Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-01-21 Thread usc95

I just want to add my appreciation for this skin as well. It looks
fabulous and works very well! My only regret is I took so long to try it
out. Thanks for the contribution to the community!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce - Song info plugin for KCRW

2020-05-08 Thread usc95

I just wanted to say thanks for this plugin!  KCRW is by far my most
listened to radio station and my only criticism of the listening
experience has been the poor metadata but now that is fixed with your
plugin!  I was curious how were you introduced to KCRW?  Did you live in
LA before? I hope you are staying safe during these crazy times.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.8.x - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2019-04-24 Thread usc95

Well I disabled OggVorbis in Spotty as has been recommended earlier,
unplugged my server and my player for 10 minutes and restarted
everything and now Spotty is back! I am not sure what fixed it but I am
glad it is working again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.8.x - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2019-04-24 Thread usc95

Hi Guys,

I am running Spotty 2.8.1 on LMS 7.9.2 on piCoreplayer 4.0.  I lost
search functionality within Spotty as I searched for Elvis Costello and
U2 and it came back empty.  Knowing something was wrong I updated Spotty
to 2.8.1, deleted my account and reauthorized it but nothing worked to
bring back the search functionality. Now I also no longer have anything
show up under Genre and Moods, Albums or Playlists as well.  Top Tracks
for some reason still has content and plays it.  Spotify Connect also
will not work.  I can see it start to switchover to the Spotify Connect
stream but it never completes it and in the Spotify app on my iphone it
just plays with no sound.  I am not sure what else to do here to get
back my Spotify.  Any help is appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.3.0 - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-05-02 Thread usc95

So I also just had a problem with Spotty when trying to listen.  I was
listening to an internet radio stream and decided to switch over to
Spotty to listen to the new Lord Huron album.  Spotty gave me an error
message advising my credentials were missing and I needed to go to
settings in LMS to add them.  This was very strange since I have been
using Spotty a long time without issue.  I use picoreplayer for my LMS
so I tried to launch the LMS web control and LMS would not open no
matter what I tried.  I tried restarting LMS from picoreplayer but still
could not get it to launch.  I then rebooted the Rpi by unplugging the
power supply and I went to the picoreplayer page to open LMS again and
finally the web control opened.  I went into Spotty settings and it
showed I had to reauthorize my picoreplayer via the Spotify phone app
again. I did this and finally Spotty opened and my credentials were
still in place from before.  I have not had any issue with playback
ending after just one song like a number of users have but I did lose
all access until I reauthorized via the phone app.  Very strange
behavior but I am glad I got it working again. Perhaps others need to
check the Spotty settings to see if re-authorization is needed?  For
what it's worth, I do not use the Spotify Connect function just the
Spotty app controls within LMS and Ipeng.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.0.0 - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-03-26 Thread usc95

magnulu wrote: 
> Worked as a charm. Thank you very much. How can I buy you a beer?

Paypal here..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Radio Paradise Lossless Streaming (Plugin v2)

2017-12-13 Thread usc95

I just wanted to say thanks for this great plugin as it has introduced
me to this great radio station.  I knew Radio Paradise was popular with
Squeezebox users and I tried it in the past but did not enjoy it. Little
did I know that I should just give it time as the music programmers
really know what they are doing with their ability to make a variety of
genres and styles flow over the course of a few hours.  I have a feeling
this will become one of my more often used radio stations.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] picoreplayer raspberry pi 3 bluetooth?

2017-12-12 Thread usc95

If bluetooth is a requirement then you might want to look at using
Max2Play instead of picoreplayer:

It doesn't look like bluetooth is a priority for the picoreplayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Official Spotify plugin / Spotify Protocol Handler suddenly no longer working

2017-07-05 Thread usc95

The SPH is still working fine for me here in Los Angeles.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] For the brave only: the Spotty Spotify implementation

2017-06-27 Thread usc95

ButC wrote: 
> ... And in the android app I still cannot see a way to save or follow
> the Daily mixes. Is it a Spotify for iOS only feature, maybe? I noticed
> that it can be done in the desktop app as well. But as Michael points
> out, they're static, right?

I don't have an android device to test and confirm so I will leave it to
someone else to advise.  The Daily mixes are static though.  Since we
cannot delete the mixes from the LMS app you could just go to the
desktop app and add today's mix and delete yesterday's mix from there. 
Not ideal but doable.  I enjoy the daily mixes but I also enjoy the
Genre and Mood mixes which are periodically updated along with my
Discover Weekly and Release Radar.  Between all of those playlists I am
usually covered whenever I feel like hearing something new.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] For the brave only: the Spotty Spotify implementation

2017-06-27 Thread usc95

mherger wrote: 
> These two, yes. But not the daily mixes, right? Once you save them as a
> playlist, it's just a static playlist like any other.

I see...yup, it looks like they are just the static playlists.  It is
not ideal but at least we have the option to save them daily until the
full Spotify Connect feature is operational:p

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] For the brave only: the Spotty Spotify implementation

2017-06-26 Thread usc95

mherger wrote: 
> But that would leave you with a static playlist, wouldn't it? The nice
> thing about those "mixes" is that they seem to update constantly, or
> even add new tracks as you play along. This behavior can't be replaced
> by a static list.

The dynamic playlists work fine as I listen to my "release radar" and
"discover weekly" playlists all the time.  I even have them set as
favorites so they are always just one click away in Ipeng.  Honestly,
having favorites for my favorite radio station, Slacker stations,
Pandora Stations and Spotify playlists is what I love the most about the
Squeezebox ecosystem.  Having to change apps just to change my most
listened to music like what is required by Chromecast, bluetooth or
airplay always feels so dumb to me.  The squeezebox with a remote like
Ipeng still feels ahead of it's time when it comes to accessing my


|Filename: ipeng fav.png|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] For the brave only: the Spotty Spotify implementation

2017-06-26 Thread usc95

ButC wrote: 
> From what I can see this only applies to Discover weekly, Release Radar
> and Your Summer Memories (if that's what it's called in English). But
> these are dynamic and work as in the Spotify app... Daily mixes, on the
> other hand, I cannot see a way to save or follow.

Daily mixes works too but for those you click "add to playlist" and then
"create" in the Spotify menu instead of "follow".  



Once the daily mix shows up in your playlists in the Spotify app it
should show up under playlists in LMS


|Filename: spot add play.png|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] For the brave only: the Spotty Spotify implementation

2017-06-25 Thread usc95

RSJ wrote: 
> The App on my phone will give me custom playlist and recommendations
> based on listening history whereas this Spotify only gives basic menu
> options like the ability to choose playlist based on genre and other
> basic options. It's definitely a big improvement over the previous 
> Spotify plugin but not a full featured Spotify app, unless I've missed 
> something somewhere down the line.
> Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk


With the caveat that I am not yet using Michael's new Spotty app (the
SPH app is still working just fine for me), it is possible to have
access to the recommendation playlists that Spotify generates for you in
LMS.  You must first save the Spotify recommendation playlists to your
playlists in the official Spotify phone app. You may need to click on
their recommendation playlist and then hit "create" or "follow" in their
menu and it should show up in your playlists.  Once you confirm it in
the playlists you should then be able to see it in your Spotify menu in
LMS under Playlists.  I just added one of their generated "daily mixes"
and I can see it in my Spotify menu in Ipeng.  Try it and let us know if
it works.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify-connect-web

2017-05-02 Thread usc95

mherger wrote: 
> > Now I won't have to switch to Tidal or deal with the inferior
> experience
> > on the chromecast audio!
> Don't hold your breath... The Connect mode isn't working reliably
> yet...
> -- 
> Michael

I won't start holding my breath until your SPH no longer works!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify-connect-web

2017-05-01 Thread usc95

I too would love any kind of Spotify Connect even without metadata.  A
simple notification on the screen that the player was in "connect mode"
would be sufficient for me.  While I would miss it on my
picoreplayer/touch replacement, I would not care on any of my other four
players as I rely on my phone or ipad to display the metadata anyway. 
Now I won't have to switch to Tidal or deal with the inferior experience
on the chromecast audio!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2017-03-31 Thread usc95

I know you guys are always looking for suggestions to improve your
platform so here goes:  how about adding Spotify connect?  This would be
a killer feature that the community would be really grateful for.  In
case you haven't seen it another member has outlined a proof of concept
Just a suggestion.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pandora (WITH commercials OK) on Squeezeplay, Picoreplayer, etc.

2017-02-24 Thread usc95

There is a way to get around that but it will require an actual
squeezebox.  Basically, with the actual squeezebox being controlled you
go to the Pandora app, select some stations and save them as favorites.
Now you can switch control to your raspberry and select your new Pandora
favorites and they should play.  I can play my Pandora stations on a
raspberry as well as a hacked pogoplug I use as players this way just
fine but I cannot use the Pandora app directly with them or I will get
the same message you have received. I know you said your duet was dead
but will it power up and show up in LMS?  If so you may be able to use
this workaround to get your stations set up even if you never use the
duet to play music.  If not, maybe you could borrow a squeezebox from
someone to set them up or just buy a used one on Ebay or CL.  Good luck.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2017-01-25 Thread usc95

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Scan is automatic unless you disabled it. Can you post your config file?

So I have two steps forward and one step back.  My AVR finally showed up
and I was able to play music to it no problem.  Unfortunately, now my
airplay speaker is not working again at all.  It shows as a player in
LMS but when I go to play music it just plays and plays with no audio. 
I have the volume all the way up but nothing.  Also, the player becomes
unresponsive in that clicking pause or skip doesn't tend to do anything.
My configuration file is below:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated
with it. The document tree is shown below.



-30:1, -15:50, 0:100


B827EB11785C@Kodi (OpenELEC)._raop._tcp.local

10AE60C001CA@AirBuddy on AFTB._raop._tcp.local

D0034B035757@Apple TV._raop._tcp.local

Ggmm speaker
Ggmm speaker
70B3D50C06B5@Ggmm speaker._raop._tcp.local

745E1C594BA6@SC-95 594BA6._raop._tcp.local


B827EB442D09@Kodi (OpenELEC)._raop._tcp.local

000102030405@Kodi (OpenELEC)._raop._tcp.local

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2017-01-24 Thread usc95

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Did you transfer your configuration file? It sounds like a messed up
> config. The pi is connected to your network the same way or does it go
> through other layers of routing?

No, this was a fresh install.  Is there a way to trigger a new scan for
players?  Also, any idea about the volume during playback issue? I
greatly appreciate your assistance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2017-01-24 Thread usc95

Hi Phillippe,

Not sure if you remember me but I am using your airplaybridge to play
music to my AVR (Pioneer Elite SC-95) and to an airplay speaker (GGMM
M.Freedom) I have.  I moved my LMS from a windows machine to a Raspberry
Pi 3 running max2play.  After setting everything back up my devices show
up on the configuration file but only the speaker shows up as a playable
device in LMS.  I am not sure how to get it to see my avr again.  Also,
the volume level on the speaker during playback is very low in that I
have to turn it all the way up in both LMS and on the speaker to hear
it.  At this level it is probably about 15% of what the device is
capable of.  Any idea why that might be the case?  Attached is my log. 
Please let me know if you have any ideas I can check.

|Filename: raop  log copy.pdf   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2017-01-17 Thread usc95

rkrug wrote: 
> usc95  writes:
> That sounds interesting (I have possibly Pogoplug E02 lying
> around...). Any further info on your setup? OS? Which DAC? ...
> Rainer
> [color=blue]
> > 

One of the guys from Vortexbox put together the software and a player he
called VAMP based on squeezelite running on Fedora 16 (or 18?). 
Unfortunately due to a hack or someother disruption over there at
Vortexbox much of the instructions and the downloads were lost.  Someone
tried to document the instructions on another site but unfortunately it
looks like the download portion is still

I use a DAC like this one:

My brother, the linux guru in the family, helped me put together my
pogoplugs otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do it so my technical
knowledge is pretty limited.  Hopefully the info provided here would
help you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2017-01-17 Thread usc95

I don't believe my old 4s was running Ipeng 9 as I was fearful of
updating the ios thinking it would slow it down to being near unusable. 
In any case, my player for that room is now a hacked pogoplug running
squeezelite.  There is no screen but the player is always on and
available.  Whenever I long for a screen I usually set up an ipad
running Ipeng controlling the player and set it to never sleep.  I
usually do this for parties so people know what is playing.  A fixed
install mode would hopefully directly address issues related to leaving
an i-device plugged in at all times and remaining connected to the
server.  It might require too much work to build correctly so I
understand if it isn't high on your list of things to do but if you are
looking for ideas...Ipeng remains my most used third party app on my
iphone and I am very grateful it continues to get updates.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2017-01-16 Thread usc95

pippin wrote: 
> Would that be so that it emits less light or what is the screen saver
> for?

Yes, I would like it to emit less light but also so that it could serve
an additional function since I will need to make space for it in my
rack.  A simple clock like what the touch offers would be nice or if we
could save some photos in a folder that could provide a digital picture
frame function.  I have tried using an iphone 4S on a Pure I20 dock in
the past that sounded great but it would not stay awake so I constantly
had to wake it up and sometimes kill and relaunch Ipeng to make the
player active again.  If I were to use an ipad as a player, which I hope
to do, I would hope to both take advantage of the screen when not in use
and avoid the troubles I had with the iphone.  I have an aging Ipad 2
that could work in this role nicely.  I am sure there are other owners
of older Apple hardware that would appreciate a new useful application
for our old device.  I would even pay another fee for this added

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2017-01-16 Thread usc95

I am still hoping for a fixed install mode so I can leave my old ipad
plugged in and connected to the hifi :p .  Maybe with a clock or photo
screensaver that comes on whenever that player is not actively
streaming?  It would be awesome to turn an old i-device into a
squeezebox touch...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2016-10-20 Thread usc95

Ok, I think I understand.  It looks like I need the premium license to
use the Raspberry Pi Settings function correct?  Otherwise there is no
out of the box recognition for the usb dac?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2016-10-19 Thread usc95

Thanks Ronnie but I do not see the Soundcard option on my Max2play. 
After a little more checking I am thinking that a premium license may be
required to see those fields as I may need to use their "Raspberry Pi
Settings Plugin" to do what I need to do.  On the screenshot you
provided under the Help-Audioplayer section it says "Some soundcards
like Hifiberry need to be activated before you can assign them to a
player.  This can be done withe the addon "Raspberry Pi Settings".  I am
not averse to paying for the premium license, I just want confirmation
that this is what I need to make my usb DAC work.  Can anyone confirm
this is what I need?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2016-10-19 Thread usc95

I am trying out Max2play on my RPi 2 and I have a few questions.  First,
does it matter what file format the external hard drive is in to be
recognized by LMS in Max2play?  I was disappointed to see my 3tb drive
would not mount and before I go trying again with a smaller drive I
wanted to make sure the format is not important. Hopefully, Fat32 is not
required as I would like the option of storing movies on that drive as
well.  Second, I would like to use my USB DAC and have it show as an
option within Max2play's audio settings.  Here is a link to the
description of my DAC:
What do I need to do to get this working? I installed the standard Rpi
image when I set it up.  Do I need to use the Hifiberry or Iqaudio image
even though my DAC is neither of those or something else? I understand
that the Rpi2's usb bus is not very conducive to high quality usb audio
but surely it must be better than the the onboard analog audio out.  The
HDMI out is not useful to me since the receiver I intend to use does not
have an HDMI port.  Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-09-30 Thread usc95

My GGMM speaker is here now.  Sounds good and looks great. 
Unfortunately, I can see it in LMS and play to it but no sound.  I am
happy to make any changes needed to get it to show up.  Worst case I
plug in a Chromecast Audio and use it with the cast bridge!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-09-29 Thread usc95

I hope you can get this sorted Castalla.  I just ordered the following
since it is super cheap today:

I've been watching these for a while and finally bit.  Hopefully it will
work so I can replace one of my flaky radios with it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2016-09-26 Thread usc95

castalla wrote: 
> Has anybody tried the upnpbridge with Bose soundtouch devices?

I came here to ask the same question.  I am really curious to know if
the Soundtouch will work with the bridge.  Anyone???

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: ShairTunes2 plugin - Airtunes on your LMS

2016-09-19 Thread usc95

philippe_44 wrote: 
> For squeezelite to work, you have to use 1.8 and above. Are you running
> on Windows ? If you are, have you configured your firewall?

I thought I had the firewall set but apparently I hadn't.  It works!!!
Thanks so much!!! Now I just need to figure out how to update the
squeezelites in my two VAMP/pogoplug installs.  Thanks again for all you
for this community.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: ShairTunes2 plugin - Airtunes on your LMS

2016-09-19 Thread usc95

Hi Phillippe,

I have been trying to get this to work but have not had any luck. First,
only my original squeezeboxes show up as airplay players and not any of
my squeezelite based players.  Second, I can see the original players
and select them to play from my iphone but no sound plays and I get an
error saying "connection reset by local host".  I am not sure what to do
from here, please advise any tips to get this working.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-07-05 Thread usc95

Hi Philippe!

I have recently upgraded my home theater receiver to a Pioneer Elite
SC-95 which includes airplay support.  Your plugin works great with this
receiver, thanks! The only issue I have is that I get no metadata shown
when I use it like I do when I airplay direct from my iphone.  From my
iphone I can see album art, track and artist information on the OSD and
in the screen of my receiver but nothing happens but music (which sounds
great) when I use your plugin.  Are there any settings that should be
adjusted to improve this behavior or is this not supported at all?  Any
help you could provide would be appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2016-05-10 Thread usc95

bpa wrote: 
> It is due to the fact that Chromecast essentally a  one tab browser
> playing HTML5 webaudio (with MSE) and webaudio can just play a HTTP
> stream.  When you change stream (i.e. a new HTTP to play another track) 
> there is a gap.  The only way to avoid this would be to take all the
> tracks, render into a common format and then send them as one one stream
> - if the user pauses  samples of silence may have to be created.   An
> alternative gapless approach would be to convert all the track into DASH
> type mulitple small HTTP URLs but this would require transcoding into a
> lossy format.

Gapless is the only thing keeping from me from recommending the
Chromecast Audio to people I know as a worthwhile solution to the whole
home audio question.  In my playing with the device I couldn't even get
gapless to work with Google Music.  Spotify however will play gapless on
the CCA.  Does anyone know how they managed to get it to work?  I guess
Spotify Connect is a different sort of protocol than the usual casting
protocol?  I am not a developer, just curious why Spotify Connect will
work but nothing else.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-30 Thread usc95

Hi Philippe,

I just saw your question about why more people aren't using this plugin.
My feeling is that most people are only after the simplest and easiest
solution and the "work" with setting up LMS, configuring a plugin and
tinkering with it is too much for many people.  They want something that
just works every time.  I think that if there was a really popular
airplay device that worked right away practically every time then more
people would be encouraged to use it.  Do you have a list of devices
that are dead simple to configure with your plugin?  Maybe if that info
was prevalent we could tell people to just buy XXX and use the airplay
bridge and you can enjoy the squeezebox system.

I also think that people have very little appreciation for a quality
system and if they do they assume they will have to pay Sonos money to
get it.  That is why so many people are content streaming crappy MP3's
to a tiny bluetooth speaker.  If something can't easily just be
purchased at a big box retailer and doesn't just work right out of the
box most people have no time for it.  I was really hopeful for the
Chromecast Audio to fill this niche as something that most people could
get, that was cheap and would work right out of the box.  Unfortunately
the lack of any way (not just your plugin) to get gapless playback on
local music with that thing makes it a non-starter for me.  The only
software that worked for gapless was Spotify connect but that doesn't
help me listen to all of my live music.  Even Google Music doesn't do
gapless on their own device!

I've rambled enough but I just want to thank you for all of your plugins
and work that you have put in to keeping our beloved system relevant. 
Hopefully others with similar skills will continue to step up and keep
the music flowing for many years to come in spite of Logitech's efforts
to ruin our fun.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-23 Thread usc95

Hi Epoch,

I had not tried sync on my Sabrent as my use case for it is in a room
that is far enough from my other squeezeboxes that I won't be
overhearing it.  My interest in the device was gapless playback and
easily using airplay for music services not supported by LMS which it
does fine.  I have had some trouble with some dropouts after extended
(multi hour) playback that I hope is resolved with Philippe's latest
updates but I haven't had a chance to check yet.  I can also confirm
that airplay on this in the car works fine as well although you have to
wait about a minute or so everytime you start your car and select the
device for playback before you can get any audio out of it.  That ritual
has grown old so I am moving it inside to use with Philippe's plugin and
will be hooking my phone up via cable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-19 Thread usc95

I just emailed you the log with the dev version running.  I uninstalled
the other version and ran this one clean but unfortunately still no
audio.  Hopefully you can see something else I should try.  Thanks again
for plugins and your help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-19 Thread usc95

I just emailed you another log.  I have ticked the box to use encryption
and I can now get some audio.  The audio is garbled and sped up with
frequent drop outs but at least I have something now.  Please advise
what else I should adjust to fine tune it.  Getting close...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-19 Thread usc95

So my Sabrent device dropped off my network and I had to reboot it.  We
had a power outage yesterday that also rebooted my Windows 8.1 pc
running LMS.  Once I rebooted the Sabrent and reconnected it to my wifi
I tested the plugin again.  This time it is working fine with both local
files (ALAC, FLAC and MP3 tested) as well as internet radio streams and
Pandora streams.  I am wondering if the garbled sounds I was hearing
earlier were a result of network congestion or a bad connection but
anyway everything is working now.  I am just running the dev plugin with
the encryption on, I did not adjust any other parameters.

Raglencross - I think your Soundmate device and my Sabrent device are
very similar.  Both are cheap Chinese "wifi music players" that are
probably not officially licensed airplay devices.  I bet if you were to
essentially set it up again by rebooting it and reconnecting it to your
wifi it will probably work now that you are running the plugin as

This is really cool.  It should be really easy now for anyone with a
passing interest in setting up a cheap whole home music system to do so
without spending Sonos kind of money.  Thanks Philippe

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-19 Thread usc95

Now I might buy another "squeezebox" for the stunning price of $21.99!

Thanks again Philippe!  If you are ever in LA I would love to buy you a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-15 Thread usc95

philippe_44 wrote: 
> You can zip the file and attach it (it should compress a lot) or you can
> send it to me at my contact email address (see LMS plugin tab). The one
> thing that happens with AirPlay bridge is firewall blocking. Can you try
> with all firewall disabled ?

Hi Phillippe,

I turned off the Windows Firewall and unfortunately it did not help.  I
have emailed you the zipped log, I am hopeful you can advise something
else for me to try.  Thanks for your help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-11 Thread usc95

Thanks Philippe for the bridges that you have created.  The cast bridge
works pretty well but the lack of gapless playback means it won't
replace any of my other devices.  I tried the airplay bridge today with
my Sabrent WF-RADU and unfortunately it did not work.  It will show up
in LMS but when I try to play some music there is no audio output.  The
track will mostly play through but no audio. I am not sure how to attach
a log as the file I have is too big I guess.  How should I troubleshoot
this?  I am not that tech savvy but would like to get this to work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2016-02-17 Thread usc95

Hi Pippin,

I hope your cold has gone away since we last communicated.  I was just
curious if you had decided to create an apple tv app or not.  A while
back I had also suggested a fixed install mode for Ipeng playback that
could be used to turn a retired ipad or iphone into a squeezebox
complete with clock and screensavers.  Have you given either of those
ideas any thought? Thanks again for the great application and your great


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2016-02-04 Thread usc95

I replied, I guess we can continue our conversation over email.  It is
past three am in Berlin, hopefully you aren't staying up on my account.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2016-02-04 Thread usc95

Hi Pippin,

With the recent troubles for Triode's Spotify I have had to add the
official app and move Triode's to the radio section.  After doing so I
moved the Spotify core button from the dock on the main menu of Ipeng 9
and replaced it with the official Spotify button from the My Apps
section.  It works great for all of my players except one.  For my
office (pogoplug running squeezelite) it does not show the Spotify
button but only shows My Apps and what is really strange is that when I
click that button the apps I use show up with the exception of Spotify. 
The official Spotify on that radio's menu is no where to be found but
Triode's remains in the radios section where I put it.  That player
still plays Spotify as I can get Triode's plugin to work in a few places
but I can't locate the official app.  When I click another player the
official Spotify button is right in the dock where I put it and I can
navigate using the official app as intended.  Where did Spotify go on my
office player?  Rebooting the office player does not solve this.  Any
help you can provide is greatly appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2016-02-04 Thread usc95

Message sent.  Thanks for your help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2016-02-04 Thread usc95

I don't see it on just on my server.  I just checked
and it won't let me play Pandora either so I guess it is not connected
to  How do I add it?  All of my other players have
just shown up.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2016-02-04 Thread usc95

I just emailed you the account info.  This device is a hacked pogoplug
running squeezelite as described on this thread:

It has always functioned nicely as a player and I haven't had any
trouble with Spotify or any other apps until just now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2015-11-13 Thread usc95

I have two Amazon Fire Tvs and they both showed up in LMS.  I tried
playing music to them and it didn't work and then it caused my CCA to
dissappear as well.  I restarted CastBridge and my CCA is working again.
I have just turned the Amazon Fire's off in LMS but it would be great
if they didn't show up if they aren't going to cooperate.  Also, it I
have to make sure whatever app I am casting from is fully disconnected
before using CastBridge as it won't just take over the CCA when I switch
to it.  It seems switching between apps causes problems as I now have to
restart the bridge to get my CCA to show up again in LMS.  It's a bummer
that these things can't do gapless, I could have sworn that gapless
worked with Google Music but I just tested again with some live concerts
I have uploaded and sure enough there are small perceptible breaks
between the tracks.  Looks like I wont be replacing any of my
squeezeplayers with more CCA's just yet.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2015-11-13 Thread usc95

Has anyone tried airplay yet using one of the shairplay plugins?  I
haven't yet tried to install that plugin on my Windows LMS but am
curious if anyone else has and if it is working with the CCA.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2015-11-13 Thread usc95

CommanderROR wrote: 
> @usc95
> How did you turn your FireTVs off in LMS? I'm trying to do the same, but
> have failed to find a suitable option...

I was simply referring to off in Ipeng.  It didn't make the FireTVs go

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2015-10-15 Thread usc95

Hi Pippin,

I don't know if you are looking for suggestions for the next update to
Ipeng but I thought I would offer one ;)  I use your Ipeng playback app
with a Pure I20 dock and an old Iphone 3gs for listening in my living
room.  Now that my Ipad 2 is getting really long in the tooth I was
thinking it would be cool to make that my playback device instead when I
finally upgrade it.  I would love if Ipeng had a "fixed install" mode
that maybe showed a clock or photos from the photo roll as a screensaver
and then automatically switched to the now playing screen when it sensed
it was playing music.  It could then switch back to the chosen
screensaver after a timeout following a period of now music.  I am just
trying to plan for what I will be doing with the old ipad when I retire
it.  While these old i-devices are losing their appeal for daily use
they still make great squeezeboxes thanks to your app.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2015-10-08 Thread usc95

I just picked up a Chromecast Audio and it is a neat little player for
the music services that support it.  When I was googling around trying
to see how it supports local music playback I was surprised to learn
that Google was suggesting a DLNA server like Plex for playback.  This
immediately made me think that this UPnPbridge might work and I could
use LMS instead.  Has anyone tried this yet?  I can give it a go but I
am not very technically savvy.  Let me know if anyone else has tried
this yet.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2015-09-10 Thread usc95

Right now my decision to purchase the new apple tv is dependent on you
Pippin.  If you build a playback app I will buy one for sure.  I would
love to see what kind of ui you would come up with for playback on a tv.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: ShairTunes Plugin

2015-05-21 Thread usc95

Will this work in windows 8.1?  To further demonstrate my ignorance,
what do I need to do with Ipv6 and avahi if I am using windows?  A
quick google suggests that might be specifically for linux but I really
don't know.  Sorry for my ignorance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-05-21 Thread usc95

Thank you all for your assistance.  My expectation of how this was going
to work simply did not match how it was designed.  I finally got to the
web ui simply by inputting the ip address of my raspberry directly into
my browser.  I took a look at my Ipeng and max2play shows up and I am
able to play music to it:cool:  I paused the max2play squeezelite and
start Kodi and low and behold it launches on my tv.  For some reason I
was expecting some feedback on the tv when it first launched but I guess
the whole point of headless system is that you don't need that.  So
thanks again for your handholding.

I did have some issue with Kodi and was curious if others have
experienced the same.  I was playing around with some of the basic video
addons and was able to stream some movie trailers from Apple initially
but then they kept stopping after just playing 13 seconds or so.  When I
would try other addons I got the same result.  I have a regular Openelec
image on another card that works fine without that issue so I am not
sure what is wrong with the Kodi on the max2play.  Any ideas?  Thanks
again for all of the assistance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-05-20 Thread usc95

First let me say I have never used the command line and I have ZERO
linux experience.  I am able to download the image and expand it on a
micro sd card for my Raspberry Pi 2.  When I boot it up it goes through
the process and stops at a line showing max2play login:.  It never
launches a GUI of any kind and I am unable to see it from a browser at
http://max2play/.  I realize there is probably a dead simple step that
is next but I have no idea what it is.  I know that I can login as root
with a password max2play but then I still don't know how to get to the
GUI.  Would someone please hold my hand and tell me what to do next? 
Talk to me like I am 5 years old, I won't be offended as I just want
this to work as this is the whole reason I bought the pi to begin with. 
Thanks in advance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: ShairTunes Plugin

2015-05-20 Thread usc95

Add one more interested person here...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Max2Play Webinterface for Mediaclients (Audioplayer, Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC)

2015-05-20 Thread usc95

So I formatted with the tool you recommended and I used the disk imager
you recommended but got the same result:

I am not sure what to do now.  Please help.

|Filename: FullSizeRender.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Soundicity, Squeezebox Controller App, for Windows 8.1 Tablets and Phones

2015-04-21 Thread usc95

I just ordered a cheap used 8.1 tablet to play with your app and to run
LMS on as well.  Curious to see how it works.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Questions about WAVIN plugin

2015-04-21 Thread usc95

I was wondering if anyone is using the wavin plugin to stream audio from
a third party device.  Specifically I was thinking of plugging a
Chromecast to my LMS machine to have the ability to cast to my
squeezeboxes directly.  My PC has a line level input and with a
Chromecast being relatively cheap I could just get a device like this
to strip out the audio from the HDMI so I could stream it over to the
squeezeboxes.  Does anyone have any idea how this might sound?  Has
anyone tried streaming like this over the wavin plugin?  If it worked
well then I would eliminate my fear of the day that
goes away as I could buy just one Sonos device and stream their music
services to all of my squeezebox devices.  What do you guys think?  Is
this a reasonable option?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows Phone Player...Please!

2015-02-26 Thread usc95

I have a friend that uses multiple google accounts to accomodate his 80k
track collection.  He keeps his new and most listened to tracks in one
account and the remainder in a second account.  Not a perfect solution
but workable, especially for the price of $0.00.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows Phone Player...Please!

2015-02-26 Thread usc95

I use Google Play Music on my iphone as a way to both back up my music
to the cloud and stream it back to me so I don't have to keep my whole
collection on my phone.  You run an app on your computer hosting the
music that either matches your music or uploads it to Google's servers. 
They currently give you free storage for up to 50,000 tracks.  If you
subscribe to their service you have access to their Spotify-like catalog
of millions of tracks but I just use them strictly for my own music.  I
don't know if there is an official google music app for Windows Phone
(especially since they seem to have disdain for Windows Phone in
general) but a quick search pointed to the following apps:


It's nice always having access to my entire collection whenever I have
internet.  With the official app on iphone you can cache some albums to
your phone in case you are on a plane or someplace without internet but
I don't know if it is possible with the apps I linked to above.

Good luck with whatever you decide to use.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Software players not automatically re-connecting to LMS

2014-12-11 Thread usc95

I first want to say thank you to the creators and maintainers of the
various software squeezebox players on this forum.  I have four real
squeezeboxes (2 SBRs, a boom and a Classic) and four software players
(iphone 3gs running ipeng playback, Amazon Fire TV running SB Player and
two hacked pogoplugs running Squeezelite) and they are all basically
equal in my book.  I do have one issue bugging me a bit and wonder what
I can do to mitigate it.  I have LMS running on a windows 7 nettop that
occasionally has interruptions with the network.  I don't know exactly
what is happening but occasionally, once every two to three months, it
will drop off the network and all the squeezeboxes will drop off as well
and it will then reconnect and all of the real squeezeboxes will
reconnect as well.  The software squeezeboxes do not reconnect and I
have to reboot them to get them started again.  Its not that big of a
deal but it is kind of annoying when it happens.  Are the software
players not able to re-establish a connection automatically or is there
some setting I should consider?  Would moving my LMS to another platform
be helpful?  I have toyed with installing some flavor of linux on the
nettop but I really don't know what I am doing in Linux.  The only thing
I use the nettop for is running LMS so I could try to do it but I don't
know what I am doing and would be dependent on my brother for tech
support.  Thanks for any suggestions you may have.

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