Re: update blows up

2009-10-11 Thread Philippe Meunier
Marc Espie wrote:
Fact: half snapshots are FUCKING ANNOYING. I don't know a working solution
for this issue. The bandwidth of the T1 line is an issue. The disk usage
on the servers is an issue.  A full solution would need to solve both.

Let me suggest a partial solution that might get close.  Here's a list
of steps that I think could help, where more and more steps
implemented would mean a better and better solution...

1) add some sort of build number to package names.  The number can be
a real build number, or a date+time number, or just some number modulo
some other number N (say, 100, to limit it to 2 digits) as long as all
mirrors have a very high probability of getting synched at least once
for every N build.  I presume it wouldn't be too hard to change the
build scripts to do that, and to change pkg_add to handle the new

Once that's done then pkg_add can rely on the build numbers to ensure
that a package and its dependencies all come from the same build.
I.e. if the user wants to install package P, pkg_add finds the current
P-37 from the user-specified mirror, and if P depends on some other
package D, then pkg_add will only look for D-37 and nothing else.  If
pkg_add can't find D-37 (i.e. only D-36 or D-38 exists) then it can at
least give a nice try again later error message to the user and
abort (rather than the current situation where pkg_add gets the wrong
build of D and the user's left to guess what the problem is when some
strange error message shows up).  That's essentially what some users
currently use SHA256 for, to ensure P and D come from the same build,
except that now pkg_add can do the check itself automatically (and
more, see below).

Advantages: fairly easy to do, no extra disk space or bandwidth
required, mirrors do not need to be actively involved, users get a clear
error message when they hit a half-synched mirror.

Disadvantage: the transition to the new package name format might be
very messy, the package names become even uglier (ideally the build
number ought to be part of the path, not part of the package name, but
then you are back to the problem of mirrors having to deal with
multiple directories and twice the disk space when going from one
build to the next, etc).

2) There is currently a map from country to mirror names
(i.e. ftp.html) and a map from mirror names to mirror IP addresses
(i.e. the DNS).  Write a program that takes both maps as input and
creates a map from country to IP addresses (it should be done with a
program, because both maps probably change regularly).  Use the
resulting map to automatically update a hierarchical region-based DNS
system for mirrors (very much like the system).  For
example, have then
then finally  Some mirrors already use some
sort of names but here the idea is to organize them all in
a systematic manner based on geography.  Once that's done, change
ftp.html to remove all the real names of mirrors and put there only
the names of the DNS-based pools.

Advantages: fairly easy to do, no extra disk space or bandwidth
required, mirrors do not need to be actively involved, compatible with
the existing version of pkg_add, and it might even help spread the
load more evenly among mirrors in each region (just in case that's a

Disadvantages: well we haven't really gained anything in this step,
have we?  It's just preparatory work for the next step.  Some users
might complain because they can't use a specific mirror in their
region anymore (unless they remember its real name or keep an old
copy of ftp.html around).

Extra bonus: Theo de Raadt's primary site doesn't have to be in the
pools, it can just be used as an invisible feed for the mirrors and
for the developers only (i.e. other users use mirrors and mirrors only
based on the pools system).  Or it can be just in only and therefore get fewer users since
most people will probably use local mirrors first and since the
primary site will just be one anonymous IP address among all the ones

3) Modify pkg_add to make it mirror-pools aware.  For example, a user
wants to install package P from  pkg_add gets
from the DNS one IP address from that pool, connects to it, finds
P-37.  P depends on D so pkg_add tries to get D-37.  If D-37 exists on
that mirror, you're good to go.  If it does not (i.e. only D-36 or
D-38 exist) then pkg_add automatically tries another mirror in the
same pool  Since the package name and the
build number together uniquely identify the file that pkg_add is
looking for, we know that, if pkg_add finds a D-37 on one of the other
mirrors in the pool, then it's the one we need.  If pkg_add does not
find D-37 in the pool then it automatically
tries the next level (minus the mirrors in 

Re: update blows up

2009-10-11 Thread Jacob Meuser
On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 03:14:07PM -0400, Philippe Meunier wrote:

 5) Modify pkg_add to add extra features.  For example, have a special
 build number for packages that need a new maintainer.  When a user
 tries to install such a package he gets a message this package needs
 a maintainer, since obviously you are using this package you've
 therefore just volunteered yourself for the job, please enter your
 email address below, thank you.  There's no limit to the amount of
 metadata you can encode in package names so the sky's the limit
 (modulo manpower, obviously).

heh ;)

SDF Public Access UNIX System -

Re: update blows up

2009-10-11 Thread Marc Espie
Not a solution as well. It's too rigid. One nice things with packages
and dependencies is that it does depend exactly on what is should.
Artificial build numbers are just that: artificial.

Won't go into more detail now, but your idea is flawed.

Thanks for trying.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-11 Thread Eric Furman
On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 15:14 -0400, Philippe Meunier wrote:
 Marc Espie wrote:
 Fact: half snapshots are FUCKING ANNOYING. I don't know a working solution
 for this issue. The bandwidth of the T1 line is an issue. The disk usage
 on the servers is an issue.  A full solution would need to solve both.
 Let me suggest a partial solution that might get close.  Here's a list
SNIP lots of potentially useful information. I don't know I'm no
(At least it's not a bunch of whining and crying)

Or you could try a different mirror or wait a few and try again and
realize that the project is doing its best is aware of the problem
and is only doing it to piss off frantisek. Which is totally worth it.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-09 Thread Tomasz Pajor

Please stop this silliness, what are You 5?

| i am talking about years of insultings by theo.  please consult
| the archives + i have my private collection.

Very nice for you. So you stick around for the insults ?

no, not really.  i dont judge a product by the social behaviour of its
leader.  very few people would be using openbsd otherwise.  it's not my
fault theo can't ignore mails he thinks stupid.  he could do it just as
well as the others and save a lot of trouble and bad image.  but that's
too easy, isn't it?  i guess he needs to blow some steam so he calls
people names cause he can hide behind the internetz

| it is him who is resolving to name callings if someone
| writes something he doesnt like.

Who gives a shit ? Some dude on the internet calls you an idiot, so
what ? I just told you you suck because you said something I don't
like. If you can't stand the heat, get your ass out the kitchen.

yes Paul, you are a nobody on the internet, i agree.
and i coudln't care less what you say about me in the public.

on the other hand, perhaps you feel warm and fuzzy when the leader of
your favourite project (and not just some dude on the internet really)
calls you names in front of the whole community again and again.
i, personally, am not in favour of tarnishing my name this way.  i am
making considerable effort to be on good terms with the project members
and have no beef to grind with them whatsoever.  i am not a person
looking for fights, consult the archives.

and please spare me the because you deserved it probably shit,
because the other devs rarely join in on his escapades and try
to hold a civil face (thank you all, you know who you are).
so it is proven to be possible to stay civilised.


| in my country if you call people names (even if warranted,
| whatever that means in this case), you better be prepared
| that some might pick up the gauntlet and kick your ass.

And what country would that be ? Moronia ? The country of We fight
because we're bunch of idiots ?

if you call a big guy in the bar an idiot you better run and hide
or live with the consequences.  if someone calls your girlfriend
a fat bitch into your face, i imagine you just whistle and pretend
nothing's happened, right? thought so Paul, thought so.  carry on.

one day someone will sue theo for libel and then he will ask
for donations for a lawyer.

of course i never thought theo a man who would stand up to another man
and put his fist where his mouth is -- and i dont mean punching himself..
he's damn lucky duels are illegal nowadays.


Re: update blows up

2009-10-09 Thread Gilles Chehade

In Paul's defense, fh is really a moron.


Tomasz Pajor a écrit :

Please stop this silliness, what are You 5?

| i am talking about years of insultings by theo.  please consult
| the archives + i have my private collection.

Very nice for you. So you stick around for the insults ?

no, not really.  i dont judge a product by the social behaviour of its
leader.  very few people would be using openbsd otherwise.  it's not my
fault theo can't ignore mails he thinks stupid.  he could do it just as
well as the others and save a lot of trouble and bad image.  but that's
too easy, isn't it?  i guess he needs to blow some steam so he calls
people names cause he can hide behind the internetz

| it is him who is resolving to name callings if someone
| writes something he doesnt like.

Who gives a shit ? Some dude on the internet calls you an idiot, so
what ? I just told you you suck because you said something I don't
like. If you can't stand the heat, get your ass out the kitchen.

yes Paul, you are a nobody on the internet, i agree.
and i coudln't care less what you say about me in the public.

on the other hand, perhaps you feel warm and fuzzy when the leader of
your favourite project (and not just some dude on the internet really)
calls you names in front of the whole community again and again.
i, personally, am not in favour of tarnishing my name this way.  i am
making considerable effort to be on good terms with the project members
and have no beef to grind with them whatsoever.  i am not a person
looking for fights, consult the archives.

and please spare me the because you deserved it probably shit,
because the other devs rarely join in on his escapades and try
to hold a civil face (thank you all, you know who you are).
so it is proven to be possible to stay civilised.


| in my country if you call people names (even if warranted,
| whatever that means in this case), you better be prepared
| that some might pick up the gauntlet and kick your ass.

And what country would that be ? Moronia ? The country of We fight
because we're bunch of idiots ?

if you call a big guy in the bar an idiot you better run and hide
or live with the consequences.  if someone calls your girlfriend
a fat bitch into your face, i imagine you just whistle and pretend
nothing's happened, right? thought so Paul, thought so.  carry on.

one day someone will sue theo for libel and then he will ask
for donations for a lawyer.

of course i never thought theo a man who would stand up to another man
and put his fist where his mouth is -- and i dont mean punching 

he's damn lucky duels are illegal nowadays.


Re: update blows up

2009-10-09 Thread Marc Espie
Look, guys, I'm not going to take sides on this one. Just don't blow it out
of proportions.

Fact: half snapshots are FUCKING ANNOYING. I don't know a working solution
for this issue. The bandwidth of the T1 line is an issue. The disk usage
on the servers is an issue.  A full solution would need to solve both.

Having more bandwidth will just reduce the window where you don't have a
full snapshot available. It won't remove it.

Part solution: have two snapshots. Alternate between snap1 and snap2. Don't
push a snap to the mirrors until the first one is done.
Problems: need twice the disk space. How do you ensure the first snapshot
is done ?

This is really a tough problem. Fixing it would require to have an 
infrastructure that knows what it's doing.  And most mirrors are just that:
mirrors... there's no order to the way things are done.

I'm going to work on some things that will make the problem less painful,
as in have pkg_add update what it can and keep going as long as it can do
sane work.

But I don't see any simple solution to the whole snapshot synch problem.

Assume we have more than a T1 line to push packages out. Then what ? only
reduces the window where people get fucked... until we have twice as many
packages, or twice as many arches (okay, that one is a JOKE ;) ) and it comes
back to bite our collective asses...

Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2009 Oct 08 (Thu) at 01:34:36 +0200 (+0200), Martin Schröder wrote:
:2009/10/8 Stuart Henderson
: If you want something better, download SHA256 and check the hashes.
:I know this has been discussed before, but other free OS solve this
:problem (among others) by signing their packages. Feel free to flame me.

package signing does nothing extra for partial-sync mirrors.  the reason why
the SHA256 file works is that these are the SHA hashes for the entire

Steele's Plagiarism of Somebody's Philosophy:
Everybody should believe in something --
I believe I'll have another drink.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread Theo de Raadt
 i dont see how this is stupid... 

Don't worry.  Most of us see your name and at that moment delete
the mail.  This reply is an exception.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread Theo de Raadt
 2009/10/8 Stuart Henderson
  If you want something better, download SHA256 and check the hashes.
 I know this has been discussed before, but other free OS solve this
 problem (among others) by signing their packages. Feel free to flame me.

Solve the problem that all the packages are exported via a only a T1
because people don't fund the project enough and we can take the
next steps.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread Theo de Raadt
 Mirrors pull from other mirrors, with this method some mirrors
 will do their own lock handling, others will just rsync the lock
 files from their upstream and you'll end up with a broken mirror
 that looks valid. Or something may go wrong and a transfer only
 goes halfway while indicating success, etc. It's not robust.
 If you want something better, download SHA256 and check the hashes.

Stuart, I think we are missing an opportunity to recruit this person
to manage the 50+ mirrors that the project runs, which are of course
many many steps removed from the build process...

Oh oops.  I forgot.  We don't trust this specific loser we are
discussing, since he spends all his time making uneducated complaints
on the mailing lists.  Sorry, forget the idea.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread frantisek holop
hmm, on Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 12:23:52AM -0600, Theo de Raadt said that
 Stuart, I think we are missing an opportunity to recruit this person
 to manage the 50+ mirrors that the project runs, which are of course
 many many steps removed from the build process...
 Oh oops.  I forgot.  We don't trust this specific loser we are
 discussing, since he spends all his time making uneducated complaints
 on the mailing lists.  Sorry, forget the idea.

what's the big deal here?  my original mail was full of smileys..
i half-jokingly proposed a deliberately simplistic solution
to a problem that in the end is a much bigger problem.
so what?  never happened to you?  that the picture uncovered
itself as you went along?  ah, the perfect people.

i can't recall a big open discussion about partial mirror synching
here on ports@ or how pkg_add could deal with this so it's not that
it's a theme discussed to death and i should know everything about it.

pointing out the pitfalls would have been more than enough without
the personal insults (like when you did with /procfs).

but you know what?  if theo hadn't been there, i'd be still
the internet wussy i was when i got on the internetz.
thank you theo, you made me a better man.  i just hope that
one day we will meet in person, and after shaking your hand
and thanking you for the great operating system you are
managing, i can call you out to the street and brake your nose,
because i tend to react in the old fashion when someone keeps
insulting me regardless of what i say.

just because noone is buying the cd's go and chew on someone
else and leave me alone theo.  and don't just delete my mails
because you could still accidentaly read them.
rtfm procmailex(5) to see how you can send my mails right to
/dev/null or ask someone to do it for you.

nothing can go wrong now, go wrong, gow rong, grong!

Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread Paul de Weerd
On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 02:26:29PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
| but you know what?  if theo hadn't been there, i'd be still
| the internet wussy i was when i got on the internetz.
| thank you theo, you made me a better man.  i just hope that
| one day we will meet in person, and after shaking your hand
| and thanking you for the great operating system you are
| managing, i can call you out to the street and brake your nose,
| because i tend to react in the old fashion when someone keeps
| insulting me regardless of what i say.

Are you serious ? Someone says something you don't like and your
reaction would be to turn to violence ? I'm not sure if I dare say
anything about it - will you break my nose too if I do ?

If you're serious - you seriously suck.

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread James Crutchfield
Oh, Paul - don't be so overly dramatic. Regardless of your or anyone else's
opinion of the intelligence behind a question, you can't insult a man five
times in the same thread and expect that he won't become defensive. You're
too smart to ignore the reaction of all creatures, including people, when
backed into a corner. It's our very nature.

If you don't like the question someone asks, follow the first rule of
OpenBSD etiquette: Ignore them.


On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 6:01 AM, Paul de Weerd wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 02:26:29PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
 | but you know what?  if theo hadn't been there, i'd be still
 | the internet wussy i was when i got on the internetz.
 | thank you theo, you made me a better man.  i just hope that
 | one day we will meet in person, and after shaking your hand
 | and thanking you for the great operating system you are
 | managing, i can call you out to the street and brake your nose,
 | because i tend to react in the old fashion when someone keeps
 | insulting me regardless of what i say.

 Are you serious ? Someone says something you don't like and your
 reaction would be to turn to violence ? I'm not sure if I dare say
 anything about it - will you break my nose too if I do ?

 If you're serious - you seriously suck.

 Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread Paul de Weerd
On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 06:54:37AM -0700, James Crutchfield wrote:
| Oh, Paul - don't be so overly dramatic. Regardless of your or anyone else's
| opinion of the intelligence behind a question, you can't insult a man five
| times in the same thread and expect that he won't become defensive. You're
| too smart to ignore the reaction of all creatures, including people, when
| backed into a corner. It's our very nature.

Overly dramatic ? Hmm. I consider threatening with violence to be
overly stupid. And I wouldn't call breaking a nose defensive.

Sure, I'm not too worried that anyone on this list is going to come by
my house and punch me in the face. I was trying to point out the
stupidity of threatening with violence when someone says something you
don't like.

| If you don't like the question someone asks, follow the first rule of
| OpenBSD etiquette: Ignore them.

Sure, and if you don't like the reactions you get (be they insults or
whatever), ignore those too.

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread Gilles Chehade

Paul de Weerd a écrit :

On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 06:54:37AM -0700, James Crutchfield wrote:
| Oh, Paul - don't be so overly dramatic. Regardless of your or anyone else's
| opinion of the intelligence behind a question, you can't insult a man five
| times in the same thread and expect that he won't become defensive. You're
| too smart to ignore the reaction of all creatures, including people, when
| backed into a corner. It's our very nature.

Overly dramatic ? Hmm. I consider threatening with violence to be
overly stupid. And I wouldn't call breaking a nose defensive.

Sure, I'm not too worried that anyone on this list is going to come by
my house and punch me in the face. I was trying to point out the
stupidity of threatening with violence when someone says something you
don't like.

For some people I would go through the pain of going to their house and
punch them in the face or stab them with a fork, given this project was
followed by volunteers ;-)


Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread frantisek holop
hmm, on Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 03:01:17PM +0200, Paul de Weerd said that
 On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 02:26:29PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
 | but you know what?  if theo hadn't been there, i'd be still
 | the internet wussy i was when i got on the internetz.
 | thank you theo, you made me a better man.  i just hope that
 | one day we will meet in person, and after shaking your hand
 | and thanking you for the great operating system you are
 | managing, i can call you out to the street and brake your nose,
 | because i tend to react in the old fashion when someone keeps
 | insulting me regardless of what i say.
 Are you serious ? Someone says something you don't like and your
 reaction would be to turn to violence ? I'm not sure if I dare say
 anything about it - will you break my nose too if I do ?
 If you're serious - you seriously suck.

i am talking about years of insultings by theo.  please consult
the archives + i have my private collection.

it is him who is resolving to name callings if someone
writes something he doesnt like.

in my country if you call people names (even if warranted,
whatever that means in this case), you better be prepared
that some might pick up the gauntlet and kick your ass.

i am not a complete idiot.  some parts are missing.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread Brandon Mercer
On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 2:26 PM, frantisek holop wrote:
 hmm, on Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 03:01:17PM +0200, Paul de Weerd said that
 On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 02:26:29PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
 | but you know what?  if theo hadn't been there, i'd be still
 | the internet wussy i was when i got on the internetz.
 | thank you theo, you made me a better man.  i just hope that
 | one day we will meet in person, and after shaking your hand
 | and thanking you for the great operating system you are
 | managing, i can call you out to the street and brake your nose,
 | because i tend to react in the old fashion when someone keeps
 | insulting me regardless of what i say.

 Are you serious ? Someone says something you don't like and your
 reaction would be to turn to violence ? I'm not sure if I dare say
 anything about it - will you break my nose too if I do ?

 If you're serious - you seriously suck.

 i am talking about years of insultings by theo.  please consult
 the archives + i have my private collection.

 it is him who is resolving to name callings if someone
 writes something he doesnt like.

 in my country if you call people names (even if warranted,
 whatever that means in this case), you better be prepared
 that some might pick up the gauntlet and kick your ass.

So in other words, beating someone up because you don't like them is
cool and favorable over name calling on a public mailing list? So
because I think you're an idiot... rather than telling you I think
you're an idiot I should beat you senseless in an alley?

Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread Paul de Weerd
On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 08:26:48PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
| hmm, on Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 03:01:17PM +0200, Paul de Weerd said that
|  On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 02:26:29PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
|  | but you know what?  if theo hadn't been there, i'd be still
|  | the internet wussy i was when i got on the internetz.
|  | thank you theo, you made me a better man.  i just hope that
|  | one day we will meet in person, and after shaking your hand
|  | and thanking you for the great operating system you are
|  | managing, i can call you out to the street and brake your nose,
|  | because i tend to react in the old fashion when someone keeps
|  | insulting me regardless of what i say.
|  Are you serious ? Someone says something you don't like and your
|  reaction would be to turn to violence ? I'm not sure if I dare say
|  anything about it - will you break my nose too if I do ?
|  If you're serious - you seriously suck.
| i am talking about years of insultings by theo.  please consult
| the archives + i have my private collection.

Very nice for you. So you stick around for the insults ?

| it is him who is resolving to name callings if someone
| writes something he doesnt like.

Who gives a shit ? Some dude on the internet calls you an idiot, so
what ? I just told you you suck because you said something I don't
like. If you can't stand the heat, get your ass out the kitchen.

| in my country if you call people names (even if warranted,
| whatever that means in this case), you better be prepared
| that some might pick up the gauntlet and kick your ass.

And what country would that be ? Moronia ? The country of We fight
because we're bunch of idiots ?

| i am not a complete idiot.  some parts are missing.

How true.

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread frantisek holop
hmm, on Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 09:47:21PM +0200, Paul de Weerd said that
 | i am talking about years of insultings by theo.  please consult
 | the archives + i have my private collection.
 Very nice for you. So you stick around for the insults ?

no, not really.  i dont judge a product by the social behaviour of its
leader.  very few people would be using openbsd otherwise.  it's not my
fault theo can't ignore mails he thinks stupid.  he could do it just as
well as the others and save a lot of trouble and bad image.  but that's
too easy, isn't it?  i guess he needs to blow some steam so he calls
people names cause he can hide behind the internetz.

 | it is him who is resolving to name callings if someone
 | writes something he doesnt like.
 Who gives a shit ? Some dude on the internet calls you an idiot, so
 what ? I just told you you suck because you said something I don't
 like. If you can't stand the heat, get your ass out the kitchen.

yes Paul, you are a nobody on the internet, i agree.
and i coudln't care less what you say about me in the public.

on the other hand, perhaps you feel warm and fuzzy when the leader of
your favourite project (and not just some dude on the internet really)
calls you names in front of the whole community again and again.
i, personally, am not in favour of tarnishing my name this way.  i am
making considerable effort to be on good terms with the project members
and have no beef to grind with them whatsoever.  i am not a person
looking for fights, consult the archives.

and please spare me the because you deserved it probably shit,
because the other devs rarely join in on his escapades and try
to hold a civil face (thank you all, you know who you are).
so it is proven to be possible to stay civilised.

 | in my country if you call people names (even if warranted,
 | whatever that means in this case), you better be prepared
 | that some might pick up the gauntlet and kick your ass.
 And what country would that be ? Moronia ? The country of We fight
 because we're bunch of idiots ?

if you call a big guy in the bar an idiot you better run and hide
or live with the consequences.  if someone calls your girlfriend
a fat bitch into your face, i imagine you just whistle and pretend
nothing's happened, right? thought so Paul, thought so.  carry on.

one day someone will sue theo for libel and then he will ask
for donations for a lawyer.

of course i never thought theo a man who would stand up to another man
and put his fist where his mouth is -- and i dont mean punching himself..
he's damn lucky duels are illegal nowadays.

1st law of thermodynamics: go to class!

Re: update blows up

2009-10-08 Thread Daniel Bolgheroni
On Thu, 8 Oct 2009, Gilles Chehade wrote:

 For some people I would go through the pain of going to their house and
 punch them in the face or stab them with a fork, given this project was
 followed by volunteers ;-)

Never saw a list where people discuss punches and bits on the same 



Daniel Bolgheroni
FEI - Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial

ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
 against HTML e-mail   X
  / \

update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread frantisek holop
hello gang,

i have just installed a snapshot and proceeded to update my packages.
everything went fine until it got to gtk+2 plus friends.

amaaq$ sudo pkg_add -ui pango cairo glitz
No packages available in the PKG_PATH
Candidates for updating pango-1.22.4p1 - pango-1.24.5
Not updating .libs-glib2-2.20.5, remember to clean it
Looking for updates: complete
Running the equivalent of pkg_add -r pango-1.24.5
Can't install pango-1.24.5: lib not found glib-2.0.1801.0
Dependencies for pango-1.24.5 resolve to: libiconv-1.13, cairo-1.8.8p0, 
gettext-0.17p0, glib2-2.22.1
Full dependency tree is 
glib-2.0.1801.0: partial match in /usr/local/lib: major=1802, minor=0 (bad 
Can't install pango-1.24.5: lib not found gmodule-2.0.1801.0
gmodule-2.0.1801.0: partial match in /usr/local/lib: major=1802, minor=0 (bad 
Can't install pango-1.24.5: lib not found gobject-2.0.1801.0
gobject-2.0.1801.0: partial match in /usr/local/lib: major=1802, minor=0 (bad 

no matter what i do now, everything dies because of the
gtk+2 stuff.  am i doing something wrong?  the mirror
is behind?  the files are there, i have checked.

pi seconds is a nanocentury.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread frantisek holop
hmm, on Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 10:07:55PM +0200, frantisek holop said that
 no matter what i do now, everything dies because of the
 gtk+2 stuff.  am i doing something wrong?  the mirror
 is behind?  the files are there, i have checked.

ok, i think i have found the clue.

Error from
550 Failed to open file.
php5-gd-5.2.11:Can't find php5-core-5.2.11
Clean shared items: complete
/usr/sbin/pkg_add: php5-core-5.2.11:Fatal error

the mirror is not finished yet probably.
hey, what about a nice feature in pkg_add,
that while the mirror is doing the bulk build,
the build script would create a text file in
the ftp directory, .building and remove it
afterwards? :]

pkg_add could pick up this file and inform
a user about it, possibly waiting for the 
lock to be released.  could be waiting like
pkg_* tools wait for each other :]

and god said, e = 1/2mv^2 - ze^2/r, and there was light.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2009/10/07 22:07, frantisek holop wrote:
 hello gang,
 i have just installed a snapshot and proceeded to update my packages.
 everything went fine until it got to gtk+2 plus friends.
 amaaq$ sudo pkg_add -ui pango cairo glitz
 No packages available in the PKG_PATH
 Candidates for updating pango-1.22.4p1 - pango-1.24.5
 Not updating .libs-glib2-2.20.5, remember to clean it

ftp ls opena*
150 Here comes the directory listing.
-rw-r--r--1 742  0 6286145 Oct 06 22:41 openafs-1.4.7p10.tgz
-rw-r--r--1 742  0  192104 Oct 06 22:41 openal-0.0.8p0.tgz
-rw-r--r--1 742  0  584146 Oct 06 22:41 openarena-0.8.1p0.tgz
-rw-r--r--1 742  0306297090 Sep 30 20:18 
-rw-r--r--1 742  0  249633 Sep 30 20:18 
226 Directory send OK.

the mirror has parts of two sets of packages, give it a while to
finish syncing and it will be happy again.

I usually do ls a* and ls z* and check the dates..

Re: update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread Matthias Kilian
On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 10:07:55PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
 no matter what i do now, everything dies because of the
 gtk+2 stuff.  am i doing something wrong?  the mirror
 is behind?  the files are there, i have checked.

you may have hit a mirror fetching new packages right now. retry
in a few hours or try another mirror.


Du bist 30, ich bin 33, also darf ich
mir 10% mehr Vergesslichkeit leisten.
-- Karsten Daniel zu Sascha Matzke

Re: update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread Landry Breuil
On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 10:37:17PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
 hmm, on Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 10:07:55PM +0200, frantisek holop said that
  no matter what i do now, everything dies because of the
  gtk+2 stuff.  am i doing something wrong?  the mirror
  is behind?  the files are there, i have checked.
 ok, i think i have found the clue.
 Error from
 550 Failed to open file.
 php5-gd-5.2.11:Can't find php5-core-5.2.11
 Clean shared items: complete
 /usr/sbin/pkg_add: php5-core-5.2.11:Fatal error
 the mirror is not finished yet probably.
 hey, what about a nice feature in pkg_add,
 that while the mirror is doing the bulk build,
 the build script would create a text file in
 the ftp directory, .building and remove it
 afterwards? :]

Do you seriously think every mirror does its own bulk build ?

Think a bit more about the whole problem of snapshots distribution of
several gigabytes all over the world on mirrors operated by various
people, some of them not even using OpenBSD, and please realize what
you propose is stupid.


Re: update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread frantisek holop
hmm, on Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 11:00:26PM +0200, Landry Breuil said that
  the mirror is not finished yet probably.
  hey, what about a nice feature in pkg_add,
  that while the mirror is doing the bulk build,
  the build script would create a text file in
  the ftp directory, .building and remove it
  afterwards? :]
 Do you seriously think every mirror does its own bulk build ?
 Think a bit more about the whole problem of snapshots distribution of
 several gigabytes all over the world on mirrors operated by various
 people, some of them not even using OpenBSD, and please realize what
 you propose is stupid.

i dont see how this is stupid...  ok, some of them just get
the packages, so what?  the script that does that could touch
a .lock file when it starts and remove it when it is finished...

this could be handy even without pkg_add implementing it..
i can look for the file and if it's there, i'll retry later.
even this can be automatized if needed.

i mean, this is a legit error situation for pkg_add.  i dont
see why it cannot be informed about the state of mirror's
state of synchronisation...  the infrastructure is there
to do something similar than this.

i thank my lucky stars i'm not superstitious.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread Landry Breuil
On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 11:49:27PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
 hmm, on Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 11:00:26PM +0200, Landry Breuil said that
   the mirror is not finished yet probably.
   hey, what about a nice feature in pkg_add,
   that while the mirror is doing the bulk build,
   the build script would create a text file in
   the ftp directory, .building and remove it
   afterwards? :]
  Do you seriously think every mirror does its own bulk build ?
  Think a bit more about the whole problem of snapshots distribution of
  several gigabytes all over the world on mirrors operated by various
  people, some of them not even using OpenBSD, and please realize what
  you propose is stupid.
 i dont see how this is stupid...  ok, some of them just get
 the packages, so what?  the script that does that could touch
 a .lock file when it starts and remove it when it is finished...

Yeah sure, let's force all ftpmasters on all mirrors to use the same
script to sync their mirror. Good luck.

 i mean, this is a legit error situation for pkg_add.  i dont
 see why it cannot be informed about the state of mirror's
 state of synchronisation...  the infrastructure is there
 to do something similar than this.

And even if you check timestamps from first and last file, how do you
force a mirror to sync, say, from a to z, to be sure the sync is over ?

Now, you want to check for all timestamps ?

Srsly ?

Do you really think noone though about this issue ? If it's still this way,
there's a reason.


Re: update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2009/10/07 23:49, frantisek holop wrote:
 hmm, on Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 11:00:26PM +0200, Landry Breuil said that
   the mirror is not finished yet probably.
   hey, what about a nice feature in pkg_add,
   that while the mirror is doing the bulk build,
   the build script would create a text file in
   the ftp directory, .building and remove it
   afterwards? :]
  Do you seriously think every mirror does its own bulk build ?
  Think a bit more about the whole problem of snapshots distribution of
  several gigabytes all over the world on mirrors operated by various
  people, some of them not even using OpenBSD, and please realize what
  you propose is stupid.
 i dont see how this is stupid...  ok, some of them just get
 the packages, so what?  the script that does that could touch
 a .lock file when it starts and remove it when it is finished...

Mirrors pull from other mirrors, with this method some mirrors
will do their own lock handling, others will just rsync the lock
files from their upstream and you'll end up with a broken mirror
that looks valid. Or something may go wrong and a transfer only
goes halfway while indicating success, etc. It's not robust.

If you want something better, download SHA256 and check the hashes.

Re: update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread Martin Schröder
2009/10/8 Stuart Henderson
 If you want something better, download SHA256 and check the hashes.

I know this has been discussed before, but other free OS solve this
problem (among others) by signing their packages. Feel free to flame me.


Re: update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread Daniel Bolgheroni
On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, frantisek holop wrote:

 i mean, this is a legit error situation for pkg_add.  i dont
 see why it cannot be informed about the state of mirror's
 state of synchronisation...  the infrastructure is there
 to do something similar than this.

If you need this kind of certaity when updating, you can use -stable. 
Afterall, you're using -current.


Daniel Bolgheroni
FEI - Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial

ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
 against HTML e-mail   X
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Re: update blows up

2009-10-07 Thread Brian Shackelford

Or better yet, setup your own mirror server with all these functions you want 
and use that..

Just a thought

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Bolgheroni
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 11:40 PM
To: frantisek holop
Subject: Re: update blows up

On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, frantisek holop wrote:

 i mean, this is a legit error situation for pkg_add.  i dont
 see why it cannot be informed about the state of mirror's
 state of synchronisation...  the infrastructure is there
 to do something similar than this.

If you need this kind of certaity when updating, you can use -stable. 
Afterall, you're using -current.


Daniel Bolgheroni
FEI - Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial

ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
 against HTML e-mail   X
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