Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty not playing

2020-06-13 Thread Ant

Bingo - thanks mate that saved me an awful lot of time!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty not playing

2020-06-12 Thread Ant

Well I was busy with lockdown work so have not had a chance to mess with
the uPnP settings but I did quickly remove the UPnP plugin and instead
install the Airplay bridge plugin. Interestingly this works with both
local files and via Spotify so clearly something to do with UPnP bridge.
I'll keep trying...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty not playing

2020-06-12 Thread Ant

Hi again

Yes that seems to be the case. I will play about with the UPnP bridge
settings to see if I get any joy and will update this thread. Got to do
some actual work now though!

THX, Ant

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty not playing

2020-06-12 Thread Ant

Hi again

I could not play MP3 on local player as I did not install an MP3
transcoder but the local player did play Spotty.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty not playing

2020-06-12 Thread Ant

Hi Michael

I have installed Softsqueeze bit I am not sure how to work it. It reads
'connection failed'. I have enabled the local player plugin in LMS but
don't know if there is anything else I should add?

THX, Ant

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty not playing

2020-06-12 Thread Ant

Hi folks

I have returned to the Squeezebox world and I am trying to get Spotty
loaded on my LMS and then play around the house. I am struggling...

I have installed LMS 7.9.3 on Mac OS X Catalina and installed Squeezer
as an app on an android phone. I am using the UPnP Bridge plugin to
allow LMS to see my various UPnP players. Set up was fine and LMS
scanned my local library and recognised my players. The web remote
control worked well as did the Squeezer app and streaming from my local
library appears to be working well on all the devices I have tried.

I then installed the Spotty plugin and followed the instructions to get
it recognised by my Spotify premium account, which appeared to work. All
certainly looked to be in order, however; when I try to play anything at
all Spotty just times out and gives the flowing message:
'Problem: Can't open file for: TRACK'

This behaviour is the same regardless of using the web remote control or
the app. I do not have any slim devices hardware to test this on. I have
carefully removed and reinstalled LMS, trying with both 7.7.6. from and subsequently with 7.9.3 from the recommended slim
devices site.

Does anyone know if I have made some obvious error or have any
suggestions as to how I might fix this? It would be wonderful to get
this up and running again.

THX in advance, Ant

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2016-09-26 Thread ant!

I got it running!

After contacting again the Daphile developer, he answered the

> You might be right. Plugins are not run as root but as user named "user"
> and 
> that does not belong to audio group.
> You can fix this in beta version by running following command:
> usermod -a -G audio user
> Let me know if it help and I could fix this in future versions.

I did this, and now it runs nicely.
Thanks everybody!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2016-09-21 Thread ant!

schoeppi wrote: 
> On Wed, 21 Sep 2016 11:49:47 +0000, ant! wrote:
> What is the output of:
> id logitechmediaserver
> And:
> id squeezelite
> Ciao,
> Schoepp

Here it is:


daphile ~ # id logitechmediaserver
  uid=105(logitechmediaserver) gid=119(logitechmediaserver) 
  daphile ~ # id squeezelite
  uid=106(squeezelite) gid=18(audio) groups=18(audio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2016-09-21 Thread ant!

Had to find out how to check who is in the audio user group, not sure if
I interpret the output correct:


daphile ~ # grep 'audio' /etc/group

Does this mean there is no user listed in the audio group? This would
contradict the following:


daphile ~ # groups logitechmediaserver
  daphile ~ # groups squeezelite
  daphile ~ # groups root
  root bin daemon sys adm disk wheel floppy tape video

According to this, squeezelite is in the audio group, but
logitechmediaserver isn't. Should it be, since the addon runs in the
logitechmediaserver and not in the squeezelite player? Any other users
which should be in the audio group?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2016-09-20 Thread ant!

Here is a log (about 3 times trying to activate the stream). If I
interpret it right, it is switching off since the stream is empty? Do
you see anything else from this?

By the way, maybe it is described somewhere and I didn't find it: Which
sampling rates, compression and file format is used for this stream? Is
there a config file to set it up or fixed?

|Filename:  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2016-09-19 Thread ant!

bpa wrote: 
> I think part of the problem is that it is audio is not supplied by an
> internal Realtek card but a single Intel US15W chip which has integrated
> all the peripherals - so you may need to find Intel's linux drivers and
> check if they are being used.  Personally I think you'll have guaranteed
> success in less time with a USB DAC whereas if the standard linux
> doesn't support U51W audio now many years after chip was released - it
> may never be supported.


an update: Not sure how I did it finally, (tried too much and had in my
debugging also some mistakes) the drivers for the internal soundcard
were already in the kernel. So either I activated them when trying out
(and didn't realize it in the first place due to other problems), or it
was a problem in alsamixer.

Anyways, I can now record a file with "arecord -f cd -d 30 -D hw:1,0 -t
wav test.wav", and the alsamixer is set to capture=0dB (everything
higher clips), all mic boosters and outputs off.

But I can't open this stream in the Squeezebox, I tried in "Tune in URL"
of the TuneIn plugin (maybe this is not the good place?) with
"wavin:hw:1,0", but no output. Or is it better to save this as a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2016-09-17 Thread ant!

A short update: I am now nearly sure it is a driver issue. I was in
contact with the daphile developer, and his answer regarding

> Your problem is definitely not permission related as you log in as root.
> Daphile does not use /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc, so there isn't any
> default audio device defined. You should use ALSA hw interface directly,
> eg. hw:1,0 

Further, for understandable reasons he will not support hardware with
old, proprietary drivers. So it's up to me to figure out how to install
the driver for the internal Realtek ALC662 card (or an USB soundcard I
still have, a M-Audio Transit USB, with drivers packed in madfuload).
But I will need to ask in some Gentoo forums, since I know more Debian &
Ubuntu, and it seems to work a bit different...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2016-09-15 Thread ant!

Actually tried the first time to play through the analogue output of the
fitpc2, usually I use a USB-DAC, and I get as well no output. Neither
through aplay nor through the Squeezebox WebUI.

So maybe it is really more a problem of drivers for the internal

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2016-09-15 Thread ant!

He never tried your plugin, Daphile is basically an easy LMS standalone
installation, not much more. And I'd guess the soundcard configuration
depends on the hardware I install daphile on, not daphile itself.

But the permissions for arecord might be a reason, no idea.
There is no GUI, only the WebUI or SSH.

I'll forward the developer this thread, maybe he has an idea (he's
active here as well).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2016-09-15 Thread ant!

Running daphile (latest beta version, since releases have no ssh
activated), which seems to be based on Gentoo.
Pulseaudio is not installed, only ALSA.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: WaveInput for Linux

2016-09-15 Thread ant!


having problems setting it up correctly. I want to use the internal
soundcard to capture an input signal, the soundcard has two plugs
(Mic/line-in). Tried first to listen to wavin:default, but since I heard
nothing I was digging deeper. Here is arecord:

daphile ~ # arecord -l
 List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices 
card 0: Dummy [Dummy], device 0: Dummy PCM [Dummy PCM]
Subdevices: 8/8
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
Subdevice #4: subdevice #4
Subdevice #5: subdevice #5
Subdevice #6: subdevice #6
Subdevice #7: subdevice #7
card 1: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 2: ALC662 rev1 Alt Analog [ALC662
rev1 Alt Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

I was recording hw:1,0 and hw:1,2 (I guess these would be the two
mentioned in arecord), but both are quiet. I set the volume for line,
mic and mic boost in alsamixer to 100% (were first at 0), but this did
not change anything.
Any idea what I might do wrong?

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify third party plugin no longer connects...

2013-07-08 Thread Ant

hi folks

have installed Triode's plugin and all was well for a while but oddly
the past few days it refuses to connect to spotify and all I get are
time out errors from both my Duet and Radio.

Have looked at LMS and the self test reports:
Player did not connect to helper app - check your firewall allows the
helper app to receive incoming connections from players on the helper
app port defined above

Have looked into my bt homehub settings and changed firewall to allow
all incoming and outgoing but this has made no difference. Have
restarted everything a few times and reset my squeezeboxes so am now at
a bit of an impasse. Spotify still works streaming to my mac and

Any advice would be most welcome

thx, Ant

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Avoid napster

2011-04-05 Thread Ant

Hi all

I signed up to 3 month for £10 deal from napster, however they charged
me the full £15 and have refused to refund me, their response being
essentially that they don't give refunds, cancel if you don't like it.

I find their customer service really poor and would urge everyone to
avoid them at all costs.

To add insult to injury, the sound quality of their streams is poor and
their selection has massive and bizarre gaps.

Really disappointing service and terrible support. Steer well clear!


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