Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-04-03 Thread pippin

Jeff Flowerday;697964 Wrote: 
 Even when sized the same ipeng party's art isn't as sharp.

OK, iPeng Party 1.0.1 is now out which fixes this and adds retina
support for iPad 3.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-30 Thread epoch1970

pippin;698459 Wrote: 
 Oh and: please comment!
Can voting displace the need for removal ? For example, voting down
twice the most recently added song removes it, but the song right up
next needs 10 votes or so to be removed.

This being said, I'd like to shut up a bit and leave more
analytical/brighter minds reflect on the  world of opportunities that's
been opened for Party.

Also, while I have offered ideas towards a sophisticated system, I can
fully subscribe to what (I believe) Garym, Treble, and Erland have
suggested to some level : just adding a few finishing touches to a
casual, friendly and foolproof SBS remote. 
After all I don't run a bar, but I destroy my playlist regularly :)


Daily dose delivered by: 3 SB Classic, 1 SB Boom • iPeng (iPhone + iPad)
• Squeezebox Server 7.6 (Debian 6.0)  with plugins: MusicIP • Server
Power Control by Gordon Harris •  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld •
IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • BBC iPlayer, SwitchPlayer by Triode •
PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info, Song Lyrics by Erland
Isaksson • SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter Watkins • Just Covers by
Tom Kalmijn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-30 Thread garym

epoch1970;698553 Wrote: 
 After all I don't run a bar, but I destroy my playlist regularly :)



*Location 1:* VB Appliance 6TB (1.10)  LMS 7.7.1  Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Location 2:* VB Appliance 3TB (2.0)  LMS 7.7.1  Touch  Benchmark
DAC I, Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.7.1  SqueezePlay
Retired: SB3, Duet Receiver
Controllers: iPhone4S (iPeng), iPad2 (iPengHD  SqueezePad),
CONTROLLER, or SqueezePlay 7.7 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Additional Tagging - mp3tag

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-29 Thread pippin

treble;698259 Wrote: 
 1. It is very hard to see which song is actually playing.  I see that
 the artwork thumbnail is a bit bigger, but that is it. If I am scrolled
 down all the way on my playlist I have a hard time finding the song that
 is currently playing.  Maybe pressing on the 'Current Song and remaining
 time' in the bottom right could bring you to the current song?  Or give
 the background a different color?
Year. OK, looks like this really needs more work...
 2. I would love to see a 'Play Next' feature when selecting a song...
 3. I would love to see a 'Remove this song from playlist' option
 4. I would like to press on other songs in the playlist (either already
 played or coming up) and have them either play immediately or play
I tend to favor some kind of voting...
 5. The pop up that a song is added is a bit hard to use, which you
 wouldn't expect.  I try to close it by pressing the x, but I guess I
 time it wrong or something because it doesn't really go away, but the
 same song is added again...
Here I see I need to remove the x The popup will vanish on it's
own anyway.
 I guess I have a different view of Party Mode.  The main thing I'd like
 to prevent is that my friends inadvertently delete the whole play list
 by choosing 'Play' in iPeng or something.
Yea, well, this is what iPeng's Party Mode does, the idea of this App
was kind of to take it to extremes to make sure you really don't have
to care about your guests taking any real control beyond adding what
they would like to hear.

I think I'll go on collecting ideas for how playlist management could
be improved for a while and then probably go for voting+more rights for
your own additions - if I can nail the identify your tracks problem.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-29 Thread erland

pippin;698283 Wrote: 
 the idea of this App was kind of to take it to extremes to make sure
 you really don't have to care about your guests taking any real control
 beyond adding what they would like to hear.
 I think I'll go on collecting ideas for how playlist management could
 be improved for a while and then probably go for voting+more rights for
 your own additions - if I can nail the identify your tracks problem.
If you want to avoid guests destroying the party, maybe it would be
good to have some kind of restriction on how many tracks in a row a
certain guest can add ? Or maybe a minimum time until you can add next
track ?

Would of course be hard if there is only one device at the party but if
each guest or group of guests have one iOS device for themselves it
might be interesting to have a restriction, so you have to wait a few
minutes before you can add another track with the same iOS device. That
will make sure everyone gets a chance to add something they like to

Or maybe restricting by genre or artist, making it impossible to
several tracks in a row from same genre or same artist.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
You may also want to try my Android apps 'Squeeze Display'
and 'RSS Photo Show'
Interested in music discovery ? See 'Social Music Discovery (SMD)'
( project.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-29 Thread epoch1970

What if Party had a tray where users can drag the song(s) they want to
submit. Then they push the whole set to iPeng and the DJ.
Would that resolve the who added what issue ? 
(I think the DJ holding iPeng should further be able to do whatever he
sees fit with the submissions, according to his plans, Party users
votes, … before the sets really becomes the SBS playlist.)

On a Party now playing screen, what about :
- a Love the DJ button
- a Take this home button, that stores info on a song I don't know
but find interesting. So the next day, away from the host's library,
it's possible to check again on that find and perhaps buy the song etc.

(sometimes I do that w/ Shazam, but it's not fast and not too
- a button to take a picture. With the time, song and art added to the
snapshot :D


Daily dose delivered by: 3 SB Classic, 1 SB Boom • iPeng (iPhone + iPad)
• Squeezebox Server 7.6 (Debian 6.0)  with plugins: MusicIP • Server
Power Control by Gordon Harris •  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld •
IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • BBC iPlayer, SwitchPlayer by Triode •
PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info, Song Lyrics by Erland
Isaksson • SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter Watkins • Just Covers by
Tom Kalmijn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-29 Thread erland

Some further thoughts from me:

It's fairly easy to come up with a lot of cool ideas, but when I take
it one step further my dilemma (if I should be honest) is that I can't
really see the situation where I would use it.

The reasons are:

At more or less every big party I've been the music has not been
controlled by a Squeezebox. And if it was using Squeezebox often less
than half of the participants have a iOS device in their pocket.

At small parties with 3-4 friends it's not that often that we have a
need to think ahead and create long playlists. I have been in
situations where we have discussed music and someone has said have you
heard the song by ... and we have tried to find it either on YouTube or
Spotify. It kind of feels like it could be of interest in this scenario.
However, for this kind of situation it's very important that the
playlist doesn't grow and become too big, I would even say that it
needs to be limited to maximum 5-10 songs because if I add a track and
it's 20 songs away, I have no idea if we are even going to listen to
music when the playlist reaches my song.

The problem with long playlists are going to be even worse in big
parties, my track is always going to end up at the back and not be
played until several hours in the future.

So for me personally, I could see situations in a small party where it
could be of interest to use iPeng Party, because it lets everyone
browse and search for songs by themselves, but it feels like I would
like it to either:

* Be impossible to add more than 5 tracks, if 5 tracks are in the
playlist, you have to wait until there is only 4 tracks in the playlist
before you can add another one.
* Some kind of turn based algorithm were each connected iOS device get
a hole of 60 seconds where it can add a track and if the user of that
iOS device decided either pass or doesn't add a song during that time,
the turn goes to next iOS device running iPeng Party.
* Have a select tracks period for 30 seconds where all iPeng Party
instances can select one potential track and then after this have a
voting period where all iPeng Party instances can vote on the selected
tracks (but not on the one they added themselves).

Basically my feeling is that for this to become something really useful
it's critical to introduce features that limits the length of the
playlist or somehow makes sure there is a way for me to get my track
played at least during the next 30-60 minutes.

Another thing that potentially could be really useful is to make it
possible to browse information related to what's currently playing, but
unfortunately this is something that doesn't seem to exist in iPeng
Party at the moment, unless I've missed some hidden Now Playing screen
that offers this functionality. I thinking about things like, other
albums/songs by same artist, artist images, biographies, reviews,
similar artists, wikipedia, post to facebook/twitter, ...

Finally, not sure if this has been mentioned already, but some way to
click on a track and see the remaining time until that track will be
played would also be good.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
You may also want to try my Android apps 'Squeeze Display'
and 'RSS Photo Show'
Interested in music discovery ? See 'Social Music Discovery (SMD)'
( project.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-29 Thread garym

agree on needing to easily see now playing info. I thought I was missing
something. I think I can use this app quite a bit.  I often have friends
over, especially to the weekend house, where we spend a lot of time on
the deck listening to music. I end up passing my ipad around and folks
search a bit and choose songs they want to play. Since most have
iphones, this will become even easier with this appwhile I still
have most control with my own actual ipeng.


*Location 1:* VB Appliance 6TB (1.10)  LMS 7.7.1  Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Location 2:* VB Appliance 3TB (2.0)  LMS 7.7.1  Touch  Benchmark
DAC I, Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.7.1  SqueezePlay
Retired: SB3, Duet Receiver
Controllers: iPhone4S (iPeng), iPad2 (iPengHD  SqueezePad),
CONTROLLER, or SqueezePlay 7.7 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Additional Tagging - mp3tag

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-29 Thread pippin

I believe for most algorithms that really make sense I would need some
server side or at least iPeng (normal) side support because even
tracking what's going on on other iPeng Party devices will be hard.

First: a list of stuff that sounds doable, some of this is stuff I did
already somewhat plan for:

* more info on the current track - will come
* better visualization for current track - will come
* different play time info - time to track and time since track played,
for example - will probably come
* make tracks you added yourself removable - hard and kind of spoils
the hand the device around model but then this is not the idea
so: will come if it turns out doable
* vote tracks up that get voted on more than once. Probably with some
algorithms like more voting power if voted for on different devices
and no additional votes for xxx seconds - Same limitation as the last
one, otherwise probably something that will come
* dupe detection and avoidance - same as last one
* Vote current track down - planned anyway.
* define additional exclude menus in iPeng similar to the party mode
setting - planned
* move iPeng Party settings to a different submenu
* timeout after each added track until another one can be selected.

Another thing I believe could be doable is to define (through iPeng) a
maximum play ahead number of tracks in the playlist. If the number of
pending tracks exceeds this threshold, some random track gets removed
from the list with, say, a 50% chance and maybe a prompt to the extent
of do you really want to remove xxx, upcoming in yyy seconds to add

For the fun of it it would also be nice to see which device
added/removed a track so you could notify others hey, xxx just removed
this track! or xxx just added this track, will think about it.

What would be better is a straight voting system but I doubt this is
feasible without server support.

Now I have to remember adding tickets for all of this before I forget

Oh and: please comment!


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread pippin

Jeff Flowerday;697948 Wrote: 
 Larger art on the right isn't as sharp as the new iPengHD.

Turns out I really got screwed by Apple's tools here...

iPeng Party contains a help screen that is a web site made with
Dashcode (an Apple tool to create web sites).
Now it turns out that Apple's latest revision of their iOS development
toolkit (XCode) has a bug that doesn't let it produce Apps for App
Store release if they include code generated by Dashcode, so I used the
previous version of XCode for this release and thought that would be
fine since iPeng Party doesn't use any APIs that are specific to iOS
Turns out that this kills retina support to a certain degree on iPad,
the function supposed to tell you whether it's a retina display (and
which works fine on iPhone and iPod touch) doesn't work on iPad, yet.
Update is now on the way, ETA is 1 week from now.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread epoch1970

I've been playing with for an hour on iPad. I had a ton of
remarks, but I've decided to sober up ;)

I think a Party app is a great viral marketing idea... I kind of
understand why Apple insisted on rating 17+ the applications.

I believe Party sits in the middle of 2 purposes. Either it is a
collaborative DJ'ing app, either it is a glorified now playing screen.
If a choice is made the GUI can be further refined and streamlined.

I think Party should handle multi-zone setups, but player selection by
name should be avoided.


Daily dose delivered by: 3 SB Classic, 1 SB Boom • iPeng (iPhone + iPad)
• Squeezebox Server 7.6 (Debian 5.0)  with plugins: MusicIP • Server
Power Control by Gordon Harris •  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld •
IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • Find cover art by bpa • BBC iPlayer,
SwitchPlayer by Triode • PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info,
Song Lyrics by Erland Isaksson • SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter
Watkins • Just Covers by Tom Kalmijn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread pippin

epoch1970;698042 Wrote: 
 I've been playing with for an hour on iPad. I had a ton of
 remarks, but I've decided to sober up ;)
Please keep them coming.
 I think a Party app is a great viral marketing idea... I kind of
 understand why Apple insisted on rating 17+ the applications.
I don't. Each iOS device comes with Safari which also gives you free
internet access and which you can't even disable. It's ridiculous.
 I think Party should handle multi-zone setups, but player selection by
 name should be avoided.

I'm not sure I understand that comment.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread epoch1970

pippin;698044 Wrote: 
 I'm not sure I understand that comment.

On multi-zone:

The parties I go to today almost always have 2 areas: the noisy
dancefloor and a softer lounge area. Let's say Party is a now playing
screen. When I move out of the noisy area and go to the lounge, I want
the screen to automagically update to that playlist.
Wireless location awareness, sound signature, dead-simple selection
(upstairs vs. Touch2) based on earlier provisioning in iPeng ...


Daily dose delivered by: 3 SB Classic, 1 SB Boom • iPeng (iPhone + iPad)
• Squeezebox Server 7.6 (Debian 5.0)  with plugins: MusicIP • Server
Power Control by Gordon Harris •  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld •
IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • Find cover art by bpa • BBC iPlayer,
SwitchPlayer by Triode • PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info,
Song Lyrics by Erland Isaksson • SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter
Watkins • Just Covers by Tom Kalmijn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread garym

epoch1970;698055 Wrote: 
 On multi-zone:
 The parties I go to today almost always have 2 areas: the noisy
 dancefloor and a softer lounge area. Let's say Party is a now playing
 screen. When I move out of the noisy area and go to the lounge
 upstairs, I want the screen to automagically update to that playlist.
 Wireless location awareness, sound signature, dead-simple selection
 (upstairs vs. Touch2) based on earlier provisioning in iPeng ...

wouldn't there be different players in the two locations. A quick play
with the app indicates that I can switch the app from one player to
another and see the playlist associated with that player.


*Location 1:* VB Appliance 6TB (1.10)  LMS 7.7.1  Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Location 2:* VB Appliance 3TB (2.0)  LMS 7.7.1  Touch  Benchmark
DAC I, Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.7.1  SqueezePlay
Retired: SB3, Duet Receiver
Controllers: iPhone4S (iPeng), iPad2 (iPengHD  SqueezePad),
CONTROLLER, or SqueezePlay 7.7 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Additional Tagging - mp3tag

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread pippin

Room recognition based on WiFi signals can work on Android, but Apple
doesn't give you access to the WiFi data so not on iOS, sorry


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread epoch1970

Player selection: Also currently you can select a powered-off player,
and add to its playlist.
Great for guests known for their dubious musical tastes…
Off and probably stopped (since you can't start) players should be


Daily dose delivered by: 3 SB Classic, 1 SB Boom • iPeng (iPhone + iPad)
• Squeezebox Server 7.6 (Debian 5.0)  with plugins: MusicIP • Server
Power Control by Gordon Harris •  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld •
IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • Find cover art by bpa • BBC iPlayer,
SwitchPlayer by Triode • PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info,
Song Lyrics by Erland Isaksson • SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter
Watkins • Just Covers by Tom Kalmijn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread pippin

Good idea.
But the best way to do it would be to use the remote configuration from
the normal iPeng anyway. Then you can send your guests directly to
whichever player you want them to use.
Plus you don't have to tell them your server's password.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread epoch1970

Other remarks, IMHO and FWIW :

Overall I am not totally sold on the GUI, but hey, neither am I with
the full iPeng on iPad app. As I said earlier I think a choice could be
made on the app's purpose, and this should override what follows.

- In portrait mode there is no playlist. iPhoto uses a horizontal
list, and this works well for me.
- I have to agree in landscape mode it is difficult to visualize
what's playing now.
- There is no auto-add to the playlist when it ends. When it ends the
player stops. Then you can add more songs, but there is no auto-start
- No fullscreen now playing ? For a DJing app I can understand. But
for a more passive app, I think this is really missing.

- In my tests the cancel song popup was totally inefficient. For
starters this is a transient popup window and I think they should get
the axe (the second one being used for a possibly unnecessary  player
selection). If you're dancing around or semi drunk, a popup window is
not easy to grasp. Second, every time I tried to hit the red (x) mark
to cancel the addition, I failed to cancel and hit the song under it,
ending up in adding 2 songs…
I think something like a swipe on the just added item should allow to
delete it. (if added by yourself?) Like in Mail on iPhone when you want
to archive/delete messages from the inbox.
- Time remaining in playlist needs not be accurate by the second (it
is on the song). Elapsed time on a song means nothing to me. Remaining
time in the song does, but only if I am empowered to change what's
going to play next. Both figures dance a little on screen (proportional
Purely as a guest, what could interest me is: do I have time to do
whatever and be back for this song?, or what was it they played 10
minutes ago?. So I think I'd prefer relative timing (X minutes ago,
now playing, coming up in X minutes) attached to the playlist. Like the
TimeMachine scale ?

- Menu. I don't know what to say, by and large I hate it... But I
guess at least you want to remove some distracting items from that menu
(new music, extras, trackstat, favs…)

All right you wanted it, now you have it.
(I think there is also a lot of things that could be added to the app.
But I'll leave that to other posts.)


Daily dose delivered by: 3 SB Classic, 1 SB Boom • iPeng (iPhone + iPad)
• Squeezebox Server 7.6 (Debian 6.0)  with plugins: MusicIP • Server
Power Control by Gordon Harris •  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld •
IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • BBC iPlayer, SwitchPlayer by Triode •
PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info, Song Lyrics by Erland
Isaksson • SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter Watkins • Just Covers by
Tom Kalmijn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread pippin

epoch1970;698142 Wrote: 
 As I said earlier I think a choice could be made on the app's purpose,
 and this should override what follows.
Yes. Well, it's NOT thought to be a NowPlaying display for parties,
although it's a nice idea and I might add something like that later,
after all it's another building block I do already have.
The idea is to allow you to add tracks to the end of the current
playlist from the whole library and do see this playlist.
 - In portrait mode there is no playlist. iPhoto uses a horizontal
 list, and this works well for me.
I don't understand. You mean, no permanent one? You can get it by
tapping the penguin from anywhere (except from help).
 - There is no auto-add to the playlist when it ends. When it ends the
 player stops. Then you can add more songs, but there is no auto-start
OK, Idea taken: start playback whenever nothing is playing.
Auo-add: there are already enough plugins for that

May I ask you to file tickets? There's an iPeng Party target in iPeng
 - No fullscreen now playing ? For a DJing app I can understand. But
 for a more passive app, I think this is really missing.
 - In my tests the cancel song popup was totally inefficient.
Ummm... This is no cancel song. The x just removes the popup, just
as with the other two iPeng Apps
 I think something like a swipe on the just added item should allow to
 delete it. (if added by yourself?)
Yep, that's what I would do if I add that feature.
I also kind of like it.
The problem is: if you are not playing Spotify it can actually be very
hard for iPeng Party to find out which track it added itself, and even
then it could fail if a track is in the list more than once.
It's not like you could get any information from the server like these
are the tracks you've added. It's really that hard.
 what was it they played 10 minutes ago?. So I think I'd prefer
 relative timing (X minutes ago, now playing, coming up in X minutes)
 attached to the playlist. Like the TimeMachine scale ?
Yes, another one I did already think about. Actually not to this extend
(another good idea... ticket?) but I thought about showing only a part
of the playlist but then shied away because it's so much work
 - Menu. I don't know what to say, by and large I hate it... But I
 guess at least you want to remove some distracting items from that menu
 (new music, extras, trackstat, favs…)
Why on earth do you find favs and New Music distracting??? Actually
that's the two menu items I use most on my parties.
Extras is needed if you want to access the browser so you can get
stuff from the internet, a game I always like to play at parties :)


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread epoch1970

pippin;698152 Wrote: 
 The idea is to allow you to add tracks to the end of the current
 playlist from the whole library and do see this playlist.

pippin;698152 Wrote: 
 I don't understand. You mean, no permanent one? You can get it by
 tapping the penguin from anywhere (except from help).
Sorry, that was quite unclear. Let me rephrase ; The thing you want to
achieve is to modify the playlist. The way to do that is adding music
you find via the menus. In landscape mode you have both in view at the
same time. All the time: when pondering what to add, when you want to
check it's been done.
To achieve the same in portrait mode you have to flip pages.
Anyway I should take a look at Party on iPhone : I always carry my
phone. My iPad almost never leaves home.

pippin;698152 Wrote: 
 OK, Idea taken: start playback whenever nothing is playing (…) May I ask
 you to file tickets? There's an iPeng Party target in iPeng trac

pippin;698152 Wrote: 
 Ummm... This is no cancel song. The x just removes the popup, just
 as with the other two iPeng Apps….
:D Then can you tell me the purpose of the popup ? 

pippin;698152 Wrote: 
 It's not like you could get any information from the server like these
 are the tracks you've added.
Then I will leave you the complexity with pleasure. But let me ask you
this: you seem to present iPeng (full) as a proxy for Party when you
say there is no need to disclose your server password. Now if this is
true, why not leave iPeng add one song at a time to an almost empty
server queue, while at the same time it handles the
add/delete/promote/demote requests of an internal queue accessed by the
Party apps. 
Is that clear ? 1 short SBS queue, 1 long iPeng queue. The top of the
iPeng one feeds to the bottom of the SBS one. Party shows both as a
single playlist. It might not be simple, but I guess you'd be free of
SBS constraints.  

pippin;698152 Wrote: 
 (RE: relative timings) Yes (…) ticket?

pippin;698152 Wrote: 
 Why on earth do you find favs and New Music distracting??? Actually
 that's the two menu items I use most on my parties. 
 Extras is needed if you want to access the browser so you can get
 stuff from the internet, a game I always like to play at parties :)
Let's say I come to someone's home. Or even to a public place like a
bar, and they have SBS+iPeng.
What on earth do I care knowing which part of the library was recently
added ? I just need to see the available music now. (BTW, maybe even
not see albums, but songs.)
And if I choose to add music, I could be interested in picking from
*my* favs. But obviously I can't carry them with me. I have nothing to
do with the host's favs/playlists. Probably he's perusing them in the
queue anyway.
For me, in Extras I have … ServerPowerControl. Not good, mate ;)
(Now I understand perfectly what you say, if I see myself throwing a
party at *my place*. But in this case, I'd use iPeng (full), not the
Party app.)


Daily dose delivered by: 3 SB Classic, 1 SB Boom • iPeng (iPhone + iPad)
• Squeezebox Server 7.6 (Debian 6.0)  with plugins: MusicIP • Server
Power Control by Gordon Harris •  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld •
IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • BBC iPlayer, SwitchPlayer by Triode •
PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info, Song Lyrics by Erland
Isaksson • SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter Watkins • Just Covers by
Tom Kalmijn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread pippin

epoch1970;698178 Wrote: 
 :D Then can you tell me the purpose of the popup ? 
Acknowledging that the track got added so that people don't tap on the
same track three times just to be sure :D

Also, it will appear, too, whenever somebody else adds a track.
 why not leave iPeng add one song at a time to an almost empty server
 queue, while at the same time it handles the add/delete/promote/demote
 requests of an internal queue accessed by the Party apps. 
The problem is not so much to keep track of actions but to understand
which action lead to what track in the playlist.
The IDs sometimes change, sometimes you don't get them at all and in a
lot of cases also the description can change.
I mentioned Spotify because it's the only case I'm aware of where you
have a consistently unique identifier.

If you add a track from Rhapsody or even from the local library it
might show up in the playlist 20s later under a different name and a
different identifier set. So how do I know it's the track I added...
 Is that clear ? 1 short SBS queue, 1 long iPeng queue. The top of the
 iPeng one feeds to the bottom of the SBS one. Party shows both as a
 single playlist. It might not be simple, but I guess you'd be free of
 SBS constraints.
I can't run SBS entirely driven by iPeng, this would require a server
side plugin. Anything else is very unreliable and also would consume
too much power. You sit down on the sofa with the iPeng iPhone in your
backpocket - dang, your music is off. I know what I talk about, I
recently ran the music on an event - unplanned and unprepared - using
iPeng as a player, my server at home as the music source and an AirPlay
device as a player and while this generally worked fine for several
hours, it eventually stopped when I sat down on a sofa for a while
OK, an extreme case but it's not what you want here.

Remote config is much simpler. It's a single message that needs to be
sent only once, it uses a handshake and if it doesn't work you can
still ask the host to stand up for a second :)
 Let's say I come to someone's home. Or even to a public place like a
 bar, and they have SBS+iPeng.
 What on earth do I care knowing which part of the library was recently
 added ? I just need to see the available music now. (BTW, maybe even
 not see albums, but songs.)
Good point. Brings me to that other option I originally planned: menu
exclusion in the remote configuration. A bit harder than the current
solution, though...
 And if I choose to add music, I could be interested in picking from
 *my* favs. But obviously I can't carry them with me. I have nothing to
 do with the host's favs/playlists.
Well, OK, but let's rethink this:
When I'm at a bar, it might be interesting to see what new stuff they
just got and - the playlists and favs being the only places you can
easily manage - that could be the place where they place the most
popular items.
 For me, in Extras I have … ServerPowerControl. Not good, mate ;)
Does it show up? Not good, I thought I blocked that (I do already block
a lot). Could you add a ticket for that, too?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread RichardL

I've had a brief play with it and really like the idea - its definitely
something I will use.

I had what looked like an issue - perhaps its just 'pilot error'

I have a large number of songs in a separate directory - its a kind of
'juke box' selection of the songs I like on any album, plus a load of
single songs where I don't have the rest of the album.

I play from this directory most of the time. When I tried to add songs
from this folder nothing seemed to happen - I can browse to the albums
menu selection, select an album and select a song on the album and
touch it, and I get the notification window and the song appears on the
playlist - when doing it directly from the 'Music Folder' menu item, I
get nothing when I touch the song and the playlist is not affected.

I have to agree that the 'now playing' song on the landscape view does
not stand out as much as it should - perhaps make the cell border red
or something, just to make it 'pop' a little?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread epoch1970

My bad. 
ServerPowerControl is NOT displayed in Extras in Party. I guess I've
been looking at iPeng.
In fact there is only the web browser in there.


Daily dose delivered by: 3 SB Classic, 1 SB Boom • iPeng (iPhone + iPad)
• Squeezebox Server 7.6 (Debian 6.0)  with plugins: MusicIP • Server
Power Control by Gordon Harris •  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld •
IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • BBC iPlayer, SwitchPlayer by Triode •
PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info, Song Lyrics by Erland
Isaksson • SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter Watkins • Just Covers by
Tom Kalmijn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread Phil Meyer
OK, here we go, it's on the way to the store now:

Intruiged why there is an over-17 age restriction.  Does it have offensive 
error messages?!!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread pippin

RichardL;698217 Wrote: 
 I get nothing when I touch the song and the playlist is not affected.
Good find.
Need better beta testers
Looks like music folder generally doesn't work. Will get fixed in 1.0.2
(1.0.1 is already on the way with retina support for iPad)
 I have to agree that the 'now playing' song on the landscape view does
 not stand out as much as it should - perhaps make the cell border red
 or something, just to make it 'pop' a little?
Will have a look at it again, too


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread pippin

Philip Meyer;698221 Wrote: 
 OK, here we go, it's on the way to the store now:
 Intruiged why there is an over-17 age restriction.  Does it have
 offensive error messages?!!!

Yea. All this Penguin sex thing.

It has a browser. Sigh.
It's the rules.

If there's anything that allows free access to the Internet or
Wikipedia or things like that, you are expected to rate the App 17+
because the Internet contains all this bad stuff. It's the same thing
with Browser or Wiki Apps.

Not that Apple would rate their own Safari browser 17+, you can't even
remove or block it on an iOS device so there is really no point in
using iPEng for this but hey, it's the rules Apple hasn't cared for
this particular rule for a while but obviously restarted it recently,
seeing more reports about it.

I did not want to remove the feature, though, since I always find it
kind of nice, ESPECIALLY at parties where a host might not have a
certain breed of music or plugin installed and so I can go to bandcamp
or hypem or stereogum or whatever and play from there.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread epoch1970

pippin;698209 Wrote: 
 Acknowledging that the track got added so that people don't tap on the
 same track three times just to be sure :D
 Also, it will appear, too, whenever somebody else adds a track.
I see. I would never have thought of that because in usually look at
the queue once I've added something. No, I won't suggest an already
recently requested popup... Making the bottom of the queue visible
would be my solution. The playlist like an accordion ?

 I can't run SBS entirely driven by iPeng, this would require a server
 side plugin. Anything else is very unreliable and also would consume
 too much power. You sit down on the sofa with the iPeng iPhone in your
 backpocket - dang, your music is off. 
Well I guess you've been lucky the phone didn't ring that evening,
iPeng shutting down the music so that you can quietly respond to the
call :)
If I were planning a party where the music is controlled via iPeng, I
would use a dock. I would probably have a spare iDevice in case of
problem. Ok an app can crash. But a PC too.

 When I'm at a bar, it might be interesting to see what new stuff they
 just got and - the playlists and favs being the only places you can
 easily manage - that could be the place where they place the most
 popular items.
How would they do that easily ? Trackstat ?


Daily dose delivered by: 3 SB Classic, 1 SB Boom • iPeng (iPhone + iPad)
• Squeezebox Server 7.6 (Debian 6.0)  with plugins: MusicIP • Server
Power Control by Gordon Harris •  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld •
IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • BBC iPlayer, SwitchPlayer by Triode •
PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info, Song Lyrics by Erland
Isaksson • SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter Watkins • Just Covers by
Tom Kalmijn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread pippin

epoch1970;698230 Wrote: 
 Well I guess you've been lucky the phone didn't ring that evening,
 iPeng shutting down the music so that you can quietly respond to the
 call :)
No I wasn't. I set it to Airline mode and re-enabled WiFi :)
 How would they do that easily ? Trackstat ?
Would be an idea. I mean: A bar usually knows what's popular but then
they might just think they know


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-28 Thread treble

I just downloaded the app on my iPhone.

It looks nice and is easy to use. A few things are bothering me

1. It is very hard to see which song is actually playing.  I see that
the artwork thumbnail is a bit bigger, but that is it.  If I am
scrolled down all the way on my playlist I have a hard time finding the
song that is currently playing.  Maybe pressing on the 'Current Song and
remaining time' in the bottom right could bring you to the current song?
Or give the background a different color?
2. I would love to see a 'Play Next' feature when selecting a song...
3. I would love to see a 'Remove this song from playlist' option
4. I would like to press on other songs in the playlist (either already
played or coming up) and have them either play immediately or play
5. The pop up that a song is added is a bit hard to use, which you
wouldn't expect.  I try to close it by pressing the x, but I guess I
time it wrong or something because it doesn't really go away, but the
same song is added again...

I guess I have a different view of Party Mode.  The main thing I'd like
to prevent is that my friends inadvertently delete the whole play list
by choosing 'Play' in iPeng or something.

But regardless, thanks for the free app, your efforts are very much

Thanks for listening,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-27 Thread pippin

Probably ;)

In reality, it's the web browser


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-27 Thread pippin

OK, here we go, it's on the way to the store now:



see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-27 Thread Jeff Flowerday

Larger art on the right isn't as sharp as the new iPengHD.

Will there be an option to reorder the playlist, or am I missing

Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-27 Thread pippin

Jeff Flowerday;697948 Wrote: 
 Larger art on the right isn't as sharp as the new iPengHD.
Seriously? I have to get an App Store copy (it didn't yet arrive in the
German store) but it's actually supposed to be exactly the same.
 Will there be an option to reorder the playlist, or am I missing
Err... no! That's the whole point, isn't it?

The one thing I've been thinking about is to introduce some kind of
voting, so that e.g. several people can agree that the current track
sucks and needs to be skipped and so be it

And Erland pointed out that it would be nice to have a way to see what
your own additions are (although this can be really hard with LMS).

I think some additions along these lines will come, but I plan to first
collect some feedback.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-27 Thread Jeff Flowerday

pippin;697951 Wrote: 
 Seriously? I have to get an App Store copy (it didn't yet arrive in the
 German store) but it's actually supposed to be exactly the same.
 Err... no! That's the whole point, isn't it?
 The one thing I've been thinking about is to introduce some kind of
 voting, so that e.g. several people can agree that the current track
 sucks and needs to be skipped and so be it
 And Erland pointed out that it would be nice to have a way to see what
 your own additions are (although this can be really hard with LMS).
 I think some additions along these lines will come, but I plan to first
 collect some feedback.

I've never been to a party where we didn't want to move a song up in
the order or move over a song accidentally added.  Just my feedback.

That said, the interface is dead simple, and perfect for the guests,
which was your goal.

Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-27 Thread pippin

Jeff Flowerday;697957 Wrote: 
 I've never been to a party where we didn't want to move a song up in the
 order or move over a song accidentally added.  Just my feedback.

Well, of course, but then the host is free to use the full iPeng

But yes, as I said: there's room for improvement, it's a 1.0.

Voting actually was another idea Erland brought forward, that can
actually even be used to take it to extremes: vote up the whole


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-27 Thread pippin

Jeff Flowerday;697958 Wrote: 
 It might be that the art is slightly larger in the new app?

Have you maybe scaled it in one of them? You know that two-finger-zoom
works in iPeng for iPad (and iPeng Party), don't you ;)


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-27 Thread Jeff Flowerday

No I didn't know that. Lol awesome!

Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-27 Thread Jeff Flowerday

Even when sized the same ipeng party's art isn't as sharp.

Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-27 Thread pippin

But you are right! The App Store version is an old build, it's not the
retina version.
Also the text in the headers is crippled.

I'm not sure, I might not have updated the build because I did not want
even more delays when I updated iPeng for iPad, this has been going back
and forth for weeks.

Time to submit the first update to the store...


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, iPeng for iPad and
*New: iPeng Party, the free party App*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-26 Thread pippin

OK, not yet on Monday :(
Pity, they approved iPeng for iPad today so I was hoping for a review
on iPeng Party, too (they got reviewed on the same day the last time,
when Apple decided to demand iPeng for iPad to become 17+ and iPeng
Party to provide a demo video...) but it should not have been


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-26 Thread Michael Herger
 when Apple decided to demand iPeng for iPad to become 17+ and iPeng

You shouldn't submit screenshots with artwork featuring that explicit  
lyrics sticker too prominently :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-25 Thread pippin

chill;694264 Wrote: 
 A cut-down stand-alone party mode app?  Just going by the icon,

Now, as you probably guessed by the name, Chill pretty much nailed it
with answer #8.
It's a no-frills party mode App that tries to block everything that
could devastate a playlist, change a player setup, volume, whatever.
Just add tracks to the end of the current playlist. And see what's

No guarantees taken for plugins (I hear SMD may be a bit problematic)
and Apps, but it's pretty good, the main issue I know about so far is
that it allows Slacker (and maybe Deezer) Radios to be added to a
playlist, something you can't block without disabling the whole

The drawback is that it blocks a few things that would be nice (Global
Search and TrackInfo menus come to mind), but if you are having a
party, I prefer safety first.

As already stated, it's a univeral App for iPhone and iPad and - not
yet stated - it's free. So if you want to use it to have a peek at how
iPeng performs without paying 10$, here's your chance.

And of course, you can have your friends download it to their own
iThingies. All you need to do is give them access to your WiFi network.
Of course, this begs the risk that they just use another App to spoil
your party but hey, it wouldn't be iPeng if Coolio and I didn't
have a solution for this... If you (as a host) also use iPeng, you can
set a username/password on your server (or use MySB) and  remotely
configure iPeng Party through iPeng so that your guests will not have
access with other Apps.

Now let's only hope that Apple finally approves it next (US: this)
week, it's there for more than two weeks now, this is actually the
longest delay for a release I've ever had :(


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-25 Thread chill

pippin;697436 Wrote: 
 Now, as you probably guessed by the name, Chill pretty much nailed it
 with answer #8.

Woohoo!  Do I get a free copy then?  Oh wait..

Nice idea Pippin, and a clever way to introduce people to all the iPeng
goodness.  I can see myself using this even when it's just me, for those
times when I'd prefer not to risk losing the playlist - it could be
quicker to launch this than to set the full iPeng into 'Party' mode.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-25 Thread pippin

Myself, I'm using it a lot just for viewing the current playlist :)

I find it visually definitely nicer than the ones in all other Apps and
I'm sure I need to incorporate the cuntdowns in the normal iPeng
versions, too. ASAP. And some goodies nobody noticed in the screen
shots, yet :)


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-25 Thread maggior

Pippin - you have a rather unfortunate typo in your last post above that
you might want to fix...I assume you meant countdown.

App looks pretty cool - I'll have to check it out.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch, iPeng on iPod
Touch, SqueezeCommander on Xoom.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.5 and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 37,509 songs, 2,934 albums, 515 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-25 Thread pippin

maggior;697454 Wrote: 
 I assume you meant countdown.

:blush: indeed, thanks


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-23 Thread MrC

from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day

The Word of the Day for March 23 [2012] is: 

pippin   \PIP-in\   noun
1 : a crisp tart apple having usually yellow or greenish-yellow skin
strongly flushed with red and used especially for cooking
2 : a highly admired or very admirable person or thing


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-23 Thread DaveWr

MrC;697085 Wrote: 
 from Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
 The Word of the Day for March 23 [2012] is: 
 pippin   \PIP-in\   noun
 1 : a crisp tart apple having usually yellow or greenish-yellow skin
 strongly flushed with red and used especially for cooking
 2 : a highly admired or very admirable person or thing

Re 1: Cox's Orange Pippin is highly regarded due to its excellent
flavour and attractive appearance


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-23 Thread pippin

Sounds favorably!


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-22 Thread pippin

Oh, btw, did I mention the name?
It's called iPeng Party


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-22 Thread MeSue

pippin;696701 Wrote: 
 Question: how many of you have computer displays that can show this in
 full size? I don't...

Dell U3011 @ 2560x1600
But I don't know where the screen shot is. Was it removed?



1 Touch | 2 Booms | 2 Radios | 1 Duet | 1 SB2 
HP MediaSmart EX470 | Logitech Media Server 7.7.1 | iPod Touch  iPad
w/ iPeng
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-*Logitech! Steal my idea, please! 'Squeezebox Radio 2.0'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-22 Thread pippin

my server on which it was hosted was down
It's back up again now

And yes, that screen will do in landscape, you win :)


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-22 Thread bobertuk

Hi pippin,

What is the app Lantic WAC?

Is it one of yours or is it mixed up with your apps on the Apple App



1 x Touch - SC 7.7.1 - SSOTS v4.14
1 x Radio
1 x Boom
Lavry DA-10 DAC
QNAP TS-509 3.5.1 build 1002T
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-22 Thread pippin

It's one of mine.
It's a somehwhat specialized App for Lantic Entertainment Systems to
control the Audio in their yacht entertainment systems.

It's like a somewhat simplified version of iPeng that does already
include playback, has their CI and has some modified functionality in
their special setup.

It will usually work in a Squeezebox environment but you can't choose
the server (needs to be automatically found, which is guaranteed to
work in their setups, or you can't use it), you have no access to the
configuration settings (they are password protected) and you don't have
Apps, synchronization and such.

Their setup also features some specialities like a public playlist
player that manages a common playlist.

I would not recommend to use it for a normal home Squeezebox setup
(it's expensive!) unless you are fine with the simplified functionality
and really want a black background.

It's not iPeng Party although some things in iPeng Party are actually
adapted from it, like the dark background


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-22 Thread bobertuk

pippin;696953 Wrote: 
 It kind of is one of mine.
 ... snip ...
 It's not iPeng Party although some things in iPeng Party are actually
 adapted from it, like the dark background

That's what I wondered about :)

Anyway, still waiting for iPeng Party then.



1 x Touch - SC 7.7.1 - SSOTS v4.14
1 x Radio
1 x Boom
Lavry DA-10 DAC
QNAP TS-509 3.5.1 build 1002T
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-21 Thread Michael Herger
 Hm, 2nd try to see what the forum makes out of a retina display screen
 shot from iPad 3. Question: how many of you have computer displays that
 can show this in full size? I don't...

Still waiting for my Retina MacBook display :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-21 Thread slate

pippin;696701 Wrote: 
 Hm, 2nd try to see what the forum makes out of a retina display screen
 shot from iPad 3. Question: how many of you have computer displays that
 can show this in full size? I don't...

not many


Main: Receiver (Audiocom) - Beresford Caiman+ (Gatorized) - Carver
A-500x - BW 704
Office: Receiver - Luxman L-210 - Stax SR84 Pro
- Beresford Caiman (Gatorized) - Superlux HD668B
Server: Zotac IONITX-A, 4 GB, 1 TB WD EADS, Win7 w. 7.6 (SQLite w. High
Tied together by D-Link DIR-655 + DGS-1008D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-21 Thread pippin

mherger;696708 Wrote: 
 Still waiting for my Retina MacBook display :-)

Same here. I'd expect it in the next generation, though.

slate;696709 Wrote: 
 not many

Hard to tell, it's in other - none of the stated resolutions comes
even close to the iPad's 1536 vertical pixels - landscape! Not sure
there is any (landscape mode) screen around at all that can show a full
iPad resolution in portrait.

Apple's 30 Cinema Display (and probably some other 30 displays) can
show 1600 px vertical which is still not enough to show the full iPad
simulator, I did think my Dell display has a decent resolution but it's
only 1440.

The iPad 3 must be a real challenge for designers.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-21 Thread Jeff Flowerday


I can twist it and configure it so that 2560 is veritcal.

Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-21 Thread pippin

Yes, I've got that same panel in my display.
But doesn't help... You still don't get 2048x1536 to show completely,
no matter how you turn it.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-21 Thread Jeff Flowerday

pippin;696737 Wrote: 
 Yes, I've got that same panel in my display, although I can't twist it.
 But doesn't help... You still don't get 2048x1536 to show completely,
 no matter how you turn it.

LOL, messed up that calculation in my head.

Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-20 Thread pippin

OK, little update.
Having some trouble with the App Store review since the App only works
within a local network and doesn't have a remote configuration option
so my usual test setup didn't work here.

Obviously setting up a LMS/SqueezePlay test setup was too much to ask
for from the review team this time (strange, seemed to never be an
issue for any of the other Apps around)

Next try end of this week or early next week, I suppose :(


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-20 Thread pippin

Ok, let's see what the forum makes from an iPad 3 retina display screen
shot :)



see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-20 Thread pippin

Hm, 2nd try to see what the forum makes out of a retina display screen
shot from iPad 3. Question: how many of you have computer displays that
can show this in full size? I don't...

|Filename: ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1332299218.950898.jpg  |


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-20 Thread pippin

Hm, 2nd try to see what the forum makes out of a retina display screen
shot from iPad 3. Question: how many of you have computer displays that
can show this in full size? I don't...



see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-14 Thread pippin

And some landscape mode on iPad

|Filename: ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1331717257.840155.jpg  |


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-11 Thread pippin

Ok, same thing on iPad

|Filename: ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1331502302.928892.jpg  |


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-10 Thread pippin

iPhone example

|Filename: ImageUploadedByTapatalk1331367782.007709.jpg |


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-10 Thread bluegaspode

It's not too easy to distinguish the currently playing track from all
others? :P



Did you know: *'SqueezePlayer' (* will stream all
your music to your Android device. Take your music everywhere!
Remote Control + Streaming to your iPad? *'Squeezebox + iPad =
SqueezePad ' (*
Want to see a Weather Forecast on your Radio/Touch/Controller ? = why
not try my 'Weather Forecast Applet'
Want to use the Headphones with your Controller ? = why not try my
'Headphone Switcher Applet'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-10 Thread pippin

That's true. But this is iPhone, can't waste half of the screen just for
some padding there :P


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-10 Thread bhaagensen

how 'bout a small icon of some sort, to make it stand better out?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-10 Thread pippin

Apart from the fact that I wouldn't know where to put an icon, anything
small will not help.
The screen shot may be a bit misleading, especially since the title is
so short, the difference is not so small. The cell and cover are 1.5
times the size of the other cells and the text is almost twice as big
plus there is a space and then a frame around the cell which also
stands out to the front.
If you want it more obvious you'd have to make it much bigger (taller)
or use a completely different color.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-10 Thread chill

pippin;695121 Wrote: 
 ...or use a completely different color.

That would be my suggestion, although it's obviously not easy to judge
from just a screen shot.

A little music note symbol, perhaps above the playlist number, would be
somewhat consistent with the web interface.

So how long are you going to keep us guessing?  Has this been submitted
to the App store, or is it still a work in progress?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-09 Thread pippin

Oh, or an iPad.
iPad gives it a bit more space and it's a universal App :)


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-09 Thread hvb83

Finally, a tag editor! Thank you very much Pippin! ;)


SB Receiver, Marantz SR5004, Harman Kardon HKTS11
SB Radio
SB Server 7.6.1 running on a Synology DS210+ NAS 
iPhone running iPeng 1.4.2 and iPad running iPengHD

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-09 Thread bhaagensen

pippin;694876 Wrote: 
 This App has 0 (in words: ZERO) settings! It doesn't even have a
 settings menu.
 You could use iOS 4.x where the home button is not available :)

So its one big glorious Now Playing-screen which will look stunningly,
blindingly, impressively, out of this wordily good on The New iPads
retina screen?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-09 Thread pippin

bhaagensen;694928 Wrote: 
 So its one big glorious Now Playing-screen which will look stunningly,
 blindingly, impressively, out of this wordily good on The New iPads
 retina screen?

Well, it kind of does indeed have something like that.
OK, it's not really a Now-Playing screen, but something similar and it
looks impressively, out of this worldily good and yes, even the artwork
will actually  use full resolution on the iPad's retina display on that
screen (unfortunately except for the Squeezebox icons) and it uses an
out-of-this-worldily-beautiful font that for some reason renders better
on an iThingy than the ones that come with the iThingies


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-09 Thread AndrewFG

pippin;694929 Wrote: 
 ...and it looks impressively, out of this worldily good and yes, even
 the artwork will actually  use full resolution on the iPad's retina
 display on that screen (unfortunately except for the Squeezebox icons)
 and it uses an out-of-this-worldily-beautiful font that for some reason
 renders better on an iThingy than the ones that come with the

So, what I want to know is: whose soul did you have to sell in order to
get your hands on one of those new iThingies before they were



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
Download it for free here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-09 Thread pippin

It's not like there's anything in the iPa 3 that comes as a surprise.
But to be honest: I didn't add anything specifically for it except for
the icon, even the start-screen is still low-res. But since it's a
universal App it does already support the retina display on iPhone 4/S
and so most in-App-graphics are already high res and the ones that
aren't (e.g. Thumbs) are shown in smaller sizes on that screen :)


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread nacmacfeegle

Streaming from the Ios device to Squeeze devices?
A bit like the Sonos Ipod dock.

Not something I'd personally have a huge use for though.


Custom mini itx server in a 1940s radio case, currently being revamped
to add XBMC, Acer Revo as a stand-in. Favourite 7,500 tracks on the
Touch USB server.
Kitchen --- SB3Aego M
Conservatory --- SB3 (custom case)Musical Fidelity TempestCanon S50
Lounge---SB Touchyamaha 863Kef3005SE\Sennheiser RS 170
Bedroom---SB3Audioengine A3
Bathroom---Radio, now work in progress
Gaming room/roving commission---Boom
Control---Ipeng on Iphone,Pod and Pad
More Audiofool than Audiophile!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread pippin

nacmacfeegle;694629 Wrote: 
 Streaming from the Ios device to Squeeze devices?
 A bit like the Sonos Ipod dock.
The Sonos iPod dock uses Apple hardware.

I would love this feature but all solutions I have seen so far for
streaming from the iOS device are really just kludges and I still read
the App Store TCs as pretty clear in that this is not allowed although
some Apps are obviously doing it.

No, there was already a pretty correct answer up there among the

OK, let's have a first screenshot sometimes later today :)


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread pippin

OK, as usual, let's start with a relatively boring one.

|Filename: IMG_1033_small.jpg   |


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread hvb83

Customizable themes??


SB Receiver, Marantz SR5004, Harman Kardon HKTS11
SB Radio
SB Server 7.6.1 running on a Synology DS210+ NAS 
iPhone running iPeng 1.4.2 and iPad running iPengHD

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread bhaagensen

Browsing/Spotify - integration a'la Spotify-apps?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread Jeff Flowerday

Local playback/library, totally isolated from internal player/library to
not break Apple's rules.  Allowing us to download our music direct from
our LMS servers.

Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread erland

pippin;694665 Wrote: 
 OK, as usual, let's start with a relatively boring one.
That Ra... button looks a bit bad with all that empty space to the
right  of it, would be nice to see more than two letters on the Ra...
But maybe it was intentional ? To make it a real teaser :-)


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
Interested in music discovery ? See 'Social Music Discovery (SMD)'
( project.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread pippin

erland;694800 Wrote: 
 That Ra... button looks a bit bad with all that empty space to the
 right  of it, would be nice to see more than two letters on the Ra...
 But maybe it was intentional ? To make it a real teaser :-)

The Ra... Button is for Radiohead and yes, I hate it, too.
The problem is: I can't make it any bigger as I don't want to re-invent
the whole push/pop logic and button creation for the back buttons.

The ones (back buttons) that the iOS creates simply don't grow any
bigger if you put another button next to them (the home button in
this case) but I really wanted the home button because otherwise you
would have to step out each menu level at a time.
I couldn't even manage to get a gesture recognizer for long presses on
the back button.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread epoch1970

My guess: an app that auto-ties to the nearest player around (with wifi
sniffing ?) and to the SBS serving it, and then provides simplified
playlist management (the party mode thing).
Something nice for large places with multiple zones. Like a lounge bar

(BTW, I wonder if a wired SB3 sends wifi signal when connected to
ethernet ?)


Daily dose delivered by: 3 SB Classic, 1 SB Boom • iPeng (iPhone + iPad)
• Squeezebox Server 7.6 (Debian 5.0)  with plugins: MusicIP • Server
Power Control by Gordon Harris •  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld •
IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • Find cover art by bpa • BBC iPlayer,
SwitchPlayer by Triode • PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info,
Song Lyrics by Erland Isaksson • SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter
Watkins • Just Covers by Tom Kalmijn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread chill

pippin;694805 Wrote: 
 The ones (back buttons) that the iOS creates simply don't grow any
 bigger if you put another button next to them (the home button in
 this case) but I really wanted the home button because otherwise you
 would have to step out each menu level at a time.
 I couldn't even manage to get a gesture recognizer for long presses on
 the back button.

Could you put the home button to the left of the Radiohead button, or
would the size of the Radiohead button still be fixed?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread pippin

chill;694807 Wrote: 
 Could you put the home button to the left of the Radiohead button, or
 would the size of the Radiohead button still be fixed?

I can't, you can't modify how and where the automatic back button is
being put.
You can create your own back button and then you can do what you want
but it also means you have to do the whole button creation and handling
yourself maybe in a later update.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread mps

pippin;694809 Wrote: 
 I can't, you can't modify how and where the automatic back button is
 being put.
 You can create your own back button and then you can do what you want
 but it also means you have to do the whole button creation and handling
 yourself maybe in a later update.
Could you put a setting on whether to display the home button? I might
turn it off.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread pippin

This App has 0 (in words: ZERO) settings!
You could use iOS 4.x where the home button is not available :)


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-07 Thread pippin

epoch1970;694419 Wrote: 
 The Dazzling Coolio icon includes a domain name. Some internet service
 attached to it, maybe ?

Oh, that domain is just
It's not the real icon, it's the icon logo I made for the pillows
(and T-Shirts) because I liked the icon design so much.
But I did not have the real thing in this big size because the final
look will be created by the App Store itself so I don't have it, yet.

No remote service :) And no, iPeng doesn't copy address books or other
user data to anywhere either :)


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-06 Thread pippin

Not a new icon. A new App.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-06 Thread DaveWr

pippin;694262 Wrote: 
 Not a new icon. A new App.

This is obviously Pippin getting in before iPad3 and ATV3 show. 
European leadership at its best!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-06 Thread chill

A cut-down stand-alone party mode app?  Just going by the icon,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-06 Thread bhaagensen

chill;694264 Wrote: 
 A cut-down stand-alone party mode app? .

... with dJay-functionality :D


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-06 Thread pippin

bhaagensen;694266 Wrote: 
 ... with dJay-functionality :D

How'd that work?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-06 Thread Mnyb

JayLaFunk;694337 Wrote: 
 Does this mean that the new design that was coming for iPeng for iPad
 will now not be?

.. Or exactly that ?


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD  SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-06 Thread JayLaFunk

Does this mean that the new design that was coming for iPeng for iPad
will now not be?


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