Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2016-10-30 Thread wiped

erland wrote: 
> Try to:
> 1. Shutdown LMS
> 2. Delete the PluginCache-SQLPlayList.db file in the LMS Cache
> directory
> 3. Startup LMS
> Could be that the cache has become corrupt for some reason and then this
> should trigger SQL Playlist to recreate its configuration cache.

Wow thanks Erland, That Did the trick!! Now i can make full use of your
awesome plugins again!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2016-10-27 Thread wiped

PasTim wrote: 
> Did you mean that the SQL playlist plugin doesn't even load as a valid
> plugin?  If so then maybe adding this repo will help -
> Otherwise I'm afraid I'm out of ideas.

It loads, i see it in the left list in the web view, but when i click
it, nothing happens and then i get the error message.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2016-10-27 Thread wiped

PasTim wrote: 
> Maybe you have some misconfiguration, or file/directory access control
> issues. in the SQL Playlist settings?

Thanks, i have verified permissions etc and it's the same for all
plugins, i've also tried to give access to everyone to the SQL Playlist
directory and files just to test, no difference..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2016-10-25 Thread wiped

PasTim wrote: 
> Have you disabled the 'Full Text Search' plugin as suggested in recent
> posts for others with similar problems?

Done that, no difference.. Problem is that SQL playlist does not even
load, and no playlists created in SQL playlist show up in Dynamic

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2016-10-24 Thread wiped

Still have not been able to figure out what is wrong here. And i'm
seriously missing being able to use a dynamic playlist of e.g. 4-5
ranked songs (about 2500 of them)...
I'll buy anyone that help me solve this a couple of digital beers...

wiped wrote: 
> Been using Erlands plugins for years and they help my manage a VERY
> large collection of music. 
> I'm running the server on synology since a few years back and everything
> has been working ok.
> BUT.. 
> I recently discovered that i had no playlists to choose from in Dynamic
> Playlist, seems all created via SQL playlist was missing.
> And sure, SQL playlist does not work anymore.
> I have the latest version.
> This is the error that is in the log when i trie to click SQL playlist
> (nothing happens and the webpage after some time just returns error)..
> [16-09-19 07:47:20.0173] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147)
> Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't
> use string ("1234þ<ÑW timesta"...) as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in
> use at
> /volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SQLPlayList/ConfigManager/
> line 114.
> ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0x170ad980)
> Since it worked i have unfortunately (for troubleshooting) done two
> things.
> 1. Upgrade SYNOLOGY DSM to 6.0
> 2. Upgraded to LSM for Synology, latest version 7.7.6- 112.
> Not sure which one of these changes has caused this.. or something
> else..
> Appreciate any help, had quite a few SQL playlists i use quite often.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. i might even buy you a virtual
> beer or two. :-)
> EDIT: Updated to the latest BETa version 7.9, same issue

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2016-09-19 Thread wiped

Been using Erlands plugins for years and they help my manage a VERY
large collection of music. 
I'm running the server on synology since a few years back and everything
has been working ok.


I recently discovered that i had no playlists to choose from in Dynamic
Playlist, seems all created via SQL playlist was missing.
And sure, SQL playlist does not work anymore.
I have the latest version.

This is the error that is in the log when i trie to click SQL playlist
(nothing happens and the webpage after some time just returns error)..

[16-09-19 07:47:20.0173] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147)
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't
use string ("1234þ<ÑW timesta"...) as a HASH ref while "strict
refs" in use at
line 114.
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0x170ad980)

Since it worked i have unfortunately (for troubleshooting) done two
1. Upgrade SYNOLOGY DSM to 6.0
2. Upgraded to LSM for Synology, latest version 7.7.6- 112.

Not sure which one of these changes has caused this.. or something
Appreciate any help, had quite a few SQL playlists i use quite often.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. i might even buy you a virtual
beer or two. :-)

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Dynamic Playlists - no songs returned...

2010-09-28 Thread wiped

Since upgrading most of my add-ins and the server i have the following

All dynamic playlists out of trackstat works except for anything
related to recently played.

I get a list of songs returned in the web interface or in ipeng but
when i choose to play it as a dynamic playlist, nothing is returned.
this is then a problem since in ipeng it's a but cumbersome to add each
sing by hand.
So the data is there and songs are returned but...

Any ideas?

Dynamic Playlist 2.8.3
Version: 7.5.1


Squeezebox 3 - SC7 3 songs (FLAC and MP3) 

Happy Ipod Touch and iPeng user!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How does trackstat handle retagging of music files?

2008-08-26 Thread wiped

As long as the file path to the song(s) is the same you can change the
tags all you want.
The trackstat data contains the file path, which you can see yourself
by for example taking a look at the backup file from trackstat.


Squeezebox 3 - SC7 3 songs (FLAC and MP3) 

Happy Ipod Touch and iPeng user!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SqueezeCenter 7.0 beta versions of my plugins

2008-01-21 Thread wiped

pippin;260888 Wrote: 
 Let me guess: You have been modifying Template code (the Perl style code
 in [% %] brackets.
 That is EXTREMELY sensitive to any errors, especially syntax errors
 (forgotten %, or ] or IF...END brackets or type checking etc.
 The code is compiled into Perl code and this Perl code is being cached.
 When something goes wrong with that, you have to delete the Cache (don't
 know about Vista, but under XP this is at Documents  Settings/All
 Users/Application Data/Squeezecenter/Cache/templates/path
 Delete the iPeng directory and restart the server.
 This is absolutely annoying, but that's how it is
 Good luck!

Some occasions this could be the problem yes since modifying some parts
is a bit trial and error, but in Vista the cache folder is always empty,
probably they have hidden it somewhere you'll never find it... :-)


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - CD T2500 - 2Gb ram - 2000 albums with 3
songs (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

Happy Ipod Touch and iPeng user!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SqueezeCenter 7.0 beta versions of my plugins

2008-01-21 Thread wiped

Fixed the problem now with Custom Browse..
The problem was User Error.
I copied the preference file from my old installation to the new and
the path for the cache was in the prefs file, when i changed it to the
correct VISTA directory Trackstat AND custom Browse started to work
again... Sorry my fault

So now i know WHERE to delete the cache if things fail again.


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - CD T2500 - 2Gb ram - 2000 albums with 3
songs (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

Happy Ipod Touch and iPeng user!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SqueezeCenter 7.0 beta versions of my plugins

2008-01-20 Thread wiped

been using Custom Browse and Trackstat for a while now with SC7 and
Ipeng mainly.
Worked fine with My installation of Windows XP, however i recently
installed a partition with Vista and installed a SC build that was a
few days later than the one on XP.
Anyway i'm quite sure custom brows HAS been working but today no matter
which skin i'm in (ipeng, classic etc) i just get a blank page.
I might be wrong with it working previously, but at this moment i just
get an empty page.. Any ideas what to check?

Also another thing, regarding Trackstat. i'm modifying ipeng in a
separate skin directory, i also copied trackstat ipeng HTML directory
to a new directory with the same name.. Strangely it has been working
but today trackstat also fails to open..

If i make a new copy (folder) of my modified ipeng and also a new copy
of the HTML directory under the trackstat plug-in with the new name, it
works again for that skin address, with EXACTLY the same files...? Why
is that?
How can the exact same files work in one skin and return a blank page
in another? I've restarted etc but no luck..

SC 7.0 - 16375


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - CD T2500 - 2Gb ram - 2000 albums with 3
songs (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

Happy Ipod Touch and iPeng user!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SqueezeCenter 7.0 beta versions of my plugins

2008-01-20 Thread wiped

erland;260881 Wrote: 
 Might be some caching somewhere.
 There is a bug in current TrackStat beta that causes it to show an
 empty page in the iPeng skin if nothing is currently playing.

Hmm just need to find where that cashing is taking place.

I corrected the bug in the nowplaying.html file so that should not be a
I have several kinds of problems where a skin folder or a plugin folder
stops to work and copying the same skin and plugin folder to a new name
with the EXACT same content then makes it start working again.. Very
strange and i have not found any other cashing taking place anywhere..


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - CD T2500 - 2Gb ram - 2000 albums with 3
songs (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

Happy Ipod Touch and iPeng user!

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng - Trackstat - Custom Browse - Dynamic Playlist etc plugin feedback

2008-01-10 Thread wiped

Moving this from the main iPeng interface thread...

For Trackstat:
A normal way for me to create a playlist today is to add for example:
Top Rated Songs
Top rated Songs recently Added
Top Rated Songs for 2006

Today it's not possible with the iPeng trackstat plugin.
All that would be solved with a (+) and possible () icon next to the
listings in the submenus. that way i can easily add atleast the two
first ones, to add it for 2006 i usually go to years, select the year i
want and then i select top rated songs and add it to the playlist.
Having a (+) icon in the list here also would solve the problem, it's
kind of hard to add 50 songs one by one.
So basically (+) and possibly () for all trackstat submenu items.

Another thing is that i would like to be able to change the number of
items returned as you can today on every query in Trackstat for the
other interfaces, since sometimes you want to add 50 of one query, then
add 100 of another etc..

Also, when you select Browse Statistic you get the full list of
Trackstat options, but i also seem to get the Top Ranked or perhaps
it's whatever i used last, list of songs, perhaps it would be best if
the first page only contains the main trackstat groups so it loads

For Custom Browse:
It would be nice to have the same feature as the main iPeng Gui when
you have a list of Albums with covers, so that when you select the
cover you clear/add it to the playlist (however i would prefer not to
go to the now playing page automatically)

It would also be nice if Custom Browse can use the same Sort settings
that you have set in the main iPeng interface e.g. Artist, Album Year
so the album list is sorted by artist , year and then album instead of
alphabetic albums.

It would also be nice to generally have two rows of text as you have
today i iPeng when e.g. Listing years, albums
So you have Album first and then below it lists the Artist name, much
easier to browse then and find what you want.
So as soon as you have a list of albums, have the two lines of text..
It would be excellent if pressing the album text takes you to the album
songlist and pressing the artist text takes you to the album list for
that artist.

For browsing Ratings it would be Excellent to have a few other options
e.g .4-5, 3-5 2-5 3-4 etc so that it's easier to add e.g. songs rated
3-5 by a few artists.. 

it wold also be nice to wherever you browse in custom browse that you
get both the PLay and plus button as you get today if you rename iPeng
to something else in the HTML directory and browse around with custom
browse. Or atleast have it in the sections where it's possible to have
the play button without taking up space... For example Ratings - first
page - decades first page etc..


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - CD T2500 - 2Gb ram - 2000 albums with 3
songs (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

Happy Ipod Touch and iPeng user!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng - Trackstat - Custom Browse - Dynamic Playlist etc plugin feedback

2008-01-10 Thread wiped

Sure i understand.
if you need to chose i would like to have the(+) available for
trackstat subqueries, that would be enough and would not case interface
problems i think.

If you also can make sure that you stay on the page when adding and
possible have the confirmation dialog as with iPeng that's very good.

And since it should be simple i think removing the query results on the
first page would be good.

If you can add a text entry field and a button to confirm between the
query list and results in trackstat that would be excellent and should
not take up to much screen space.

And i also think that two lines of text would work, since it does work
with iPeng, possible just have one of the items clickable so that you
don't miss and load something else.

Adding 4-5 3-5 3-4 for rankings would only add a few rows in the list
so possible that is ok.

i think all of these things, especially, having the cover clickable,
the (+) button for trackstat and the album + artist info in the listing
of albums will Increas the usabillity and make the skin easier to use
without loosing simplicity.


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - CD T2500 - 2Gb ram - 2000 albums with 3
songs (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

Happy Ipod Touch and iPeng user!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng - Trackstat - Custom Browse - Dynamic Playlist etc plugin feedback

2008-01-10 Thread wiped

Regarding the Trackstat problem with iPeng that it does not load when no
music is playing.
The problem is the [% IF playing == 'true' %]   section in
nowplaying.html that i guess is a leftover from when the now playing
info + the query items was displayed at the same page.
Removing that and an END at the end of the file solved the problem.


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - CD T2500 - 2Gb ram - 2000 albums with 3
songs (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

Happy Ipod Touch and iPeng user!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: slimfx - Flash-based Skin / Control App

2007-02-05 Thread wiped

Looks very good!
It would be even better if it would be possible to browse the music
In my large collection of music, it's painfull to scroll through
thousands of artists, albums etc. The filtering works, but i got a good
structure in the disk and are used to browse trough that structure.
If that would be possible this interface would be more usefull.

I'm also missing the brose for NEW albums, since i also use that quite

But it is a very nice interface, keep up the good work :-)


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - CD T2500 - 2Gb ram - 1945 albums with 26686
songs by 4470 artists (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Plugins for rating and smart playlists using SQL

2006-10-12 Thread wiped

Thanks!! Everything is working fine now.


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - CD T2500 - 2Gb ram - 1945 albums with 26686
songs by 4470 artists (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Plugins for rating and smart playlists using SQL

2006-10-11 Thread wiped


I've been using 6.3.0 with trackstat, sqlplaylist and
Yesterday i've upgraded to 6.5.1 (06-10-10).
I made a backup of the trackstat data.
I uninstalled and deleted the slimserver directory.
Then i installed 6.5.1
I then installed the latest version of the  plug-ins.
Then i restored the trackstat data from file.

Now i can see that the trackstat data is included when playing songs

However the problem is that none of my sql playlists works, and also i
cannot browse e.g. top rated songs in trackstat..
For the playlists, just NOTHING happens when selecting to play the

For the trackstat browsing, when i e.g. select trop rated songs,
nothing is displayed below the navigation menu.. No matter what i

I then tried with 6.5.0 also and had the same problem...
Now i'm back to 6.5.1 and hope that it's just some setting that i've


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.3 - Core Duo T2500 - 2Gb ram - 25000 Songs - 1750
Albums (Mp3 and soon also FLAC)

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Plugins for rating and smart playlists using SQL

2006-10-11 Thread wiped

erland;145399 Wrote: 
 Unless you have been using mysql together with 6.3.0, the SQLPlayList
 plugin playlists need to be modified. In 6.3.0 the contained something
 like order by random() in 6.5.0 this has to be changed to order by
 rand(). For newly created playlist this will be done automatically but
 for old playlist you will have to change this yourself. 

Ok, I'll changed that but it does not help

erland;145399 Wrote: 
 Could you enable debugging in the TrackStat settings page and see if
 you see some error message in the log ?

Ok i'll try that, where is the log located?
i enabled debugging but i don't find any log.

erland;145399 Wrote: 
 This looks like some sort of character encoding problem. Are you using
 Windows or Linux for slimserver and for the computer where you access
 the web interface ?
 Is everything else working correctly in slimserver ?

Running on a Windows 2003 server (my only machine so i'm browsing there
also), no changes made since 6.3
Everything else seems to be working fine so far.


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - Core Duo T2500 - 2Gb ram - 25000 Songs - 1912
Albums (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Plugins for rating and smart playlists using SQL

2006-10-11 Thread wiped
:57.8355 TrackStat::Storage: Finished updating
musicbrainz id's in statistic data based on urls, updated 0 items : It
took 0.000547 seconds
2006-10-11 22:51:57.8356 TrackStat::Storage: Starting to add missing
entries to history table
2006-10-11 22:51:57.8365 Database error: Illegal mix of collations
(utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation
2006-10-11 22:51:57.8366 TrackStat::Storage: Finished adding missing
entries to history table, adding 0 items : It took 0.001009 seconds
2006-10-11 22:51:57.8857 TrackStat: Added rating support for
2006-10-11 22:51:57.8858 TrackStat: Added play count support for
2006-10-11 22:51:57.8860 TrackStat: Checking if its time to do a
scheduled backup
2006-10-11 22:51:57.8861 TrackStat: Its 14940 seconds left until next
scheduled backup
2006-10-11 22:52:46.5586 TrackStat: Entering baseWebPage
2006-10-11 22:52:46.5588 TrackStat: Entering getTrackInfo
2006-10-11 22:52:46.5589 TrackStat: Creating new PlayerStatus for (00:04:20:06:93:9a)
2006-10-11 22:52:46.5593 TrackStat: Exiting getTrackInfo
2006-10-11 22:52:46.5605 TrackStat: Get statistic context for level=1
2006-10-11 22:52:46.5607 TrackStat: Exiting baseWebPage
2006-10-11 22:53:01.8405 TrackStat: Entering baseWebPage
2006-10-11 22:53:01.8407 TrackStat: Entering getTrackInfo
2006-10-11 22:53:01.8410 TrackStat: Exiting getTrackInfo
2006-10-11 22:53:01.8425 TrackStat: Get statistic context for level=1
2006-10-11 22:53:01.8427 TrackStat: Get statistic context for level=2
2006-10-11 22:53:01.8429 TrackStat: Exiting baseWebPage
2006-10-11 22:53:07.3249 TrackStat: Entering baseWebPage
2006-10-11 22:53:07.3250 TrackStat: Entering getTrackInfo
2006-10-11 22:53:07.3252 TrackStat: Exiting getTrackInfo
2006-10-11 22:53:07.3262 TrackStat: Get statistic context for level=1
2006-10-11 22:53:07.3263 TrackStat: Get statistic context for level=2
2006-10-11 22:53:07.3265 TrackStat: Exiting baseWebPage
2006-10-11 22:53:07.3266 TrackStat: Calling webfunction for toprated
2006-10-11 22:53:07.3271 TrackStat::Statistics: Executing: select,track_statistics.playCount,track_statistics.added,track_statistics.lastPlayed,track_statistics.rating
from tracks left join track_statistics on tracks.url =
track_statistics.url where order by
track_statistics.rating desc,track_statistics.playCount
desc,tracks.playCount desc,rand() limit 50;
2006-10-11 22:53:07.3278 Database error: Illegal mix of collations
(utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation
2006-10-11 22:54:02.5003 SQLPlayList: Getting tracks for:
2006-10-11 22:54:02.5004 SQLPlayList: Get playlist:
2006-10-11 22:54:02.5012 SQLPlayList: Executing: select tracks.url from
tracks join contributor_track on join
contributors on join
track_statistics on tracks.url=track_statistics.url where
track_statistics.rating=80 and and in
('Muse','The Music','Razorlight','Kasabian','Kashmir','Oasis','Franz
Ferdinand','Editors','Kaiser Chiefs','The
Killers','Keane','Coldplay','Athlete') order by random() limit 50;
2006-10-11 22:54:02.6669 Database error: Illegal mix of collations
(utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation
2006-10-11 22:54:02.9660 TrackStat: Entering commandCallback65
2006-10-11 22:54:02.9662 TrackStat: Exiting commandCallback65
2006-10-11 22:54:20.3412 SQLPlayList: Searching for playlists in:
2006-10-11 22:54:44.2727 SQLPlayList: Get playlist:
2006-10-11 22:55:10.0127 SQLPlayList: Executing: select tracks.url from
tracks join contributor_track on join
contributors on join
track_statistics on tracks.url=track_statistics.url where
track_statistics.rating=80 and and in
('Muse','The Music','Razorlight','Kasabian','Kashmir','Oasis','Franz
Ferdinand','Editors','Kaiser Chiefs','The
Killers','Keane','Coldplay','Athlete') order by rand() limit 50;
2006-10-11 22:55:10.0133 Database error: Illegal mix of collations
(utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation
2006-10-11 22:55:55.8365 TrackStat: disabling
2006-10-11 22:55:55.8367 TrackStat: Hook deactivated.
061011 22:55:56 [Note]
C:\PROGRA~1\SLIMSE~1\server\Bin\MSWIN3~1\mysqld.exe: Normal shutdown


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - Core Duo T2500 - 2Gb ram - 25000 Songs - 1912
Albums (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Plugins for rating and smart playlists using SQL

2006-10-11 Thread wiped

FYI, not sure if it matters but..:
Searching for utf8_unicode_ci returns these txt files under

Searching for utf8_general_ci returns these txt files under

Also searched the web for the error message and found a similar one,
it's swedish originally.
It's not 100% the same but perhaps it can mean someting to someone who
knows SQL...

llegal mix of collations (swe7_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and
(latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' 
Det betyder att databasen/tabellen/fälten har collation swe7_swe...
och din anslutning till mysql har latin1, kolla om du kan ändra ngn av
It means that the database/table/field has collation swe7_swe ... and
the connection to mysql has latin1, check if you can change one of


Squeezebox 3 - SS 6.5.1 - Core Duo T2500 - 2Gb ram - 25000 Songs - 1912
Albums (FLAC and MP3) - 324Gb Music Folder

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