Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2011-07-29 Thread tuc

erland;644152 Wrote: 
 I'm running it in my setup and it seems to work, I don't think there
 have been a lot of beta testing yet on 7.6 but as far as I can see most
 things seems to work properly.
 As long as you haven't customized the SQL manually I don't think you
 have the change much when upgrading.
 The thing that might need adjustment is if you have setup any libraries
 using the Dependent Library template, in this case you need to go
 through them and verify that each library configuration still points to
 the correct included/excluded library. The reason is that the library
 identities are re-generated in 7.6 so library with id 1 might be
 library with id 4 in 7.6. The same thing also applies to any Custom
 Browse or SQL Playlist menus where you have selected a specific library
 which the menu/playlist should be limited to.
 Let me know if you get any problems.

Hi Erland,

I just upgraded to 7.6.0 with absolutely no problems so far.
I have a library with classical music and a dependent library with the
rest. So far so good :-)

In case anyone is interested in seeing positive feedback about 7.6.0 it
reduced my scan time by just below 70% (from around 45 to 15 minutes):

Squeezebox Server Status
Version: 7.6.0 - r32854 @ Mon Jul 25 10:10:04 PDT 2011
Hostname: rogerFederer
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: i686-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.1 - i686-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.32_02 (sqlite 3.7.5)
Total Players Recognized: 3

Library Statistics
Total Tracks: 28,146
Total Albums: 2,572
Total Artists: 1,610
Total Genres: 117
Total Playing Time: 2214:57:18

Music Scan Details
Discovering files   (31706 of 31706)   Complete  00:00:28 
Scanning new files   (28147 of 28147)   Complete  00:13:31
Discovering playlists   (5 of 5)   Complete  00:00:00
Scanning new playlists   (4 of 4)   Complete  00:00:02
Pre-caching Artwork   (2069 of 2069)   Complete  00:01:30

The server has finished scanning your music collection.
Total Time: 00:15:31 (Friday 29 July 2011 / 15:23)


Server:  Atom D510 running Ubuntu 10.10 with 2 GB RAM
Players: SB receiver + 2 SB boom, all players synchronized
Remotes: SB controller + HTC legend with SqueezeCommander

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2011-07-29 Thread PasTim

erland;644152 Wrote: 
 I'm running it in my setup and it seems to work, I don't think there
 have been a lot of beta testing yet on 7.6 but as far as I can see most
 things seems to work properly.
 As long as you haven't customized the SQL manually I don't think you
 have the change much when upgrading.
 The thing that might need adjustment is if you have setup any libraries
 using the Dependent Library template, in this case you need to go
 through them and verify that each library configuration still points to
 the correct included/excluded library. The reason is that the library
 identities are re-generated in 7.6 so library with id 1 might be
 library with id 4 in 7.6. The same thing also applies to any Custom
 Browse or SQL Playlist menus where you have selected a specific library
 which the menu/playlist should be limited to.
 Let me know if you get any problems.

Under 7.6 I found that my 2 libraries (classical and standard
dependent) had indeed swapped values, and so had to edit each of my
(mostly your) Custom Browse menus, trackheaders and so on.  It was a
little odd, in that even though some menus when edited showed the wrong
library, some of them still worked.  I didn't bother to try  find out

I had this problem once before when I somewhat foolishly cleared all
preferences etc under 7.5.3.  When I recreated my 2 libraries they got
different values.

I don't suppose there's a simple way to reset the values is there? 
Could I get into the database tables with some relatively simple tool
and check/ change the library values before starting a rescan/rebuild? 
I'm not wholly ignorant of SQL, although no expert.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2011-07-29 Thread PasTim

PasTim;644843 Wrote: 
 I don't suppose there's a simple way to reset the values is there? 
 Could I get into the database tables with some relatively simple tool
 and check/change the library values before starting a rescan/rebuild?  

I managed to install 32 bit SQLite ODBC drivers on my 64 bit Windows PC
and configure ODBC Data Sources to see the SB databases using Open
Office.  Finding the right program to configure 32 bit ODBC was easier
said than done (it's in syswow64).

I can now see that changing the value representing the libraries would
affect several multilibrary tables and thousands of rows, so that's not
on.  No matter, I now have a nice user interface to view the SB tables,
and can create my own queries, forms and reports on them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2011-07-29 Thread erland

PasTim;644843 Wrote: 
 I don't suppose there's a simple way to reset the values is there? 
 Could I get into the database tables with some relatively simple tool
 and check/ change the library values before starting a rescan/rebuild? 
 I'm not wholly ignorant of SQL, although no expert.
I think it should be enough to modify an then
hit the Refresh libraries link in the Multi Library menu in the user
interface. The Refresh libraries link will refresh all the libraries
according to the new id's in


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2011-07-29 Thread PasTim

erland;644995 Wrote: 
 I think it should be enough to modify an then
 hit the Refresh libraries link in the Multi Library menu in the user
 interface. The Refresh libraries link will refresh all the libraries
 according to the new id's in
Ah Ha!  Thanks very much - very helpful as ever.  Next time I muck it
up (there probably will be a next time...) I'll try this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2011-07-28 Thread tuc

Is MultiLibrary working with the release of SBS 7.6.0? 
Most importantly has the change to SqlLite been fully implemented? 
Would I need to redefine my MultiLibrary setup after an upgrade to SBS
7.6.0? Or will it just work as in 7.5.5? 

Most comments say that the SBS 7.6.0 release was too soon, so it might
be safer to wait anyway. 

PS: MultiLibrary is really great if you have a lot of classical music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2011-07-28 Thread erland

tuc;644148 Wrote: 
 Is MultiLibrary working with the release of SBS 7.6.0? 
 Most importantly has the change to SqlLite been fully implemented? 
 Would I need to redefine my MultiLibrary setup after an upgrade to SBS
 7.6.0? Or will it just work as in 7.5.5? 
I'm running it in my setup and it seems to work, I don't think there
have been a lot of beta testing yet on 7.6 but as far as I can see most
things seems to work properly.

As long as you haven't customized the SQL manually I don't think you
have the change much when upgrading.

The thing that might need adjustment is if you have setup any libraries
using the Dependent Library template, in this case you need to go
through them and verify that each library configuration still points to
the correct included/excluded library. The reason is that the library
identities are re-generated in 7.6 so library with id 1 might be
library with id 4 in 7.6. The same thing also applies to any Custom
Browse or SQL Playlist menus where you have selected a specific library
which the menu/playlist should be limited to.

Let me know if you get any problems.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2010-09-23 Thread tuc

Thanks for your help and suggestions. 

I do some Linux so I should be able to do some customising, but of
course having it done by NewIT is easier. Most likely I will get the
eSata/Multiboot version then I can actually sell my QNAP and recoup
some of the 100 £UK from the SheevaPlug...

Drifting off topic:
Would you know if brutefir would compile and run on a SheevaPlug? I
thought I saw somewhere that the Marvell processor doesn't have an



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2010-09-23 Thread erland

tuc;578506 Wrote: 
 Would you know if brutefir would compile and run on a SheevaPlug? 
No idea

tuc;578506 Wrote: 
 I thought I saw somewhere that the Marvell processor doesn't have an
It doesn't have a FPU


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
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and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2010-09-21 Thread tuc

Thanks for the reply.

To clarify:

1) The QNAP TS-109II has 256 MB (which is still not a lot)
2) I browse using the Duet Remote controller
3) You are right it is only the albums menu that requires so many
resources that it makes playback intermittent 
4) Other menus like artists and composer are somewhat slow, but

I should thank you for these extremely useful plug-ins. As you must
know from the many users, they are great. Too bad if my outdated HW
won't run them :-(

While I am at it:
I cannot seem to change active library directly from the Duet
controller, so the browse menu I use for browsing my pop albums is
usually *not* in the active library (typically the classic lib is
1) Does this slow it down in comparison to a search in the active
2) Is there a way to change library from the duet controller?
3) Do you think SBS 7.6 will help those of us with old HW to run
MultiLib+CustomBrowse or can we just as well go out and buy new HW?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2010-09-21 Thread erland

tuc;578038 Wrote: 
 While I am at it:
 I cannot seem to change active library directly from the Duet
 controller, so the browse menu I use for browsing my pop albums is
 usually *not* in the active library (typically the classic lib is
 1) Does this slow it down in comparison to a search in the active
I'm not sure, I suspect it might be slower if the active library is

tuc;578038 Wrote: 
 2) Is there a way to change library from the duet controller?
No, I don't think I ever implemented that.

tuc;578038 Wrote: 
 3) Do you think SBS 7.6 will help those of us with old HW to run
 MultiLib+CustomBrowse or can we just as well go out and buy new HW?
Hard to say, disabling the web interface (which is think will be
possible in 7.6) might help a bit regarding memory usage. SQLite is
probably faster than MySQL on your hardware.

So it might improve a little bit but I suspect it will still be slow. I
would personally recommend that you get a SheevaPlug or Vortexbox
appliance or a Atom based computer which all have more CPU and memory
and due to this is more suitable to run SBS. You can still use the QNAP
to store the music files.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2010-09-21 Thread erland

tuc;578113 Wrote: 
 Only problem though, it seems difficult to find a place where they have
 them in stock (I am in Denmark).
 Update: Found a place in the UK 
Yes, NewIT is the place to get them if you are in Europe.

If you like the easy route, order one of the Multi Boot options, for
example eSata Sheeva Multi or Sheeva Multi Boot. These costs a bit
more but they come pre-configured with a multi boot option so you can
boot it from the built-in flash or from a SD-card. You can setup the
same thing yourself with the cheaper options but it requires a bit more

There is a SD-card card image available with pre-installed SBS here,
pretty easy to just burn to an SD-card and insert in your Multi Boot

It's probably a good idea if you know some Linux, because you need to
configure it to mount a directory shared from your NAS where you have
all the music files. It's fairly easy to setup, just a few linux
commands and adding a row to the /etc/fstab file to mount it
automatically after a reboot.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
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and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2010-09-20 Thread erland

I suspect there is to little memory to do any MySQL optimizations, the change is for computers which have more memory.

Is it only the Albums menu that are slow ?
Where are you browsing them ? On the Controller (Duet remote) or via
the SBS web interface or some other way ?

As the Custom Browse plugin currently is built it will always be slower
than the standard browse menus, so if you want similar performance you
need better hardware.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
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and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Multi Library and SQL

2010-09-17 Thread tuc

Hi there,

I use a QNAP-TS109II NAS which has a 500 MHz and 128 MB memory to run
SBS 7.5.1 for a Squeezebox-Duet system. 

Performance is acceptable although somewhat slow when accessing
Albums from the built-in Music menu on the controller. 

I have a DB of about 2000 CDs and thought it would help if I use
MultiLibrary and Custom Browse. I installed it and divided my Library
in two (Classical and Other (dependant lib) as instructed on the WiKi

I then setup a custom browse menu to show only the albums from the
Other sub-library. When I try to browse these albums the CPU-usage
goes through the roof. I suspect this is SQL causing heavy swapping. It
is so bad that the streamed music is paused or tracks skipped.

Is it worthwhile to try and solve this problem by configuring SQL
differently (i.e. change the as suggested in some threads?

Or is there another way of achieving better performance?
(other setup of Multilib or other parameters for SBS, nicelevel or
something like that)

I hope that SBS 7.6 will help, but given there is no release date it
could be some time.

Any ideas?


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