Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: LMS Controls - Google Home / Google Assistant Voice Control of LMS Players

2018-10-16 Thread servies

I'm a little bit confused regarding the spotify account
The documentation on github mentions this:
> If this is music query function:
> Performs required queries against either LMS DB or Spotify using shell
> scripts
This suggests that I only need a Spotify account if I want to search for
music on Spotify, the query processing is done by DF...
But in the prerequisites in the first post here you write:
> The prerequisites for this are: 
> ...
> Spotify account with Client_ID and Client_Secret to allow query
> processing
That would suggest that the query is somehow done by Spotify...

Can I use this without a Spotify account as all the music I have/need is
on my own LMS...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2018-01-07 Thread servies

Vegz78 wrote: 
> Hi,
> Does this this also work for displaying weather information on the Touch
> and Radio without doing a lot of settings, and would it be possible to
> utilize free weather data from
> Vegz78

Sorry but is not supported. The service being used is wunderground
The plugin's configuration is pretty simple.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2017-02-22 Thread servies

Apesbrain wrote: 
> I already have a Weather screensaver on all my SB devices but it does
> not show up as an "Active Plugin" in LMS.  I must have installed this
> via the hardware, i.e. "Settings" > "Advanced" > "Applet".  Is this
> "repo" version different or any advantage?  Thanks.
> UPDATE: For anyone else who stumbles into the end of this long thread:
> they are the same.  The plugin is for older Squeezeboxes (Classic, Boom
> & earlier), the Applet is for newer hardware (Duet, Touch & Radio).

Indeed, the plugins I gathered in my repo are for the older
They're as far as I know no longer maintained by their original
developers. but still very usable...
The repo is as it is. I can't guarantee the plugins will still work next
year when for example an API changes, but as I use them myself I'll try
to fix them if I can. This probably won't happen with most of them but
the Weathertime Screensave may be such a case.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2016-12-08 Thread servies

Shellness wrote: 
> Hello
> I'm not sure what I should do with
>  I put it in the Additional
> Repositories section of Plugins and rebooted, and got:
> -Bad repository - Can't
> connect to https URL lack of IO::Socket::SSL:
> Thanks.
Damn, completely forgot that I switched my site to https.
I'll get back on this...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2016-12-08 Thread servies

Shellness wrote: 
> Some time ago I upgraded my LMS and lost the WeatherTime plugin.  It is
> not in the Plugins page of Settings.  I liked the plugin a lot - is it
> still available and, if so, how can I get hold of it?
> I have tried putting
> - in Additional
> Repositories but get -Bad repository
> - 404 Not Found-.

Afaik the repository no longer exists. When I reinstalled squeezecenter
3 months ago I noticed that the repositories for some plugins I was
using no longer existed:
Auto Dim Display Plugin from Eric Koldinger/Peter Watkins
Volume Lock Plugin from Peter Watkins Rehfeld
WeatherTime Screensaver from Martin Rehfeld

I have created a new repository for these plugins myself.
You can find the repository I'm now using here:
Feel free to use it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2011-10-27 Thread servies

I've had the same mail from, I guess everyone in their
database received the same mail. As I don't use their API service today
I just ignored the mail.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2011-10-19 Thread servies

jarome;664062 Wrote: 
 Stop/start did not work. A reboot did. I'd like to know what would cause
In a nutshell you did exactly the same as me.
It's probably the still running process what disturbs the correct
loading of the weathertime module.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2011-10-18 Thread servies

jarome;661714 Wrote: 
 I made no changes that I know of, but now WeatherTime refuses to load.
 [11-10-06 12:50:57.0006] Slim::bootstrap::tryModuleLoad (289) Warning:
 Module [Plugins::WeatherTime::Plugin] failed to load:
 No such file or directory at /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/
 line 872.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 942) line 2.
 Any idea what has happened?
 I reinstalled the plugin from the plugin web page, but still get this
Had the same problem yesterday.
The solution for me was:
stop the squeezeboxserver service

service squeezeboxserver stop

check if it really is no longer running by:

ps -fe | grep squeezebox | grep -v grep

if this still gives you a proces related to squeezeboxserver: kill it:

kill -9 processid

processid is the second field in the output of 'ps -fe | grep squeeze'
Now start the squeezeboxserver service

service squeezeboxserver start

In my case the weathertime plugin was functioning correctly again...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2011-10-11 Thread servies

buffettck;662563 Wrote: 
 I'm TOTALLY new to everything Squeezebox and just ordered the Radio.  It
 will be here tomorrow.  How do I install this weather application?  I
 downloaded the Squeezebox server, but do I have to download the
 slimserver or something, as well?
 Also, will this app work on the Radio in stand alone mode without a
 computer running?
 Thanks in advance!
Nope, this is a serverside application. It needs a local Squeezebox
for installation you will have to add another plugins repository to the
list You can do this on the settingspage for plugins. Once that's done
the installation is easy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-07-03 Thread servies

paraxenos;437661 Wrote: 
 Right now i have upgraded my weahter plugin from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2.
 I had some problems with the forecast and language (mixed half english
 an half german). And instead of the % by rain probability i had only
 digits (see below).
 Now with 2.2.2 the text seems to be ok, but the third line (rain %) has
 completely gone!?
 Could anyone help me bringing back the 3rd line? What's wrong?
Read the last 20 replies before your reply and you know the reason...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-03-05 Thread servies

peterbell;399325 Wrote: 
 Another one!:
 Plugin WeatherTime: need to add condition Thunderstorm to translation
Has been added to the repository...
Geez... they should be more constant about their strings at Weather
Underground, we now have 3 strings for Thunderstorms...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-02-09 Thread servies

the_arm;394311 Wrote: 
 Hello - 
 I love my WeatherTime plugin, thanks to everyone who is keeping it
 going throughout the different versions of SqueezeCenter!
 Unfortunately I live in a part of the world where forecasts of Ice
 Pellets seems to be common and I have been getting this warning quite
 often in my server.log:
 [09-02-08 05:18:28.8463] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1122) Warning:
 [05:18:28.8459] Plugin WeatherTime: need to add condition Ice Pellets
 to translation STRING
 So, I took its advice and added in that condition to my local
 strings.txt file;
   EN  Ice Pellets
   FR  Ice Pellets
   DE  Ice Pellets
   NL  Ice Pellets
 wasn't sure of the translations, so I didn't bother.  It seems to have
 fixed the error, but it's always tough proving something in the
 negative...until I see Ice Pellets outside, I guess.
 Is this the proper forum to submit changes like this?
I can't tell you exactly what it is. As I understand it from the
wikipedia page it's something inbetween hail and freezing rain... I
can't even find a Dutch translation for it (yet)...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-02-08 Thread servies

Philip Meyer;393435 Wrote: 
 Also, I find that I cannot enter WeatherTime from the Extras menu - it
 only works as a screensaver.

Well, that probably is because it is a screensaver...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-02-08 Thread servies

Philip Meyer;393972 Wrote: 
 It's not *just* a screensaver (or at least it wasn't).  It used to be
 possible to see what the weather was going to be whilst playing music
 by entering Extras  WeatherTime.

Hmmm, I can't remember that functionality, but probably that's because
I never tried to use it that way...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-02-06 Thread servies

chn68b;393329 Wrote: 
 I've not had any forecast on this now since installing it a week ago so
 I'm thinking something is wrong.
 It goes through the motions of searching weatherunderground but always
 ends up with a ? no forecast available.
 Anyone else having this?

Over the last 2 weeks I've had several times that there was no forecast
available, but never for a whole week. I guess there's another problem
at your side.
Funnily, just as I write this the squeezebox tells me that there is no
forecast available...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-21 Thread servies

bsc001;387574 Wrote: 
 BOOM support.   From what I can tell, the problem with trying to make
 this great application work with the Boom is that it relies upon the
 native Time support from the device, including the standard line 1  2
 for the time/forecast display.  Combined with the very narrow size of
 the Boom window (approx. 150 to 160 pixels), this offers limited
 options to get the time/date/forecast to display correctly.
If I'm correct it's pretty easy to determine the size of the screen of
the Boom. There's already functionality available for that... Therefore
we should also be able to determine what kind of display we have...

 I've been working on some enhancements to the main plugin to provide
 Boom functionality.   Basically, I've moved the standard line 1  2
 displays off to the right so they truncate off the boom screen.  I then
 do some tweaking to the spacing, and re-use the custom 5x7 character set
 to display the time, date, precip, wind, and forecast onto the small
 Boom window. The time/date/forecast font is the same size as the other
 weather stats, so it doesn't jump out at you the way it does on the
 other devices--but that's a small price to pay (to me).   Also, the
 time is now updated on the weather refresh rate, so if the refresh rate
 is set a high, the time will lag until the next refresh.   
  Does this mean the time is only refreshed every half hour if I set the
  wunderground refreshrate to 1800 seconds?
   There's one main snippet of code, but a couple other 
   modifications are
   necessary: need to display an alternate logo on startup, need to modify
   the gxwidth when a Boom is detected, need to add a colon to the 5x7
   character set. If it weren't for these little changes, it would be an
   easy piece of code to publish in the forums here for scrutiny.
   What's the best way to propose these changes? Is there a location for
   the latest version of source code I could get, then make the code
   changes and propose the modified code? Or, is there some better way? I
   really like the now-working WeatherTime plugin on my Boom, would like
   to offer that to my fellow Boom owners.
  [yelling mode]Maaartiiin![/yelling mode]
  You can find the latest sourcecode in the svn repository at
   I've attached two images showing what the BOOM screen will look 
   with these modifications.
  As long as it doesn't change the other displays, I've got no
  problem with it...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-20 Thread servies

peterbell;387355 Wrote: 
 I frequently get the following report (but I haven't got a clue what
 'Wind hash' means):
I've had the same message several times also, but with a different
hexadecimal number, which makes it almost impossible to add a
translation string for it...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-19 Thread servies

bsc001;386247 Wrote: 
 Unfortunately, the BOOM can't even display the time correctly.   I have
 no idea how to find the pixel width, but I can tell you that when you
 look at the word TODAY (above the time), we can only see 1 pixel of
 the Y.  So, looking at the time of 12:30, about 1/3 of the 3 is
 cutoff, and the 0 is completely off the screen.   Nothing else (i.e.
 date) after that displays.
I saw some code that retrieves the size of the display for an SB2/3.
Possibly we can adapt it so it also retrieves the size of the display
for a 'Boom'

 It's a great little device, but I have no idea why they made the display
 so narrow.  There is plenty of space on either side that they could have
 used :(


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-16 Thread servies


I created a new branche (7.2 version) within the weathertime repository
and added all changes mavit and rubbermp3 made. I also added the
translations which were provided by several persons on this forum and
fixed the translation errors (mainly Dutch) I could find.
For myself I made a testversion of it and up to now it's running fine.
If it really is working ok, the only thing you still have to do is give
the install.xml a new versionnumber and create an installable version of
the plugin and possibly create a setup for the 'extension downloader'...

Btw, what's the problem with the repository? If I
create a folder with a whitespace in it's name it somehow creates 2
folders One with the whitespace and and with %20 in its name...
Never had that problem with the svn repository at work...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-14 Thread servies

jrebeiro;384597 Wrote: 
 Another vote for Boom support.
 If someone can provide me info on what makes the Boom different in
 regards to plugins I can probably patch the plugin and make it work.

The display is smaller... That's the main problem I think...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-12 Thread servies

bsc001;381734 Wrote: 
 Hello, I'm new to Squeezebox  the forums. I've been playing around with
 this plugin, and I think it's really great. My problem is that I'm using
 a SB Boom, and the WeatherTime display seems oriented for the other SB
 Are plugins difficult to program?   Would it be a lot of work to add
 Boom support so the screen layout doesn't truncate the time display?  I
 love the weather feature, but I'm using the Boom as the main clock in my
 room, so a truncated time display is problematic.

At this moment I can't help you, my understanding of the code is not
yet good enough for rewriting parts to also support the Boom.
Currently I'm just merging the code from mavit and rubbermp3 to get to
a new 'official' version. I guess I'll be able to start testing all
changes tonight on my own squeezebox 3 and after that I'll commit them
to the repository so Martin can release a new 'official' version.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-08 Thread servies

rubbermp3;380796 Wrote: 
 hi all,
 i absolutely love this plugin, it is the first plugin i installed for
 my new SBv3.  I installed mavit's version r108.mavit posted earlier in
 this forum. I am on SC7.2.1.  I did nothing to accommodate SC7.3 (on).
 i was getting the pref_ error/warning in the server.log, looked at it
 and believe i repaired that. i also wanted to change WeatherTime to have
 an option to *ONLY* display the date on the screen (no time) since i
 have too many clocks already.  in doing this i also repaired a typeo
 (at least i believe it was a typeo) in the WWW M/DD format string.
 attached is the zip file which contains all of what mavit's zip file
 contained, with the changes *AND* the individual patch files (in a
 subfolder called patches) if you want to see the changes.
 use as you see fit... ignore, integrate, use, etc.
 cheers and thanks very very to all that made these sources available!
As more and more people start working on this plugin, maybe it would be
a good idea to get these changes into the repository that has been set
up for this plugin: We're getting
to many 'unofficial' versions and it would be a lot easier if we all
worked on the same version. For me it's just a bunch of translations
and new 'weather situation' strings, but additions as the above should
be written to a repository...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2009-01-08 Thread servies

martin.rehfeld;380956 Wrote: 
 Absolutely! I take the blame for not maintaining the plugin more
 actively. I can not promise to integrate the retained
 fixes/improvements anytime soon, though. Should anyone capable be
 willing to speed things up, drop me a line to get commit access to the

I'm not blaming you as I remember that you offered the above already a
long time ago and probably nobody (including me) responded... 
So I'll give it a try and if noone already offered: could you give give
commit access to I'll then merge the changes of Mavit
and rubbermp3 and provide a new updated 'official' version.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Segfault on Squeezecenter Shutdown - DynamicPlaylist related?

2008-11-12 Thread servies

What version of perl are you using and what version of Linux are you
It looks similar to this 'bug' reported by me:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Segfault on Squeezecenter Shutdown - DynamicPlaylist related?

2008-11-12 Thread servies

britboy;359180 Wrote: 
 Ubuntu 8.10 
 Segfault occurs in both Squeezecenter 7.2.1 (stable), nightly testing
 and 7.3 unstable - all downloaded from the repo.
 Perl Version: 5.10.0 - i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
 MySQL Version: 5.0.67-0ubuntu6
 Segfault occurs when running either built-in or seperate MySQL
 DynamicPlaylist Plugin: v2.5
 SQL Playlist Plugin: v2.1
 Had a quick look at the bug you filed. Had you narrowed it down to
 DynamicPlaylist? Without DynamicPlaylist installed I have no problem
Nope, I only narrowed it down to Perl 5.10 and probably 64bit linux.
I'm not even sure if it's a squeezecenter bug or a perl bug...
But I'm also using the DynamicPlaylist Plugin, and maybe that's the
 I don't see much in my logs, even on debug, just a segfault in dmesg.
 I'm going to try some of the perl debugging steps shown in your bug
It's the same here and that makes it very difficult to find the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beat match?

2008-09-26 Thread servies

charlesr;344043 Wrote:
 Found this for itunes (but I don't use itunes).
 Bring it on for slimserver coders!
You're forgetting that it's Mac only, and it doesn't do it on the fly.
You have to scan your entire music collection first with This writes some tags with the bpm etc.
and accubeatmix uses these tags to mix.
Well, at least there's hope for you that someday it will be possible...
A Windows program that does allmost the same as bpmer (as far as I can
tell): But it only
works on wav, mp3 and wma... bummer...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beat match?

2008-09-24 Thread servies

AFAIK there isn't one yet and I doubt there will ever be one as it's not
something you can automate easily I think...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SqueezeScrobbler 1.0 for SqueezeCenter 7.0

2008-04-03 Thread servies

andyg;238030 Wrote: 
 I wanted to let you guys know that for SC7 we are including an official plugin.  Currently we only have an Audioscrobbler plugin, but
 we will be adding a radio plugin as soon as we get some documention.
 My version does not include all of the same features as SlimScrobbler,
 in particular I didn't add exclude genres because I'm not entirely
 convinced it's needed.  You can setup multiple accounts and select
 which player scrobbles to which account.  I would think this should be
 enough to keep the kids' music from being scrobbled on your account. :)
Dang... That's just the feature I'm looking for... I only have 1
squeezebox and that's often playing kids' music when my kid is in the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AutoDisplay (Autodim) with 7.x?

2008-03-08 Thread servies

kolding;276537 Wrote: 
 What happens when you try to change settings?  They should work.
 Are you using the web interface or the screen?
And you're right. I searched at the wrong place. It's functioning as it
should. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AutoDisplay (Autodim) with 7.x?

2008-03-07 Thread servies

Look here:

I installed it but I can't change any settings, so I'm not sure if it's
fully functional...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Album art in SB's display?

2007-09-05 Thread servies

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Would this be possible someday?

- Technically impossible
- Hopefully
- No need for

I know that there are these photoframes with a network connection:
why not put one next to the SB and write a plugin that displays the
artwork on the photoframe.
IMO the SB is to limited for displaying the artwork...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AutoDim Question

2007-02-27 Thread servies

If I remember correctly this is the supposed behaviour. It doesn't dim
as long as the Squeezebox is active.


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