then enable Desktop Wall (or rotate cube) -> bindings
(Ctrl+Alt + arrow is the default, I think, but I may have set that)
> ___ 
> PLUG mailing list

   Technical Support Specialist, Free Geek
  Free Geek Tech Support:
(503) 232-9350 option 6 Tuesday-Saturday: 12-1,1:30-5:45PM

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-27 Thread John Meissen said:
> Did you install GNOME session fallback? In the Ubuntu Software Center  it's
> called:

>  GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session
>  gnome-session-fallback

Yes. That was implied when I said I got most of the gnome environment back, and 
that I wasn't using Unity. I suppose I could have done something else, though.

> I use that, and with it T gives me a terminal window. 

That may be. But it's awkward, and I have a different, much more natural and 
comfortable combination that I've used for years. I don't want to retrain my 
fingers. In the old system it was a simple matter to redefine the keys.

Now they're trying to make the settings interface look like a Mac, and IMHO 
have only screwed things up.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-27 Thread Dick Steffens
On 09/27/2013 10:30 AM, John Meissen wrote:
> I finally got around to "upgrading" the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS system that I use
> daily to the 12.04 LTS release. I've been putting it off because I knew that 
> it
> would break everything user-interface related that I depended on. :-( And of
> course I wasn't disappointed. Or rather, I was. Whatever.
> I got some of the gnome env back, and I'm struggling through the font 
> problems.
> However all of my keybindings are toast and I still haven't figured out how to
> reconfigure them. The two biggest ones are navigating the virtual desktops and
> launching a terminal.
> I don't see any way to do the latter anymore. And the compiz Settings Manager
> has settings for switching to specific viewports via keyboard or directional
> switching via mouse, neither of which I want! I want to navigate 
> left/right/up/
> down via keyboard. This was simple to do before I "upgraded".
> Suggestion? FYI I'm not using Unity.

Did you install GNOME session fallback? In the Ubuntu Software Center 
it's called:

 GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session

I use that, and with it T gives me a terminal window.


Dick Steffens

PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] Ubuntu upgrade help

2013-09-27 Thread John Meissen
I finally got around to "upgrading" the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS system that I use 
daily to the 12.04 LTS release. I've been putting it off because I knew that it 
would break everything user-interface related that I depended on. :-( And of 
course I wasn't disappointed. Or rather, I was. Whatever.

I got some of the gnome env back, and I'm struggling through the font problems. 
However all of my keybindings are toast and I still haven't figured out how to 
reconfigure them. The two biggest ones are navigating the virtual desktops and 
launching a terminal.

I don't see any way to do the latter anymore. And the compiz Settings Manager 
has settings for switching to specific viewports via keyboard or directional 
switching via mouse, neither of which I want! I want to navigate left/right/up/
down via keyboard. This was simple to do before I "upgraded".

Suggestion? FYI I'm not using Unity.


PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-15 Thread Tim Wescott
On Fri, 2011-12-02 at 13:19 -0800, John Meissen wrote:
> Benjamin Kerensa said:
> > 11.10 has had some weird issues with xscreensaver especially in Ubuntu  but
> > I'm not sure about Xubuntu. I know there has been some changes to the 
> > upgrade
> > tool. 
> There are some pretty serious issues with laptops and external monitors.
> I refuse to stray off of the LTS releases, but my daughter recently
> ugraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and hasn't been able to get an external
> monitor to work reliably since.
> For instance...
> A Google search seems to indicate a number of problems, from Unity vs
> "Classic" to the nvidia driver, some of which claim to be fixed, others
> still open/unresolved.
> I'll know more when she's home for xmas in a couple of weeks, but for
> now I'm recommending she go back to and stay on 10.04 unless there's a
> compelling reason for upgrading.

11.04 worked well on both my laptop and my desktop, but on the laptop
11.10 won't turn the backlight back on -- there's no way I'm installing
it on my work machine!

11 also lost the ability to switch keyboard maps in the login screen.
Since I type in Dvorak and I've got people in the household who use
QWERTY, this was a nice feature -- I can use a QWERTY keyboard, but I
need to look at my fingers to do so, and it really slows me down.

I need to reinstall 11.04 on the laptop, then sit tight for 12.04, or
whatever the next LTS release is.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-02 Thread John Meissen

Benjamin Kerensa said:
> 11.10 has had some weird issues with xscreensaver especially in Ubuntu  but
> I'm not sure about Xubuntu. I know there has been some changes to the upgrade
> tool. 

There are some pretty serious issues with laptops and external monitors.
I refuse to stray off of the LTS releases, but my daughter recently
ugraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and hasn't been able to get an external
monitor to work reliably since.

For instance...

A Google search seems to indicate a number of problems, from Unity vs
"Classic" to the nvidia driver, some of which claim to be fixed, others
still open/unresolved.

I'll know more when she's home for xmas in a couple of weeks, but for
now I'm recommending she go back to and stay on 10.04 unless there's a
compelling reason for upgrading.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-02 Thread Rich Shepard
On Fri, 2 Dec 2011, Benjamin Kerensa wrote:

> 11.10 has had some weird issues with xscreensaver especially in Ubuntu but
> I'm not sure about Xubuntu. I know there has been some changes to the
> upgrade tool.


   The problem occurred as I tried to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04. So far, no
issues with 11.10 installed from a disk I burned from the downloaded iso.

   This is the first fubar with an xubuntu upgrade since I've installed it on
the former Dell laptop and then the current Toshiba Satellite laptop.


PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-02 Thread Benjamin Kerensa
On 12/01/2011 01:09 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Dec 2011, Rich Shepard wrote:
>>   The xubuntu laptop here was running 10.10 and I just started a
>> distribution upgrade on it. 11.04 was the only one on offer. When this
>> upgrade is finished and I start the upgrade manager again will 11.11. be
>> offered?
> Well! As some point during file download the OS decided that there was
> something wrong with the screensaver but did not offer options to fix it or
> turn it off. Since I had no way to see the display and determine if the
> upgrade was done, I switched to tty2, logged in as root, and killed
> xscreensaver. That locked the system and took away the cursor. No way to
> change console, move the cursor, or anything.
> I'm now downloading the xubuntu-11.10.iso and will re-install.
> Fortunately, ~/ was backup on on a flash drive just a couple of days ago.
> Has anyone else experienced this? I've done package and distribution
> upgrades before on that box and they always went smoothly.
> Rich
> ___
> PLUG mailing list
Hi Rich,

11.10 has had some weird issues with xscreensaver especially in Ubuntu 
but I'm not sure
about Xubuntu. I know there has been some changes to the upgrade tool.


Benjamin Kerensa
Team Lead, Ubuntu Oregon

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-02 Thread Benjamin Kerensa
On 12/01/2011 11:09 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> The xubuntu laptop here was running 10.11 and I just started a
> distribution upgrade on it. 11.04 was the only one on offer. When this
> upgrade is finished and I start the upgrade manager again will 11.11. be
> offered?
> Thanks,
> Rich
> ___
> PLUG mailing list
Yes it will ask you to go by series however you could download the ISO 
of the latest release and upgrade via startup disc
and retain your files although hopping from a long distance between 
releases is generally not suggested. I'm running
12.04 Alpha 1 and I must say it is as stable as 11.10.


Benjamin Kerensa
Team Lead, Ubuntu Oregon

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-01 Thread Rich Shepard
On Thu, 1 Dec 2011, John Jason Jordan wrote:

> Will it boot at all? If so, it may be repairable. And even if it won't
> boot, you should be able to use a rescue CD to get a later backup, if
> that's important.


   It has 11.10 running on it now. She copied her /home directory to a flash
drive a couple of days ago (perhaps missing one subdirectory, but that's
life), so it was time consuming for me but not fatal.

> I once had a cable modem choose to die right when an Ubuntu dist-upgrade
> was at about 80%. Gawd, what a mess. I gave dpkg a serious workout, but
> ended up saving it.

   Yeah, well I don't know debian and its off-spring well enough to futz with

> Fedora uses a "preupgrade" method where you download an image that
> contains everything needed for the upgrade. Then you reboot and the
> upgrade is installed from the image - no worries about losing the net
> connection mid-stream. Or you can upgrade Fedora from the non-live DVD,
> which is what I always do.

   And Slackware has a well-defined sequence that allows me to upgrade
everyting on the system and add new stuff. Then I manually delete the
deprecated packages.

> You can upgrade Ubuntu systems from the Alternate CD or DVD as well. I
> have done it at the Clinic and it works slick. Once you have the
> Alternate CD or DVD the upgrade goes quickly. Next time I need to
> upgrade an Ubuntu install I will definitely use the Alternate CD route.

   The only two choices I had were to install 11.10 in addition to 11.04
(which I knew was broken) or replace it. I did the latter.


PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-01 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Thu, 1 Dec 2011 13:09:29 -0800 (PST)
Rich Shepard  dijo:

>Well! As some point during file download the OS decided that there was
>something wrong with the screensaver but did not offer options to fix
>it or turn it off. Since I had no way to see the display and determine
>if the upgrade was done, I switched to tty2, logged in as root, and
>killed xscreensaver. That locked the system and took away the cursor.
>No way to change console, move the cursor, or anything.
>I'm now downloading the xubuntu-11.10.iso and will re-install.
>Fortunately, ~/ was backup on on a flash drive just a couple of days
>Has anyone else experienced this? I've done package and distribution
>upgrades before on that box and they always went smoothly.

Will it boot at all? If so, it may be repairable. And even if it won't
boot, you should be able to use a rescue CD to get a later backup, if
that's important.

I haven't had this particular problem, although I'd check the Ubuntu
forums to see if anyone else has reported it. 

I once had a cable modem choose to die right when an Ubuntu
dist-upgrade was at about 80%. Gawd, what a mess. I gave dpkg a serious
workout, but ended up saving it. 

Fedora uses a "preupgrade" method where you download an image that
contains everything needed for the upgrade. Then you reboot and the
upgrade is installed from the image - no worries about losing the net
connection mid-stream. Or you can upgrade Fedora from the non-live DVD,
which is what I always do.

You can upgrade Ubuntu systems from the Alternate CD or DVD as well. I
have done it at the Clinic and it works slick. Once you have the
Alternate CD or DVD the upgrade goes quickly. Next time I need to
upgrade an Ubuntu install I will definitely use the Alternate CD route.
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-01 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Thu, 1 Dec 2011 12:38:35 -0800
Jason Barnett  dijo:

>The exception to this are the long term support versions. You are able
>to go from one LTD version to another directly. The next LTD version
>will be 12.04 and come out every two years.

He meant to say "LTS." :)
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-01 Thread Rich Shepard
On Thu, 1 Dec 2011, Rich Shepard wrote:

>  The xubuntu laptop here was running 10.10 and I just started a
> distribution upgrade on it. 11.04 was the only one on offer. When this
> upgrade is finished and I start the upgrade manager again will 11.11. be
> offered?

   Well! As some point during file download the OS decided that there was
something wrong with the screensaver but did not offer options to fix it or
turn it off. Since I had no way to see the display and determine if the
upgrade was done, I switched to tty2, logged in as root, and killed
xscreensaver. That locked the system and took away the cursor. No way to
change console, move the cursor, or anything.

   I'm now downloading the xubuntu-11.10.iso and will re-install.
Fortunately, ~/ was backup on on a flash drive just a couple of days ago.

   Has anyone else experienced this? I've done package and distribution
upgrades before on that box and they always went smoothly.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-01 Thread Jason Barnett
The exception to this are the long term support versions. You are able to
go from one LTD version to another directly. The next LTD version will be
12.04 and come out every two years.
On Dec 1, 2011 11:15 AM, "glen e. p. ropella"  wrote:

> Rich Shepard wrote circa 11-12-01 11:09 AM:
> >The xubuntu laptop here was running 10.11 and I just started a
> > distribution upgrade on it. 11.04 was the only one on offer. When this
> > upgrade is finished and I start the upgrade manager again will 11.11. be
> > offered?
> That's how it worked for me.  I haven't watched closely, but every
> upgrade I've done with Ubuntu forced me to go through each upgrade in
> series.
> --
> glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095,
> ___
> PLUG mailing list
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-01 Thread Rich Shepard
On Thu, 1 Dec 2011, glen e. p. ropella wrote:

> That's how it worked for me.  I haven't watched closely, but every upgrade
> I've done with Ubuntu forced me to go through each upgrade in series.

   That makes sense, and what I thought.

Thanks, Glen,

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-01 Thread glen e. p. ropella
Rich Shepard wrote circa 11-12-01 11:09 AM:
>The xubuntu laptop here was running 10.11 and I just started a
> distribution upgrade on it. 11.04 was the only one on offer. When this
> upgrade is finished and I start the upgrade manager again will 11.11. be
> offered?

That's how it worked for me.  I haven't watched closely, but every
upgrade I've done with Ubuntu forced me to go through each upgrade in

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095,

PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] Ubuntu Upgrade Question

2011-12-01 Thread Rich Shepard
   The xubuntu laptop here was running 10.11 and I just started a
distribution upgrade on it. 11.04 was the only one on offer. When this
upgrade is finished and I start the upgrade manager again will 11.11. be


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