[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-22 Thread snarlydwarf

Last.fm's submission server is down at the moment.  See the top of


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-15 Thread hickinbottoms

dip Wrote: 
 Sounds great! You not only look like a gentleman (according to your
 avatar) but you also behave like one!

Whether I look like Dr Strangelove or not(!), I've put together a
slight update to the 6.2 version of the plugin that solves this
problem. As always, you can download it from here:


The difference is really small, so unless you've noticed problems
choosing to PLAY the 'All Songs' under a found artist I don't think
you'll need to upgrade.

As for the plugin, if anyone has any interesting ideas for
improvements, I'm always interested to hear them.


-Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with Lazy Searching!-

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-12 Thread hickinbottoms

dip Wrote: 
 Now I found the following bug (?): When I found an artist using the lazy
 search the albums of this artist and in addition an item All Songs are
 listed. When I use the right arrow on the All Songs item only the
 songs of this artist are shown (which is correct). But when I press
 PLAY while on the item All Songs not only all songs of this artist
 but all songs of my complete library are played. This is not expected
 and this is also different from the regular search which plays only all
 songs of this artist when pressing PLAY while on the All Songs item.
 I am still using SlimServer 6.2.2 and the latest version (43) of lazy
 search working with slimserver 6.2.2
 Is that already known (and solved in a later version)?

Yes, I believe we've seen that and it has been fixed (but only in the
very latest release from a week or so ago - r70 - coincidentally).

Unfortunately, if you're running 6.2.2 then as you know already you're
on the latest release that works with that version as all the later
ones work against the 6.5 development branch (so you'd have to be using
a recent nightly of that branch, I'm afraid).

So, I think there's a couple of choices:

1. Move to the development nightlies (which may be much more trouble
than you're willing to accept)

2. Put up with it (if you press PLAY on the artist name rather than
browsing in and choosing the all songs instead then I think it should
work OK and give you the same effect).

3. If neither of the above are options for you then let me know and
I'll see whether it's possible to apply that particular fix on top of
the r43 release that you're using. I've not tried that and I've not
looked at the 6.2.2 version for a little while, so it may or may not be
possible, but let me know.

Glad you like it, I appreciate it. Thanks also for the DE translation -
it's still giving fine service!


-Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with Lazy Searching!-

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-12 Thread dip

Since my wife and my children recently started to use the squeezebox I
don't want to switch to 6.5 with all its possible bugs (in fact my wife
recognized the all songs bug since she selected all songs and
expected to see only all songs of the selected artist). I always press
PLAY on the artist's name which shows the desired effect, so I did not
recognize the all songs bug.

If you want to serve my wife ;) it would be great if this bug would
also be fixed in the 6.2.2 version. If this is not possible or makes
too much trouble we can live with it and wait until the 6.5 version
will be more stable.


dip's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=902
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-12 Thread hickinbottoms

dip Wrote: 
 If you want to serve my wife ;) it would be great if this bug would also
 be fixed in the 6.2.2 version. If this is not possible or makes too much
 trouble we can live with it and wait until the 6.5 version will be more

I recognise those kind of choices (the kind where there is no choice!).
I'll have a crack and see whether I can come up with a special build for
you that works against 6.2.2, then drop you a private message with a
link to it.


-Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with Lazy Searching!-

hickinbottoms's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=255
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-12 Thread dip

hickinbottoms Wrote: 
 I recognise those kind of choices (the kind where there is no choice!).
 I'll have a crack and see whether I can come up with a special build
 for you that works against 6.2.2, then drop you a private message with
 a link to it.
Sounds great! You not only look like a gentleman (according to your 
avatar) but you also behave like one!


dip's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=902
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-12 Thread ceejay

dip Wrote: 
 Sounds great! You not only look like a gentleman (according to your 
 avatar) but you also behave like one!

Hmmm, not sure I'd describe Dr Strangelove as a gentleman... mad
genius perhaps... but maybe thats how hickinbottoms thinks of himself?



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-11 Thread hickinbottoms

MrC Wrote: 
 My wife *loves* this plugin - thanks again for your hard work.

Glad you both like it - I appreciate the feedback. I've become so used
to it being there myself that it's a real jolt when I've broken it and
had to use the standard search for a while!

I don't expect it to change very much from now on unless someone has
any bright ideas for improvement (which are very welcome). I suspect it
will need a bit of work when the split-scanner branch lands in the main
development trunk, but that's probably some way off.


-Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with Lazy Searching!-

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-11 Thread dip

I use Lazysearch for quite a while now and I love it (I can't remember
when I used the regular search the last time).

Now I found the following bug (?): When I found an artist using the
lazy search the albums of this artist and in addition an item All
Songs are listed. When I use the right arrow on the All Songs item
only the songs of this artist are shown (which is correct). But when I
press PLAY while on the item All Songs not only all songs of this
artist but all songs of my complete library are played. This is not
expected and this is also different from the regular search which plays
only all songs of this artist when pressing PLAY while on the All
Songs item.

I am still using SlimServer 6.2.2 and the latest version (43) of lazy
search working with slimserver 6.2.2

Is that already known (and solved in a later version)?



dip's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=902
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-10 Thread hickinbottoms

MrC Wrote: 
 v70 produces this message periodically:
 2006-04-08 10:52:25.9655 Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
 C:/Program Files/SlimServer/server/Plugins/LazySearch2.pm line 600.

Ah, yes, you're quite right. It's harmless and it'll be fixed for the
next release (not sure when that will be). If it's bothering you then
you could change line 600 of the plugin from:

if ( $method eq 'pop' ) {


if ( $method  ( $method eq 'pop' ) ) {

Sorry about that, and thanks for letting me know.


-Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with Lazy Searching!-

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-10 Thread MrC

hickinbottoms Wrote: 
 If it's bothering you then you could change line 600 of the plugin

It kept me up for 3 nights!  ;-)

My wife *loves* this plugin - thanks again for your hard work.


MrC's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=468
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-04-09 Thread MrC

v70 produces this message periodically:

2006-04-08 10:52:25.9655 Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
C:/Program Files/SlimServer/server/Plugins/LazySearch2.pm line 600.


MrC's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=468
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-03-20 Thread kyleki

hickinbottoms Wrote: 
 Can you tell me, when you press right on Depeche Mode in the Lazy
 Search results and in the normal browse results, do you get the same
 list of albums? Then, when you press right again on No Album, do
 you get the same list of songs shown that you did when doing the normal
 browse to the same place? I'm trying to see where the difference in
 behaviour becomes apparent. Yes.  Both methods give me the same results.  The 
 difference is when I
press Play on the desired song:  LazySearch adds all songs with No
Album to my playlist and starts playing the wrong song while
Browse-By Artist only adds Depeche Mode songs without an album tag
and plays the right song.

hickinbottoms Wrote: 
 Also, what version of SlimServer and the LazySearch2 plugin are you
 using, by the way?SlimServer: 6.5b1 - 6586 - Linux - EN - utf8
LazySearch2: trunk-r66

hickinbottoms Wrote: 
 Finally (sorry it's a long list of things to try), could you try
 performing a non-lazy search for Depeche Mode and navigate and play
 as you did with the lazy search? I'd certainly expect the behaviour to
 be the same as normal searching since I pilfered some of the code from
 there(!), so that would be worth a try. If you press the SEARCH
 button twice you'll get to the original search mode in case you'd not
 noticed.Using the regular search works fine.  I'm only seeing this behavior
through LazySearch.

All 3 methods (browse, regular search,  LazySearch) give me the same
results when listing the matching albums and files.  The difference is
when I press Play on a song from the list.  LazySearch is the only
one that adds all No Album songs to the playlist and begins playing a
different song than the one I selected to play.

I hope this helps.  Let me know if there's anything else I can do to
help figure out what's going on.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-03-20 Thread hickinbottoms

kyleki Wrote: 
 I hope this helps.  Let me know if there's anything else I can do to
 help figure out what's going on.

Thanks - that should be a fair bit to go on. I'll try to concoct a
small music library then recreate the problem, but if I can get it to
fail with Lazy Search, and work with standard saerch, I should be able
to track it down (famous last words!).

Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can come up with.


-Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with Lazy Searching!-

hickinbottoms's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=255
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-03-19 Thread hickinbottoms

kyleki Wrote: 
 I get different results when I go though LazySearch:
 select LazySearch, scroll to By Artist, press right, punch in 3373,
 scroll to Depeche Mode, press right, scroll through the matching
 albums to No Album, press right, scroll to the same song we used in
 the other method, press Play.  The incorrect song begins to play and
 I have all songs with No Album in my Now Playing playlist. What
 else can I try?

Sorry you're having trouble. I suspect there's something odd with the
way the contributors are stored in the database where 'no album' is

Can you tell me, when you press right on Depeche Mode in the Lazy
Search results and in the normal browse results, do you get the same
list of albums? Then, when you press right again on No Album, do
you get the same list of songs shown that you did when doing the normal
browse to the same place? I'm trying to see where the difference in
behaviour becomes apparent.

Also, what version of SlimServer and the LazySearch2 plugin are you
using, by the way?

Finally (sorry it's a long list of things to try), could you try
performing a non-lazy search for Depeche Mode and navigate and play
as you did with the lazy search? I'd certainly expect the behaviour to
be the same as normal searching since I pilfered some of the code from
there(!), so that would be worth a try. If you press the SEARCH
button twice you'll get to the original search mode in case you'd not



-Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with Lazy Searching!-

hickinbottoms's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=255
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-03-16 Thread kyleki

The other day I did a search for an artist using LazySearch and it came
up with all the proper results.  However, a lot of the songs I have in
my library for the found artist didn't have the Album tag filled out so
it said No Album.  When I pressed right on No Album it showed me the
songs for the artist I searched for, but whan I pressed play on one of
the songs, ALL songs in my library with No Album got added to my Now
Playing playlist!

In contrast, I went through the normal Browse Songs - By Artist menu
and did the same thing which behaved properly: only the songs for the
selected artist were added; not all artists with No Album.

Is this a bug or is it the expected behavior?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-03-13 Thread hickinbottoms

glen66 Wrote: 
 One little problem, on certain tracks, when I select them and press
 play, I get a different track to the one I've selected. It's always 
 the same track as well.

Oh dear!

I don't think I've heard of anything quite like that. The closest I
know of is when you're playing an album that has a name the same as
another album, as SlimServer will assume the tracks from both albums
actually belong to the same album. Is that what you're getting? If not,
read on...

Which version are you using? I'm not sure that would be relevant unless
it's a really old one, but it might help me.

Can you describe the steps you go through to get this problem? Ie
something like: select album/track/artist search, enter three search
characters, wait two seconds, see x results, scroll down, press play.
I'm keen to know exactly what you did with the remote to get there, you

Assuming it's a track search, when you play that track is the one you
get one with the same name (or very similar), or totally different?

You definitely shouldn't be getting that behaviour, though (unless it's
the same album name problem mentioned at the top - and then there's a
workaround if that's what you've got).



-Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with Lazy Searching!-

hickinbottoms's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=255
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2006-03-10 Thread glen66


Great plugin, certainly has made my life easier!

One little problem, on certain tracks, when I select them and press
play, I get a different track to the one I've selected. It's always 
the same track as well.

I've searched with the original search menu for the same song and it
plays the correct track.

Any ideas?



glen66's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4365
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: LazySearch Problem

2005-12-07 Thread jonDough

Yep, that was it.  Thanks hickinbottoms, I would have never found that. 
I guess that's one downside to having so many options on this thing. But
a good thing when it's all working correctly.


hickinbottoms Wrote: 
 Sorry you're having trouble.
 Once you've pressed RIGHT from the search results returned by Lazy
 Search you're into the standard SlimServer browse music function, so I
 don't expect it's anything particular to my plugin (but I could be
 Are you sure that the setting Server Settings-Behaviour-Play Other
 Songs In Album isn't set to Play Other Songs in Album or Directory?
 I did a quick check and that gave the behaviour you described.
 If not post back and we can probably do some more investigation; it
 certainly shouldn't do what you're describing if your behaviour setting
 isn't set to Play Only Selected Song.


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