Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlists 3 - get help with your custom playlists

2022-09-28 Thread ChipMonk

AF1 wrote: 
> As you may have read '*here*'
> (,
> '*here*'
> (,
> '*here*'
> (
> or in the FAQ: the correct file extension for dynamic playlists is
> simply "*.sql*", i.e. -*filename.sql*-
> Starting with 3.6.10 this is the only file extension that's parsed. So
> if you still have files with the legacy file extension ".sql.xml", do a
> simple search/replace to delete the ".xml" part of the file extension.
> Should look like this: "filename.sql"

I think it's quite obvious that I haven't! If I had, I wouldn't be
writing here. In fact I've been listening to music on my amazing
Squeezebox systems whilst sadly reading about aggression, anger and hate
throughout this world. My Squeezebox systems have performed almost
faultlessly for years and I update plugins semi-automatically and
usually without issue. 

I apologize for being a nuisance but, one day, you too, may come to
realise that there's more to life than constantly tweaking "under the
bonnet" and reading technical FAQs. However, I have one more question.
What about playlists ending *.sql.values.xml ?

Thank you

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlists 3 - get help with your custom playlists

2022-09-28 Thread ChipMonk

They are all *.sql.xml Created years ago for Erlands plugins, and added
to via "cloning", but seamlessly integrated into DPL3 until very

The fact that this problem has been replicated on two pCP LMS servers
and one Ubuntu LMS and shown to be immediately after the latest DPL3
plugin update, suggests the problem is with the plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlists 3 - get help with your custom playlists

2022-09-28 Thread ChipMonk

ChipMonk wrote: 
> I've just checked and this "glitch" does not appear to have occurred on
> my pCP backup server -  greatly relieved!
> Thanks

When I wrote the above I hadn't checked that there was a DPL3 plugin
update. On updating, all my favourites again stopped functioning. On
each of my LMS set-ups (Ubuntu and pCP) I had moved my sql playlists
into the 

DPL-custom-lists and they had worked just fine - until today. So
something has clearly changed such that the plugin will only accept
these playlists in the "root" Playlists folder.

I'm not looking forward to having to make all these changes in several
more LMS setups I have for myself and family members.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlists 3 - get help with your custom playlists

2022-09-28 Thread ChipMonk

OK I've sorted it. All my playlists were in a DPL-custom-lists folder.
I'm sure this must have been specified in the move to DPL3. For reasons
unknown, they were no longer being "discovered". I copied them all over
to the base Playlists folder and then went through all the enabling and
making DPL favourites then LMS favourites. A bit of a nuisance. All
appears to be working again.

I've just checked and this "glitch" does not appear to have occurred on
my pCP backup server -  greatly relieved!

I'd still like to know whether or not the glitch was at my end or some
change in DPL3


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlists 3 - get help with your custom playlists

2022-09-28 Thread ChipMonk

I am a very long term user of Squeezebox. I continue to use playlists
using my own on-board flac collection. I had no problems moving over to
DL3 but suddenly most of my Favourites are not working

This one works:  dynamicplaylist://sqlplaylist_randomRock

Those of this type no longer work: 

I have not been tinkering in this area for a long time so can only think
that I've missed something with plugin updates. I have a lot on my plate
in other areas right now and just want my music to help me relax and not
to add to problems.

If anyone can shed light on what may have changed and what is the
easiest way to get back my favourites I would be most grateful. I
suspect some folder changes but I can no longer remember where all this
stuff is (Ubuntu 20.4 server LMS latest 8.3


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: LMS Controls - Google Home / Google Assistant Voice Control of LMS Players

2021-10-08 Thread ChipMonk

Paul Webster wrote: 
> This thread is about Google Home integration - not Amazon Alexa.
> If you do want Alexa then search this forum and you will find at least 3
> solutions that are supported by 3rd-party developers.

My mistake Paul. I should have said Alexa and/or Google. 

My Home Assistant implementation is quite recent and I'm still trying to
figure out if this offers an easier/more secure/more robust/more cost
effective option for voice control, or not. I have Amazon Prime and a
couple of Echos but also lots of Google Android devices so all options

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: LMS Controls - Google Home / Google Assistant Voice Control of LMS Players

2021-10-08 Thread ChipMonk

Has anyone made any further progress here? I have Touch and RasPi
pCorePlayers throughout my home and now got RasPi Home Assistant up and
running. I would like to have Alexa voice control of my LMS over and
above basic on/off volume up/down i.e. selection and playing of
favourites, music folders and/or specific song tracks from my
collection. I'd pay for Nabu Casa HA icloud integration if that would do
it but I haven't found much evidence of this to date. Having had fingers
burnt in the past, I'm reluctant to open up ports on my router and I'm
getting a bit old to set up all the LMS Controls from first principles,
hence my interest in Nabu Casa.

If anyone else shares these goals and has made any progress I would very
much welcome tips and suggestions

Thanks in advance


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Radio Paradise Lossless Streaming (Plugin v2)

2019-05-10 Thread ChipMonk

d6jg wrote: 
> +1 to the Jazz channel but I don’t think it will happen

How about: 

Linn Jazz,ogg,mp3,wmpro,wma,wmvoice&partnerId=16&serial=1c6430cc01b27dbd2ef967997fc0c0ae

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-09-18 Thread ChipMonk

Whilst, quick rightly, we're all very appreciative of the sterling
efforts of bpa and mrw to keep the BBC Player working so brilliantly,
let's not forget that it was Triode who first set this up, along with
lots of other Squeezebox tweaks and innovations. His presence in these
fora is greatly missed - who knows what other innovations may have come
our way?

Does anyone know what became of Triode, why he is no longer able to
participate in the Squeezebox Project? I have no desire to pry into any
private problems but, like many in this forum, I have a genuine interest
in what became of the person who provided so much for this community.

If you ever monitor these pages Triode - thanks again for everything - I
use your innovations almost every day of my life.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-09-18 Thread ChipMonk

bpa wrote: 
>  IIRC but need to double check, they are permanent even if plugin is
> reinstalled/updated as new URL is saved.   The default URL is shown so
> that users can easily reset the menu back to "as shipped" in case a
> manual edit of menu.opml goes wrong.

Excellent. Thanks


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-09-18 Thread ChipMonk

bpa wrote: 
> For the less adventurous who want 30 days availabiliy of "Listen again",
> you can test 15 day and 30 day option from BBCiPlayer plugin settings
> by changing opml file as I have uploaded to 2 more menu opml file
> variants.

Perfect - 30 day option just in time for me going away for 3 weeks!
Using this "less adventurous " option, are these settings permanent? I
see that the menu automatically reverts to "default opml" - I'm not sure
how long the 30 day option will stay in place. Does one need to manually
refresh this regularly?

Ever in your debt


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-09-17 Thread ChipMonk

Fantastic bpa, you're a star! 

Many thanks again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-09-17 Thread ChipMonk

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I would just wait for bpa to update the plugin. Then we are all singing
> from the same hymn sheet when it comes to reporting issues.
> Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Strongly seconded.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-09-17 Thread ChipMonk

As usual we are now in danger of asking you to gild the lily when, just
a few hours ago, we had nowt. 

bpa you do what best fits in with your timetable and priorities, and not
set in motion countless tweaks, complexities and "nice to haves" which
will put ever more pressure on you in the future. 

Thanks again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-09-17 Thread ChipMonk

mrw and bpa - you guys are brilliant. One never gets anything like the
same support or rapid response from vendors or suppliers, even when it's
their own screw-up. My good old Squeezebox system, ever growing in both
size and complexity, continues to outperform anything else on the market
and take, in it's stride, all that the BBC et al  throw at it.

And all because of the sterling efforts of you folks.

I am very, very grateful to you all.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-09-16 Thread ChipMonk

mrw wrote: 
> And here's my revised menu.opml, in full, for normal people who don't do
> patches. I'm not sure if this is in sync with the current version of the
> plugin, though, but it might help some.

Many thanks mrw - yep it works here too, albeit without the artwork. But
I'm catching up again.

Great Work


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SrvrPowerCtrl on piCorePlayer

2017-09-15 Thread ChipMonk

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Have a look at post 134 in this thread. Seems to be a similar problem.

Thanks for that - now that looks promising! Can't try it right now but
will have a look at this over the weekend.

Many thanks for your assistance - I'll add this tip to my Hitchhikers
Guide to the SB Universe!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SrvrPowerCtrl on piCorePlayer

2017-09-15 Thread ChipMonk

Roland0 wrote: 
> Instead:
>  Download 'the plugin as a zip'
> (
>  Unzip it to your LMS's plugin directory (see
> WebUI>Settings>Information for exact loacation)
>  Restart

Sadly, for this particular plugin, it's not as simple as that. If it
were I wouldn't be making this request. After a couple of server
restarts the files simply disappear. I did once find a way around this
by editing a few configuration files and/or running a few .sh files in
the scripts folder, but I worked it out, a considerable time ago, by a
fairly random process of trial and error and not properly documented.
I've obviously missed something this time. I must be getting old, and/or
something vital is missing in the pCP cut-down Linux.

The button is a neat idea but I really want something that fully
integrates into all connected SB player/controller interfaces. I'm
amazed that there isn't a very basic plugin that simply facilitates
Squeezebox server restart and/or full server reboot from controllers,
apps and players but, to my knowledge, SrvrPowerCtrl is the only one to
do this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SrvrPowerCtrl on piCorePlayer

2017-09-14 Thread ChipMonk

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Do you think it is worth the effort to install it on a Pi? The power
> consumption is so low most leave them running 24/7.

Yes I do - not for powering off, saving the planet or the many other
things it can do, but for a very neat way of rebooting the server or LMS
if there is a plugin or playlist update which I want to check out
quickly. I can get to SrvrPowerCtrl via any of my controller,
smartphone, tablet apps instantly whereas the pCP web interface or SSH
reboot is far more tedious.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] SrvrPowerCtrl on piCorePlayer

2017-09-14 Thread ChipMonk

I have always found the gharris SrvrPowerCtrl plugin to be extremely
useful. However, it no longer appears as an option on the main plugin
screens and my attempts to link to various repositories has not led to
success at automatic installation. I have, in the past,  managed to
install it manually, by painstaking trial and error, on a few LMS
installations but my latest attempts to get it on a new piCorePlayer
installation on a Raspberry Pi3 have been unsuccessful, often leading to
a complete snarl-up of LMS. Fortunately, SAMBA shares now allow a
retrieval of the situation by facilitating the deletion offending

However, I see that SrvrPowerCtrl now appears as a forked link to the
Ralph Irving github repository. Is it possible to summon an automatic
install from there? Adding the following:


to the LMS plugin repository list gets me nowhere - not too

If anyone can help with this I'd be most grateful. piCorePlayer has
developed so well in recent years that it is now the basis of many of my
Squeezebox Players, as well as my back-up and Roaming Squeezebox
servers. It would really be good to get SrvrPowerCtrl back on to all the
servers again.

Many thanks to the pCP team for their excellent work and, in advance,
for any help in resolving this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer with DASH support - test version

2016-01-24 Thread ChipMonk

bpa wrote: 
>  I think we're ahead of the curve and ready for change but BBC haven't
> finalised their end yet.

And many thanks to you bpa and other contributors for helping to put us
in that happy state. One year ago, we were in a complete and
incomprehensible mess - now the BBC on my Raspberry Pi based Squeezebox
system sounds better and is more versatile than ever.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: ShairTunes2 plugin - Airtunes on your LMS

2015-12-17 Thread ChipMonk

First of all a big thanks to disaster123 for enabling me to add this
extra functionality to my squeezebox system - it's a wonderful
enhancement. I was wondering does anyone have a solution to the "airplay
to synchronised players" problem? I have miscellaneous players
throughout my house and the main two are almost permanently
synchronised. I am therefore almost always caught out when I wish to
play something quickly from my iPad via AirPlay and it doesn't work.
It's a rather minor problem but it would be nice if there was a solution
to it. Apologies if this is covered elswhere but I haven't spotted a

Thanks again

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer with DASH support - test version

2015-11-30 Thread ChipMonk

bpa wrote: 
> Nothing has changed in the plugin in relation to icon delivery or
> processing except live station icons had to fetch from new URLs  as the
> old URLs "died" a few weeks ago and so users got no icons on live
> stations.  Sounds like your controller is still on the old URLs.  These
> are cached in the controller.

Thanks for that bpa. Could you point me to where the Controller cache is
located. Presumably also named cache.db - I'll be using WinSCP but not
very familiar with the Controller file system. Many thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer with DASH support - test version

2015-11-30 Thread ChipMonk

Just getting on board with this latest upgrade to keep us ahead of the
next BBC changes. Many thanks for doing this bpa - it's very much

Everything is playing fine on my RasPi-2 server with LMS 7.9, and with
multiple Touches, Receivers and RasPi PiCorePlayers with DASH as first
priority. The only thing I've noticed is that I've lost the live station
BBC icons on my various Receiver Controllers. Interestingly, the
Controller icons are all fine on the iPlayer "play again". Clearing
cache.db makes no change. Touches or web based controllers show all
icons. Not a big deal at all!

Keep up the great work and, once again, many thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Podcast Problems

2015-09-08 Thread ChipMonk

The deafening silence on this topic plainly indicated that I was the
only one on the planet with this particular podcast problem. Time for
further digging into my own system. 

Firstly I dug out my "Travelling RasPi SB Server" and found that the BBC
podcast service worked perfectly. Forgive me Aunty for ever doubting

Then I found that all the other SB Touch or RasPi players on my main
server also played BBC Podcasts just fine - the problem only existed on
my office RasPi player, where I mostly listen to these lower quality mp3
podcasts. I have to say that I have no idea how or why this particular
glitch came about or indeed how to remedy in a precision way. For now
I've merely stuck in a PiCorePlayer SD card and all is well. This
replaces the rather more ambitious player/proxy/vpn configuration which
had, until now, worked flawlessly. Perhaps time to relearn the lesson
that Black & Decker multi-tools seemed a nice idea at the time, but were
usually a failure.

So much to learn, so little time to do it. 

Thanks to all for helping with your telling silence - seriously.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Podcast Problems

2015-09-06 Thread ChipMonk

I've been out of the loop recently so have no idea when this problem may
have emerged but now, when I try to play BBC podcasts via the logitech
podcasts app or using my own favourites selection based on the opml file
generated within mysqueezebox, I get the following error:

Error HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request

All the episodes appear correctly with the appropriate icons, titles and
bitrate info but they won't play. Downloaded versions of the files play
just fine and I have no issues with any of the radio live streams etc.

I notice that the Beeb (bless 'em) have changed the addresses of these
podcasts so, for example

BBC Radio 4 A Point of View was:";
text="A Point of View" type="link" />

and is now";
text="A Point of View" type="link"/>

but the results are exactly the same.

Apart from a few updates to the Raspberry Pi server OS I have made no
changes to my system and feel sure that the problems lie elsewhere - the
BBC has form in these matters.

Do any other BBC and Squeezebox fanatics recognise this problem and know
how to resolve it?

Thoughts and ideas would be most welcome - thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-05-05 Thread ChipMonk

Anyone else having problems with BBC HD radio feeds on ak? None of them
working here this afternoon.  llnw feeds OK but I don't have them set up
for such easy access in favourites.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-04-03 Thread ChipMonk

utgg wrote: 
> For the adventurous, I've been having a play with adding live updating
> text for the all the BBC radio channels - since RadioVis only provides
> text information for Radio1 and 1xtra.

Wonderful - I wondered who/when this would be implemented. I've never
got patching to work on my RasPi (purely through ignorance I'm sure) so
thanks for posting the individual files. 

It all works very well. Many thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-04-01 Thread ChipMonk

JohnB wrote: 
> Does anyone know whether Michael has incorporated the modded the Windows
> faad.exe into the nightlies?

The latest windows nightly, LogitechMediaServer-7.9.0-1427804757.exe,
reverted to the earlier faad.exe

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-04-01 Thread ChipMonk

I'd like to add my voice of support and thanks to Triode/Adrian for his
continuing work on behalf of this community with the BBC iPlayer and
many other superb add-ins. Those of us who have been trying to work
with, advise and understand the BBC over the last two months now have a
much keener idea of the difficulties and exasperation involved in such
an exercise. 

The strategy adopted, of keeping a low profile, making no comment on one
side or the other of the arguments, but then making available to this
community excellent solutions as and when possible, is most admirable.
It is also the approach most likely to enable successful future progress
with, and perhaps even some cooperation from, the idiosyncratic
organisation we call "Auntie" - especially with further changes in the

On behalf of myself and many grateful users, many thanks for an
excellent job well done. Of course many others (bpa, bonze, utgg to name
but a few) are doing vital work to help with this situation and are also
much appreciated - but Triode's BBC iPlayer plugin, Squeezelite etc. are
absolutely central to the Squeezebox success story.

You are are much respected and appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-31 Thread ChipMonk

utgg wrote: 
> Is it a good idea to simply publish a new fork of the alpha plugin? Call
> it, say, BBCiPlayer-v1.3.1alpha3. ? I've already put that together for
> myself (including updated menu.opml with local radio and some icons).
> Then all anyone needs is that plus bpa's BBCiPlayerExtra v1.8 to have
> full access to live HLS streams and the alternative of HLS or RTMP
> listen again. I don't particularly want to tread on Triode's toes
> though.

BBC iPlayer 1.3.1alpha3 is indeed now available from Triode

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-22 Thread ChipMonk

Owen Smith wrote: 
> (And it's an iPhone app so it looks crap on the iPad anyway. I hate the
> iPhone virtual keyboard this uses.)

There's now a specific iPad version of the BBC Radio iPlayer - been
available for the last month or so.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-21 Thread ChipMonk

utgg wrote: 
> I couldn't resist even more fiddling with the alpha HLS plugin; I hope
> you don't mind if you are watching Triode!

Things just keep getting better. Many thanks to all you expert

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-19 Thread ChipMonk

Since I started listening to the BBC HLS live streams, I frequently get
halting and re-buffering and I have to resort to the lousy MP3 streams
to maintain continuity. I mainly listen to BBC Radio 3 and 4 and the
problems are particularly acute in the early to mid mornings. My server
is a quad-core Raspberry Pi 2 and my broadband 152 mbps, so unlikely to
be on the critical path. I first observed this phenomenon with the
modified Triode iPlayer and PayHLS option and now with the new Triode
Alpha iPlayer.

I have often wondered if this is a DNS related problem, but haven't clue
how to check this. 

Because the BBC has kept hitting us with so much crap of late, it's
getting increasingly difficult to know where problems like this arise -
the BBC or my network or what? We've been so delighted to be able to
listen to anything again that perhaps we haven't given enough attention
to the reliability of what they're feeding us! "slartibartfast" on the
BBC blog has apparently not noticed this stuttering phenomenon with
Radio 2 using an Odroid U3 server but I have no experience of this
station with which to compare.

Have any folk here experienced these problems with the live HLS streams
and, if so, which channels and do they follow any discernible pattern?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-16 Thread ChipMonk

majones wrote: 
> I think this translates into a request to Triode that there be an "On
> Demand Stream Preference" that has FlashAAC as the first choice?

Fair point, which I'd be more than happy to endorse.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-15 Thread ChipMonk

JohnB wrote: 
> Please shoot me down in flames but I suggest that people who value
> having R3 LA at 320kbps and who find the previous hacks are working fine
> might prefer to hold off installing the new update to the plugin until
> either it also provides 320kbps LA or until the existing hacks fail.
> (This is in no way a criticism as it is great that Triode has provided
> the update.)

No flames but don't forget that this group is successful because we all
try to do our bit to test new developments. We owe it to folk like
Triode to give them feedback, about success and about problems, on our
different platforms and at different locations. If we just sat back and
enjoyed the improvements without risk we wouldn't be where we are today.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-15 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
> So, I'm guessing the new plugin and the the Play HLS can't co-exist.  
> What needs to be disabled to get the plugin working?

I just unchecked PlayHLS - if BBC iPlayer doesn't automatically update
on server restart check that you have

in repository list

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-15 Thread ChipMonk

Owen Smith wrote: 
> Looking in the server log, as expected the Radio 3 HLS Listen Again is
> 128kbps AAC. A shame, and the new plugin doesn't have a way to prefer
> RTMP/Flash for Listen Again.
> Do we know why the BBC have disabled HLS Listen Again 320kbps AAC?

Yep, that's the bad news. But I'm sure it'll be fixable

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-15 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
> I'm rather hoping someone somewhere is rather enjoying watching us flail
> around getting stuff to work using an unannounced great enhancement of
> no official provenance.

Go on, admit it. You're really loving it too.

Of course it just might be an undercover SAS Operation (Secretive Andrew
Scott) - how exciting!

I'm listening to Radio 3 Live, Mahler Symphony No.1  -   339kbps CBR,

Very Nice!

Triode, so good to have you back. If this is what an alpha sounds like,
I'm really looking forward to the Real McCoy.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-15 Thread ChipMonk

Owen Smith wrote: 
> I've just halted and restarted LMS but no new iPlayer plugin. What makes
> you think there's an update? After all this time I think Triode might
> post here about the update.

Because on my RasPi2 , after a message and a reboot I have "iPlayer
(v1.3.1 alpha1). Not had much time to test it. Live streams seem OK but
not Listen Again. This may require PlayHLS removal. Unfortunately I
don't have much time to fiddle with it tonight

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-15 Thread ChipMonk

New iPlayer plugin - we missed you. Great to have you back!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-15 Thread ChipMonk

Owen Smith wrote: 
>  That attitude dooms LMS to being run by quite a small number of people.

And that is the reality of the situation and always will be. That's why
Logitech dumped it, that's why we're a disregarded blip on the BBC's
radar. We're a small group of techies, to a greater or smaller degree,
who combine interests in music, HiFi, and IT. We are not representative
of the big wide world but we know what we want in our homes/offices/dens
and we've found a way to achieve it. 

Some of us, you Owen, myself and others, have taken it upon ourselves to
preach the gospel to friends, colleagues and family who are completely
NON-techie. We helped them get started knowing the difficulties and
we've taken it upon ourselves to continue helping them as best we can.
The BBC has just made that job a helluva lot harder and, as you may have
noticed, I have been quite outspoken about that. But you have to face up
to the fact that we are a minority "sect" with some dedicated volunteers
who have made Squeezebox into a much better media streaming system than
it ever was under Logitech, and the only system weathering the current
storm with any aplomb. 

So you have to decide - do you continue with your unofficial obligations
to your colleagues with a system that works, albeit with regular
tweaking to cope with a changing world, or advise them to shift
towell what exactly? Do you see any alternatives around at the
moment that will give them what they're now accustomed to and they will
involve you with less hassle or expense?? 

Because your non-techie pals are more "normal" than us, they probably
already have lots of iThingies. And that's your solution.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-15 Thread ChipMonk

bpa wrote: 
> Updating a plugin is not just a simple job of merge patches 

I've been a bit distracted for the last few days - just got back to
basics and implemented your latest HLS tweaks. Great stuff - all your
efforts are very much appreciated. Squeezebox will always come out on
top whilst there are willing experts like yourself to help "hangers-on"
like me.

Once again, many thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-10 Thread ChipMonk

majones wrote: 
> I missed that too! What are the changes required to then
> file?

attached is what castalla sent me (remove .txt). I didn't even look to
see what was different but when I replaced mine with this in BBCiPlayer
plugin folder it all started to work.

Hope it does for you too.

|Filename:   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-10 Thread ChipMonk

StephenC wrote: 
> I read through the most recent comments, and can't see any
> 'campaigning'. Have I missed something?

I'm afraid that I had the audacity to suggest (post 317) "rather than
contacting our MPs, I suggest we focus on Javid and Vaizey at
Westminster, the BBC Trust and top management and the daily press".

I know I'm a bad fellow but I have spent the best part of a month trying
to have an intelligent dialogue and talk reason into all levels of BBC
management. Their arrogance and stubborn ignorance has simply astonished
me. We have nowhere else to go now - very sad.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-10 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
>  Allegedly, there are possibly other non-public entities seemingly
> involved 

It is the BBC's responsibility to honour its charter and agreements to
provide a public service and that must include anything which it chooses
to contract out. I assure you that the BBC's pay structure will fully
incorporate these "additional outside responsibilities" when it come to
remuneration of those concerned. So, (to coin a phrase), I think it not
unreasonable that they should also be held accountable - but of course
it rarely works like that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-10 Thread ChipMonk

Many thanks to you all, especially castalla, for helping me with this.
Somewhere in the heat and anger and confusion of last night I completely
missed the reference to changes to the file. Your file sorted
me out on that - cheers castalla. 

If only the BBC had been 1% as helpful and cooperative as this
community! The difference is that we now pay these jokers millions for
their "services" and you guys do it for free. There has to be a moral
there as all our public services demand for ever more cash.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-10 Thread ChipMonk

expectingtofly wrote: 
> A couple of things to check :
> >   > 
  - You need to restart LMS after making the change
  - The plugin caches a station's programme list for a short while, so
  > if you loaded a station's list before making the change, the chances
  > are that the old (not working list) is still there.  Try looking at
  > Radio 1 xtra :-)
  > > > 

Yes I'd done all that. I've now moved from my original, rather complex
avconv + workaround to using your ffmpeg on my main RasPi 2
LMS system and it's all working fine  - for live HLS that is. I continue
to get "problem: can't open file for:" when I try any of the LA feeds. I
get the index of programs OK but they won't play. I'm stuck!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-10 Thread ChipMonk

Well, for the first time in this sorry business I'm stumped. Tried to
get Listen Again back using expectingtofly's
modifications for RTMS then HLS streams but no joy. I'm using the HLS
plugin with avconv and the modification to kill multiple
copies - can that be the cause? I've probably missed something simple
because my brain is still in a turmoil with blind fury at how Scott and
his lot have been treating us. 

HLS is working for live streams, albeit re-buffering every few minutes,
but LA seems to try to start with aac but then reverts to wma and grinds
to a halt.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-09 Thread ChipMonk

mick_w wrote: 
> Listen Again has stopped working this evening. Have they pulled the
> plug?
> The HLS live streams are OK.

Same here - LMS latest nightly on Raspberry Pi 2 with HLS plugin. Live
streaming OK, all Listen Again streams now dead. 

I think that my rage is now getting the better of my immense sadness at
this wanton, ignorant and arrogant vandalism. Unless the cavalry (AKA
Triode) rides in to salvage the day in the nick of time, the BBC will
have made this once devoted listener into a vociferous enemy for life.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-25 Thread ChipMonk

gasteropod wrote: 
>  Re Triode, hope he is ok.

We all do but if, over the last month or so, he's been trying to work
with these bright sparks at the BBC, it wouldn't be surprising if he's
had a nervous breakdown!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2015-02-25 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
>   Does anyone know if these streams are being stopped now or not?

A number of us have been hammering away at the BBC, both through the BBC
Blog and direct contact with Andrew Scott and his gang, for weeks now.
Throughout, they have steadfastly refused to answer straight questions
about all this by using obfuscation, ambiguous double-speak or just
avoiding the issue. Their attitude is beyond belief! Although I am sure
that the squeezebox community will find a way around all these problems,
I believe we owe it to countless, less technically able folk who, for no
fault of their own, are completely at sea with all this, and probably
thinking "silly me what have I done wrong?". Someone at the BBC should
be held accountable for wasting the time, money and energy of many, many
licence payers, not to mention folk worldwide for whom the BBC is
supposed to represent the best of this country. I urge everyone to keep
the pressure on at the highest possible level - all email addresses of
senior BBC staff available through Google.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-19 Thread ChipMonk

d6jg wrote: 
> What does that mean?

I'm hoping it means we'll get the UK only sport back. Like I said
earlier - it's hard work dealing with these guys!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-19 Thread ChipMonk

and hopefully movement on the Radio 5 Sport issue

"Designed and are currently evaluating a proposed solution for the UK
Only streams which carry sport and other rights restricted content. 
These would be the same technical specification as the current 128kbps
MP3 Shoutcast streams, which we can see from our stats are now being
received by many of the devices which were previously receiving WMA
streams.  This actually includes redesigning the geoblocking solution so
that we can reduce the very high error count which contributed to us
deciding to use the international version of these streams in the first
place.  This solution will cost more to build in the first place but
should reduce the longer term cost of delivering the steams so if we do
this it will give us a solution for longer than a few months." (quote
from Andrew Scott
General Manager of Product, Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-19 Thread ChipMonk

d6jg wrote: 
> ChipMonk. Well done. Shall await Jimbo's update with interest.

I'm hoping it'll come from much higher than that

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-19 Thread ChipMonk

Over the last 24 hours I've managed to establish a real dialogue with
the top BBC Radio management. It really is hard work trying to get them
to spell out, in plain English, just what is going to happen and the
impact it'll have. But some progress has been made and I'm optimistic
that we'll get something out of them fairly soon (in BBC time scale!!) .
I won't pre-empt that outcome since it has to come from, and be owned
by, them. If it's what I hope, things won't be too bad for the
Squeezebox community but some folk will be hurting. Sorry to sound so
"political" but that's the sphere where this is going to be sorted. In
the meantime, keep the pressure on them - it makes a difference.

Fingers crossed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-17 Thread ChipMonk

d6jg wrote: 
> I have complained to the BBC but the thrust of the complaint is not that
> they have done what they have but instead they did it without notice and
> without adequate consultation with manufacturers. I might have a
> slightly different view if I owned a Sonos.

I didn't disagree at all with your statement "we're the lucky ones".
This is a marvellous community that sorts out everything thrown at it. 

But I do worry that too many are focussing on the technical challenge
(very important) but not doing their bit to raise this issue in more
public and political spheres. The email addresses of BBC directors,
trustees, local MPs are all in Google. The more people who bang the
drum, the more our "Public Service" will be forced to act like one!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-17 Thread ChipMonk

d6jg wrote: 
> The inference is that it isn't but I agree it's not clear!

If you look at what these guys have been up to over the last six months,
I'd treat every weasel word with the utmost suspicion. We're only where
we are now because we're banging on about it!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-17 Thread ChipMonk

d6jg wrote: 
> Jim's posted again
> Post 50
> He says Listen Again is to be in HLS.

But he pointedly did not (yet) say what the Listen Again content would

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-17 Thread ChipMonk

Owen Smith wrote: 
> That BBC blog post says Listen Again WMA streams end next week. Now does
> that mean just WMA, or as with listen live does it actually mean the end
> of the ShoutCast streams? 

Looking again at that September "blog" I'm coming to the depressing
conclusion that it'll just be access to the various pre-existing podcast
mp3 streams - lousy quality and only a fraction of the programmes
transmitted over the previous week.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-17 Thread ChipMonk

Paul Webster wrote: 
> BBC r3 now back at 320k Shoutcast stream

A tiny step back in the right direction. But it looks like they're still
intent on destroying the full listen again functionality next week,
restricting it to the much more limited range of programmes already
available on podcast and with very low sound quality. 

I am heartbroken at such wanton vandalism - and they're simply going to
brazen it out because the radio community doesn't have any clout these

I'll have to think very hard whether I pay my licence next time around..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-15 Thread ChipMonk

netclift wrote: 
> Join us!
> '
> (

I think a UK government ePetition would be a better idea

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-15 Thread ChipMonk

bpa wrote: 
> Yes - app is the application that is to be run.  Friday was a bit of
> blur and alot of things being handled in parallel so mistakes were made.
> That said - this script does NOT solve the ffmpeg / avconv not being
> killed off - a new build of ffmpeg /avconv is the proper solution.

Absolutely no criticism implied in my observation - I know exactly how
crazy things were then! I just wanted to check if I was right - this has
been, amongst many other things, a useful linux learning experience for

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-15 Thread ChipMonk

regarding file


your original has the line

should this not be ffmpeg or avconv depending on the decoder used? I'm
pretty low in the Linux feeding chain so I may have completely
misunderstood this - comment appreciated. Thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-15 Thread ChipMonk

bpa wrote: 
> Any experimentalists ?

Experiment underway - all well playing thru another RasPi B IQDAC as
player. I have touches, receivers as well as numerous RasPi players
and/or servers. I think they all play aac natively but really can't

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-15 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
> So befuddled now  what's the alternative cdn to ak?  Is it ll ?

I think you want llnw

as in

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-15 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
> I'm experiencing the same dropout/buffering on a previous working pi
> setup.
> Has something changed at the BBC end???

Infrequent but annoying drop-outs here too with BBC Radios 3 and 4 HD
(Raspberry Pi 2 server with avconv/PlayHLS).

Very difficult to know where problem lies!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-14 Thread ChipMonk

bpa wrote: 
> Has the rebuild of aconv fixed the problem of processes not dying ?
> I've reproduced the problem on my Pi and it seems the only way to fix
> the issue with the standard "avconv" was to use the ffmpeg_wrapper
> script in the same way as the script.

No - the rebuild of avconv did NOT solve my problem of multiple avconv
instances. I've used the file from Parky with your original
plugin but changing custom-convert.conf to to run, as
described by Parky, and also I changed   app=avconv in (not
sure if that's appropriate or necessary but no sign of harm). 

Everything seems pretty good on Raspberry Pi 2 LMS with "top" showing
only one instance of avconv even after lots of "channel hopping". Your
plugin has made my day, thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-14 Thread ChipMonk

I'm so pleased that, many years ago, I backed the "Squeezebox Paradigm"
for my digitised media streaming. What a fantastic product and community
- notwithstanding the BBC's strenuous efforts to screw things up and
Logitech's "hands-off" approach!

Thanks to the generous help and expertise of this community, I've got my
WHS 2011 and RasPi 2 servers fully functioning with Triodes iPlayer
tweaked so as to provide all streams at better quality than ever (thanks
Bonze). On the Raspberry Pi system, with help from Parky, I compiled my
own avconv and and used his fix to kill multiple instances of avconv
which occurred after channel hopping. Thanks also to expectingtofly for
providing a newer ffmpeg - I couldn't get it to work on my system, but
that could be down to my ageing brain failing after too many hours spent
at all this. I've even learned a bit more about Linux today.

The BBC, in my opinion, comes out of this very badly. We should never
had had to jump through all these unnecessary hoops. They even blocked
my post containing a link from their blog to the page on this site with
the "secret urls" for many hours today and only relented when I made it
clear in another post what was going on. 

I feel real sorrow for the poor folks outside the "squeezebox community"
and those with limited technical skills who were persuaded by the Beeb
that digital streaming was the future and they've just been dropped in a
deep hole.

So, personally, a very successful day - I'm now going to leave the PC
and just listen to some music, and relax.

Many many thanks to all - you're doing a fantastic job.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-14 Thread ChipMonk

expectingtofly wrote: 
> Just the binary. Placed where squeezebox can find it. With executable
> permissions. /usr/bin/   is where I put it.

Thanks again for the binary and this additional info. I take it from
this that one doesn't need to install the old ffmpeg first before
replacing it. I'll get around to testing it once I've done a bit more
fiddling with my new avconv file.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-14 Thread ChipMonk

Parky wrote: 
> I too was not having a good time with the shell script so have lashed
> together a perl one which on my RaspberryPi B is a bit more robust. 
> You should put the script in the same directory as bpa's shell script 
> # Wait 4+ hours, you'll then have a avconf executable. Install it with:
> $ sudo make install

Well my avconv compilation on a Raspberry Pi 2 took exactly 1 hour - not
bad. I changed the custom-convert.conf and back to the bpa
plugin originals, but modified for avconv. It all works fine - but still
getting multiple avconv instances, damn it. So obviously I need to use
your file. But I'm a bit confused as to where 

"put the script in the same directory as bpa's shell script"

actually is. Should it be
\var\lib\squeezeboxserver\cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins\PlayHLS\Bin ??

While avconv was compiling I've tweaked the Triode iPlayer urls so things
just keep getting better all the time - no thanks to the BBC, to whom I've
also fired off a few more mortars.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-14 Thread ChipMonk

Parky wrote: 
> Ah, yes I was taking it from notes - the current directory isn't in your
> path so you should do:
> CFLAGS="-mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfp" ./configure
> Good luck!

Yep that did it - thanks. The clock is now ticking. It'll be interesting
to see how long a new multi core RasPi 2 takes to compile it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-14 Thread ChipMonk

Parky wrote: 
> As mentioned above I decided to go down running avconv. I built the
> latest one from one from
> I built it directly on my Raspberry Pi as I don't have cross-compiler
> tools and wanted to make sure i built it with hardware floating-point.
> Note though it takes 4 hours to build on a RasPi. In case anyone is
> interested and has only a little Linux knowledge, but is able to login
> to a shell on their RasPi, here are the set of commands to go about it:
> > 

  >   > 
  > $ cd $HOME
  > $ mkdir av_build
  > $ cd av_build
  > $ wget
  > $ tar xzf libav-11.2.tar.gz
  > $ cd libav-11.2
  > $ CFLAGS="-mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfp" configure
  > # Note the above takes a good couple of minutes to configure and it doesn't 
tell you anything while it is doing it.
  > $ make
  > # Wait 4+ hours, you'll then have a avconf executable. Install it with:
  > $ sudo make install

> > 
> I'm not sure what the rules are with binaries, but if it's OK then I
> could also post out the version of avconv I built (on a debian armv6
> 3.10.25+ kernel with gcc version 4.6.3).
> Thanks once again everyone.

This is very useful. I rushed off to compile my own avconv using your
instruction but when I get to 

CFLAGS="-mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfp" configure

I get a configure "command not found". Obviously I need something else
downloaded first - any further advice?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-14 Thread ChipMonk

expectingtofly wrote: 
> Good News!
> I've cross compiled a new version of ffmpeg.  (blimey, ffmpeg is a
> monster it took over an hour to compile)
> I placed this new version in /usr/bin  and everything is now working
> fine. 
> This is the version that got compiled :
> It may even be that the original plugin without the shell script wrapper
> works.  I'll try that next.

If you, or anyone, has got a variant of ffmpeg which works properly on
Raspberry Pi Debian servers I'd be most grateful if you could upload
and/or post a link. I'm afraid my Linux expertise isn't up to compiling
my own. I have no trouble installing ffmpeg but the current version
available simply will not close, leading to multiple instances.

Thanks in advance

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-14 Thread ChipMonk

bpa wrote: 
> That's for that data point. Please give distro version, LMS version and
> ffmpeg version so full comparisons can be made as I think some users do
> not have the problem.
> I'll boot up my old Pi B (original) and see if the problem happens.

I'm afraid I have limited skills in capturing info on Linux systems,
only got involved with it since I realised how Raspberry Pi's could
transform Squeezebox.
Raspberry Pi 2 Wheezy kernel 3.18.7-v7+ fully updated with sudo apt-get
update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1423576925 @ Wed Feb 11 04:05:18
UTC 2015
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
Perl Version: 5.14.2 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan: 0.95
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite

Not sure about ffmpeg/avconv versions , just installed with sudo apt-get
install ffmpeg and sudo aapt-get install libav-tools

On a WHS 2011 server all is working brilliantly with your plugin and

Many thanks to you and all others working away to solve "Aunty's"
self-inflicted problems.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-14 Thread ChipMonk

bpa wrote: 
> I can't be certain but I think it affects single core system. .

I'm getting the same multiple instances of ffmpeg or avconv on multi
core Raspberry Pi 2 so I don't think it's a single core issue. I'm sure
that mrw's ffmpeg_LMS_wrapper will sort it but I don't have the Linux
expertise to implement this fix. Help with getting this "wrapper"
working would be appreciated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlist Using File Folders

2012-06-24 Thread ChipMonk

Once further question. I am sticking with Squeezebox Server 7.56 with
MySQL. Since I am now running 64 bit WHS 2011, would there be any
benefit linking Squeezebox Server to a 64bit stand alone instance of
MySQL? The Tranquil BBS2 box is primarily used for backups and audio
media streaming and MySQL would, at least right now, not be used for any
application other than Squeezebox. I'm just wondering whether
performance of Dynamic and SQL Playlists, scanning etc would be enhanced
by moving to full blown 64bit MySQL.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlist Using File Folders

2012-06-24 Thread ChipMonk

erland wrote: 
> As far as I can see there are two solutions:
> Solution 1:
> - Install Multi Library plugin. 

Thanks Erland - yes I thought this might be an option. I took out a
license on all your plugins so could try this but wondered what extra
load it might put on my server - it's much better than a NAS but does
have limited fire-power! I also wondered if that might add too much
complexity - my family already find most of my innovations and solutions
a bit more demanding than they'd like. But so long as the options are
not irreversible I can give them all a try over the next few days and
then decide which to go for.

Thanks for the help


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlist Using File Folders

2012-06-23 Thread ChipMonk

garym wrote: 
> use mp3tag to batch copy the info in your genre tag to some other custom
> tag you create. then you haven't lost that info. if you ever wanted to
> go back, then use mp3tag to copy the info from your "custom tag" back to
> the genre tag. (mp3tag handles FLAC, etc. too...)

thanks garym - I think I have much to learn (belatedly) about the joys
and complexities of tagging. I've studiously avoided it until recently
because I detest programs that try to take control and
manage/organise/control my stuff the way "they" want to.

But your suggestion leads me to ask - if I can create custom tags for
my, mainly flac files, is it not possible to tweak Dynamic Playlist to
filter out against something like "myclassical" in an add-on custom tag
on all my classical stuff?

Thanks for the help


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlist Using File Folders

2012-06-23 Thread ChipMonk

aubuti wrote: 
> You don't like Elvis with Wagner? The shows they did together at The
> Apollo were the stuff of legends
> Here is one thing you could try that wouldn't require much effort.
> Forget about trying to restrict Dynamic Playlists to certain folders,
> and stick with inclusion/exclusion by genre, which DP is set up to do
> perfectly. You don't need to fix up all your classical tags, just the
> genre, and you can even do that quick and dirty. 

Thanks for that idea aubuti - that may well be the route I take. I'm a
little nervous of wiping what data I have in all my classical genre tags
because, without fail, once I've done that I'll start thinking of all
sorts of imaginative ways I could have used these lost data with this
new Dynamic Playlist toy! So I'll hang on a bit and see if any other
ideas emerge before making such irrevocable changes.

Many thanks for your help - I'll let you know if I decide to go down
this route and how I get on


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlist Using File Folders

2012-06-23 Thread ChipMonk

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere but I am unable to find a
simple solution.

My music collection, started long ago, was mainly classical and, because
of the complexity and lack of support in those days for tagging, I have
evolved a system based on folders named after composer/artist with
subfolders containing individual albums. This is fine for playing
individual symphonies and operas. Over recent years I have broadened my
interests into many other genres where listening to random tracks is far
more appropriate and interesting. So I've just purchased Erland's
excellent plugin package and exploring the joys Dynamic Playlists etc.
But I have been unable to find a way to specify a particular folder and
sub-folders in the selection criteria. Trying to do it by genre is a
nightmare because the tags on my older classical stuff are a mess and
the tags are cluttered with all sorts of junk. Since tagging of
classical is not an issue for me, I'm not prepared to spend vast amounts
of time trying to tidy this up. However, my newer non-classical stuff is
tagged much better.

So, for example, all my popular music is in Music/Pop, how can I set up
a dynamic playlist which selects random tracks only from the stuff in
the Pop folder and ignores the other folders containing classical? The
tags is the Pop/rock category are good enough to work OK via SQL for my
needs but need to be partitioned from the rest.

So far I've not had much luck - Elvis mixed with bleeding chunks of
Wagner is not really to my taste! In every other respect the Dynamic
Playlist is great but I've not been able to get it to perform
exclusively across my whole Pop/Rock collection. An extra bonus is that
it's preventing me from locking up my system if I inadvertently create
huge playlists, which previously caused the whole system to crash
(Tranquil BBS2, Intel D510MO, 4GB RAM with WHS 2011, Squeezebox Server
7.56 - also working much better since recent upgrade from WHS v1).

If someone can point me towards sorting this I'd be immensely grateful


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