Re: OT: Time for substantive change.

2012-11-14 Thread Mark Phillips
And what does this thread have to do with LINUX?


On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 5:36 PM, JD Austin wrote:

 AND once you sign ANY petition there (which has about as much weight
 as an idea) they spam the heck out of you with more petitions to sign.. no

 On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:30 PM, Wayne Davis wayda...@centurylink.netwrote:

  On 11/14/2012 04:10 PM, wrote:

 The Declaration of Independence states: Governments are instituted among
 men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that
 whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is
 the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new

 Over the past few days, petitions have been started in all 50 states to
 secede from this now marxist-socialist union.

 The rate at which signatures are being added to these petitions makes it
 very clear that this is no joke.

 Click the link below to sign the petition:

 - - - - - -

 Note: If you live in a state other than Arizona, google to find the active
 petition in your state. A petition is under way in and for every state.
 At this point, you only need to sign up with your first name, last
 initial, and zip code.  It's quick and easy. Let your voice be heard.

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   You *do* realize there is really NO provision for states to break away
 right?   This whole petition thing is bogus.

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Re: fill out forms

2012-10-18 Thread Mark Jarvis


Foxit Pro
  ( does this nicely for Windows
machines. Unfortunately, they do not have a Linux version. Foxit Pro
also has the ability to allow you to mark and copy text if the PDF
was created from a text file.

I suspect that a cleverly formulated Google search could find a
Linux-able PDF reader that can do the same things. 


Michael Havens wrote:

I frequently get forms I need to fill out in PDFs. I
  hat printing them to fill them out and then needing to scan to
  email the form to the person that needs the said form. Is there
  like a program or website I can open a pdf in that will allow me
  to fill it out on my computer?
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Re: fill out forms

2012-10-18 Thread Mark Jarvis


This site has a link to
  get a Linux version of Foxit Pro.

Mark Jarvis wrote:

  Foxit Pro (
  does this nicely for Windows machines. Unfortunately, they do not
  have a Linux version. Foxit Pro also has the ability to allow you
  to mark and copy text if the PDF was created from a text file.
  I suspect that a cleverly formulated Google search could find a
  Linux-able PDF reader that can do the same things. 
  Michael Havens wrote:
  I frequently get forms I need to fill out in PDFs. I
hat printing them to fill them out and then needing to scan to
email the form to the person that needs the said form. Is there
like a program or website I can open a pdf in that will allow me
to fill it out on my computer?

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Re: fill out forms

2012-10-17 Thread Mark Phillips
The reviews for pdfescape firefox addon are not that good, and it does not
open pdf files on your file system. They have to be links on a page. Not
very useful for pdf's sent to you via email.

As I get older, I get more paranoid, so I don't really trust my business
documents with an online service. In my more rational moments, I wonder why
anyone would want to read my business documents..but that is a
conversation with myself for another time...;)


On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Hi Mike:

 On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Michael Havens wrote:

 I frequently get forms I need to fill out in PDFs. I hat printing them
 to fill them out and then needing to scan  to email the form to the person
 that needs the said form. Is there like a program or website I can open a
 pdf in that will allow me to fill it out on my computer?

 Plugins for Firefox can provide pdf form editing.
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OT USB to PS/2 adapters

2012-10-05 Thread Mark Jarvis

I have a relatively new (1yr) PC without PS/2 keyboard  mouse 
connectors. I've accumulated 4 USB to PS/2 adapters. Three are just 6 
cables with a USB male on one end and a PS/2 female on the other. The 
fourth is similar, but has a large oval-ish thing in the middle of the 
cable. My MS ergonomic keyboard has a PS/2 connector and will not work 
when connected using one of the three plain adapters, but will with the 

I'd like to understand a) why, and b) where to buy a couple more of the 
adapters that do work (for another project).

Any help from the incredibly knowledgeable PLUG-ers will be gratefully 

Thanks in advance,
Mark Jarvis

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Re: OT USB to PS/2 adapters

2012-10-05 Thread Mark Jarvis


A corollary to RTFM is Look at the Stupid Device. It had Radio Shack
molded into the front and even had a part #. on the back. Duh!

I was setting up my wife's new box and of course had the same issue
there, so I got on my horse  got myself over to Radio Shack.
The durn thing cost $20, but now everything works!

The USB 1 vs USB 2 makes sense. I'm pretty sure that I'd
successfully used those simple adapters sometime in the past, but
everything's USB 2 now, going to 3.

Mark Jarvis

Lisa Kachold wrote:
Hi Guys!
  On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:07 AM, JD

  I've had that same experience with ps2 to usb adaptors; It
  seems the more expensive ones work better (electronics in the
  middle) but it's hit or miss.  I've gradually phased PS2
  devices out in favor of usb devices.

  On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:04 AM,
Mark Jarvis

  I have a relatively new (1yr) PC without PS/2
  keyboard  mouse connectors. I've accumulated 4
  USB to PS/2 adapters. Three are just 6" cables with a
  USB male on one end and a PS/2 female on the other.
  The fourth is similar, but has a large oval-ish thing
  in the middle of the cable. My MS ergonomic keyboard
  has a PS/2 connector and will not work when connected
  using one of the three plain adapters, but will with
  the fourth.
  I'd like to understand a) why, and b) where to buy a
  couple more of the adapters that do work (for another
  Any help from the incredibly knowledgeable PLUG-ers
  will be gratefully appreciated.
  Thanks in advance,
  Mark Jarvis







  It has to do with the specifications between USB 1.0 and 2.0 which
  require different power where the cables must also contain that

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Re: making PDFs workable

2012-09-11 Thread Mark Jarvis


The Foxitpro PDF reader allows text to be marked and copied.
Unfortunately, it's only available for Windows. I don't know if
there's a Linux PDF reader that has that capability.


Michael Havens wrote:

HOw can I make it so I can copy-n-paste the text from
  a pdf into a oo document?
  On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 7:32 AM, Sam

  Here's a pdf of a quick guide to regular expressions
  Basically, it's a format for defining search patterns that
  supports special meanings for certain characters. For
  a - finds any string like "a"
  a. - finds any string like "a" plus any other character except
  a new line (matches "aa", "ab", "ac", etc)
  a.* - finds any string like "a" plus zero or more characters
  except a new line (matches "aa", "abcdefghijk")
  Other special characters can further modify this behavior.
  So here's an explanation of the earlier command.
  's/\.JPG$/.jpg/' *.JPG
  Basic search and replace format s/[string we search
  for]/[string to replace matches with]/
  "\.JPG$" - Because "." is special, we escape it with "\" to
  keep the regex from interpreting it, so the "." will be
  treated literally. "JPG" is what we're looking for. Placing a
  "$" at the end of the string tells the regex to match the
  string only at the end of the strings you're searching. This
  means that you will match "example.JPG" but not "JPG.example".
  ".jpg" - This is our replacement string. This is what goes in
  the place of every match we find.
  "*.JPG" - while this isn't part of the regex, "*" is a
  wildcard (can be substituted for any number of characters).
  Hope that helps!
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Need help with /dev/shm

2012-09-09 Thread Mark Phillips
I have been having some issues with an old server running a jsp
applicaition (tomcat web server and java 1.5I said it was old!). I
looked at the partitions and found:

Last login: Sun Sep 9 11:57:49 2012 from
mark@gandalf:~$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda6 110G 61G 44G 58% /
tmpfs 63M 0 63M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda1 30M 7.3M 21M 27% /boot

tmpfs or /dev/shm is at 0%. Usually, a zero anywhere is bad thing;) so
should I do something about this?

I goolged /dev/shm and understand that it is a ram disk for interprocess
communications. Wonderful. Should I be worried it is at 0% Should I
increase the size? Running top shows these resources in the system

Tasks: 60 total, 1 running, 59 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 1.0% us, 0.3% sy, 0.0% ni, 98.4% id, 0.0% wa, 0.3% hi, 0.0% si
Mem: 127152k total, 124740k used, 2412k free, 6896k buffers
Swap: 489940k total, 0k used, 489940k free, 45500k cached

If I should increase the size of /dev/shm, would I edit fstab and add this

none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,size=8G 0 0

and then

mount -o remount /dev/shm



P.S. The issues I am having with the application may have nothing to do
with this situation...could be some bad programmingie a bug.

P.P.S. I am running Linux version 2.6.8-2-386 ( (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13))
(yes, I said it was old) Consider it my contribution to keeping old
hardware out of the dump!
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Re: Need help with /dev/shm

2012-09-09 Thread Mark Phillips

Thank-you for your fast response.

Now, do I get the award for the absolutely dumbest question to every be
posted to the plug list? My award should be banishment to the world of

My apologies for wasting everyone's time... :(


On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Hi Mark,

 On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Mark Phillips

 I have been having some issues with an old server running a jsp
 applicaition (tomcat web server and java 1.5I said it was old!). I
 looked at the partitions and found:

 Last login: Sun Sep 9 11:57:49 2012 from
 mark@gandalf:~$ df -h
 Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda6 110G 61G 44G 58% /
 tmpfs 63M 0 63M 0% /dev/shm
 /dev/hda1 30M 7.3M 21M 27% /boot

 tmpfs or /dev/shm is at 0%. Usually, a zero anywhere is bad thing;)
 so should I do something about this?

 This is 63M with 0 used above.

 You can expand it for better performance, but I doubt that your
 utilization issues are /dev/shm kernel intermessage processing related.  In
 a J2EE system, it would be memory, garbage collection, or a kernel based
 known memory error.

 But if you are running Ultramonkey  or a databasae, you could use all of
 /dev/shm during heavy network use, so you can easily expand /dev/shm (see


 I goolged /dev/shm and understand that it is a ram disk for interprocess
 communications. Wonderful. Should I be worried it is at 0% Should I
 increase the size? Running top shows these resources in the system

 Tasks: 60 total, 1 running, 59 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
 Cpu(s): 1.0% us, 0.3% sy, 0.0% ni, 98.4% id, 0.0% wa, 0.3% hi, 0.0% si
 Mem: 127152k total, 124740k used, 2412k free, 6896k buffers
 Swap: 489940k total, 0k used, 489940k free, 45500k cached

 If I should increase the size of /dev/shm, would I edit fstab and add
 this line

 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,size=8G 0 0

 and then

 mount -o remount /dev/shm

 You can use /dev/shm to improve the performance of 
  such as Oracle or overall Linux system
 On heavily loaded system, it can make tons of difference. For example
 VMware workstation/server can be optimized to improve your Linux host's
 performance (i.e. improve the performance of your virtual machines).

 In this example, remount /dev/shm with 8G size as follows:
 # mount -o remount,size=8G /dev/shm
 To be frank, if you have more than 2GB RAM + multiple Virtual 
 this hack always improves performance. In this example, you will give you
 tmpfs instance on /disk2/tmpfs which can allocate 5GB RAM/SWAP in 5K inodes
 and it is only accessible by root:
 # mount -t tmpfs -o size=5G,nr_inodes=5k,mode=700 tmpfs /disk2/tmpfs

- *-o opt1,opt2 * : Pass various options with a -o flag followed by a
comma separated string of options. In this examples, I used the following
   - *remount* : Attempt to remount an already-mounted filesystem. In
   this example, remount the system and increase its size.
   - *size=8G or size=5G* : Override default maximum size of the
   /dev/shm filesystem. he size is given in bytes, and rounded up to entire
   pages. The default is half of the memory. The size parameter also 
 accepts a
   suffix % to limit this tmpfs instance to that percentage of your pysical
   RAM: the default, when neither size nor nr_blocks is specified, is
   size=50%. In this example it is set to 8GiB or 5GiB. The tmpfs mount
   options for sizing ( size, nr_blocks, and nr_inodes) accept a suffix k, 
   or g for Ki, Mi, Gi (binary kilo, mega and giga) and can be changed on
   - *nr_inodes=5k* : The maximum number of inodes for this instance.
   The default is half of the number of your physical RAM pages, or (on a
   machine with highmem) the number of lowmem RAM pages, whichever is the
   - *mode=700* : Set initial permissions of the root directory.
   - *tmpfs* : Tmpfs is a file system which keeps all files in virtual

 *How do I restrict or modify size of /dev/shm permanently?*

 You need to add or modify entry in /etc/fstab file so that system can read
 it after the reboot. Edit, /etc/fstab as a root user, enter:
 # vi /etc/fstab
 Append or modify /dev/shm entry as follows to set size to 8G

 none  /dev/shmtmpfs   defaults,size=8G0 0

 Save and close the file. For the changes to take effect immediately
 remount /dev/shm:
 # mount -o remount /dev/shm



 P.S. The issues I am having with the application may have nothing

Re: How can a usb device crash a computer?

2012-08-07 Thread Mark Jarvis


  I had that happen. The problem was the printer. I replaced the
  printer and the problem went away. wrote:

How could plugging in a printer via a usb port crash my computer?

I just got a usb to rs232 connector cable and when I plugged it
in to my computer, the computer instantly quit. So I unplugged
the usb cable immediately, but now I cannot power on the computer.

What in the world could have caused such a drastic failure?

And what can I try to resurrect the computer?

Or, to whom would you recommend I take the computer for repair?

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2012-07-25 Thread Mark Astrauskas
CenturyLink recently laid fiber in my area and is pitching their new 
Internet/DirectTV service. Does anyone have recent experience with 
CenturyLink's fiber offering or with DirectTV as well? It looks like I 
could save a good amount every month and could even get a faster speed, 
so I'm strongly considering it.

Yelp reviews are awful, but so are the Cox Cable ones (my current 
provider), so I'm seeking any firsthand comments or experiences.

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Re: CenturyLink/DirectTV

2012-07-25 Thread Mark Astrauskas
I saw such reviews online, but all seemed to be regarding when they ran 
as Qwest. I'm hoping to hear from a recent customer that knows if the 
new management/rebranding has improved anything.

Putting aside the billing problems, how was the service itself?

On 7/25/2012 6:31 PM, Stephen wrote:

My experience dates back to the qwest/uswest says where features 
would magically appear on my account. Things like vm and long distance 
on my modem line ect. So i have really had very little interest in 
going back.

On Jul 25, 2012 6:26 PM, Mark Astrauskas wrote:

CenturyLink recently laid fiber in my area and is pitching their
new Internet/DirectTV service. Does anyone have recent experience
with CenturyLink's fiber offering or with DirectTV as well? It
looks like I could save a good amount every month and could even
get a faster speed, so I'm strongly considering it.

Yelp reviews are awful, but so are the Cox Cable ones (my current
provider), so I'm seeking any firsthand comments or experiences.

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Re: networking down

2012-07-21 Thread Mark Phillips

After the update, did you reboot the computer? If not, then the updates did
not take effect until you turned off your computer.

If the upgrade changed your kernel, then your wifi drivers may need to be

On Jul 21, 2012 6:08 PM, Michael Havens wrote:

 lspci to get the wifi chip??
 What happened to the driver I didn't do anything different than I
 usually do beside turning the computer off.

 On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 5:55 PM, Stephen wrote:

 That looks to be the issue. Best fix i can think of is to Google your
 wifi chip and see what drivers you cab find
  On Jul 21, 2012 4:46 PM, Michael Havens wrote:

 I wonder if my network driver got hosed?I'm looking at the 'Wireless
 Network Drivers' window and nothing is listed under 'Currently Installed
 Windows Drivers:' When I click 'Configure Network' Network Connections
 window and nothing is listed. Everything is grayed out. When I click 'add'
 everything is grayed out.

 On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 3:29 PM, Michael Havens bmi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Yeahhh thanks Stepan. Which file do I inspect? Was 'lofs' a missepell
 of 'logs'?

 On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Stephen wrote:

 Most any Ubuntu or its relatives uses /var/logs
 On Jul 21, 2012 3:23 PM, Michael Havens wrote:

 I can't find the logs where are they, please?

 On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Michael Havens bmi...@gmail.comwrote:


 On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Stephen cryptwo...@gmail.comwrote:

 I did not know that part. I wojld look into lofs. They will likely
 have clues and answers
 On Jul 21, 2012 3:17 PM, Michael Havens wrote:

 but the network was up for a week.

 On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Stephen cryptwo...@gmail.comwrote:

 logs are going to be your best bet of finding out anything. to me
 sounds like your upgrade ate your wlan drivers.

 On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Michael Havens wrote:
  Everything was working great on my laptop and then I up graded.
  everything ran great still for about a month but then I shut my
  down and then the next day I start my computer again but as it
 is booting am
  told 'waiting for network configuration...' Then 'Waiting up to
 60 more
  seconds for network configuration...' Then the login screen
 appears. I login
  but the network is still down until I open a terminal and type:
  ifconfig wlan0 up
  Well, The little blue networking light comes on when I type
 ifconfig but no
  pages will load and I can't rsync so I guess it doesn't work
 still. I know
  it isn't the card because another OS I have on the computer
 acts normally
  when it is loaded.
  Could someone tell me what is going on?
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 A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you
 rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze

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Re: OT: Android Dev Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Mark Phillips
Gmail seems to have a problem with inline answers today, so I will add them


   What is the life expectancy of Android? Will it be around 15 years from

   I haven't a clue. I hope I am around 15 years from now! ;)

   How hard is it to upgrade a phone to a newer version of Android?

   If your carrier wants to upgrade the phone, then they will send you an
   upgrade package OTA and your phone will upgrade. If you want to upgrade
   manually, then you will have to root your phone and apply the upgrade
   manually. Just google for your phone type and the upgrade you want.
   Generally speaking, US carriers don't want to spend the time upgrading
   phones - they want you to buy a new one because they subsidize part of the
   cost to get you to buy a plan. In Europe, you pay the full price for the
   phone, so you can upgrade it as you wish. As a result, the versions change
   slowly - 86.7% of the phones out there are at version 2.3.3, and version 4
   was just released. This percentage would be even higher if it weren't for
   tablets (versions 3 and 4 added a lot of tablet stuff).


   Are there any compatibility issues?

   Yes and no. Some older early Android hardware will have problems with
   the newer android versions, but for the most part they are supposed to be
   backward compatible. The big moving target is screen resolution - ie
   tablets versus larger screen phones. It takes some ui redesign to move from
   a small screen to a giant one, and to be compatible with all of them.
   However, the underlying non-ui parts are the same.

   How does one monetize Android application development skills?

   Write a killer app and sell it. ;) The google market is huge, so it is
   harder to get noticed (ie rated and found), and there is no easy way to
   talk to anyone at google about issues with your account. However, other
   markets exists - amazon looks promising, but I believe they take a larger
   cut, but provide better customer support. Of course, if your app is free,
   it does not matter.

   Where can I find quality used Android phones?

   I am not sure what quality means, but in the usual places - craig's
   list, ebay, etc. Friends as does not take much time to download
   an app run it and then remove it. The Android SDK comes with a good
   emulator, so you can catch lots of issues with that tool. Again, the
   biggest issue I have found is varying screen resolutions and making sure
   everything looks right. The emulator helps, and I have not found a need to
   have every phone on the market in my possession to test. There are also
   testing services you can use - some free and some for pay.

   What device would you recommend I use to learn Android development –
   Phone, Tablet, Simulator?

   Start with the SDK and the emulator. Also, take a look at this page - to see where to
   target your development. Then read the android developer docs - they are
   very very good. Depending on how you learn, you may want to pick up a book
   or two, but they are totally out of date except for the basics. Another
   good source is You can pay for the
   e-book and get all the updates and changes for a year. Mark Murphy hangs
   out in the developer forum and provides very good answers to questions,
   especially for newbies.

Hope that helps.and no, I have not created any killer apps yet so I can
retire on the millions in royalty checks from YMMV!

Good luck!


On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 6:27 AM, keith smith wrote:

 Posted to PLUG, TFUG, AzPHP

  I wondering about trends. Currently I make my living as a LAMP
 developer. The market seems strong and lots of main stream apps are built
 with PHP. So I expect the market to continue to be strong for 10 – 15
 years. That is the time frame I am interested in.

  Things are moving rather fast now. Cheap hardware is now a reality. It
 looks like a smart phone has more CPU and RAM than the laptop I bought 10
 year ago, and the desktop I bought 7 year ago. I think I saw a smart phone
 that had a dual core 1.5ghtz processor and a gig of RAM. My first 2
 computers didn't even have hard drives..

  I'm intrigued by Android development. Seems there is really only one
 option and that is the Android SDK that is modified Java. I don't find Java
 to be intuitive, however I can live with it.

  My main question has to do with compatibility. A friend tells me he
 thinks there are comparability issues between manufactures since they
 modify Android to met their needs and the lack of standards. After
 exchanging emails, it sounds like writing Android code is like writing
 JavaScript that needs to run in all the currently available browsers. We
 have JavaScript solutions – MooTools, jQuery … etc. However in the short
 time I've been looking at Android

Re: OT: Software Licensing Fees

2012-07-10 Thread Mark Phillips
I agree with JD.

1. Take a look at what exists today and negotiate a maintenance contract
just for that. Any new features beyond what is there today will entail (1)
a development cost and (2) a maintenance cost for those features. You may
decide to include the maintenance on a new feature is so small it will be
part of the current maintenance contract, but all new features need to be
paid for.

2. Finally, spend you free time figuring out how to automate the
maintenance of what you already have, (ie whatever it takes to reduce the
amount of time you spend on maintenance) and make those changes so the time
spend on maintenance goes down.


On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 8:23 AM, JD Austin wrote:

 Hi Pete,
 First of all 'Adding new features' is NOT maintenance; did you agree to
 implementing new features as part of your maintenance agreement?.  $15/hour
 is not even close to industry standard.
 You are correct.. it is not worth the time you're spending on it.  I would
 immediately 're-clarify' what you're willing to do for the small amount
 they're paying you; specifically stop creating new features and only
 maintain what you've already created (bug fixes and OS related updates
 only) .  If they want more then it's time to re-negotiate.

 I understand with glaring clarity that I'm am replaceable and know making
 demands never works.

 Anyone they bring in will have to climb the learning curve of the code
 you've created; you're not as replaceable as you think.  I would say don't
 make threats or demands... just be open and honest with them about it.  If
 it were me I would simply state that while you've added new features
 without demanding additional compensation in the past that doing so has
 become a barrier to the success of your business due to the increasing
 amount of time involved and that you can no longer continue to do so.  Say
 you'll continue to support the application you've created for them as
 agreed for the price agreed but that support does not include implementing
 new features.

 Don't feel too bad... I've made the same mistake you have Pete... I tried
 to be 'the low price leader' for way too long   :)
 Charge at least 7 - 10 times what you're charging them; think 'if I had to
 take myself out of the equation how much would I have to spend on a
 competent programmer to do so'   ( is a good indicator).  I too
 was stuck in a situation where I couldn't even hire someone to take over
 the work that was killing my business; bad situation to be in :(


 On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 11:52 PM, AZ Pete wrote:

  Hi All,

 First of all thanks to those folks who responded with some helpful points.
 To clarify some of the questions asked:

 I understand with glaring clarity that I'm am replaceable and know making
 demands never works.  Over the years, the company's revenue has increased.
 But also over the years, I've spent more time adding features. It was
 probably my fault for not clearly detailing how much time I'd spend adding
 features  functionality versus just maintaining the existing application.
 Last year I did a bit of calculation on how much time I spend on
 maintaining and improving the application versus my percentage of revenue
 compensation and I came to a rate of about $15/hour.

 While in the very beginning of this project, I did it more for the
 learning of building a large application and the money was a nice side job.
 But now, it seems the hours got longer (due to significantly increased code
 base) and the pay didn't keep pace.  At ~$15/hr it's just not worth the
 time to keep staying on the project.  However, to get the compensation to a
 more market-rate level seems very difficult.  The revenues for this
 business market (its academia  government) has been going steady down (the
 owner must keep lowering bids each year to get a contract). Looking at the
 numbers coming in, if he had to pay me a market-rate for programming, his
 IT budget would double or more and the business would go under.  Which
 leads me to think that perhaps this isn't a viable business anymore if one
 can't make enough income to cover the costs of infrastructure.

 Maybe it's time to let this one go...

 Thanks for letting me rant!


 On 7/9/2012 8:01 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I don't quite understand what is going on.

 Has their gross revenue remained flat for all these years, do you are not
 making add much as before? Or, are you now thinking that the percentage is
 too low?

 Are you spending more time maintaining their servers and performing
 updates than when you started? Are you creating new functionality for them?

 On Jul 9, 2012 7:16 PM, AZ Pete wrote:

  Hi All,

 I'm in a bit of a quandary about fees I'm receiving from a long time
 client and thought I'd tap the PLUG brain-trust to get some input.

 This situation is this:

 A few years ago I developed a PHP application that a client uses to run

Re: OT: Software Licensing Fees

2012-07-09 Thread Mark Phillips
I don't quite understand what is going on.

Has their gross revenue remained flat for all these years, do you are not
making add much as before? Or, are you now thinking that the percentage is
too low?

Are you spending more time maintaining their servers and performing updates
than when you started? Are you creating new functionality for them?

On Jul 9, 2012 7:16 PM, AZ Pete wrote:

  Hi All,

 I'm in a bit of a quandary about fees I'm receiving from a long time
 client and thought I'd tap the PLUG brain-trust to get some input.

 This situation is this:

 A few years ago I developed a PHP application that a client uses to run
 their business (its a typical LAMP platform). Without getting into tedious
 details, this software application is used to run their entire business.
 It is understood that the software ownship resides with me and they are
 paying for its use - licensing it, if you will.  At the start of this
 project, we agreed upon a certain percentage of gross revenue that I would
 receive as payment for use of this software.

 In return, I would maintain the software, provide various updates or
 additions, and some light server admin work to keep the application
 running.  This arrangement has been working quite well and the business
 relationship is excellent. However, I feel now that the percentage I
 receive is too low (it hasn't been changed since the start of this
 venture).  I have broached the subject of having to update our arrangement,
 but was met with some resistance.

 I wanted to ask fellow consultants/contractor/software devs what is the
 going rate for such an arrangement.
 Namely, if you are licensing a software product to a client for their use,
 what is a reasonable percentage of gross revenue a business should expect
 to pay. Especially, a software product that is the core component of their
 business without which the business wouldn't exist.

 Any thoughts would be *very* appreciated.


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Re: Looking for Router Suggestions

2012-07-06 Thread Mark Phillips

It sounds like a fun project! I am very tempted...

However, I found this one - for $80. It
has wireless, but I can just turn it off. A 480 MHz processor, and dd-wrt
installed and tested with openvpn. I haven't priced out your parts list,
but I would be surprised if it comes to less than $80. Also, I think the
netgear router will consume less power and space in my crowded cable
closet (aka the top shelf in my cupboard).

Answers to your questions -
I need a total of 20 gigabit LAN ports for my network. Currently, I have
two 8 port gigabit switches, and 4 10/100 ports on my current BEFSX41
router. I want to upgrade the router for open vpn, and gigabit speeds. So
the router is also a switch.

What is the advantage of running the whole thing virtualized?

But still, the fun of building this little project may outweigh the high
costs ($ and amps).


On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 11:10 PM, James Dugger james.dug...@gmail.comwrote:

 MSI Micro ATX board with Athlon II processor w/ 4 PCI slots (or 2 PCI and
 2 PCIE)
 4 gigabit NIC cards
 IDE or SATA to Compact Flash  Adaptor
 Compact flash 2GB memory - install Linux or Router based distro on CF card
 or USB memory stick
 External power 120v to 12v transformer w/ mono power converter
 Small micro case
 Set BIOS to boot CF Card or USB Memory stick
 Ubuntu 10.04 or 12.04 LTS server minimum install
  - Install Openssh
  - Firewall
  - OpenVPN
  - iptables

 Basically you are building an edge router/vpnserver.  There are a lot of
 instructions to build a high end router/openvpn system using a minimum box
 configuration.  The mobo  chip and RAM maybe overkill but smaller ATOM
 based boards probably won't have 4 PCI slots.  you should be able to pick
 up these for very reasonable cost compared to a higher end router.  Do you
 need all 4 - 1 gigabit connections to the router or can the connections to
 the VPN be shared off of one or two NICs?  OpenVPN needs a minimum of 2
 NIC's  (Unless you have set up virtual network adaptors and bridged them
 together).  Are you dedicating each user to a NIC for speed?  If not you
 could allocate the 4 users to a NIC and connect the router/vpnserver to a 4
 port gigabit switch.

 I'm sure there are a number of the ways to do this and there even might be
 fairly high end router for a good deal but most will also have built in
 wireless as well.  to find a dedicated wired only higher end router you may
 pay as much as the system I just outlined and it would be no where near the
 capabilities of the above system unless it was a lot more expensive.

 I'm sure that there are others here with a lot more experience with
 consumer and enterprise level equipment then myself but I have had success
 with the above. Also keep in mind that the Athlon II is 64bit with SVM
 built in for virtualization.  With additional memory you could run the
 whole thing virtualized using KVM or VMware.

 Good Luck!

 On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 7:53 PM, Mark Phillips 

 I am looking for a router with the following characteristics:
 * No wifi
 * 4 gigabit LAN ports
 * 1 WAN port to connect to my Cox Cable Modem
 * 400 MHZ+ processor so I can run OpenVPN SSL for a max of 4  remote
 users to access the LAN at the same time.

 The last point comes from reading various forums about running openvpn on
 the router, and they all say get the fastest possible cpu. I probably have
 to run dd-wrt on the router to get openvpn running on the router, but I am
 open to other options (most of the open source router packages support
 openvpn, so anyone will do).



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Re: Looking for Router Suggestions

2012-07-06 Thread Mark Phillips

I queried FlashRouters if they require any vpn or dynamic dns services, or
if they modify the dd-wrt firmware in any way, and got this response:

VPN and DNS service are not required at all, however it is quite simple to
integrate them with DD-WRT routers.
We load tested, stable DD-WRT builds onto the device, we do not modify the
actual firmware.

Have you had a bad experience with FlashRouters?


On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Dazed_75 wrote:

 Be sure to look at the fine print.  They are setting that router to work
 with a specific provider of what I think is dynamic DNS and offer special
 encryption at fee that can come to about $10/month.

 On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Mark Phillips


 It sounds like a fun project! I am very tempted...

 However, I found this one - for $80.
 It has wireless, but I can just turn it off. A 480 MHz processor, and
 dd-wrt installed and tested with openvpn. I haven't priced out your parts
 list, but I would be surprised if it comes to less than $80. Also, I think
 the netgear router will consume less power and space in my crowded cable
 closet (aka the top shelf in my cupboard).

 Answers to your questions -
 I need a total of 20 gigabit LAN ports for my network. Currently, I have
 two 8 port gigabit switches, and 4 10/100 ports on my current BEFSX41
 router. I want to upgrade the router for open vpn, and gigabit speeds. So
 the router is also a switch.

 What is the advantage of running the whole thing virtualized?

 But still, the fun of building this little project may outweigh the high
 costs ($ and amps).


 On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 11:10 PM, James Dugger james.dug...@gmail.comwrote:

 MSI Micro ATX board with Athlon II processor w/ 4 PCI slots (or 2 PCI
 and 2 PCIE)
 4 gigabit NIC cards
 IDE or SATA to Compact Flash  Adaptor
 Compact flash 2GB memory - install Linux or Router based distro on CF
 card or USB memory stick
 External power 120v to 12v transformer w/ mono power converter
 Small micro case
 Set BIOS to boot CF Card or USB Memory stick
 Ubuntu 10.04 or 12.04 LTS server minimum install
  - Install Openssh
  - Firewall
  - OpenVPN
  - iptables

 Basically you are building an edge router/vpnserver.  There are a lot of
 instructions to build a high end router/openvpn system using a minimum box
 configuration.  The mobo  chip and RAM maybe overkill but smaller ATOM
 based boards probably won't have 4 PCI slots.  you should be able to pick
 up these for very reasonable cost compared to a higher end router.  Do you
 need all 4 - 1 gigabit connections to the router or can the connections to
 the VPN be shared off of one or two NICs?  OpenVPN needs a minimum of 2
 NIC's  (Unless you have set up virtual network adaptors and bridged them
 together).  Are you dedicating each user to a NIC for speed?  If not you
 could allocate the 4 users to a NIC and connect the router/vpnserver to a 4
 port gigabit switch.

 I'm sure there are a number of the ways to do this and there even might
 be fairly high end router for a good deal but most will also have built in
 wireless as well.  to find a dedicated wired only higher end router you may
 pay as much as the system I just outlined and it would be no where near the
 capabilities of the above system unless it was a lot more expensive.

 I'm sure that there are others here with a lot more experience with
 consumer and enterprise level equipment then myself but I have had success
 with the above. Also keep in mind that the Athlon II is 64bit with SVM
 built in for virtualization.  With additional memory you could run the
 whole thing virtualized using KVM or VMware.

 Good Luck!

 On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 7:53 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I am looking for a router with the following characteristics:
 * No wifi
 * 4 gigabit LAN ports
 * 1 WAN port to connect to my Cox Cable Modem
 * 400 MHZ+ processor so I can run OpenVPN SSL for a max of 4  remote
 users to access the LAN at the same time.

 The last point comes from reading various forums about running openvpn
 on the router, and they all say get the fastest possible cpu. I probably
 have to run dd-wrt on the router to get openvpn running on the router, but
 I am open to other options (most of the open source router packages support
 openvpn, so anyone will do).



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Re: Looking for Router Suggestions

2012-07-06 Thread Mark Phillips

I agree with all that you wrote. However,

* I don't have a spare P3
* I have some old laptops, but no dual nic ones
* I don't have space in my cable shelf to anything bigger than my current
BEFSX41 firewall/router
* The shelf is up high in a rather warm room and the 2 switches, and it
gets a little toasty in there in the summer.

A real computer is the best technical solution, but not feasible in my set

Thanks for the idea!


On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

 I run IPCop as a VM (presently VMware, soon to be KVM).

 IPCop has everything you're looking for in a prebuilt distro. Any ol'
 PentiumIII or greater should do, with 2 nics. IPCop provides all of the
 network services you'll likely ever need, and then some.

 You really only need 2 nics (WAN/LAN) on the firewall. I think it'd be
 more appropriate (easier, cheaper) to add another GigE switch to what you
 have. They can be chained together of course.

 On 07/05/2012 11:10 PM, James Dugger wrote:

 MSI Micro ATX board with Athlon II processor w/ 4 PCI slots (or 2 PCI
 and 2 PCIE)
 4 gigabit NIC cards
 IDE or SATA to Compact Flash  Adaptor
 Compact flash 2GB memory - install Linux or Router based distro on CF
 card or USB memory stick
 External power 120v to 12v transformer w/ mono power converter
 Small micro case
 Set BIOS to boot CF Card or USB Memory stick
 Ubuntu 10.04 or 12.04 LTS server minimum install
   - Install Openssh
   - Firewall
   - OpenVPN
   - iptables

 Basically you are building an edge router/vpnserver.  There are a lot of
 instructions to build a high end router/openvpn system using a minimum
 box configuration.  The mobo  chip and RAM maybe overkill but smaller
 ATOM based boards probably won't have 4 PCI slots.  you should be able
 to pick up these for very reasonable cost compared to a higher end
 router.  Do you need all 4 - 1 gigabit connections to the router or can
 the connections to the VPN be shared off of one or two NICs?  OpenVPN
 needs a minimum of 2 NIC's  (Unless you have set up virtual network
 adaptors and bridged them together).  Are you dedicating each user to a
 NIC for speed?  If not you could allocate the 4 users to a NIC and
 connect the router/vpnserver to a 4 port gigabit switch.

 I'm sure there are a number of the ways to do this and there even might
 be fairly high end router for a good deal but most will also have built
 in wireless as well.  to find a dedicated wired only higher end router
 you may pay as much as the system I just outlined and it would be no
 where near the capabilities of the above system unless it was a lot more

 I'm sure that there are others here with a lot more experience with
 consumer and enterprise level equipment then myself but I have had
 success with the above. Also keep in mind that the Athlon II is 64bit
 with SVM built in for virtualization.  With additional memory you could
 run the whole thing virtualized using KVM or VMware.

 Good Luck!

 On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 7:53 PM, Mark Phillips 

 I am looking for a router with the following characteristics:
 * No wifi
 * 4 gigabit LAN ports
 * 1 WAN port to connect to my Cox Cable Modem
 * 400 MHZ+ processor so I can run OpenVPN SSL for a max of 4  remote
 users to access the LAN at the same time.

 The last point comes from reading various forums about running
 openvpn on the router, and they all say get the fastest possible
 cpu. I probably have to run dd-wrt on the router to get openvpn
 running on the router, but I am open to other options (most of the
 open source router packages support openvpn, so anyone will do).



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Re: Looking for Router Suggestions

2012-07-06 Thread Mark Phillips
So do I.

Except, when I look here- it
looks pretty shabby compared to other routers. The Linksys E4200 looks
pretty good, is a little more expensive, but almost twice the WAN-LAN
throughput. The only drawbacks I can see are (1) some reviewers say it runs
hot, but if I disable the readios that may not be an issue and (2) it seems
to be more difficult to reflash with dd-wrt than the 3500L.



On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Stephen wrote:

 I still really like that router.

 On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Dazed_75 wrote:
  Nope.  I followed the link from the earlier message and read
  on their web site:
  Note: VPN capabilities are only available to VPN subscribers. We work
  OverPlayVPN to make this process simple and easy for beginners. A DD-WRT
  router may be used to set up a VPN connection from a different
 provider, but
  only if they offer support. We currently will only preset the router for
  OverPlayVPN users.
  The I followed the link to OverPlayVPN and read about the services and
  costs.  I know dd-wrt will do OpenVPN without a commercial service.  I
  was concerned you had not noticed that blurb of theirs.
  On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 3:36 PM, Mark Phillips
  I queried FlashRouters if they require any vpn or dynamic dns services,
  if they modify the dd-wrt firmware in any way, and got this response:
  VPN and DNS service are not required at all, however it is quite simple
  to integrate them with DD-WRT routers.
  We load tested, stable DD-WRT builds onto the device, we do not modify
  actual firmware.
  Have you had a bad experience with FlashRouters?
  On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Dazed_75 wrote:
  Be sure to look at the fine print.  They are setting that router to
  with a specific provider of what I think is dynamic DNS and offer
  encryption at fee that can come to about $10/month.
  On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:
  It sounds like a fun project! I am very tempted...
  However, I found this one - for
 $80. It
  has wireless, but I can just turn it off. A 480 MHz processor, and
  installed and tested with openvpn. I haven't priced out your parts
 list, but
  I would be surprised if it comes to less than $80. Also, I think the
  router will consume less power and space in my crowded cable closet
  the top shelf in my cupboard).
  Answers to your questions -
  I need a total of 20 gigabit LAN ports for my network. Currently, I
  two 8 port gigabit switches, and 4 10/100 ports on my current BEFSX41
  router. I want to upgrade the router for open vpn, and gigabit
 speeds. So
  the router is also a switch.
  What is the advantage of running the whole thing virtualized?
 A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
 rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

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Looking for Router Suggestions

2012-07-05 Thread Mark Phillips
I am looking for a router with the following characteristics:
* No wifi
* 4 gigabit LAN ports
* 1 WAN port to connect to my Cox Cable Modem
* 400 MHZ+ processor so I can run OpenVPN SSL for a max of 4  remote users
to access the LAN at the same time.

The last point comes from reading various forums about running openvpn on
the router, and they all say get the fastest possible cpu. I probably have
to run dd-wrt on the router to get openvpn running on the router, but I am
open to other options (most of the open source router packages support
openvpn, so anyone will do).


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Re: Networking Question Regarding Gigbit Ethernet

2012-07-02 Thread Mark Phillips

Thanks for the suggestion. The servers do have static IPs, and the box in
question got its IP from my DHCP server. I looked for possible IP collision
and didn't find any. I also tried giving the box a fixed IP, and no change.


On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 8:21 PM, Kenn wrote:

 Forgive if this has already been asked/checked ... you mentioned servers,
 which I assume are on static IP's, is this storage box as well? Could it be
 using an IP already in use, or the wrong subnet, or grabbing an IP from a
 range you've reserved? It probably wouldn't work at all if it was, just
 thought I'd throw it out there.


 --- On *Sun, 7/1/12, Mark Phillips* wrote:

 From: Mark Phillips
 Subject: Networking Question Regarding Gigbit Ethernet
 To: Phoenix Linux Users
 Date: Sunday, July 1, 2012, 1:44 PM

 I have a 100baseT network with several Debian servers, a mac book, and
 some virtual windows. I just picked up a Western Digital My Book Live (MBL)
 2TB NAS at Costco, and powered it up on my network. The unit is just
 sitting with its green light on, and the web interface is really slow. When
 I ping the device, it shows somewhere from 50% to 86% packet loss. If I
 ping any other computer on the network I have 0% packet loss. I have tried
 moving the device to different physical plugs, and I get the same results.

 ping results for the MBL from server A:
 --- ping statistics ---
 330 packets transmitted, 152 received, 53% packet loss, time 329555ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.208/0.273/0.650/0.048 ms

 --- ping statistics from server B ---
 254 packets transmitted, 120 received, 52% packet loss, time 252998ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.196/0.264/2.499/0.206 ms

 ping results for  server A to B:
 --- ping statistics ---
 340 packets transmitted, 340 received, 0% packet loss, time 338996ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.080/0.177/0.246/0.030 ms

 The device says gigabit Ethernet next to the Ethernet port. Is there any
 reason I can't connect a gigabit Ethernet device to a 100baseT network
 other than the obvious speed difference? Should I see all this packet loss?
 This is actually the second unit I have tried - the first one acted the
 same way, so I took it back. I am now wondering if I am doing something



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Networking Question Regarding Gigbit Ethernet

2012-07-01 Thread Mark Phillips
I have a 100baseT network with several Debian servers, a mac book, and some
virtual windows. I just picked up a Western Digital My Book Live (MBL) 2TB
NAS at Costco, and powered it up on my network. The unit is just sitting
with its green light on, and the web interface is really slow. When I ping
the device, it shows somewhere from 50% to 86% packet loss. If I ping any
other computer on the network I have 0% packet loss. I have tried moving
the device to different physical plugs, and I get the same results.

ping results for the MBL from server A:
--- ping statistics ---
330 packets transmitted, 152 received, 53% packet loss, time 329555ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.208/0.273/0.650/0.048 ms

--- ping statistics from server B ---
254 packets transmitted, 120 received, 52% packet loss, time 252998ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.196/0.264/2.499/0.206 ms

ping results for  server A to B:
--- ping statistics ---
340 packets transmitted, 340 received, 0% packet loss, time 338996ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.080/0.177/0.246/0.030 ms

The device says gigabit Ethernet next to the Ethernet port. Is there any
reason I can't connect a gigabit Ethernet device to a 100baseT network
other than the obvious speed difference? Should I see all this packet loss?
This is actually the second unit I have tried - the first one acted the
same way, so I took it back. I am now wondering if I am doing something


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Re: Networking Question Regarding Gigbit Ethernet

2012-07-01 Thread Mark Phillips
How do I use ethtool to answer your question?


On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:52 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 What does ethtool tell you about what the interface thinks it is?

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Mark Phillips

 I have a 100baseT network with several Debian servers, a mac book, and
 some virtual windows. I just picked up a Western Digital My Book Live (MBL)
 2TB NAS at Costco, and powered it up on my network. The unit is just
 sitting with its green light on, and the web interface is really slow. When
 I ping the device, it shows somewhere from 50% to 86% packet loss. If I
 ping any other computer on the network I have 0% packet loss. I have tried
 moving the device to different physical plugs, and I get the same results.

 ping results for the MBL from server A:
 --- ping statistics ---
 330 packets transmitted, 152 received, 53% packet loss, time 329555ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.208/0.273/0.650/0.048 ms

 --- ping statistics from server B ---
 254 packets transmitted, 120 received, 52% packet loss, time 252998ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.196/0.264/2.499/0.206 ms

 ping results for  server A to B:
 --- ping statistics ---
 340 packets transmitted, 340 received, 0% packet loss, time 338996ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.080/0.177/0.246/0.030 ms

 The device says gigabit Ethernet next to the Ethernet port. Is there any
 reason I can't connect a gigabit Ethernet device to a 100baseT network
 other than the obvious speed difference? Should I see all this packet loss?
 This is actually the second unit I have tried - the first one acted the
 same way, so I took it back. I am now wondering if I am doing something



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Re: Networking Question Regarding Gigbit Ethernet

2012-07-01 Thread Mark Phillips
So I need to run this on the MLB?

On Jul 1, 2012 1:36 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 As such.  You need to use whatever eth device you have, of course.

 jmcphee@locus ~ :) $ sudo ethtool eth2
 Settings for eth2:
 Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
 Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
 1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
 Supported pause frame use: No
 Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
 Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
 1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
 Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
 Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
 Link partner advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
  100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
 Link partner advertised pause frame use: Symmetric
 Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
 Speed: 100Mb/s
 Duplex: Full
 Port: MII
 Transceiver: internal
 Auto-negotiation: on
 Supports Wake-on: pumbg
 Wake-on: g
 Current message level: 0x0033 (51)
drv probe ifdown ifup
 Link detected: yes

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Mark Phillips 

 How do I use ethtool to answer your question?


 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:52 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 What does ethtool tell you about what the interface thinks it is?

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I have a 100baseT network with several Debian servers, a mac book, and
 some virtual windows. I just picked up a Western Digital My Book Live (MBL)
 2TB NAS at Costco, and powered it up on my network. The unit is just
 sitting with its green light on, and the web interface is really slow. When
 I ping the device, it shows somewhere from 50% to 86% packet loss. If I
 ping any other computer on the network I have 0% packet loss. I have tried
 moving the device to different physical plugs, and I get the same results.

 ping results for the MBL from server A:
 --- ping statistics ---
 330 packets transmitted, 152 received, 53% packet loss, time 329555ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.208/0.273/0.650/0.048 ms

 --- ping statistics from server B ---
 254 packets transmitted, 120 received, 52% packet loss, time 252998ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.196/0.264/2.499/0.206 ms

 ping results for  server A to B:
 --- ping statistics ---
 340 packets transmitted, 340 received, 0% packet loss, time 338996ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.080/0.177/0.246/0.030 ms

 The device says gigabit Ethernet next to the Ethernet port. Is there
 any reason I can't connect a gigabit Ethernet device to a 100baseT network
 other than the obvious speed difference? Should I see all this packet loss?
 This is actually the second unit I have tried - the first one acted the
 same way, so I took it back. I am now wondering if I am doing something



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Re: Networking Question Regarding Gigbit Ethernet

2012-07-01 Thread Mark Phillips
I was able to ssh into the MBL and it has ethtool installed -

MyBookLive:~# ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
Supported ports: [ MII ]
Supported link modes:   10baseT/Full
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Full
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 100Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: MII
Transceiver: external
Auto-negotiation: on
Link detected: yes

So, it should work on 100baeT. Any thoughts on why I am loosing so many


On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Mark Phillips m...@phillipsmarketing.bizwrote:

 So I need to run this on the MLB?

 On Jul 1, 2012 1:36 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 As such.  You need to use whatever eth device you have, of course.

 jmcphee@locus ~ :) $ sudo ethtool eth2
 Settings for eth2:
 Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
 Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
 1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
 Supported pause frame use: No
 Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
 Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
 1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
 Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
 Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
 Link partner advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
  100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
 Link partner advertised pause frame use: Symmetric
 Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
 Speed: 100Mb/s
 Duplex: Full
 Port: MII
 Transceiver: internal
 Auto-negotiation: on
 Supports Wake-on: pumbg
 Wake-on: g
 Current message level: 0x0033 (51)
drv probe ifdown ifup
 Link detected: yes

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Mark Phillips

 How do I use ethtool to answer your question?


 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:52 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 What does ethtool tell you about what the interface thinks it is?

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I have a 100baseT network with several Debian servers, a mac book, and
 some virtual windows. I just picked up a Western Digital My Book Live 
 2TB NAS at Costco, and powered it up on my network. The unit is just
 sitting with its green light on, and the web interface is really slow. 
 I ping the device, it shows somewhere from 50% to 86% packet loss. If I
 ping any other computer on the network I have 0% packet loss. I have tried
 moving the device to different physical plugs, and I get the same results.

 ping results for the MBL from server A:
 --- ping statistics ---
 330 packets transmitted, 152 received, 53% packet loss, time 329555ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.208/0.273/0.650/0.048 ms

 --- ping statistics from server B ---
 254 packets transmitted, 120 received, 52% packet loss, time 252998ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.196/0.264/2.499/0.206 ms

 ping results for  server A to B:
 --- ping statistics ---
 340 packets transmitted, 340 received, 0% packet loss, time 338996ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.080/0.177/0.246/0.030 ms

 The device says gigabit Ethernet next to the Ethernet port. Is there
 any reason I can't connect a gigabit Ethernet device to a 100baseT network
 other than the obvious speed difference? Should I see all this packet 
 This is actually the second unit I have tried - the first one acted the
 same way, so I took it back. I am now wondering if I am doing something



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Re: Networking Question Regarding Gigbit Ethernet

2012-07-01 Thread Mark Phillips
There is no network speed setting in the device to limit it to 100baseT.

The cable came with the device, and I have tried other cables and ports -
no difference.

top on the device shows a perl process eating up about 93% of the cpu every
now and then. I can't seem to capture it -
top - 14:54:16 up  2:47,  2 users,  load average: 1.05, 1.11, 1.09
Tasks:  93 total,   1 running,  92 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.3%us,  0.7%sy,  0.3%ni, 98.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,
Mem:253632k total,   232896k used,20736k free,29184k buffers
Swap:   500608k total,30016k used,   470592k free,71808k cached

There is a firmware update avaialable, so I will run that and see if
anything improves. If not, then back to costco it goes!


On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Mike Bydalek wrote:

 Like I said, I've seen auto-negotiation sometimes go wonky, even in the
 cases where ethtool reports correctly. If everything in your network is
 okay except this device, hard code it to 100/full through the web UI.

 I would say its your switch, but you tried different ports. How about the
 cable? Swap with a known good one.  Process of elimination here.


 On Jul 1, 2012, at 2:39 PM, Mark Phillips

 I was able to ssh into the MBL and it has ethtool installed -

 MyBookLive:~# ethtool eth0
 Settings for eth0:
 Supported ports: [ MII ]
 Supported link modes:   10baseT/Full
 Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
 Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Full
 Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
 Speed: 100Mb/s
 Duplex: Full
 Port: MII
 Transceiver: external
 Auto-negotiation: on
 Link detected: yes

 So, it should work on 100baeT. Any thoughts on why I am loosing so many


 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Mark Phillips 

 So I need to run this on the MLB?

 On Jul 1, 2012 1:36 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 As such.  You need to use whatever eth device you have, of course.

 jmcphee@locus ~ :) $ sudo ethtool eth2
 Settings for eth2:
 Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
 Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
 1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
 Supported pause frame use: No
 Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
 Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
 1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
 Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
 Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
 Link partner advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
  100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
 Link partner advertised pause frame use: Symmetric
 Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
 Speed: 100Mb/s
 Duplex: Full
 Port: MII
 Transceiver: internal
 Auto-negotiation: on
 Supports Wake-on: pumbg
 Wake-on: g
 Current message level: 0x0033 (51)
drv probe ifdown ifup
 Link detected: yes

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 How do I use ethtool to answer your question?


 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:52 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 What does ethtool tell you about what the interface thinks it is?

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I have a 100baseT network with several Debian servers, a mac book,
 and some virtual windows. I just picked up a Western Digital My Book Live
 (MBL) 2TB NAS at Costco, and powered it up on my network. The unit is 
 sitting with its green light on, and the web interface is really slow. 
 I ping the device, it shows somewhere from 50% to 86% packet loss. If I
 ping any other computer on the network I have 0% packet loss. I have 
 moving the device to different physical plugs, and I get the same 

 ping results for the MBL from server A:
 --- ping statistics ---
 330 packets transmitted, 152 received, 53% packet loss, time 329555ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.208/0.273/0.650/0.048 ms

 --- ping statistics from server B ---
 254 packets transmitted, 120 received, 52% packet loss, time 252998ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.196/0.264/2.499/0.206 ms

 ping results for  server A to B:
 --- ping statistics ---
 340 packets transmitted, 340 received, 0% packet loss, time 338996ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.080/0.177/0.246/0.030 ms

Re: Networking Question Regarding Gigbit Ethernet

2012-07-01 Thread Mark Phillips
The device is now updating the firmware..and there are no packets lost
on pings to the device or pings from the device.


On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Michael Butash wrote:

 Unless you have a managed switch, don't force negotiation, as it'll just
 cause the switch to run in 10base/half-duplex (lowest common denominator)
 when there is no negotiation advertised.  It's sitting in 100/full already,
 which is what you want.

 If you do ifconfig eth0, do you see any errors?  Collisions and CRC errors
 will stack if there is a negotiation problem.  Seems like either the switch
 or phy port on the mybook is wack, but doesn't make a lot of sense you'd
 lose that much anyways.  Try different switch port/cable if there are

 Have you tried pinging from the mbl itself to the gateway or other hosts?
  Could be they have some kind of input iptables filter
 rate-limiting/shaping packets or some such, but unlikely.


 On 07/01/2012 02:39 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I was able to ssh into the MBL and it has ethtool installed -

 MyBookLive:~# ethtool eth0
 Settings for eth0:
  Supported ports: [ MII ]
  Supported link modes:   10baseT/Full
  Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
  Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Full
  Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
  Speed: 100Mb/s
  Duplex: Full
  Port: MII
  PHYAD: 1
  Transceiver: external
  Auto-negotiation: on
  Link detected: yes

 So, it should work on 100baeT. Any thoughts on why I am loosing so many


 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Mark Phillips 

 So I need to run this on the MLB?


 On Jul 1, 2012 1:36 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 As such.  You need to use whatever eth device you have, of course.

 jmcphee@locus ~ :) $ sudo ethtool eth2
 Settings for eth2:
  Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
  Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
  100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
  1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
  Supported pause frame use: No
  Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
  Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
  100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
  1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
  Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
  Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
  Link partner advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half
  Link partner advertised pause frame use: Symmetric
  Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
  Speed: 100Mb/s
  Duplex: Full
  Port: MII
  PHYAD: 0
  Transceiver: internal
  Auto-negotiation: on
  Supports Wake-on: pumbg
  Wake-on: g
  Current message level: 0x0033 (51)
 drv probe ifdown ifup
  Link detected: yes

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Mark Phillips 


 How do I use ethtool to answer your question?


 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:52 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 What does ethtool tell you about what the interface
 thinks it is?

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Mark Phillips

 I have a 100baseT network with several Debian
 servers, a mac book, and some virtual windows. I
 just picked up a Western Digital My Book Live (MBL)
 2TB NAS at Costco, and powered it up on my network.
 The unit is just sitting with its green light on,
 and the web interface is really slow. When I ping
 the device, it shows somewhere from 50% to 86%
 packet loss. If I ping any other computer on the
 network I have 0% packet loss. I have tried moving
 the device to different physical plugs

Re: Networking Question Regarding Gigbit Ethernet

2012-07-01 Thread Mark Phillips
Well, the update finished, but I am still getting over 50% packet loss when
I ping the device. I guess back to costco it goes.


On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Mark Phillips m...@phillipsmarketing.bizwrote:

 The device is now updating the firmware..and there are no packets lost
 on pings to the device or pings from the device.


 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Michael Butash wrote:

 Unless you have a managed switch, don't force negotiation, as it'll just
 cause the switch to run in 10base/half-duplex (lowest common denominator)
 when there is no negotiation advertised.  It's sitting in 100/full already,
 which is what you want.

 If you do ifconfig eth0, do you see any errors?  Collisions and CRC
 errors will stack if there is a negotiation problem.  Seems like either the
 switch or phy port on the mybook is wack, but doesn't make a lot of sense
 you'd lose that much anyways.  Try different switch port/cable if there are

 Have you tried pinging from the mbl itself to the gateway or other hosts?
  Could be they have some kind of input iptables filter
 rate-limiting/shaping packets or some such, but unlikely.


 On 07/01/2012 02:39 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I was able to ssh into the MBL and it has ethtool installed -

 MyBookLive:~# ethtool eth0
 Settings for eth0:
  Supported ports: [ MII ]
  Supported link modes:   10baseT/Full
  Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
  Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Full
  Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
  Speed: 100Mb/s
  Duplex: Full
  Port: MII
  PHYAD: 1
  Transceiver: external
  Auto-negotiation: on
  Link detected: yes

 So, it should work on 100baeT. Any thoughts on why I am loosing so many


 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Mark Phillips 

 So I need to run this on the MLB?


 On Jul 1, 2012 1:36 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 As such.  You need to use whatever eth device you have, of

 jmcphee@locus ~ :) $ sudo ethtool eth2
 Settings for eth2:
  Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
  Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
  100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
  1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
  Supported pause frame use: No
  Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
  Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
  100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
  1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
  Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
  Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
  Link partner advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half
  Link partner advertised pause frame use: Symmetric
  Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
  Speed: 100Mb/s
  Duplex: Full
  Port: MII
  PHYAD: 0
  Transceiver: internal
  Auto-negotiation: on
  Supports Wake-on: pumbg
  Wake-on: g
  Current message level: 0x0033 (51)
 drv probe ifdown ifup
  Link detected: yes

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Mark Phillips 


 How do I use ethtool to answer your question?


 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:52 PM, James Mcphee wrote:

 What does ethtool tell you about what the interface
 thinks it is?

 On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Mark Phillips

 I have a 100baseT network with several Debian
 servers, a mac book, and some virtual windows. I
 just picked up a Western Digital My Book Live (MBL)
 2TB NAS at Costco, and powered it up on my network.
 The unit is just sitting with its green light on,
 and the web interface is really slow. When I ping
 the device, it shows somewhere

Re: Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-28 Thread Mark Phillips
The results so far

running exim4, cups, apache2, openvpns, and ntp, resutled in
5349 packets transmitted, 5349 received, 0% packet loss, time 53480414ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.101/0.207/3.027/0.050 ms

So the problem is in one of these applications

I will set up a test tonight for these bad boys.


On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:58 AM, Mark Phillips


 I am running another test now, with the following services running


 I will keep you posted.


 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Carruth, Rusty wrote:

 Well, I had to ask J

 ** **

 I’d say its ‘divide and conquer time’ like I suggested earlier – enable
 half (approx) of the services and run the test.  If it passes, turn those
 off and then turn on the other half, rerun test.  If it passes, life gets
 hard, and I’m going to ignore that possibility for now!  Whichever test
 fails, repeat the above with that reduced set of services.

 ** **

 If both halves pass, then there is some interaction between the services,
 and it’s not so easy as divide and conquer.   (but of course, if a service
 depends upon another one to be fully functional (apache and mysql are
 likely examples) then you’ll have to keep those services together till the
 bitter end (as it were)).

 ** **

 However, there is still hope someone here has another idea…

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Mark
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:12 AM

 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Subject:* Re: Strange Server Behavior

 ** **


 The test was run from 11 PM to 7 AM, so no one in my house was doing
 anything but sawing logs, as far as I know. Yes, teenagers tend to stay up
 late, but I would have heard the tv. I don't think any of the other
 machines are really doing anything at that time as well.

 I don't think anyone is using my wifiI have a 64 character key for
 AES and mac address filter for security. Yes, I know one can eaily spoof
 the mac address thing, but it keeps some out. I also have not seen anything
 strange in the logs.

 Rsync is a good idea, but I agree - fragile, lots to set up, but maybe
 worth a thought if nfs tends to be the problem. Maybe a script to check if
 a local folder has changed, and then rsync it


 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Carruth, Rusty wrote:

 Well, NFS server is less likely (I think!) to cause momentary freezes
 than the client, but samba MIGHT be an idea.  Hopefully someone else here
 has more experience with the server side of things, or maybe google would


 On the upload video thing – if you wanted to go to a lot of work, you
 could put directories on each computer that periodically get rsync’d (or
 whatever) to the server, so that the family members only need to copy the
 movie to the directory on their machine and it will automatically get
 copied across.  But that may be more work and fragility than you want J
 (and might make you more expendable!).  but that could get rid of nfs or
 samba or any such thing.  Probably not worth doing if NFS isn’t’ the issue
 J, so I’d say turn on half the processes and see what happens, as I
 mentioned before..


 Thinking about the system for a bit – first the schedule of when things
 freeze.  Does it line up with anything being done on the client machines?
 On the TV? What ‘absolute time’ (wall clock time) were those 38 incidents
 at?  (If clients do something every 30 minutes, and they are out of sync
 with each other, that might explain the variability of the hiccup timing)


 Going a bit further afield: Have you verified that nobody is using your
 wifi for any nefarious purposes?  


 Just some random thoughts…




 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Mark
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:47 AM

 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Subject:* Re: Strange Server Behavior


 I only installed nfs because I started to use this server as a media
 server, and I wanted my family to be able to add movies to the movie folder
 on the server. Mediatomb then scans the folder and makes the movies
 available on our nifty wifi enabled TV. 

 Would samba be a better choice? The other computers on the network are
 mac, windows, ubuntu. However, the windoes user has a low probability of
 adding any movies by herself;) (no gender bashing here.I live with
 four wonderful women, and one of them is a complete techo-phobe, and she is
 proud of it.but that helps keep me around, so all is good with the


Re: Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-27 Thread Mark Phillips
Some more pieces to the puzzle...

I ran the same ping test last night (laptop to server), but stopped the
following services on the server:

And there were no packets lost!

2802 packets transmitted, 2802 received, 0% packet loss, time 28010243ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.063/0.157/0.319/0.033 ms

This is all that was running:
root 1  0.0  0.0   2036   736 ?Ss   Jun25   0:01 init [2]
root 2  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [kthreadd]
root 3  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root 4  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root 5  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root 6  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [events/0]
root 7  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [cpuset]
root 8  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [khelper]
root 9  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [netns]
root10  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [async/mgr]
root11  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [pm]
root12  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root13  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root14  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root15  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [kblockd/0]
root16  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [kacpid]
root17  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root18  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root19  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [kseriod]
root21  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root22  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root23  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [kswapd0]
root24  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SN   Jun25   0:00 [ksmd]
root25  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [aio/0]
root26  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [crypto/0]
root   154  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
root   155  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [khubd]
root   157  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [ata/0]

So, perhaps I don't have a hardware problem, but a software problem?


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:02 PM, Stephen wrote:

 What about pings from the server? Also my paranoia about this would have
 me checking the arp tables to see if the ip address is getting
 mis-somethinged. Also see if uou can make a task that will wrife to a file
 once every qp sex and see if the server is falling asleep or if it is
 network related.  It may be nic or switch for example.
 On Jun 26, 2012 7:42 PM, Mark Phillips

 My ping test is not what I expected but still shows a problem.

 I setup the test to ping (64 bytes, ttl =64) the problem server every 10
 seconds from my laptop. Both are plugged in, on the same subnet. The boxes
 are about 5 feet apart. Here are the results:

 3434 packets transmitted, 3307 received, 3% packet loss, time 34336321ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.100/0.231/4.332/0.275 ms

 I found 38 instances where the time stamps for the pings hiccuped and
 there was a delay. Each hiccup lasted (min/avg/max) 10/44/70 seconds. The
 time between hiccups was (min/avg/max) 1:20/14:29/29:00 minutes.

 I grep'd the log files for messages around these 38 incidents, but did
 not find any messages in any of the logs. However this is not a good test,
 so I just trolled the logs and didn't find anything significant.

 Do these numbers strike a chord with anyone?

 I will check the caps on the MB later this week.

 I looked in syslog, and could not find any correlation with the 38
 hiccups. However, what do these two cron jobs do, since the run quite
 CMD (   cd /  run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
 CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ]  [ -d /var/lib/php5 ]  find
 /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -delete)

 A search through the log files for error does not return anything

 Since apache and few other apps were running on the server, I will run
 the ping test again tonight after I kill everything on the server.



 On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Carruth, Rusty wrote:

 Curious how your test turned out.

 ** **

 You may also want to run an iostat to a file and see if that correlates
 to the slow responses.

 ** **

 However, that ‘bulging capacitor’ thing others have

Re: Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-27 Thread Mark Phillips

Great ideas...more tests for the morning!

On Jun 26, 2012 9:02 PM, Stephen wrote:

 What about pings from the server? Also my paranoia about this would have
 me checking the arp tables to see if the ip address is getting
 mis-somethinged. Also see if uou can make a task that will wrife to a file
 once every qp sex and see if the server is falling asleep or if it is
 network related.  It may be nic or switch for example.
 On Jun 26, 2012 7:42 PM, Mark Phillips

 My ping test is not what I expected but still shows a problem.

 I setup the test to ping (64 bytes, ttl =64) the problem server every 10
 seconds from my laptop. Both are plugged in, on the same subnet. The boxes
 are about 5 feet apart. Here are the results:

 3434 packets transmitted, 3307 received, 3% packet loss, time 34336321ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.100/0.231/4.332/0.275 ms

 I found 38 instances where the time stamps for the pings hiccuped and
 there was a delay. Each hiccup lasted (min/avg/max) 10/44/70 seconds. The
 time between hiccups was (min/avg/max) 1:20/14:29/29:00 minutes.

 I grep'd the log files for messages around these 38 incidents, but did
 not find any messages in any of the logs. However this is not a good test,
 so I just trolled the logs and didn't find anything significant.

 Do these numbers strike a chord with anyone?

 I will check the caps on the MB later this week.

 I looked in syslog, and could not find any correlation with the 38
 hiccups. However, what do these two cron jobs do, since the run quite
 CMD (   cd /  run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
 CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ]  [ -d /var/lib/php5 ]  find
 /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -delete)

 A search through the log files for error does not return anything

 Since apache and few other apps were running on the server, I will run
 the ping test again tonight after I kill everything on the server.



 On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Carruth, Rusty wrote:

 Curious how your test turned out.

 ** **

 You may also want to run an iostat to a file and see if that correlates
 to the slow responses.

 ** **

 However, that ‘bulging capacitor’ thing others have mentioned sounds
 like a pretty convincing coincidence, as it were….

 ** **

 (I will say that USUALLY I’d agree with JD – Iobound or low RAM (and
 thus iobound on swap space) are the only things I’ve seen that cause
 unresponsiveness (never seen an overheat slow it down, usually it just dies
 suddenly.  I probably get fast overheating and not slow increases in heat
 levels J)

 ** **

 OH!  WAIT!  I just remembered another event – and it WON’T show up in
 normal performance logs.  If ‘you’ send a command to a disk drive, and it
 goes busy for a long time, your system can become totally locked until the
 timeout happens and the kernel gives up.  (If that happens, there SHOULD be
 a timeout recorded in the syslog or /var/log/messages.  Check there for
 timeouts on disk drives or hard resets or such).  (I know this because of
 where I work J)  (Disk drives are supposed to acknowledge the command
 almost immediately.  It is almost always a bad thing when the drive takes
 the command but does not finish the initial command handshake sequence…
 You might want to look at the S.M.A.R.T. attributes for your drives as well
 to see if any of them are showing ‘pre-fail’ conditions)

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Mark
 *Sent:* Monday, June 25, 2012 10:13 PM
 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Subject:* Re: Strange Server Behavior

 ** **

 Right now, the server is not doing anything but sitting there

 Tasks:  98 total,   1 running,  97 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,
 Mem:   1033780k total,   217560k used,   816220k free, 6220k buffers
 Swap:  2019320k total,0k used,  2019320k free,94056k cached

 Plenty of swap, not very busy. It may be over heating, but not sure why.

 I am going to run a test tonight - ping every 10 seconds and time stamp
 the output into a file. Perhaps I will see gaps or unusually long response
 times and I can correlate that with the log files.


 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:09 PM, JD Austin

 I've had servers that act like that.. usually they're over heating,
 completely I/O bound, or swapping due to low available memory. 

 ** **

 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Nope - everything just stops - ping waits for a response, web services
 just wait for the server, file transfers stop and if time
 just stopped for the server, then starts

Re: Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-27 Thread Mark Phillips
I only installed nfs because I started to use this server as a media
server, and I wanted my family to be able to add movies to the movie folder
on the server. Mediatomb then scans the folder and makes the movies
available on our nifty wifi enabled TV.

Would samba be a better choice? The other computers on the network are mac,
windows, ubuntu. However, the windoes user has a low probability of adding
any movies by herself;) (no gender bashing here.I live with four
wonderful women, and one of them is a complete techo-phobe, and she is
proud of it.but that helps keep me around, so all is good with the


On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Carruth, Rusty wrote:

 Personal guesses, YMMV, YKWYPFI (you know what you paid for it), etc:

 ** **

 If you don’t need NFS, leave it off.  When I saw it in  there I thought –
 oh, my.  For NFS clients, I know you can freeze a system when the server
 goes unresponsive.  Or I think I know that J

 ** **

 Of all those things, are there any you are NOT using?

 ** **

 Besides the ping test mentioned earlier, I suppose you could start
 dividing and conquering (turn back on half the items below, run the test.
 If passes, run the other half to verify that the mix of the other half will
 fail, THEN split the failing half in half and repeat).

 ** **

 I can’t recall if I’ve ever seen a hung printer hang cups enough to hang
 the entire system.  It will hang printing, of course, but…

 ** **

 In any case, yes it sounds like some sort of hw/sw interaction or maybe
 just sw.

 ** **

 Good luck, Mr Phelps!  ;-)

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Mark
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:51 AM

 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Subject:* Re: Strange Server Behavior

 ** **

 Some more pieces to the puzzle...

 I ran the same ping test last night (laptop to server), but stopped the
 following services on the server:

 And there were no packets lost!

 2802 packets transmitted, 2802 received, 0% packet loss, time 28010243ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.063/0.157/0.319/0.033 ms

 This is all that was running:
 root 1  0.0  0.0   2036   736 ?Ss   Jun25   0:01 init [2]
 root 2  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [kthreadd]
 root 3  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root 4  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root 5  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root 6  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [events/0]
 root 7  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [cpuset]
 root 8  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [khelper]
 root 9  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [netns]
 root10  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root11  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [pm]
 root12  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root13  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root14  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root15  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root16  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [kacpid]
 root17  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root18  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root19  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [kseriod]
 root21  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root22  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root23  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [kswapd0]
 root24  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SN   Jun25   0:00 [ksmd]
 root25  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [aio/0]
 root26  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [crypto/0]
 root   154  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00
 root   155  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [khubd]
 root   157  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?SJun25   0:00 [ata/0]

 So, perhaps I don't have a hardware problem, but a software problem?


 ** **

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Re: Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-27 Thread Mark Phillips

The test was run from 11 PM to 7 AM, so no one in my house was doing
anything but sawing logs, as far as I know. Yes, teenagers tend to stay up
late, but I would have heard the tv. I don't think any of the other
machines are really doing anything at that time as well.

I don't think anyone is using my wifiI have a 64 character key for AES
and mac address filter for security. Yes, I know one can eaily spoof the
mac address thing, but it keeps some out. I also have not seen anything
strange in the logs.

Rsync is a good idea, but I agree - fragile, lots to set up, but maybe
worth a thought if nfs tends to be the problem. Maybe a script to check if
a local folder has changed, and then rsync it


On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Carruth, Rusty wrote:

 Well, NFS server is less likely (I think!) to cause momentary freezes than
 the client, but samba MIGHT be an idea.  Hopefully someone else here has
 more experience with the server side of things, or maybe google would help.

 ** **

 On the upload video thing – if you wanted to go to a lot of work, you
 could put directories on each computer that periodically get rsync’d (or
 whatever) to the server, so that the family members only need to copy the
 movie to the directory on their machine and it will automatically get
 copied across.  But that may be more work and fragility than you want J
 (and might make you more expendable!).  but that could get rid of nfs or
 samba or any such thing.  Probably not worth doing if NFS isn’t’ the issue
 J, so I’d say turn on half the processes and see what happens, as I
 mentioned before..

 ** **

 Thinking about the system for a bit – first the schedule of when things
 freeze.  Does it line up with anything being done on the client machines?
 On the TV? What ‘absolute time’ (wall clock time) were those 38 incidents
 at?  (If clients do something every 30 minutes, and they are out of sync
 with each other, that might explain the variability of the hiccup timing)*

 ** **

 Going a bit further afield: Have you verified that nobody is using your
 wifi for any nefarious purposes?  

 ** **

 Just some random thoughts…

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Mark
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:47 AM

 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Subject:* Re: Strange Server Behavior

 ** **

 I only installed nfs because I started to use this server as a media
 server, and I wanted my family to be able to add movies to the movie folder
 on the server. Mediatomb then scans the folder and makes the movies
 available on our nifty wifi enabled TV.

 Would samba be a better choice? The other computers on the network are
 mac, windows, ubuntu. However, the windoes user has a low probability of
 adding any movies by herself;) (no gender bashing here.I live with
 four wonderful women, and one of them is a complete techo-phobe, and she is
 proud of it.but that helps keep me around, so all is good with the


 ** **

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Re: Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-27 Thread Mark Phillips

I am running another test now, with the following services running


I will keep you posted.


On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Carruth, Rusty wrote:

 Well, I had to ask J

 ** **

 I’d say its ‘divide and conquer time’ like I suggested earlier – enable
 half (approx) of the services and run the test.  If it passes, turn those
 off and then turn on the other half, rerun test.  If it passes, life gets
 hard, and I’m going to ignore that possibility for now!  Whichever test
 fails, repeat the above with that reduced set of services.

 ** **

 If both halves pass, then there is some interaction between the services,
 and it’s not so easy as divide and conquer.   (but of course, if a service
 depends upon another one to be fully functional (apache and mysql are
 likely examples) then you’ll have to keep those services together till the
 bitter end (as it were)).

 ** **

 However, there is still hope someone here has another idea…

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Mark
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:12 AM

 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Subject:* Re: Strange Server Behavior

 ** **


 The test was run from 11 PM to 7 AM, so no one in my house was doing
 anything but sawing logs, as far as I know. Yes, teenagers tend to stay up
 late, but I would have heard the tv. I don't think any of the other
 machines are really doing anything at that time as well.

 I don't think anyone is using my wifiI have a 64 character key for AES
 and mac address filter for security. Yes, I know one can eaily spoof the
 mac address thing, but it keeps some out. I also have not seen anything
 strange in the logs.

 Rsync is a good idea, but I agree - fragile, lots to set up, but maybe
 worth a thought if nfs tends to be the problem. Maybe a script to check if
 a local folder has changed, and then rsync it


 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Carruth, Rusty wrote:

 Well, NFS server is less likely (I think!) to cause momentary freezes than
 the client, but samba MIGHT be an idea.  Hopefully someone else here has
 more experience with the server side of things, or maybe google would help.


 On the upload video thing – if you wanted to go to a lot of work, you
 could put directories on each computer that periodically get rsync’d (or
 whatever) to the server, so that the family members only need to copy the
 movie to the directory on their machine and it will automatically get
 copied across.  But that may be more work and fragility than you want J
 (and might make you more expendable!).  but that could get rid of nfs or
 samba or any such thing.  Probably not worth doing if NFS isn’t’ the issue
 J, so I’d say turn on half the processes and see what happens, as I
 mentioned before..


 Thinking about the system for a bit – first the schedule of when things
 freeze.  Does it line up with anything being done on the client machines?
 On the TV? What ‘absolute time’ (wall clock time) were those 38 incidents
 at?  (If clients do something every 30 minutes, and they are out of sync
 with each other, that might explain the variability of the hiccup timing)*


 Going a bit further afield: Have you verified that nobody is using your
 wifi for any nefarious purposes?  


 Just some random thoughts…




 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Mark
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:47 AM

 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Subject:* Re: Strange Server Behavior


 I only installed nfs because I started to use this server as a media
 server, and I wanted my family to be able to add movies to the movie folder
 on the server. Mediatomb then scans the folder and makes the movies
 available on our nifty wifi enabled TV. 

 Would samba be a better choice? The other computers on the network are
 mac, windows, ubuntu. However, the windoes user has a low probability of
 adding any movies by herself;) (no gender bashing here.I live with
 four wonderful women, and one of them is a complete techo-phobe, and she is
 proud of it.but that helps keep me around, so all is good with the



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 ** **

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Re: Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-26 Thread Mark Phillips
My ping test is not what I expected but still shows a problem.

I setup the test to ping (64 bytes, ttl =64) the problem server every 10
seconds from my laptop. Both are plugged in, on the same subnet. The boxes
are about 5 feet apart. Here are the results:

3434 packets transmitted, 3307 received, 3% packet loss, time 34336321ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.100/0.231/4.332/0.275 ms

I found 38 instances where the time stamps for the pings hiccuped and
there was a delay. Each hiccup lasted (min/avg/max) 10/44/70 seconds. The
time between hiccups was (min/avg/max) 1:20/14:29/29:00 minutes.

I grep'd the log files for messages around these 38 incidents, but did not
find any messages in any of the logs. However this is not a good test, so I
just trolled the logs and didn't find anything significant.

Do these numbers strike a chord with anyone?

I will check the caps on the MB later this week.

I looked in syslog, and could not find any correlation with the 38 hiccups.
However, what do these two cron jobs do, since the run quite frequently:
CMD (   cd /  run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ]  [ -d /var/lib/php5 ]  find
/var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -delete)

A search through the log files for error does not return anything

Since apache and few other apps were running on the server, I will run the
ping test again tonight after I kill everything on the server.



On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Carruth, Rusty wrote:

 Curious how your test turned out.

 ** **

 You may also want to run an iostat to a file and see if that correlates to
 the slow responses.

 ** **

 However, that ‘bulging capacitor’ thing others have mentioned sounds like
 a pretty convincing coincidence, as it were….

 ** **

 (I will say that USUALLY I’d agree with JD – Iobound or low RAM (and thus
 iobound on swap space) are the only things I’ve seen that cause
 unresponsiveness (never seen an overheat slow it down, usually it just dies
 suddenly.  I probably get fast overheating and not slow increases in heat
 levels J)

 ** **

 OH!  WAIT!  I just remembered another event – and it WON’T show up in
 normal performance logs.  If ‘you’ send a command to a disk drive, and it
 goes busy for a long time, your system can become totally locked until the
 timeout happens and the kernel gives up.  (If that happens, there SHOULD be
 a timeout recorded in the syslog or /var/log/messages.  Check there for
 timeouts on disk drives or hard resets or such).  (I know this because of
 where I work J)  (Disk drives are supposed to acknowledge the command
 almost immediately.  It is almost always a bad thing when the drive takes
 the command but does not finish the initial command handshake sequence…
 You might want to look at the S.M.A.R.T. attributes for your drives as well
 to see if any of them are showing ‘pre-fail’ conditions)

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Mark
 *Sent:* Monday, June 25, 2012 10:13 PM
 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Subject:* Re: Strange Server Behavior

 ** **

 Right now, the server is not doing anything but sitting there

 Tasks:  98 total,   1 running,  97 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,
 Mem:   1033780k total,   217560k used,   816220k free, 6220k buffers
 Swap:  2019320k total,0k used,  2019320k free,94056k cached

 Plenty of swap, not very busy. It may be over heating, but not sure why.

 I am going to run a test tonight - ping every 10 seconds and time stamp
 the output into a file. Perhaps I will see gaps or unusually long response
 times and I can correlate that with the log files.


 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:09 PM, JD Austin wrote:*

 I've had servers that act like that.. usually they're over heating,
 completely I/O bound, or swapping due to low available memory. 

 ** **

 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Nope - everything just stops - ping waits for a response, web services
 just wait for the server, file transfers stop and if time
 just stopped for the server, then starts again without any errors being


 ** **

 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Stephen   wrote:

 Can you do access any other services hosted by the server during this
 time? Or even an extended ping?

 On Jun 25, 2012 9:53 PM, Mark Phillips   wrote:

 I have a headless server running Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian
 2.6.32-45) ( (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) and no
 X or window manager, and I have noticed in the past couple of days that
 when I ssh in the server it occasionally stops responding

Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-25 Thread Mark Phillips
I have a headless server running Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian
2.6.32-45) ( (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) and no X
or window manager, and I have noticed in the past couple of days that when
I ssh in the server it occasionally stops responding for a minute or two,
then comes back as if nothing had happened. It is a random event - maybe
once an hour. I cannot find anything in the logs - no error messages. There
is nothing wrong with the machine where I initiated the ssh session, and it
is not connected to ssh. The server completely stops responding, then comes
back as if nothing had happened.

How would I go about diagnosing this problem?


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Re: Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-25 Thread Mark Phillips
Nope - everything just stops - ping waits for a response, web services just
wait for the server, file transfers stop and if time just
stopped for the server, then starts again without any errors being evident.


On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Stephen wrote:

 Can you do access any other services hosted by the server during this
 time? Or even an extended ping?
 On Jun 25, 2012 9:53 PM, Mark Phillips

 I have a headless server running Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian
 2.6.32-45) ( (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) and no
 X or window manager, and I have noticed in the past couple of days that
 when I ssh in the server it occasionally stops responding for a minute or
 two, then comes back as if nothing had happened. It is a random event -
 maybe once an hour. I cannot find anything in the logs - no error messages.
 There is nothing wrong with the machine where I initiated the ssh session,
 and it is not connected to ssh. The server completely stops responding,
 then comes back as if nothing had happened.

 How would I go about diagnosing this problem?



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Re: Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-25 Thread Mark Phillips
Bare metal - an old Dell Optiplex GX260.


On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:03 PM, Eric Cope wrote:

 Is it a VPS or on bare metal? I've experienced similar behavior on VPSs,
 still not sure why,


 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Nope - everything just stops - ping waits for a response, web services
 just wait for the server, file transfers stop and if time
 just stopped for the server, then starts again without any errors being


 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Stephen wrote:

 Can you do access any other services hosted by the server during this
 time? Or even an extended ping?
 On Jun 25, 2012 9:53 PM, Mark Phillips

 I have a headless server running Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian
 2.6.32-45) ( (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) and
 no X or window manager, and I have noticed in the past couple of days that
 when I ssh in the server it occasionally stops responding for a minute or
 two, then comes back as if nothing had happened. It is a random event -
 maybe once an hour. I cannot find anything in the logs - no error messages.
 There is nothing wrong with the machine where I initiated the ssh session,
 and it is not connected to ssh. The server completely stops responding,
 then comes back as if nothing had happened.

 How would I go about diagnosing this problem?



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Re: Strange Server Behavior

2012-06-25 Thread Mark Phillips
Right now, the server is not doing anything but sitting there

Tasks:  98 total,   1 running,  97 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,
Mem:   1033780k total,   217560k used,   816220k free, 6220k buffers
Swap:  2019320k total,0k used,  2019320k free,94056k cached

Plenty of swap, not very busy. It may be over heating, but not sure why.

I am going to run a test tonight - ping every 10 seconds and time stamp the
output into a file. Perhaps I will see gaps or unusually long response
times and I can correlate that with the log files.


On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:09 PM, JD Austin wrote:

 I've had servers that act like that.. usually they're over heating,
 completely I/O bound, or swapping due to low available memory.

 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Nope - everything just stops - ping waits for a response, web services
 just wait for the server, file transfers stop and if time
 just stopped for the server, then starts again without any errors being


 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Stephen wrote:

 Can you do access any other services hosted by the server during this
 time? Or even an extended ping?
 On Jun 25, 2012 9:53 PM, Mark Phillips

 I have a headless server running Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian
 2.6.32-45) ( (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) and
 no X or window manager, and I have noticed in the past couple of days that
 when I ssh in the server it occasionally stops responding for a minute or
 two, then comes back as if nothing had happened. It is a random event -
 maybe once an hour. I cannot find anything in the logs - no error messages.
 There is nothing wrong with the machine where I initiated the ssh session,
 and it is not connected to ssh. The server completely stops responding,
 then comes back as if nothing had happened.

 How would I go about diagnosing this problem?



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Re: OT Verizon Smart Phones

2012-06-24 Thread Mark Phillips
As a point of comparison, t-mobile offers an unlimited voice, text, and
data plan for 2 phones for $140/month. Unlimited data means 2 gb at 4g
speeds, and if you exceed that, they just throttle you back to 2g at no
additional charge. They have lots of good android smart phones available
(no iphones). I have had 4 phones with then for many many years, and I keep
renewing every 2 years.

Don't go to a franchise store unless you know it is a good one. Go to a
corporate store for best service.

On Jun 23, 2012 8:42 PM, Lyle Tuttle wrote:

  We have two Verizon HTC Thunderbolts - new in Feb 2011.

 $174/month, unlimited everything.voice, text, data...'

 Have never had it freeze; rebooted on its own once but I think that was an

 Worst problem is battery life.very short, even with larger battery.
 One day will go all day, next day need to charge twice in one day - low
 usage.go figure.

 Did you know verizon has a box that will serve as your phone?  $20/mo
 unlimited calls in/ received via cell signal and you plug your
 phone into it.and US Cellular has a small deck of cards, only half as
 thick Samsung hot spot$25 for up to 2 gig of data/month

 I learned the above after bad storm left sis-in-law without phone or
 internet for 4 days..guess what she has now!!?

 At 02:12 PM 6/22/2012, James Dugger wrote:

 I have been with Verizion ever since our other carrirer was buoght by them
 in the mid nineties.  I have had a Driod and currently have a Droid X.  I
 can't really compare the difference between carriers in dropped calls but
 we get are share of dropped calls as well.  My wife and son have the
 iphone 4s and love it.  My wife had an older Droid and it used to drop
 calls more than here iphone.  Having used both (my wife's iphone and my
 Droid X) my comparison would be as follows:

 Screen Freeze
 Droid - this happens quite often on both the older and newer Droids
 (though not as much on the X)
 iphone - rarely freezes.

 Keyboard key selection
 Droid - They both struggle (especially in the portrait keyboard) to pick
 the correct letter/number.
 iphone - Even with fat fingers it is uncanny to me how the portrait
 keyboard can still seem to pick the right letter/number

 Text completion
 Droid - Okay
 iphone - Great slightly faster

 Animatromics (screen responsiveness)
 Droid - slight hesitancy at times
 iphone - smooth and quick

 I have no experience with HTC however my brother has the Samsung Nexus II
 through Version and says that it runs circles around his old Droid, and is
 much closer to the iphone with respect to hardware responsiveness and

 Since the versions of OS Android is somewhat splintered across different
 devices, there are a couple of other points to consider if an android phone
 is your preferred choice:
 Google owns Android and Motorola ( Droid ), but Nexus is a Google
 sponsored partnership program for application and hardware development for
 the official release version of Android by Google.  Currently Samsung is
 the Nexus partner.Â

 This may have changed and I may be wrong, but it is my understanding that
 anything Android with the Nexus name is part of this partnership with

 On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Stephen wrote:

 Android brutally fc's inactive apparently to free space before that goes.
 On Jun 22, 2012 9:59 AM, Eric Cope wrote:
  Thats interesting to hear about not rebooting? Maybe the tide is
 changing. Someone I carpool with is also constantly having to close apps
 because the phone is out of memory. Does anyone else experience this?

 I think the iPhone forces stale apps out of memory automatically (I never
 get an out of memory notice). Can anyone comment on that?


 On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Stephen wrote:

 I forgot.

 On a rooted phone there is an app that will backup your root so you can
 switch root on and off easily so you can do some root only tasks and then
 unroot for day to day.

 Its called voodoo ota rootkeeper
 On Jun 22, 2012 8:46 AM, keith smith wrote:


 This is very OT.

 I have been with verizon for 8 years.  Voice only.  It has been 4 years
 since I upgraded our phones.  It is just my wife and I.Â

 We are thinking of going with smart phones.

 A friend suggested HTC phones because of the better quality of speaker and
 mic.  Voice quality is very important to me.Â

 As it stands we can get unlimited voice for  $120/mo, 1000 texts for
 $10/mo and 2G of data for each phone for $20/ea/mo.  Total is about
 $170/mo + tax and fees.Â

 I like verizon because they have always provided top of the line service.

 I've briefly looked at Straigt-Talk, T-Mobile, and Sprint.  My fear with
 these providers is quality of the call, availability, and dropped calls.

 Any suggestions on which phone to get?  From prior conversations on this
 list it seems a Droid

Re: OT Verizon Smart Phones

2012-06-24 Thread Mark Phillips
You can check coverage at (drill
down to the street level).

My personal experience

Seattle - great
Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Chandler, etc. - great
Payson - 4G - I loose connectivity in the mountains on the way to Payson
Pinetop/Lakeside/Show Low - 2G/4G roaming - depends on location
Greater LA - great
SF and Bay Area - great
Northern Idaho camping near the Canadian border - no coverage...ATT has
some coverage in this area!
Driving to Tucson - no loss of signal as far as I remember. Tucson has
great coverage



On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 10:49 AM, keith smith wrote:

 What about service - like out in rural areas.  Between here and Tucson.  I
 like T-Mobile's plan and price points, however I am concerned about

 Please share your thoughts.


 Keith Smith

 --- On *Sun, 6/24/12, Mark Phillips* wrote:

 From: Mark Phillips

 Subject: Re: OT Verizon Smart Phones
 To: Main PLUG discussion list
 Date: Sunday, June 24, 2012, 9:22 AM

 As a point of comparison, t-mobile offers an unlimited voice, text, and
 data plan for 2 phones for $140/month. Unlimited data means 2 gb at 4g
 speeds, and if you exceed that, they just throttle you back to 2g at no
 additional charge. They have lots of good android smart phones available
 (no iphones). I have had 4 phones with then for many many years, and I keep
 renewing every 2 years.

 Don't go to a franchise store unless you know it is a good one. Go to a
 corporate store for best service.

 On Jun 23, 2012 8:42 PM, Lyle Tuttle 

  We have two Verizon HTC Thunderbolts - new in Feb 2011.

 $174/month, unlimited everything.voice, text, data...'

 Have never had it freeze; rebooted on its own once but I think that was an

 Worst problem is battery life.very short, even with larger battery.
 One day will go all day, next day need to charge twice in one day - low
 usage.go figure.

 Did you know verizon has a box that will serve as your phone?  $20/mo
 unlimited calls in/ received via cell signal and you plug your
 phone into it.and US Cellular has a small deck of cards, only half as
 thick Samsung hot spot$25 for up to 2 gig of data/month

 I learned the above after bad storm left sis-in-law without phone or
 internet for 4 days..guess what she has now!!?

 At 02:12 PM 6/22/2012, James Dugger wrote:

 I have been with Verizion ever since our other carrirer was buoght by them
 in the mid nineties.  I have had a Driod and currently have a Droid X.  I
 can't really compare the difference between carriers in dropped calls but
 we get are share of dropped calls as well.  My wife and son have the
 iphone 4s and love it.  My wife had an older Droid and it used to drop
 calls more than here iphone.  Having used both (my wife's iphone and my
 Droid X) my comparison would be as follows:

 Screen Freeze
 Droid - this happens quite often on both the older and newer Droids
 (though not as much on the X)
 iphone - rarely freezes.

 Keyboard key selection
 Droid - They both struggle (especially in the portrait keyboard) to pick
 the correct letter/number.
 iphone - Even with fat fingers it is uncanny to me how the portrait
 keyboard can still seem to pick the right letter/number

 Text completion
 Droid - Okay
 iphone - Great slightly faster

 Animatromics (screen responsiveness)
 Droid - slight hesitancy at times
 iphone - smooth and quick

 I have no experience with HTC however my brother has the Samsung Nexus II
 through Version and says that it runs circles around his old Droid, and is
 much closer to the iphone with respect to hardware responsiveness and

 Since the versions of OS Android is somewhat splintered across different
 devices, there are a couple of other points to consider if an android phone
 is your preferred choice:
 Google owns Android and Motorola ( Droid ), but Nexus is a Google
 sponsored partnership program for application and hardware development for
 the official release version of Android by Google.  Currently Samsung is
 the Nexus partner.Â

 This may have changed and I may be wrong, but it is my understanding that
 anything Android with the Nexus name is part of this partnership with

 On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Stephen 

 Android brutally fc's inactive apparently to free space before that goes.
 On Jun 22, 2012 9:59 AM, Eric Cope 
  Thats interesting to hear about not rebooting? Maybe the tide is
 changing. Someone I carpool with is also constantly having to close apps
 because the phone is out of memory. Does anyone else experience this?

 I think the iPhone forces

Need Help setting up a VPN Connection to my LAN

2012-06-24 Thread Mark Phillips
I need to take my laptop on several road trips, and I need to connect back
to my home office LAN - all Debian machines. I am on COX cable with a
BEFSX41 router. The BEFSX41 has a VPN option that I have never used. What
do I need to add to my laptop (Debian) to talk to my home office LAN
securely (ie through a VPN) using my BEFSX41? Obviously, I am a complete
nube when it comes to setting up VPN access to my LAN. I have googled for
some recommendations, but I have not found a good reference to follow.


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Re: Need Help setting up a VPN Connection to my LAN

2012-06-24 Thread Mark Phillips

Thanksthere are tons of options on the device. But I read that I need a
vpn server on my LAN.other posts say no.Most of the information I
found in forums is several years old, so I thought someone with more
experience than me could point me to a better manual. I read this, but again it is over 5
years old, so perhaps there is a better solution?

This is the manual page from the BEFSX41.I am not completely sure which
options to use. Plus, I assume I may need something running on my laptop -
OpenVPN? Do I need a VPN server on my LAN, or something else, to be able to
login to my different machines?


*VPN** Passthrough*

This Router supports IPSec, PPTP, and PPPoE Passthrough. You can select
either *Enable* or *Disable* for these options.


*Select Tunnel Entry*- Select the tunnels number you want to set up.

*Delete*- click this to remove any entries made for this tunnel you

*Summary*- Click this button to display the status of all the tunnels.

*IPSec VPN Tunnel*- Select *Enabled* to create a tunnel or *Disabled* to
close the tunnel.

*Tunnel Name*- Once the tunnel is enabled, enter an arbitrary name for the
tunnel you are about to create.

*Local Secure Group*

This allows you to grant local computer access to this tunnel.
SubnetThis will allow all computers on the local subnet to access the
tunnel. Enter the IP Address and Mask to allow access to the tunnel.IP
only allows the local computer with the specified IP address. Enter the IP
address you want to allow access to the tunnel.IP RangeThis allows a range
of local computers to access the tunnel.  Enter the IP address range
allowed to access the tunnel.

* Remote Secure Group*

This allows you grant remote computers access to this tunnel.
SubnetThis will allow all computers on the remote subnet to access the
tunnel. Enter the IP Address and Mask to allow access to the tunnel.IP
only allows the remote computer with the specified IP address. Enter the IP
address you want to allow access to the tunnel.IP RangeThis allows a range
of remote computers to access the tunnel.  Enter the IP address range
allowed to access the tunnel.HostWhen this is selected, the settings will
be the same as the Remote Security Gateway. AnyThis option will allow any
IP address from a remote location to access this tunnel.

* Remote Secure Gateway*

This sets the remote end of the VPN tunnel. You can either specify the IP
address, Domain, or Any.
IP Addr.Enter the IP address of the remote tunnel you will connect.DomainThis
option lets you enter the fully qualified domain name. If you do not have
an IP address, you have an option to enter the domain of the tunnel you are
connecting to.AnyThis will will allow any tunnel connection to be

DESData Encryption Standard (DES) is a type of encryption for this VPN
tunnel. If you select this option, make sure the other end of the tunnel
uses the same encryption type.3DESTriple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) is
a stronger type of encryption for this VPN Tunnel. If you select this
option, make sure the other end of the tunnel uses the same encryption type.
DisableThis option will not encrypt for this tunnel.

MD5Message-Digest Algorithm (MD5)- Generates 128-bit message digest based
on the input.  If you select this option, make sure the other end of the
tunnel uses the same authentication type.SHASecure Hash Algorithm (SHA)-
Generates 160-bit message digest based on the input.  If you select this
option, make sure the other end of the tunnel uses the same authentication
type.DisabledThis option will not authenticate for this tunnel.

*Key Management*

In order for any encryption to occur, the two ends of the tunnel must agree
on the type of encryption.  This is done by sharing a key to  encrypt
code. You can select *Auto (IKE)* or *Manual*.

*Automatic Key Management*
PFSPerfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) ensures that the initial key exchange and
IKE proposal are secure. This must be the same for both end of the
KeyEnter a series of number and letters that will be used as your key. This
must be the same for both end of the tunnel.Key LifetimeEnter a number of
seconds for the life of the key. After the key lifetime expires, a new code
will be generated. This much be the same for both end of the tunnel.

*Manual Key Management*
Encryption keyEnter a series of letters or numbers to generate an
encryption key. This must be the same for both end of the tunnel.Authentication
KeyEnter a series of letters or numbers to generate an authentication key. This
must be the same for both end of the tunnel.Inbound SPIEnter a series of
letter or numbers to generate the Inbound SPI. This must match the outbound
SPI on the other end of the tunnel.Outbound SPIEnter a series of letter or
numbers to generate the outbound SPI.  This must match the inbound SPI

Re: Need Help setting up a VPN Connection to my LAN

2012-06-24 Thread Mark Phillips
Thanks for all the comments. Based on what you have said and further
research, I have come to the conlusion...

1. I need to install openvpn on a machine on my lan and on my laptop.
2. I will follow these instructions for installation and configuration -
3. Just enable all the vpn options on my BEFSX41 and pray it all

fallbackpurchase a cisco pix 501 and play with that.


On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Hi Mark,

 The BEFSX41's were not completely configured for anything but
 SITE---SITE VPN.  An IPSEC tunnel to tunnel can be setup evidently to
 work with a linux VPN client. where you have a static client IP address (no
 NAT), but you are correct, it's a bit of work.

 And there are some known issues:

 Do you have BEFSX41 v1 or v2?  With the most recent firmware, the VPN page
 should look like this:

 Linksys QuickVPN software and cisco VPN client will not work for IPSEC or
 this router.  Linksys has instructions for setting up an IPSEC tunnel for
 the BEFSX41 (which is all it supports):

 As you can see, you can, with this router, do passthrough and OpenVPN is
 so nice, easy and powerful, I recommend you just use it (rather than try to
 configure VPNs from this router) [simply check all three boxes on the
 BEFSX41 and save].

 OpenVPN Access Server (OpenVPN-AS) is a set of installation and
 configuration tools that simplify the rapid deployment of a VPN remote
 access solution. It is based on the popular OpenVPN open-source software,
 making the deployed VPN immediately compatible with OpenVPN client software
 across multiple user platforms.* *The server configurations options
 supported are a carefully selected subset of a quite large set of possible
 OpenVPN configurations. Thus, OpenVPN Access Server streamlines the
 configuration and management of an OpenVPN-based secure remote access
 You can get OpenVPNAS here (for Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOs and Redhat, as well
 as VirtualMachine images):

 To configure OpenVPN client in Linux:
 Simply surf to the port you setup for your OpenVPNAS server [usually
 80/443] (be sure to port forward as needed) and login with the user name
 and password you setup and it will prompt you to download your client for
 Linux, OS X, or Windows.

 Client configuration instructions for  Sentinel  to BEFSX41: (useful for
 setting options in your linux client):

  On Jun 24, 2012 1:00 PM, Mark Phillips

 I need to take my laptop on several road trips, and I need to connect
 back to my home office LAN - all Debian machines. I am on COX cable with a
 BEFSX41 router. The BEFSX41 has a VPN option that I have never used. What
 do I need to add to my laptop (Debian) to talk to my home office LAN
 securely (ie through a VPN) using my BEFSX41? Obviously, I am a complete
 nube when it comes to setting up VPN access to my LAN. I have googled for
 some recommendations, but I have not found a good reference to follow.



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 Automation Engineer

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Re: Need Help setting up a VPN Connection to my LAN

2012-06-24 Thread Mark Phillips
Thanks for all the comments. Based on what you have said and further
research, I have come to the conlusion...

1. I need to install openvpn on a machine on my lan and on my laptop.
2. I will follow these instructions for installation and configuration -
3. Just enable all the vpn options on my BEFSX41 and pray it all

fallbackpurchase a cisco pix 501 and play with that.



On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Hi Mark,

 The BEFSX41's were not completely configured for anything but
 SITE---SITE VPN.  An IPSEC tunnel to tunnel can be setup evidently to
 work with a linux VPN client. where you have a static client IP address (no
 NAT), but you are correct, it's a bit of work.

 And there are some known issues:

 Do you have BEFSX41 v1 or v2?  With the most recent firmware, the VPN page
 should look like this:

 Linksys QuickVPN software and cisco VPN client will not work for IPSEC or
 this router.  Linksys has instructions for setting up an IPSEC tunnel for
 the BEFSX41 (which is all it supports):

 As you can see, you can, with this router, do passthrough and OpenVPN is
 so nice, easy and powerful, I recommend you just use it (rather than try to
 configure VPNs from this router) [simply check all three boxes on the
 BEFSX41 and save].

 OpenVPN Access Server (OpenVPN-AS) is a set of installation and
 configuration tools that simplify the rapid deployment of a VPN remote
 access solution. It is based on the popular OpenVPN open-source software,
 making the deployed VPN immediately compatible with OpenVPN client software
 across multiple user platforms.* *The server configurations options
 supported are a carefully selected subset of a quite large set of possible
 OpenVPN configurations. Thus, OpenVPN Access Server streamlines the
 configuration and management of an OpenVPN-based secure remote access
 You can get OpenVPNAS here (for Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOs and Redhat, as well
 as VirtualMachine images):

 To configure OpenVPN client in Linux:
 Simply surf to the port you setup for your OpenVPNAS server [usually
 80/443] (be sure to port forward as needed) and login with the user name
 and password you setup and it will prompt you to download your client for
 Linux, OS X, or Windows.

 Client configuration instructions for  Sentinel  to BEFSX41: (useful for
 setting options in your linux client):

  On Jun 24, 2012 1:00 PM, Mark Phillips

 I need to take my laptop on several road trips, and I need to connect
 back to my home office LAN - all Debian machines. I am on COX cable with a
 BEFSX41 router. The BEFSX41 has a VPN option that I have never used. What
 do I need to add to my laptop (Debian) to talk to my home office LAN
 securely (ie through a VPN) using my BEFSX41? Obviously, I am a complete
 nube when it comes to setting up VPN access to my LAN. I have googled for
 some recommendations, but I have not found a good reference to follow.



 (503) 754-4452 Android
 (623) 239-3392 Skype
 (623) 688-3392 Google Voice
 Automation Engineer

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Re: Need Help setting up a VPN Connection to my LAN

2012-06-24 Thread Mark Phillips

Don't I have to pay a license fee for the OpenVPN Access Server? When I
looked on the site, I was prompted to buy a license.


On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 7:09 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Hi Mark,

 Just so you know, OpenVPN Access Server, automatically sets up all the
 databases, certificates and web management.  It's REALLY EASY SOLID and
 simple.  You get something like 3 free licenses.

 I don't recommend you mess around with the regular OpenVPN instructions
 (as linked below on your response) - unless you are masochistic.

 Use these:


 *Linux Distribution:*
 You will need to make sure you download the package that corresponds with
 the current OS Distro, we currently support these Linux Distros:
 - Ubuntu
 - Fedora
 - CentOS
 - Debian (Install Ubuntu Packages for Debian)

 Click here to download the OpenVPN Access Server 

 *CPU Architecture:
 *You will need to make sure you install the correct package depending on
 your CPU Architecture (32bit or 64bit)
 Installing the OpenVPN-AS Package:
 *To Install the OpenVPN-AS package in Ubuntu or Debian you will need to
 run this command:

 *dpkg -i openvpnasdebpack.deb*

 To install the OpenVPN-AS package in CentOS, RHEL, or Fedora you will need
 to run this command:

 *rpm -i openvpnasrpmpack.rpm*

 The Admin Account for OpenVPN-AS needs to be setup through terminal by
 doing the following:

 Change the password:

 passwd openvpn

 You will then be prompted to set a password for the user openvpn, after
 setting the password you can login to the Admin UI with the Username
 openvpn and the password you set.

 *Note: In some circumstances for certain configurations you may need to
 run the complete ovpn-init script terminal:

 *Configuring the Admin Web Interface:
 *After you have completed the Initial Configuration Tool you should then
 be able to access the Admin Web Interface through your preferred web
 browser. You should have noticed an link to the Admin Web Interface after
 you completed the Initial Configuration Tool, if you missed it you can
 access the Admin Web Interface by typing the following in your browsers
 address bar: https://openvpnasip/admin https://openvpnasip:943/admin (Please
 replace openvpnasip with the IP you allocated to your openvpn-as instance)
 You can now go ahead and login with your openvpn admin credentials. Once
 logged in you will see the following screen:

 end excerpt

 On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 6:08 PM, Mark Phillips

 Thanks for all the comments. Based on what you have said and further
 research, I have come to the conlusion...

 1. I need to install openvpn on a machine on my lan and on my laptop.
 2. I will follow these instructions for installation and configuration -
 3. Just enable all the vpn options on my BEFSX41 and pray it all

 fallbackpurchase a cisco pix 501 and play with that.


 On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Hi Mark,

 The BEFSX41's were not completely configured for anything but
 SITE---SITE VPN.  An IPSEC tunnel to tunnel can be setup evidently to
 work with a linux VPN client. where you have a static client IP address (no
 NAT), but you are correct, it's a bit of work.

 And there are some known issues:

 Do you have BEFSX41 v1 or v2?  With the most recent firmware, the VPN
 page should look like this:

 Linksys QuickVPN software and cisco VPN client will not work for IPSEC
 or this router.  Linksys has instructions for setting up an IPSEC tunnel
 for the BEFSX41 (which is all it supports):

 As you can see, you can, with this router, do passthrough and OpenVPN is
 so nice, easy and powerful, I recommend you just use it (rather than try to
 configure VPNs from this router) [simply check all three boxes on the
 BEFSX41 and save].

 OpenVPN Access Server (OpenVPN-AS) is a set of installation and
 configuration tools that simplify the rapid deployment of a VPN remote
 access solution. It is based on the popular OpenVPN open-source software,
 making the deployed VPN immediately compatible with OpenVPN client software
 across multiple user platforms.* *The server configurations options
 supported are a carefully selected subset of a quite large set of possible
 OpenVPN configurations. Thus, OpenVPN Access Server streamlines the
 configuration and management of an OpenVPN-based

Looking for Streaming Media Software Recommendations

2012-06-22 Thread Mark Phillips
I have a underused Debian headless server, a network enabled DLNA TV,
so.why not stream some movies to this TV? I am looking for
recommendations for a streaming media server that will run on a headless
Debian server.


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Re: Has Anyone Used OwnCloud?

2012-06-21 Thread Mark Phillips

Thanks for the link. I guess I will just have to install it and see how it


On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 6:02 AM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Hi Mark,

 On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Mark Phillips

 I was googling how to build your own cloud storage, and ran across A glorified webdav server. Does anyone have any experience
 with it?

 This looks interesting:


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Re: Has Anyone Used OwnCloud?

2012-06-20 Thread Mark Phillips

Thanks for your email. I have read conflicting reports in some forums that
the file transfers (backing up user data) are slow. Is this true? Also, are
there sync clients for different OSes that automate client backups?


On Jun 20, 2012 12:24 PM, Crawford Rainwater wrote:


 Linux ETC has set ownCloud up for a client and has it as a demo site on
 our web server as well.  It uses SabreDAV in the backend, so a little
 different than the typical WebDAV for API calls.  We are still debating
 offering this as a service as well for general public use based on the
 storage size allocated on a monthly basis.

 What else would you like to know? ;-)

 --- Crawford

 The Linux ETC Company
 10121 Yates Court
 Westminster, CO 80031 USA
 voice:  +1.303.604.2550

 Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.  Be
 friendly to the environment by saving paper.

 - Mark Phillips wrote: -
  I was googling how to build your own cloud storage, and ran across A glorified webdav server. Does anyone have any
  with it?
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Re: OT: Dell disks

2012-06-19 Thread Mark Jarvis


  Thanks to all who responded. Sounds like no problem.
  Thanks again,

Mark Jarvis wrote:

I'm considering buying a Dell desktop (Inspiron 620), but a few
years ago I was warned off them because Dell did something
different to their disks so that you had to buy
replacement/additional disks only from Dell. Any chance that
it's still true?
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Has Anyone Used OwnCloud?

2012-06-19 Thread Mark Phillips
I was googling how to build your own cloud storage, and ran across A glorified webdav server. Does anyone have any experience
with it?

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OT: Dell disks

2012-06-18 Thread Mark Jarvis


  I'm considering buying a Dell desktop (Inspiron 620), but a few
  years ago I was warned off them because Dell did something
  different to their disks so that you had to buy
  replacement/additional disks only from Dell. Any chance that it's
  still true?


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Re: Problems with Ubuntu 12.04 Networking on Latitude D620

2012-06-14 Thread Mark Phillips

Thanksno blinky lights. I plugged into another network outlet, and the
network came up. Now for the spooky part.

I have two cables (red, blue) and 2 network connections (A, B) in the wall
going back to the router/switch and 2 computers (D260, 1520).

A --red--D260 = no blinky lights and no network connection
A --red--1520 = blinky lights and network connection
B --blue--D260 = blinky lights and network connection
B --blue--1520 = blinky lights and network connection

I tried a third cable from A to D260 and got blinky lights and network. I
think there is something wrong with the red cable. Do you agree?


On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Michael Butash wrote:

 Looks like you're not getting actual link - is the link up?

 sudo mii-tool eth0

 should see:

 eth0: negotiated 1000baseT-FD flow-control, link ok

 Should also see blinky lights on the nic.

 Do you use a dock with it?  They sometimes switch between dock and
 build-in causing one or the other not to work or link, even sometimes
 getting stuck, but that's usually a driver/os thing.


 On 06/14/2012 05:20 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on a Dell Latitude D620. I didn't expect any
 issues based on googling this laptop and Linux. However, I cannot get
 Ethernet or wifi to work.

 lspci shows the correct hardware

 Ethernet controller; Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5752 Gigibit
 Ethernet PCI Express (rev 2)
 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)

 I went into Network Connections and added a Wired connection and gave it
 a name and selected the MAc address for eth0 (in the drop down list),
 and selected automatic (DHCP) as the method for iP4

 I looked at /etc/network/interfaces
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback

 so I tried adding

 auto eth0

 but no luck. grep -i eth /var/log/syslog gives

 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): new Ethernet device (driver:'tg3'
 ifindex: 2)
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): exported as
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): mow managed
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): device state change: unmanaged -
 unavailable (reason 'managed') [10 2 0 2]
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): bringing up device
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): preparing device
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): deactivating device (reason
 'managed') [2]
 kernel: [1815.448547] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
 kernel: [1815.449321] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready

 I looked at some forum posts on how to fix this, and the best I found
 was to edit NetworkManager.conf and set managed=true (it came false out
 of the box). That did not help.

 Thanks for any other suggestions you may have!


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Re: Problems with Ubuntu 12.04 Networking on Latitude D620

2012-06-14 Thread Mark Phillips
Lisa and Stephen,

I got the wired working...looks like a bad cable - see my previous post.
Have to take my starving daughter to dinner - they whine a lot when they
get hungry...;)

I will let you know about the wifi when I get back!

Thanks for the super quick responses!!!


On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Hi Mark,

 On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:20 PM, Mark Phillips

 I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on a Dell Latitude D620. I didn't expect any
 issues based on googling this laptop and Linux. However, I cannot get
 Ethernet or wifi to work.

 lspci shows the correct hardware

 Ethernet controller; Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5752 Gigibit
 Ethernet PCI Express (rev 2)
 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)

 I went into Network Connections and added a Wired connection and gave it
 a name and selected the MAc address for eth0 (in the drop down list), and
 selected automatic (DHCP) as the method for iP4

 I looked at /etc/network/interfaces
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback

 so I tried adding

 auto eth0

 but no luck. grep -i eth /var/log/syslog gives

 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): new Ethernet device (driver:'tg3'
 ifindex: 2)
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): exported as
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): mow managed
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): device state change: unmanaged -
 unavailable (reason 'managed') [10 2 0 2]
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): bringing up device
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): preparing device
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): deactivating device (reason
 'managed') [2]
 kernel: [1815.448547] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
 kernel: [1815.449321] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready

 I looked at some forum posts on how to fix this, and the best I found was
 to edit NetworkManager.conf and set managed=true (it came false out of the
 box). That did not help.

 Thanks for any other suggestions you may have!


 It appears to be trying to use a tg3 driver - which is the ethernet.

 Follow these instructions to setup the /etc/network/interfaces networking
 for Network Manager:

 Example for /etc/network/interfaces:

 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
 pre-up /sbin/ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full

 Manual test (non-persistent):

 #  sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up
 # route add default gw eth0

 For your wireless:

 Please show us the output of:

 lsmod | grep b43
 sudo iwlist scan

 sudo cat /var/log/syslog | grep -e b43 -e firmware -e wpa -e wlan -e etork | 
 tail -n55

 $ sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer
 $ sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source

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Re: Problems with Ubuntu 12.04 Networking on Latitude D620

2012-06-14 Thread Mark Phillips
Wireless is now working, based on the info in this post:



On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Mark Phillips

 Lisa and Stephen,

 I got the wired working...looks like a bad cable - see my previous post.
 Have to take my starving daughter to dinner - they whine a lot when they
 get hungry...;)

 I will let you know about the wifi when I get back!

 Thanks for the super quick responses!!!


 On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Hi Mark,

 On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:20 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on a Dell Latitude D620. I didn't expect any
 issues based on googling this laptop and Linux. However, I cannot get
 Ethernet or wifi to work.

 lspci shows the correct hardware

 Ethernet controller; Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5752 Gigibit
 Ethernet PCI Express (rev 2)
 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)

 I went into Network Connections and added a Wired connection and gave it
 a name and selected the MAc address for eth0 (in the drop down list), and
 selected automatic (DHCP) as the method for iP4

 I looked at /etc/network/interfaces
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback

 so I tried adding

 auto eth0

 but no luck. grep -i eth /var/log/syslog gives

 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): new Ethernet device (driver:'tg3'
 ifindex: 2)
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): exported as
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): mow managed
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): device state change: unmanaged -
 unavailable (reason 'managed') [10 2 0 2]
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): bringing up device
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): preparing device
 Network Manager[2029]: info (eth0): deactivating device (reason
 'managed') [2]
 kernel: [1815.448547] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
 kernel: [1815.449321] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready

 I looked at some forum posts on how to fix this, and the best I found
 was to edit NetworkManager.conf and set managed=true (it came false out of
 the box). That did not help.

 Thanks for any other suggestions you may have!


 It appears to be trying to use a tg3 driver - which is the ethernet.

 Follow these instructions to setup the /etc/network/interfaces networking
 for Network Manager:

 Example for /etc/network/interfaces:

 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
 pre-up /sbin/ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full

 Manual test (non-persistent):

 #  sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up
 # route add default gw eth0

 For your wireless:

 Please show us the output of:

 lsmod | grep b43
 sudo iwlist scan

 sudo cat /var/log/syslog | grep -e b43 -e firmware -e wpa -e wlan -e etork | 
 tail -n55

 $ sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer
 $ sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source

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Looking for Windows XP OEM Installation Media

2012-06-07 Thread Mark Phillips
I am refurbishing an old Dell Latitude D620 for my daughter. I am
installing Ubuntu 12.0.4, and I would like to have Windows XP run in
VirtualBox so she can access Itunes. I have several OEM Windows XP licenses
from other Dell machines that I have converted completely to Linux, but I
don't have any XP installation CDs. Dell won't send them to me. Does anyone
have an XP installation CD I can borrow?

If I am violating any laws with the request, please let me know. My simple
minded view is that I have a valid license, just not the media, so
borrowing the media for an installation should not be an issue.


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Re: Looking for Windows XP OEM Installation Media

2012-06-07 Thread Mark Phillips
DohI forgot that the D620 also has a key.

The key on the D620 is for XP Pro.

We can talk off list about how to meet.some dark alley in the city
where no one will see us;) mark at phillipsmarketing dot biz.


On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Stephen wrote:

 Find out if you have a key on that dell you are setting up. and hat
 version it is. I have a an XP pro and XP home OEM install media for
 that generation of latitude.

 On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:
  On 06/07/2012 09:52 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:
  I am refurbishing an old Dell Latitude D620 for my daughter. I am
  installing Ubuntu 12.0.4, and I would like to have Windows XP run in
  VirtualBox so she can access Itunes. I have several OEM Windows XP
  licenses from other Dell machines that I have converted completely to
  Linux, but I don't have any XP installation CDs. Dell won't send them to
  me. Does anyone have an XP installation CD I can borrow?
  If I am violating any laws with the request, please let me know. My
  simple minded view is that I have a valid license, just not the media,
  so borrowing the media for an installation should not be an issue.
  First off, IANAL, and YMMV.
  TTBOMK, Windoze OEM licenses are good only on the machine they're issued
  for. Your D620 probably has a license sticker on it though. You won't
  however be able to install a retail version of XP using the OEM license
  Windoze licenses vary regarding virtualized machines. For example, Vista
  Home Premium does not allow for running as a VM guest, while Vista
  does (on the same hardware). I know that XP Pro allows running as a VM
  (on the same hardware), but I'm not sure about XP Home. Allowing for
  something in the license doesn't necessarily mean that it won't work
  (I don't honestly know if it'd work or not).
  I would find a Dell XP installation disk, which will install on your D620
  w/out requiring activation. You might stop by AZStRUT some day to see if
  can use theirs on site. Once you have XP on the bare hardware, you can
  the P2V utility for VB to create the VM guest files. Then install Ubuntu
  VB on the bare hardware, and copy in the VM guest files you created
  That's the best way I know of to get to where you want to be.
  -Eric 'shubes'
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To 64 Bit or Not To 64 Bit

2012-06-07 Thread Mark Phillips
Would you recommend running the 64 bit Ubuntu or 32 bit Ubuntu on this

NameDell Latitude D620
ProcessorIntel Core Duo T2300 1.66Ghz
Screen14.1” WXGA
Optical DriveDVD+-RW
GraphicsIntel Graphics Media Accelerator 950
Network10/100/1000 Ethernet + Intel 3945 802.11g Wireless
Other4 x USB2.0


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Re: OT: computer/electronics recycling

2012-05-20 Thread Mark Phillips
Depending on the machine specs, I may be able to use for my daughters. I am
willing to drive to you and pick them up.

On May 20, 2012 12:25 PM, Dazed_75 wrote:

 Oh, BTW, they are now putting Linux Mint on a lot of machines!

 On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Dazed_75 wrote: is another possibility.  They also have a number
 of drop sites (click on Donations) and I see they now have an association
 with Batteries Plus which has a Scottsdale office.

 On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 12:05 PM, AZ Pete wrote:

  Hi All,

 I have 2 old laptops that I'd like to get rid of and would prefer not to
 simply throw them in the trash. Is there a place I can drop them for
 recycling?  I live in North Scottsdale, so ideally a place in the vicinity
 would be great.


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 Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry

 Please protect my address like I protect yours. When sending messages to
 multiple recipients, always use the BCC: (Blind carbon copy) and not To: or
 CC:. Remove all addresses from the message body before sending a Forwarded
 message. This can prevent spy programs capturing addresses from the
 recipient list and message body.

 Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry

 Please protect my address like I protect yours. When sending messages to
 multiple recipients, always use the BCC: (Blind carbon copy) and not To: or
 CC:. Remove all addresses from the message body before sending a Forwarded
 message. This can prevent spy programs capturing addresses from the
 recipient list and message body.

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Re: Problems Printing with Firefox

2012-05-14 Thread Mark Phillips
Hi Lisa,

Thanks so much for your great emails regarding firefox not showing any
printers in the print dialog. I never got it to work, so I stopped using
it. I was on version 10, and not that version 12 is out, I thought I would
give it a trywell the same thing is happening - no printers in the
print dialog.

I am running  Linux version 3.1.0-1-amd64 (Debian 3.1.8-2) ( (gcc version 4.6.2 (Debian 4.6.2-11) ) #1 SMP Tue Jan
10 05:01:58 UTC 2012 with firefox 12 and Cups 1.5.2. I have a network
connected HP Officejet Pro L7670 all in one printer at ip
(my local network). All my other browsers and application on all the
machines on the network can see this printer and print to it. gtklp version

my ~./gtkrc-2.0 has the following
gtk-print-backends = file,lpr,cups

I have no errors reported in /var/log/cups/errors/log when I try to print
from firefox (ie bring up the empty print dialog)

Firefox is running under the user mark, and mark is part of the group

My default printer is Officejet_Pro_L7600, and I can print from the command
line using lp

I did not have a print.print_printer, so I added one to the firefox config
(about:config) and used Officejet_Pro_L7600 as the name. If I reset the
value as recommended in some posts, it defaults to an empty string, and
then on a restart of firefox, that config element is no longer there. I
also have:
print.postscript.print_command /usr/bin/gtklp
print.print_command /usr/bin/gtklp

I have these installed:


Somewhere I read they are important...;)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 4:15 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Also,  I forgot to clarify which gtkrc you needed to edit:

 This should go into ~/.gtkrc-2.0:

 gtk-print-backends = file,lpr,cups

 This is supposedly important.  Be sure to save the original so you can roll 

 On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Lisa Kachold 

 Hi Mark

 On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Lisa Kachold wrote:

 Hi Mark

 On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 7:49 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I have Firefox 11.0 installed, as well as Google Chrome 17.0.963.65,
 Opera, and of course, Epiphany on my Debian testing machine. I use cups 
 printing over the network to my hp printer. Chrome, Opera, Epiphany all
 recognize all the installed printers on my network, but Firefox does not
 see any of them. I don't even have the print to file option that most 
 on the subject talk about. When I look in firefox's about:config at all 
 print* settings, the printer is there, but it does not show up in the 
 dialog and I cannot print from firefox.
 Anyone else have this problem, and know how to solve it?




 A) Have you logged into Cups to see if there is an error?


 WHAT IS THE ERROR message in the logs?

 Yes, I have looked at the cups error logs as well as the admin portal.
 There are no errors from firefox, since it never sees any of the printers.
 All other applications (browsers, libreoffice, etc.) print without errors.


 B) If this is a permissions issue, you might have to add the
 Firefox invoking user to the group file:

 sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin tom

 firefox is running under user mark, and I am in the lpadmin group

 C) Are you using a postscript printer?  I see you are using printers
 that require postscript, but cups and GTK should work.

 gnome gtklp runs and finds all the printers.

 Also, why would the type of printer make a difference? If cups can
 print to that printer, why would firefox care, unless firefox doesn't use

 Firefox (like all prebuilt binaries) can be sensitive to GTK issues.

 1. First, if you haven't done so, you need to print to PostScript in
 order for the needed entry in prefs.js to be populated. This will be done
 automatically the first time you print. Open any web page and go to:

 File -- Print -- choose PostScript/default (it should be the
 default if you

Re: Considering a new laptop

2012-03-27 Thread Mark Phillips
I have been only used dell for the past 10 years, and never had any issues.
I currenty have a Dell vostro 1520, which works out of the box with Debian
testing. I run Windows in vmplayer when I have to use it.


On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 8:21 AM, Michael Butash wrote:

 Same with Dell, they employ guys like Mario Limonciello supporting their
 hardware that does a lot of compatibility testing and pushes fixes
 internally with dell for bios and other vendor-supported features.  I'd do
 quick compat checks before buy, but Dell is usually a pretty safe option
 for linux support I find.

 I'd gone with a HP Elitebook for pure power (and 4 dimm slots for cheap
 16gb ram) and other than raw performance, it's been an disaster for linux
 support.  ACPI and bios disk functions are broken at best, and they will
 never fix them because their userbase is too small.  How about just
 making hardware that doesn't suck?  Perfect example of a vendor parasite
 around linux - happy to use it to sell servers, but nothing else.


 On 03/27/2012 07:01 AM, Stephen wrote:

 Good machines that tend to work if not support Linux is sager notebooks.

 On Mar 27, 2012 6:35 AM,

 mailto:kitepilot@kitepilot.**com wrote:

I would stay away from System76.
Bad BAD (and costly) experience...

Stephen writes:

The other option is a vendor like system76 they have a good bang
for buck
value. Or maybe red 7.
But the instant you add discrete graphics your battery life goes
way down.
Also the dell latitudes support linux quite well. Just not in an
On Mar 27, 2012 12:46 AM, Phillip Waclawski wrote:

I have one of the Dell Ubuntu Laptops from about 6 years ago
(yes, they
did sell 1420n inspirons with linux pre-installed :). It
still works, but
the Intel Graphics card doesn't support Opengl very well, so
that makes
Blender, openshot and other programs on linux a pain, and
things like
wacraft literally impossible.
So, I've been thinking about**Strata-6770.html**Strata-6770.html
 decked out
to the point I
want is about $1400, but the 6 cell battery with maybe 3
hours of battery
with a few
upgrades goes to
$2300 or so, everything I could want, but nearly $900 more.
I know you pay a bit of a premium going with a non top tier
vendor that
supports linux, but I've heard good things about them, and
enjoyed their
talk on RetroGnome at SCALE X.
What do folks think? And what other laptop vendors that
support Linux
(with good NVidia graphics cards in them, I won't do Intel
graphics ever
Phil Waclawski
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OT: SQL Question

2012-03-23 Thread Mark Phillips
I have a servlet/jsp/MySQL web site in production, and there are about
2,000 records in the flights table. One of the foreign keys is teacher_id.
Up to this point, there is a one to many relationship between teacher_id
and the data in the flights table. I need to change the data model to allow
for a many to many relationship between teacher_id and the data in the
flight table. What is the best way to do this?


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Problems Printing with Firefox

2012-03-18 Thread Mark Phillips
I have Firefox 11.0 installed, as well as Google Chrome 17.0.963.65, Opera,
and of course, Epiphany on my Debian testing machine. I use cups for
printing over the network to my hp printer. Chrome, Opera, Epiphany all
recognize all the installed printers on my network, but Firefox does not
see any of them. I don't even have the print to file option that most posts
on the subject talk about. When I look in firefox's about:config at all the
print* settings, the printer is there, but it does not show up in the print
dialog and I cannot print from firefox.
Anyone else have this problem, and know how to solve it?


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Re: Problems Printing with Firefox

2012-03-18 Thread Mark Phillips
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 Hi Mark

 On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Lisa Kachold 

 Hi Mark

 On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 7:49 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I have Firefox 11.0 installed, as well as Google Chrome 17.0.963.65,
 Opera, and of course, Epiphany on my Debian testing machine. I use cups for
 printing over the network to my hp printer. Chrome, Opera, Epiphany all
 recognize all the installed printers on my network, but Firefox does not
 see any of them. I don't even have the print to file option that most posts
 on the subject talk about. When I look in firefox's about:config at all the
 print* settings, the printer is there, but it does not show up in the print
 dialog and I cannot print from firefox.
 Anyone else have this problem, and know how to solve it?




 A) Have you logged into Cups to see if there is an error?


 WHAT IS THE ERROR message in the logs?

 Yes, I have looked at the cups error logs as well as the admin portal.
 There are no errors from firefox, since it never sees any of the printers.
 All other applications (browsers, libreoffice, etc.) print without errors.

 B) What does system-config-printer say?

 Is it not postscript?  See D - below related to firefox and postscript

 Just curious - why would I use system-config-printer when I have the cups
 web interface? According to the system-config-printer info on In
 terms of features, it (i.e. system-config-printer) aims to be as complete
 as the CUPS web administration tool, while being integrated to the desktop.

 C) If this is a permissions issue, you might have to add the Firefox
 invoking user to the group file:

 sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin tom

 firefox is running under user mark, and I am in the lpadmin group

 D) Are you using a postscript printer?  Do you have kprinter installed?

 I use gnome, not kde, so no kprinter. gtklp runs and finds all the

 Also, why would the type of printer make a difference? If cups can print
 to that printer, why would firefox care, unless firefox doesn't use cups?

 1. First, if you haven't done so, you need to print to PostScript in
 order for the needed entry in prefs.js to be populated. This will be done
 automatically the first time you print. Open any web page and go to:

 File -- Print -- choose PostScript/default (it should be the default
 if you haven't installed any printers yet) -- click Print

 The problem is that there are no printers int he File -- Print dialog,
 so nothing to print to.

 Once you have done this and it prints, it'll add the PostScript entry
 you need to edit.

 2. In the URL bar, type

 about:config to open the config page.

 3. In the Filter bar, type

 This should filter everything out but that line.

 4. Right-click on the line, click on Modify, and change the entry to

 kprinter then click OK. This will make Firefox print to kprinter any
 time you select the PostScript/default printer.

 5. Right-click anywhere in the white space, then click on New --
 Boolean to add a new Boolean entry. Type


 and set its value to true. This will force Firefox to print to the
 default printer without prompting you. If PostScript/default is the only
 printer you have and there are no local / network printers, it works great
 and you can stop here. But if you installed a printer through CUPS, it
 complicates things as Firefox will want to use that as a default and all
 your prints will go there without prompting you! So even if you don't have
 a local printer, it's a good idea to add the following line in case you add
 one later.

 6. Once again, right-click and choose New -- Boolean. Type

 and set its value to false. That will disable CUPS printing in
 Firefox, and it will default to the PostScript/default printer. And since
 you've changed the output of that to kprinter, you'll see a processing
 dialog for a split second when you print, after which kprinter will open
 up. There you can choose all your printers, including PDF, PostScript, and
 any CUPS installed printers :) .

 Did you verify the GTK?

 Did you check for the gtkrc file?

I have a lot of gtkrc files -
locate gtkrc

OT--HTML coding question

2012-02-26 Thread Mark Jarvis

I have a web site with a large number of hand coded pages. I have a 
block of code that needs to be inserted into each page. The problem is 
that the block will change occasionally as new material is added. 
Obviously, things would be much simpler if I could make the change in 
one place and have each page attach/include/link to/etc. a file 
containing that piece of code. If there is an HTML construct that allows 
that, I haven't found it.

If there is such a thing and someone could point me to it, It would be 
greatly  appreciated.

Mark Jarvis
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Re: OT--HTML coding question

2012-02-26 Thread Mark Jarvis

Thanks! It sounds like a good solution. If this was a commercial web 
site I'd probably do it. However this is something I'm doing on a 
volunteer basis using donated space and I'm trying to keep everything 
small and simple--especially simple.

Once again, thanks!


Matt Graham wrote:

From: Mark

I have a web site with a large number of hand coded pages. I have a
block of code that needs to be inserted into each page. The problem is
that the block will change occasionally as new material is added.
Obviously, things would be much simpler if I could make the change in
one place and have each page attach/include/link to/etc. a file
containing that piece of code. If there is an HTML construct that allows
that, I haven't found it.

It's called server-side includes, and it's relatively standard if you're
using Apache.  You have to have the directory you want to have server-side
includes enabled in with a config stanza kind of like so:

Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
# note that Includes is the option you want to have enabled for this dir.
# that's the docroot of my webhost; modify for your setup
# make sure to restart apache if you change the config file

Once this has been done, all you have to do is to put a construct like so into

!--#include virtual=/incs/nav.html --

...this tells apache that when it's reading foobar.html, it should read the
file /var/www/localhost/htdocs/incs/nav.html and insert that file's contents
into foobar.html at that point, before sending stuff to the client.[0]  This
is *really* useful.  At work, we basically depend on apache SSI to do 5 tons
of stuff, since many pages use the same stuff across the whole site for
navigation/menu bars/whatever.

If this didn't make any sense, holler.

[0] It can get a bit more complex than that, what with RewriteRules and other
stuff, but that'll get you started.

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Re: I need opinions.

2012-02-15 Thread Mark Phillips

I believe the foundation of PLUG is the notion that members of the Plug
community give freely to each other as they can. For example, a member who
has many years of experience as a Linux sysadmin making 6 figures does not
ask a poster to donate $5 to them for solid advice on how to fix the
poster's problem. They give back to the community because they know someday
they will be the poster in need of assistance one day. Or, they give out of
the need to support this community out of the goodness of their heart.
 With that said, I find your proposed post to be offensive and not at all
in the spirit of this community.

I also agree with Mike Bydalek that your proposed post is not even close to
the stated purpose of this forum -
We talk about the state of GNU/Linux, what we've recently done with
GNU/Linux, share problems and create solutions. (

My 2 cents.


On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Mike Bydalek mike.byda...@gmail.comwrote:

  Honestly, I don't think this is the proper forum for this.  The ride
 watching you bring up the site has been fun and entertaining, but this is a
 Linux group, not an English group.

 [snarky]You could use the free site you found and use someone there.  I
 understand there are proofreaders there ;) [/snarky]


 On 2/15/12 4:48 PM, Michael Havens wrote:

 I created a webpage and I need opinions of the advertisement I'm putting
 on it. Could you please proof read it and tell me if it would turn you off
 or on or indifferant?
 -begin ad---

 Mike here,

 You know, I wanted to find a work-from-home job so badly that I followed
 many leads and I got scammed many times. Good news though! I finally found
 a web page that really does give work-from-home job opportunities. These
 jobs range from computer programmers to cartoon artists; from telephone
 interviewers to social workers; from proofreaders to typists. A great
 number of other opportunities are also at this site just awaiting an
 applicant. I feel as if I should just give the webpage to you but I also
 feel I've been scammed so often that I need to recoup some of my losses.
 So, simply pay $5.00 via paypal to and I'll
 send you the site. True, you could find it on your own; but I never did in
 the years of my search. I had to pay substantially more than the five I'm
 asking for... but what I did pay for is (in my opinion) unreasonable. I
 figure $5 is a fair price... not to much but perhaps too little. However, I
 know that if you are unemployed you are watching every penny so I
 definately don't want to hurt you. In fact, the site itself is free (at
 least it was when I used it) so there will be no further charges. If you
 don't have a paypal account you can sign 
  it for free and then link it to a bank account or a credit card. So the
 excuse that you don't have a paypal account is a lame excuse.

 Have a good day ya-all!
 -end ad-

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Re: problem installing plone

2012-02-02 Thread Mark Phillips
1. Read the readme that came with the plone installation software.
2. install the dependencies that are listed in that readme.


On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 1:41 AM, Michael Havens wrote:

 okay, apparently that got rid of the 'bits' error but now  I get :

  ImportError: No module named _sha256

 I tried to apt-get install it but no dice doing that. I then ran apt-file
 search and  a list of 14 files popped up. Do I understand correctly that I
 need to  reinstall all these files? I did that for the bits error but there
 were only four files to reinstall.

 On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 8:26 PM, John wrote:

 Your missing dependencies that plone needs to build properly. I look for
 an install readme file and look there first. Not sure which distro you but
 I also use apt-file with Ubuntu

 sudo apt-get install apt-file
 apt-file update
 apt-file search bits/predefs.h

 You'll then have to install the package that it says to. You'll have to
 keep doing this for each missing dep. It takes time but you'll eventually
 chip away the issues so it'll build. If no, you'll want to try and find a
 pre-built package.

 *From:* Michael Havens
 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Sent:* Sunday, January 29, 2012 2:37 PM
 *Subject:* Re: problem installing plone

 This is cool... I'm looklng through the install log and this might be

 Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
 _bsddb _hashlib   _sqlite3
 _ssl   _tkinter   bsddb185
 linuxaudiodev  ossaudiodevsunaudiodev
 To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the
 module's name.

 (so what do they mean I should do?)
 (if these 'bits' are there where shuld I put them?)

 Failed to build these modules:
 crypt  nis
 Warning - could not find file bits/predefs.h
 Warning - could not find file sys/cdefs.h
 Warning - could not find file gnu/stubs.h
 Warning - could not find file bits/wchar.h
 Warning - could not find file bits/wordsize.h
 Warning - could not find file sys/socket.h
 Warning - could not find file bits/types.h
 Warning - could not find file bits/in.h
 Warning - could not find file bits/endian.h
 *** WARNING: renaming nis since importing it failed:
 build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/ undefined symbol: yp_master

 Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
 _bsddb _hashlib   _sqlite3
 _ssl   _tkinter   bsddb185
 linuxaudiodev  ossaudiodevsunaudiodev
 To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the
 module's name.

 Failed to build these modules:
 crypt  nis


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Question about USB R/W Speed

2012-02-02 Thread Mark Phillips
I bought a new HP 32 GB USB stick. I plugged it into my Debian laptop to
make a quick back up of a large directory (~8 GB, lots of little files),
and it took overnight to transfer the files. Gnome reported that the
transfer speed was around 400 - 500 KB/sec. I then plugged the same stick
into the same port on my laptop, but transferred files (~1.5 GB lots of
little files) from Windows 7 running in VMPlayer, and got a transfer speed
of 4-5 MB/sec - 10 time faster! I checked the specs on the device, and HP
says it should r/w files at about 4-5 MB/sec. Is there some magic in
windows that makes USB sticks faster?


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Re: Question about USB R/W Speed

2012-02-02 Thread Mark Phillips
You are probably correct. I went back and checked the sizes of the
directories and the number of files:

Slow transfer - 213,255 files, 3.5 Gb = ~16.4KB/file
Fast Transfer - 803 files, 1.8 GB = 2.24 MB/file

I guess I won't return the stick as defective...;)


On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Adam McCullough wrote:

 I'm willing to bet that the 1.5GB of files were a lot larger and less
 numerous than the 8 GB of files you moved previously.

 It isn't Windows, it has to do with how file systems work. Moving a
 million 1 kb files is going to take a lot more time than moving a tarball
 of the same files -- even if they are the same size, bit for bit.

 On 2 February 2012 08:21, Mark Phillips m...@phillipsmarketing.bizwrote:

 I bought a new HP 32 GB USB stick. I plugged it into my Debian laptop to
 make a quick back up of a large directory (~8 GB, lots of little files),
 and it took overnight to transfer the files. Gnome reported that the
 transfer speed was around 400 - 500 KB/sec. I then plugged the same stick
 into the same port on my laptop, but transferred files (~1.5 GB lots of
 little files) from Windows 7 running in VMPlayer, and got a transfer speed
 of 4-5 MB/sec - 10 time faster! I checked the specs on the device, and HP
 says it should r/w files at about 4-5 MB/sec. Is there some magic in
 windows that makes USB sticks faster?



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Re: Question about USB R/W Speed

2012-02-02 Thread Mark Phillips
On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Matt Graham wrote:

 From: Mark Phillips
  Matt Graham wrote:
  If ehci_hcd isn't loaded, then USB2 devices will be limited to USB1
  OK, # lspci |grep -i ehci

 That just tells you whether an EHCI controller is present on the PCI bus
 is).  You want lsmod | grep ehci, which will tell you whether the
 kernel module is loaded.

# lsmod | grep ehci
ehci_hcd   40215  0
usbcore   124095  5 uvcvideo,usbhid,uhci_hcd,ehci_hcd is loaded.

  How do I check if devices are automounted with -o sync?

 This depends on whether you're using an automounter and which one you're
 using.  I can't help that much with the automounter config, since I always
 mount removable media manually and use fstab entries.  But if you plug the
 device in and start doing stuff with it, typing mount in a terminal
 show you a bunch of output with a line like

 /dev/sdb1 on /mnt/somewhere type vfat (rw,noauto,users,umask=000)

 ...where the stuff within ()s is the options the device was mounted as.
 sync probably shouldn't be in there if you want the fastest possible I/O.

from mount, with the HP usb stick installed:
/dev/sdb1 on /media/usb0 type vfat

No sync, so it was probably the file sizes?

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Re: problem installing plone

2012-02-01 Thread Mark Phillips

John is correct - read the Readme file and install that dependencies.

From you log file, it looks as if you don't have zip installed - LookupError:
unknown encoding: zip
Python zlib support is missing; something went wrong in the zlib or python


On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 8:26 PM, John wrote:

 Your missing dependencies that plone needs to build properly. I look for
 an install readme file and look there first. Not sure which distro you but
 I also use apt-file with Ubuntu

 sudo apt-get install apt-file
 apt-file update
 apt-file search bits/predefs.h

 You'll then have to install the package that it says to. You'll have to
 keep doing this for each missing dep. It takes time but you'll eventually
 chip away the issues so it'll build. If no, you'll want to try and find a
 pre-built package.

 *From:* Michael Havens
 *To:* Main PLUG discussion list
 *Sent:* Sunday, January 29, 2012 2:37 PM
 *Subject:* Re: problem installing plone

 This is cool... I'm looklng through the install log and this might be

 Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
 _bsddb _hashlib   _sqlite3
 _ssl   _tkinter   bsddb185
 linuxaudiodev  ossaudiodevsunaudiodev
 To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the
 module's name.

 (so what do they mean I should do?)
 (if these 'bits' are there where shuld I put them?)

 Failed to build these modules:
 crypt  nis
 Warning - could not find file bits/predefs.h
 Warning - could not find file sys/cdefs.h
 Warning - could not find file gnu/stubs.h
 Warning - could not find file bits/wchar.h
 Warning - could not find file bits/wordsize.h
 Warning - could not find file sys/socket.h
 Warning - could not find file bits/types.h
 Warning - could not find file bits/in.h
 Warning - could not find file bits/endian.h
 *** WARNING: renaming nis since importing it failed:
 build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/ undefined symbol: yp_master

 Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
 _bsddb _hashlib   _sqlite3
 _ssl   _tkinter   bsddb185
 linuxaudiodev  ossaudiodevsunaudiodev
 To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the
 module's name.

 Failed to build these modules:
 crypt  nis


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Re: drupal or plone

2012-01-25 Thread Mark Phillips
Some other thoughts about plone from other plone developers...(Again, I
know nothing about Drupal)

- regarding usage:
Plone can be used immediately out-of-the-box (Drupal needs extra
configuration after installation before providing any services), and the
core features offer a very decent coverage, so you start building an entire
web site easily.
Plone is very easy to use, no specific knowledge is needed to start
producing content, Drupal is most part of time more difficult (let's
say Plone is contributor oriented, whereas Drupal is webmaster oriented). I
would agree about plone...install it and end users can start creating pages
of content right away. I set up a high school newspaper site with plone out
of the box, and the students were creating news stories, photo albums,
surveys, etc. within a couple of hours. All with the built in workflow, so
the school administration could review/approve/reject all content before it
was published to the Internet.

- regarding admin sys:
Plone provides a fully integrated architecture where you can easily deploy
clustering, caching, load balancing, etc...
whereas Drupal is only a component (actually a set of components providing
CMS features) that needs to be integrated in a global architecture. You may
not care with a small site, but as it grows or you need these things, they
are built in and just have to be turned on in plone.

- regarding development:
The Plone framework is much more robust and structured, all Plone products
respect its standards (and at all levels: component architecture,
testability, deployability, CSS classes, JS declaration,
internationalization, everything...).
Drupal is more unstructured and heterogeneous. There is also a large body
of open source Plone products to add new functionality and themes to change
the look and feel of the site.

Also, some other sources if information from the plone community -

Six Feet Up is a plone developer of long standing and high involved with
the development of plone itself.

Have fun!


On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 2:43 AM, James Dugger james.dug...@gmail.comwrote:

 When I first got into web application development I tried both.  Plone was
 more intimidating to me than Drupal for the following reasons:

 1.  It was not based on a standard simple AMP Stack.  by AMP I mean
 Apache, MySQL, PHP.
 2.  I found the web site difficult to find tutorials and help, and the
 forums for newbies was not user friendly at least for me.
 3.  I was very new to high level scripting languages and PHP was and still
 is used more for web applications than Python.
 4.  By contrast not only did Drupal have easy to find tutorials for the
 framework but it even has tutorials on learning PHP.
 5.  There is a lot of information/documentation for modules.

 This was my experience three years ago.  Now before anyone goes crazy on
 me,  since this time I have come to really appreciate the elegance of
 python code in comparison to PHP, but at the time I new very little about
 it.  I believe that Plone is more extensible a framework than Drupal.  But
 here's a question does Plone have API's or modules to connect/extend it's
 capabilities with other applications like Alfresco, or Uberecart.  I know
 Plone is very powerful and scalable to very large enterprise level
 development, But then Drupal, combined with Alfresco, if
 developed/implemented efficiently can replace, and even convert much of
 traditional filesytem data such as docs and excel files and place the data
 in enterprise class CMS.

 Drupal is very flexible with style templating making it simple to
 modify/customize a web application to a specific customer.  They even have
 there own take on the CSS Zen Garden.  Because of this more web designers
 are getting into it for ease of site design without coding requirements.
 Drupal is also easily set up to run multiple sites through a single
 install.  With one installation you can host hundreds of sites as a VSP
 with minimal up keep.

 I really should look into Plone again because I am sure it can do most if
 not all of all I described above.  But of all of the communities I have
 experienced (considering forums, websites, tutorials, wiki's, and number of
 easy to access free modules) I like Drupal's over Joomla, Word Press, and
 Plone.  To me for open source apps, the apps community is everything.


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Re: drupal or plone

2012-01-25 Thread Mark Phillips

As a general rule, if I install an application and it needs something, I
search the Debian repositories (since I run Debian - your distro may be
different) for that program before going the compile route. The reason? The
package in the repository knows where all packages are installed on your
system, and  the package manager will install any other dependencies you


On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Michael Havens wrote:

 root@bt:~# locate fontconfig





















Re: Red Hat Certified Engineer Training

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Phillips
This article on Anki might help you with your studies.


On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Bryan O'Neal wrote:

 Wow. That sounds great! However Monday is not enough notice. When will
 the next round start?

 On 1/20/12, mike enriquez wrote:
  Check with the Red Hat Academy at Estrella Community College.
  Monday will be the first day for the  review class for the Red Hat exam.
  The instructor for the class is Randy Larson.
  With Randy teaching it, it will be a great class to attend for a review.
  And it will not cost more than the typical Community Rates.
  Let me know if you need more info and I will try to get it for you.
  Mike Enriquez
  On 01/20/2012 09:56 AM, wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On 01/17/2012 04:35 PM, Lisa Kachold wrote:
  Where is the best Red Hat Certified Engineer Training here in
  Prices?  Schedule?  Test dates?
  You should also probably read through the certification FAQ:
  - --
  Chief Architect, Canada and Central US
  512-241-0774 office / 512-585-5631 cell
  IRC: choirboy / AIM: rhelguy / Yahoo: rhce_guy /Google+
  Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
  Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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Re: drupal or plone

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Phillips
One point - zope/plone may be more secure than drupal. Searching the NVD ( for plone and drupal over the last three year,
plone had 11 reported vulnerabilities, and drupal had 218.

disclaimer - I have never used drupal, so I know nothing about it. I have
used zope/plone for a couple of years, and even though it has a steep
learning curve, I have found it to be very powerful and fun to use. The
plone community is very helpful and courteous.

Your question is a little bit like how high is up? The answer depends a lot
on the requirements of the project.

Please no flame wars on this topicI have no vested interest in either


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Michael Havens wrote:

 I was reading about Drupal on wikipedia. This is a small portion of what
 it has to say:

  When compared to three other well-known open source CMS platforms
 covered by the
  MITRE CVE database, Drupal ranked second - after 
 Plone before
 WordPress and 

 So let's talk about Plone. Why was it ranked ahead of drupal? What is it
 about? What is the difference between the two? For those of you who have
 used both why do you prefer the platform you have chosen to go with?


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Re: drupal or plone

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Phillips

I suggest you get a copy of Professional Plone 4 Development  by Martin
Aspeli (pakt) and join the plone users group. and follow that book. It
takes you from setting up your development environment to creating add on
products for Plone. It is very good, but you need a rudimentary knowledge
of python.

Installing Plone is easyrunning it is easy...simple changes are
easydeveloping new functionality takes some time to learn how to do it
correctly. Feel free to contact me off list for help. However, there are
many more knowledgeable plonistas on the Plone users' group email list.  ;)


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 11:10 PM, Michael Havens wrote:

 I'm checking out plone and I'm trying to download it right now. I need to
 download some addiitonal stuff too. They want me to d/l imagemagick but it
 seems to be a windows thing. Is there a linux equivalent that I'm supposed
 to d/l?

 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 3:48 PM, keith smith klsmith2...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I apologize for branching, however, am I reading that you find PHP
 developers more difficult to work with than python developers?

 That would be an interesting observation.

 Keith Smith

 --- On *Tue, 1/24/12, Stephen* wrote:

 From: Stephen
 Subject: Re: drupal or plone
 To: Main PLUG discussion list
 Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 2:57 PM

 The other aspect of things is there seems to be more python friendly
 folks out there and not as many php friendly, but that is only from my
 personal experience and may not be accurate outside of my own life.

 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Michael Havens 
  I was reading about Drupal on wikipedia. This is a small portion of
 what it
  has to say:
   When compared to three other well-known open source CMS platforms
  covered by the
   MITRE CVE database, Drupal ranked second - after Plone but before
  WordPress and Joomla.[76]
  So let's talk about Plone. Why was it ranked ahead of drupal? What is it
  about? What is the difference between the two? For those of you who have
  used both why do you prefer the platform you have chosen to go with?
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 A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
 rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

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Re: drupal or plone

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Phillips
Forgot to add - use the unified installer for plone/zope/python from Don't use plone from your Linux distribution - it will be too
far out of date and many distros put the plone stuff in odd places, so it
makes it hard to use the documentation.


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 11:54 PM, Mark Phillips


 I suggest you get a copy of Professional Plone 4 Development  by Martin
 Aspeli (pakt) and join the plone users group. and follow that book. It
 takes you from setting up your development environment to creating add on
 products for Plone. It is very good, but you need a rudimentary knowledge
 of python.

 Installing Plone is easyrunning it is easy...simple changes are
 easydeveloping new functionality takes some time to learn how to do it
 correctly. Feel free to contact me off list for help. However, there are
 many more knowledgeable plonistas on the Plone users' group email list.  ;)


 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 11:10 PM, Michael Havens wrote:

 I'm checking out plone and I'm trying to download it right now. I need to
 download some addiitonal stuff too. They want me to d/l imagemagick but it
 seems to be a windows thing. Is there a linux equivalent that I'm supposed
 to d/l?

 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 3:48 PM, keith smith klsmith2...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I apologize for branching, however, am I reading that you find PHP
 developers more difficult to work with than python developers?

 That would be an interesting observation.

 Keith Smith

 --- On *Tue, 1/24/12, Stephen* wrote:

 From: Stephen
 Subject: Re: drupal or plone
 To: Main PLUG discussion list
 Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 2:57 PM

 The other aspect of things is there seems to be more python friendly
 folks out there and not as many php friendly, but that is only from my
 personal experience and may not be accurate outside of my own life.

 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Michael Havens 
  I was reading about Drupal on wikipedia. This is a small portion of
 what it
  has to say:
   When compared to three other well-known open source CMS platforms
  covered by the
   MITRE CVE database, Drupal ranked second - after Plone but before
  WordPress and Joomla.[76]
  So let's talk about Plone. Why was it ranked ahead of drupal? What is
  about? What is the difference between the two? For those of you who
  used both why do you prefer the platform you have chosen to go with?
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 A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
 rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

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Re: drupal or plone

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Phillips
I am not sure if what you are doing is related to installing plone. The
easiest way to install Plone is to download the unified installer and run


On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 12:07 AM, Michael Havens wrote:

 I don't know where  I got the idea I needed imagemajic but any ways I'm
 trying to compile poppler. Well, I type in ./configure and  I get an error
 that there is no package 'fontconfig'.   Where do I get this package and do
 I put it in the poppler folder where the config file is. Or maybe I should
 put it in /usr  so it will be available to everyon. What do you think?

 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 11:10 PM, Michael Havens wrote:

 I'm checking out plone and I'm trying to download it right now. I need to
 download some addiitonal stuff too. They want me to d/l imagemagick but it
 seems to be a windows thing. Is there a linux equivalent that I'm supposed
 to d/l?

 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 3:48 PM, keith smith klsmith2...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I apologize for branching, however, am I reading that you find PHP
 developers more difficult to work with than python developers?

 he ide i NEEDEThat would be an interesting observation.

 Keith Smith

 --- On *Tue, 1/24/12, Stephen* wrote:

 From: Stephen
 Subject: Re: drupal or plone
 To: Main PLUG discussion list
 Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 2:57 PM

 The other aspect of things is there seems to be more python friendly
 folks out there and not as many php friendly, but that is only from my
 personal experience and may not be accurate outside of my own life.

 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Michael Havens 
  I was reading about Drupal on wikipedia. This is a small portion of
 what it
  has to say:
   When compared to three other well-known open source CMS platforms
  covered by the
   MITRE CVE database, Drupal ranked second - after Plone but before
  WordPress and Joomla.[76]
  So let's talk about Plone. Why was it ranked ahead of drupal? What is
  about? What is the difference between the two? For those of you who
  used both why do you prefer the platform you have chosen to go with?
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 A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
 rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

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Re: OT HDW question update

2012-01-12 Thread Mark Jarvis


  If I understand what I've been reading about the DVI interface,
  without the 4 pins around the horizontal bar, there's no analog
  output in the plug--see diagram. The DVI-D ones--which is what I
  have on one machine--do not have the analog signal.

Quoting: "As well as digital signals, the DVI
connector includes pins providing the same analog signals found
on a VGA connector, allowing an analog VGA monitor to be
connected with a passive plug adapter (or with a converter cable
with VGA at one end, and DVI-A or DVI-I at the other). This
feature was included in order to make DVI universal, as it
allows either type of monitor (analog or digital) to be operated
from the same connector.

The DVI connector on a device is therefore
given one of three names, depending on which signals it

  DVI-D (digital only, both
  single-link and dual-link)
  DVI-A (analog only)
  DVI-I (integrated  digital and

One machine has both
  DVI-I  VGA ports, the other only the DVI-D,. I'll try
  to find a spare video card and see if that will help.

Stephen wrote:

  I have dual link DVI output on my graphics card, and it worked fine
with the simple adapter.

I can look and see if i have a spare. 10 bux for that is ridiculous.

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Mark Jarvis wrote:


I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I went by Fry's and they
wanted $10 and up for an adapter. The good news is I didn't buy one. I say
good news because I'm now learning a little about DVI  I don't think an
adapter is going to fix the problem. The DVI ports on my new computer are
DVI-D (Dual Link). Since apparently a DVI-D port is digital only, I suspect
that attempting to run that signal through a VGA interface either would
require a non-simple ( non-cheap) adapter or be impossible.

It looks like the KVM box is going back (more bad news)  I buy a more
expensive KVM with DVI ports.

Any advice  comments by someone familiar with video and the DVI interface
will be gratefully accepted.


Mark Jarvis

Stephen wrote:

The simple answer is yes, Most graphics cards come with them now, but
you can probably stop by frys and get one pretty cheap. cant image it
would be more than 5 bux.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Mark Jarvis wrote:

I just ordered  received a TRENDnet 2-port USB KVM switch kit. I thought I
was OK on the video because its rated resolution is greater than what I'm

What's the problem? It appears to only have VGA video ports and one of the
computers I be hooking up to it has only DVI. Is there such a thing as a
DVI-to-VGA adapter? Will I have problems using this unit with my computers?

I'm sure that the solution is simple,  I probably should know the answer,
but video is one area I have no expertise in.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Re: (OT HDW question update) update

2012-01-12 Thread Mark Jarvis


I dug out my spare video card and it has a
  DVI-I port so I think that I'll try that. 

I still don't know enough about this whole area,
  so if anyone has anything to share, it would be appreciated.
  Mark Jarvis

Mark Jarvis wrote:

If I understand what I've been reading about the DVI interface,
without the 4 pins around the horizontal bar, there's no analog
output in the plug--see diagram. The DVI-D ones--which is what I
have on one machine--do not have the analog signal.
  Quoting: "As well as digital signals, the
  DVI connector includes pins providing the same analog signals
  found on a VGA connector, allowing an analog VGA monitor to be
  connected with a passive plug adapter (or with a converter
  cable with VGA at one end, and DVI-A or DVI-I at the other).
  This feature was included in order to make DVI universal, as
  it allows either type of monitor (analog or digital) to be
  operated from the same connector.
  The DVI connector on a device is therefore
  given one of three names, depending on which signals it
DVI-D (digital only, both
single-link and dual-link)
DVI-A (analog only)
DVI-I (integrated  digital and
  One machine has both
DVI-I  VGA ports, the other only the DVI-D,. I'll
try to find a spare video card and see if that will help.
  Stephen wrote:
I have dual link DVI output on my graphics card, and it worked fine
with the simple adapter.

I can look and see if i have a spare. 10 bux for that is ridiculous.

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Mark Jarvis wrote:

  I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I went by Fry's and they
wanted $10 and up for an adapter. The good news is I didn't buy one. I say
good news because I'm now learning a little about DVI  I don't think an
adapter is going to fix the problem. The DVI ports on my new computer are
DVI-D (Dual Link). Since apparently a DVI-D port is digital only, I suspect
that attempting to run that signal through a VGA interface either would
require a non-simple ( non-cheap) adapter or be impossible.

It looks like the KVM box is going back (more bad news)  I buy a more
expensive KVM with DVI ports.

Any advice  comments by someone familiar with video and the DVI interface
will be gratefully accepted.


Mark Jarvis

Stephen wrote:

The simple answer is yes, Most graphics cards come with them now, but
you can probably stop by frys and get one pretty cheap. cant image it
would be more than 5 bux.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Mark Jarvis wrote:

I just ordered  received a TRENDnet 2-port USB KVM switch kit. I thought I
was OK on the video because its rated resolution is greater than what I'm

What's the problem? It appears to only have VGA video ports and one of the
computers I be hooking up to it has only DVI. Is there such a thing as a
DVI-to-VGA adapter? Will I have problems using this unit with my computers?

I'm sure that the solution is simple,  I probably should know the answer,
but video is one area I have no expertise in.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Re: OT HDW question

2012-01-11 Thread Mark Jarvis

My monitor has a 15 pin VGA port, as does the old computer so it looks 
like an adapter to connect my DVI cable from the new box to the KVM 
switch will make it work. Of course that brings up the question of what 
am I losing by not using DVI?

A quick Google check (which I should have done earlier) showed lots of 
adapters for just a few bucks, so I should be able to pick one up 
locally--which leads back to the what do I lose question.



Mark Jarvis

Mark Jarvis wrote:

I just ordered  received a TRENDnet 2-port USB KVM switch kit. I 
thought I was OK on the video because its rated resolution is greater 
than what I'm running.

What's the problem? It appears to only have VGA video ports and one of 
the computers I be hooking up to it has only DVI. Is there such a 
thing as a DVI-to-VGA adapter? Will I have problems using this unit 
with my computers?

I'm sure that the solution is simple,  I probably should know the 
answer, but video is one area I have no expertise in.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Re: OT HDW question update

2012-01-11 Thread Mark Jarvis

I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I went by Fry's and 
they wanted $10 and up for an adapter. The good news is I didn't buy 
one. I say good news because I'm now learning a little about DVI  I 
don't think an adapter is going to fix the problem. The DVI ports on my 
new computer are DVI-D (Dual Link). Since apparently a DVI-D port is 
digital only, I suspect that attempting to run that signal through a VGA 
interface either would require a non-simple ( non-cheap) adapter or be 

It looks like the KVM box is going back (more bad news)  I buy a more 
expensive KVM with DVI ports.

Any advice  comments by someone familiar with video and the DVI 
interface will be gratefully accepted.


Mark Jarvis

Stephen wrote:

The simple answer is yes, Most graphics cards come with them now, but
you can probably stop by frys and get one pretty cheap. cant image it
would be more than 5 bux.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Mark  wrote:

I just ordered  received a TRENDnet 2-port USB KVM switch kit. I thought I
was OK on the video because its rated resolution is greater than what I'm

What's the problem? It appears to only have VGA video ports and one of the
computers I be hooking up to it has only DVI. Is there such a thing as a
DVI-to-VGA adapter? Will I have problems using this unit with my computers?

I'm sure that the solution is simple,  I probably should know the answer,
but video is one area I have no expertise in.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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OT HDW question

2012-01-10 Thread Mark Jarvis

I just ordered  received a TRENDnet 2-port USB KVM switch kit. I 
thought I was OK on the video because its rated resolution is greater 
than what I'm running.

What's the problem? It appears to only have VGA video ports and one of 
the computers I be hooking up to it has only DVI. Is there such a thing 
as a DVI-to-VGA adapter? Will I have problems using this unit with my 

I'm sure that the solution is simple,  I probably should know the 
answer, but video is one area I have no expertise in.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
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OT - Windows XP Installation CD

2012-01-01 Thread Mark Phillips
I have an old Dell server running Windows XP Pro, which has gotten so slow
that my best plan is to wipe it and re-install. I have the license tag on
the box but no CDs to install. The machine use to be a gaming machine for
my kids when they were younger, and they moved on to only needing iTunes.

Does anyone have a Windows XP Pro CD I can borrow? Can I download it from
somewhere on the net?

I assume this is legal, as I have the license, just not the media.


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Re: OT - Windows XP Installation CD

2012-01-01 Thread Mark Phillips
On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Lisa Kachold lisakach...@obnosis.comwrote:

 There are tons of sights with links to XP source:

The site appears to be deadI just get a blank page

 Be sure to get your key off your system:

Hard to miss the bright shiny tag on the top of the box! ;)

I found that site early on in my search. All it says is there are tons of
sites with Windows downloads..., but no links, and then it says to buy a
new copy from MS.

 All of the referenced download links are, of course, illegal therefore
 possibly warez sites with spam, trojans, virus, etc.

 Try to find someone with a DVD?

That was the point of my email.

 [I have one,  but I am not going to supply the use of it to anyone on a
 Linux list and I can't get it to you with my current schedule..]

 You should not need to use Windows for anything!

One has to use Windows or MacOS for iTunes and Windows for many Windows
games. Wine does not always work, and it does not work for iTunes.

Happy New Year!


 On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Mark Phillips

 I have an old Dell server running Windows XP Pro, which has gotten so
 slow that my best plan is to wipe it and re-install. I have the license tag
 on the box but no CDs to install. The machine use to be a gaming machine
 for my kids when they were younger, and they moved on to only needing

 Does anyone have a Windows XP Pro CD I can borrow? Can I download it from
 somewhere on the net?

 I assume this is legal, as I have the license, just not the media.



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Re: OT - Windows XP Installation CD

2012-01-01 Thread Mark Phillips
On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Matt Graham danceswithcr...@usa.netwrote:

 From: Lisa Kachold
  Try to find someone with a DVD?

 This'd probably be the best bet if possible.

  You should not need to use Windows for anything!

 Real-world considerations mean that people sometimes HAVE to use Windows.
 VPN at my work doesn't allow Linux users to connect to it.  They *could*
 Linux users to connect, but the people in charge of the VPN say that's a
 security risk, and they won't consider it.  If I need/want to work
 my only option is a Windows machine.  (Getting smarter people in charge of
 the VPN is not an option, sadly.)

 Also, what about games?  You may not play games, but lots of games only
 run on

 Mark Philips wrote:
  One has to use Windows or MacOS for iTunes

 gtkpod should work for managing the music/video/whatever on almost all
 and it's cross-platform.  Buying stuff via the Apple store may require
 itself--I don't know since I've never wanted to buy stuff from there.

Sadly, teenage daughters want to buy LOTS of music on iTunes, so it is a
requirement for living in our modern age..and I am out numbered 4 to 1!
Managing music is secondary.access to new music is the primary need for
iTunes. However, YouTube has helped ameliorate the cost of this addiction

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Re: OT - Windows XP Installation CD

2012-01-01 Thread Mark Phillips

There is a bright shiny Windows XP Pro license tag stuck on the top of the
machine. Where and when can we meet (dark alley, late at
night, preferably in the rain and no full moonneed to be safe from the
MS Police) to pick up the disk?

From what I have been reading online (may not be accurate), but back around
2007 the license was restricted to the machine and not the media (MS was
forced to accede this point by the courts). Hence, all the shiny license
tags on (at least) Dell machines. I have successfully installed
XP/2000/Windows 7 from vanilla media as long as the machine has a shiny
license tag for the appropriate OS.


On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Stephen wrote:

 Technically The XP licence should be CD+Key+Manual, In the case of
 Dell they have their own Installer.

 If the System has a key on it then i actually have an XP pro cd you
 can use to restore your install. alternatively you can order a
 replacement cd from Dell. but it may cost something like 20 bux

 On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Lisa Kachold
  There are tons of sights with links to XP source:
  Be sure to get your key off your system:
  All of the referenced download links are, of course, illegal therefore
  possibly warez sites with spam, trojans, virus, etc.
  Try to find someone with a DVD?
  [I have one,  but I am not going to supply the use of it to anyone on a
  Linux list and I can't get it to you with my current schedule..]
  You should not need to use Windows for anything!
  On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Mark Phillips
  I have an old Dell server running Windows XP Pro, which has gotten so
  that my best plan is to wipe it and re-install. I have the license tag
  the box but no CDs to install. The machine use to be a gaming machine
 for my
  kids when they were younger, and they moved on to only needing iTunes.
  Does anyone have a Windows XP Pro CD I can borrow? Can I download it
  somewhere on the net?
  I assume this is legal, as I have the license, just not the media.
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 A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
 rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

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Looking for Laptop Recommendations

2011-12-31 Thread Mark Phillips
My daughter needs a new laptop for high school. It needs to run Debian or
Ubunrtu and have enough horsepower to run Windows XP in VMware Player for
iTunes. A refurbished machine is OK. I am mostly interested in what you
would recommend as minimum hardware specs (processor 7 RAM) for this
configuration. Also, if you have another suggestion for running Linux and
iTunes, I am all ears! ;)


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Re: How to Restrict a User's Access Using SFTP?

2011-12-29 Thread Mark Phillips

The Debian equivalent to /sbin/nologin appears to be /bin/false. When I
tried that, I could not sftp or ssh or gain access to the machine in
anyway. I am not sure if there is another Debian shell that allows sftp but
not ssh.



On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

 That should be ok.

 Be sure you have your ftp server configured such that they cannot access
 folders above/across their home folder. File permissions may handle this,
 but probably will not (many things are world readable).

 Also, be sure that they cannot login to a command prompt by setting their
 login shell to /sbin/nologin (might vary with distro). This is commonly
 done for service accounts (apache, etc).

 On 12/28/2011 03:38 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. Based on some constraints,
 your advice, some googling, I arrived at this set-up, but I am not sure
 how secure it is.

 1. The web creation software (iWeb on a Mac) only supports ftp and sftp
 to upload a site.
 2. iWeb does not support the use of versions for the web pages. By
 that I mean iWeb is strictly one way - create a site and publish it. It
 cannot import an iWeb site, it has to start at the beginning. One can
 create a site and publish it, then edit the site, and publish again, but
 it cannot import or use a previous version of the site as a starting
 point. (I mention this because Eric suggested using git, which sounded
 like a great idea, but alas

 I have this setup, but I could use some advice on how to make it more

 1. User account fred
 2. fred's home is /var/www/domain/fred
 3. /var/www/domain/fred has owner:group fred:fred
 4. Document root is /var/www/domain/fred



 On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:

On 12/27/2011 10:46 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

I need to give a user access to my web server via sftp to upload
site changes. What is the best way to do this? I have several other
sites on the same server, so I want to prevent them or anyone
else who
gains access to their account from being able to make changes to
sites or other parts of the server.



I use vsftp, which can be configured to allow users access only to
their web site's tree. sftp might be able to do the same.

Then, create their user such that their home directory is their web
site's directory, and they cannot log in to the system (only vsftp)
with an /etc/passwd entry like this:


Files in their web site are owned by their user, with read
permissions for 'other' (o+r), which allows apache (or nginx) to
read them.

-Eric 'shubes'

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Re: How to Restrict a User's Access Using SFTP?

2011-12-29 Thread Mark Phillips

Thanks - that worked very well and looks very secure.

Which method is more secure/the right way to set up users with web
publishing rights -
a. create a link from a user's directory to a document root at
b. change document root to /home/user/www/site


On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 12:37 AM, azlobo73 wrote:

 Sorry - built-in OpenSSH chroot functionality

 On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 12:36 AM, azlobo73 wrote:

 If you can either relocate the vhost or the user home directory, then
 this might be of some help, which explains using built-in chroot
 functionality with sftp access to restrict access and visibility:


 On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

 That should be ok.

 Be sure you have your ftp server configured such that they cannot access
 folders above/across their home folder. File permissions may handle this,
 but probably will not (many things are world readable).

 Also, be sure that they cannot login to a command prompt by setting
 their login shell to /sbin/nologin (might vary with distro). This is
 commonly done for service accounts (apache, etc).

 On 12/28/2011 03:38 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. Based on some constraints,
 your advice, some googling, I arrived at this set-up, but I am not sure
 how secure it is.

 1. The web creation software (iWeb on a Mac) only supports ftp and sftp
 to upload a site.
 2. iWeb does not support the use of versions for the web pages. By
 that I mean iWeb is strictly one way - create a site and publish it. It
 cannot import an iWeb site, it has to start at the beginning. One can
 create a site and publish it, then edit the site, and publish again, but
 it cannot import or use a previous version of the site as a starting
 point. (I mention this because Eric suggested using git, which sounded
 like a great idea, but alas

 I have this setup, but I could use some advice on how to make it more

 1. User account fred
 2. fred's home is /var/www/domain/fred
 3. /var/www/domain/fred has owner:group fred:fred
 4. Document root is /var/www/domain/fred



 On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:

On 12/27/2011 10:46 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

I need to give a user access to my web server via sftp to upload
site changes. What is the best way to do this? I have several
sites on the same server, so I want to prevent them or anyone
else who
gains access to their account from being able to make changes to
sites or other parts of the server.



I use vsftp, which can be configured to allow users access only to
their web site's tree. sftp might be able to do the same.

Then, create their user such that their home directory is their web
site's directory, and they cannot log in to the system (only vsftp)
with an /etc/passwd entry like this:

Files in their web site are owned by their user, with read
permissions for 'other' (o+r), which allows apache (or nginx) to
read them.

-Eric 'shubes'

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 python -c exec(\import math\\nprint ''.join(map(lambda x: chr(x), (
 (ord('a')-(3*5)), int(math.sqrt(math.pi*76)*5+2),
 int(math.ceil(math.e)*28), int(math.floor(math.e)*35),


 python -c exec(\import math\\nprint ''.join(map(lambda x: chr(x), (
 (ord('a')-(3*5)), int(math.sqrt(math.pi*76)*5+2),
 int(math.ceil(math.e)*28), int(math.floor(math.e)*35),

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Re: How to Restrict a User's Access Using SFTP?

2011-12-29 Thread Mark Phillips

vsftp is in the Debian repositories, but the developer's tool does not use
it...only sftp or ftp. The program is iWeb on the mac.

However, the article did
the trick for me!


On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

 Oops. Sorry Mark. I forgot that you said sftp, which is part of OpenSSH.
 I'm using vsftp, which does not require a login shell. Probably why it's
 considered very secure. ;) I expect that if vsftp is in a debian repo,
 you could use that instead of sftp. vsftpd is stock in the RHEL repos.

 On 12/29/2011 08:04 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:


 The Debian equivalent to /sbin/nologin appears to be /bin/false. When I
 tried that, I could not sftp or ssh or gain access to the machine in
 anyway. I am not sure if there is another Debian shell that allows sftp
 but not ssh.



 On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

That should be ok.

Be sure you have your ftp server configured such that they cannot
access folders above/across their home folder. File permissions may
handle this, but probably will not (many things are world readable).

Also, be sure that they cannot login to a command prompt by setting
their login shell to /sbin/nologin (might vary with distro). This is
commonly done for service accounts (apache, etc).

On 12/28/2011 03:38 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. Based on some
your advice, some googling, I arrived at this set-up, but I am
not sure
how secure it is.

1. The web creation software (iWeb on a Mac) only supports ftp
and sftp
to upload a site.
2. iWeb does not support the use of versions for the web pages.
that I mean iWeb is strictly one way - create a site and publish
it. It
cannot import an iWeb site, it has to start at the beginning.
One can
create a site and publish it, then edit the site, and publish
again, but
it cannot import or use a previous version of the site as a
point. (I mention this because Eric suggested using git, which
like a great idea, but alas

I have this setup, but I could use some advice on how to make it

1. User account fred
2. fred's home is /var/www/domain/fred
3. /var/www/domain/fred has owner:group fred:fred
4. Document root is /var/www/domain/fred



On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Eric Shubert wrote:

On 12/27/2011 10:46 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

I need to give a user access to my web server via sftp
to upload web
site changes. What is the best way to do this? I have
several other
sites on the same server, so I want to prevent them or
else who
gains access to their account from being able to make
changes to
sites or other parts of the server.



I use vsftp, which can be configured to allow users access
only to
their web site's tree. sftp might be able to do the same.

Then, create their user such that their home directory is
their web
site's directory, and they cannot log in to the system (only
with an /etc/passwd entry like this:


Files in their web site are owned by their user, with read
permissions for 'other' (o+r), which allows apache (or nginx)
read them.

-Eric 'shubes'

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How to Restrict a User's Access Using SFTP?

2011-12-27 Thread Mark Phillips
I need to give a user access to my web server via sftp to upload web site
changes. What is the best way to do this? I have several other sites on the
same server, so I want to prevent them or anyone else who gains access to
their account from being able to make changes to those sites or other parts
of the server.


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Re: Merry Christmas to all

2011-12-24 Thread Mark Phillips
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!


On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 3:22 PM, AZ RUNE wrote:

 Merry Christmas!!


 Brian Fields
 An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til
 they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
 if it isn't armour, or you can't take it to bed, it isn't worth havin'

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Need Help Printing Java Source Files in Color

2011-12-08 Thread Mark Phillips
I use 32bit Eclipse on an AMD64 Debian testing machine because Android
development requires 32 bit Eclipse. I am supposed to be able to print from
within Eclipse, but it does not work - it says it cannot find any printers.
This has been a long standing issue with Eclipse and GTK, and it was solved
a few versions ago. I have the 32bit gtk libraries installed, but it still
won't print. I have posted a question about this in the Eclipse forums.

There is also a way to print from within Eclipse using lpr from the command
line. However, I don't get the pretty colors that make reading the source
code easier. My question: Is there some program that I can pipe the .java
text file through and then send it to lpr so it prints the colorized
source file (and perhaps add a footer with a date, file name, etc.)?
Something that knows how to intelligently add color to a Java (or XML, or
Python or ...) source file?


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Re: need some visual help...

2011-11-30 Thread Mark Phillips
I called a few minutes ago, but you were busy. I hope it means someone is
helping you!

Good luck!


On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Technomage Hawke wrote:

 I am going to need some visual assistance. I need to setup opensuse on a
 new HD and there appears to be no way for me to do so in a non-visual way.
 so if someone can get hold of me on Skype (technomage-hawke) I can start a
 video session and get the ball rolling.

 someone please help here.

 Skype: technomage-hawke
 phone: 623-399-5635
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Re: need some visual help...

2011-11-30 Thread Mark Phillips

Not sure if this will help, but it looks promising...


On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Technomage Hawke wrote:

 I ended up out of the room for a bit. I am here now if you can still help.


 On Nov 30, 2011, at 3:58 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

  I called a few minutes ago, but you were busy. I hope it means someone
 is helping you!
  Good luck!
  On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Technomage Hawke wrote:
  I am going to need some visual assistance. I need to setup opensuse on a
 new HD and there appears to be no way for me to do so in a non-visual way.
 so if someone can get hold of me on Skype (technomage-hawke) I can start a
 video session and get the ball rolling.
  someone please help here.
  Skype: technomage-hawke
  phone: 623-399-5635
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Re: need some visual help...

2011-11-30 Thread Mark Phillips
Good luck!

On Nov 30, 2011 5:42 PM, Technomage Hawke

 that is a  lot of heavy reading. its mostly for the enterprise version but
 there is no reason why it shouldn't work here.


 On Nov 30, 2011, at 5:28 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

  Not sure if this will help, but it looks promising...
  On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Technomage Hawke wrote:
  I ended up out of the room for a bit. I am here now if you can still
  On Nov 30, 2011, at 3:58 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
   I called a few minutes ago, but you were busy. I hope it means someone
 is helping you!
   Good luck!
   On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Technomage Hawke wrote:
   I am going to need some visual assistance. I need to setup opensuse on
 a new HD and there appears to be no way for me to do so in a non-visual
 way. so if someone can get hold of me on Skype (technomage-hawke) I can
 start a video session and get the ball rolling.
   someone please help here.
   Skype: technomage-hawke
   phone: 623-399-5635
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Re: Before I blow windows away....

2011-11-28 Thread Mark Phillips

One caveat with clonezilla - it cannot handle a disk to disk clone if the
source has 512 byte sectors and the destination has 4096 byte sectors. Many
of the new, larger, drives use 4096 byte sectors, and this is a problem
than clonezilla has not yet addressed (I have been waiting 6 months). Their
work around is to copy an image to another storage location, then copy the
image back to the destination. However, you end up with a 4096 byte sector
hard drive formatted with 512 byte sectors, and the accompanying loss
in performance.


On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Stephen wrote:

 In the future, if you have a need to backup an OS for possible later
 use i suggest looking at clonezilla. it will back up to Internal
 drive, usb, nfs, smb, or ftp and it uses dd to make a low level backup
 of your drive and partclone to map your partition layout and will do
 just about every Os i have run into including mac.

 An its not Microsoft, its the OEM vendors not shipping media, you can
 order replacement media usually for 10-20 bux to cover SH ect if you
 grumble enough they will sometimes just send it to you. and even then
 your 50/50 odds at getting restore media as opposed to install media.

 On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Michael Havens wrote:
  I didn't care to keep windows. I blew it away!
  On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Mark Phillips
  Win 7 works just fine as a dual boot with Debian. It also plays very
  in VMPlayer with Debian as the host.
  On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Charles Lewton
  If you have enough disk space, dual boot is a good option.  Or does 7
  not like dual boot?
  On 11/25/11, Michael Havens wrote:
   Before I blow windows away I think I should make a copy of the hard
   in case I need to re-install it. How do I do that  and can I back up
   boot sector as well? I'll be backing up to a cd. Would I use dd?
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 A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
 rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

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