Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-04-30 Thread jmpage2

pippin wrote: 
 The problem here is that the alarms menu is not an iPeng menu, it's
 provided by the server and that's also where it is designed.
 I can't make it look the same way as other on/off toggles because the
 field is of a different type and the type is not an on/off state, but
 a text array. iPeng doesn't know when all alarms is on and when it's
 off, it just gets a text from the server to display and that happens to
 be on or off if the server language is set to English. There are
 other cases where there are three or more different states for that kind
 of field.
 I don't know why this is designed this way, other switches in Alarms are
 on/off toggles.
 The best indicator is the alarm symbol in the player list. Whenever your
 alarm is active, the bell icon will appear for that player, it does only
 show when it's really on and not when blocked by the all alarms
 The alternative would probably to design an entirely new, iPeng-specific
 alarms menu but that would be a lot of work and there are a few other
 things that I would think have higher priority, after all, the alarms
 menu works. But as long as I use the existing one, I can't just change
 single items, I would have to replace the whole thing.

Thanks for explaining the technical challenge. 

Would it be possible to simply make it red or a different color when it
is in the off position?  I usually just go right to the player drop down
on my ipad before retiring and adjust the alarm time without thinking to
look at anything else. I am now in the habit of trying to verify the
alarms are in an nailed state but still get caught flat footed every so

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-04-29 Thread jmpage2

I have what I feel to be a reasonable feature request. I've been using
both iPhone and ipad versions of iPeng pretty much as soon as they
became available for purchase. One of my key uses is for setting alarms
on my Squeeze Radio. I have, quite a few times failed to notice that
all alarms we're set to off... Since it is a light color and not the
same on/off button toggle as pretty much everything else in iPeng. As a
result have been late to work or other engagements on a few occasions.
Any chance of making the toggle look like the others or at least make it
more noticeable when set to off?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-08 Thread jmpage2

I have been having a problem now for a while with iPeng on both my iPad
and iPhone.

When I start the application everything seems to work fine.  However if
I run it again at a later time, and go into one of my squeeze devices,
it starts to become unresponsive.  For example, if I try to open the
alarms settings for the device it will just sit with a spinning icon
and never populate the alarm settings.

If I kill and re-start the iPeng application it starts to respond
normally again.

I suppose this could somehow be a problem on the Squeezebox end, but I
don't think so, as I am always able to go directly into the device
itself and it is very responsive, alarm screen comes up immediately,

Any thoughts on this?

I have a screenshot from the iPad of what it looks like when it is
doing this if that would be helpful.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-08 Thread jmpage2

pippin;624150 Wrote: 
 Could you check whether your WiFi connection works correctly when that
 Are you on iOS 4.3 or 4.3.1?

Wi-fi is definitely working at the time, because I can multi-task to
another app and it's all working properly.

The iPad is 4.3 and the iPhone is 4.3.1.

Is there a log on the server end that could help figure out what is
going on?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-08 Thread jmpage2

Here's what it's doing.  You can see that the Wi-Fi is up when it is
behaving this way.  I have only really noticed this on the alarms
screen and I cannot pin down precisely when it started behaving this
way, but I think it was after I enabled the audio playback for my iPad
in the iPeng application.

|Filename: IMG_0022.jpg |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-03-11 Thread jmpage2

Just got the iPad 2 and what a HUGE difference the extra speed makes for
iPeng for my setup.  I have many large playlists and frequently iPeng
would slow down and in some cases it could take several seconds or
longer for things like alarm control panel to launch for one of my

It is super quick now, the extra cpu and RAM make a big difference!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-10 Thread jmpage2

I have both iPeng versions so I was able to activate the music playback
service on my iPad after installing both versions to it.

How sweet it is!

I also had an initial problem with no audio during playback, but I just
went in, reselected my iPad as the playback device and then it started
to work.

I also observed a bug, but the bug might be with SB Server and not with

This morning, my Squeezebox Radio alarm went off.  This alarm plays a
large playlist of about 2000 tracks.  The alarm was going, meaning that
my music was playing on the Radio unit, and a few songs had played (I
had not yet reached over to kill the alarm or hit the back arrow button
to switch it into regular play mode).

I then fired up iPeng on the iPad and started playing back there. 
Within just a second or two after iPeng started audio playback the
music on the SB Radio stopped and it started to play the default alarm
sound that I get when the SB Server goes offline.

I was then able to power the SB Radio down from iPeng, power it back
up, and resume playback of the song with no issues, even though iPeng
was still playing music on the iPad.

Just thought it worth mentioning.

Thanks for all the hard work, this application rocks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-10 Thread jmpage2

pippin;610077 Wrote: 
 Have you maybe selected the Radio in iPeng in between?
 2.000 track playlists really are more than SBS usually can handle well
 and if iPeng started to load that playlist it could well be that this
 brought the server down for a second or so.

That explanation makes sense to me.  Thanks for the nice app!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-08-26 Thread jmpage2

garym;572267 Wrote: 
 home sharing is an entirely different issue. this just allows multiple
 computers running their own Itunes to share the music library. 
 why not just synch everything from one home computer? Simplifies
 things. My wife's iphone and my iphone both use the same apps. And even
 on one itunes on one computer, you can have different music libraries
 (hold down shift key when starting itunes).

No, that's not correct.  With home sharing ALL of my apps and other
content show up on both my computer and my wife's as being 'shared' and
can be transferred to another home computer.

We regularly transfer apps between the two computers and the only thing
to remember is that when updating an app either on the mobile device or
on the iTunes, you will have to provide login/password for the account
that originally made the app purchase.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-08-05 Thread jmpage2

pippin;566789 Wrote: 
 What iOS Version do you use?
 Which time zone are you in?
 There's a known bug with the picker and time zones (it's an Apple bug,
 not an iPeng bug) but that's 4.1 beta only.
 Sorry, but I don't plan to support buggy beta OS builds.
 I can't reproduce this on iOS 4.01

I am on IOS 4.0.1 and in the US Mountain TZ. The server time is correct
and also set for Mountain TZ.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-08-05 Thread jmpage2

pippin;566898 Wrote: 
 Hm. Anybody else seeing this? Where (time zone)?
 I've tried several time zone combinations here and I simply can not
 reproduce this.
 Did it work with the old iPeng version?
 Do you see it for changing Alarms as well as for setting new ones?

Everything worked fine with the previous iPeng version with the older
OS 3 firmware on my iPhone 3GS.  It has never worked with my iPhone 4
or my iPad.  The previous issue was not being able to actually set the
alarm time due to the previously identified problem.

This new problem seems quite different.  My phone is not jailbroken or
I would use Screen Recorder to make a recording of it and demonstrate
it directly.

It's worth noting (though maybe not involved) that I have two alarms. 
Alarm 1 is set to go off M-T-W-T-F at 7:00AM for example and Alarm 2 is
set to go off S-S at 9:00AM.

If I add a 3rd alarm, then it is created properly with the default
alarm time as long as I don't try to change the time while adding this
new alarm.

However, if I try to change the default alarm time while creating the
alarm it will not set to the right time.  Additionally the application
will crash a good deal of the time while trying to change the alarm
time.  If I try to change the alarm time after creating the new alarm
time, it also has the wrong time on it.  For example I set it to 8AM
and it sets to 11PM and/or the app crashes out.

I would imagine someone else with iPhone 4 might need to test this?  I
will test with my iPad too, maybe it works with that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-08-05 Thread jmpage2

pippin;566940 Wrote: 
 No need to. I can reproduce it now and I do think I have a fix. Now i
 need someone to test. You've got PM

Thanks, response sent, I'll be happy to help out with the testing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-08-04 Thread jmpage2

Alarms appear to be broken in new ways after the update. I tried to
change the time on my alarm from 715 AM to 700 AM but showed up as
being set to 1030 pm. I then changed it to 8 am and it showed as being
set to 1100 pm. 

I flushed the cache and rebooted the phone but still can't get it to
set the alarm time properly.  After screwing with it for a while I gave
up and set it via the infrared remote and it worked fine.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-08-02 Thread jmpage2

pippin;566099 Wrote: 
 No. It was always priced $9.99
 How many of those are niche Apps targeted at a limited user base?
 There is a difference between iFart that takes about 20min to program
 and targets potentially 40mil iOS users and iPeng which so far took two
 years and there aren't even 1 mil SB owners or so out there.
 which is why I refuse to do what you ask for and release untested
 Please calm down a bit on this.
 You can get extensive technical support here, I do answer every single
 question being asked. Including yours.
 And you can of course ask for updates but you have to accept answers. I
 told you I am working the issue and I told you it's not an easy fix as
 you claimed it was and I gave you extensive explanation as to why that
 Of course you don't have to believe me but all I did was insisting that
 an update needs testing before a release. If that's hostility in your
 eyes than yes, please stop promoting iPeng.


I don't think you're being hostile at all, and of course iPeng requires
more work to maintain and compile for new OS versions (not to mention
new versions of SBS).  However I think asking about the status of an
update to an issue reported back in April was really not asking for too
much, since it has affected my ability to use your application.

What I didn't need was smart ass people immediately claiming I'm
whining like an 8 year old, offering to 'chip in to refund my app
purchase price', etc.

All I was doing was venting some frustration that the primary thing I
use the application for is no longer possible and I got a lot of flak
(a bit from you too I might add) in response.

In any event, the decision to update the app or not is completely yours
(and from what I understand it's with Apple now)... just as the decision
to continue to promote the application or buy the future iPad version is


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-08-01 Thread jmpage2

fphredd;565991 Wrote: 
 Maybe a 'bit' harsh, but it seemed you kept whining over and over after
 having gotten a response.  Unfortunately, it wasn't the response you
 wanted, so you repeated the complaint.  My 8 year old does this, and
 after being gentle for a while, a harsh response may be the only thing
 that gets through...I know I've just opened myself up for a judgment on
 my parenting skills, please don't bother; I'd rather just apologize to
 you if you took it all personally. 
 And I'll still pitch in to refund your premium price of $10...

Ya, nice backhanded apology there fella.  Maybe you just like playing
forum cop is what it's really about.  Asking a few times over the
course of several months since the problem first surfaced on the iPad
is not whining or pestering amazingly I have written software
myself and do a job very similar to software development now. 
Sometimes the fire being lit under my ass to motivate me to get
something finished is when I can see that users are complaining about
being impacted by a problem that I need to fix.

On the other hand if you'd like to grovel around and declare how
wonderful iPeng is, and offer refunds for anyone with a criticism then
maybe there's a better place to do it then the *SUPPORT THREAD*.  Smart


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-07-29 Thread jmpage2

fphredd;562439 Wrote: 
 I'll chip in to refund jmpage2's iPeng cost if he promises to never use
 it again and let pippin continue to satisfy so many people for such a
 low price...

Hostile much?  Look, I didn't say anything rude or untrue to the
developer.  In fact I've probably sold plenty of copies of iPeng seeing
as I have the #1 review of the SB Radio on and go out of my
way to recommend the iPeng application explicitly both in the main
review and comments section.

The reality is that the update is slow coming (for whatever reason).  I
realize that this is a one man operation and the updates can't come as
fast as they do for other applications like Mobile Navigator, etc, yet
this is a premium priced application so hopefully it gets updated
eventually to ios4 compatibility so we can continue to use ALL of the
features with our SB devices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-07-16 Thread jmpage2

pippin;562170 Wrote: 
 What do you mean by doesn't work?
 The only thing that doesn't work with iOS4 is setting Alarms.
 There are other things that can go wrong but no cases of outright
 doesn't work.
 I've got an update in the making but there are plenty of changes to be
 made to be compatible with the multitasking plus this needs testing.
 iPeng is a pretty complex App with much, much more functionality then
 the usual iPhone app has and I'm not putting it on the App Store
 without having some confidence that the changes will work.

I can appreciate that, but can we just get a simple bug fix update that
fixes the alarm?  This is the 2nd most expensive application on my
iPhone and the only paid app I have that has not been updated since
ios4 came out.  Previously I used iPeng mostly to set the alarm on my
SB Radio.  Now I have to do it manually.  As a result I've only opened
iPeng a few times since getting my iPhone 4.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-07-16 Thread jmpage2

pippin;562218 Wrote: 
 That's interesting. I've got a long list of those, some block busters
 between them. iOS4 is out for 3 weeks now and that's the time since
 when you can do serious testing with non-developers.

I'm sure that you're a hard working fool and would like to get the
update out, but three weeks is not entirely accurate, as the iPhone 4
SDK has been available with beta builds since April.

In the interest of fairness I look again and see;

Navigon, updated.
WhiteNoise, updated.
BatteryDoctor, updated.
LogmeIn, updated
StopWatch, updated
Convertbot, updated
ZombieSmash, updated
Fruit Ninja, updated

ToDo, not updated
SlingPlayer, not updated
Strategery, not updated

So, you are right, I found three other paid apps I have that have not
been updated yet, ball's in your court and all that rot!  :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-07-16 Thread jmpage2

bluegaspode;562232 Wrote: 
 Shouldn't we blame Apple for publishing a new OS that is not backwards
 compatible ?
 Instead of poor pippin who wants to have a real life instead of fixing
 stuff all the time because either Apple or Logitech messes something up
 Microsoft never push an OS that's not backwards compatible.
 *flamewar on*

All of my other apps (and I have a lot of them) continued to work under
iPhone 4.

Also, my iPad, which is based on a later load of OS 3 also has the
alarm bug when running iPeng.

Apple makes plenty of mistakes, but this problem has been around for
quite some time it would appear.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-06-21 Thread jmpage2

With ios4 can no longer set the time for alarms. This was broken for
iPad but now broken on the iPhone also. Please fix this. Thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-04-13 Thread jmpage2


I'm not sure if you're already aware of this bug with iPeng on the iPad
but thought I'd mention it.

If I go to the alarms screen for any of my players and select the box
for the alarm time, instead of the little numbered wheels coming up to
set the time I get the alphanumeric keyboard instead.

Attempting to change the alarm time with the keyboard results in the
application crashing out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Question on Trackstat and iTunes integration

2009-11-03 Thread jmpage2

erland;481246 Wrote: 
 Sorry, I've no idea.
 However, I think you might have another problem, the paths inside the
 iTunes Library XML file must be correct from the WHS point of view if it
 should work. If they aren't you will need to use the more complex
 TrackStat based iTunes integration where you can convert the paths
 during the import/export.
 iTunes Update plugin can be used in two modes:
 - In direct mode which require Squeezebox Server and iTunes on same
 - In file mode which will generate a file similar to the TrackStat
 solution and require you to run a perl script on the iTunes computer.

It seems that somehow the pathing is okay.  In the library file all of
the paths are referred to as \volume1\music\ but yet somehow after
configuring the WHS squeeze to point to this XML and to point to the
actual directory the music is in it seems to be working since all of my
iTunes playlists are now showing up and are working.

You are right about iTunes Update, it strongly recommends against using
it in active mode if Squeezebox is running as a service on a Windows

I also notice that without Trackstat plugin installed I am no longer
seeing the star ratings for my tracks on iPeng, so I guess I'm pretty
sunk on being able to update track ratings between Squeeze and iTunes


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Question on Trackstat and iTunes integration

2009-11-03 Thread jmpage2

erland;481266 Wrote: 
 Yes, iPeng needs TrackStat to support ratings. However, you can use
 iTunes Update for the iTunes integration and TrackStat for the iPeng
 ratings, they should work pretty good together.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to all of the questions. 
Unfortunately doing the ratings and tracking the statistics doesn't do
me a lot of good if I must periodically do manual tasks to import said
ratings and statistics back into the iTunes database.

I believe I've also discovered that iTunes on the Mac is primarily
using the iTunes Library.XML and periodically makes a back up of this
data into the iTunes Music Library.XML file, which appears to be a bit
out of date most of the time.

I will try pointing iTunes plugin for Squeeze directly at the iTunes
Library.XML that iTunes on the Mac is working with and hopefully my data
will be more up to date.

Thanks again for responding.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Question on Trackstat and iTunes integration

2009-11-03 Thread jmpage2

Okay, so here's what I did, let me know if this will hopefully work.

I moved my actual iTunes library data (the entire Music/iTunes folder)
over to the WHS network share.

I then deleted it from the Mac and started up iTunes while holding down
the option key.  I pointed iTunes to the library over on the network

This all worked!

Then I installed the iTunes updater plugin and reconfigured Squeezebox
Server to use iTunes and iTunes updater.  I pointed it to the Music
Library.XML file on the network share.

So now my Mac and the WHS have access to the same library data.  The
only source of confusion for me is whether the files the Mac uses and
the files the WHS/Windows instances use are the same.

I believe Mac uses the Library.XML file and Windows tries to use the
iTunes Music Library.XML file and I'm not sure if the two files will
really stay in sync.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Question on Trackstat and iTunes integration

2009-11-01 Thread jmpage2

I've just kind of waded into this and am hoping I can get a pointer in
the right direction.

I have an OS X 10.6.1 iMac that I run iTunes on.  I keep all of my
track ratings in this iTunes database.

iTunes is not managing my music, all music is located on a Windows Home
Server through a network volume on the Mac.

On the Windows Home Server I am running Squeezebox Server (latest
version) and do NOT have iTunes integration turned on.

Is there any way for me to get all of my track ratings out of my iTunes
library and imported into Trackstat/Squeeze?

Is there any way to reimport any changes I might make on the Squeeze
side back into my iTunes database?  If the answer to this is yes then
how are conflicts resolved (I rated a track three stars in iTunes but
rated it two stars in Trackstat)?

Any help appreciated, I'd love to get this working.

Another option, that I have toyed with is simply moving the iTunes
database from the iMac onto the Windows Home Server in its entirety, and
then having Squeeze use that iTunes database for everything.  I'm
guessing that this would be a far easier way to integrate things but I'd
still love to hear from others doing something similar.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] SlimScrobbler doesn't submit when using SoftSqueeze?

2006-10-07 Thread jmpage2

I've recently upgraded to Slimserver 6.5 and installed the newest
versions of the SlimScrobbler and LastFM plugins.

I've noticed that my track submissions for Last.FM don't appear to be
working for tracks played on the SoftSqueeze.

Is this known behavior or is this a bug?  Did a search and came up



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: SlimScrobbler doesn't submit when using SoftSqueeze?

2006-10-07 Thread jmpage2

I must sheepishly admit that a typo caused this problem, please
disregard my thread.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LastFM plugin crashing Squeezebox after upgrade

2006-05-15 Thread jmpage2


My plugin is now functioning correctly too.  Since another member had
the same problem I am going to take a wild stab that the problem was on
LastFM's side.

If the problem recurs I will capture the debug data.




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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LastFM plugin crashing Squeezebox after upgrade

2006-05-14 Thread jmpage2

James Wrote: 
 Hmmm, 1.1.6 is working fine for me on SS 6.2.2 on XP.
 Can you guys get any log output from the crashes (with --d_plugins
 enabled would be best)?

I will get it to you tomorrow morning hopefully when I get a bit of
time to turn the debug options on and re-create a failure.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] LastFM plugin crashing Squeezebox after upgrade

2006-05-13 Thread jmpage2

This is kind of weird, if anyone has any ideas let me know.

I just re-loaded my fileserver from scratch with Fedora Core 5 and
re-loaded Slimserver 6.2.2 and all of my Plugins.

The LastFM scrobbler is working fine, all of my tracks submit, however
the LastFM internet radio plugin (version 116) is doing some weird

When I launch the LastFM Internet radio plugin by pressing play or
selecting a station it will cause the SB to immediately reboot.  After
the reboot the SB starts to play the stream normally, but if I change
the station or skip a track (or mark a track love/hate) it also will
cause a player reboot.

It almost sounds like I have the wrong version of the plugin, but as
far as I know 116 is all I should be using if I'm on Slimserver 6.2.2.

Any help appreciated, thanks,



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-03-09 Thread jmpage2

tfish77 Wrote: 
 jmpage2, thanks for the super-helpful reference!  I have a question: 
 When I go to the radio page and type in a bunch of artist to
 create a custom station, how do I access that station via the SB?  I
 copied the link from the play now button that appears and extracted
 But there is no similarartists bit at the end.  It seems to be
 playing my station, but I wonder if this is the right way to capture
 these custom stations in the SB?
 Thanks again.

I'm afraid that only James could answer this question.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-25 Thread jmpage2

James Wrote: 
 No, discovery mode does work when not on a 'personal' station, which
 makes sense:
 Discovery = new music  Personal = music you've already listened to, so
 there's no overlap.
 However it currently has the side effect of breaking the now playing
 information for a period of time. This is an issue with the LastFM
 servers, not the SlimServer plugin.

Ahh, ok then, thanks for the clarification.  I never left it running
long enough to see it resume normal display operation.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-24 Thread jmpage2

Craig, James (IT) Wrote: 
  Can confirm that I'm also getting this now - if I turn discovery mode
  on, on a channel which isn't personal or loved, and try to change to
  another channel which isn't personal or loved, then the SB appears
  lose its connection to LastFM.  
 It is, of course, LastFM's problem!
 Although you shouldn't lose the personal station when it happens, and
 it's even stranger that you keep the 'loved' station.
 Should both stay or go.
 I shall see if anything's wrong there.
 NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender.  Sender
 does not waive confidentiality or privilege, and use is prohibited.

So the problem is that discovery doesn't work at all right now for any compatible players?  Guess I'm a bit confused.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-22 Thread jmpage2

I've found a (potentially) new problem.

If I enable discovery mode while listening to any station the
squeezebox loses contact with completely and I have to turn the
SB off and on again to resume any music listening.

Does anyone have discovery mode working with the plugin?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-20 Thread jmpage2

You should have an option from the player menu under Internet Radio
titled LastFM if you have BOTH the scrobbler and plugins
loaded correctly.

If you right arrow over on Last.FM and press play it should start
playing your scrobbler feed.  This assumes you've gone into the web
page and populated your account information.

If you right arrow TWICE from you will have some additional
options such as the ability to play other radio stations.


Please describe EXACTLY what you have done and what is not working so
we can help you fix the problem.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-16 Thread jmpage2


Thanks for all of the help, you've of course hit it on the head, I had
the wrong version of the plugin.

Being in the IT industry myself (network stuff) I'm not a complete
idiot, so allow me to explain how this happened.

When the official Last.FM site is visited it provides a direct link to
the Audioscrobbler plugin for the Squeezebox but gives no mention
whatsoever that without your Last.FM plugin for internet radio support
all that will happen is your user data will be submitted to Last.FM.

In my haste to get the proper plugin I did not check the version and
hence the mistake.

I would be happy to assist with documentation.  I have three initial

1.  Kindly ask the SlimScrobbler people and/or the Last.FM folks to
include a link to YOUR plugin and an explanation that BOTH plugins are
needed to actually accomplish music playback with Last.FM service on
the Squeezebox.

2.  Include a readme file with every release of Last.FM that indicates
what version it is intended for (I realize this is on the website, but
I think it would help quite a bit).

3.  In the same readme include some very basic documentation for setup
of the application, including some sample radio stations, etc.  I would
be happy to assist with drafting something for you to include.

Thanks again, now that the service is working I'm really happy with how
your plugin works!


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-16 Thread jmpage2

That link is for *slimscrobbler* the point being made is that there is
no link for the actual * internet radio plugin*.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-16 Thread jmpage2

Siduhe Wrote: 
 Sorry my original post probably wasn't clear - on the slimscrobbler page
 that I posted there is a [imho] pretty clear link directly to James'
 plugin.  That same page (the slimscrobbler page) is linked from the
 LastFM site.  It's the bit that says James Craig's plugin.
 I do however agree with you that there is scope for some specific

As I indicated earlier, I'm totally hooked on running through
the SB (became a paid subscriber within about an hour of having
it all working) and I'm happy to do whatever in the way of user docs to
help other users feel the joy.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-16 Thread jmpage2

Kyle Wrote: 
 I've got up and running, but I'm a little confused about
 choosing music from the website and playing it through the SB.  Also,
 it doesn't appear as though is seeing what I am playing unless
 I am playing a feed.  Is it supposed to see the music from my
 own collection that I choose?

Ah, a perfect opportunity to share the joy and explain how some of
this works!

OK, here's how it works.  You need to put your user name and password
in the slimscrobbler plugin (in the plugins section of your slimserver
web interface), the slimscrobbler plugin will then automatically send
information to about what kind of music you have been playing
on your squeezebox(s).  At about two minutes into listening to a track
it will transmit the info to website and update your user
profile info with the data about the song.

Then in the internet radio section under you define the
stations you want to listen to with the squeezebox.  You do NOT control
the feed from your PC (at least not that I can figure out, all
that happens if I run the pc client and SB at the same time is the SB
gets confused and gets no audio output).

For example, if you play the /slimscrobbler station then Last.FM will
start playing music that is associated with tags for music you have
been playing on your own squeezebox.

If you want to build an artist station then you would populate it as


Want a station for listening to rock?


Or your own personal station that is defined from what you've listened
to in the PC Client?

/usr/your username

Your favorite (loved) tracks that you have marked while listening (if
you are a subscriber)?

/usr/your username/loved

Once you have music playing then if you arrow down in the Last.FM menu
from the Squeezebox you will see the options to love/skip/ban songs or
to change the station to any of the above.  There is always an option
to change the station to a new artist station based on the artist you
are currently listening to.

Hope this helps, and I hope someone captures some of this into whatever
readme/FAQ/manual gets created for the plugin!  :)


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-16 Thread jmpage2

Did you restart slimserver after putting scrobbler in?

Just to be clear the should be directly under plugins AND
the slimscrobblesupport folder and all associated files should be there

What OS are you running?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Last.FM Plugin Noob Questions

2006-02-15 Thread jmpage2

Out of curiousity, when I did this and tried to add a favorite it caused
Slim server to crash (several things with last.FM have caused crashes).

Are these known problems or is there something I should be doing to
debug these problems?

Are there any things fixed in the nightlies for last.FM?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] More Last.FM problems

2006-02-15 Thread jmpage2

Thanks for the help that I have recieved so far on getting Last.FM to
work with Slimserver.

I've gotten to the point where I can add stations into Last.FM under
the options in the Slimserver internet radio web-page (honestly a
little readme distributed with the Last.FM plugin itself would really
help make this easier for folks to know what was going on and what the
connection was between slimscrobbler and

Playing music with Last.FM works fine.  My primary station that is set
up is group/SlimScrobbler.  I also have the following channels


When I try to navigate within Last.FM and select one of these other
stations I get a message that says error connecting to LastFM!!Check
your network settings.  I don't understand this because all other
network connectivity from the squeezebox seems to work just fine.

Additionally I have found the following problem.  If I navigate into
the Last.FM menu and try to utilize the skip/love/ban functions it will
cause Slimserver to crash out.

Slim shows the following upon it's death;

Undefined subroutine Slim::Utils::Misc::escape called at
/usr/local/slimserver//Plugins/LastFM/ line 883.

Can anyone help with this?  I'm running the latest 6.2 nightly as well
as the latest versions of Last.FM and Scrobbler on a Linux box.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] LastFM not functioning?

2006-02-14 Thread jmpage2

I've just recently installed the Audioscrobbler and LastFM plugins and
seem to have hit a wall.

I have used the Audioscrobbler submit function and have Slim Server
all set up with my LastFM login and password information. 

When I press play on the LastFM station under internet radio it has a
message indicating waiting to receive track information and then just
never proceeds to begin playing music.

Is there any additional troubleshooting or debugging I can perform?

I'm running the general release 6.2.1 of Slim Server on a Linux box.



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