Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Jazz Groove Support

2021-04-01 Thread VFRBOB

bluetdi wrote: 
> Thank you so much, Ralphy.
> It took me 15 minutes to get the stream again, now with a paid
> subscription and without ads. 
> Made an account, paid the donation via Paypal, waited 5 minutes for the
> donation to show up in My Account. Now I had a premium plan where you
> can choose audio quality (64, 128, 256, flac) and from 5 channels. This
> generates a special url for the choosen stream and your account. You
> copy the url for your selection, paste it in favorites of LMS, restart
> LMS and voila: great jazz with great quality. 
> Now I would want a selection menu for the 5 streams like Michael Herger
> has made for Radio Paradise. Looking into it, but this is beyond my
> capabilities I think.

I did the same thing, sounds great :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2018-11-08 Thread VFRBOB

PasTim wrote: 
> I have no desire for the Beeb, or anyone else, to 'personalise' my
> listening.  In fact I have a definite desire for them not to do so.  
> These plugins do all that I need and want.

I'm with Mr PasTim, I just want to be able to open the BBCiPlayer Plugin
and access the shows i'd like to listen to, Amazon is constantly
suggesting products and CDs i'd like to buy and it gets on my nerves a
bit ..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2018-11-08 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
> Here is the full quote
> This is the same reply that was given in the FAQ for BBC iPlayer Radio
> App.
> And this is the Blindingly White "Sounds" on my Windows 10Pro Desktop
> 25912
> Its just the same on the BBC news pages

Thanks guys , well I'll just keep listening to my Squeezebox BBC player
while I can. I have half a dozen Squeezeboxes and Raspberries about the
house and enjoy having them all synced and playing the BBC on Saturday
mornings while doing the chores ( my wife thinks I'm a bit dotty). Radio
Four Friday night comedy, Bells on Sunday, The Shipping Forecast,  BBC 2
Folk Show and of course the wonderful Six Music, I'd be lost without
them :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2018-11-07 Thread VFRBOB


Sorry I was not sure where to ask this question but BBC 6 Music has been
announcing a new app called BBC Sounds these past two weeks. I had a
quick nose in iTunes but it is not available over here in the Great
White North (Canada). I was just wondering if any of you good folks knew
anything about it and more importantly is it going to impact the
Squeezebox BBCiplayer plug in ? 

Many thanks 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-10-23 Thread VFRBOB

VFRBOB wrote: 
> Thanks again BPA and Ronnie for all your hard work and help. I'm at the
> day job just now but I'll make the changes in listen again this evening
> when I get home. !! If either of you is ever in Toronto I owe you both a
> pint or three !!!
> Best regards
> Steve

Just made the changes in settings and it's working a treat !! Many many
thanks again guys !!! 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-10-23 Thread VFRBOB

bpa wrote: 
> To expand on most recent BBC "issue".
> It looks BBC HLS streams had a small valid change to the m3u8 file
> format but only for Listen Again streams.  The BBCiPlayer HLS code broke
> because the implementation is only a subset of HLS spec based on what
> BBC had used.  
> Users typically affected have BBCiPlayer Settings "On Demand Stream
> preference" with HLS as first in the list.  Changing the preference to
> "DASH > HLS > MP3 > FlashAAC" should make it work and also handle some
> v. old BBC programs (via BBCiPlayerExtra) which may be in Flash.
> I have a fix to the HLS which will be rolled into a 1.6.1 which has a
> number of other small fixes.   I am testing 1.6.1 and there are few more
> "bugs" I would like to fix.  As there is a workaround, I see no need to
> quickly release it.

Thanks again BPA and Ronnie for all your hard work and help. I'm at the
day job just now but I'll make the changes in listen again this evening
when I get home. !! If either of you is ever in Toronto I owe you both a
pint or three !!!

Best regards


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-10-22 Thread VFRBOB

VFRBOB wrote: 
> Hello 
> Ronnie and BPA you two should be granted sainthood  
> I loaded
> ";
> and now BBC iPlayer is now v1.6.0 and BBc iPlayer (v2.0.0) is back. A
> quick check on the kitchen Touch and I have Liz Kershaw's 6 Music
> Saturday show playing away while I did the turkey dinner dishes with a
> glass of white . 
> Happy Thanksgiving guys,  you go above and beyond and I'm very thankful
> for both of you !!! 
> All the best 
> Steve

So the BBCiplayer has been working marvelously up until last week. I
tried to listen to the Folk show on Radio 2 Wednesday evening and the
Touch just sat at "connecting" status for about five minutes until I
gave up. I thought it might just be one of those things but when I tried
to get The News Quiz on Friday night on Radio 4 and then Liz Kershaw on
6 Music Saturday morning I had the same issue. The Touch just sits at
"connecting" status. Wouldany of you kind folks have any suggestions
please ? 

Best regards


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-10-07 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
> Hi Stevie, how yer slidin?:rolleyes:
> pop this into the Additional repositories box on the Plugin Tab Page
> click apply and you should be good to go.
> You may like to clear and BBC favourites and re-apply them (just to be
> sure)
> Keep well
> ronnie
> don't forget to tick the plugin update box on the same page.
> and wait 15/30 mins for the cache to clear if at first you have no luck


Ronnie and BPA you two should be granted sainthood … 

I loaded
and now BBC iPlayer is now v1.6.0 and BBc iPlayer (v2.0.0) is back. A
quick check on the kitchen Touch and I have Liz Kershaw's 6 Music
Saturday show playing away while I did the turkey dinner dishes with a
glass of white . 

Happy Thanksgiving guys,  you go above and beyond and I'm very thankful
for both of you !!! 

All the best 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiplayer play it again list shows 404

2018-10-07 Thread VFRBOB


I have been trying to follow along with this "404 Not Found" issue for a
while as I was able to listen to past programs through iPlayerExtra.
Anyway decided to try and fix it today since it's Thanksgiving here in
Canada and while I'm waiting for the family to arrive I have idle hands
which is probably not a good thing as I'm now rather lost and confused

Here's what I did …

On my Windows 7  PC removed LMS completely, reinstalled it and updated
it to LMS to 7.91 - 1522157629

Added BBC iplayer plugin, it is now BBC iPlayer (v1.31 alpha3) and I can
listen to BBC live streams through Live BBC (Non UK) but get '404 Not
Found' when I try listen again.

I have tried to add the plug in for BBC iplayerExtra but after numerous
attempts to install it will not add.

PLEASE all I want to be able to do is use listen again in the BBC
iplayer. Any help would be greatly appreciated as being an expat the BBC
player is vital.

Best regards


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-30 Thread VFRBOB

bpa wrote: 
> For Listen Again long programs such as Glastonbury broadcasts - BBC have
> segment info (i.e. track name and a time). V1.5.4 supports Segment times
> through the "More" menu - useful for long programs with a mix of
> artists.
> Main reason for 1.5.4.* was Flac, segment info was a minor addition. 
> Streaming Flac could only be tested for a few weeks so before I make it
> a general release I would like some more testing with the Proms in
> July.
> Currently 1.5.4 can be installed via

Hello all 

Just wanted to follow up, after a Windows 7 reinstall, LMS and BBC
IPlayer updates my Squeezebox Server is running again and all is well in
the Great White North ( although it's rather wet and soggy just now). 

BBC live and Listen again are both working a treat, I listened to
Radiohead's Glastonbury set live last Friday and Folk on 2 (listen
again) while pottering around the backyard on a warm sunny Wednesday
evening. It's the little things in life that make you happy :)

Thanks again for all the help !!!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-23 Thread VFRBOB

bpa wrote: 
> The betarelease-repo.xml UIRL should nwobe OK.   I had kissed an "&" in
> a text field  which I had converted to "and" in the other repo URLs.
> I also updated the betarelease-repo to deliver 1.5.3 which was a bug fix
> of 1.5.2 (releasenotes on sourceforge gives the details) - no new
> features


Thanks again for all your hard work and to Ronnie for help and
suggestions, it really is appreciated greatly. I've been over in Canada
for 28 years now and love it here, but the thought of not having the
good old BBC around is unthinkable. The BBC IPlayer is about the only
thing I use on the Squeezeboxes apart from my own library of music so
not having it is a major loss. 

Have a great weekend chaps I'm going to be trying to listen to as much
from Glastonbury as I can!!

Best regards


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-22 Thread VFRBOB

bpa wrote: 
> When I released the EXtra2.0 I revved all the 4 repo URLs with Extra2.0
> and left the BBCiPlayer alone.  All the other repo (e.g. 1.5.3) work ok
> after rev  - so perhaps a typo crept in.
> I was going to test it today - I was curious why last 1.5.2 install were
> in 2-June.   I may use the opportunity to move it to 1.5.3 .  Don't
> bother with any "https" URL as it will fail with any user not runnign a
> 7.9.  My rulew of thumb is that if http URL works - the https will also
> work.

Thanks BPA and Ronnie, again really appreciate the help. From what I
read ( and understood) there was a problem with the download I was
trying to do? If you do get a chance to test could you please advise
which is the best URL to use for the 1.5  IPlayer update.  I did load
LMS 7.9 so I should be good to go right ? 

Kindest regards


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-21 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
> you'll be looking forward to September then :p

Arrrgg Matey Ron !!

I have not managed to visit Cape Bretton yet but Newfoundland is
beautiful with lovely people and the coastline around St Johns is very
much like North Devon or Cornwall !!! 

Steve :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-21 Thread VFRBOB

bpa wrote: 
> That's odd. The XML and all associated file for both 1.4.* and 1.5.* are
> hosted exactly the same.  While the betarelease repo xml has been loaded
> many times (over 300 times today) - there haven't been many new installs
> of 1.5.2 (last one 2nd June).
> If one of my repo urls has been loaded then on the Plugins tab below the
> "Other 3rd party plugins" there will be an entry for my plugins either
> labelled "bpa's Squeezecenter Plugins Short" which is the 1.4.10 xml or
> "bpa's Squeezecenter BBCiPlayer beta test" for 1.5.* plugins.


I'm sorry to be a royal pain but I tried the URL you gave me (cut and
pasted)  for BBC IPlayer 1.5 once more and again no luck. I then tried
the URL link for 1.4 and it worked first time and loaded no problem...
So there's something fishy somewhere  

Yours confusedly 

Steve :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-21 Thread VFRBOB

bpa wrote: 
> What do you mean by "not loading" - do you get an error or just nothing
> seems to happen (as if LMS doesn't see the version rev).  Double check
> the plugins tab - in some versions of LMS I found changing the plugin
> URL sometimes got "rejected". Make sure the old URL is removed.   Also
> it may be good to reboot LMS and so force LMS to fetch.


When I put in the URL and click on accept the page reloads but there are
no error messages and the plugins do not appear in the plug in list so
it looks like nothing has happened. I'll double check this evening but
last night was test on my Windows 10 office machine, I loaded LMS 7.9
and then added the URL you told me to use to get the correct plugin so
it was a fresh start. 

I had successfully loaded BBC IPlayer and Extra v2 using the 1.4 URL
that Ronnie suggested on a LMS nightly to my LMS pc which runs Windows
7, but I don't want to change that to the versions you recommended until
I can get them working correctly.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-20 Thread VFRBOB

bpa wrote: 
> Please DONT use this URL or promote as it delivers version of BBCiPlayer
> 1.4.* is now old and not supported and only there for users who actively
> said they didn't want to move to 1.5.*  
> VFRBOB URL is for  a supported 1.5.* and should be

I've added this link to Additional Repositories and clicked on apply but
it is not loading anything :( Did I miss something ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-20 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
> No, I was in a bit of a hurry and did not check which one I was using
> myself. :eek::o
> If people in the Colonies could only spell, fancy typing bps instead of
> bpa, it must be the accent :rolleyes::p
> Stevie's a cool guy though:cool:

Ha ha .. actually I've been here in Toronto for 27 years and still have
my Devon accent !! :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-20 Thread VFRBOB

bpa wrote: 
> Please DONT use this URL or promote as it delivers version of BBCiPlayer
> 1.4.* is now old and not supported and only there for users who actively
> said they didn't want to move to 1.5.*  
> VFRBOB URL is for  a supported 1.5.* and should be

Thanks Mr. BPA I shall use this one this evening !!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-20 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
> Try this one Stevie, there is a typo in the link you posted :rolleyes:
> > 

  >   >

> > 
> also have a read here
> keep safe
> Ronnie

Ronnie what would I do without you !! Both your good self and Mr. BPA
have done me such a massive service these last couple of years. I have
promised myself this time I will record all the steps in the process and
put them somewhere safe so that I can refer to them the next time
sothing goes pear shaped. 

Again thanks for all the help

Warmest regards 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-06-19 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
> Steve, thank *bpa*, it's his sterling work that keeps it going ;)
> Mind how you slide!!:p
> 21955

The problem with not touching things till the break is you forget how
you did them last time. I've had to reinstall LMS and now I'm trying to
get the beloved BBC IPlayer up and running.

I have LMS version 7.9.0 - 1488878280 up and running

I know last time I had the v1.5.2 BBC running but I can't figure how on
earth I did it. I installed the IPlaoyer from the plugins menu but that
is v1.3.1alpha3

I put
and then pressed apply .. But nothing happens. Can anyone please tell me
what I have done wrong ? 

Many thanks 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2017-02-11 Thread VFRBOB

Sorry to bother you, I'm here in Canada and BBC (Beta) Radio Plug in
seems to have stopped working. I can get the live stream but Listen
Again just says connecting. Have the BBC changed something ?  I love the
BBC and I love my Squeezebox !! Any help much appreciated.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-01-23 Thread VFRBOB

VFRBOB wrote: 
> Hey Ronnie 
> Wow you have a good memory !! Thanks very much for the advice I will try
> and set up the Pi this evening.
> All the best 
> Steve :)

Thanks again Ronnie all working again !!.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-01-17 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
> Hi Steve, how ya doin?
> This is quite stable, why not give it a shot?
> There is still the occasional hiccup, but nothing too serious.
> Ronnie

Hey Ronnie 

Wow you have a good memory !! Thanks very much for the advice I will try
and set up the Pi this evening.

All the best 

Steve :)

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio iPlayer new install

2017-01-16 Thread VFRBOB


I have not visited the Forums for a while but I going to be installing
Max2play on a Raspberry Pi to use LMS. I want to have the BBC iplayer
with listen again but looking back through the posts I'm a bit confused
about which or what is the best way of doing it now. ( I just survived
the BBC change in 2015 and got things running on my PC and I've not had
the courage to touch it since). I was just wondering if someone could
advise me on the best way to implement it now please? 

I should add I'm in Toronto, Canada.

Many thanks 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-10-14 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 

Yeah well something like that, it was BBC 6 Music, I'm a bit slimmer
with a shaved head and glasses, but the rest of it is pretty much one
the nail !! :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-09-30 Thread VFRBOB

castalla wrote: 

Well I finally got around to putting in the BBC iPlayer and BBC iPlayer
Extra Plugin as advised by Castalla and Man In A Van. After a bit of
faffing I got both working and to say I was chuffed was putting it 
mildly... Picture a 51 year old wildly dancing around the kitchen in
utter joy (my six year old daughter didn't know what to make of it) . 

Thank you guys, thank you, thank you, thank you and to the authours of
the plugins too, you made a ex pat in Canada very very happy :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-08-10 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
 or under My Apps (if you ticked the box).
 Mind how you slide!

So the Triode iPlayer app is visible on the Touch but none of the
stations in Live or Listen Again will connect.  I know back in March
when the Beeb messed things up  I did a bunch of changes from the
iPlayer fix guide and got it working but that was when LMS was living on
the Windows Home Server, now I have moved it to the Raspberry Pi is
there a fix ( or guide hopefully) for that too ? 

Sorry so many questions

Steve :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-08-04 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
 Steve, since the reshuffle,kerfuffle by the BBC  I have not bothered
 with the BBC app on the Touch.
 I just use the BBCiPlayer plugin on the LMS and the BBC iPlayer Extra
 plugin also on the LMS.
 Both of these run fine on a rpi2 and an Odroid using Max2Play.
 How's the weather?

Thanks Ronnie I'll check .. It was a warm sunny weekend 28 C for the
most part, I was out doing my part time job  ( motorcycle instructor)
but on the way home Sunday got caught on the highway in a massive
thunderstorm and got drenched !! My gear has just about dried out !!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-08-04 Thread VFRBOB

castalla wrote: 
 Are you referring to the BBCiPlayer plugin or the BBC Radio applet?
 The applet hasn't worked correctly since the Beeb changed to HLS - it
 can only be installed on a Touch or Radio, and doesn't require LMS to
 The plugin has to be enabled on your LMS server - it should work for all
 players connected to that server.

I did the plugin fix back in March and it was working ok, I have enabled
it on the LMS Server ( now on the pi ) but it is not on the Touch
anymore ..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-08-04 Thread VFRBOB


It's dumb question time again, is it possible to run the Triode BBC
iPlayer app on a Touch or Raspberry Pi with the LMS (Max2Play) running
on the PI ? I only ask since I have noticed that the app has disappeared
from my Touch since I pointed it to the LMS running on my Raspberry Pi
(Max2Play) ...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-07-28 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
 Steve, hope this helps, I might have to split into more than one post:
 Go to Filesystem Mount
 Click on 'Show Network Devices'
 my Share is called SqueezeBox, so I clicked on set path
 then filled in the extra details
 clicked on save, and it did not work
 Tried again, using the IP of the NAS and the share name
 1st box:   //
 2nd box:  /mnt/Squeezebox
 3rd box:   cifs
 4th box:   user=admin,password=*,sec=ntlm,iocharset=utf8
 clicked save and failed again
 But this time I checked on the LMS Server SettingsBasic
 and there was my Share
 I highlighted it and clicked rescan
 Sorry about the long post and all the screen shots

Mr. Ronnie you are a genius !!! I followed your instructions to the
letter and it worked like a charm !! The Squeezebox server is running
and I have my Touch and Mind 180 using it just fine THANKYOU so much I
would have never figured it out by myself in a million years !! Next
step, get a dac card and get the player working !! 

Many thanks again 

Steve :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-07-28 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
 Steve, I have spent many an hour trying to mount a Share on a Max2Play
 pi/Qnap Nas.
 I did succeed but, alas, can not remember how, but I did detail the
 method in an earlier post, either in this thread or a Squeezeplug
 thread. Others have done the same.
 I suggest you look through those posts.
 You might like to try the following:
 If using a Windows OS computer, Map/mount the Share as a Drive
 (typically Z, when I have done this).
 Restart the NAS and perhaps the router, also the computer and the pi.
 Then on the LMS Settings page on the pi go to the Basic Settings page
 and click on the Browse tab and the Drive should appear at the bottom of
 the tree.
 When i have done this it sometimes takes a few restarts for the drive
 letter to appear.
 If this works you can then continue with your quest (thar be Dragons) 
 to mount the Share in the correct manner (at your leisure). 

Thanks Ronnie I will have a look around ...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-07-27 Thread VFRBOB

Sorry I may be a bit computer dumb but this is not as easy as it is
claimed to be .. 

I have successfully loaded Max2Play to my Raspberry Pi and I can see the
Max2play web interface and on Squeezbox server Status: Squeezebox
Server is running with processID 2335. However Filesystem Mount makes
no sense to me at all and the instructions don't help either. My music
resides on a WD MyBookLiveDuo in the folder Public/Shared Music/FLAC 

I am set up as a user on the NAS and have a user name and password  

I can find the IP address of the NAS and  have tried to follow the
instructions to mount the drive but having never learnt UNIX it makes
little sense and I thought UNIX was not reqired to do this.

I have tried using the examples and video but get messages like the one
below ...

Directory created: /mnt/mountdir
sudo: unable to resolve host webserver-02 sudo: no tty present and no
askpass program specified 
Mountpoint NOT added! Please refer to the description below!  

I do refer to the description below but I have no clue what it means !!

Any help very much appreciated 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer rebuffering

2015-05-22 Thread VFRBOB

I have the same issue and my fix is not very pretty (but it does work)
if its a Listen Again program use the Squeezebox Touch, if I want to
Listen Live use the iPhone plugged into Pure i20 dock, the phone seems
to happily play the  live streams with no issues..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] The New HSL files on windows PC

2015-02-26 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
 have you tried restarting the server?

Seems a reboot of the WHS and the Touch did the job, I can now see the
iPlayer app and its working !! The live stream bit rate is no longer 192
kbps but at least I can hear music rather than the Looped voice of

Thanks to everyone for your help :) 

Steve :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] The New HSL files on windows PC

2015-02-22 Thread VFRBOB

NeilT wrote: 
 As mentioned by Bonze in 'this post'
 you can edit the menu.opml file to play the new streams found in the
 list in 'this post'
 from Nick_G.
 On my system the menu.ompl file is in
 You can find edited versions of the menu.opml files in 'this post.'
 If you want to try them out you can just copy the file across into the
 ...\Plugins\BBCiPlayer directory and open the plugin (obviously back up
 your existing menu.opml file first).

Sorry where do we find menu.opml file ? Would it be in my WHS server or
do I look for it in the Squeezebox GUI  



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] The New HSL files on windows PC

2015-02-22 Thread VFRBOB

PasTim wrote: 
 The original file (to be replaced) should be at 


 on your WHS server.

Thanks for your help but still no joy ;(

I have ffmpeg.exe installed in C:\Program

PlayHLS Plugin repo is in the LMS GUI and in advanced setting in File
Types I have 

Apple HLS m3u8 FLAC ffmpeg
MPEG disabled
PCM ffmpeg

I have replaced the menu.opml files with the non uk zipped ones .. 

When I go to the BBC Radio player and select any of the feeds it says
connecting but never does connect ... What did I miss ???

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] RadioFeeds UK Ireland plugin now listing BBC HLS streams

2015-02-19 Thread VFRBOB

vinnielo wrote: 
 If it is just access to the BBC live streams you'd like, then the
 RadioFeeds app is sufficient.
 You can download this from the App Gallery under Radio Networks.

I found the RadioFeeds app last night thanks !! Is there any way to get
the higher bit rate feeds ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] RadioFeeds UK Ireland plugin now listing BBC HLS streams

2015-02-18 Thread VFRBOB

vinnielo wrote: 
 If it is just access to the BBC live streams you'd like, then the
 RadioFeeds app is sufficient.
 You can download this from the App Gallery under Radio Networks.

Thanks for the reply, the BBC iplayer app that I downloaded from the
third party apps a couple of years ago still seems to be playing Listen
Again programs ( in 44.1 bitrate) but the Listen Live feeds (which were
up to 192 bitrate) have gone and I just get the recorded voice
explaining about WMA. 

I basically would like to get things back as close as I can back to the
way they were .. Sorry I know that sounds simplistic ( but so am I) but
the joys of the BBC iPlayer was everything was there easy to hand ..
I've looked at the thread about the BBC iplayer but I'm still not sure
if I do what Ronnie recommended will this put everything back it was
before the change to WMA? 

I have my SB Touch with digital output to a CA DACMagic, the Touch is
hardwired to my network and I run LMS for WHS on a Window Home Server V1
which has all my music files in FLAC.   



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] RadioFeeds UK Ireland plugin now listing BBC HLS streams

2015-02-18 Thread VFRBOB

Man in a van wrote: 
 Steve, that's a funny name for a Bob :p
 Have a read over here
 and then if that does not help post your question in that thread with
 ALL the relevant details, what equipment and how you use it.
 We had a bit of a frost last night, is it nippy with you? I have a
 relative in New Brunswick Brr
 Edit, might be worth thinking VPN if you listen a lot

Thanks for the info Ronnie, 

I will take a look at the link and see if my feeble brain can figure it
out. VFRBOB comes from the fact that I have a VFR motorcycle and my wife
calls me 'Bob'. Yup it has been a might chilly these last few weeks,
Saturday morning the weather station in the back garden was indicating
-24 and that was without any wind chill.


Steve (Bob)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] RadioFeeds UK Ireland plugin now listing BBC HLS streams

2015-02-17 Thread VFRBOB


I have had my Squeezebox Touch for three years now and think it's

I live in Canada but was born in the UK and use the third party BBC
iPlayer app  to access 6 music and Radio 4. I was totally unaware until
yesterday of the BBC no longer supporting WMA when I found I could not
access Listen Live anymore on the App. 

I have read some of this thread but I must confess I am finding it hard
to understand, not being the most technically minded. I would really
like to get the App working again, would one of you chaps be kind enough
to point me in the right direction as to where to start ?

Many many thanks 

Steve :)

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