Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
> I would have been surprised if that hadn't been the case. It's not a 
> problem with the NAS, but with the API, or the way I use the API.
Thanks ever so much for the update to v4.4.4 — it's simply brilliant!
All my folders and playlists are now showing in a correct hierarchy in

Your a star! Thank you for all your hard work for this community. (By
the way, do you ever sleep?)

Thanks again


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] All playlist are empty in Spotty

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

So it looks like 4.4.3 is available for many, but the update is still
not showing up for me.  Any suggestions?  I am not particularly
knowledgeable about my system and components, bought a house that
already had Elan running with a Fusion Research OMS1 - I'm told by
Fusion that LMS 7.7.6 is the last build that they support with my
"legacy" OMS 1.  Is being on an older LMS version preventing me from

I'm sorry... well yes, kind of: I forgot to update the legacy plugin 
lists for LMS 7.7 and older... Should be available in a bit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

In the bottom of the web page for the Spotty Plugin settings, there is
one last box entitled Spority Client ID.  As I recall, this is or was
required at one time.  Since nothing was working, I created a new one
and inserted the token in this box as the instructions say to do.  Even
this step did nothing to remedy the problem.  It seems that no matter

Ok. What about my second question?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] All playlist are empty in Spotty

2020-11-18 Thread usahockey83

So it looks like 4.4.3 is available for many, but the update is still
not showing up for me.  Any suggestions?  I am not particularly
knowledgeable about my system and components, bought a house that
already had Elan running with a Fusion Research OMS1 - I'm told by
Fusion that LMS 7.7.6 is the last build that they support with my
"legacy" OMS 1.  Is being on an older LMS version preventing me from

Upgrading all of this is on my longer term to-do list, but just trying
to get back to music playing for upcoming holidays first.  Thanks all.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread freelsjd

In the bottom of the web page for the Spotty Plugin settings, there is
one last box entitled Spority Client ID.  As I recall, this is or was
required at one time.  Since nothing was working, I created a new one
and inserted the token in this box as the instructions say to do.  Even
this step did nothing to remedy the problem.  It seems that no matter
what I do, I continue to get this error message to my screen.  By the
way, when running the spotify app from android, it recognizes the
initialization screen, and clears it, and brings back the spotty
settings page just as it is supposed to do.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-11-18 Thread Marsupial

BoomX2, I figured out a way around the https problem, so I'll repost
here to help future people searching for guidance.

I installed Apache on my server. There's a batch that regularly pulls an
https rss file to the server, which you can then pull http normal.

I added that to the json of the Custom Clock, and voilà, I have local

I also stored the analog clock images on the same spot on the server to
avoid downloading them all the time.

Hope this helps others.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-11-18 Thread staresy

cpd73 wrote: 
> I've been thinking about this, and the problem is getting LMS to serve
> an absolute path - which I don't think it will do. So, for 2.1.0 I've
> added MAI's 'localfiles' option to the Album's action menu.

I've manually installed the 2.1.0 dev plugin to give this a go (it seems
to be installed correctly, it shows the version as vDEVELOPMENT under

I can't seem to find where the localfiles option is located. I think
should only be displayed if MAI finds local files in the same directory
as the music files. My local files are in a sub directory in the music
folder, I've tried moving them to the root, but I still can't seem to
see the localfiles option anywhere. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong
place, I'm looking at the "3 dots" drop-down menu from the album in
question. Is that the right place? My local files are *.html and *.jpg
files. Hope I've explained that ok.


location 1: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1 touch, x1
controller : location 2: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1
duet receiver, x1 controller : alexa mediaserver smart skill, material
android, squeezelitex control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2020-11-18 Thread rgdawson

meltsheep wrote: 
> Is there a bug tracker for SQX? It would be very handy.
> Every time I start it and try to change or even click on "Primary Output
> Device" it crashes when I've got a USB dac plugged in.  If I unplug the
> DAC all is ok. 
> Thanks in advance and thanks for making this program available.

This is sorta it.  There have been, in the past, cases where certain USB
devices cause issues.  When you click on the Output Devices control, SLX
will call the PortAudio library (a third party dll) to enumerate the
available choices.  SLX uses this library because that is what the
squeezelite-win software play uses and so it makes it easy to pass the
selected output device to squeezelite-win as a command line parameter. 
SLX intentionally is coded the same way that squeezelite-win works in
this regard.  But out of curiosity, if you to take a copy of the
squeezelite-win.exe and open a Command Prompt Windows and run
squeezelite with the "-l" switch (list output devices), would that work?
That might tell me whether its me, port audio, or the device.

Obviously, even if PortAudio fails, I don't like the fact that the app
crashes, but when the crash happens in a DLL, I'm limited in being able
to protect for it.  I think I'm doing everything I can, but I will take
another look.

Thanks for coming here for help.  If you can successfully execute
squeezelite-win.exe with the command line switch "-l" then the problem
is SLX.  An alternative to the way I do it using the PortAudio DLL would
be to call squeezelite myself with that switch and use its results
(would be a bit slower).  I'll try and help you out.

Lastly, does your Windows Event Viewer tell you anything?

R Greg Dawson


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Is there a squeezebox player Web client ? to play music ?

2020-11-18 Thread SeanBurlington

Browser view to select album


Lock screen on mobile

Playback view

It works by qurying jsonrpc.js
Then linking to download.mp3

I tried the stream - but it doesnt really stream properly.

Using the download means you cant sync - but you can lsiten.

Limited functionality at the moment - I'm working on caching and offline

But I have been using it and it does allow listening via a web player.

|Filename: Screenshot_20201118-223437_Chrome.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

as before, completely uninstalled, then reinstalled. Also, reset my
spotify developers client ID, but nothing seems to help.  The message I

What do you mean by "reset my client ID"?

What version of the Spotty helper application are you using (see 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

I've just installed LMS 8.0 with Spotty v4.4.3 on a laptop running
Debian Buster. I see exactly the same problem I had on the Synology NAS
installation we've talked about: the Web UI is not displaying any
playlist folders or lists after the last one in the screenshot I sent

I would have been surprised if that hadn't been the case. It's not a 
problem with the NAS, but with the API, or the way I use the API.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] All playlist are empty in Spotty

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

Is there a way to keep using Spotty 2.8.4 and still enjoy the playlist
function of Spotify? I like the Sound Quality of that version.

You might want to turn off Spotty -> Ogg streaming.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2020-11-18 Thread FatPete

I've been meaning to post about this for a while now, but kept

I've noticed some weird behaviour in iPeng on both iPhone and iPad
(everything on latest versions).

It doesn't happen with every artist, and seems more frequent with
artists that have many albums, and when I'm browsing albums further down
the list.

Select an artist with a lot of entries (my Depeche Mode collection has
175 items), and scroll down to the end items.


Click into an album to view details:


Click back to previous screen and all albums are now shown twice. If I
repeat the process, all albums are shown 3 times and so on.


Just wondering if anybody else has noticed this? It's not a show-stopper
but figured I'd mention it in case it's a simple thing to sort out ;)

|Filename: IMG_0162.jpeg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] All playlist are empty in Spotty

2020-11-18 Thread mark.lommers

kidstypike wrote: 
> But you've not heard Spotty v4.4.3 .. ? 
> Oh! ...

I am listening to 4.4.3. As we speak. The reason for the upgrade is that
all my Playlists are empty with the 2.8.4 version.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] All playlist are empty in Spotty

2020-11-18 Thread kidstypike

mark.lommers wrote: 
> On my Innuos Zen Mini there definitely is.

But you've not heard Spotty v4.4.3 .. ? 

Oh! ...

*Server - LMS 8.0.0 *Pi4B 4GB/Flirc case/pCP v7.0.0b6 - 74K library,
playlists & LMS cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B/pCP 7.0.0b6/pi screen/Allo Boss DAC Ruark MR1 Mk2
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 6.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Garage* - Squeezebox Boom + Fostex sub
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Radio

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 7xRPi

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] All playlist are empty in Spotty

2020-11-18 Thread mark.lommers

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Is there a difference in sound quality? That would take some
> explaining.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

On my Innuos Zen Mini there definitely is.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
>  Now I have to figure out whether I can get more information in
> that call. Alas, I don't have that many playlists yet...
If you run the Spotify Desktop app, you can create a test folder
containing some dummy folders under Playlists in the side panel, and
drag random albums into them from the Browse screens, which will then
behave like playlists. This should allow you to check what happens in
Spotty with lots of items.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2020-11-18 Thread PasTim

Bruss123 wrote: 
> I'm running the upnp plug in and lms finds the share on a Naim
> Unitiserve.  LMS also discovers playable devices on my network eg a Tibo
> 3.
> LMS does not find the Naim US as a playable device, only the music file
> share.  Any idea why this might be and is there a config that I can
> change?  I'm guessing that the Naim US doesn't broadcast itself as a
> player or has a service that is not broadcast?   
> Oh and thanks for the upnp plug in generally. If I can get it to
> recognise the Naim US as a playable device that will be the icing on the
> (very good) cake.

What are you trying to do?  What sort of players are you using on each
server? As I understand it the Unitiserve is itself a server, not a
player.  You say LMS can see the Naim's music files, and presumably play
them on devices it sees.  The Naim can presumably see the files LMS has
and play them onto whatever players you are using on that.  If you
enable the LMS plugin to make LMS a player (a different plugin to this
one) you could also use the Naim to play its files via LMS to its

LMS 7.9.3 on PC, Xubuntu 18.04, FLACs 16->24 bit, 44.1->192kbps.  2
Touchs & EDO.
LMS plugin UPnP/DLNA Bridge to MF M1 CLiC (A308CR amp & ESLs) & Marantz
CR603 UPnP renderers.  
Also Minimserver & Upplay to same & to upmpdcli/mpd PC renderers.  
Squeezelite to Meridian USB Explorer DAC to PC speakers/headphones.  
Wireless Xubuntu 18.04 laptop firefox/upplay or Android 'phone with
Squeeze-Commander/BubbleUPnP controls LMS/Minimserver.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
> Here's the problem as I see it: I do two calls to create that hierarchy.
> One to get the hierarchy definition, one to get playlist information
> (that's actually more than one, but anyway). I fear that while the
> detailed list is complete. the hierarchy might somewhere be limited to x
> items, thus we don't get the full hierarchy. Now I have to figure out
> whether I can get more information in that call. Alas, I don't have that
> many playlists yet...
I've just installed LMS 8.0 with Spotty v4.4.3 on a laptop running
Debian Buster. I see exactly the same problem I had on the Synology NAS
installation we've talked about: the Web UI is not displaying any
playlist folders or lists after the last one in the screenshot I sent

When I picked up the Spotify token for Spotty, the initial scan failed
because of rate limiting. I added my Client ID, and the scan completed:

Spotty Albums   (55 of 55)   Complete  00:00:24
Spotty Artists   (39 of 39)   Complete  00:00:05
Spotty Playlists   (318 of 318)   Complete  00:01:46
Building full text index   (7 of 7)   Complete  00:00:35
Pre-caching Artwork   (5 of 5)   Complete  00:00:01
Database Optimize   (2 of 2)   Complete  00:00:08

As you see, all 318 playlists were scanned. But when I go to Spotty
Playlists on the Web UI, there are only 61 Playlist in total. (These
appear correctly, either at the top level or in about four different
folders, with the correct nesting.)

This really does look like something limiting the total number of items
that can display in Spotty.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] All playlist are empty in Spotty

2020-11-18 Thread slartibartfast

mark.lommers wrote: 
> Is there a way to keep using Spotty 2.8.4 and still enjoy the playlist
> function of Spotify? I like the Sound Quality of that version.Is there a 
> difference in sound quality? That would take some explaining.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread stephanvdplas

freelsjd wrote: 
> Hello Michael et al.:  I have been using spotty for quite a while.  I
> just updated the plugin to 4.4.3, but this problem has been around at
> least a couple of weeks I would say.  I have tried to reset the plugin
> as before, completely uninstalled, then reinstalled. Also, reset my
> spotify developers client ID, but nothing seems to help.  The message I
> get when trying to start the spotty app from he LMS web interface is: 
> Failed to get access token
> Please check Settings/Advanced/Spotty Spotify for Squeezebox in the web
> interface

I copy this issue. It occurs since a couple of weeks and latest SB
nightly and latest Spotty plugin (4.4.3) does still have this issue.
Waiting for some minutes, and spotty can browse again for a short time,
then the error re-appears.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] All playlist are empty in Spotty

2020-11-18 Thread mark.lommers

mherger wrote: 
> > Have also inserted client ID, and restarted LMS and RPi a few times.
> > I'll keep trying, but wanted to provide feedback. This initial
> started
> > on the prior version of Spotty. It continued after updating to latest
> > version of Spotty. I'm on LMS 8.0. Thank you.
> The playlists disappearing actually was a change on Spotify's end... 
> v4.4.3 is on its way and will hopefully fix this.
> -- 
> Michael

Is there a way to keep using Spotty 2.8.4 and still enjoy the playlist
function of Spotify? I like the Sound Quality of that version.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Clock and RSS feeds.

2020-11-18 Thread Marsupial

I installed Apache2 on my lms (debian)

>From there I added a local version of a rss feed
It's available like a webpage on 


Initial tests seems to look promising.

The idea would then be to wget the file regularly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Clock applet for Touch/Radio/Controller

2020-11-18 Thread Marsupial

I installed Apache2 on my lms (debian)

>From there I added a local version of a rss feed.

Initial tests seems to look promising.

The idea would then be to wget the file regularly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] All playlist are empty in Spotty

2020-11-18 Thread ascomm74

mherger wrote: 
> >
> The playlists disappearing actually was a change on Spotify's end... 
> v4.4.3 is on its way and will hopefully fix this.

Excellent! 4.4.3 fixed the playlist issue. All is good. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
> I fear that while the detailed list is complete. the hierarchy
> might somewhere be limited to x items, thus we don't get the full
> hierarchy. Now I have to figure out whether I can get more information
> in that call. Alas, I don't have that many playlists yet...
Yes, I did wonder whether the Spotify API had some limit on the number
of playlists it would allow you to call.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
> Ok, for once I have to edit a posting :-). Now I see what your
> screenshot is showing. You're not missing _all_ folders, but only some
> of them?
> Are the folders which are shown empty? Or would at least those work?
Yes, I'm only missing some of the folders. The ones that are shown are
populated and work fine. Sadly, the missing folder and its sub-folders
are where most of our important playlists are located.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread freelsjd

Hello Michael et al.:  I have been using spotty for quite a while.  I
just updated the plugin to 4.4.3, but this problem has been around at
least a couple of weeks I would say.  I have tried to reset the plugin
as before, completely uninstalled, then reinstalled. Also, reset my
spotify developers client ID, but nothing seems to help.  The message I
get when trying to start the spotty app from he LMS web interface is: 

Failed to get access token
Please check Settings/Advanced/Spotty Spotify for Squeezebox in the web

How should I proceed to fix this problem ?  Thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-11-18 Thread slartibartfast

hisdudity wrote: 
> i did notice, and then tried the plugin, works fine for embedded lyrics,
> thank you ;)[emoji106]

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-11-18 Thread hisdudity

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Hmm I made exactly the same reply in the SqueezeliteX thread 10 hours
> ago. Maybe the poster will take more notice of you [emoji3]
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

i did notice, and then tried the plugin, works fine for embedded lyrics,
thank you ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

As you say, there should be 158-ish playlists in nested hierarchies.
I've uploaded screenshots to Dropbox of what I see in Spotty on LMS, and
what I see in the Spotify Desktop App.

Ok, I can confirm that this is actually what I see in the final playlist 
hierarchy logged in the log file you sent me.

Here's the problem as I see it: I do two calls to create that hierarchy. 
One to get the hierarchy definition, one to get playlist information 
(that's actually more than one, but anyway). I fear that while the 
detailed list is complete. the hierarchy might somewhere be limited to x 
items, thus we don't get the full hierarchy. Now I have to figure out 
whether I can get more information in that call. Alas, I don't have that 
many playlists yet...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

Done (I hope!). Thanks, D

Thanks! That log file is looking good. Lists 158(?) playlists, a 
hierarchy which eg. has a sub-folder "Beethoven" inside another one etc. 
Can you show me a screenshot of what you get in the web UI fort 
Spotty/your playlists?

I'm confused: the screenshots you sent do show those playlist folders. 
What am I / are you missing?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
> ...Thanks! That log file is looking good. Lists 158(?) playlists, a 
> hierarchy which eg. has a sub-folder "Beethoven" inside another one etc.
> Can you show me a screenshot of what you get in the web UI fort
> Spotty/your playlists?
As you say, there should be 158-ish playlists in nested hierarchies.
I've uploaded screenshots to Dropbox of what I see in Spotty on LMS, and
what I see in the Spotify Desktop App. 

Everything that's in the Spotify Desktop App below the 'Nise' folder is
missing from the web UI for Spotty.

Thanks very much for looking into this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2020-11-18 Thread Bruss123

I'm running the upnp plug in and lms finds the share on a Naim
Unitiserve.  LMS also discovers playable devices on my network eg a Tibo

LMS does not find the Naim US as a playable device, only the music file
share.  Any idea why this might be and is there a config that I can
change?  I'm guessing that the Naim US doesn't broadcast itself as a
player or has a service that is not broadcast?   

Oh and thanks for the upnp plug in generally. If I can get it to
recognise the Naim US as a playable device that will be the icing on the
(very good) cake.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

Done (I hope!). Thanks, D

Thanks! That log file is looking good. Lists 158(?) playlists, a 
hierarchy which eg. has a sub-folder "Beethoven" inside another one etc. 
Can you show me a screenshot of what you get in the web UI fort 
Spotty/your playlists?


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2020-11-18 Thread meltsheep

rgdawson wrote: 
> I've been thinking more about this...  I'm thinking that SLX should
> default it player Output Device to "Primary Sound Driver" instead of
> PortAudio's default.  That way, SLX's default behavior would be to use
> the sound device you have selected in Windows.  Anyone have any thoughts
> on this?
> R Greg Dawson

Is there a bug tracker for SQX? It would be very handy.

Every time I start it and try to change or even click on "Primary Output
Device" it crashes when  I've got a USB dac plugged in.  If I unplug the
DAC all is ok. 

Thanks in advance and thanks for making this program available.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

Is the LMS / Qobuz plugin reading the wrong tag or is the tagging at
Qobuz just carp?

As your screenshots show LMS displays the same information as Qobuz. So...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
> please enable debug logging for 
> plugin.spotty (Settings/Advanced/Logging), try to navigate to your 
> playlists, turn off logging, send me the log file again.
Done (I hope!). Thanks, D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Reliable plugin for resilient HTTP connections

2020-11-18 Thread Redrum

Philippe, I have to thank you for this effort. I listen to Podcasts with
my SB's and it has been a battle until I discovered this plugin in a
different thread earlier this summer. The podcasts would stop, be unable
to resume, I would restart, try to ffwd to where I was, listen to a few
minutes of what I had already heard, and continue and hope to get to the
end. I know I could listen to podcasts on other devices, but my sb's are

This plugin fixed it.

I have a SB system in a summer home (cabin) where I enabled the plugin
and it fixed things. I closed the camp for the winter, came home,
starting using my home SB system, listened to a podcast, and it
interrupted. When that happened I smiled, realized I had not enabled
"reliable" at home, added the plug in, problem solved.

I mostly listen to music, but have found listening to podcasts a nice
alternative, especially say in the workshop or office. This plugin, and
Material Skin's podcast search has really enhanced the usability of SB's
for podcasts, Thank you!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-11-18 Thread d6jg

PS It seems Owen Morris was the Recording Engineer !!! I think the
answer is Qobuz tagging is "carp"

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3  -> Onkyo TXNR686 -> Celestion F20s 
*Office* - Joggler & Pi3 -> Denon RCD N8 -> Celestion F10s 
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi Zero+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV) & Bathroom* - SB Touch ->Denon AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s +
Pioneer ceiling speakers
*Guest Room* - Joggler > Topping Amp -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
Everything controlled by iPeng & Material on iOS

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-11-18 Thread d6jg

Is the LMS / Qobuz plugin reading the wrong tag or is the tagging at
Qobuz just carp?

This is Material but it is the same in Default. This is a track by a
band called Electronic that LastMiix/DSTM has added to my playlist - it
is NOT in my Qobuz library - as you will see LMS is displaying the
artist as Owen Wilson (who I believe was the composer of the track) and
not Electronic 

The direct link is



|Filename: 2020-11-18 12_51_27-Window.jpg   |

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3  -> Onkyo TXNR686 -> Celestion F20s 
*Office* - Joggler & Pi3 -> Denon RCD N8 -> Celestion F10s 
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi Zero+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV) & Bathroom* - SB Touch ->Denon AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s +
Pioneer ceiling speakers
*Guest Room* - Joggler > Topping Amp -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
Everything controlled by iPeng & Material on iOS

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

Would you mind sharing your server.log with me?

Log file sent. Apologies if my log setting are not what you wanted: it's
ages since a collected logs. Please let me know the logging settings you
need if I've got it wrong.

I should have been more precise, sorry: please enable debug logging for 
plugin.spotty (Settings/Advanced/Logging), try to navigate to your 
playlists, turn off logging, send me the log file again.


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

Hi Michael, it is working now :-)


I removed a specific suffix (.lan) from the dns-search list from the LMS
server (which had been unaltered since 2014)

Wow... would never have thought of something like that! Good finding!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2020-11-18 Thread warren64c

philippe_44 wrote: 
> That would be the same conditions. Can you, in the bridge settings
> - "Extra command line options": enter "-d all=info"
> - "Additional debugging": set to "None"
> - "Streaming options" "HTTP mode": set to "chunked"
> - click "apply"
> - "logging option": click "clean"
> Then try to play something and get the log

Here you go!

|Filename:   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
> Would you mind sharing your server.log with me?
Log file sent. Apologies if my log setting are not what you wanted: it's
ages since a collected logs. Please let me know the logging settings you
need if I've got it wrong.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-11-18 Thread tezet

mherger wrote: 
> > Since scanning works it appears the connection and log in is fine.
> Are you sure you don't have a firewall blocking traffic for LMS? The 
> scanner is running in a different process, thus could have access where
> it's blocked for the main process. Because I'm still seeing this in your
> latest log file:
> Error: Couldn't resolve IP address for:
> If LMS can't reach out to, then you won't be able to use it.
> -- 
> Michael

Hi Michael, it is working now :-)
I removed a specific suffix (.lan) from the dns-search list from the LMS
server (which had been unaltered since 2014)
This proves again that 80% of issues are caused by name resolution

Thanks for the support!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: YouTube Plugin (API v3)

2020-11-18 Thread tbessie

I don't know what happened, but the API Key I had been using, no longer

Once I got and applied a new one, the plugin started to work again.  I'm
crossing my fingers it continues to work!

- Tim

Integra Integrated Stereo Amp / Home Built Intel-based HTPC (running
LMS) w/BluRay Player / Panasonic Viera TV
Squeezebox Duet (Receiver in living room attached to stereo amp,
Controller in bedroom).
Squeezebox Boom in Storage (gift from Slim Devices after they came to my
home to debug a networking issue).
Squeezebox 3 in Bedroom, attached to small "executive" stereo system
with bookshelf speakers mounted on wall.
Squeezebox Radio in Bedroom, next to bed, used as radio alarm.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
> Enable logging for plugin.spotty, navigate to the playlists,
> disable 
> logging again and send me your file:
mherger wrote: 
> The hierarchy, as in nested folders of playlists, or no playlists
> at 
> all? Would you mind sharing your server.log with me?
Some of the folders are present, but a whole section of folders and
playlists is missing.
I'll send the log, but it may be later today, as we're having power
problems right now and the NAS (with LMS) is powered down for safety.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

If you're running the
latest version of Spotty you should get the hierarchy automatically
(together with the new "Home" item in Spotty)That's the problem: I'm running 
the latest version of Spotty, but it

isn't fetching the hierarchy automatically. I only see part of the
hierarchy, and it doesn't update if I add/move/remove playlists in
Spotify itself.

The hierarchy, as in nested folders of playlists, or no playlists at 
all? Would you mind sharing your server.log with me?


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
> If you're running the 
> latest version of Spotty you should get the hierarchy automatically 
> (together with the new "Home" item in Spotty)That's the problem: I'm running 
> the latest version of Spotty, but it
isn't fetching the hierarchy automatically. I only see part of the
hierarchy, and it doesn't update if I add/move/remove playlists in
Spotify itself.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Michael Herger

When browsing Spotty menus or in your music library? Could you please
try again? Could have been a caching issue.

The playlist hierarchy is in my music library, but not in the Spotty
menu. Is that the expected behaviour of the script?

As I said that script is no longer required. If you're running the 
latest version of Spotty you should get the hierarchy automatically 
(together with the new "Home" item in Spotty).

But that's only for the playlist hierarchy within Spotty. Once imported 
to your local library, you'd still only have a flat list of playlists in 
My Music/Playlists.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-11-18 Thread cpd73

hisdudity wrote: 
> I may suggest that there could be some shortcuts added to access to the
> embedded lyrics from the now playing screen and from the playlist like
> you could see in the deezer's interface.

Use the (i) button - this is shown in the now-playing page for mobile
layout, and in the main toolbar for desktop. This will show lyrics,
album review, and artist biography - all provided by the 'Music and
Artist Information' plugin.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-11-18 Thread hisdudity

hi, thanks for this skin, really changed everything for me.

I may suggest that there could be some shortcuts added to access to the
embedded lyrics from the now playing screen and from the playlist like
you could see in the deezer's interface.


Thank you !!

|Filename: Snap4.png|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread slartibartfast

Diana wrote: 
> I just tried downloading the Spotify playlist hierarchy file with
> This appears imported a 14kb file called
> .file, but even after I stopped and
> restarted LMS on the NAS, the truncated playlist information that Spotty
> displayed did not change. I tried altering the playlist hierarchy on
> Spotify, ran the script again, and restarted LMS, but the Spotty
> playlists did not update.
> Any thoughts / advice?
> Update:
> Just saw your reply, Michael. The playlist hierarchy is in my music
> library, but not in the Spotty menu. Is that the expected behaviour of
> the script?Michael doesn't see edits. 

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Michael doesn't see edits.

Ah, he just gets emails? Thanks for the heads-up. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2020-11-18 Thread Diana

mherger wrote: 
> When browsing Spotty menus or in your music library? Could you please 
> try again? Could have been a caching issue.

The playlist hierarchy is in my music library, but not in the Spotty
menu. Is that the expected behaviour of the script?

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